diff options
authorMaxim Yurchuk <maxim-yurchuk@ydb.tech>2025-02-11 09:08:56 +0000
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2025-02-11 12:08:56 +0300
commita5fc6d865de01f57efb0f42655c5e8032c3b5e5e (patch)
parentb829f5309adceb8416226d33a87297f0b9f4d7ef (diff)
Remove local_stats_drawing (#14418)
3 files changed, 0 insertions, 242 deletions
diff --git a/ydb/public/tools/task_stats_drawing/__main__.py b/ydb/public/tools/task_stats_drawing/__main__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d1430ea81..0000000000
--- a/ydb/public/tools/task_stats_drawing/__main__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,231 +0,0 @@
-import argparse
-import json
-import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
-import pandas as pd
-def take_sort_key(t):
- return t.finish
-def take_node_sort_key(n):
- return n.max_task_finished()
-class PlanNode:
- plan_node_idx = 0
- def __init__(self, name):
- self.nodes = {}
- self.nodes_list = []
- self.name = name
- self.sub_nodes = []
- def build_sub_node(self, name):
- node = PlanNode(name)
- self.sub_nodes.append(node)
- return node
- def prepare(self):
- for i in self.sub_nodes:
- i.prepare()
- for n_id, n in self.nodes.items():
- n.tasks.sort(key=take_sort_key)
- self.nodes_list.sort(key=take_node_sort_key)
- def get_plans_with_tasks(self):
- result = []
- if (len(self.nodes) > 0):
- result.append(self)
- for i in self.sub_nodes:
- sub_result = i.get_plans_with_tasks()
- for t in sub_result:
- result.append(t)
- return result
- def min_task_start(self):
- start = 0
- first = True
- for id, n in self.nodes.items():
- for t in n.tasks:
- if (first or start > t.start):
- start = t.start
- first = False
- for i in self.sub_nodes:
- sub_start = i.min_task_start()
- if (sub_start == 0):
- continue
- if (first or sub_start < start):
- start = sub_start
- first = False
- return start
-class Node:
- node_id = 0
- shards_count = 0
- def __init__(self, node_id, host):
- self.tasks = []
- self.node_id = node_id
- self.host = host
- self.finished = 0
- def max_task_finished(self):
- if (self.finished == 0):
- for t in self.tasks:
- if (self.finished < t.finish):
- self.finished = t.finish
- return self.finished
-class Task:
- task_id = ''
- node_id = 0
- full_executor_id = ''
- executor_id = ''
- executor = ''
- start = 0
- finish = 0
- pending = 0
- compute = 0
- waiting = 0
- stage = 0
- host = ''
- def parse(self, t, stage):
- self.task_id = t["TaskId"]
- self.node_id = t["NodeId"]
- self.host = t["Host"]
- self.executor_id = t["Host"].split('.')[0] + "::" + str(t["NodeId"])
- self.full_executor_id = str(stage) + "::" + t["Host"].split('.')[0] + \
- "::" + str(t["NodeId"])
- self.executor = self.executor_id + "::" + str(t["TaskId"])
- self.start = t["StartTimeMs"]
- self.finish = t["FinishTimeMs"]
- self.pending = t["PendingInputTimeUs"]/1000
- self.compute = t["ComputeTimeUs"]/1000
- if ("WaitTimeUs" in t):
- self.waiting = t["WaitTimeUs"]/1000
- else:
- self.waiting = 0
- self.stage = stage
-def rgb_to_hex(rgb):
- return '#%02x%02x%02x' % rgb
-def scan_json(plan_node, json, current_stack):
- current_stack.append(json["Node Type"])
- plan_node.name = "::".join(current_stack)
- if ("Plans" in json):
- for i in json["Plans"]:
- sub_stage = plan_node.build_sub_node("")
- scan_json(sub_stage, i, current_stack)
- if ("Stats" in json):
- if ("ComputeNodes" in json["Stats"]):
- for n in json["Stats"]["ComputeNodes"]:
- if ("Tasks" not in n):
- continue
- json_tasks = n["Tasks"]
- for j_task in json_tasks:
- task = Task()
- task.parse(j_task, plan_node.plan_node_idx)
- if (task.node_id not in plan_node.nodes):
- node = Node(task.node_id, task.host)
- plan_node.nodes[task.node_id] = node
- plan_node.nodes_list.append(node)
- plan_node.nodes[task.node_id].tasks.append(task)
- if ("NodesScanShards" in json["Stats"] and
- not json["Stats"]["NodesScanShards"] is None):
- for n in json["Stats"]["NodesScanShards"]:
- if (n["node_id"] in plan_node.nodes):
- plan_node.nodes[n["node_id"]].shards_count = \
- n["shards_count"]
- current_stack = current_stack.pop()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='arguments for profiler')
- parser.add_argument('stats_path', type=str, help='path for profile')
- args = parser.parse_args()
- stats_path = args.stats_path
- json_started = False
- json_string = ""
- with open(stats_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
- json_string += f.readline()
- json_profile = json.loads(json_string)
- plan_node = PlanNode("")
- scan_json(plan_node, json_profile["Plans"][0], [])
- plan_node.prepare()
- start = plan_node.min_task_start()
- plans = plan_node.get_plans_with_tasks()
- tasks = {'executor_id': [], 'y': [], 'start': [], 'finish': [],
- 'pending': [], 'compute': [], 'waiting': [], 'task_id': []}
- tasks_count = 0
- max_time = 0
- y_shift = 0
- legend_y = {'pos': [], 'label': []}
- tasks_count_by_node = {}
- s_pred_name = ""
- for s in plans:
- stage = s.name
- for n in s.nodes_list:
- legend_y['pos'].append(y_shift - 0.5 * len(n.tasks))
- label = ""
- if (s.name != s_pred_name):
- label = s.name + "\n"
- label = label + n.host + "\n" + str(n.node_id) + \
- "/t=" + str(len(n.tasks))
- if (n.shards_count):
- label = label + "/sh=" + str(n.shards_count)
- legend_y['label'].append(label)
- count_in_executor = 1
- for t in n.tasks:
- tasks['task_id'].append(t.task_id)
- executor_id = t.executor_id
- if (not (stage in tasks_count_by_node)):
- tasks_count_by_node[stage] = {}
- tasks_count_by_stage = tasks_count_by_node[stage]
- if (executor_id not in tasks_count_by_stage):
- tasks_count_by_node[stage][executor_id] = 0
- tasks_count_by_node[stage][executor_id] = \
- tasks_count_by_node[stage][executor_id] + 1
- y_shift = y_shift - 1
- tasks['executor_id'].append(t.executor_id)
- tasks['start'].append(t.start - start)
- tasks['finish'].append(t.finish - start)
- tasks['pending'].append(t.pending)
- tasks['compute'].append(t.compute)
- tasks['waiting'].append(t.waiting)
- tasks['y'].append(y_shift)
- tasks_count = tasks_count + 1
- max_time = max(max_time, t.finish - start)
- y_shift -= 5
- s_pred_name = s.name
- y_shift -= 5
- df = pd.DataFrame(tasks)
- print(tasks_count_by_node)
- print(df)
- fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(20, 6))
- ax.set_yticks(legend_y['pos'])
- ax.set_yticklabels(legend_y['label'])
- ax.barh(y=df.y, left=df.start, width=df.finish-df.start,
- color="#0e0c0c", alpha=1, label="other")
- ax.barh(y=df.y, left=df.start, width=df.waiting,
- color="#001eff", alpha=1, label="waiting")
- ax.barh(y=df.y, left=df.start+df.waiting, width=df.compute,
- color="#ff0000", alpha=1, label="compute")
- ax.legend()
- plt.savefig('image.png', bbox_inches='tight')
diff --git a/ydb/public/tools/task_stats_drawing/ya.make b/ydb/public/tools/task_stats_drawing/ya.make
deleted file mode 100644
index 4af2b6f91a..0000000000
--- a/ydb/public/tools/task_stats_drawing/ya.make
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
- contrib/python/matplotlib
- contrib/python/pandas
diff --git a/ydb/public/tools/ya.make b/ydb/public/tools/ya.make
index 1ff35d50f3..3242a012dc 100644
--- a/ydb/public/tools/ya.make
+++ b/ydb/public/tools/ya.make
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
- task_stats_drawing