diff options
authorEgor Zudin <e-zudin@ydb.tech>2024-01-31 17:12:26 +0300
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2024-01-31 17:12:26 +0300
commit6c3f871955b3fb4d820b31748bf4a225a672df47 (patch)
parenta2d8bb5e0dcad006cde22d2f629c4c22fa729eae (diff)
YQ-2744: fix row mode in workload tpch init (#1266)
* YQ-2744: fix row mode in workload tpch init * Add cleaning by path * Update interface * Integrate queries into cli
5 files changed, 1279 insertions, 49 deletions
diff --git a/ydb/public/lib/ydb_cli/commands/tpch.cpp b/ydb/public/lib/ydb_cli/commands/tpch.cpp
index 251b976f9c..f1e5700cb0 100644
--- a/ydb/public/lib/ydb_cli/commands/tpch.cpp
+++ b/ydb/public/lib/ydb_cli/commands/tpch.cpp
@@ -31,21 +31,27 @@ namespace {
TVector<TString> TTpchCommandRun::GetQueries() const {
TVector<TString> queries;
- TFsPath queriesDir(ExternalQueriesDir);
- TVector<TString> queriesList;
- queriesDir.ListNames(queriesList);
- std::sort(queriesList.begin(), queriesList.end(), [](const TString& l, const TString& r) {
- auto leftNum = l.substr(1);
- auto rightNum = r.substr(1);
- return std::stoi(leftNum) < std::stoi(rightNum);
- });
- for (auto&& queryFileName : queriesList) {
- const TString expectedFileName = "q" + ::ToString(getQueryNumber(queries.size())) + ".sql";
- Y_ABORT_UNLESS(queryFileName == expectedFileName, "incorrect files naming. have to be q<number>.sql where number in [1, N], where N is requests count");
- TFileInput fInput(ExternalQueriesDir + "/" + expectedFileName);
- auto query = fInput.ReadAll();
+ if (!ExternalQueriesDir.Empty()) {
+ TFsPath queriesDir(ExternalQueriesDir);
+ TVector<TString> queriesList;
+ queriesDir.ListNames(queriesList);
+ std::sort(queriesList.begin(), queriesList.end(), [](const TString& l, const TString& r) {
+ auto leftNum = l.substr(1);
+ auto rightNum = r.substr(1);
+ return std::stoi(leftNum) < std::stoi(rightNum);
+ });
+ for (auto&& queryFileName : queriesList) {
+ const TString expectedFileName = "q" + ::ToString(getQueryNumber(queries.size())) + ".sql";
+ Y_ABORT_UNLESS(queryFileName == expectedFileName, "incorrect files naming. have to be q<number>.sql where number in [1, N], where N is requests count");
+ TFileInput fInput(ExternalQueriesDir + "/" + expectedFileName);
+ queries.emplace_back(fInput.ReadAll());
+ }
+ } else {
+ queries = StringSplitter(NResource::Find("tpch_queries.sql")).SplitByString("-- end query").ToList<TString>();
+ }
+ for (auto& query : queries) {
SubstGlobal(query, "{path}", TablesPath);
- queries.emplace_back(query);
return queries;
@@ -125,11 +131,11 @@ bool TTpchCommandRun::RunBench(TConfig& config)
testInfo.ColdTime.MilliSeconds() * 0.001, testInfo.Min.MilliSeconds() * 0.001, testInfo.Max.MilliSeconds() * 0.001,
testInfo.Mean * 0.001, testInfo.Std * 0.001) << Endl;
if (collectJsonSensors) {
- jsonReport.AppendValue(GetSensorValue("ColdTime", testInfo.ColdTime, queryN));
- jsonReport.AppendValue(GetSensorValue("Min", testInfo.Min, queryN));
- jsonReport.AppendValue(GetSensorValue("Max", testInfo.Max, queryN));
- jsonReport.AppendValue(GetSensorValue("Mean", testInfo.Mean, queryN));
- jsonReport.AppendValue(GetSensorValue("Std", testInfo.Std, queryN));
+ jsonReport.AppendValue(GetSensorValue("ColdTime", testInfo.ColdTime, getQueryNumber(queryN)));
+ jsonReport.AppendValue(GetSensorValue("Min", testInfo.Min, getQueryNumber(queryN)));
+ jsonReport.AppendValue(GetSensorValue("Max", testInfo.Max, getQueryNumber(queryN)));
+ jsonReport.AppendValue(GetSensorValue("Mean", testInfo.Mean, getQueryNumber(queryN)));
+ jsonReport.AppendValue(GetSensorValue("Std", testInfo.Std, getQueryNumber(queryN)));
@@ -222,14 +228,12 @@ void TTpchCommandInit::Config(TConfig& config) {
"column - use column-based storage engine.\n"
"s3 - use cloud tpc bucket")
- config.Opts->AddLongOption('s', "scale", "TPC-H dataset scale. One of 1, 10, 100, 1000. Default is 1")
+ config.Opts->AddLongOption("s3-prefix", "Root path to TPC-H dataset in s3 storage")
- .DefaultValue("1")
- .StoreResult(&Scale);
- config.Opts->AddLongOption('b', "bucket", "S3 bucket with TPC-H dataset")
+ .StoreResult(&S3Prefix);
+ config.Opts->AddLongOption('e', "s3-endpoint", "Endpoint of S3 bucket with TPC-H dataset")
- .DefaultValue("")
- .StoreResult(&Bucket);
+ .StoreResult(&S3Endpoint);
void TTpchCommandInit::SetPartitionByCols(TString& createSql) {
@@ -256,7 +260,7 @@ void TTpchCommandInit::SetPartitionByCols(TString& createSql) {
int TTpchCommandInit::Run(TConfig& config) {
StoreType = to_lower(StoreType);
- TString storageType = "";
+ TString storageType = "-- ";
TString notNull = "";
TString createExternalDataSource;
TString external;
@@ -266,20 +270,19 @@ int TTpchCommandInit::Run(TConfig& config) {
storageType = "STORE = COLUMN, --";
notNull = "NOT NULL";
} else if (StoreType == "s3") {
- storageType = R"(DATA_SOURCE = "_tpc_s3_external_source", FORMAT = "parquet", LOCATION = )";
+ storageType = fmt::format(R"(DATA_SOURCE = "{}_tpc_s3_external_source", FORMAT = "parquet", LOCATION = )", TablesPath);
notNull = "NOT NULL";
createExternalDataSource = fmt::format(R"(
- CREATE EXTERNAL DATA SOURCE `_tpc_s3_external_source` WITH (
+ CREATE EXTERNAL DATA SOURCE `{}_tpc_s3_external_source` WITH (
- LOCATION="https://storage.yandexcloud.net/{}/",
+ LOCATION="{}",
- )", Bucket);
+ )", TablesPath, S3Endpoint);
external = "EXTERNAL";
partitioning = "--";
primaryKey = "--";
} else if (StoreType != "row") {
- storageType = "-- ";
throw yexception() << "Incorrect storage type. Available options: \"row\", \"column\"." << Endl;
@@ -292,9 +295,9 @@ int TTpchCommandInit::Run(TConfig& config) {
SubstGlobal(createSql, "{external}", external);
SubstGlobal(createSql, "{notnull}", notNull);
SubstGlobal(createSql, "{partitioning}", partitioning);
- SubstGlobal(createSql, "{primary_key}", primaryKey);
SubstGlobal(createSql, "{path}", TablesPath);
- SubstGlobal(createSql, "{scale}", Scale);
+ SubstGlobal(createSql, "{primary_key}", primaryKey);
+ SubstGlobal(createSql, "{s3_prefix}", S3Prefix);
SubstGlobal(createSql, "{store}", storageType);
@@ -319,6 +322,9 @@ void TTpchCommandClean::Config(TConfig& config) {
config.Opts->AddLongOption('e', "external", "Drop tables as external. Use if initialized with external storage")
+ config.Opts->AddLongOption('p', "path", "Folder name where benchmark tables are located")
+ .Optional()
+ .StoreResult(&TablesPath);
int TTpchCommandClean::Run(TConfig& config) {
@@ -326,8 +332,8 @@ int TTpchCommandClean::Run(TConfig& config) {
TTableClient client(driver);
TString dropDdl;
- for (auto& table : Tables) {
- TString fullPath = FullTablePath(config.Database, table);
+ for (const auto& table : Tables) {
+ TString fullPath = FullTablePath(config.Database, fmt::format("{}{}", TablesPath, table));
fmt::format_to(std::back_inserter(dropDdl), "DROP {} TABLE `{}`", IsExternal ? "EXTERNAL" : "", fullPath);
ThrowOnError(client.RetryOperationSync([&dropDdl](TSession session) {
@@ -337,8 +343,9 @@ int TTpchCommandClean::Run(TConfig& config) {
if (IsExternal) {
- ThrowOnError(client.RetryOperationSync([](TSession session) {
- return session.ExecuteSchemeQuery("DROP EXTERNAL DATA SOURCE `_tpc_s3_external_source`;").GetValueSync();
+ TString fullPath = FullTablePath(config.Database, fmt::format("{}_tpc_s3_external_source", TablesPath));
+ ThrowOnError(client.RetryOperationSync([&](TSession session) {
+ return session.ExecuteSchemeQuery(fmt::format("DROP EXTERNAL DATA SOURCE `{}`;", fullPath)).GetValueSync();
diff --git a/ydb/public/lib/ydb_cli/commands/tpch.h b/ydb/public/lib/ydb_cli/commands/tpch.h
index abfb37a007..07286dcb68 100644
--- a/ydb/public/lib/ydb_cli/commands/tpch.h
+++ b/ydb/public/lib/ydb_cli/commands/tpch.h
@@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ private:
TString TablesPath;
TString StoreType;
- TString Scale;
- TString Bucket;
+ TString S3Endpoint;
+ TString S3Prefix;
class TTpchCommandClean : public NYdb::NConsoleClient::TYdbCommand {
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ private:
std::vector<TString> Tables = {"customer", "lineitem", "nation", "orders",
"region", "part", "partsupp", "supplier"};
bool IsExternal = false;
+ TString TablesPath;
class TTpchCommandRun : public NYdb::NConsoleClient::TYdbCommand {
@@ -38,8 +39,6 @@ protected:
TSet<ui32> QueriesToRun;
TSet<ui32> QueriesToSkip;
TVector<TString> QuerySettings;
- TString ExternalQueries;
- TString ExternalQueriesFile;
TString ExternalQueriesDir;
TString ExternalVariablesString;
TString QueryExecuterType;
diff --git a/ydb/public/lib/ydb_cli/commands/tpch_queries.sql b/ydb/public/lib/ydb_cli/commands/tpch_queries.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8149914232
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ydb/public/lib/ydb_cli/commands/tpch_queries.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,1223 @@
+-- TPC-H/TPC-R Pricing Summary Report Query (Q1)
+-- TPC TPC-H Parameter Substitution (Version 2.17.2 build 0)
+-- using 1680793381 as a seed to the RNG
+ l_returnflag,
+ l_linestatus,
+ sum(l_quantity) as sum_qty,
+ sum(l_extendedprice) as sum_base_price,
+ sum(l_extendedprice * (1 - l_discount)) as sum_disc_price,
+ sum(l_extendedprice * (1 - l_discount) * (1 + l_tax)) as sum_charge,
+ avg(l_quantity) as avg_qty,
+ avg(l_extendedprice) as avg_price,
+ avg(l_discount) as avg_disc,
+ count(*) as count_order
+ `{path}lineitem`
+ CAST(l_shipdate AS Timestamp) <= (CAST('1998-12-01' AS Date) - Interval("P100D"))
+group by
+ l_returnflag,
+ l_linestatus
+order by
+ l_returnflag,
+ l_linestatus;
+-- end query
+-- TPC-H/TPC-R Minimum Cost Supplier Query (Q2)
+-- using 1680793381 as a seed to the RNG
+$r = (select r_regionkey from
+ `{path}region`
+where r_name='AMERICA');
+$j1 = (select n_name,n_nationkey
+ from `{path}nation` as n
+ join $r as r on
+ n.n_regionkey = r.r_regionkey);
+$j2 = (select s_acctbal,s_name,s_address,s_phone,s_comment,n_name,s_suppkey
+ from `{path}supplier` as s
+ join $j1 as j on
+ s.s_nationkey = j.n_nationkey
+$j3 = (select ps_partkey,ps_supplycost,s_acctbal,s_name,s_address,s_phone,s_comment,n_name
+ from `{path}partsupp` as ps
+ join $j2 as j on
+ ps.ps_suppkey = j.s_suppkey
+$min_ps_supplycost = (select min(ps_supplycost) as min_ps_supplycost,ps_partkey
+ from $j3
+ group by ps_partkey
+$p = (select p_partkey,p_mfgr
+ from `{path}part`
+ where
+ p_size = 10
+ and p_type like '%COPPER'
+$j4 = (select s_acctbal,
+ s_name,
+ n_name,
+ p_partkey,
+ p_mfgr,
+ s_address,
+ s_phone,
+ s_comment
+ from $p as p
+ join $j3 as j on p.p_partkey = j.ps_partkey
+ join $min_ps_supplycost as m on p.p_partkey = m.ps_partkey
+ where min_ps_supplycost=ps_supplycost
+ s_acctbal,
+ s_name,
+ n_name,
+ p_partkey,
+ p_mfgr,
+ s_address,
+ s_phone,
+ s_comment
+from $j4
+order by
+ s_acctbal desc,
+ n_name,
+ s_name,
+ p_partkey
+limit 100;
+-- end query
+-- TPC-H/TPC-R Shipping Priority Query (Q3)
+-- TPC TPC-H Parameter Substitution (Version 2.17.2 build 0)
+-- using 1680793381 as a seed to the RNG
+$join1 = (
+ c.c_mktsegment as c_mktsegment,
+ o.o_orderdate as o_orderdate,
+ o.o_shippriority as o_shippriority,
+ o.o_orderkey as o_orderkey
+ `{path}customer` as c
+ `{path}orders` as o
+ c.c_custkey = o.o_custkey
+$join2 = (
+ j1.c_mktsegment as c_mktsegment,
+ j1.o_orderdate as o_orderdate,
+ j1.o_shippriority as o_shippriority,
+ l.l_orderkey as l_orderkey,
+ l.l_discount as l_discount,
+ l.l_shipdate as l_shipdate,
+ l.l_extendedprice as l_extendedprice
+ $join1 as j1
+ `{path}lineitem` as l
+ l.l_orderkey = j1.o_orderkey
+ l_orderkey,
+ sum(l_extendedprice * (1 - l_discount)) as revenue,
+ o_orderdate,
+ o_shippriority
+ $join2
+ c_mktsegment = 'MACHINERY'
+ and CAST(o_orderdate AS Timestamp) < Date('1995-03-08')
+ and CAST(l_shipdate AS Timestamp) > Date('1995-03-08')
+group by
+ l_orderkey,
+ o_orderdate,
+ o_shippriority
+order by
+ revenue desc,
+ o_orderdate
+limit 10;
+-- end query
+-- TPC-H/TPC-R Order Priority Checking Query (Q4)
+-- TPC TPC-H Parameter Substitution (Version 2.17.2 build 0)
+-- using 1680793381 as a seed to the RNG
+$border = Date("1994-03-01");
+$join = (select
+ o.o_orderpriority as o_orderpriority,
+ o.o_orderdate as o_orderdate,
+ l.l_commitdate as l_commitdate,
+ l.l_receiptdate as l_receiptdate
+ from
+ `{path}orders` as o
+ join any `{path}lineitem` as l
+ on o.o_orderkey = l.l_orderkey);
+ o_orderpriority,
+ count(*) as order_count
+from $join
+ CAST(o_orderdate AS Timestamp) >= $border
+ and CAST(o_orderdate AS Timestamp) < DateTime::MakeDate(DateTime::ShiftMonths($border, 3))
+ and l_commitdate < l_receiptdate
+group by
+ o_orderpriority
+order by
+ o_orderpriority;
+-- end query
+-- TPC-H/TPC-R Local Supplier Volume Query (Q5)
+-- TPC TPC-H Parameter Substitution (Version 2.17.2 build 0)
+-- using 1680793381 as a seed to the RNG
+$join1 = (
+ o.o_orderkey as o_orderkey,
+ o.o_orderdate as o_orderdate,
+ c.c_nationkey as c_nationkey
+ `{path}customer` as c
+ `{path}orders` as o
+ c.c_custkey = o.o_custkey
+$join2 = (
+ j.o_orderkey as o_orderkey,
+ j.o_orderdate as o_orderdate,
+ j.c_nationkey as c_nationkey,
+ l.l_extendedprice as l_extendedprice,
+ l.l_discount as l_discount,
+ l.l_suppkey as l_suppkey
+ $join1 as j
+ `{path}lineitem` as l
+ l.l_orderkey = j.o_orderkey
+$join3 = (
+ j.o_orderkey as o_orderkey,
+ j.o_orderdate as o_orderdate,
+ j.c_nationkey as c_nationkey,
+ j.l_extendedprice as l_extendedprice,
+ j.l_discount as l_discount,
+ j.l_suppkey as l_suppkey,
+ s.s_nationkey as s_nationkey
+ $join2 as j
+ `{path}supplier` as s
+ j.l_suppkey = s.s_suppkey
+$join4 = (
+ j.o_orderkey as o_orderkey,
+ j.o_orderdate as o_orderdate,
+ j.c_nationkey as c_nationkey,
+ j.l_extendedprice as l_extendedprice,
+ j.l_discount as l_discount,
+ j.l_suppkey as l_suppkey,
+ j.s_nationkey as s_nationkey,
+ n.n_regionkey as n_regionkey,
+ n.n_name as n_name
+ $join3 as j
+ `{path}nation` as n
+ j.s_nationkey = n.n_nationkey
+ and j.c_nationkey = n.n_nationkey
+$join5 = (
+ j.o_orderkey as o_orderkey,
+ j.o_orderdate as o_orderdate,
+ j.c_nationkey as c_nationkey,
+ j.l_extendedprice as l_extendedprice,
+ j.l_discount as l_discount,
+ j.l_suppkey as l_suppkey,
+ j.s_nationkey as s_nationkey,
+ j.n_regionkey as n_regionkey,
+ j.n_name as n_name,
+ r.r_name as r_name
+ $join4 as j
+ `{path}region` as r
+ j.n_regionkey = r.r_regionkey
+$border = Date("1995-01-01");
+ n_name,
+ sum(l_extendedprice * (1 - l_discount)) as revenue
+ $join5
+ r_name = 'AFRICA'
+ and CAST(o_orderdate AS Timestamp) >= $border
+ and CAST(o_orderdate AS Timestamp) < ($border + Interval("P365D"))
+group by
+ n_name
+order by
+ revenue desc;
+-- end query
+-- TPC-H/TPC-R Forecasting Revenue Change Query (Q6)
+-- TPC TPC-H Parameter Substitution (Version 2.17.2 build 0)
+-- using 1680793381 as a seed to the RNG
+$border = Date("1995-01-01");
+ sum(l_extendedprice * l_discount) as revenue
+ `{path}lineitem`
+ CAST(l_shipdate AS Timestamp) >= $border
+ and cast(l_shipdate as Timestamp) < ($border + Interval("P365D"))
+ and l_discount between 0.07 - 0.01 and 0.07 + 0.01
+ and l_quantity < 25;
+-- end query
+-- TPC-H/TPC-R Volume Shipping Query (Q7)
+-- TPC TPC-H Parameter Substitution (Version 2.17.2 build 0)
+-- using 1680793381 as a seed to the RNG
+$join1 = (
+ l.l_extendedprice * (1 - l.l_discount) as volume,
+ DateTime::GetYear(cast(l.l_shipdate as timestamp)) as l_year,
+ l.l_orderkey as l_orderkey,
+ s.s_nationkey as s_nationkey
+ `{path}supplier` as s
+ `{path}lineitem` as l
+ s.s_suppkey = l.l_suppkey
+where cast(cast(l.l_shipdate as Timestamp) as Date) between
+ Date('1995-01-01')
+ and Date('1996-12-31')
+$join2 = (
+ j.volume as volume,
+ j.l_year as l_year,
+ j.s_nationkey as s_nationkey,
+ o.o_orderkey as o_orderkey,
+ o.o_custkey as o_custkey
+ $join1 as j
+ `{path}orders` as o
+ o.o_orderkey = j.l_orderkey
+$join3 = (
+ j.volume as volume,
+ j.l_year as l_year,
+ j.s_nationkey as s_nationkey,
+ c.c_nationkey as c_nationkey
+ $join2 as j
+ `{path}customer` as c
+ c.c_custkey = j.o_custkey
+$join4 = (
+ j.volume as volume,
+ j.l_year as l_year,
+ j.c_nationkey as c_nationkey,
+ j.s_nationkey as s_nationkey,
+ n.n_name as n_name
+ $join3 as j
+ `{path}nation` as n
+ j.s_nationkey = n.n_nationkey
+$join5 = (
+ j.volume as volume,
+ j.l_year as l_year,
+ n.n_name as cust_nation,
+ j.n_name as supp_nation
+ $join4 as j
+ `{path}nation` as n
+ j.c_nationkey = n.n_nationkey
+where (
+ (n.n_name = 'PERU' and j.n_name = 'MOZAMBIQUE')
+ or (n.n_name = 'MOZAMBIQUE' and j.n_name = 'PERU')
+ supp_nation,
+ cust_nation,
+ l_year,
+ sum(volume) as revenue
+ $join5 as shipping
+group by
+ supp_nation,
+ cust_nation,
+ l_year
+order by
+ supp_nation,
+ cust_nation,
+ l_year;
+-- end query
+-- TPC-H/TPC-R National Market Share Query (Q8)
+-- TPC TPC-H Parameter Substitution (Version 2.17.2 build 0)
+-- using 1680793381 as a seed to the RNG
+$join1 = (
+ l.l_extendedprice * (1 - l.l_discount) as volume,
+ l.l_suppkey as l_suppkey,
+ l.l_orderkey as l_orderkey
+ `{path}part` as p
+ `{path}lineitem` as l
+ p.p_partkey = l.l_partkey
+$join2 = (
+ j.volume as volume,
+ j.l_orderkey as l_orderkey,
+ s.s_nationkey as s_nationkey
+ $join1 as j
+ `{path}supplier` as s
+ s.s_suppkey = j.l_suppkey
+$join3 = (
+ j.volume as volume,
+ j.l_orderkey as l_orderkey,
+ n.n_name as nation
+ $join2 as j
+ `{path}nation` as n
+ n.n_nationkey = j.s_nationkey
+$join4 = (
+ j.volume as volume,
+ j.nation as nation,
+ DateTime::GetYear(cast(o.o_orderdate as Timestamp)) as o_year,
+ o.o_custkey as o_custkey
+ $join3 as j
+ `{path}orders` as o
+ o.o_orderkey = j.l_orderkey
+where cast(cast(o_orderdate as Timestamp) as Date) between Date('1995-01-01') and Date('1996-12-31')
+$join5 = (
+ j.volume as volume,
+ j.nation as nation,
+ j.o_year as o_year,
+ c.c_nationkey as c_nationkey
+ $join4 as j
+ `{path}customer` as c
+ c.c_custkey = j.o_custkey
+$join6 = (
+ j.volume as volume,
+ j.nation as nation,
+ j.o_year as o_year,
+ n.n_regionkey as n_regionkey
+ $join5 as j
+ `{path}nation` as n
+ n.n_nationkey = j.c_nationkey
+$join7 = (
+ j.volume as volume,
+ j.nation as nation,
+ j.o_year as o_year
+ $join6 as j
+ `{path}region` as r
+ r.r_regionkey = j.n_regionkey
+ r.r_name = 'AFRICA'
+ o_year,
+ sum(case
+ when nation = 'MOZAMBIQUE' then volume
+ else 0
+ end) / sum(volume) as mkt_share
+ $join7 as all_nations
+group by
+ o_year
+order by
+ o_year;
+-- end query
+-- TPC-H/TPC-R Product Type Profit Measure Query (Q9)
+-- Approved February 1998
+-- using 1680793381 as a seed to the RNG
+$p = (select p_partkey, p_name
+ `{path}part`
+where FIND(p_name, 'rose') IS NOT NULL);
+$j1 = (select ps_partkey, ps_suppkey, ps_supplycost
+ `{path}partsupp` as ps
+join $p as p
+on ps.ps_partkey = p.p_partkey);
+$j2 = (select l_suppkey, l_partkey, l_orderkey, l_extendedprice, l_discount, ps_supplycost, l_quantity
+ `{path}lineitem` as l
+join $j1 as j
+on l.l_suppkey = j.ps_suppkey AND l.l_partkey = j.ps_partkey);
+$j3 = (select l_orderkey, s_nationkey, l_extendedprice, l_discount, ps_supplycost, l_quantity
+ `{path}supplier` as s
+join $j2 as j
+on j.l_suppkey = s.s_suppkey);
+$j4 = (select o_orderdate, l_extendedprice, l_discount, ps_supplycost, l_quantity, s_nationkey
+ `{path}orders` as o
+join $j3 as j
+on o.o_orderkey = j.l_orderkey);
+$j5 = (select n_name, o_orderdate, l_extendedprice, l_discount, ps_supplycost, l_quantity
+ `{path}nation` as n
+join $j4 as j
+on j.s_nationkey = n.n_nationkey
+$profit = (select
+ n_name as nation,
+ DateTime::GetYear(cast(o_orderdate as timestamp)) as o_year,
+ l_extendedprice * (1 - l_discount) - ps_supplycost * l_quantity as amount
+from $j5);
+ nation,
+ o_year,
+ sum(amount) as sum_profit
+from $profit
+group by
+ nation,
+ o_year
+order by
+ nation,
+ o_year desc;
+-- end query
+-- TPC-H/TPC-R Returned Item Reporting Query (Q10)
+-- TPC TPC-H Parameter Substitution (Version 2.17.2 build 0)
+-- using 1680793381 as a seed to the RNG
+$border = Date("1993-12-01");
+$join1 = (
+ c.c_custkey as c_custkey,
+ c.c_name as c_name,
+ c.c_acctbal as c_acctbal,
+ c.c_address as c_address,
+ c.c_phone as c_phone,
+ c.c_comment as c_comment,
+ c.c_nationkey as c_nationkey,
+ o.o_orderkey as o_orderkey
+ `{path}customer` as c
+ `{path}orders` as o
+ c.c_custkey = o.o_custkey
+ cast(o.o_orderdate as timestamp) >= $border and
+ cast(o.o_orderdate as timestamp) < ($border + Interval("P90D"))
+$join2 = (
+ j.c_custkey as c_custkey,
+ j.c_name as c_name,
+ j.c_acctbal as c_acctbal,
+ j.c_address as c_address,
+ j.c_phone as c_phone,
+ j.c_comment as c_comment,
+ j.c_nationkey as c_nationkey,
+ l.l_extendedprice as l_extendedprice,
+ l.l_discount as l_discount
+ $join1 as j
+ `{path}lineitem` as l
+ l.l_orderkey = j.o_orderkey
+ l.l_returnflag = 'R'
+$join3 = (
+ j.c_custkey as c_custkey,
+ j.c_name as c_name,
+ j.c_acctbal as c_acctbal,
+ j.c_address as c_address,
+ j.c_phone as c_phone,
+ j.c_comment as c_comment,
+ j.c_nationkey as c_nationkey,
+ j.l_extendedprice as l_extendedprice,
+ j.l_discount as l_discount,
+ n.n_name as n_name
+ $join2 as j
+ `{path}nation` as n
+ n.n_nationkey = j.c_nationkey
+ c_custkey,
+ c_name,
+ sum(l_extendedprice * (1 - l_discount)) as revenue,
+ c_acctbal,
+ n_name,
+ c_address,
+ c_phone,
+ c_comment
+ $join3
+group by
+ c_custkey,
+ c_name,
+ c_acctbal,
+ c_phone,
+ n_name,
+ c_address,
+ c_comment
+order by
+ revenue desc
+limit 20;
+-- end query
+-- TPC-H/TPC-R Important Stock Identification Query (Q11)
+-- TPC TPC-H Parameter Substitution (Version 2.17.2 build 0)
+-- using 1680793381 as a seed to the RNG
+$join1 = (
+ ps.ps_partkey as ps_partkey,
+ ps.ps_supplycost as ps_supplycost,
+ ps.ps_availqty as ps_availqty,
+ s.s_nationkey as s_nationkey
+ `{path}partsupp` as ps
+ `{path}supplier` as s
+ ps.ps_suppkey = s.s_suppkey
+$join2 = (
+ j.ps_partkey as ps_partkey,
+ j.ps_supplycost as ps_supplycost,
+ j.ps_availqty as ps_availqty,
+ j.s_nationkey as s_nationkey
+ $join1 as j
+ `{path}nation` as n
+ n.n_nationkey = j.s_nationkey
+ n.n_name = 'CANADA'
+$threshold = (
+ sum(ps_supplycost * ps_availqty) * 0.0001000000 as threshold
+ $join2
+$values = (
+ ps_partkey,
+ sum(ps_supplycost * ps_availqty) as value
+ $join2
+group by
+ ps_partkey
+ v.ps_partkey as ps_partkey,
+ v.value as value
+ $values as v
+cross join
+ $threshold as t
+ v.value > t.threshold
+order by
+ value desc;
+-- end query
+-- TPC-H/TPC-R Shipping Modes and Order Priority Query (Q12)
+-- TPC TPC-H Parameter Substitution (Version 2.17.2 build 0)
+-- using 1680793381 as a seed to the RNG
+$join = (
+ select
+ l.l_shipmode as l_shipmode,
+ o.o_orderpriority as o_orderpriority,
+ l.l_commitdate as l_commitdate,
+ l.l_shipdate as l_shipdate,
+ l.l_receiptdate as l_receiptdate
+ from
+ `{path}orders` as o
+ join `{path}lineitem` as l
+ on o.o_orderkey == l.l_orderkey
+$border = Date("1994-01-01");
+ l_shipmode,
+ sum(case
+ when o_orderpriority = '1-URGENT'
+ or o_orderpriority = '2-HIGH'
+ then 1
+ else 0
+ end) as high_line_count,
+ sum(case
+ when o_orderpriority <> '1-URGENT'
+ and o_orderpriority <> '2-HIGH'
+ then 1
+ else 0
+ end) as low_line_count
+from $join
+ (l_shipmode = 'MAIL' or l_shipmode = 'TRUCK')
+ and l_commitdate < l_receiptdate
+ and l_shipdate < l_commitdate
+ and cast(l_receiptdate as timestamp) >= $border
+ and cast(l_receiptdate as timestamp) < ($border + Interval("P365D"))
+group by
+ l_shipmode
+order by
+ l_shipmode;
+-- end query
+-- TPC-H/TPC-R Customer Distribution Query (Q13)
+-- TPC TPC-H Parameter Substitution (Version 2.17.2 build 0)
+-- using 1680793381 as a seed to the RNG
+$orders = (
+ select
+ o_orderkey,
+ o_custkey
+ from
+ `{path}orders`
+ where
+ o_comment NOT LIKE "%unusual%requests%"
+ c_count as c_count,
+ count(*) as custdist
+ (
+ select
+ c.c_custkey as c_custkey,
+ count(o.o_orderkey) as c_count
+ from
+ `{path}customer` as c left outer join $orders as o on
+ c.c_custkey = o.o_custkey
+ group by
+ c.c_custkey
+ ) as c_orders
+group by
+ c_count
+order by
+ custdist desc,
+ c_count desc;
+-- end query
+-- TPC-H/TPC-R Promotion Effect Query (Q14)
+-- TPC TPC-H Parameter Substitution (Version 2.17.2 build 0)
+-- using 1680793381 as a seed to the RNG
+$border = Date("1994-08-01");
+ 100.00 * sum(case
+ when StartsWith(p.p_type, 'PROMO')
+ then l.l_extendedprice * (1 - l.l_discount)
+ else 0
+ end) / sum(l.l_extendedprice * (1 - l.l_discount)) as promo_revenue
+ `{path}lineitem` as l
+ `{path}part` as p
+ l.l_partkey = p.p_partkey
+ cast(l.l_shipdate as timestamp) >= $border
+ and cast(l.l_shipdate as timestamp) < ($border + Interval("P31D"));
+-- end query
+-- TPC-H/TPC-R Top Supplier Query (Q15)
+-- TPC TPC-H Parameter Substitution (Version 2.17.2 build 0)
+-- using 1680793381 as a seed to the RNG
+$border = Date("1997-03-01");
+$revenue0 = (
+ select
+ l_suppkey as supplier_no,
+ sum(l_extendedprice * (1 - l_discount)) as total_revenue,
+ cast(sum(l_extendedprice * (1 - l_discount)) as Uint64) as total_revenue_approx
+ from
+ `{path}lineitem`
+ where
+ cast(l_shipdate as timestamp) >= $border
+ and cast(l_shipdate as timestamp) < ($border + Interval("P92D"))
+ group by
+ l_suppkey
+$max_revenue = (
+ max(total_revenue_approx) as max_revenue
+ $revenue0
+$join1 = (
+ s.s_suppkey as s_suppkey,
+ s.s_name as s_name,
+ s.s_address as s_address,
+ s.s_phone as s_phone,
+ r.total_revenue as total_revenue,
+ r.total_revenue_approx as total_revenue_approx
+ `{path}supplier` as s
+ $revenue0 as r
+ s.s_suppkey = r.supplier_no
+ j.s_suppkey as s_suppkey,
+ j.s_name as s_name,
+ j.s_address as s_address,
+ j.s_phone as s_phone,
+ j.total_revenue as total_revenue
+ $join1 as j
+ $max_revenue as m
+ j.total_revenue_approx = m.max_revenue
+order by
+ s_suppkey;
+-- end query
+-- TPC-H/TPC-R Parts/Supplier Relationship Query (Q16)
+-- TPC TPC-H Parameter Substitution (Version 2.17.2 build 0)
+-- using 1680793381 as a seed to the RNG
+$join = (
+ ps.ps_suppkey as ps_suppkey,
+ ps.ps_partkey as ps_partkey
+ `{path}partsupp` as ps
+left join
+ `{path}supplier` as w
+ w.s_suppkey = ps.ps_suppkey
+where not (s_comment like "%Customer%Complaints%")
+ p.p_brand as p_brand,
+ p.p_type as p_type,
+ p.p_size as p_size,
+ count(distinct j.ps_suppkey) as supplier_cnt
+ $join as j
+ `{path}part` as p
+ p.p_partkey = j.ps_partkey
+ p.p_brand <> 'Brand#33'
+ and (not StartsWith(p.p_type, 'PROMO POLISHED'))
+ and (p.p_size = 20 or p.p_size = 27 or p.p_size = 11 or p.p_size = 45 or p.p_size = 40 or p.p_size = 41 or p.p_size = 34 or p.p_size = 36)
+group by
+ p.p_brand,
+ p.p_type,
+ p.p_size
+order by
+ supplier_cnt desc,
+ p_brand,
+ p_type,
+ p_size
+-- end query
+-- TPC-H/TPC-R Small-Quantity-Order Revenue Query (Q17)
+-- TPC TPC-H Parameter Substitution (Version 2.17.2 build 0)
+-- using 1680793381 as a seed to the RNG
+$threshold = (
+ 0.2 * avg(l_quantity) as threshold,
+ l.l_partkey as l_partkey
+ `{path}lineitem` as l
+ `{path}part` as p
+ p.p_partkey = l.l_partkey
+ p.p_brand = 'Brand#35'
+ and p.p_container = 'LG DRUM'
+group by
+ l.l_partkey
+ sum(l.l_extendedprice) / 7.0 as avg_yearly
+ `{path}lineitem` as l
+ $threshold as t
+ t.l_partkey = l.l_partkey
+ l.l_quantity < t.threshold;
+-- end query
+-- TPC-H/TPC-R Large Volume Customer Query (Q18)
+-- TPC TPC-H Parameter Substitution (Version 2.17.2 build 0)
+-- using 1680793381 as a seed to the RNG
+$in = (
+ l_orderkey,
+ sum(l_quantity) as sum_l_quantity
+ `{path}lineitem`
+group by
+ l_orderkey having
+ sum(l_quantity) > 315
+$join1 = (
+ c.c_name as c_name,
+ c.c_custkey as c_custkey,
+ o.o_orderkey as o_orderkey,
+ o.o_orderdate as o_orderdate,
+ o.o_totalprice as o_totalprice
+ `{path}customer` as c
+ `{path}orders` as o
+ c.c_custkey = o.o_custkey
+ j.c_name as c_name,
+ j.c_custkey as c_custkey,
+ j.o_orderkey as o_orderkey,
+ j.o_orderdate as o_orderdate,
+ j.o_totalprice as o_totalprice,
+ sum(i.sum_l_quantity) as sum_l_quantity
+ $join1 as j
+ $in as i
+ i.l_orderkey = j.o_orderkey
+group by
+ j.c_name,
+ j.c_custkey,
+ j.o_orderkey,
+ j.o_orderdate,
+ j.o_totalprice
+order by
+ o_totalprice desc,
+ o_orderdate
+limit 100;
+-- end query
+-- TPC-H/TPC-R Discounted Revenue Query (Q19)
+-- TPC TPC-H Parameter Substitution (Version 2.17.2 build 0)
+-- using 1680793381 as a seed to the RNG
+ sum(l.l_extendedprice* (1 - l.l_discount)) as revenue
+ `{path}lineitem` as l
+ `{path}part` as p
+ p.p_partkey = l.l_partkey
+ (
+ p.p_brand = 'Brand#23'
+ and (p.p_container = 'SM CASE' or p.p_container = 'SM BOX' or p.p_container = 'SM PACK' or p.p_container = 'SM PKG')
+ and l.l_quantity >= 7 and l.l_quantity <= 7 + 10
+ and p.p_size between 1 and 5
+ and (l.l_shipmode = 'AIR' or l.l_shipmode = 'AIR REG')
+ and l.l_shipinstruct = 'DELIVER IN PERSON'
+ )
+ or
+ (
+ p.p_brand = 'Brand#15'
+ and (p.p_container = 'MED BAG' or p.p_container = 'MED BOX' or p.p_container = 'MED PKG' or p.p_container = 'MED PACK')
+ and l.l_quantity >= 17 and l.l_quantity <= 17 + 10
+ and p.p_size between 1 and 10
+ and (l.l_shipmode = 'AIR' or l.l_shipmode = 'AIR REG')
+ and l.l_shipinstruct = 'DELIVER IN PERSON'
+ )
+ or
+ (
+ p.p_brand = 'Brand#44'
+ and (p.p_container = 'LG CASE' or p.p_container = 'LG BOX' or p.p_container = 'LG PACK' or p.p_container = 'LG PKG')
+ and l.l_quantity >= 25 and l.l_quantity <= 25 + 10
+ and p.p_size between 1 and 15
+ and (l.l_shipmode = 'AIR' or l.l_shipmode = 'AIR REG')
+ and l.l_shipinstruct = 'DELIVER IN PERSON'
+ );
+-- end query
+-- TPC-H/TPC-R Potential Part Promotion Query (Q20)
+-- TPC TPC-H Parameter Substitution (Version 2.17.2 build 0)
+-- using 1680793381 as a seed to the RNG
+$border = Date("1993-01-01");
+$threshold = (
+ 0.5 * sum(l_quantity) as threshold,
+ l_partkey as l_partkey,
+ l_suppkey as l_suppkey
+ `{path}lineitem`
+ cast(l_shipdate as timestamp) >= $border
+ and cast(l_shipdate as timestamp) < ($border + Interval("P365D"))
+group by
+ l_partkey, l_suppkey
+$parts = (
+ p_partkey
+ `{path}part`
+ StartsWith(p_name, 'maroon')
+$join1 = (
+ ps.ps_suppkey as ps_suppkey,
+ ps.ps_availqty as ps_availqty,
+ ps.ps_partkey as ps_partkey
+ `{path}partsupp` as ps
+join any
+ $parts as p
+ ps.ps_partkey = p.p_partkey
+$join2 = (
+ distinct(j.ps_suppkey) as ps_suppkey
+ $join1 as j
+join any
+ $threshold as t
+ j.ps_partkey = t.l_partkey and j.ps_suppkey = t.l_suppkey
+ j.ps_availqty > t.threshold
+$join3 = (
+ j.ps_suppkey as ps_suppkey,
+ s.s_name as s_name,
+ s.s_address as s_address,
+ s.s_nationkey as s_nationkey
+ $join2 as j
+join any
+ `{path}supplier` as s
+ j.ps_suppkey = s.s_suppkey
+ j.s_name as s_name,
+ j.s_address as s_address
+ $join3 as j
+ `{path}nation` as n
+ j.s_nationkey = n.n_nationkey
+ n.n_name = 'VIETNAM'
+order by
+ s_name;
+-- end query
+-- TPC-H/TPC-R Suppliers Who Kept Orders Waiting Query (Q21)
+-- TPC TPC-H Parameter Substitution (Version 2.17.2 build 0)
+-- using 1680793381 as a seed to the RNG
+$n = select n_nationkey from `{path}nation`
+where n_name = 'EGYPT';
+$s = select s_name, s_suppkey from `{path}supplier` as supplier
+join $n as nation
+on supplier.s_nationkey = nation.n_nationkey;
+$l = select l_suppkey, l_orderkey from `{path}lineitem`
+where l_receiptdate > l_commitdate;
+$j1 = select s_name, l_suppkey, l_orderkey from $l as l1
+join $s as supplier
+on l1.l_suppkey = supplier.s_suppkey;
+-- exists
+$j2 = select l1.l_orderkey as l_orderkey, l1.l_suppkey as l_suppkey, l1.s_name as s_name, l2.l_receiptdate as l_receiptdate, l2.l_commitdate as l_commitdate from $j1 as l1
+join `{path}lineitem` as l2
+on l1.l_orderkey = l2.l_orderkey
+where l2.l_suppkey <> l1.l_suppkey;
+$j2_1 = select s_name, l1.l_suppkey as l_suppkey, l1.l_orderkey as l_orderkey from $j1 as l1
+left semi join $j2 as l2
+on l1.l_orderkey = l2.l_orderkey;
+-- not exists
+$j2_2 = select l_orderkey from $j2 where l_receiptdate > l_commitdate;
+$j3 = select s_name, l_suppkey, l_orderkey from $j2_1 as l1
+left only join $j2_2 as l3
+on l1.l_orderkey = l3.l_orderkey;
+$j4 = select s_name from $j3 as l1
+join `{path}orders` as orders
+on orders.o_orderkey = l1.l_orderkey
+where o_orderstatus = 'F';
+select s_name,
+ count(*) as numwait from $j4
+group by
+ s_name
+order by
+ numwait desc,
+ s_name
+limit 100;
+-- end query
+-- TPC-H/TPC-R Global Sales Opportunity Query (Q22)
+-- TPC TPC-H Parameter Substitution (Version 2.17.2 build 0)
+-- using 1680793381 as a seed to the RNG
+$customers = (
+ c_acctbal,
+ c_custkey,
+ Substring(c_phone, 0u, 2u) as cntrycode
+ `{path}customer`
+where (Substring(c_phone, 0u, 2u) = '31' or Substring(c_phone, 0u, 2u) = '29' or Substring(c_phone, 0u, 2u) = '30' or Substring(c_phone, 0u, 2u) = '26' or Substring(c_phone, 0u, 2u) = '28' or Substring(c_phone, 0u, 2u) = '25' or Substring(c_phone, 0u, 2u) = '15')
+$avg = (
+ avg(c_acctbal) as a
+ $customers
+ c_acctbal > 0.00
+$join1 = (
+ c.c_acctbal as c_acctbal,
+ c.c_custkey as c_custkey,
+ c.cntrycode as cntrycode
+ $customers as c
+cross join
+ $avg as a
+ c.c_acctbal > a.a
+$join2 = (
+ j.cntrycode as cntrycode,
+ c_custkey,
+ j.c_acctbal as c_acctbal
+ $join1 as j
+left only join
+ `{path}orders` as o
+ o.o_custkey = j.c_custkey
+ cntrycode,
+ count(*) as numcust,
+ sum(c_acctbal) as totacctbal
+ $join2 as custsale
+group by
+ cntrycode
+order by
+ cntrycode;
+-- end query
diff --git a/ydb/public/lib/ydb_cli/commands/tpch_schema.sql b/ydb/public/lib/ydb_cli/commands/tpch_schema.sql
index ed2b512081..d33e46bb68 100644
--- a/ydb/public/lib/ydb_cli/commands/tpch_schema.sql
+++ b/ydb/public/lib/ydb_cli/commands/tpch_schema.sql
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ CREATE {external} TABLE `{path}customer` (
{primary_key} (c_custkey)
-WITH ({store}"/h/s{scale}/parquet/customer/"
+WITH ({store}"{s3_prefix}/customer/"
{partitioning} = 64
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ CREATE {external} TABLE `{path}lineitem` (
{primary_key} (l_orderkey, l_linenumber)
-WITH ({store}"/h/s{scale}/parquet/lineitem/"
+WITH ({store}"{s3_prefix}/lineitem/"
{partitioning} = 64
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ CREATE {external} TABLE `{path}nation` (
-WITH ({store}"/h/s{scale}/parquet/nation/"
+WITH ({store}"{s3_prefix}/nation/"
{partitioning} = 1
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ CREATE {external} TABLE `{path}orders` (
{primary_key} (o_orderkey)
-WITH ({store}"/h/s{scale}/parquet/orders/"
+WITH ({store}"{s3_prefix}/orders/"
{partitioning} = 64
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ CREATE {external} TABLE `{path}part` (
-WITH ({store}"/h/s{scale}/parquet/part/"
+WITH ({store}"{s3_prefix}/part/"
{partitioning} = 64
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ CREATE {external} TABLE `{path}partsupp` (
{primary_key}(ps_partkey, ps_suppkey)
-WITH ({store}"/h/s{scale}/parquet/partsupp/"
+WITH ({store}"{s3_prefix}/partsupp/"
{partitioning} = 64
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ CREATE {external} TABLE `{path}region` (
-WITH ({store}"/h/s{scale}/parquet/region/"
+WITH ({store}"{s3_prefix}/region/"
{partitioning} = 1
@@ -121,6 +121,6 @@ CREATE {external} TABLE `{path}supplier` (
-WITH ({store}"/h/s{scale}/parquet/supplier/"
+WITH ({store}"{s3_prefix}/supplier/"
{partitioning} = 64
diff --git a/ydb/public/lib/ydb_cli/commands/ya.make b/ydb/public/lib/ydb_cli/commands/ya.make
index b59356f5e8..b83293dfd1 100644
--- a/ydb/public/lib/ydb_cli/commands/ya.make
+++ b/ydb/public/lib/ydb_cli/commands/ya.make
@@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ RESOURCE(
click_bench_queries.sql click_bench_queries.sql
click_bench_schema.sql click_bench_schema.sql
tpch_schema.sql tpch_schema.sql
+ tpch_queries.sql tpch_queries.sql
click_bench_canonical/q0.result q0.result
click_bench_canonical/q1.result q1.result
click_bench_canonical/q2.result q2.result