diff options
authorshadchin <shadchin@yandex-team.com>2023-11-27 20:58:03 +0300
committershadchin <shadchin@yandex-team.com>2023-11-27 21:30:01 +0300
commit5bb4e90974958750a82f9055c1e8086bbc292379 (patch)
parent9b5a63115fe14de9ec5c3dabbb18cf8bac373d77 (diff)
Update numpy to 1.26.2
-rw-r--r--contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/tests/data/numpy_2_0_array.pklbin0 -> 718 bytes
235 files changed, 13874 insertions, 11773 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/.dist-info/METADATA b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/.dist-info/METADATA
index ed54cb49b3..7341e57f9d 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/.dist-info/METADATA
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/.dist-info/METADATA
@@ -1,21 +1,986 @@
Metadata-Version: 2.1
Name: numpy
-Version: 1.25.2
+Version: 1.26.2
Summary: Fundamental package for array computing in Python
-Home-page: https://www.numpy.org
+Home-page: https://numpy.org
Author: Travis E. Oliphant et al.
-Maintainer: NumPy Developers
-Maintainer-email: numpy-discussion@python.org
-License: BSD-3-Clause
-Download-URL: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/numpy
-Project-URL: Bug Tracker, https://github.com/numpy/numpy/issues
-Project-URL: Documentation, https://numpy.org/doc/1.25
-Project-URL: Source Code, https://github.com/numpy/numpy
-Platform: Windows
-Platform: Linux
-Platform: Solaris
-Platform: Mac OS-X
-Platform: Unix
+Maintainer-Email: NumPy Developers <numpy-discussion@python.org>
+License: Copyright (c) 2005-2023, NumPy Developers.
+ All rights reserved.
+ Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+ met:
+ * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+ copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+ disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
+ with the distribution.
+ * Neither the name of the NumPy Developers nor the names of any
+ contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
+ from this software without specific prior written permission.
+ ----
+ The NumPy repository and source distributions bundle several libraries that are
+ compatibly licensed. We list these here.
+ Name: lapack-lite
+ Files: numpy/linalg/lapack_lite/*
+ License: BSD-3-Clause
+ For details, see numpy/linalg/lapack_lite/LICENSE.txt
+ Name: tempita
+ Files: tools/npy_tempita/*
+ License: MIT
+ For details, see tools/npy_tempita/license.txt
+ Name: dragon4
+ Files: numpy/core/src/multiarray/dragon4.c
+ License: MIT
+ For license text, see numpy/core/src/multiarray/dragon4.c
+ Name: libdivide
+ Files: numpy/core/include/numpy/libdivide/*
+ License: Zlib
+ For license text, see numpy/core/include/numpy/libdivide/LICENSE.txt
+ Note that the following files are vendored in the repository and sdist but not
+ installed in built numpy packages:
+ Name: Meson
+ Files: vendored-meson/meson/*
+ License: Apache 2.0
+ For license text, see vendored-meson/meson/COPYING
+ Name: meson-python
+ Files: vendored-meson/meson-python/*
+ License: MIT
+ For license text, see vendored-meson/meson-python/LICENSE
+ Name: spin
+ Files: .spin/cmds.py
+ License: BSD-3
+ For license text, see .spin/LICENSE
+ ----
+ This binary distribution of NumPy also bundles the following software:
+ Name: OpenBLAS
+ Files: numpy.libs/libopenblas*.so
+ Description: bundled as a dynamically linked library
+ Availability: https://github.com/OpenMathLib/OpenBLAS/
+ License: BSD-3-Clause
+ Copyright (c) 2011-2014, The OpenBLAS Project
+ All rights reserved.
+ Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+ met:
+ 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
+ the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+ distribution.
+ 3. Neither the name of the OpenBLAS project nor the names of
+ its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
+ derived from this software without specific prior written
+ permission.
+ Name: LAPACK
+ Files: numpy.libs/libopenblas*.so
+ Description: bundled in OpenBLAS
+ Availability: https://github.com/OpenMathLib/OpenBLAS/
+ License: BSD-3-Clause-Attribution
+ Copyright (c) 1992-2013 The University of Tennessee and The University
+ of Tennessee Research Foundation. All rights
+ reserved.
+ Copyright (c) 2000-2013 The University of California Berkeley. All
+ rights reserved.
+ Copyright (c) 2006-2013 The University of Colorado Denver. All rights
+ reserved.
+ Additional copyrights may follow
+ Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+ met:
+ - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer listed
+ in this license in the documentation and/or other materials
+ provided with the distribution.
+ - Neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
+ contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+ this software without specific prior written permission.
+ The copyright holders provide no reassurances that the source code
+ provided does not infringe any patent, copyright, or any other
+ intellectual property rights of third parties. The copyright holders
+ disclaim any liability to any recipient for claims brought against
+ recipient by any third party for infringement of that parties
+ intellectual property rights.
+ Name: GCC runtime library
+ Files: numpy.libs/libgfortran*.so
+ Description: dynamically linked to files compiled with gcc
+ Availability: https://gcc.gnu.org/git/?p=gcc.git;a=tree;f=libgfortran
+ License: GPL-3.0-with-GCC-exception
+ Copyright (C) 2002-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ Libgfortran is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+ any later version.
+ Libgfortran is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ Under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted additional
+ permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, version
+ 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and
+ a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;
+ see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see
+ <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ ----
+ Full text of license texts referred to above follows (that they are
+ listed below does not necessarily imply the conditions apply to the
+ present binary release):
+ ----
+ Version 3.1, 31 March 2009
+ Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <http://fsf.org/>
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this
+ license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+ This GCC Runtime Library Exception ("Exception") is an additional
+ permission under section 7 of the GNU General Public License, version
+ 3 ("GPLv3"). It applies to a given file (the "Runtime Library") that
+ bears a notice placed by the copyright holder of the file stating that
+ the file is governed by GPLv3 along with this Exception.
+ When you use GCC to compile a program, GCC may combine portions of
+ certain GCC header files and runtime libraries with the compiled
+ program. The purpose of this Exception is to allow compilation of
+ non-GPL (including proprietary) programs to use, in this way, the
+ header files and runtime libraries covered by this Exception.
+ 0. Definitions.
+ A file is an "Independent Module" if it either requires the Runtime
+ Library for execution after a Compilation Process, or makes use of an
+ interface provided by the Runtime Library, but is not otherwise based
+ on the Runtime Library.
+ "GCC" means a version of the GNU Compiler Collection, with or without
+ modifications, governed by version 3 (or a specified later version) of
+ the GNU General Public License (GPL) with the option of using any
+ subsequent versions published by the FSF.
+ "GPL-compatible Software" is software whose conditions of propagation,
+ modification and use would permit combination with GCC in accord with
+ the license of GCC.
+ "Target Code" refers to output from any compiler for a real or virtual
+ target processor architecture, in executable form or suitable for
+ input to an assembler, loader, linker and/or execution
+ phase. Notwithstanding that, Target Code does not include data in any
+ format that is used as a compiler intermediate representation, or used
+ for producing a compiler intermediate representation.
+ The "Compilation Process" transforms code entirely represented in
+ non-intermediate languages designed for human-written code, and/or in
+ Java Virtual Machine byte code, into Target Code. Thus, for example,
+ use of source code generators and preprocessors need not be considered
+ part of the Compilation Process, since the Compilation Process can be
+ understood as starting with the output of the generators or
+ preprocessors.
+ A Compilation Process is "Eligible" if it is done using GCC, alone or
+ with other GPL-compatible software, or if it is done without using any
+ work based on GCC. For example, using non-GPL-compatible Software to
+ optimize any GCC intermediate representations would not qualify as an
+ Eligible Compilation Process.
+ 1. Grant of Additional Permission.
+ You have permission to propagate a work of Target Code formed by
+ combining the Runtime Library with Independent Modules, even if such
+ propagation would otherwise violate the terms of GPLv3, provided that
+ all Target Code was generated by Eligible Compilation Processes. You
+ may then convey such a combination under terms of your choice,
+ consistent with the licensing of the Independent Modules.
+ 2. No Weakening of GCC Copyleft.
+ The availability of this Exception does not imply any general
+ presumption that third-party software is unaffected by the copyleft
+ requirements of the license of GCC.
+ ----
+ Version 3, 29 June 2007
+ Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <http://fsf.org/>
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+ Preamble
+ The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for
+ software and other kinds of works.
+ The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed
+ to take away your freedom to share and change the works. By contrast,
+ the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to
+ share and change all versions of a program--to make sure it remains free
+ software for all its users. We, the Free Software Foundation, use the
+ GNU General Public License for most of our software; it applies also to
+ any other work released this way by its authors. You can apply it to
+ your programs, too.
+ When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+ price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+ have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+ them if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you
+ want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new
+ free programs, and that you know you can do these things.
+ To protect your rights, we need to prevent others from denying you
+ these rights or asking you to surrender the rights. Therefore, you have
+ certain responsibilities if you distribute copies of the software, or if
+ you modify it: responsibilities to respect the freedom of others.
+ For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+ gratis or for a fee, you must pass on to the recipients the same
+ freedoms that you received. You must make sure that they, too, receive
+ or can get the source code. And you must show them these terms so they
+ know their rights.
+ Developers that use the GNU GPL protect your rights with two steps:
+ (1) assert copyright on the software, and (2) offer you this License
+ giving you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify it.
+ For the developers' and authors' protection, the GPL clearly explains
+ that there is no warranty for this free software. For both users' and
+ authors' sake, the GPL requires that modified versions be marked as
+ changed, so that their problems will not be attributed erroneously to
+ authors of previous versions.
+ Some devices are designed to deny users access to install or run
+ modified versions of the software inside them, although the manufacturer
+ can do so. This is fundamentally incompatible with the aim of
+ protecting users' freedom to change the software. The systematic
+ pattern of such abuse occurs in the area of products for individuals to
+ use, which is precisely where it is most unacceptable. Therefore, we
+ have designed this version of the GPL to prohibit the practice for those
+ products. If such problems arise substantially in other domains, we
+ stand ready to extend this provision to those domains in future versions
+ of the GPL, as needed to protect the freedom of users.
+ Finally, every program is threatened constantly by software patents.
+ States should not allow patents to restrict development and use of
+ software on general-purpose computers, but in those that do, we wish to
+ avoid the special danger that patents applied to a free program could
+ make it effectively proprietary. To prevent this, the GPL assures that
+ patents cannot be used to render the program non-free.
+ The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+ modification follow.
+ 0. Definitions.
+ "This License" refers to version 3 of the GNU General Public License.
+ "Copyright" also means copyright-like laws that apply to other kinds of
+ works, such as semiconductor masks.
+ "The Program" refers to any copyrightable work licensed under this
+ License. Each licensee is addressed as "you". "Licensees" and
+ "recipients" may be individuals or organizations.
+ To "modify" a work means to copy from or adapt all or part of the work
+ in a fashion requiring copyright permission, other than the making of an
+ exact copy. The resulting work is called a "modified version" of the
+ earlier work or a work "based on" the earlier work.
+ A "covered work" means either the unmodified Program or a work based
+ on the Program.
+ To "propagate" a work means to do anything with it that, without
+ permission, would make you directly or secondarily liable for
+ infringement under applicable copyright law, except executing it on a
+ computer or modifying a private copy. Propagation includes copying,
+ distribution (with or without modification), making available to the
+ public, and in some countries other activities as well.
+ To "convey" a work means any kind of propagation that enables other
+ parties to make or receive copies. Mere interaction with a user through
+ a computer network, with no transfer of a copy, is not conveying.
+ An interactive user interface displays "Appropriate Legal Notices"
+ to the extent that it includes a convenient and prominently visible
+ feature that (1) displays an appropriate copyright notice, and (2)
+ tells the user that there is no warranty for the work (except to the
+ extent that warranties are provided), that licensees may convey the
+ work under this License, and how to view a copy of this License. If
+ the interface presents a list of user commands or options, such as a
+ menu, a prominent item in the list meets this criterion.
+ 1. Source Code.
+ The "source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work
+ for making modifications to it. "Object code" means any non-source
+ form of a work.
+ A "Standard Interface" means an interface that either is an official
+ standard defined by a recognized standards body, or, in the case of
+ interfaces specified for a particular programming language, one that
+ is widely used among developers working in that language.
+ The "System Libraries" of an executable work include anything, other
+ than the work as a whole, that (a) is included in the normal form of
+ packaging a Major Component, but which is not part of that Major
+ Component, and (b) serves only to enable use of the work with that
+ Major Component, or to implement a Standard Interface for which an
+ implementation is available to the public in source code form. A
+ "Major Component", in this context, means a major essential component
+ (kernel, window system, and so on) of the specific operating system
+ (if any) on which the executable work runs, or a compiler used to
+ produce the work, or an object code interpreter used to run it.
+ The "Corresponding Source" for a work in object code form means all
+ the source code needed to generate, install, and (for an executable
+ work) run the object code and to modify the work, including scripts to
+ control those activities. However, it does not include the work's
+ System Libraries, or general-purpose tools or generally available free
+ programs which are used unmodified in performing those activities but
+ which are not part of the work. For example, Corresponding Source
+ includes interface definition files associated with source files for
+ the work, and the source code for shared libraries and dynamically
+ linked subprograms that the work is specifically designed to require,
+ such as by intimate data communication or control flow between those
+ subprograms and other parts of the work.
+ The Corresponding Source need not include anything that users
+ can regenerate automatically from other parts of the Corresponding
+ Source.
+ The Corresponding Source for a work in source code form is that
+ same work.
+ 2. Basic Permissions.
+ All rights granted under this License are granted for the term of
+ copyright on the Program, and are irrevocable provided the stated
+ conditions are met. This License explicitly affirms your unlimited
+ permission to run the unmodified Program. The output from running a
+ covered work is covered by this License only if the output, given its
+ content, constitutes a covered work. This License acknowledges your
+ rights of fair use or other equivalent, as provided by copyright law.
+ You may make, run and propagate covered works that you do not
+ convey, without conditions so long as your license otherwise remains
+ in force. You may convey covered works to others for the sole purpose
+ of having them make modifications exclusively for you, or provide you
+ with facilities for running those works, provided that you comply with
+ the terms of this License in conveying all material for which you do
+ not control copyright. Those thus making or running the covered works
+ for you must do so exclusively on your behalf, under your direction
+ and control, on terms that prohibit them from making any copies of
+ your copyrighted material outside their relationship with you.
+ Conveying under any other circumstances is permitted solely under
+ the conditions stated below. Sublicensing is not allowed; section 10
+ makes it unnecessary.
+ 3. Protecting Users' Legal Rights From Anti-Circumvention Law.
+ No covered work shall be deemed part of an effective technological
+ measure under any applicable law fulfilling obligations under article
+ 11 of the WIPO copyright treaty adopted on 20 December 1996, or
+ similar laws prohibiting or restricting circumvention of such
+ measures.
+ When you convey a covered work, you waive any legal power to forbid
+ circumvention of technological measures to the extent such circumvention
+ is effected by exercising rights under this License with respect to
+ the covered work, and you disclaim any intention to limit operation or
+ modification of the work as a means of enforcing, against the work's
+ users, your or third parties' legal rights to forbid circumvention of
+ technological measures.
+ 4. Conveying Verbatim Copies.
+ You may convey verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you
+ receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and
+ appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice;
+ keep intact all notices stating that this License and any
+ non-permissive terms added in accord with section 7 apply to the code;
+ keep intact all notices of the absence of any warranty; and give all
+ recipients a copy of this License along with the Program.
+ You may charge any price or no price for each copy that you convey,
+ and you may offer support or warranty protection for a fee.
+ 5. Conveying Modified Source Versions.
+ You may convey a work based on the Program, or the modifications to
+ produce it from the Program, in the form of source code under the
+ terms of section 4, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+ a) The work must carry prominent notices stating that you modified
+ it, and giving a relevant date.
+ b) The work must carry prominent notices stating that it is
+ released under this License and any conditions added under section
+ 7. This requirement modifies the requirement in section 4 to
+ "keep intact all notices".
+ c) You must license the entire work, as a whole, under this
+ License to anyone who comes into possession of a copy. This
+ License will therefore apply, along with any applicable section 7
+ additional terms, to the whole of the work, and all its parts,
+ regardless of how they are packaged. This License gives no
+ permission to license the work in any other way, but it does not
+ invalidate such permission if you have separately received it.
+ d) If the work has interactive user interfaces, each must display
+ Appropriate Legal Notices; however, if the Program has interactive
+ interfaces that do not display Appropriate Legal Notices, your
+ work need not make them do so.
+ A compilation of a covered work with other separate and independent
+ works, which are not by their nature extensions of the covered work,
+ and which are not combined with it such as to form a larger program,
+ in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an
+ "aggregate" if the compilation and its resulting copyright are not
+ used to limit the access or legal rights of the compilation's users
+ beyond what the individual works permit. Inclusion of a covered work
+ in an aggregate does not cause this License to apply to the other
+ parts of the aggregate.
+ 6. Conveying Non-Source Forms.
+ You may convey a covered work in object code form under the terms
+ of sections 4 and 5, provided that you also convey the
+ machine-readable Corresponding Source under the terms of this License,
+ in one of these ways:
+ a) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
+ (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by the
+ Corresponding Source fixed on a durable physical medium
+ customarily used for software interchange.
+ b) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
+ (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by a
+ written offer, valid for at least three years and valid for as
+ long as you offer spare parts or customer support for that product
+ model, to give anyone who possesses the object code either (1) a
+ copy of the Corresponding Source for all the software in the
+ product that is covered by this License, on a durable physical
+ medium customarily used for software interchange, for a price no
+ more than your reasonable cost of physically performing this
+ conveying of source, or (2) access to copy the
+ Corresponding Source from a network server at no charge.
+ c) Convey individual copies of the object code with a copy of the
+ written offer to provide the Corresponding Source. This
+ alternative is allowed only occasionally and noncommercially, and
+ only if you received the object code with such an offer, in accord
+ with subsection 6b.
+ d) Convey the object code by offering access from a designated
+ place (gratis or for a charge), and offer equivalent access to the
+ Corresponding Source in the same way through the same place at no
+ further charge. You need not require recipients to copy the
+ Corresponding Source along with the object code. If the place to
+ copy the object code is a network server, the Corresponding Source
+ may be on a different server (operated by you or a third party)
+ that supports equivalent copying facilities, provided you maintain
+ clear directions next to the object code saying where to find the
+ Corresponding Source. Regardless of what server hosts the
+ Corresponding Source, you remain obligated to ensure that it is
+ available for as long as needed to satisfy these requirements.
+ e) Convey the object code using peer-to-peer transmission, provided
+ you inform other peers where the object code and Corresponding
+ Source of the work are being offered to the general public at no
+ charge under subsection 6d.
+ A separable portion of the object code, whose source code is excluded
+ from the Corresponding Source as a System Library, need not be
+ included in conveying the object code work.
+ A "User Product" is either (1) a "consumer product", which means any
+ tangible personal property which is normally used for personal, family,
+ or household purposes, or (2) anything designed or sold for incorporation
+ into a dwelling. In determining whether a product is a consumer product,
+ doubtful cases shall be resolved in favor of coverage. For a particular
+ product received by a particular user, "normally used" refers to a
+ typical or common use of that class of product, regardless of the status
+ of the particular user or of the way in which the particular user
+ actually uses, or expects or is expected to use, the product. A product
+ is a consumer product regardless of whether the product has substantial
+ commercial, industrial or non-consumer uses, unless such uses represent
+ the only significant mode of use of the product.
+ "Installation Information" for a User Product means any methods,
+ procedures, authorization keys, or other information required to install
+ and execute modified versions of a covered work in that User Product from
+ a modified version of its Corresponding Source. The information must
+ suffice to ensure that the continued functioning of the modified object
+ code is in no case prevented or interfered with solely because
+ modification has been made.
+ If you convey an object code work under this section in, or with, or
+ specifically for use in, a User Product, and the conveying occurs as
+ part of a transaction in which the right of possession and use of the
+ User Product is transferred to the recipient in perpetuity or for a
+ fixed term (regardless of how the transaction is characterized), the
+ Corresponding Source conveyed under this section must be accompanied
+ by the Installation Information. But this requirement does not apply
+ if neither you nor any third party retains the ability to install
+ modified object code on the User Product (for example, the work has
+ been installed in ROM).
+ The requirement to provide Installation Information does not include a
+ requirement to continue to provide support service, warranty, or updates
+ for a work that has been modified or installed by the recipient, or for
+ the User Product in which it has been modified or installed. Access to a
+ network may be denied when the modification itself materially and
+ adversely affects the operation of the network or violates the rules and
+ protocols for communication across the network.
+ Corresponding Source conveyed, and Installation Information provided,
+ in accord with this section must be in a format that is publicly
+ documented (and with an implementation available to the public in
+ source code form), and must require no special password or key for
+ unpacking, reading or copying.
+ 7. Additional Terms.
+ "Additional permissions" are terms that supplement the terms of this
+ License by making exceptions from one or more of its conditions.
+ Additional permissions that are applicable to the entire Program shall
+ be treated as though they were included in this License, to the extent
+ that they are valid under applicable law. If additional permissions
+ apply only to part of the Program, that part may be used separately
+ under those permissions, but the entire Program remains governed by
+ this License without regard to the additional permissions.
+ When you convey a copy of a covered work, you may at your option
+ remove any additional permissions from that copy, or from any part of
+ it. (Additional permissions may be written to require their own
+ removal in certain cases when you modify the work.) You may place
+ additional permissions on material, added by you to a covered work,
+ for which you have or can give appropriate copyright permission.
+ Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, for material you
+ add to a covered work, you may (if authorized by the copyright holders of
+ that material) supplement the terms of this License with terms:
+ a) Disclaiming warranty or limiting liability differently from the
+ terms of sections 15 and 16 of this License; or
+ b) Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or
+ author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal
+ Notices displayed by works containing it; or
+ c) Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, or
+ requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in
+ reasonable ways as different from the original version; or
+ d) Limiting the use for publicity purposes of names of licensors or
+ authors of the material; or
+ e) Declining to grant rights under trademark law for use of some
+ trade names, trademarks, or service marks; or
+ f) Requiring indemnification of licensors and authors of that
+ material by anyone who conveys the material (or modified versions of
+ it) with contractual assumptions of liability to the recipient, for
+ any liability that these contractual assumptions directly impose on
+ those licensors and authors.
+ All other non-permissive additional terms are considered "further
+ restrictions" within the meaning of section 10. If the Program as you
+ received it, or any part of it, contains a notice stating that it is
+ governed by this License along with a term that is a further
+ restriction, you may remove that term. If a license document contains
+ a further restriction but permits relicensing or conveying under this
+ License, you may add to a covered work material governed by the terms
+ of that license document, provided that the further restriction does
+ not survive such relicensing or conveying.
+ If you add terms to a covered work in accord with this section, you
+ must place, in the relevant source files, a statement of the
+ additional terms that apply to those files, or a notice indicating
+ where to find the applicable terms.
+ Additional terms, permissive or non-permissive, may be stated in the
+ form of a separately written license, or stated as exceptions;
+ the above requirements apply either way.
+ 8. Termination.
+ You may not propagate or modify a covered work except as expressly
+ provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to propagate or
+ modify it is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under
+ this License (including any patent licenses granted under the third
+ paragraph of section 11).
+ However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your
+ license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a)
+ provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and
+ finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright
+ holder fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means
+ prior to 60 days after the cessation.
+ Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is
+ reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the
+ violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have
+ received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that
+ copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after
+ your receipt of the notice.
+ Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate the
+ licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you under
+ this License. If your rights have been terminated and not permanently
+ reinstated, you do not qualify to receive new licenses for the same
+ material under section 10.
+ 9. Acceptance Not Required for Having Copies.
+ You are not required to accept this License in order to receive or
+ run a copy of the Program. Ancillary propagation of a covered work
+ occurring solely as a consequence of using peer-to-peer transmission
+ to receive a copy likewise does not require acceptance. However,
+ nothing other than this License grants you permission to propagate or
+ modify any covered work. These actions infringe copyright if you do
+ not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or propagating a
+ covered work, you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so.
+ 10. Automatic Licensing of Downstream Recipients.
+ Each time you convey a covered work, the recipient automatically
+ receives a license from the original licensors, to run, modify and
+ propagate that work, subject to this License. You are not responsible
+ for enforcing compliance by third parties with this License.
+ An "entity transaction" is a transaction transferring control of an
+ organization, or substantially all assets of one, or subdividing an
+ organization, or merging organizations. If propagation of a covered
+ work results from an entity transaction, each party to that
+ transaction who receives a copy of the work also receives whatever
+ licenses to the work the party's predecessor in interest had or could
+ give under the previous paragraph, plus a right to possession of the
+ Corresponding Source of the work from the predecessor in interest, if
+ the predecessor has it or can get it with reasonable efforts.
+ You may not impose any further restrictions on the exercise of the
+ rights granted or affirmed under this License. For example, you may
+ not impose a license fee, royalty, or other charge for exercise of
+ rights granted under this License, and you may not initiate litigation
+ (including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that
+ any patent claim is infringed by making, using, selling, offering for
+ sale, or importing the Program or any portion of it.
+ 11. Patents.
+ A "contributor" is a copyright holder who authorizes use under this
+ License of the Program or a work on which the Program is based. The
+ work thus licensed is called the contributor's "contributor version".
+ A contributor's "essential patent claims" are all patent claims
+ owned or controlled by the contributor, whether already acquired or
+ hereafter acquired, that would be infringed by some manner, permitted
+ by this License, of making, using, or selling its contributor version,
+ but do not include claims that would be infringed only as a
+ consequence of further modification of the contributor version. For
+ purposes of this definition, "control" includes the right to grant
+ patent sublicenses in a manner consistent with the requirements of
+ this License.
+ Each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free
+ patent license under the contributor's essential patent claims, to
+ make, use, sell, offer for sale, import and otherwise run, modify and
+ propagate the contents of its contributor version.
+ In the following three paragraphs, a "patent license" is any express
+ agreement or commitment, however denominated, not to enforce a patent
+ (such as an express permission to practice a patent or covenant not to
+ sue for patent infringement). To "grant" such a patent license to a
+ party means to make such an agreement or commitment not to enforce a
+ patent against the party.
+ If you convey a covered work, knowingly relying on a patent license,
+ and the Corresponding Source of the work is not available for anyone
+ to copy, free of charge and under the terms of this License, through a
+ publicly available network server or other readily accessible means,
+ then you must either (1) cause the Corresponding Source to be so
+ available, or (2) arrange to deprive yourself of the benefit of the
+ patent license for this particular work, or (3) arrange, in a manner
+ consistent with the requirements of this License, to extend the patent
+ license to downstream recipients. "Knowingly relying" means you have
+ actual knowledge that, but for the patent license, your conveying the
+ covered work in a country, or your recipient's use of the covered work
+ in a country, would infringe one or more identifiable patents in that
+ country that you have reason to believe are valid.
+ If, pursuant to or in connection with a single transaction or
+ arrangement, you convey, or propagate by procuring conveyance of, a
+ covered work, and grant a patent license to some of the parties
+ receiving the covered work authorizing them to use, propagate, modify
+ or convey a specific copy of the covered work, then the patent license
+ you grant is automatically extended to all recipients of the covered
+ work and works based on it.
+ A patent license is "discriminatory" if it does not include within
+ the scope of its coverage, prohibits the exercise of, or is
+ conditioned on the non-exercise of one or more of the rights that are
+ specifically granted under this License. You may not convey a covered
+ work if you are a party to an arrangement with a third party that is
+ in the business of distributing software, under which you make payment
+ to the third party based on the extent of your activity of conveying
+ the work, and under which the third party grants, to any of the
+ parties who would receive the covered work from you, a discriminatory
+ patent license (a) in connection with copies of the covered work
+ conveyed by you (or copies made from those copies), or (b) primarily
+ for and in connection with specific products or compilations that
+ contain the covered work, unless you entered into that arrangement,
+ or that patent license was granted, prior to 28 March 2007.
+ Nothing in this License shall be construed as excluding or limiting
+ any implied license or other defenses to infringement that may
+ otherwise be available to you under applicable patent law.
+ 12. No Surrender of Others' Freedom.
+ If conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+ otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+ excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot convey a
+ covered work so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+ License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may
+ not convey it at all. For example, if you agree to terms that obligate you
+ to collect a royalty for further conveying from those to whom you convey
+ the Program, the only way you could satisfy both those terms and this
+ License would be to refrain entirely from conveying the Program.
+ 13. Use with the GNU Affero General Public License.
+ Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, you have
+ permission to link or combine any covered work with a work licensed
+ under version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License into a single
+ combined work, and to convey the resulting work. The terms of this
+ License will continue to apply to the part which is the covered work,
+ but the special requirements of the GNU Affero General Public License,
+ section 13, concerning interaction through a network will apply to the
+ combination as such.
+ 14. Revised Versions of this License.
+ The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of
+ the GNU General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
+ be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+ address new problems or concerns.
+ Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the
+ Program specifies that a certain numbered version of the GNU General
+ Public License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the
+ option of following the terms and conditions either of that numbered
+ version or of any later version published by the Free Software
+ Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of the
+ GNU General Public License, you may choose any version ever published
+ by the Free Software Foundation.
+ If the Program specifies that a proxy can decide which future
+ versions of the GNU General Public License can be used, that proxy's
+ public statement of acceptance of a version permanently authorizes you
+ to choose that version for the Program.
+ Later license versions may give you additional or different
+ permissions. However, no additional obligations are imposed on any
+ author or copyright holder as a result of your choosing to follow a
+ later version.
+ 15. Disclaimer of Warranty.
+ 16. Limitation of Liability.
+ 17. Interpretation of Sections 15 and 16.
+ If the disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability provided
+ above cannot be given local legal effect according to their terms,
+ reviewing courts shall apply local law that most closely approximates
+ an absolute waiver of all civil liability in connection with the
+ Program, unless a warranty or assumption of liability accompanies a
+ copy of the Program in return for a fee.
+ How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+ If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+ possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+ free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+ To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
+ to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+ state the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+ the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+ <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+ Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
+ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+ If the program does terminal interaction, make it output a short
+ notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode:
+ <program> Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
+ This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+ This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+ under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+ The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+ parts of the General Public License. Of course, your program's commands
+ might be different; for a GUI interface, you would use an "about box".
+ You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or school,
+ if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if necessary.
+ For more information on this, and how to apply and follow the GNU GPL, see
+ <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ The GNU General Public License does not permit incorporating your program
+ into proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you
+ may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with
+ the library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General
+ Public License instead of this License. But first, please read
+ <http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/why-not-lgpl.html>.
+ Name: libquadmath
+ Files: numpy.libs/libquadmath*.so
+ Description: dynamically linked to files compiled with gcc
+ Availability: https://gcc.gnu.org/git/?p=gcc.git;a=tree;f=libquadmath
+ License: LGPL-2.1-or-later
+ GCC Quad-Precision Math Library
+ Copyright (C) 2010-2019 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ Written by Francois-Xavier Coudert <fxcoudert@gcc.gnu.org>
+ This file is part of the libquadmath library.
+ Libquadmath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ Libquadmath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html
Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
Classifier: Intended Audience :: Science/Research
Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers
@@ -26,6 +991,7 @@ Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.11
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.12
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3 :: Only
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: CPython
Classifier: Topic :: Software Development
@@ -35,10 +1001,14 @@ Classifier: Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows
Classifier: Operating System :: POSIX
Classifier: Operating System :: Unix
Classifier: Operating System :: MacOS
+Project-URL: Homepage, https://numpy.org
+Project-URL: Documentation, https://numpy.org/doc/
+Project-URL: Source, https://github.com/numpy/numpy
+Project-URL: Download, https://pypi.org/project/numpy/#files
+Project-URL: Tracker, https://github.com/numpy/numpy/issues
+Project-URL: Release notes, https://numpy.org/doc/stable/release
Requires-Python: >=3.9
Description-Content-Type: text/markdown
-License-File: LICENSE.txt
-License-File: LICENSES_bundled.txt
<h1 align="center">
<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/numpy/numpy/main/branding/logo/primary/numpylogo.svg" width="300">
@@ -125,5 +1095,3 @@ mailing list. You are very welcome to join.
If you are new to contributing to open source, [this
guide](https://opensource.guide/how-to-contribute/) helps explain why, what,
and how to successfully get involved.
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/.dist-info/entry_points.txt b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/.dist-info/entry_points.txt
index fce7424b73..450d8ef27b 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/.dist-info/entry_points.txt
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/.dist-info/entry_points.txt
@@ -1,11 +1,9 @@
numpy = numpy.array_api
-f2py = numpy.f2py.f2py2e:main
-f2py3 = numpy.f2py.f2py2e:main
-f2py3.11 = numpy.f2py.f2py2e:main
hook-dirs = numpy:_pyinstaller_hooks_dir
+f2py = numpy.f2py.f2py2e:main
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/LICENSE.txt b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/LICENSE.txt
index 2dfbf61c05..014d51c98d 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/LICENSE.txt
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/LICENSE.txt
-The NumPy repository and source distributions bundle several libraries that are
-compatibly licensed. We list these here.
-Name: lapack-lite
-Files: numpy/linalg/lapack_lite/*
-License: BSD-3-Clause
- For details, see numpy/linalg/lapack_lite/LICENSE.txt
-Name: tempita
-Files: tools/npy_tempita/*
-License: MIT
- For details, see tools/npy_tempita/license.txt
-Name: dragon4
-Files: numpy/core/src/multiarray/dragon4.c
-License: MIT
- For license text, see numpy/core/src/multiarray/dragon4.c
-Name: libdivide
-Files: numpy/core/include/numpy/libdivide/*
-License: Zlib
- For license text, see numpy/core/include/numpy/libdivide/LICENSE.txt
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/LICENSES_bundled.txt b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/LICENSES_bundled.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..26faf7ff30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/LICENSES_bundled.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+The NumPy repository and source distributions bundle several libraries that are
+compatibly licensed. We list these here.
+Name: lapack-lite
+Files: numpy/linalg/lapack_lite/*
+License: BSD-3-Clause
+ For details, see numpy/linalg/lapack_lite/LICENSE.txt
+Name: tempita
+Files: tools/npy_tempita/*
+License: MIT
+ For details, see tools/npy_tempita/license.txt
+Name: dragon4
+Files: numpy/core/src/multiarray/dragon4.c
+License: MIT
+ For license text, see numpy/core/src/multiarray/dragon4.c
+Name: libdivide
+Files: numpy/core/include/numpy/libdivide/*
+License: Zlib
+ For license text, see numpy/core/include/numpy/libdivide/LICENSE.txt
+Note that the following files are vendored in the repository and sdist but not
+installed in built numpy packages:
+Name: Meson
+Files: vendored-meson/meson/*
+License: Apache 2.0
+ For license text, see vendored-meson/meson/COPYING
+Name: meson-python
+Files: vendored-meson/meson-python/*
+License: MIT
+ For license text, see vendored-meson/meson-python/LICENSE
+Name: spin
+Files: .spin/cmds.py
+License: BSD-3
+ For license text, see .spin/LICENSE
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/__init__.cython-30.pxd b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/__init__.cython-30.pxd
index 0dd2fff2b8..1409514f7a 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/__init__.cython-30.pxd
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/__init__.cython-30.pxd
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ cdef extern from *:
cdef extern from "Python.h":
- ctypedef Py_ssize_t Py_intptr_t
+ ctypedef int Py_intptr_t
cdef extern from "numpy/arrayobject.h":
ctypedef Py_intptr_t npy_intp
@@ -852,6 +852,7 @@ cdef extern from "numpy/arrayscalars.h":
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/__init__.pxd b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/__init__.pxd
index 47d9294c1c..ca0a3a6c52 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/__init__.pxd
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/__init__.pxd
@@ -810,6 +810,7 @@ cdef extern from "numpy/arrayscalars.h":
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/__init__.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/__init__.py
index a6c9fe1603..4120c2c116 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/__init__.py
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/__init__.py
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ testing
NumPy testing tools
Enhancements to distutils with support for
- Fortran compilers support and more.
+ Fortran compilers support and more (for Python <= 3.11).
@@ -108,6 +108,11 @@ from .exceptions import (
ComplexWarning, ModuleDeprecationWarning, VisibleDeprecationWarning,
TooHardError, AxisError)
+# If a version with git hash was stored, use that instead
+from . import version
+from .version import __version__
# We first need to detect if we're being called as part of the numpy setup
# procedure itself in a reliable manner.
@@ -447,8 +452,5 @@ else:
del os
-# get the version using versioneer
-from .version import __version__, git_revision as __git_version__
# Remove symbols imported for internal use
del sys, warnings
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/__init__.pyi b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/__init__.pyi
index 45c3023c6a..a185bfe754 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/__init__.pyi
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/__init__.pyi
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import builtins
+import sys
import os
import mmap
import ctypes as ct
@@ -666,7 +667,6 @@ class _SupportsWrite(Protocol[_AnyStr_contra]):
__all__: list[str]
__path__: list[str]
__version__: str
-__git_version__: str
test: PytestTester
# TODO: Move placeholders to their respective module once
@@ -683,6 +683,7 @@ _ByteOrder = L["S", "<", ">", "=", "|", "L", "B", "N", "I"]
class dtype(Generic[_DTypeScalar_co]):
names: None | tuple[builtins.str, ...]
+ def __hash__(self) -> int: ...
# Overload for subclass of generic
def __new__(
@@ -1440,17 +1441,18 @@ _ShapeType = TypeVar("_ShapeType", bound=Any)
_ShapeType2 = TypeVar("_ShapeType2", bound=Any)
_NumberType = TypeVar("_NumberType", bound=number[Any])
-# There is currently no exhaustive way to type the buffer protocol,
-# as it is implemented exclusively in the C API (python/typing#593)
-_SupportsBuffer = Union[
- bytes,
- bytearray,
- memoryview,
- _array.array[Any],
- mmap.mmap,
- NDArray[Any],
- generic,
+if sys.version_info >= (3, 12):
+ from collections.abc import Buffer as _SupportsBuffer
+ _SupportsBuffer = (
+ bytes
+ | bytearray
+ | memoryview
+ | _array.array[Any]
+ | mmap.mmap
+ | NDArray[Any]
+ | generic
+ )
_T = TypeVar("_T")
_T_co = TypeVar("_T_co", covariant=True)
@@ -1513,6 +1515,9 @@ class ndarray(_ArrayOrScalarCommon, Generic[_ShapeType, _DType_co]):
order: _OrderKACF = ...,
) -> _ArraySelf: ...
+ if sys.version_info >= (3, 12):
+ def __buffer__(self, flags: int, /) -> memoryview: ...
def __class_getitem__(self, item: Any) -> GenericAlias: ...
@@ -2555,6 +2560,7 @@ class generic(_ArrayOrScalarCommon):
def __array__(self: _ScalarType, dtype: None = ..., /) -> ndarray[Any, _dtype[_ScalarType]]: ...
def __array__(self, dtype: _DType, /) -> ndarray[Any, _DType]: ...
+ def __hash__(self) -> int: ...
def base(self) -> None: ...
@@ -2569,6 +2575,9 @@ class generic(_ArrayOrScalarCommon):
def flat(self: _ScalarType) -> flatiter[ndarray[Any, _dtype[_ScalarType]]]: ...
+ if sys.version_info >= (3, 12):
+ def __buffer__(self, flags: int, /) -> memoryview: ...
def astype(
@@ -2771,6 +2780,9 @@ class object_(generic):
def __float__(self) -> float: ...
def __complex__(self) -> complex: ...
+ if sys.version_info >= (3, 12):
+ def __release_buffer__(self, buffer: memoryview, /) -> None: ...
# The `datetime64` constructors requires an object with the three attributes below,
# and thus supports datetime duck typing
class _DatetimeScalar(Protocol):
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/_build_utils/gitversion.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/_build_utils/gitversion.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4ee6e00bbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/_build_utils/gitversion.py
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import os
+import textwrap
+def init_version():
+ init = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../../pyproject.toml')
+ with open(init) as fid:
+ data = fid.readlines()
+ version_line = next(
+ line for line in data if line.startswith('version =')
+ )
+ version = version_line.strip().split(' = ')[1]
+ version = version.replace('"', '').replace("'", '')
+ return version
+def git_version(version):
+ # Append last commit date and hash to dev version information,
+ # if available
+ import subprocess
+ import os.path
+ git_hash = ''
+ try:
+ p = subprocess.Popen(
+ ['git', 'log', '-1', '--format="%H %aI"'],
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
+ cwd=os.path.dirname(__file__),
+ )
+ except FileNotFoundError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ out, err = p.communicate()
+ if p.returncode == 0:
+ git_hash, git_date = (
+ out.decode('utf-8')
+ .strip()
+ .replace('"', '')
+ .split('T')[0]
+ .replace('-', '')
+ .split()
+ )
+ # Only attach git tag to development versions
+ if 'dev' in version:
+ version += f'+git{git_date}.{git_hash[:7]}'
+ return version, git_hash
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ import argparse
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ parser.add_argument('--write', help="Save version to this file")
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--meson-dist',
+ help='Output path is relative to MESON_DIST_ROOT',
+ action='store_true'
+ )
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ version, git_hash = git_version(init_version())
+ # For NumPy 2.0, this should only have one field: `version`
+ template = textwrap.dedent(f'''
+ version = "{version}"
+ __version__ = version
+ full_version = version
+ git_revision = "{git_hash}"
+ release = 'dev' not in version and '+' not in version
+ short_version = version.split("+")[0]
+ ''')
+ if args.write:
+ outfile = args.write
+ if args.meson_dist:
+ outfile = os.path.join(
+ os.environ.get('MESON_DIST_ROOT', ''),
+ outfile
+ )
+ # Print human readable output path
+ relpath = os.path.relpath(outfile)
+ if relpath.startswith('.'):
+ relpath = outfile
+ with open(outfile, 'w') as f:
+ print(f'Saving version to {relpath}')
+ f.write(template)
+ else:
+ print(version)
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/_build_utils/tempita.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/_build_utils/tempita.py
index 3bcc789c56..3bcc789c56 100755..100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/_build_utils/tempita.py
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/_build_utils/tempita.py
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/_core/__init__.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/_core/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a2f096f3f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/_core/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+This private module only contains stubs for interoperability with
+NumPy 2.0 pickled arrays. It may not be used by the end user.
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/_core/__init__.pyi b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/_core/__init__.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e69de29bb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/_core/__init__.pyi
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/_core/_dtype.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/_core/_dtype.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..974d93d98c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/_core/_dtype.py
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+from numpy.core import _dtype
+_globals = globals()
+for item in _dtype.__dir__():
+ _globals[item] = getattr(_dtype, item)
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/_core/_dtype_ctypes.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/_core/_dtype_ctypes.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bfa16aabf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/_core/_dtype_ctypes.py
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+from numpy.core import _dtype_ctypes
+_globals = globals()
+for item in _dtype_ctypes.__dir__():
+ _globals[item] = getattr(_dtype_ctypes, item)
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/_core/_internal.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/_core/_internal.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..52a8e90729
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/_core/_internal.py
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+from numpy.core import _internal
+_globals = globals()
+for item in _internal.__dir__():
+ _globals[item] = getattr(_internal, item)
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/_core/_multiarray_umath.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/_core/_multiarray_umath.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7ce48fcb25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/_core/_multiarray_umath.py
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+from numpy.core import _multiarray_umath
+_globals = globals()
+for item in _multiarray_umath.__dir__():
+ _globals[item] = getattr(_multiarray_umath, item)
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/_core/multiarray.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/_core/multiarray.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6c37d1da9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/_core/multiarray.py
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+from numpy.core import multiarray
+_globals = globals()
+for item in multiarray.__dir__():
+ _globals[item] = getattr(multiarray, item)
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/_core/umath.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/_core/umath.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3d08c90332
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/_core/umath.py
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+from numpy.core import umath
+_globals = globals()
+for item in umath.__dir__():
+ _globals[item] = getattr(umath, item)
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/_distributor_init.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/_distributor_init.py
index d893ba3771..25b0eed79f 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/_distributor_init.py
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/_distributor_init.py
@@ -3,8 +3,13 @@
Distributors: you can add custom code here to support particular distributions
of numpy.
-For example, this is a good place to put any checks for hardware requirements.
+For example, this is a good place to put any BLAS/LAPACK initialization code.
The numpy standard source distribution will not put code in this file, so you
can safely replace this file with your own version.
+ from . import _distributor_init_local
+except ImportError:
+ pass
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/_pytesttester.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/_pytesttester.py
index 01ddaaf988..1c38291ae3 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/_pytesttester.py
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/_pytesttester.py
@@ -135,12 +135,13 @@ class PytestTester:
# offset verbosity. The "-q" cancels a "-v".
pytest_args += ["-q"]
- with warnings.catch_warnings():
- warnings.simplefilter("always")
- # Filter out distutils cpu warnings (could be localized to
- # distutils tests). ASV has problems with top level import,
- # so fetch module for suppression here.
- from numpy.distutils import cpuinfo
+ if sys.version_info < (3, 12):
+ with warnings.catch_warnings():
+ warnings.simplefilter("always")
+ # Filter out distutils cpu warnings (could be localized to
+ # distutils tests). ASV has problems with top level import,
+ # so fetch module for suppression here.
+ from numpy.distutils import cpuinfo
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):
# Ignore the warning from importing the array_api submodule. This
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/_typing/_array_like.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/_typing/_array_like.py
index cba6fffaf9..883e817d9a 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/_typing/_array_like.py
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/_typing/_array_like.py
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
from __future__ import annotations
+import sys
from collections.abc import Collection, Callable, Sequence
from typing import Any, Protocol, Union, TypeVar, runtime_checkable
from numpy import (
@@ -76,17 +78,18 @@ _DualArrayLike = Union[
-# TODO: support buffer protocols once
-# https://bugs.python.org/issue27501
-# is resolved. See also the mypy issue:
-# https://github.com/python/typing/issues/593
-ArrayLike = _DualArrayLike[
- dtype[Any],
- Union[bool, int, float, complex, str, bytes],
+if sys.version_info >= (3, 12):
+ from collections.abc import Buffer
+ ArrayLike = Buffer | _DualArrayLike[
+ dtype[Any],
+ Union[bool, int, float, complex, str, bytes],
+ ]
+ ArrayLike = _DualArrayLike[
+ dtype[Any],
+ Union[bool, int, float, complex, str, bytes],
+ ]
# `ArrayLike<X>_co`: array-like objects that can be coerced into `X`
# given the casting rules `same_kind`
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/_typing/_nested_sequence.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/_typing/_nested_sequence.py
index 4b6cafc510..3d0d25ae5b 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/_typing/_nested_sequence.py
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/_typing/_nested_sequence.py
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ from __future__ import annotations
from collections.abc import Iterator
from typing import (
- overload,
@@ -62,12 +61,7 @@ class _NestedSequence(Protocol[_T_co]):
"""Implement ``len(self)``."""
raise NotImplementedError
- @overload
- def __getitem__(self, index: int, /) -> _T_co | _NestedSequence[_T_co]: ...
- @overload
- def __getitem__(self, index: slice, /) -> _NestedSequence[_T_co]: ...
- def __getitem__(self, index, /):
+ def __getitem__(self, index: int, /) -> _T_co | _NestedSequence[_T_co]:
"""Implement ``self[x]``."""
raise NotImplementedError
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/_utils/__init__.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/_utils/__init__.py
index 60703f145a..388dd9174f 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/_utils/__init__.py
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/_utils/__init__.py
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ If a utility requires the import of NumPy, it probably belongs
in ``numpy.core``.
+from ._convertions import asunicode, asbytes
def set_module(module):
"""Private decorator for overriding __module__ on a function or class.
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/_utils/_convertions.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/_utils/_convertions.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ab15a8ba01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/_utils/_convertions.py
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+A set of methods retained from np.compat module that
+are still used across codebase.
+__all__ = ["asunicode", "asbytes"]
+def asunicode(s):
+ if isinstance(s, bytes):
+ return s.decode('latin1')
+ return str(s)
+def asbytes(s):
+ if isinstance(s, bytes):
+ return s
+ return str(s).encode('latin1')
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/_version.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/_version.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 2751085078..0000000000
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/_version.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-# This file was generated by 'versioneer.py' (0.26) from
-# revision-control system data, or from the parent directory name of an
-# unpacked source archive. Distribution tarballs contain a pre-generated copy
-# of this file.
-import json
-version_json = '''
- "date": "2023-07-30T18:52:43-0600",
- "dirty": false,
- "error": null,
- "full-revisionid": "ea677928332c37e8052b4d599bf6ee52cf363cf9",
- "version": "1.25.2"
-def get_versions():
- return json.loads(version_json)
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/array_api/_typing.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/array_api/_typing.py
index 3f9b7186ae..e63a375b5f 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/array_api/_typing.py
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/array_api/_typing.py
@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ __all__ = [
+import sys
from typing import (
@@ -63,8 +65,11 @@ Dtype = dtype[Union[
+if sys.version_info >= (3, 12):
+ from collections.abc import Buffer as SupportsBufferProtocol
+ SupportsBufferProtocol = Any
-SupportsBufferProtocol = Any
PyCapsule = Any
class SupportsDLPack(Protocol):
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/__init__.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/__init__.py
index 08e7173636..2d59b89e6b 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/__init__.py
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/__init__.py
@@ -6,11 +6,12 @@ are available in the main ``numpy`` namespace - use that instead.
-from numpy.version import version as __version__
import os
import warnings
+from numpy.version import version as __version__
# disables OpenBLAS affinity setting of the main thread that limits
# python threads or processes to one core
env_added = []
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/code_generators/cversions.txt b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/code_generators/cversions.txt
index e52193d7a4..651d0fe625 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/code_generators/cversions.txt
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/code_generators/cversions.txt
@@ -70,4 +70,5 @@
0x00000010 = 04a7bf1e65350926a0e528798da263c0
# Version 17 (NumPy 1.25) No actual change.
+# Version 17 (NumPy 1.26) No change.
0x00000011 = ca1aebdad799358149567d9d93cbca09
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/code_generators/generate_numpy_api.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/code_generators/generate_numpy_api.py
index bfcb0d0e54..ae38c4efc2 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/code_generators/generate_numpy_api.py
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/code_generators/generate_numpy_api.py
@@ -55,7 +55,6 @@ _import_array(void)
c_api = PyObject_GetAttrString(numpy, "_ARRAY_API");
if (c_api == NULL) {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_AttributeError, "_ARRAY_API not found");
return -1;
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/config.h.in b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/config.h.in
index e3b5597535..cd63a59b2a 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/config.h.in
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/config.h.in
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
#mesondefine HAVE___DECLSPEC_THREAD_
/* Optional headers */
+#mesondefine HAVE_FEATURES_H
#mesondefine HAVE_XLOCALE_H
#mesondefine HAVE_DLFCN_H
#mesondefine HAVE_EXECINFO_H
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/fromnumeric.pyi b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/fromnumeric.pyi
index 43d1785578..5438b2700b 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/fromnumeric.pyi
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/fromnumeric.pyi
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ from numpy import (
+ _CastingKind,
from numpy._typing import (
@@ -393,6 +394,7 @@ def clip(
subok: bool = ...,
signature: str | tuple[None | str, ...] = ...,
extobj: list[Any] = ...,
+ casting: _CastingKind = ...,
) -> _SCT: ...
def clip(
@@ -407,6 +409,7 @@ def clip(
subok: bool = ...,
signature: str | tuple[None | str, ...] = ...,
extobj: list[Any] = ...,
+ casting: _CastingKind = ...,
) -> Any: ...
def clip(
@@ -421,6 +424,7 @@ def clip(
subok: bool = ...,
signature: str | tuple[None | str, ...] = ...,
extobj: list[Any] = ...,
+ casting: _CastingKind = ...,
) -> NDArray[_SCT]: ...
def clip(
@@ -435,6 +439,7 @@ def clip(
subok: bool = ...,
signature: str | tuple[None | str, ...] = ...,
extobj: list[Any] = ...,
+ casting: _CastingKind = ...,
) -> NDArray[Any]: ...
def clip(
@@ -449,6 +454,7 @@ def clip(
subok: bool = ...,
signature: str | tuple[None | str, ...] = ...,
extobj: list[Any] = ...,
+ casting: _CastingKind = ...,
) -> Any: ...
def clip(
@@ -463,6 +469,7 @@ def clip(
subok: bool = ...,
signature: str | tuple[None | str, ...] = ...,
extobj: list[Any] = ...,
+ casting: _CastingKind = ...,
) -> _ArrayType: ...
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/include/numpy/__multiarray_api.h b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/include/numpy/__multiarray_api.h
index 3123dc8ab3..2b3dfac3f9 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/include/numpy/__multiarray_api.h
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/include/numpy/__multiarray_api.h
@@ -1495,7 +1495,6 @@ _import_array(void)
c_api = PyObject_GetAttrString(numpy, "_ARRAY_API");
if (c_api == NULL) {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_AttributeError, "_ARRAY_API not found");
return -1;
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/include/numpy/npy_common.h b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/include/numpy/npy_common.h
index fb976aa6ae..9e98f8ef5e 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/include/numpy/npy_common.h
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/include/numpy/npy_common.h
@@ -168,6 +168,9 @@
#define npy_ftell ftell
#include <sys/types.h>
+ #ifndef _WIN32
+ #include <unistd.h>
+ #endif
#define npy_lseek lseek
#define npy_off_t off_t
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/include/numpy/npy_os.h b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/include/numpy/npy_os.h
index 6d8317d066..0ce5d78b42 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/include/numpy/npy_os.h
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/include/numpy/npy_os.h
@@ -19,12 +19,18 @@
#elif defined(__CYGWIN__)
-#elif defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32__) || defined(WIN32)
- #define NPY_OS_WIN32
-#elif defined(_WIN64) || defined(__WIN64__) || defined(WIN64)
- #define NPY_OS_WIN64
-#elif defined(__MINGW32__) || defined(__MINGW64__)
+/* We are on Windows.*/
+#elif defined(_WIN32)
+ /* We are using MinGW (64-bit or 32-bit)*/
+ #if defined(__MINGW32__) || defined(__MINGW64__)
#define NPY_OS_MINGW
+ /* Otherwise, if _WIN64 is defined, we are targeting 64-bit Windows*/
+ #elif defined(_WIN64)
+ #define NPY_OS_WIN64
+ /* Otherwise assume we are targeting 32-bit Windows*/
+ #else
+ #define NPY_OS_WIN32
+ #endif
#elif defined(__APPLE__)
#elif defined(__HAIKU__)
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/meson.build b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/meson.build
index ab773c56d7..0823524d6a 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/meson.build
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/meson.build
@@ -50,7 +50,10 @@ C_API_VERSION = '0x00000011'
# Check whether we have a mismatch between the set C API VERSION and the
# actual C API VERSION. Will raise a MismatchCAPIError if so.
-r = run_command('code_generators/verify_c_api_version.py', '--api-version', C_API_VERSION)
+r = run_command(
+ 'code_generators/verify_c_api_version.py', '--api-version', C_API_VERSION,
+ check: true
if r.returncode() != 0
error('verify_c_api_version.py failed with output:\n' + r.stderr().strip())
@@ -81,6 +84,7 @@ cdata.set('NPY_API_VERSION', C_API_VERSION)
use_svml = (
host_machine.system() == 'linux' and
host_machine.cpu_family() == 'x86_64' and
not get_option('disable-svml')
if use_svml
@@ -145,20 +149,32 @@ endif
# Mandatory functions: if not found, fail the build
# Some of these can still be blocklisted if the C99 implementation
# is buggy, see numpy/core/src/common/npy_config.h
-mandatory_funcs = [
+mandatory_math_funcs = [
'sin', 'cos', 'tan', 'sinh', 'cosh', 'tanh', 'fabs',
'floor', 'ceil', 'sqrt', 'log10', 'log', 'exp', 'asin',
'acos', 'atan', 'fmod', 'modf', 'frexp', 'ldexp',
'expm1', 'log1p', 'acosh', 'asinh', 'atanh',
- 'rint', 'trunc', 'exp2',
- 'copysign', 'nextafter', 'strtoll', 'strtoull', 'cbrt',
+ 'rint', 'trunc', 'exp2', 'copysign', 'nextafter', 'cbrt',
'log2', 'pow', 'hypot', 'atan2',
- 'csin', 'csinh', 'ccos', 'ccosh', 'ctan', 'ctanh',
- 'creal', 'cimag', 'conj'
-foreach func: mandatory_funcs
- if not cc.has_function(func)
- error('Function `{func}` not found')
+foreach func: mandatory_math_funcs
+ if not cc.has_function(func, prefix: '#include <math.h>', dependencies: m_dep)
+ error(f'Function `@func@` not found')
+ endif
+mandatory_complex_math_funcs = [
+ 'csin', 'csinh', 'ccos', 'ccosh', 'ctan', 'ctanh', 'creal', 'cimag', 'conj'
+foreach func: mandatory_complex_math_funcs
+ if not cc.has_function(func, prefix: '#include <complex.h>', dependencies: m_dep)
+ error(f'Function `@func@` not found')
+ endif
+foreach func: ['strtoll', 'strtoull']
+ if not cc.has_function(func, prefix: '#include <stdlib.h>')
+ error(f'Function `@func@` not found')
@@ -173,13 +189,13 @@ c99_complex_funcs = [
foreach func: c99_complex_funcs
func_single = func + 'f'
func_longdouble = func + 'l'
- if cc.has_function(func)
+ if cc.has_function(func, prefix: '#include <complex.h>', dependencies: m_dep)
cdata.set10('HAVE_' + func.to_upper(), true)
- if cc.has_function(func_single)
+ if cc.has_function(func_single, prefix: '#include <complex.h>', dependencies: m_dep)
cdata.set10('HAVE_' + func_single.to_upper(), true)
- if cc.has_function(func_longdouble)
+ if cc.has_function(func_longdouble, prefix: '#include <complex.h>', dependencies: m_dep)
cdata.set10('HAVE_' + func_longdouble.to_upper(), true)
@@ -188,7 +204,7 @@ endforeach
# libnpymath as a C99 compat layer, these may still be relevant.
c99_macros = ['isfinite', 'isinf', 'isnan', 'signbit']
foreach macro: c99_macros
- if cc.has_function(macro)
+ if cc.has_function(macro, prefix: '#include <math.h>', dependencies: m_dep)
cdata.set10('NPY_HAVE_DECL_' + macro.to_upper(), true)
if not cc.has_header_symbol('Python.h', macro, dependencies: py_dep)
# Add in config.h as well, except if it will clash with Python's config.h content
@@ -241,37 +257,6 @@ foreach filefunc_maybe: optional_file_funcs
-# Optional locale function
-have_strtold_l = cc.has_function('strtold_l', include_directories: inc_curdir,
- prefix:'''
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <xlocale.h>
- #include "feature_detection_locale.h"
-if not have_strtold_l
- # Retry with locale.h, seems to vary across Linux distros
- have_strtold_l = cc.has_function('strtold_l', include_directories: inc_curdir,
- prefix:'''
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <locale.h>
- #include "feature_detection_locale.h"
- ''')
-if have_strtold_l
- cdata.set10('HAVE_STRTOLD_L', true)
- # FIXME: this is wrong! the HAVE_ define should not exist, or it'll be
- # interpreted as the function being available (true/false does nothing, see
- # note on HAVE_ defines higher up). This is necessary though in order to make
- # the Linux CI job pass. So either the check is wrong somehow, or this
- # function is not available in CI. For the latter there is a fallback path,
- # but that is broken because we don't have the exact long double
- # representation checks.
- if cc.get_argument_syntax() != 'msvc'
- cdata.set10('HAVE_STRTOLD_L', false)
- endif
# Other optional functions
optional_misc_funcs = [
@@ -288,11 +273,8 @@ endforeach
# SSE headers only enabled automatically on amd64/x32 builds
optional_headers = [
- 'xmmintrin.h', # SSE
- 'emmintrin.h', # SSE2
- 'immintrin.h', # AVX
'features.h', # for glibc version linux
- 'xlocale.h', # see GH#8367
+ 'xlocale.h', # removed in glibc 2.26, but may still be useful - see gh-8367
'dlfcn.h', # dladdr
'execinfo.h', # backtrace
'libunwind.h', # backtrace for LLVM/Clang using libunwind
@@ -304,6 +286,19 @@ foreach header: optional_headers
+# Optional locale function - GNU-specific
+_strtold_prefix = '''
+#define _GNU_SOURCE
+#include <locale.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+if cdata.get('HAVE_XLOCALE_H', 0) == 1
+ _strtold_prefix += '#include <xlocale.h>'
+if cc.has_function('strtold_l', include_directories: inc_curdir, prefix: _strtold_prefix)
+ cdata.set10('HAVE_STRTOLD_L', true)
# Optional compiler attributes
# TODO: this doesn't work with cc.has_function_attribute, see
# https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson/issues/10732
@@ -319,6 +314,15 @@ optional_function_attributes = [
# endif
+# Max possible optimization flags. We pass this flags to all our dispatch-able
+# (multi_targets) sources.
+compiler_id = cc.get_id()
+max_opt = {
+ 'msvc': ['/O2'],
+ 'intel-cl': ['/O3'],
+}.get(compiler_id, ['-O3'])
+max_opt = cc.has_multi_arguments(max_opt) ? max_opt : []
# Optional GCC compiler builtins and their call arguments.
# If given, a required header and definition name (HAVE_ prepended)
# Call arguments are required as the compiler will do strict signature checking
@@ -367,7 +371,9 @@ endforeach
# https://github.com/numpy/numpy/blob/eead09a3d02c09374942cdc787c0b5e4fe9e7472/numpy/core/setup_common.py#L264-L434
# This port is in service of solving gh-23972
# as well as https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson/issues/11068
-longdouble_format = meson.get_compiler('c').run(
+longdouble_format = meson.get_external_property('longdouble_format', 'UNKNOWN')
+if longdouble_format == 'UNKNOWN'
+ longdouble_format = meson.get_compiler('c').run(
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
@@ -446,7 +452,8 @@ int main(void) {
+ ''').stdout()
if longdouble_format == 'UNKNOWN' or longdouble_format == 'UNDEFINED'
error('Unknown long double format of size: ' + cc.sizeof('long double').to_string())
@@ -510,12 +517,6 @@ if cc.get_id() == 'msvc'
staticlib_cflags += '-d2VolatileMetadata-'
-# TODO: change to "feature" option in meson_options.txt? See
-# https://mesonbuild.com/Build-options.html#build-options
-if get_option('disable-simd-optimizations')
- staticlib_cflags += '-DNPY_DISABLE_OPTIMIZATION'
- staticlib_cppflags += '-DNPY_DISABLE_OPTIMIZATION'
npy_math_internal_h = custom_target(
output: 'npy_math_internal.h',
@@ -623,19 +624,10 @@ src_ufunc_api = custom_target('__ufunc_api',
# Set common build flags for C and C++ code
# -----------------------------------------
-# TODO: change to "feature" option in meson_options.txt? See
-# https://mesonbuild.com/Build-options.html#build-options
-disable_simd_optimizations = []
-if get_option('disable-simd-optimizations')
- disable_simd_optimizations = '-DNPY_DISABLE_OPTIMIZATION'
# Common build flags
c_args_common = [
- disable_simd_optimizations,
@@ -664,11 +656,9 @@ np_core_dep = declare_dependency(
- ],
- compile_args: disable_simd_optimizations
+ ]
# Build multiarray_tests module
# -----------------------------
@@ -688,15 +678,30 @@ py.extension_module('_multiarray_tests',
subdir: 'numpy/core',
+_umath_tests_mtargets = mod_features.multi_targets(
+ '_umath_tests.dispatch.h',
+ 'src/umath/_umath_tests.dispatch.c',
+ dispatch: [
+ AVX2, SSE41, SSE2,
+ VSX3, VSX2, VSX,
+ VXE, VX,
+ ],
+ baseline: CPU_BASELINE,
+ prefix: 'NPY_',
+ dependencies: [py_dep, np_core_dep]
test_modules_src = [
['_umath_tests', [
- 'src/umath/_umath_tests.dispatch.c',
- ]],
- ['_rational_tests', 'src/umath/_rational_tests.c'],
- ['_struct_ufunc_tests', 'src/umath/_struct_ufunc_tests.c'],
- ['_operand_flag_tests', 'src/umath/_operand_flag_tests.c'],
+ ],
+ _umath_tests_mtargets.static_lib('_umath_tests_mtargets')
+ ],
+ ['_rational_tests', 'src/umath/_rational_tests.c', []],
+ ['_struct_ufunc_tests', 'src/umath/_struct_ufunc_tests.c', []],
+ ['_operand_flag_tests', 'src/umath/_operand_flag_tests.c', []],
foreach gen: test_modules_src
@@ -706,7 +711,257 @@ foreach gen: test_modules_src
dependencies: np_core_dep,
install: true,
subdir: 'numpy/core',
+ link_with: gen[2],
+ )
+# Build multiarray dispatch-able sources
+# --------------------------------------
+multiarray_gen_headers = [
+ src_file.process('src/multiarray/arraytypes.h.src'),
+ src_file.process('src/common/npy_sort.h.src'),
+foreach gen_mtargets : [
+ [
+ 'argfunc.dispatch.h',
+ src_file.process('src/multiarray/argfunc.dispatch.c.src'),
+ [
+ AVX512_SKX, AVX2, XOP, SSE42, SSE2,
+ VSX2,
+ ]
+ ],
+ mtargets = mod_features.multi_targets(
+ gen_mtargets[0], multiarray_gen_headers + gen_mtargets[1],
+ dispatch: gen_mtargets[2],
+ baseline: CPU_BASELINE,
+ prefix: 'NPY_',
+ dependencies: [py_dep, np_core_dep],
+ c_args: c_args_common + max_opt,
+ cpp_args: cpp_args_common + max_opt,
+ include_directories: [
+ 'include',
+ 'src/common',
+ 'src/multiarray',
+ 'src/npymath',
+ 'src/umath'
+ ]
+ )
+ if not is_variable('multiarray_umath_mtargets')
+ multiarray_umath_mtargets = mtargets
+ else
+ multiarray_umath_mtargets.extend(mtargets)
+ endif
+# Build npysort dispatch-able sources
+# -----------------------------------
+foreach gen_mtargets : [
+ [
+ 'simd_qsort.dispatch.h',
+ 'src/npysort/simd_qsort.dispatch.cpp',
+ [AVX512_SKX]
+ ],
+ [
+ 'simd_qsort_16bit.dispatch.h',
+ 'src/npysort/simd_qsort_16bit.dispatch.cpp',
+ [AVX512_SPR, AVX512_ICL]
+ ],
+ mtargets = mod_features.multi_targets(
+ gen_mtargets[0], multiarray_gen_headers + gen_mtargets[1],
+ dispatch: gen_mtargets[2],
+ # baseline: CPU_BASELINE, it doesn't provide baseline fallback
+ prefix: 'NPY_',
+ dependencies: [py_dep, np_core_dep],
+ c_args: c_args_common + max_opt,
+ cpp_args: cpp_args_common + max_opt,
+ include_directories: [
+ 'include',
+ 'src/common',
+ 'src/multiarray',
+ 'src/npymath',
+ 'src/umath'
+ ]
+ if not is_variable('multiarray_umath_mtargets')
+ multiarray_umath_mtargets = mtargets
+ else
+ multiarray_umath_mtargets.extend(mtargets)
+ endif
+# Build umath dispatch-able sources
+# ---------------------------------
+mod_features = import('features')
+umath_gen_headers = [
+ src_file.process('src/umath/loops.h.src'),
+ src_file.process('src/umath/loops_utils.h.src'),
+foreach gen_mtargets : [
+ [
+ 'loops_arithm_fp.dispatch.h',
+ src_file.process('src/umath/loops_arithm_fp.dispatch.c.src'),
+ [
+ [AVX2, FMA3], SSE2,
+ VSX3, VSX2,
+ VXE, VX,
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ 'loops_arithmetic.dispatch.h',
+ src_file.process('src/umath/loops_arithmetic.dispatch.c.src'),
+ [
+ AVX512_SKX, AVX512F, AVX2, SSE41, SSE2,
+ VSX4, VSX2,
+ VX,
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ 'loops_comparison.dispatch.h',
+ src_file.process('src/umath/loops_comparison.dispatch.c.src'),
+ [
+ AVX512_SKX, AVX512F, AVX2, SSE42, SSE2,
+ VSX3, VSX2,
+ VXE, VX,
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ 'loops_exponent_log.dispatch.h',
+ src_file.process('src/umath/loops_exponent_log.dispatch.c.src'),
+ [
+ AVX512_SKX, AVX512F, [AVX2, FMA3]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ 'loops_hyperbolic.dispatch.h',
+ src_file.process('src/umath/loops_hyperbolic.dispatch.c.src'),
+ [
+ AVX512_SKX, [AVX2, FMA3],
+ VSX4, VSX2,
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ 'loops_logical.dispatch.h',
+ src_file.process('src/umath/loops_logical.dispatch.c.src'),
+ [
+ AVX512_SKX, AVX2, SSE2,
+ VSX2,
+ VX,
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ 'loops_minmax.dispatch.h',
+ src_file.process('src/umath/loops_minmax.dispatch.c.src'),
+ [
+ AVX512_SKX, AVX2, SSE2,
+ VSX2,
+ VXE, VX,
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ 'loops_modulo.dispatch.h',
+ src_file.process('src/umath/loops_modulo.dispatch.c.src'),
+ [
+ VSX4
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ 'loops_trigonometric.dispatch.h',
+ src_file.process('src/umath/loops_trigonometric.dispatch.c.src'),
+ [
+ AVX512F, [AVX2, FMA3],
+ VSX4, VSX3, VSX2,
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ 'loops_umath_fp.dispatch.h',
+ src_file.process('src/umath/loops_umath_fp.dispatch.c.src'),
+ [AVX512_SKX]
+ ],
+ [
+ 'loops_unary.dispatch.h',
+ src_file.process('src/umath/loops_unary.dispatch.c.src'),
+ [
+ AVX512_SKX, AVX2, SSE2,
+ VSX2,
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ 'loops_unary_fp.dispatch.h',
+ src_file.process('src/umath/loops_unary_fp.dispatch.c.src'),
+ [
+ SSE41, SSE2,
+ VSX2,
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ 'loops_unary_fp_le.dispatch.h',
+ src_file.process('src/umath/loops_unary_fp_le.dispatch.c.src'),
+ [
+ SSE41, SSE2,
+ VSX2,
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ 'loops_unary_complex.dispatch.h',
+ src_file.process('src/umath/loops_unary_complex.dispatch.c.src'),
+ [
+ AVX512F, [AVX2, FMA3], SSE2,
+ VSX3, VSX2,
+ VXE, VX,
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ 'loops_autovec.dispatch.h',
+ src_file.process('src/umath/loops_autovec.dispatch.c.src'),
+ [
+ AVX2, SSE2,
+ VSX2,
+ VX,
+ ]
+ ],
+ mtargets = mod_features.multi_targets(
+ gen_mtargets[0], umath_gen_headers + gen_mtargets[1],
+ dispatch: gen_mtargets[2],
+ baseline: CPU_BASELINE,
+ prefix: 'NPY_',
+ dependencies: [py_dep, np_core_dep],
+ c_args: c_args_common + max_opt,
+ cpp_args: cpp_args_common + max_opt,
+ include_directories: [
+ 'include',
+ 'src/common',
+ 'src/multiarray',
+ 'src/npymath',
+ 'src/umath'
+ ]
+ )
+ if not is_variable('multiarray_umath_mtargets')
+ multiarray_umath_mtargets = mtargets
+ else
+ multiarray_umath_mtargets.extend(mtargets)
+ endif
# Build _multiarray_umath module
@@ -730,12 +985,10 @@ if have_blas
-src_multiarray = [
+src_multiarray = multiarray_gen_headers + [
- src_file.process('src/multiarray/argfunc.dispatch.c.src'),
- src_file.process('src/multiarray/arraytypes.h.src'),
@@ -789,9 +1042,6 @@ src_multiarray = [
- src_file.process('src/common/npy_sort.h.src'),
- 'src/npysort/simd_qsort.dispatch.cpp',
- 'src/npysort/simd_qsort_16bit.dispatch.cpp',
@@ -814,26 +1064,9 @@ src_multiarray = [
-src_umath = [
+src_umath = umath_gen_headers + [
- src_file.process('src/umath/loops.h.src'),
- src_file.process('src/umath/loops_utils.h.src'),
- src_file.process('src/umath/loops_arithm_fp.dispatch.c.src'),
- src_file.process('src/umath/loops_arithmetic.dispatch.c.src'),
- src_file.process('src/umath/loops_comparison.dispatch.c.src'),
- src_file.process('src/umath/loops_exponent_log.dispatch.c.src'),
- src_file.process('src/umath/loops_hyperbolic.dispatch.c.src'),
- src_file.process('src/umath/loops_logical.dispatch.c.src'),
- src_file.process('src/umath/loops_minmax.dispatch.c.src'),
- src_file.process('src/umath/loops_modulo.dispatch.c.src'),
- src_file.process('src/umath/loops_trigonometric.dispatch.c.src'),
- src_file.process('src/umath/loops_umath_fp.dispatch.c.src'),
- src_file.process('src/umath/loops_unary.dispatch.c.src'),
- src_file.process('src/umath/loops_unary_fp.dispatch.c.src'),
- src_file.process('src/umath/loops_unary_fp_le.dispatch.c.src'),
- src_file.process('src/umath/loops_unary_complex.dispatch.c.src'),
- src_file.process('src/umath/loops_autovec.dispatch.c.src'),
@@ -860,52 +1093,24 @@ src_umath = [
# may be able to avoid the accuracy regressions in SVML.
svml_objects = []
if use_svml
- svml_objects += [
- 'src/umath/svml/linux/avx512/svml_z0_acos_d_la.s',
- 'src/umath/svml/linux/avx512/svml_z0_acos_s_la.s',
- 'src/umath/svml/linux/avx512/svml_z0_acosh_d_la.s',
- 'src/umath/svml/linux/avx512/svml_z0_acosh_s_la.s',
- 'src/umath/svml/linux/avx512/svml_z0_asin_d_la.s',
- 'src/umath/svml/linux/avx512/svml_z0_asin_s_la.s',
- 'src/umath/svml/linux/avx512/svml_z0_asinh_d_la.s',
- 'src/umath/svml/linux/avx512/svml_z0_asinh_s_la.s',
- 'src/umath/svml/linux/avx512/svml_z0_atan2_d_la.s',
- 'src/umath/svml/linux/avx512/svml_z0_atan2_s_la.s',
- 'src/umath/svml/linux/avx512/svml_z0_atan_d_la.s',
- 'src/umath/svml/linux/avx512/svml_z0_atan_s_la.s',
- 'src/umath/svml/linux/avx512/svml_z0_atanh_d_la.s',
- 'src/umath/svml/linux/avx512/svml_z0_atanh_s_la.s',
- 'src/umath/svml/linux/avx512/svml_z0_cbrt_d_la.s',
- 'src/umath/svml/linux/avx512/svml_z0_cbrt_s_la.s',
- 'src/umath/svml/linux/avx512/svml_z0_cos_d_la.s',
- 'src/umath/svml/linux/avx512/svml_z0_cos_s_la.s',
- 'src/umath/svml/linux/avx512/svml_z0_cosh_d_la.s',
- 'src/umath/svml/linux/avx512/svml_z0_cosh_s_la.s',
- 'src/umath/svml/linux/avx512/svml_z0_exp2_d_la.s',
- 'src/umath/svml/linux/avx512/svml_z0_exp2_s_la.s',
- 'src/umath/svml/linux/avx512/svml_z0_exp_d_la.s',
- 'src/umath/svml/linux/avx512/svml_z0_exp_s_la.s',
- 'src/umath/svml/linux/avx512/svml_z0_expm1_d_la.s',
- 'src/umath/svml/linux/avx512/svml_z0_expm1_s_la.s',
- 'src/umath/svml/linux/avx512/svml_z0_log10_d_la.s',
- 'src/umath/svml/linux/avx512/svml_z0_log10_s_la.s',
- 'src/umath/svml/linux/avx512/svml_z0_log1p_d_la.s',
- 'src/umath/svml/linux/avx512/svml_z0_log1p_s_la.s',
- 'src/umath/svml/linux/avx512/svml_z0_log2_d_la.s',
- 'src/umath/svml/linux/avx512/svml_z0_log2_s_la.s',
- 'src/umath/svml/linux/avx512/svml_z0_log_d_la.s',
- 'src/umath/svml/linux/avx512/svml_z0_log_s_la.s',
- 'src/umath/svml/linux/avx512/svml_z0_pow_d_la.s',
- 'src/umath/svml/linux/avx512/svml_z0_pow_s_la.s',
- 'src/umath/svml/linux/avx512/svml_z0_sin_d_la.s',
- 'src/umath/svml/linux/avx512/svml_z0_sin_s_la.s',
- 'src/umath/svml/linux/avx512/svml_z0_sinh_d_la.s',
- 'src/umath/svml/linux/avx512/svml_z0_sinh_s_la.s',
- 'src/umath/svml/linux/avx512/svml_z0_tan_d_la.s',
- 'src/umath/svml/linux/avx512/svml_z0_tan_s_la.s',
- # 'src/umath/svml/linux/avx512/svml_z0_tanh_d_la.s',
- 'src/umath/svml/linux/avx512/svml_z0_tanh_s_la.s',
+ foreach svml_func : [
+ 'acos', 'acosh', 'asin',
+ 'asinh', 'atan2',
+ 'atan', 'atanh',
+ 'cbrt', 'cos',
+ 'cosh', 'exp2',
+ 'exp', 'expm1',
+ 'log10', 'log1p',
+ 'log2', 'log',
+ 'pow', 'sin', 'sinh', 'tan',
+ 'tanh'
+ foreach svml_sfx : ['d_la', 's_la', 'd_ha', 's_la']
+ svml_objects += [
+ 'src/umath/svml/linux/avx512/svml_z0_'+svml_func+'_'+svml_sfx+'.s'
+ ]
+ endforeach
+ endforeach
@@ -931,26 +1136,60 @@ py.extension_module('_multiarray_umath',
dependencies: blas_dep,
- link_with: npymath_lib,
+ link_with: [npymath_lib, multiarray_umath_mtargets.static_lib('_multiarray_umath_mtargets')],
install: true,
subdir: 'numpy/core',
# Build SIMD module
# -----------------
+_simd_dispatch = []
+_simd_baseline = []
+foreach target : get_option('test-simd')
+ target = target.strip().to_upper().split(',')
+ mfeatures = []
+ foreach fet_name : target
+ if fet_name == 'BASELINE'
+ _simd_baseline = CPU_BASELINE
+ break
+ endif
+ if fet_name not in CPU_FEATURES
+ error('Expected a valid feature name, got('+fet_name+')')
+ endif
+ mfeatures += CPU_FEATURES[fet_name]
+ endforeach
+ _simd_dispatch += [mfeatures]
+_simd_mtargets = mod_features.multi_targets(
+ '_simd.dispatch.h',
- 'src/common/npy_cpu_features.c',
- 'src/_simd/_simd.c',
+ # Skip validating the order of `_simd_dispatch` because we execute all these
+ # features, not just the highest interest one. The sorting doesn't matter
+ # here, given the nature of this testing unit.
+ keep_sort: true,
+ dispatch: _simd_dispatch,
+ baseline: _simd_baseline,
+ prefix: 'NPY_',
+ dependencies: [py_dep, np_core_dep],
+ include_directories: ['src/_simd', 'src/npymath'],
+ c_args: c_args_common,
+ cpp_args: cpp_args_common,
+ [
+ 'src/common/npy_cpu_features.c',
+ 'src/_simd/_simd.c',
+ ],
c_args: c_args_common,
include_directories: ['src/_simd', 'src/npymath'],
dependencies: np_core_dep,
- link_with: npymath_lib,
+ link_with: [npymath_lib, _simd_mtargets.static_lib('_simd_mtargets')],
install: true,
subdir: 'numpy/core',
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/numeric.pyi b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/numeric.pyi
index 98d3789a57..fc10bb88f5 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/numeric.pyi
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/numeric.pyi
@@ -8,7 +8,10 @@ from typing import (
-from typing_extensions import TypeGuard
+if sys.version_info >= (3, 10):
+ from typing import TypeGuard
+ from typing_extensions import TypeGuard
from numpy import (
ComplexWarning as ComplexWarning,
@@ -597,7 +600,7 @@ def isscalar(element: object) -> TypeGuard[
generic | bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes | memoryview
]: ...
-def binary_repr(num: int, width: None | int = ...) -> str: ...
+def binary_repr(num: SupportsIndex, width: None | int = ...) -> str: ...
def base_repr(
number: SupportsAbs[float],
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/setup.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/setup.py
index c6cdd40259..a05b5da796 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/setup.py
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/setup.py
@@ -417,7 +417,6 @@ def configuration(parent_package='',top_path=None):
from numpy.distutils.system_info import (get_info, blas_opt_info,
- from numpy.version import release as is_released
config = Configuration('core', parent_package, top_path)
local_dir = config.local_path
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/_simd/_simd.c b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/_simd/_simd.c
index 52b66e7652..5a113fe578 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/_simd/_simd.c
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/_simd/_simd.c
@@ -85,9 +85,13 @@ PyMODINIT_FUNC PyInit__simd(void)
goto err; \
} \
+ #else
+ #endif
return m;
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/_simd/_simd.dispatch.c b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/_simd/_simd.dispatch.c
index b930ac657a..2c303e82b9 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/_simd/_simd.dispatch.c
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/_simd/_simd.dispatch.c
@@ -21996,7 +21996,9 @@ NPY_CPU_DISPATCH_CURFX(simd_create_module)(void)
static struct PyModuleDef defs = {
.m_base = PyModuleDef_HEAD_INIT,
+ #if defined(NPY_MTARGETS_CURRENT) // meson build
+ .m_name = "numpy.core._simd." NPY_TOSTRING(NPY_MTARGETS_CURRENT),
+ #elif defined(NPY__CPU_TARGET_CURRENT)
.m_name = "numpy.core._simd." NPY_TOSTRING(NPY__CPU_TARGET_CURRENT),
.m_name = "numpy.core._simd.baseline",
@@ -22034,52 +22036,52 @@ NPY_CPU_DISPATCH_CURFX(simd_create_module)(void)
if (PySIMDVectorType_Init(m)) {
goto err;
- #line 963
+ #line 965
if (PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "nlanes_u8", npyv_nlanes_u8)) {
goto err;
-#line 963
+#line 965
if (PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "nlanes_s8", npyv_nlanes_s8)) {
goto err;
-#line 963
+#line 965
if (PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "nlanes_u16", npyv_nlanes_u16)) {
goto err;
-#line 963
+#line 965
if (PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "nlanes_s16", npyv_nlanes_s16)) {
goto err;
-#line 963
+#line 965
if (PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "nlanes_u32", npyv_nlanes_u32)) {
goto err;
-#line 963
+#line 965
if (PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "nlanes_s32", npyv_nlanes_s32)) {
goto err;
-#line 963
+#line 965
if (PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "nlanes_u64", npyv_nlanes_u64)) {
goto err;
-#line 963
+#line 965
if (PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "nlanes_s64", npyv_nlanes_s64)) {
goto err;
-#line 963
+#line 965
if (PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "nlanes_f32", npyv_nlanes_f32)) {
goto err;
-#line 963
+#line 965
if (PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "nlanes_f64", npyv_nlanes_f64)) {
goto err;
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/_simd/_simd.dispatch.c.src b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/_simd/_simd.dispatch.c.src
index f532c9e022..51f5ddd54b 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/_simd/_simd.dispatch.c.src
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/_simd/_simd.dispatch.c.src
@@ -919,7 +919,9 @@ NPY_CPU_DISPATCH_CURFX(simd_create_module)(void)
static struct PyModuleDef defs = {
.m_base = PyModuleDef_HEAD_INIT,
+ #if defined(NPY_MTARGETS_CURRENT) // meson build
+ .m_name = "numpy.core._simd." NPY_TOSTRING(NPY_MTARGETS_CURRENT),
+ #elif defined(NPY__CPU_TARGET_CURRENT)
.m_name = "numpy.core._simd." NPY_TOSTRING(NPY__CPU_TARGET_CURRENT),
.m_name = "numpy.core._simd.baseline",
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/_simd/_simd_inc.h b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/_simd/_simd_inc.h
index c1a2e9aa72..fb05e55a5c 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/_simd/_simd_inc.h
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/_simd/_simd_inc.h
@@ -371,19 +371,19 @@ typedef struct
// type name compatible with python style
const char *pyname;
// returns '1' if the type represent a unsigned integer
- int is_unsigned:1;
+ unsigned int is_unsigned:1;
// returns '1' if the type represent a signed integer
- int is_signed:1;
+ unsigned int is_signed:1;
// returns '1' if the type represent a single or double precision
- int is_float:1;
+ unsigned int is_float:1;
// returns '1' if the type represent a boolean
- int is_bool:1;
+ unsigned int is_bool:1;
// returns '1' if the type represent a sequence
- int is_sequence:1;
+ unsigned int is_sequence:1;
// returns '1' if the type represent a scalar
- int is_scalar:1;
+ unsigned int is_scalar:1;
// returns '1' if the type represent a vector
- int is_vector:1;
+ unsigned int is_vector:1;
// returns the len of multi-vector if the type represent x2 or x3 vector
// otherwise returns 0, e.g. returns 2 if data type is simd_data_vu8x2
int is_vectorx;
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/_simd/_simd_inc.h.src b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/_simd/_simd_inc.h.src
index 887545414b..a023848831 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/_simd/_simd_inc.h.src
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/_simd/_simd_inc.h.src
@@ -105,19 +105,19 @@ typedef struct
// type name compatible with python style
const char *pyname;
// returns '1' if the type represent a unsigned integer
- int is_unsigned:1;
+ unsigned int is_unsigned:1;
// returns '1' if the type represent a signed integer
- int is_signed:1;
+ unsigned int is_signed:1;
// returns '1' if the type represent a single or double precision
- int is_float:1;
+ unsigned int is_float:1;
// returns '1' if the type represent a boolean
- int is_bool:1;
+ unsigned int is_bool:1;
// returns '1' if the type represent a sequence
- int is_sequence:1;
+ unsigned int is_sequence:1;
// returns '1' if the type represent a scalar
- int is_scalar:1;
+ unsigned int is_scalar:1;
// returns '1' if the type represent a vector
- int is_vector:1;
+ unsigned int is_vector:1;
// returns the len of multi-vector if the type represent x2 or x3 vector
// otherwise returns 0, e.g. returns 2 if data type is simd_data_vu8x2
int is_vectorx;
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/common/half.hpp b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/common/half.hpp
index 4d16e3bcc1..ff9a547766 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/common/half.hpp
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/common/half.hpp
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ class Half final {
) || (
std::is_same_v<T, double> &&
- #if defined(NPY_HAVE_AVX512FP16) || defined(NPY_HAVE_VSX3)
+ #if defined(NPY_HAVE_AVX512FP16) || (defined(NPY_HAVE_VSX3) && defined(NPY_HAVE_VSX3_HALF_DOUBLE))
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ class Half final {
/// Default constructor. initialize nothing.
Half() = default;
- /// Constract from float
+ /// Construct from float
/// If there are no hardware optimization available, rounding will always
/// be set to ties to even.
explicit Half(float f)
@@ -73,11 +73,8 @@ class Half final {
#if defined(NPY_HAVE_AVX512FP16)
__m128d md = _mm_load_sd(&f);
bits_ = static_cast<uint16_t>(_mm_cvtsi128_si32(_mm_castph_si128(_mm_cvtpd_ph(md))));
- #elif defined(NPY_HAVE_VSX3) && defined(NPY_HAVE_VSX_ASM)
- __vector double vf64 = vec_splats(f);
- __vector unsigned short vf16;
- __asm__ __volatile__ ("xvcvdphp %x0,%x1" : "=wa" (vf16) : "wa" (vf64));
- bits_ = vec_extract(vf16, 0);
+ #elif defined(NPY_HAVE_VSX3) && defined(NPY_HAVE_VSX3_HALF_DOUBLE)
+ __asm__ __volatile__ ("xscvdphp %x0,%x1" : "=wa" (bits_) : "wa" (f));
bits_ = half_private::FromDoubleBits(BitCast<uint64_t>(f));
@@ -96,7 +93,7 @@ class Half final {
__vector float vf32;
__asm__ __volatile__("xvcvhpsp %x0,%x1"
: "=wa"(vf32)
- : "wa"(vec_splats(bits_.u)));
+ : "wa"(vec_splats(bits_)));
return vec_extract(vf32, 0);
return BitCast<float>(half_private::ToFloatBits(bits_));
@@ -110,18 +107,18 @@ class Half final {
double ret;
_mm_store_sd(&ret, _mm_cvtph_pd(_mm_castsi128_ph(_mm_cvtsi32_si128(bits_))));
return ret;
- #elif defined(NPY_HAVE_VSX3) && defined(NPY_HAVE_VSX_ASM)
- __vector float vf64;
- __asm__ __volatile__("xvcvhpdp %x0,%x1"
- : "=wa"(vf32)
- : "wa"(vec_splats(bits_)));
- return vec_extract(vf64, 0);
+ #elif defined(NPY_HAVE_VSX3) && defined(NPY_HAVE_VSX3_HALF_DOUBLE)
+ double f64;
+ __asm__ __volatile__("xscvhpdp %x0,%x1"
+ : "=wa"(f64)
+ : "wa"(bits_));
+ return f64;
return BitCast<double>(half_private::ToDoubleBits(bits_));
- /// Returns a new Half constracted from the IEEE 754 binary16.
+ /// Returns a new Half constructed from the IEEE 754 binary16.
static constexpr Half FromBits(uint16_t bits)
Half h{};
@@ -134,7 +131,7 @@ class Half final {
return bits_;
- /// @name Comparison operators (orderd)
+ /// @name Comparison operators (ordered)
/// @{
constexpr bool operator==(Half r) const
@@ -158,7 +155,7 @@ class Half final {
/// @}
- /// @name Comparison operators (unorderd)
+ /// @name Comparison operators (unordered)
/// @{
constexpr bool operator!=(Half r) const
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/common/npy_cblas.h b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/common/npy_cblas.h
index 751854b6eb..596a7c68ce 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/common/npy_cblas.h
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/common/npy_cblas.h
@@ -25,6 +25,21 @@ enum CBLAS_SIDE {CblasLeft=141, CblasRight=142};
#define CBLAS_INDEX size_t /* this may vary between platforms */
+ #ifdef HAVE_BLAS_ILP64
+ #error "Accelerate ILP64 support is only available with macOS 13.3 SDK or later"
+ #endif
+ #else
+ #ifdef HAVE_BLAS_ILP64
+ #else
+ #endif
+ #endif
@@ -42,8 +57,21 @@ enum CBLAS_SIDE {CblasLeft=141, CblasRight=142};
#define BLAS_FUNC_CONCAT(name,prefix,suffix,suffix2) prefix ## name ## suffix ## suffix2
#define BLAS_FUNC_EXPAND(name,prefix,suffix,suffix2) BLAS_FUNC_CONCAT(name,prefix,suffix,suffix2)
+ * Use either the OpenBLAS scheme with the `64_` suffix behind the Fortran
+ * compiler symbol mangling, or the MKL scheme (and upcoming
+ * reference-lapack#666) which does it the other way around and uses `_64`.
+ */
+ * Note that CBLAS doesn't include Fortran compiler symbol mangling, so ends up
+ * being the same in both schemes
+ */
#ifdef HAVE_BLAS_ILP64
#define CBLAS_INT npy_int64
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/common/npy_config.h b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/common/npy_config.h
index 715b17777a..e590366888 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/common/npy_config.h
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/common/npy_config.h
@@ -160,8 +160,29 @@
#endif /* __GLIBC_PREREQ(2, 18) */
-#endif /* defined(__GLIBC_PREREQ) */
+#else /* defined(__GLIBC) */
+/* musl linux?, see issue #25092 */
+#undef HAVE_CASIN
+#undef HAVE_CATAN
+#undef HAVE_CACOS
+#endif /* defined(__GLIBC) */
#endif /* defined(HAVE_FEATURES_H) */
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/common/npy_cpu_dispatch.h b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/common/npy_cpu_dispatch.h
index 4d5addec80..699f8536f6 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/common/npy_cpu_dispatch.h
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/common/npy_cpu_dispatch.h
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@
@@ -261,5 +262,5 @@
( LEFT __VA_ARGS__ )
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/common/numpyos.c b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/common/numpyos.c
index 1463730534..c499dd4dd1 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/common/numpyos.c
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/common/numpyos.c
@@ -11,6 +11,9 @@
#include "npy_pycompat.h"
+#if defined(HAVE_STRTOLD_L) && !defined(_GNU_SOURCE)
+# define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <locale.h>
#include <stdio.h>
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/common/simd/avx2/memory.h b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/common/simd/avx2/memory.h
index 993d3ba0d0..f186365381 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/common/simd/avx2/memory.h
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/common/simd/avx2/memory.h
@@ -196,7 +196,12 @@ NPY_FINLINE npyv_s32 npyv_load_till_s32(const npy_int32 *ptr, npy_uintp nlane, n
__m256i vnlane = _mm256_set1_epi32(nlane > 8 ? 8 : (int)nlane);
__m256i mask = _mm256_cmpgt_epi32(vnlane, steps);
__m256i payload = _mm256_maskload_epi32((const int*)ptr, mask);
- return _mm256_blendv_epi8(vfill, payload, mask);
+ __m256i ret = _mm256_blendv_epi8(vfill, payload, mask);
+ volatile __m256i workaround = ret;
+ ret = _mm256_or_si256(workaround, ret);
+ return ret;
// fill zero to rest lanes
NPY_FINLINE npyv_s32 npyv_load_tillz_s32(const npy_int32 *ptr, npy_uintp nlane)
@@ -205,7 +210,12 @@ NPY_FINLINE npyv_s32 npyv_load_tillz_s32(const npy_int32 *ptr, npy_uintp nlane)
const __m256i steps = _mm256_setr_epi32(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7);
__m256i vnlane = _mm256_set1_epi32(nlane > 8 ? 8 : (int)nlane);
__m256i mask = _mm256_cmpgt_epi32(vnlane, steps);
- return _mm256_maskload_epi32((const int*)ptr, mask);
+ __m256i ret = _mm256_maskload_epi32((const int*)ptr, mask);
+ volatile __m256i workaround = ret;
+ ret = _mm256_or_si256(workaround, ret);
+ return ret;
//// 64
NPY_FINLINE npyv_s64 npyv_load_till_s64(const npy_int64 *ptr, npy_uintp nlane, npy_int64 fill)
@@ -216,7 +226,12 @@ NPY_FINLINE npyv_s64 npyv_load_till_s64(const npy_int64 *ptr, npy_uintp nlane, n
__m256i vnlane = npyv_setall_s64(nlane > 4 ? 4 : (int)nlane);
__m256i mask = _mm256_cmpgt_epi64(vnlane, steps);
__m256i payload = _mm256_maskload_epi64((const long long*)ptr, mask);
- return _mm256_blendv_epi8(vfill, payload, mask);
+ __m256i ret = _mm256_blendv_epi8(vfill, payload, mask);
+ volatile __m256i workaround = ret;
+ ret = _mm256_or_si256(workaround, ret);
+ return ret;
// fill zero to rest lanes
NPY_FINLINE npyv_s64 npyv_load_tillz_s64(const npy_int64 *ptr, npy_uintp nlane)
@@ -225,7 +240,12 @@ NPY_FINLINE npyv_s64 npyv_load_tillz_s64(const npy_int64 *ptr, npy_uintp nlane)
const __m256i steps = npyv_set_s64(0, 1, 2, 3);
__m256i vnlane = npyv_setall_s64(nlane > 4 ? 4 : (int)nlane);
__m256i mask = _mm256_cmpgt_epi64(vnlane, steps);
- return _mm256_maskload_epi64((const long long*)ptr, mask);
+ __m256i ret = _mm256_maskload_epi64((const long long*)ptr, mask);
+ volatile __m256i workaround = ret;
+ ret = _mm256_or_si256(workaround, ret);
+ return ret;
//// 64-bit nlane
@@ -241,7 +261,12 @@ NPY_FINLINE npyv_s32 npyv_load2_till_s32(const npy_int32 *ptr, npy_uintp nlane,
__m256i vnlane = npyv_setall_s64(nlane > 4 ? 4 : (int)nlane);
__m256i mask = _mm256_cmpgt_epi64(vnlane, steps);
__m256i payload = _mm256_maskload_epi64((const long long*)ptr, mask);
- return _mm256_blendv_epi8(vfill, payload, mask);
+ __m256i ret = _mm256_blendv_epi8(vfill, payload, mask);
+ volatile __m256i workaround = ret;
+ ret = _mm256_or_si256(workaround, ret);
+ return ret;
// fill zero to rest lanes
NPY_FINLINE npyv_s32 npyv_load2_tillz_s32(const npy_int32 *ptr, npy_uintp nlane)
@@ -251,19 +276,29 @@ NPY_FINLINE npyv_s32 npyv_load2_tillz_s32(const npy_int32 *ptr, npy_uintp nlane)
NPY_FINLINE npyv_u64 npyv_load2_tillz_s64(const npy_int64 *ptr, npy_uintp nlane)
assert(nlane > 0);
- npy_int64 m = -((npy_int64)(nlane > 1));
+ npy_int64 m = -((npy_int64)(nlane > 1));
__m256i mask = npyv_set_s64(-1, -1, m, m);
- return _mm256_maskload_epi64((const long long*)ptr, mask);
+ __m256i ret = _mm256_maskload_epi64((const long long*)ptr, mask);
+ volatile __m256i workaround = ret;
+ ret = _mm256_or_si256(workaround, ret);
+ return ret;
// fill zero to rest lanes
NPY_FINLINE npyv_u64 npyv_load2_till_s64(const npy_int64 *ptr, npy_uintp nlane,
npy_int64 fill_lo, npy_int64 fill_hi)
const __m256i vfill = npyv_set_s64(0, 0, fill_lo, fill_hi);
- npy_int64 m = -((npy_int64)(nlane > 1));
- __m256i mask = npyv_set_s64(-1, -1, m, m);
+ npy_int64 m = -((npy_int64)(nlane > 1));
+ __m256i mask = npyv_set_s64(-1, -1, m, m);
__m256i payload = _mm256_maskload_epi64((const long long*)ptr, mask);
- return _mm256_blendv_epi8(vfill, payload, mask);
+ __m256i ret =_mm256_blendv_epi8(vfill, payload, mask);
+ volatile __m256i workaround = ret;
+ ret = _mm256_or_si256(workaround, ret);
+ return ret;
* Non-contiguous partial load
@@ -277,9 +312,14 @@ npyv_loadn_till_s32(const npy_int32 *ptr, npy_intp stride, npy_uintp nlane, npy_
const __m256i vfill = _mm256_set1_epi32(fill);
const __m256i steps = _mm256_setr_epi32(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7);
const __m256i idx = _mm256_mullo_epi32(_mm256_set1_epi32((int)stride), steps);
- __m256i vnlane = _mm256_set1_epi32(nlane > 8 ? 8 : (int)nlane);
- __m256i mask = _mm256_cmpgt_epi32(vnlane, steps);
- return _mm256_mask_i32gather_epi32(vfill, (const int*)ptr, idx, mask, 4);
+ __m256i vnlane = _mm256_set1_epi32(nlane > 8 ? 8 : (int)nlane);
+ __m256i mask = _mm256_cmpgt_epi32(vnlane, steps);
+ __m256i ret = _mm256_mask_i32gather_epi32(vfill, (const int*)ptr, idx, mask, 4);
+ volatile __m256i workaround = ret;
+ ret = _mm256_or_si256(workaround, ret);
+ return ret;
// fill zero to rest lanes
NPY_FINLINE npyv_s32
@@ -293,9 +333,14 @@ npyv_loadn_till_s64(const npy_int64 *ptr, npy_intp stride, npy_uintp nlane, npy_
const __m256i vfill = npyv_setall_s64(fill);
const __m256i idx = npyv_set_s64(0, 1*stride, 2*stride, 3*stride);
const __m256i steps = npyv_set_s64(0, 1, 2, 3);
- __m256i vnlane = npyv_setall_s64(nlane > 4 ? 4 : (int)nlane);
- __m256i mask = _mm256_cmpgt_epi64(vnlane, steps);
- return _mm256_mask_i64gather_epi64(vfill, (const long long*)ptr, idx, mask, 8);
+ __m256i vnlane = npyv_setall_s64(nlane > 4 ? 4 : (int)nlane);
+ __m256i mask = _mm256_cmpgt_epi64(vnlane, steps);
+ __m256i ret = _mm256_mask_i64gather_epi64(vfill, (const long long*)ptr, idx, mask, 8);
+ volatile __m256i workaround = ret;
+ ret = _mm256_or_si256(workaround, ret);
+ return ret;
// fill zero to rest lanes
NPY_FINLINE npyv_s64
@@ -313,9 +358,14 @@ NPY_FINLINE npyv_s64 npyv_loadn2_till_s32(const npy_int32 *ptr, npy_intp stride,
const __m256i idx = npyv_set_s64(0, 1*stride, 2*stride, 3*stride);
const __m256i steps = npyv_set_s64(0, 1, 2, 3);
- __m256i vnlane = npyv_setall_s64(nlane > 4 ? 4 : (int)nlane);
- __m256i mask = _mm256_cmpgt_epi64(vnlane, steps);
- return _mm256_mask_i64gather_epi64(vfill, (const long long*)ptr, idx, mask, 4);
+ __m256i vnlane = npyv_setall_s64(nlane > 4 ? 4 : (int)nlane);
+ __m256i mask = _mm256_cmpgt_epi64(vnlane, steps);
+ __m256i ret = _mm256_mask_i64gather_epi64(vfill, (const long long*)ptr, idx, mask, 4);
+ volatile __m256i workaround = ret;
+ ret = _mm256_or_si256(workaround, ret);
+ return ret;
// fill zero to rest lanes
NPY_FINLINE npyv_s32 npyv_loadn2_tillz_s32(const npy_int32 *ptr, npy_intp stride, npy_uintp nlane)
@@ -323,7 +373,7 @@ NPY_FINLINE npyv_s32 npyv_loadn2_tillz_s32(const npy_int32 *ptr, npy_intp stride
//// 128-bit load over 64-bit stride
NPY_FINLINE npyv_s64 npyv_loadn2_till_s64(const npy_int64 *ptr, npy_intp stride, npy_uintp nlane,
- npy_int64 fill_lo, npy_int64 fill_hi)
+ npy_int64 fill_lo, npy_int64 fill_hi)
assert(nlane > 0);
__m256i a = npyv_loadl_s64(ptr);
@@ -336,7 +386,12 @@ NPY_FINLINE npyv_s64 npyv_loadn2_till_s64(const npy_int64 *ptr, npy_intp stride,
__m128i fill = _mm_set_epi64x(fill_hi, fill_lo);
__m128i b = nlane > 1 ? _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)(ptr + stride)) : fill;
- return _mm256_inserti128_si256(a, b, 1);
+ __m256i ret = _mm256_inserti128_si256(a, b, 1);
+ volatile __m256i workaround = ret;
+ ret = _mm256_or_si256(workaround, ret);
+ return ret;
// fill zero to rest lanes
NPY_FINLINE npyv_s64 npyv_loadn2_tillz_s64(const npy_int64 *ptr, npy_intp stride, npy_uintp nlane)
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/common/simd/avx512/memory.h b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/common/simd/avx512/memory.h
index fdf96a92c5..e981ef8f6d 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/common/simd/avx512/memory.h
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/common/simd/avx512/memory.h
@@ -248,14 +248,24 @@ NPY_FINLINE npyv_s32 npyv_load_till_s32(const npy_int32 *ptr, npy_uintp nlane, n
assert(nlane > 0);
const __m512i vfill = _mm512_set1_epi32(fill);
const __mmask16 mask = nlane > 15 ? -1 : (1 << nlane) - 1;
- return _mm512_mask_loadu_epi32(vfill, mask, (const __m512i*)ptr);
+ __m512i ret = _mm512_mask_loadu_epi32(vfill, mask, (const __m512i*)ptr);
+ volatile __m512i workaround = ret;
+ ret = _mm512_or_si512(workaround, ret);
+ return ret;
// fill zero to rest lanes
NPY_FINLINE npyv_s32 npyv_load_tillz_s32(const npy_int32 *ptr, npy_uintp nlane)
assert(nlane > 0);
const __mmask16 mask = nlane > 15 ? -1 : (1 << nlane) - 1;
- return _mm512_maskz_loadu_epi32(mask, (const __m512i*)ptr);
+ __m512i ret = _mm512_maskz_loadu_epi32(mask, (const __m512i*)ptr);
+ volatile __m512i workaround = ret;
+ ret = _mm512_or_si512(workaround, ret);
+ return ret;
//// 64
NPY_FINLINE npyv_s64 npyv_load_till_s64(const npy_int64 *ptr, npy_uintp nlane, npy_int64 fill)
@@ -263,14 +273,24 @@ NPY_FINLINE npyv_s64 npyv_load_till_s64(const npy_int64 *ptr, npy_uintp nlane, n
assert(nlane > 0);
const __m512i vfill = npyv_setall_s64(fill);
const __mmask8 mask = nlane > 7 ? -1 : (1 << nlane) - 1;
- return _mm512_mask_loadu_epi64(vfill, mask, (const __m512i*)ptr);
+ __m512i ret = _mm512_mask_loadu_epi64(vfill, mask, (const __m512i*)ptr);
+ volatile __m512i workaround = ret;
+ ret = _mm512_or_si512(workaround, ret);
+ return ret;
// fill zero to rest lanes
NPY_FINLINE npyv_s64 npyv_load_tillz_s64(const npy_int64 *ptr, npy_uintp nlane)
assert(nlane > 0);
const __mmask8 mask = nlane > 7 ? -1 : (1 << nlane) - 1;
- return _mm512_maskz_loadu_epi64(mask, (const __m512i*)ptr);
+ __m512i ret = _mm512_maskz_loadu_epi64(mask, (const __m512i*)ptr);
+ volatile __m512i workaround = ret;
+ ret = _mm512_or_si512(workaround, ret);
+ return ret;
//// 64-bit nlane
@@ -280,7 +300,12 @@ NPY_FINLINE npyv_s32 npyv_load2_till_s32(const npy_int32 *ptr, npy_uintp nlane,
assert(nlane > 0);
const __m512i vfill = _mm512_set4_epi32(fill_hi, fill_lo, fill_hi, fill_lo);
const __mmask8 mask = nlane > 7 ? -1 : (1 << nlane) - 1;
- return _mm512_mask_loadu_epi64(vfill, mask, (const __m512i*)ptr);
+ __m512i ret = _mm512_mask_loadu_epi64(vfill, mask, (const __m512i*)ptr);
+ volatile __m512i workaround = ret;
+ ret = _mm512_or_si512(workaround, ret);
+ return ret;
// fill zero to rest lanes
NPY_FINLINE npyv_s32 npyv_load2_tillz_s32(const npy_int32 *ptr, npy_uintp nlane)
@@ -293,14 +318,24 @@ NPY_FINLINE npyv_u64 npyv_load2_till_s64(const npy_int64 *ptr, npy_uintp nlane,
assert(nlane > 0);
const __m512i vfill = _mm512_set4_epi64(fill_hi, fill_lo, fill_hi, fill_lo);
const __mmask8 mask = nlane > 3 ? -1 : (1 << (nlane*2)) - 1;
- return _mm512_mask_loadu_epi64(vfill, mask, (const __m512i*)ptr);
+ __m512i ret = _mm512_mask_loadu_epi64(vfill, mask, (const __m512i*)ptr);
+ volatile __m512i workaround = ret;
+ ret = _mm512_or_si512(workaround, ret);
+ return ret;
// fill zero to rest lanes
NPY_FINLINE npyv_s64 npyv_load2_tillz_s64(const npy_int64 *ptr, npy_uintp nlane)
assert(nlane > 0);
const __mmask8 mask = nlane > 3 ? -1 : (1 << (nlane*2)) - 1;
- return _mm512_maskz_loadu_epi64(mask, (const __m512i*)ptr);
+ __m512i ret = _mm512_maskz_loadu_epi64(mask, (const __m512i*)ptr);
+ volatile __m512i workaround = ret;
+ ret = _mm512_or_si512(workaround, ret);
+ return ret;
* Non-contiguous partial load
@@ -317,7 +352,12 @@ npyv_loadn_till_s32(const npy_int32 *ptr, npy_intp stride, npy_uintp nlane, npy_
const __m512i idx = _mm512_mullo_epi32(steps, _mm512_set1_epi32((int)stride));
const __m512i vfill = _mm512_set1_epi32(fill);
const __mmask16 mask = nlane > 15 ? -1 : (1 << nlane) - 1;
- return _mm512_mask_i32gather_epi32(vfill, mask, idx, (const __m512i*)ptr, 4);
+ __m512i ret = _mm512_mask_i32gather_epi32(vfill, mask, idx, (const __m512i*)ptr, 4);
+ volatile __m512i workaround = ret;
+ ret = _mm512_or_si512(workaround, ret);
+ return ret;
// fill zero to rest lanes
NPY_FINLINE npyv_s32
@@ -334,7 +374,12 @@ npyv_loadn_till_s64(const npy_int64 *ptr, npy_intp stride, npy_uintp nlane, npy_
const __m512i vfill = npyv_setall_s64(fill);
const __mmask8 mask = nlane > 15 ? -1 : (1 << nlane) - 1;
- return _mm512_mask_i64gather_epi64(vfill, mask, idx, (const __m512i*)ptr, 8);
+ __m512i ret = _mm512_mask_i64gather_epi64(vfill, mask, idx, (const __m512i*)ptr, 8);
+ volatile __m512i workaround = ret;
+ ret = _mm512_or_si512(workaround, ret);
+ return ret;
// fill zero to rest lanes
NPY_FINLINE npyv_s64
@@ -352,7 +397,12 @@ NPY_FINLINE npyv_s64 npyv_loadn2_till_s32(const npy_int32 *ptr, npy_intp stride,
const __m512i vfill = _mm512_set4_epi32(fill_hi, fill_lo, fill_hi, fill_lo);
const __mmask8 mask = nlane > 7 ? -1 : (1 << nlane) - 1;
- return _mm512_mask_i64gather_epi64(vfill, mask, idx, (const __m512i*)ptr, 4);
+ __m512i ret = _mm512_mask_i64gather_epi64(vfill, mask, idx, (const __m512i*)ptr, 4);
+ volatile __m512i workaround = ret;
+ ret = _mm512_or_si512(workaround, ret);
+ return ret;
// fill zero to rest lanes
NPY_FINLINE npyv_s32 npyv_loadn2_tillz_s32(const npy_int32 *ptr, npy_intp stride, npy_uintp nlane)
@@ -369,7 +419,12 @@ NPY_FINLINE npyv_s64 npyv_loadn2_till_s64(const npy_int64 *ptr, npy_intp stride,
const __mmask8 mask = nlane > 3 ? -1 : (1 << (nlane*2)) - 1;
const __m512i vfill = _mm512_set4_epi64(fill_hi, fill_lo, fill_hi, fill_lo);
- return _mm512_mask_i64gather_epi64(vfill, mask, idx, (const __m512i*)ptr, 8);
+ __m512i ret = _mm512_mask_i64gather_epi64(vfill, mask, idx, (const __m512i*)ptr, 8);
+ volatile __m512i workaround = ret;
+ ret = _mm512_or_si512(workaround, ret);
+ return ret;
// fill zero to rest lanes
NPY_FINLINE npyv_s64 npyv_loadn2_tillz_s64(const npy_int64 *ptr, npy_intp stride, npy_uintp nlane)
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/common/simd/neon/memory.h b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/common/simd/neon/memory.h
index 6163440c39..2dc21e5a43 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/common/simd/neon/memory.h
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/common/simd/neon/memory.h
@@ -187,19 +187,28 @@ NPY_FINLINE void npyv_storen2_f64(double *ptr, npy_intp stride, npyv_f64 a)
NPY_FINLINE npyv_s32 npyv_load_till_s32(const npy_int32 *ptr, npy_uintp nlane, npy_int32 fill)
assert(nlane > 0);
+ npyv_s32 a;
switch(nlane) {
case 1:
- return vld1q_lane_s32((const int32_t*)ptr, vdupq_n_s32(fill), 0);
+ a = vld1q_lane_s32((const int32_t*)ptr, vdupq_n_s32(fill), 0);
+ break;
case 2:
- return vcombine_s32(vld1_s32((const int32_t*)ptr), vdup_n_s32(fill));
+ a = vcombine_s32(vld1_s32((const int32_t*)ptr), vdup_n_s32(fill));
+ break;
case 3:
- return vcombine_s32(
+ a = vcombine_s32(
vld1_s32((const int32_t*)ptr),
vld1_lane_s32((const int32_t*)ptr + 2, vdup_n_s32(fill), 0)
+ break;
return npyv_load_s32(ptr);
+ volatile npyv_s32 workaround = a;
+ a = vorrq_s32(workaround, a);
+ return a;
// fill zero to rest lanes
NPY_FINLINE npyv_s32 npyv_load_tillz_s32(const npy_int32 *ptr, npy_uintp nlane)
@@ -209,7 +218,12 @@ NPY_FINLINE npyv_s64 npyv_load_till_s64(const npy_int64 *ptr, npy_uintp nlane, n
assert(nlane > 0);
if (nlane == 1) {
- return vcombine_s64(vld1_s64((const int64_t*)ptr), vdup_n_s64(fill));
+ npyv_s64 a = vcombine_s64(vld1_s64((const int64_t*)ptr), vdup_n_s64(fill));
+ volatile npyv_s64 workaround = a;
+ a = vorrq_s64(workaround, a);
+ #endif
+ return a;
return npyv_load_s64(ptr);
@@ -224,7 +238,12 @@ NPY_FINLINE npyv_s32 npyv_load2_till_s32(const npy_int32 *ptr, npy_uintp nlane,
assert(nlane > 0);
if (nlane == 1) {
const int32_t NPY_DECL_ALIGNED(16) fill[2] = {fill_lo, fill_hi};
- return vcombine_s32(vld1_s32((const int32_t*)ptr), vld1_s32(fill));
+ npyv_s32 a = vcombine_s32(vld1_s32((const int32_t*)ptr), vld1_s32(fill));
+ volatile npyv_s32 workaround = a;
+ a = vorrq_s32(workaround, a);
+ #endif
+ return a;
return npyv_load_s32(ptr);
@@ -256,10 +275,15 @@ npyv_loadn_till_s32(const npy_int32 *ptr, npy_intp stride, npy_uintp nlane, npy_
vfill = vld1q_lane_s32((const int32_t*)ptr + stride, vfill, 1);
case 1:
vfill = vld1q_lane_s32((const int32_t*)ptr, vfill, 0);
- return vfill;
+ break;
return npyv_loadn_s32(ptr, stride);
+ volatile npyv_s32 workaround = vfill;
+ vfill = vorrq_s32(workaround, vfill);
+ return vfill;
NPY_FINLINE npyv_s32
npyv_loadn_tillz_s32(const npy_int32 *ptr, npy_intp stride, npy_uintp nlane)
@@ -270,7 +294,7 @@ npyv_loadn_till_s64(const npy_int64 *ptr, npy_intp stride, npy_uintp nlane, npy_
assert(nlane > 0);
if (nlane == 1) {
- return vcombine_s64(vld1_s64((const int64_t*)ptr), vdup_n_s64(fill));
+ return npyv_load_till_s64(ptr, 1, fill);
return npyv_loadn_s64(ptr, stride);
@@ -285,7 +309,12 @@ NPY_FINLINE npyv_s32 npyv_loadn2_till_s32(const npy_int32 *ptr, npy_intp stride,
assert(nlane > 0);
if (nlane == 1) {
const int32_t NPY_DECL_ALIGNED(16) fill[2] = {fill_lo, fill_hi};
- return vcombine_s32(vld1_s32((const int32_t*)ptr), vld1_s32(fill));
+ npyv_s32 a = vcombine_s32(vld1_s32((const int32_t*)ptr), vld1_s32(fill));
+ volatile npyv_s32 workaround = a;
+ a = vorrq_s32(workaround, a);
+ #endif
+ return a;
return npyv_loadn2_s32(ptr, stride);
@@ -293,7 +322,12 @@ NPY_FINLINE npyv_s32 npyv_loadn2_tillz_s32(const npy_int32 *ptr, npy_intp stride
assert(nlane > 0);
if (nlane == 1) {
- return vcombine_s32(vld1_s32((const int32_t*)ptr), vdup_n_s32(0));
+ npyv_s32 a = vcombine_s32(vld1_s32((const int32_t*)ptr), vdup_n_s32(0));
+ volatile npyv_s32 workaround = a;
+ a = vorrq_s32(workaround, a);
+ #endif
+ return a;
return npyv_loadn2_s32(ptr, stride);
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/common/simd/simd.h b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/common/simd/simd.h
index 8c9b14251a..a5b1fa0c55 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/common/simd/simd.h
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/common/simd/simd.h
@@ -18,18 +18,23 @@
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
-// lane type by intrin suffix
-typedef npy_uint8 npyv_lanetype_u8;
-typedef npy_int8 npyv_lanetype_s8;
-typedef npy_uint16 npyv_lanetype_u16;
-typedef npy_int16 npyv_lanetype_s16;
-typedef npy_uint32 npyv_lanetype_u32;
-typedef npy_int32 npyv_lanetype_s32;
-typedef npy_uint64 npyv_lanetype_u64;
-typedef npy_int64 npyv_lanetype_s64;
-typedef float npyv_lanetype_f32;
-typedef double npyv_lanetype_f64;
+ * clang commit a agrresive optimization behavoueir when flag `-ftrapping-math`
+ * isn't fully supported that's present at -O1 or greater. When partially loading a
+ * vector register for a operations that requires to fill up the remaining lanes
+ * with certain value for example divide operation needs to fill the remaining value
+ * with non-zero integer to avoid fp exception divide-by-zero.
+ * clang optimizer notices that the entire register is not needed for the store
+ * and optimizes out the fill of non-zero integer to the remaining
+ * elements. As workaround we mark the returned register with `volatile`
+ * followed by symmetric operand operation e.g. `or`
+ * to convince the compiler that the entire vector is needed.
+ */
+#if defined(__clang__) && !defined(NPY_HAVE_CLANG_FPSTRICT)
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_M_IX86)
@@ -50,6 +55,19 @@ typedef double npyv_lanetype_f64;
#undef _mm256_set_epi64x
#undef _mm_set_epi64x
+// lane type by intrin suffix
+typedef npy_uint8 npyv_lanetype_u8;
+typedef npy_int8 npyv_lanetype_s8;
+typedef npy_uint16 npyv_lanetype_u16;
+typedef npy_int16 npyv_lanetype_s16;
+typedef npy_uint32 npyv_lanetype_u32;
+typedef npy_int32 npyv_lanetype_s32;
+typedef npy_uint64 npyv_lanetype_u64;
+typedef npy_int64 npyv_lanetype_s64;
+typedef float npyv_lanetype_f32;
+typedef double npyv_lanetype_f64;
#if defined(NPY_HAVE_AVX512F) && !defined(NPY_SIMD_FORCE_256) && !defined(NPY_SIMD_FORCE_128)
#include "avx512/avx512.h"
#elif defined(NPY_HAVE_AVX2) && !defined(NPY_SIMD_FORCE_128)
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/common/simd/sse/arithmetic.h b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/common/simd/sse/arithmetic.h
index 72a87eac17..357b136d25 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/common/simd/sse/arithmetic.h
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/common/simd/sse/arithmetic.h
@@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ NPY_FINLINE npyv_s64 npyv_divc_s64(npyv_s64 a, const npyv_s64x3 divisor)
NPY_FINLINE npyv_f32 npyv_muladdsub_f32(npyv_f32 a, npyv_f32 b, npyv_f32 c)
npyv_f32 m = npyv_mul_f32(a, b);
+ #ifdef NPY_HAVE_SSE3
return _mm_addsub_ps(m, c);
const npyv_f32 msign = npyv_set_f32(-0.0f, 0.0f, -0.0f, 0.0f);
@@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ NPY_FINLINE npyv_s64 npyv_divc_s64(npyv_s64 a, const npyv_s64x3 divisor)
NPY_FINLINE npyv_f64 npyv_muladdsub_f64(npyv_f64 a, npyv_f64 b, npyv_f64 c)
npyv_f64 m = npyv_mul_f64(a, b);
+ #ifdef NPY_HAVE_SSE3
return _mm_addsub_pd(m, c);
const npyv_f64 msign = npyv_set_f64(-0.0, 0.0);
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/common/simd/sse/memory.h b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/common/simd/sse/memory.h
index 4c8e86a6f9..90c01ffefe 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/common/simd/sse/memory.h
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/common/simd/sse/memory.h
@@ -178,62 +178,53 @@ NPY_FINLINE void npyv_storen2_f64(double *ptr, npy_intp stride, npyv_f64 a)
* Partial Load
-#if defined(__clang__) && __clang_major__ > 7
- /**
- * Clang >=8 perform aggressive optimization that tends to
- * zero the bits of upper half part of vectors even
- * when we try to fill it up with certain scalars,
- * which my lead to zero division errors.
- */
//// 32
NPY_FINLINE npyv_s32 npyv_load_till_s32(const npy_int32 *ptr, npy_uintp nlane, npy_int32 fill)
assert(nlane > 0);
- if (nlane > 3) {
- return npyv_load_s32(ptr);
- }
- npy_int32 NPY_DECL_ALIGNED(16) data[4] = {fill, fill, fill, fill};
- for (npy_uint64 i = 0; i < nlane; ++i) {
- data[i] = ptr[i];
- }
- return npyv_loada_s32(data);
#ifndef NPY_HAVE_SSE41
const short *wptr = (const short*)ptr;
const __m128i vfill = npyv_setall_s32(fill);
__m128i a;
switch(nlane) {
- case 2:
- return _mm_castpd_si128(
- _mm_loadl_pd(_mm_castsi128_pd(vfill), (double*)ptr)
- );
+ case 2:
+ a = _mm_castpd_si128(
+ _mm_loadl_pd(_mm_castsi128_pd(vfill), (double*)ptr)
+ );
+ break;
#ifdef NPY_HAVE_SSE41
case 1:
- return _mm_insert_epi32(vfill, ptr[0], 0);
+ a = _mm_insert_epi32(vfill, ptr[0], 0);
+ break;
case 3:
a = _mm_loadl_epi64((const __m128i*)ptr);
a = _mm_insert_epi32(a, ptr[2], 2);
a = _mm_insert_epi32(a, fill, 3);
- return a;
+ break;
case 1:
a = _mm_insert_epi16(vfill, wptr[0], 0);
- return _mm_insert_epi16(a, wptr[1], 1);
+ a = _mm_insert_epi16(a, wptr[1], 1);
+ break;
case 3:
a = _mm_loadl_epi64((const __m128i*)ptr);
a = _mm_unpacklo_epi64(a, vfill);
a = _mm_insert_epi16(a, wptr[4], 4);
a = _mm_insert_epi16(a, wptr[5], 5);
- return a;
+ break;
#endif // NPY_HAVE_SSE41
return npyv_load_s32(ptr);
- }
+ }
+ // We use a variable marked 'volatile' to convince the compiler that
+ // the entire vector is needed.
+ volatile __m128i workaround = a;
+ // avoid optimizing it out
+ a = _mm_or_si128(workaround, a);
+ #endif
+ return a;
// fill zero to rest lanes
NPY_FINLINE npyv_s32 npyv_load_tillz_s32(const npy_int32 *ptr, npy_uintp nlane)
@@ -260,22 +251,17 @@ NPY_FINLINE npyv_s32 npyv_load_tillz_s32(const npy_int32 *ptr, npy_uintp nlane)
NPY_FINLINE npyv_s64 npyv_load_till_s64(const npy_int64 *ptr, npy_uintp nlane, npy_int64 fill)
assert(nlane > 0);
- if (nlane <= 2) {
- npy_int64 NPY_DECL_ALIGNED(16) data[2] = {fill, fill};
- for (npy_uint64 i = 0; i < nlane; ++i) {
- data[i] = ptr[i];
- }
- return npyv_loada_s64(data);
- }
if (nlane == 1) {
const __m128i vfill = npyv_setall_s64(fill);
- return _mm_castpd_si128(
+ npyv_s64 a = _mm_castpd_si128(
_mm_loadl_pd(_mm_castsi128_pd(vfill), (double*)ptr)
+ volatile __m128i workaround = a;
+ a = _mm_or_si128(workaround, a);
+ #endif
+ return a;
return npyv_load_s64(ptr);
// fill zero to rest lanes
@@ -295,9 +281,14 @@ NPY_FINLINE npyv_s32 npyv_load2_till_s32(const npy_int32 *ptr, npy_uintp nlane,
assert(nlane > 0);
if (nlane == 1) {
const __m128i vfill = npyv_set_s32(fill_lo, fill_hi, fill_lo, fill_hi);
- return _mm_castpd_si128(
+ __m128i a = _mm_castpd_si128(
_mm_loadl_pd(_mm_castsi128_pd(vfill), (double*)ptr)
+ volatile __m128i workaround = a;
+ a = _mm_or_si128(workaround, a);
+ #endif
+ return a;
return npyv_load_s32(ptr);
@@ -321,16 +312,6 @@ NPY_FINLINE npyv_s32
npyv_loadn_till_s32(const npy_int32 *ptr, npy_intp stride, npy_uintp nlane, npy_int32 fill)
assert(nlane > 0);
- if (nlane > 3) {
- return npyv_loadn_s32(ptr, stride);
- }
- npy_int32 NPY_DECL_ALIGNED(16) data[4] = {fill, fill, fill, fill};
- for (npy_uint64 i = 0; i < nlane; ++i) {
- data[i] = ptr[stride*i];
- }
- return npyv_loada_s32(data);
__m128i vfill = npyv_setall_s32(fill);
#ifndef NPY_HAVE_SSE41
const short *wptr = (const short*)ptr;
@@ -360,8 +341,11 @@ npyv_loadn_till_s32(const npy_int32 *ptr, npy_intp stride, npy_uintp nlane, npy_
return npyv_loadn_s32(ptr, stride);
} // switch
- return vfill;
+ volatile __m128i workaround = vfill;
+ vfill = _mm_or_si128(workaround, vfill);
+ return vfill;
// fill zero to rest lanes
NPY_FINLINE npyv_s32
@@ -402,22 +386,9 @@ NPY_FINLINE npyv_s64
npyv_loadn_till_s64(const npy_int64 *ptr, npy_intp stride, npy_uintp nlane, npy_int64 fill)
assert(nlane > 0);
- if (nlane <= 2) {
- npy_int64 NPY_DECL_ALIGNED(16) data[2] = {fill, fill};
- for (npy_uint64 i = 0; i < nlane; ++i) {
- data[i] = ptr[i*stride];
- }
- return npyv_loada_s64(data);
- }
if (nlane == 1) {
- const __m128i vfill = npyv_setall_s64(fill);
- return _mm_castpd_si128(
- _mm_loadl_pd(_mm_castsi128_pd(vfill), (double*)ptr)
- );
+ return npyv_load_till_s64(ptr, 1, fill);
return npyv_loadn_s64(ptr, stride);
// fill zero to rest lanes
@@ -437,9 +408,14 @@ NPY_FINLINE npyv_s32 npyv_loadn2_till_s32(const npy_int32 *ptr, npy_intp stride,
assert(nlane > 0);
if (nlane == 1) {
const __m128i vfill = npyv_set_s32(0, 0, fill_lo, fill_hi);
- return _mm_castpd_si128(
+ __m128i a = _mm_castpd_si128(
_mm_loadl_pd(_mm_castsi128_pd(vfill), (double*)ptr)
+ volatile __m128i workaround = a;
+ a = _mm_or_si128(workaround, a);
+ #endif
+ return a;
return npyv_loadn2_s32(ptr, stride);
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/common/simd/vec/memory.h b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/common/simd/vec/memory.h
index 4545e53e90..dbcdc16da3 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/common/simd/vec/memory.h
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/common/simd/vec/memory.h
@@ -210,24 +210,33 @@ NPY_FINLINE npyv_s32 npyv_load_till_s32(const npy_int32 *ptr, npy_uintp nlane, n
const npyv_u32 vlane = npyv_setall_u32(blane);
const npyv_b32 mask = vec_cmpgt(vlane, steps);
npyv_s32 a = vec_load_len(ptr, blane*4-1);
- return vec_sel(vfill, a, mask);
+ a = vec_sel(vfill, a, mask);
+ npyv_s32 a;
switch(nlane) {
case 1:
- return vec_insert(ptr[0], vfill, 0);
+ a = vec_insert(ptr[0], vfill, 0);
+ break;
case 2:
- return (npyv_s32)vec_insert(
+ a = (npyv_s32)vec_insert(
*npyv__ptr2u64(ptr), (npyv_u64)vfill, 0
+ break;
case 3:
vfill = vec_insert(ptr[2], vfill, 2);
- return (npyv_s32)vec_insert(
+ a = (npyv_s32)vec_insert(
*npyv__ptr2u64(ptr), (npyv_u64)vfill, 0
+ break;
return npyv_load_s32(ptr);
+ volatile npyv_s32 workaround = a;
+ a = vec_or(workaround, a);
+ return a;
// fill zero to rest lanes
NPY_FINLINE npyv_s32 npyv_load_tillz_s32(const npy_int32 *ptr, npy_uintp nlane)
@@ -244,7 +253,12 @@ NPY_FINLINE npyv_s64 npyv_load_till_s64(const npy_int64 *ptr, npy_uintp nlane, n
assert(nlane > 0);
if (nlane == 1) {
- return npyv_set_s64(ptr[0], fill);
+ npyv_s64 r = npyv_set_s64(ptr[0], fill);
+ volatile npyv_s64 workaround = r;
+ r = vec_or(workaround, r);
+ #endif
+ return r;
return npyv_load_s64(ptr);
@@ -264,7 +278,12 @@ NPY_FINLINE npyv_s32 npyv_load2_till_s32(const npy_int32 *ptr, npy_uintp nlane,
assert(nlane > 0);
if (nlane == 1) {
- return npyv_set_s32(ptr[0], ptr[1], fill_lo, fill_hi);
+ npyv_s32 r = npyv_set_s32(ptr[0], ptr[1], fill_lo, fill_hi);
+ volatile npyv_s32 workaround = r;
+ r = vec_or(workaround, r);
+ #endif
+ return r;
return npyv_load_s32(ptr);
@@ -299,6 +318,10 @@ npyv_loadn_till_s32(const npy_int32 *ptr, npy_intp stride, npy_uintp nlane, npy_
return npyv_loadn_s32(ptr, stride);
} // switch
+ volatile npyv_s32 workaround = vfill;
+ vfill = vec_or(workaround, vfill);
return vfill;
// fill zero to rest lanes
@@ -311,7 +334,7 @@ npyv_loadn_till_s64(const npy_int64 *ptr, npy_intp stride, npy_uintp nlane, npy_
assert(nlane > 0);
if (nlane == 1) {
- return npyv_set_s64(*ptr, fill);
+ return npyv_load_till_s64(ptr, nlane, fill);
return npyv_loadn_s64(ptr, stride);
@@ -325,7 +348,12 @@ NPY_FINLINE npyv_s32 npyv_loadn2_till_s32(const npy_int32 *ptr, npy_intp stride,
assert(nlane > 0);
if (nlane == 1) {
- return npyv_set_s32(ptr[0], ptr[1], fill_lo, fill_hi);
+ npyv_s32 r = npyv_set_s32(ptr[0], ptr[1], fill_lo, fill_hi);
+ volatile npyv_s32 workaround = r;
+ r = vec_or(workaround, r);
+ #endif
+ return r;
return npyv_loadn2_s32(ptr, stride);
@@ -333,7 +361,12 @@ NPY_FINLINE npyv_s32 npyv_loadn2_tillz_s32(const npy_int32 *ptr, npy_intp stride
assert(nlane > 0);
if (nlane == 1) {
- return (npyv_s32)npyv_set_s64(*(npy_int64*)ptr, 0);
+ npyv_s32 r = (npyv_s32)npyv_set_s64(*(npy_int64*)ptr, 0);
+ volatile npyv_s32 workaround = r;
+ r = vec_or(workaround, r);
+ #endif
+ return r;
return npyv_loadn2_s32(ptr, stride);
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/multiarray/_multiarray_tests.c b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/multiarray/_multiarray_tests.c
index 8a934416a0..44569b6181 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/multiarray/_multiarray_tests.c
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/multiarray/_multiarray_tests.c
@@ -2072,7 +2072,7 @@ get_struct_alignments(PyObject *NPY_UNUSED(self), PyObject *args) {
#line 2029
- alignment = PyLong_FromLong(_ALIGN(struct TestStruct1));
+ alignment = PyLong_FromLong(NPY_ALIGNOF(struct TestStruct1));
size = PyLong_FromLong(sizeof(struct TestStruct1));
val = PyTuple_Pack(2, alignment, size);
@@ -2084,7 +2084,7 @@ get_struct_alignments(PyObject *NPY_UNUSED(self), PyObject *args) {
PyTuple_SET_ITEM(ret, 1-1, val);
#line 2029
- alignment = PyLong_FromLong(_ALIGN(struct TestStruct2));
+ alignment = PyLong_FromLong(NPY_ALIGNOF(struct TestStruct2));
size = PyLong_FromLong(sizeof(struct TestStruct2));
val = PyTuple_Pack(2, alignment, size);
@@ -2096,7 +2096,7 @@ get_struct_alignments(PyObject *NPY_UNUSED(self), PyObject *args) {
PyTuple_SET_ITEM(ret, 2-1, val);
#line 2029
- alignment = PyLong_FromLong(_ALIGN(struct TestStruct3));
+ alignment = PyLong_FromLong(NPY_ALIGNOF(struct TestStruct3));
size = PyLong_FromLong(sizeof(struct TestStruct3));
val = PyTuple_Pack(2, alignment, size);
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/multiarray/_multiarray_tests.c.src b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/multiarray/_multiarray_tests.c.src
index 482596f976..cd2aa20f85 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/multiarray/_multiarray_tests.c.src
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/multiarray/_multiarray_tests.c.src
@@ -2026,7 +2026,7 @@ get_struct_alignments(PyObject *NPY_UNUSED(self), PyObject *args) {
/**begin repeat
* #N = 1,2,3#
- alignment = PyLong_FromLong(_ALIGN(struct TestStruct@N@));
+ alignment = PyLong_FromLong(NPY_ALIGNOF(struct TestStruct@N@));
size = PyLong_FromLong(sizeof(struct TestStruct@N@));
val = PyTuple_Pack(2, alignment, size);
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/multiarray/arraytypes.c b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/multiarray/arraytypes.c
index e306054175..58e8b3778b 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/multiarray/arraytypes.c
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/multiarray/arraytypes.c
@@ -1018,7 +1018,7 @@ BOOL_setitem(PyObject *op, void *ov, void *vap)
return -1;
if (ap == NULL || PyArray_ISBEHAVED(ap)) {
- assert(npy_is_aligned(ov, _ALIGN(npy_bool)));
+ assert(npy_is_aligned(ov, NPY_ALIGNOF(npy_bool)));
*((npy_bool *)ov)=temp;
else {
@@ -1087,7 +1087,7 @@ BYTE_setitem(PyObject *op, void *ov, void *vap)
return -1;
if (ap == NULL || PyArray_ISBEHAVED(ap)) {
- assert(npy_is_aligned(ov, _ALIGN(npy_byte)));
+ assert(npy_is_aligned(ov, NPY_ALIGNOF(npy_byte)));
*((npy_byte *)ov)=temp;
else {
@@ -1156,7 +1156,7 @@ UBYTE_setitem(PyObject *op, void *ov, void *vap)
return -1;
if (ap == NULL || PyArray_ISBEHAVED(ap)) {
- assert(npy_is_aligned(ov, _ALIGN(npy_ubyte)));
+ assert(npy_is_aligned(ov, NPY_ALIGNOF(npy_ubyte)));
*((npy_ubyte *)ov)=temp;
else {
@@ -1225,7 +1225,7 @@ SHORT_setitem(PyObject *op, void *ov, void *vap)
return -1;
if (ap == NULL || PyArray_ISBEHAVED(ap)) {
- assert(npy_is_aligned(ov, _ALIGN(npy_short)));
+ assert(npy_is_aligned(ov, NPY_ALIGNOF(npy_short)));
*((npy_short *)ov)=temp;
else {
@@ -1294,7 +1294,7 @@ USHORT_setitem(PyObject *op, void *ov, void *vap)
return -1;
if (ap == NULL || PyArray_ISBEHAVED(ap)) {
- assert(npy_is_aligned(ov, _ALIGN(npy_ushort)));
+ assert(npy_is_aligned(ov, NPY_ALIGNOF(npy_ushort)));
*((npy_ushort *)ov)=temp;
else {
@@ -1363,7 +1363,7 @@ INT_setitem(PyObject *op, void *ov, void *vap)
return -1;
if (ap == NULL || PyArray_ISBEHAVED(ap)) {
- assert(npy_is_aligned(ov, _ALIGN(npy_int)));
+ assert(npy_is_aligned(ov, NPY_ALIGNOF(npy_int)));
*((npy_int *)ov)=temp;
else {
@@ -1432,7 +1432,7 @@ LONG_setitem(PyObject *op, void *ov, void *vap)
return -1;
if (ap == NULL || PyArray_ISBEHAVED(ap)) {
- assert(npy_is_aligned(ov, _ALIGN(npy_long)));
+ assert(npy_is_aligned(ov, NPY_ALIGNOF(npy_long)));
*((npy_long *)ov)=temp;
else {
@@ -1501,7 +1501,7 @@ UINT_setitem(PyObject *op, void *ov, void *vap)
return -1;
if (ap == NULL || PyArray_ISBEHAVED(ap)) {
- assert(npy_is_aligned(ov, _ALIGN(npy_uint)));
+ assert(npy_is_aligned(ov, NPY_ALIGNOF(npy_uint)));
*((npy_uint *)ov)=temp;
else {
@@ -1570,7 +1570,7 @@ ULONG_setitem(PyObject *op, void *ov, void *vap)
return -1;
if (ap == NULL || PyArray_ISBEHAVED(ap)) {
- assert(npy_is_aligned(ov, _ALIGN(npy_ulong)));
+ assert(npy_is_aligned(ov, NPY_ALIGNOF(npy_ulong)));
*((npy_ulong *)ov)=temp;
else {
@@ -1639,7 +1639,7 @@ LONGLONG_setitem(PyObject *op, void *ov, void *vap)
return -1;
if (ap == NULL || PyArray_ISBEHAVED(ap)) {
- assert(npy_is_aligned(ov, _ALIGN(npy_longlong)));
+ assert(npy_is_aligned(ov, NPY_ALIGNOF(npy_longlong)));
*((npy_longlong *)ov)=temp;
else {
@@ -1708,7 +1708,7 @@ ULONGLONG_setitem(PyObject *op, void *ov, void *vap)
return -1;
if (ap == NULL || PyArray_ISBEHAVED(ap)) {
- assert(npy_is_aligned(ov, _ALIGN(npy_ulonglong)));
+ assert(npy_is_aligned(ov, NPY_ALIGNOF(npy_ulonglong)));
*((npy_ulonglong *)ov)=temp;
else {
@@ -1777,7 +1777,7 @@ HALF_setitem(PyObject *op, void *ov, void *vap)
return -1;
if (ap == NULL || PyArray_ISBEHAVED(ap)) {
- assert(npy_is_aligned(ov, _ALIGN(npy_half)));
+ assert(npy_is_aligned(ov, NPY_ALIGNOF(npy_half)));
*((npy_half *)ov)=temp;
else {
@@ -1846,7 +1846,7 @@ FLOAT_setitem(PyObject *op, void *ov, void *vap)
return -1;
if (ap == NULL || PyArray_ISBEHAVED(ap)) {
- assert(npy_is_aligned(ov, _ALIGN(npy_float)));
+ assert(npy_is_aligned(ov, NPY_ALIGNOF(npy_float)));
*((npy_float *)ov)=temp;
else {
@@ -1915,7 +1915,7 @@ DOUBLE_setitem(PyObject *op, void *ov, void *vap)
return -1;
if (ap == NULL || PyArray_ISBEHAVED(ap)) {
- assert(npy_is_aligned(ov, _ALIGN(npy_double)));
+ assert(npy_is_aligned(ov, NPY_ALIGNOF(npy_double)));
*((npy_double *)ov)=temp;
else {
@@ -2507,7 +2507,7 @@ STRING_setitem(PyObject *op, void *ov, void *vap)
/* OBJECT */
-#define __ALIGNED(obj, sz) ((((size_t) obj) % (sz))==0)
+#define NPY__ALIGNED(obj, sz) ((((size_t) obj) % (sz))==0)
static PyObject *
OBJECT_getitem(void *ip, void *NPY_UNUSED(ap))
@@ -20531,10 +20531,10 @@ OBJECT_copyswapn(PyObject **dst, npy_intp dstride, PyObject **src,
npy_intp i;
if (src != NULL) {
- if (__ALIGNED(dst, sizeof(PyObject **))
- && __ALIGNED(src, sizeof(PyObject **))
- && __ALIGNED(dstride, sizeof(PyObject **))
- && __ALIGNED(sstride, sizeof(PyObject **))) {
+ if (NPY__ALIGNED(dst, sizeof(PyObject **))
+ && NPY__ALIGNED(src, sizeof(PyObject **))
+ && NPY__ALIGNED(dstride, sizeof(PyObject **))
+ && NPY__ALIGNED(sstride, sizeof(PyObject **))) {
dstride /= sizeof(PyObject **);
sstride /= sizeof(PyObject **);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
@@ -20571,8 +20571,8 @@ OBJECT_copyswap(PyObject **dst, PyObject **src, int NPY_UNUSED(swap),
if (src != NULL) {
- if (__ALIGNED(dst,sizeof(PyObject **)) &&
- __ALIGNED(src,sizeof(PyObject **))) {
+ if (NPY__ALIGNED(dst,sizeof(PyObject **)) &&
+ NPY__ALIGNED(src,sizeof(PyObject **))) {
*dst = *src;
@@ -21446,7 +21446,7 @@ VOID_nonzero (char *ip, PyArrayObject *ap)
dummy_fields.descr = new;
- if ((new->alignment > 1) && !__ALIGNED(ip + offset,
+ if ((new->alignment > 1) && !NPY__ALIGNED(ip + offset,
new->alignment)) {
@@ -21471,7 +21471,7 @@ VOID_nonzero (char *ip, PyArrayObject *ap)
return nonz;
-#undef __ALIGNED
+#undef NPY__ALIGNED
@@ -27405,7 +27405,7 @@ static PyArray_Descr VOID_Descr = {
/* elsize */
/* alignment */
- _ALIGN(char),
+ NPY_ALIGNOF(char),
/* subarray */
/* fields */
@@ -27509,7 +27509,7 @@ static PyArray_Descr STRING_Descr = {
/* elsize */
/* alignment */
- _ALIGN(char),
+ NPY_ALIGNOF(char),
/* subarray */
/* fields */
@@ -27613,7 +27613,7 @@ static PyArray_Descr UNICODE_Descr = {
/* elsize */
/* alignment */
- _ALIGN(npy_ucs4),
+ NPY_ALIGNOF(npy_ucs4),
/* subarray */
/* fields */
@@ -27727,7 +27727,7 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT PyArray_Descr BOOL_Descr = {
/* elsize */
/* alignment */
- _ALIGN(npy_bool),
+ NPY_ALIGNOF(npy_bool),
/* subarray */
/* fields */
@@ -27840,7 +27840,7 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT PyArray_Descr BYTE_Descr = {
/* elsize */
/* alignment */
- _ALIGN(npy_byte),
+ NPY_ALIGNOF(npy_byte),
/* subarray */
/* fields */
@@ -27953,7 +27953,7 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT PyArray_Descr UBYTE_Descr = {
/* elsize */
/* alignment */
- _ALIGN(npy_ubyte),
+ NPY_ALIGNOF(npy_ubyte),
/* subarray */
/* fields */
@@ -28066,7 +28066,7 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT PyArray_Descr SHORT_Descr = {
/* elsize */
/* alignment */
- _ALIGN(npy_short),
+ NPY_ALIGNOF(npy_short),
/* subarray */
/* fields */
@@ -28179,7 +28179,7 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT PyArray_Descr USHORT_Descr = {
/* elsize */
/* alignment */
- _ALIGN(npy_ushort),
+ NPY_ALIGNOF(npy_ushort),
/* subarray */
/* fields */
@@ -28292,7 +28292,7 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT PyArray_Descr INT_Descr = {
/* elsize */
/* alignment */
- _ALIGN(npy_int),
+ NPY_ALIGNOF(npy_int),
/* subarray */
/* fields */
@@ -28405,7 +28405,7 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT PyArray_Descr UINT_Descr = {
/* elsize */
/* alignment */
- _ALIGN(npy_uint),
+ NPY_ALIGNOF(npy_uint),
/* subarray */
/* fields */
@@ -28518,7 +28518,7 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT PyArray_Descr LONG_Descr = {
/* elsize */
/* alignment */
- _ALIGN(npy_long),
+ NPY_ALIGNOF(npy_long),
/* subarray */
/* fields */
@@ -28631,7 +28631,7 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT PyArray_Descr ULONG_Descr = {
/* elsize */
/* alignment */
- _ALIGN(npy_ulong),
+ NPY_ALIGNOF(npy_ulong),
/* subarray */
/* fields */
@@ -28744,7 +28744,7 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT PyArray_Descr LONGLONG_Descr = {
/* elsize */
/* alignment */
- _ALIGN(npy_longlong),
+ NPY_ALIGNOF(npy_longlong),
/* subarray */
/* fields */
@@ -28857,7 +28857,7 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT PyArray_Descr ULONGLONG_Descr = {
/* elsize */
/* alignment */
- _ALIGN(npy_ulonglong),
+ NPY_ALIGNOF(npy_ulonglong),
/* subarray */
/* fields */
@@ -28970,7 +28970,7 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT PyArray_Descr HALF_Descr = {
/* elsize */
/* alignment */
- _ALIGN(npy_half),
+ NPY_ALIGNOF(npy_half),
/* subarray */
/* fields */
@@ -29083,7 +29083,7 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT PyArray_Descr FLOAT_Descr = {
/* elsize */
/* alignment */
- _ALIGN(npy_float),
+ NPY_ALIGNOF(npy_float),
/* subarray */
/* fields */
@@ -29196,7 +29196,7 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT PyArray_Descr DOUBLE_Descr = {
/* elsize */
/* alignment */
- _ALIGN(npy_double),
+ NPY_ALIGNOF(npy_double),
/* subarray */
/* fields */
@@ -29309,7 +29309,7 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT PyArray_Descr LONGDOUBLE_Descr = {
/* elsize */
/* alignment */
- _ALIGN(npy_longdouble),
+ NPY_ALIGNOF(npy_longdouble),
/* subarray */
/* fields */
@@ -29422,7 +29422,7 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT PyArray_Descr CFLOAT_Descr = {
/* elsize */
/* alignment */
- _ALIGN(npy_cfloat),
+ NPY_ALIGNOF(npy_cfloat),
/* subarray */
/* fields */
@@ -29535,7 +29535,7 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT PyArray_Descr CDOUBLE_Descr = {
/* elsize */
/* alignment */
- _ALIGN(npy_cdouble),
+ NPY_ALIGNOF(npy_cdouble),
/* subarray */
/* fields */
@@ -29648,7 +29648,7 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT PyArray_Descr CLONGDOUBLE_Descr = {
/* elsize */
/* alignment */
- _ALIGN(npy_clongdouble),
+ NPY_ALIGNOF(npy_clongdouble),
/* subarray */
/* fields */
@@ -29761,7 +29761,7 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT PyArray_Descr OBJECT_Descr = {
/* elsize */
sizeof(PyObject *),
/* alignment */
- _ALIGN(PyObject *),
+ NPY_ALIGNOF(PyObject *),
/* subarray */
/* fields */
@@ -29874,7 +29874,7 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT PyArray_Descr DATETIME_Descr = {
/* elsize */
/* alignment */
- _ALIGN(npy_datetime),
+ NPY_ALIGNOF(npy_datetime),
/* subarray */
/* fields */
@@ -29987,7 +29987,7 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT PyArray_Descr TIMEDELTA_Descr = {
/* elsize */
/* alignment */
- _ALIGN(npy_timedelta),
+ NPY_ALIGNOF(npy_timedelta),
/* subarray */
/* fields */
@@ -32922,7 +32922,7 @@ set_typeinfo(PyObject *dict)
#line 4816
s = PyArray_typeinforanged(
Py_BuildValue("i", 1),
Py_BuildValue("i", 0),
@@ -32943,7 +32943,7 @@ set_typeinfo(PyObject *dict)
#line 4816
s = PyArray_typeinforanged(
Py_BuildValue("i", NPY_MAX_BYTE),
Py_BuildValue("i", NPY_MIN_BYTE),
@@ -32964,7 +32964,7 @@ set_typeinfo(PyObject *dict)
#line 4816
s = PyArray_typeinforanged(
Py_BuildValue("i", NPY_MAX_UBYTE),
Py_BuildValue("i", 0),
@@ -32985,7 +32985,7 @@ set_typeinfo(PyObject *dict)
#line 4816
s = PyArray_typeinforanged(
Py_BuildValue("i", NPY_MAX_SHORT),
Py_BuildValue("i", NPY_MIN_SHORT),
@@ -33006,7 +33006,7 @@ set_typeinfo(PyObject *dict)
#line 4816
s = PyArray_typeinforanged(
Py_BuildValue("i", NPY_MAX_USHORT),
Py_BuildValue("i", 0),
@@ -33027,7 +33027,7 @@ set_typeinfo(PyObject *dict)
#line 4816
s = PyArray_typeinforanged(
Py_BuildValue("i", NPY_MAX_INT),
Py_BuildValue("i", NPY_MIN_INT),
@@ -33048,7 +33048,7 @@ set_typeinfo(PyObject *dict)
#line 4816
s = PyArray_typeinforanged(
Py_BuildValue("N", PyLong_FromUnsignedLong(NPY_MAX_UINT)),
Py_BuildValue("i", 0),
@@ -33069,7 +33069,7 @@ set_typeinfo(PyObject *dict)
#line 4816
s = PyArray_typeinforanged(
Py_BuildValue("N", PyLong_FromLongLong((npy_longlong) NPY_MAX_INTP)),
Py_BuildValue("N", PyLong_FromLongLong((npy_longlong) NPY_MIN_INTP)),
@@ -33090,7 +33090,7 @@ set_typeinfo(PyObject *dict)
#line 4816
s = PyArray_typeinforanged(
Py_BuildValue("N", PyLong_FromUnsignedLongLong((npy_ulonglong) NPY_MAX_UINTP)),
Py_BuildValue("i", 0),
@@ -33111,7 +33111,7 @@ set_typeinfo(PyObject *dict)
#line 4816
s = PyArray_typeinforanged(
Py_BuildValue("l", NPY_MAX_LONG),
Py_BuildValue("l", NPY_MIN_LONG),
@@ -33132,7 +33132,7 @@ set_typeinfo(PyObject *dict)
#line 4816
s = PyArray_typeinforanged(
Py_BuildValue("N", PyLong_FromUnsignedLong((npy_ulong) NPY_MAX_ULONG)),
Py_BuildValue("i", 0),
@@ -33153,7 +33153,7 @@ set_typeinfo(PyObject *dict)
#line 4816
s = PyArray_typeinforanged(
Py_BuildValue("N", PyLong_FromLongLong((npy_longlong) NPY_MAX_LONGLONG)),
Py_BuildValue("N", PyLong_FromLongLong((npy_longlong) NPY_MIN_LONGLONG)),
@@ -33174,7 +33174,7 @@ set_typeinfo(PyObject *dict)
#line 4816
s = PyArray_typeinforanged(
Py_BuildValue("N", PyLong_FromUnsignedLongLong((npy_ulonglong) NPY_MAX_ULONGLONG)),
Py_BuildValue("i", 0),
@@ -33197,7 +33197,7 @@ set_typeinfo(PyObject *dict)
#line 4847
s = PyArray_typeinfo(
- _ALIGN(npy_half), &PyHalfArrType_Type
+ NPY_ALIGNOF(npy_half), &PyHalfArrType_Type
if (s == NULL) {
@@ -33214,7 +33214,7 @@ set_typeinfo(PyObject *dict)
#line 4847
s = PyArray_typeinfo(
- _ALIGN(npy_float), &PyFloatArrType_Type
+ NPY_ALIGNOF(npy_float), &PyFloatArrType_Type
if (s == NULL) {
@@ -33231,7 +33231,7 @@ set_typeinfo(PyObject *dict)
#line 4847
s = PyArray_typeinfo(
- _ALIGN(npy_double), &PyDoubleArrType_Type
+ NPY_ALIGNOF(npy_double), &PyDoubleArrType_Type
if (s == NULL) {
@@ -33248,7 +33248,7 @@ set_typeinfo(PyObject *dict)
#line 4847
s = PyArray_typeinfo(
- _ALIGN(npy_longdouble), &PyLongDoubleArrType_Type
+ NPY_ALIGNOF(npy_longdouble), &PyLongDoubleArrType_Type
if (s == NULL) {
@@ -33265,7 +33265,7 @@ set_typeinfo(PyObject *dict)
#line 4847
s = PyArray_typeinfo(
- _ALIGN(npy_cfloat), &PyCFloatArrType_Type
+ NPY_ALIGNOF(npy_cfloat), &PyCFloatArrType_Type
if (s == NULL) {
@@ -33282,7 +33282,7 @@ set_typeinfo(PyObject *dict)
#line 4847
s = PyArray_typeinfo(
- _ALIGN(npy_cdouble), &PyCDoubleArrType_Type
+ NPY_ALIGNOF(npy_cdouble), &PyCDoubleArrType_Type
if (s == NULL) {
@@ -33299,7 +33299,7 @@ set_typeinfo(PyObject *dict)
#line 4847
s = PyArray_typeinfo(
- _ALIGN(npy_clongdouble), &PyCLongDoubleArrType_Type
+ NPY_ALIGNOF(npy_clongdouble), &PyCLongDoubleArrType_Type
if (s == NULL) {
@@ -33316,7 +33316,7 @@ set_typeinfo(PyObject *dict)
s = PyArray_typeinfo(
- _ALIGN(PyObject *),
+ NPY_ALIGNOF(PyObject *),
if (s == NULL) {
@@ -33330,7 +33330,7 @@ set_typeinfo(PyObject *dict)
return -1;
s = PyArray_typeinfo(
if (s == NULL) {
@@ -33344,7 +33344,7 @@ set_typeinfo(PyObject *dict)
return -1;
s = PyArray_typeinfo(
if (s == NULL) {
@@ -33358,7 +33358,7 @@ set_typeinfo(PyObject *dict)
return -1;
s = PyArray_typeinfo(
if (s == NULL) {
@@ -33373,7 +33373,7 @@ set_typeinfo(PyObject *dict)
s = PyArray_typeinforanged(
- _ALIGN(npy_datetime),
+ NPY_ALIGNOF(npy_datetime),
@@ -33390,7 +33390,7 @@ set_typeinfo(PyObject *dict)
s = PyArray_typeinforanged(
- _ALIGN(npy_timedelta),
+ NPY_ALIGNOF(npy_timedelta),
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/multiarray/arraytypes.c.src b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/multiarray/arraytypes.c.src
index b84625c776..bc3f743727 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/multiarray/arraytypes.c.src
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/multiarray/arraytypes.c.src
@@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT int
return -1;
if (ap == NULL || PyArray_ISBEHAVED(ap)) {
- assert(npy_is_aligned(ov, _ALIGN(@type@)));
+ assert(npy_is_aligned(ov, NPY_ALIGNOF(@type@)));
*((@type@ *)ov)=temp;
else {
@@ -809,7 +809,7 @@ STRING_setitem(PyObject *op, void *ov, void *vap)
/* OBJECT */
-#define __ALIGNED(obj, sz) ((((size_t) obj) % (sz))==0)
+#define NPY__ALIGNED(obj, sz) ((((size_t) obj) % (sz))==0)
static PyObject *
OBJECT_getitem(void *ip, void *NPY_UNUSED(ap))
@@ -2426,10 +2426,10 @@ OBJECT_copyswapn(PyObject **dst, npy_intp dstride, PyObject **src,
npy_intp i;
if (src != NULL) {
- if (__ALIGNED(dst, sizeof(PyObject **))
- && __ALIGNED(src, sizeof(PyObject **))
- && __ALIGNED(dstride, sizeof(PyObject **))
- && __ALIGNED(sstride, sizeof(PyObject **))) {
+ if (NPY__ALIGNED(dst, sizeof(PyObject **))
+ && NPY__ALIGNED(src, sizeof(PyObject **))
+ && NPY__ALIGNED(dstride, sizeof(PyObject **))
+ && NPY__ALIGNED(sstride, sizeof(PyObject **))) {
dstride /= sizeof(PyObject **);
sstride /= sizeof(PyObject **);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
@@ -2466,8 +2466,8 @@ OBJECT_copyswap(PyObject **dst, PyObject **src, int NPY_UNUSED(swap),
if (src != NULL) {
- if (__ALIGNED(dst,sizeof(PyObject **)) &&
- __ALIGNED(src,sizeof(PyObject **))) {
+ if (NPY__ALIGNED(dst,sizeof(PyObject **)) &&
+ NPY__ALIGNED(src,sizeof(PyObject **))) {
*dst = *src;
@@ -2927,7 +2927,7 @@ VOID_nonzero (char *ip, PyArrayObject *ap)
dummy_fields.descr = new;
- if ((new->alignment > 1) && !__ALIGNED(ip + offset,
+ if ((new->alignment > 1) && !NPY__ALIGNED(ip + offset,
new->alignment)) {
@@ -2952,7 +2952,7 @@ VOID_nonzero (char *ip, PyArrayObject *ap)
return nonz;
-#undef __ALIGNED
+#undef NPY__ALIGNED
@@ -4326,7 +4326,7 @@ static PyArray_Descr @from@_Descr = {
/* elsize */
/* alignment */
- _ALIGN(@align@),
+ NPY_ALIGNOF(@align@),
/* subarray */
/* fields */
@@ -4476,7 +4476,7 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT PyArray_Descr @from@_Descr = {
/* elsize */
/* alignment */
- _ALIGN(@fromtype@),
+ NPY_ALIGNOF(@fromtype@),
/* subarray */
/* fields */
@@ -4815,7 +4815,7 @@ set_typeinfo(PyObject *dict)
s = PyArray_typeinforanged(
- NPY_@name@LTR, NPY_@name@, NPY_BITSOF_@uname@, _ALIGN(@type@),
+ NPY_@name@LTR, NPY_@name@, NPY_BITSOF_@uname@, NPY_ALIGNOF(@type@),
Py_BuildValue("@cx@", @max@),
Py_BuildValue("@cn@", @min@),
@@ -4846,7 +4846,7 @@ set_typeinfo(PyObject *dict)
s = PyArray_typeinfo(
NPY_@name@LTR, NPY_@name@, NPY_BITSOF_@name@,
- _ALIGN(@type@), &Py@Name@ArrType_Type
+ NPY_ALIGNOF(@type@), &Py@Name@ArrType_Type
if (s == NULL) {
@@ -4863,7 +4863,7 @@ set_typeinfo(PyObject *dict)
s = PyArray_typeinfo(
- _ALIGN(PyObject *),
+ NPY_ALIGNOF(PyObject *),
if (s == NULL) {
@@ -4877,7 +4877,7 @@ set_typeinfo(PyObject *dict)
return -1;
s = PyArray_typeinfo(
if (s == NULL) {
@@ -4891,7 +4891,7 @@ set_typeinfo(PyObject *dict)
return -1;
s = PyArray_typeinfo(
if (s == NULL) {
@@ -4905,7 +4905,7 @@ set_typeinfo(PyObject *dict)
return -1;
s = PyArray_typeinfo(
if (s == NULL) {
@@ -4920,7 +4920,7 @@ set_typeinfo(PyObject *dict)
s = PyArray_typeinforanged(
- _ALIGN(npy_datetime),
+ NPY_ALIGNOF(npy_datetime),
@@ -4937,7 +4937,7 @@ set_typeinfo(PyObject *dict)
s = PyArray_typeinforanged(
- _ALIGN(npy_timedelta),
+ NPY_ALIGNOF(npy_timedelta),
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/multiarray/common.h b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/multiarray/common.h
index cb9fadc4e9..b9d2b69e30 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/multiarray/common.h
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/multiarray/common.h
@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ check_and_adjust_axis(int *axis, int ndim)
/* used for some alignment checks */
* GCC releases before GCC 4.9 had a bug in _Alignof. See GCC bug 52023
* <https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=52023>.
* clang versions < 8.0.0 have the same bug.
@@ -184,11 +184,11 @@ check_and_adjust_axis(int *axis, int ndim)
|| (defined __GNUC__ && __GNUC__ < 4 + (__GNUC_MINOR__ < 9) \
&& !defined __clang__) \
|| (defined __clang__ && __clang_major__ < 8))
-# define _ALIGN(type) offsetof(struct {char c; type v;}, v)
+# define NPY_ALIGNOF(type) offsetof(struct {char c; type v;}, v)
-# define _ALIGN(type) _Alignof(type)
+# define NPY_ALIGNOF(type) _Alignof(type)
-#define _UINT_ALIGN(type) npy_uint_alignment(sizeof(type))
+#define NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(type) npy_uint_alignment(sizeof(type))
* Disable harmless compiler warning "4116: unnamed type definition in
* parentheses" which is caused by the _ALIGN macro.
@@ -223,20 +223,20 @@ npy_uint_alignment(int itemsize)
case 1:
return 1;
case 2:
- alignment = _ALIGN(npy_uint16);
+ alignment = NPY_ALIGNOF(npy_uint16);
case 4:
- alignment = _ALIGN(npy_uint32);
+ alignment = NPY_ALIGNOF(npy_uint32);
case 8:
- alignment = _ALIGN(npy_uint64);
+ alignment = NPY_ALIGNOF(npy_uint64);
case 16:
* 16 byte types are copied using 2 uint64 assignments.
* See the strided copy function in lowlevel_strided_loops.c.
- alignment = _ALIGN(npy_uint64);
+ alignment = NPY_ALIGNOF(npy_uint64);
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/multiarray/compiled_base.c b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/multiarray/compiled_base.c
index d2395c5bf4..f2e7d3f345 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/multiarray/compiled_base.c
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/multiarray/compiled_base.c
@@ -1412,7 +1412,18 @@ arr_add_docstring(PyObject *NPY_UNUSED(dummy), PyObject *const *args, Py_ssize_t
static char *msg = "already has a different docstring";
/* Don't add docstrings */
+#if PY_VERSION_HEX > 0x030b0000
+ static long optimize = -1000;
+ if (optimize < 0) {
+ PyObject *flags = PySys_GetObject("flags"); /* borrowed object */
+ PyObject *level = PyObject_GetAttrString(flags, "optimize");
+ optimize = PyLong_AsLong(level);
+ Py_DECREF(level);
+ }
+ if (optimize > 1) {
if (Py_OptimizeFlag > 1) {
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/multiarray/descriptor.c b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/multiarray/descriptor.c
index 68d398d648..f8712d4d3b 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/multiarray/descriptor.c
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/multiarray/descriptor.c
@@ -1478,6 +1478,11 @@ PyArray_DTypeOrDescrConverterRequired(PyObject *obj, npy_dtype_info *dt_info)
dt_info->descr = NULL;
if (PyObject_TypeCheck(obj, &PyArrayDTypeMeta_Type)) {
+ if (obj == (PyObject *)&PyArrayDescr_Type) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,
+ "Cannot convert np.dtype into a dtype.");
+ return NPY_FAIL;
+ }
dt_info->dtype = (PyArray_DTypeMeta *)obj;
dt_info->descr = NULL;
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/multiarray/item_selection.c b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/multiarray/item_selection.c
index 625c649335..e63edf9d06 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/multiarray/item_selection.c
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/multiarray/item_selection.c
@@ -968,6 +968,7 @@ PyArray_Choose(PyArrayObject *ip, PyObject *op, PyArrayObject *out,
PyArrayObject **mps, *ap;
PyArrayMultiIterObject *multi = NULL;
npy_intp mi;
+ NPY_cast_info cast_info = {.func = NULL};
ap = NULL;
@@ -993,9 +994,10 @@ PyArray_Choose(PyArrayObject *ip, PyObject *op, PyArrayObject *out,
if (multi == NULL) {
goto fail;
+ dtype = PyArray_DESCR(mps[0]);
/* Set-up return array */
if (out == NULL) {
- dtype = PyArray_DESCR(mps[0]);
obj = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_NewFromDescr(Py_TYPE(ap),
@@ -1032,7 +1034,6 @@ PyArray_Choose(PyArrayObject *ip, PyObject *op, PyArrayObject *out,
- dtype = PyArray_DESCR(mps[0]);
obj = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_FromArray(out, dtype, flags);
@@ -1040,8 +1041,21 @@ PyArray_Choose(PyArrayObject *ip, PyObject *op, PyArrayObject *out,
if (obj == NULL) {
goto fail;
- elsize = PyArray_DESCR(obj)->elsize;
+ elsize = dtype->elsize;
ret_data = PyArray_DATA(obj);
+ npy_intp transfer_strides[2] = {elsize, elsize};
+ npy_intp one = 1;
+ NPY_ARRAYMETHOD_FLAGS transfer_flags = 0;
+ if (PyDataType_REFCHK(dtype)) {
+ int is_aligned = IsUintAligned(obj);
+ PyArray_GetDTypeTransferFunction(
+ is_aligned,
+ dtype->elsize,
+ dtype->elsize,
+ dtype,
+ dtype, 0, &cast_info,
+ &transfer_flags);
+ }
while (PyArray_MultiIter_NOTDONE(multi)) {
mi = *((npy_intp *)PyArray_MultiIter_DATA(multi, n));
@@ -1074,12 +1088,22 @@ PyArray_Choose(PyArrayObject *ip, PyObject *op, PyArrayObject *out,
- memmove(ret_data, PyArray_MultiIter_DATA(multi, mi), elsize);
+ if (cast_info.func == NULL) {
+ /* We ensure memory doesn't overlap, so can use memcpy */
+ memcpy(ret_data, PyArray_MultiIter_DATA(multi, mi), elsize);
+ }
+ else {
+ char *args[2] = {PyArray_MultiIter_DATA(multi, mi), ret_data};
+ if (cast_info.func(&cast_info.context, args, &one,
+ transfer_strides, cast_info.auxdata) < 0) {
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ }
ret_data += elsize;
- PyArray_INCREF(obj);
+ NPY_cast_info_xfree(&cast_info);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
@@ -1095,6 +1119,7 @@ PyArray_Choose(PyArrayObject *ip, PyObject *op, PyArrayObject *out,
return (PyObject *)obj;
+ NPY_cast_info_xfree(&cast_info);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/multiarray/lowlevel_strided_loops.c b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/multiarray/lowlevel_strided_loops.c
index 309ef1b89c..4dd3622ee1 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/multiarray/lowlevel_strided_loops.c
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/multiarray/lowlevel_strided_loops.c
@@ -128,8 +128,8 @@ _strided_to_strided_size1(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
/*printf("fn _strided_to_strided_size1\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -214,8 +214,8 @@ _strided_to_strided_size1_srcstride0(
#if 0 && 1 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
#if 1 == 1 && 0
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -291,8 +291,8 @@ _aligned_strided_to_strided_size1(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
/*printf("fn _aligned_strided_to_strided_size1\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -377,8 +377,8 @@ _aligned_strided_to_strided_size1_srcstride0(
#if 1 && 1 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
#if 1 == 1 && 0
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -454,8 +454,8 @@ _swap_strided_to_strided_size1(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
/*printf("fn _swap_strided_to_strided_size1\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -540,8 +540,8 @@ _swap_strided_to_strided_size1_srcstride0(
#if 0 && 1 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
#if 1 == 1 && 0
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -617,8 +617,8 @@ _aligned_swap_strided_to_strided_size1(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
/*printf("fn _aligned_swap_strided_to_strided_size1\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -703,8 +703,8 @@ _aligned_swap_strided_to_strided_size1_srcstride0(
#if 1 && 1 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
#if 1 == 1 && 0
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -780,8 +780,8 @@ _swap_pair_strided_to_strided_size1(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
/*printf("fn _swap_pair_strided_to_strided_size1\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -866,8 +866,8 @@ _swap_pair_strided_to_strided_size1_srcstride0(
#if 0 && 1 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
#if 1 == 1 && 0
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -943,8 +943,8 @@ _aligned_swap_pair_strided_to_strided_size1(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
/*printf("fn _aligned_swap_pair_strided_to_strided_size1\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -1029,8 +1029,8 @@ _aligned_swap_pair_strided_to_strided_size1_srcstride0(
#if 1 && 1 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
#if 1 == 1 && 0
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -1108,8 +1108,8 @@ _strided_to_contig_size1(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
/*printf("fn _strided_to_contig_size1\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -1194,8 +1194,8 @@ _strided_to_contig_size1_srcstride0(
#if 0 && 1 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
#if 1 == 1 && 1
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -1271,8 +1271,8 @@ _aligned_strided_to_contig_size1(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
/*printf("fn _aligned_strided_to_contig_size1\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -1357,8 +1357,8 @@ _aligned_strided_to_contig_size1_srcstride0(
#if 1 && 1 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
#if 1 == 1 && 1
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -1434,8 +1434,8 @@ _swap_strided_to_contig_size1(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
/*printf("fn _swap_strided_to_contig_size1\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -1520,8 +1520,8 @@ _swap_strided_to_contig_size1_srcstride0(
#if 0 && 1 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
#if 1 == 1 && 1
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -1597,8 +1597,8 @@ _aligned_swap_strided_to_contig_size1(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
/*printf("fn _aligned_swap_strided_to_contig_size1\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -1683,8 +1683,8 @@ _aligned_swap_strided_to_contig_size1_srcstride0(
#if 1 && 1 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
#if 1 == 1 && 1
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -1760,8 +1760,8 @@ _swap_pair_strided_to_contig_size1(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
/*printf("fn _swap_pair_strided_to_contig_size1\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -1846,8 +1846,8 @@ _swap_pair_strided_to_contig_size1_srcstride0(
#if 0 && 1 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
#if 1 == 1 && 1
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -1923,8 +1923,8 @@ _aligned_swap_pair_strided_to_contig_size1(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
/*printf("fn _aligned_swap_pair_strided_to_contig_size1\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -2009,8 +2009,8 @@ _aligned_swap_pair_strided_to_contig_size1_srcstride0(
#if 1 && 1 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
#if 1 == 1 && 1
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -2088,8 +2088,8 @@ _contig_to_strided_size1(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
/*printf("fn _contig_to_strided_size1\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -2174,8 +2174,8 @@ _contig_to_strided_size1_srcstride0(
#if 0 && 1 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
#if 1 == 1 && 0
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -2251,8 +2251,8 @@ _aligned_contig_to_strided_size1(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
/*printf("fn _aligned_contig_to_strided_size1\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -2337,8 +2337,8 @@ _aligned_contig_to_strided_size1_srcstride0(
#if 1 && 1 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
#if 1 == 1 && 0
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -2414,8 +2414,8 @@ _swap_contig_to_strided_size1(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
/*printf("fn _swap_contig_to_strided_size1\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -2500,8 +2500,8 @@ _swap_contig_to_strided_size1_srcstride0(
#if 0 && 1 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
#if 1 == 1 && 0
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -2577,8 +2577,8 @@ _aligned_swap_contig_to_strided_size1(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
/*printf("fn _aligned_swap_contig_to_strided_size1\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -2663,8 +2663,8 @@ _aligned_swap_contig_to_strided_size1_srcstride0(
#if 1 && 1 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
#if 1 == 1 && 0
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -2740,8 +2740,8 @@ _swap_pair_contig_to_strided_size1(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
/*printf("fn _swap_pair_contig_to_strided_size1\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -2826,8 +2826,8 @@ _swap_pair_contig_to_strided_size1_srcstride0(
#if 0 && 1 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
#if 1 == 1 && 0
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -2903,8 +2903,8 @@ _aligned_swap_pair_contig_to_strided_size1(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
/*printf("fn _aligned_swap_pair_contig_to_strided_size1\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -2989,8 +2989,8 @@ _aligned_swap_pair_contig_to_strided_size1_srcstride0(
#if 1 && 1 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
#if 1 == 1 && 0
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -3068,8 +3068,8 @@ _contig_to_contig_size1(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
/*printf("fn _contig_to_contig_size1\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -3154,8 +3154,8 @@ _contig_to_contig_size1_srcstride0(
#if 0 && 1 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
#if 1 == 1 && 1
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -3231,8 +3231,8 @@ _aligned_contig_to_contig_size1(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
/*printf("fn _aligned_contig_to_contig_size1\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -3317,8 +3317,8 @@ _aligned_contig_to_contig_size1_srcstride0(
#if 1 && 1 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
#if 1 == 1 && 1
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -3394,8 +3394,8 @@ _swap_contig_to_contig_size1(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
/*printf("fn _swap_contig_to_contig_size1\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -3480,8 +3480,8 @@ _swap_contig_to_contig_size1_srcstride0(
#if 0 && 1 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
#if 1 == 1 && 1
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -3557,8 +3557,8 @@ _aligned_swap_contig_to_contig_size1(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
/*printf("fn _aligned_swap_contig_to_contig_size1\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -3643,8 +3643,8 @@ _aligned_swap_contig_to_contig_size1_srcstride0(
#if 1 && 1 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
#if 1 == 1 && 1
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -3720,8 +3720,8 @@ _swap_pair_contig_to_contig_size1(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
/*printf("fn _swap_pair_contig_to_contig_size1\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -3806,8 +3806,8 @@ _swap_pair_contig_to_contig_size1_srcstride0(
#if 0 && 1 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
#if 1 == 1 && 1
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -3883,8 +3883,8 @@ _aligned_swap_pair_contig_to_contig_size1(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
/*printf("fn _aligned_swap_pair_contig_to_contig_size1\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -3969,8 +3969,8 @@ _aligned_swap_pair_contig_to_contig_size1_srcstride0(
#if 1 && 1 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
#if 1 == 1 && 1
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -4050,8 +4050,8 @@ _strided_to_strided_size2(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
/*printf("fn _strided_to_strided_size2\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -4136,8 +4136,8 @@ _strided_to_strided_size2_srcstride0(
#if 0 && 2 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
#if 2 == 1 && 0
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -4213,8 +4213,8 @@ _aligned_strided_to_strided_size2(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
/*printf("fn _aligned_strided_to_strided_size2\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -4299,8 +4299,8 @@ _aligned_strided_to_strided_size2_srcstride0(
#if 1 && 2 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
#if 2 == 1 && 0
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -4376,8 +4376,8 @@ _swap_strided_to_strided_size2(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
/*printf("fn _swap_strided_to_strided_size2\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -4462,8 +4462,8 @@ _swap_strided_to_strided_size2_srcstride0(
#if 0 && 2 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
#if 2 == 1 && 0
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -4539,8 +4539,8 @@ _aligned_swap_strided_to_strided_size2(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
/*printf("fn _aligned_swap_strided_to_strided_size2\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -4625,8 +4625,8 @@ _aligned_swap_strided_to_strided_size2_srcstride0(
#if 1 && 2 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
#if 2 == 1 && 0
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -4702,8 +4702,8 @@ _swap_pair_strided_to_strided_size2(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
/*printf("fn _swap_pair_strided_to_strided_size2\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -4788,8 +4788,8 @@ _swap_pair_strided_to_strided_size2_srcstride0(
#if 0 && 2 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
#if 2 == 1 && 0
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -4865,8 +4865,8 @@ _aligned_swap_pair_strided_to_strided_size2(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
/*printf("fn _aligned_swap_pair_strided_to_strided_size2\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -4951,8 +4951,8 @@ _aligned_swap_pair_strided_to_strided_size2_srcstride0(
#if 1 && 2 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
#if 2 == 1 && 0
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -5030,8 +5030,8 @@ _strided_to_contig_size2(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
/*printf("fn _strided_to_contig_size2\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -5116,8 +5116,8 @@ _strided_to_contig_size2_srcstride0(
#if 0 && 2 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
#if 2 == 1 && 1
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -5193,8 +5193,8 @@ _aligned_strided_to_contig_size2(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
/*printf("fn _aligned_strided_to_contig_size2\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -5279,8 +5279,8 @@ _aligned_strided_to_contig_size2_srcstride0(
#if 1 && 2 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
#if 2 == 1 && 1
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -5356,8 +5356,8 @@ _swap_strided_to_contig_size2(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
/*printf("fn _swap_strided_to_contig_size2\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -5442,8 +5442,8 @@ _swap_strided_to_contig_size2_srcstride0(
#if 0 && 2 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
#if 2 == 1 && 1
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -5519,8 +5519,8 @@ _aligned_swap_strided_to_contig_size2(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
/*printf("fn _aligned_swap_strided_to_contig_size2\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -5605,8 +5605,8 @@ _aligned_swap_strided_to_contig_size2_srcstride0(
#if 1 && 2 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
#if 2 == 1 && 1
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -5682,8 +5682,8 @@ _swap_pair_strided_to_contig_size2(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
/*printf("fn _swap_pair_strided_to_contig_size2\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -5768,8 +5768,8 @@ _swap_pair_strided_to_contig_size2_srcstride0(
#if 0 && 2 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
#if 2 == 1 && 1
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -5845,8 +5845,8 @@ _aligned_swap_pair_strided_to_contig_size2(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
/*printf("fn _aligned_swap_pair_strided_to_contig_size2\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -5931,8 +5931,8 @@ _aligned_swap_pair_strided_to_contig_size2_srcstride0(
#if 1 && 2 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
#if 2 == 1 && 1
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -6010,8 +6010,8 @@ _contig_to_strided_size2(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
/*printf("fn _contig_to_strided_size2\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -6096,8 +6096,8 @@ _contig_to_strided_size2_srcstride0(
#if 0 && 2 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
#if 2 == 1 && 0
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -6173,8 +6173,8 @@ _aligned_contig_to_strided_size2(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
/*printf("fn _aligned_contig_to_strided_size2\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -6259,8 +6259,8 @@ _aligned_contig_to_strided_size2_srcstride0(
#if 1 && 2 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
#if 2 == 1 && 0
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -6336,8 +6336,8 @@ _swap_contig_to_strided_size2(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
/*printf("fn _swap_contig_to_strided_size2\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -6422,8 +6422,8 @@ _swap_contig_to_strided_size2_srcstride0(
#if 0 && 2 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
#if 2 == 1 && 0
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -6499,8 +6499,8 @@ _aligned_swap_contig_to_strided_size2(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
/*printf("fn _aligned_swap_contig_to_strided_size2\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -6585,8 +6585,8 @@ _aligned_swap_contig_to_strided_size2_srcstride0(
#if 1 && 2 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
#if 2 == 1 && 0
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -6662,8 +6662,8 @@ _swap_pair_contig_to_strided_size2(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
/*printf("fn _swap_pair_contig_to_strided_size2\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -6748,8 +6748,8 @@ _swap_pair_contig_to_strided_size2_srcstride0(
#if 0 && 2 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
#if 2 == 1 && 0
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -6825,8 +6825,8 @@ _aligned_swap_pair_contig_to_strided_size2(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
/*printf("fn _aligned_swap_pair_contig_to_strided_size2\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -6911,8 +6911,8 @@ _aligned_swap_pair_contig_to_strided_size2_srcstride0(
#if 1 && 2 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
#if 2 == 1 && 0
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -6990,8 +6990,8 @@ _contig_to_contig_size2(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
/*printf("fn _contig_to_contig_size2\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -7076,8 +7076,8 @@ _contig_to_contig_size2_srcstride0(
#if 0 && 2 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
#if 2 == 1 && 1
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -7153,8 +7153,8 @@ _aligned_contig_to_contig_size2(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
/*printf("fn _aligned_contig_to_contig_size2\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -7239,8 +7239,8 @@ _aligned_contig_to_contig_size2_srcstride0(
#if 1 && 2 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
#if 2 == 1 && 1
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -7316,8 +7316,8 @@ _swap_contig_to_contig_size2(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
/*printf("fn _swap_contig_to_contig_size2\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -7402,8 +7402,8 @@ _swap_contig_to_contig_size2_srcstride0(
#if 0 && 2 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
#if 2 == 1 && 1
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -7479,8 +7479,8 @@ _aligned_swap_contig_to_contig_size2(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
/*printf("fn _aligned_swap_contig_to_contig_size2\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -7565,8 +7565,8 @@ _aligned_swap_contig_to_contig_size2_srcstride0(
#if 1 && 2 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
#if 2 == 1 && 1
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -7642,8 +7642,8 @@ _swap_pair_contig_to_contig_size2(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
/*printf("fn _swap_pair_contig_to_contig_size2\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -7728,8 +7728,8 @@ _swap_pair_contig_to_contig_size2_srcstride0(
#if 0 && 2 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
#if 2 == 1 && 1
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -7805,8 +7805,8 @@ _aligned_swap_pair_contig_to_contig_size2(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
/*printf("fn _aligned_swap_pair_contig_to_contig_size2\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -7891,8 +7891,8 @@ _aligned_swap_pair_contig_to_contig_size2_srcstride0(
#if 1 && 2 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
#if 2 == 1 && 1
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -7972,8 +7972,8 @@ _strided_to_strided_size4(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
/*printf("fn _strided_to_strided_size4\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -8058,8 +8058,8 @@ _strided_to_strided_size4_srcstride0(
#if 0 && 4 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
#if 4 == 1 && 0
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -8135,8 +8135,8 @@ _aligned_strided_to_strided_size4(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
/*printf("fn _aligned_strided_to_strided_size4\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -8221,8 +8221,8 @@ _aligned_strided_to_strided_size4_srcstride0(
#if 1 && 4 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
#if 4 == 1 && 0
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -8298,8 +8298,8 @@ _swap_strided_to_strided_size4(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
/*printf("fn _swap_strided_to_strided_size4\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -8384,8 +8384,8 @@ _swap_strided_to_strided_size4_srcstride0(
#if 0 && 4 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
#if 4 == 1 && 0
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -8461,8 +8461,8 @@ _aligned_swap_strided_to_strided_size4(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
/*printf("fn _aligned_swap_strided_to_strided_size4\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -8547,8 +8547,8 @@ _aligned_swap_strided_to_strided_size4_srcstride0(
#if 1 && 4 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
#if 4 == 1 && 0
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -8624,8 +8624,8 @@ _swap_pair_strided_to_strided_size4(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
/*printf("fn _swap_pair_strided_to_strided_size4\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -8710,8 +8710,8 @@ _swap_pair_strided_to_strided_size4_srcstride0(
#if 0 && 4 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
#if 4 == 1 && 0
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -8787,8 +8787,8 @@ _aligned_swap_pair_strided_to_strided_size4(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
/*printf("fn _aligned_swap_pair_strided_to_strided_size4\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -8873,8 +8873,8 @@ _aligned_swap_pair_strided_to_strided_size4_srcstride0(
#if 1 && 4 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
#if 4 == 1 && 0
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -8952,8 +8952,8 @@ _strided_to_contig_size4(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
/*printf("fn _strided_to_contig_size4\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -9038,8 +9038,8 @@ _strided_to_contig_size4_srcstride0(
#if 0 && 4 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
#if 4 == 1 && 1
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -9115,8 +9115,8 @@ _aligned_strided_to_contig_size4(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
/*printf("fn _aligned_strided_to_contig_size4\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -9201,8 +9201,8 @@ _aligned_strided_to_contig_size4_srcstride0(
#if 1 && 4 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
#if 4 == 1 && 1
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -9278,8 +9278,8 @@ _swap_strided_to_contig_size4(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
/*printf("fn _swap_strided_to_contig_size4\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -9364,8 +9364,8 @@ _swap_strided_to_contig_size4_srcstride0(
#if 0 && 4 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
#if 4 == 1 && 1
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -9441,8 +9441,8 @@ _aligned_swap_strided_to_contig_size4(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
/*printf("fn _aligned_swap_strided_to_contig_size4\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -9527,8 +9527,8 @@ _aligned_swap_strided_to_contig_size4_srcstride0(
#if 1 && 4 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
#if 4 == 1 && 1
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -9604,8 +9604,8 @@ _swap_pair_strided_to_contig_size4(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
/*printf("fn _swap_pair_strided_to_contig_size4\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -9690,8 +9690,8 @@ _swap_pair_strided_to_contig_size4_srcstride0(
#if 0 && 4 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
#if 4 == 1 && 1
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -9767,8 +9767,8 @@ _aligned_swap_pair_strided_to_contig_size4(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
/*printf("fn _aligned_swap_pair_strided_to_contig_size4\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -9853,8 +9853,8 @@ _aligned_swap_pair_strided_to_contig_size4_srcstride0(
#if 1 && 4 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
#if 4 == 1 && 1
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -9932,8 +9932,8 @@ _contig_to_strided_size4(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
/*printf("fn _contig_to_strided_size4\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -10018,8 +10018,8 @@ _contig_to_strided_size4_srcstride0(
#if 0 && 4 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
#if 4 == 1 && 0
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -10095,8 +10095,8 @@ _aligned_contig_to_strided_size4(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
/*printf("fn _aligned_contig_to_strided_size4\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -10181,8 +10181,8 @@ _aligned_contig_to_strided_size4_srcstride0(
#if 1 && 4 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
#if 4 == 1 && 0
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -10258,8 +10258,8 @@ _swap_contig_to_strided_size4(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
/*printf("fn _swap_contig_to_strided_size4\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -10344,8 +10344,8 @@ _swap_contig_to_strided_size4_srcstride0(
#if 0 && 4 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
#if 4 == 1 && 0
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -10421,8 +10421,8 @@ _aligned_swap_contig_to_strided_size4(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
/*printf("fn _aligned_swap_contig_to_strided_size4\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -10507,8 +10507,8 @@ _aligned_swap_contig_to_strided_size4_srcstride0(
#if 1 && 4 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
#if 4 == 1 && 0
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -10584,8 +10584,8 @@ _swap_pair_contig_to_strided_size4(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
/*printf("fn _swap_pair_contig_to_strided_size4\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -10670,8 +10670,8 @@ _swap_pair_contig_to_strided_size4_srcstride0(
#if 0 && 4 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
#if 4 == 1 && 0
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -10747,8 +10747,8 @@ _aligned_swap_pair_contig_to_strided_size4(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
/*printf("fn _aligned_swap_pair_contig_to_strided_size4\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -10833,8 +10833,8 @@ _aligned_swap_pair_contig_to_strided_size4_srcstride0(
#if 1 && 4 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
#if 4 == 1 && 0
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -10912,8 +10912,8 @@ _contig_to_contig_size4(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
/*printf("fn _contig_to_contig_size4\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -10998,8 +10998,8 @@ _contig_to_contig_size4_srcstride0(
#if 0 && 4 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
#if 4 == 1 && 1
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -11075,8 +11075,8 @@ _aligned_contig_to_contig_size4(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
/*printf("fn _aligned_contig_to_contig_size4\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -11161,8 +11161,8 @@ _aligned_contig_to_contig_size4_srcstride0(
#if 1 && 4 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
#if 4 == 1 && 1
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -11238,8 +11238,8 @@ _swap_contig_to_contig_size4(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
/*printf("fn _swap_contig_to_contig_size4\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -11324,8 +11324,8 @@ _swap_contig_to_contig_size4_srcstride0(
#if 0 && 4 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
#if 4 == 1 && 1
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -11401,8 +11401,8 @@ _aligned_swap_contig_to_contig_size4(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
/*printf("fn _aligned_swap_contig_to_contig_size4\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -11487,8 +11487,8 @@ _aligned_swap_contig_to_contig_size4_srcstride0(
#if 1 && 4 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
#if 4 == 1 && 1
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -11564,8 +11564,8 @@ _swap_pair_contig_to_contig_size4(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
/*printf("fn _swap_pair_contig_to_contig_size4\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -11650,8 +11650,8 @@ _swap_pair_contig_to_contig_size4_srcstride0(
#if 0 && 4 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
#if 4 == 1 && 1
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -11727,8 +11727,8 @@ _aligned_swap_pair_contig_to_contig_size4(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
/*printf("fn _aligned_swap_pair_contig_to_contig_size4\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -11813,8 +11813,8 @@ _aligned_swap_pair_contig_to_contig_size4_srcstride0(
#if 1 && 4 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
#if 4 == 1 && 1
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -11894,8 +11894,8 @@ _strided_to_strided_size8(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
/*printf("fn _strided_to_strided_size8\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -11980,8 +11980,8 @@ _strided_to_strided_size8_srcstride0(
#if 0 && 8 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
#if 8 == 1 && 0
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -12057,8 +12057,8 @@ _aligned_strided_to_strided_size8(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
/*printf("fn _aligned_strided_to_strided_size8\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -12143,8 +12143,8 @@ _aligned_strided_to_strided_size8_srcstride0(
#if 1 && 8 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
#if 8 == 1 && 0
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -12220,8 +12220,8 @@ _swap_strided_to_strided_size8(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
/*printf("fn _swap_strided_to_strided_size8\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -12306,8 +12306,8 @@ _swap_strided_to_strided_size8_srcstride0(
#if 0 && 8 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
#if 8 == 1 && 0
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -12383,8 +12383,8 @@ _aligned_swap_strided_to_strided_size8(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
/*printf("fn _aligned_swap_strided_to_strided_size8\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -12469,8 +12469,8 @@ _aligned_swap_strided_to_strided_size8_srcstride0(
#if 1 && 8 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
#if 8 == 1 && 0
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -12546,8 +12546,8 @@ _swap_pair_strided_to_strided_size8(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
/*printf("fn _swap_pair_strided_to_strided_size8\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -12632,8 +12632,8 @@ _swap_pair_strided_to_strided_size8_srcstride0(
#if 0 && 8 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
#if 8 == 1 && 0
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -12709,8 +12709,8 @@ _aligned_swap_pair_strided_to_strided_size8(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
/*printf("fn _aligned_swap_pair_strided_to_strided_size8\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -12795,8 +12795,8 @@ _aligned_swap_pair_strided_to_strided_size8_srcstride0(
#if 1 && 8 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
#if 8 == 1 && 0
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -12874,8 +12874,8 @@ _strided_to_contig_size8(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
/*printf("fn _strided_to_contig_size8\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -12960,8 +12960,8 @@ _strided_to_contig_size8_srcstride0(
#if 0 && 8 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
#if 8 == 1 && 1
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -13037,8 +13037,8 @@ _aligned_strided_to_contig_size8(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
/*printf("fn _aligned_strided_to_contig_size8\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -13123,8 +13123,8 @@ _aligned_strided_to_contig_size8_srcstride0(
#if 1 && 8 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
#if 8 == 1 && 1
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -13200,8 +13200,8 @@ _swap_strided_to_contig_size8(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
/*printf("fn _swap_strided_to_contig_size8\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -13286,8 +13286,8 @@ _swap_strided_to_contig_size8_srcstride0(
#if 0 && 8 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
#if 8 == 1 && 1
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -13363,8 +13363,8 @@ _aligned_swap_strided_to_contig_size8(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
/*printf("fn _aligned_swap_strided_to_contig_size8\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -13449,8 +13449,8 @@ _aligned_swap_strided_to_contig_size8_srcstride0(
#if 1 && 8 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
#if 8 == 1 && 1
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -13526,8 +13526,8 @@ _swap_pair_strided_to_contig_size8(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
/*printf("fn _swap_pair_strided_to_contig_size8\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -13612,8 +13612,8 @@ _swap_pair_strided_to_contig_size8_srcstride0(
#if 0 && 8 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
#if 8 == 1 && 1
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -13689,8 +13689,8 @@ _aligned_swap_pair_strided_to_contig_size8(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
/*printf("fn _aligned_swap_pair_strided_to_contig_size8\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -13775,8 +13775,8 @@ _aligned_swap_pair_strided_to_contig_size8_srcstride0(
#if 1 && 8 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
#if 8 == 1 && 1
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -13854,8 +13854,8 @@ _contig_to_strided_size8(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
/*printf("fn _contig_to_strided_size8\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -13940,8 +13940,8 @@ _contig_to_strided_size8_srcstride0(
#if 0 && 8 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
#if 8 == 1 && 0
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -14017,8 +14017,8 @@ _aligned_contig_to_strided_size8(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
/*printf("fn _aligned_contig_to_strided_size8\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -14103,8 +14103,8 @@ _aligned_contig_to_strided_size8_srcstride0(
#if 1 && 8 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
#if 8 == 1 && 0
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -14180,8 +14180,8 @@ _swap_contig_to_strided_size8(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
/*printf("fn _swap_contig_to_strided_size8\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -14266,8 +14266,8 @@ _swap_contig_to_strided_size8_srcstride0(
#if 0 && 8 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
#if 8 == 1 && 0
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -14343,8 +14343,8 @@ _aligned_swap_contig_to_strided_size8(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
/*printf("fn _aligned_swap_contig_to_strided_size8\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -14429,8 +14429,8 @@ _aligned_swap_contig_to_strided_size8_srcstride0(
#if 1 && 8 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
#if 8 == 1 && 0
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -14506,8 +14506,8 @@ _swap_pair_contig_to_strided_size8(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
/*printf("fn _swap_pair_contig_to_strided_size8\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -14592,8 +14592,8 @@ _swap_pair_contig_to_strided_size8_srcstride0(
#if 0 && 8 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
#if 8 == 1 && 0
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -14669,8 +14669,8 @@ _aligned_swap_pair_contig_to_strided_size8(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
/*printf("fn _aligned_swap_pair_contig_to_strided_size8\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -14755,8 +14755,8 @@ _aligned_swap_pair_contig_to_strided_size8_srcstride0(
#if 1 && 8 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
#if 8 == 1 && 0
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -14834,8 +14834,8 @@ _contig_to_contig_size8(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
/*printf("fn _contig_to_contig_size8\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -14920,8 +14920,8 @@ _contig_to_contig_size8_srcstride0(
#if 0 && 8 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
#if 8 == 1 && 1
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -14997,8 +14997,8 @@ _aligned_contig_to_contig_size8(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
/*printf("fn _aligned_contig_to_contig_size8\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -15083,8 +15083,8 @@ _aligned_contig_to_contig_size8_srcstride0(
#if 1 && 8 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
#if 8 == 1 && 1
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -15160,8 +15160,8 @@ _swap_contig_to_contig_size8(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
/*printf("fn _swap_contig_to_contig_size8\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -15246,8 +15246,8 @@ _swap_contig_to_contig_size8_srcstride0(
#if 0 && 8 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
#if 8 == 1 && 1
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -15323,8 +15323,8 @@ _aligned_swap_contig_to_contig_size8(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
/*printf("fn _aligned_swap_contig_to_contig_size8\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -15409,8 +15409,8 @@ _aligned_swap_contig_to_contig_size8_srcstride0(
#if 1 && 8 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
#if 8 == 1 && 1
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -15486,8 +15486,8 @@ _swap_pair_contig_to_contig_size8(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
/*printf("fn _swap_pair_contig_to_contig_size8\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -15572,8 +15572,8 @@ _swap_pair_contig_to_contig_size8_srcstride0(
#if 0 && 8 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
#if 8 == 1 && 1
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -15649,8 +15649,8 @@ _aligned_swap_pair_contig_to_contig_size8(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
/*printf("fn _aligned_swap_pair_contig_to_contig_size8\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -15735,8 +15735,8 @@ _aligned_swap_pair_contig_to_contig_size8_srcstride0(
#if 1 && 8 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
#if 8 == 1 && 1
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -15816,8 +15816,8 @@ _strided_to_strided_size16(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
/*printf("fn _strided_to_strided_size16\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -15902,8 +15902,8 @@ _strided_to_strided_size16_srcstride0(
#if 0 && 16 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
#if 16 == 1 && 0
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -15979,8 +15979,8 @@ _aligned_strided_to_strided_size16(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
/*printf("fn _aligned_strided_to_strided_size16\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -16065,8 +16065,8 @@ _aligned_strided_to_strided_size16_srcstride0(
#if 1 && 16 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
#if 16 == 1 && 0
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -16142,8 +16142,8 @@ _swap_strided_to_strided_size16(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
/*printf("fn _swap_strided_to_strided_size16\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -16228,8 +16228,8 @@ _swap_strided_to_strided_size16_srcstride0(
#if 0 && 16 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
#if 16 == 1 && 0
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -16305,8 +16305,8 @@ _aligned_swap_strided_to_strided_size16(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
/*printf("fn _aligned_swap_strided_to_strided_size16\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -16391,8 +16391,8 @@ _aligned_swap_strided_to_strided_size16_srcstride0(
#if 1 && 16 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
#if 16 == 1 && 0
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -16468,8 +16468,8 @@ _swap_pair_strided_to_strided_size16(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
/*printf("fn _swap_pair_strided_to_strided_size16\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -16554,8 +16554,8 @@ _swap_pair_strided_to_strided_size16_srcstride0(
#if 0 && 16 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
#if 16 == 1 && 0
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -16631,8 +16631,8 @@ _aligned_swap_pair_strided_to_strided_size16(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
/*printf("fn _aligned_swap_pair_strided_to_strided_size16\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -16717,8 +16717,8 @@ _aligned_swap_pair_strided_to_strided_size16_srcstride0(
#if 1 && 16 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
#if 16 == 1 && 0
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -16796,8 +16796,8 @@ _strided_to_contig_size16(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
/*printf("fn _strided_to_contig_size16\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -16882,8 +16882,8 @@ _strided_to_contig_size16_srcstride0(
#if 0 && 16 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
#if 16 == 1 && 1
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -16959,8 +16959,8 @@ _aligned_strided_to_contig_size16(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
/*printf("fn _aligned_strided_to_contig_size16\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -17045,8 +17045,8 @@ _aligned_strided_to_contig_size16_srcstride0(
#if 1 && 16 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
#if 16 == 1 && 1
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -17122,8 +17122,8 @@ _swap_strided_to_contig_size16(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
/*printf("fn _swap_strided_to_contig_size16\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -17208,8 +17208,8 @@ _swap_strided_to_contig_size16_srcstride0(
#if 0 && 16 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
#if 16 == 1 && 1
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -17285,8 +17285,8 @@ _aligned_swap_strided_to_contig_size16(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
/*printf("fn _aligned_swap_strided_to_contig_size16\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -17371,8 +17371,8 @@ _aligned_swap_strided_to_contig_size16_srcstride0(
#if 1 && 16 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
#if 16 == 1 && 1
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -17448,8 +17448,8 @@ _swap_pair_strided_to_contig_size16(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
/*printf("fn _swap_pair_strided_to_contig_size16\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -17534,8 +17534,8 @@ _swap_pair_strided_to_contig_size16_srcstride0(
#if 0 && 16 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
#if 16 == 1 && 1
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -17611,8 +17611,8 @@ _aligned_swap_pair_strided_to_contig_size16(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
/*printf("fn _aligned_swap_pair_strided_to_contig_size16\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -17697,8 +17697,8 @@ _aligned_swap_pair_strided_to_contig_size16_srcstride0(
#if 1 && 16 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
#if 16 == 1 && 1
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -17776,8 +17776,8 @@ _contig_to_strided_size16(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
/*printf("fn _contig_to_strided_size16\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -17862,8 +17862,8 @@ _contig_to_strided_size16_srcstride0(
#if 0 && 16 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
#if 16 == 1 && 0
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -17939,8 +17939,8 @@ _aligned_contig_to_strided_size16(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
/*printf("fn _aligned_contig_to_strided_size16\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -18025,8 +18025,8 @@ _aligned_contig_to_strided_size16_srcstride0(
#if 1 && 16 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
#if 16 == 1 && 0
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -18102,8 +18102,8 @@ _swap_contig_to_strided_size16(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
/*printf("fn _swap_contig_to_strided_size16\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -18188,8 +18188,8 @@ _swap_contig_to_strided_size16_srcstride0(
#if 0 && 16 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
#if 16 == 1 && 0
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -18265,8 +18265,8 @@ _aligned_swap_contig_to_strided_size16(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
/*printf("fn _aligned_swap_contig_to_strided_size16\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -18351,8 +18351,8 @@ _aligned_swap_contig_to_strided_size16_srcstride0(
#if 1 && 16 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
#if 16 == 1 && 0
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -18428,8 +18428,8 @@ _swap_pair_contig_to_strided_size16(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
/*printf("fn _swap_pair_contig_to_strided_size16\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -18514,8 +18514,8 @@ _swap_pair_contig_to_strided_size16_srcstride0(
#if 0 && 16 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
#if 16 == 1 && 0
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -18591,8 +18591,8 @@ _aligned_swap_pair_contig_to_strided_size16(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
/*printf("fn _aligned_swap_pair_contig_to_strided_size16\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -18677,8 +18677,8 @@ _aligned_swap_pair_contig_to_strided_size16_srcstride0(
#if 1 && 16 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
#if 16 == 1 && 0
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -18756,8 +18756,8 @@ _contig_to_contig_size16(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
/*printf("fn _contig_to_contig_size16\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -18842,8 +18842,8 @@ _contig_to_contig_size16_srcstride0(
#if 0 && 16 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
#if 16 == 1 && 1
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -18919,8 +18919,8 @@ _aligned_contig_to_contig_size16(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
/*printf("fn _aligned_contig_to_contig_size16\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -19005,8 +19005,8 @@ _aligned_contig_to_contig_size16_srcstride0(
#if 1 && 16 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
#if 16 == 1 && 1
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -19082,8 +19082,8 @@ _swap_contig_to_contig_size16(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
/*printf("fn _swap_contig_to_contig_size16\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -19168,8 +19168,8 @@ _swap_contig_to_contig_size16_srcstride0(
#if 0 && 16 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
#if 16 == 1 && 1
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -19245,8 +19245,8 @@ _aligned_swap_contig_to_contig_size16(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
/*printf("fn _aligned_swap_contig_to_contig_size16\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -19331,8 +19331,8 @@ _aligned_swap_contig_to_contig_size16_srcstride0(
#if 1 && 16 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
#if 16 == 1 && 1
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -19408,8 +19408,8 @@ _swap_pair_contig_to_contig_size16(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
/*printf("fn _swap_pair_contig_to_contig_size16\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -19494,8 +19494,8 @@ _swap_pair_contig_to_contig_size16_srcstride0(
#if 0 && 16 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
#if 16 == 1 && 1
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -19571,8 +19571,8 @@ _aligned_swap_pair_contig_to_contig_size16(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
/*printf("fn _aligned_swap_pair_contig_to_contig_size16\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -19657,8 +19657,8 @@ _aligned_swap_pair_contig_to_contig_size16_srcstride0(
#if 1 && 16 != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
#if 16 == 1 && 1
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -20853,8 +20853,8 @@ _aligned_cast_bool_to_bool(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -21023,8 +21023,8 @@ _cast_bool_to_bool(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -21193,8 +21193,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_bool_to_bool(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -21363,8 +21363,8 @@ _contig_cast_bool_to_bool(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -21537,8 +21537,8 @@ _aligned_cast_bool_to_ubyte(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -21707,8 +21707,8 @@ _cast_bool_to_ubyte(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -21877,8 +21877,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_bool_to_ubyte(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -22047,8 +22047,8 @@ _contig_cast_bool_to_ubyte(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -22221,8 +22221,8 @@ _aligned_cast_bool_to_ushort(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -22391,8 +22391,8 @@ _cast_bool_to_ushort(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -22561,8 +22561,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_bool_to_ushort(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -22731,8 +22731,8 @@ _contig_cast_bool_to_ushort(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -22905,8 +22905,8 @@ _aligned_cast_bool_to_uint(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -23075,8 +23075,8 @@ _cast_bool_to_uint(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -23245,8 +23245,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_bool_to_uint(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -23415,8 +23415,8 @@ _contig_cast_bool_to_uint(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -23589,8 +23589,8 @@ _aligned_cast_bool_to_ulong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -23759,8 +23759,8 @@ _cast_bool_to_ulong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -23929,8 +23929,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_bool_to_ulong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -24099,8 +24099,8 @@ _contig_cast_bool_to_ulong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -24273,8 +24273,8 @@ _aligned_cast_bool_to_ulonglong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -24443,8 +24443,8 @@ _cast_bool_to_ulonglong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -24613,8 +24613,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_bool_to_ulonglong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -24783,8 +24783,8 @@ _contig_cast_bool_to_ulonglong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -24957,8 +24957,8 @@ _aligned_cast_bool_to_byte(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -25127,8 +25127,8 @@ _cast_bool_to_byte(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -25297,8 +25297,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_bool_to_byte(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -25467,8 +25467,8 @@ _contig_cast_bool_to_byte(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -25641,8 +25641,8 @@ _aligned_cast_bool_to_short(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -25811,8 +25811,8 @@ _cast_bool_to_short(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -25981,8 +25981,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_bool_to_short(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -26151,8 +26151,8 @@ _contig_cast_bool_to_short(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -26325,8 +26325,8 @@ _aligned_cast_bool_to_int(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -26495,8 +26495,8 @@ _cast_bool_to_int(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -26665,8 +26665,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_bool_to_int(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -26835,8 +26835,8 @@ _contig_cast_bool_to_int(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -27009,8 +27009,8 @@ _aligned_cast_bool_to_long(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -27179,8 +27179,8 @@ _cast_bool_to_long(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -27349,8 +27349,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_bool_to_long(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -27519,8 +27519,8 @@ _contig_cast_bool_to_long(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -27693,8 +27693,8 @@ _aligned_cast_bool_to_longlong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -27863,8 +27863,8 @@ _cast_bool_to_longlong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -28033,8 +28033,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_bool_to_longlong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -28203,8 +28203,8 @@ _contig_cast_bool_to_longlong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -28377,8 +28377,8 @@ _aligned_cast_bool_to_half(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -28547,8 +28547,8 @@ _cast_bool_to_half(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -28717,8 +28717,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_bool_to_half(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -28887,8 +28887,8 @@ _contig_cast_bool_to_half(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -29061,8 +29061,8 @@ _aligned_cast_bool_to_float(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -29231,8 +29231,8 @@ _cast_bool_to_float(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -29401,8 +29401,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_bool_to_float(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -29571,8 +29571,8 @@ _contig_cast_bool_to_float(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -29745,8 +29745,8 @@ _aligned_cast_bool_to_double(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -29915,8 +29915,8 @@ _cast_bool_to_double(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -30085,8 +30085,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_bool_to_double(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -30255,8 +30255,8 @@ _contig_cast_bool_to_double(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -30429,8 +30429,8 @@ _aligned_cast_bool_to_longdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -30599,8 +30599,8 @@ _cast_bool_to_longdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -30769,8 +30769,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_bool_to_longdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -30939,8 +30939,8 @@ _contig_cast_bool_to_longdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -31113,8 +31113,8 @@ _aligned_cast_bool_to_cfloat(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -31283,8 +31283,8 @@ _cast_bool_to_cfloat(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -31453,8 +31453,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_bool_to_cfloat(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -31623,8 +31623,8 @@ _contig_cast_bool_to_cfloat(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -31797,8 +31797,8 @@ _aligned_cast_bool_to_cdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -31967,8 +31967,8 @@ _cast_bool_to_cdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -32137,8 +32137,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_bool_to_cdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -32307,8 +32307,8 @@ _contig_cast_bool_to_cdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -32481,8 +32481,8 @@ _aligned_cast_bool_to_clongdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -32651,8 +32651,8 @@ _cast_bool_to_clongdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -32821,8 +32821,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_bool_to_clongdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -32991,8 +32991,8 @@ _contig_cast_bool_to_clongdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -33169,8 +33169,8 @@ _aligned_cast_ubyte_to_bool(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -33339,8 +33339,8 @@ _cast_ubyte_to_bool(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -33509,8 +33509,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_ubyte_to_bool(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -33679,8 +33679,8 @@ _contig_cast_ubyte_to_bool(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -33853,8 +33853,8 @@ _aligned_cast_ubyte_to_ubyte(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -34023,8 +34023,8 @@ _cast_ubyte_to_ubyte(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -34193,8 +34193,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_ubyte_to_ubyte(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -34363,8 +34363,8 @@ _contig_cast_ubyte_to_ubyte(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -34537,8 +34537,8 @@ _aligned_cast_ubyte_to_ushort(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -34707,8 +34707,8 @@ _cast_ubyte_to_ushort(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -34877,8 +34877,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_ubyte_to_ushort(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -35047,8 +35047,8 @@ _contig_cast_ubyte_to_ushort(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -35221,8 +35221,8 @@ _aligned_cast_ubyte_to_uint(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -35391,8 +35391,8 @@ _cast_ubyte_to_uint(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -35561,8 +35561,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_ubyte_to_uint(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -35731,8 +35731,8 @@ _contig_cast_ubyte_to_uint(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -35905,8 +35905,8 @@ _aligned_cast_ubyte_to_ulong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -36075,8 +36075,8 @@ _cast_ubyte_to_ulong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -36245,8 +36245,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_ubyte_to_ulong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -36415,8 +36415,8 @@ _contig_cast_ubyte_to_ulong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -36589,8 +36589,8 @@ _aligned_cast_ubyte_to_ulonglong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -36759,8 +36759,8 @@ _cast_ubyte_to_ulonglong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -36929,8 +36929,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_ubyte_to_ulonglong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -37099,8 +37099,8 @@ _contig_cast_ubyte_to_ulonglong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -37273,8 +37273,8 @@ _aligned_cast_ubyte_to_byte(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -37443,8 +37443,8 @@ _cast_ubyte_to_byte(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -37613,8 +37613,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_ubyte_to_byte(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -37783,8 +37783,8 @@ _contig_cast_ubyte_to_byte(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -37957,8 +37957,8 @@ _aligned_cast_ubyte_to_short(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -38127,8 +38127,8 @@ _cast_ubyte_to_short(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -38297,8 +38297,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_ubyte_to_short(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -38467,8 +38467,8 @@ _contig_cast_ubyte_to_short(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -38641,8 +38641,8 @@ _aligned_cast_ubyte_to_int(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -38811,8 +38811,8 @@ _cast_ubyte_to_int(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -38981,8 +38981,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_ubyte_to_int(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -39151,8 +39151,8 @@ _contig_cast_ubyte_to_int(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -39325,8 +39325,8 @@ _aligned_cast_ubyte_to_long(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -39495,8 +39495,8 @@ _cast_ubyte_to_long(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -39665,8 +39665,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_ubyte_to_long(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -39835,8 +39835,8 @@ _contig_cast_ubyte_to_long(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -40009,8 +40009,8 @@ _aligned_cast_ubyte_to_longlong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -40179,8 +40179,8 @@ _cast_ubyte_to_longlong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -40349,8 +40349,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_ubyte_to_longlong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -40519,8 +40519,8 @@ _contig_cast_ubyte_to_longlong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -40693,8 +40693,8 @@ _aligned_cast_ubyte_to_half(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -40863,8 +40863,8 @@ _cast_ubyte_to_half(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -41033,8 +41033,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_ubyte_to_half(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -41203,8 +41203,8 @@ _contig_cast_ubyte_to_half(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -41377,8 +41377,8 @@ _aligned_cast_ubyte_to_float(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -41547,8 +41547,8 @@ _cast_ubyte_to_float(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -41717,8 +41717,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_ubyte_to_float(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -41887,8 +41887,8 @@ _contig_cast_ubyte_to_float(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -42061,8 +42061,8 @@ _aligned_cast_ubyte_to_double(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -42231,8 +42231,8 @@ _cast_ubyte_to_double(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -42401,8 +42401,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_ubyte_to_double(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -42571,8 +42571,8 @@ _contig_cast_ubyte_to_double(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -42745,8 +42745,8 @@ _aligned_cast_ubyte_to_longdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -42915,8 +42915,8 @@ _cast_ubyte_to_longdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -43085,8 +43085,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_ubyte_to_longdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -43255,8 +43255,8 @@ _contig_cast_ubyte_to_longdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -43429,8 +43429,8 @@ _aligned_cast_ubyte_to_cfloat(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -43599,8 +43599,8 @@ _cast_ubyte_to_cfloat(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -43769,8 +43769,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_ubyte_to_cfloat(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -43939,8 +43939,8 @@ _contig_cast_ubyte_to_cfloat(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -44113,8 +44113,8 @@ _aligned_cast_ubyte_to_cdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -44283,8 +44283,8 @@ _cast_ubyte_to_cdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -44453,8 +44453,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_ubyte_to_cdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -44623,8 +44623,8 @@ _contig_cast_ubyte_to_cdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -44797,8 +44797,8 @@ _aligned_cast_ubyte_to_clongdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -44967,8 +44967,8 @@ _cast_ubyte_to_clongdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -45137,8 +45137,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_ubyte_to_clongdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -45307,8 +45307,8 @@ _contig_cast_ubyte_to_clongdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -45485,8 +45485,8 @@ _aligned_cast_ushort_to_bool(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -45655,8 +45655,8 @@ _cast_ushort_to_bool(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -45825,8 +45825,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_ushort_to_bool(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -45995,8 +45995,8 @@ _contig_cast_ushort_to_bool(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -46169,8 +46169,8 @@ _aligned_cast_ushort_to_ubyte(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -46339,8 +46339,8 @@ _cast_ushort_to_ubyte(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -46509,8 +46509,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_ushort_to_ubyte(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -46679,8 +46679,8 @@ _contig_cast_ushort_to_ubyte(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -46853,8 +46853,8 @@ _aligned_cast_ushort_to_ushort(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -47023,8 +47023,8 @@ _cast_ushort_to_ushort(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -47193,8 +47193,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_ushort_to_ushort(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -47363,8 +47363,8 @@ _contig_cast_ushort_to_ushort(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -47537,8 +47537,8 @@ _aligned_cast_ushort_to_uint(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -47707,8 +47707,8 @@ _cast_ushort_to_uint(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -47877,8 +47877,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_ushort_to_uint(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -48047,8 +48047,8 @@ _contig_cast_ushort_to_uint(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -48221,8 +48221,8 @@ _aligned_cast_ushort_to_ulong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -48391,8 +48391,8 @@ _cast_ushort_to_ulong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -48561,8 +48561,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_ushort_to_ulong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -48731,8 +48731,8 @@ _contig_cast_ushort_to_ulong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -48905,8 +48905,8 @@ _aligned_cast_ushort_to_ulonglong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -49075,8 +49075,8 @@ _cast_ushort_to_ulonglong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -49245,8 +49245,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_ushort_to_ulonglong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -49415,8 +49415,8 @@ _contig_cast_ushort_to_ulonglong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -49589,8 +49589,8 @@ _aligned_cast_ushort_to_byte(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -49759,8 +49759,8 @@ _cast_ushort_to_byte(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -49929,8 +49929,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_ushort_to_byte(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -50099,8 +50099,8 @@ _contig_cast_ushort_to_byte(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -50273,8 +50273,8 @@ _aligned_cast_ushort_to_short(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -50443,8 +50443,8 @@ _cast_ushort_to_short(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -50613,8 +50613,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_ushort_to_short(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -50783,8 +50783,8 @@ _contig_cast_ushort_to_short(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -50957,8 +50957,8 @@ _aligned_cast_ushort_to_int(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -51127,8 +51127,8 @@ _cast_ushort_to_int(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -51297,8 +51297,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_ushort_to_int(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -51467,8 +51467,8 @@ _contig_cast_ushort_to_int(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -51641,8 +51641,8 @@ _aligned_cast_ushort_to_long(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -51811,8 +51811,8 @@ _cast_ushort_to_long(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -51981,8 +51981,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_ushort_to_long(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -52151,8 +52151,8 @@ _contig_cast_ushort_to_long(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -52325,8 +52325,8 @@ _aligned_cast_ushort_to_longlong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -52495,8 +52495,8 @@ _cast_ushort_to_longlong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -52665,8 +52665,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_ushort_to_longlong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -52835,8 +52835,8 @@ _contig_cast_ushort_to_longlong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -53009,8 +53009,8 @@ _aligned_cast_ushort_to_half(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -53179,8 +53179,8 @@ _cast_ushort_to_half(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -53349,8 +53349,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_ushort_to_half(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -53519,8 +53519,8 @@ _contig_cast_ushort_to_half(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -53693,8 +53693,8 @@ _aligned_cast_ushort_to_float(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -53863,8 +53863,8 @@ _cast_ushort_to_float(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -54033,8 +54033,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_ushort_to_float(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -54203,8 +54203,8 @@ _contig_cast_ushort_to_float(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -54377,8 +54377,8 @@ _aligned_cast_ushort_to_double(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -54547,8 +54547,8 @@ _cast_ushort_to_double(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -54717,8 +54717,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_ushort_to_double(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -54887,8 +54887,8 @@ _contig_cast_ushort_to_double(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -55061,8 +55061,8 @@ _aligned_cast_ushort_to_longdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -55231,8 +55231,8 @@ _cast_ushort_to_longdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -55401,8 +55401,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_ushort_to_longdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -55571,8 +55571,8 @@ _contig_cast_ushort_to_longdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -55745,8 +55745,8 @@ _aligned_cast_ushort_to_cfloat(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -55915,8 +55915,8 @@ _cast_ushort_to_cfloat(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -56085,8 +56085,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_ushort_to_cfloat(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -56255,8 +56255,8 @@ _contig_cast_ushort_to_cfloat(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -56429,8 +56429,8 @@ _aligned_cast_ushort_to_cdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -56599,8 +56599,8 @@ _cast_ushort_to_cdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -56769,8 +56769,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_ushort_to_cdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -56939,8 +56939,8 @@ _contig_cast_ushort_to_cdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -57113,8 +57113,8 @@ _aligned_cast_ushort_to_clongdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -57283,8 +57283,8 @@ _cast_ushort_to_clongdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -57453,8 +57453,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_ushort_to_clongdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -57623,8 +57623,8 @@ _contig_cast_ushort_to_clongdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -57801,8 +57801,8 @@ _aligned_cast_uint_to_bool(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -57971,8 +57971,8 @@ _cast_uint_to_bool(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -58141,8 +58141,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_uint_to_bool(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -58311,8 +58311,8 @@ _contig_cast_uint_to_bool(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -58485,8 +58485,8 @@ _aligned_cast_uint_to_ubyte(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -58655,8 +58655,8 @@ _cast_uint_to_ubyte(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -58825,8 +58825,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_uint_to_ubyte(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -58995,8 +58995,8 @@ _contig_cast_uint_to_ubyte(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -59169,8 +59169,8 @@ _aligned_cast_uint_to_ushort(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -59339,8 +59339,8 @@ _cast_uint_to_ushort(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -59509,8 +59509,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_uint_to_ushort(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -59679,8 +59679,8 @@ _contig_cast_uint_to_ushort(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -59853,8 +59853,8 @@ _aligned_cast_uint_to_uint(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -60023,8 +60023,8 @@ _cast_uint_to_uint(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -60193,8 +60193,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_uint_to_uint(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -60363,8 +60363,8 @@ _contig_cast_uint_to_uint(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -60537,8 +60537,8 @@ _aligned_cast_uint_to_ulong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -60707,8 +60707,8 @@ _cast_uint_to_ulong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -60877,8 +60877,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_uint_to_ulong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -61047,8 +61047,8 @@ _contig_cast_uint_to_ulong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -61221,8 +61221,8 @@ _aligned_cast_uint_to_ulonglong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -61391,8 +61391,8 @@ _cast_uint_to_ulonglong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -61561,8 +61561,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_uint_to_ulonglong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -61731,8 +61731,8 @@ _contig_cast_uint_to_ulonglong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -61905,8 +61905,8 @@ _aligned_cast_uint_to_byte(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -62075,8 +62075,8 @@ _cast_uint_to_byte(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -62245,8 +62245,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_uint_to_byte(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -62415,8 +62415,8 @@ _contig_cast_uint_to_byte(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -62589,8 +62589,8 @@ _aligned_cast_uint_to_short(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -62759,8 +62759,8 @@ _cast_uint_to_short(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -62929,8 +62929,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_uint_to_short(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -63099,8 +63099,8 @@ _contig_cast_uint_to_short(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -63273,8 +63273,8 @@ _aligned_cast_uint_to_int(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -63443,8 +63443,8 @@ _cast_uint_to_int(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -63613,8 +63613,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_uint_to_int(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -63783,8 +63783,8 @@ _contig_cast_uint_to_int(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -63957,8 +63957,8 @@ _aligned_cast_uint_to_long(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -64127,8 +64127,8 @@ _cast_uint_to_long(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -64297,8 +64297,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_uint_to_long(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -64467,8 +64467,8 @@ _contig_cast_uint_to_long(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -64641,8 +64641,8 @@ _aligned_cast_uint_to_longlong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -64811,8 +64811,8 @@ _cast_uint_to_longlong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -64981,8 +64981,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_uint_to_longlong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -65151,8 +65151,8 @@ _contig_cast_uint_to_longlong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -65325,8 +65325,8 @@ _aligned_cast_uint_to_half(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -65495,8 +65495,8 @@ _cast_uint_to_half(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -65665,8 +65665,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_uint_to_half(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -65835,8 +65835,8 @@ _contig_cast_uint_to_half(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -66009,8 +66009,8 @@ _aligned_cast_uint_to_float(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -66179,8 +66179,8 @@ _cast_uint_to_float(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -66349,8 +66349,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_uint_to_float(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -66519,8 +66519,8 @@ _contig_cast_uint_to_float(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -66693,8 +66693,8 @@ _aligned_cast_uint_to_double(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -66863,8 +66863,8 @@ _cast_uint_to_double(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -67033,8 +67033,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_uint_to_double(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -67203,8 +67203,8 @@ _contig_cast_uint_to_double(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -67377,8 +67377,8 @@ _aligned_cast_uint_to_longdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -67547,8 +67547,8 @@ _cast_uint_to_longdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -67717,8 +67717,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_uint_to_longdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -67887,8 +67887,8 @@ _contig_cast_uint_to_longdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -68061,8 +68061,8 @@ _aligned_cast_uint_to_cfloat(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -68231,8 +68231,8 @@ _cast_uint_to_cfloat(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -68401,8 +68401,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_uint_to_cfloat(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -68571,8 +68571,8 @@ _contig_cast_uint_to_cfloat(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -68745,8 +68745,8 @@ _aligned_cast_uint_to_cdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -68915,8 +68915,8 @@ _cast_uint_to_cdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -69085,8 +69085,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_uint_to_cdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -69255,8 +69255,8 @@ _contig_cast_uint_to_cdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -69429,8 +69429,8 @@ _aligned_cast_uint_to_clongdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -69599,8 +69599,8 @@ _cast_uint_to_clongdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -69769,8 +69769,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_uint_to_clongdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -69939,8 +69939,8 @@ _contig_cast_uint_to_clongdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -70117,8 +70117,8 @@ _aligned_cast_ulong_to_bool(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -70287,8 +70287,8 @@ _cast_ulong_to_bool(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -70457,8 +70457,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_ulong_to_bool(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -70627,8 +70627,8 @@ _contig_cast_ulong_to_bool(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -70801,8 +70801,8 @@ _aligned_cast_ulong_to_ubyte(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -70971,8 +70971,8 @@ _cast_ulong_to_ubyte(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -71141,8 +71141,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_ulong_to_ubyte(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -71311,8 +71311,8 @@ _contig_cast_ulong_to_ubyte(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -71485,8 +71485,8 @@ _aligned_cast_ulong_to_ushort(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -71655,8 +71655,8 @@ _cast_ulong_to_ushort(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -71825,8 +71825,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_ulong_to_ushort(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -71995,8 +71995,8 @@ _contig_cast_ulong_to_ushort(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -72169,8 +72169,8 @@ _aligned_cast_ulong_to_uint(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -72339,8 +72339,8 @@ _cast_ulong_to_uint(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -72509,8 +72509,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_ulong_to_uint(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -72679,8 +72679,8 @@ _contig_cast_ulong_to_uint(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -72853,8 +72853,8 @@ _aligned_cast_ulong_to_ulong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -73023,8 +73023,8 @@ _cast_ulong_to_ulong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -73193,8 +73193,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_ulong_to_ulong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -73363,8 +73363,8 @@ _contig_cast_ulong_to_ulong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -73537,8 +73537,8 @@ _aligned_cast_ulong_to_ulonglong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -73707,8 +73707,8 @@ _cast_ulong_to_ulonglong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -73877,8 +73877,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_ulong_to_ulonglong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -74047,8 +74047,8 @@ _contig_cast_ulong_to_ulonglong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -74221,8 +74221,8 @@ _aligned_cast_ulong_to_byte(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -74391,8 +74391,8 @@ _cast_ulong_to_byte(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -74561,8 +74561,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_ulong_to_byte(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -74731,8 +74731,8 @@ _contig_cast_ulong_to_byte(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -74905,8 +74905,8 @@ _aligned_cast_ulong_to_short(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -75075,8 +75075,8 @@ _cast_ulong_to_short(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -75245,8 +75245,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_ulong_to_short(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -75415,8 +75415,8 @@ _contig_cast_ulong_to_short(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -75589,8 +75589,8 @@ _aligned_cast_ulong_to_int(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -75759,8 +75759,8 @@ _cast_ulong_to_int(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -75929,8 +75929,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_ulong_to_int(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -76099,8 +76099,8 @@ _contig_cast_ulong_to_int(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -76273,8 +76273,8 @@ _aligned_cast_ulong_to_long(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -76443,8 +76443,8 @@ _cast_ulong_to_long(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -76613,8 +76613,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_ulong_to_long(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -76783,8 +76783,8 @@ _contig_cast_ulong_to_long(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -76957,8 +76957,8 @@ _aligned_cast_ulong_to_longlong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -77127,8 +77127,8 @@ _cast_ulong_to_longlong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -77297,8 +77297,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_ulong_to_longlong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -77467,8 +77467,8 @@ _contig_cast_ulong_to_longlong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -77641,8 +77641,8 @@ _aligned_cast_ulong_to_half(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -77811,8 +77811,8 @@ _cast_ulong_to_half(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -77981,8 +77981,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_ulong_to_half(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -78151,8 +78151,8 @@ _contig_cast_ulong_to_half(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -78325,8 +78325,8 @@ _aligned_cast_ulong_to_float(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -78495,8 +78495,8 @@ _cast_ulong_to_float(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -78665,8 +78665,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_ulong_to_float(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -78835,8 +78835,8 @@ _contig_cast_ulong_to_float(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -79009,8 +79009,8 @@ _aligned_cast_ulong_to_double(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -79179,8 +79179,8 @@ _cast_ulong_to_double(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -79349,8 +79349,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_ulong_to_double(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -79519,8 +79519,8 @@ _contig_cast_ulong_to_double(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -79693,8 +79693,8 @@ _aligned_cast_ulong_to_longdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -79863,8 +79863,8 @@ _cast_ulong_to_longdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -80033,8 +80033,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_ulong_to_longdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -80203,8 +80203,8 @@ _contig_cast_ulong_to_longdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -80377,8 +80377,8 @@ _aligned_cast_ulong_to_cfloat(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -80547,8 +80547,8 @@ _cast_ulong_to_cfloat(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -80717,8 +80717,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_ulong_to_cfloat(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -80887,8 +80887,8 @@ _contig_cast_ulong_to_cfloat(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -81061,8 +81061,8 @@ _aligned_cast_ulong_to_cdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -81231,8 +81231,8 @@ _cast_ulong_to_cdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -81401,8 +81401,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_ulong_to_cdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -81571,8 +81571,8 @@ _contig_cast_ulong_to_cdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -81745,8 +81745,8 @@ _aligned_cast_ulong_to_clongdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -81915,8 +81915,8 @@ _cast_ulong_to_clongdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -82085,8 +82085,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_ulong_to_clongdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -82255,8 +82255,8 @@ _contig_cast_ulong_to_clongdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -82433,8 +82433,8 @@ _aligned_cast_ulonglong_to_bool(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -82603,8 +82603,8 @@ _cast_ulonglong_to_bool(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -82773,8 +82773,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_ulonglong_to_bool(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -82943,8 +82943,8 @@ _contig_cast_ulonglong_to_bool(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -83117,8 +83117,8 @@ _aligned_cast_ulonglong_to_ubyte(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -83287,8 +83287,8 @@ _cast_ulonglong_to_ubyte(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -83457,8 +83457,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_ulonglong_to_ubyte(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -83627,8 +83627,8 @@ _contig_cast_ulonglong_to_ubyte(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -83801,8 +83801,8 @@ _aligned_cast_ulonglong_to_ushort(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -83971,8 +83971,8 @@ _cast_ulonglong_to_ushort(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -84141,8 +84141,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_ulonglong_to_ushort(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -84311,8 +84311,8 @@ _contig_cast_ulonglong_to_ushort(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -84485,8 +84485,8 @@ _aligned_cast_ulonglong_to_uint(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -84655,8 +84655,8 @@ _cast_ulonglong_to_uint(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -84825,8 +84825,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_ulonglong_to_uint(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -84995,8 +84995,8 @@ _contig_cast_ulonglong_to_uint(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -85169,8 +85169,8 @@ _aligned_cast_ulonglong_to_ulong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -85339,8 +85339,8 @@ _cast_ulonglong_to_ulong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -85509,8 +85509,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_ulonglong_to_ulong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -85679,8 +85679,8 @@ _contig_cast_ulonglong_to_ulong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -85853,8 +85853,8 @@ _aligned_cast_ulonglong_to_ulonglong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -86023,8 +86023,8 @@ _cast_ulonglong_to_ulonglong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -86193,8 +86193,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_ulonglong_to_ulonglong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -86363,8 +86363,8 @@ _contig_cast_ulonglong_to_ulonglong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -86537,8 +86537,8 @@ _aligned_cast_ulonglong_to_byte(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -86707,8 +86707,8 @@ _cast_ulonglong_to_byte(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -86877,8 +86877,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_ulonglong_to_byte(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -87047,8 +87047,8 @@ _contig_cast_ulonglong_to_byte(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -87221,8 +87221,8 @@ _aligned_cast_ulonglong_to_short(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -87391,8 +87391,8 @@ _cast_ulonglong_to_short(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -87561,8 +87561,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_ulonglong_to_short(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -87731,8 +87731,8 @@ _contig_cast_ulonglong_to_short(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -87905,8 +87905,8 @@ _aligned_cast_ulonglong_to_int(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -88075,8 +88075,8 @@ _cast_ulonglong_to_int(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -88245,8 +88245,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_ulonglong_to_int(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -88415,8 +88415,8 @@ _contig_cast_ulonglong_to_int(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -88589,8 +88589,8 @@ _aligned_cast_ulonglong_to_long(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -88759,8 +88759,8 @@ _cast_ulonglong_to_long(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -88929,8 +88929,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_ulonglong_to_long(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -89099,8 +89099,8 @@ _contig_cast_ulonglong_to_long(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -89273,8 +89273,8 @@ _aligned_cast_ulonglong_to_longlong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -89443,8 +89443,8 @@ _cast_ulonglong_to_longlong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -89613,8 +89613,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_ulonglong_to_longlong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -89783,8 +89783,8 @@ _contig_cast_ulonglong_to_longlong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -89957,8 +89957,8 @@ _aligned_cast_ulonglong_to_half(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -90127,8 +90127,8 @@ _cast_ulonglong_to_half(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -90297,8 +90297,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_ulonglong_to_half(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -90467,8 +90467,8 @@ _contig_cast_ulonglong_to_half(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -90641,8 +90641,8 @@ _aligned_cast_ulonglong_to_float(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -90811,8 +90811,8 @@ _cast_ulonglong_to_float(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -90981,8 +90981,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_ulonglong_to_float(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -91151,8 +91151,8 @@ _contig_cast_ulonglong_to_float(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -91325,8 +91325,8 @@ _aligned_cast_ulonglong_to_double(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -91495,8 +91495,8 @@ _cast_ulonglong_to_double(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -91665,8 +91665,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_ulonglong_to_double(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -91835,8 +91835,8 @@ _contig_cast_ulonglong_to_double(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -92009,8 +92009,8 @@ _aligned_cast_ulonglong_to_longdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -92179,8 +92179,8 @@ _cast_ulonglong_to_longdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -92349,8 +92349,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_ulonglong_to_longdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -92519,8 +92519,8 @@ _contig_cast_ulonglong_to_longdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -92693,8 +92693,8 @@ _aligned_cast_ulonglong_to_cfloat(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -92863,8 +92863,8 @@ _cast_ulonglong_to_cfloat(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -93033,8 +93033,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_ulonglong_to_cfloat(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -93203,8 +93203,8 @@ _contig_cast_ulonglong_to_cfloat(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -93377,8 +93377,8 @@ _aligned_cast_ulonglong_to_cdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -93547,8 +93547,8 @@ _cast_ulonglong_to_cdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -93717,8 +93717,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_ulonglong_to_cdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -93887,8 +93887,8 @@ _contig_cast_ulonglong_to_cdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -94061,8 +94061,8 @@ _aligned_cast_ulonglong_to_clongdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -94231,8 +94231,8 @@ _cast_ulonglong_to_clongdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -94401,8 +94401,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_ulonglong_to_clongdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -94571,8 +94571,8 @@ _contig_cast_ulonglong_to_clongdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -94749,8 +94749,8 @@ _aligned_cast_byte_to_bool(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -94919,8 +94919,8 @@ _cast_byte_to_bool(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -95089,8 +95089,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_byte_to_bool(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -95259,8 +95259,8 @@ _contig_cast_byte_to_bool(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -95433,8 +95433,8 @@ _aligned_cast_byte_to_ubyte(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -95603,8 +95603,8 @@ _cast_byte_to_ubyte(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -95773,8 +95773,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_byte_to_ubyte(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -95943,8 +95943,8 @@ _contig_cast_byte_to_ubyte(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -96117,8 +96117,8 @@ _aligned_cast_byte_to_ushort(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -96287,8 +96287,8 @@ _cast_byte_to_ushort(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -96457,8 +96457,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_byte_to_ushort(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -96627,8 +96627,8 @@ _contig_cast_byte_to_ushort(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -96801,8 +96801,8 @@ _aligned_cast_byte_to_uint(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -96971,8 +96971,8 @@ _cast_byte_to_uint(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -97141,8 +97141,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_byte_to_uint(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -97311,8 +97311,8 @@ _contig_cast_byte_to_uint(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -97485,8 +97485,8 @@ _aligned_cast_byte_to_ulong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -97655,8 +97655,8 @@ _cast_byte_to_ulong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -97825,8 +97825,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_byte_to_ulong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -97995,8 +97995,8 @@ _contig_cast_byte_to_ulong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -98169,8 +98169,8 @@ _aligned_cast_byte_to_ulonglong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -98339,8 +98339,8 @@ _cast_byte_to_ulonglong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -98509,8 +98509,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_byte_to_ulonglong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -98679,8 +98679,8 @@ _contig_cast_byte_to_ulonglong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -98853,8 +98853,8 @@ _aligned_cast_byte_to_byte(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -99023,8 +99023,8 @@ _cast_byte_to_byte(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -99193,8 +99193,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_byte_to_byte(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -99363,8 +99363,8 @@ _contig_cast_byte_to_byte(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -99537,8 +99537,8 @@ _aligned_cast_byte_to_short(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -99707,8 +99707,8 @@ _cast_byte_to_short(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -99877,8 +99877,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_byte_to_short(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -100047,8 +100047,8 @@ _contig_cast_byte_to_short(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -100221,8 +100221,8 @@ _aligned_cast_byte_to_int(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -100391,8 +100391,8 @@ _cast_byte_to_int(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -100561,8 +100561,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_byte_to_int(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -100731,8 +100731,8 @@ _contig_cast_byte_to_int(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -100905,8 +100905,8 @@ _aligned_cast_byte_to_long(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -101075,8 +101075,8 @@ _cast_byte_to_long(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -101245,8 +101245,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_byte_to_long(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -101415,8 +101415,8 @@ _contig_cast_byte_to_long(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -101589,8 +101589,8 @@ _aligned_cast_byte_to_longlong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -101759,8 +101759,8 @@ _cast_byte_to_longlong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -101929,8 +101929,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_byte_to_longlong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -102099,8 +102099,8 @@ _contig_cast_byte_to_longlong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -102273,8 +102273,8 @@ _aligned_cast_byte_to_half(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -102443,8 +102443,8 @@ _cast_byte_to_half(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -102613,8 +102613,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_byte_to_half(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -102783,8 +102783,8 @@ _contig_cast_byte_to_half(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -102957,8 +102957,8 @@ _aligned_cast_byte_to_float(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -103127,8 +103127,8 @@ _cast_byte_to_float(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -103297,8 +103297,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_byte_to_float(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -103467,8 +103467,8 @@ _contig_cast_byte_to_float(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -103641,8 +103641,8 @@ _aligned_cast_byte_to_double(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -103811,8 +103811,8 @@ _cast_byte_to_double(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -103981,8 +103981,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_byte_to_double(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -104151,8 +104151,8 @@ _contig_cast_byte_to_double(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -104325,8 +104325,8 @@ _aligned_cast_byte_to_longdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -104495,8 +104495,8 @@ _cast_byte_to_longdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -104665,8 +104665,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_byte_to_longdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -104835,8 +104835,8 @@ _contig_cast_byte_to_longdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -105009,8 +105009,8 @@ _aligned_cast_byte_to_cfloat(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -105179,8 +105179,8 @@ _cast_byte_to_cfloat(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -105349,8 +105349,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_byte_to_cfloat(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -105519,8 +105519,8 @@ _contig_cast_byte_to_cfloat(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -105693,8 +105693,8 @@ _aligned_cast_byte_to_cdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -105863,8 +105863,8 @@ _cast_byte_to_cdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -106033,8 +106033,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_byte_to_cdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -106203,8 +106203,8 @@ _contig_cast_byte_to_cdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -106377,8 +106377,8 @@ _aligned_cast_byte_to_clongdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -106547,8 +106547,8 @@ _cast_byte_to_clongdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -106717,8 +106717,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_byte_to_clongdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -106887,8 +106887,8 @@ _contig_cast_byte_to_clongdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -107065,8 +107065,8 @@ _aligned_cast_short_to_bool(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -107235,8 +107235,8 @@ _cast_short_to_bool(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -107405,8 +107405,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_short_to_bool(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -107575,8 +107575,8 @@ _contig_cast_short_to_bool(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -107749,8 +107749,8 @@ _aligned_cast_short_to_ubyte(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -107919,8 +107919,8 @@ _cast_short_to_ubyte(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -108089,8 +108089,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_short_to_ubyte(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -108259,8 +108259,8 @@ _contig_cast_short_to_ubyte(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -108433,8 +108433,8 @@ _aligned_cast_short_to_ushort(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -108603,8 +108603,8 @@ _cast_short_to_ushort(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -108773,8 +108773,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_short_to_ushort(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -108943,8 +108943,8 @@ _contig_cast_short_to_ushort(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -109117,8 +109117,8 @@ _aligned_cast_short_to_uint(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -109287,8 +109287,8 @@ _cast_short_to_uint(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -109457,8 +109457,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_short_to_uint(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -109627,8 +109627,8 @@ _contig_cast_short_to_uint(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -109801,8 +109801,8 @@ _aligned_cast_short_to_ulong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -109971,8 +109971,8 @@ _cast_short_to_ulong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -110141,8 +110141,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_short_to_ulong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -110311,8 +110311,8 @@ _contig_cast_short_to_ulong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -110485,8 +110485,8 @@ _aligned_cast_short_to_ulonglong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -110655,8 +110655,8 @@ _cast_short_to_ulonglong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -110825,8 +110825,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_short_to_ulonglong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -110995,8 +110995,8 @@ _contig_cast_short_to_ulonglong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -111169,8 +111169,8 @@ _aligned_cast_short_to_byte(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -111339,8 +111339,8 @@ _cast_short_to_byte(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -111509,8 +111509,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_short_to_byte(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -111679,8 +111679,8 @@ _contig_cast_short_to_byte(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -111853,8 +111853,8 @@ _aligned_cast_short_to_short(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -112023,8 +112023,8 @@ _cast_short_to_short(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -112193,8 +112193,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_short_to_short(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -112363,8 +112363,8 @@ _contig_cast_short_to_short(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -112537,8 +112537,8 @@ _aligned_cast_short_to_int(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -112707,8 +112707,8 @@ _cast_short_to_int(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -112877,8 +112877,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_short_to_int(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -113047,8 +113047,8 @@ _contig_cast_short_to_int(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -113221,8 +113221,8 @@ _aligned_cast_short_to_long(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -113391,8 +113391,8 @@ _cast_short_to_long(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -113561,8 +113561,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_short_to_long(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -113731,8 +113731,8 @@ _contig_cast_short_to_long(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -113905,8 +113905,8 @@ _aligned_cast_short_to_longlong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -114075,8 +114075,8 @@ _cast_short_to_longlong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -114245,8 +114245,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_short_to_longlong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -114415,8 +114415,8 @@ _contig_cast_short_to_longlong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -114589,8 +114589,8 @@ _aligned_cast_short_to_half(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -114759,8 +114759,8 @@ _cast_short_to_half(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -114929,8 +114929,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_short_to_half(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -115099,8 +115099,8 @@ _contig_cast_short_to_half(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -115273,8 +115273,8 @@ _aligned_cast_short_to_float(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -115443,8 +115443,8 @@ _cast_short_to_float(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -115613,8 +115613,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_short_to_float(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -115783,8 +115783,8 @@ _contig_cast_short_to_float(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -115957,8 +115957,8 @@ _aligned_cast_short_to_double(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -116127,8 +116127,8 @@ _cast_short_to_double(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -116297,8 +116297,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_short_to_double(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -116467,8 +116467,8 @@ _contig_cast_short_to_double(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -116641,8 +116641,8 @@ _aligned_cast_short_to_longdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -116811,8 +116811,8 @@ _cast_short_to_longdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -116981,8 +116981,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_short_to_longdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -117151,8 +117151,8 @@ _contig_cast_short_to_longdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -117325,8 +117325,8 @@ _aligned_cast_short_to_cfloat(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -117495,8 +117495,8 @@ _cast_short_to_cfloat(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -117665,8 +117665,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_short_to_cfloat(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -117835,8 +117835,8 @@ _contig_cast_short_to_cfloat(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -118009,8 +118009,8 @@ _aligned_cast_short_to_cdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -118179,8 +118179,8 @@ _cast_short_to_cdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -118349,8 +118349,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_short_to_cdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -118519,8 +118519,8 @@ _contig_cast_short_to_cdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -118693,8 +118693,8 @@ _aligned_cast_short_to_clongdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -118863,8 +118863,8 @@ _cast_short_to_clongdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -119033,8 +119033,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_short_to_clongdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -119203,8 +119203,8 @@ _contig_cast_short_to_clongdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -119381,8 +119381,8 @@ _aligned_cast_int_to_bool(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -119551,8 +119551,8 @@ _cast_int_to_bool(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -119721,8 +119721,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_int_to_bool(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -119891,8 +119891,8 @@ _contig_cast_int_to_bool(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -120065,8 +120065,8 @@ _aligned_cast_int_to_ubyte(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -120235,8 +120235,8 @@ _cast_int_to_ubyte(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -120405,8 +120405,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_int_to_ubyte(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -120575,8 +120575,8 @@ _contig_cast_int_to_ubyte(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -120749,8 +120749,8 @@ _aligned_cast_int_to_ushort(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -120919,8 +120919,8 @@ _cast_int_to_ushort(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -121089,8 +121089,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_int_to_ushort(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -121259,8 +121259,8 @@ _contig_cast_int_to_ushort(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -121433,8 +121433,8 @@ _aligned_cast_int_to_uint(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -121603,8 +121603,8 @@ _cast_int_to_uint(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -121773,8 +121773,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_int_to_uint(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -121943,8 +121943,8 @@ _contig_cast_int_to_uint(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -122117,8 +122117,8 @@ _aligned_cast_int_to_ulong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -122287,8 +122287,8 @@ _cast_int_to_ulong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -122457,8 +122457,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_int_to_ulong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -122627,8 +122627,8 @@ _contig_cast_int_to_ulong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -122801,8 +122801,8 @@ _aligned_cast_int_to_ulonglong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -122971,8 +122971,8 @@ _cast_int_to_ulonglong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -123141,8 +123141,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_int_to_ulonglong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -123311,8 +123311,8 @@ _contig_cast_int_to_ulonglong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -123485,8 +123485,8 @@ _aligned_cast_int_to_byte(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -123655,8 +123655,8 @@ _cast_int_to_byte(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -123825,8 +123825,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_int_to_byte(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -123995,8 +123995,8 @@ _contig_cast_int_to_byte(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -124169,8 +124169,8 @@ _aligned_cast_int_to_short(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -124339,8 +124339,8 @@ _cast_int_to_short(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -124509,8 +124509,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_int_to_short(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -124679,8 +124679,8 @@ _contig_cast_int_to_short(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -124853,8 +124853,8 @@ _aligned_cast_int_to_int(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -125023,8 +125023,8 @@ _cast_int_to_int(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -125193,8 +125193,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_int_to_int(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -125363,8 +125363,8 @@ _contig_cast_int_to_int(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -125537,8 +125537,8 @@ _aligned_cast_int_to_long(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -125707,8 +125707,8 @@ _cast_int_to_long(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -125877,8 +125877,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_int_to_long(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -126047,8 +126047,8 @@ _contig_cast_int_to_long(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -126221,8 +126221,8 @@ _aligned_cast_int_to_longlong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -126391,8 +126391,8 @@ _cast_int_to_longlong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -126561,8 +126561,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_int_to_longlong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -126731,8 +126731,8 @@ _contig_cast_int_to_longlong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -126905,8 +126905,8 @@ _aligned_cast_int_to_half(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -127075,8 +127075,8 @@ _cast_int_to_half(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -127245,8 +127245,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_int_to_half(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -127415,8 +127415,8 @@ _contig_cast_int_to_half(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -127589,8 +127589,8 @@ _aligned_cast_int_to_float(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -127759,8 +127759,8 @@ _cast_int_to_float(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -127929,8 +127929,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_int_to_float(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -128099,8 +128099,8 @@ _contig_cast_int_to_float(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -128273,8 +128273,8 @@ _aligned_cast_int_to_double(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -128443,8 +128443,8 @@ _cast_int_to_double(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -128613,8 +128613,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_int_to_double(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -128783,8 +128783,8 @@ _contig_cast_int_to_double(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -128957,8 +128957,8 @@ _aligned_cast_int_to_longdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -129127,8 +129127,8 @@ _cast_int_to_longdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -129297,8 +129297,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_int_to_longdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -129467,8 +129467,8 @@ _contig_cast_int_to_longdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -129641,8 +129641,8 @@ _aligned_cast_int_to_cfloat(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -129811,8 +129811,8 @@ _cast_int_to_cfloat(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -129981,8 +129981,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_int_to_cfloat(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -130151,8 +130151,8 @@ _contig_cast_int_to_cfloat(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -130325,8 +130325,8 @@ _aligned_cast_int_to_cdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -130495,8 +130495,8 @@ _cast_int_to_cdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -130665,8 +130665,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_int_to_cdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -130835,8 +130835,8 @@ _contig_cast_int_to_cdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -131009,8 +131009,8 @@ _aligned_cast_int_to_clongdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -131179,8 +131179,8 @@ _cast_int_to_clongdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -131349,8 +131349,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_int_to_clongdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -131519,8 +131519,8 @@ _contig_cast_int_to_clongdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -131697,8 +131697,8 @@ _aligned_cast_long_to_bool(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -131867,8 +131867,8 @@ _cast_long_to_bool(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -132037,8 +132037,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_long_to_bool(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -132207,8 +132207,8 @@ _contig_cast_long_to_bool(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -132381,8 +132381,8 @@ _aligned_cast_long_to_ubyte(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -132551,8 +132551,8 @@ _cast_long_to_ubyte(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -132721,8 +132721,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_long_to_ubyte(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -132891,8 +132891,8 @@ _contig_cast_long_to_ubyte(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -133065,8 +133065,8 @@ _aligned_cast_long_to_ushort(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -133235,8 +133235,8 @@ _cast_long_to_ushort(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -133405,8 +133405,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_long_to_ushort(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -133575,8 +133575,8 @@ _contig_cast_long_to_ushort(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -133749,8 +133749,8 @@ _aligned_cast_long_to_uint(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -133919,8 +133919,8 @@ _cast_long_to_uint(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -134089,8 +134089,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_long_to_uint(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -134259,8 +134259,8 @@ _contig_cast_long_to_uint(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -134433,8 +134433,8 @@ _aligned_cast_long_to_ulong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -134603,8 +134603,8 @@ _cast_long_to_ulong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -134773,8 +134773,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_long_to_ulong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -134943,8 +134943,8 @@ _contig_cast_long_to_ulong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -135117,8 +135117,8 @@ _aligned_cast_long_to_ulonglong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -135287,8 +135287,8 @@ _cast_long_to_ulonglong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -135457,8 +135457,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_long_to_ulonglong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -135627,8 +135627,8 @@ _contig_cast_long_to_ulonglong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -135801,8 +135801,8 @@ _aligned_cast_long_to_byte(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -135971,8 +135971,8 @@ _cast_long_to_byte(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -136141,8 +136141,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_long_to_byte(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -136311,8 +136311,8 @@ _contig_cast_long_to_byte(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -136485,8 +136485,8 @@ _aligned_cast_long_to_short(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -136655,8 +136655,8 @@ _cast_long_to_short(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -136825,8 +136825,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_long_to_short(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -136995,8 +136995,8 @@ _contig_cast_long_to_short(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -137169,8 +137169,8 @@ _aligned_cast_long_to_int(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -137339,8 +137339,8 @@ _cast_long_to_int(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -137509,8 +137509,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_long_to_int(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -137679,8 +137679,8 @@ _contig_cast_long_to_int(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -137853,8 +137853,8 @@ _aligned_cast_long_to_long(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -138023,8 +138023,8 @@ _cast_long_to_long(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -138193,8 +138193,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_long_to_long(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -138363,8 +138363,8 @@ _contig_cast_long_to_long(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -138537,8 +138537,8 @@ _aligned_cast_long_to_longlong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -138707,8 +138707,8 @@ _cast_long_to_longlong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -138877,8 +138877,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_long_to_longlong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -139047,8 +139047,8 @@ _contig_cast_long_to_longlong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -139221,8 +139221,8 @@ _aligned_cast_long_to_half(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -139391,8 +139391,8 @@ _cast_long_to_half(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -139561,8 +139561,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_long_to_half(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -139731,8 +139731,8 @@ _contig_cast_long_to_half(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -139905,8 +139905,8 @@ _aligned_cast_long_to_float(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -140075,8 +140075,8 @@ _cast_long_to_float(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -140245,8 +140245,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_long_to_float(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -140415,8 +140415,8 @@ _contig_cast_long_to_float(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -140589,8 +140589,8 @@ _aligned_cast_long_to_double(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -140759,8 +140759,8 @@ _cast_long_to_double(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -140929,8 +140929,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_long_to_double(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -141099,8 +141099,8 @@ _contig_cast_long_to_double(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -141273,8 +141273,8 @@ _aligned_cast_long_to_longdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -141443,8 +141443,8 @@ _cast_long_to_longdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -141613,8 +141613,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_long_to_longdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -141783,8 +141783,8 @@ _contig_cast_long_to_longdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -141957,8 +141957,8 @@ _aligned_cast_long_to_cfloat(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -142127,8 +142127,8 @@ _cast_long_to_cfloat(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -142297,8 +142297,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_long_to_cfloat(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -142467,8 +142467,8 @@ _contig_cast_long_to_cfloat(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -142641,8 +142641,8 @@ _aligned_cast_long_to_cdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -142811,8 +142811,8 @@ _cast_long_to_cdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -142981,8 +142981,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_long_to_cdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -143151,8 +143151,8 @@ _contig_cast_long_to_cdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -143325,8 +143325,8 @@ _aligned_cast_long_to_clongdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -143495,8 +143495,8 @@ _cast_long_to_clongdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -143665,8 +143665,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_long_to_clongdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -143835,8 +143835,8 @@ _contig_cast_long_to_clongdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -144013,8 +144013,8 @@ _aligned_cast_longlong_to_bool(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -144183,8 +144183,8 @@ _cast_longlong_to_bool(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -144353,8 +144353,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_longlong_to_bool(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -144523,8 +144523,8 @@ _contig_cast_longlong_to_bool(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -144697,8 +144697,8 @@ _aligned_cast_longlong_to_ubyte(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -144867,8 +144867,8 @@ _cast_longlong_to_ubyte(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -145037,8 +145037,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_longlong_to_ubyte(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -145207,8 +145207,8 @@ _contig_cast_longlong_to_ubyte(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -145381,8 +145381,8 @@ _aligned_cast_longlong_to_ushort(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -145551,8 +145551,8 @@ _cast_longlong_to_ushort(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -145721,8 +145721,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_longlong_to_ushort(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -145891,8 +145891,8 @@ _contig_cast_longlong_to_ushort(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -146065,8 +146065,8 @@ _aligned_cast_longlong_to_uint(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -146235,8 +146235,8 @@ _cast_longlong_to_uint(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -146405,8 +146405,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_longlong_to_uint(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -146575,8 +146575,8 @@ _contig_cast_longlong_to_uint(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -146749,8 +146749,8 @@ _aligned_cast_longlong_to_ulong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -146919,8 +146919,8 @@ _cast_longlong_to_ulong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -147089,8 +147089,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_longlong_to_ulong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -147259,8 +147259,8 @@ _contig_cast_longlong_to_ulong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -147433,8 +147433,8 @@ _aligned_cast_longlong_to_ulonglong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -147603,8 +147603,8 @@ _cast_longlong_to_ulonglong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -147773,8 +147773,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_longlong_to_ulonglong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -147943,8 +147943,8 @@ _contig_cast_longlong_to_ulonglong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -148117,8 +148117,8 @@ _aligned_cast_longlong_to_byte(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -148287,8 +148287,8 @@ _cast_longlong_to_byte(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -148457,8 +148457,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_longlong_to_byte(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -148627,8 +148627,8 @@ _contig_cast_longlong_to_byte(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -148801,8 +148801,8 @@ _aligned_cast_longlong_to_short(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -148971,8 +148971,8 @@ _cast_longlong_to_short(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -149141,8 +149141,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_longlong_to_short(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -149311,8 +149311,8 @@ _contig_cast_longlong_to_short(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -149485,8 +149485,8 @@ _aligned_cast_longlong_to_int(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -149655,8 +149655,8 @@ _cast_longlong_to_int(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -149825,8 +149825,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_longlong_to_int(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -149995,8 +149995,8 @@ _contig_cast_longlong_to_int(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -150169,8 +150169,8 @@ _aligned_cast_longlong_to_long(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -150339,8 +150339,8 @@ _cast_longlong_to_long(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -150509,8 +150509,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_longlong_to_long(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -150679,8 +150679,8 @@ _contig_cast_longlong_to_long(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -150853,8 +150853,8 @@ _aligned_cast_longlong_to_longlong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -151023,8 +151023,8 @@ _cast_longlong_to_longlong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -151193,8 +151193,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_longlong_to_longlong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -151363,8 +151363,8 @@ _contig_cast_longlong_to_longlong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -151537,8 +151537,8 @@ _aligned_cast_longlong_to_half(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -151707,8 +151707,8 @@ _cast_longlong_to_half(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -151877,8 +151877,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_longlong_to_half(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -152047,8 +152047,8 @@ _contig_cast_longlong_to_half(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -152221,8 +152221,8 @@ _aligned_cast_longlong_to_float(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -152391,8 +152391,8 @@ _cast_longlong_to_float(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -152561,8 +152561,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_longlong_to_float(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -152731,8 +152731,8 @@ _contig_cast_longlong_to_float(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -152905,8 +152905,8 @@ _aligned_cast_longlong_to_double(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -153075,8 +153075,8 @@ _cast_longlong_to_double(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -153245,8 +153245,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_longlong_to_double(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -153415,8 +153415,8 @@ _contig_cast_longlong_to_double(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -153589,8 +153589,8 @@ _aligned_cast_longlong_to_longdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -153759,8 +153759,8 @@ _cast_longlong_to_longdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -153929,8 +153929,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_longlong_to_longdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -154099,8 +154099,8 @@ _contig_cast_longlong_to_longdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -154273,8 +154273,8 @@ _aligned_cast_longlong_to_cfloat(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -154443,8 +154443,8 @@ _cast_longlong_to_cfloat(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -154613,8 +154613,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_longlong_to_cfloat(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -154783,8 +154783,8 @@ _contig_cast_longlong_to_cfloat(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -154957,8 +154957,8 @@ _aligned_cast_longlong_to_cdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -155127,8 +155127,8 @@ _cast_longlong_to_cdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -155297,8 +155297,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_longlong_to_cdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -155467,8 +155467,8 @@ _contig_cast_longlong_to_cdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -155641,8 +155641,8 @@ _aligned_cast_longlong_to_clongdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -155811,8 +155811,8 @@ _cast_longlong_to_clongdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -155981,8 +155981,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_longlong_to_clongdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -156151,8 +156151,8 @@ _contig_cast_longlong_to_clongdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -156329,8 +156329,8 @@ _aligned_cast_half_to_bool(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -156499,8 +156499,8 @@ _cast_half_to_bool(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -156669,8 +156669,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_half_to_bool(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -156839,8 +156839,8 @@ _contig_cast_half_to_bool(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -157013,8 +157013,8 @@ _aligned_cast_half_to_ubyte(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -157183,8 +157183,8 @@ _cast_half_to_ubyte(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -157353,8 +157353,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_half_to_ubyte(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -157523,8 +157523,8 @@ _contig_cast_half_to_ubyte(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -157697,8 +157697,8 @@ _aligned_cast_half_to_ushort(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -157867,8 +157867,8 @@ _cast_half_to_ushort(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -158037,8 +158037,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_half_to_ushort(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -158207,8 +158207,8 @@ _contig_cast_half_to_ushort(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -158381,8 +158381,8 @@ _aligned_cast_half_to_uint(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -158551,8 +158551,8 @@ _cast_half_to_uint(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -158721,8 +158721,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_half_to_uint(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -158891,8 +158891,8 @@ _contig_cast_half_to_uint(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -159065,8 +159065,8 @@ _aligned_cast_half_to_ulong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -159235,8 +159235,8 @@ _cast_half_to_ulong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -159405,8 +159405,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_half_to_ulong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -159575,8 +159575,8 @@ _contig_cast_half_to_ulong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -159749,8 +159749,8 @@ _aligned_cast_half_to_ulonglong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -159919,8 +159919,8 @@ _cast_half_to_ulonglong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -160089,8 +160089,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_half_to_ulonglong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -160259,8 +160259,8 @@ _contig_cast_half_to_ulonglong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -160433,8 +160433,8 @@ _aligned_cast_half_to_byte(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -160603,8 +160603,8 @@ _cast_half_to_byte(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -160773,8 +160773,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_half_to_byte(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -160943,8 +160943,8 @@ _contig_cast_half_to_byte(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -161117,8 +161117,8 @@ _aligned_cast_half_to_short(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -161287,8 +161287,8 @@ _cast_half_to_short(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -161457,8 +161457,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_half_to_short(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -161627,8 +161627,8 @@ _contig_cast_half_to_short(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -161801,8 +161801,8 @@ _aligned_cast_half_to_int(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -161971,8 +161971,8 @@ _cast_half_to_int(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -162141,8 +162141,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_half_to_int(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -162311,8 +162311,8 @@ _contig_cast_half_to_int(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -162485,8 +162485,8 @@ _aligned_cast_half_to_long(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -162655,8 +162655,8 @@ _cast_half_to_long(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -162825,8 +162825,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_half_to_long(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -162995,8 +162995,8 @@ _contig_cast_half_to_long(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -163169,8 +163169,8 @@ _aligned_cast_half_to_longlong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -163339,8 +163339,8 @@ _cast_half_to_longlong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -163509,8 +163509,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_half_to_longlong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -163679,8 +163679,8 @@ _contig_cast_half_to_longlong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -163853,8 +163853,8 @@ _aligned_cast_half_to_half(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -164023,8 +164023,8 @@ _cast_half_to_half(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -164193,8 +164193,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_half_to_half(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -164363,8 +164363,8 @@ _contig_cast_half_to_half(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -164537,8 +164537,8 @@ _aligned_cast_half_to_float(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -164707,8 +164707,8 @@ _cast_half_to_float(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -164877,8 +164877,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_half_to_float(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -165047,8 +165047,8 @@ _contig_cast_half_to_float(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -165221,8 +165221,8 @@ _aligned_cast_half_to_double(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -165391,8 +165391,8 @@ _cast_half_to_double(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -165561,8 +165561,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_half_to_double(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -165731,8 +165731,8 @@ _contig_cast_half_to_double(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -165905,8 +165905,8 @@ _aligned_cast_half_to_longdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -166075,8 +166075,8 @@ _cast_half_to_longdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -166245,8 +166245,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_half_to_longdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -166415,8 +166415,8 @@ _contig_cast_half_to_longdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -166589,8 +166589,8 @@ _aligned_cast_half_to_cfloat(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -166759,8 +166759,8 @@ _cast_half_to_cfloat(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -166929,8 +166929,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_half_to_cfloat(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -167099,8 +167099,8 @@ _contig_cast_half_to_cfloat(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -167273,8 +167273,8 @@ _aligned_cast_half_to_cdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -167443,8 +167443,8 @@ _cast_half_to_cdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -167613,8 +167613,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_half_to_cdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -167783,8 +167783,8 @@ _contig_cast_half_to_cdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -167957,8 +167957,8 @@ _aligned_cast_half_to_clongdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -168127,8 +168127,8 @@ _cast_half_to_clongdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -168297,8 +168297,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_half_to_clongdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -168467,8 +168467,8 @@ _contig_cast_half_to_clongdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -168645,8 +168645,8 @@ _aligned_cast_float_to_bool(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -168815,8 +168815,8 @@ _cast_float_to_bool(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -168985,8 +168985,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_float_to_bool(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -169155,8 +169155,8 @@ _contig_cast_float_to_bool(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -169329,8 +169329,8 @@ _aligned_cast_float_to_ubyte(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -169499,8 +169499,8 @@ _cast_float_to_ubyte(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -169669,8 +169669,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_float_to_ubyte(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -169839,8 +169839,8 @@ _contig_cast_float_to_ubyte(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -170013,8 +170013,8 @@ _aligned_cast_float_to_ushort(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -170183,8 +170183,8 @@ _cast_float_to_ushort(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -170353,8 +170353,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_float_to_ushort(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -170523,8 +170523,8 @@ _contig_cast_float_to_ushort(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -170697,8 +170697,8 @@ _aligned_cast_float_to_uint(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -170867,8 +170867,8 @@ _cast_float_to_uint(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -171037,8 +171037,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_float_to_uint(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -171207,8 +171207,8 @@ _contig_cast_float_to_uint(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -171381,8 +171381,8 @@ _aligned_cast_float_to_ulong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -171551,8 +171551,8 @@ _cast_float_to_ulong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -171721,8 +171721,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_float_to_ulong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -171891,8 +171891,8 @@ _contig_cast_float_to_ulong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -172065,8 +172065,8 @@ _aligned_cast_float_to_ulonglong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -172235,8 +172235,8 @@ _cast_float_to_ulonglong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -172405,8 +172405,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_float_to_ulonglong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -172575,8 +172575,8 @@ _contig_cast_float_to_ulonglong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -172749,8 +172749,8 @@ _aligned_cast_float_to_byte(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -172919,8 +172919,8 @@ _cast_float_to_byte(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -173089,8 +173089,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_float_to_byte(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -173259,8 +173259,8 @@ _contig_cast_float_to_byte(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -173433,8 +173433,8 @@ _aligned_cast_float_to_short(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -173603,8 +173603,8 @@ _cast_float_to_short(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -173773,8 +173773,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_float_to_short(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -173943,8 +173943,8 @@ _contig_cast_float_to_short(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -174117,8 +174117,8 @@ _aligned_cast_float_to_int(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -174287,8 +174287,8 @@ _cast_float_to_int(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -174457,8 +174457,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_float_to_int(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -174627,8 +174627,8 @@ _contig_cast_float_to_int(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -174801,8 +174801,8 @@ _aligned_cast_float_to_long(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -174971,8 +174971,8 @@ _cast_float_to_long(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -175141,8 +175141,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_float_to_long(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -175311,8 +175311,8 @@ _contig_cast_float_to_long(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -175485,8 +175485,8 @@ _aligned_cast_float_to_longlong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -175655,8 +175655,8 @@ _cast_float_to_longlong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -175825,8 +175825,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_float_to_longlong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -175995,8 +175995,8 @@ _contig_cast_float_to_longlong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -176169,8 +176169,8 @@ _aligned_cast_float_to_half(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -176339,8 +176339,8 @@ _cast_float_to_half(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -176509,8 +176509,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_float_to_half(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -176679,8 +176679,8 @@ _contig_cast_float_to_half(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -176853,8 +176853,8 @@ _aligned_cast_float_to_float(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -177023,8 +177023,8 @@ _cast_float_to_float(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -177193,8 +177193,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_float_to_float(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -177363,8 +177363,8 @@ _contig_cast_float_to_float(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -177537,8 +177537,8 @@ _aligned_cast_float_to_double(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -177707,8 +177707,8 @@ _cast_float_to_double(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -177877,8 +177877,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_float_to_double(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -178047,8 +178047,8 @@ _contig_cast_float_to_double(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -178221,8 +178221,8 @@ _aligned_cast_float_to_longdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -178391,8 +178391,8 @@ _cast_float_to_longdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -178561,8 +178561,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_float_to_longdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -178731,8 +178731,8 @@ _contig_cast_float_to_longdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -178905,8 +178905,8 @@ _aligned_cast_float_to_cfloat(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -179075,8 +179075,8 @@ _cast_float_to_cfloat(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -179245,8 +179245,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_float_to_cfloat(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -179415,8 +179415,8 @@ _contig_cast_float_to_cfloat(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -179589,8 +179589,8 @@ _aligned_cast_float_to_cdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -179759,8 +179759,8 @@ _cast_float_to_cdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -179929,8 +179929,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_float_to_cdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -180099,8 +180099,8 @@ _contig_cast_float_to_cdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -180273,8 +180273,8 @@ _aligned_cast_float_to_clongdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -180443,8 +180443,8 @@ _cast_float_to_clongdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -180613,8 +180613,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_float_to_clongdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -180783,8 +180783,8 @@ _contig_cast_float_to_clongdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -180961,8 +180961,8 @@ _aligned_cast_double_to_bool(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -181131,8 +181131,8 @@ _cast_double_to_bool(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -181301,8 +181301,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_double_to_bool(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -181471,8 +181471,8 @@ _contig_cast_double_to_bool(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -181645,8 +181645,8 @@ _aligned_cast_double_to_ubyte(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -181815,8 +181815,8 @@ _cast_double_to_ubyte(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -181985,8 +181985,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_double_to_ubyte(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -182155,8 +182155,8 @@ _contig_cast_double_to_ubyte(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -182329,8 +182329,8 @@ _aligned_cast_double_to_ushort(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -182499,8 +182499,8 @@ _cast_double_to_ushort(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -182669,8 +182669,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_double_to_ushort(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -182839,8 +182839,8 @@ _contig_cast_double_to_ushort(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -183013,8 +183013,8 @@ _aligned_cast_double_to_uint(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -183183,8 +183183,8 @@ _cast_double_to_uint(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -183353,8 +183353,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_double_to_uint(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -183523,8 +183523,8 @@ _contig_cast_double_to_uint(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -183697,8 +183697,8 @@ _aligned_cast_double_to_ulong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -183867,8 +183867,8 @@ _cast_double_to_ulong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -184037,8 +184037,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_double_to_ulong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -184207,8 +184207,8 @@ _contig_cast_double_to_ulong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -184381,8 +184381,8 @@ _aligned_cast_double_to_ulonglong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -184551,8 +184551,8 @@ _cast_double_to_ulonglong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -184721,8 +184721,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_double_to_ulonglong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -184891,8 +184891,8 @@ _contig_cast_double_to_ulonglong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -185065,8 +185065,8 @@ _aligned_cast_double_to_byte(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -185235,8 +185235,8 @@ _cast_double_to_byte(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -185405,8 +185405,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_double_to_byte(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -185575,8 +185575,8 @@ _contig_cast_double_to_byte(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -185749,8 +185749,8 @@ _aligned_cast_double_to_short(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -185919,8 +185919,8 @@ _cast_double_to_short(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -186089,8 +186089,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_double_to_short(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -186259,8 +186259,8 @@ _contig_cast_double_to_short(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -186433,8 +186433,8 @@ _aligned_cast_double_to_int(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -186603,8 +186603,8 @@ _cast_double_to_int(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -186773,8 +186773,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_double_to_int(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -186943,8 +186943,8 @@ _contig_cast_double_to_int(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -187117,8 +187117,8 @@ _aligned_cast_double_to_long(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -187287,8 +187287,8 @@ _cast_double_to_long(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -187457,8 +187457,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_double_to_long(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -187627,8 +187627,8 @@ _contig_cast_double_to_long(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -187801,8 +187801,8 @@ _aligned_cast_double_to_longlong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -187971,8 +187971,8 @@ _cast_double_to_longlong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -188141,8 +188141,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_double_to_longlong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -188311,8 +188311,8 @@ _contig_cast_double_to_longlong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -188485,8 +188485,8 @@ _aligned_cast_double_to_half(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -188655,8 +188655,8 @@ _cast_double_to_half(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -188825,8 +188825,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_double_to_half(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -188995,8 +188995,8 @@ _contig_cast_double_to_half(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -189169,8 +189169,8 @@ _aligned_cast_double_to_float(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -189339,8 +189339,8 @@ _cast_double_to_float(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -189509,8 +189509,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_double_to_float(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -189679,8 +189679,8 @@ _contig_cast_double_to_float(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -189853,8 +189853,8 @@ _aligned_cast_double_to_double(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -190023,8 +190023,8 @@ _cast_double_to_double(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -190193,8 +190193,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_double_to_double(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -190363,8 +190363,8 @@ _contig_cast_double_to_double(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -190537,8 +190537,8 @@ _aligned_cast_double_to_longdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -190707,8 +190707,8 @@ _cast_double_to_longdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -190877,8 +190877,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_double_to_longdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -191047,8 +191047,8 @@ _contig_cast_double_to_longdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -191221,8 +191221,8 @@ _aligned_cast_double_to_cfloat(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -191391,8 +191391,8 @@ _cast_double_to_cfloat(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -191561,8 +191561,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_double_to_cfloat(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -191731,8 +191731,8 @@ _contig_cast_double_to_cfloat(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -191905,8 +191905,8 @@ _aligned_cast_double_to_cdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -192075,8 +192075,8 @@ _cast_double_to_cdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -192245,8 +192245,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_double_to_cdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -192415,8 +192415,8 @@ _contig_cast_double_to_cdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -192589,8 +192589,8 @@ _aligned_cast_double_to_clongdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -192759,8 +192759,8 @@ _cast_double_to_clongdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -192929,8 +192929,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_double_to_clongdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -193099,8 +193099,8 @@ _contig_cast_double_to_clongdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -193277,8 +193277,8 @@ _aligned_cast_longdouble_to_bool(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -193447,8 +193447,8 @@ _cast_longdouble_to_bool(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -193617,8 +193617,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_longdouble_to_bool(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -193787,8 +193787,8 @@ _contig_cast_longdouble_to_bool(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -193961,8 +193961,8 @@ _aligned_cast_longdouble_to_ubyte(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -194131,8 +194131,8 @@ _cast_longdouble_to_ubyte(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -194301,8 +194301,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_longdouble_to_ubyte(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -194471,8 +194471,8 @@ _contig_cast_longdouble_to_ubyte(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -194645,8 +194645,8 @@ _aligned_cast_longdouble_to_ushort(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -194815,8 +194815,8 @@ _cast_longdouble_to_ushort(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -194985,8 +194985,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_longdouble_to_ushort(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -195155,8 +195155,8 @@ _contig_cast_longdouble_to_ushort(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -195329,8 +195329,8 @@ _aligned_cast_longdouble_to_uint(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -195499,8 +195499,8 @@ _cast_longdouble_to_uint(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -195669,8 +195669,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_longdouble_to_uint(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -195839,8 +195839,8 @@ _contig_cast_longdouble_to_uint(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -196013,8 +196013,8 @@ _aligned_cast_longdouble_to_ulong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -196183,8 +196183,8 @@ _cast_longdouble_to_ulong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -196353,8 +196353,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_longdouble_to_ulong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -196523,8 +196523,8 @@ _contig_cast_longdouble_to_ulong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -196697,8 +196697,8 @@ _aligned_cast_longdouble_to_ulonglong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -196867,8 +196867,8 @@ _cast_longdouble_to_ulonglong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -197037,8 +197037,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_longdouble_to_ulonglong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -197207,8 +197207,8 @@ _contig_cast_longdouble_to_ulonglong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -197381,8 +197381,8 @@ _aligned_cast_longdouble_to_byte(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -197551,8 +197551,8 @@ _cast_longdouble_to_byte(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -197721,8 +197721,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_longdouble_to_byte(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -197891,8 +197891,8 @@ _contig_cast_longdouble_to_byte(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -198065,8 +198065,8 @@ _aligned_cast_longdouble_to_short(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -198235,8 +198235,8 @@ _cast_longdouble_to_short(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -198405,8 +198405,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_longdouble_to_short(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -198575,8 +198575,8 @@ _contig_cast_longdouble_to_short(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -198749,8 +198749,8 @@ _aligned_cast_longdouble_to_int(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -198919,8 +198919,8 @@ _cast_longdouble_to_int(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -199089,8 +199089,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_longdouble_to_int(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -199259,8 +199259,8 @@ _contig_cast_longdouble_to_int(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -199433,8 +199433,8 @@ _aligned_cast_longdouble_to_long(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -199603,8 +199603,8 @@ _cast_longdouble_to_long(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -199773,8 +199773,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_longdouble_to_long(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -199943,8 +199943,8 @@ _contig_cast_longdouble_to_long(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -200117,8 +200117,8 @@ _aligned_cast_longdouble_to_longlong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -200287,8 +200287,8 @@ _cast_longdouble_to_longlong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -200457,8 +200457,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_longdouble_to_longlong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -200627,8 +200627,8 @@ _contig_cast_longdouble_to_longlong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -200801,8 +200801,8 @@ _aligned_cast_longdouble_to_half(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -200971,8 +200971,8 @@ _cast_longdouble_to_half(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -201141,8 +201141,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_longdouble_to_half(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -201311,8 +201311,8 @@ _contig_cast_longdouble_to_half(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -201485,8 +201485,8 @@ _aligned_cast_longdouble_to_float(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -201655,8 +201655,8 @@ _cast_longdouble_to_float(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -201825,8 +201825,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_longdouble_to_float(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -201995,8 +201995,8 @@ _contig_cast_longdouble_to_float(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -202169,8 +202169,8 @@ _aligned_cast_longdouble_to_double(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -202339,8 +202339,8 @@ _cast_longdouble_to_double(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -202509,8 +202509,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_longdouble_to_double(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -202679,8 +202679,8 @@ _contig_cast_longdouble_to_double(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -202853,8 +202853,8 @@ _aligned_cast_longdouble_to_longdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -203023,8 +203023,8 @@ _cast_longdouble_to_longdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -203193,8 +203193,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_longdouble_to_longdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -203363,8 +203363,8 @@ _contig_cast_longdouble_to_longdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -203537,8 +203537,8 @@ _aligned_cast_longdouble_to_cfloat(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -203707,8 +203707,8 @@ _cast_longdouble_to_cfloat(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -203877,8 +203877,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_longdouble_to_cfloat(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -204047,8 +204047,8 @@ _contig_cast_longdouble_to_cfloat(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -204221,8 +204221,8 @@ _aligned_cast_longdouble_to_cdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -204391,8 +204391,8 @@ _cast_longdouble_to_cdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -204561,8 +204561,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_longdouble_to_cdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -204731,8 +204731,8 @@ _contig_cast_longdouble_to_cdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -204905,8 +204905,8 @@ _aligned_cast_longdouble_to_clongdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -205075,8 +205075,8 @@ _cast_longdouble_to_clongdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -205245,8 +205245,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_longdouble_to_clongdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -205415,8 +205415,8 @@ _contig_cast_longdouble_to_clongdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -205593,8 +205593,8 @@ _aligned_cast_cfloat_to_bool(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -205763,8 +205763,8 @@ _cast_cfloat_to_bool(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -205933,8 +205933,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_cfloat_to_bool(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -206103,8 +206103,8 @@ _contig_cast_cfloat_to_bool(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -206277,8 +206277,8 @@ _aligned_cast_cfloat_to_ubyte(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -206447,8 +206447,8 @@ _cast_cfloat_to_ubyte(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -206617,8 +206617,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_cfloat_to_ubyte(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -206787,8 +206787,8 @@ _contig_cast_cfloat_to_ubyte(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -206961,8 +206961,8 @@ _aligned_cast_cfloat_to_ushort(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -207131,8 +207131,8 @@ _cast_cfloat_to_ushort(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -207301,8 +207301,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_cfloat_to_ushort(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -207471,8 +207471,8 @@ _contig_cast_cfloat_to_ushort(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -207645,8 +207645,8 @@ _aligned_cast_cfloat_to_uint(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -207815,8 +207815,8 @@ _cast_cfloat_to_uint(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -207985,8 +207985,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_cfloat_to_uint(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -208155,8 +208155,8 @@ _contig_cast_cfloat_to_uint(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -208329,8 +208329,8 @@ _aligned_cast_cfloat_to_ulong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -208499,8 +208499,8 @@ _cast_cfloat_to_ulong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -208669,8 +208669,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_cfloat_to_ulong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -208839,8 +208839,8 @@ _contig_cast_cfloat_to_ulong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -209013,8 +209013,8 @@ _aligned_cast_cfloat_to_ulonglong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -209183,8 +209183,8 @@ _cast_cfloat_to_ulonglong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -209353,8 +209353,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_cfloat_to_ulonglong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -209523,8 +209523,8 @@ _contig_cast_cfloat_to_ulonglong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -209697,8 +209697,8 @@ _aligned_cast_cfloat_to_byte(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -209867,8 +209867,8 @@ _cast_cfloat_to_byte(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -210037,8 +210037,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_cfloat_to_byte(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -210207,8 +210207,8 @@ _contig_cast_cfloat_to_byte(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -210381,8 +210381,8 @@ _aligned_cast_cfloat_to_short(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -210551,8 +210551,8 @@ _cast_cfloat_to_short(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -210721,8 +210721,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_cfloat_to_short(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -210891,8 +210891,8 @@ _contig_cast_cfloat_to_short(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -211065,8 +211065,8 @@ _aligned_cast_cfloat_to_int(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -211235,8 +211235,8 @@ _cast_cfloat_to_int(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -211405,8 +211405,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_cfloat_to_int(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -211575,8 +211575,8 @@ _contig_cast_cfloat_to_int(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -211749,8 +211749,8 @@ _aligned_cast_cfloat_to_long(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -211919,8 +211919,8 @@ _cast_cfloat_to_long(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -212089,8 +212089,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_cfloat_to_long(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -212259,8 +212259,8 @@ _contig_cast_cfloat_to_long(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -212433,8 +212433,8 @@ _aligned_cast_cfloat_to_longlong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -212603,8 +212603,8 @@ _cast_cfloat_to_longlong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -212773,8 +212773,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_cfloat_to_longlong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -212943,8 +212943,8 @@ _contig_cast_cfloat_to_longlong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -213117,8 +213117,8 @@ _aligned_cast_cfloat_to_half(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -213287,8 +213287,8 @@ _cast_cfloat_to_half(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -213457,8 +213457,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_cfloat_to_half(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -213627,8 +213627,8 @@ _contig_cast_cfloat_to_half(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -213801,8 +213801,8 @@ _aligned_cast_cfloat_to_float(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -213971,8 +213971,8 @@ _cast_cfloat_to_float(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -214141,8 +214141,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_cfloat_to_float(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -214311,8 +214311,8 @@ _contig_cast_cfloat_to_float(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -214485,8 +214485,8 @@ _aligned_cast_cfloat_to_double(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -214655,8 +214655,8 @@ _cast_cfloat_to_double(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -214825,8 +214825,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_cfloat_to_double(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -214995,8 +214995,8 @@ _contig_cast_cfloat_to_double(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -215169,8 +215169,8 @@ _aligned_cast_cfloat_to_longdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -215339,8 +215339,8 @@ _cast_cfloat_to_longdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -215509,8 +215509,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_cfloat_to_longdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -215679,8 +215679,8 @@ _contig_cast_cfloat_to_longdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -215853,8 +215853,8 @@ _aligned_cast_cfloat_to_cfloat(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -216023,8 +216023,8 @@ _cast_cfloat_to_cfloat(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -216193,8 +216193,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_cfloat_to_cfloat(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -216363,8 +216363,8 @@ _contig_cast_cfloat_to_cfloat(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -216537,8 +216537,8 @@ _aligned_cast_cfloat_to_cdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -216707,8 +216707,8 @@ _cast_cfloat_to_cdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -216877,8 +216877,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_cfloat_to_cdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -217047,8 +217047,8 @@ _contig_cast_cfloat_to_cdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -217221,8 +217221,8 @@ _aligned_cast_cfloat_to_clongdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -217391,8 +217391,8 @@ _cast_cfloat_to_clongdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -217561,8 +217561,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_cfloat_to_clongdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -217731,8 +217731,8 @@ _contig_cast_cfloat_to_clongdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -217909,8 +217909,8 @@ _aligned_cast_cdouble_to_bool(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -218079,8 +218079,8 @@ _cast_cdouble_to_bool(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -218249,8 +218249,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_cdouble_to_bool(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -218419,8 +218419,8 @@ _contig_cast_cdouble_to_bool(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -218593,8 +218593,8 @@ _aligned_cast_cdouble_to_ubyte(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -218763,8 +218763,8 @@ _cast_cdouble_to_ubyte(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -218933,8 +218933,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_cdouble_to_ubyte(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -219103,8 +219103,8 @@ _contig_cast_cdouble_to_ubyte(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -219277,8 +219277,8 @@ _aligned_cast_cdouble_to_ushort(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -219447,8 +219447,8 @@ _cast_cdouble_to_ushort(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -219617,8 +219617,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_cdouble_to_ushort(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -219787,8 +219787,8 @@ _contig_cast_cdouble_to_ushort(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -219961,8 +219961,8 @@ _aligned_cast_cdouble_to_uint(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -220131,8 +220131,8 @@ _cast_cdouble_to_uint(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -220301,8 +220301,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_cdouble_to_uint(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -220471,8 +220471,8 @@ _contig_cast_cdouble_to_uint(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -220645,8 +220645,8 @@ _aligned_cast_cdouble_to_ulong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -220815,8 +220815,8 @@ _cast_cdouble_to_ulong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -220985,8 +220985,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_cdouble_to_ulong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -221155,8 +221155,8 @@ _contig_cast_cdouble_to_ulong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -221329,8 +221329,8 @@ _aligned_cast_cdouble_to_ulonglong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -221499,8 +221499,8 @@ _cast_cdouble_to_ulonglong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -221669,8 +221669,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_cdouble_to_ulonglong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -221839,8 +221839,8 @@ _contig_cast_cdouble_to_ulonglong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -222013,8 +222013,8 @@ _aligned_cast_cdouble_to_byte(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -222183,8 +222183,8 @@ _cast_cdouble_to_byte(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -222353,8 +222353,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_cdouble_to_byte(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -222523,8 +222523,8 @@ _contig_cast_cdouble_to_byte(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -222697,8 +222697,8 @@ _aligned_cast_cdouble_to_short(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -222867,8 +222867,8 @@ _cast_cdouble_to_short(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -223037,8 +223037,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_cdouble_to_short(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -223207,8 +223207,8 @@ _contig_cast_cdouble_to_short(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -223381,8 +223381,8 @@ _aligned_cast_cdouble_to_int(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -223551,8 +223551,8 @@ _cast_cdouble_to_int(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -223721,8 +223721,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_cdouble_to_int(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -223891,8 +223891,8 @@ _contig_cast_cdouble_to_int(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -224065,8 +224065,8 @@ _aligned_cast_cdouble_to_long(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -224235,8 +224235,8 @@ _cast_cdouble_to_long(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -224405,8 +224405,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_cdouble_to_long(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -224575,8 +224575,8 @@ _contig_cast_cdouble_to_long(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -224749,8 +224749,8 @@ _aligned_cast_cdouble_to_longlong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -224919,8 +224919,8 @@ _cast_cdouble_to_longlong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -225089,8 +225089,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_cdouble_to_longlong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -225259,8 +225259,8 @@ _contig_cast_cdouble_to_longlong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -225433,8 +225433,8 @@ _aligned_cast_cdouble_to_half(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -225603,8 +225603,8 @@ _cast_cdouble_to_half(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -225773,8 +225773,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_cdouble_to_half(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -225943,8 +225943,8 @@ _contig_cast_cdouble_to_half(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -226117,8 +226117,8 @@ _aligned_cast_cdouble_to_float(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -226287,8 +226287,8 @@ _cast_cdouble_to_float(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -226457,8 +226457,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_cdouble_to_float(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -226627,8 +226627,8 @@ _contig_cast_cdouble_to_float(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -226801,8 +226801,8 @@ _aligned_cast_cdouble_to_double(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -226971,8 +226971,8 @@ _cast_cdouble_to_double(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -227141,8 +227141,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_cdouble_to_double(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -227311,8 +227311,8 @@ _contig_cast_cdouble_to_double(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -227485,8 +227485,8 @@ _aligned_cast_cdouble_to_longdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -227655,8 +227655,8 @@ _cast_cdouble_to_longdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -227825,8 +227825,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_cdouble_to_longdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -227995,8 +227995,8 @@ _contig_cast_cdouble_to_longdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -228169,8 +228169,8 @@ _aligned_cast_cdouble_to_cfloat(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -228339,8 +228339,8 @@ _cast_cdouble_to_cfloat(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -228509,8 +228509,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_cdouble_to_cfloat(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -228679,8 +228679,8 @@ _contig_cast_cdouble_to_cfloat(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -228853,8 +228853,8 @@ _aligned_cast_cdouble_to_cdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -229023,8 +229023,8 @@ _cast_cdouble_to_cdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -229193,8 +229193,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_cdouble_to_cdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -229363,8 +229363,8 @@ _contig_cast_cdouble_to_cdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -229537,8 +229537,8 @@ _aligned_cast_cdouble_to_clongdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -229707,8 +229707,8 @@ _cast_cdouble_to_clongdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -229877,8 +229877,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_cdouble_to_clongdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -230047,8 +230047,8 @@ _contig_cast_cdouble_to_clongdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -230225,8 +230225,8 @@ _aligned_cast_clongdouble_to_bool(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -230395,8 +230395,8 @@ _cast_clongdouble_to_bool(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -230565,8 +230565,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_clongdouble_to_bool(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -230735,8 +230735,8 @@ _contig_cast_clongdouble_to_bool(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -230909,8 +230909,8 @@ _aligned_cast_clongdouble_to_ubyte(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -231079,8 +231079,8 @@ _cast_clongdouble_to_ubyte(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -231249,8 +231249,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_clongdouble_to_ubyte(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -231419,8 +231419,8 @@ _contig_cast_clongdouble_to_ubyte(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -231593,8 +231593,8 @@ _aligned_cast_clongdouble_to_ushort(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -231763,8 +231763,8 @@ _cast_clongdouble_to_ushort(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -231933,8 +231933,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_clongdouble_to_ushort(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -232103,8 +232103,8 @@ _contig_cast_clongdouble_to_ushort(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -232277,8 +232277,8 @@ _aligned_cast_clongdouble_to_uint(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -232447,8 +232447,8 @@ _cast_clongdouble_to_uint(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -232617,8 +232617,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_clongdouble_to_uint(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -232787,8 +232787,8 @@ _contig_cast_clongdouble_to_uint(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -232961,8 +232961,8 @@ _aligned_cast_clongdouble_to_ulong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -233131,8 +233131,8 @@ _cast_clongdouble_to_ulong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -233301,8 +233301,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_clongdouble_to_ulong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -233471,8 +233471,8 @@ _contig_cast_clongdouble_to_ulong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -233645,8 +233645,8 @@ _aligned_cast_clongdouble_to_ulonglong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -233815,8 +233815,8 @@ _cast_clongdouble_to_ulonglong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -233985,8 +233985,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_clongdouble_to_ulonglong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -234155,8 +234155,8 @@ _contig_cast_clongdouble_to_ulonglong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -234329,8 +234329,8 @@ _aligned_cast_clongdouble_to_byte(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -234499,8 +234499,8 @@ _cast_clongdouble_to_byte(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -234669,8 +234669,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_clongdouble_to_byte(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -234839,8 +234839,8 @@ _contig_cast_clongdouble_to_byte(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -235013,8 +235013,8 @@ _aligned_cast_clongdouble_to_short(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -235183,8 +235183,8 @@ _cast_clongdouble_to_short(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -235353,8 +235353,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_clongdouble_to_short(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -235523,8 +235523,8 @@ _contig_cast_clongdouble_to_short(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -235697,8 +235697,8 @@ _aligned_cast_clongdouble_to_int(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -235867,8 +235867,8 @@ _cast_clongdouble_to_int(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -236037,8 +236037,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_clongdouble_to_int(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -236207,8 +236207,8 @@ _contig_cast_clongdouble_to_int(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -236381,8 +236381,8 @@ _aligned_cast_clongdouble_to_long(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -236551,8 +236551,8 @@ _cast_clongdouble_to_long(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -236721,8 +236721,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_clongdouble_to_long(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -236891,8 +236891,8 @@ _contig_cast_clongdouble_to_long(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -237065,8 +237065,8 @@ _aligned_cast_clongdouble_to_longlong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -237235,8 +237235,8 @@ _cast_clongdouble_to_longlong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -237405,8 +237405,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_clongdouble_to_longlong(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -237575,8 +237575,8 @@ _contig_cast_clongdouble_to_longlong(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -237749,8 +237749,8 @@ _aligned_cast_clongdouble_to_half(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -237919,8 +237919,8 @@ _cast_clongdouble_to_half(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -238089,8 +238089,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_clongdouble_to_half(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -238259,8 +238259,8 @@ _contig_cast_clongdouble_to_half(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -238433,8 +238433,8 @@ _aligned_cast_clongdouble_to_float(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -238603,8 +238603,8 @@ _cast_clongdouble_to_float(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -238773,8 +238773,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_clongdouble_to_float(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -238943,8 +238943,8 @@ _contig_cast_clongdouble_to_float(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -239117,8 +239117,8 @@ _aligned_cast_clongdouble_to_double(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -239287,8 +239287,8 @@ _cast_clongdouble_to_double(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -239457,8 +239457,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_clongdouble_to_double(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -239627,8 +239627,8 @@ _contig_cast_clongdouble_to_double(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -239801,8 +239801,8 @@ _aligned_cast_clongdouble_to_longdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -239971,8 +239971,8 @@ _cast_clongdouble_to_longdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -240141,8 +240141,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_clongdouble_to_longdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -240311,8 +240311,8 @@ _contig_cast_clongdouble_to_longdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -240485,8 +240485,8 @@ _aligned_cast_clongdouble_to_cfloat(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -240655,8 +240655,8 @@ _cast_clongdouble_to_cfloat(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -240825,8 +240825,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_clongdouble_to_cfloat(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -240995,8 +240995,8 @@ _contig_cast_clongdouble_to_cfloat(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -241169,8 +241169,8 @@ _aligned_cast_clongdouble_to_cdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -241339,8 +241339,8 @@ _cast_clongdouble_to_cdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -241509,8 +241509,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_clongdouble_to_cdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -241679,8 +241679,8 @@ _contig_cast_clongdouble_to_cdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -241853,8 +241853,8 @@ _aligned_cast_clongdouble_to_clongdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -242023,8 +242023,8 @@ _cast_clongdouble_to_clongdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -242193,8 +242193,8 @@ _aligned_contig_cast_clongdouble_to_clongdouble(
#if 1
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -242363,8 +242363,8 @@ _contig_cast_clongdouble_to_clongdouble(
#if 0
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -251525,7 +251525,7 @@ mapiter_trivial_set(
while (itersize--) {
char * self_ptr;
npy_intp indval = *((npy_intp*)ind_ptr);
- assert(npy_is_aligned(ind_ptr, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_intp)));
+ assert(npy_is_aligned(ind_ptr, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_intp)));
#if 0
if (check_and_adjust_index(&indval, fancy_dim, 0, _save) < 0 ) {
return -1;
@@ -251539,8 +251539,8 @@ mapiter_trivial_set(
#if 0
#if 1
- assert(npy_is_aligned(result_ptr, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
- assert(npy_is_aligned(self_ptr, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(npy_is_aligned(result_ptr, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(npy_is_aligned(self_ptr, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
*(npy_uint8 *)result_ptr = *(npy_uint8 *)self_ptr;
char *args[2] = {self_ptr, result_ptr};
@@ -251554,8 +251554,8 @@ mapiter_trivial_set(
#else /* !0 */
#if 1
- assert(npy_is_aligned(result_ptr, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
- assert(npy_is_aligned(self_ptr, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(npy_is_aligned(result_ptr, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(npy_is_aligned(self_ptr, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
*(npy_uint8 *)self_ptr = *(npy_uint8 *)result_ptr;
char *args[2] = {result_ptr, self_ptr};
@@ -251584,7 +251584,7 @@ mapiter_trivial_set(
while (itersize--) {
char * self_ptr;
npy_intp indval = *((npy_intp*)ind_ptr);
- assert(npy_is_aligned(ind_ptr, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_intp)));
+ assert(npy_is_aligned(ind_ptr, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_intp)));
#if 0
if (check_and_adjust_index(&indval, fancy_dim, 0, _save) < 0 ) {
return -1;
@@ -251598,8 +251598,8 @@ mapiter_trivial_set(
#if 0
#if 2
- assert(npy_is_aligned(result_ptr, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
- assert(npy_is_aligned(self_ptr, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(npy_is_aligned(result_ptr, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(npy_is_aligned(self_ptr, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
*(npy_uint16 *)result_ptr = *(npy_uint16 *)self_ptr;
char *args[2] = {self_ptr, result_ptr};
@@ -251613,8 +251613,8 @@ mapiter_trivial_set(
#else /* !0 */
#if 2
- assert(npy_is_aligned(result_ptr, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
- assert(npy_is_aligned(self_ptr, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(npy_is_aligned(result_ptr, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(npy_is_aligned(self_ptr, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
*(npy_uint16 *)self_ptr = *(npy_uint16 *)result_ptr;
char *args[2] = {result_ptr, self_ptr};
@@ -251643,7 +251643,7 @@ mapiter_trivial_set(
while (itersize--) {
char * self_ptr;
npy_intp indval = *((npy_intp*)ind_ptr);
- assert(npy_is_aligned(ind_ptr, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_intp)));
+ assert(npy_is_aligned(ind_ptr, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_intp)));
#if 0
if (check_and_adjust_index(&indval, fancy_dim, 0, _save) < 0 ) {
return -1;
@@ -251657,8 +251657,8 @@ mapiter_trivial_set(
#if 0
#if 4
- assert(npy_is_aligned(result_ptr, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
- assert(npy_is_aligned(self_ptr, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(npy_is_aligned(result_ptr, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(npy_is_aligned(self_ptr, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
*(npy_uint32 *)result_ptr = *(npy_uint32 *)self_ptr;
char *args[2] = {self_ptr, result_ptr};
@@ -251672,8 +251672,8 @@ mapiter_trivial_set(
#else /* !0 */
#if 4
- assert(npy_is_aligned(result_ptr, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
- assert(npy_is_aligned(self_ptr, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(npy_is_aligned(result_ptr, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(npy_is_aligned(self_ptr, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
*(npy_uint32 *)self_ptr = *(npy_uint32 *)result_ptr;
char *args[2] = {result_ptr, self_ptr};
@@ -251702,7 +251702,7 @@ mapiter_trivial_set(
while (itersize--) {
char * self_ptr;
npy_intp indval = *((npy_intp*)ind_ptr);
- assert(npy_is_aligned(ind_ptr, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_intp)));
+ assert(npy_is_aligned(ind_ptr, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_intp)));
#if 0
if (check_and_adjust_index(&indval, fancy_dim, 0, _save) < 0 ) {
return -1;
@@ -251716,8 +251716,8 @@ mapiter_trivial_set(
#if 0
#if 8
- assert(npy_is_aligned(result_ptr, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(npy_is_aligned(self_ptr, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(npy_is_aligned(result_ptr, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(npy_is_aligned(self_ptr, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
*(npy_uint64 *)result_ptr = *(npy_uint64 *)self_ptr;
char *args[2] = {self_ptr, result_ptr};
@@ -251731,8 +251731,8 @@ mapiter_trivial_set(
#else /* !0 */
#if 8
- assert(npy_is_aligned(result_ptr, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(npy_is_aligned(self_ptr, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(npy_is_aligned(result_ptr, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(npy_is_aligned(self_ptr, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
*(npy_uint64 *)self_ptr = *(npy_uint64 *)result_ptr;
char *args[2] = {result_ptr, self_ptr};
@@ -251761,7 +251761,7 @@ mapiter_trivial_set(
while (itersize--) {
char * self_ptr;
npy_intp indval = *((npy_intp*)ind_ptr);
- assert(npy_is_aligned(ind_ptr, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_intp)));
+ assert(npy_is_aligned(ind_ptr, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_intp)));
#if 0
if (check_and_adjust_index(&indval, fancy_dim, 0, _save) < 0 ) {
return -1;
@@ -251775,8 +251775,8 @@ mapiter_trivial_set(
#if 0
#if 16
- assert(npy_is_aligned(result_ptr, _UINT_ALIGN(copytype128)));
- assert(npy_is_aligned(self_ptr, _UINT_ALIGN(copytype128)));
+ assert(npy_is_aligned(result_ptr, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(copytype128)));
+ assert(npy_is_aligned(self_ptr, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(copytype128)));
*(copytype128 *)result_ptr = *(copytype128 *)self_ptr;
char *args[2] = {self_ptr, result_ptr};
@@ -251790,8 +251790,8 @@ mapiter_trivial_set(
#else /* !0 */
#if 16
- assert(npy_is_aligned(result_ptr, _UINT_ALIGN(copytype128)));
- assert(npy_is_aligned(self_ptr, _UINT_ALIGN(copytype128)));
+ assert(npy_is_aligned(result_ptr, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(copytype128)));
+ assert(npy_is_aligned(self_ptr, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(copytype128)));
*(copytype128 *)self_ptr = *(copytype128 *)result_ptr;
char *args[2] = {result_ptr, self_ptr};
@@ -251820,7 +251820,7 @@ mapiter_trivial_set(
while (itersize--) {
char * self_ptr;
npy_intp indval = *((npy_intp*)ind_ptr);
- assert(npy_is_aligned(ind_ptr, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_intp)));
+ assert(npy_is_aligned(ind_ptr, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_intp)));
#if 0
if (check_and_adjust_index(&indval, fancy_dim, 0, _save) < 0 ) {
return -1;
@@ -251834,8 +251834,8 @@ mapiter_trivial_set(
#if 0
#if 0
- assert(npy_is_aligned(result_ptr, _UINT_ALIGN(0)));
- assert(npy_is_aligned(self_ptr, _UINT_ALIGN(0)));
+ assert(npy_is_aligned(result_ptr, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(0)));
+ assert(npy_is_aligned(self_ptr, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(0)));
*(0 *)result_ptr = *(0 *)self_ptr;
char *args[2] = {self_ptr, result_ptr};
@@ -251849,8 +251849,8 @@ mapiter_trivial_set(
#else /* !0 */
#if 0
- assert(npy_is_aligned(result_ptr, _UINT_ALIGN(0)));
- assert(npy_is_aligned(self_ptr, _UINT_ALIGN(0)));
+ assert(npy_is_aligned(result_ptr, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(0)));
+ assert(npy_is_aligned(self_ptr, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(0)));
*(0 *)self_ptr = *(0 *)result_ptr;
char *args[2] = {result_ptr, self_ptr};
@@ -251971,7 +251971,7 @@ mapiter_set(
for (i=0; i < 1; i++) {
npy_intp indval = *((npy_intp*)outer_ptrs[i]);
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_intp)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_intp)));
#if 0 && 1
if (check_and_adjust_index(&indval, fancy_dims[i],
@@ -251992,9 +251992,9 @@ mapiter_set(
#if 0
#if 1
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
*(npy_uint8 *)(outer_ptrs[i]) = *(npy_uint8 *)self_ptr;
char *args[2] = {self_ptr, outer_ptrs[i]};
@@ -252008,9 +252008,9 @@ mapiter_set(
#else /* !0 */
#if 1
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
*(npy_uint8 *)self_ptr = *(npy_uint8 *)(outer_ptrs[i]);
char *args[2] = {outer_ptrs[i], self_ptr};
@@ -252054,7 +252054,7 @@ mapiter_set(
for (i=0; i < 1; i++) {
npy_intp indval = *((npy_intp*)outer_ptrs[i]);
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_intp)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_intp)));
#if 0 && 1
if (check_and_adjust_index(&indval, fancy_dims[i],
@@ -252075,9 +252075,9 @@ mapiter_set(
#if 0
#if 2
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
*(npy_uint16 *)(outer_ptrs[i]) = *(npy_uint16 *)self_ptr;
char *args[2] = {self_ptr, outer_ptrs[i]};
@@ -252091,9 +252091,9 @@ mapiter_set(
#else /* !0 */
#if 2
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
*(npy_uint16 *)self_ptr = *(npy_uint16 *)(outer_ptrs[i]);
char *args[2] = {outer_ptrs[i], self_ptr};
@@ -252137,7 +252137,7 @@ mapiter_set(
for (i=0; i < 1; i++) {
npy_intp indval = *((npy_intp*)outer_ptrs[i]);
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_intp)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_intp)));
#if 0 && 1
if (check_and_adjust_index(&indval, fancy_dims[i],
@@ -252158,9 +252158,9 @@ mapiter_set(
#if 0
#if 4
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
*(npy_uint32 *)(outer_ptrs[i]) = *(npy_uint32 *)self_ptr;
char *args[2] = {self_ptr, outer_ptrs[i]};
@@ -252174,9 +252174,9 @@ mapiter_set(
#else /* !0 */
#if 4
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
*(npy_uint32 *)self_ptr = *(npy_uint32 *)(outer_ptrs[i]);
char *args[2] = {outer_ptrs[i], self_ptr};
@@ -252220,7 +252220,7 @@ mapiter_set(
for (i=0; i < 1; i++) {
npy_intp indval = *((npy_intp*)outer_ptrs[i]);
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_intp)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_intp)));
#if 0 && 1
if (check_and_adjust_index(&indval, fancy_dims[i],
@@ -252241,9 +252241,9 @@ mapiter_set(
#if 0
#if 8
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
*(npy_uint64 *)(outer_ptrs[i]) = *(npy_uint64 *)self_ptr;
char *args[2] = {self_ptr, outer_ptrs[i]};
@@ -252257,9 +252257,9 @@ mapiter_set(
#else /* !0 */
#if 8
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
*(npy_uint64 *)self_ptr = *(npy_uint64 *)(outer_ptrs[i]);
char *args[2] = {outer_ptrs[i], self_ptr};
@@ -252303,7 +252303,7 @@ mapiter_set(
for (i=0; i < 1; i++) {
npy_intp indval = *((npy_intp*)outer_ptrs[i]);
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_intp)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_intp)));
#if 0 && 1
if (check_and_adjust_index(&indval, fancy_dims[i],
@@ -252324,9 +252324,9 @@ mapiter_set(
#if 0
#if 16
- _UINT_ALIGN(copytype128)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(copytype128)));
- _UINT_ALIGN(copytype128)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(copytype128)));
*(copytype128 *)(outer_ptrs[i]) = *(copytype128 *)self_ptr;
char *args[2] = {self_ptr, outer_ptrs[i]};
@@ -252340,9 +252340,9 @@ mapiter_set(
#else /* !0 */
#if 16
- _UINT_ALIGN(copytype128)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(copytype128)));
- _UINT_ALIGN(copytype128)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(copytype128)));
*(copytype128 *)self_ptr = *(copytype128 *)(outer_ptrs[i]);
char *args[2] = {outer_ptrs[i], self_ptr};
@@ -252386,7 +252386,7 @@ mapiter_set(
for (i=0; i < 1; i++) {
npy_intp indval = *((npy_intp*)outer_ptrs[i]);
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_intp)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_intp)));
#if 0 && 1
if (check_and_adjust_index(&indval, fancy_dims[i],
@@ -252407,9 +252407,9 @@ mapiter_set(
#if 0
#if 0
- _UINT_ALIGN(0)));
- _UINT_ALIGN(0)));
*(0 *)(outer_ptrs[i]) = *(0 *)self_ptr;
char *args[2] = {self_ptr, outer_ptrs[i]};
@@ -252423,9 +252423,9 @@ mapiter_set(
#else /* !0 */
#if 0
- _UINT_ALIGN(0)));
- _UINT_ALIGN(0)));
*(0 *)self_ptr = *(0 *)(outer_ptrs[i]);
char *args[2] = {outer_ptrs[i], self_ptr};
@@ -252488,7 +252488,7 @@ mapiter_set(
for (i=0; i < numiter; i++) {
npy_intp indval = *((npy_intp*)outer_ptrs[i]);
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_intp)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_intp)));
#if 0 && 0
if (check_and_adjust_index(&indval, fancy_dims[i],
@@ -252509,9 +252509,9 @@ mapiter_set(
#if 0
#if 1
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
*(npy_uint8 *)(outer_ptrs[i]) = *(npy_uint8 *)self_ptr;
char *args[2] = {self_ptr, outer_ptrs[i]};
@@ -252525,9 +252525,9 @@ mapiter_set(
#else /* !0 */
#if 1
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
*(npy_uint8 *)self_ptr = *(npy_uint8 *)(outer_ptrs[i]);
char *args[2] = {outer_ptrs[i], self_ptr};
@@ -252571,7 +252571,7 @@ mapiter_set(
for (i=0; i < numiter; i++) {
npy_intp indval = *((npy_intp*)outer_ptrs[i]);
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_intp)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_intp)));
#if 0 && 0
if (check_and_adjust_index(&indval, fancy_dims[i],
@@ -252592,9 +252592,9 @@ mapiter_set(
#if 0
#if 2
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
*(npy_uint16 *)(outer_ptrs[i]) = *(npy_uint16 *)self_ptr;
char *args[2] = {self_ptr, outer_ptrs[i]};
@@ -252608,9 +252608,9 @@ mapiter_set(
#else /* !0 */
#if 2
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
*(npy_uint16 *)self_ptr = *(npy_uint16 *)(outer_ptrs[i]);
char *args[2] = {outer_ptrs[i], self_ptr};
@@ -252654,7 +252654,7 @@ mapiter_set(
for (i=0; i < numiter; i++) {
npy_intp indval = *((npy_intp*)outer_ptrs[i]);
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_intp)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_intp)));
#if 0 && 0
if (check_and_adjust_index(&indval, fancy_dims[i],
@@ -252675,9 +252675,9 @@ mapiter_set(
#if 0
#if 4
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
*(npy_uint32 *)(outer_ptrs[i]) = *(npy_uint32 *)self_ptr;
char *args[2] = {self_ptr, outer_ptrs[i]};
@@ -252691,9 +252691,9 @@ mapiter_set(
#else /* !0 */
#if 4
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
*(npy_uint32 *)self_ptr = *(npy_uint32 *)(outer_ptrs[i]);
char *args[2] = {outer_ptrs[i], self_ptr};
@@ -252737,7 +252737,7 @@ mapiter_set(
for (i=0; i < numiter; i++) {
npy_intp indval = *((npy_intp*)outer_ptrs[i]);
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_intp)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_intp)));
#if 0 && 0
if (check_and_adjust_index(&indval, fancy_dims[i],
@@ -252758,9 +252758,9 @@ mapiter_set(
#if 0
#if 8
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
*(npy_uint64 *)(outer_ptrs[i]) = *(npy_uint64 *)self_ptr;
char *args[2] = {self_ptr, outer_ptrs[i]};
@@ -252774,9 +252774,9 @@ mapiter_set(
#else /* !0 */
#if 8
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
*(npy_uint64 *)self_ptr = *(npy_uint64 *)(outer_ptrs[i]);
char *args[2] = {outer_ptrs[i], self_ptr};
@@ -252820,7 +252820,7 @@ mapiter_set(
for (i=0; i < numiter; i++) {
npy_intp indval = *((npy_intp*)outer_ptrs[i]);
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_intp)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_intp)));
#if 0 && 0
if (check_and_adjust_index(&indval, fancy_dims[i],
@@ -252841,9 +252841,9 @@ mapiter_set(
#if 0
#if 16
- _UINT_ALIGN(copytype128)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(copytype128)));
- _UINT_ALIGN(copytype128)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(copytype128)));
*(copytype128 *)(outer_ptrs[i]) = *(copytype128 *)self_ptr;
char *args[2] = {self_ptr, outer_ptrs[i]};
@@ -252857,9 +252857,9 @@ mapiter_set(
#else /* !0 */
#if 16
- _UINT_ALIGN(copytype128)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(copytype128)));
- _UINT_ALIGN(copytype128)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(copytype128)));
*(copytype128 *)self_ptr = *(copytype128 *)(outer_ptrs[i]);
char *args[2] = {outer_ptrs[i], self_ptr};
@@ -252903,7 +252903,7 @@ mapiter_set(
for (i=0; i < numiter; i++) {
npy_intp indval = *((npy_intp*)outer_ptrs[i]);
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_intp)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_intp)));
#if 0 && 0
if (check_and_adjust_index(&indval, fancy_dims[i],
@@ -252924,9 +252924,9 @@ mapiter_set(
#if 0
#if 0
- _UINT_ALIGN(0)));
- _UINT_ALIGN(0)));
*(0 *)(outer_ptrs[i]) = *(0 *)self_ptr;
char *args[2] = {self_ptr, outer_ptrs[i]};
@@ -252940,9 +252940,9 @@ mapiter_set(
#else /* !0 */
#if 0
- _UINT_ALIGN(0)));
- _UINT_ALIGN(0)));
*(0 *)self_ptr = *(0 *)(outer_ptrs[i]);
char *args[2] = {outer_ptrs[i], self_ptr};
@@ -253283,7 +253283,7 @@ mapiter_trivial_get(
while (itersize--) {
char * self_ptr;
npy_intp indval = *((npy_intp*)ind_ptr);
- assert(npy_is_aligned(ind_ptr, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_intp)));
+ assert(npy_is_aligned(ind_ptr, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_intp)));
#if 1
if (check_and_adjust_index(&indval, fancy_dim, 0, _save) < 0 ) {
return -1;
@@ -253297,8 +253297,8 @@ mapiter_trivial_get(
#if 1
#if 1
- assert(npy_is_aligned(result_ptr, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
- assert(npy_is_aligned(self_ptr, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(npy_is_aligned(result_ptr, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(npy_is_aligned(self_ptr, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
*(npy_uint8 *)result_ptr = *(npy_uint8 *)self_ptr;
char *args[2] = {self_ptr, result_ptr};
@@ -253312,8 +253312,8 @@ mapiter_trivial_get(
#else /* !1 */
#if 1
- assert(npy_is_aligned(result_ptr, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
- assert(npy_is_aligned(self_ptr, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(npy_is_aligned(result_ptr, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
+ assert(npy_is_aligned(self_ptr, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
*(npy_uint8 *)self_ptr = *(npy_uint8 *)result_ptr;
char *args[2] = {result_ptr, self_ptr};
@@ -253342,7 +253342,7 @@ mapiter_trivial_get(
while (itersize--) {
char * self_ptr;
npy_intp indval = *((npy_intp*)ind_ptr);
- assert(npy_is_aligned(ind_ptr, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_intp)));
+ assert(npy_is_aligned(ind_ptr, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_intp)));
#if 1
if (check_and_adjust_index(&indval, fancy_dim, 0, _save) < 0 ) {
return -1;
@@ -253356,8 +253356,8 @@ mapiter_trivial_get(
#if 1
#if 2
- assert(npy_is_aligned(result_ptr, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
- assert(npy_is_aligned(self_ptr, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(npy_is_aligned(result_ptr, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(npy_is_aligned(self_ptr, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
*(npy_uint16 *)result_ptr = *(npy_uint16 *)self_ptr;
char *args[2] = {self_ptr, result_ptr};
@@ -253371,8 +253371,8 @@ mapiter_trivial_get(
#else /* !1 */
#if 2
- assert(npy_is_aligned(result_ptr, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
- assert(npy_is_aligned(self_ptr, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(npy_is_aligned(result_ptr, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
+ assert(npy_is_aligned(self_ptr, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
*(npy_uint16 *)self_ptr = *(npy_uint16 *)result_ptr;
char *args[2] = {result_ptr, self_ptr};
@@ -253401,7 +253401,7 @@ mapiter_trivial_get(
while (itersize--) {
char * self_ptr;
npy_intp indval = *((npy_intp*)ind_ptr);
- assert(npy_is_aligned(ind_ptr, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_intp)));
+ assert(npy_is_aligned(ind_ptr, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_intp)));
#if 1
if (check_and_adjust_index(&indval, fancy_dim, 0, _save) < 0 ) {
return -1;
@@ -253415,8 +253415,8 @@ mapiter_trivial_get(
#if 1
#if 4
- assert(npy_is_aligned(result_ptr, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
- assert(npy_is_aligned(self_ptr, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(npy_is_aligned(result_ptr, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(npy_is_aligned(self_ptr, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
*(npy_uint32 *)result_ptr = *(npy_uint32 *)self_ptr;
char *args[2] = {self_ptr, result_ptr};
@@ -253430,8 +253430,8 @@ mapiter_trivial_get(
#else /* !1 */
#if 4
- assert(npy_is_aligned(result_ptr, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
- assert(npy_is_aligned(self_ptr, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(npy_is_aligned(result_ptr, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
+ assert(npy_is_aligned(self_ptr, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
*(npy_uint32 *)self_ptr = *(npy_uint32 *)result_ptr;
char *args[2] = {result_ptr, self_ptr};
@@ -253460,7 +253460,7 @@ mapiter_trivial_get(
while (itersize--) {
char * self_ptr;
npy_intp indval = *((npy_intp*)ind_ptr);
- assert(npy_is_aligned(ind_ptr, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_intp)));
+ assert(npy_is_aligned(ind_ptr, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_intp)));
#if 1
if (check_and_adjust_index(&indval, fancy_dim, 0, _save) < 0 ) {
return -1;
@@ -253474,8 +253474,8 @@ mapiter_trivial_get(
#if 1
#if 8
- assert(npy_is_aligned(result_ptr, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(npy_is_aligned(self_ptr, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(npy_is_aligned(result_ptr, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(npy_is_aligned(self_ptr, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
*(npy_uint64 *)result_ptr = *(npy_uint64 *)self_ptr;
char *args[2] = {self_ptr, result_ptr};
@@ -253489,8 +253489,8 @@ mapiter_trivial_get(
#else /* !1 */
#if 8
- assert(npy_is_aligned(result_ptr, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
- assert(npy_is_aligned(self_ptr, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(npy_is_aligned(result_ptr, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
+ assert(npy_is_aligned(self_ptr, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
*(npy_uint64 *)self_ptr = *(npy_uint64 *)result_ptr;
char *args[2] = {result_ptr, self_ptr};
@@ -253519,7 +253519,7 @@ mapiter_trivial_get(
while (itersize--) {
char * self_ptr;
npy_intp indval = *((npy_intp*)ind_ptr);
- assert(npy_is_aligned(ind_ptr, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_intp)));
+ assert(npy_is_aligned(ind_ptr, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_intp)));
#if 1
if (check_and_adjust_index(&indval, fancy_dim, 0, _save) < 0 ) {
return -1;
@@ -253533,8 +253533,8 @@ mapiter_trivial_get(
#if 1
#if 16
- assert(npy_is_aligned(result_ptr, _UINT_ALIGN(copytype128)));
- assert(npy_is_aligned(self_ptr, _UINT_ALIGN(copytype128)));
+ assert(npy_is_aligned(result_ptr, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(copytype128)));
+ assert(npy_is_aligned(self_ptr, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(copytype128)));
*(copytype128 *)result_ptr = *(copytype128 *)self_ptr;
char *args[2] = {self_ptr, result_ptr};
@@ -253548,8 +253548,8 @@ mapiter_trivial_get(
#else /* !1 */
#if 16
- assert(npy_is_aligned(result_ptr, _UINT_ALIGN(copytype128)));
- assert(npy_is_aligned(self_ptr, _UINT_ALIGN(copytype128)));
+ assert(npy_is_aligned(result_ptr, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(copytype128)));
+ assert(npy_is_aligned(self_ptr, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(copytype128)));
*(copytype128 *)self_ptr = *(copytype128 *)result_ptr;
char *args[2] = {result_ptr, self_ptr};
@@ -253578,7 +253578,7 @@ mapiter_trivial_get(
while (itersize--) {
char * self_ptr;
npy_intp indval = *((npy_intp*)ind_ptr);
- assert(npy_is_aligned(ind_ptr, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_intp)));
+ assert(npy_is_aligned(ind_ptr, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_intp)));
#if 1
if (check_and_adjust_index(&indval, fancy_dim, 0, _save) < 0 ) {
return -1;
@@ -253592,8 +253592,8 @@ mapiter_trivial_get(
#if 1
#if 0
- assert(npy_is_aligned(result_ptr, _UINT_ALIGN(0)));
- assert(npy_is_aligned(self_ptr, _UINT_ALIGN(0)));
+ assert(npy_is_aligned(result_ptr, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(0)));
+ assert(npy_is_aligned(self_ptr, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(0)));
*(0 *)result_ptr = *(0 *)self_ptr;
char *args[2] = {self_ptr, result_ptr};
@@ -253607,8 +253607,8 @@ mapiter_trivial_get(
#else /* !1 */
#if 0
- assert(npy_is_aligned(result_ptr, _UINT_ALIGN(0)));
- assert(npy_is_aligned(self_ptr, _UINT_ALIGN(0)));
+ assert(npy_is_aligned(result_ptr, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(0)));
+ assert(npy_is_aligned(self_ptr, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(0)));
*(0 *)self_ptr = *(0 *)result_ptr;
char *args[2] = {result_ptr, self_ptr};
@@ -253729,7 +253729,7 @@ mapiter_get(
for (i=0; i < 1; i++) {
npy_intp indval = *((npy_intp*)outer_ptrs[i]);
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_intp)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_intp)));
#if 1 && 1
if (check_and_adjust_index(&indval, fancy_dims[i],
@@ -253750,9 +253750,9 @@ mapiter_get(
#if 1
#if 1
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
*(npy_uint8 *)(outer_ptrs[i]) = *(npy_uint8 *)self_ptr;
char *args[2] = {self_ptr, outer_ptrs[i]};
@@ -253766,9 +253766,9 @@ mapiter_get(
#else /* !1 */
#if 1
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
*(npy_uint8 *)self_ptr = *(npy_uint8 *)(outer_ptrs[i]);
char *args[2] = {outer_ptrs[i], self_ptr};
@@ -253812,7 +253812,7 @@ mapiter_get(
for (i=0; i < 1; i++) {
npy_intp indval = *((npy_intp*)outer_ptrs[i]);
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_intp)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_intp)));
#if 1 && 1
if (check_and_adjust_index(&indval, fancy_dims[i],
@@ -253833,9 +253833,9 @@ mapiter_get(
#if 1
#if 2
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
*(npy_uint16 *)(outer_ptrs[i]) = *(npy_uint16 *)self_ptr;
char *args[2] = {self_ptr, outer_ptrs[i]};
@@ -253849,9 +253849,9 @@ mapiter_get(
#else /* !1 */
#if 2
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
*(npy_uint16 *)self_ptr = *(npy_uint16 *)(outer_ptrs[i]);
char *args[2] = {outer_ptrs[i], self_ptr};
@@ -253895,7 +253895,7 @@ mapiter_get(
for (i=0; i < 1; i++) {
npy_intp indval = *((npy_intp*)outer_ptrs[i]);
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_intp)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_intp)));
#if 1 && 1
if (check_and_adjust_index(&indval, fancy_dims[i],
@@ -253916,9 +253916,9 @@ mapiter_get(
#if 1
#if 4
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
*(npy_uint32 *)(outer_ptrs[i]) = *(npy_uint32 *)self_ptr;
char *args[2] = {self_ptr, outer_ptrs[i]};
@@ -253932,9 +253932,9 @@ mapiter_get(
#else /* !1 */
#if 4
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
*(npy_uint32 *)self_ptr = *(npy_uint32 *)(outer_ptrs[i]);
char *args[2] = {outer_ptrs[i], self_ptr};
@@ -253978,7 +253978,7 @@ mapiter_get(
for (i=0; i < 1; i++) {
npy_intp indval = *((npy_intp*)outer_ptrs[i]);
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_intp)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_intp)));
#if 1 && 1
if (check_and_adjust_index(&indval, fancy_dims[i],
@@ -253999,9 +253999,9 @@ mapiter_get(
#if 1
#if 8
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
*(npy_uint64 *)(outer_ptrs[i]) = *(npy_uint64 *)self_ptr;
char *args[2] = {self_ptr, outer_ptrs[i]};
@@ -254015,9 +254015,9 @@ mapiter_get(
#else /* !1 */
#if 8
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
*(npy_uint64 *)self_ptr = *(npy_uint64 *)(outer_ptrs[i]);
char *args[2] = {outer_ptrs[i], self_ptr};
@@ -254061,7 +254061,7 @@ mapiter_get(
for (i=0; i < 1; i++) {
npy_intp indval = *((npy_intp*)outer_ptrs[i]);
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_intp)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_intp)));
#if 1 && 1
if (check_and_adjust_index(&indval, fancy_dims[i],
@@ -254082,9 +254082,9 @@ mapiter_get(
#if 1
#if 16
- _UINT_ALIGN(copytype128)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(copytype128)));
- _UINT_ALIGN(copytype128)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(copytype128)));
*(copytype128 *)(outer_ptrs[i]) = *(copytype128 *)self_ptr;
char *args[2] = {self_ptr, outer_ptrs[i]};
@@ -254098,9 +254098,9 @@ mapiter_get(
#else /* !1 */
#if 16
- _UINT_ALIGN(copytype128)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(copytype128)));
- _UINT_ALIGN(copytype128)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(copytype128)));
*(copytype128 *)self_ptr = *(copytype128 *)(outer_ptrs[i]);
char *args[2] = {outer_ptrs[i], self_ptr};
@@ -254144,7 +254144,7 @@ mapiter_get(
for (i=0; i < 1; i++) {
npy_intp indval = *((npy_intp*)outer_ptrs[i]);
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_intp)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_intp)));
#if 1 && 1
if (check_and_adjust_index(&indval, fancy_dims[i],
@@ -254165,9 +254165,9 @@ mapiter_get(
#if 1
#if 0
- _UINT_ALIGN(0)));
- _UINT_ALIGN(0)));
*(0 *)(outer_ptrs[i]) = *(0 *)self_ptr;
char *args[2] = {self_ptr, outer_ptrs[i]};
@@ -254181,9 +254181,9 @@ mapiter_get(
#else /* !1 */
#if 0
- _UINT_ALIGN(0)));
- _UINT_ALIGN(0)));
*(0 *)self_ptr = *(0 *)(outer_ptrs[i]);
char *args[2] = {outer_ptrs[i], self_ptr};
@@ -254246,7 +254246,7 @@ mapiter_get(
for (i=0; i < numiter; i++) {
npy_intp indval = *((npy_intp*)outer_ptrs[i]);
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_intp)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_intp)));
#if 1 && 0
if (check_and_adjust_index(&indval, fancy_dims[i],
@@ -254267,9 +254267,9 @@ mapiter_get(
#if 1
#if 1
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
*(npy_uint8 *)(outer_ptrs[i]) = *(npy_uint8 *)self_ptr;
char *args[2] = {self_ptr, outer_ptrs[i]};
@@ -254283,9 +254283,9 @@ mapiter_get(
#else /* !1 */
#if 1
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint8)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint8)));
*(npy_uint8 *)self_ptr = *(npy_uint8 *)(outer_ptrs[i]);
char *args[2] = {outer_ptrs[i], self_ptr};
@@ -254329,7 +254329,7 @@ mapiter_get(
for (i=0; i < numiter; i++) {
npy_intp indval = *((npy_intp*)outer_ptrs[i]);
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_intp)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_intp)));
#if 1 && 0
if (check_and_adjust_index(&indval, fancy_dims[i],
@@ -254350,9 +254350,9 @@ mapiter_get(
#if 1
#if 2
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
*(npy_uint16 *)(outer_ptrs[i]) = *(npy_uint16 *)self_ptr;
char *args[2] = {self_ptr, outer_ptrs[i]};
@@ -254366,9 +254366,9 @@ mapiter_get(
#else /* !1 */
#if 2
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint16)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint16)));
*(npy_uint16 *)self_ptr = *(npy_uint16 *)(outer_ptrs[i]);
char *args[2] = {outer_ptrs[i], self_ptr};
@@ -254412,7 +254412,7 @@ mapiter_get(
for (i=0; i < numiter; i++) {
npy_intp indval = *((npy_intp*)outer_ptrs[i]);
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_intp)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_intp)));
#if 1 && 0
if (check_and_adjust_index(&indval, fancy_dims[i],
@@ -254433,9 +254433,9 @@ mapiter_get(
#if 1
#if 4
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
*(npy_uint32 *)(outer_ptrs[i]) = *(npy_uint32 *)self_ptr;
char *args[2] = {self_ptr, outer_ptrs[i]};
@@ -254449,9 +254449,9 @@ mapiter_get(
#else /* !1 */
#if 4
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint32)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint32)));
*(npy_uint32 *)self_ptr = *(npy_uint32 *)(outer_ptrs[i]);
char *args[2] = {outer_ptrs[i], self_ptr};
@@ -254495,7 +254495,7 @@ mapiter_get(
for (i=0; i < numiter; i++) {
npy_intp indval = *((npy_intp*)outer_ptrs[i]);
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_intp)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_intp)));
#if 1 && 0
if (check_and_adjust_index(&indval, fancy_dims[i],
@@ -254516,9 +254516,9 @@ mapiter_get(
#if 1
#if 8
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
*(npy_uint64 *)(outer_ptrs[i]) = *(npy_uint64 *)self_ptr;
char *args[2] = {self_ptr, outer_ptrs[i]};
@@ -254532,9 +254532,9 @@ mapiter_get(
#else /* !1 */
#if 8
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_uint64)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_uint64)));
*(npy_uint64 *)self_ptr = *(npy_uint64 *)(outer_ptrs[i]);
char *args[2] = {outer_ptrs[i], self_ptr};
@@ -254578,7 +254578,7 @@ mapiter_get(
for (i=0; i < numiter; i++) {
npy_intp indval = *((npy_intp*)outer_ptrs[i]);
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_intp)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_intp)));
#if 1 && 0
if (check_and_adjust_index(&indval, fancy_dims[i],
@@ -254599,9 +254599,9 @@ mapiter_get(
#if 1
#if 16
- _UINT_ALIGN(copytype128)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(copytype128)));
- _UINT_ALIGN(copytype128)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(copytype128)));
*(copytype128 *)(outer_ptrs[i]) = *(copytype128 *)self_ptr;
char *args[2] = {self_ptr, outer_ptrs[i]};
@@ -254615,9 +254615,9 @@ mapiter_get(
#else /* !1 */
#if 16
- _UINT_ALIGN(copytype128)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(copytype128)));
- _UINT_ALIGN(copytype128)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(copytype128)));
*(copytype128 *)self_ptr = *(copytype128 *)(outer_ptrs[i]);
char *args[2] = {outer_ptrs[i], self_ptr};
@@ -254661,7 +254661,7 @@ mapiter_get(
for (i=0; i < numiter; i++) {
npy_intp indval = *((npy_intp*)outer_ptrs[i]);
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_intp)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_intp)));
#if 1 && 0
if (check_and_adjust_index(&indval, fancy_dims[i],
@@ -254682,9 +254682,9 @@ mapiter_get(
#if 1
#if 0
- _UINT_ALIGN(0)));
- _UINT_ALIGN(0)));
*(0 *)(outer_ptrs[i]) = *(0 *)self_ptr;
char *args[2] = {self_ptr, outer_ptrs[i]};
@@ -254698,9 +254698,9 @@ mapiter_get(
#else /* !1 */
#if 0
- _UINT_ALIGN(0)));
- _UINT_ALIGN(0)));
*(0 *)self_ptr = *(0 *)(outer_ptrs[i]);
char *args[2] = {outer_ptrs[i], self_ptr};
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/multiarray/lowlevel_strided_loops.c.src b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/multiarray/lowlevel_strided_loops.c.src
index 2c48ae58bf..16020ee7a7 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/multiarray/lowlevel_strided_loops.c.src
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/multiarray/lowlevel_strided_loops.c.src
@@ -134,8 +134,8 @@ static int
#if @is_aligned@
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(@type@)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(@type@)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(@type@)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(@type@)));
/*printf("fn @prefix@_@oper@_size@elsize@\n");*/
while (N > 0) {
@@ -220,8 +220,8 @@ static NPY_GCC_OPT_3 int
#if @is_aligned@ && @elsize@ != 16
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _UINT_ALIGN(@type@)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _UINT_ALIGN(@type@)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(@type@)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(@type@)));
#if @elsize@ == 1 && @dst_contig@
memset(dst, *src, N);
@@ -864,8 +864,8 @@ static NPY_GCC_OPT_3 int
#if @aligned@
/* sanity check */
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, _ALIGN(_TYPE1)));
- assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, _ALIGN(_TYPE2)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(src, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE1)));
+ assert(N == 0 || npy_is_aligned(dst, NPY_ALIGNOF(_TYPE2)));
@@ -1515,7 +1515,7 @@ mapiter_trivial_@name@(
while (itersize--) {
char * self_ptr;
npy_intp indval = *((npy_intp*)ind_ptr);
- assert(npy_is_aligned(ind_ptr, _UINT_ALIGN(npy_intp)));
+ assert(npy_is_aligned(ind_ptr, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_intp)));
#if @isget@
if (check_and_adjust_index(&indval, fancy_dim, 0, _save) < 0 ) {
return -1;
@@ -1529,8 +1529,8 @@ mapiter_trivial_@name@(
#if @isget@
#if @elsize@
- assert(npy_is_aligned(result_ptr, _UINT_ALIGN(@copytype@)));
- assert(npy_is_aligned(self_ptr, _UINT_ALIGN(@copytype@)));
+ assert(npy_is_aligned(result_ptr, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(@copytype@)));
+ assert(npy_is_aligned(self_ptr, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(@copytype@)));
*(@copytype@ *)result_ptr = *(@copytype@ *)self_ptr;
char *args[2] = {self_ptr, result_ptr};
@@ -1544,8 +1544,8 @@ mapiter_trivial_@name@(
#else /* !@isget@ */
#if @elsize@
- assert(npy_is_aligned(result_ptr, _UINT_ALIGN(@copytype@)));
- assert(npy_is_aligned(self_ptr, _UINT_ALIGN(@copytype@)));
+ assert(npy_is_aligned(result_ptr, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(@copytype@)));
+ assert(npy_is_aligned(self_ptr, NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(@copytype@)));
*(@copytype@ *)self_ptr = *(@copytype@ *)result_ptr;
char *args[2] = {result_ptr, self_ptr};
@@ -1672,7 +1672,7 @@ mapiter_@name@(
for (i=0; i < @numiter@; i++) {
npy_intp indval = *((npy_intp*)outer_ptrs[i]);
- _UINT_ALIGN(npy_intp)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(npy_intp)));
#if @isget@ && @one_iter@
if (check_and_adjust_index(&indval, fancy_dims[i],
@@ -1693,9 +1693,9 @@ mapiter_@name@(
#if @isget@
#if @elsize@
- _UINT_ALIGN(@copytype@)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(@copytype@)));
- _UINT_ALIGN(@copytype@)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(@copytype@)));
*(@copytype@ *)(outer_ptrs[i]) = *(@copytype@ *)self_ptr;
char *args[2] = {self_ptr, outer_ptrs[i]};
@@ -1709,9 +1709,9 @@ mapiter_@name@(
#else /* !@isget@ */
#if @elsize@
- _UINT_ALIGN(@copytype@)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(@copytype@)));
- _UINT_ALIGN(@copytype@)));
+ NPY_ALIGNOF_UINT(@copytype@)));
*(@copytype@ *)self_ptr = *(@copytype@ *)(outer_ptrs[i]);
char *args[2] = {outer_ptrs[i], self_ptr};
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/npymath/npy_math_complex.c b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/npymath/npy_math_complex.c
index 5f6babfd2c..d412131260 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/npymath/npy_math_complex.c
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/npymath/npy_math_complex.c
@@ -158,7 +158,9 @@ npy_cargf(npy_cfloat z)
#define SCALED_CEXP_LOWERL 11357.216553474703895L
#define SCALED_CEXP_UPPERL 22756.021937783004509L
-#if !defined(HAVE_CEXPF)
+#if !defined(HAVE_CSINHF) || \
+ !defined(HAVE_CCOSHF) || \
+ !defined(HAVE_CEXPF)
@@ -1835,7 +1837,9 @@ npy_carg(npy_cdouble z)
#define SCALED_CEXP_LOWERL 11357.216553474703895L
#define SCALED_CEXP_UPPERL 22756.021937783004509L
-#if !defined(HAVE_CEXP)
+#if !defined(HAVE_CSINH) || \
+ !defined(HAVE_CCOSH) || \
+ !defined(HAVE_CEXP)
@@ -3512,7 +3516,9 @@ npy_cargl(npy_clongdouble z)
#define SCALED_CEXP_LOWERL 11357.216553474703895L
#define SCALED_CEXP_UPPERL 22756.021937783004509L
-#if !defined(HAVE_CEXPL)
+#if !defined(HAVE_CSINHL) || \
+ !defined(HAVE_CCOSHL) || \
+ !defined(HAVE_CEXPL)
@@ -5095,9 +5101,9 @@ npy_catanhl(npy_clongdouble z)
* Decorate all the functions which are available natively
-#line 1750
+#line 1752
-#line 1755
+#line 1757
npy_cabsf(npy_cfloat z)
@@ -5108,7 +5114,7 @@ npy_cabsf(npy_cfloat z)
-#line 1755
+#line 1757
npy_cargf(npy_cfloat z)
@@ -5120,7 +5126,7 @@ npy_cargf(npy_cfloat z)
-#line 1772
+#line 1774
npy_cexpf(npy_cfloat z)
@@ -5133,7 +5139,7 @@ npy_cexpf(npy_cfloat z)
-#line 1772
+#line 1774
npy_clogf(npy_cfloat z)
@@ -5146,7 +5152,7 @@ npy_clogf(npy_cfloat z)
-#line 1772
+#line 1774
npy_csqrtf(npy_cfloat z)
@@ -5159,7 +5165,7 @@ npy_csqrtf(npy_cfloat z)
-#line 1772
+#line 1774
npy_ccosf(npy_cfloat z)
@@ -5172,7 +5178,7 @@ npy_ccosf(npy_cfloat z)
-#line 1772
+#line 1774
npy_csinf(npy_cfloat z)
@@ -5185,7 +5191,7 @@ npy_csinf(npy_cfloat z)
-#line 1772
+#line 1774
npy_ctanf(npy_cfloat z)
@@ -5198,7 +5204,7 @@ npy_ctanf(npy_cfloat z)
-#line 1772
+#line 1774
npy_ccoshf(npy_cfloat z)
@@ -5211,7 +5217,7 @@ npy_ccoshf(npy_cfloat z)
-#line 1772
+#line 1774
npy_csinhf(npy_cfloat z)
@@ -5224,7 +5230,7 @@ npy_csinhf(npy_cfloat z)
-#line 1772
+#line 1774
npy_ctanhf(npy_cfloat z)
@@ -5237,7 +5243,7 @@ npy_ctanhf(npy_cfloat z)
-#line 1772
+#line 1774
npy_cacosf(npy_cfloat z)
@@ -5250,7 +5256,7 @@ npy_cacosf(npy_cfloat z)
-#line 1772
+#line 1774
npy_casinf(npy_cfloat z)
@@ -5263,7 +5269,7 @@ npy_casinf(npy_cfloat z)
-#line 1772
+#line 1774
npy_catanf(npy_cfloat z)
@@ -5276,7 +5282,7 @@ npy_catanf(npy_cfloat z)
-#line 1772
+#line 1774
npy_cacoshf(npy_cfloat z)
@@ -5289,7 +5295,7 @@ npy_cacoshf(npy_cfloat z)
-#line 1772
+#line 1774
npy_casinhf(npy_cfloat z)
@@ -5302,7 +5308,7 @@ npy_casinhf(npy_cfloat z)
-#line 1772
+#line 1774
npy_catanhf(npy_cfloat z)
@@ -5318,9 +5324,9 @@ npy_catanhf(npy_cfloat z)
-#line 1750
+#line 1752
-#line 1755
+#line 1757
#ifdef HAVE_CABS
npy_cabs(npy_cdouble z)
@@ -5331,7 +5337,7 @@ npy_cabs(npy_cdouble z)
-#line 1755
+#line 1757
#ifdef HAVE_CARG
npy_carg(npy_cdouble z)
@@ -5343,7 +5349,7 @@ npy_carg(npy_cdouble z)
-#line 1772
+#line 1774
#ifdef HAVE_CEXP
npy_cexp(npy_cdouble z)
@@ -5356,7 +5362,7 @@ npy_cexp(npy_cdouble z)
-#line 1772
+#line 1774
#ifdef HAVE_CLOG
npy_clog(npy_cdouble z)
@@ -5369,7 +5375,7 @@ npy_clog(npy_cdouble z)
-#line 1772
+#line 1774
npy_csqrt(npy_cdouble z)
@@ -5382,7 +5388,7 @@ npy_csqrt(npy_cdouble z)
-#line 1772
+#line 1774
#ifdef HAVE_CCOS
npy_ccos(npy_cdouble z)
@@ -5395,7 +5401,7 @@ npy_ccos(npy_cdouble z)
-#line 1772
+#line 1774
#ifdef HAVE_CSIN
npy_csin(npy_cdouble z)
@@ -5408,7 +5414,7 @@ npy_csin(npy_cdouble z)
-#line 1772
+#line 1774
#ifdef HAVE_CTAN
npy_ctan(npy_cdouble z)
@@ -5421,7 +5427,7 @@ npy_ctan(npy_cdouble z)
-#line 1772
+#line 1774
npy_ccosh(npy_cdouble z)
@@ -5434,7 +5440,7 @@ npy_ccosh(npy_cdouble z)
-#line 1772
+#line 1774
npy_csinh(npy_cdouble z)
@@ -5447,7 +5453,7 @@ npy_csinh(npy_cdouble z)
-#line 1772
+#line 1774
npy_ctanh(npy_cdouble z)
@@ -5460,7 +5466,7 @@ npy_ctanh(npy_cdouble z)
-#line 1772
+#line 1774
npy_cacos(npy_cdouble z)
@@ -5473,7 +5479,7 @@ npy_cacos(npy_cdouble z)
-#line 1772
+#line 1774
npy_casin(npy_cdouble z)
@@ -5486,7 +5492,7 @@ npy_casin(npy_cdouble z)
-#line 1772
+#line 1774
npy_catan(npy_cdouble z)
@@ -5499,7 +5505,7 @@ npy_catan(npy_cdouble z)
-#line 1772
+#line 1774
npy_cacosh(npy_cdouble z)
@@ -5512,7 +5518,7 @@ npy_cacosh(npy_cdouble z)
-#line 1772
+#line 1774
npy_casinh(npy_cdouble z)
@@ -5525,7 +5531,7 @@ npy_casinh(npy_cdouble z)
-#line 1772
+#line 1774
npy_catanh(npy_cdouble z)
@@ -5541,9 +5547,9 @@ npy_catanh(npy_cdouble z)
-#line 1750
+#line 1752
-#line 1755
+#line 1757
npy_cabsl(npy_clongdouble z)
@@ -5554,7 +5560,7 @@ npy_cabsl(npy_clongdouble z)
-#line 1755
+#line 1757
npy_cargl(npy_clongdouble z)
@@ -5566,7 +5572,7 @@ npy_cargl(npy_clongdouble z)
-#line 1772
+#line 1774
npy_cexpl(npy_clongdouble z)
@@ -5579,7 +5585,7 @@ npy_cexpl(npy_clongdouble z)
-#line 1772
+#line 1774
npy_clogl(npy_clongdouble z)
@@ -5592,7 +5598,7 @@ npy_clogl(npy_clongdouble z)
-#line 1772
+#line 1774
npy_csqrtl(npy_clongdouble z)
@@ -5605,7 +5611,7 @@ npy_csqrtl(npy_clongdouble z)
-#line 1772
+#line 1774
npy_ccosl(npy_clongdouble z)
@@ -5618,7 +5624,7 @@ npy_ccosl(npy_clongdouble z)
-#line 1772
+#line 1774
npy_csinl(npy_clongdouble z)
@@ -5631,7 +5637,7 @@ npy_csinl(npy_clongdouble z)
-#line 1772
+#line 1774
npy_ctanl(npy_clongdouble z)
@@ -5644,7 +5650,7 @@ npy_ctanl(npy_clongdouble z)
-#line 1772
+#line 1774
npy_ccoshl(npy_clongdouble z)
@@ -5657,7 +5663,7 @@ npy_ccoshl(npy_clongdouble z)
-#line 1772
+#line 1774
npy_csinhl(npy_clongdouble z)
@@ -5670,7 +5676,7 @@ npy_csinhl(npy_clongdouble z)
-#line 1772
+#line 1774
npy_ctanhl(npy_clongdouble z)
@@ -5683,7 +5689,7 @@ npy_ctanhl(npy_clongdouble z)
-#line 1772
+#line 1774
npy_cacosl(npy_clongdouble z)
@@ -5696,7 +5702,7 @@ npy_cacosl(npy_clongdouble z)
-#line 1772
+#line 1774
npy_casinl(npy_clongdouble z)
@@ -5709,7 +5715,7 @@ npy_casinl(npy_clongdouble z)
-#line 1772
+#line 1774
npy_catanl(npy_clongdouble z)
@@ -5722,7 +5728,7 @@ npy_catanl(npy_clongdouble z)
-#line 1772
+#line 1774
npy_cacoshl(npy_clongdouble z)
@@ -5735,7 +5741,7 @@ npy_cacoshl(npy_clongdouble z)
-#line 1772
+#line 1774
npy_casinhl(npy_clongdouble z)
@@ -5748,7 +5754,7 @@ npy_casinhl(npy_clongdouble z)
-#line 1772
+#line 1774
npy_catanhl(npy_clongdouble z)
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/npymath/npy_math_complex.c.src b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/npymath/npy_math_complex.c.src
index eb9d810b7d..8e1decbfd9 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/npymath/npy_math_complex.c.src
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/npymath/npy_math_complex.c.src
@@ -158,7 +158,9 @@ npy_carg@c@(@ctype@ z)
#define SCALED_CEXP_LOWERL 11357.216553474703895L
#define SCALED_CEXP_UPPERL 22756.021937783004509L
-#if !defined(HAVE_CEXP@C@)
+#if !defined(HAVE_CSINH@C@) || \
+ !defined(HAVE_CCOSH@C@) || \
+ !defined(HAVE_CEXP@C@)
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/umath/_scaled_float_dtype.c b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/umath/_scaled_float_dtype.c
index c26ace9f13..7489e9a766 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/umath/_scaled_float_dtype.c
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/umath/_scaled_float_dtype.c
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ static PyArray_SFloatDescr SFloatSingleton = {{
.type_num = -1,
.elsize = sizeof(double),
- .alignment = _ALIGN(double),
+ .alignment = NPY_ALIGNOF(double),
.f = &sfloat_slots.f,
.scaling = 1,
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/umath/_umath_tests.dispatch.c b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/umath/_umath_tests.dispatch.c
index 9d8df4c86d..73a59103c1 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/umath/_umath_tests.dispatch.c
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/umath/_umath_tests.dispatch.c
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
+ * VX VXE
#include <Python.h>
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/umath/loops_arithm_fp.dispatch.c b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/umath/loops_arithm_fp.dispatch.c
index e9adb7c1f5..695d488250 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/umath/loops_arithm_fp.dispatch.c
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/umath/loops_arithm_fp.dispatch.c
@@ -41,61 +41,8 @@
** Defining ufunc inner functions
- * clang has a bug that's present at -O1 or greater. When partially loading a
- * vector register for a divide operation, the remaining elements are set
- * to 1 to avoid divide-by-zero. The partial load is paired with a partial
- * store after the divide operation. clang notices that the entire register
- * is not needed for the store and optimizes out the fill of 1 to the remaining
- * elements. This causes either a divide-by-zero or 0/0 with invalid exception
- * that we were trying to avoid by filling.
- *
- * Using a dummy variable marked 'volatile' convinces clang not to ignore
- * the explicit fill of remaining elements. If `-ftrapping-math` is
- * supported, then it'll also avoid the bug. `-ftrapping-math` is supported
- * on Apple clang v12+ for x86_64. It is not currently supported for arm64.
- * `-ftrapping-math` is set by default of Numpy builds in
- * numpy/distutils/ccompiler.py.
- *
- * Note: Apple clang and clang upstream have different versions that overlap
- */
-#if defined(__clang__)
- #if defined(__apple_build_version__)
- // Apple Clang
- #if __apple_build_version__ < 12000000
- // Apple Clang before v12
- #elif defined(NPY_CPU_X86) || defined(NPY_CPU_AMD64)
- // Apple Clang after v12, targeting i386 or x86_64
- #else
- // Apple Clang after v12, not targeting i386 or x86_64
- #endif
- #else
- // Clang, not Apple Clang
- #if __clang_major__ < 10
- // Clang before v10
- #elif defined(_MSC_VER)
- // clang-cl has the same bug
- #elif defined(NPY_CPU_X86) || defined(NPY_CPU_AMD64)
- // Clang v10+, targeting i386 or x86_64
- #else
- // Clang v10+, not targeting i386 or x86_64
- #endif
- #endif
-// Not a Clang compiler
-#line 96
-#line 105
+#line 43
+#line 52
(char **args, npy_intp const *dimensions, npy_intp const *steps, void *NPY_UNUSED(func))
@@ -142,12 +89,7 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT void NPY_CPU_DISPATCH_CURFX(FLOAT_add)
npyv_store_f32((npy_float*)dst, r0);
npyv_store_f32((npy_float*)(dst + vstep), r1);
- const int vstop = hstep - 1;
- #else
- const int vstop = 0;
- for (; len > vstop; len -= hstep, src0 += vstep, src1 += vstep, dst += vstep) {
+ for (; len > 0; len -= hstep, src0 += vstep, src1 += vstep, dst += vstep) {
#if 0
npyv_f32 a = npyv_load_till_f32((const npy_float*)src0, len, 1.0f);
npyv_f32 b = npyv_load_till_f32((const npy_float*)src1, len, 1.0f);
@@ -158,15 +100,6 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT void NPY_CPU_DISPATCH_CURFX(FLOAT_add)
npyv_f32 r = npyv_add_f32(a, b);
npyv_store_till_f32((npy_float*)dst, len, r);
- // last partial iteration for divide and working around clang partial load bug
- if(len > 0){
- npyv_f32 a = npyv_load_till_f32((const npy_float*)src0, len, 1.0f);
- volatile npyv_f32 b = npyv_load_till_f32((const npy_float*)src1, len, 1.0f);
- npyv_f32 r = npyv_add_f32(a, b);
- npyv_store_till_f32((npy_float*)dst, len, r);
- }
else if (ssrc0 == 0 && ssrc1 == sizeof(npy_float) && sdst == ssrc1) {
npyv_f32 a = npyv_setall_f32(*((npy_float*)src0));
@@ -178,12 +111,7 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT void NPY_CPU_DISPATCH_CURFX(FLOAT_add)
npyv_store_f32((npy_float*)dst, r0);
npyv_store_f32((npy_float*)(dst + vstep), r1);
- const int vstop = hstep - 1;
- #else
- const int vstop = 0;
- #endif // #if (0 || 0) && WORKAROUND_CLANG_PARTIAL_LOAD_BUG
- for (; len > vstop; len -= hstep, src1 += vstep, dst += vstep) {
+ for (; len > 0; len -= hstep, src1 += vstep, dst += vstep) {
#if 0 || 0
npyv_f32 b = npyv_load_till_f32((const npy_float*)src1, len, 1.0f);
@@ -192,14 +120,6 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT void NPY_CPU_DISPATCH_CURFX(FLOAT_add)
npyv_f32 r = npyv_add_f32(a, b);
npyv_store_till_f32((npy_float*)dst, len, r);
- // last partial iteration for multiply / divide and working around clang partial load bug
- if(len > 0){
- volatile npyv_f32 b = npyv_load_till_f32((const npy_float*)src1, len, 1.0f);
- npyv_f32 r = npyv_add_f32(a, b);
- npyv_store_till_f32((npy_float*)dst, len, r);
- }
- #endif // #if (0 || 0) && WORKAROUND_CLANG_PARTIAL_LOAD_BUG
else if (ssrc1 == 0 && ssrc0 == sizeof(npy_float) && sdst == ssrc0) {
npyv_f32 b = npyv_setall_f32(*((npy_float*)src1));
@@ -211,12 +131,7 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT void NPY_CPU_DISPATCH_CURFX(FLOAT_add)
npyv_store_f32((npy_float*)dst, r0);
npyv_store_f32((npy_float*)(dst + vstep), r1);
- const int vstop = hstep - 1;
- #else
- const int vstop = 0;
- #endif // #if (0 || 0) && WORKAROUND_CLANG_PARTIAL_LOAD_BUG
- for (; len > vstop; len -= hstep, src0 += vstep, dst += vstep) {
+ for (; len > 0; len -= hstep, src0 += vstep, dst += vstep) {
#if 0 || 0
npyv_f32 a = npyv_load_till_f32((const npy_float*)src0, len, 1.0f);
@@ -225,14 +140,6 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT void NPY_CPU_DISPATCH_CURFX(FLOAT_add)
npyv_f32 r = npyv_add_f32(a, b);
npyv_store_till_f32((npy_float*)dst, len, r);
- // last partial iteration for multiply / divide and working around clang partial load bug
- if(len > 0){
- volatile npyv_f32 a = npyv_load_till_f32((const npy_float*)src0, len, 1.0f);
- npyv_f32 r = npyv_add_f32(a, b);
- npyv_store_till_f32((npy_float*)dst, len, r);
- }
- #endif // #if (0 || 0) && WORKAROUND_CLANG_PARTIAL_LOAD_BUG
} else {
goto loop_scalar;
@@ -271,7 +178,7 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT int NPY_CPU_DISPATCH_CURFX(FLOAT_add_indexed)
-#line 105
+#line 52
(char **args, npy_intp const *dimensions, npy_intp const *steps, void *NPY_UNUSED(func))
@@ -318,12 +225,7 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT void NPY_CPU_DISPATCH_CURFX(FLOAT_subtract)
npyv_store_f32((npy_float*)dst, r0);
npyv_store_f32((npy_float*)(dst + vstep), r1);
- const int vstop = hstep - 1;
- #else
- const int vstop = 0;
- for (; len > vstop; len -= hstep, src0 += vstep, src1 += vstep, dst += vstep) {
+ for (; len > 0; len -= hstep, src0 += vstep, src1 += vstep, dst += vstep) {
#if 0
npyv_f32 a = npyv_load_till_f32((const npy_float*)src0, len, 1.0f);
npyv_f32 b = npyv_load_till_f32((const npy_float*)src1, len, 1.0f);
@@ -334,15 +236,6 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT void NPY_CPU_DISPATCH_CURFX(FLOAT_subtract)
npyv_f32 r = npyv_sub_f32(a, b);
npyv_store_till_f32((npy_float*)dst, len, r);
- // last partial iteration for divide and working around clang partial load bug
- if(len > 0){
- npyv_f32 a = npyv_load_till_f32((const npy_float*)src0, len, 1.0f);
- volatile npyv_f32 b = npyv_load_till_f32((const npy_float*)src1, len, 1.0f);
- npyv_f32 r = npyv_sub_f32(a, b);
- npyv_store_till_f32((npy_float*)dst, len, r);
- }
else if (ssrc0 == 0 && ssrc1 == sizeof(npy_float) && sdst == ssrc1) {
npyv_f32 a = npyv_setall_f32(*((npy_float*)src0));
@@ -354,12 +247,7 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT void NPY_CPU_DISPATCH_CURFX(FLOAT_subtract)
npyv_store_f32((npy_float*)dst, r0);
npyv_store_f32((npy_float*)(dst + vstep), r1);
- const int vstop = hstep - 1;
- #else
- const int vstop = 0;
- #endif // #if (0 || 0) && WORKAROUND_CLANG_PARTIAL_LOAD_BUG
- for (; len > vstop; len -= hstep, src1 += vstep, dst += vstep) {
+ for (; len > 0; len -= hstep, src1 += vstep, dst += vstep) {
#if 0 || 0
npyv_f32 b = npyv_load_till_f32((const npy_float*)src1, len, 1.0f);
@@ -368,14 +256,6 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT void NPY_CPU_DISPATCH_CURFX(FLOAT_subtract)
npyv_f32 r = npyv_sub_f32(a, b);
npyv_store_till_f32((npy_float*)dst, len, r);
- // last partial iteration for multiply / divide and working around clang partial load bug
- if(len > 0){
- volatile npyv_f32 b = npyv_load_till_f32((const npy_float*)src1, len, 1.0f);
- npyv_f32 r = npyv_sub_f32(a, b);
- npyv_store_till_f32((npy_float*)dst, len, r);
- }
- #endif // #if (0 || 0) && WORKAROUND_CLANG_PARTIAL_LOAD_BUG
else if (ssrc1 == 0 && ssrc0 == sizeof(npy_float) && sdst == ssrc0) {
npyv_f32 b = npyv_setall_f32(*((npy_float*)src1));
@@ -387,12 +267,7 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT void NPY_CPU_DISPATCH_CURFX(FLOAT_subtract)
npyv_store_f32((npy_float*)dst, r0);
npyv_store_f32((npy_float*)(dst + vstep), r1);
- const int vstop = hstep - 1;
- #else
- const int vstop = 0;
- #endif // #if (0 || 0) && WORKAROUND_CLANG_PARTIAL_LOAD_BUG
- for (; len > vstop; len -= hstep, src0 += vstep, dst += vstep) {
+ for (; len > 0; len -= hstep, src0 += vstep, dst += vstep) {
#if 0 || 0
npyv_f32 a = npyv_load_till_f32((const npy_float*)src0, len, 1.0f);
@@ -401,14 +276,6 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT void NPY_CPU_DISPATCH_CURFX(FLOAT_subtract)
npyv_f32 r = npyv_sub_f32(a, b);
npyv_store_till_f32((npy_float*)dst, len, r);
- // last partial iteration for multiply / divide and working around clang partial load bug
- if(len > 0){
- volatile npyv_f32 a = npyv_load_till_f32((const npy_float*)src0, len, 1.0f);
- npyv_f32 r = npyv_sub_f32(a, b);
- npyv_store_till_f32((npy_float*)dst, len, r);
- }
- #endif // #if (0 || 0) && WORKAROUND_CLANG_PARTIAL_LOAD_BUG
} else {
goto loop_scalar;
@@ -447,7 +314,7 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT int NPY_CPU_DISPATCH_CURFX(FLOAT_subtract_indexed)
-#line 105
+#line 52
(char **args, npy_intp const *dimensions, npy_intp const *steps, void *NPY_UNUSED(func))
@@ -494,12 +361,7 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT void NPY_CPU_DISPATCH_CURFX(FLOAT_multiply)
npyv_store_f32((npy_float*)dst, r0);
npyv_store_f32((npy_float*)(dst + vstep), r1);
- const int vstop = hstep - 1;
- #else
- const int vstop = 0;
- for (; len > vstop; len -= hstep, src0 += vstep, src1 += vstep, dst += vstep) {
+ for (; len > 0; len -= hstep, src0 += vstep, src1 += vstep, dst += vstep) {
#if 0
npyv_f32 a = npyv_load_till_f32((const npy_float*)src0, len, 1.0f);
npyv_f32 b = npyv_load_till_f32((const npy_float*)src1, len, 1.0f);
@@ -510,15 +372,6 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT void NPY_CPU_DISPATCH_CURFX(FLOAT_multiply)
npyv_f32 r = npyv_mul_f32(a, b);
npyv_store_till_f32((npy_float*)dst, len, r);
- // last partial iteration for divide and working around clang partial load bug
- if(len > 0){
- npyv_f32 a = npyv_load_till_f32((const npy_float*)src0, len, 1.0f);
- volatile npyv_f32 b = npyv_load_till_f32((const npy_float*)src1, len, 1.0f);
- npyv_f32 r = npyv_mul_f32(a, b);
- npyv_store_till_f32((npy_float*)dst, len, r);
- }
else if (ssrc0 == 0 && ssrc1 == sizeof(npy_float) && sdst == ssrc1) {
npyv_f32 a = npyv_setall_f32(*((npy_float*)src0));
@@ -530,12 +383,7 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT void NPY_CPU_DISPATCH_CURFX(FLOAT_multiply)
npyv_store_f32((npy_float*)dst, r0);
npyv_store_f32((npy_float*)(dst + vstep), r1);
- const int vstop = hstep - 1;
- #else
- const int vstop = 0;
- #endif // #if (0 || 1) && WORKAROUND_CLANG_PARTIAL_LOAD_BUG
- for (; len > vstop; len -= hstep, src1 += vstep, dst += vstep) {
+ for (; len > 0; len -= hstep, src1 += vstep, dst += vstep) {
#if 0 || 1
npyv_f32 b = npyv_load_till_f32((const npy_float*)src1, len, 1.0f);
@@ -544,14 +392,6 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT void NPY_CPU_DISPATCH_CURFX(FLOAT_multiply)
npyv_f32 r = npyv_mul_f32(a, b);
npyv_store_till_f32((npy_float*)dst, len, r);
- // last partial iteration for multiply / divide and working around clang partial load bug
- if(len > 0){
- volatile npyv_f32 b = npyv_load_till_f32((const npy_float*)src1, len, 1.0f);
- npyv_f32 r = npyv_mul_f32(a, b);
- npyv_store_till_f32((npy_float*)dst, len, r);
- }
- #endif // #if (0 || 1) && WORKAROUND_CLANG_PARTIAL_LOAD_BUG
else if (ssrc1 == 0 && ssrc0 == sizeof(npy_float) && sdst == ssrc0) {
npyv_f32 b = npyv_setall_f32(*((npy_float*)src1));
@@ -563,12 +403,7 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT void NPY_CPU_DISPATCH_CURFX(FLOAT_multiply)
npyv_store_f32((npy_float*)dst, r0);
npyv_store_f32((npy_float*)(dst + vstep), r1);
- const int vstop = hstep - 1;
- #else
- const int vstop = 0;
- #endif // #if (0 || 1) && WORKAROUND_CLANG_PARTIAL_LOAD_BUG
- for (; len > vstop; len -= hstep, src0 += vstep, dst += vstep) {
+ for (; len > 0; len -= hstep, src0 += vstep, dst += vstep) {
#if 0 || 1
npyv_f32 a = npyv_load_till_f32((const npy_float*)src0, len, 1.0f);
@@ -577,14 +412,6 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT void NPY_CPU_DISPATCH_CURFX(FLOAT_multiply)
npyv_f32 r = npyv_mul_f32(a, b);
npyv_store_till_f32((npy_float*)dst, len, r);
- // last partial iteration for multiply / divide and working around clang partial load bug
- if(len > 0){
- volatile npyv_f32 a = npyv_load_till_f32((const npy_float*)src0, len, 1.0f);
- npyv_f32 r = npyv_mul_f32(a, b);
- npyv_store_till_f32((npy_float*)dst, len, r);
- }
- #endif // #if (0 || 1) && WORKAROUND_CLANG_PARTIAL_LOAD_BUG
} else {
goto loop_scalar;
@@ -623,7 +450,7 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT int NPY_CPU_DISPATCH_CURFX(FLOAT_multiply_indexed)
-#line 105
+#line 52
(char **args, npy_intp const *dimensions, npy_intp const *steps, void *NPY_UNUSED(func))
@@ -670,12 +497,7 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT void NPY_CPU_DISPATCH_CURFX(FLOAT_divide)
npyv_store_f32((npy_float*)dst, r0);
npyv_store_f32((npy_float*)(dst + vstep), r1);
- const int vstop = hstep - 1;
- #else
- const int vstop = 0;
- for (; len > vstop; len -= hstep, src0 += vstep, src1 += vstep, dst += vstep) {
+ for (; len > 0; len -= hstep, src0 += vstep, src1 += vstep, dst += vstep) {
#if 1
npyv_f32 a = npyv_load_till_f32((const npy_float*)src0, len, 1.0f);
npyv_f32 b = npyv_load_till_f32((const npy_float*)src1, len, 1.0f);
@@ -686,15 +508,6 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT void NPY_CPU_DISPATCH_CURFX(FLOAT_divide)
npyv_f32 r = npyv_div_f32(a, b);
npyv_store_till_f32((npy_float*)dst, len, r);
- // last partial iteration for divide and working around clang partial load bug
- if(len > 0){
- npyv_f32 a = npyv_load_till_f32((const npy_float*)src0, len, 1.0f);
- volatile npyv_f32 b = npyv_load_till_f32((const npy_float*)src1, len, 1.0f);
- npyv_f32 r = npyv_div_f32(a, b);
- npyv_store_till_f32((npy_float*)dst, len, r);
- }
else if (ssrc0 == 0 && ssrc1 == sizeof(npy_float) && sdst == ssrc1) {
npyv_f32 a = npyv_setall_f32(*((npy_float*)src0));
@@ -706,12 +519,7 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT void NPY_CPU_DISPATCH_CURFX(FLOAT_divide)
npyv_store_f32((npy_float*)dst, r0);
npyv_store_f32((npy_float*)(dst + vstep), r1);
- const int vstop = hstep - 1;
- #else
- const int vstop = 0;
- #endif // #if (1 || 0) && WORKAROUND_CLANG_PARTIAL_LOAD_BUG
- for (; len > vstop; len -= hstep, src1 += vstep, dst += vstep) {
+ for (; len > 0; len -= hstep, src1 += vstep, dst += vstep) {
#if 1 || 0
npyv_f32 b = npyv_load_till_f32((const npy_float*)src1, len, 1.0f);
@@ -720,14 +528,6 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT void NPY_CPU_DISPATCH_CURFX(FLOAT_divide)
npyv_f32 r = npyv_div_f32(a, b);
npyv_store_till_f32((npy_float*)dst, len, r);
- // last partial iteration for multiply / divide and working around clang partial load bug
- if(len > 0){
- volatile npyv_f32 b = npyv_load_till_f32((const npy_float*)src1, len, 1.0f);
- npyv_f32 r = npyv_div_f32(a, b);
- npyv_store_till_f32((npy_float*)dst, len, r);
- }
- #endif // #if (1 || 0) && WORKAROUND_CLANG_PARTIAL_LOAD_BUG
else if (ssrc1 == 0 && ssrc0 == sizeof(npy_float) && sdst == ssrc0) {
npyv_f32 b = npyv_setall_f32(*((npy_float*)src1));
@@ -739,12 +539,7 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT void NPY_CPU_DISPATCH_CURFX(FLOAT_divide)
npyv_store_f32((npy_float*)dst, r0);
npyv_store_f32((npy_float*)(dst + vstep), r1);
- const int vstop = hstep - 1;
- #else
- const int vstop = 0;
- #endif // #if (1 || 0) && WORKAROUND_CLANG_PARTIAL_LOAD_BUG
- for (; len > vstop; len -= hstep, src0 += vstep, dst += vstep) {
+ for (; len > 0; len -= hstep, src0 += vstep, dst += vstep) {
#if 1 || 0
npyv_f32 a = npyv_load_till_f32((const npy_float*)src0, len, 1.0f);
@@ -753,14 +548,6 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT void NPY_CPU_DISPATCH_CURFX(FLOAT_divide)
npyv_f32 r = npyv_div_f32(a, b);
npyv_store_till_f32((npy_float*)dst, len, r);
- // last partial iteration for multiply / divide and working around clang partial load bug
- if(len > 0){
- volatile npyv_f32 a = npyv_load_till_f32((const npy_float*)src0, len, 1.0f);
- npyv_f32 r = npyv_div_f32(a, b);
- npyv_store_till_f32((npy_float*)dst, len, r);
- }
- #endif // #if (1 || 0) && WORKAROUND_CLANG_PARTIAL_LOAD_BUG
} else {
goto loop_scalar;
@@ -800,8 +587,8 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT int NPY_CPU_DISPATCH_CURFX(FLOAT_divide_indexed)
-#line 96
-#line 105
+#line 43
+#line 52
(char **args, npy_intp const *dimensions, npy_intp const *steps, void *NPY_UNUSED(func))
@@ -848,12 +635,7 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT void NPY_CPU_DISPATCH_CURFX(DOUBLE_add)
npyv_store_f64((npy_double*)dst, r0);
npyv_store_f64((npy_double*)(dst + vstep), r1);
- const int vstop = hstep - 1;
- #else
- const int vstop = 0;
- for (; len > vstop; len -= hstep, src0 += vstep, src1 += vstep, dst += vstep) {
+ for (; len > 0; len -= hstep, src0 += vstep, src1 += vstep, dst += vstep) {
#if 0
npyv_f64 a = npyv_load_till_f64((const npy_double*)src0, len, 1.0);
npyv_f64 b = npyv_load_till_f64((const npy_double*)src1, len, 1.0);
@@ -864,15 +646,6 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT void NPY_CPU_DISPATCH_CURFX(DOUBLE_add)
npyv_f64 r = npyv_add_f64(a, b);
npyv_store_till_f64((npy_double*)dst, len, r);
- // last partial iteration for divide and working around clang partial load bug
- if(len > 0){
- npyv_f64 a = npyv_load_till_f64((const npy_double*)src0, len, 1.0);
- volatile npyv_f64 b = npyv_load_till_f64((const npy_double*)src1, len, 1.0);
- npyv_f64 r = npyv_add_f64(a, b);
- npyv_store_till_f64((npy_double*)dst, len, r);
- }
else if (ssrc0 == 0 && ssrc1 == sizeof(npy_double) && sdst == ssrc1) {
npyv_f64 a = npyv_setall_f64(*((npy_double*)src0));
@@ -884,12 +657,7 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT void NPY_CPU_DISPATCH_CURFX(DOUBLE_add)
npyv_store_f64((npy_double*)dst, r0);
npyv_store_f64((npy_double*)(dst + vstep), r1);
- const int vstop = hstep - 1;
- #else
- const int vstop = 0;
- #endif // #if (0 || 0) && WORKAROUND_CLANG_PARTIAL_LOAD_BUG
- for (; len > vstop; len -= hstep, src1 += vstep, dst += vstep) {
+ for (; len > 0; len -= hstep, src1 += vstep, dst += vstep) {
#if 0 || 0
npyv_f64 b = npyv_load_till_f64((const npy_double*)src1, len, 1.0);
@@ -898,14 +666,6 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT void NPY_CPU_DISPATCH_CURFX(DOUBLE_add)
npyv_f64 r = npyv_add_f64(a, b);
npyv_store_till_f64((npy_double*)dst, len, r);
- // last partial iteration for multiply / divide and working around clang partial load bug
- if(len > 0){
- volatile npyv_f64 b = npyv_load_till_f64((const npy_double*)src1, len, 1.0);
- npyv_f64 r = npyv_add_f64(a, b);
- npyv_store_till_f64((npy_double*)dst, len, r);
- }
- #endif // #if (0 || 0) && WORKAROUND_CLANG_PARTIAL_LOAD_BUG
else if (ssrc1 == 0 && ssrc0 == sizeof(npy_double) && sdst == ssrc0) {
npyv_f64 b = npyv_setall_f64(*((npy_double*)src1));
@@ -917,12 +677,7 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT void NPY_CPU_DISPATCH_CURFX(DOUBLE_add)
npyv_store_f64((npy_double*)dst, r0);
npyv_store_f64((npy_double*)(dst + vstep), r1);
- const int vstop = hstep - 1;
- #else
- const int vstop = 0;
- #endif // #if (0 || 0) && WORKAROUND_CLANG_PARTIAL_LOAD_BUG
- for (; len > vstop; len -= hstep, src0 += vstep, dst += vstep) {
+ for (; len > 0; len -= hstep, src0 += vstep, dst += vstep) {
#if 0 || 0
npyv_f64 a = npyv_load_till_f64((const npy_double*)src0, len, 1.0);
@@ -931,14 +686,6 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT void NPY_CPU_DISPATCH_CURFX(DOUBLE_add)
npyv_f64 r = npyv_add_f64(a, b);
npyv_store_till_f64((npy_double*)dst, len, r);
- // last partial iteration for multiply / divide and working around clang partial load bug
- if(len > 0){
- volatile npyv_f64 a = npyv_load_till_f64((const npy_double*)src0, len, 1.0);
- npyv_f64 r = npyv_add_f64(a, b);
- npyv_store_till_f64((npy_double*)dst, len, r);
- }
- #endif // #if (0 || 0) && WORKAROUND_CLANG_PARTIAL_LOAD_BUG
} else {
goto loop_scalar;
@@ -977,7 +724,7 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT int NPY_CPU_DISPATCH_CURFX(DOUBLE_add_indexed)
-#line 105
+#line 52
(char **args, npy_intp const *dimensions, npy_intp const *steps, void *NPY_UNUSED(func))
@@ -1024,12 +771,7 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT void NPY_CPU_DISPATCH_CURFX(DOUBLE_subtract)
npyv_store_f64((npy_double*)dst, r0);
npyv_store_f64((npy_double*)(dst + vstep), r1);
- const int vstop = hstep - 1;
- #else
- const int vstop = 0;
- for (; len > vstop; len -= hstep, src0 += vstep, src1 += vstep, dst += vstep) {
+ for (; len > 0; len -= hstep, src0 += vstep, src1 += vstep, dst += vstep) {
#if 0
npyv_f64 a = npyv_load_till_f64((const npy_double*)src0, len, 1.0);
npyv_f64 b = npyv_load_till_f64((const npy_double*)src1, len, 1.0);
@@ -1040,15 +782,6 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT void NPY_CPU_DISPATCH_CURFX(DOUBLE_subtract)
npyv_f64 r = npyv_sub_f64(a, b);
npyv_store_till_f64((npy_double*)dst, len, r);
- // last partial iteration for divide and working around clang partial load bug
- if(len > 0){
- npyv_f64 a = npyv_load_till_f64((const npy_double*)src0, len, 1.0);
- volatile npyv_f64 b = npyv_load_till_f64((const npy_double*)src1, len, 1.0);
- npyv_f64 r = npyv_sub_f64(a, b);
- npyv_store_till_f64((npy_double*)dst, len, r);
- }
else if (ssrc0 == 0 && ssrc1 == sizeof(npy_double) && sdst == ssrc1) {
npyv_f64 a = npyv_setall_f64(*((npy_double*)src0));
@@ -1060,12 +793,7 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT void NPY_CPU_DISPATCH_CURFX(DOUBLE_subtract)
npyv_store_f64((npy_double*)dst, r0);
npyv_store_f64((npy_double*)(dst + vstep), r1);
- const int vstop = hstep - 1;
- #else
- const int vstop = 0;
- #endif // #if (0 || 0) && WORKAROUND_CLANG_PARTIAL_LOAD_BUG
- for (; len > vstop; len -= hstep, src1 += vstep, dst += vstep) {
+ for (; len > 0; len -= hstep, src1 += vstep, dst += vstep) {
#if 0 || 0
npyv_f64 b = npyv_load_till_f64((const npy_double*)src1, len, 1.0);
@@ -1074,14 +802,6 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT void NPY_CPU_DISPATCH_CURFX(DOUBLE_subtract)
npyv_f64 r = npyv_sub_f64(a, b);
npyv_store_till_f64((npy_double*)dst, len, r);
- // last partial iteration for multiply / divide and working around clang partial load bug
- if(len > 0){
- volatile npyv_f64 b = npyv_load_till_f64((const npy_double*)src1, len, 1.0);
- npyv_f64 r = npyv_sub_f64(a, b);
- npyv_store_till_f64((npy_double*)dst, len, r);
- }
- #endif // #if (0 || 0) && WORKAROUND_CLANG_PARTIAL_LOAD_BUG
else if (ssrc1 == 0 && ssrc0 == sizeof(npy_double) && sdst == ssrc0) {
npyv_f64 b = npyv_setall_f64(*((npy_double*)src1));
@@ -1093,12 +813,7 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT void NPY_CPU_DISPATCH_CURFX(DOUBLE_subtract)
npyv_store_f64((npy_double*)dst, r0);
npyv_store_f64((npy_double*)(dst + vstep), r1);
- const int vstop = hstep - 1;
- #else
- const int vstop = 0;
- #endif // #if (0 || 0) && WORKAROUND_CLANG_PARTIAL_LOAD_BUG
- for (; len > vstop; len -= hstep, src0 += vstep, dst += vstep) {
+ for (; len > 0; len -= hstep, src0 += vstep, dst += vstep) {
#if 0 || 0
npyv_f64 a = npyv_load_till_f64((const npy_double*)src0, len, 1.0);
@@ -1107,14 +822,6 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT void NPY_CPU_DISPATCH_CURFX(DOUBLE_subtract)
npyv_f64 r = npyv_sub_f64(a, b);
npyv_store_till_f64((npy_double*)dst, len, r);
- // last partial iteration for multiply / divide and working around clang partial load bug
- if(len > 0){
- volatile npyv_f64 a = npyv_load_till_f64((const npy_double*)src0, len, 1.0);
- npyv_f64 r = npyv_sub_f64(a, b);
- npyv_store_till_f64((npy_double*)dst, len, r);
- }
- #endif // #if (0 || 0) && WORKAROUND_CLANG_PARTIAL_LOAD_BUG
} else {
goto loop_scalar;
@@ -1153,7 +860,7 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT int NPY_CPU_DISPATCH_CURFX(DOUBLE_subtract_indexed)
-#line 105
+#line 52
(char **args, npy_intp const *dimensions, npy_intp const *steps, void *NPY_UNUSED(func))
@@ -1200,12 +907,7 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT void NPY_CPU_DISPATCH_CURFX(DOUBLE_multiply)
npyv_store_f64((npy_double*)dst, r0);
npyv_store_f64((npy_double*)(dst + vstep), r1);
- const int vstop = hstep - 1;
- #else
- const int vstop = 0;
- for (; len > vstop; len -= hstep, src0 += vstep, src1 += vstep, dst += vstep) {
+ for (; len > 0; len -= hstep, src0 += vstep, src1 += vstep, dst += vstep) {
#if 0
npyv_f64 a = npyv_load_till_f64((const npy_double*)src0, len, 1.0);
npyv_f64 b = npyv_load_till_f64((const npy_double*)src1, len, 1.0);
@@ -1216,15 +918,6 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT void NPY_CPU_DISPATCH_CURFX(DOUBLE_multiply)
npyv_f64 r = npyv_mul_f64(a, b);
npyv_store_till_f64((npy_double*)dst, len, r);
- // last partial iteration for divide and working around clang partial load bug
- if(len > 0){
- npyv_f64 a = npyv_load_till_f64((const npy_double*)src0, len, 1.0);
- volatile npyv_f64 b = npyv_load_till_f64((const npy_double*)src1, len, 1.0);
- npyv_f64 r = npyv_mul_f64(a, b);
- npyv_store_till_f64((npy_double*)dst, len, r);
- }
else if (ssrc0 == 0 && ssrc1 == sizeof(npy_double) && sdst == ssrc1) {
npyv_f64 a = npyv_setall_f64(*((npy_double*)src0));
@@ -1236,12 +929,7 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT void NPY_CPU_DISPATCH_CURFX(DOUBLE_multiply)
npyv_store_f64((npy_double*)dst, r0);
npyv_store_f64((npy_double*)(dst + vstep), r1);
- const int vstop = hstep - 1;
- #else
- const int vstop = 0;
- #endif // #if (0 || 1) && WORKAROUND_CLANG_PARTIAL_LOAD_BUG
- for (; len > vstop; len -= hstep, src1 += vstep, dst += vstep) {
+ for (; len > 0; len -= hstep, src1 += vstep, dst += vstep) {
#if 0 || 1
npyv_f64 b = npyv_load_till_f64((const npy_double*)src1, len, 1.0);
@@ -1250,14 +938,6 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT void NPY_CPU_DISPATCH_CURFX(DOUBLE_multiply)
npyv_f64 r = npyv_mul_f64(a, b);
npyv_store_till_f64((npy_double*)dst, len, r);
- // last partial iteration for multiply / divide and working around clang partial load bug
- if(len > 0){
- volatile npyv_f64 b = npyv_load_till_f64((const npy_double*)src1, len, 1.0);
- npyv_f64 r = npyv_mul_f64(a, b);
- npyv_store_till_f64((npy_double*)dst, len, r);
- }
- #endif // #if (0 || 1) && WORKAROUND_CLANG_PARTIAL_LOAD_BUG
else if (ssrc1 == 0 && ssrc0 == sizeof(npy_double) && sdst == ssrc0) {
npyv_f64 b = npyv_setall_f64(*((npy_double*)src1));
@@ -1269,12 +949,7 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT void NPY_CPU_DISPATCH_CURFX(DOUBLE_multiply)
npyv_store_f64((npy_double*)dst, r0);
npyv_store_f64((npy_double*)(dst + vstep), r1);
- const int vstop = hstep - 1;
- #else
- const int vstop = 0;
- #endif // #if (0 || 1) && WORKAROUND_CLANG_PARTIAL_LOAD_BUG
- for (; len > vstop; len -= hstep, src0 += vstep, dst += vstep) {
+ for (; len > 0; len -= hstep, src0 += vstep, dst += vstep) {
#if 0 || 1
npyv_f64 a = npyv_load_till_f64((const npy_double*)src0, len, 1.0);
@@ -1283,14 +958,6 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT void NPY_CPU_DISPATCH_CURFX(DOUBLE_multiply)
npyv_f64 r = npyv_mul_f64(a, b);
npyv_store_till_f64((npy_double*)dst, len, r);
- // last partial iteration for multiply / divide and working around clang partial load bug
- if(len > 0){
- volatile npyv_f64 a = npyv_load_till_f64((const npy_double*)src0, len, 1.0);
- npyv_f64 r = npyv_mul_f64(a, b);
- npyv_store_till_f64((npy_double*)dst, len, r);
- }
- #endif // #if (0 || 1) && WORKAROUND_CLANG_PARTIAL_LOAD_BUG
} else {
goto loop_scalar;
@@ -1329,7 +996,7 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT int NPY_CPU_DISPATCH_CURFX(DOUBLE_multiply_indexed)
-#line 105
+#line 52
(char **args, npy_intp const *dimensions, npy_intp const *steps, void *NPY_UNUSED(func))
@@ -1376,12 +1043,7 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT void NPY_CPU_DISPATCH_CURFX(DOUBLE_divide)
npyv_store_f64((npy_double*)dst, r0);
npyv_store_f64((npy_double*)(dst + vstep), r1);
- const int vstop = hstep - 1;
- #else
- const int vstop = 0;
- for (; len > vstop; len -= hstep, src0 += vstep, src1 += vstep, dst += vstep) {
+ for (; len > 0; len -= hstep, src0 += vstep, src1 += vstep, dst += vstep) {
#if 1
npyv_f64 a = npyv_load_till_f64((const npy_double*)src0, len, 1.0);
npyv_f64 b = npyv_load_till_f64((const npy_double*)src1, len, 1.0);
@@ -1392,15 +1054,6 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT void NPY_CPU_DISPATCH_CURFX(DOUBLE_divide)
npyv_f64 r = npyv_div_f64(a, b);
npyv_store_till_f64((npy_double*)dst, len, r);
- // last partial iteration for divide and working around clang partial load bug
- if(len > 0){
- npyv_f64 a = npyv_load_till_f64((const npy_double*)src0, len, 1.0);
- volatile npyv_f64 b = npyv_load_till_f64((const npy_double*)src1, len, 1.0);
- npyv_f64 r = npyv_div_f64(a, b);
- npyv_store_till_f64((npy_double*)dst, len, r);
- }
else if (ssrc0 == 0 && ssrc1 == sizeof(npy_double) && sdst == ssrc1) {
npyv_f64 a = npyv_setall_f64(*((npy_double*)src0));
@@ -1412,12 +1065,7 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT void NPY_CPU_DISPATCH_CURFX(DOUBLE_divide)
npyv_store_f64((npy_double*)dst, r0);
npyv_store_f64((npy_double*)(dst + vstep), r1);
- const int vstop = hstep - 1;
- #else
- const int vstop = 0;
- #endif // #if (1 || 0) && WORKAROUND_CLANG_PARTIAL_LOAD_BUG
- for (; len > vstop; len -= hstep, src1 += vstep, dst += vstep) {
+ for (; len > 0; len -= hstep, src1 += vstep, dst += vstep) {
#if 1 || 0
npyv_f64 b = npyv_load_till_f64((const npy_double*)src1, len, 1.0);
@@ -1426,14 +1074,6 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT void NPY_CPU_DISPATCH_CURFX(DOUBLE_divide)
npyv_f64 r = npyv_div_f64(a, b);
npyv_store_till_f64((npy_double*)dst, len, r);
- // last partial iteration for multiply / divide and working around clang partial load bug
- if(len > 0){
- volatile npyv_f64 b = npyv_load_till_f64((const npy_double*)src1, len, 1.0);
- npyv_f64 r = npyv_div_f64(a, b);
- npyv_store_till_f64((npy_double*)dst, len, r);
- }
- #endif // #if (1 || 0) && WORKAROUND_CLANG_PARTIAL_LOAD_BUG
else if (ssrc1 == 0 && ssrc0 == sizeof(npy_double) && sdst == ssrc0) {
npyv_f64 b = npyv_setall_f64(*((npy_double*)src1));
@@ -1445,12 +1085,7 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT void NPY_CPU_DISPATCH_CURFX(DOUBLE_divide)
npyv_store_f64((npy_double*)dst, r0);
npyv_store_f64((npy_double*)(dst + vstep), r1);
- const int vstop = hstep - 1;
- #else
- const int vstop = 0;
- #endif // #if (1 || 0) && WORKAROUND_CLANG_PARTIAL_LOAD_BUG
- for (; len > vstop; len -= hstep, src0 += vstep, dst += vstep) {
+ for (; len > 0; len -= hstep, src0 += vstep, dst += vstep) {
#if 1 || 0
npyv_f64 a = npyv_load_till_f64((const npy_double*)src0, len, 1.0);
@@ -1459,14 +1094,6 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT void NPY_CPU_DISPATCH_CURFX(DOUBLE_divide)
npyv_f64 r = npyv_div_f64(a, b);
npyv_store_till_f64((npy_double*)dst, len, r);
- // last partial iteration for multiply / divide and working around clang partial load bug
- if(len > 0){
- volatile npyv_f64 a = npyv_load_till_f64((const npy_double*)src0, len, 1.0);
- npyv_f64 r = npyv_div_f64(a, b);
- npyv_store_till_f64((npy_double*)dst, len, r);
- }
- #endif // #if (1 || 0) && WORKAROUND_CLANG_PARTIAL_LOAD_BUG
} else {
goto loop_scalar;
@@ -1507,8 +1134,6 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT int NPY_CPU_DISPATCH_CURFX(DOUBLE_divide_indexed)
//## Complex Single/Double precision
@@ -1595,7 +1220,7 @@ simd_csquare_f64(npyv_f64 x)
{ return simd_cmul_f64(x, x); }
-#line 381
+#line 286
#if NPY_SIMD_F32
NPY_FINLINE npyv_f32
simd_cabsolute_f32(npyv_f32 re, npyv_f32 im)
@@ -1639,7 +1264,7 @@ simd_cabsolute_f32(npyv_f32 re, npyv_f32 im)
#endif // VECTOR
-#line 381
+#line 286
#if NPY_SIMD_F64
NPY_FINLINE npyv_f64
simd_cabsolute_f64(npyv_f64 re, npyv_f64 im)
@@ -1687,8 +1312,8 @@ simd_cabsolute_f64(npyv_f64 re, npyv_f64 im)
** Defining ufunc inner functions
-#line 437
-#line 445
+#line 342
+#line 350
(char **args, npy_intp const *dimensions, npy_intp const *steps, void *NPY_UNUSED(func))
@@ -1709,6 +1334,16 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT void NPY_CPU_DISPATCH_CURFX(CFLOAT_add)
#if NPY_SIMD_F32
+ // Certain versions of Apple clang (commonly used in CI images) produce
+ // non-deterministic output in the mul path with AVX2 enabled on x86_64.
+ // Work around by scalarising.
+ #if 0 \
+ && defined(NPY_CPU_AMD64) && defined(__clang__) \
+ && defined(__apple_build_version__) \
+ && __apple_build_version__ >= 14000000 \
+ && __apple_build_version__ < 14030000
+ goto loop_scalar;
+ #endif // end affected Apple clang.
if (is_mem_overlap(b_src0, b_ssrc0, b_dst, b_sdst, len) ||
is_mem_overlap(b_src1, b_ssrc1, b_dst, b_sdst, len) ||
b_sdst % sizeof(npy_float) != 0 || b_sdst == 0 ||
@@ -1930,7 +1565,7 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT int NPY_CPU_DISPATCH_CURFX(CFLOAT_add_indexed)
return 0;
-#line 445
+#line 350
(char **args, npy_intp const *dimensions, npy_intp const *steps, void *NPY_UNUSED(func))
@@ -1951,6 +1586,16 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT void NPY_CPU_DISPATCH_CURFX(CFLOAT_subtract)
#if NPY_SIMD_F32
+ // Certain versions of Apple clang (commonly used in CI images) produce
+ // non-deterministic output in the mul path with AVX2 enabled on x86_64.
+ // Work around by scalarising.
+ #if 0 \
+ && defined(NPY_CPU_AMD64) && defined(__clang__) \
+ && defined(__apple_build_version__) \
+ && __apple_build_version__ >= 14000000 \
+ && __apple_build_version__ < 14030000
+ goto loop_scalar;
+ #endif // end affected Apple clang.
if (is_mem_overlap(b_src0, b_ssrc0, b_dst, b_sdst, len) ||
is_mem_overlap(b_src1, b_ssrc1, b_dst, b_sdst, len) ||
b_sdst % sizeof(npy_float) != 0 || b_sdst == 0 ||
@@ -2172,7 +1817,7 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT int NPY_CPU_DISPATCH_CURFX(CFLOAT_subtract_indexed)
return 0;
-#line 445
+#line 350
(char **args, npy_intp const *dimensions, npy_intp const *steps, void *NPY_UNUSED(func))
@@ -2193,6 +1838,16 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT void NPY_CPU_DISPATCH_CURFX(CFLOAT_multiply)
#if NPY_SIMD_F32
+ // Certain versions of Apple clang (commonly used in CI images) produce
+ // non-deterministic output in the mul path with AVX2 enabled on x86_64.
+ // Work around by scalarising.
+ #if 1 \
+ && defined(NPY_CPU_AMD64) && defined(__clang__) \
+ && defined(__apple_build_version__) \
+ && __apple_build_version__ >= 14000000 \
+ && __apple_build_version__ < 14030000
+ goto loop_scalar;
+ #endif // end affected Apple clang.
if (is_mem_overlap(b_src0, b_ssrc0, b_dst, b_sdst, len) ||
is_mem_overlap(b_src1, b_ssrc1, b_dst, b_sdst, len) ||
b_sdst % sizeof(npy_float) != 0 || b_sdst == 0 ||
@@ -2415,7 +2070,7 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT int NPY_CPU_DISPATCH_CURFX(CFLOAT_multiply_indexed)
-#line 691
+#line 606
(char **args, npy_intp const *dimensions, npy_intp const *steps, void *NPY_UNUSED(func))
@@ -2503,7 +2158,7 @@ loop_scalar:
-#line 691
+#line 606
(char **args, npy_intp const *dimensions, npy_intp const *steps, void *NPY_UNUSED(func))
@@ -2592,8 +2247,8 @@ loop_scalar:
-#line 437
-#line 445
+#line 342
+#line 350
(char **args, npy_intp const *dimensions, npy_intp const *steps, void *NPY_UNUSED(func))
@@ -2614,6 +2269,16 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT void NPY_CPU_DISPATCH_CURFX(CDOUBLE_add)
#if NPY_SIMD_F64
+ // Certain versions of Apple clang (commonly used in CI images) produce
+ // non-deterministic output in the mul path with AVX2 enabled on x86_64.
+ // Work around by scalarising.
+ #if 0 \
+ && defined(NPY_CPU_AMD64) && defined(__clang__) \
+ && defined(__apple_build_version__) \
+ && __apple_build_version__ >= 14000000 \
+ && __apple_build_version__ < 14030000
+ goto loop_scalar;
+ #endif // end affected Apple clang.
if (is_mem_overlap(b_src0, b_ssrc0, b_dst, b_sdst, len) ||
is_mem_overlap(b_src1, b_ssrc1, b_dst, b_sdst, len) ||
b_sdst % sizeof(npy_double) != 0 || b_sdst == 0 ||
@@ -2835,7 +2500,7 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT int NPY_CPU_DISPATCH_CURFX(CDOUBLE_add_indexed)
return 0;
-#line 445
+#line 350
(char **args, npy_intp const *dimensions, npy_intp const *steps, void *NPY_UNUSED(func))
@@ -2856,6 +2521,16 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT void NPY_CPU_DISPATCH_CURFX(CDOUBLE_subtract)
#if NPY_SIMD_F64
+ // Certain versions of Apple clang (commonly used in CI images) produce
+ // non-deterministic output in the mul path with AVX2 enabled on x86_64.
+ // Work around by scalarising.
+ #if 0 \
+ && defined(NPY_CPU_AMD64) && defined(__clang__) \
+ && defined(__apple_build_version__) \
+ && __apple_build_version__ >= 14000000 \
+ && __apple_build_version__ < 14030000
+ goto loop_scalar;
+ #endif // end affected Apple clang.
if (is_mem_overlap(b_src0, b_ssrc0, b_dst, b_sdst, len) ||
is_mem_overlap(b_src1, b_ssrc1, b_dst, b_sdst, len) ||
b_sdst % sizeof(npy_double) != 0 || b_sdst == 0 ||
@@ -3077,7 +2752,7 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT int NPY_CPU_DISPATCH_CURFX(CDOUBLE_subtract_indexed)
return 0;
-#line 445
+#line 350
(char **args, npy_intp const *dimensions, npy_intp const *steps, void *NPY_UNUSED(func))
@@ -3098,6 +2773,16 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT void NPY_CPU_DISPATCH_CURFX(CDOUBLE_multiply)
#if NPY_SIMD_F64
+ // Certain versions of Apple clang (commonly used in CI images) produce
+ // non-deterministic output in the mul path with AVX2 enabled on x86_64.
+ // Work around by scalarising.
+ #if 1 \
+ && defined(NPY_CPU_AMD64) && defined(__clang__) \
+ && defined(__apple_build_version__) \
+ && __apple_build_version__ >= 14000000 \
+ && __apple_build_version__ < 14030000
+ goto loop_scalar;
+ #endif // end affected Apple clang.
if (is_mem_overlap(b_src0, b_ssrc0, b_dst, b_sdst, len) ||
is_mem_overlap(b_src1, b_ssrc1, b_dst, b_sdst, len) ||
b_sdst % sizeof(npy_double) != 0 || b_sdst == 0 ||
@@ -3320,7 +3005,7 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT int NPY_CPU_DISPATCH_CURFX(CDOUBLE_multiply_indexed)
-#line 691
+#line 606
(char **args, npy_intp const *dimensions, npy_intp const *steps, void *NPY_UNUSED(func))
@@ -3408,7 +3093,7 @@ loop_scalar:
-#line 691
+#line 606
(char **args, npy_intp const *dimensions, npy_intp const *steps, void *NPY_UNUSED(func))
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/umath/loops_arithm_fp.dispatch.c.src b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/umath/loops_arithm_fp.dispatch.c.src
index 7ba3981e81..30111258d6 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/umath/loops_arithm_fp.dispatch.c.src
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/umath/loops_arithm_fp.dispatch.c.src
@@ -31,59 +31,6 @@
** Defining ufunc inner functions
- * clang has a bug that's present at -O1 or greater. When partially loading a
- * vector register for a divide operation, the remaining elements are set
- * to 1 to avoid divide-by-zero. The partial load is paired with a partial
- * store after the divide operation. clang notices that the entire register
- * is not needed for the store and optimizes out the fill of 1 to the remaining
- * elements. This causes either a divide-by-zero or 0/0 with invalid exception
- * that we were trying to avoid by filling.
- *
- * Using a dummy variable marked 'volatile' convinces clang not to ignore
- * the explicit fill of remaining elements. If `-ftrapping-math` is
- * supported, then it'll also avoid the bug. `-ftrapping-math` is supported
- * on Apple clang v12+ for x86_64. It is not currently supported for arm64.
- * `-ftrapping-math` is set by default of Numpy builds in
- * numpy/distutils/ccompiler.py.
- *
- * Note: Apple clang and clang upstream have different versions that overlap
- */
-#if defined(__clang__)
- #if defined(__apple_build_version__)
- // Apple Clang
- #if __apple_build_version__ < 12000000
- // Apple Clang before v12
- #elif defined(NPY_CPU_X86) || defined(NPY_CPU_AMD64)
- // Apple Clang after v12, targeting i386 or x86_64
- #else
- // Apple Clang after v12, not targeting i386 or x86_64
- #endif
- #else
- // Clang, not Apple Clang
- #if __clang_major__ < 10
- // Clang before v10
- #elif defined(_MSC_VER)
- // clang-cl has the same bug
- #elif defined(NPY_CPU_X86) || defined(NPY_CPU_AMD64)
- // Clang v10+, targeting i386 or x86_64
- #else
- // Clang v10+, not targeting i386 or x86_64
- #endif
- #endif
-// Not a Clang compiler
/**begin repeat
* Float types
* #type = npy_float, npy_double#
@@ -148,12 +95,7 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT void NPY_CPU_DISPATCH_CURFX(@TYPE@_@kind@)
npyv_store_@sfx@((@type@*)dst, r0);
npyv_store_@sfx@((@type@*)(dst + vstep), r1);
- const int vstop = hstep - 1;
- #else
- const int vstop = 0;
- #endif // #if @is_div@ && WORKAROUND_CLANG_PARTIAL_LOAD_BUG
- for (; len > vstop; len -= hstep, src0 += vstep, src1 += vstep, dst += vstep) {
+ for (; len > 0; len -= hstep, src0 += vstep, src1 += vstep, dst += vstep) {
#if @is_div@
npyv_@sfx@ a = npyv_load_till_@sfx@((const @type@*)src0, len, 1.0@c@);
npyv_@sfx@ b = npyv_load_till_@sfx@((const @type@*)src1, len, 1.0@c@);
@@ -164,15 +106,6 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT void NPY_CPU_DISPATCH_CURFX(@TYPE@_@kind@)
npyv_@sfx@ r = npyv_@intrin@_@sfx@(a, b);
npyv_store_till_@sfx@((@type@*)dst, len, r);
- // last partial iteration for divide and working around clang partial load bug
- if(len > 0){
- npyv_@sfx@ a = npyv_load_till_@sfx@((const @type@*)src0, len, 1.0@c@);
- volatile npyv_@sfx@ b = npyv_load_till_@sfx@((const @type@*)src1, len, 1.0@c@);
- npyv_@sfx@ r = npyv_@intrin@_@sfx@(a, b);
- npyv_store_till_@sfx@((@type@*)dst, len, r);
- }
- #endif // #if @is_div@ && WORKAROUND_CLANG_PARTIAL_LOAD_BUG
else if (ssrc0 == 0 && ssrc1 == sizeof(@type@) && sdst == ssrc1) {
npyv_@sfx@ a = npyv_setall_@sfx@(*((@type@*)src0));
@@ -184,12 +117,7 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT void NPY_CPU_DISPATCH_CURFX(@TYPE@_@kind@)
npyv_store_@sfx@((@type@*)dst, r0);
npyv_store_@sfx@((@type@*)(dst + vstep), r1);
- #if (@is_div@ || @is_mul@) && WORKAROUND_CLANG_PARTIAL_LOAD_BUG
- const int vstop = hstep - 1;
- #else
- const int vstop = 0;
- #endif // #if (@is_div@ || @is_mul@) && WORKAROUND_CLANG_PARTIAL_LOAD_BUG
- for (; len > vstop; len -= hstep, src1 += vstep, dst += vstep) {
+ for (; len > 0; len -= hstep, src1 += vstep, dst += vstep) {
#if @is_div@ || @is_mul@
npyv_@sfx@ b = npyv_load_till_@sfx@((const @type@*)src1, len, 1.0@c@);
@@ -198,14 +126,6 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT void NPY_CPU_DISPATCH_CURFX(@TYPE@_@kind@)
npyv_@sfx@ r = npyv_@intrin@_@sfx@(a, b);
npyv_store_till_@sfx@((@type@*)dst, len, r);
- #if (@is_div@ || @is_mul@) && WORKAROUND_CLANG_PARTIAL_LOAD_BUG
- // last partial iteration for multiply / divide and working around clang partial load bug
- if(len > 0){
- volatile npyv_@sfx@ b = npyv_load_till_@sfx@((const @type@*)src1, len, 1.0@c@);
- npyv_@sfx@ r = npyv_@intrin@_@sfx@(a, b);
- npyv_store_till_@sfx@((@type@*)dst, len, r);
- }
- #endif // #if (@is_div@ || @is_mul@) && WORKAROUND_CLANG_PARTIAL_LOAD_BUG
else if (ssrc1 == 0 && ssrc0 == sizeof(@type@) && sdst == ssrc0) {
npyv_@sfx@ b = npyv_setall_@sfx@(*((@type@*)src1));
@@ -217,12 +137,7 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT void NPY_CPU_DISPATCH_CURFX(@TYPE@_@kind@)
npyv_store_@sfx@((@type@*)dst, r0);
npyv_store_@sfx@((@type@*)(dst + vstep), r1);
- #if (@is_div@ || @is_mul@) && WORKAROUND_CLANG_PARTIAL_LOAD_BUG
- const int vstop = hstep - 1;
- #else
- const int vstop = 0;
- #endif // #if (@is_div@ || @is_mul@) && WORKAROUND_CLANG_PARTIAL_LOAD_BUG
- for (; len > vstop; len -= hstep, src0 += vstep, dst += vstep) {
+ for (; len > 0; len -= hstep, src0 += vstep, dst += vstep) {
#if @is_div@ || @is_mul@
npyv_@sfx@ a = npyv_load_till_@sfx@((const @type@*)src0, len, 1.0@c@);
@@ -231,14 +146,6 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT void NPY_CPU_DISPATCH_CURFX(@TYPE@_@kind@)
npyv_@sfx@ r = npyv_@intrin@_@sfx@(a, b);
npyv_store_till_@sfx@((@type@*)dst, len, r);
- #if (@is_div@ || @is_mul@) && WORKAROUND_CLANG_PARTIAL_LOAD_BUG
- // last partial iteration for multiply / divide and working around clang partial load bug
- if(len > 0){
- volatile npyv_@sfx@ a = npyv_load_till_@sfx@((const @type@*)src0, len, 1.0@c@);
- npyv_@sfx@ r = npyv_@intrin@_@sfx@(a, b);
- npyv_store_till_@sfx@((@type@*)dst, len, r);
- }
- #endif // #if (@is_div@ || @is_mul@) && WORKAROUND_CLANG_PARTIAL_LOAD_BUG
} else {
goto loop_scalar;
@@ -279,8 +186,6 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT int NPY_CPU_DISPATCH_CURFX(@TYPE@_@kind@_indexed)
/**end repeat1**/
/**end repeat**/
//## Complex Single/Double precision
@@ -462,6 +367,16 @@ NPY_NO_EXPORT void NPY_CPU_DISPATCH_CURFX(@TYPE@_@kind@)
#if @VECTOR@
+ // Certain versions of Apple clang (commonly used in CI images) produce
+ // non-deterministic output in the mul path with AVX2 enabled on x86_64.
+ // Work around by scalarising.
+ #if @is_mul@ \
+ && defined(NPY_CPU_AMD64) && defined(__clang__) \
+ && defined(__apple_build_version__) \
+ && __apple_build_version__ >= 14000000 \
+ && __apple_build_version__ < 14030000
+ goto loop_scalar;
+ #endif // end affected Apple clang.
if (is_mem_overlap(b_src0, b_ssrc0, b_dst, b_sdst, len) ||
is_mem_overlap(b_src1, b_ssrc1, b_dst, b_sdst, len) ||
b_sdst % sizeof(@ftype@) != 0 || b_sdst == 0 ||
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/umath/loops_unary_fp.dispatch.c b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/umath/loops_unary_fp.dispatch.c
index f686e09ade..02d03e22e6 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/umath/loops_unary_fp.dispatch.c
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/umath/loops_unary_fp.dispatch.c
@@ -103,62 +103,10 @@ NPY_FINLINE double c_square_f64(double a)
#define CONTIG 0
#define NCONTIG 1
- * clang has a bug that's present at -O1 or greater. When partially loading a
- * vector register for a reciprocal operation, the remaining elements are set
- * to 1 to avoid divide-by-zero. The partial load is paired with a partial
- * store after the reciprocal operation. clang notices that the entire register
- * is not needed for the store and optimizes out the fill of 1 to the remaining
- * elements. This causes either a divide-by-zero or 0/0 with invalid exception
- * that we were trying to avoid by filling.
- *
- * Using a dummy variable marked 'volatile' convinces clang not to ignore
- * the explicit fill of remaining elements. If `-ftrapping-math` is
- * supported, then it'll also avoid the bug. `-ftrapping-math` is supported
- * on Apple clang v12+ for x86_64. It is not currently supported for arm64.
- * `-ftrapping-math` is set by default of Numpy builds in
- * numpy/distutils/ccompiler.py.
- *
- * Note: Apple clang and clang upstream have different versions that overlap
- */
-#if defined(__clang__)
- #if defined(__apple_build_version__)
- // Apple Clang
- #if __apple_build_version__ < 12000000
- // Apple Clang before v12
- #elif defined(NPY_CPU_X86) || defined(NPY_CPU_AMD64)
- // Apple Clang after v12, targeting i386 or x86_64
- #else
- // Apple Clang after v12, not targeting i386 or x86_64
- #endif
- #else
- // Clang, not Apple Clang
- #if __clang_major__ < 10
- // Clang before v10
- #elif defined(_MSC_VER)
- // clang-cl has the same bug
- #elif defined(NPY_CPU_X86) || defined(NPY_CPU_AMD64)
- // Clang v10+, targeting i386 or x86_64
- #else
- // Clang v10+, not targeting i386 or x86_64
- #endif
- #endif
-// Not a Clang compiler
-#line 153
+#line 101
#if NPY_SIMD_F32
-#line 160
-#line 165
+#line 107
+#line 112
static void simd_FLOAT_rint_CONTIG_CONTIG
(const void *_src, npy_intp ssrc, void *_dst, npy_intp sdst, npy_intp len)
@@ -170,7 +118,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_rint_CONTIG_CONTIG
// unrolled iterations
for (; len >= wstep; len -= wstep, src += ssrc*wstep, dst += sdst*wstep) {
- #line 179
+ #line 126
#if 4 > 0
npyv_f32 v_src0 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*0);
@@ -180,7 +128,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_rint_CONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary0 = npyv_rint_f32(v_src0);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 1
npyv_f32 v_src1 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*1);
@@ -190,7 +138,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_rint_CONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary1 = npyv_rint_f32(v_src1);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 2
npyv_f32 v_src2 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*2);
@@ -200,7 +148,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_rint_CONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary2 = npyv_rint_f32(v_src2);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 3
npyv_f32 v_src3 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*3);
@@ -210,7 +158,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_rint_CONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary3 = npyv_rint_f32(v_src3);
- #line 191
+ #line 138
#if 4 > 0
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*0, v_unary0);
@@ -219,7 +167,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_rint_CONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 1
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*1, v_unary1);
@@ -228,7 +176,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_rint_CONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 2
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*2, v_unary2);
@@ -237,7 +185,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_rint_CONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 3
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*3, v_unary3);
@@ -278,15 +226,6 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_rint_CONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f32 v_src0 = npyv_loadn_tillz_f32(src, ssrc, len);
- #if 0
- /*
- * Workaround clang bug. We use a dummy variable marked 'volatile'
- * to convince clang that the entire vector is needed. We only
- * want to do this for the last iteration / partial load-store of
- * the loop since 'volatile' forces a refresh of the contents.
- */
- volatile npyv_f32 unused_but_workaround_bug = v_src0;
- #endif // 0
npyv_f32 v_unary0 = npyv_rint_f32(v_src0);
npyv_store_till_f32(dst, len, v_unary0);
@@ -298,7 +237,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_rint_CONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 165
+#line 112
static void simd_FLOAT_rint_NCONTIG_CONTIG
(const void *_src, npy_intp ssrc, void *_dst, npy_intp sdst, npy_intp len)
@@ -310,7 +249,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_rint_NCONTIG_CONTIG
// unrolled iterations
for (; len >= wstep; len -= wstep, src += ssrc*wstep, dst += sdst*wstep) {
- #line 179
+ #line 126
#if 4 > 0
npyv_f32 v_src0 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*0);
@@ -320,7 +259,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_rint_NCONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary0 = npyv_rint_f32(v_src0);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 1
npyv_f32 v_src1 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*1);
@@ -330,7 +269,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_rint_NCONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary1 = npyv_rint_f32(v_src1);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 2
npyv_f32 v_src2 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*2);
@@ -340,7 +279,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_rint_NCONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary2 = npyv_rint_f32(v_src2);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 3
npyv_f32 v_src3 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*3);
@@ -350,7 +289,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_rint_NCONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary3 = npyv_rint_f32(v_src3);
- #line 191
+ #line 138
#if 4 > 0
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*0, v_unary0);
@@ -359,7 +298,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_rint_NCONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 1
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*1, v_unary1);
@@ -368,7 +307,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_rint_NCONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 2
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*2, v_unary2);
@@ -377,7 +316,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_rint_NCONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 3
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*3, v_unary3);
@@ -418,15 +357,6 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_rint_NCONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f32 v_src0 = npyv_loadn_tillz_f32(src, ssrc, len);
- #if 0
- /*
- * Workaround clang bug. We use a dummy variable marked 'volatile'
- * to convince clang that the entire vector is needed. We only
- * want to do this for the last iteration / partial load-store of
- * the loop since 'volatile' forces a refresh of the contents.
- */
- volatile npyv_f32 unused_but_workaround_bug = v_src0;
- #endif // 0
npyv_f32 v_unary0 = npyv_rint_f32(v_src0);
npyv_store_till_f32(dst, len, v_unary0);
@@ -438,7 +368,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_rint_NCONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 165
+#line 112
static void simd_FLOAT_rint_CONTIG_NCONTIG
(const void *_src, npy_intp ssrc, void *_dst, npy_intp sdst, npy_intp len)
@@ -450,7 +380,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_rint_CONTIG_NCONTIG
// unrolled iterations
for (; len >= wstep; len -= wstep, src += ssrc*wstep, dst += sdst*wstep) {
- #line 179
+ #line 126
#if 2 > 0
npyv_f32 v_src0 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*0);
@@ -460,7 +390,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_rint_CONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary0 = npyv_rint_f32(v_src0);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 1
npyv_f32 v_src1 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*1);
@@ -470,7 +400,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_rint_CONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary1 = npyv_rint_f32(v_src1);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 2
npyv_f32 v_src2 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*2);
@@ -480,7 +410,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_rint_CONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary2 = npyv_rint_f32(v_src2);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 3
npyv_f32 v_src3 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*3);
@@ -490,7 +420,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_rint_CONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary3 = npyv_rint_f32(v_src3);
- #line 191
+ #line 138
#if 2 > 0
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*0, v_unary0);
@@ -499,7 +429,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_rint_CONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 1
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*1, v_unary1);
@@ -508,7 +438,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_rint_CONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 2
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*2, v_unary2);
@@ -517,7 +447,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_rint_CONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 3
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*3, v_unary3);
@@ -558,15 +488,6 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_rint_CONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f32 v_src0 = npyv_loadn_tillz_f32(src, ssrc, len);
- #if 0
- /*
- * Workaround clang bug. We use a dummy variable marked 'volatile'
- * to convince clang that the entire vector is needed. We only
- * want to do this for the last iteration / partial load-store of
- * the loop since 'volatile' forces a refresh of the contents.
- */
- volatile npyv_f32 unused_but_workaround_bug = v_src0;
- #endif // 0
npyv_f32 v_unary0 = npyv_rint_f32(v_src0);
npyv_store_till_f32(dst, len, v_unary0);
@@ -578,7 +499,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_rint_CONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 165
+#line 112
static void simd_FLOAT_rint_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
(const void *_src, npy_intp ssrc, void *_dst, npy_intp sdst, npy_intp len)
@@ -590,7 +511,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_rint_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
// unrolled iterations
for (; len >= wstep; len -= wstep, src += ssrc*wstep, dst += sdst*wstep) {
- #line 179
+ #line 126
#if 2 > 0
npyv_f32 v_src0 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*0);
@@ -600,7 +521,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_rint_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary0 = npyv_rint_f32(v_src0);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 1
npyv_f32 v_src1 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*1);
@@ -610,7 +531,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_rint_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary1 = npyv_rint_f32(v_src1);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 2
npyv_f32 v_src2 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*2);
@@ -620,7 +541,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_rint_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary2 = npyv_rint_f32(v_src2);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 3
npyv_f32 v_src3 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*3);
@@ -630,7 +551,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_rint_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary3 = npyv_rint_f32(v_src3);
- #line 191
+ #line 138
#if 2 > 0
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*0, v_unary0);
@@ -639,7 +560,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_rint_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 1
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*1, v_unary1);
@@ -648,7 +569,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_rint_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 2
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*2, v_unary2);
@@ -657,7 +578,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_rint_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 3
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*3, v_unary3);
@@ -698,15 +619,6 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_rint_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f32 v_src0 = npyv_loadn_tillz_f32(src, ssrc, len);
- #if 0
- /*
- * Workaround clang bug. We use a dummy variable marked 'volatile'
- * to convince clang that the entire vector is needed. We only
- * want to do this for the last iteration / partial load-store of
- * the loop since 'volatile' forces a refresh of the contents.
- */
- volatile npyv_f32 unused_but_workaround_bug = v_src0;
- #endif // 0
npyv_f32 v_unary0 = npyv_rint_f32(v_src0);
npyv_store_till_f32(dst, len, v_unary0);
@@ -719,8 +631,8 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_rint_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 160
-#line 165
+#line 107
+#line 112
static void simd_FLOAT_floor_CONTIG_CONTIG
(const void *_src, npy_intp ssrc, void *_dst, npy_intp sdst, npy_intp len)
@@ -732,7 +644,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_floor_CONTIG_CONTIG
// unrolled iterations
for (; len >= wstep; len -= wstep, src += ssrc*wstep, dst += sdst*wstep) {
- #line 179
+ #line 126
#if 4 > 0
npyv_f32 v_src0 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*0);
@@ -742,7 +654,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_floor_CONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary0 = npyv_floor_f32(v_src0);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 1
npyv_f32 v_src1 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*1);
@@ -752,7 +664,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_floor_CONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary1 = npyv_floor_f32(v_src1);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 2
npyv_f32 v_src2 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*2);
@@ -762,7 +674,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_floor_CONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary2 = npyv_floor_f32(v_src2);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 3
npyv_f32 v_src3 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*3);
@@ -772,7 +684,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_floor_CONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary3 = npyv_floor_f32(v_src3);
- #line 191
+ #line 138
#if 4 > 0
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*0, v_unary0);
@@ -781,7 +693,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_floor_CONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 1
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*1, v_unary1);
@@ -790,7 +702,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_floor_CONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 2
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*2, v_unary2);
@@ -799,7 +711,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_floor_CONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 3
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*3, v_unary3);
@@ -840,15 +752,6 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_floor_CONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f32 v_src0 = npyv_loadn_tillz_f32(src, ssrc, len);
- #if 0
- /*
- * Workaround clang bug. We use a dummy variable marked 'volatile'
- * to convince clang that the entire vector is needed. We only
- * want to do this for the last iteration / partial load-store of
- * the loop since 'volatile' forces a refresh of the contents.
- */
- volatile npyv_f32 unused_but_workaround_bug = v_src0;
- #endif // 0
npyv_f32 v_unary0 = npyv_floor_f32(v_src0);
npyv_store_till_f32(dst, len, v_unary0);
@@ -860,7 +763,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_floor_CONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 165
+#line 112
static void simd_FLOAT_floor_NCONTIG_CONTIG
(const void *_src, npy_intp ssrc, void *_dst, npy_intp sdst, npy_intp len)
@@ -872,7 +775,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_floor_NCONTIG_CONTIG
// unrolled iterations
for (; len >= wstep; len -= wstep, src += ssrc*wstep, dst += sdst*wstep) {
- #line 179
+ #line 126
#if 4 > 0
npyv_f32 v_src0 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*0);
@@ -882,7 +785,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_floor_NCONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary0 = npyv_floor_f32(v_src0);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 1
npyv_f32 v_src1 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*1);
@@ -892,7 +795,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_floor_NCONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary1 = npyv_floor_f32(v_src1);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 2
npyv_f32 v_src2 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*2);
@@ -902,7 +805,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_floor_NCONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary2 = npyv_floor_f32(v_src2);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 3
npyv_f32 v_src3 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*3);
@@ -912,7 +815,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_floor_NCONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary3 = npyv_floor_f32(v_src3);
- #line 191
+ #line 138
#if 4 > 0
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*0, v_unary0);
@@ -921,7 +824,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_floor_NCONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 1
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*1, v_unary1);
@@ -930,7 +833,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_floor_NCONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 2
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*2, v_unary2);
@@ -939,7 +842,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_floor_NCONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 3
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*3, v_unary3);
@@ -980,15 +883,6 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_floor_NCONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f32 v_src0 = npyv_loadn_tillz_f32(src, ssrc, len);
- #if 0
- /*
- * Workaround clang bug. We use a dummy variable marked 'volatile'
- * to convince clang that the entire vector is needed. We only
- * want to do this for the last iteration / partial load-store of
- * the loop since 'volatile' forces a refresh of the contents.
- */
- volatile npyv_f32 unused_but_workaround_bug = v_src0;
- #endif // 0
npyv_f32 v_unary0 = npyv_floor_f32(v_src0);
npyv_store_till_f32(dst, len, v_unary0);
@@ -1000,7 +894,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_floor_NCONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 165
+#line 112
static void simd_FLOAT_floor_CONTIG_NCONTIG
(const void *_src, npy_intp ssrc, void *_dst, npy_intp sdst, npy_intp len)
@@ -1012,7 +906,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_floor_CONTIG_NCONTIG
// unrolled iterations
for (; len >= wstep; len -= wstep, src += ssrc*wstep, dst += sdst*wstep) {
- #line 179
+ #line 126
#if 2 > 0
npyv_f32 v_src0 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*0);
@@ -1022,7 +916,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_floor_CONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary0 = npyv_floor_f32(v_src0);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 1
npyv_f32 v_src1 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*1);
@@ -1032,7 +926,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_floor_CONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary1 = npyv_floor_f32(v_src1);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 2
npyv_f32 v_src2 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*2);
@@ -1042,7 +936,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_floor_CONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary2 = npyv_floor_f32(v_src2);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 3
npyv_f32 v_src3 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*3);
@@ -1052,7 +946,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_floor_CONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary3 = npyv_floor_f32(v_src3);
- #line 191
+ #line 138
#if 2 > 0
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*0, v_unary0);
@@ -1061,7 +955,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_floor_CONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 1
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*1, v_unary1);
@@ -1070,7 +964,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_floor_CONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 2
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*2, v_unary2);
@@ -1079,7 +973,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_floor_CONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 3
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*3, v_unary3);
@@ -1120,15 +1014,6 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_floor_CONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f32 v_src0 = npyv_loadn_tillz_f32(src, ssrc, len);
- #if 0
- /*
- * Workaround clang bug. We use a dummy variable marked 'volatile'
- * to convince clang that the entire vector is needed. We only
- * want to do this for the last iteration / partial load-store of
- * the loop since 'volatile' forces a refresh of the contents.
- */
- volatile npyv_f32 unused_but_workaround_bug = v_src0;
- #endif // 0
npyv_f32 v_unary0 = npyv_floor_f32(v_src0);
npyv_store_till_f32(dst, len, v_unary0);
@@ -1140,7 +1025,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_floor_CONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 165
+#line 112
static void simd_FLOAT_floor_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
(const void *_src, npy_intp ssrc, void *_dst, npy_intp sdst, npy_intp len)
@@ -1152,7 +1037,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_floor_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
// unrolled iterations
for (; len >= wstep; len -= wstep, src += ssrc*wstep, dst += sdst*wstep) {
- #line 179
+ #line 126
#if 2 > 0
npyv_f32 v_src0 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*0);
@@ -1162,7 +1047,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_floor_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary0 = npyv_floor_f32(v_src0);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 1
npyv_f32 v_src1 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*1);
@@ -1172,7 +1057,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_floor_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary1 = npyv_floor_f32(v_src1);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 2
npyv_f32 v_src2 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*2);
@@ -1182,7 +1067,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_floor_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary2 = npyv_floor_f32(v_src2);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 3
npyv_f32 v_src3 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*3);
@@ -1192,7 +1077,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_floor_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary3 = npyv_floor_f32(v_src3);
- #line 191
+ #line 138
#if 2 > 0
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*0, v_unary0);
@@ -1201,7 +1086,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_floor_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 1
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*1, v_unary1);
@@ -1210,7 +1095,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_floor_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 2
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*2, v_unary2);
@@ -1219,7 +1104,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_floor_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 3
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*3, v_unary3);
@@ -1260,15 +1145,6 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_floor_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f32 v_src0 = npyv_loadn_tillz_f32(src, ssrc, len);
- #if 0
- /*
- * Workaround clang bug. We use a dummy variable marked 'volatile'
- * to convince clang that the entire vector is needed. We only
- * want to do this for the last iteration / partial load-store of
- * the loop since 'volatile' forces a refresh of the contents.
- */
- volatile npyv_f32 unused_but_workaround_bug = v_src0;
- #endif // 0
npyv_f32 v_unary0 = npyv_floor_f32(v_src0);
npyv_store_till_f32(dst, len, v_unary0);
@@ -1281,8 +1157,8 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_floor_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 160
-#line 165
+#line 107
+#line 112
static void simd_FLOAT_ceil_CONTIG_CONTIG
(const void *_src, npy_intp ssrc, void *_dst, npy_intp sdst, npy_intp len)
@@ -1294,7 +1170,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_ceil_CONTIG_CONTIG
// unrolled iterations
for (; len >= wstep; len -= wstep, src += ssrc*wstep, dst += sdst*wstep) {
- #line 179
+ #line 126
#if 4 > 0
npyv_f32 v_src0 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*0);
@@ -1304,7 +1180,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_ceil_CONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary0 = npyv_ceil_f32(v_src0);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 1
npyv_f32 v_src1 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*1);
@@ -1314,7 +1190,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_ceil_CONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary1 = npyv_ceil_f32(v_src1);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 2
npyv_f32 v_src2 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*2);
@@ -1324,7 +1200,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_ceil_CONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary2 = npyv_ceil_f32(v_src2);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 3
npyv_f32 v_src3 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*3);
@@ -1334,7 +1210,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_ceil_CONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary3 = npyv_ceil_f32(v_src3);
- #line 191
+ #line 138
#if 4 > 0
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*0, v_unary0);
@@ -1343,7 +1219,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_ceil_CONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 1
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*1, v_unary1);
@@ -1352,7 +1228,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_ceil_CONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 2
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*2, v_unary2);
@@ -1361,7 +1237,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_ceil_CONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 3
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*3, v_unary3);
@@ -1402,15 +1278,6 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_ceil_CONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f32 v_src0 = npyv_loadn_tillz_f32(src, ssrc, len);
- #if 0
- /*
- * Workaround clang bug. We use a dummy variable marked 'volatile'
- * to convince clang that the entire vector is needed. We only
- * want to do this for the last iteration / partial load-store of
- * the loop since 'volatile' forces a refresh of the contents.
- */
- volatile npyv_f32 unused_but_workaround_bug = v_src0;
- #endif // 0
npyv_f32 v_unary0 = npyv_ceil_f32(v_src0);
npyv_store_till_f32(dst, len, v_unary0);
@@ -1422,7 +1289,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_ceil_CONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 165
+#line 112
static void simd_FLOAT_ceil_NCONTIG_CONTIG
(const void *_src, npy_intp ssrc, void *_dst, npy_intp sdst, npy_intp len)
@@ -1434,7 +1301,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_ceil_NCONTIG_CONTIG
// unrolled iterations
for (; len >= wstep; len -= wstep, src += ssrc*wstep, dst += sdst*wstep) {
- #line 179
+ #line 126
#if 4 > 0
npyv_f32 v_src0 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*0);
@@ -1444,7 +1311,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_ceil_NCONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary0 = npyv_ceil_f32(v_src0);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 1
npyv_f32 v_src1 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*1);
@@ -1454,7 +1321,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_ceil_NCONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary1 = npyv_ceil_f32(v_src1);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 2
npyv_f32 v_src2 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*2);
@@ -1464,7 +1331,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_ceil_NCONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary2 = npyv_ceil_f32(v_src2);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 3
npyv_f32 v_src3 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*3);
@@ -1474,7 +1341,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_ceil_NCONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary3 = npyv_ceil_f32(v_src3);
- #line 191
+ #line 138
#if 4 > 0
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*0, v_unary0);
@@ -1483,7 +1350,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_ceil_NCONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 1
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*1, v_unary1);
@@ -1492,7 +1359,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_ceil_NCONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 2
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*2, v_unary2);
@@ -1501,7 +1368,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_ceil_NCONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 3
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*3, v_unary3);
@@ -1542,15 +1409,6 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_ceil_NCONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f32 v_src0 = npyv_loadn_tillz_f32(src, ssrc, len);
- #if 0
- /*
- * Workaround clang bug. We use a dummy variable marked 'volatile'
- * to convince clang that the entire vector is needed. We only
- * want to do this for the last iteration / partial load-store of
- * the loop since 'volatile' forces a refresh of the contents.
- */
- volatile npyv_f32 unused_but_workaround_bug = v_src0;
- #endif // 0
npyv_f32 v_unary0 = npyv_ceil_f32(v_src0);
npyv_store_till_f32(dst, len, v_unary0);
@@ -1562,7 +1420,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_ceil_NCONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 165
+#line 112
static void simd_FLOAT_ceil_CONTIG_NCONTIG
(const void *_src, npy_intp ssrc, void *_dst, npy_intp sdst, npy_intp len)
@@ -1574,7 +1432,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_ceil_CONTIG_NCONTIG
// unrolled iterations
for (; len >= wstep; len -= wstep, src += ssrc*wstep, dst += sdst*wstep) {
- #line 179
+ #line 126
#if 2 > 0
npyv_f32 v_src0 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*0);
@@ -1584,7 +1442,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_ceil_CONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary0 = npyv_ceil_f32(v_src0);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 1
npyv_f32 v_src1 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*1);
@@ -1594,7 +1452,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_ceil_CONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary1 = npyv_ceil_f32(v_src1);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 2
npyv_f32 v_src2 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*2);
@@ -1604,7 +1462,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_ceil_CONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary2 = npyv_ceil_f32(v_src2);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 3
npyv_f32 v_src3 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*3);
@@ -1614,7 +1472,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_ceil_CONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary3 = npyv_ceil_f32(v_src3);
- #line 191
+ #line 138
#if 2 > 0
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*0, v_unary0);
@@ -1623,7 +1481,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_ceil_CONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 1
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*1, v_unary1);
@@ -1632,7 +1490,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_ceil_CONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 2
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*2, v_unary2);
@@ -1641,7 +1499,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_ceil_CONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 3
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*3, v_unary3);
@@ -1682,15 +1540,6 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_ceil_CONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f32 v_src0 = npyv_loadn_tillz_f32(src, ssrc, len);
- #if 0
- /*
- * Workaround clang bug. We use a dummy variable marked 'volatile'
- * to convince clang that the entire vector is needed. We only
- * want to do this for the last iteration / partial load-store of
- * the loop since 'volatile' forces a refresh of the contents.
- */
- volatile npyv_f32 unused_but_workaround_bug = v_src0;
- #endif // 0
npyv_f32 v_unary0 = npyv_ceil_f32(v_src0);
npyv_store_till_f32(dst, len, v_unary0);
@@ -1702,7 +1551,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_ceil_CONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 165
+#line 112
static void simd_FLOAT_ceil_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
(const void *_src, npy_intp ssrc, void *_dst, npy_intp sdst, npy_intp len)
@@ -1714,7 +1563,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_ceil_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
// unrolled iterations
for (; len >= wstep; len -= wstep, src += ssrc*wstep, dst += sdst*wstep) {
- #line 179
+ #line 126
#if 2 > 0
npyv_f32 v_src0 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*0);
@@ -1724,7 +1573,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_ceil_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary0 = npyv_ceil_f32(v_src0);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 1
npyv_f32 v_src1 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*1);
@@ -1734,7 +1583,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_ceil_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary1 = npyv_ceil_f32(v_src1);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 2
npyv_f32 v_src2 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*2);
@@ -1744,7 +1593,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_ceil_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary2 = npyv_ceil_f32(v_src2);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 3
npyv_f32 v_src3 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*3);
@@ -1754,7 +1603,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_ceil_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary3 = npyv_ceil_f32(v_src3);
- #line 191
+ #line 138
#if 2 > 0
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*0, v_unary0);
@@ -1763,7 +1612,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_ceil_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 1
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*1, v_unary1);
@@ -1772,7 +1621,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_ceil_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 2
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*2, v_unary2);
@@ -1781,7 +1630,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_ceil_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 3
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*3, v_unary3);
@@ -1822,15 +1671,6 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_ceil_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f32 v_src0 = npyv_loadn_tillz_f32(src, ssrc, len);
- #if 0
- /*
- * Workaround clang bug. We use a dummy variable marked 'volatile'
- * to convince clang that the entire vector is needed. We only
- * want to do this for the last iteration / partial load-store of
- * the loop since 'volatile' forces a refresh of the contents.
- */
- volatile npyv_f32 unused_but_workaround_bug = v_src0;
- #endif // 0
npyv_f32 v_unary0 = npyv_ceil_f32(v_src0);
npyv_store_till_f32(dst, len, v_unary0);
@@ -1843,8 +1683,8 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_ceil_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 160
-#line 165
+#line 107
+#line 112
static void simd_FLOAT_trunc_CONTIG_CONTIG
(const void *_src, npy_intp ssrc, void *_dst, npy_intp sdst, npy_intp len)
@@ -1856,7 +1696,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_trunc_CONTIG_CONTIG
// unrolled iterations
for (; len >= wstep; len -= wstep, src += ssrc*wstep, dst += sdst*wstep) {
- #line 179
+ #line 126
#if 4 > 0
npyv_f32 v_src0 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*0);
@@ -1866,7 +1706,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_trunc_CONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary0 = npyv_trunc_f32(v_src0);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 1
npyv_f32 v_src1 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*1);
@@ -1876,7 +1716,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_trunc_CONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary1 = npyv_trunc_f32(v_src1);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 2
npyv_f32 v_src2 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*2);
@@ -1886,7 +1726,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_trunc_CONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary2 = npyv_trunc_f32(v_src2);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 3
npyv_f32 v_src3 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*3);
@@ -1896,7 +1736,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_trunc_CONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary3 = npyv_trunc_f32(v_src3);
- #line 191
+ #line 138
#if 4 > 0
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*0, v_unary0);
@@ -1905,7 +1745,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_trunc_CONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 1
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*1, v_unary1);
@@ -1914,7 +1754,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_trunc_CONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 2
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*2, v_unary2);
@@ -1923,7 +1763,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_trunc_CONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 3
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*3, v_unary3);
@@ -1964,15 +1804,6 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_trunc_CONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f32 v_src0 = npyv_loadn_tillz_f32(src, ssrc, len);
- #if 0
- /*
- * Workaround clang bug. We use a dummy variable marked 'volatile'
- * to convince clang that the entire vector is needed. We only
- * want to do this for the last iteration / partial load-store of
- * the loop since 'volatile' forces a refresh of the contents.
- */
- volatile npyv_f32 unused_but_workaround_bug = v_src0;
- #endif // 0
npyv_f32 v_unary0 = npyv_trunc_f32(v_src0);
npyv_store_till_f32(dst, len, v_unary0);
@@ -1984,7 +1815,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_trunc_CONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 165
+#line 112
static void simd_FLOAT_trunc_NCONTIG_CONTIG
(const void *_src, npy_intp ssrc, void *_dst, npy_intp sdst, npy_intp len)
@@ -1996,7 +1827,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_trunc_NCONTIG_CONTIG
// unrolled iterations
for (; len >= wstep; len -= wstep, src += ssrc*wstep, dst += sdst*wstep) {
- #line 179
+ #line 126
#if 4 > 0
npyv_f32 v_src0 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*0);
@@ -2006,7 +1837,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_trunc_NCONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary0 = npyv_trunc_f32(v_src0);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 1
npyv_f32 v_src1 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*1);
@@ -2016,7 +1847,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_trunc_NCONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary1 = npyv_trunc_f32(v_src1);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 2
npyv_f32 v_src2 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*2);
@@ -2026,7 +1857,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_trunc_NCONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary2 = npyv_trunc_f32(v_src2);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 3
npyv_f32 v_src3 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*3);
@@ -2036,7 +1867,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_trunc_NCONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary3 = npyv_trunc_f32(v_src3);
- #line 191
+ #line 138
#if 4 > 0
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*0, v_unary0);
@@ -2045,7 +1876,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_trunc_NCONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 1
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*1, v_unary1);
@@ -2054,7 +1885,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_trunc_NCONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 2
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*2, v_unary2);
@@ -2063,7 +1894,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_trunc_NCONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 3
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*3, v_unary3);
@@ -2104,15 +1935,6 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_trunc_NCONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f32 v_src0 = npyv_loadn_tillz_f32(src, ssrc, len);
- #if 0
- /*
- * Workaround clang bug. We use a dummy variable marked 'volatile'
- * to convince clang that the entire vector is needed. We only
- * want to do this for the last iteration / partial load-store of
- * the loop since 'volatile' forces a refresh of the contents.
- */
- volatile npyv_f32 unused_but_workaround_bug = v_src0;
- #endif // 0
npyv_f32 v_unary0 = npyv_trunc_f32(v_src0);
npyv_store_till_f32(dst, len, v_unary0);
@@ -2124,7 +1946,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_trunc_NCONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 165
+#line 112
static void simd_FLOAT_trunc_CONTIG_NCONTIG
(const void *_src, npy_intp ssrc, void *_dst, npy_intp sdst, npy_intp len)
@@ -2136,7 +1958,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_trunc_CONTIG_NCONTIG
// unrolled iterations
for (; len >= wstep; len -= wstep, src += ssrc*wstep, dst += sdst*wstep) {
- #line 179
+ #line 126
#if 2 > 0
npyv_f32 v_src0 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*0);
@@ -2146,7 +1968,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_trunc_CONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary0 = npyv_trunc_f32(v_src0);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 1
npyv_f32 v_src1 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*1);
@@ -2156,7 +1978,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_trunc_CONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary1 = npyv_trunc_f32(v_src1);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 2
npyv_f32 v_src2 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*2);
@@ -2166,7 +1988,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_trunc_CONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary2 = npyv_trunc_f32(v_src2);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 3
npyv_f32 v_src3 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*3);
@@ -2176,7 +1998,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_trunc_CONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary3 = npyv_trunc_f32(v_src3);
- #line 191
+ #line 138
#if 2 > 0
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*0, v_unary0);
@@ -2185,7 +2007,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_trunc_CONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 1
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*1, v_unary1);
@@ -2194,7 +2016,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_trunc_CONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 2
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*2, v_unary2);
@@ -2203,7 +2025,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_trunc_CONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 3
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*3, v_unary3);
@@ -2244,15 +2066,6 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_trunc_CONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f32 v_src0 = npyv_loadn_tillz_f32(src, ssrc, len);
- #if 0
- /*
- * Workaround clang bug. We use a dummy variable marked 'volatile'
- * to convince clang that the entire vector is needed. We only
- * want to do this for the last iteration / partial load-store of
- * the loop since 'volatile' forces a refresh of the contents.
- */
- volatile npyv_f32 unused_but_workaround_bug = v_src0;
- #endif // 0
npyv_f32 v_unary0 = npyv_trunc_f32(v_src0);
npyv_store_till_f32(dst, len, v_unary0);
@@ -2264,7 +2077,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_trunc_CONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 165
+#line 112
static void simd_FLOAT_trunc_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
(const void *_src, npy_intp ssrc, void *_dst, npy_intp sdst, npy_intp len)
@@ -2276,7 +2089,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_trunc_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
// unrolled iterations
for (; len >= wstep; len -= wstep, src += ssrc*wstep, dst += sdst*wstep) {
- #line 179
+ #line 126
#if 2 > 0
npyv_f32 v_src0 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*0);
@@ -2286,7 +2099,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_trunc_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary0 = npyv_trunc_f32(v_src0);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 1
npyv_f32 v_src1 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*1);
@@ -2296,7 +2109,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_trunc_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary1 = npyv_trunc_f32(v_src1);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 2
npyv_f32 v_src2 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*2);
@@ -2306,7 +2119,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_trunc_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary2 = npyv_trunc_f32(v_src2);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 3
npyv_f32 v_src3 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*3);
@@ -2316,7 +2129,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_trunc_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary3 = npyv_trunc_f32(v_src3);
- #line 191
+ #line 138
#if 2 > 0
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*0, v_unary0);
@@ -2325,7 +2138,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_trunc_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 1
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*1, v_unary1);
@@ -2334,7 +2147,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_trunc_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 2
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*2, v_unary2);
@@ -2343,7 +2156,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_trunc_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 3
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*3, v_unary3);
@@ -2384,15 +2197,6 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_trunc_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f32 v_src0 = npyv_loadn_tillz_f32(src, ssrc, len);
- #if 0
- /*
- * Workaround clang bug. We use a dummy variable marked 'volatile'
- * to convince clang that the entire vector is needed. We only
- * want to do this for the last iteration / partial load-store of
- * the loop since 'volatile' forces a refresh of the contents.
- */
- volatile npyv_f32 unused_but_workaround_bug = v_src0;
- #endif // 0
npyv_f32 v_unary0 = npyv_trunc_f32(v_src0);
npyv_store_till_f32(dst, len, v_unary0);
@@ -2405,8 +2209,8 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_trunc_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 160
-#line 165
+#line 107
+#line 112
static void simd_FLOAT_sqrt_CONTIG_CONTIG
(const void *_src, npy_intp ssrc, void *_dst, npy_intp sdst, npy_intp len)
@@ -2418,7 +2222,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_sqrt_CONTIG_CONTIG
// unrolled iterations
for (; len >= wstep; len -= wstep, src += ssrc*wstep, dst += sdst*wstep) {
- #line 179
+ #line 126
#if 4 > 0
npyv_f32 v_src0 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*0);
@@ -2428,7 +2232,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_sqrt_CONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary0 = npyv_sqrt_f32(v_src0);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 1
npyv_f32 v_src1 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*1);
@@ -2438,7 +2242,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_sqrt_CONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary1 = npyv_sqrt_f32(v_src1);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 2
npyv_f32 v_src2 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*2);
@@ -2448,7 +2252,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_sqrt_CONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary2 = npyv_sqrt_f32(v_src2);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 3
npyv_f32 v_src3 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*3);
@@ -2458,7 +2262,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_sqrt_CONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary3 = npyv_sqrt_f32(v_src3);
- #line 191
+ #line 138
#if 4 > 0
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*0, v_unary0);
@@ -2467,7 +2271,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_sqrt_CONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 1
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*1, v_unary1);
@@ -2476,7 +2280,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_sqrt_CONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 2
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*2, v_unary2);
@@ -2485,7 +2289,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_sqrt_CONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 3
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*3, v_unary3);
@@ -2526,15 +2330,6 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_sqrt_CONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f32 v_src0 = npyv_loadn_tillz_f32(src, ssrc, len);
- #if 0
- /*
- * Workaround clang bug. We use a dummy variable marked 'volatile'
- * to convince clang that the entire vector is needed. We only
- * want to do this for the last iteration / partial load-store of
- * the loop since 'volatile' forces a refresh of the contents.
- */
- volatile npyv_f32 unused_but_workaround_bug = v_src0;
- #endif // 0
npyv_f32 v_unary0 = npyv_sqrt_f32(v_src0);
npyv_store_till_f32(dst, len, v_unary0);
@@ -2546,7 +2341,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_sqrt_CONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 165
+#line 112
static void simd_FLOAT_sqrt_NCONTIG_CONTIG
(const void *_src, npy_intp ssrc, void *_dst, npy_intp sdst, npy_intp len)
@@ -2558,7 +2353,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_sqrt_NCONTIG_CONTIG
// unrolled iterations
for (; len >= wstep; len -= wstep, src += ssrc*wstep, dst += sdst*wstep) {
- #line 179
+ #line 126
#if 4 > 0
npyv_f32 v_src0 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*0);
@@ -2568,7 +2363,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_sqrt_NCONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary0 = npyv_sqrt_f32(v_src0);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 1
npyv_f32 v_src1 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*1);
@@ -2578,7 +2373,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_sqrt_NCONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary1 = npyv_sqrt_f32(v_src1);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 2
npyv_f32 v_src2 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*2);
@@ -2588,7 +2383,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_sqrt_NCONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary2 = npyv_sqrt_f32(v_src2);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 3
npyv_f32 v_src3 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*3);
@@ -2598,7 +2393,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_sqrt_NCONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary3 = npyv_sqrt_f32(v_src3);
- #line 191
+ #line 138
#if 4 > 0
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*0, v_unary0);
@@ -2607,7 +2402,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_sqrt_NCONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 1
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*1, v_unary1);
@@ -2616,7 +2411,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_sqrt_NCONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 2
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*2, v_unary2);
@@ -2625,7 +2420,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_sqrt_NCONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 3
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*3, v_unary3);
@@ -2666,15 +2461,6 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_sqrt_NCONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f32 v_src0 = npyv_loadn_tillz_f32(src, ssrc, len);
- #if 0
- /*
- * Workaround clang bug. We use a dummy variable marked 'volatile'
- * to convince clang that the entire vector is needed. We only
- * want to do this for the last iteration / partial load-store of
- * the loop since 'volatile' forces a refresh of the contents.
- */
- volatile npyv_f32 unused_but_workaround_bug = v_src0;
- #endif // 0
npyv_f32 v_unary0 = npyv_sqrt_f32(v_src0);
npyv_store_till_f32(dst, len, v_unary0);
@@ -2686,7 +2472,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_sqrt_NCONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 165
+#line 112
static void simd_FLOAT_sqrt_CONTIG_NCONTIG
(const void *_src, npy_intp ssrc, void *_dst, npy_intp sdst, npy_intp len)
@@ -2698,7 +2484,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_sqrt_CONTIG_NCONTIG
// unrolled iterations
for (; len >= wstep; len -= wstep, src += ssrc*wstep, dst += sdst*wstep) {
- #line 179
+ #line 126
#if 2 > 0
npyv_f32 v_src0 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*0);
@@ -2708,7 +2494,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_sqrt_CONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary0 = npyv_sqrt_f32(v_src0);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 1
npyv_f32 v_src1 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*1);
@@ -2718,7 +2504,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_sqrt_CONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary1 = npyv_sqrt_f32(v_src1);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 2
npyv_f32 v_src2 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*2);
@@ -2728,7 +2514,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_sqrt_CONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary2 = npyv_sqrt_f32(v_src2);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 3
npyv_f32 v_src3 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*3);
@@ -2738,7 +2524,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_sqrt_CONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary3 = npyv_sqrt_f32(v_src3);
- #line 191
+ #line 138
#if 2 > 0
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*0, v_unary0);
@@ -2747,7 +2533,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_sqrt_CONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 1
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*1, v_unary1);
@@ -2756,7 +2542,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_sqrt_CONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 2
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*2, v_unary2);
@@ -2765,7 +2551,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_sqrt_CONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 3
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*3, v_unary3);
@@ -2806,15 +2592,6 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_sqrt_CONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f32 v_src0 = npyv_loadn_tillz_f32(src, ssrc, len);
- #if 0
- /*
- * Workaround clang bug. We use a dummy variable marked 'volatile'
- * to convince clang that the entire vector is needed. We only
- * want to do this for the last iteration / partial load-store of
- * the loop since 'volatile' forces a refresh of the contents.
- */
- volatile npyv_f32 unused_but_workaround_bug = v_src0;
- #endif // 0
npyv_f32 v_unary0 = npyv_sqrt_f32(v_src0);
npyv_store_till_f32(dst, len, v_unary0);
@@ -2826,7 +2603,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_sqrt_CONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 165
+#line 112
static void simd_FLOAT_sqrt_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
(const void *_src, npy_intp ssrc, void *_dst, npy_intp sdst, npy_intp len)
@@ -2838,7 +2615,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_sqrt_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
// unrolled iterations
for (; len >= wstep; len -= wstep, src += ssrc*wstep, dst += sdst*wstep) {
- #line 179
+ #line 126
#if 2 > 0
npyv_f32 v_src0 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*0);
@@ -2848,7 +2625,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_sqrt_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary0 = npyv_sqrt_f32(v_src0);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 1
npyv_f32 v_src1 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*1);
@@ -2858,7 +2635,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_sqrt_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary1 = npyv_sqrt_f32(v_src1);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 2
npyv_f32 v_src2 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*2);
@@ -2868,7 +2645,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_sqrt_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary2 = npyv_sqrt_f32(v_src2);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 3
npyv_f32 v_src3 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*3);
@@ -2878,7 +2655,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_sqrt_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary3 = npyv_sqrt_f32(v_src3);
- #line 191
+ #line 138
#if 2 > 0
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*0, v_unary0);
@@ -2887,7 +2664,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_sqrt_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 1
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*1, v_unary1);
@@ -2896,7 +2673,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_sqrt_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 2
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*2, v_unary2);
@@ -2905,7 +2682,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_sqrt_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 3
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*3, v_unary3);
@@ -2946,15 +2723,6 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_sqrt_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f32 v_src0 = npyv_loadn_tillz_f32(src, ssrc, len);
- #if 0
- /*
- * Workaround clang bug. We use a dummy variable marked 'volatile'
- * to convince clang that the entire vector is needed. We only
- * want to do this for the last iteration / partial load-store of
- * the loop since 'volatile' forces a refresh of the contents.
- */
- volatile npyv_f32 unused_but_workaround_bug = v_src0;
- #endif // 0
npyv_f32 v_unary0 = npyv_sqrt_f32(v_src0);
npyv_store_till_f32(dst, len, v_unary0);
@@ -2967,8 +2735,8 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_sqrt_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 160
-#line 165
+#line 107
+#line 112
static void simd_FLOAT_absolute_CONTIG_CONTIG
(const void *_src, npy_intp ssrc, void *_dst, npy_intp sdst, npy_intp len)
@@ -2980,7 +2748,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_absolute_CONTIG_CONTIG
// unrolled iterations
for (; len >= wstep; len -= wstep, src += ssrc*wstep, dst += sdst*wstep) {
- #line 179
+ #line 126
#if 4 > 0
npyv_f32 v_src0 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*0);
@@ -2990,7 +2758,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_absolute_CONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary0 = npyv_abs_f32(v_src0);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 1
npyv_f32 v_src1 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*1);
@@ -3000,7 +2768,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_absolute_CONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary1 = npyv_abs_f32(v_src1);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 2
npyv_f32 v_src2 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*2);
@@ -3010,7 +2778,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_absolute_CONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary2 = npyv_abs_f32(v_src2);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 3
npyv_f32 v_src3 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*3);
@@ -3020,7 +2788,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_absolute_CONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary3 = npyv_abs_f32(v_src3);
- #line 191
+ #line 138
#if 4 > 0
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*0, v_unary0);
@@ -3029,7 +2797,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_absolute_CONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 1
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*1, v_unary1);
@@ -3038,7 +2806,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_absolute_CONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 2
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*2, v_unary2);
@@ -3047,7 +2815,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_absolute_CONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 3
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*3, v_unary3);
@@ -3088,15 +2856,6 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_absolute_CONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f32 v_src0 = npyv_loadn_tillz_f32(src, ssrc, len);
- #if 0
- /*
- * Workaround clang bug. We use a dummy variable marked 'volatile'
- * to convince clang that the entire vector is needed. We only
- * want to do this for the last iteration / partial load-store of
- * the loop since 'volatile' forces a refresh of the contents.
- */
- volatile npyv_f32 unused_but_workaround_bug = v_src0;
- #endif // 0
npyv_f32 v_unary0 = npyv_abs_f32(v_src0);
npyv_store_till_f32(dst, len, v_unary0);
@@ -3108,7 +2867,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_absolute_CONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 165
+#line 112
static void simd_FLOAT_absolute_NCONTIG_CONTIG
(const void *_src, npy_intp ssrc, void *_dst, npy_intp sdst, npy_intp len)
@@ -3120,7 +2879,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_absolute_NCONTIG_CONTIG
// unrolled iterations
for (; len >= wstep; len -= wstep, src += ssrc*wstep, dst += sdst*wstep) {
- #line 179
+ #line 126
#if 4 > 0
npyv_f32 v_src0 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*0);
@@ -3130,7 +2889,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_absolute_NCONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary0 = npyv_abs_f32(v_src0);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 1
npyv_f32 v_src1 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*1);
@@ -3140,7 +2899,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_absolute_NCONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary1 = npyv_abs_f32(v_src1);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 2
npyv_f32 v_src2 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*2);
@@ -3150,7 +2909,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_absolute_NCONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary2 = npyv_abs_f32(v_src2);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 3
npyv_f32 v_src3 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*3);
@@ -3160,7 +2919,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_absolute_NCONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary3 = npyv_abs_f32(v_src3);
- #line 191
+ #line 138
#if 4 > 0
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*0, v_unary0);
@@ -3169,7 +2928,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_absolute_NCONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 1
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*1, v_unary1);
@@ -3178,7 +2937,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_absolute_NCONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 2
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*2, v_unary2);
@@ -3187,7 +2946,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_absolute_NCONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 3
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*3, v_unary3);
@@ -3228,15 +2987,6 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_absolute_NCONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f32 v_src0 = npyv_loadn_tillz_f32(src, ssrc, len);
- #if 0
- /*
- * Workaround clang bug. We use a dummy variable marked 'volatile'
- * to convince clang that the entire vector is needed. We only
- * want to do this for the last iteration / partial load-store of
- * the loop since 'volatile' forces a refresh of the contents.
- */
- volatile npyv_f32 unused_but_workaround_bug = v_src0;
- #endif // 0
npyv_f32 v_unary0 = npyv_abs_f32(v_src0);
npyv_store_till_f32(dst, len, v_unary0);
@@ -3248,7 +2998,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_absolute_NCONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 165
+#line 112
static void simd_FLOAT_absolute_CONTIG_NCONTIG
(const void *_src, npy_intp ssrc, void *_dst, npy_intp sdst, npy_intp len)
@@ -3260,7 +3010,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_absolute_CONTIG_NCONTIG
// unrolled iterations
for (; len >= wstep; len -= wstep, src += ssrc*wstep, dst += sdst*wstep) {
- #line 179
+ #line 126
#if 2 > 0
npyv_f32 v_src0 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*0);
@@ -3270,7 +3020,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_absolute_CONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary0 = npyv_abs_f32(v_src0);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 1
npyv_f32 v_src1 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*1);
@@ -3280,7 +3030,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_absolute_CONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary1 = npyv_abs_f32(v_src1);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 2
npyv_f32 v_src2 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*2);
@@ -3290,7 +3040,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_absolute_CONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary2 = npyv_abs_f32(v_src2);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 3
npyv_f32 v_src3 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*3);
@@ -3300,7 +3050,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_absolute_CONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary3 = npyv_abs_f32(v_src3);
- #line 191
+ #line 138
#if 2 > 0
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*0, v_unary0);
@@ -3309,7 +3059,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_absolute_CONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 1
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*1, v_unary1);
@@ -3318,7 +3068,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_absolute_CONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 2
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*2, v_unary2);
@@ -3327,7 +3077,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_absolute_CONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 3
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*3, v_unary3);
@@ -3368,15 +3118,6 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_absolute_CONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f32 v_src0 = npyv_loadn_tillz_f32(src, ssrc, len);
- #if 0
- /*
- * Workaround clang bug. We use a dummy variable marked 'volatile'
- * to convince clang that the entire vector is needed. We only
- * want to do this for the last iteration / partial load-store of
- * the loop since 'volatile' forces a refresh of the contents.
- */
- volatile npyv_f32 unused_but_workaround_bug = v_src0;
- #endif // 0
npyv_f32 v_unary0 = npyv_abs_f32(v_src0);
npyv_store_till_f32(dst, len, v_unary0);
@@ -3388,7 +3129,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_absolute_CONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 165
+#line 112
static void simd_FLOAT_absolute_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
(const void *_src, npy_intp ssrc, void *_dst, npy_intp sdst, npy_intp len)
@@ -3400,7 +3141,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_absolute_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
// unrolled iterations
for (; len >= wstep; len -= wstep, src += ssrc*wstep, dst += sdst*wstep) {
- #line 179
+ #line 126
#if 2 > 0
npyv_f32 v_src0 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*0);
@@ -3410,7 +3151,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_absolute_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary0 = npyv_abs_f32(v_src0);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 1
npyv_f32 v_src1 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*1);
@@ -3420,7 +3161,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_absolute_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary1 = npyv_abs_f32(v_src1);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 2
npyv_f32 v_src2 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*2);
@@ -3430,7 +3171,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_absolute_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary2 = npyv_abs_f32(v_src2);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 3
npyv_f32 v_src3 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*3);
@@ -3440,7 +3181,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_absolute_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary3 = npyv_abs_f32(v_src3);
- #line 191
+ #line 138
#if 2 > 0
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*0, v_unary0);
@@ -3449,7 +3190,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_absolute_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 1
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*1, v_unary1);
@@ -3458,7 +3199,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_absolute_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 2
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*2, v_unary2);
@@ -3467,7 +3208,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_absolute_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 3
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*3, v_unary3);
@@ -3508,15 +3249,6 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_absolute_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f32 v_src0 = npyv_loadn_tillz_f32(src, ssrc, len);
- #if 0
- /*
- * Workaround clang bug. We use a dummy variable marked 'volatile'
- * to convince clang that the entire vector is needed. We only
- * want to do this for the last iteration / partial load-store of
- * the loop since 'volatile' forces a refresh of the contents.
- */
- volatile npyv_f32 unused_but_workaround_bug = v_src0;
- #endif // 0
npyv_f32 v_unary0 = npyv_abs_f32(v_src0);
npyv_store_till_f32(dst, len, v_unary0);
@@ -3529,8 +3261,8 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_absolute_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 160
-#line 165
+#line 107
+#line 112
static void simd_FLOAT_square_CONTIG_CONTIG
(const void *_src, npy_intp ssrc, void *_dst, npy_intp sdst, npy_intp len)
@@ -3542,7 +3274,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_square_CONTIG_CONTIG
// unrolled iterations
for (; len >= wstep; len -= wstep, src += ssrc*wstep, dst += sdst*wstep) {
- #line 179
+ #line 126
#if 4 > 0
npyv_f32 v_src0 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*0);
@@ -3552,7 +3284,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_square_CONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary0 = npyv_square_f32(v_src0);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 1
npyv_f32 v_src1 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*1);
@@ -3562,7 +3294,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_square_CONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary1 = npyv_square_f32(v_src1);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 2
npyv_f32 v_src2 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*2);
@@ -3572,7 +3304,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_square_CONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary2 = npyv_square_f32(v_src2);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 3
npyv_f32 v_src3 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*3);
@@ -3582,7 +3314,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_square_CONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary3 = npyv_square_f32(v_src3);
- #line 191
+ #line 138
#if 4 > 0
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*0, v_unary0);
@@ -3591,7 +3323,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_square_CONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 1
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*1, v_unary1);
@@ -3600,7 +3332,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_square_CONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 2
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*2, v_unary2);
@@ -3609,7 +3341,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_square_CONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 3
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*3, v_unary3);
@@ -3650,15 +3382,6 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_square_CONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f32 v_src0 = npyv_loadn_tillz_f32(src, ssrc, len);
- #if 0
- /*
- * Workaround clang bug. We use a dummy variable marked 'volatile'
- * to convince clang that the entire vector is needed. We only
- * want to do this for the last iteration / partial load-store of
- * the loop since 'volatile' forces a refresh of the contents.
- */
- volatile npyv_f32 unused_but_workaround_bug = v_src0;
- #endif // 0
npyv_f32 v_unary0 = npyv_square_f32(v_src0);
npyv_store_till_f32(dst, len, v_unary0);
@@ -3670,7 +3393,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_square_CONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 165
+#line 112
static void simd_FLOAT_square_NCONTIG_CONTIG
(const void *_src, npy_intp ssrc, void *_dst, npy_intp sdst, npy_intp len)
@@ -3682,7 +3405,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_square_NCONTIG_CONTIG
// unrolled iterations
for (; len >= wstep; len -= wstep, src += ssrc*wstep, dst += sdst*wstep) {
- #line 179
+ #line 126
#if 4 > 0
npyv_f32 v_src0 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*0);
@@ -3692,7 +3415,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_square_NCONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary0 = npyv_square_f32(v_src0);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 1
npyv_f32 v_src1 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*1);
@@ -3702,7 +3425,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_square_NCONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary1 = npyv_square_f32(v_src1);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 2
npyv_f32 v_src2 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*2);
@@ -3712,7 +3435,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_square_NCONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary2 = npyv_square_f32(v_src2);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 3
npyv_f32 v_src3 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*3);
@@ -3722,7 +3445,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_square_NCONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary3 = npyv_square_f32(v_src3);
- #line 191
+ #line 138
#if 4 > 0
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*0, v_unary0);
@@ -3731,7 +3454,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_square_NCONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 1
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*1, v_unary1);
@@ -3740,7 +3463,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_square_NCONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 2
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*2, v_unary2);
@@ -3749,7 +3472,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_square_NCONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 3
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*3, v_unary3);
@@ -3790,15 +3513,6 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_square_NCONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f32 v_src0 = npyv_loadn_tillz_f32(src, ssrc, len);
- #if 0
- /*
- * Workaround clang bug. We use a dummy variable marked 'volatile'
- * to convince clang that the entire vector is needed. We only
- * want to do this for the last iteration / partial load-store of
- * the loop since 'volatile' forces a refresh of the contents.
- */
- volatile npyv_f32 unused_but_workaround_bug = v_src0;
- #endif // 0
npyv_f32 v_unary0 = npyv_square_f32(v_src0);
npyv_store_till_f32(dst, len, v_unary0);
@@ -3810,7 +3524,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_square_NCONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 165
+#line 112
static void simd_FLOAT_square_CONTIG_NCONTIG
(const void *_src, npy_intp ssrc, void *_dst, npy_intp sdst, npy_intp len)
@@ -3822,7 +3536,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_square_CONTIG_NCONTIG
// unrolled iterations
for (; len >= wstep; len -= wstep, src += ssrc*wstep, dst += sdst*wstep) {
- #line 179
+ #line 126
#if 2 > 0
npyv_f32 v_src0 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*0);
@@ -3832,7 +3546,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_square_CONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary0 = npyv_square_f32(v_src0);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 1
npyv_f32 v_src1 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*1);
@@ -3842,7 +3556,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_square_CONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary1 = npyv_square_f32(v_src1);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 2
npyv_f32 v_src2 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*2);
@@ -3852,7 +3566,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_square_CONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary2 = npyv_square_f32(v_src2);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 3
npyv_f32 v_src3 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*3);
@@ -3862,7 +3576,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_square_CONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary3 = npyv_square_f32(v_src3);
- #line 191
+ #line 138
#if 2 > 0
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*0, v_unary0);
@@ -3871,7 +3585,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_square_CONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 1
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*1, v_unary1);
@@ -3880,7 +3594,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_square_CONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 2
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*2, v_unary2);
@@ -3889,7 +3603,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_square_CONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 3
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*3, v_unary3);
@@ -3930,15 +3644,6 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_square_CONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f32 v_src0 = npyv_loadn_tillz_f32(src, ssrc, len);
- #if 0
- /*
- * Workaround clang bug. We use a dummy variable marked 'volatile'
- * to convince clang that the entire vector is needed. We only
- * want to do this for the last iteration / partial load-store of
- * the loop since 'volatile' forces a refresh of the contents.
- */
- volatile npyv_f32 unused_but_workaround_bug = v_src0;
- #endif // 0
npyv_f32 v_unary0 = npyv_square_f32(v_src0);
npyv_store_till_f32(dst, len, v_unary0);
@@ -3950,7 +3655,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_square_CONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 165
+#line 112
static void simd_FLOAT_square_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
(const void *_src, npy_intp ssrc, void *_dst, npy_intp sdst, npy_intp len)
@@ -3962,7 +3667,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_square_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
// unrolled iterations
for (; len >= wstep; len -= wstep, src += ssrc*wstep, dst += sdst*wstep) {
- #line 179
+ #line 126
#if 2 > 0
npyv_f32 v_src0 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*0);
@@ -3972,7 +3677,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_square_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary0 = npyv_square_f32(v_src0);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 1
npyv_f32 v_src1 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*1);
@@ -3982,7 +3687,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_square_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary1 = npyv_square_f32(v_src1);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 2
npyv_f32 v_src2 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*2);
@@ -3992,7 +3697,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_square_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary2 = npyv_square_f32(v_src2);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 3
npyv_f32 v_src3 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*3);
@@ -4002,7 +3707,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_square_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary3 = npyv_square_f32(v_src3);
- #line 191
+ #line 138
#if 2 > 0
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*0, v_unary0);
@@ -4011,7 +3716,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_square_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 1
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*1, v_unary1);
@@ -4020,7 +3725,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_square_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 2
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*2, v_unary2);
@@ -4029,7 +3734,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_square_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 3
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*3, v_unary3);
@@ -4070,15 +3775,6 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_square_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f32 v_src0 = npyv_loadn_tillz_f32(src, ssrc, len);
- #if 0
- /*
- * Workaround clang bug. We use a dummy variable marked 'volatile'
- * to convince clang that the entire vector is needed. We only
- * want to do this for the last iteration / partial load-store of
- * the loop since 'volatile' forces a refresh of the contents.
- */
- volatile npyv_f32 unused_but_workaround_bug = v_src0;
- #endif // 0
npyv_f32 v_unary0 = npyv_square_f32(v_src0);
npyv_store_till_f32(dst, len, v_unary0);
@@ -4091,8 +3787,8 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_square_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 160
-#line 165
+#line 107
+#line 112
static void simd_FLOAT_reciprocal_CONTIG_CONTIG
(const void *_src, npy_intp ssrc, void *_dst, npy_intp sdst, npy_intp len)
@@ -4104,7 +3800,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_reciprocal_CONTIG_CONTIG
// unrolled iterations
for (; len >= wstep; len -= wstep, src += ssrc*wstep, dst += sdst*wstep) {
- #line 179
+ #line 126
#if 4 > 0
npyv_f32 v_src0 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*0);
@@ -4114,7 +3810,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_reciprocal_CONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary0 = npyv_recip_f32(v_src0);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 1
npyv_f32 v_src1 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*1);
@@ -4124,7 +3820,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_reciprocal_CONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary1 = npyv_recip_f32(v_src1);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 2
npyv_f32 v_src2 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*2);
@@ -4134,7 +3830,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_reciprocal_CONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary2 = npyv_recip_f32(v_src2);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 3
npyv_f32 v_src3 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*3);
@@ -4144,7 +3840,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_reciprocal_CONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary3 = npyv_recip_f32(v_src3);
- #line 191
+ #line 138
#if 4 > 0
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*0, v_unary0);
@@ -4153,7 +3849,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_reciprocal_CONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 1
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*1, v_unary1);
@@ -4162,7 +3858,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_reciprocal_CONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 2
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*2, v_unary2);
@@ -4171,7 +3867,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_reciprocal_CONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 3
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*3, v_unary3);
@@ -4212,15 +3908,6 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_reciprocal_CONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f32 v_src0 = npyv_loadn_tillz_f32(src, ssrc, len);
- /*
- * Workaround clang bug. We use a dummy variable marked 'volatile'
- * to convince clang that the entire vector is needed. We only
- * want to do this for the last iteration / partial load-store of
- * the loop since 'volatile' forces a refresh of the contents.
- */
- volatile npyv_f32 unused_but_workaround_bug = v_src0;
npyv_f32 v_unary0 = npyv_recip_f32(v_src0);
npyv_store_till_f32(dst, len, v_unary0);
@@ -4232,7 +3919,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_reciprocal_CONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 165
+#line 112
static void simd_FLOAT_reciprocal_NCONTIG_CONTIG
(const void *_src, npy_intp ssrc, void *_dst, npy_intp sdst, npy_intp len)
@@ -4244,7 +3931,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_reciprocal_NCONTIG_CONTIG
// unrolled iterations
for (; len >= wstep; len -= wstep, src += ssrc*wstep, dst += sdst*wstep) {
- #line 179
+ #line 126
#if 4 > 0
npyv_f32 v_src0 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*0);
@@ -4254,7 +3941,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_reciprocal_NCONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary0 = npyv_recip_f32(v_src0);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 1
npyv_f32 v_src1 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*1);
@@ -4264,7 +3951,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_reciprocal_NCONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary1 = npyv_recip_f32(v_src1);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 2
npyv_f32 v_src2 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*2);
@@ -4274,7 +3961,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_reciprocal_NCONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary2 = npyv_recip_f32(v_src2);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 3
npyv_f32 v_src3 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*3);
@@ -4284,7 +3971,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_reciprocal_NCONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary3 = npyv_recip_f32(v_src3);
- #line 191
+ #line 138
#if 4 > 0
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*0, v_unary0);
@@ -4293,7 +3980,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_reciprocal_NCONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 1
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*1, v_unary1);
@@ -4302,7 +3989,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_reciprocal_NCONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 2
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*2, v_unary2);
@@ -4311,7 +3998,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_reciprocal_NCONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 3
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*3, v_unary3);
@@ -4352,15 +4039,6 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_reciprocal_NCONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f32 v_src0 = npyv_loadn_tillz_f32(src, ssrc, len);
- /*
- * Workaround clang bug. We use a dummy variable marked 'volatile'
- * to convince clang that the entire vector is needed. We only
- * want to do this for the last iteration / partial load-store of
- * the loop since 'volatile' forces a refresh of the contents.
- */
- volatile npyv_f32 unused_but_workaround_bug = v_src0;
npyv_f32 v_unary0 = npyv_recip_f32(v_src0);
npyv_store_till_f32(dst, len, v_unary0);
@@ -4372,7 +4050,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_reciprocal_NCONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 165
+#line 112
static void simd_FLOAT_reciprocal_CONTIG_NCONTIG
(const void *_src, npy_intp ssrc, void *_dst, npy_intp sdst, npy_intp len)
@@ -4384,7 +4062,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_reciprocal_CONTIG_NCONTIG
// unrolled iterations
for (; len >= wstep; len -= wstep, src += ssrc*wstep, dst += sdst*wstep) {
- #line 179
+ #line 126
#if 2 > 0
npyv_f32 v_src0 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*0);
@@ -4394,7 +4072,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_reciprocal_CONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary0 = npyv_recip_f32(v_src0);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 1
npyv_f32 v_src1 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*1);
@@ -4404,7 +4082,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_reciprocal_CONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary1 = npyv_recip_f32(v_src1);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 2
npyv_f32 v_src2 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*2);
@@ -4414,7 +4092,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_reciprocal_CONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary2 = npyv_recip_f32(v_src2);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 3
npyv_f32 v_src3 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*3);
@@ -4424,7 +4102,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_reciprocal_CONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary3 = npyv_recip_f32(v_src3);
- #line 191
+ #line 138
#if 2 > 0
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*0, v_unary0);
@@ -4433,7 +4111,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_reciprocal_CONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 1
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*1, v_unary1);
@@ -4442,7 +4120,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_reciprocal_CONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 2
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*2, v_unary2);
@@ -4451,7 +4129,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_reciprocal_CONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 3
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*3, v_unary3);
@@ -4492,15 +4170,6 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_reciprocal_CONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f32 v_src0 = npyv_loadn_tillz_f32(src, ssrc, len);
- /*
- * Workaround clang bug. We use a dummy variable marked 'volatile'
- * to convince clang that the entire vector is needed. We only
- * want to do this for the last iteration / partial load-store of
- * the loop since 'volatile' forces a refresh of the contents.
- */
- volatile npyv_f32 unused_but_workaround_bug = v_src0;
npyv_f32 v_unary0 = npyv_recip_f32(v_src0);
npyv_store_till_f32(dst, len, v_unary0);
@@ -4512,7 +4181,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_reciprocal_CONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 165
+#line 112
static void simd_FLOAT_reciprocal_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
(const void *_src, npy_intp ssrc, void *_dst, npy_intp sdst, npy_intp len)
@@ -4524,7 +4193,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_reciprocal_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
// unrolled iterations
for (; len >= wstep; len -= wstep, src += ssrc*wstep, dst += sdst*wstep) {
- #line 179
+ #line 126
#if 2 > 0
npyv_f32 v_src0 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*0);
@@ -4534,7 +4203,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_reciprocal_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary0 = npyv_recip_f32(v_src0);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 1
npyv_f32 v_src1 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*1);
@@ -4544,7 +4213,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_reciprocal_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary1 = npyv_recip_f32(v_src1);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 2
npyv_f32 v_src2 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*2);
@@ -4554,7 +4223,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_reciprocal_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary2 = npyv_recip_f32(v_src2);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 3
npyv_f32 v_src3 = npyv_load_f32(src + vstep*3);
@@ -4564,7 +4233,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_reciprocal_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f32 v_unary3 = npyv_recip_f32(v_src3);
- #line 191
+ #line 138
#if 2 > 0
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*0, v_unary0);
@@ -4573,7 +4242,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_reciprocal_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 1
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*1, v_unary1);
@@ -4582,7 +4251,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_reciprocal_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 2
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*2, v_unary2);
@@ -4591,7 +4260,7 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_reciprocal_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 3
npyv_store_f32(dst + vstep*3, v_unary3);
@@ -4632,15 +4301,6 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_reciprocal_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f32 v_src0 = npyv_loadn_tillz_f32(src, ssrc, len);
- /*
- * Workaround clang bug. We use a dummy variable marked 'volatile'
- * to convince clang that the entire vector is needed. We only
- * want to do this for the last iteration / partial load-store of
- * the loop since 'volatile' forces a refresh of the contents.
- */
- volatile npyv_f32 unused_but_workaround_bug = v_src0;
npyv_f32 v_unary0 = npyv_recip_f32(v_src0);
npyv_store_till_f32(dst, len, v_unary0);
@@ -4655,10 +4315,10 @@ static void simd_FLOAT_reciprocal_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
#endif // NPY_SIMD_F32
-#line 153
+#line 101
#if NPY_SIMD_F64
-#line 160
-#line 165
+#line 107
+#line 112
static void simd_DOUBLE_rint_CONTIG_CONTIG
(const void *_src, npy_intp ssrc, void *_dst, npy_intp sdst, npy_intp len)
@@ -4670,7 +4330,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_rint_CONTIG_CONTIG
// unrolled iterations
for (; len >= wstep; len -= wstep, src += ssrc*wstep, dst += sdst*wstep) {
- #line 179
+ #line 126
#if 4 > 0
npyv_f64 v_src0 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*0);
@@ -4680,7 +4340,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_rint_CONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary0 = npyv_rint_f64(v_src0);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 1
npyv_f64 v_src1 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*1);
@@ -4690,7 +4350,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_rint_CONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary1 = npyv_rint_f64(v_src1);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 2
npyv_f64 v_src2 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*2);
@@ -4700,7 +4360,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_rint_CONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary2 = npyv_rint_f64(v_src2);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 3
npyv_f64 v_src3 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*3);
@@ -4710,7 +4370,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_rint_CONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary3 = npyv_rint_f64(v_src3);
- #line 191
+ #line 138
#if 4 > 0
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*0, v_unary0);
@@ -4719,7 +4379,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_rint_CONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 1
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*1, v_unary1);
@@ -4728,7 +4388,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_rint_CONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 2
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*2, v_unary2);
@@ -4737,7 +4397,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_rint_CONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 3
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*3, v_unary3);
@@ -4778,15 +4438,6 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_rint_CONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f64 v_src0 = npyv_loadn_tillz_f64(src, ssrc, len);
- #if 0
- /*
- * Workaround clang bug. We use a dummy variable marked 'volatile'
- * to convince clang that the entire vector is needed. We only
- * want to do this for the last iteration / partial load-store of
- * the loop since 'volatile' forces a refresh of the contents.
- */
- volatile npyv_f64 unused_but_workaround_bug = v_src0;
- #endif // 0
npyv_f64 v_unary0 = npyv_rint_f64(v_src0);
npyv_store_till_f64(dst, len, v_unary0);
@@ -4798,7 +4449,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_rint_CONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 165
+#line 112
static void simd_DOUBLE_rint_NCONTIG_CONTIG
(const void *_src, npy_intp ssrc, void *_dst, npy_intp sdst, npy_intp len)
@@ -4810,7 +4461,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_rint_NCONTIG_CONTIG
// unrolled iterations
for (; len >= wstep; len -= wstep, src += ssrc*wstep, dst += sdst*wstep) {
- #line 179
+ #line 126
#if 4 > 0
npyv_f64 v_src0 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*0);
@@ -4820,7 +4471,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_rint_NCONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary0 = npyv_rint_f64(v_src0);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 1
npyv_f64 v_src1 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*1);
@@ -4830,7 +4481,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_rint_NCONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary1 = npyv_rint_f64(v_src1);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 2
npyv_f64 v_src2 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*2);
@@ -4840,7 +4491,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_rint_NCONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary2 = npyv_rint_f64(v_src2);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 3
npyv_f64 v_src3 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*3);
@@ -4850,7 +4501,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_rint_NCONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary3 = npyv_rint_f64(v_src3);
- #line 191
+ #line 138
#if 4 > 0
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*0, v_unary0);
@@ -4859,7 +4510,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_rint_NCONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 1
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*1, v_unary1);
@@ -4868,7 +4519,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_rint_NCONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 2
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*2, v_unary2);
@@ -4877,7 +4528,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_rint_NCONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 3
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*3, v_unary3);
@@ -4918,15 +4569,6 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_rint_NCONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f64 v_src0 = npyv_loadn_tillz_f64(src, ssrc, len);
- #if 0
- /*
- * Workaround clang bug. We use a dummy variable marked 'volatile'
- * to convince clang that the entire vector is needed. We only
- * want to do this for the last iteration / partial load-store of
- * the loop since 'volatile' forces a refresh of the contents.
- */
- volatile npyv_f64 unused_but_workaround_bug = v_src0;
- #endif // 0
npyv_f64 v_unary0 = npyv_rint_f64(v_src0);
npyv_store_till_f64(dst, len, v_unary0);
@@ -4938,7 +4580,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_rint_NCONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 165
+#line 112
static void simd_DOUBLE_rint_CONTIG_NCONTIG
(const void *_src, npy_intp ssrc, void *_dst, npy_intp sdst, npy_intp len)
@@ -4950,7 +4592,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_rint_CONTIG_NCONTIG
// unrolled iterations
for (; len >= wstep; len -= wstep, src += ssrc*wstep, dst += sdst*wstep) {
- #line 179
+ #line 126
#if 2 > 0
npyv_f64 v_src0 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*0);
@@ -4960,7 +4602,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_rint_CONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary0 = npyv_rint_f64(v_src0);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 1
npyv_f64 v_src1 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*1);
@@ -4970,7 +4612,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_rint_CONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary1 = npyv_rint_f64(v_src1);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 2
npyv_f64 v_src2 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*2);
@@ -4980,7 +4622,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_rint_CONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary2 = npyv_rint_f64(v_src2);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 3
npyv_f64 v_src3 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*3);
@@ -4990,7 +4632,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_rint_CONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary3 = npyv_rint_f64(v_src3);
- #line 191
+ #line 138
#if 2 > 0
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*0, v_unary0);
@@ -4999,7 +4641,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_rint_CONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 1
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*1, v_unary1);
@@ -5008,7 +4650,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_rint_CONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 2
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*2, v_unary2);
@@ -5017,7 +4659,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_rint_CONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 3
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*3, v_unary3);
@@ -5058,15 +4700,6 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_rint_CONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f64 v_src0 = npyv_loadn_tillz_f64(src, ssrc, len);
- #if 0
- /*
- * Workaround clang bug. We use a dummy variable marked 'volatile'
- * to convince clang that the entire vector is needed. We only
- * want to do this for the last iteration / partial load-store of
- * the loop since 'volatile' forces a refresh of the contents.
- */
- volatile npyv_f64 unused_but_workaround_bug = v_src0;
- #endif // 0
npyv_f64 v_unary0 = npyv_rint_f64(v_src0);
npyv_store_till_f64(dst, len, v_unary0);
@@ -5078,7 +4711,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_rint_CONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 165
+#line 112
static void simd_DOUBLE_rint_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
(const void *_src, npy_intp ssrc, void *_dst, npy_intp sdst, npy_intp len)
@@ -5090,7 +4723,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_rint_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
// unrolled iterations
for (; len >= wstep; len -= wstep, src += ssrc*wstep, dst += sdst*wstep) {
- #line 179
+ #line 126
#if 2 > 0
npyv_f64 v_src0 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*0);
@@ -5100,7 +4733,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_rint_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary0 = npyv_rint_f64(v_src0);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 1
npyv_f64 v_src1 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*1);
@@ -5110,7 +4743,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_rint_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary1 = npyv_rint_f64(v_src1);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 2
npyv_f64 v_src2 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*2);
@@ -5120,7 +4753,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_rint_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary2 = npyv_rint_f64(v_src2);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 3
npyv_f64 v_src3 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*3);
@@ -5130,7 +4763,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_rint_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary3 = npyv_rint_f64(v_src3);
- #line 191
+ #line 138
#if 2 > 0
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*0, v_unary0);
@@ -5139,7 +4772,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_rint_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 1
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*1, v_unary1);
@@ -5148,7 +4781,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_rint_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 2
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*2, v_unary2);
@@ -5157,7 +4790,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_rint_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 3
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*3, v_unary3);
@@ -5198,15 +4831,6 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_rint_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f64 v_src0 = npyv_loadn_tillz_f64(src, ssrc, len);
- #if 0
- /*
- * Workaround clang bug. We use a dummy variable marked 'volatile'
- * to convince clang that the entire vector is needed. We only
- * want to do this for the last iteration / partial load-store of
- * the loop since 'volatile' forces a refresh of the contents.
- */
- volatile npyv_f64 unused_but_workaround_bug = v_src0;
- #endif // 0
npyv_f64 v_unary0 = npyv_rint_f64(v_src0);
npyv_store_till_f64(dst, len, v_unary0);
@@ -5219,8 +4843,8 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_rint_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 160
-#line 165
+#line 107
+#line 112
static void simd_DOUBLE_floor_CONTIG_CONTIG
(const void *_src, npy_intp ssrc, void *_dst, npy_intp sdst, npy_intp len)
@@ -5232,7 +4856,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_floor_CONTIG_CONTIG
// unrolled iterations
for (; len >= wstep; len -= wstep, src += ssrc*wstep, dst += sdst*wstep) {
- #line 179
+ #line 126
#if 4 > 0
npyv_f64 v_src0 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*0);
@@ -5242,7 +4866,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_floor_CONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary0 = npyv_floor_f64(v_src0);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 1
npyv_f64 v_src1 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*1);
@@ -5252,7 +4876,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_floor_CONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary1 = npyv_floor_f64(v_src1);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 2
npyv_f64 v_src2 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*2);
@@ -5262,7 +4886,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_floor_CONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary2 = npyv_floor_f64(v_src2);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 3
npyv_f64 v_src3 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*3);
@@ -5272,7 +4896,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_floor_CONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary3 = npyv_floor_f64(v_src3);
- #line 191
+ #line 138
#if 4 > 0
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*0, v_unary0);
@@ -5281,7 +4905,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_floor_CONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 1
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*1, v_unary1);
@@ -5290,7 +4914,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_floor_CONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 2
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*2, v_unary2);
@@ -5299,7 +4923,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_floor_CONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 3
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*3, v_unary3);
@@ -5340,15 +4964,6 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_floor_CONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f64 v_src0 = npyv_loadn_tillz_f64(src, ssrc, len);
- #if 0
- /*
- * Workaround clang bug. We use a dummy variable marked 'volatile'
- * to convince clang that the entire vector is needed. We only
- * want to do this for the last iteration / partial load-store of
- * the loop since 'volatile' forces a refresh of the contents.
- */
- volatile npyv_f64 unused_but_workaround_bug = v_src0;
- #endif // 0
npyv_f64 v_unary0 = npyv_floor_f64(v_src0);
npyv_store_till_f64(dst, len, v_unary0);
@@ -5360,7 +4975,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_floor_CONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 165
+#line 112
static void simd_DOUBLE_floor_NCONTIG_CONTIG
(const void *_src, npy_intp ssrc, void *_dst, npy_intp sdst, npy_intp len)
@@ -5372,7 +4987,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_floor_NCONTIG_CONTIG
// unrolled iterations
for (; len >= wstep; len -= wstep, src += ssrc*wstep, dst += sdst*wstep) {
- #line 179
+ #line 126
#if 4 > 0
npyv_f64 v_src0 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*0);
@@ -5382,7 +4997,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_floor_NCONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary0 = npyv_floor_f64(v_src0);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 1
npyv_f64 v_src1 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*1);
@@ -5392,7 +5007,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_floor_NCONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary1 = npyv_floor_f64(v_src1);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 2
npyv_f64 v_src2 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*2);
@@ -5402,7 +5017,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_floor_NCONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary2 = npyv_floor_f64(v_src2);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 3
npyv_f64 v_src3 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*3);
@@ -5412,7 +5027,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_floor_NCONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary3 = npyv_floor_f64(v_src3);
- #line 191
+ #line 138
#if 4 > 0
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*0, v_unary0);
@@ -5421,7 +5036,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_floor_NCONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 1
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*1, v_unary1);
@@ -5430,7 +5045,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_floor_NCONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 2
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*2, v_unary2);
@@ -5439,7 +5054,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_floor_NCONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 3
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*3, v_unary3);
@@ -5480,15 +5095,6 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_floor_NCONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f64 v_src0 = npyv_loadn_tillz_f64(src, ssrc, len);
- #if 0
- /*
- * Workaround clang bug. We use a dummy variable marked 'volatile'
- * to convince clang that the entire vector is needed. We only
- * want to do this for the last iteration / partial load-store of
- * the loop since 'volatile' forces a refresh of the contents.
- */
- volatile npyv_f64 unused_but_workaround_bug = v_src0;
- #endif // 0
npyv_f64 v_unary0 = npyv_floor_f64(v_src0);
npyv_store_till_f64(dst, len, v_unary0);
@@ -5500,7 +5106,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_floor_NCONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 165
+#line 112
static void simd_DOUBLE_floor_CONTIG_NCONTIG
(const void *_src, npy_intp ssrc, void *_dst, npy_intp sdst, npy_intp len)
@@ -5512,7 +5118,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_floor_CONTIG_NCONTIG
// unrolled iterations
for (; len >= wstep; len -= wstep, src += ssrc*wstep, dst += sdst*wstep) {
- #line 179
+ #line 126
#if 2 > 0
npyv_f64 v_src0 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*0);
@@ -5522,7 +5128,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_floor_CONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary0 = npyv_floor_f64(v_src0);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 1
npyv_f64 v_src1 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*1);
@@ -5532,7 +5138,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_floor_CONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary1 = npyv_floor_f64(v_src1);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 2
npyv_f64 v_src2 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*2);
@@ -5542,7 +5148,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_floor_CONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary2 = npyv_floor_f64(v_src2);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 3
npyv_f64 v_src3 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*3);
@@ -5552,7 +5158,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_floor_CONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary3 = npyv_floor_f64(v_src3);
- #line 191
+ #line 138
#if 2 > 0
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*0, v_unary0);
@@ -5561,7 +5167,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_floor_CONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 1
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*1, v_unary1);
@@ -5570,7 +5176,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_floor_CONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 2
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*2, v_unary2);
@@ -5579,7 +5185,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_floor_CONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 3
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*3, v_unary3);
@@ -5620,15 +5226,6 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_floor_CONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f64 v_src0 = npyv_loadn_tillz_f64(src, ssrc, len);
- #if 0
- /*
- * Workaround clang bug. We use a dummy variable marked 'volatile'
- * to convince clang that the entire vector is needed. We only
- * want to do this for the last iteration / partial load-store of
- * the loop since 'volatile' forces a refresh of the contents.
- */
- volatile npyv_f64 unused_but_workaround_bug = v_src0;
- #endif // 0
npyv_f64 v_unary0 = npyv_floor_f64(v_src0);
npyv_store_till_f64(dst, len, v_unary0);
@@ -5640,7 +5237,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_floor_CONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 165
+#line 112
static void simd_DOUBLE_floor_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
(const void *_src, npy_intp ssrc, void *_dst, npy_intp sdst, npy_intp len)
@@ -5652,7 +5249,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_floor_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
// unrolled iterations
for (; len >= wstep; len -= wstep, src += ssrc*wstep, dst += sdst*wstep) {
- #line 179
+ #line 126
#if 2 > 0
npyv_f64 v_src0 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*0);
@@ -5662,7 +5259,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_floor_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary0 = npyv_floor_f64(v_src0);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 1
npyv_f64 v_src1 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*1);
@@ -5672,7 +5269,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_floor_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary1 = npyv_floor_f64(v_src1);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 2
npyv_f64 v_src2 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*2);
@@ -5682,7 +5279,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_floor_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary2 = npyv_floor_f64(v_src2);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 3
npyv_f64 v_src3 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*3);
@@ -5692,7 +5289,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_floor_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary3 = npyv_floor_f64(v_src3);
- #line 191
+ #line 138
#if 2 > 0
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*0, v_unary0);
@@ -5701,7 +5298,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_floor_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 1
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*1, v_unary1);
@@ -5710,7 +5307,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_floor_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 2
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*2, v_unary2);
@@ -5719,7 +5316,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_floor_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 3
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*3, v_unary3);
@@ -5760,15 +5357,6 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_floor_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f64 v_src0 = npyv_loadn_tillz_f64(src, ssrc, len);
- #if 0
- /*
- * Workaround clang bug. We use a dummy variable marked 'volatile'
- * to convince clang that the entire vector is needed. We only
- * want to do this for the last iteration / partial load-store of
- * the loop since 'volatile' forces a refresh of the contents.
- */
- volatile npyv_f64 unused_but_workaround_bug = v_src0;
- #endif // 0
npyv_f64 v_unary0 = npyv_floor_f64(v_src0);
npyv_store_till_f64(dst, len, v_unary0);
@@ -5781,8 +5369,8 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_floor_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 160
-#line 165
+#line 107
+#line 112
static void simd_DOUBLE_ceil_CONTIG_CONTIG
(const void *_src, npy_intp ssrc, void *_dst, npy_intp sdst, npy_intp len)
@@ -5794,7 +5382,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_ceil_CONTIG_CONTIG
// unrolled iterations
for (; len >= wstep; len -= wstep, src += ssrc*wstep, dst += sdst*wstep) {
- #line 179
+ #line 126
#if 4 > 0
npyv_f64 v_src0 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*0);
@@ -5804,7 +5392,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_ceil_CONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary0 = npyv_ceil_f64(v_src0);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 1
npyv_f64 v_src1 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*1);
@@ -5814,7 +5402,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_ceil_CONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary1 = npyv_ceil_f64(v_src1);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 2
npyv_f64 v_src2 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*2);
@@ -5824,7 +5412,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_ceil_CONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary2 = npyv_ceil_f64(v_src2);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 3
npyv_f64 v_src3 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*3);
@@ -5834,7 +5422,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_ceil_CONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary3 = npyv_ceil_f64(v_src3);
- #line 191
+ #line 138
#if 4 > 0
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*0, v_unary0);
@@ -5843,7 +5431,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_ceil_CONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 1
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*1, v_unary1);
@@ -5852,7 +5440,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_ceil_CONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 2
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*2, v_unary2);
@@ -5861,7 +5449,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_ceil_CONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 3
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*3, v_unary3);
@@ -5902,15 +5490,6 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_ceil_CONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f64 v_src0 = npyv_loadn_tillz_f64(src, ssrc, len);
- #if 0
- /*
- * Workaround clang bug. We use a dummy variable marked 'volatile'
- * to convince clang that the entire vector is needed. We only
- * want to do this for the last iteration / partial load-store of
- * the loop since 'volatile' forces a refresh of the contents.
- */
- volatile npyv_f64 unused_but_workaround_bug = v_src0;
- #endif // 0
npyv_f64 v_unary0 = npyv_ceil_f64(v_src0);
npyv_store_till_f64(dst, len, v_unary0);
@@ -5922,7 +5501,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_ceil_CONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 165
+#line 112
static void simd_DOUBLE_ceil_NCONTIG_CONTIG
(const void *_src, npy_intp ssrc, void *_dst, npy_intp sdst, npy_intp len)
@@ -5934,7 +5513,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_ceil_NCONTIG_CONTIG
// unrolled iterations
for (; len >= wstep; len -= wstep, src += ssrc*wstep, dst += sdst*wstep) {
- #line 179
+ #line 126
#if 4 > 0
npyv_f64 v_src0 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*0);
@@ -5944,7 +5523,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_ceil_NCONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary0 = npyv_ceil_f64(v_src0);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 1
npyv_f64 v_src1 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*1);
@@ -5954,7 +5533,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_ceil_NCONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary1 = npyv_ceil_f64(v_src1);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 2
npyv_f64 v_src2 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*2);
@@ -5964,7 +5543,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_ceil_NCONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary2 = npyv_ceil_f64(v_src2);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 3
npyv_f64 v_src3 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*3);
@@ -5974,7 +5553,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_ceil_NCONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary3 = npyv_ceil_f64(v_src3);
- #line 191
+ #line 138
#if 4 > 0
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*0, v_unary0);
@@ -5983,7 +5562,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_ceil_NCONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 1
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*1, v_unary1);
@@ -5992,7 +5571,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_ceil_NCONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 2
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*2, v_unary2);
@@ -6001,7 +5580,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_ceil_NCONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 3
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*3, v_unary3);
@@ -6042,15 +5621,6 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_ceil_NCONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f64 v_src0 = npyv_loadn_tillz_f64(src, ssrc, len);
- #if 0
- /*
- * Workaround clang bug. We use a dummy variable marked 'volatile'
- * to convince clang that the entire vector is needed. We only
- * want to do this for the last iteration / partial load-store of
- * the loop since 'volatile' forces a refresh of the contents.
- */
- volatile npyv_f64 unused_but_workaround_bug = v_src0;
- #endif // 0
npyv_f64 v_unary0 = npyv_ceil_f64(v_src0);
npyv_store_till_f64(dst, len, v_unary0);
@@ -6062,7 +5632,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_ceil_NCONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 165
+#line 112
static void simd_DOUBLE_ceil_CONTIG_NCONTIG
(const void *_src, npy_intp ssrc, void *_dst, npy_intp sdst, npy_intp len)
@@ -6074,7 +5644,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_ceil_CONTIG_NCONTIG
// unrolled iterations
for (; len >= wstep; len -= wstep, src += ssrc*wstep, dst += sdst*wstep) {
- #line 179
+ #line 126
#if 2 > 0
npyv_f64 v_src0 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*0);
@@ -6084,7 +5654,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_ceil_CONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary0 = npyv_ceil_f64(v_src0);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 1
npyv_f64 v_src1 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*1);
@@ -6094,7 +5664,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_ceil_CONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary1 = npyv_ceil_f64(v_src1);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 2
npyv_f64 v_src2 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*2);
@@ -6104,7 +5674,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_ceil_CONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary2 = npyv_ceil_f64(v_src2);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 3
npyv_f64 v_src3 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*3);
@@ -6114,7 +5684,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_ceil_CONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary3 = npyv_ceil_f64(v_src3);
- #line 191
+ #line 138
#if 2 > 0
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*0, v_unary0);
@@ -6123,7 +5693,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_ceil_CONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 1
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*1, v_unary1);
@@ -6132,7 +5702,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_ceil_CONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 2
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*2, v_unary2);
@@ -6141,7 +5711,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_ceil_CONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 3
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*3, v_unary3);
@@ -6182,15 +5752,6 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_ceil_CONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f64 v_src0 = npyv_loadn_tillz_f64(src, ssrc, len);
- #if 0
- /*
- * Workaround clang bug. We use a dummy variable marked 'volatile'
- * to convince clang that the entire vector is needed. We only
- * want to do this for the last iteration / partial load-store of
- * the loop since 'volatile' forces a refresh of the contents.
- */
- volatile npyv_f64 unused_but_workaround_bug = v_src0;
- #endif // 0
npyv_f64 v_unary0 = npyv_ceil_f64(v_src0);
npyv_store_till_f64(dst, len, v_unary0);
@@ -6202,7 +5763,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_ceil_CONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 165
+#line 112
static void simd_DOUBLE_ceil_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
(const void *_src, npy_intp ssrc, void *_dst, npy_intp sdst, npy_intp len)
@@ -6214,7 +5775,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_ceil_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
// unrolled iterations
for (; len >= wstep; len -= wstep, src += ssrc*wstep, dst += sdst*wstep) {
- #line 179
+ #line 126
#if 2 > 0
npyv_f64 v_src0 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*0);
@@ -6224,7 +5785,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_ceil_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary0 = npyv_ceil_f64(v_src0);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 1
npyv_f64 v_src1 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*1);
@@ -6234,7 +5795,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_ceil_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary1 = npyv_ceil_f64(v_src1);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 2
npyv_f64 v_src2 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*2);
@@ -6244,7 +5805,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_ceil_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary2 = npyv_ceil_f64(v_src2);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 3
npyv_f64 v_src3 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*3);
@@ -6254,7 +5815,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_ceil_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary3 = npyv_ceil_f64(v_src3);
- #line 191
+ #line 138
#if 2 > 0
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*0, v_unary0);
@@ -6263,7 +5824,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_ceil_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 1
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*1, v_unary1);
@@ -6272,7 +5833,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_ceil_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 2
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*2, v_unary2);
@@ -6281,7 +5842,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_ceil_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 3
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*3, v_unary3);
@@ -6322,15 +5883,6 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_ceil_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f64 v_src0 = npyv_loadn_tillz_f64(src, ssrc, len);
- #if 0
- /*
- * Workaround clang bug. We use a dummy variable marked 'volatile'
- * to convince clang that the entire vector is needed. We only
- * want to do this for the last iteration / partial load-store of
- * the loop since 'volatile' forces a refresh of the contents.
- */
- volatile npyv_f64 unused_but_workaround_bug = v_src0;
- #endif // 0
npyv_f64 v_unary0 = npyv_ceil_f64(v_src0);
npyv_store_till_f64(dst, len, v_unary0);
@@ -6343,8 +5895,8 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_ceil_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 160
-#line 165
+#line 107
+#line 112
static void simd_DOUBLE_trunc_CONTIG_CONTIG
(const void *_src, npy_intp ssrc, void *_dst, npy_intp sdst, npy_intp len)
@@ -6356,7 +5908,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_trunc_CONTIG_CONTIG
// unrolled iterations
for (; len >= wstep; len -= wstep, src += ssrc*wstep, dst += sdst*wstep) {
- #line 179
+ #line 126
#if 4 > 0
npyv_f64 v_src0 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*0);
@@ -6366,7 +5918,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_trunc_CONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary0 = npyv_trunc_f64(v_src0);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 1
npyv_f64 v_src1 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*1);
@@ -6376,7 +5928,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_trunc_CONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary1 = npyv_trunc_f64(v_src1);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 2
npyv_f64 v_src2 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*2);
@@ -6386,7 +5938,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_trunc_CONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary2 = npyv_trunc_f64(v_src2);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 3
npyv_f64 v_src3 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*3);
@@ -6396,7 +5948,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_trunc_CONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary3 = npyv_trunc_f64(v_src3);
- #line 191
+ #line 138
#if 4 > 0
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*0, v_unary0);
@@ -6405,7 +5957,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_trunc_CONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 1
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*1, v_unary1);
@@ -6414,7 +5966,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_trunc_CONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 2
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*2, v_unary2);
@@ -6423,7 +5975,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_trunc_CONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 3
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*3, v_unary3);
@@ -6464,15 +6016,6 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_trunc_CONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f64 v_src0 = npyv_loadn_tillz_f64(src, ssrc, len);
- #if 0
- /*
- * Workaround clang bug. We use a dummy variable marked 'volatile'
- * to convince clang that the entire vector is needed. We only
- * want to do this for the last iteration / partial load-store of
- * the loop since 'volatile' forces a refresh of the contents.
- */
- volatile npyv_f64 unused_but_workaround_bug = v_src0;
- #endif // 0
npyv_f64 v_unary0 = npyv_trunc_f64(v_src0);
npyv_store_till_f64(dst, len, v_unary0);
@@ -6484,7 +6027,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_trunc_CONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 165
+#line 112
static void simd_DOUBLE_trunc_NCONTIG_CONTIG
(const void *_src, npy_intp ssrc, void *_dst, npy_intp sdst, npy_intp len)
@@ -6496,7 +6039,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_trunc_NCONTIG_CONTIG
// unrolled iterations
for (; len >= wstep; len -= wstep, src += ssrc*wstep, dst += sdst*wstep) {
- #line 179
+ #line 126
#if 4 > 0
npyv_f64 v_src0 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*0);
@@ -6506,7 +6049,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_trunc_NCONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary0 = npyv_trunc_f64(v_src0);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 1
npyv_f64 v_src1 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*1);
@@ -6516,7 +6059,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_trunc_NCONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary1 = npyv_trunc_f64(v_src1);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 2
npyv_f64 v_src2 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*2);
@@ -6526,7 +6069,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_trunc_NCONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary2 = npyv_trunc_f64(v_src2);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 3
npyv_f64 v_src3 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*3);
@@ -6536,7 +6079,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_trunc_NCONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary3 = npyv_trunc_f64(v_src3);
- #line 191
+ #line 138
#if 4 > 0
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*0, v_unary0);
@@ -6545,7 +6088,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_trunc_NCONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 1
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*1, v_unary1);
@@ -6554,7 +6097,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_trunc_NCONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 2
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*2, v_unary2);
@@ -6563,7 +6106,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_trunc_NCONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 3
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*3, v_unary3);
@@ -6604,15 +6147,6 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_trunc_NCONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f64 v_src0 = npyv_loadn_tillz_f64(src, ssrc, len);
- #if 0
- /*
- * Workaround clang bug. We use a dummy variable marked 'volatile'
- * to convince clang that the entire vector is needed. We only
- * want to do this for the last iteration / partial load-store of
- * the loop since 'volatile' forces a refresh of the contents.
- */
- volatile npyv_f64 unused_but_workaround_bug = v_src0;
- #endif // 0
npyv_f64 v_unary0 = npyv_trunc_f64(v_src0);
npyv_store_till_f64(dst, len, v_unary0);
@@ -6624,7 +6158,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_trunc_NCONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 165
+#line 112
static void simd_DOUBLE_trunc_CONTIG_NCONTIG
(const void *_src, npy_intp ssrc, void *_dst, npy_intp sdst, npy_intp len)
@@ -6636,7 +6170,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_trunc_CONTIG_NCONTIG
// unrolled iterations
for (; len >= wstep; len -= wstep, src += ssrc*wstep, dst += sdst*wstep) {
- #line 179
+ #line 126
#if 2 > 0
npyv_f64 v_src0 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*0);
@@ -6646,7 +6180,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_trunc_CONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary0 = npyv_trunc_f64(v_src0);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 1
npyv_f64 v_src1 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*1);
@@ -6656,7 +6190,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_trunc_CONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary1 = npyv_trunc_f64(v_src1);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 2
npyv_f64 v_src2 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*2);
@@ -6666,7 +6200,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_trunc_CONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary2 = npyv_trunc_f64(v_src2);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 3
npyv_f64 v_src3 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*3);
@@ -6676,7 +6210,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_trunc_CONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary3 = npyv_trunc_f64(v_src3);
- #line 191
+ #line 138
#if 2 > 0
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*0, v_unary0);
@@ -6685,7 +6219,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_trunc_CONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 1
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*1, v_unary1);
@@ -6694,7 +6228,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_trunc_CONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 2
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*2, v_unary2);
@@ -6703,7 +6237,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_trunc_CONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 3
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*3, v_unary3);
@@ -6744,15 +6278,6 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_trunc_CONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f64 v_src0 = npyv_loadn_tillz_f64(src, ssrc, len);
- #if 0
- /*
- * Workaround clang bug. We use a dummy variable marked 'volatile'
- * to convince clang that the entire vector is needed. We only
- * want to do this for the last iteration / partial load-store of
- * the loop since 'volatile' forces a refresh of the contents.
- */
- volatile npyv_f64 unused_but_workaround_bug = v_src0;
- #endif // 0
npyv_f64 v_unary0 = npyv_trunc_f64(v_src0);
npyv_store_till_f64(dst, len, v_unary0);
@@ -6764,7 +6289,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_trunc_CONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 165
+#line 112
static void simd_DOUBLE_trunc_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
(const void *_src, npy_intp ssrc, void *_dst, npy_intp sdst, npy_intp len)
@@ -6776,7 +6301,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_trunc_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
// unrolled iterations
for (; len >= wstep; len -= wstep, src += ssrc*wstep, dst += sdst*wstep) {
- #line 179
+ #line 126
#if 2 > 0
npyv_f64 v_src0 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*0);
@@ -6786,7 +6311,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_trunc_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary0 = npyv_trunc_f64(v_src0);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 1
npyv_f64 v_src1 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*1);
@@ -6796,7 +6321,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_trunc_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary1 = npyv_trunc_f64(v_src1);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 2
npyv_f64 v_src2 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*2);
@@ -6806,7 +6331,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_trunc_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary2 = npyv_trunc_f64(v_src2);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 3
npyv_f64 v_src3 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*3);
@@ -6816,7 +6341,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_trunc_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary3 = npyv_trunc_f64(v_src3);
- #line 191
+ #line 138
#if 2 > 0
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*0, v_unary0);
@@ -6825,7 +6350,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_trunc_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 1
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*1, v_unary1);
@@ -6834,7 +6359,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_trunc_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 2
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*2, v_unary2);
@@ -6843,7 +6368,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_trunc_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 3
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*3, v_unary3);
@@ -6884,15 +6409,6 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_trunc_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f64 v_src0 = npyv_loadn_tillz_f64(src, ssrc, len);
- #if 0
- /*
- * Workaround clang bug. We use a dummy variable marked 'volatile'
- * to convince clang that the entire vector is needed. We only
- * want to do this for the last iteration / partial load-store of
- * the loop since 'volatile' forces a refresh of the contents.
- */
- volatile npyv_f64 unused_but_workaround_bug = v_src0;
- #endif // 0
npyv_f64 v_unary0 = npyv_trunc_f64(v_src0);
npyv_store_till_f64(dst, len, v_unary0);
@@ -6905,8 +6421,8 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_trunc_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 160
-#line 165
+#line 107
+#line 112
static void simd_DOUBLE_sqrt_CONTIG_CONTIG
(const void *_src, npy_intp ssrc, void *_dst, npy_intp sdst, npy_intp len)
@@ -6918,7 +6434,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_sqrt_CONTIG_CONTIG
// unrolled iterations
for (; len >= wstep; len -= wstep, src += ssrc*wstep, dst += sdst*wstep) {
- #line 179
+ #line 126
#if 4 > 0
npyv_f64 v_src0 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*0);
@@ -6928,7 +6444,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_sqrt_CONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary0 = npyv_sqrt_f64(v_src0);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 1
npyv_f64 v_src1 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*1);
@@ -6938,7 +6454,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_sqrt_CONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary1 = npyv_sqrt_f64(v_src1);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 2
npyv_f64 v_src2 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*2);
@@ -6948,7 +6464,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_sqrt_CONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary2 = npyv_sqrt_f64(v_src2);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 3
npyv_f64 v_src3 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*3);
@@ -6958,7 +6474,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_sqrt_CONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary3 = npyv_sqrt_f64(v_src3);
- #line 191
+ #line 138
#if 4 > 0
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*0, v_unary0);
@@ -6967,7 +6483,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_sqrt_CONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 1
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*1, v_unary1);
@@ -6976,7 +6492,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_sqrt_CONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 2
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*2, v_unary2);
@@ -6985,7 +6501,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_sqrt_CONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 3
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*3, v_unary3);
@@ -7026,15 +6542,6 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_sqrt_CONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f64 v_src0 = npyv_loadn_tillz_f64(src, ssrc, len);
- #if 0
- /*
- * Workaround clang bug. We use a dummy variable marked 'volatile'
- * to convince clang that the entire vector is needed. We only
- * want to do this for the last iteration / partial load-store of
- * the loop since 'volatile' forces a refresh of the contents.
- */
- volatile npyv_f64 unused_but_workaround_bug = v_src0;
- #endif // 0
npyv_f64 v_unary0 = npyv_sqrt_f64(v_src0);
npyv_store_till_f64(dst, len, v_unary0);
@@ -7046,7 +6553,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_sqrt_CONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 165
+#line 112
static void simd_DOUBLE_sqrt_NCONTIG_CONTIG
(const void *_src, npy_intp ssrc, void *_dst, npy_intp sdst, npy_intp len)
@@ -7058,7 +6565,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_sqrt_NCONTIG_CONTIG
// unrolled iterations
for (; len >= wstep; len -= wstep, src += ssrc*wstep, dst += sdst*wstep) {
- #line 179
+ #line 126
#if 4 > 0
npyv_f64 v_src0 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*0);
@@ -7068,7 +6575,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_sqrt_NCONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary0 = npyv_sqrt_f64(v_src0);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 1
npyv_f64 v_src1 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*1);
@@ -7078,7 +6585,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_sqrt_NCONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary1 = npyv_sqrt_f64(v_src1);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 2
npyv_f64 v_src2 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*2);
@@ -7088,7 +6595,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_sqrt_NCONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary2 = npyv_sqrt_f64(v_src2);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 3
npyv_f64 v_src3 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*3);
@@ -7098,7 +6605,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_sqrt_NCONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary3 = npyv_sqrt_f64(v_src3);
- #line 191
+ #line 138
#if 4 > 0
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*0, v_unary0);
@@ -7107,7 +6614,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_sqrt_NCONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 1
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*1, v_unary1);
@@ -7116,7 +6623,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_sqrt_NCONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 2
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*2, v_unary2);
@@ -7125,7 +6632,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_sqrt_NCONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 3
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*3, v_unary3);
@@ -7166,15 +6673,6 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_sqrt_NCONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f64 v_src0 = npyv_loadn_tillz_f64(src, ssrc, len);
- #if 0
- /*
- * Workaround clang bug. We use a dummy variable marked 'volatile'
- * to convince clang that the entire vector is needed. We only
- * want to do this for the last iteration / partial load-store of
- * the loop since 'volatile' forces a refresh of the contents.
- */
- volatile npyv_f64 unused_but_workaround_bug = v_src0;
- #endif // 0
npyv_f64 v_unary0 = npyv_sqrt_f64(v_src0);
npyv_store_till_f64(dst, len, v_unary0);
@@ -7186,7 +6684,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_sqrt_NCONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 165
+#line 112
static void simd_DOUBLE_sqrt_CONTIG_NCONTIG
(const void *_src, npy_intp ssrc, void *_dst, npy_intp sdst, npy_intp len)
@@ -7198,7 +6696,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_sqrt_CONTIG_NCONTIG
// unrolled iterations
for (; len >= wstep; len -= wstep, src += ssrc*wstep, dst += sdst*wstep) {
- #line 179
+ #line 126
#if 2 > 0
npyv_f64 v_src0 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*0);
@@ -7208,7 +6706,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_sqrt_CONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary0 = npyv_sqrt_f64(v_src0);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 1
npyv_f64 v_src1 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*1);
@@ -7218,7 +6716,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_sqrt_CONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary1 = npyv_sqrt_f64(v_src1);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 2
npyv_f64 v_src2 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*2);
@@ -7228,7 +6726,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_sqrt_CONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary2 = npyv_sqrt_f64(v_src2);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 3
npyv_f64 v_src3 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*3);
@@ -7238,7 +6736,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_sqrt_CONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary3 = npyv_sqrt_f64(v_src3);
- #line 191
+ #line 138
#if 2 > 0
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*0, v_unary0);
@@ -7247,7 +6745,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_sqrt_CONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 1
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*1, v_unary1);
@@ -7256,7 +6754,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_sqrt_CONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 2
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*2, v_unary2);
@@ -7265,7 +6763,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_sqrt_CONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 3
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*3, v_unary3);
@@ -7306,15 +6804,6 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_sqrt_CONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f64 v_src0 = npyv_loadn_tillz_f64(src, ssrc, len);
- #if 0
- /*
- * Workaround clang bug. We use a dummy variable marked 'volatile'
- * to convince clang that the entire vector is needed. We only
- * want to do this for the last iteration / partial load-store of
- * the loop since 'volatile' forces a refresh of the contents.
- */
- volatile npyv_f64 unused_but_workaround_bug = v_src0;
- #endif // 0
npyv_f64 v_unary0 = npyv_sqrt_f64(v_src0);
npyv_store_till_f64(dst, len, v_unary0);
@@ -7326,7 +6815,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_sqrt_CONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 165
+#line 112
static void simd_DOUBLE_sqrt_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
(const void *_src, npy_intp ssrc, void *_dst, npy_intp sdst, npy_intp len)
@@ -7338,7 +6827,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_sqrt_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
// unrolled iterations
for (; len >= wstep; len -= wstep, src += ssrc*wstep, dst += sdst*wstep) {
- #line 179
+ #line 126
#if 2 > 0
npyv_f64 v_src0 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*0);
@@ -7348,7 +6837,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_sqrt_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary0 = npyv_sqrt_f64(v_src0);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 1
npyv_f64 v_src1 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*1);
@@ -7358,7 +6847,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_sqrt_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary1 = npyv_sqrt_f64(v_src1);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 2
npyv_f64 v_src2 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*2);
@@ -7368,7 +6857,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_sqrt_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary2 = npyv_sqrt_f64(v_src2);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 3
npyv_f64 v_src3 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*3);
@@ -7378,7 +6867,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_sqrt_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary3 = npyv_sqrt_f64(v_src3);
- #line 191
+ #line 138
#if 2 > 0
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*0, v_unary0);
@@ -7387,7 +6876,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_sqrt_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 1
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*1, v_unary1);
@@ -7396,7 +6885,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_sqrt_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 2
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*2, v_unary2);
@@ -7405,7 +6894,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_sqrt_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 3
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*3, v_unary3);
@@ -7446,15 +6935,6 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_sqrt_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f64 v_src0 = npyv_loadn_tillz_f64(src, ssrc, len);
- #if 0
- /*
- * Workaround clang bug. We use a dummy variable marked 'volatile'
- * to convince clang that the entire vector is needed. We only
- * want to do this for the last iteration / partial load-store of
- * the loop since 'volatile' forces a refresh of the contents.
- */
- volatile npyv_f64 unused_but_workaround_bug = v_src0;
- #endif // 0
npyv_f64 v_unary0 = npyv_sqrt_f64(v_src0);
npyv_store_till_f64(dst, len, v_unary0);
@@ -7467,8 +6947,8 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_sqrt_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 160
-#line 165
+#line 107
+#line 112
static void simd_DOUBLE_absolute_CONTIG_CONTIG
(const void *_src, npy_intp ssrc, void *_dst, npy_intp sdst, npy_intp len)
@@ -7480,7 +6960,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_absolute_CONTIG_CONTIG
// unrolled iterations
for (; len >= wstep; len -= wstep, src += ssrc*wstep, dst += sdst*wstep) {
- #line 179
+ #line 126
#if 4 > 0
npyv_f64 v_src0 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*0);
@@ -7490,7 +6970,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_absolute_CONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary0 = npyv_abs_f64(v_src0);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 1
npyv_f64 v_src1 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*1);
@@ -7500,7 +6980,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_absolute_CONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary1 = npyv_abs_f64(v_src1);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 2
npyv_f64 v_src2 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*2);
@@ -7510,7 +6990,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_absolute_CONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary2 = npyv_abs_f64(v_src2);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 3
npyv_f64 v_src3 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*3);
@@ -7520,7 +7000,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_absolute_CONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary3 = npyv_abs_f64(v_src3);
- #line 191
+ #line 138
#if 4 > 0
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*0, v_unary0);
@@ -7529,7 +7009,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_absolute_CONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 1
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*1, v_unary1);
@@ -7538,7 +7018,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_absolute_CONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 2
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*2, v_unary2);
@@ -7547,7 +7027,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_absolute_CONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 3
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*3, v_unary3);
@@ -7588,15 +7068,6 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_absolute_CONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f64 v_src0 = npyv_loadn_tillz_f64(src, ssrc, len);
- #if 0
- /*
- * Workaround clang bug. We use a dummy variable marked 'volatile'
- * to convince clang that the entire vector is needed. We only
- * want to do this for the last iteration / partial load-store of
- * the loop since 'volatile' forces a refresh of the contents.
- */
- volatile npyv_f64 unused_but_workaround_bug = v_src0;
- #endif // 0
npyv_f64 v_unary0 = npyv_abs_f64(v_src0);
npyv_store_till_f64(dst, len, v_unary0);
@@ -7608,7 +7079,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_absolute_CONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 165
+#line 112
static void simd_DOUBLE_absolute_NCONTIG_CONTIG
(const void *_src, npy_intp ssrc, void *_dst, npy_intp sdst, npy_intp len)
@@ -7620,7 +7091,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_absolute_NCONTIG_CONTIG
// unrolled iterations
for (; len >= wstep; len -= wstep, src += ssrc*wstep, dst += sdst*wstep) {
- #line 179
+ #line 126
#if 4 > 0
npyv_f64 v_src0 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*0);
@@ -7630,7 +7101,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_absolute_NCONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary0 = npyv_abs_f64(v_src0);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 1
npyv_f64 v_src1 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*1);
@@ -7640,7 +7111,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_absolute_NCONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary1 = npyv_abs_f64(v_src1);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 2
npyv_f64 v_src2 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*2);
@@ -7650,7 +7121,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_absolute_NCONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary2 = npyv_abs_f64(v_src2);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 3
npyv_f64 v_src3 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*3);
@@ -7660,7 +7131,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_absolute_NCONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary3 = npyv_abs_f64(v_src3);
- #line 191
+ #line 138
#if 4 > 0
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*0, v_unary0);
@@ -7669,7 +7140,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_absolute_NCONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 1
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*1, v_unary1);
@@ -7678,7 +7149,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_absolute_NCONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 2
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*2, v_unary2);
@@ -7687,7 +7158,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_absolute_NCONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 3
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*3, v_unary3);
@@ -7728,15 +7199,6 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_absolute_NCONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f64 v_src0 = npyv_loadn_tillz_f64(src, ssrc, len);
- #if 0
- /*
- * Workaround clang bug. We use a dummy variable marked 'volatile'
- * to convince clang that the entire vector is needed. We only
- * want to do this for the last iteration / partial load-store of
- * the loop since 'volatile' forces a refresh of the contents.
- */
- volatile npyv_f64 unused_but_workaround_bug = v_src0;
- #endif // 0
npyv_f64 v_unary0 = npyv_abs_f64(v_src0);
npyv_store_till_f64(dst, len, v_unary0);
@@ -7748,7 +7210,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_absolute_NCONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 165
+#line 112
static void simd_DOUBLE_absolute_CONTIG_NCONTIG
(const void *_src, npy_intp ssrc, void *_dst, npy_intp sdst, npy_intp len)
@@ -7760,7 +7222,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_absolute_CONTIG_NCONTIG
// unrolled iterations
for (; len >= wstep; len -= wstep, src += ssrc*wstep, dst += sdst*wstep) {
- #line 179
+ #line 126
#if 2 > 0
npyv_f64 v_src0 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*0);
@@ -7770,7 +7232,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_absolute_CONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary0 = npyv_abs_f64(v_src0);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 1
npyv_f64 v_src1 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*1);
@@ -7780,7 +7242,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_absolute_CONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary1 = npyv_abs_f64(v_src1);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 2
npyv_f64 v_src2 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*2);
@@ -7790,7 +7252,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_absolute_CONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary2 = npyv_abs_f64(v_src2);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 3
npyv_f64 v_src3 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*3);
@@ -7800,7 +7262,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_absolute_CONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary3 = npyv_abs_f64(v_src3);
- #line 191
+ #line 138
#if 2 > 0
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*0, v_unary0);
@@ -7809,7 +7271,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_absolute_CONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 1
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*1, v_unary1);
@@ -7818,7 +7280,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_absolute_CONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 2
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*2, v_unary2);
@@ -7827,7 +7289,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_absolute_CONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 3
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*3, v_unary3);
@@ -7868,15 +7330,6 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_absolute_CONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f64 v_src0 = npyv_loadn_tillz_f64(src, ssrc, len);
- #if 0
- /*
- * Workaround clang bug. We use a dummy variable marked 'volatile'
- * to convince clang that the entire vector is needed. We only
- * want to do this for the last iteration / partial load-store of
- * the loop since 'volatile' forces a refresh of the contents.
- */
- volatile npyv_f64 unused_but_workaround_bug = v_src0;
- #endif // 0
npyv_f64 v_unary0 = npyv_abs_f64(v_src0);
npyv_store_till_f64(dst, len, v_unary0);
@@ -7888,7 +7341,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_absolute_CONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 165
+#line 112
static void simd_DOUBLE_absolute_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
(const void *_src, npy_intp ssrc, void *_dst, npy_intp sdst, npy_intp len)
@@ -7900,7 +7353,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_absolute_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
// unrolled iterations
for (; len >= wstep; len -= wstep, src += ssrc*wstep, dst += sdst*wstep) {
- #line 179
+ #line 126
#if 2 > 0
npyv_f64 v_src0 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*0);
@@ -7910,7 +7363,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_absolute_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary0 = npyv_abs_f64(v_src0);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 1
npyv_f64 v_src1 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*1);
@@ -7920,7 +7373,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_absolute_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary1 = npyv_abs_f64(v_src1);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 2
npyv_f64 v_src2 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*2);
@@ -7930,7 +7383,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_absolute_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary2 = npyv_abs_f64(v_src2);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 3
npyv_f64 v_src3 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*3);
@@ -7940,7 +7393,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_absolute_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary3 = npyv_abs_f64(v_src3);
- #line 191
+ #line 138
#if 2 > 0
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*0, v_unary0);
@@ -7949,7 +7402,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_absolute_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 1
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*1, v_unary1);
@@ -7958,7 +7411,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_absolute_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 2
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*2, v_unary2);
@@ -7967,7 +7420,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_absolute_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 3
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*3, v_unary3);
@@ -8008,15 +7461,6 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_absolute_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f64 v_src0 = npyv_loadn_tillz_f64(src, ssrc, len);
- #if 0
- /*
- * Workaround clang bug. We use a dummy variable marked 'volatile'
- * to convince clang that the entire vector is needed. We only
- * want to do this for the last iteration / partial load-store of
- * the loop since 'volatile' forces a refresh of the contents.
- */
- volatile npyv_f64 unused_but_workaround_bug = v_src0;
- #endif // 0
npyv_f64 v_unary0 = npyv_abs_f64(v_src0);
npyv_store_till_f64(dst, len, v_unary0);
@@ -8029,8 +7473,8 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_absolute_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 160
-#line 165
+#line 107
+#line 112
static void simd_DOUBLE_square_CONTIG_CONTIG
(const void *_src, npy_intp ssrc, void *_dst, npy_intp sdst, npy_intp len)
@@ -8042,7 +7486,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_square_CONTIG_CONTIG
// unrolled iterations
for (; len >= wstep; len -= wstep, src += ssrc*wstep, dst += sdst*wstep) {
- #line 179
+ #line 126
#if 4 > 0
npyv_f64 v_src0 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*0);
@@ -8052,7 +7496,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_square_CONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary0 = npyv_square_f64(v_src0);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 1
npyv_f64 v_src1 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*1);
@@ -8062,7 +7506,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_square_CONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary1 = npyv_square_f64(v_src1);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 2
npyv_f64 v_src2 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*2);
@@ -8072,7 +7516,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_square_CONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary2 = npyv_square_f64(v_src2);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 3
npyv_f64 v_src3 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*3);
@@ -8082,7 +7526,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_square_CONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary3 = npyv_square_f64(v_src3);
- #line 191
+ #line 138
#if 4 > 0
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*0, v_unary0);
@@ -8091,7 +7535,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_square_CONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 1
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*1, v_unary1);
@@ -8100,7 +7544,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_square_CONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 2
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*2, v_unary2);
@@ -8109,7 +7553,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_square_CONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 3
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*3, v_unary3);
@@ -8150,15 +7594,6 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_square_CONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f64 v_src0 = npyv_loadn_tillz_f64(src, ssrc, len);
- #if 0
- /*
- * Workaround clang bug. We use a dummy variable marked 'volatile'
- * to convince clang that the entire vector is needed. We only
- * want to do this for the last iteration / partial load-store of
- * the loop since 'volatile' forces a refresh of the contents.
- */
- volatile npyv_f64 unused_but_workaround_bug = v_src0;
- #endif // 0
npyv_f64 v_unary0 = npyv_square_f64(v_src0);
npyv_store_till_f64(dst, len, v_unary0);
@@ -8170,7 +7605,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_square_CONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 165
+#line 112
static void simd_DOUBLE_square_NCONTIG_CONTIG
(const void *_src, npy_intp ssrc, void *_dst, npy_intp sdst, npy_intp len)
@@ -8182,7 +7617,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_square_NCONTIG_CONTIG
// unrolled iterations
for (; len >= wstep; len -= wstep, src += ssrc*wstep, dst += sdst*wstep) {
- #line 179
+ #line 126
#if 4 > 0
npyv_f64 v_src0 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*0);
@@ -8192,7 +7627,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_square_NCONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary0 = npyv_square_f64(v_src0);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 1
npyv_f64 v_src1 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*1);
@@ -8202,7 +7637,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_square_NCONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary1 = npyv_square_f64(v_src1);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 2
npyv_f64 v_src2 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*2);
@@ -8212,7 +7647,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_square_NCONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary2 = npyv_square_f64(v_src2);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 3
npyv_f64 v_src3 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*3);
@@ -8222,7 +7657,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_square_NCONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary3 = npyv_square_f64(v_src3);
- #line 191
+ #line 138
#if 4 > 0
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*0, v_unary0);
@@ -8231,7 +7666,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_square_NCONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 1
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*1, v_unary1);
@@ -8240,7 +7675,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_square_NCONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 2
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*2, v_unary2);
@@ -8249,7 +7684,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_square_NCONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 3
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*3, v_unary3);
@@ -8290,15 +7725,6 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_square_NCONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f64 v_src0 = npyv_loadn_tillz_f64(src, ssrc, len);
- #if 0
- /*
- * Workaround clang bug. We use a dummy variable marked 'volatile'
- * to convince clang that the entire vector is needed. We only
- * want to do this for the last iteration / partial load-store of
- * the loop since 'volatile' forces a refresh of the contents.
- */
- volatile npyv_f64 unused_but_workaround_bug = v_src0;
- #endif // 0
npyv_f64 v_unary0 = npyv_square_f64(v_src0);
npyv_store_till_f64(dst, len, v_unary0);
@@ -8310,7 +7736,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_square_NCONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 165
+#line 112
static void simd_DOUBLE_square_CONTIG_NCONTIG
(const void *_src, npy_intp ssrc, void *_dst, npy_intp sdst, npy_intp len)
@@ -8322,7 +7748,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_square_CONTIG_NCONTIG
// unrolled iterations
for (; len >= wstep; len -= wstep, src += ssrc*wstep, dst += sdst*wstep) {
- #line 179
+ #line 126
#if 2 > 0
npyv_f64 v_src0 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*0);
@@ -8332,7 +7758,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_square_CONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary0 = npyv_square_f64(v_src0);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 1
npyv_f64 v_src1 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*1);
@@ -8342,7 +7768,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_square_CONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary1 = npyv_square_f64(v_src1);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 2
npyv_f64 v_src2 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*2);
@@ -8352,7 +7778,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_square_CONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary2 = npyv_square_f64(v_src2);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 3
npyv_f64 v_src3 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*3);
@@ -8362,7 +7788,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_square_CONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary3 = npyv_square_f64(v_src3);
- #line 191
+ #line 138
#if 2 > 0
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*0, v_unary0);
@@ -8371,7 +7797,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_square_CONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 1
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*1, v_unary1);
@@ -8380,7 +7806,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_square_CONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 2
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*2, v_unary2);
@@ -8389,7 +7815,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_square_CONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 3
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*3, v_unary3);
@@ -8430,15 +7856,6 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_square_CONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f64 v_src0 = npyv_loadn_tillz_f64(src, ssrc, len);
- #if 0
- /*
- * Workaround clang bug. We use a dummy variable marked 'volatile'
- * to convince clang that the entire vector is needed. We only
- * want to do this for the last iteration / partial load-store of
- * the loop since 'volatile' forces a refresh of the contents.
- */
- volatile npyv_f64 unused_but_workaround_bug = v_src0;
- #endif // 0
npyv_f64 v_unary0 = npyv_square_f64(v_src0);
npyv_store_till_f64(dst, len, v_unary0);
@@ -8450,7 +7867,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_square_CONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 165
+#line 112
static void simd_DOUBLE_square_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
(const void *_src, npy_intp ssrc, void *_dst, npy_intp sdst, npy_intp len)
@@ -8462,7 +7879,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_square_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
// unrolled iterations
for (; len >= wstep; len -= wstep, src += ssrc*wstep, dst += sdst*wstep) {
- #line 179
+ #line 126
#if 2 > 0
npyv_f64 v_src0 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*0);
@@ -8472,7 +7889,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_square_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary0 = npyv_square_f64(v_src0);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 1
npyv_f64 v_src1 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*1);
@@ -8482,7 +7899,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_square_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary1 = npyv_square_f64(v_src1);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 2
npyv_f64 v_src2 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*2);
@@ -8492,7 +7909,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_square_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary2 = npyv_square_f64(v_src2);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 3
npyv_f64 v_src3 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*3);
@@ -8502,7 +7919,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_square_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary3 = npyv_square_f64(v_src3);
- #line 191
+ #line 138
#if 2 > 0
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*0, v_unary0);
@@ -8511,7 +7928,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_square_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 1
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*1, v_unary1);
@@ -8520,7 +7937,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_square_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 2
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*2, v_unary2);
@@ -8529,7 +7946,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_square_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 3
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*3, v_unary3);
@@ -8570,15 +7987,6 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_square_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f64 v_src0 = npyv_loadn_tillz_f64(src, ssrc, len);
- #if 0
- /*
- * Workaround clang bug. We use a dummy variable marked 'volatile'
- * to convince clang that the entire vector is needed. We only
- * want to do this for the last iteration / partial load-store of
- * the loop since 'volatile' forces a refresh of the contents.
- */
- volatile npyv_f64 unused_but_workaround_bug = v_src0;
- #endif // 0
npyv_f64 v_unary0 = npyv_square_f64(v_src0);
npyv_store_till_f64(dst, len, v_unary0);
@@ -8591,8 +7999,8 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_square_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 160
-#line 165
+#line 107
+#line 112
static void simd_DOUBLE_reciprocal_CONTIG_CONTIG
(const void *_src, npy_intp ssrc, void *_dst, npy_intp sdst, npy_intp len)
@@ -8604,7 +8012,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_reciprocal_CONTIG_CONTIG
// unrolled iterations
for (; len >= wstep; len -= wstep, src += ssrc*wstep, dst += sdst*wstep) {
- #line 179
+ #line 126
#if 4 > 0
npyv_f64 v_src0 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*0);
@@ -8614,7 +8022,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_reciprocal_CONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary0 = npyv_recip_f64(v_src0);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 1
npyv_f64 v_src1 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*1);
@@ -8624,7 +8032,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_reciprocal_CONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary1 = npyv_recip_f64(v_src1);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 2
npyv_f64 v_src2 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*2);
@@ -8634,7 +8042,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_reciprocal_CONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary2 = npyv_recip_f64(v_src2);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 3
npyv_f64 v_src3 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*3);
@@ -8644,7 +8052,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_reciprocal_CONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary3 = npyv_recip_f64(v_src3);
- #line 191
+ #line 138
#if 4 > 0
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*0, v_unary0);
@@ -8653,7 +8061,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_reciprocal_CONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 1
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*1, v_unary1);
@@ -8662,7 +8070,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_reciprocal_CONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 2
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*2, v_unary2);
@@ -8671,7 +8079,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_reciprocal_CONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 3
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*3, v_unary3);
@@ -8712,15 +8120,6 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_reciprocal_CONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f64 v_src0 = npyv_loadn_tillz_f64(src, ssrc, len);
- /*
- * Workaround clang bug. We use a dummy variable marked 'volatile'
- * to convince clang that the entire vector is needed. We only
- * want to do this for the last iteration / partial load-store of
- * the loop since 'volatile' forces a refresh of the contents.
- */
- volatile npyv_f64 unused_but_workaround_bug = v_src0;
npyv_f64 v_unary0 = npyv_recip_f64(v_src0);
npyv_store_till_f64(dst, len, v_unary0);
@@ -8732,7 +8131,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_reciprocal_CONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 165
+#line 112
static void simd_DOUBLE_reciprocal_NCONTIG_CONTIG
(const void *_src, npy_intp ssrc, void *_dst, npy_intp sdst, npy_intp len)
@@ -8744,7 +8143,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_reciprocal_NCONTIG_CONTIG
// unrolled iterations
for (; len >= wstep; len -= wstep, src += ssrc*wstep, dst += sdst*wstep) {
- #line 179
+ #line 126
#if 4 > 0
npyv_f64 v_src0 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*0);
@@ -8754,7 +8153,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_reciprocal_NCONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary0 = npyv_recip_f64(v_src0);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 1
npyv_f64 v_src1 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*1);
@@ -8764,7 +8163,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_reciprocal_NCONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary1 = npyv_recip_f64(v_src1);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 2
npyv_f64 v_src2 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*2);
@@ -8774,7 +8173,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_reciprocal_NCONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary2 = npyv_recip_f64(v_src2);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 4 > 3
npyv_f64 v_src3 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*3);
@@ -8784,7 +8183,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_reciprocal_NCONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary3 = npyv_recip_f64(v_src3);
- #line 191
+ #line 138
#if 4 > 0
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*0, v_unary0);
@@ -8793,7 +8192,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_reciprocal_NCONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 1
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*1, v_unary1);
@@ -8802,7 +8201,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_reciprocal_NCONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 2
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*2, v_unary2);
@@ -8811,7 +8210,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_reciprocal_NCONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 4 > 3
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*3, v_unary3);
@@ -8852,15 +8251,6 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_reciprocal_NCONTIG_CONTIG
npyv_f64 v_src0 = npyv_loadn_tillz_f64(src, ssrc, len);
- /*
- * Workaround clang bug. We use a dummy variable marked 'volatile'
- * to convince clang that the entire vector is needed. We only
- * want to do this for the last iteration / partial load-store of
- * the loop since 'volatile' forces a refresh of the contents.
- */
- volatile npyv_f64 unused_but_workaround_bug = v_src0;
npyv_f64 v_unary0 = npyv_recip_f64(v_src0);
npyv_store_till_f64(dst, len, v_unary0);
@@ -8872,7 +8262,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_reciprocal_NCONTIG_CONTIG
-#line 165
+#line 112
static void simd_DOUBLE_reciprocal_CONTIG_NCONTIG
(const void *_src, npy_intp ssrc, void *_dst, npy_intp sdst, npy_intp len)
@@ -8884,7 +8274,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_reciprocal_CONTIG_NCONTIG
// unrolled iterations
for (; len >= wstep; len -= wstep, src += ssrc*wstep, dst += sdst*wstep) {
- #line 179
+ #line 126
#if 2 > 0
npyv_f64 v_src0 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*0);
@@ -8894,7 +8284,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_reciprocal_CONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary0 = npyv_recip_f64(v_src0);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 1
npyv_f64 v_src1 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*1);
@@ -8904,7 +8294,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_reciprocal_CONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary1 = npyv_recip_f64(v_src1);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 2
npyv_f64 v_src2 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*2);
@@ -8914,7 +8304,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_reciprocal_CONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary2 = npyv_recip_f64(v_src2);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 3
npyv_f64 v_src3 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*3);
@@ -8924,7 +8314,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_reciprocal_CONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary3 = npyv_recip_f64(v_src3);
- #line 191
+ #line 138
#if 2 > 0
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*0, v_unary0);
@@ -8933,7 +8323,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_reciprocal_CONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 1
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*1, v_unary1);
@@ -8942,7 +8332,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_reciprocal_CONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 2
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*2, v_unary2);
@@ -8951,7 +8341,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_reciprocal_CONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 3
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*3, v_unary3);
@@ -8992,15 +8382,6 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_reciprocal_CONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f64 v_src0 = npyv_loadn_tillz_f64(src, ssrc, len);
- /*
- * Workaround clang bug. We use a dummy variable marked 'volatile'
- * to convince clang that the entire vector is needed. We only
- * want to do this for the last iteration / partial load-store of
- * the loop since 'volatile' forces a refresh of the contents.
- */
- volatile npyv_f64 unused_but_workaround_bug = v_src0;
npyv_f64 v_unary0 = npyv_recip_f64(v_src0);
npyv_store_till_f64(dst, len, v_unary0);
@@ -9012,7 +8393,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_reciprocal_CONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 165
+#line 112
static void simd_DOUBLE_reciprocal_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
(const void *_src, npy_intp ssrc, void *_dst, npy_intp sdst, npy_intp len)
@@ -9024,7 +8405,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_reciprocal_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
// unrolled iterations
for (; len >= wstep; len -= wstep, src += ssrc*wstep, dst += sdst*wstep) {
- #line 179
+ #line 126
#if 2 > 0
npyv_f64 v_src0 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*0);
@@ -9034,7 +8415,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_reciprocal_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary0 = npyv_recip_f64(v_src0);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 1
npyv_f64 v_src1 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*1);
@@ -9044,7 +8425,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_reciprocal_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary1 = npyv_recip_f64(v_src1);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 2
npyv_f64 v_src2 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*2);
@@ -9054,7 +8435,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_reciprocal_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary2 = npyv_recip_f64(v_src2);
-#line 179
+#line 126
#if 2 > 3
npyv_f64 v_src3 = npyv_load_f64(src + vstep*3);
@@ -9064,7 +8445,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_reciprocal_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f64 v_unary3 = npyv_recip_f64(v_src3);
- #line 191
+ #line 138
#if 2 > 0
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*0, v_unary0);
@@ -9073,7 +8454,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_reciprocal_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 1
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*1, v_unary1);
@@ -9082,7 +8463,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_reciprocal_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 2
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*2, v_unary2);
@@ -9091,7 +8472,7 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_reciprocal_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
-#line 191
+#line 138
#if 2 > 3
npyv_store_f64(dst + vstep*3, v_unary3);
@@ -9132,15 +8513,6 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_reciprocal_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
npyv_f64 v_src0 = npyv_loadn_tillz_f64(src, ssrc, len);
- /*
- * Workaround clang bug. We use a dummy variable marked 'volatile'
- * to convince clang that the entire vector is needed. We only
- * want to do this for the last iteration / partial load-store of
- * the loop since 'volatile' forces a refresh of the contents.
- */
- volatile npyv_f64 unused_but_workaround_bug = v_src0;
npyv_f64 v_unary0 = npyv_recip_f64(v_src0);
npyv_store_till_f64(dst, len, v_unary0);
@@ -9156,13 +8528,11 @@ static void simd_DOUBLE_reciprocal_NCONTIG_NCONTIG
#endif // NPY_SIMD_F64
** Defining ufunc inner functions
-#line 265
-#line 270
+#line 201
+#line 206
(char **args, npy_intp const *dimensions, npy_intp const *steps, void *NPY_UNUSED(func))
@@ -9212,7 +8582,7 @@ clear:;
-#line 270
+#line 206
(char **args, npy_intp const *dimensions, npy_intp const *steps, void *NPY_UNUSED(func))
@@ -9262,7 +8632,7 @@ clear:;
-#line 270
+#line 206
(char **args, npy_intp const *dimensions, npy_intp const *steps, void *NPY_UNUSED(func))
@@ -9312,7 +8682,7 @@ clear:;
-#line 270
+#line 206
(char **args, npy_intp const *dimensions, npy_intp const *steps, void *NPY_UNUSED(func))
@@ -9362,7 +8732,7 @@ clear:;
-#line 270
+#line 206
(char **args, npy_intp const *dimensions, npy_intp const *steps, void *NPY_UNUSED(func))
@@ -9412,7 +8782,7 @@ clear:;
-#line 270
+#line 206
(char **args, npy_intp const *dimensions, npy_intp const *steps, void *NPY_UNUSED(func))
@@ -9462,7 +8832,7 @@ clear:;
-#line 270
+#line 206
(char **args, npy_intp const *dimensions, npy_intp const *steps, void *NPY_UNUSED(func))
@@ -9512,7 +8882,7 @@ clear:;
-#line 270
+#line 206
(char **args, npy_intp const *dimensions, npy_intp const *steps, void *NPY_UNUSED(func))
@@ -9563,8 +8933,8 @@ clear:;
-#line 265
-#line 270
+#line 201
+#line 206
(char **args, npy_intp const *dimensions, npy_intp const *steps, void *NPY_UNUSED(func))
@@ -9614,7 +8984,7 @@ clear:;
-#line 270
+#line 206
(char **args, npy_intp const *dimensions, npy_intp const *steps, void *NPY_UNUSED(func))
@@ -9664,7 +9034,7 @@ clear:;
-#line 270
+#line 206
(char **args, npy_intp const *dimensions, npy_intp const *steps, void *NPY_UNUSED(func))
@@ -9714,7 +9084,7 @@ clear:;
-#line 270
+#line 206
(char **args, npy_intp const *dimensions, npy_intp const *steps, void *NPY_UNUSED(func))
@@ -9764,7 +9134,7 @@ clear:;
-#line 270
+#line 206
(char **args, npy_intp const *dimensions, npy_intp const *steps, void *NPY_UNUSED(func))
@@ -9814,7 +9184,7 @@ clear:;
-#line 270
+#line 206
(char **args, npy_intp const *dimensions, npy_intp const *steps, void *NPY_UNUSED(func))
@@ -9864,7 +9234,7 @@ clear:;
-#line 270
+#line 206
(char **args, npy_intp const *dimensions, npy_intp const *steps, void *NPY_UNUSED(func))
@@ -9914,7 +9284,7 @@ clear:;
-#line 270
+#line 206
(char **args, npy_intp const *dimensions, npy_intp const *steps, void *NPY_UNUSED(func))
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/umath/loops_unary_fp.dispatch.c.src b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/umath/loops_unary_fp.dispatch.c.src
index c4e7b8929f..f6404f6f7d 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/umath/loops_unary_fp.dispatch.c.src
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/src/umath/loops_unary_fp.dispatch.c.src
@@ -93,58 +93,6 @@ NPY_FINLINE double c_square_f64(double a)
#define CONTIG 0
#define NCONTIG 1
- * clang has a bug that's present at -O1 or greater. When partially loading a
- * vector register for a reciprocal operation, the remaining elements are set
- * to 1 to avoid divide-by-zero. The partial load is paired with a partial
- * store after the reciprocal operation. clang notices that the entire register
- * is not needed for the store and optimizes out the fill of 1 to the remaining
- * elements. This causes either a divide-by-zero or 0/0 with invalid exception
- * that we were trying to avoid by filling.
- *
- * Using a dummy variable marked 'volatile' convinces clang not to ignore
- * the explicit fill of remaining elements. If `-ftrapping-math` is
- * supported, then it'll also avoid the bug. `-ftrapping-math` is supported
- * on Apple clang v12+ for x86_64. It is not currently supported for arm64.
- * `-ftrapping-math` is set by default of Numpy builds in
- * numpy/distutils/ccompiler.py.
- *
- * Note: Apple clang and clang upstream have different versions that overlap
- */
-#if defined(__clang__)
- #if defined(__apple_build_version__)
- // Apple Clang
- #if __apple_build_version__ < 12000000
- // Apple Clang before v12
- #elif defined(NPY_CPU_X86) || defined(NPY_CPU_AMD64)
- // Apple Clang after v12, targeting i386 or x86_64
- #else
- // Apple Clang after v12, not targeting i386 or x86_64
- #endif
- #else
- // Clang, not Apple Clang
- #if __clang_major__ < 10
- // Clang before v10
- #elif defined(_MSC_VER)
- // clang-cl has the same bug
- #elif defined(NPY_CPU_X86) || defined(NPY_CPU_AMD64)
- // Clang v10+, targeting i386 or x86_64
- #else
- // Clang v10+, not targeting i386 or x86_64
- #endif
- #endif
-// Not a Clang compiler
/**begin repeat
* #sfx = f32, f64#
@@ -155,7 +103,6 @@ NPY_FINLINE double c_square_f64(double a)
* #kind = rint, floor, ceil, trunc, sqrt, absolute, square, reciprocal#
* #intr = rint, floor, ceil, trunc, sqrt, abs, square, recip#
* #repl_0w1 = 0*7, 1#
/**begin repeat2
@@ -228,15 +175,6 @@ static void simd_@TYPE@_@kind@_@STYPE@_@DTYPE@
npyv_@sfx@ v_src0 = npyv_loadn_tillz_@sfx@(src, ssrc, len);
- /*
- * Workaround clang bug. We use a dummy variable marked 'volatile'
- * to convince clang that the entire vector is needed. We only
- * want to do this for the last iteration / partial load-store of
- * the loop since 'volatile' forces a refresh of the contents.
- */
- volatile npyv_@sfx@ unused_but_workaround_bug = v_src0;
- #endif // @RECIP_WORKAROUND@
npyv_@sfx@ v_unary0 = npyv_@intr@_@sfx@(v_src0);
npyv_store_till_@sfx@(dst, len, v_unary0);
@@ -252,8 +190,6 @@ static void simd_@TYPE@_@kind@_@STYPE@_@DTYPE@
#endif // @VCHK@
/**end repeat**/
** Defining ufunc inner functions
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/tests/data/numpy_2_0_array.pkl b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/tests/data/numpy_2_0_array.pkl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..958eee50c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/tests/data/numpy_2_0_array.pkl
Binary files differ
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/tests/examples/cython/checks.pyx b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/tests/examples/cython/checks.pyx
index e41c6d6573..c5529ee8fc 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/tests/examples/cython/checks.pyx
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/tests/examples/cython/checks.pyx
@@ -30,3 +30,6 @@ def get_dt64_unit(obj):
def is_integer(obj):
return isinstance(obj, (cnp.integer, int))
+def conv_intp(cnp.intp_t val):
+ return val
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/tests/examples/cython/meson.build b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/tests/examples/cython/meson.build
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..12fc640b88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/tests/examples/cython/meson.build
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+project('checks', 'c', 'cython')
+py = import('python').find_installation(pure: false)
+cc = meson.get_compiler('c')
+cy = meson.get_compiler('cython')
+if not cy.version().version_compare('>=0.29.35')
+ error('tests requires Cython >= 0.29.35')
+npy_include_path = run_command(py, [
+ '-c',
+ 'import os; os.chdir(".."); import numpy; print(os.path.abspath(numpy.get_include()))'
+ ], check: true).stdout().strip()
+ 'checks',
+ 'checks.pyx',
+ install: false,
+ c_args: [
+ '-DNPY_NO_DEPRECATED_API=0', # Cython still uses old NumPy C API
+ # Require 1.25+ to test datetime additions
+ ],
+ include_directories: [npy_include_path],
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/tests/test_array_interface.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/tests/test_array_interface.py
index 8b1ab27c5c..16c719c5a5 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/tests/test_array_interface.py
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/tests/test_array_interface.py
@@ -128,6 +128,9 @@ def get_module(tmp_path):
+# FIXME: numpy.testing.extbuild uses `numpy.distutils`, so this won't work on
+# Python 3.12 and up.
+@pytest.mark.skipif(sys.version_info >= (3, 12), reason="no numpy.distutils")
def test_cstruct(get_module):
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/tests/test_cpu_dispatcher.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/tests/test_cpu_dispatcher.py
index 2f7eac7e8e..41a60d5c39 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/tests/test_cpu_dispatcher.py
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/tests/test_cpu_dispatcher.py
@@ -9,7 +9,8 @@ def test_dispatcher():
targets = (
"SSE2", "SSE41", "AVX2",
"VSX", "VSX2", "VSX3",
+ "VX", "VXE"
highest_sfx = "" # no suffix for the baseline
all_sfx = []
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/tests/test_cython.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/tests/test_cython.py
index e916adceb1..99dd57e4c6 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/tests/test_cython.py
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/tests/test_cython.py
@@ -29,44 +29,31 @@ pytestmark = pytest.mark.skipif(cython is None, reason="requires cython")
-def install_temp(request, tmp_path):
+def install_temp(tmp_path):
# Based in part on test_cython from random.tests.test_extending
pytest.skip("No subprocess")
- here = os.path.dirname(__file__)
- ext_dir = os.path.join(here, "examples", "cython")
- cytest = str(tmp_path / "cytest")
- shutil.copytree(ext_dir, cytest)
- # build the examples and "install" them into a temporary directory
- install_log = str(tmp_path / "tmp_install_log.txt")
- subprocess.check_output(
- [
- sys.executable,
- "setup.py",
- "build",
- "install",
- "--prefix", str(tmp_path / "installdir"),
- "--single-version-externally-managed",
- "--record",
- install_log,
- ],
- cwd=cytest,
- )
- # In order to import the built module, we need its path to sys.path
- # so parse that out of the record
- with open(install_log) as fid:
- for line in fid:
- if "checks" in line:
- sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(line))
- break
- else:
- raise RuntimeError(f'could not parse "{install_log}"')
+ srcdir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'examples', 'cython')
+ build_dir = tmp_path / "build"
+ os.makedirs(build_dir, exist_ok=True)
+ try:
+ subprocess.check_call(["meson", "--version"])
+ except FileNotFoundError:
+ pytest.skip("No usable 'meson' found")
+ if sys.platform == "win32":
+ subprocess.check_call(["meson", "setup",
+ "--buildtype=release",
+ "--vsenv", str(srcdir)],
+ cwd=build_dir,
+ )
+ else:
+ subprocess.check_call(["meson", "setup", str(srcdir)],
+ cwd=build_dir
+ )
+ subprocess.check_call(["meson", "compile", "-vv"], cwd=build_dir)
+ sys.path.append(str(build_dir))
def test_is_timedelta64_object(install_temp):
import checks
@@ -135,3 +122,14 @@ def test_abstract_scalars(install_temp):
assert checks.is_integer(1)
assert checks.is_integer(np.int8(1))
assert checks.is_integer(np.uint64(1))
+def test_conv_intp(install_temp):
+ import checks
+ class myint:
+ def __int__(self):
+ return 3
+ # These conversion passes via `__int__`, not `__index__`:
+ assert checks.conv_intp(3.) == 3
+ assert checks.conv_intp(myint()) == 3
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/tests/test_dtype.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/tests/test_dtype.py
index 57831f46f4..ac155b67ba 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/tests/test_dtype.py
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/tests/test_dtype.py
@@ -756,6 +756,11 @@ def iter_struct_object_dtypes():
yield pytest.param(dt, p, 12, obj, id="<structured subarray 2>")
+ sys.version_info >= (3, 12),
+ reason="Python 3.12 has immortal refcounts, this test will no longer "
+ "work. See gh-23986"
@pytest.mark.skipif(not HAS_REFCOUNT, reason="Python lacks refcounts")
class TestStructuredObjectRefcounting:
"""These tests cover various uses of complicated structured types which
@@ -1893,3 +1898,9 @@ def test_result_type_integers_and_unitless_timedelta64():
td = np.timedelta64(4)
result = np.result_type(0, td)
assert_dtype_equal(result, td.dtype)
+def test_creating_dtype_with_dtype_class_errors():
+ # Regression test for #25031, calling `np.dtype` with itself segfaulted.
+ with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="Cannot convert np.dtype into a"):
+ np.array(np.ones(10), dtype=np.dtype)
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/tests/test_half.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/tests/test_half.py
index ca849ad52e..fbc1bf6a0a 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/tests/test_half.py
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/tests/test_half.py
@@ -21,8 +21,11 @@ class TestHalf:
# An array of all possible float16 values
self.all_f16 = np.arange(0x10000, dtype=uint16)
self.all_f16.dtype = float16
- self.all_f32 = np.array(self.all_f16, dtype=float32)
- self.all_f64 = np.array(self.all_f16, dtype=float64)
+ # NaN value can cause an invalid FP exception if HW is been used
+ with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'):
+ self.all_f32 = np.array(self.all_f16, dtype=float32)
+ self.all_f64 = np.array(self.all_f16, dtype=float64)
# An array of all non-NaN float16 values, in sorted order
self.nonan_f16 = np.concatenate(
@@ -44,14 +47,19 @@ class TestHalf:
# value is preserved when converting to/from other floats.
# Convert from float32 back to float16
- b = np.array(self.all_f32, dtype=float16)
- assert_equal(self.all_f16.view(dtype=uint16),
- b.view(dtype=uint16))
+ with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'):
+ b = np.array(self.all_f32, dtype=float16)
+ # avoid testing NaNs due to differ bits wither Q/SNaNs
+ b_nn = b == b
+ assert_equal(self.all_f16[b_nn].view(dtype=uint16),
+ b[b_nn].view(dtype=uint16))
# Convert from float64 back to float16
- b = np.array(self.all_f64, dtype=float16)
- assert_equal(self.all_f16.view(dtype=uint16),
- b.view(dtype=uint16))
+ with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'):
+ b = np.array(self.all_f64, dtype=float16)
+ b_nn = b == b
+ assert_equal(self.all_f16[b_nn].view(dtype=uint16),
+ b[b_nn].view(dtype=uint16))
# Convert float16 to longdouble and back
# This doesn't necessarily preserve the extra NaN bits,
@@ -266,8 +274,8 @@ class TestHalf:
if len(a32_fail) != 0:
bad_index = a32_fail[0]
assert_equal(self.finite_f32, a_manual,
- "First non-equal is half value %x -> %g != %g" %
- (self.finite_f16[bad_index],
+ "First non-equal is half value 0x%x -> %g != %g" %
+ (a_bits[bad_index],
@@ -275,8 +283,8 @@ class TestHalf:
if len(a64_fail) != 0:
bad_index = a64_fail[0]
assert_equal(self.finite_f64, a_manual,
- "First non-equal is half value %x -> %g != %g" %
- (self.finite_f16[bad_index],
+ "First non-equal is half value 0x%x -> %g != %g" %
+ (a_bits[bad_index],
@@ -319,7 +327,8 @@ class TestHalf:
a = np.array([0, 0, -1, -1/1e20, 0, 2.0**-24, 7.629e-6], dtype=float16)
[2, 5, 6])
- a = a.byteswap().newbyteorder()
+ a = a.byteswap()
+ a = a.view(a.dtype.newbyteorder())
[2, 5, 6])
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/tests/test_mem_policy.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/tests/test_mem_policy.py
index 60cdaa8faa..bc3f330dc1 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/tests/test_mem_policy.py
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/tests/test_mem_policy.py
@@ -9,6 +9,11 @@ from numpy.testing import extbuild, assert_warns, IS_WASM
import sys
+# FIXME: numpy.testing.extbuild uses `numpy.distutils`, so this won't work on
+# Python 3.12 and up. It's an internal test utility, so for now we just skip
+# these tests.
def get_module(tmp_path):
""" Add a memory policy that returns a false pointer 64 bytes into the
@@ -213,6 +218,7 @@ def get_module(tmp_path):
+@pytest.mark.skipif(sys.version_info >= (3, 12), reason="no numpy.distutils")
def test_set_policy(get_module):
get_handler_name = np.core.multiarray.get_handler_name
@@ -241,6 +247,7 @@ def test_set_policy(get_module):
assert get_handler_name() == orig_policy_name
+@pytest.mark.skipif(sys.version_info >= (3, 12), reason="no numpy.distutils")
def test_default_policy_singleton(get_module):
get_handler_name = np.core.multiarray.get_handler_name
@@ -262,6 +269,7 @@ def test_default_policy_singleton(get_module):
assert def_policy_1 is def_policy_2 is get_module.get_default_policy()
+@pytest.mark.skipif(sys.version_info >= (3, 12), reason="no numpy.distutils")
def test_policy_propagation(get_module):
# The memory policy goes hand-in-hand with flags.owndata
@@ -320,6 +328,7 @@ async def async_test_context_locality(get_module):
assert np.core.multiarray.get_handler_name() == orig_policy_name
+@pytest.mark.skipif(sys.version_info >= (3, 12), reason="no numpy.distutils")
def test_context_locality(get_module):
if (sys.implementation.name == 'pypy'
and sys.pypy_version_info[:3] < (7, 3, 6)):
@@ -341,6 +350,7 @@ def concurrent_thread2(get_module, event):
+@pytest.mark.skipif(sys.version_info >= (3, 12), reason="no numpy.distutils")
def test_thread_locality(get_module):
orig_policy_name = np.core.multiarray.get_handler_name()
@@ -359,7 +369,8 @@ def test_thread_locality(get_module):
assert np.core.multiarray.get_handler_name() == orig_policy_name
+@pytest.mark.skipif(sys.version_info >= (3, 12), reason="no numpy.distutils")
+@pytest.mark.skip(reason="too slow, see gh-23975")
def test_new_policy(get_module):
a = np.arange(10)
orig_policy_name = np.core.multiarray.get_handler_name(a)
@@ -377,16 +388,19 @@ def test_new_policy(get_module):
# if needed, debug this by
# - running tests with -- -s (to not capture stdout/stderr
+ # - setting verbose=2
# - setting extra_argv=['-vv'] here
- assert np.core.test('full', verbose=2, extra_argv=['-vv'])
+ assert np.core.test('full', verbose=1, extra_argv=[])
# also try the ma tests, the pickling test is quite tricky
- assert np.ma.test('full', verbose=2, extra_argv=['-vv'])
+ assert np.ma.test('full', verbose=1, extra_argv=[])
c = np.arange(10)
assert np.core.multiarray.get_handler_name(c) == orig_policy_name
+@pytest.mark.skipif(sys.version_info >= (3, 12), reason="no numpy.distutils")
@pytest.mark.xfail(sys.implementation.name == "pypy",
reason=("bad interaction between getenv and "
"os.environ inside pytest"))
@@ -419,6 +433,8 @@ def test_switch_owner(get_module, policy):
if oldval is not None:
+@pytest.mark.skipif(sys.version_info >= (3, 12), reason="no numpy.distutils")
def test_owner_is_base(get_module):
a = get_module.get_array_with_base()
with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match='warn_on_free'):
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/tests/test_multiarray.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/tests/test_multiarray.py
index fc3b871532..7016308b8c 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/tests/test_multiarray.py
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/tests/test_multiarray.py
@@ -3726,6 +3726,7 @@ class TestBinop:
# - defer if other has __array_ufunc__ and it is None
# or other is not a subclass and has higher array priority
# - else, call ufunc
+ @pytest.mark.xfail(IS_PYPY, reason="Bug in pypy3.{9, 10}-v7.3.13, #24862")
def test_ufunc_binop_interaction(self):
# Python method name (without underscores)
# -> (numpy ufunc, has_in_place_version, preferred_dtype)
@@ -9722,9 +9723,12 @@ def test_ragged_comparison_fails(op):
def test_npymath_complex(fun, npfun, x, y, test_dtype):
# Smoketest npymath functions
z = test_dtype(complex(x, y))
- got = fun(z)
- expected = npfun(z)
- assert_allclose(got, expected)
+ with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'):
+ # Fallback implementations may emit a warning for +-inf (see gh-24876):
+ # RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in absolute
+ got = fun(z)
+ expected = npfun(z)
+ assert_allclose(got, expected)
def test_npymath_real():
@@ -10031,3 +10035,20 @@ def test_argsort_int(N, dtype):
arr = rnd.randint(low=minv, high=maxv, size=N, dtype=dtype)
arr[N-1] = maxv
assert_arg_sorted(arr, np.argsort(arr, kind='quick'))
+@pytest.mark.skipif(not HAS_REFCOUNT, reason="Python lacks refcounts")
+def test_gh_22683():
+ b = 777.68760986
+ a = np.array([b] * 10000, dtype=object)
+ refc_start = sys.getrefcount(b)
+ np.choose(np.zeros(10000, dtype=int), [a], out=a)
+ np.choose(np.zeros(10000, dtype=int), [a], out=a)
+ refc_end = sys.getrefcount(b)
+ assert refc_end - refc_start < 10
+def test_gh_24459():
+ a = np.zeros((50, 3), dtype=np.float64)
+ with pytest.raises(TypeError):
+ np.choose(a, [3, -1])
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/tests/test_nditer.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/tests/test_nditer.py
index 8c1a770cd2..35bd6e97e0 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/tests/test_nditer.py
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/tests/test_nditer.py
@@ -3203,6 +3203,7 @@ def test_warn_noclose():
assert len(sup.log) == 1
@pytest.mark.skipif(sys.version_info[:2] == (3, 9) and sys.platform == "win32",
reason="Errors with Python 3.9 on Windows")
@pytest.mark.parametrize(["in_dtype", "buf_dtype"],
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/tests/test_numeric.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/tests/test_numeric.py
index dd41d6a623..1bbdde1317 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/tests/test_numeric.py
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/tests/test_numeric.py
@@ -645,6 +645,11 @@ class TestFloatExceptions:
@pytest.mark.skipif(IS_WASM, reason="no wasm fp exception support")
@pytest.mark.parametrize("typecode", np.typecodes["AllFloat"])
def test_floating_exceptions(self, typecode):
+ if 'bsd' in sys.platform and typecode in 'gG':
+ pytest.skip(reason="Fallback impl for (c)longdouble may not raise "
+ "FPE errors as expected on BSD OSes, "
+ "see gh-24876, gh-23379")
# Test basic arithmetic function errors
with np.errstate(all='raise'):
ftype = np.obj2sctype(typecode)
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/tests/test_numpy_2_0_compat.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/tests/test_numpy_2_0_compat.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..30a3b107c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/tests/test_numpy_2_0_compat.py
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+from os import path
+import pickle
+import numpy as np
+import yatest.common as yc
+class TestNumPy2Compatibility:
+ data_dir = yc.source_path(path.join(path.dirname(__file__), "data"))
+ filename = path.join(data_dir, "numpy_2_0_array.pkl")
+ def test_importable__core_stubs(self):
+ """
+ Checks if stubs for `numpy._core` are importable.
+ """
+ from numpy._core.multiarray import _reconstruct
+ from numpy._core.umath import cos
+ from numpy._core._multiarray_umath import exp
+ from numpy._core._internal import ndarray
+ from numpy._core._dtype import _construction_repr
+ from numpy._core._dtype_ctypes import dtype_from_ctypes_type
+ def test_unpickle_numpy_2_0_file(self):
+ """
+ Checks that NumPy 1.26 and pickle is able to load pickles
+ created with NumPy 2.0 without errors/warnings.
+ """
+ with open(self.filename, mode="rb") as file:
+ content = file.read()
+ # Let's make sure that the pickle object we're loading
+ # was built with NumPy 2.0.
+ assert b"numpy._core.multiarray" in content
+ arr = pickle.loads(content, encoding="latin1")
+ assert isinstance(arr, np.ndarray)
+ assert arr.shape == (73,) and arr.dtype == np.float64
+ def test_numpy_load_numpy_2_0_file(self):
+ """
+ Checks that `numpy.load` for NumPy 1.26 is able to load pickles
+ created with NumPy 2.0 without errors/warnings.
+ """
+ arr = np.load(self.filename, encoding="latin1", allow_pickle=True)
+ assert isinstance(arr, np.ndarray)
+ assert arr.shape == (73,) and arr.dtype == np.float64
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/tests/test_regression.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/tests/test_regression.py
index 4348ff93e8..93593d5738 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/tests/test_regression.py
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/tests/test_regression.py
@@ -1465,6 +1465,10 @@ class TestRegression:
x[x.nonzero()] = x.ravel()[:1]
assert_(x[0, 1] == x[0, 0])
+ @pytest.mark.skipif(
+ sys.version_info >= (3, 12),
+ reason="Python 3.12 has immortal refcounts, this test no longer works."
+ )
@pytest.mark.skipif(not HAS_REFCOUNT, reason="Python lacks refcounts")
def test_structured_arrays_with_objects2(self):
# Ticket #1299 second test
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/tests/test_simd_module.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/tests/test_simd_module.py
index 44dc58dac0..4fbaa9f300 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/tests/test_simd_module.py
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/tests/test_simd_module.py
@@ -86,6 +86,8 @@ class Test_SIMD_MODULE:
assert lanes == [0] * nlanes
def test_truncate_f32(self):
+ if not npyv.simd_f32:
+ pytest.skip("F32 isn't support by the SIMD extension")
f32 = npyv.setall_f32(0.1)[0]
assert f32 != 0.1
assert round(f32, 1) == 0.1
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/tests/test_ufunc.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/tests/test_ufunc.py
index 02c437021f..9fbc4b2dc5 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/tests/test_ufunc.py
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/tests/test_ufunc.py
@@ -1617,6 +1617,8 @@ class TestUfunc:
assert_equal(np.minimum.reduce(a, axis=()), a)
@requires_memory(6 * 1024**3)
+ @pytest.mark.skipif(sys.maxsize < 2**32,
+ reason="test array too large for 32bit platform")
def test_identityless_reduction_huge_array(self):
# Regression test for gh-20921 (copying identity incorrectly failed)
arr = np.zeros((2, 2**31), 'uint8')
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/tests/test_umath.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/tests/test_umath.py
index 892226f993..59c670ffed 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/tests/test_umath.py
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/tests/test_umath.py
@@ -1646,6 +1646,8 @@ class TestSpecialFloats:
np.array(1200.0, dtype='d'))
@pytest.mark.skipif(IS_WASM, reason="fp errors don't work in wasm")
+ @pytest.mark.skipif('bsd' in sys.platform,
+ reason="fallback implementation may not raise, see gh-2487")
def test_cosh(self):
in_ = [np.nan, -np.nan, np.inf, -np.inf]
out = [np.nan, np.nan, np.inf, np.inf]
@@ -1710,6 +1712,9 @@ class TestSpecialFloats:
assert_raises(FloatingPointError, np.arctanh,
np.array(value, dtype=dt))
+ # Make sure glibc < 2.18 atanh is not used, issue 25087
+ assert np.signbit(np.arctanh(-1j).real)
# See: https://github.com/numpy/numpy/issues/20448
@@ -1764,6 +1769,8 @@ class TestSpecialFloats:
np.log, np.log2, np.log10, np.reciprocal, np.arccosh
+ @pytest.mark.skipif(sys.platform == "win32" and sys.maxsize < 2**31 + 1,
+ reason='failures on 32-bit Python, see FIXME below')
@pytest.mark.parametrize("ufunc", UFUNCS_UNARY_FP)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", ('e', 'f', 'd'))
@pytest.mark.parametrize("data, escape", (
@@ -1810,6 +1817,8 @@ class TestSpecialFloats:
# FIXME: NAN raises FP invalid exception:
# - ceil/float16 on MSVC:32-bit
# - spacing/float16 on almost all platforms
+ # FIXME: skipped on MSVC:32-bit during switch to Meson, 10 cases fail
+ # when SIMD support not present / disabled
if ufunc in (np.spacing, np.ceil) and dtype == 'e':
array = np.array(data, dtype=dtype)
@@ -4173,6 +4182,11 @@ class TestComplexFunctions:
b = cfunc(p)
assert_(abs(a - b) < atol, "%s %s: %s; cmath: %s" % (fname, p, a, b))
+ @pytest.mark.xfail(
+ # manylinux2014 uses glibc2.17
+ _glibc_older_than("2.18"),
+ reason="Older glibc versions are imprecise (maybe passes with SIMD?)"
+ )
@pytest.mark.xfail(IS_MUSL, reason="gh23049")
@pytest.mark.xfail(IS_WASM, reason="doesn't work")
@pytest.mark.parametrize('dtype', [np.complex64, np.complex_, np.longcomplex])
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/tests/test_umath_complex.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/tests/test_umath_complex.py
index 8aa9a28ff4..e543005890 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/tests/test_umath_complex.py
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/core/tests/test_umath_complex.py
@@ -576,8 +576,8 @@ class TestSpecialComplexAVX:
complex(0., 0.),
complex(np.nan, np.nan),
complex(np.nan, np.nan)], dtype=astype)
- assert_equal(np.abs(arr[::stride]), abs_true[::stride])
with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'):
+ assert_equal(np.abs(arr[::stride]), abs_true[::stride])
assert_equal(np.square(arr[::stride]), sq_true[::stride])
class TestComplexAbsoluteAVX:
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/distutils/ccompiler_opt.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/distutils/ccompiler_opt.py
index 1e9de3c45b..37a5368b0b 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/distutils/ccompiler_opt.py
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/distutils/ccompiler_opt.py
@@ -301,7 +301,8 @@ class _Config:
## Power8/ISA 2.07
VSX2 = dict(interest=2, implies="VSX", implies_detect=False),
## Power9/ISA 3.00
- VSX3 = dict(interest=3, implies="VSX2", implies_detect=False),
+ VSX3 = dict(interest=3, implies="VSX2", implies_detect=False,
+ extra_checks="VSX3_HALF_DOUBLE"),
## Power10/ISA 3.1
VSX4 = dict(interest=4, implies="VSX3", implies_detect=False,
@@ -1308,7 +1309,7 @@ class _Feature:
def feature_is_exist(self, name):
Returns True if a certain feature is exist and covered within
- `_Config.conf_features`.
+ ``_Config.conf_features``.
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/distutils/checks/extra_vsx3_half_double.c b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/distutils/checks/extra_vsx3_half_double.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..514a2b18f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/distutils/checks/extra_vsx3_half_double.c
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ * Assembler may not fully support the following VSX3 scalar
+ * instructions, even though compilers report VSX3 support.
+ */
+int main(void)
+ unsigned short bits = 0xFF;
+ double f;
+ __asm__ __volatile__("xscvhpdp %x0,%x1" : "=wa"(f) : "wa"(bits));
+ __asm__ __volatile__ ("xscvdphp %x0,%x1" : "=wa" (bits) : "wa" (f));
+ return bits;
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/distutils/command/build_clib.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/distutils/command/build_clib.py
index 11999dae23..6cd2f3e7ee 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/distutils/command/build_clib.py
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/distutils/command/build_clib.py
@@ -320,8 +320,8 @@ class build_clib(old_build_clib):
dispatch_hpath = os.path.join("numpy", "distutils", "include")
dispatch_hpath = os.path.join(bsrc_dir, dispatch_hpath)
- copt_build_src = None if self.inplace else bsrc_dir
+ # copt_build_src = None if self.inplace else bsrc_dir
+ copt_build_src = bsrc_dir
for _srcs, _dst, _ext in (
((c_sources,), copt_c_sources, ('.dispatch.c',)),
((c_sources, cxx_sources), copt_cxx_sources,
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/distutils/command/build_ext.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/distutils/command/build_ext.py
index 68b13c0dd3..5c62d90c57 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/distutils/command/build_ext.py
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/distutils/command/build_ext.py
@@ -458,7 +458,18 @@ class build_ext (old_build_ext):
dispatch_hpath = os.path.join(bsrc_dir, dispatch_hpath)
- copt_build_src = None if self.inplace else bsrc_dir
+ # copt_build_src = None if self.inplace else bsrc_dir
+ # Always generate the generated config files and
+ # dispatch-able sources inside the build directory,
+ # even if the build option `inplace` is enabled.
+ # This approach prevents conflicts with Meson-generated
+ # config headers. Since `spin build --clean` will not remove
+ # these headers, they might overwrite the generated Meson headers,
+ # causing compatibility issues. Maintaining separate directories
+ # ensures compatibility between distutils dispatch config headers
+ # and Meson headers, avoiding build disruptions.
+ # See gh-24450 for more details.
+ copt_build_src = bsrc_dir
for _srcs, _dst, _ext in (
((c_sources,), copt_c_sources, ('.dispatch.c',)),
((c_sources, cxx_sources), copt_cxx_sources,
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/distutils/command/build_src.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/distutils/command/build_src.py
index bf3d03c70e..7303db124c 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/distutils/command/build_src.py
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/distutils/command/build_src.py
@@ -539,8 +539,8 @@ class build_src(build_ext.build_ext):
if (self.force or newer_group(depends, target_file, 'newer')) \
and not skip_f2py:
log.info("f2py: %s" % (source))
- import numpy.f2py
- numpy.f2py.run_main(f2py_options
+ from numpy.f2py import f2py2e
+ f2py2e.run_main(f2py_options
+ ['--build-dir', target_dir, source])
log.debug(" skipping '%s' f2py interface (up-to-date)" % (source))
@@ -558,8 +558,8 @@ class build_src(build_ext.build_ext):
and not skip_f2py:
log.info("f2py:> %s" % (target_file))
- import numpy.f2py
- numpy.f2py.run_main(f2py_options + ['--lower',
+ from numpy.f2py import f2py2e
+ f2py2e.run_main(f2py_options + ['--lower',
'--build-dir', target_dir]+\
['-m', ext_name]+f_sources)
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/distutils/core.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/distutils/core.py
index c4a14e5990..1cdc739731 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/distutils/core.py
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/distutils/core.py
@@ -65,7 +65,8 @@ def _dict_append(d, **kws):
elif isinstance(dv, dict):
_dict_append(dv, **v)
elif is_string(dv):
- d[k] = dv + v
+ assert is_string(v)
+ d[k] = v
raise TypeError(repr(type(dv)))
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/distutils/system_info.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/distutils/system_info.py
index 3dca7fb5a7..feb28f61cf 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/distutils/system_info.py
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/distutils/system_info.py
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ Currently, the following classes are available, along with their section names:
+ accelerate_lapack_info:accelerate
@@ -534,6 +535,7 @@ def get_info(name, notfound_action=0):
'lapack_ssl2': lapack_ssl2_info,
'blas_ssl2': blas_ssl2_info,
'accelerate': accelerate_info, # use blas_opt instead
+ 'accelerate_lapack': accelerate_lapack_info,
'openblas64_': openblas64__info,
'openblas64__lapack': openblas64__lapack_info,
'openblas_ilp64': openblas_ilp64_info,
@@ -2015,14 +2017,17 @@ class _ilp64_opt_info_mixin:
class lapack_ilp64_opt_info(lapack_opt_info, _ilp64_opt_info_mixin):
notfounderror = LapackILP64NotFoundError
- lapack_order = ['openblas64_', 'openblas_ilp64']
+ lapack_order = ['openblas64_', 'openblas_ilp64', 'accelerate']
order_env_var_name = 'NPY_LAPACK_ILP64_ORDER'
def _calc_info(self, name):
+ print('lapack_ilp64_opt_info._calc_info(name=%s)' % (name))
info = get_info(name + '_lapack')
if self._check_info(info):
return True
+ else:
+ print('%s_lapack does not exist' % (name))
return False
@@ -2163,7 +2168,7 @@ class blas_opt_info(system_info):
class blas_ilp64_opt_info(blas_opt_info, _ilp64_opt_info_mixin):
notfounderror = BlasILP64NotFoundError
- blas_order = ['openblas64_', 'openblas_ilp64']
+ blas_order = ['openblas64_', 'openblas_ilp64', 'accelerate']
order_env_var_name = 'NPY_BLAS_ILP64_ORDER'
def _calc_info(self, name):
@@ -2352,7 +2357,10 @@ class openblas_info(blas_info):
if self.symbol_prefix:
info['define_macros'] += [('BLAS_SYMBOL_PREFIX', self.symbol_prefix)]
if self.symbol_suffix:
- info['define_macros'] += [('BLAS_SYMBOL_SUFFIX', self.symbol_suffix)]
+ info['define_macros'] += [
+ ('BLAS_SYMBOL_SUFFIX', self.symbol_suffix),
+ ]
return info
@@ -2625,13 +2633,27 @@ class accelerate_info(system_info):
link_args.extend(['-Wl,-framework', '-Wl,vecLib'])
if args:
+ macros = [
+ ('NO_ATLAS_INFO', 3),
+ ('HAVE_CBLAS', None),
+ ]
+ if(os.getenv('NPY_USE_BLAS_ILP64', None)):
+ print('Setting HAVE_BLAS_ILP64')
+ macros += [
+ ('HAVE_BLAS_ILP64', None),
+ ]
- define_macros=[('NO_ATLAS_INFO', 3),
- ('HAVE_CBLAS', None)])
+ define_macros=macros)
+class accelerate_lapack_info(accelerate_info):
+ def _calc_info(self):
+ return super()._calc_info()
class blas_src_info(system_info):
# BLAS_SRC is deprecated, please do not use this!
# Build or install a BLAS library via your package manager or from
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/distutils/tests/test_system_info.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/distutils/tests/test_system_info.py
index 66304a5e50..9bcc090505 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/distutils/tests/test_system_info.py
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/distutils/tests/test_system_info.py
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import shutil
import pytest
from tempfile import mkstemp, mkdtemp
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
+import importlib.metadata
from distutils.errors import DistutilsError
from numpy.testing import assert_, assert_equal, assert_raises
@@ -13,6 +14,16 @@ from numpy.distutils.system_info import default_lib_dirs, default_include_dirs
from numpy.distutils import _shell_utils
+ if importlib.metadata.version('setuptools') >= '60':
+ # pkg-resources gives deprecation warnings, and there may be more
+ # issues. We only support setuptools <60
+ pytest.skip("setuptools is too new", allow_module_level=True)
+except importlib.metadata.PackageNotFoundError:
+ # we don't require `setuptools`; if it is not found, continue
+ pass
def get_class(name, notfound_action=1):
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/__init__.pyi b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/__init__.pyi
index 6e3a82cf8f..81b6a24f39 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/__init__.pyi
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/__init__.pyi
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ class _F2PyDict(_F2PyDictBase, total=False):
ltx: list[str]
__all__: list[str]
-__path__: list[str]
test: PytestTester
def run_main(comline_list: Iterable[str]) -> dict[str, _F2PyDict]: ...
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/_backends/__init__.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/_backends/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e91393c14b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/_backends/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+def f2py_build_generator(name):
+ if name == "meson":
+ from ._meson import MesonBackend
+ return MesonBackend
+ elif name == "distutils":
+ from ._distutils import DistutilsBackend
+ return DistutilsBackend
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(f"Unknown backend: {name}")
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/_backends/_backend.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/_backends/_backend.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a7d43d2587
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/_backends/_backend.py
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+from __future__ import annotations
+from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
+class Backend(ABC):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ modulename,
+ sources,
+ extra_objects,
+ build_dir,
+ include_dirs,
+ library_dirs,
+ libraries,
+ define_macros,
+ undef_macros,
+ f2py_flags,
+ sysinfo_flags,
+ fc_flags,
+ flib_flags,
+ setup_flags,
+ remove_build_dir,
+ extra_dat,
+ ):
+ self.modulename = modulename
+ self.sources = sources
+ self.extra_objects = extra_objects
+ self.build_dir = build_dir
+ self.include_dirs = include_dirs
+ self.library_dirs = library_dirs
+ self.libraries = libraries
+ self.define_macros = define_macros
+ self.undef_macros = undef_macros
+ self.f2py_flags = f2py_flags
+ self.sysinfo_flags = sysinfo_flags
+ self.fc_flags = fc_flags
+ self.flib_flags = flib_flags
+ self.setup_flags = setup_flags
+ self.remove_build_dir = remove_build_dir
+ self.extra_dat = extra_dat
+ @abstractmethod
+ def compile(self) -> None:
+ """Compile the wrapper."""
+ pass
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/_backends/_distutils.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/_backends/_distutils.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e548fc5430
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/_backends/_distutils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+from ._backend import Backend
+from numpy.distutils.core import setup, Extension
+from numpy.distutils.system_info import get_info
+from numpy.distutils.misc_util import dict_append
+from numpy.exceptions import VisibleDeprecationWarning
+import os
+import sys
+import shutil
+import warnings
+class DistutilsBackend(Backend):
+ def __init__(sef, *args, **kwargs):
+ warnings.warn(
+ "distutils has been deprecated since NumPy 1.26."
+ "Use the Meson backend instead, or generate wrappers"
+ "without -c and use a custom build script",
+ VisibleDeprecationWarning,
+ stacklevel=2,
+ )
+ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ def compile(self):
+ num_info = {}
+ if num_info:
+ self.include_dirs.extend(num_info.get("include_dirs", []))
+ ext_args = {
+ "name": self.modulename,
+ "sources": self.sources,
+ "include_dirs": self.include_dirs,
+ "library_dirs": self.library_dirs,
+ "libraries": self.libraries,
+ "define_macros": self.define_macros,
+ "undef_macros": self.undef_macros,
+ "extra_objects": self.extra_objects,
+ "f2py_options": self.f2py_flags,
+ }
+ if self.sysinfo_flags:
+ for n in self.sysinfo_flags:
+ i = get_info(n)
+ if not i:
+ print(
+ f"No {repr(n)} resources found"
+ "in system (try `f2py --help-link`)"
+ )
+ dict_append(ext_args, **i)
+ ext = Extension(**ext_args)
+ sys.argv = [sys.argv[0]] + self.setup_flags
+ sys.argv.extend(
+ [
+ "build",
+ "--build-temp",
+ self.build_dir,
+ "--build-base",
+ self.build_dir,
+ "--build-platlib",
+ ".",
+ "--disable-optimization",
+ ]
+ )
+ if self.fc_flags:
+ sys.argv.extend(["config_fc"] + self.fc_flags)
+ if self.flib_flags:
+ sys.argv.extend(["build_ext"] + self.flib_flags)
+ setup(ext_modules=[ext])
+ if self.remove_build_dir and os.path.exists(self.build_dir):
+ print(f"Removing build directory {self.build_dir}")
+ shutil.rmtree(self.build_dir)
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/_backends/_meson.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/_backends/_meson.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3176a5e08f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/_backends/_meson.py
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+from __future__ import annotations
+import errno
+import shutil
+import subprocess
+from pathlib import Path
+from ._backend import Backend
+from string import Template
+import warnings
+class MesonTemplate:
+ """Template meson build file generation class."""
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ modulename: str,
+ sources: list[Path],
+ deps: list[str],
+ object_files: list[Path],
+ linker_args: list[str],
+ c_args: list[str],
+ build_type: str,
+ ):
+ self.modulename = modulename
+ self.build_template_path = (
+ Path(__file__).parent.absolute() / "meson.build.template"
+ )
+ self.sources = sources
+ self.deps = deps
+ self.substitutions = {}
+ self.objects = object_files
+ self.pipeline = [
+ self.initialize_template,
+ self.sources_substitution,
+ self.deps_substitution,
+ ]
+ self.build_type = build_type
+ def meson_build_template(self) -> str:
+ if not self.build_template_path.is_file():
+ raise FileNotFoundError(
+ errno.ENOENT,
+ "Meson build template"
+ f" {self.build_template_path.absolute()}"
+ " does not exist.",
+ )
+ return self.build_template_path.read_text()
+ def initialize_template(self) -> None:
+ self.substitutions["modulename"] = self.modulename
+ self.substitutions["buildtype"] = self.build_type
+ def sources_substitution(self) -> None:
+ indent = " " * 21
+ self.substitutions["source_list"] = f",\n{indent}".join(
+ [f"'{source}'" for source in self.sources]
+ )
+ def deps_substitution(self) -> None:
+ indent = " " * 21
+ self.substitutions["dep_list"] = f",\n{indent}".join(
+ [f"dependency('{dep}')" for dep in self.deps]
+ )
+ def generate_meson_build(self):
+ for node in self.pipeline:
+ node()
+ template = Template(self.meson_build_template())
+ return template.substitute(self.substitutions)
+class MesonBackend(Backend):
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ self.dependencies = self.extra_dat.get("dependencies", [])
+ self.meson_build_dir = "bbdir"
+ self.build_type = (
+ "debug" if any("debug" in flag for flag in self.fc_flags) else "release"
+ )
+ def _move_exec_to_root(self, build_dir: Path):
+ walk_dir = Path(build_dir) / self.meson_build_dir
+ path_objects = walk_dir.glob(f"{self.modulename}*.so")
+ for path_object in path_objects:
+ shutil.move(path_object, Path.cwd())
+ def _get_build_command(self):
+ return [
+ "meson",
+ "setup",
+ self.meson_build_dir,
+ ]
+ def write_meson_build(self, build_dir: Path) -> None:
+ """Writes the meson build file at specified location"""
+ meson_template = MesonTemplate(
+ self.modulename,
+ self.sources,
+ self.dependencies,
+ self.extra_objects,
+ self.flib_flags,
+ self.fc_flags,
+ self.build_type,
+ )
+ src = meson_template.generate_meson_build()
+ Path(build_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+ meson_build_file = Path(build_dir) / "meson.build"
+ meson_build_file.write_text(src)
+ return meson_build_file
+ def run_meson(self, build_dir: Path):
+ completed_process = subprocess.run(self._get_build_command(), cwd=build_dir)
+ if completed_process.returncode != 0:
+ raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(
+ completed_process.returncode, completed_process.args
+ )
+ completed_process = subprocess.run(
+ ["meson", "compile", "-C", self.meson_build_dir], cwd=build_dir
+ )
+ if completed_process.returncode != 0:
+ raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(
+ completed_process.returncode, completed_process.args
+ )
+ def compile(self) -> None:
+ self.sources = _prepare_sources(self.modulename, self.sources, self.build_dir)
+ self.write_meson_build(self.build_dir)
+ self.run_meson(self.build_dir)
+ self._move_exec_to_root(self.build_dir)
+def _prepare_sources(mname, sources, bdir):
+ extended_sources = sources.copy()
+ Path(bdir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+ # Copy sources
+ for source in sources:
+ shutil.copy(source, bdir)
+ generated_sources = [
+ Path(f"{mname}module.c"),
+ Path(f"{mname}-f2pywrappers2.f90"),
+ Path(f"{mname}-f2pywrappers.f"),
+ ]
+ bdir = Path(bdir)
+ for generated_source in generated_sources:
+ if generated_source.exists():
+ shutil.copy(generated_source, bdir / generated_source.name)
+ extended_sources.append(generated_source.name)
+ generated_source.unlink()
+ extended_sources = [
+ Path(source).name
+ for source in extended_sources
+ if not Path(source).suffix == ".pyf"
+ ]
+ return extended_sources
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/_backends/meson.build.template b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/_backends/meson.build.template
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..545e399521
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/_backends/meson.build.template
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+ ['c', 'fortran'],
+ version : '0.1',
+ meson_version: '>= 1.1.0',
+ default_options : [
+ 'warning_level=1',
+ 'buildtype=${buildtype}'
+ ])
+py = import('python').find_installation(pure: false)
+py_dep = py.dependency()
+incdir_numpy = run_command(py,
+ ['-c', 'import os; os.chdir(".."); import numpy; print(numpy.get_include())'],
+ check : true
+incdir_f2py = run_command(py,
+ ['-c', 'import os; os.chdir(".."); import numpy.f2py; print(numpy.f2py.get_include())'],
+ check : true
+inc_np = include_directories(incdir_numpy)
+np_dep = declare_dependency(include_directories: inc_np)
+incdir_f2py = incdir_numpy / '..' / '..' / 'f2py' / 'src'
+inc_f2py = include_directories(incdir_f2py)
+fortranobject_c = incdir_f2py / 'fortranobject.c'
+inc_np = include_directories(incdir_numpy, incdir_f2py)
+ [
+ fortranobject_c
+ ],
+ include_directories: [inc_np],
+ dependencies : [
+ py_dep,
+ ],
+ install : true)
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/_isocbind.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/_isocbind.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..81f52fb4de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/_isocbind.py
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+iso_c_binding_map = {
+ 'integer': {
+ 'c_int': 'int',
+ 'c_short': 'short int',
+ 'c_long': 'long int',
+ 'c_long_long': 'long long int',
+ 'c_signed_char': 'signed char',
+ 'c_size_t': 'size_t',
+ 'c_int8_t': 'int8_t',
+ 'c_int16_t': 'int16_t',
+ 'c_int32_t': 'int32_t',
+ 'c_int64_t': 'int64_t',
+ 'c_int_least8_t': 'int_least8_t',
+ 'c_int_least16_t': 'int_least16_t',
+ 'c_int_least32_t': 'int_least32_t',
+ 'c_int_least64_t': 'int_least64_t',
+ 'c_int_fast8_t': 'int_fast8_t',
+ 'c_int_fast16_t': 'int_fast16_t',
+ 'c_int_fast32_t': 'int_fast32_t',
+ 'c_int_fast64_t': 'int_fast64_t',
+ 'c_intmax_t': 'intmax_t',
+ 'c_intptr_t': 'intptr_t',
+ 'c_ptrdiff_t': 'intptr_t',
+ },
+ 'real': {
+ 'c_float': 'float',
+ 'c_double': 'double',
+ 'c_long_double': 'long double'
+ },
+ 'complex': {
+ 'c_float_complex': 'float _Complex',
+ 'c_double_complex': 'double _Complex',
+ 'c_long_double_complex': 'long double _Complex'
+ },
+ 'logical': {
+ 'c_bool': '_Bool'
+ },
+ 'character': {
+ 'c_char': 'char'
+ }
+isoc_kindmap = {}
+for fortran_type, c_type_dict in iso_c_binding_map.items():
+ for c_type in c_type_dict.keys():
+ isoc_kindmap[c_type] = fortran_type
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/auxfuncs.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/auxfuncs.py
index 3f9b0ceafa..0c08e0a5e2 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/auxfuncs.py
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/auxfuncs.py
@@ -16,8 +16,10 @@ Pearu Peterson
import pprint
import sys
+import re
import types
from functools import reduce
+from copy import deepcopy
from . import __version__
from . import cfuncs
@@ -26,7 +28,7 @@ __all__ = [
'applyrules', 'debugcapi', 'dictappend', 'errmess', 'gentitle',
'getargs2', 'getcallprotoargument', 'getcallstatement',
'getfortranname', 'getpymethoddef', 'getrestdoc', 'getusercode',
- 'getusercode1', 'hasbody', 'hascallstatement', 'hascommon',
+ 'getusercode1', 'getdimension', 'hasbody', 'hascallstatement', 'hascommon',
'hasexternals', 'hasinitvalue', 'hasnote', 'hasresultnote',
'isallocatable', 'isarray', 'isarrayofstrings',
'ischaracter', 'ischaracterarray', 'ischaracter_or_characterarray',
@@ -42,12 +44,13 @@ __all__ = [
'ismodule', 'ismoduleroutine', 'isoptional', 'isprivate', 'isrequired',
'isroutine', 'isscalar', 'issigned_long_longarray', 'isstring',
'isstringarray', 'isstring_or_stringarray', 'isstringfunction',
- 'issubroutine',
+ 'issubroutine', 'get_f2py_modulename',
'issubroutine_wrap', 'isthreadsafe', 'isunsigned', 'isunsigned_char',
'isunsigned_chararray', 'isunsigned_long_long',
'isunsigned_long_longarray', 'isunsigned_short',
'isunsigned_shortarray', 'l_and', 'l_not', 'l_or', 'outmess',
- 'replace', 'show', 'stripcomma', 'throw_error', 'isattr_value'
+ 'replace', 'show', 'stripcomma', 'throw_error', 'isattr_value',
+ 'deep_merge'
@@ -417,6 +420,13 @@ def isexternal(var):
return 'attrspec' in var and 'external' in var['attrspec']
+def getdimension(var):
+ dimpattern = r"\((.*?)\)"
+ if 'attrspec' in var.keys():
+ if any('dimension' in s for s in var['attrspec']):
+ return [re.findall(dimpattern, v) for v in var['attrspec']][0]
def isrequired(var):
return not isoptional(var) and isintent_nothide(var)
@@ -888,3 +898,42 @@ def applyrules(rules, d, var={}):
if ret[k] == []:
del ret[k]
return ret
+def deep_merge(dict1, dict2):
+ """Recursively merge two dictionaries into a new dictionary.
+ Parameters:
+ - dict1: The base dictionary.
+ - dict2: The dictionary to merge into a copy of dict1.
+ If a key exists in both, the dict2 value will take precedence.
+ Returns:
+ - A new merged dictionary.
+ """
+ merged_dict = deepcopy(dict1)
+ for key, value in dict2.items():
+ if key in merged_dict:
+ if isinstance(merged_dict[key], dict) and isinstance(value, dict):
+ merged_dict[key] = deep_merge(merged_dict[key], value)
+ else:
+ merged_dict[key] = value
+ else:
+ merged_dict[key] = value
+ return merged_dict
+_f2py_module_name_match = re.compile(r'\s*python\s*module\s*(?P<name>[\w_]+)',
+ re.I).match
+_f2py_user_module_name_match = re.compile(r'\s*python\s*module\s*(?P<name>[\w_]*?'
+ r'__user__[\w_]*)', re.I).match
+def get_f2py_modulename(source):
+ name = None
+ with open(source) as f:
+ for line in f:
+ m = _f2py_module_name_match(line)
+ if m:
+ if _f2py_user_module_name_match(line): # skip *__user__* names
+ continue
+ name = m.group('name')
+ break
+ return name
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/capi_maps.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/capi_maps.py
index f0a7221b71..32b6db5c59 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/capi_maps.py
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/capi_maps.py
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import re
import os
from .crackfortran import markoutercomma
from . import cb_rules
+from ._isocbind import iso_c_binding_map
# The environment provided by auxfuncs.py is needed for some calls to eval.
# As the needed functions cannot be determined by static inspection of the
@@ -32,9 +33,6 @@ __all__ = [
-# Numarray and Numeric users should set this False
-using_newcore = True
depargs = []
lcb_map = {}
lcb2_map = {}
@@ -58,89 +56,48 @@ c2py_map = {'double': 'float',
'string': 'string',
'character': 'bytes',
c2capi_map = {'double': 'NPY_DOUBLE',
- 'float': 'NPY_FLOAT',
- 'long_double': 'NPY_DOUBLE', # forced casting
- 'char': 'NPY_STRING',
- 'unsigned_char': 'NPY_UBYTE',
- 'signed_char': 'NPY_BYTE',
- 'short': 'NPY_SHORT',
- 'unsigned_short': 'NPY_USHORT',
- 'int': 'NPY_INT',
- 'unsigned': 'NPY_UINT',
- 'long': 'NPY_LONG',
- 'long_long': 'NPY_LONG', # forced casting
- 'complex_float': 'NPY_CFLOAT',
- 'complex_double': 'NPY_CDOUBLE',
- 'complex_long_double': 'NPY_CDOUBLE', # forced casting
- 'string': 'NPY_STRING',
- 'character': 'NPY_CHAR'}
-# These new maps aren't used anywhere yet, but should be by default
-# unless building numeric or numarray extensions.
-if using_newcore:
- c2capi_map = {'double': 'NPY_DOUBLE',
- 'float': 'NPY_FLOAT',
- 'long_double': 'NPY_LONGDOUBLE',
- 'char': 'NPY_BYTE',
- 'unsigned_char': 'NPY_UBYTE',
- 'signed_char': 'NPY_BYTE',
- 'short': 'NPY_SHORT',
- 'unsigned_short': 'NPY_USHORT',
- 'int': 'NPY_INT',
- 'unsigned': 'NPY_UINT',
- 'long': 'NPY_LONG',
- 'unsigned_long': 'NPY_ULONG',
- 'long_long': 'NPY_LONGLONG',
- 'unsigned_long_long': 'NPY_ULONGLONG',
- 'complex_float': 'NPY_CFLOAT',
- 'complex_double': 'NPY_CDOUBLE',
- 'complex_long_double': 'NPY_CDOUBLE',
- 'string': 'NPY_STRING',
- 'character': 'NPY_STRING'}
+ 'float': 'NPY_FLOAT',
+ 'long_double': 'NPY_LONGDOUBLE',
+ 'char': 'NPY_BYTE',
+ 'unsigned_char': 'NPY_UBYTE',
+ 'signed_char': 'NPY_BYTE',
+ 'short': 'NPY_SHORT',
+ 'unsigned_short': 'NPY_USHORT',
+ 'int': 'NPY_INT',
+ 'unsigned': 'NPY_UINT',
+ 'long': 'NPY_LONG',
+ 'unsigned_long': 'NPY_ULONG',
+ 'long_long': 'NPY_LONGLONG',
+ 'unsigned_long_long': 'NPY_ULONGLONG',
+ 'complex_float': 'NPY_CFLOAT',
+ 'complex_double': 'NPY_CDOUBLE',
+ 'complex_long_double': 'NPY_CDOUBLE',
+ 'string': 'NPY_STRING',
+ 'character': 'NPY_STRING'}
c2pycode_map = {'double': 'd',
'float': 'f',
- 'long_double': 'd', # forced casting
- 'char': '1',
- 'signed_char': '1',
- 'unsigned_char': 'b',
- 'short': 's',
- 'unsigned_short': 'w',
+ 'long_double': 'g',
+ 'char': 'b',
+ 'unsigned_char': 'B',
+ 'signed_char': 'b',
+ 'short': 'h',
+ 'unsigned_short': 'H',
'int': 'i',
- 'unsigned': 'u',
+ 'unsigned': 'I',
'long': 'l',
- 'long_long': 'L',
+ 'unsigned_long': 'L',
+ 'long_long': 'q',
+ 'unsigned_long_long': 'Q',
'complex_float': 'F',
'complex_double': 'D',
- 'complex_long_double': 'D', # forced casting
- 'string': 'c',
- 'character': 'c'
- }
-if using_newcore:
- c2pycode_map = {'double': 'd',
- 'float': 'f',
- 'long_double': 'g',
- 'char': 'b',
- 'unsigned_char': 'B',
- 'signed_char': 'b',
- 'short': 'h',
- 'unsigned_short': 'H',
- 'int': 'i',
- 'unsigned': 'I',
- 'long': 'l',
- 'unsigned_long': 'L',
- 'long_long': 'q',
- 'unsigned_long_long': 'Q',
- 'complex_float': 'F',
- 'complex_double': 'D',
- 'complex_long_double': 'G',
- 'string': 'S',
- 'character': 'c'}
+ 'complex_long_double': 'G',
+ 'string': 'S',
+ 'character': 'c'}
# https://docs.python.org/3/c-api/arg.html#building-values
-# c2buildvalue_map is NumPy agnostic, so no need to bother with using_newcore
c2buildvalue_map = {'double': 'd',
'float': 'f',
'char': 'b',
@@ -174,6 +131,7 @@ f2cmap_all = {'real': {'': 'float', '4': 'float', '8': 'double',
'byte': {'': 'char'},
+f2cmap_all = deep_merge(f2cmap_all, iso_c_binding_map)
f2cmap_default = copy.deepcopy(f2cmap_all)
f2cmap_mapped = []
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/cfuncs.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/cfuncs.py
index 2d27b65243..f89793061b 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/cfuncs.py
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/cfuncs.py
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ includes0['setjmp.h'] = '#include <setjmp.h>'
includes['arrayobject.h'] = '''#define PY_ARRAY_UNIQUE_SYMBOL PyArray_API
#include "arrayobject.h"'''
+includes['npy_math.h'] = '#include "numpy/npy_math.h"'
includes['arrayobject.h'] = '#include "fortranobject.h"'
includes['stdarg.h'] = '#include <stdarg.h>'
@@ -1096,7 +1097,7 @@ float_from_pyobj(float* v, PyObject *obj, const char *errmess)
needs['complex_long_double_from_pyobj'] = ['complex_long_double', 'long_double',
- 'complex_double_from_pyobj']
+ 'complex_double_from_pyobj', 'npy_math.h']
cfuncs['complex_long_double_from_pyobj'] = """\
static int
complex_long_double_from_pyobj(complex_long_double* v, PyObject *obj, const char *errmess)
@@ -1108,8 +1109,8 @@ complex_long_double_from_pyobj(complex_long_double* v, PyObject *obj, const char
return 1;
else if (PyArray_Check(obj) && PyArray_TYPE(obj)==NPY_CLONGDOUBLE) {
- (*v).r = ((npy_clongdouble *)PyArray_DATA(obj))->real;
- (*v).i = ((npy_clongdouble *)PyArray_DATA(obj))->imag;
+ (*v).r = npy_creall(*(((npy_clongdouble *)PyArray_DATA(obj))));
+ (*v).i = npy_cimagl(*(((npy_clongdouble *)PyArray_DATA(obj))));
return 1;
@@ -1123,7 +1124,7 @@ complex_long_double_from_pyobj(complex_long_double* v, PyObject *obj, const char
-needs['complex_double_from_pyobj'] = ['complex_double']
+needs['complex_double_from_pyobj'] = ['complex_double', 'npy_math.h']
cfuncs['complex_double_from_pyobj'] = """\
static int
complex_double_from_pyobj(complex_double* v, PyObject *obj, const char *errmess) {
@@ -1138,14 +1139,14 @@ complex_double_from_pyobj(complex_double* v, PyObject *obj, const char *errmess)
if (PyArray_IsScalar(obj, CFloat)) {
npy_cfloat new;
PyArray_ScalarAsCtype(obj, &new);
- (*v).r = (double)new.real;
- (*v).i = (double)new.imag;
+ (*v).r = (double)npy_crealf(new);
+ (*v).i = (double)npy_cimagf(new);
else if (PyArray_IsScalar(obj, CLongDouble)) {
npy_clongdouble new;
PyArray_ScalarAsCtype(obj, &new);
- (*v).r = (double)new.real;
- (*v).i = (double)new.imag;
+ (*v).r = (double)npy_creall(new);
+ (*v).i = (double)npy_cimagl(new);
else { /* if (PyArray_IsScalar(obj, CDouble)) */
PyArray_ScalarAsCtype(obj, v);
@@ -1163,8 +1164,8 @@ complex_double_from_pyobj(complex_double* v, PyObject *obj, const char *errmess)
if (arr == NULL) {
return 0;
- (*v).r = ((npy_cdouble *)PyArray_DATA(arr))->real;
- (*v).i = ((npy_cdouble *)PyArray_DATA(arr))->imag;
+ (*v).r = npy_creal(*(((npy_cdouble *)PyArray_DATA(arr))));
+ (*v).i = npy_cimag(*(((npy_cdouble *)PyArray_DATA(arr))));
return 1;
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/crackfortran.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/crackfortran.py
index cce93dd7f5..f352bbaa27 100755
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/crackfortran.py
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/crackfortran.py
@@ -614,7 +614,8 @@ groupends = (r'end|endprogram|endblockdata|endmodule|endpythonmodule|'
endpattern = re.compile(
beforethisafter % ('', groupends, groupends, '.*'), re.I), 'end'
-endifs = r'end\s*(if|do|where|select|while|forall|associate|block|' + \
+# block, the Fortran 2008 construct needs special handling in the rest of the file
+endifs = r'end\s*(if|do|where|select|while|forall|associate|' + \
endifpattern = re.compile(
beforethisafter % (r'[\w]*?', endifs, endifs, '.*'), re.I), 'endif'
@@ -695,7 +696,8 @@ def _simplifyargs(argsline):
return ','.join(a)
crackline_re_1 = re.compile(r'\s*(?P<result>\b[a-z]+\w*\b)\s*=.*', re.I)
+crackline_bind_1 = re.compile(r'\s*(?P<bind>\b[a-z]+\w*\b)\s*=.*', re.I)
+crackline_bindlang = re.compile(r'\s*bind\(\s*(?P<lang>[^,]+)\s*,\s*name\s*=\s*"(?P<lang_name>[^"]+)"\s*\)', re.I)
def crackline(line, reset=0):
@@ -966,12 +968,22 @@ def _resolvetypedefpattern(line):
return m1.group('name'), attrs, m1.group('params')
return None, [], None
+def parse_name_for_bind(line):
+ pattern = re.compile(r'bind\(\s*(?P<lang>[^,]+)(?:\s*,\s*name\s*=\s*["\'](?P<name>[^"\']+)["\']\s*)?\)', re.I)
+ match = pattern.search(line)
+ bind_statement = None
+ if match:
+ bind_statement = match.group(0)
+ # Remove the 'bind' construct from the line.
+ line = line[:match.start()] + line[match.end():]
+ return line, bind_statement
def _resolvenameargspattern(line):
+ line, bind_cname = parse_name_for_bind(line)
line = markouterparen(line)
m1 = nameargspattern.match(line)
if m1:
- return m1.group('name'), m1.group('args'), m1.group('result'), m1.group('bind')
+ return m1.group('name'), m1.group('args'), m1.group('result'), bind_cname
m1 = operatorpattern.match(line)
if m1:
name = m1.group('scheme') + '(' + m1.group('name') + ')'
@@ -1021,7 +1033,7 @@ def analyzeline(m, case, line):
args = []
result = None
- name, args, result, _ = _resolvenameargspattern(m.group('after'))
+ name, args, result, bindcline = _resolvenameargspattern(m.group('after'))
if name is None:
if block == 'block data':
name = '_BLOCK_DATA_'
@@ -1139,6 +1151,14 @@ def analyzeline(m, case, line):
except Exception:
if block in ['function', 'subroutine']: # set global attributes
+ # name is fortran name
+ if bindcline:
+ bindcdat = re.search(crackline_bindlang, bindcline)
+ if bindcdat:
+ groupcache[groupcounter]['bindlang'] = {name : {}}
+ groupcache[groupcounter]['bindlang'][name]["lang"] = bindcdat.group('lang')
+ if bindcdat.group('lang_name'):
+ groupcache[groupcounter]['bindlang'][name]["name"] = bindcdat.group('lang_name')
groupcache[groupcounter]['vars'][name] = appenddecl(
groupcache[groupcounter]['vars'][name], groupcache[groupcounter - 2]['vars'][''])
@@ -1172,7 +1192,7 @@ def analyzeline(m, case, line):
groupcounter = groupcounter - 1 # end interface
elif case == 'entry':
- name, args, result, bind = _resolvenameargspattern(m.group('after'))
+ name, args, result, _= _resolvenameargspattern(m.group('after'))
if name is not None:
if args:
args = rmbadname([x.strip()
@@ -1405,45 +1425,61 @@ def analyzeline(m, case, line):
if dl.startswith(','):
dl = dl[1:].strip()
ll.append([dl, il])
- vars = {}
- if 'vars' in groupcache[groupcounter]:
- vars = groupcache[groupcounter]['vars']
+ vars = groupcache[groupcounter].get('vars', {})
last_name = None
for l in ll:
- l = [x.strip() for x in l]
- if l[0][0] == ',':
+ l[0], l[1] = l[0].strip(), l[1].strip()
+ if l[0].startswith(','):
l[0] = l[0][1:]
- if l[0][0] == '(':
- outmess(
- 'analyzeline: implied-DO list "%s" is not supported. Skipping.\n' % l[0])
+ if l[0].startswith('('):
+ outmess('analyzeline: implied-DO list "%s" is not supported. Skipping.\n' % l[0])
- i = 0
- j = 0
- llen = len(l[1])
- for v in rmbadname([x.strip() for x in markoutercomma(l[0]).split('@,@')]):
- if v[0] == '(':
- outmess(
- 'analyzeline: implied-DO list "%s" is not supported. Skipping.\n' % v)
+ for idx, v in enumerate(rmbadname([x.strip() for x in markoutercomma(l[0]).split('@,@')])):
+ if v.startswith('('):
+ outmess('analyzeline: implied-DO list "%s" is not supported. Skipping.\n' % v)
# XXX: subsequent init expressions may get wrong values.
# Ignoring since data statements are irrelevant for
# wrapping.
- fc = 0
- while (i < llen) and (fc or not l[1][i] == ','):
- if l[1][i] == "'":
- fc = not fc
- i = i + 1
- i = i + 1
- if v not in vars:
- vars[v] = {}
- if '=' in vars[v] and not vars[v]['='] == l[1][j:i - 1]:
- outmess('analyzeline: changing init expression of "%s" ("%s") to "%s"\n' % (
- v, vars[v]['='], l[1][j:i - 1]))
- vars[v]['='] = l[1][j:i - 1]
- j = i
+ if '!' in l[1]:
+ # Fixes gh-24746 pyf generation
+ # XXX: This essentially ignores the value for generating the pyf which is fine:
+ # integer dimension(3) :: mytab
+ # common /mycom/ mytab
+ # Since in any case it is initialized in the Fortran code
+ outmess('Comment line in declaration "%s" is not supported. Skipping.\n' % l[1])
+ continue
+ vars.setdefault(v, {})
+ vtype = vars[v].get('typespec')
+ vdim = getdimension(vars[v])
+ matches = re.findall(r"\(.*?\)", l[1]) if vtype == 'complex' else l[1].split(',')
+ try:
+ new_val = "(/{}/)".format(", ".join(matches)) if vdim else matches[idx]
+ except IndexError:
+ # gh-24746
+ # Runs only if above code fails. Fixes the line
+ # DATA IVAR1, IVAR2, IVAR3, IVAR4, EVAR5 /4*0,0.0D0/
+ # by expanding to ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0.0d0']
+ if any("*" in m for m in matches):
+ expanded_list = []
+ for match in matches:
+ if "*" in match:
+ try:
+ multiplier, value = match.split("*")
+ expanded_list.extend([value.strip()] * int(multiplier))
+ except ValueError: # if int(multiplier) fails
+ expanded_list.append(match.strip())
+ else:
+ expanded_list.append(match.strip())
+ matches = expanded_list
+ new_val = "(/{}/)".format(", ".join(matches)) if vdim else matches[idx]
+ current_val = vars[v].get('=')
+ if current_val and (current_val != new_val):
+ outmess('analyzeline: changing init expression of "%s" ("%s") to "%s"\n' % (v, current_val, new_val))
+ vars[v]['='] = new_val
last_name = v
groupcache[groupcounter]['vars'] = vars
- if last_name is not None:
+ if last_name:
previous_context = ('variable', last_name, groupcounter)
elif case == 'common':
line = m.group('after').strip()
@@ -1741,6 +1777,23 @@ def updatevars(typespec, selector, attrspec, entitydecl):
del d1[k]
+ if 'len' in d1 and 'array' in d1:
+ if d1['len'] == '':
+ d1['len'] = d1['array']
+ del d1['array']
+ elif typespec == 'character':
+ if ('charselector' not in edecl) or (not edecl['charselector']):
+ edecl['charselector'] = {}
+ if 'len' in edecl['charselector']:
+ del edecl['charselector']['len']
+ edecl['charselector']['*'] = d1['len']
+ del d1['len']
+ else:
+ d1['array'] = d1['array'] + ',' + d1['len']
+ del d1['len']
+ errmess('updatevars: "%s %s" is mapped to "%s %s(%s)"\n' % (
+ typespec, e, typespec, ename, d1['array']))
if 'len' in d1:
if typespec in ['complex', 'integer', 'logical', 'real']:
if ('kindselector' not in edecl) or (not edecl['kindselector']):
@@ -1762,16 +1815,6 @@ def updatevars(typespec, selector, attrspec, entitydecl):
edecl['='] = d1['init']
- if 'len' in d1 and 'array' in d1:
- if d1['len'] == '':
- d1['len'] = d1['array']
- del d1['array']
- else:
- d1['array'] = d1['array'] + ',' + d1['len']
- del d1['len']
- errmess('updatevars: "%s %s" is mapped to "%s %s(%s)"\n' % (
- typespec, e, typespec, ename, d1['array']))
if 'array' in d1:
dm = 'dimension(%s)' % d1['array']
if 'attrspec' not in edecl or (not edecl['attrspec']):
@@ -2409,7 +2452,7 @@ def _selected_real_kind_func(p, r=0, radix=0):
if p < 16:
return 8
machine = platform.machine().lower()
- if machine.startswith(('aarch64', 'arm64', 'power', 'ppc', 'riscv', 's390x', 'sparc')):
+ if machine.startswith(('aarch64', 'arm64', 'loongarch', 'power', 'ppc', 'riscv', 's390x', 'sparc')):
if p <= 33:
return 16
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/f2py2e.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/f2py2e.py
index 10508488dc..1cfe8cddd6 100755
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/f2py2e.py
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/f2py2e.py
@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ import os
import pprint
import re
from pathlib import Path
+from itertools import dropwhile
+import argparse
from . import crackfortran
from . import rules
@@ -28,6 +30,7 @@ from . import cfuncs
from . import f90mod_rules
from . import __version__
from . import capi_maps
+from numpy.f2py._backends import f2py_build_generator
f2py_version = __version__.version
numpy_version = __version__.version
@@ -126,7 +129,7 @@ Options:
-v Print f2py version ID and exit.
-numpy.distutils options (only effective with -c):
+build backend options (only effective with -c):
--fcompiler= Specify Fortran compiler type by vendor
--compiler= Specify C compiler type (as defined by distutils)
@@ -142,6 +145,22 @@ numpy.distutils options (only effective with -c):
--noarch Compile without arch-dependent optimization
--debug Compile with debugging information
+ --dep <dependency>
+ Specify a meson dependency for the module. This may
+ be passed multiple times for multiple dependencies.
+ Dependencies are stored in a list for further processing.
+ Example: --dep lapack --dep scalapack
+ This will identify "lapack" and "scalapack" as dependencies
+ and remove them from argv, leaving a dependencies list
+ containing ["lapack", "scalapack"].
+ --backend <backend_type>
+ Specify the build backend for the compilation process.
+ The supported backends are 'meson' and 'distutils'.
+ If not specified, defaults to 'distutils'. On
+ Python 3.12 or higher, the default is 'meson'.
Extra options (only effective with -c):
--link-<resource> Link extension module with <resource> as defined
@@ -251,6 +270,8 @@ def scaninputline(inputline):
'f2py option --include_paths is deprecated, use --include-paths instead.\n')
f7 = 1
elif l[:15] in '--include-paths':
+ # Similar to using -I with -c, however this is
+ # also used during generation of wrappers
f7 = 1
elif l == '--skip-empty-wrappers':
emptygen = False
@@ -501,6 +522,25 @@ def get_prefix(module):
p = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(module.__file__))
return p
+def preparse_sysargv():
+ # To keep backwards bug compatibility, newer flags are handled by argparse,
+ # and `sys.argv` is passed to the rest of `f2py` as is.
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False)
+ parser.add_argument("--dep", action="append", dest="dependencies")
+ parser.add_argument("--backend", choices=['meson', 'distutils'], default='distutils')
+ args, remaining_argv = parser.parse_known_args()
+ sys.argv = [sys.argv[0]] + remaining_argv
+ backend_key = args.backend
+ if sys.version_info >= (3, 12) and backend_key == 'distutils':
+ outmess('Cannot use distutils backend with Python 3.12, using meson backend instead.')
+ backend_key = 'meson'
+ return {
+ "dependencies": args.dependencies or [],
+ "backend": backend_key
+ }
def run_compile():
@@ -508,6 +548,13 @@ def run_compile():
import tempfile
+ # Collect dependency flags, preprocess sys.argv
+ argy = preparse_sysargv()
+ dependencies = argy["dependencies"]
+ backend_key = argy["backend"]
+ build_backend = f2py_build_generator(backend_key)
i = sys.argv.index('-c')
del sys.argv[i]
@@ -546,7 +593,6 @@ def run_compile():
if f2py_flags2 and f2py_flags2[-1] != ':':
sys.argv = [_m for _m in sys.argv if _m not in f2py_flags2]
_reg3 = re.compile(
@@ -598,17 +644,17 @@ def run_compile():
del sys.argv[i + 1], sys.argv[i]
sources = sys.argv[1:]
+ pyf_files = []
if '-m' in sys.argv:
i = sys.argv.index('-m')
modulename = sys.argv[i + 1]
del sys.argv[i + 1], sys.argv[i]
sources = sys.argv[1:]
- from numpy.distutils.command.build_src import get_f2py_modulename
- pyf_files, sources = filter_files('', '[.]pyf([.]src|)', sources)
- sources = pyf_files + sources
+ pyf_files, _sources = filter_files('', '[.]pyf([.]src|)', sources)
+ sources = pyf_files + _sources
for f in pyf_files:
- modulename = get_f2py_modulename(f)
+ modulename = auxfuncs.get_f2py_modulename(f)
if modulename:
@@ -627,52 +673,36 @@ def run_compile():
print('Invalid use of -D:', name_value)
- from numpy.distutils.system_info import get_info
- num_info = {}
- if num_info:
- include_dirs.extend(num_info.get('include_dirs', []))
- from numpy.distutils.core import setup, Extension
- ext_args = {'name': modulename, 'sources': sources,
- 'include_dirs': include_dirs,
- 'library_dirs': library_dirs,
- 'libraries': libraries,
- 'define_macros': define_macros,
- 'undef_macros': undef_macros,
- 'extra_objects': extra_objects,
- 'f2py_options': f2py_flags,
- }
- if sysinfo_flags:
- from numpy.distutils.misc_util import dict_append
- for n in sysinfo_flags:
- i = get_info(n)
- if not i:
- outmess('No %s resources found in system'
- ' (try `f2py --help-link`)\n' % (repr(n)))
- dict_append(ext_args, **i)
- ext = Extension(**ext_args)
- sys.argv = [sys.argv[0]] + setup_flags
- sys.argv.extend(['build',
- '--build-temp', build_dir,
- '--build-base', build_dir,
- '--build-platlib', '.',
- # disable CCompilerOpt
- '--disable-optimization'])
- if fc_flags:
- sys.argv.extend(['config_fc'] + fc_flags)
- if flib_flags:
- sys.argv.extend(['build_ext'] + flib_flags)
- setup(ext_modules=[ext])
- if remove_build_dir and os.path.exists(build_dir):
- import shutil
- outmess('Removing build directory %s\n' % (build_dir))
- shutil.rmtree(build_dir)
+ # Construct wrappers / signatures / things
+ if backend_key == 'meson':
+ outmess('Using meson backend\nWill pass --lower to f2py\nSee https://numpy.org/doc/stable/f2py/buildtools/meson.html')
+ f2py_flags.append('--lower')
+ if pyf_files:
+ run_main(f" {' '.join(f2py_flags)} {' '.join(pyf_files)}".split())
+ else:
+ run_main(f" {' '.join(f2py_flags)} -m {modulename} {' '.join(sources)}".split())
+ # Now use the builder
+ builder = build_backend(
+ modulename,
+ sources,
+ extra_objects,
+ build_dir,
+ include_dirs,
+ library_dirs,
+ libraries,
+ define_macros,
+ undef_macros,
+ f2py_flags,
+ sysinfo_flags,
+ fc_flags,
+ flib_flags,
+ setup_flags,
+ remove_build_dir,
+ {"dependencies": dependencies},
+ )
+ builder.compile()
def main():
if '--help-link' in sys.argv[1:]:
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/func2subr.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/func2subr.py
index cc3cdc5b4f..2eedc0ade8 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/func2subr.py
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/func2subr.py
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ from .auxfuncs import (
issubroutine, issubroutine_wrap, outmess, show
+from ._isocbind import isoc_kindmap
def var2fixfortran(vars, a, fa=None, f90mode=None):
if fa is None:
@@ -70,6 +71,13 @@ def var2fixfortran(vars, a, fa=None, f90mode=None):
vardef = '%s(%s)' % (vardef, ','.join(vars[a]['dimension']))
return vardef
+def useiso_c_binding(rout):
+ useisoc = False
+ for key, value in rout['vars'].items():
+ kind_value = value.get('kindselector', {}).get('kind')
+ if kind_value in isoc_kindmap:
+ return True
+ return useisoc
def createfuncwrapper(rout, signature=0):
assert isfunction(rout)
@@ -117,6 +125,7 @@ def createfuncwrapper(rout, signature=0):
l1 = l_tmpl.replace('@@@NAME@@@', newname)
rl = None
+ useisoc = useiso_c_binding(rout)
sargs = ', '.join(args)
if f90mode:
# gh-23598 fix warning
@@ -129,8 +138,12 @@ def createfuncwrapper(rout, signature=0):
(rout['modulename'], name, sargs))
if not signature:
add('use %s, only : %s' % (rout['modulename'], fortranname))
+ if useisoc:
+ add('use iso_c_binding')
add('subroutine f2pywrap%s (%s)' % (name, sargs))
+ if useisoc:
+ add('use iso_c_binding')
if not need_interface:
add('external %s' % (fortranname))
rl = l_tmpl.replace('@@@NAME@@@', '') + ' ' + fortranname
@@ -218,14 +231,19 @@ def createsubrwrapper(rout, signature=0):
args = rout['args']
+ useisoc = useiso_c_binding(rout)
sargs = ', '.join(args)
if f90mode:
add('subroutine f2pywrap_%s_%s (%s)' %
(rout['modulename'], name, sargs))
+ if useisoc:
+ add('use iso_c_binding')
if not signature:
add('use %s, only : %s' % (rout['modulename'], fortranname))
add('subroutine f2pywrap%s (%s)' % (name, sargs))
+ if useisoc:
+ add('use iso_c_binding')
if not need_interface:
add('external %s' % (fortranname))
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/setup.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/setup.py
index 499609f966..98f1e9aaae 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/setup.py
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/setup.py
@@ -26,10 +26,13 @@ from __version__ import version
def configuration(parent_package='', top_path=None):
config = Configuration('f2py', parent_package, top_path)
+ config.add_subpackage('_backends')
- 'src/fortranobject.h')
+ 'src/fortranobject.h',
+ 'backends/meson.build.template',
+ )
return config
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/src/fortranobject.c b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/src/fortranobject.c
index add6e8b6ef..072392bb66 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/src/fortranobject.c
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/src/fortranobject.c
@@ -726,7 +726,8 @@ static int check_and_fix_dimensions(const PyArrayObject* arr,
static int
find_first_negative_dimension(const int rank, const npy_intp *dims)
- for (int i = 0; i < rank; ++i) {
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < rank; ++i) {
if (dims[i] < 0) {
return i;
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/tests/src/crackfortran/data_common.f b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/tests/src/crackfortran/data_common.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5ffd865c83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/tests/src/crackfortran/data_common.f
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/tests/src/crackfortran/data_multiplier.f b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/tests/src/crackfortran/data_multiplier.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..19ff8a83e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/tests/src/crackfortran/data_multiplier.f
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ DATA IVAR1, IVAR2, IVAR3, IVAR4, EVAR5 /2*3,2*2,0.0D0/
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/tests/src/crackfortran/data_stmts.f90 b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/tests/src/crackfortran/data_stmts.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..576c5e485b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/tests/src/crackfortran/data_stmts.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+! gh-23276
+module cmplxdat
+ implicit none
+ integer :: i, j
+ real :: x, y
+ real, dimension(2) :: z
+ real(kind=8) :: pi
+ complex(kind=8), target :: medium_ref_index
+ complex(kind=8), target :: ref_index_one, ref_index_two
+ complex(kind=8), dimension(2) :: my_array
+ real(kind=8), dimension(3) :: my_real_array = (/1.0d0, 2.0d0, 3.0d0/)
+ data i, j / 2, 3 /
+ data x, y / 1.5, 2.0 /
+ data z / 3.5, 7.0 /
+ data medium_ref_index / (1.d0, 0.d0) /
+ data ref_index_one, ref_index_two / (13.0d0, 21.0d0), (-30.0d0, 43.0d0) /
+ data my_array / (1.0d0, 2.0d0), (-3.0d0, 4.0d0) /
+ data pi / 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062d0 /
+end module cmplxdat
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/tests/src/crackfortran/data_with_comments.f b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/tests/src/crackfortran/data_with_comments.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4128f004e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/tests/src/crackfortran/data_with_comments.f
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ * 0, ! 1 and more commenty stuff
+ * 4, ! 2
+ * 0 /
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/tests/src/crackfortran/gh22648.pyf b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/tests/src/crackfortran/gh22648.pyf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b3454f1863
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/tests/src/crackfortran/gh22648.pyf
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+python module iri16py ! in
+ interface ! in :iri16py
+ block data ! in :iri16py:iridreg_modified.for
+ COMMON /fircom/ eden,tabhe,tabla,tabmo,tabza,tabfl
+ end block data
+ end interface
+end python module iri16py
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/tests/src/f2cmap/isoFortranEnvMap.f90 b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/tests/src/f2cmap/isoFortranEnvMap.f90
index 3f0e12c768..1e1dc1d405 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/tests/src/f2cmap/isoFortranEnvMap.f90
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/tests/src/f2cmap/isoFortranEnvMap.f90
@@ -4,6 +4,6 @@
integer(int64), intent(in) :: n
real(real64), intent(in) :: x(n)
real(real64), intent(out) :: res
-Cf2py intent(hide) :: n
+!f2py intent(hide) :: n
res = sum(x)
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/tests/src/isocintrin/isoCtests.f90 b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/tests/src/isocintrin/isoCtests.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..42db6cccc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/tests/src/isocintrin/isoCtests.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ module coddity
+ use iso_c_binding, only: c_double, c_int
+ implicit none
+ contains
+ subroutine c_add(a, b, c) bind(c, name="c_add")
+ real(c_double), intent(in) :: a, b
+ real(c_double), intent(out) :: c
+ c = a + b
+ end subroutine c_add
+ ! gh-9693
+ function wat(x, y) result(z) bind(c)
+ integer(c_int), intent(in) :: x, y
+ integer(c_int) :: z
+ z = x + 7
+ end function wat
+ end module coddity
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/tests/src/string/gh24008.f b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/tests/src/string/gh24008.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ab64cf771f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/tests/src/string/gh24008.f
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ MESSAGE = 'Hello, ' // NAME // ', ' // GREETING
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/tests/test_character.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/tests/test_character.py
index 0bb0f42902..373262bf96 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/tests/test_character.py
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/tests/test_character.py
@@ -574,7 +574,6 @@ class TestMiscCharacter(util.F2PyTest):
class TestStringScalarArr(util.F2PyTest):
sources = [util.getpath("tests", "src", "string", "scalar_string.f90")]
- @pytest.mark.slow
def test_char(self):
for out in (self.module.string_test.string,
@@ -583,7 +582,6 @@ class TestStringScalarArr(util.F2PyTest):
expected = '|S8'
assert out.dtype == expected
- @pytest.mark.slow
def test_char_arr(self):
for out in (self.module.string_test.strarr,
@@ -591,3 +589,9 @@ class TestStringScalarArr(util.F2PyTest):
assert out.shape == expected
expected = '|S12'
assert out.dtype == expected
+class TestStringAssumedLength(util.F2PyTest):
+ sources = [util.getpath("tests", "src", "string", "gh24008.f")]
+ def test_gh24008(self):
+ self.module.greet("joe", "bob")
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/tests/test_crackfortran.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/tests/test_crackfortran.py
index c07ae036c0..c8d9ddb884 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/tests/test_crackfortran.py
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/tests/test_crackfortran.py
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ from numpy.f2py.crackfortran import markinnerspaces, nameargspattern
from . import util
from numpy.f2py import crackfortran
import textwrap
+import contextlib
+import io
class TestNoSpace(util.F2PyTest):
@@ -338,3 +340,11 @@ class TestFortranGroupCounters(util.F2PyTest):
except Exception as exc:
assert False, f"'crackfortran.crackfortran' raised an exception {exc}"
+class TestF77CommonBlockReader():
+ def test_gh22648(self, tmp_path):
+ fpath = util.getpath("tests", "src", "crackfortran", "gh22648.pyf")
+ with contextlib.redirect_stdout(io.StringIO()) as stdout_f2py:
+ mod = crackfortran.crackfortran([str(fpath)])
+ assert "Mismatch" not in stdout_f2py.getvalue()
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/tests/test_data.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/tests/test_data.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4e5604c006
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/tests/test_data.py
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+import os
+import pytest
+import numpy as np
+from . import util
+from numpy.f2py.crackfortran import crackfortran
+class TestData(util.F2PyTest):
+ sources = [util.getpath("tests", "src", "crackfortran", "data_stmts.f90")]
+ # For gh-23276
+ def test_data_stmts(self):
+ assert self.module.cmplxdat.i == 2
+ assert self.module.cmplxdat.j == 3
+ assert self.module.cmplxdat.x == 1.5
+ assert self.module.cmplxdat.y == 2.0
+ assert self.module.cmplxdat.pi == 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062
+ assert self.module.cmplxdat.medium_ref_index == np.array(1.+0.j)
+ assert np.all(self.module.cmplxdat.z == np.array([3.5, 7.0]))
+ assert np.all(self.module.cmplxdat.my_array == np.array([ 1.+2.j, -3.+4.j]))
+ assert np.all(self.module.cmplxdat.my_real_array == np.array([ 1., 2., 3.]))
+ assert np.all(self.module.cmplxdat.ref_index_one == np.array([13.0 + 21.0j]))
+ assert np.all(self.module.cmplxdat.ref_index_two == np.array([-30.0 + 43.0j]))
+ def test_crackedlines(self):
+ mod = crackfortran(self.sources)
+ assert mod[0]['vars']['x']['='] == '1.5'
+ assert mod[0]['vars']['y']['='] == '2.0'
+ assert mod[0]['vars']['pi']['='] == '3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062d0'
+ assert mod[0]['vars']['my_real_array']['='] == '(/1.0d0, 2.0d0, 3.0d0/)'
+ assert mod[0]['vars']['ref_index_one']['='] == '(13.0d0, 21.0d0)'
+ assert mod[0]['vars']['ref_index_two']['='] == '(-30.0d0, 43.0d0)'
+ assert mod[0]['vars']['my_array']['='] == '(/(1.0d0, 2.0d0), (-3.0d0, 4.0d0)/)'
+ assert mod[0]['vars']['z']['='] == '(/3.5, 7.0/)'
+class TestDataF77(util.F2PyTest):
+ sources = [util.getpath("tests", "src", "crackfortran", "data_common.f")]
+ # For gh-23276
+ def test_data_stmts(self):
+ assert self.module.mycom.mydata == 0
+ def test_crackedlines(self):
+ mod = crackfortran(str(self.sources[0]))
+ print(mod[0]['vars'])
+ assert mod[0]['vars']['mydata']['='] == '0'
+class TestDataMultiplierF77(util.F2PyTest):
+ sources = [util.getpath("tests", "src", "crackfortran", "data_multiplier.f")]
+ # For gh-23276
+ def test_data_stmts(self):
+ assert self.module.mycom.ivar1 == 3
+ assert self.module.mycom.ivar2 == 3
+ assert self.module.mycom.ivar3 == 2
+ assert self.module.mycom.ivar4 == 2
+ assert self.module.mycom.evar5 == 0
+class TestDataWithCommentsF77(util.F2PyTest):
+ sources = [util.getpath("tests", "src", "crackfortran", "data_with_comments.f")]
+ # For gh-23276
+ def test_data_stmts(self):
+ assert len(self.module.mycom.mytab) == 3
+ assert self.module.mycom.mytab[0] == 0
+ assert self.module.mycom.mytab[1] == 4
+ assert self.module.mycom.mytab[2] == 0
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/tests/test_isoc.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/tests/test_isoc.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7e189bd7b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/tests/test_isoc.py
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+from . import util
+import numpy as np
+class TestISOC(util.F2PyTest):
+ sources = [
+ util.getpath("tests", "src", "isocintrin", "isoCtests.f90"),
+ ]
+ # gh-24553
+ def test_c_double(self):
+ out = self.module.coddity.c_add(1, 2)
+ exp_out = 3
+ assert out == exp_out
+ # gh-9693
+ def test_bindc_function(self):
+ out = self.module.coddity.wat(1, 20)
+ exp_out = 8
+ assert out == exp_out
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/tests/test_return_integer.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/tests/test_return_integer.py
index a43c677fd0..3b2f42e2bf 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/tests/test_return_integer.py
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/tests/test_return_integer.py
@@ -13,15 +13,13 @@ class TestReturnInteger(util.F2PyTest):
assert t([123]) == 123
assert t((123, )) == 123
assert t(array(123)) == 123
- assert t(array([123])) == 123
- assert t(array([[123]])) == 123
- assert t(array([123], "b")) == 123
- assert t(array([123], "h")) == 123
- assert t(array([123], "i")) == 123
- assert t(array([123], "l")) == 123
- assert t(array([123], "B")) == 123
- assert t(array([123], "f")) == 123
- assert t(array([123], "d")) == 123
+ assert t(array(123, "b")) == 123
+ assert t(array(123, "h")) == 123
+ assert t(array(123, "i")) == 123
+ assert t(array(123, "l")) == 123
+ assert t(array(123, "B")) == 123
+ assert t(array(123, "f")) == 123
+ assert t(array(123, "d")) == 123
# pytest.raises(ValueError, t, array([123],'S3'))
pytest.raises(ValueError, t, "abc")
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/tests/test_return_real.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/tests/test_return_real.py
index 9e76c151e8..a15d6475a9 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/tests/test_return_real.py
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/tests/test_return_real.py
@@ -20,15 +20,13 @@ class TestReturnReal(util.F2PyTest):
assert abs(t([234]) - 234) <= err
assert abs(t((234, )) - 234.0) <= err
assert abs(t(array(234)) - 234.0) <= err
- assert abs(t(array([234])) - 234.0) <= err
- assert abs(t(array([[234]])) - 234.0) <= err
- assert abs(t(array([234]).astype("b")) + 22) <= err
- assert abs(t(array([234], "h")) - 234.0) <= err
- assert abs(t(array([234], "i")) - 234.0) <= err
- assert abs(t(array([234], "l")) - 234.0) <= err
- assert abs(t(array([234], "B")) - 234.0) <= err
- assert abs(t(array([234], "f")) - 234.0) <= err
- assert abs(t(array([234], "d")) - 234.0) <= err
+ assert abs(t(array(234).astype("b")) + 22) <= err
+ assert abs(t(array(234, "h")) - 234.0) <= err
+ assert abs(t(array(234, "i")) - 234.0) <= err
+ assert abs(t(array(234, "l")) - 234.0) <= err
+ assert abs(t(array(234, "B")) - 234.0) <= err
+ assert abs(t(array(234, "f")) - 234.0) <= err
+ assert abs(t(array(234, "d")) - 234.0) <= err
if tname in ["t0", "t4", "s0", "s4"]:
assert t(1e200) == t(1e300) # inf
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/tests/util.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/tests/util.py
index 26fa7e49d1..75b257cdb8 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/tests/util.py
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/tests/util.py
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ import contextlib
import numpy
from pathlib import Path
-from numpy.compat import asbytes, asstr
+from numpy._utils import asunicode
from numpy.testing import temppath, IS_WASM
from importlib import import_module
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ def build_module(source_files, options=[], skip=[], only=[], module_name=None):
out, err = p.communicate()
if p.returncode != 0:
raise RuntimeError("Running f2py failed: %s\n%s" %
- (cmd[4:], asstr(out)))
+ (cmd[4:], asunicode(out)))
@@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
script = os.path.join(d, get_temp_module_name() + ".py")
with open(script, "wb") as f:
- f.write(asbytes(code))
+ f.write(code.encode('latin1'))
# Build
cwd = os.getcwd()
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/ya.make b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/ya.make
index 91f8fe47d4..13d0c761af 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/ya.make
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/f2py/ya.make
@@ -9,9 +9,13 @@ PEERDIR(
NAMESPACE numpy.f2py
- __init__.pyi
+ _backends/__init__.py
+ _backends/_backend.py
+ _backends/_distutils.py
+ _backends/_meson.py
+ _isocbind.py
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/lib/__init__.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/lib/__init__.py
index d3cc9fee4a..cbab200e09 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/lib/__init__.py
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/lib/__init__.py
@@ -12,8 +12,6 @@ useful to have in the main name-space.
-from numpy.version import version as __version__
# Public submodules
# Note: recfunctions and (maybe) format are public too, but not imported
from . import mixins
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/lib/arraysetops.pyi b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/lib/arraysetops.pyi
index aa1310a321..7075c334ea 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/lib/arraysetops.pyi
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/lib/arraysetops.pyi
@@ -333,6 +333,8 @@ def isin(
test_elements: ArrayLike,
assume_unique: bool = ...,
invert: bool = ...,
+ *,
+ kind: None | str = ...,
) -> NDArray[bool_]: ...
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/lib/shape_base.pyi b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/lib/shape_base.pyi
index 1b718da221..7cd9608b42 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/lib/shape_base.pyi
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/lib/shape_base.pyi
@@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
+import sys
from collections.abc import Callable, Sequence
from typing import TypeVar, Any, overload, SupportsIndex, Protocol
+if sys.version_info >= (3, 10):
+ from typing import ParamSpec, Concatenate
+ from typing_extensions import ParamSpec, Concatenate
from numpy import (
@@ -28,6 +34,7 @@ from numpy._typing import (
from numpy.core.shape_base import vstack
+_P = ParamSpec("_P")
_SCT = TypeVar("_SCT", bound=generic)
# The signatures of `__array_wrap__` and `__array_prepare__` are the same;
@@ -73,23 +80,21 @@ def put_along_axis(
axis: None | int,
) -> None: ...
-# TODO: Use PEP 612 `ParamSpec` once mypy supports `Concatenate`
-# xref python/mypy#8645
def apply_along_axis(
- func1d: Callable[..., _ArrayLike[_SCT]],
+ func1d: Callable[Concatenate[NDArray[Any], _P], _ArrayLike[_SCT]],
axis: SupportsIndex,
arr: ArrayLike,
- *args: Any,
- **kwargs: Any,
+ *args: _P.args,
+ **kwargs: _P.kwargs,
) -> NDArray[_SCT]: ...
def apply_along_axis(
- func1d: Callable[..., ArrayLike],
+ func1d: Callable[Concatenate[NDArray[Any], _P], ArrayLike],
axis: SupportsIndex,
arr: ArrayLike,
- *args: Any,
- **kwargs: Any,
+ *args: _P.args,
+ **kwargs: _P.kwargs,
) -> NDArray[Any]: ...
def apply_over_axes(
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/lib/tests/test_format.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/lib/tests/test_format.py
index da6c89f676..4ea79327a4 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/lib/tests/test_format.py
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/lib/tests/test_format.py
@@ -529,6 +529,7 @@ def test_load_padded_dtype(tmpdir, dt):
assert_array_equal(arr, arr1)
+@pytest.mark.skipif(sys.version_info >= (3, 12), reason="see gh-23988")
@pytest.mark.xfail(IS_WASM, reason="Emscripten NODEFS has a buggy dup")
def test_python2_python3_interoperability():
fname = 'win64python2.npy'
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/lib/tests/test_histograms.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/lib/tests/test_histograms.py
index 38b3d3dcbf..8c55f16db9 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/lib/tests/test_histograms.py
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/lib/tests/test_histograms.py
@@ -398,8 +398,9 @@ class TestHistogram:
edges = histogram_bin_edges(arr, bins='auto', range=(0, 1))
assert_array_equal(edges, e)
- @requires_memory(free_bytes=1e10)
- @pytest.mark.slow
+ # @requires_memory(free_bytes=1e10)
+ # @pytest.mark.slow
+ @pytest.mark.skip(reason="Bad memory reports lead to OOM in ci testing")
def test_big_arrays(self):
sample = np.zeros([100000000, 3])
xbins = 400
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/linalg/meson.build b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/linalg/meson.build
index d290e5b393..ec0afaab03 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/linalg/meson.build
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/linalg/meson.build
@@ -1,35 +1,39 @@
-lapack_lite_sources = [
- 'lapack_lite/f2c.c',
- 'lapack_lite/f2c_c_lapack.c',
- 'lapack_lite/f2c_d_lapack.c',
- 'lapack_lite/f2c_s_lapack.c',
- 'lapack_lite/f2c_z_lapack.c',
- 'lapack_lite/f2c_blas.c',
- 'lapack_lite/f2c_config.c',
- 'lapack_lite/f2c_lapack.c',
- 'lapack_lite/python_xerbla.c',
+# Note that `python_xerbla.c` was excluded on Windows in setup.py;
+# unclear why and it seems needed, so unconditionally used here.
+python_xerbla_sources = ['lapack_lite/python_xerbla.c']
-# TODO: ILP64 support
-lapack_lite_module_src = ['lapack_litemodule.c']
+lapack_lite_sources = []
if not have_lapack
- warning('LAPACK was not found, NumPy is using an unoptimized, naive build from sources!')
- lapack_lite_module_src += lapack_lite_sources
+ lapack_lite_sources = [
+ 'lapack_lite/f2c.c',
+ 'lapack_lite/f2c_c_lapack.c',
+ 'lapack_lite/f2c_d_lapack.c',
+ 'lapack_lite/f2c_s_lapack.c',
+ 'lapack_lite/f2c_z_lapack.c',
+ 'lapack_lite/f2c_blas.c',
+ 'lapack_lite/f2c_config.c',
+ 'lapack_lite/f2c_lapack.c',
+ ]
- lapack_lite_module_src,
+ [
+ 'lapack_litemodule.c',
+ python_xerbla_sources,
+ lapack_lite_sources,
+ ],
dependencies: [np_core_dep, blas_dep, lapack_dep],
install: true,
subdir: 'numpy/linalg',
-_umath_linalg_src = ['umath_linalg.cpp'] + lapack_lite_sources
- _umath_linalg_src,
- dependencies: np_core_dep,
+ [
+ 'umath_linalg.cpp',
+ python_xerbla_sources,
+ lapack_lite_sources,
+ ],
+ dependencies: [np_core_dep, blas_dep, lapack_dep],
link_with: npymath_lib,
install: true,
subdir: 'numpy/linalg',
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/linalg/setup.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/linalg/setup.py
index 6f72635ab6..e357e294f7 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/linalg/setup.py
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/linalg/setup.py
@@ -51,7 +51,8 @@ def configuration(parent_package='', top_path=None):
# but use the "64_" convention here.
info['define_macros'] = [
('HAVE_BLAS_ILP64', None),
+ ('BLAS_SYMBOL_SUFFIX', '64_'),
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/linalg/tests/test_linalg.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/linalg/tests/test_linalg.py
index 8ba6420bda..a86adfcdd7 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/linalg/tests/test_linalg.py
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/linalg/tests/test_linalg.py
@@ -21,6 +21,13 @@ from numpy.testing import (
assert_almost_equal, assert_allclose, suppress_warnings,
assert_raises_regex, HAS_LAPACK64, IS_WASM
+ import numpy.linalg.lapack_lite
+except ImportError:
+ # May be broken when numpy was built without BLAS/LAPACK present
+ # If so, ensure we don't break the whole test suite - the `lapack_lite`
+ # submodule should be removed, it's only used in two tests in this file.
+ pass
def consistent_subclass(out, in_):
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/linalg/umath_linalg.cpp b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/linalg/umath_linalg.cpp
index a82cec8f16..0c0b35e9c0 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/linalg/umath_linalg.cpp
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/linalg/umath_linalg.cpp
@@ -4597,5 +4597,11 @@ PyMODINIT_FUNC PyInit__umath_linalg(void)
return NULL;
+#ifdef HAVE_BLAS_ILP64
+ PyDict_SetItemString(d, "_ilp64", Py_True);
+ PyDict_SetItemString(d, "_ilp64", Py_False);
return m;
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/ma/core.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/ma/core.py
index 2fe3268852..16f74e89e9 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/ma/core.py
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/ma/core.py
@@ -4127,6 +4127,9 @@ class MaskedArray(ndarray):
# Now take care of the mask; the merged mask should have an item
# masked if all fields were masked (in one and/or other).
mask = (mask == np.ones((), mask.dtype))
+ # Ensure we can compare masks below if other was not masked.
+ if omask is np.False_:
+ omask = np.zeros((), smask.dtype)
# For regular arrays, just use the data as they come.
@@ -4137,12 +4140,14 @@ class MaskedArray(ndarray):
if isinstance(check, (np.bool_, bool)):
return masked if mask else check
- if mask is not nomask and compare in (operator.eq, operator.ne):
- # Adjust elements that were masked, which should be treated
- # as equal if masked in both, unequal if masked in one.
- # Note that this works automatically for structured arrays too.
- # Ignore this for operations other than `==` and `!=`
- check = np.where(mask, compare(smask, omask), check)
+ if mask is not nomask:
+ if compare in (operator.eq, operator.ne):
+ # Adjust elements that were masked, which should be treated
+ # as equal if masked in both, unequal if masked in one.
+ # Note that this works automatically for structured arrays too.
+ # Ignore this for operations other than `==` and `!=`
+ check = np.where(mask, compare(smask, omask), check)
if mask.shape != check.shape:
# Guarantee consistency of the shape, making a copy since the
# the mask may need to get written to later.
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/ma/tests/test_core.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/ma/tests/test_core.py
index 6ab1d7e4f1..08ddc46c24 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/ma/tests/test_core.py
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/ma/tests/test_core.py
@@ -1310,8 +1310,8 @@ class TestMaskedArrayArithmetic:
m1 = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
xm = masked_array(x, mask=m1)
- float_dtypes = [np.half, np.single, np.double,
- np.longdouble, np.cfloat, np.cdouble, np.clongdouble]
+ float_dtypes = [np.float16, np.float32, np.float64, np.longdouble,
+ np.complex64, np.complex128, np.clongdouble]
for float_dtype in float_dtypes:
assert_equal(masked_array(x, mask=m1, dtype=float_dtype).max(),
@@ -1614,6 +1614,23 @@ class TestMaskedArrayArithmetic:
assert_equal(test.mask, [[False, False], [False, True]])
assert_(test.fill_value == True)
+ def test_eq_ne_structured_with_non_masked(self):
+ a = array([(1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 4)],
+ mask=[(0, 1), (0, 0), (1, 1)], dtype='i4,i4')
+ eq = a == a.data
+ ne = a.data != a
+ # Test the obvious.
+ assert_(np.all(eq))
+ assert_(not np.any(ne))
+ # Expect the mask set only for items with all fields masked.
+ expected_mask = a.mask == np.ones((), a.mask.dtype)
+ assert_array_equal(eq.mask, expected_mask)
+ assert_array_equal(ne.mask, expected_mask)
+ # The masked element will indicated not equal, because the
+ # masks did not match.
+ assert_equal(eq.data, [True, True, False])
+ assert_array_equal(eq.data, ~ne.data)
def test_eq_ne_structured_extra(self):
# ensure simple examples are symmetric and make sense.
# from https://github.com/numpy/numpy/pull/8590#discussion_r101126465
@@ -1745,6 +1762,23 @@ class TestMaskedArrayArithmetic:
assert_equal(test.mask, [True, False])
assert_(test.fill_value == True)
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize("op", [operator.eq, operator.lt])
+ def test_eq_broadcast_with_unmasked(self, op):
+ a = array([0, 1], mask=[0, 1])
+ b = np.arange(10).reshape(5, 2)
+ result = op(a, b)
+ assert_(result.mask.shape == b.shape)
+ assert_equal(result.mask, np.zeros(b.shape, bool) | a.mask)
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize("op", [operator.eq, operator.gt])
+ def test_comp_no_mask_not_broadcast(self, op):
+ # Regression test for failing doctest in MaskedArray.nonzero
+ # after gh-24556.
+ a = array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]])
+ result = op(a, 3)
+ assert_(not result.mask.shape)
+ assert_(result.mask is nomask)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('dt1', num_dts, ids=num_ids)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('dt2', num_dts, ids=num_ids)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('fill', [None, 1])
@@ -3444,7 +3478,7 @@ class TestMaskedArrayMethods:
raveled = x.ravel(order)
assert (raveled.filled(0) == 0).all()
- # NOTE: Can be wrong if arr order is neither C nor F and `order="K"`
+ # NOTE: Can be wrong if arr order is neither C nor F and `order="K"`
assert_array_equal(arr.ravel(order), x.ravel(order)._data)
def test_reshape(self):
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/meson.build b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/meson.build
index c9a4970a8a..a8f810c8e5 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/meson.build
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/meson.build
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
# We need -lm for all C code (assuming it uses math functions, which is safe to
-# assume for numpy).
+# assume for NumPy). For C++ it isn't needed, because libstdc++/libc++ is
+# guaranteed to depend on it.
m_dep = cc.find_library('m', required : false)
mlib_linkflag = ''
if m_dep.found()
@@ -9,15 +10,20 @@ endif
# Platform detection
is_windows = host_machine.system() == 'windows'
-is_mingw = is_windows and cc.get_id() == 'gcc'
+is_mingw = is_windows and cc.get_define('__MINGW32__') != ''
if is_mingw
- # For mingw-w64, link statically against the UCRT.
- gcc_link_args = ['-lucrt', '-static']
- add_project_link_arguments(gcc_link_args, language: ['c', 'cpp'])
- # Force gcc to float64 long doubles for compatibility with MSVC
- # builds, for C only.
- add_project_arguments('-mlong-double-64', language: 'c')
+ is_mingw_built_python = run_command(
+ py, ['-c', 'import sysconfig; print(sysconfig.get_platform())'],
+ check: true).stdout().strip().startswith('mingw')
+ if not is_mingw_built_python
+ # For mingw-w64, link statically against the UCRT.
+ gcc_link_args = ['-lucrt', '-static']
+ add_project_link_arguments(gcc_link_args, language: ['c', 'cpp'])
+ # Force gcc to float64 long doubles for compatibility with MSVC
+ # builds, for C only.
+ add_project_arguments('-mlong-double-64', language: 'c')
+ endif
# Make fprintf("%zd") work (see https://github.com/rgommers/scipy/issues/118)
add_project_arguments('-D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=1', language: ['c', 'cpp'])
@@ -47,72 +53,18 @@ else
-# TODO: 64-bit BLAS and LAPACK
-# Note that this works as long as BLAS and LAPACK are detected properly via
-# pkg-config. By default we look for OpenBLAS, other libraries can be configured via
-# `meson configure -Dblas=blas -Dlapack=lapack` (example to build with Netlib
-# BLAS and LAPACK).
-# For MKL and for auto-detecting one of multiple libs, we'll need a custom
-# dependency in Meson (like is done for scalapack) - see
-# https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson/issues/2835
blas_name = get_option('blas')
lapack_name = get_option('lapack')
-# pkg-config uses a lower-case name while CMake uses a capitalized name, so try
-# that too to make the fallback detection with CMake work
-if blas_name == 'openblas'
- blas = dependency(['openblas', 'OpenBLAS'], required: false)
- blas = dependency(blas_name, required: false)
-have_blas = blas.found()
-cblas = []
-if have_blas
- # Netlib BLAS has a separate `libcblas.so` which we use directly in the g77
- # ABI wrappers, so detect it and error out if we cannot find it. OpenBLAS can
- # be built without CBLAS too (see gh-23909, done by Arch Linux until
- # recently)
- # In the future, this should be done automatically for:
- # `dependency('blas', modules: cblas)`
- # see https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson/pull/10921.
- have_cblas = false
- if cc.links('''
- #include <cblas.h>
- int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
- {
- double a[4] = {1,2,3,4};
- double b[4] = {5,6,7,8};
- return cblas_ddot(4, a, 1, b, 1) > 10;
- }
- ''',
- dependencies: blas,
- name: 'CBLAS',
- )
- have_cblas = true
- else
- cblas = dependency('cblas', required: false)
- if cblas.found()
- have_cblas = true
- endif
- endif
-if lapack_name == 'openblas'
- lapack_name = ['openblas', 'OpenBLAS']
-lapack_dep = dependency(lapack_name, required: false)
-have_lapack = lapack_dep.found()
-dependency_map = {
- 'BLAS': blas,
- 'LAPACK': lapack_dep,
+allow_noblas = get_option('allow-noblas')
+# This is currently injected directly into CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS for wheel builds
+# (see cibuildwheel settings in pyproject.toml), but used by CI jobs already
+blas_symbol_suffix = get_option('blas-symbol-suffix')
use_ilp64 = get_option('use-ilp64')
if not use_ilp64
- # For now, keep supporting this environment variable too (same as in setup.py)
- # `false is the default for the CLI flag, so check if env var was set
+ # TODO: clean this up
+ # For now, keep supporting the `NPY_USE_BLAS_ILP64` environment variable too
+ # `false` is the default for the CLI flag, so check if env var was set
use_ilp64 = run_command(py,
@@ -122,31 +74,136 @@ if not use_ilp64
).stdout().strip() == '1'
-# BLAS and LAPACK are optional dependencies for NumPy. We can only use a BLAS
-# which provides a CBLAS interface.
-# TODO: add ILP64 support
-if have_blas
- c_args_blas = [] # note: used for C and C++ via `blas_dep` below
- if have_cblas
- c_args_blas += ['-DHAVE_CBLAS']
+if use_ilp64
+ blas_interface = ['interface: ilp64']
+ blas_interface = ['interface: lp64']
+# MKL-specific options
+_threading_opt = get_option('mkl-threading')
+if _threading_opt == 'auto'
+ # Switch default to iomp once conda-forge missing openmp.pc issue is fixed
+ mkl_opts = ['threading: seq']
+ mkl_opts = ['threading: ' + _threading_opt]
+blas_opts = {'mkl': mkl_opts}
+mkl_version_req = '>=2023.0' # see gh-24824
+mkl_may_use_sdl = not use_ilp64 and _threading_opt in ['auto', 'iomp']
+# Note that we can only use a BLAS which provides a CBLAS interface. So disable
+# BLAS completely if CBLAS is not found.
+# First try scipy-openblas, and if found don't look for cblas or lapack, we
+# know what's inside the scipy-openblas wheels already.
+if blas_name == 'openblas' or blas_name == 'auto'
+ blas = dependency('scipy-openblas', method: 'pkg-config', required: false)
+ if blas.found()
+ blas_name = 'scipy-openblas'
+ endif
+if blas_name == 'auto'
+ foreach _name : get_option('blas-order')
+ if _name == 'mkl'
+ blas = dependency('mkl',
+ modules: ['cblas'] + blas_interface + mkl_opts,
+ required: false, # may be required, but we need to emit a custom error message
+ version: mkl_version_req,
+ )
+ # Insert a second try with MKL, because we may be rejecting older versions
+ # or missing it because no pkg-config installed. If so, we need to retry
+ # with MKL SDL, and drop the version constraint (this always worked).
+ if not blas.found() and mkl_may_use_sdl
+ blas = dependency('mkl', modules: ['cblas', 'sdl: true'], required: false)
+ endif
+ else
+ if _name == 'flexiblas' and use_ilp64
+ _name = 'flexiblas64'
+ endif
+ blas = dependency(_name, modules: ['cblas'] + blas_interface, required: false)
+ endif
+ if blas.found()
+ break
+ endif
+ endforeach
+ if blas_name == 'mkl'
+ blas = dependency('mkl',
+ modules: ['cblas'] + blas_interface + mkl_opts,
+ required: false,
+ version: mkl_version_req,
+ )
+ # Same deal as above - try again for MKL
+ if not blas.found() and mkl_may_use_sdl
+ blas = dependency('mkl', modules: ['cblas', 'sdl: true'], required: false)
+ endif
+ else
+ blas = dependency(blas_name, modules: ['cblas'] + blas_interface, required: false)
+have_blas = blas.found()
+if have_blas
+ _args_blas = ['-DHAVE_CBLAS'] # note: used for C and C++ via `blas_dep` below
if use_ilp64
- c_args_blas += ['-DHAVE_BLAS_ILP64']
+ _args_blas += ['-DHAVE_BLAS_ILP64']
+ if 'openblas' in blas.name()
+ _args_blas += ['-DOPENBLAS_ILP64_NAMING_SCHEME']
+ endif
+ endif
+ if blas_symbol_suffix == 'auto'
+ if blas_name == 'scipy-openblas' and use_ilp64
+ blas_symbol_suffix = '64_'
+ else
+ blas_symbol_suffix = blas.get_variable('symbol_suffix', default_value: '')
+ endif
+ message(f'BLAS symbol suffix: @blas_symbol_suffix@')
- # This is currently injected directly into CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS for wheel builds
- # (see cibuildwheel settings in pyproject.toml)
- blas_symbol_suffix = get_option('blas-symbol-suffix')
if blas_symbol_suffix != ''
- c_args_blas += ['-DBLAS_SYMBOL_SUFFIX=' + blas_symbol_suffix]
+ _args_blas += ['-DBLAS_SYMBOL_SUFFIX=' + blas_symbol_suffix]
blas_dep = declare_dependency(
- dependencies: [blas, cblas],
- compile_args: c_args_blas,
+ dependencies: [blas],
+ compile_args: _args_blas,
- blas_dep = []
+ if allow_noblas
+ blas_dep = []
+ else
+ error('No BLAS library detected! Install one, or use the ' + \
+ '`allow-noblas` build option (note, this may be up to 100x slower ' + \
+ 'for some linear algebra operations).')
+ endif
+if 'mkl' in blas.name() or blas.name() == 'accelerate' or blas_name == 'scipy-openblas'
+ # For these libraries we know that they contain LAPACK, and it's desirable to
+ # use that - no need to run the full detection twice.
+ lapack = blas
+ if lapack_name == 'auto'
+ foreach _name : get_option('lapack-order')
+ lapack = dependency(_name, modules: ['lapack'] + blas_interface, required: false)
+ if lapack.found()
+ break
+ endif
+ endforeach
+ else
+ lapack = dependency(lapack_name, modules: ['lapack'] + blas_interface, required: false)
+ endif
+have_lapack = lapack.found()
+if not have_lapack and not allow_noblas
+ error('No LAPACK library detected! Install one, or use the ' + \
+ '`allow-noblas` build option (note, this may be up to 100x slower ' + \
+ 'for some linear algebra operations).')
+ lapack_dep = declare_dependency(dependencies: [lapack, blas_dep])
# Copy the main __init__.py|pxd files to the build dir (needed for Cython)
__init__py = fs.copyfile('__init__.py')
__init__pxd = fs.copyfile('__init__.pxd')
@@ -162,7 +219,6 @@ python_sources = [
- '_version.py',
@@ -171,10 +227,13 @@ python_sources = [
- 'py.typed',
- 'version.py'
+ 'py.typed'
+if blas_name == 'scipy-openblas'
+ python_sources += ['_distributor_init_local.py']
subdir: 'numpy'
@@ -187,15 +246,12 @@ src_file = generator(src_file_cli,
tempita_cli = find_program('_build_utils/tempita.py')
-tempita = generator(tempita_cli,
- arguments : ['@INPUT@', '--outfile', '@OUTPUT@'],
- output : '@BASENAME@'
pure_subdirs = [
+ '_core',
@@ -206,7 +262,7 @@ pure_subdirs = [
- 'typing',
+ 'typing'
if py.version().version_compare('<3.12')
pure_subdirs += 'distutils'
@@ -214,6 +270,30 @@ endif
np_dir = py.get_install_dir() / 'numpy'
+# Generate version.py for sdist
+ ['_build_utils/gitversion.py', '--meson-dist', '--write',
+ 'numpy/version.py']
+if not fs.exists('version.py')
+ generate_version = custom_target(
+ 'generate-version',
+ install: true,
+ build_always_stale: true,
+ build_by_default: true,
+ output: 'version.py',
+ input: '_build_utils/gitversion.py',
+ command: [py, '@INPUT@', '--write', '@OUTPUT@'],
+ install_dir: np_dir
+ )
+ # When building from sdist, version.py exists and should be included
+ py.install_sources(
+ ['version.py'],
+ subdir : 'numpy'
+ )
foreach subdir: pure_subdirs
install_subdir(subdir, install_dir: np_dir)
@@ -261,20 +341,31 @@ conf_data.set('CROSS_COMPILED', meson.is_cross_build())
conf_data.set('PYTHON_PATH', py.full_path())
conf_data.set('PYTHON_VERSION', py.language_version())
-# Dependencies information
+# BLAS/LAPACK dependency info. Ensure we report dependencies correctly for
+# `np.show_config()`; needs some special handling for the case BLAS was found
+# but CBLAS not (and hence BLAS was also disabled)
+dependency_map = {
+ 'LAPACK': lapack_dep,
+if have_blas
+ dependency_map += {'BLAS': blas}
+ conf_data.set('BLAS_NAME', blas_name)
+ conf_data.set('BLAS_FOUND', false)
foreach name, dep : dependency_map
conf_data.set(name + '_NAME', dep.name())
conf_data.set(name + '_FOUND', dep.found())
if dep.found()
conf_data.set(name + '_VERSION', dep.version())
conf_data.set(name + '_TYPE_NAME', dep.type_name())
- if dep.type_name() == 'pkgconfig'
- # CMake detection yields less info, so we need to leave it blank there
- conf_data.set(name + '_INCLUDEDIR', dep.get_variable('includedir'))
- conf_data.set(name + '_LIBDIR', dep.get_variable('libdir'))
- conf_data.set(name + '_OPENBLAS_CONFIG', dep.get_variable('openblas_config'))
- conf_data.set(name + '_PCFILEDIR', dep.get_variable('pcfiledir'))
- endif
+ # get_variable() results may be missing for a variety of reasons
+ conf_data.set(name + '_INCLUDEDIR', dep.get_variable('includedir', default_value: 'unknown'))
+ conf_data.set(name + '_LIBDIR', dep.get_variable('libdir', default_value: 'unknown'))
+ conf_data.set(name + '_OPENBLAS_CONFIG', dep.get_variable('openblas_config', default_value: 'unknown'))
+ conf_data.set(name + '_PCFILEDIR', dep.get_variable('pcfiledir', default_value: 'unknown'))
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/random/_examples/cython/setup.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/random/_examples/cython/setup.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e70a1fddca..0000000000
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/random/_examples/cython/setup.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-Build the Cython demonstrations of low-level access to NumPy random
-Usage: python setup.py build_ext -i
-from os.path import dirname, join, abspath
-from setuptools import setup
-from setuptools.extension import Extension
-import numpy as np
-from Cython.Build import cythonize
-path = dirname(__file__)
-src_dir = join(dirname(path), '..', 'src')
-defs = [('NPY_NO_DEPRECATED_API', 0)]
-inc_path = np.get_include()
-# Add paths for npyrandom and npymath libraries:
-lib_path = [
- abspath(join(np.get_include(), '..', '..', 'random', 'lib')),
- abspath(join(np.get_include(), '..', 'lib'))
-extending = Extension("extending",
- sources=[join('.', 'extending.pyx')],
- include_dirs=[
- np.get_include(),
- join(path, '..', '..')
- ],
- define_macros=defs,
- )
-distributions = Extension("extending_distributions",
- sources=[join('.', 'extending_distributions.pyx')],
- include_dirs=[inc_path],
- library_dirs=lib_path,
- libraries=['npyrandom', 'npymath'],
- define_macros=defs,
- )
-extensions = [extending, distributions]
- ext_modules=cythonize(extensions)
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/random/_generator.pyx b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/random/_generator.pyx
index a30d116c21..1bdba33565 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/random/_generator.pyx
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/random/_generator.pyx
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-#cython: wraparound=False, nonecheck=False, boundscheck=False, cdivision=True, language_level=3
+#cython: wraparound=False, nonecheck=False, boundscheck=False, cdivision=True, language_level=3, binding=False
import operator
import warnings
from collections.abc import Sequence
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ cdef int64_t _safe_sum_nonneg_int64(size_t num_colors, int64_t *colors):
cdef inline void _shuffle_raw_wrap(bitgen_t *bitgen, np.npy_intp n,
np.npy_intp first, np.npy_intp itemsize,
np.npy_intp stride,
- char* data, char* buf) nogil:
+ char* data, char* buf) noexcept nogil:
# We trick gcc into providing a specialized implementation for
# the most common case, yielding a ~33% performance improvement.
# Note that apparently, only one branch can ever be specialized.
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ cdef inline void _shuffle_raw_wrap(bitgen_t *bitgen, np.npy_intp n,
cdef inline void _shuffle_raw(bitgen_t *bitgen, np.npy_intp n,
np.npy_intp first, np.npy_intp itemsize,
np.npy_intp stride,
- char* data, char* buf) nogil:
+ char* data, char* buf) noexcept nogil:
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ cdef inline void _shuffle_raw(bitgen_t *bitgen, np.npy_intp n,
cdef inline void _shuffle_int(bitgen_t *bitgen, np.npy_intp n,
- np.npy_intp first, int64_t* data) nogil:
+ np.npy_intp first, int64_t* data) noexcept nogil:
@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ cdef class Generator:
>>> entropy = 0x3034c61a9ae04ff8cb62ab8ec2c4b501
>>> rng = np.random.default_rng(entropy)
- Create two new generators for example for parallel executation:
+ Create two new generators for example for parallel execution:
>>> child_rng1, child_rng2 = rng.spawn(2)
@@ -3477,7 +3477,7 @@ cdef class Generator:
# answer = 0.003 ... pretty unlikely!
+ cdef double HYPERGEOM_MAX = 10**9
cdef bint is_scalar = True
cdef np.ndarray ongood, onbad, onsample
cdef int64_t lngood, lnbad, lnsample
@@ -4408,6 +4408,7 @@ cdef class Generator:
if np.any(np.less(alpha_arr, 0)):
raise ValueError('alpha < 0')
alpha_data = <double*>np.PyArray_DATA(alpha_arr)
if size is None:
@@ -4467,17 +4468,23 @@ cdef class Generator:
csum += alpha_data[j]
alpha_csum_data[j] = csum
- with self.lock, nogil:
- while i < totsize:
- acc = 1.
- for j in range(k - 1):
- v = random_beta(&self._bitgen, alpha_data[j],
- alpha_csum_data[j + 1])
- val_data[i + j] = acc * v
- acc *= (1. - v)
- val_data[i + k - 1] = acc
- i = i + k
+ # If csum == 0, then all the values in alpha are 0, and there is
+ # nothing to do, because diric was created with np.zeros().
+ if csum > 0:
+ with self.lock, nogil:
+ while i < totsize:
+ acc = 1.
+ for j in range(k - 1):
+ v = random_beta(&self._bitgen, alpha_data[j],
+ alpha_csum_data[j + 1])
+ val_data[i + j] = acc * v
+ acc *= (1. - v)
+ if alpha_csum_data[j + 1] == 0:
+ # v must be 1, so acc is now 0. All
+ # remaining elements will be left at 0.
+ break
+ val_data[i + k - 1] = acc
+ i = i + k
# Standard case: Unit normalisation of a vector of gamma random
# variates
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/random/_mt19937.pyx b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/random/_mt19937.pyx
index 8b991254aa..c3f9206a1e 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/random/_mt19937.pyx
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/random/_mt19937.pyx
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+#cython: binding=False
import operator
import numpy as np
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/random/_pcg64.pyx b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/random/_pcg64.pyx
index f7891aa85b..75ffdddb7e 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/random/_pcg64.pyx
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/random/_pcg64.pyx
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+#cython: binding=False
import numpy as np
cimport numpy as np
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/random/_philox.pyx b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/random/_philox.pyx
index e5353460c8..291f8224ac 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/random/_philox.pyx
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/random/_philox.pyx
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+#cython: binding=False
from cpython.pycapsule cimport PyCapsule_New
import numpy as np
@@ -11,7 +13,7 @@ __all__ = ['Philox']
cdef extern from 'src/philox/philox.h':
struct s_r123array2x64:
@@ -30,7 +32,7 @@ cdef extern from 'src/philox/philox.h':
philox4x64_ctr_t *ctr
philox4x64_key_t *key
int buffer_pos
- uint64_t buffer[PHILOX_BUFFER_SIZE]
+ uint64_t *buffer
int has_uint32
uint32_t uinteger
@@ -193,11 +195,13 @@ cdef class Philox(BitGenerator):
self._bitgen.next_raw = &philox_uint64
cdef _reset_state_variables(self):
- self.rng_state.has_uint32 = 0
- self.rng_state.uinteger = 0
- self.rng_state.buffer_pos = PHILOX_BUFFER_SIZE
+ cdef philox_state *rng_state = &self.rng_state
+ rng_state[0].has_uint32 = 0
+ rng_state[0].uinteger = 0
+ rng_state[0].buffer_pos = PHILOX_BUFFER_SIZE
for i in range(PHILOX_BUFFER_SIZE):
- self.rng_state.buffer[i] = 0
+ rng_state[0].buffer[i] = 0
def state(self):
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/random/_sfc64.pyx b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/random/_sfc64.pyx
index 419045c1d3..2393979df6 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/random/_sfc64.pyx
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/random/_sfc64.pyx
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+#cython: binding=False
import numpy as np
cimport numpy as np
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/random/bit_generator.pyx b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/random/bit_generator.pyx
index 83441747a3..9028cb65bf 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/random/bit_generator.pyx
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/random/bit_generator.pyx
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+#cython: binding=False
BitGenerator base class and SeedSequence used to seed the BitGenerators.
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/random/meson.build b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/random/meson.build
index c582428f96..1802cf4ef5 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/random/meson.build
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/random/meson.build
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ npyrandom_sources = [
npyrandom_lib = static_library('npyrandom',
c_args: staticlib_cflags,
- # include_directories: '../core/include',
dependencies: [py_dep, np_core_dep],
install: true,
install_dir: np_dir / 'random/lib',
@@ -52,23 +51,26 @@ if host_machine.system() == 'cygwin'
c_args_random += ['-Wl,--export-all-symbols']
-# name, sources, extra link libs, extra c_args
+# name, sources, extra c_args, extra static libs to link
random_pyx_sources = [
- ['_bounded_integers', _bounded_integers_pyx, [], npymath_lib],
- ['_common', '_common.pyx', [], []],
- ['_mt19937', ['_mt19937.pyx', 'src/mt19937/mt19937.c', 'src/mt19937/mt19937-jump.c'], [], []],
- ['_philox', ['_philox.pyx', 'src/philox/philox.c'], [], []],
- ['_pcg64', ['_pcg64.pyx', 'src/pcg64/pcg64.c'], ['-U__GNUC_GNU_INLINE__'], []],
- ['_sfc64', ['_sfc64.pyx', 'src/sfc64/sfc64.c'], [], []],
- ['bit_generator', 'bit_generator.pyx', [], []],
+ ['_bounded_integers', _bounded_integers_pyx, [], [npyrandom_lib, npymath_lib]],
+ ['_common', '_common.pyx', [], [npyrandom_lib]],
+ ['_mt19937', ['_mt19937.pyx', 'src/mt19937/mt19937.c', 'src/mt19937/mt19937-jump.c'],
+ [], [npyrandom_lib]
+ ],
+ ['_philox', ['_philox.pyx', 'src/philox/philox.c'], [], [npyrandom_lib]],
+ ['_pcg64', ['_pcg64.pyx', 'src/pcg64/pcg64.c'], ['-U__GNUC_GNU_INLINE__'], [npyrandom_lib]],
+ ['_sfc64', ['_sfc64.pyx', 'src/sfc64/sfc64.c'], [], [npyrandom_lib]],
+ ['bit_generator', 'bit_generator.pyx', [], [npyrandom_lib]],
# The `fs.copyfile` usage here is needed because these two .pyx files import
# from _bounded_integers,and its pxd file is only present in the build directory
- ['_generator', fs.copyfile('_generator.pyx'), [], npymath_lib],
+ ['_generator', fs.copyfile('_generator.pyx'), [], [npyrandom_lib, npymath_lib]],
['mtrand', [
- ], ['-DNP_RANDOM_LEGACY=1'], npymath_lib,
+ ],
+ ['-DNP_RANDOM_LEGACY=1'], [npymath_lib],
foreach gen: random_pyx_sources
@@ -77,7 +79,7 @@ foreach gen: random_pyx_sources
c_args: [c_args_random, gen[2]],
include_directories: 'src',
dependencies: np_core_dep,
- link_with: [npyrandom_lib, gen[3]],
+ link_with: gen[3],
install: true,
subdir: 'numpy/random',
@@ -153,7 +155,6 @@ py.install_sources(
- '_examples/cython/setup.py',
subdir: 'numpy/random/_examples/cython'
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/random/mtrand.pyi b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/random/mtrand.pyi
index 271cb97874..b5f600652b 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/random/mtrand.pyi
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/random/mtrand.pyi
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+import builtins
from collections.abc import Callable
from typing import Any, Union, overload, Literal
@@ -224,7 +225,7 @@ class RandomState:
size: None | _ShapeLike = ...,
dtype: dtype[uint] | type[uint] | _UIntCodes | _SupportsDType[dtype[uint]] = ...,
) -> ndarray[Any, dtype[uint]]: ...
- def bytes(self, length: int) -> bytes: ...
+ def bytes(self, length: int) -> builtins.bytes: ...
def choice(
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/random/mtrand.pyx b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/random/mtrand.pyx
index d14d081644..9ffaa572d8 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/random/mtrand.pyx
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/random/mtrand.pyx
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-#cython: wraparound=False, nonecheck=False, boundscheck=False, cdivision=True, language_level=3
+#cython: wraparound=False, nonecheck=False, boundscheck=False, cdivision=True, language_level=3, binding=False
import operator
import warnings
from collections.abc import Sequence
@@ -4253,7 +4253,7 @@ cdef class RandomState:
x.shape = tuple(final_shape)
return x
- def multinomial(self, np.npy_intp n, object pvals, size=None):
+ def multinomial(self, long n, object pvals, size=None):
multinomial(n, pvals, size=None)
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/random/src/distributions/distributions.c b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/random/src/distributions/distributions.c
index cebeb07cf9..1241329151 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/random/src/distributions/distributions.c
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/random/src/distributions/distributions.c
@@ -403,11 +403,29 @@ float random_gamma_f(bitgen_t *bitgen_state, float shape, float scale) {
return scale * random_standard_gamma_f(bitgen_state, shape);
+#define BETA_TINY_THRESHOLD 3e-103
+ * Note: random_beta assumes that a != 0 and b != 0.
+ */
double random_beta(bitgen_t *bitgen_state, double a, double b) {
double Ga, Gb;
if ((a <= 1.0) && (b <= 1.0)) {
double U, V, X, Y, XpY;
+ /*
+ * When a and b are this small, the probability that the
+ * sample would be a double precision float that is not
+ * 0 or 1 is less than approx. 1e-100. So we use the
+ * proportion a/(a + b) and a single uniform sample to
+ * generate the result.
+ */
+ U = next_double(bitgen_state);
+ return (a + b)*U < a;
+ }
/* Use Johnk's algorithm */
while (1) {
@@ -417,8 +435,8 @@ double random_beta(bitgen_t *bitgen_state, double a, double b) {
Y = pow(V, 1.0 / b);
XpY = X + Y;
/* Reject if both U and V are 0.0, which is approx 1 in 10^106 */
- if ((XpY <= 1.0) && (XpY > 0.0)) {
- if (X + Y > 0) {
+ if ((XpY <= 1.0) && (U + V > 0.0)) {
+ if (XpY > 0) {
return X / XpY;
} else {
double logX = log(U) / a;
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/random/src/mt19937/randomkit.h b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/random/src/mt19937/randomkit.h
index abb082cb2e..5b933af2b2 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/random/src/mt19937/randomkit.h
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/random/src/mt19937/randomkit.h
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ extern void rk_random_uint8(npy_uint8 off, npy_uint8 rng, npy_intp cnt,
* Fills an array with cnt random npy_bool between off and off + rng
- * inclusive. It is assumed tha npy_bool as the same size as npy_uint8.
+ * inclusive. It is assumed that npy_bool is the same size as npy_uint8.
extern void rk_random_bool(npy_bool off, npy_bool rng, npy_intp cnt,
npy_bool *out, rk_state *state);
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/random/src/pcg64/pcg64.orig.h b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/random/src/pcg64/pcg64.orig.h
index 74be91f31a..a1b31bf889 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/random/src/pcg64/pcg64.orig.h
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/random/src/pcg64/pcg64.orig.h
@@ -766,7 +766,7 @@ inline void pcg_setseq_128_srandom_r(struct pcg_state_setseq_128 *rng,
* such as raw LCGs do better using a technique based on division.)
* Empricical tests show that division is preferable to modulus for
* reducting the range of an RNG. It's faster, and sometimes it can
- * even be statistically prefereable.
+ * even be statistically preferable.
/* Generation functions for XSH RS */
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/random/tests/test_extending.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/random/tests/test_extending.py
index 5ace080f1b..2783d1cdd9 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/random/tests/test_extending.py
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/random/tests/test_extending.py
@@ -1,13 +1,18 @@
+from importlib.util import spec_from_file_location, module_from_spec
import os
+import pathlib
import pytest
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
+import sysconfig
+import textwrap
import warnings
import numpy as np
-from numpy.distutils.misc_util import exec_mod_from_location
from numpy.testing import IS_WASM
import cffi
except ImportError:
@@ -38,30 +43,44 @@ else:
# other fixes in the 0.29 series that are needed even for earlier
# Python versions.
# Note: keep in sync with the one in pyproject.toml
- required_version = '0.29.30'
+ required_version = '0.29.35'
if _pep440.parse(cython_version) < _pep440.Version(required_version):
# too old or wrong cython, skip the test
cython = None
+ sys.platform == "win32" and sys.maxsize < 2**32,
+ reason="Failing in 32-bit Windows wheel build job, skip for now"
@pytest.mark.skipif(IS_WASM, reason="Can't start subprocess")
@pytest.mark.skipif(cython is None, reason="requires cython")
def test_cython(tmp_path):
+ import glob
+ # build the examples in a temporary directory
srcdir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..')
shutil.copytree(srcdir, tmp_path / 'random')
- # build the examples and "install" them into a temporary directory
build_dir = tmp_path / 'random' / '_examples' / 'cython'
- subprocess.check_call([sys.executable, 'setup.py', 'build', 'install',
- '--prefix', str(tmp_path / 'installdir'),
- '--single-version-externally-managed',
- '--record', str(tmp_path/ 'tmp_install_log.txt'),
- ],
- cwd=str(build_dir),
- )
+ target_dir = build_dir / "build"
+ os.makedirs(target_dir, exist_ok=True)
+ if sys.platform == "win32":
+ subprocess.check_call(["meson", "setup",
+ "--buildtype=release",
+ "--vsenv", str(build_dir)],
+ cwd=target_dir,
+ )
+ else:
+ subprocess.check_call(["meson", "setup", str(build_dir)],
+ cwd=target_dir
+ )
+ subprocess.check_call(["meson", "compile", "-vv"], cwd=target_dir)
# gh-16162: make sure numpy's __init__.pxd was used for cython
# not really part of this test, but it is a convenient place to check
- with open(build_dir / 'extending.c') as fid:
+ g = glob.glob(str(target_dir / "*" / "extending.pyx.c"))
+ with open(g[0]) as fid:
txt_to_find = 'NumPy API declarations from "numpy/__init__'
for i, line in enumerate(fid):
if txt_to_find in line:
@@ -69,21 +88,21 @@ def test_cython(tmp_path):
assert False, ("Could not find '{}' in C file, "
"wrong pxd used".format(txt_to_find))
- # get the path to the so's
- so1 = so2 = None
- with open(tmp_path /'tmp_install_log.txt') as fid:
- for line in fid:
- if 'extending.' in line:
- so1 = line.strip()
- if 'extending_distributions' in line:
- so2 = line.strip()
- assert so1 is not None
- assert so2 is not None
- # import the so's without adding the directory to sys.path
- exec_mod_from_location('extending', so1)
- extending_distributions = exec_mod_from_location(
- 'extending_distributions', so2)
+ # import without adding the directory to sys.path
+ suffix = sysconfig.get_config_var('EXT_SUFFIX')
+ def load(modname):
+ so = (target_dir / modname).with_suffix(suffix)
+ spec = spec_from_file_location(modname, so)
+ mod = module_from_spec(spec)
+ spec.loader.exec_module(mod)
+ return mod
+ # test that the module can be imported
+ load("extending")
+ load("extending_cpp")
# actually test the cython c-extension
+ extending_distributions = load("extending_distributions")
from numpy.random import PCG64
values = extending_distributions.uniforms_ex(PCG64(0), 10, 'd')
assert values.shape == (10,)
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/random/tests/test_generator_mt19937.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/random/tests/test_generator_mt19937.py
index 5c4c2cbf92..e744f5ba61 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/random/tests/test_generator_mt19937.py
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/random/tests/test_generator_mt19937.py
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ JUMP_TEST_DATA = [
@pytest.fixture(scope='module', params=[True, False])
def endpoint(request):
return request.param
@@ -145,6 +146,7 @@ class TestMultinomial:
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=match):
random.multinomial(1, pvals)
class TestMultivariateHypergeometric:
def setup_method(self):
@@ -644,7 +646,7 @@ class TestIntegers:
sample = self.rfunc(lbnd, ubnd, endpoint=endpoint, dtype=dt)
assert_equal(sample.dtype, dt)
- for dt in (bool, int, np.compat.long):
+ for dt in (bool, int):
lbnd = 0 if dt is bool else np.iinfo(dt).min
ubnd = 2 if dt is bool else np.iinfo(dt).max + 1
ubnd = ubnd - 1 if endpoint else ubnd
@@ -1238,6 +1240,25 @@ class TestRandomDist:
sample_mean = sample.mean(axis=0)
assert_allclose(sample_mean, exact_mean, rtol=1e-3)
+ # This set of parameters includes inputs with alpha.max() >= 0.1 and
+ # alpha.max() < 0.1 to exercise both generation methods within the
+ # dirichlet code.
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize(
+ 'alpha',
+ [[5, 9, 0, 8],
+ [0.5, 0, 0, 0],
+ [1, 5, 0, 0, 1.5, 0, 0, 0],
+ [0.01, 0.03, 0, 0.005],
+ [1e-5, 0, 0, 0],
+ [0.002, 0.015, 0, 0, 0.04, 0, 0, 0],
+ [0.0],
+ [0, 0, 0]],
+ )
+ def test_dirichlet_multiple_zeros_in_alpha(self, alpha):
+ alpha = np.array(alpha)
+ y = random.dirichlet(alpha)
+ assert_equal(y[alpha == 0], 0.0)
def test_exponential(self):
random = Generator(MT19937(self.seed))
actual = random.exponential(1.1234, size=(3, 2))
@@ -1467,7 +1488,7 @@ class TestRandomDist:
mu, np.empty((3, 2)))
assert_raises(ValueError, random.multivariate_normal,
mu, np.eye(3))
@pytest.mark.parametrize('mean, cov', [([0], [[1+1j]]), ([0j], [[1]])])
def test_multivariate_normal_disallow_complex(self, mean, cov):
random = Generator(MT19937(self.seed))
@@ -1847,7 +1868,6 @@ class TestBroadcast:
def setup_method(self):
self.seed = 123456789
def test_uniform(self):
random = Generator(MT19937(self.seed))
low = [0]
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/random/tests/test_generator_mt19937_regressions.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/random/tests/test_generator_mt19937_regressions.py
index 7c2b6867c0..f16af2b293 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/random/tests/test_generator_mt19937_regressions.py
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/random/tests/test_generator_mt19937_regressions.py
@@ -75,6 +75,17 @@ class TestRegression:
x = self.mt19937.beta(0.0001, 0.0001, size=100)
assert_(not np.any(np.isnan(x)), 'Nans in mt19937.beta')
+ def test_beta_very_small_parameters(self):
+ # gh-24203: beta would hang with very small parameters.
+ self.mt19937.beta(1e-49, 1e-40)
+ def test_beta_ridiculously_small_parameters(self):
+ # gh-24266: beta would generate nan when the parameters
+ # were subnormal or a small multiple of the smallest normal.
+ tiny = np.finfo(1.0).tiny
+ x = self.mt19937.beta(tiny/32, tiny/40, size=50)
+ assert not np.any(np.isnan(x))
def test_choice_sum_of_probs_tolerance(self):
# The sum of probs should be 1.0 with some tolerance.
# For low precision dtypes the tolerance was too tight.
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/random/tests/test_random.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/random/tests/test_random.py
index 0f4e7925a5..e64ace7119 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/random/tests/test_random.py
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/random/tests/test_random.py
@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ class TestRandint:
sample = self.rfunc(lbnd, ubnd, dtype=dt)
assert_equal(sample.dtype, np.dtype(dt))
- for dt in (bool, int, np.compat.long):
+ for dt in (bool, int):
lbnd = 0 if dt is bool else np.iinfo(dt).min
ubnd = 2 if dt is bool else np.iinfo(dt).max + 1
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/random/tests/test_randomstate.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/random/tests/test_randomstate.py
index 3a29610989..c77bfce883 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/random/tests/test_randomstate.py
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/random/tests/test_randomstate.py
@@ -183,6 +183,9 @@ class TestMultinomial:
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=match):
random.multinomial(1, pvals)
+ def test_multinomial_n_float(self):
+ # Non-index integer types should gracefully truncate floats
+ random.multinomial(100.5, [0.2, 0.8])
class TestSetState:
def setup_method(self):
@@ -422,7 +425,7 @@ class TestRandint:
sample = self.rfunc(lbnd, ubnd, dtype=dt)
assert_equal(sample.dtype, np.dtype(dt))
- for dt in (bool, int, np.compat.long):
+ for dt in (bool, int):
lbnd = 0 if dt is bool else np.iinfo(dt).min
ubnd = 2 if dt is bool else np.iinfo(dt).max + 1
@@ -812,10 +815,6 @@ class TestRandomDist:
alpha = np.array([5.4e-01, -1.0e-16])
assert_raises(ValueError, random.dirichlet, alpha)
- def test_dirichlet_zero_alpha(self):
- y = random.default_rng().dirichlet([5, 9, 0, 8])
- assert_equal(y[2], 0)
def test_dirichlet_alpha_non_contiguous(self):
a = np.array([51.72840233779265162, -1.0, 39.74494232180943953])
alpha = a[::2]
@@ -2061,6 +2060,7 @@ def test_randomstate_ctor_old_style_pickle():
assert_equal(state_a['has_gauss'], state_b['has_gauss'])
assert_equal(state_a['gauss'], state_b['gauss'])
def test_hot_swap(restore_singleton_bitgen):
# GH 21808
def_bg = np.random.default_rng(0)
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/setup.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/setup.py
index b6f879bcca..536224a811 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/setup.py
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/setup.py
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ def configuration(parent_package='',top_path=None):
+ config.add_subpackage('_core')
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/testing/_private/extbuild.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/testing/_private/extbuild.py
index 9b4e95366d..541f551151 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/testing/_private/extbuild.py
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/testing/_private/extbuild.py
@@ -6,8 +6,10 @@ See build_and_import_extensions for usage hints
import os
import pathlib
+import subprocess
import sys
import sysconfig
+import textwrap
__all__ = ['build_and_import_extension', 'compile_extension_module']
@@ -51,8 +53,6 @@ def build_and_import_extension(
>>> assert not mod.test_bytes(u'abc')
>>> assert mod.test_bytes(b'abc')
- from distutils.errors import CompileError
body = prologue + _make_methods(functions, modname)
init = """PyObject *mod = PyModule_Create(&moduledef);
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ def build_and_import_extension(
mod_so = compile_extension_module(
modname, build_dir, include_dirs, source_string)
- except CompileError as e:
+ except Exception as e:
# shorten the exception chain
raise RuntimeError(f"could not compile in {build_dir}:") from e
import importlib.util
@@ -186,9 +186,9 @@ def _c_compile(cfile, outputfilename, include_dirs=[], libraries=[],
elif sys.platform.startswith('linux'):
compile_extra = [
"-O0", "-g", "-Werror=implicit-function-declaration", "-fPIC"]
- link_extra = None
+ link_extra = []
- compile_extra = link_extra = None
+ compile_extra = link_extra = []
if sys.platform == 'win32':
link_extra = link_extra + ['/DEBUG'] # generate .pdb file
@@ -202,49 +202,46 @@ def _c_compile(cfile, outputfilename, include_dirs=[], libraries=[],
library_dirs.append(s + 'lib')
outputfilename = outputfilename.with_suffix(get_so_suffix())
- saved_environ = os.environ.copy()
- try:
- build(
- cfile, outputfilename,
- compile_extra, link_extra,
- include_dirs, libraries, library_dirs)
- finally:
- # workaround for a distutils bugs where some env vars can
- # become longer and longer every time it is used
- for key, value in saved_environ.items():
- if os.environ.get(key) != value:
- os.environ[key] = value
+ build(
+ cfile, outputfilename,
+ compile_extra, link_extra,
+ include_dirs, libraries, library_dirs)
return outputfilename
def build(cfile, outputfilename, compile_extra, link_extra,
include_dirs, libraries, library_dirs):
- "cd into the directory where the cfile is, use distutils to build"
- from numpy.distutils.ccompiler import new_compiler
- compiler = new_compiler(force=1, verbose=2)
- compiler.customize('')
- objects = []
- old = os.getcwd()
- os.chdir(cfile.parent)
- try:
- res = compiler.compile(
- [str(cfile.name)],
- include_dirs=include_dirs,
- extra_preargs=compile_extra
+ "use meson to build"
+ build_dir = cfile.parent / "build"
+ os.makedirs(build_dir, exist_ok=True)
+ so_name = outputfilename.parts[-1]
+ with open(cfile.parent / "meson.build", "wt") as fid:
+ includes = ['-I' + d for d in include_dirs]
+ link_dirs = ['-L' + d for d in library_dirs]
+ fid.write(textwrap.dedent(f"""\
+ project('foo', 'c')
+ shared_module('{so_name}', '{cfile.parts[-1]}',
+ c_args: {includes} + {compile_extra},
+ link_args: {link_dirs} + {link_extra},
+ link_with: {libraries},
+ name_prefix: '',
+ name_suffix: 'dummy',
- objects += [str(cfile.parent / r) for r in res]
- finally:
- os.chdir(old)
- compiler.link_shared_object(
- objects, str(outputfilename),
- libraries=libraries,
- extra_preargs=link_extra,
- library_dirs=library_dirs)
+ """))
+ if sys.platform == "win32":
+ subprocess.check_call(["meson", "setup",
+ "--buildtype=release",
+ "--vsenv", ".."],
+ cwd=build_dir,
+ )
+ else:
+ subprocess.check_call(["meson", "setup", "--vsenv", ".."],
+ cwd=build_dir
+ )
+ subprocess.check_call(["meson", "compile"], cwd=build_dir)
+ os.rename(str(build_dir / so_name) + ".dummy", cfile.parent / so_name)
def get_so_suffix():
ret = sysconfig.get_config_var('EXT_SUFFIX')
assert ret
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/testing/_private/utils.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/testing/_private/utils.py
index 3c3d3412a2..28dd656c4a 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/testing/_private/utils.py
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/testing/_private/utils.py
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ import numpy as np
from numpy.core import (
intp, float32, empty, arange, array_repr, ndarray, isnat, array)
from numpy import isfinite, isnan, isinf
-import numpy.linalg.lapack_lite
+import numpy.linalg._umath_linalg
from io import StringIO
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ IS_WASM = platform.machine() in ["wasm32", "wasm64"]
IS_PYPY = sys.implementation.name == 'pypy'
IS_PYSTON = hasattr(sys, "pyston_version_info")
HAS_REFCOUNT = getattr(sys, 'getrefcount', None) is not None and not IS_PYSTON
-HAS_LAPACK64 = numpy.linalg.lapack_lite._ilp64
+HAS_LAPACK64 = numpy.linalg._umath_linalg._ilp64
_OLD_PROMOTION = lambda: np._get_promotion_state() == 'legacy'
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/testing/_private/utils.pyi b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/testing/_private/utils.pyi
index 6e051e9141..6baefd83bd 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/testing/_private/utils.pyi
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/testing/_private/utils.pyi
@@ -20,7 +20,10 @@ from typing import (
-from typing_extensions import ParamSpec
+if sys.version_info >= (3, 10):
+ from typing import ParamSpec
+ from typing_extensions import ParamSpec
from numpy import generic, dtype, number, object_, bool_, _FloatValue
from numpy._typing import (
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/tests/test_ctypeslib.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/tests/test_ctypeslib.py
index 1ea0837008..965e547e7c 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/tests/test_ctypeslib.py
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/tests/test_ctypeslib.py
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
import sys
-import pytest
+import sysconfig
import weakref
from pathlib import Path
+import pytest
import numpy as np
from numpy.ctypeslib import ndpointer, load_library, as_array
-from numpy.distutils.misc_util import get_shared_lib_extension
from numpy.testing import assert_, assert_array_equal, assert_raises, assert_equal
@@ -52,12 +53,9 @@ class TestLoadLibrary:
# Regression for #801: load_library with a full library name
# (including extension) does not work.
- try:
- so = get_shared_lib_extension(is_python_ext=True)
- # Should succeed
- load_library('_multiarray_umath%s' % so, np.core._multiarray_umath.__file__)
- except ImportError:
- print("No distutils available, skipping test.")
+ so_ext = sysconfig.get_config_var('EXT_SUFFIX')
+ load_library('_multiarray_umath%s' % so_ext,
+ np.core._multiarray_umath.__file__)
except ImportError as e:
msg = ("ctypes is not available on this python: skipping the test"
" (import error was: %s)" % str(e))
@@ -215,6 +213,10 @@ class TestAsArray:
# shape argument is required
assert_raises(TypeError, as_array, p)
+ @pytest.mark.skipif(
+ sys.version_info == (3, 12, 0, "candidate", 1),
+ reason="Broken in 3.12.0rc1, see gh-24399",
+ )
def test_struct_array_pointer(self):
from ctypes import c_int16, Structure, pointer
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/tests/test_numpy_version.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/tests/test_numpy_version.py
index bccbcb8e9c..61643426c8 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/tests/test_numpy_version.py
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/tests/test_numpy_version.py
@@ -24,12 +24,9 @@ from numpy.testing import assert_
def test_valid_numpy_version():
# Verify that the numpy version is a valid one (no .post suffix or other
# nonsense). See gh-6431 for an issue caused by an invalid version.
- version_pattern = r"^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+(a[0-9]|b[0-9]|rc[0-9]|)"
- dev_suffix = r"(\.dev0|)(\+[0-9]*\.g[0-9a-f]+|)"
- if np.version.release:
- res = re.match(version_pattern + '$', np.__version__)
- else:
- res = re.match(version_pattern + dev_suffix + '$', np.__version__)
+ version_pattern = r"^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+(a[0-9]|b[0-9]|rc[0-9])?"
+ dev_suffix = r"(\.dev[0-9]+(\+git[0-9]+\.[0-9a-f]+)?)?"
+ res = re.match(version_pattern + dev_suffix + '$', np.__version__)
assert_(res is not None, np.__version__)
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/tests/test_public_api.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/tests/test_public_api.py
index 856167aee2..522a240fbf 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/tests/test_public_api.py
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/tests/test_public_api.py
@@ -129,12 +129,6 @@ PUBLIC_MODULES = ['numpy.' + s for s in [
- "distutils",
- "distutils.cpuinfo",
- "distutils.exec_command",
- "distutils.misc_util",
- "distutils.log",
- "distutils.system_info",
@@ -165,8 +159,20 @@ PUBLIC_MODULES = ['numpy.' + s for s in [
- "version",
+ "version" # Should be removed for NumPy 2.0
+if sys.version_info < (3, 12):
+ 'numpy.' + s for s in [
+ "distutils",
+ "distutils.cpuinfo",
+ "distutils.exec_command",
+ "distutils.misc_util",
+ "distutils.log",
+ "distutils.system_info",
+ ]
+ ]
@@ -195,62 +201,6 @@ PRIVATE_BUT_PRESENT_MODULES = ['numpy.' + s for s in [
- "core.umath_tests",
- "distutils.armccompiler",
- "distutils.fujitsuccompiler",
- "distutils.ccompiler",
- 'distutils.ccompiler_opt',
- "distutils.command",
- "distutils.command.autodist",
- "distutils.command.bdist_rpm",
- "distutils.command.build",
- "distutils.command.build_clib",
- "distutils.command.build_ext",
- "distutils.command.build_py",
- "distutils.command.build_scripts",
- "distutils.command.build_src",
- "distutils.command.config",
- "distutils.command.config_compiler",
- "distutils.command.develop",
- "distutils.command.egg_info",
- "distutils.command.install",
- "distutils.command.install_clib",
- "distutils.command.install_data",
- "distutils.command.install_headers",
- "distutils.command.sdist",
- "distutils.conv_template",
- "distutils.core",
- "distutils.extension",
- "distutils.fcompiler",
- "distutils.fcompiler.absoft",
- "distutils.fcompiler.arm",
- "distutils.fcompiler.compaq",
- "distutils.fcompiler.environment",
- "distutils.fcompiler.g95",
- "distutils.fcompiler.gnu",
- "distutils.fcompiler.hpux",
- "distutils.fcompiler.ibm",
- "distutils.fcompiler.intel",
- "distutils.fcompiler.lahey",
- "distutils.fcompiler.mips",
- "distutils.fcompiler.nag",
- "distutils.fcompiler.none",
- "distutils.fcompiler.pathf95",
- "distutils.fcompiler.pg",
- "distutils.fcompiler.nv",
- "distutils.fcompiler.sun",
- "distutils.fcompiler.vast",
- "distutils.fcompiler.fujitsu",
- "distutils.from_template",
- "distutils.intelccompiler",
- "distutils.lib2def",
- "distutils.line_endings",
- "distutils.mingw32ccompiler",
- "distutils.msvccompiler",
- "distutils.npy_pkg_config",
- "distutils.numpy_distribution",
- "distutils.pathccompiler",
- "distutils.unixccompiler",
@@ -292,6 +242,66 @@ PRIVATE_BUT_PRESENT_MODULES = ['numpy.' + s for s in [
+if sys.version_info < (3, 12):
+ 'numpy.' + s for s in [
+ "distutils.armccompiler",
+ "distutils.fujitsuccompiler",
+ "distutils.ccompiler",
+ 'distutils.ccompiler_opt',
+ "distutils.command",
+ "distutils.command.autodist",
+ "distutils.command.bdist_rpm",
+ "distutils.command.build",
+ "distutils.command.build_clib",
+ "distutils.command.build_ext",
+ "distutils.command.build_py",
+ "distutils.command.build_scripts",
+ "distutils.command.build_src",
+ "distutils.command.config",
+ "distutils.command.config_compiler",
+ "distutils.command.develop",
+ "distutils.command.egg_info",
+ "distutils.command.install",
+ "distutils.command.install_clib",
+ "distutils.command.install_data",
+ "distutils.command.install_headers",
+ "distutils.command.sdist",
+ "distutils.conv_template",
+ "distutils.core",
+ "distutils.extension",
+ "distutils.fcompiler",
+ "distutils.fcompiler.absoft",
+ "distutils.fcompiler.arm",
+ "distutils.fcompiler.compaq",
+ "distutils.fcompiler.environment",
+ "distutils.fcompiler.g95",
+ "distutils.fcompiler.gnu",
+ "distutils.fcompiler.hpux",
+ "distutils.fcompiler.ibm",
+ "distutils.fcompiler.intel",
+ "distutils.fcompiler.lahey",
+ "distutils.fcompiler.mips",
+ "distutils.fcompiler.nag",
+ "distutils.fcompiler.none",
+ "distutils.fcompiler.pathf95",
+ "distutils.fcompiler.pg",
+ "distutils.fcompiler.nv",
+ "distutils.fcompiler.sun",
+ "distutils.fcompiler.vast",
+ "distutils.fcompiler.fujitsu",
+ "distutils.from_template",
+ "distutils.intelccompiler",
+ "distutils.lib2def",
+ "distutils.line_endings",
+ "distutils.mingw32ccompiler",
+ "distutils.msvccompiler",
+ "distutils.npy_pkg_config",
+ "distutils.numpy_distribution",
+ "distutils.pathccompiler",
+ "distutils.unixccompiler",
+ ]
+ ]
def is_unexpected(name):
@@ -325,10 +335,14 @@ SKIP_LIST = [
- "numpy.distutils.msvc9compiler",
+ "numpy.core.umath_tests",
+if sys.version_info < (3, 12):
+ SKIP_LIST += ["numpy.distutils.msvc9compiler"]
+# suppressing warnings from deprecated modules
def test_all_modules_are_expected():
Test that we don't add anything that looks like a new public module by
@@ -353,9 +367,6 @@ def test_all_modules_are_expected():
# below
- 'numpy.distutils.log.sys',
- 'numpy.distutils.log.logging',
- 'numpy.distutils.log.warnings',
@@ -371,6 +382,12 @@ SKIP_LIST_2 = [
+if sys.version_info < (3, 12):
+ SKIP_LIST_2 += [
+ 'numpy.distutils.log.sys',
+ 'numpy.distutils.log.logging',
+ 'numpy.distutils.log.warnings',
+ ]
def test_all_modules_are_expected_2():
@@ -474,11 +491,7 @@ def test_api_importable():
- hasattr(np.__config__, "_built_with_meson"),
- reason = "Meson does not yet support entry points via pyproject.toml",
- sysconfig.get_config_var("Py_DEBUG") is not None,
+ sysconfig.get_config_var("Py_DEBUG") not in (None, 0, "0"),
"NumPy possibly built with `USE_DEBUG=True ./tools/travis-test.sh`, "
"which does not expose the `array_api` entry point. "
@@ -490,6 +503,11 @@ def test_array_api_entry_point():
Entry point for Array API implementation can be found with importlib and
returns the numpy.array_api namespace.
+ # For a development install that did not go through meson-python,
+ # the entrypoint will not have been installed. So ensure this test fails
+ # only if numpy is inside site-packages.
+ numpy_in_sitepackages = sysconfig.get_path('platlib') in np.__file__
eps = importlib.metadata.entry_points()
xp_eps = eps.select(group="array_api")
@@ -499,12 +517,19 @@ def test_array_api_entry_point():
# Array API entry points so that running this test in <=3.9 will
# still work - see https://github.com/numpy/numpy/pull/19800.
xp_eps = eps.get("array_api", [])
- assert len(xp_eps) > 0, "No entry points for 'array_api' found"
+ if len(xp_eps) == 0:
+ if numpy_in_sitepackages:
+ msg = "No entry points for 'array_api' found"
+ raise AssertionError(msg) from None
+ return
ep = next(ep for ep in xp_eps if ep.name == "numpy")
except StopIteration:
- raise AssertionError("'numpy' not in array_api entry points") from None
+ if numpy_in_sitepackages:
+ msg = "'numpy' not in array_api entry points"
+ raise AssertionError(msg) from None
+ return
xp = ep.load()
msg = (
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/mypy_plugin.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/mypy_plugin.py
index 1ffe74fa97..8ec9637016 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/mypy_plugin.py
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/mypy_plugin.py
@@ -75,8 +75,7 @@ def _get_precision_dict() -> dict[str, str]:
def _get_extended_precision_list() -> list[str]:
- extended_types = [np.ulonglong, np.longlong, np.longdouble, np.clongdouble]
- extended_names = {
+ extended_names = [
@@ -89,8 +88,8 @@ def _get_extended_precision_list() -> list[str]:
- }
- return [i.__name__ for i in extended_types if i.__name__ in extended_names]
+ ]
+ return [i for i in extended_names if hasattr(np, i)]
def _get_c_intp_name() -> str:
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/fail/lib_polynomial.pyi b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/fail/lib_polynomial.pyi
index ca02d7bde6..e51b6b58e3 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/fail/lib_polynomial.pyi
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/fail/lib_polynomial.pyi
@@ -8,6 +8,11 @@ AR_U: npt.NDArray[np.str_]
poly_obj: np.poly1d
+np.polymul(AR_f8, AR_U) # E: incompatible type
+np.polydiv(AR_f8, AR_U) # E: incompatible type
+5**poly_obj # E: No overload variant
np.polyint(AR_U) # E: incompatible type
np.polyint(AR_f8, m=1j) # E: No overload variant
@@ -22,8 +27,3 @@ np.polyfit(AR_f8, AR_f8, 1, cov="bob") # E: No overload variant
np.polyval(AR_f8, AR_U) # E: incompatible type
np.polyadd(AR_f8, AR_U) # E: incompatible type
np.polysub(AR_f8, AR_U) # E: incompatible type
-np.polymul(AR_f8, AR_U) # E: incompatible type
-np.polydiv(AR_f8, AR_U) # E: incompatible type
-5**poly_obj # E: No overload variant
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/fail/modules.pyi b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/fail/modules.pyi
index 59e724f22b..c86627e0c8 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/fail/modules.pyi
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/fail/modules.pyi
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ np.bob # E: Module has no attribute
# Stdlib modules in the namespace by accident
np.warnings # E: Module has no attribute
np.sys # E: Module has no attribute
-np.os # E: Module has no attribute
+np.os # E: Module "numpy" does not explicitly export
np.math # E: Module has no attribute
# Public sub-modules that are not imported to their parent module by default;
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/fail/npyio.pyi b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/fail/npyio.pyi
index c91b4c9cb8..1749a6847e 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/fail/npyio.pyi
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/fail/npyio.pyi
@@ -13,13 +13,10 @@ AR_i8: npt.NDArray[np.int64]
np.load(str_file) # E: incompatible type
np.save(bytes_path, AR_i8) # E: incompatible type
-np.save(str_file, AR_i8) # E: incompatible type
np.savez(bytes_path, AR_i8) # E: incompatible type
-np.savez(str_file, AR_i8) # E: incompatible type
np.savez_compressed(bytes_path, AR_i8) # E: incompatible type
-np.savez_compressed(str_file, AR_i8) # E: incompatible type
np.loadtxt(bytes_path) # E: incompatible type
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/misc/extended_precision.pyi b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/misc/extended_precision.pyi
index 1e495e4f3c..78d8d93c65 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/misc/extended_precision.pyi
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/misc/extended_precision.pyi
@@ -1,17 +1,25 @@
+import sys
import numpy as np
+from numpy._typing import _80Bit, _96Bit, _128Bit, _256Bit
+if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
+ from typing import assert_type
+ from typing_extensions import assert_type
+assert_type(np.uint128(), np.unsignedinteger[_128Bit])
+assert_type(np.uint256(), np.unsignedinteger[_256Bit])
+assert_type(np.int128(), np.signedinteger[_128Bit])
+assert_type(np.int256(), np.signedinteger[_256Bit])
+assert_type(np.float80(), np.floating[_80Bit])
+assert_type(np.float96(), np.floating[_96Bit])
+assert_type(np.float128(), np.floating[_128Bit])
+assert_type(np.float256(), np.floating[_256Bit])
+assert_type(np.complex160(), np.complexfloating[_80Bit, _80Bit])
+assert_type(np.complex192(), np.complexfloating[_96Bit, _96Bit])
+assert_type(np.complex256(), np.complexfloating[_128Bit, _128Bit])
+assert_type(np.complex512(), np.complexfloating[_256Bit, _256Bit])
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/mypy.ini b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/mypy.ini
index baad759bbd..1cc16e0396 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/mypy.ini
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/mypy.ini
@@ -2,9 +2,4 @@
plugins = numpy.typing.mypy_plugin
show_absolute_path = True
implicit_reexport = False
-ignore_errors = True
-ignore_errors = True
+pretty = True
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/pass/lib_utils.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/pass/lib_utils.py
index 65640c2887..53a3e17432 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/pass/lib_utils.py
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/pass/lib_utils.py
@@ -7,7 +7,10 @@ import numpy as np
FILE = StringIO()
AR = np.arange(10, dtype=np.float64)
-def func(a: int) -> bool: ...
+def func(a: int) -> bool:
+ return True
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/pass/modules.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/pass/modules.py
index 9261874d56..f2d779e20e 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/pass/modules.py
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/pass/modules.py
@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ np.polynomial.polynomial
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/pass/ufunc_config.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/pass/ufunc_config.py
index 2d13142457..58dd3e550a 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/pass/ufunc_config.py
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/pass/ufunc_config.py
@@ -2,18 +2,32 @@
import numpy as np
-def func1(a: str, b: int) -> None: ...
-def func2(a: str, b: int, c: float = ...) -> None: ...
-def func3(a: str, b: int) -> int: ...
+def func1(a: str, b: int) -> None:
+ return None
+def func2(a: str, b: int, c: float = 1.0) -> None:
+ return None
+def func3(a: str, b: int) -> int:
+ return 0
class Write1:
- def write(self, a: str) -> None: ...
+ def write(self, a: str) -> None:
+ return None
class Write2:
- def write(self, a: str, b: int = ...) -> None: ...
+ def write(self, a: str, b: int = 1) -> None:
+ return None
class Write3:
- def write(self, a: str) -> int: ...
+ def write(self, a: str) -> int:
+ return 0
_err_default = np.geterr()
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/arithmetic.pyi b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/arithmetic.pyi
index 0ca5e97729..6291fda6ce 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/arithmetic.pyi
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/arithmetic.pyi
@@ -1,7 +1,14 @@
+import sys
from typing import Any
import numpy as np
-from numpy._typing import NDArray, _128Bit
+import numpy.typing as npt
+from numpy._typing import _32Bit,_64Bit, _128Bit
+if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
+ from typing import assert_type
+ from typing_extensions import assert_type
# Can't directly import `np.float128` as it is not available on all platforms
f16: np.floating[_128Bit]
@@ -26,15 +33,15 @@ c = complex()
f = float()
i = int()
-AR_b: np.ndarray[Any, np.dtype[np.bool_]]
-AR_u: np.ndarray[Any, np.dtype[np.uint32]]
-AR_i: np.ndarray[Any, np.dtype[np.int64]]
-AR_f: np.ndarray[Any, np.dtype[np.float64]]
-AR_c: np.ndarray[Any, np.dtype[np.complex128]]
-AR_m: np.ndarray[Any, np.dtype[np.timedelta64]]
-AR_M: np.ndarray[Any, np.dtype[np.datetime64]]
-AR_O: np.ndarray[Any, np.dtype[np.object_]]
-AR_number: NDArray[np.number[Any]]
+AR_b: npt.NDArray[np.bool_]
+AR_u: npt.NDArray[np.uint32]
+AR_i: npt.NDArray[np.int64]
+AR_f: npt.NDArray[np.float64]
+AR_c: npt.NDArray[np.complex128]
+AR_m: npt.NDArray[np.timedelta64]
+AR_M: npt.NDArray[np.datetime64]
+AR_O: npt.NDArray[np.object_]
+AR_number: npt.NDArray[np.number[Any]]
AR_LIKE_b: list[bool]
AR_LIKE_u: list[np.uint32]
@@ -47,480 +54,463 @@ AR_LIKE_O: list[np.object_]
# Array subtraction
-reveal_type(AR_number - AR_number) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[number[Any]]]
-reveal_type(AR_b - AR_LIKE_u) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[Any]]]
-reveal_type(AR_b - AR_LIKE_i) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[Any]]]
-reveal_type(AR_b - AR_LIKE_f) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
-reveal_type(AR_b - AR_LIKE_c) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[complexfloating[Any, Any]]]
-reveal_type(AR_b - AR_LIKE_m) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[timedelta64]]
-reveal_type(AR_b - AR_LIKE_O) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_LIKE_u - AR_b) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[Any]]]
-reveal_type(AR_LIKE_i - AR_b) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[Any]]]
-reveal_type(AR_LIKE_f - AR_b) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
-reveal_type(AR_LIKE_c - AR_b) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[complexfloating[Any, Any]]]
-reveal_type(AR_LIKE_m - AR_b) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[timedelta64]]
-reveal_type(AR_LIKE_M - AR_b) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[datetime64]]
-reveal_type(AR_LIKE_O - AR_b) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_u - AR_LIKE_b) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[Any]]]
-reveal_type(AR_u - AR_LIKE_u) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[Any]]]
-reveal_type(AR_u - AR_LIKE_i) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[Any]]]
-reveal_type(AR_u - AR_LIKE_f) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
-reveal_type(AR_u - AR_LIKE_c) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[complexfloating[Any, Any]]]
-reveal_type(AR_u - AR_LIKE_m) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[timedelta64]]
-reveal_type(AR_u - AR_LIKE_O) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_LIKE_b - AR_u) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[Any]]]
-reveal_type(AR_LIKE_u - AR_u) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[Any]]]
-reveal_type(AR_LIKE_i - AR_u) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[Any]]]
-reveal_type(AR_LIKE_f - AR_u) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
-reveal_type(AR_LIKE_c - AR_u) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[complexfloating[Any, Any]]]
-reveal_type(AR_LIKE_m - AR_u) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[timedelta64]]
-reveal_type(AR_LIKE_M - AR_u) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[datetime64]]
-reveal_type(AR_LIKE_O - AR_u) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_i - AR_LIKE_b) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[Any]]]
-reveal_type(AR_i - AR_LIKE_u) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[Any]]]
-reveal_type(AR_i - AR_LIKE_i) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[Any]]]
-reveal_type(AR_i - AR_LIKE_f) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
-reveal_type(AR_i - AR_LIKE_c) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[complexfloating[Any, Any]]]
-reveal_type(AR_i - AR_LIKE_m) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[timedelta64]]
-reveal_type(AR_i - AR_LIKE_O) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_LIKE_b - AR_i) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[Any]]]
-reveal_type(AR_LIKE_u - AR_i) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[Any]]]
-reveal_type(AR_LIKE_i - AR_i) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[Any]]]
-reveal_type(AR_LIKE_f - AR_i) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
-reveal_type(AR_LIKE_c - AR_i) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[complexfloating[Any, Any]]]
-reveal_type(AR_LIKE_m - AR_i) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[timedelta64]]
-reveal_type(AR_LIKE_M - AR_i) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[datetime64]]
-reveal_type(AR_LIKE_O - AR_i) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_f - AR_LIKE_b) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
-reveal_type(AR_f - AR_LIKE_u) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
-reveal_type(AR_f - AR_LIKE_i) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
-reveal_type(AR_f - AR_LIKE_f) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
-reveal_type(AR_f - AR_LIKE_c) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[complexfloating[Any, Any]]]
-reveal_type(AR_f - AR_LIKE_O) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_LIKE_b - AR_f) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
-reveal_type(AR_LIKE_u - AR_f) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
-reveal_type(AR_LIKE_i - AR_f) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
-reveal_type(AR_LIKE_f - AR_f) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
-reveal_type(AR_LIKE_c - AR_f) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[complexfloating[Any, Any]]]
-reveal_type(AR_LIKE_O - AR_f) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_c - AR_LIKE_b) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[complexfloating[Any, Any]]]
-reveal_type(AR_c - AR_LIKE_u) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[complexfloating[Any, Any]]]
-reveal_type(AR_c - AR_LIKE_i) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[complexfloating[Any, Any]]]
-reveal_type(AR_c - AR_LIKE_f) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[complexfloating[Any, Any]]]
-reveal_type(AR_c - AR_LIKE_c) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[complexfloating[Any, Any]]]
-reveal_type(AR_c - AR_LIKE_O) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_LIKE_b - AR_c) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[complexfloating[Any, Any]]]
-reveal_type(AR_LIKE_u - AR_c) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[complexfloating[Any, Any]]]
-reveal_type(AR_LIKE_i - AR_c) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[complexfloating[Any, Any]]]
-reveal_type(AR_LIKE_f - AR_c) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[complexfloating[Any, Any]]]
-reveal_type(AR_LIKE_c - AR_c) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[complexfloating[Any, Any]]]
-reveal_type(AR_LIKE_O - AR_c) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_m - AR_LIKE_b) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[timedelta64]]
-reveal_type(AR_m - AR_LIKE_u) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[timedelta64]]
-reveal_type(AR_m - AR_LIKE_i) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[timedelta64]]
-reveal_type(AR_m - AR_LIKE_m) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[timedelta64]]
-reveal_type(AR_m - AR_LIKE_O) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_LIKE_b - AR_m) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[timedelta64]]
-reveal_type(AR_LIKE_u - AR_m) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[timedelta64]]
-reveal_type(AR_LIKE_i - AR_m) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[timedelta64]]
-reveal_type(AR_LIKE_m - AR_m) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[timedelta64]]
-reveal_type(AR_LIKE_M - AR_m) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[datetime64]]
-reveal_type(AR_LIKE_O - AR_m) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_M - AR_LIKE_b) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[datetime64]]
-reveal_type(AR_M - AR_LIKE_u) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[datetime64]]
-reveal_type(AR_M - AR_LIKE_i) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[datetime64]]
-reveal_type(AR_M - AR_LIKE_m) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[datetime64]]
-reveal_type(AR_M - AR_LIKE_M) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[timedelta64]]
-reveal_type(AR_M - AR_LIKE_O) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_LIKE_M - AR_M) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[timedelta64]]
-reveal_type(AR_LIKE_O - AR_M) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_O - AR_LIKE_b) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_O - AR_LIKE_u) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_O - AR_LIKE_i) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_O - AR_LIKE_f) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_O - AR_LIKE_c) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_O - AR_LIKE_m) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_O - AR_LIKE_M) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_O - AR_LIKE_O) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_LIKE_b - AR_O) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_LIKE_u - AR_O) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_LIKE_i - AR_O) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_LIKE_f - AR_O) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_LIKE_c - AR_O) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_LIKE_m - AR_O) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_LIKE_M - AR_O) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_LIKE_O - AR_O) # E: Any
+assert_type(AR_number - AR_number, npt.NDArray[np.number[Any]])
+assert_type(AR_b - AR_LIKE_u, npt.NDArray[np.unsignedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(AR_b - AR_LIKE_i, npt.NDArray[np.signedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(AR_b - AR_LIKE_f, npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(AR_b - AR_LIKE_c, npt.NDArray[np.complexfloating[Any, Any]])
+assert_type(AR_b - AR_LIKE_m, npt.NDArray[np.timedelta64])
+assert_type(AR_b - AR_LIKE_O, Any)
+assert_type(AR_LIKE_u - AR_b, npt.NDArray[np.unsignedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(AR_LIKE_i - AR_b, npt.NDArray[np.signedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(AR_LIKE_f - AR_b, npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(AR_LIKE_c - AR_b, npt.NDArray[np.complexfloating[Any, Any]])
+assert_type(AR_LIKE_m - AR_b, npt.NDArray[np.timedelta64])
+assert_type(AR_LIKE_M - AR_b, npt.NDArray[np.datetime64])
+assert_type(AR_LIKE_O - AR_b, Any)
+assert_type(AR_u - AR_LIKE_b, npt.NDArray[np.unsignedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(AR_u - AR_LIKE_u, npt.NDArray[np.unsignedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(AR_u - AR_LIKE_i, npt.NDArray[np.signedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(AR_u - AR_LIKE_f, npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(AR_u - AR_LIKE_c, npt.NDArray[np.complexfloating[Any, Any]])
+assert_type(AR_u - AR_LIKE_m, npt.NDArray[np.timedelta64])
+assert_type(AR_u - AR_LIKE_O, Any)
+assert_type(AR_LIKE_b - AR_u, npt.NDArray[np.unsignedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(AR_LIKE_u - AR_u, npt.NDArray[np.unsignedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(AR_LIKE_i - AR_u, npt.NDArray[np.signedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(AR_LIKE_f - AR_u, npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(AR_LIKE_c - AR_u, npt.NDArray[np.complexfloating[Any, Any]])
+assert_type(AR_LIKE_m - AR_u, npt.NDArray[np.timedelta64])
+assert_type(AR_LIKE_M - AR_u, npt.NDArray[np.datetime64])
+assert_type(AR_LIKE_O - AR_u, Any)
+assert_type(AR_i - AR_LIKE_b, npt.NDArray[np.signedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(AR_i - AR_LIKE_u, npt.NDArray[np.signedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(AR_i - AR_LIKE_i, npt.NDArray[np.signedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(AR_i - AR_LIKE_f, npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(AR_i - AR_LIKE_c, npt.NDArray[np.complexfloating[Any, Any]])
+assert_type(AR_i - AR_LIKE_m, npt.NDArray[np.timedelta64])
+assert_type(AR_i - AR_LIKE_O, Any)
+assert_type(AR_LIKE_b - AR_i, npt.NDArray[np.signedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(AR_LIKE_u - AR_i, npt.NDArray[np.signedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(AR_LIKE_i - AR_i, npt.NDArray[np.signedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(AR_LIKE_f - AR_i, npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(AR_LIKE_c - AR_i, npt.NDArray[np.complexfloating[Any, Any]])
+assert_type(AR_LIKE_m - AR_i, npt.NDArray[np.timedelta64])
+assert_type(AR_LIKE_M - AR_i, npt.NDArray[np.datetime64])
+assert_type(AR_LIKE_O - AR_i, Any)
+assert_type(AR_f - AR_LIKE_b, npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(AR_f - AR_LIKE_u, npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(AR_f - AR_LIKE_i, npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(AR_f - AR_LIKE_f, npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(AR_f - AR_LIKE_c, npt.NDArray[np.complexfloating[Any, Any]])
+assert_type(AR_f - AR_LIKE_O, Any)
+assert_type(AR_LIKE_b - AR_f, npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(AR_LIKE_u - AR_f, npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(AR_LIKE_i - AR_f, npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(AR_LIKE_f - AR_f, npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(AR_LIKE_c - AR_f, npt.NDArray[np.complexfloating[Any, Any]])
+assert_type(AR_LIKE_O - AR_f, Any)
+assert_type(AR_c - AR_LIKE_b, npt.NDArray[np.complexfloating[Any, Any]])
+assert_type(AR_c - AR_LIKE_u, npt.NDArray[np.complexfloating[Any, Any]])
+assert_type(AR_c - AR_LIKE_i, npt.NDArray[np.complexfloating[Any, Any]])
+assert_type(AR_c - AR_LIKE_f, npt.NDArray[np.complexfloating[Any, Any]])
+assert_type(AR_c - AR_LIKE_c, npt.NDArray[np.complexfloating[Any, Any]])
+assert_type(AR_c - AR_LIKE_O, Any)
+assert_type(AR_LIKE_b - AR_c, npt.NDArray[np.complexfloating[Any, Any]])
+assert_type(AR_LIKE_u - AR_c, npt.NDArray[np.complexfloating[Any, Any]])
+assert_type(AR_LIKE_i - AR_c, npt.NDArray[np.complexfloating[Any, Any]])
+assert_type(AR_LIKE_f - AR_c, npt.NDArray[np.complexfloating[Any, Any]])
+assert_type(AR_LIKE_c - AR_c, npt.NDArray[np.complexfloating[Any, Any]])
+assert_type(AR_LIKE_O - AR_c, Any)
+assert_type(AR_m - AR_LIKE_b, npt.NDArray[np.timedelta64])
+assert_type(AR_m - AR_LIKE_u, npt.NDArray[np.timedelta64])
+assert_type(AR_m - AR_LIKE_i, npt.NDArray[np.timedelta64])
+assert_type(AR_m - AR_LIKE_m, npt.NDArray[np.timedelta64])
+assert_type(AR_m - AR_LIKE_O, Any)
+assert_type(AR_LIKE_b - AR_m, npt.NDArray[np.timedelta64])
+assert_type(AR_LIKE_u - AR_m, npt.NDArray[np.timedelta64])
+assert_type(AR_LIKE_i - AR_m, npt.NDArray[np.timedelta64])
+assert_type(AR_LIKE_m - AR_m, npt.NDArray[np.timedelta64])
+assert_type(AR_LIKE_M - AR_m, npt.NDArray[np.datetime64])
+assert_type(AR_LIKE_O - AR_m, Any)
+assert_type(AR_M - AR_LIKE_b, npt.NDArray[np.datetime64])
+assert_type(AR_M - AR_LIKE_u, npt.NDArray[np.datetime64])
+assert_type(AR_M - AR_LIKE_i, npt.NDArray[np.datetime64])
+assert_type(AR_M - AR_LIKE_m, npt.NDArray[np.datetime64])
+assert_type(AR_M - AR_LIKE_M, npt.NDArray[np.timedelta64])
+assert_type(AR_M - AR_LIKE_O, Any)
+assert_type(AR_LIKE_M - AR_M, npt.NDArray[np.timedelta64])
+assert_type(AR_LIKE_O - AR_M, Any)
+assert_type(AR_O - AR_LIKE_b, Any)
+assert_type(AR_O - AR_LIKE_u, Any)
+assert_type(AR_O - AR_LIKE_i, Any)
+assert_type(AR_O - AR_LIKE_f, Any)
+assert_type(AR_O - AR_LIKE_c, Any)
+assert_type(AR_O - AR_LIKE_m, Any)
+assert_type(AR_O - AR_LIKE_M, Any)
+assert_type(AR_O - AR_LIKE_O, Any)
+assert_type(AR_LIKE_b - AR_O, Any)
+assert_type(AR_LIKE_u - AR_O, Any)
+assert_type(AR_LIKE_i - AR_O, Any)
+assert_type(AR_LIKE_f - AR_O, Any)
+assert_type(AR_LIKE_c - AR_O, Any)
+assert_type(AR_LIKE_m - AR_O, Any)
+assert_type(AR_LIKE_M - AR_O, Any)
+assert_type(AR_LIKE_O - AR_O, Any)
# Array floor division
-reveal_type(AR_b // AR_LIKE_b) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int8}]]
-reveal_type(AR_b // AR_LIKE_u) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[Any]]]
-reveal_type(AR_b // AR_LIKE_i) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[Any]]]
-reveal_type(AR_b // AR_LIKE_f) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
-reveal_type(AR_b // AR_LIKE_O) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_LIKE_b // AR_b) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int8}]]
-reveal_type(AR_LIKE_u // AR_b) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[Any]]]
-reveal_type(AR_LIKE_i // AR_b) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[Any]]]
-reveal_type(AR_LIKE_f // AR_b) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
-reveal_type(AR_LIKE_O // AR_b) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_u // AR_LIKE_b) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[Any]]]
-reveal_type(AR_u // AR_LIKE_u) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[Any]]]
-reveal_type(AR_u // AR_LIKE_i) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[Any]]]
-reveal_type(AR_u // AR_LIKE_f) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
-reveal_type(AR_u // AR_LIKE_O) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_LIKE_b // AR_u) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[Any]]]
-reveal_type(AR_LIKE_u // AR_u) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[Any]]]
-reveal_type(AR_LIKE_i // AR_u) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[Any]]]
-reveal_type(AR_LIKE_f // AR_u) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
-reveal_type(AR_LIKE_m // AR_u) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[timedelta64]]
-reveal_type(AR_LIKE_O // AR_u) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_i // AR_LIKE_b) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[Any]]]
-reveal_type(AR_i // AR_LIKE_u) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[Any]]]
-reveal_type(AR_i // AR_LIKE_i) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[Any]]]
-reveal_type(AR_i // AR_LIKE_f) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
-reveal_type(AR_i // AR_LIKE_O) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_LIKE_b // AR_i) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[Any]]]
-reveal_type(AR_LIKE_u // AR_i) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[Any]]]
-reveal_type(AR_LIKE_i // AR_i) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[Any]]]
-reveal_type(AR_LIKE_f // AR_i) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
-reveal_type(AR_LIKE_m // AR_i) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[timedelta64]]
-reveal_type(AR_LIKE_O // AR_i) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_f // AR_LIKE_b) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
-reveal_type(AR_f // AR_LIKE_u) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
-reveal_type(AR_f // AR_LIKE_i) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
-reveal_type(AR_f // AR_LIKE_f) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
-reveal_type(AR_f // AR_LIKE_O) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_LIKE_b // AR_f) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
-reveal_type(AR_LIKE_u // AR_f) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
-reveal_type(AR_LIKE_i // AR_f) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
-reveal_type(AR_LIKE_f // AR_f) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
-reveal_type(AR_LIKE_m // AR_f) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[timedelta64]]
-reveal_type(AR_LIKE_O // AR_f) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_m // AR_LIKE_u) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[timedelta64]]
-reveal_type(AR_m // AR_LIKE_i) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[timedelta64]]
-reveal_type(AR_m // AR_LIKE_f) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[timedelta64]]
-reveal_type(AR_m // AR_LIKE_m) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int64}]]
-reveal_type(AR_m // AR_LIKE_O) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_LIKE_m // AR_m) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int64}]]
-reveal_type(AR_LIKE_O // AR_m) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_O // AR_LIKE_b) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_O // AR_LIKE_u) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_O // AR_LIKE_i) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_O // AR_LIKE_f) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_O // AR_LIKE_m) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_O // AR_LIKE_M) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_O // AR_LIKE_O) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_LIKE_b // AR_O) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_LIKE_u // AR_O) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_LIKE_i // AR_O) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_LIKE_f // AR_O) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_LIKE_m // AR_O) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_LIKE_M // AR_O) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_LIKE_O // AR_O) # E: Any
+assert_type(AR_b // AR_LIKE_b, npt.NDArray[np.int8])
+assert_type(AR_b // AR_LIKE_u, npt.NDArray[np.unsignedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(AR_b // AR_LIKE_i, npt.NDArray[np.signedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(AR_b // AR_LIKE_f, npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(AR_b // AR_LIKE_O, Any)
+assert_type(AR_LIKE_b // AR_b, npt.NDArray[np.int8])
+assert_type(AR_LIKE_u // AR_b, npt.NDArray[np.unsignedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(AR_LIKE_i // AR_b, npt.NDArray[np.signedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(AR_LIKE_f // AR_b, npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(AR_LIKE_O // AR_b, Any)
+assert_type(AR_u // AR_LIKE_b, npt.NDArray[np.unsignedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(AR_u // AR_LIKE_u, npt.NDArray[np.unsignedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(AR_u // AR_LIKE_i, npt.NDArray[np.signedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(AR_u // AR_LIKE_f, npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(AR_u // AR_LIKE_O, Any)
+assert_type(AR_LIKE_b // AR_u, npt.NDArray[np.unsignedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(AR_LIKE_u // AR_u, npt.NDArray[np.unsignedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(AR_LIKE_i // AR_u, npt.NDArray[np.signedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(AR_LIKE_f // AR_u, npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(AR_LIKE_m // AR_u, npt.NDArray[np.timedelta64])
+assert_type(AR_LIKE_O // AR_u, Any)
+assert_type(AR_i // AR_LIKE_b, npt.NDArray[np.signedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(AR_i // AR_LIKE_u, npt.NDArray[np.signedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(AR_i // AR_LIKE_i, npt.NDArray[np.signedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(AR_i // AR_LIKE_f, npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(AR_i // AR_LIKE_O, Any)
+assert_type(AR_LIKE_b // AR_i, npt.NDArray[np.signedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(AR_LIKE_u // AR_i, npt.NDArray[np.signedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(AR_LIKE_i // AR_i, npt.NDArray[np.signedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(AR_LIKE_f // AR_i, npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(AR_LIKE_m // AR_i, npt.NDArray[np.timedelta64])
+assert_type(AR_LIKE_O // AR_i, Any)
+assert_type(AR_f // AR_LIKE_b, npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(AR_f // AR_LIKE_u, npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(AR_f // AR_LIKE_i, npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(AR_f // AR_LIKE_f, npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(AR_f // AR_LIKE_O, Any)
+assert_type(AR_LIKE_b // AR_f, npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(AR_LIKE_u // AR_f, npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(AR_LIKE_i // AR_f, npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(AR_LIKE_f // AR_f, npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(AR_LIKE_m // AR_f, npt.NDArray[np.timedelta64])
+assert_type(AR_LIKE_O // AR_f, Any)
+assert_type(AR_m // AR_LIKE_u, npt.NDArray[np.timedelta64])
+assert_type(AR_m // AR_LIKE_i, npt.NDArray[np.timedelta64])
+assert_type(AR_m // AR_LIKE_f, npt.NDArray[np.timedelta64])
+assert_type(AR_m // AR_LIKE_m, npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(AR_m // AR_LIKE_O, Any)
+assert_type(AR_LIKE_m // AR_m, npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(AR_LIKE_O // AR_m, Any)
+assert_type(AR_O // AR_LIKE_b, Any)
+assert_type(AR_O // AR_LIKE_u, Any)
+assert_type(AR_O // AR_LIKE_i, Any)
+assert_type(AR_O // AR_LIKE_f, Any)
+assert_type(AR_O // AR_LIKE_m, Any)
+assert_type(AR_O // AR_LIKE_M, Any)
+assert_type(AR_O // AR_LIKE_O, Any)
+assert_type(AR_LIKE_b // AR_O, Any)
+assert_type(AR_LIKE_u // AR_O, Any)
+assert_type(AR_LIKE_i // AR_O, Any)
+assert_type(AR_LIKE_f // AR_O, Any)
+assert_type(AR_LIKE_m // AR_O, Any)
+assert_type(AR_LIKE_M // AR_O, Any)
+assert_type(AR_LIKE_O // AR_O, Any)
# unary ops
-reveal_type(-f16) # E: {float128}
-reveal_type(-c16) # E: {complex128}
-reveal_type(-c8) # E: {complex64}
-reveal_type(-f8) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(-f4) # E: {float32}
-reveal_type(-i8) # E: {int64}
-reveal_type(-i4) # E: {int32}
-reveal_type(-u8) # E: {uint64}
-reveal_type(-u4) # E: {uint32}
-reveal_type(-td) # E: timedelta64
-reveal_type(-AR_f) # E: Any
-reveal_type(+f16) # E: {float128}
-reveal_type(+c16) # E: {complex128}
-reveal_type(+c8) # E: {complex64}
-reveal_type(+f8) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(+f4) # E: {float32}
-reveal_type(+i8) # E: {int64}
-reveal_type(+i4) # E: {int32}
-reveal_type(+u8) # E: {uint64}
-reveal_type(+u4) # E: {uint32}
-reveal_type(+td) # E: timedelta64
-reveal_type(+AR_f) # E: Any
-reveal_type(abs(f16)) # E: {float128}
-reveal_type(abs(c16)) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(abs(c8)) # E: {float32}
-reveal_type(abs(f8)) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(abs(f4)) # E: {float32}
-reveal_type(abs(i8)) # E: {int64}
-reveal_type(abs(i4)) # E: {int32}
-reveal_type(abs(u8)) # E: {uint64}
-reveal_type(abs(u4)) # E: {uint32}
-reveal_type(abs(td)) # E: timedelta64
-reveal_type(abs(b_)) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(abs(AR_f)) # E: Any
+assert_type(-f16, np.floating[_128Bit])
+assert_type(-c16, np.complex128)
+assert_type(-c8, np.complex64)
+assert_type(-f8, np.float64)
+assert_type(-f4, np.float32)
+assert_type(-i8, np.int64)
+assert_type(-i4, np.int32)
+assert_type(-u8, np.uint64)
+assert_type(-u4, np.uint32)
+assert_type(-td, np.timedelta64)
+assert_type(-AR_f, npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(+f16, np.floating[_128Bit])
+assert_type(+c16, np.complex128)
+assert_type(+c8, np.complex64)
+assert_type(+f8, np.float64)
+assert_type(+f4, np.float32)
+assert_type(+i8, np.int64)
+assert_type(+i4, np.int32)
+assert_type(+u8, np.uint64)
+assert_type(+u4, np.uint32)
+assert_type(+td, np.timedelta64)
+assert_type(+AR_f, npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(abs(f16), np.floating[_128Bit])
+assert_type(abs(c16), np.float64)
+assert_type(abs(c8), np.float32)
+assert_type(abs(f8), np.float64)
+assert_type(abs(f4), np.float32)
+assert_type(abs(i8), np.int64)
+assert_type(abs(i4), np.int32)
+assert_type(abs(u8), np.uint64)
+assert_type(abs(u4), np.uint32)
+assert_type(abs(td), np.timedelta64)
+assert_type(abs(b_), np.bool_)
# Time structures
-reveal_type(dt + td) # E: datetime64
-reveal_type(dt + i) # E: datetime64
-reveal_type(dt + i4) # E: datetime64
-reveal_type(dt + i8) # E: datetime64
-reveal_type(dt - dt) # E: timedelta64
-reveal_type(dt - i) # E: datetime64
-reveal_type(dt - i4) # E: datetime64
-reveal_type(dt - i8) # E: datetime64
-reveal_type(td + td) # E: timedelta64
-reveal_type(td + i) # E: timedelta64
-reveal_type(td + i4) # E: timedelta64
-reveal_type(td + i8) # E: timedelta64
-reveal_type(td - td) # E: timedelta64
-reveal_type(td - i) # E: timedelta64
-reveal_type(td - i4) # E: timedelta64
-reveal_type(td - i8) # E: timedelta64
-reveal_type(td / f) # E: timedelta64
-reveal_type(td / f4) # E: timedelta64
-reveal_type(td / f8) # E: timedelta64
-reveal_type(td / td) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(td // td) # E: {int64}
+assert_type(dt + td, np.datetime64)
+assert_type(dt + i, np.datetime64)
+assert_type(dt + i4, np.datetime64)
+assert_type(dt + i8, np.datetime64)
+assert_type(dt - dt, np.timedelta64)
+assert_type(dt - i, np.datetime64)
+assert_type(dt - i4, np.datetime64)
+assert_type(dt - i8, np.datetime64)
+assert_type(td + td, np.timedelta64)
+assert_type(td + i, np.timedelta64)
+assert_type(td + i4, np.timedelta64)
+assert_type(td + i8, np.timedelta64)
+assert_type(td - td, np.timedelta64)
+assert_type(td - i, np.timedelta64)
+assert_type(td - i4, np.timedelta64)
+assert_type(td - i8, np.timedelta64)
+assert_type(td / f, np.timedelta64)
+assert_type(td / f4, np.timedelta64)
+assert_type(td / f8, np.timedelta64)
+assert_type(td / td, np.float64)
+assert_type(td // td, np.int64)
# boolean
-reveal_type(b_ / b) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(b_ / b_) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(b_ / i) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(b_ / i8) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(b_ / i4) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(b_ / u8) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(b_ / u4) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(b_ / f) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(b_ / f16) # E: {float128}
-reveal_type(b_ / f8) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(b_ / f4) # E: {float32}
-reveal_type(b_ / c) # E: {complex128}
-reveal_type(b_ / c16) # E: {complex128}
-reveal_type(b_ / c8) # E: {complex64}
-reveal_type(b / b_) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(b_ / b_) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(i / b_) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(i8 / b_) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(i4 / b_) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(u8 / b_) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(u4 / b_) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(f / b_) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(f16 / b_) # E: {float128}
-reveal_type(f8 / b_) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(f4 / b_) # E: {float32}
-reveal_type(c / b_) # E: {complex128}
-reveal_type(c16 / b_) # E: {complex128}
-reveal_type(c8 / b_) # E: {complex64}
+assert_type(b_ / b, np.float64)
+assert_type(b_ / b_, np.float64)
+assert_type(b_ / i, np.float64)
+assert_type(b_ / i8, np.float64)
+assert_type(b_ / i4, np.float64)
+assert_type(b_ / u8, np.float64)
+assert_type(b_ / u4, np.float64)
+assert_type(b_ / f, np.float64)
+assert_type(b_ / f16, np.floating[_128Bit])
+assert_type(b_ / f8, np.float64)
+assert_type(b_ / f4, np.float32)
+assert_type(b_ / c, np.complex128)
+assert_type(b_ / c16, np.complex128)
+assert_type(b_ / c8, np.complex64)
+assert_type(b / b_, np.float64)
+assert_type(b_ / b_, np.float64)
+assert_type(i / b_, np.float64)
+assert_type(i8 / b_, np.float64)
+assert_type(i4 / b_, np.float64)
+assert_type(u8 / b_, np.float64)
+assert_type(u4 / b_, np.float64)
+assert_type(f / b_, np.float64)
+assert_type(f16 / b_, np.floating[_128Bit])
+assert_type(f8 / b_, np.float64)
+assert_type(f4 / b_, np.float32)
+assert_type(c / b_, np.complex128)
+assert_type(c16 / b_, np.complex128)
+assert_type(c8 / b_, np.complex64)
# Complex
-reveal_type(c16 + f16) # E: {complex256}
-reveal_type(c16 + c16) # E: {complex128}
-reveal_type(c16 + f8) # E: {complex128}
-reveal_type(c16 + i8) # E: {complex128}
-reveal_type(c16 + c8) # E: {complex128}
-reveal_type(c16 + f4) # E: {complex128}
-reveal_type(c16 + i4) # E: {complex128}
-reveal_type(c16 + b_) # E: {complex128}
-reveal_type(c16 + b) # E: {complex128}
-reveal_type(c16 + c) # E: {complex128}
-reveal_type(c16 + f) # E: {complex128}
-reveal_type(c16 + i) # E: {complex128}
-reveal_type(c16 + AR_f) # E: Any
-reveal_type(f16 + c16) # E: {complex256}
-reveal_type(c16 + c16) # E: {complex128}
-reveal_type(f8 + c16) # E: {complex128}
-reveal_type(i8 + c16) # E: {complex128}
-reveal_type(c8 + c16) # E: {complex128}
-reveal_type(f4 + c16) # E: {complex128}
-reveal_type(i4 + c16) # E: {complex128}
-reveal_type(b_ + c16) # E: {complex128}
-reveal_type(b + c16) # E: {complex128}
-reveal_type(c + c16) # E: {complex128}
-reveal_type(f + c16) # E: {complex128}
-reveal_type(i + c16) # E: {complex128}
-reveal_type(AR_f + c16) # E: Any
-reveal_type(c8 + f16) # E: {complex256}
-reveal_type(c8 + c16) # E: {complex128}
-reveal_type(c8 + f8) # E: {complex128}
-reveal_type(c8 + i8) # E: {complex128}
-reveal_type(c8 + c8) # E: {complex64}
-reveal_type(c8 + f4) # E: {complex64}
-reveal_type(c8 + i4) # E: {complex64}
-reveal_type(c8 + b_) # E: {complex64}
-reveal_type(c8 + b) # E: {complex64}
-reveal_type(c8 + c) # E: {complex128}
-reveal_type(c8 + f) # E: {complex128}
-reveal_type(c8 + i) # E: complexfloating[{_NBitInt}, {_NBitInt}]
-reveal_type(c8 + AR_f) # E: Any
-reveal_type(f16 + c8) # E: {complex256}
-reveal_type(c16 + c8) # E: {complex128}
-reveal_type(f8 + c8) # E: {complex128}
-reveal_type(i8 + c8) # E: {complex128}
-reveal_type(c8 + c8) # E: {complex64}
-reveal_type(f4 + c8) # E: {complex64}
-reveal_type(i4 + c8) # E: {complex64}
-reveal_type(b_ + c8) # E: {complex64}
-reveal_type(b + c8) # E: {complex64}
-reveal_type(c + c8) # E: {complex128}
-reveal_type(f + c8) # E: {complex128}
-reveal_type(i + c8) # E: complexfloating[{_NBitInt}, {_NBitInt}]
-reveal_type(AR_f + c8) # E: Any
+assert_type(c16 + f16, np.complexfloating[_64Bit | _128Bit, _64Bit | _128Bit])
+assert_type(c16 + c16, np.complex128)
+assert_type(c16 + f8, np.complex128)
+assert_type(c16 + i8, np.complex128)
+assert_type(c16 + c8, np.complexfloating[_32Bit | _64Bit, _32Bit | _64Bit])
+assert_type(c16 + f4, np.complexfloating[_32Bit | _64Bit, _32Bit | _64Bit])
+assert_type(c16 + i4, np.complexfloating[_32Bit | _64Bit, _32Bit | _64Bit])
+assert_type(c16 + b_, np.complex128)
+assert_type(c16 + b, np.complex128)
+assert_type(c16 + c, np.complex128)
+assert_type(c16 + f, np.complex128)
+assert_type(c16 + AR_f, npt.NDArray[np.complexfloating[Any, Any]])
+assert_type(f16 + c16, np.complexfloating[_64Bit | _128Bit, _64Bit | _128Bit])
+assert_type(c16 + c16, np.complex128)
+assert_type(f8 + c16, np.complex128)
+assert_type(i8 + c16, np.complex128)
+assert_type(c8 + c16, np.complexfloating[_32Bit | _64Bit, _32Bit | _64Bit])
+assert_type(f4 + c16, np.complexfloating[_32Bit | _64Bit, _32Bit | _64Bit])
+assert_type(i4 + c16, np.complexfloating[_32Bit | _64Bit, _32Bit | _64Bit])
+assert_type(b_ + c16, np.complex128)
+assert_type(b + c16, np.complex128)
+assert_type(c + c16, np.complex128)
+assert_type(f + c16, np.complex128)
+assert_type(AR_f + c16, npt.NDArray[np.complexfloating[Any, Any]])
+assert_type(c8 + f16, np.complexfloating[_32Bit | _128Bit, _32Bit | _128Bit])
+assert_type(c8 + c16, np.complexfloating[_32Bit | _64Bit, _32Bit | _64Bit])
+assert_type(c8 + f8, np.complexfloating[_32Bit | _64Bit, _32Bit | _64Bit])
+assert_type(c8 + i8, np.complexfloating[_32Bit | _64Bit, _32Bit | _64Bit])
+assert_type(c8 + c8, np.complex64)
+assert_type(c8 + f4, np.complex64)
+assert_type(c8 + i4, np.complex64)
+assert_type(c8 + b_, np.complex64)
+assert_type(c8 + b, np.complex64)
+assert_type(c8 + c, np.complexfloating[_32Bit | _64Bit, _32Bit | _64Bit])
+assert_type(c8 + f, np.complexfloating[_32Bit | _64Bit, _32Bit | _64Bit])
+assert_type(c8 + AR_f, npt.NDArray[np.complexfloating[Any, Any]])
+assert_type(f16 + c8, np.complexfloating[_32Bit | _128Bit, _32Bit | _128Bit])
+assert_type(c16 + c8, np.complexfloating[_32Bit | _64Bit, _32Bit | _64Bit])
+assert_type(f8 + c8, np.complexfloating[_32Bit | _64Bit, _32Bit | _64Bit])
+assert_type(i8 + c8, np.complexfloating[_32Bit | _64Bit, _32Bit | _64Bit])
+assert_type(c8 + c8, np.complex64)
+assert_type(f4 + c8, np.complex64)
+assert_type(i4 + c8, np.complex64)
+assert_type(b_ + c8, np.complex64)
+assert_type(b + c8, np.complex64)
+assert_type(c + c8, np.complexfloating[_32Bit | _64Bit, _32Bit | _64Bit])
+assert_type(f + c8, np.complexfloating[_32Bit | _64Bit, _32Bit | _64Bit])
+assert_type(AR_f + c8, npt.NDArray[np.complexfloating[Any, Any]])
# Float
-reveal_type(f8 + f16) # E: {float128}
-reveal_type(f8 + f8) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(f8 + i8) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(f8 + f4) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(f8 + i4) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(f8 + b_) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(f8 + b) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(f8 + c) # E: {complex128}
-reveal_type(f8 + f) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(f8 + i) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(f8 + AR_f) # E: Any
-reveal_type(f16 + f8) # E: {float128}
-reveal_type(f8 + f8) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(i8 + f8) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(f4 + f8) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(i4 + f8) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(b_ + f8) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(b + f8) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(c + f8) # E: {complex128}
-reveal_type(f + f8) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(i + f8) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(AR_f + f8) # E: Any
-reveal_type(f4 + f16) # E: {float128}
-reveal_type(f4 + f8) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(f4 + i8) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(f4 + f4) # E: {float32}
-reveal_type(f4 + i4) # E: {float32}
-reveal_type(f4 + b_) # E: {float32}
-reveal_type(f4 + b) # E: {float32}
-reveal_type(f4 + c) # E: {complex128}
-reveal_type(f4 + f) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(f4 + i) # E: floating[{_NBitInt}]
-reveal_type(f4 + AR_f) # E: Any
-reveal_type(f16 + f4) # E: {float128}
-reveal_type(f8 + f4) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(i8 + f4) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(f4 + f4) # E: {float32}
-reveal_type(i4 + f4) # E: {float32}
-reveal_type(b_ + f4) # E: {float32}
-reveal_type(b + f4) # E: {float32}
-reveal_type(c + f4) # E: {complex128}
-reveal_type(f + f4) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(i + f4) # E: floating[{_NBitInt}]
-reveal_type(AR_f + f4) # E: Any
+assert_type(f8 + f16, np.floating[_64Bit | _128Bit])
+assert_type(f8 + f8, np.float64)
+assert_type(f8 + i8, np.float64)
+assert_type(f8 + f4, np.floating[_32Bit | _64Bit])
+assert_type(f8 + i4, np.floating[_32Bit | _64Bit])
+assert_type(f8 + b_, np.float64)
+assert_type(f8 + b, np.float64)
+assert_type(f8 + c, np.complex128)
+assert_type(f8 + f, np.float64)
+assert_type(f8 + AR_f, npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(f16 + f8, np.floating[_64Bit | _128Bit])
+assert_type(f8 + f8, np.float64)
+assert_type(i8 + f8, np.float64)
+assert_type(f4 + f8, np.floating[_32Bit | _64Bit])
+assert_type(i4 + f8, np.floating[_32Bit | _64Bit])
+assert_type(b_ + f8, np.float64)
+assert_type(b + f8, np.float64)
+assert_type(c + f8, np.complex128)
+assert_type(f + f8, np.float64)
+assert_type(AR_f + f8, npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(f4 + f16, np.floating[_32Bit | _128Bit])
+assert_type(f4 + f8, np.floating[_32Bit | _64Bit])
+assert_type(f4 + i8, np.floating[_32Bit | _64Bit])
+assert_type(f4 + f4, np.float32)
+assert_type(f4 + i4, np.float32)
+assert_type(f4 + b_, np.float32)
+assert_type(f4 + b, np.float32)
+assert_type(f4 + c, np.complexfloating[_32Bit | _64Bit, _32Bit | _64Bit])
+assert_type(f4 + f, np.floating[_32Bit | _64Bit])
+assert_type(f4 + AR_f, npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(f16 + f4, np.floating[_32Bit | _128Bit])
+assert_type(f8 + f4, np.floating[_32Bit | _64Bit])
+assert_type(i8 + f4, np.floating[_32Bit | _64Bit])
+assert_type(f4 + f4, np.float32)
+assert_type(i4 + f4, np.float32)
+assert_type(b_ + f4, np.float32)
+assert_type(b + f4, np.float32)
+assert_type(c + f4, np.complexfloating[_32Bit | _64Bit, _32Bit | _64Bit])
+assert_type(f + f4, np.floating[_32Bit | _64Bit])
+assert_type(AR_f + f4, npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
# Int
-reveal_type(i8 + i8) # E: {int64}
-reveal_type(i8 + u8) # E: Any
-reveal_type(i8 + i4) # E: {int64}
-reveal_type(i8 + u4) # E: Any
-reveal_type(i8 + b_) # E: {int64}
-reveal_type(i8 + b) # E: {int64}
-reveal_type(i8 + c) # E: {complex128}
-reveal_type(i8 + f) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(i8 + i) # E: {int64}
-reveal_type(i8 + AR_f) # E: Any
-reveal_type(u8 + u8) # E: {uint64}
-reveal_type(u8 + i4) # E: Any
-reveal_type(u8 + u4) # E: {uint64}
-reveal_type(u8 + b_) # E: {uint64}
-reveal_type(u8 + b) # E: {uint64}
-reveal_type(u8 + c) # E: {complex128}
-reveal_type(u8 + f) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(u8 + i) # E: Any
-reveal_type(u8 + AR_f) # E: Any
-reveal_type(i8 + i8) # E: {int64}
-reveal_type(u8 + i8) # E: Any
-reveal_type(i4 + i8) # E: {int64}
-reveal_type(u4 + i8) # E: Any
-reveal_type(b_ + i8) # E: {int64}
-reveal_type(b + i8) # E: {int64}
-reveal_type(c + i8) # E: {complex128}
-reveal_type(f + i8) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(i + i8) # E: {int64}
-reveal_type(AR_f + i8) # E: Any
-reveal_type(u8 + u8) # E: {uint64}
-reveal_type(i4 + u8) # E: Any
-reveal_type(u4 + u8) # E: {uint64}
-reveal_type(b_ + u8) # E: {uint64}
-reveal_type(b + u8) # E: {uint64}
-reveal_type(c + u8) # E: {complex128}
-reveal_type(f + u8) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(i + u8) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_f + u8) # E: Any
-reveal_type(i4 + i8) # E: {int64}
-reveal_type(i4 + i4) # E: {int32}
-reveal_type(i4 + i) # E: {int_}
-reveal_type(i4 + b_) # E: {int32}
-reveal_type(i4 + b) # E: {int32}
-reveal_type(i4 + AR_f) # E: Any
-reveal_type(u4 + i8) # E: Any
-reveal_type(u4 + i4) # E: Any
-reveal_type(u4 + u8) # E: {uint64}
-reveal_type(u4 + u4) # E: {uint32}
-reveal_type(u4 + i) # E: Any
-reveal_type(u4 + b_) # E: {uint32}
-reveal_type(u4 + b) # E: {uint32}
-reveal_type(u4 + AR_f) # E: Any
-reveal_type(i8 + i4) # E: {int64}
-reveal_type(i4 + i4) # E: {int32}
-reveal_type(i + i4) # E: {int_}
-reveal_type(b_ + i4) # E: {int32}
-reveal_type(b + i4) # E: {int32}
-reveal_type(AR_f + i4) # E: Any
-reveal_type(i8 + u4) # E: Any
-reveal_type(i4 + u4) # E: Any
-reveal_type(u8 + u4) # E: {uint64}
-reveal_type(u4 + u4) # E: {uint32}
-reveal_type(b_ + u4) # E: {uint32}
-reveal_type(b + u4) # E: {uint32}
-reveal_type(i + u4) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_f + u4) # E: Any
+assert_type(i8 + i8, np.int64)
+assert_type(i8 + u8, Any)
+assert_type(i8 + i4, np.signedinteger[_32Bit | _64Bit])
+assert_type(i8 + u4, Any)
+assert_type(i8 + b_, np.int64)
+assert_type(i8 + b, np.int64)
+assert_type(i8 + c, np.complex128)
+assert_type(i8 + f, np.float64)
+assert_type(i8 + AR_f, npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(u8 + u8, np.uint64)
+assert_type(u8 + i4, Any)
+assert_type(u8 + u4, np.unsignedinteger[_32Bit | _64Bit])
+assert_type(u8 + b_, np.uint64)
+assert_type(u8 + b, np.uint64)
+assert_type(u8 + c, np.complex128)
+assert_type(u8 + f, np.float64)
+assert_type(u8 + AR_f, npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(i8 + i8, np.int64)
+assert_type(u8 + i8, Any)
+assert_type(i4 + i8, np.signedinteger[_32Bit | _64Bit])
+assert_type(u4 + i8, Any)
+assert_type(b_ + i8, np.int64)
+assert_type(b + i8, np.int64)
+assert_type(c + i8, np.complex128)
+assert_type(f + i8, np.float64)
+assert_type(AR_f + i8, npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(u8 + u8, np.uint64)
+assert_type(i4 + u8, Any)
+assert_type(u4 + u8, np.unsignedinteger[_32Bit | _64Bit])
+assert_type(b_ + u8, np.uint64)
+assert_type(b + u8, np.uint64)
+assert_type(c + u8, np.complex128)
+assert_type(f + u8, np.float64)
+assert_type(AR_f + u8, npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(i4 + i8, np.signedinteger[_32Bit | _64Bit])
+assert_type(i4 + i4, np.int32)
+assert_type(i4 + b_, np.int32)
+assert_type(i4 + b, np.int32)
+assert_type(i4 + AR_f, npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(u4 + i8, Any)
+assert_type(u4 + i4, Any)
+assert_type(u4 + u8, np.unsignedinteger[_32Bit | _64Bit])
+assert_type(u4 + u4, np.uint32)
+assert_type(u4 + b_, np.uint32)
+assert_type(u4 + b, np.uint32)
+assert_type(u4 + AR_f, npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(i8 + i4, np.signedinteger[_32Bit | _64Bit])
+assert_type(i4 + i4, np.int32)
+assert_type(b_ + i4, np.int32)
+assert_type(b + i4, np.int32)
+assert_type(AR_f + i4, npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(i8 + u4, Any)
+assert_type(i4 + u4, Any)
+assert_type(u8 + u4, np.unsignedinteger[_32Bit | _64Bit])
+assert_type(u4 + u4, np.uint32)
+assert_type(b_ + u4, np.uint32)
+assert_type(b + u4, np.uint32)
+assert_type(AR_f + u4, npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/array_constructors.pyi b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/array_constructors.pyi
index 2ff20e9aee..0bfbc63093 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/array_constructors.pyi
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/array_constructors.pyi
@@ -1,9 +1,16 @@
+import sys
from typing import Any, TypeVar
from pathlib import Path
+from collections import deque
import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
+if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
+ from typing import assert_type
+ from typing_extensions import assert_type
_SCT = TypeVar("_SCT", bound=np.generic, covariant=True)
class SubClass(np.ndarray[Any, np.dtype[_SCT]]): ...
@@ -16,190 +23,199 @@ C: list[int]
def func(i: int, j: int, **kwargs: Any) -> SubClass[np.float64]: ...
-reveal_type(np.empty_like(A)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.empty_like(B)) # E: SubClass[{float64}]
-reveal_type(np.empty_like([1, 1.0])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.empty_like(A, dtype=np.int64)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int64}]]
-reveal_type(np.empty_like(A, dtype='c16')) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.array(A)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.array(B)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.array(B, subok=True)) # E: SubClass[{float64}]
-reveal_type(np.array([1, 1.0])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.array(A, dtype=np.int64)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int64}]]
-reveal_type(np.array(A, dtype='c16')) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.array(A, like=A)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.zeros([1, 5, 6])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.zeros([1, 5, 6], dtype=np.int64)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int64}]]
-reveal_type(np.zeros([1, 5, 6], dtype='c16')) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.empty([1, 5, 6])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.empty([1, 5, 6], dtype=np.int64)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int64}]]
-reveal_type(np.empty([1, 5, 6], dtype='c16')) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.concatenate(A)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.concatenate([A, A])) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.concatenate([[1], A])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.concatenate([[1], [1]])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.concatenate((A, A))) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.concatenate(([1], [1]))) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.concatenate([1, 1.0])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.concatenate(A, dtype=np.int64)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int64}]]
-reveal_type(np.concatenate(A, dtype='c16')) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.concatenate([1, 1.0], out=A)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.asarray(A)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.asarray(B)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.asarray([1, 1.0])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.asarray(A, dtype=np.int64)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int64}]]
-reveal_type(np.asarray(A, dtype='c16')) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.asanyarray(A)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.asanyarray(B)) # E: SubClass[{float64}]
-reveal_type(np.asanyarray([1, 1.0])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.asanyarray(A, dtype=np.int64)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int64}]]
-reveal_type(np.asanyarray(A, dtype='c16')) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.ascontiguousarray(A)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.ascontiguousarray(B)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.ascontiguousarray([1, 1.0])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.ascontiguousarray(A, dtype=np.int64)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int64}]]
-reveal_type(np.ascontiguousarray(A, dtype='c16')) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.asfortranarray(A)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.asfortranarray(B)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.asfortranarray([1, 1.0])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.asfortranarray(A, dtype=np.int64)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int64}]]
-reveal_type(np.asfortranarray(A, dtype='c16')) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.fromstring("1 1 1", sep=" ")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.fromstring(b"1 1 1", sep=" ")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.fromstring("1 1 1", dtype=np.int64, sep=" ")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int64}]]
-reveal_type(np.fromstring(b"1 1 1", dtype=np.int64, sep=" ")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int64}]]
-reveal_type(np.fromstring("1 1 1", dtype="c16", sep=" ")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.fromstring(b"1 1 1", dtype="c16", sep=" ")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.fromfile("test.txt", sep=" ")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.fromfile("test.txt", dtype=np.int64, sep=" ")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int64}]]
-reveal_type(np.fromfile("test.txt", dtype="c16", sep=" ")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
+assert_type(np.empty_like(A), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.empty_like(B), SubClass[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.empty_like([1, 1.0]), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.empty_like(A, dtype=np.int64), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(np.empty_like(A, dtype='c16'), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.array(A), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.array(B), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.array(B, subok=True), SubClass[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.array([1, 1.0]), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.array(deque([1, 2, 3])), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.array(A, dtype=np.int64), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(np.array(A, dtype='c16'), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.array(A, like=A), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.zeros([1, 5, 6]), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.zeros([1, 5, 6], dtype=np.int64), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(np.zeros([1, 5, 6], dtype='c16'), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.empty([1, 5, 6]), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.empty([1, 5, 6], dtype=np.int64), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(np.empty([1, 5, 6], dtype='c16'), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.concatenate(A), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.concatenate([A, A]), Any)
+assert_type(np.concatenate([[1], A]), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.concatenate([[1], [1]]), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.concatenate((A, A)), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.concatenate(([1], [1])), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.concatenate([1, 1.0]), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.concatenate(A, dtype=np.int64), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(np.concatenate(A, dtype='c16'), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.concatenate([1, 1.0], out=A), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.asarray(A), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.asarray(B), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.asarray([1, 1.0]), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.asarray(A, dtype=np.int64), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(np.asarray(A, dtype='c16'), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.asanyarray(A), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.asanyarray(B), SubClass[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.asanyarray([1, 1.0]), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.asanyarray(A, dtype=np.int64), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(np.asanyarray(A, dtype='c16'), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.ascontiguousarray(A), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.ascontiguousarray(B), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.ascontiguousarray([1, 1.0]), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.ascontiguousarray(A, dtype=np.int64), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(np.ascontiguousarray(A, dtype='c16'), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.asfortranarray(A), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.asfortranarray(B), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.asfortranarray([1, 1.0]), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.asfortranarray(A, dtype=np.int64), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(np.asfortranarray(A, dtype='c16'), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.fromstring("1 1 1", sep=" "), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.fromstring(b"1 1 1", sep=" "), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.fromstring("1 1 1", dtype=np.int64, sep=" "), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(np.fromstring(b"1 1 1", dtype=np.int64, sep=" "), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(np.fromstring("1 1 1", dtype="c16", sep=" "), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.fromstring(b"1 1 1", dtype="c16", sep=" "), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.fromfile("test.txt", sep=" "), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.fromfile("test.txt", dtype=np.int64, sep=" "), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(np.fromfile("test.txt", dtype="c16", sep=" "), npt.NDArray[Any])
with open("test.txt") as f:
- reveal_type(np.fromfile(f, sep=" ")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
- reveal_type(np.fromfile(b"test.txt", sep=" ")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
- reveal_type(np.fromfile(Path("test.txt"), sep=" ")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.fromiter("12345", np.float64)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.fromiter("12345", float)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.frombuffer(A)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.frombuffer(A, dtype=np.int64)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int64}]]
-reveal_type(np.frombuffer(A, dtype="c16")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.arange(False, True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.arange(10)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.arange(0, 10, step=2)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.arange(10.0)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.arange(start=0, stop=10.0)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.arange(np.timedelta64(0))) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[timedelta64]]
-reveal_type(np.arange(0, np.timedelta64(10))) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[timedelta64]]
-reveal_type(np.arange(np.datetime64("0"), np.datetime64("10"))) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[datetime64]]
-reveal_type(np.arange(10, dtype=np.float64)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.arange(0, 10, step=2, dtype=np.int16)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int16}]]
-reveal_type(np.arange(10, dtype=int)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.arange(0, 10, dtype="f8")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.require(A)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.require(B)) # E: SubClass[{float64}]
-reveal_type(np.require(B, requirements=None)) # E: SubClass[{float64}]
-reveal_type(np.require(B, dtype=int)) # E: ndarray[Any, Any]
-reveal_type(np.require(B, requirements="E")) # E: ndarray[Any, Any]
-reveal_type(np.require(B, requirements=["ENSUREARRAY"])) # E: ndarray[Any, Any]
-reveal_type(np.require(B, requirements={"F", "E"})) # E: ndarray[Any, Any]
-reveal_type(np.require(B, requirements=["C", "OWNDATA"])) # E: SubClass[{float64}]
-reveal_type(np.require(B, requirements="W")) # E: SubClass[{float64}]
-reveal_type(np.require(B, requirements="A")) # E: SubClass[{float64}]
-reveal_type(np.require(C)) # E: ndarray[Any, Any]
-reveal_type(np.linspace(0, 10)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.linspace(0, 10j)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[complexfloating[Any, Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.linspace(0, 10, dtype=np.int64)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int64}]]
-reveal_type(np.linspace(0, 10, dtype=int)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.linspace(0, 10, retstep=True)) # E: Tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]], floating[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.linspace(0j, 10, retstep=True)) # E: Tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[complexfloating[Any, Any]]], complexfloating[Any, Any]]
-reveal_type(np.linspace(0, 10, retstep=True, dtype=np.int64)) # E: Tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[{int64}]], {int64}]
-reveal_type(np.linspace(0j, 10, retstep=True, dtype=int)) # E: Tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]], Any]
-reveal_type(np.logspace(0, 10)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.logspace(0, 10j)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[complexfloating[Any, Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.logspace(0, 10, dtype=np.int64)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int64}]]
-reveal_type(np.logspace(0, 10, dtype=int)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.geomspace(0, 10)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.geomspace(0, 10j)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[complexfloating[Any, Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.geomspace(0, 10, dtype=np.int64)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int64}]]
-reveal_type(np.geomspace(0, 10, dtype=int)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.zeros_like(A)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.zeros_like(C)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.zeros_like(A, dtype=float)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.zeros_like(B)) # E: SubClass[{float64}]
-reveal_type(np.zeros_like(B, dtype=np.int64)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int64}]]
-reveal_type(np.ones_like(A)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.ones_like(C)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.ones_like(A, dtype=float)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.ones_like(B)) # E: SubClass[{float64}]
-reveal_type(np.ones_like(B, dtype=np.int64)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int64}]]
-reveal_type(np.full_like(A, i8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.full_like(C, i8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.full_like(A, i8, dtype=int)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.full_like(B, i8)) # E: SubClass[{float64}]
-reveal_type(np.full_like(B, i8, dtype=np.int64)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int64}]]
-reveal_type(np.ones(1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.ones([1, 1, 1])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.ones(5, dtype=np.int64)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int64}]]
-reveal_type(np.ones(5, dtype=int)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.full(1, i8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.full([1, 1, 1], i8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.full(1, i8, dtype=np.float64)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.full(1, i8, dtype=float)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.indices([1, 2, 3])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(np.indices([1, 2, 3], sparse=True)) # E: tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]], ...]
-reveal_type(np.fromfunction(func, (3, 5))) # E: SubClass[{float64}]
-reveal_type(np.identity(10)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.identity(10, dtype=np.int64)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int64}]]
-reveal_type(np.identity(10, dtype=int)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.atleast_1d(A)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.atleast_1d(C)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.atleast_1d(A, A)) # E: list[ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.atleast_1d(A, C)) # E: list[ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.atleast_1d(C, C)) # E: list[ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.atleast_2d(A)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.atleast_3d(A)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.vstack([A, A])) # E: ndarray[Any, Any]
-reveal_type(np.vstack([A, A], dtype=np.float64)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.vstack([A, C])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.vstack([C, C])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.hstack([A, A])) # E: ndarray[Any, Any]
-reveal_type(np.hstack([A, A], dtype=np.float64)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.stack([A, A])) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.stack([A, A], dtype=np.float64)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.stack([A, C])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.stack([C, C])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.stack([A, A], axis=0)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.stack([A, A], out=B)) # E: SubClass[{float64}]
-reveal_type(np.block([[A, A], [A, A]])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.block(C)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
+ assert_type(np.fromfile(f, sep=" "), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+ assert_type(np.fromfile(b"test.txt", sep=" "), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+ assert_type(np.fromfile(Path("test.txt"), sep=" "), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.fromiter("12345", np.float64), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.fromiter("12345", float), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.frombuffer(A), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.frombuffer(A, dtype=np.int64), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(np.frombuffer(A, dtype="c16"), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.arange(False, True), npt.NDArray[np.signedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(np.arange(10), npt.NDArray[np.signedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(np.arange(0, 10, step=2), npt.NDArray[np.signedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(np.arange(10.0), npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(np.arange(start=0, stop=10.0), npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(np.arange(np.timedelta64(0)), npt.NDArray[np.timedelta64])
+assert_type(np.arange(0, np.timedelta64(10)), npt.NDArray[np.timedelta64])
+assert_type(np.arange(np.datetime64("0"), np.datetime64("10")), npt.NDArray[np.datetime64])
+assert_type(np.arange(10, dtype=np.float64), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.arange(0, 10, step=2, dtype=np.int16), npt.NDArray[np.int16])
+assert_type(np.arange(10, dtype=int), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.arange(0, 10, dtype="f8"), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.require(A), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.require(B), SubClass[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.require(B, requirements=None), SubClass[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.require(B, dtype=int), np.ndarray[Any, Any])
+assert_type(np.require(B, requirements="E"), np.ndarray[Any, Any])
+assert_type(np.require(B, requirements=["ENSUREARRAY"]), np.ndarray[Any, Any])
+assert_type(np.require(B, requirements={"F", "E"}), np.ndarray[Any, Any])
+assert_type(np.require(B, requirements=["C", "OWNDATA"]), SubClass[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.require(B, requirements="W"), SubClass[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.require(B, requirements="A"), SubClass[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.require(C), np.ndarray[Any, Any])
+assert_type(np.linspace(0, 10), npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(np.linspace(0, 10j), npt.NDArray[np.complexfloating[Any, Any]])
+assert_type(np.linspace(0, 10, dtype=np.int64), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(np.linspace(0, 10, dtype=int), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.linspace(0, 10, retstep=True), tuple[npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]], np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(np.linspace(0j, 10, retstep=True), tuple[npt.NDArray[np.complexfloating[Any, Any]], np.complexfloating[Any, Any]])
+assert_type(np.linspace(0, 10, retstep=True, dtype=np.int64), tuple[npt.NDArray[np.int64], np.int64])
+assert_type(np.linspace(0j, 10, retstep=True, dtype=int), tuple[npt.NDArray[Any], Any])
+assert_type(np.logspace(0, 10), npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(np.logspace(0, 10j), npt.NDArray[np.complexfloating[Any, Any]])
+assert_type(np.logspace(0, 10, dtype=np.int64), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(np.logspace(0, 10, dtype=int), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.geomspace(0, 10), npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(np.geomspace(0, 10j), npt.NDArray[np.complexfloating[Any, Any]])
+assert_type(np.geomspace(0, 10, dtype=np.int64), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(np.geomspace(0, 10, dtype=int), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.zeros_like(A), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.zeros_like(C), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.zeros_like(A, dtype=float), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.zeros_like(B), SubClass[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.zeros_like(B, dtype=np.int64), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(np.ones_like(A), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.ones_like(C), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.ones_like(A, dtype=float), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.ones_like(B), SubClass[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.ones_like(B, dtype=np.int64), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(np.full_like(A, i8), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.full_like(C, i8), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.full_like(A, i8, dtype=int), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.full_like(B, i8), SubClass[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.full_like(B, i8, dtype=np.int64), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(np.ones(1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.ones([1, 1, 1]), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.ones(5, dtype=np.int64), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(np.ones(5, dtype=int), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.full(1, i8), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.full([1, 1, 1], i8), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.full(1, i8, dtype=np.float64), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.full(1, i8, dtype=float), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.indices([1, 2, 3]), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(np.indices([1, 2, 3], sparse=True), tuple[npt.NDArray[np.int_], ...])
+assert_type(np.fromfunction(func, (3, 5)), SubClass[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.identity(10), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.identity(10, dtype=np.int64), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(np.identity(10, dtype=int), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.atleast_1d(A), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.atleast_1d(C), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.atleast_1d(A, A), list[npt.NDArray[Any]])
+assert_type(np.atleast_1d(A, C), list[npt.NDArray[Any]])
+assert_type(np.atleast_1d(C, C), list[npt.NDArray[Any]])
+assert_type(np.atleast_2d(A), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.atleast_3d(A), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.vstack([A, A]), np.ndarray[Any, Any])
+assert_type(np.vstack([A, A], dtype=np.float64), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.vstack([A, C]), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.vstack([C, C]), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.hstack([A, A]), np.ndarray[Any, Any])
+assert_type(np.hstack([A, A], dtype=np.float64), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.stack([A, A]), Any)
+assert_type(np.stack([A, A], dtype=np.float64), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.stack([A, C]), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.stack([C, C]), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.stack([A, A], axis=0), Any)
+assert_type(np.stack([A, A], out=B), SubClass[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.block([[A, A], [A, A]]), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.block(C), npt.NDArray[Any])
+if sys.version_info >= (3, 12):
+ from collections.abc import Buffer
+ def create_array(obj: npt.ArrayLike) -> npt.NDArray[Any]: ...
+ buffer: Buffer
+ assert_type(create_array(buffer), npt.NDArray[Any])
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/arraypad.pyi b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/arraypad.pyi
index a05d440346..f53613ba2f 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/arraypad.pyi
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/arraypad.pyi
@@ -1,9 +1,15 @@
+import sys
from collections.abc import Mapping
from typing import Any, SupportsIndex
import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
+if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
+ from typing import assert_type
+ from typing_extensions import assert_type
def mode_func(
ar: npt.NDArray[np.number[Any]],
width: tuple[int, int],
@@ -15,8 +21,8 @@ AR_i8: npt.NDArray[np.int64]
AR_f8: npt.NDArray[np.float64]
AR_LIKE: list[int]
-reveal_type(np.pad(AR_i8, (2, 3), "constant")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int64}]]
-reveal_type(np.pad(AR_LIKE, (2, 3), "constant")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
+assert_type(np.pad(AR_i8, (2, 3), "constant"), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(np.pad(AR_LIKE, (2, 3), "constant"), npt.NDArray[Any])
-reveal_type(np.pad(AR_f8, (2, 3), mode_func)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.pad(AR_f8, (2, 3), mode_func, a=1, b=2)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
+assert_type(np.pad(AR_f8, (2, 3), mode_func), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.pad(AR_f8, (2, 3), mode_func, a=1, b=2), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/arrayprint.pyi b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/arrayprint.pyi
index 6e65a8d8ad..8f41bd2fe8 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/arrayprint.pyi
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/arrayprint.pyi
@@ -1,20 +1,30 @@
+import sys
+import contextlib
from collections.abc import Callable
from typing import Any
import numpy as np
+from numpy.core.arrayprint import _FormatOptions
+if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
+ from typing import assert_type
+ from typing_extensions import assert_type
AR: np.ndarray[Any, Any]
func_float: Callable[[np.floating[Any]], str]
func_int: Callable[[np.integer[Any]], str]
-reveal_type(np.get_printoptions()) # E: TypedDict
-reveal_type(np.array2string( # E: str
- AR, formatter={'float_kind': func_float, 'int_kind': func_int}
-reveal_type(np.format_float_scientific(1.0)) # E: str
-reveal_type(np.format_float_positional(1)) # E: str
-reveal_type(np.array_repr(AR)) # E: str
-reveal_type(np.array_str(AR)) # E: str
+assert_type(np.get_printoptions(), _FormatOptions)
+ np.array2string(AR, formatter={'float_kind': func_float, 'int_kind': func_int}),
+ str,
+assert_type(np.format_float_scientific(1.0), str)
+assert_type(np.format_float_positional(1), str)
+assert_type(np.array_repr(AR), str)
+assert_type(np.array_str(AR), str)
-reveal_type(np.printoptions()) # E: contextlib._GeneratorContextManager
+assert_type(np.printoptions(), contextlib._GeneratorContextManager[_FormatOptions])
with np.printoptions() as dct:
- reveal_type(dct) # E: TypedDict
+ assert_type(dct, _FormatOptions)
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/arraysetops.pyi b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/arraysetops.pyi
index 9deff8a8ea..877ea667d5 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/arraysetops.pyi
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/arraysetops.pyi
@@ -1,6 +1,14 @@
+import sys
+from typing import Any
import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
+if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
+ from typing import assert_type
+ from typing_extensions import assert_type
AR_b: npt.NDArray[np.bool_]
AR_i8: npt.NDArray[np.int64]
AR_f8: npt.NDArray[np.float64]
@@ -9,52 +17,52 @@ AR_O: npt.NDArray[np.object_]
AR_LIKE_f8: list[float]
-reveal_type(np.ediff1d(AR_b)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int8}]]
-reveal_type(np.ediff1d(AR_i8, to_end=[1, 2, 3])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int64}]]
-reveal_type(np.ediff1d(AR_M)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[timedelta64]]
-reveal_type(np.ediff1d(AR_O)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[object_]]
-reveal_type(np.ediff1d(AR_LIKE_f8, to_begin=[1, 1.5])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.intersect1d(AR_i8, AR_i8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int64}]]
-reveal_type(np.intersect1d(AR_M, AR_M, assume_unique=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[datetime64]]
-reveal_type(np.intersect1d(AR_f8, AR_i8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.intersect1d(AR_f8, AR_f8, return_indices=True)) # E: Tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]], ndarray[Any, dtype[{intp}]], ndarray[Any, dtype[{intp}]]]
-reveal_type(np.setxor1d(AR_i8, AR_i8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int64}]]
-reveal_type(np.setxor1d(AR_M, AR_M, assume_unique=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[datetime64]]
-reveal_type(np.setxor1d(AR_f8, AR_i8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.in1d(AR_i8, AR_i8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(np.in1d(AR_M, AR_M, assume_unique=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(np.in1d(AR_f8, AR_i8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(np.in1d(AR_f8, AR_LIKE_f8, invert=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(np.isin(AR_i8, AR_i8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(np.isin(AR_M, AR_M, assume_unique=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(np.isin(AR_f8, AR_i8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(np.isin(AR_f8, AR_LIKE_f8, invert=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(np.union1d(AR_i8, AR_i8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int64}]]
-reveal_type(np.union1d(AR_M, AR_M)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[datetime64]]
-reveal_type(np.union1d(AR_f8, AR_i8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.setdiff1d(AR_i8, AR_i8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int64}]]
-reveal_type(np.setdiff1d(AR_M, AR_M, assume_unique=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[datetime64]]
-reveal_type(np.setdiff1d(AR_f8, AR_i8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.unique(AR_f8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.unique(AR_LIKE_f8, axis=0)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.unique(AR_f8, return_index=True)) # E: Tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]], ndarray[Any, dtype[{intp}]]]
-reveal_type(np.unique(AR_LIKE_f8, return_index=True)) # E: Tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]], ndarray[Any, dtype[{intp}]]]
-reveal_type(np.unique(AR_f8, return_inverse=True)) # E: Tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]], ndarray[Any, dtype[{intp}]]]
-reveal_type(np.unique(AR_LIKE_f8, return_inverse=True)) # E: Tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]], ndarray[Any, dtype[{intp}]]]
-reveal_type(np.unique(AR_f8, return_counts=True)) # E: Tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]], ndarray[Any, dtype[{intp}]]]
-reveal_type(np.unique(AR_LIKE_f8, return_counts=True)) # E: Tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]], ndarray[Any, dtype[{intp}]]]
-reveal_type(np.unique(AR_f8, return_index=True, return_inverse=True)) # E: Tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]], ndarray[Any, dtype[{intp}]], ndarray[Any, dtype[{intp}]]]
-reveal_type(np.unique(AR_LIKE_f8, return_index=True, return_inverse=True)) # E: Tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]], ndarray[Any, dtype[{intp}]], ndarray[Any, dtype[{intp}]]]
-reveal_type(np.unique(AR_f8, return_index=True, return_counts=True)) # E: Tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]], ndarray[Any, dtype[{intp}]], ndarray[Any, dtype[{intp}]]]
-reveal_type(np.unique(AR_LIKE_f8, return_index=True, return_counts=True)) # E: Tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]], ndarray[Any, dtype[{intp}]], ndarray[Any, dtype[{intp}]]]
-reveal_type(np.unique(AR_f8, return_inverse=True, return_counts=True)) # E: Tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]], ndarray[Any, dtype[{intp}]], ndarray[Any, dtype[{intp}]]]
-reveal_type(np.unique(AR_LIKE_f8, return_inverse=True, return_counts=True)) # E: Tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]], ndarray[Any, dtype[{intp}]], ndarray[Any, dtype[{intp}]]]
-reveal_type(np.unique(AR_f8, return_index=True, return_inverse=True, return_counts=True)) # E: Tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]], ndarray[Any, dtype[{intp}]], ndarray[Any, dtype[{intp}]], ndarray[Any, dtype[{intp}]]]
-reveal_type(np.unique(AR_LIKE_f8, return_index=True, return_inverse=True, return_counts=True)) # E: Tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]], ndarray[Any, dtype[{intp}]], ndarray[Any, dtype[{intp}]], ndarray[Any, dtype[{intp}]]]
+assert_type(np.ediff1d(AR_b), npt.NDArray[np.int8])
+assert_type(np.ediff1d(AR_i8, to_end=[1, 2, 3]), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(np.ediff1d(AR_M), npt.NDArray[np.timedelta64])
+assert_type(np.ediff1d(AR_O), npt.NDArray[np.object_])
+assert_type(np.ediff1d(AR_LIKE_f8, to_begin=[1, 1.5]), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.intersect1d(AR_i8, AR_i8), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(np.intersect1d(AR_M, AR_M, assume_unique=True), npt.NDArray[np.datetime64])
+assert_type(np.intersect1d(AR_f8, AR_i8), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.intersect1d(AR_f8, AR_f8, return_indices=True), tuple[npt.NDArray[np.float64], npt.NDArray[np.intp], npt.NDArray[np.intp]])
+assert_type(np.setxor1d(AR_i8, AR_i8), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(np.setxor1d(AR_M, AR_M, assume_unique=True), npt.NDArray[np.datetime64])
+assert_type(np.setxor1d(AR_f8, AR_i8), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.in1d(AR_i8, AR_i8), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(np.in1d(AR_M, AR_M, assume_unique=True), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(np.in1d(AR_f8, AR_i8), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(np.in1d(AR_f8, AR_LIKE_f8, invert=True), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(np.isin(AR_i8, AR_i8), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(np.isin(AR_M, AR_M, assume_unique=True), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(np.isin(AR_f8, AR_i8), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(np.isin(AR_f8, AR_LIKE_f8, invert=True), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(np.union1d(AR_i8, AR_i8), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(np.union1d(AR_M, AR_M), npt.NDArray[np.datetime64])
+assert_type(np.union1d(AR_f8, AR_i8), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.setdiff1d(AR_i8, AR_i8), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(np.setdiff1d(AR_M, AR_M, assume_unique=True), npt.NDArray[np.datetime64])
+assert_type(np.setdiff1d(AR_f8, AR_i8), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.unique(AR_f8), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.unique(AR_LIKE_f8, axis=0), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.unique(AR_f8, return_index=True), tuple[npt.NDArray[np.float64], npt.NDArray[np.intp]])
+assert_type(np.unique(AR_LIKE_f8, return_index=True), tuple[npt.NDArray[Any], npt.NDArray[np.intp]])
+assert_type(np.unique(AR_f8, return_inverse=True), tuple[npt.NDArray[np.float64], npt.NDArray[np.intp]])
+assert_type(np.unique(AR_LIKE_f8, return_inverse=True), tuple[npt.NDArray[Any], npt.NDArray[np.intp]])
+assert_type(np.unique(AR_f8, return_counts=True), tuple[npt.NDArray[np.float64], npt.NDArray[np.intp]])
+assert_type(np.unique(AR_LIKE_f8, return_counts=True), tuple[npt.NDArray[Any], npt.NDArray[np.intp]])
+assert_type(np.unique(AR_f8, return_index=True, return_inverse=True), tuple[npt.NDArray[np.float64], npt.NDArray[np.intp], npt.NDArray[np.intp]])
+assert_type(np.unique(AR_LIKE_f8, return_index=True, return_inverse=True), tuple[npt.NDArray[Any], npt.NDArray[np.intp], npt.NDArray[np.intp]])
+assert_type(np.unique(AR_f8, return_index=True, return_counts=True), tuple[npt.NDArray[np.float64], npt.NDArray[np.intp], npt.NDArray[np.intp]])
+assert_type(np.unique(AR_LIKE_f8, return_index=True, return_counts=True), tuple[npt.NDArray[Any], npt.NDArray[np.intp], npt.NDArray[np.intp]])
+assert_type(np.unique(AR_f8, return_inverse=True, return_counts=True), tuple[npt.NDArray[np.float64], npt.NDArray[np.intp], npt.NDArray[np.intp]])
+assert_type(np.unique(AR_LIKE_f8, return_inverse=True, return_counts=True), tuple[npt.NDArray[Any], npt.NDArray[np.intp], npt.NDArray[np.intp]])
+assert_type(np.unique(AR_f8, return_index=True, return_inverse=True, return_counts=True), tuple[npt.NDArray[np.float64], npt.NDArray[np.intp], npt.NDArray[np.intp], npt.NDArray[np.intp]])
+assert_type(np.unique(AR_LIKE_f8, return_index=True, return_inverse=True, return_counts=True), tuple[npt.NDArray[Any], npt.NDArray[np.intp], npt.NDArray[np.intp], npt.NDArray[np.intp]])
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/arrayterator.pyi b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/arrayterator.pyi
index b6c26ddb70..7988b5c0c7 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/arrayterator.pyi
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/arrayterator.pyi
@@ -1,24 +1,33 @@
+import sys
from typing import Any
+from collections.abc import Generator
import numpy as np
+import numpy.typing as npt
+if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
+ from typing import assert_type
+ from typing_extensions import assert_type
AR_i8: np.ndarray[Any, np.dtype[np.int64]]
ar_iter = np.lib.Arrayterator(AR_i8)
-reveal_type(ar_iter.var) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int64}]]
-reveal_type(ar_iter.buf_size) # E: Union[None, builtins.int]
-reveal_type(ar_iter.start) # E: builtins.list[builtins.int]
-reveal_type(ar_iter.stop) # E: builtins.list[builtins.int]
-reveal_type(ar_iter.step) # E: builtins.list[builtins.int]
-reveal_type(ar_iter.shape) # E: builtins.tuple[builtins.int, ...]
-reveal_type(ar_iter.flat) # E: typing.Generator[{int64}, None, None]
+assert_type(ar_iter.var, npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(ar_iter.buf_size, None | int)
+assert_type(ar_iter.start, list[int])
+assert_type(ar_iter.stop, list[int])
+assert_type(ar_iter.step, list[int])
+assert_type(ar_iter.shape, tuple[int, ...])
+assert_type(ar_iter.flat, Generator[np.int64, None, None])
-reveal_type(ar_iter.__array__()) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int64}]]
+assert_type(ar_iter.__array__(), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
for i in ar_iter:
- reveal_type(i) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int64}]]
+ assert_type(i, npt.NDArray[np.int64])
-reveal_type(ar_iter[0]) # E: lib.arrayterator.Arrayterator[Any, dtype[{int64}]]
-reveal_type(ar_iter[...]) # E: lib.arrayterator.Arrayterator[Any, dtype[{int64}]]
-reveal_type(ar_iter[:]) # E: lib.arrayterator.Arrayterator[Any, dtype[{int64}]]
-reveal_type(ar_iter[0, 0, 0]) # E: lib.arrayterator.Arrayterator[Any, dtype[{int64}]]
-reveal_type(ar_iter[..., 0, :]) # E: lib.arrayterator.Arrayterator[Any, dtype[{int64}]]
+assert_type(ar_iter[0], np.lib.Arrayterator[Any, np.dtype[np.int64]])
+assert_type(ar_iter[...], np.lib.Arrayterator[Any, np.dtype[np.int64]])
+assert_type(ar_iter[:], np.lib.Arrayterator[Any, np.dtype[np.int64]])
+assert_type(ar_iter[0, 0, 0], np.lib.Arrayterator[Any, np.dtype[np.int64]])
+assert_type(ar_iter[..., 0, :], np.lib.Arrayterator[Any, np.dtype[np.int64]])
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/bitwise_ops.pyi b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/bitwise_ops.pyi
index f293ef65b5..4c51ab7154 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/bitwise_ops.pyi
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/bitwise_ops.pyi
@@ -1,4 +1,14 @@
+import sys
+from typing import Any
import numpy as np
+import numpy.typing as npt
+from numpy._typing import _64Bit, _32Bit
+if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
+ from typing import assert_type
+ from typing_extensions import assert_type
i8 = np.int64(1)
u8 = np.uint64(1)
@@ -15,117 +25,111 @@ AR = np.array([0, 1, 2], dtype=np.int32)
-reveal_type(i8 << i8) # E: {int64}
-reveal_type(i8 >> i8) # E: {int64}
-reveal_type(i8 | i8) # E: {int64}
-reveal_type(i8 ^ i8) # E: {int64}
-reveal_type(i8 & i8) # E: {int64}
-reveal_type(i8 << AR) # E: Any
-reveal_type(i8 >> AR) # E: Any
-reveal_type(i8 | AR) # E: Any
-reveal_type(i8 ^ AR) # E: Any
-reveal_type(i8 & AR) # E: Any
-reveal_type(i4 << i4) # E: {int32}
-reveal_type(i4 >> i4) # E: {int32}
-reveal_type(i4 | i4) # E: {int32}
-reveal_type(i4 ^ i4) # E: {int32}
-reveal_type(i4 & i4) # E: {int32}
-reveal_type(i8 << i4) # E: {int64}
-reveal_type(i8 >> i4) # E: {int64}
-reveal_type(i8 | i4) # E: {int64}
-reveal_type(i8 ^ i4) # E: {int64}
-reveal_type(i8 & i4) # E: {int64}
-reveal_type(i8 << i) # E: {int64}
-reveal_type(i8 >> i) # E: {int64}
-reveal_type(i8 | i) # E: {int64}
-reveal_type(i8 ^ i) # E: {int64}
-reveal_type(i8 & i) # E: {int64}
-reveal_type(i8 << b_) # E: {int64}
-reveal_type(i8 >> b_) # E: {int64}
-reveal_type(i8 | b_) # E: {int64}
-reveal_type(i8 ^ b_) # E: {int64}
-reveal_type(i8 & b_) # E: {int64}
-reveal_type(i8 << b) # E: {int64}
-reveal_type(i8 >> b) # E: {int64}
-reveal_type(i8 | b) # E: {int64}
-reveal_type(i8 ^ b) # E: {int64}
-reveal_type(i8 & b) # E: {int64}
-reveal_type(u8 << u8) # E: {uint64}
-reveal_type(u8 >> u8) # E: {uint64}
-reveal_type(u8 | u8) # E: {uint64}
-reveal_type(u8 ^ u8) # E: {uint64}
-reveal_type(u8 & u8) # E: {uint64}
-reveal_type(u8 << AR) # E: Any
-reveal_type(u8 >> AR) # E: Any
-reveal_type(u8 | AR) # E: Any
-reveal_type(u8 ^ AR) # E: Any
-reveal_type(u8 & AR) # E: Any
-reveal_type(u4 << u4) # E: {uint32}
-reveal_type(u4 >> u4) # E: {uint32}
-reveal_type(u4 | u4) # E: {uint32}
-reveal_type(u4 ^ u4) # E: {uint32}
-reveal_type(u4 & u4) # E: {uint32}
-reveal_type(u4 << i4) # E: signedinteger[Any]
-reveal_type(u4 >> i4) # E: signedinteger[Any]
-reveal_type(u4 | i4) # E: signedinteger[Any]
-reveal_type(u4 ^ i4) # E: signedinteger[Any]
-reveal_type(u4 & i4) # E: signedinteger[Any]
-reveal_type(u4 << i) # E: signedinteger[Any]
-reveal_type(u4 >> i) # E: signedinteger[Any]
-reveal_type(u4 | i) # E: signedinteger[Any]
-reveal_type(u4 ^ i) # E: signedinteger[Any]
-reveal_type(u4 & i) # E: signedinteger[Any]
-reveal_type(u8 << b_) # E: {uint64}
-reveal_type(u8 >> b_) # E: {uint64}
-reveal_type(u8 | b_) # E: {uint64}
-reveal_type(u8 ^ b_) # E: {uint64}
-reveal_type(u8 & b_) # E: {uint64}
-reveal_type(u8 << b) # E: {uint64}
-reveal_type(u8 >> b) # E: {uint64}
-reveal_type(u8 | b) # E: {uint64}
-reveal_type(u8 ^ b) # E: {uint64}
-reveal_type(u8 & b) # E: {uint64}
-reveal_type(b_ << b_) # E: {int8}
-reveal_type(b_ >> b_) # E: {int8}
-reveal_type(b_ | b_) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(b_ ^ b_) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(b_ & b_) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(b_ << AR) # E: Any
-reveal_type(b_ >> AR) # E: Any
-reveal_type(b_ | AR) # E: Any
-reveal_type(b_ ^ AR) # E: Any
-reveal_type(b_ & AR) # E: Any
-reveal_type(b_ << b) # E: {int8}
-reveal_type(b_ >> b) # E: {int8}
-reveal_type(b_ | b) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(b_ ^ b) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(b_ & b) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(b_ << i) # E: {int_}
-reveal_type(b_ >> i) # E: {int_}
-reveal_type(b_ | i) # E: {int_}
-reveal_type(b_ ^ i) # E: {int_}
-reveal_type(b_ & i) # E: {int_}
-reveal_type(~i8) # E: {int64}
-reveal_type(~i4) # E: {int32}
-reveal_type(~u8) # E: {uint64}
-reveal_type(~u4) # E: {uint32}
-reveal_type(~b_) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(~AR) # E: Any
+assert_type(i8 << i8, np.int64)
+assert_type(i8 >> i8, np.int64)
+assert_type(i8 | i8, np.int64)
+assert_type(i8 ^ i8, np.int64)
+assert_type(i8 & i8, np.int64)
+assert_type(i8 << AR, npt.NDArray[np.signedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(i8 >> AR, npt.NDArray[np.signedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(i8 | AR, npt.NDArray[np.signedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(i8 ^ AR, npt.NDArray[np.signedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(i8 & AR, npt.NDArray[np.signedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(i4 << i4, np.int32)
+assert_type(i4 >> i4, np.int32)
+assert_type(i4 | i4, np.int32)
+assert_type(i4 ^ i4, np.int32)
+assert_type(i4 & i4, np.int32)
+assert_type(i8 << i4, np.signedinteger[_32Bit | _64Bit])
+assert_type(i8 >> i4, np.signedinteger[_32Bit | _64Bit])
+assert_type(i8 | i4, np.signedinteger[_32Bit | _64Bit])
+assert_type(i8 ^ i4, np.signedinteger[_32Bit | _64Bit])
+assert_type(i8 & i4, np.signedinteger[_32Bit | _64Bit])
+assert_type(i8 << b_, np.int64)
+assert_type(i8 >> b_, np.int64)
+assert_type(i8 | b_, np.int64)
+assert_type(i8 ^ b_, np.int64)
+assert_type(i8 & b_, np.int64)
+assert_type(i8 << b, np.int64)
+assert_type(i8 >> b, np.int64)
+assert_type(i8 | b, np.int64)
+assert_type(i8 ^ b, np.int64)
+assert_type(i8 & b, np.int64)
+assert_type(u8 << u8, np.uint64)
+assert_type(u8 >> u8, np.uint64)
+assert_type(u8 | u8, np.uint64)
+assert_type(u8 ^ u8, np.uint64)
+assert_type(u8 & u8, np.uint64)
+assert_type(u8 << AR, npt.NDArray[np.signedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(u8 >> AR, npt.NDArray[np.signedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(u8 | AR, npt.NDArray[np.signedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(u8 ^ AR, npt.NDArray[np.signedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(u8 & AR, npt.NDArray[np.signedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(u4 << u4, np.uint32)
+assert_type(u4 >> u4, np.uint32)
+assert_type(u4 | u4, np.uint32)
+assert_type(u4 ^ u4, np.uint32)
+assert_type(u4 & u4, np.uint32)
+assert_type(u4 << i4, np.signedinteger[Any])
+assert_type(u4 >> i4, np.signedinteger[Any])
+assert_type(u4 | i4, np.signedinteger[Any])
+assert_type(u4 ^ i4, np.signedinteger[Any])
+assert_type(u4 & i4, np.signedinteger[Any])
+assert_type(u4 << i, np.signedinteger[Any])
+assert_type(u4 >> i, np.signedinteger[Any])
+assert_type(u4 | i, np.signedinteger[Any])
+assert_type(u4 ^ i, np.signedinteger[Any])
+assert_type(u4 & i, np.signedinteger[Any])
+assert_type(u8 << b_, np.uint64)
+assert_type(u8 >> b_, np.uint64)
+assert_type(u8 | b_, np.uint64)
+assert_type(u8 ^ b_, np.uint64)
+assert_type(u8 & b_, np.uint64)
+assert_type(u8 << b, np.uint64)
+assert_type(u8 >> b, np.uint64)
+assert_type(u8 | b, np.uint64)
+assert_type(u8 ^ b, np.uint64)
+assert_type(u8 & b, np.uint64)
+assert_type(b_ << b_, np.int8)
+assert_type(b_ >> b_, np.int8)
+assert_type(b_ | b_, np.bool_)
+assert_type(b_ ^ b_, np.bool_)
+assert_type(b_ & b_, np.bool_)
+assert_type(b_ << AR, npt.NDArray[np.signedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(b_ >> AR, npt.NDArray[np.signedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(b_ | AR, npt.NDArray[np.signedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(b_ ^ AR, npt.NDArray[np.signedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(b_ & AR, npt.NDArray[np.signedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(b_ << b, np.int8)
+assert_type(b_ >> b, np.int8)
+assert_type(b_ | b, np.bool_)
+assert_type(b_ ^ b, np.bool_)
+assert_type(b_ & b, np.bool_)
+assert_type(b_ << i, np.int_)
+assert_type(b_ >> i, np.int_)
+assert_type(b_ | i, np.int_)
+assert_type(b_ ^ i, np.int_)
+assert_type(b_ & i, np.int_)
+assert_type(~i8, np.int64)
+assert_type(~i4, np.int32)
+assert_type(~u8, np.uint64)
+assert_type(~u4, np.uint32)
+assert_type(~b_, np.bool_)
+assert_type(~AR, npt.NDArray[np.int32])
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/char.pyi b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/char.pyi
index 0563b34727..e15ed0801a 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/char.pyi
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/char.pyi
@@ -1,147 +1,154 @@
+import sys
+from typing import Any
import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
-from collections.abc import Sequence
+if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
+ from typing import assert_type
+ from typing_extensions import assert_type
AR_U: npt.NDArray[np.str_]
AR_S: npt.NDArray[np.bytes_]
-reveal_type(np.char.equal(AR_U, AR_U)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(np.char.equal(AR_S, AR_S)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
+assert_type(np.char.equal(AR_U, AR_U), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(np.char.equal(AR_S, AR_S), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
-reveal_type(np.char.not_equal(AR_U, AR_U)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(np.char.not_equal(AR_S, AR_S)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
+assert_type(np.char.not_equal(AR_U, AR_U), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(np.char.not_equal(AR_S, AR_S), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
-reveal_type(np.char.greater_equal(AR_U, AR_U)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(np.char.greater_equal(AR_S, AR_S)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
+assert_type(np.char.greater_equal(AR_U, AR_U), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(np.char.greater_equal(AR_S, AR_S), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
-reveal_type(np.char.less_equal(AR_U, AR_U)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(np.char.less_equal(AR_S, AR_S)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
+assert_type(np.char.less_equal(AR_U, AR_U), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(np.char.less_equal(AR_S, AR_S), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
-reveal_type(np.char.greater(AR_U, AR_U)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(np.char.greater(AR_S, AR_S)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
+assert_type(np.char.greater(AR_U, AR_U), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(np.char.greater(AR_S, AR_S), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
-reveal_type(np.char.less(AR_U, AR_U)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(np.char.less(AR_S, AR_S)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
+assert_type(np.char.less(AR_U, AR_U), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(np.char.less(AR_S, AR_S), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
-reveal_type(np.char.multiply(AR_U, 5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[str_]]
-reveal_type(np.char.multiply(AR_S, [5, 4, 3])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bytes_]]
+assert_type(np.char.multiply(AR_U, 5), npt.NDArray[np.str_])
+assert_type(np.char.multiply(AR_S, [5, 4, 3]), npt.NDArray[np.bytes_])
-reveal_type(np.char.mod(AR_U, "test")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[str_]]
-reveal_type(np.char.mod(AR_S, "test")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bytes_]]
+assert_type(np.char.mod(AR_U, "test"), npt.NDArray[np.str_])
+assert_type(np.char.mod(AR_S, "test"), npt.NDArray[np.bytes_])
-reveal_type(np.char.capitalize(AR_U)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[str_]]
-reveal_type(np.char.capitalize(AR_S)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bytes_]]
+assert_type(np.char.capitalize(AR_U), npt.NDArray[np.str_])
+assert_type(np.char.capitalize(AR_S), npt.NDArray[np.bytes_])
-reveal_type(np.char.center(AR_U, 5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[str_]]
-reveal_type(np.char.center(AR_S, [2, 3, 4], b"a")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bytes_]]
+assert_type(np.char.center(AR_U, 5), npt.NDArray[np.str_])
+assert_type(np.char.center(AR_S, [2, 3, 4], b"a"), npt.NDArray[np.bytes_])
-reveal_type(np.char.encode(AR_U)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bytes_]]
-reveal_type(np.char.decode(AR_S)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[str_]]
+assert_type(np.char.encode(AR_U), npt.NDArray[np.bytes_])
+assert_type(np.char.decode(AR_S), npt.NDArray[np.str_])
-reveal_type(np.char.expandtabs(AR_U)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[str_]]
-reveal_type(np.char.expandtabs(AR_S, tabsize=4)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bytes_]]
+assert_type(np.char.expandtabs(AR_U), npt.NDArray[np.str_])
+assert_type(np.char.expandtabs(AR_S, tabsize=4), npt.NDArray[np.bytes_])
-reveal_type(np.char.join(AR_U, "_")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[str_]]
-reveal_type(np.char.join(AR_S, [b"_", b""])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bytes_]]
+assert_type(np.char.join(AR_U, "_"), npt.NDArray[np.str_])
+assert_type(np.char.join(AR_S, [b"_", b""]), npt.NDArray[np.bytes_])
-reveal_type(np.char.ljust(AR_U, 5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[str_]]
-reveal_type(np.char.ljust(AR_S, [4, 3, 1], fillchar=[b"a", b"b", b"c"])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bytes_]]
-reveal_type(np.char.rjust(AR_U, 5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[str_]]
-reveal_type(np.char.rjust(AR_S, [4, 3, 1], fillchar=[b"a", b"b", b"c"])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bytes_]]
+assert_type(np.char.ljust(AR_U, 5), npt.NDArray[np.str_])
+assert_type(np.char.ljust(AR_S, [4, 3, 1], fillchar=[b"a", b"b", b"c"]), npt.NDArray[np.bytes_])
+assert_type(np.char.rjust(AR_U, 5), npt.NDArray[np.str_])
+assert_type(np.char.rjust(AR_S, [4, 3, 1], fillchar=[b"a", b"b", b"c"]), npt.NDArray[np.bytes_])
-reveal_type(np.char.lstrip(AR_U)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[str_]]
-reveal_type(np.char.lstrip(AR_S, chars=b"_")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bytes_]]
-reveal_type(np.char.rstrip(AR_U)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[str_]]
-reveal_type(np.char.rstrip(AR_S, chars=b"_")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bytes_]]
-reveal_type(np.char.strip(AR_U)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[str_]]
-reveal_type(np.char.strip(AR_S, chars=b"_")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bytes_]]
+assert_type(np.char.lstrip(AR_U), npt.NDArray[np.str_])
+assert_type(np.char.lstrip(AR_S, chars=b"_"), npt.NDArray[np.bytes_])
+assert_type(np.char.rstrip(AR_U), npt.NDArray[np.str_])
+assert_type(np.char.rstrip(AR_S, chars=b"_"), npt.NDArray[np.bytes_])
+assert_type(np.char.strip(AR_U), npt.NDArray[np.str_])
+assert_type(np.char.strip(AR_S, chars=b"_"), npt.NDArray[np.bytes_])
-reveal_type(np.char.partition(AR_U, "\n")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[str_]]
-reveal_type(np.char.partition(AR_S, [b"a", b"b", b"c"])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bytes_]]
-reveal_type(np.char.rpartition(AR_U, "\n")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[str_]]
-reveal_type(np.char.rpartition(AR_S, [b"a", b"b", b"c"])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bytes_]]
+assert_type(np.char.partition(AR_U, "\n"), npt.NDArray[np.str_])
+assert_type(np.char.partition(AR_S, [b"a", b"b", b"c"]), npt.NDArray[np.bytes_])
+assert_type(np.char.rpartition(AR_U, "\n"), npt.NDArray[np.str_])
+assert_type(np.char.rpartition(AR_S, [b"a", b"b", b"c"]), npt.NDArray[np.bytes_])
-reveal_type(np.char.replace(AR_U, "_", "-")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[str_]]
-reveal_type(np.char.replace(AR_S, [b"_", b""], [b"a", b"b"])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bytes_]]
+assert_type(np.char.replace(AR_U, "_", "-"), npt.NDArray[np.str_])
+assert_type(np.char.replace(AR_S, [b"_", b""], [b"a", b"b"]), npt.NDArray[np.bytes_])
-reveal_type(np.char.split(AR_U, "_")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[object_]]
-reveal_type(np.char.split(AR_S, maxsplit=[1, 2, 3])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[object_]]
-reveal_type(np.char.rsplit(AR_U, "_")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[object_]]
-reveal_type(np.char.rsplit(AR_S, maxsplit=[1, 2, 3])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[object_]]
+assert_type(np.char.split(AR_U, "_"), npt.NDArray[np.object_])
+assert_type(np.char.split(AR_S, maxsplit=[1, 2, 3]), npt.NDArray[np.object_])
+assert_type(np.char.rsplit(AR_U, "_"), npt.NDArray[np.object_])
+assert_type(np.char.rsplit(AR_S, maxsplit=[1, 2, 3]), npt.NDArray[np.object_])
-reveal_type(np.char.splitlines(AR_U)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[object_]]
-reveal_type(np.char.splitlines(AR_S, keepends=[True, True, False])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[object_]]
+assert_type(np.char.splitlines(AR_U), npt.NDArray[np.object_])
+assert_type(np.char.splitlines(AR_S, keepends=[True, True, False]), npt.NDArray[np.object_])
-reveal_type(np.char.swapcase(AR_U)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[str_]]
-reveal_type(np.char.swapcase(AR_S)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bytes_]]
+assert_type(np.char.swapcase(AR_U), npt.NDArray[np.str_])
+assert_type(np.char.swapcase(AR_S), npt.NDArray[np.bytes_])
-reveal_type(np.char.title(AR_U)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[str_]]
-reveal_type(np.char.title(AR_S)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bytes_]]
+assert_type(np.char.title(AR_U), npt.NDArray[np.str_])
+assert_type(np.char.title(AR_S), npt.NDArray[np.bytes_])
-reveal_type(np.char.upper(AR_U)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[str_]]
-reveal_type(np.char.upper(AR_S)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bytes_]]
+assert_type(np.char.upper(AR_U), npt.NDArray[np.str_])
+assert_type(np.char.upper(AR_S), npt.NDArray[np.bytes_])
-reveal_type(np.char.zfill(AR_U, 5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[str_]]
-reveal_type(np.char.zfill(AR_S, [2, 3, 4])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bytes_]]
+assert_type(np.char.zfill(AR_U, 5), npt.NDArray[np.str_])
+assert_type(np.char.zfill(AR_S, [2, 3, 4]), npt.NDArray[np.bytes_])
-reveal_type(np.char.count(AR_U, "a", start=[1, 2, 3])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(np.char.count(AR_S, [b"a", b"b", b"c"], end=9)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
+assert_type(np.char.count(AR_U, "a", start=[1, 2, 3]), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(np.char.count(AR_S, [b"a", b"b", b"c"], end=9), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
-reveal_type(np.char.endswith(AR_U, "a", start=[1, 2, 3])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(np.char.endswith(AR_S, [b"a", b"b", b"c"], end=9)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(np.char.startswith(AR_U, "a", start=[1, 2, 3])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(np.char.startswith(AR_S, [b"a", b"b", b"c"], end=9)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
+assert_type(np.char.endswith(AR_U, "a", start=[1, 2, 3]), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(np.char.endswith(AR_S, [b"a", b"b", b"c"], end=9), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(np.char.startswith(AR_U, "a", start=[1, 2, 3]), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(np.char.startswith(AR_S, [b"a", b"b", b"c"], end=9), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
-reveal_type(np.char.find(AR_U, "a", start=[1, 2, 3])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(np.char.find(AR_S, [b"a", b"b", b"c"], end=9)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(np.char.rfind(AR_U, "a", start=[1, 2, 3])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(np.char.rfind(AR_S, [b"a", b"b", b"c"], end=9)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
+assert_type(np.char.find(AR_U, "a", start=[1, 2, 3]), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(np.char.find(AR_S, [b"a", b"b", b"c"], end=9), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(np.char.rfind(AR_U, "a", start=[1, 2, 3]), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(np.char.rfind(AR_S, [b"a", b"b", b"c"], end=9), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
-reveal_type(np.char.index(AR_U, "a", start=[1, 2, 3])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(np.char.index(AR_S, [b"a", b"b", b"c"], end=9)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(np.char.rindex(AR_U, "a", start=[1, 2, 3])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(np.char.rindex(AR_S, [b"a", b"b", b"c"], end=9)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
+assert_type(np.char.index(AR_U, "a", start=[1, 2, 3]), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(np.char.index(AR_S, [b"a", b"b", b"c"], end=9), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(np.char.rindex(AR_U, "a", start=[1, 2, 3]), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(np.char.rindex(AR_S, [b"a", b"b", b"c"], end=9), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
-reveal_type(np.char.isalpha(AR_U)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(np.char.isalpha(AR_S)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
+assert_type(np.char.isalpha(AR_U), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(np.char.isalpha(AR_S), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
-reveal_type(np.char.isalnum(AR_U)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(np.char.isalnum(AR_S)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
+assert_type(np.char.isalnum(AR_U), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(np.char.isalnum(AR_S), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
-reveal_type(np.char.isdecimal(AR_U)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(np.char.isdecimal(AR_S)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
+assert_type(np.char.isdecimal(AR_U), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(np.char.isdecimal(AR_S), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
-reveal_type(np.char.isdigit(AR_U)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(np.char.isdigit(AR_S)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
+assert_type(np.char.isdigit(AR_U), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(np.char.isdigit(AR_S), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
-reveal_type(np.char.islower(AR_U)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(np.char.islower(AR_S)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
+assert_type(np.char.islower(AR_U), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(np.char.islower(AR_S), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
-reveal_type(np.char.isnumeric(AR_U)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(np.char.isnumeric(AR_S)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
+assert_type(np.char.isnumeric(AR_U), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(np.char.isnumeric(AR_S), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
-reveal_type(np.char.isspace(AR_U)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(np.char.isspace(AR_S)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
+assert_type(np.char.isspace(AR_U), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(np.char.isspace(AR_S), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
-reveal_type(np.char.istitle(AR_U)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(np.char.istitle(AR_S)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
+assert_type(np.char.istitle(AR_U), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(np.char.istitle(AR_S), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
-reveal_type(np.char.isupper(AR_U)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(np.char.isupper(AR_S)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
+assert_type(np.char.isupper(AR_U), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(np.char.isupper(AR_S), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
-reveal_type(np.char.str_len(AR_U)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(np.char.str_len(AR_S)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
+assert_type(np.char.str_len(AR_U), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(np.char.str_len(AR_S), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
-reveal_type(np.char.array(AR_U)) # E: chararray[Any, dtype[str_]]
-reveal_type(np.char.array(AR_S, order="K")) # E: chararray[Any, dtype[bytes_]]
-reveal_type(np.char.array("bob", copy=True)) # E: chararray[Any, dtype[str_]]
-reveal_type(np.char.array(b"bob", itemsize=5)) # E: chararray[Any, dtype[bytes_]]
-reveal_type(np.char.array(1, unicode=False)) # E: chararray[Any, dtype[bytes_]]
-reveal_type(np.char.array(1, unicode=True)) # E: chararray[Any, dtype[str_]]
+assert_type(np.char.array(AR_U), np.chararray[Any, np.dtype[np.str_]])
+assert_type(np.char.array(AR_S, order="K"), np.chararray[Any, np.dtype[np.bytes_]])
+assert_type(np.char.array("bob", copy=True), np.chararray[Any, np.dtype[np.str_]])
+assert_type(np.char.array(b"bob", itemsize=5), np.chararray[Any, np.dtype[np.bytes_]])
+assert_type(np.char.array(1, unicode=False), np.chararray[Any, np.dtype[np.bytes_]])
+assert_type(np.char.array(1, unicode=True), np.chararray[Any, np.dtype[np.str_]])
-reveal_type(np.char.asarray(AR_U)) # E: chararray[Any, dtype[str_]]
-reveal_type(np.char.asarray(AR_S, order="K")) # E: chararray[Any, dtype[bytes_]]
-reveal_type(np.char.asarray("bob")) # E: chararray[Any, dtype[str_]]
-reveal_type(np.char.asarray(b"bob", itemsize=5)) # E: chararray[Any, dtype[bytes_]]
-reveal_type(np.char.asarray(1, unicode=False)) # E: chararray[Any, dtype[bytes_]]
-reveal_type(np.char.asarray(1, unicode=True)) # E: chararray[Any, dtype[str_]]
+assert_type(np.char.asarray(AR_U), np.chararray[Any, np.dtype[np.str_]])
+assert_type(np.char.asarray(AR_S, order="K"), np.chararray[Any, np.dtype[np.bytes_]])
+assert_type(np.char.asarray("bob"), np.chararray[Any, np.dtype[np.str_]])
+assert_type(np.char.asarray(b"bob", itemsize=5), np.chararray[Any, np.dtype[np.bytes_]])
+assert_type(np.char.asarray(1, unicode=False), np.chararray[Any, np.dtype[np.bytes_]])
+assert_type(np.char.asarray(1, unicode=True), np.chararray[Any, np.dtype[np.str_]])
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/chararray.pyi b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/chararray.pyi
index 61906c8606..4bcbeda2e6 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/chararray.pyi
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/chararray.pyi
@@ -1,132 +1,140 @@
-import numpy as np
+import sys
from typing import Any
+import numpy as np
+import numpy.typing as npt
+if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
+ from typing import assert_type
+ from typing_extensions import assert_type
AR_U: np.chararray[Any, np.dtype[np.str_]]
AR_S: np.chararray[Any, np.dtype[np.bytes_]]
-reveal_type(AR_U == AR_U) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(AR_S == AR_S) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
+assert_type(AR_U == AR_U, npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(AR_S == AR_S, npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
-reveal_type(AR_U != AR_U) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(AR_S != AR_S) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
+assert_type(AR_U != AR_U, npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(AR_S != AR_S, npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
-reveal_type(AR_U >= AR_U) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(AR_S >= AR_S) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
+assert_type(AR_U >= AR_U, npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(AR_S >= AR_S, npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
-reveal_type(AR_U <= AR_U) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(AR_S <= AR_S) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
+assert_type(AR_U <= AR_U, npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(AR_S <= AR_S, npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
-reveal_type(AR_U > AR_U) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(AR_S > AR_S) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
+assert_type(AR_U > AR_U, npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(AR_S > AR_S, npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
-reveal_type(AR_U < AR_U) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(AR_S < AR_S) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
+assert_type(AR_U < AR_U, npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(AR_S < AR_S, npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
-reveal_type(AR_U * 5) # E: chararray[Any, dtype[str_]]
-reveal_type(AR_S * [5]) # E: chararray[Any, dtype[bytes_]]
+assert_type(AR_U * 5, np.chararray[Any, np.dtype[np.str_]])
+assert_type(AR_S * [5], np.chararray[Any, np.dtype[np.bytes_]])
-reveal_type(AR_U % "test") # E: chararray[Any, dtype[str_]]
-reveal_type(AR_S % b"test") # E: chararray[Any, dtype[bytes_]]
+assert_type(AR_U % "test", np.chararray[Any, np.dtype[np.str_]])
+assert_type(AR_S % b"test", np.chararray[Any, np.dtype[np.bytes_]])
-reveal_type(AR_U.capitalize()) # E: chararray[Any, dtype[str_]]
-reveal_type(AR_S.capitalize()) # E: chararray[Any, dtype[bytes_]]
+assert_type(AR_U.capitalize(), np.chararray[Any, np.dtype[np.str_]])
+assert_type(AR_S.capitalize(), np.chararray[Any, np.dtype[np.bytes_]])
-reveal_type(AR_U.center(5)) # E: chararray[Any, dtype[str_]]
-reveal_type(AR_S.center([2, 3, 4], b"a")) # E: chararray[Any, dtype[bytes_]]
+assert_type(AR_U.center(5), np.chararray[Any, np.dtype[np.str_]])
+assert_type(AR_S.center([2, 3, 4], b"a"), np.chararray[Any, np.dtype[np.bytes_]])
-reveal_type(AR_U.encode()) # E: chararray[Any, dtype[bytes_]]
-reveal_type(AR_S.decode()) # E: chararray[Any, dtype[str_]]
+assert_type(AR_U.encode(), np.chararray[Any, np.dtype[np.bytes_]])
+assert_type(AR_S.decode(), np.chararray[Any, np.dtype[np.str_]])
-reveal_type(AR_U.expandtabs()) # E: chararray[Any, dtype[str_]]
-reveal_type(AR_S.expandtabs(tabsize=4)) # E: chararray[Any, dtype[bytes_]]
+assert_type(AR_U.expandtabs(), np.chararray[Any, np.dtype[np.str_]])
+assert_type(AR_S.expandtabs(tabsize=4), np.chararray[Any, np.dtype[np.bytes_]])
-reveal_type(AR_U.join("_")) # E: chararray[Any, dtype[str_]]
-reveal_type(AR_S.join([b"_", b""])) # E: chararray[Any, dtype[bytes_]]
+assert_type(AR_U.join("_"), np.chararray[Any, np.dtype[np.str_]])
+assert_type(AR_S.join([b"_", b""]), np.chararray[Any, np.dtype[np.bytes_]])
-reveal_type(AR_U.ljust(5)) # E: chararray[Any, dtype[str_]]
-reveal_type(AR_S.ljust([4, 3, 1], fillchar=[b"a", b"b", b"c"])) # E: chararray[Any, dtype[bytes_]]
-reveal_type(AR_U.rjust(5)) # E: chararray[Any, dtype[str_]]
-reveal_type(AR_S.rjust([4, 3, 1], fillchar=[b"a", b"b", b"c"])) # E: chararray[Any, dtype[bytes_]]
+assert_type(AR_U.ljust(5), np.chararray[Any, np.dtype[np.str_]])
+assert_type(AR_S.ljust([4, 3, 1], fillchar=[b"a", b"b", b"c"]), np.chararray[Any, np.dtype[np.bytes_]])
+assert_type(AR_U.rjust(5), np.chararray[Any, np.dtype[np.str_]])
+assert_type(AR_S.rjust([4, 3, 1], fillchar=[b"a", b"b", b"c"]), np.chararray[Any, np.dtype[np.bytes_]])
-reveal_type(AR_U.lstrip()) # E: chararray[Any, dtype[str_]]
-reveal_type(AR_S.lstrip(chars=b"_")) # E: chararray[Any, dtype[bytes_]]
-reveal_type(AR_U.rstrip()) # E: chararray[Any, dtype[str_]]
-reveal_type(AR_S.rstrip(chars=b"_")) # E: chararray[Any, dtype[bytes_]]
-reveal_type(AR_U.strip()) # E: chararray[Any, dtype[str_]]
-reveal_type(AR_S.strip(chars=b"_")) # E: chararray[Any, dtype[bytes_]]
+assert_type(AR_U.lstrip(), np.chararray[Any, np.dtype[np.str_]])
+assert_type(AR_S.lstrip(chars=b"_"), np.chararray[Any, np.dtype[np.bytes_]])
+assert_type(AR_U.rstrip(), np.chararray[Any, np.dtype[np.str_]])
+assert_type(AR_S.rstrip(chars=b"_"), np.chararray[Any, np.dtype[np.bytes_]])
+assert_type(AR_U.strip(), np.chararray[Any, np.dtype[np.str_]])
+assert_type(AR_S.strip(chars=b"_"), np.chararray[Any, np.dtype[np.bytes_]])
-reveal_type(AR_U.partition("\n")) # E: chararray[Any, dtype[str_]]
-reveal_type(AR_S.partition([b"a", b"b", b"c"])) # E: chararray[Any, dtype[bytes_]]
-reveal_type(AR_U.rpartition("\n")) # E: chararray[Any, dtype[str_]]
-reveal_type(AR_S.rpartition([b"a", b"b", b"c"])) # E: chararray[Any, dtype[bytes_]]
+assert_type(AR_U.partition("\n"), np.chararray[Any, np.dtype[np.str_]])
+assert_type(AR_S.partition([b"a", b"b", b"c"]), np.chararray[Any, np.dtype[np.bytes_]])
+assert_type(AR_U.rpartition("\n"), np.chararray[Any, np.dtype[np.str_]])
+assert_type(AR_S.rpartition([b"a", b"b", b"c"]), np.chararray[Any, np.dtype[np.bytes_]])
-reveal_type(AR_U.replace("_", "-")) # E: chararray[Any, dtype[str_]]
-reveal_type(AR_S.replace([b"_", b""], [b"a", b"b"])) # E: chararray[Any, dtype[bytes_]]
+assert_type(AR_U.replace("_", "-"), np.chararray[Any, np.dtype[np.str_]])
+assert_type(AR_S.replace([b"_", b""], [b"a", b"b"]), np.chararray[Any, np.dtype[np.bytes_]])
-reveal_type(AR_U.split("_")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[object_]]
-reveal_type(AR_S.split(maxsplit=[1, 2, 3])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[object_]]
-reveal_type(AR_U.rsplit("_")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[object_]]
-reveal_type(AR_S.rsplit(maxsplit=[1, 2, 3])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[object_]]
+assert_type(AR_U.split("_"), npt.NDArray[np.object_])
+assert_type(AR_S.split(maxsplit=[1, 2, 3]), npt.NDArray[np.object_])
+assert_type(AR_U.rsplit("_"), npt.NDArray[np.object_])
+assert_type(AR_S.rsplit(maxsplit=[1, 2, 3]), npt.NDArray[np.object_])
-reveal_type(AR_U.splitlines()) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[object_]]
-reveal_type(AR_S.splitlines(keepends=[True, True, False])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[object_]]
+assert_type(AR_U.splitlines(), npt.NDArray[np.object_])
+assert_type(AR_S.splitlines(keepends=[True, True, False]), npt.NDArray[np.object_])
-reveal_type(AR_U.swapcase()) # E: chararray[Any, dtype[str_]]
-reveal_type(AR_S.swapcase()) # E: chararray[Any, dtype[bytes_]]
+assert_type(AR_U.swapcase(), np.chararray[Any, np.dtype[np.str_]])
+assert_type(AR_S.swapcase(), np.chararray[Any, np.dtype[np.bytes_]])
-reveal_type(AR_U.title()) # E: chararray[Any, dtype[str_]]
-reveal_type(AR_S.title()) # E: chararray[Any, dtype[bytes_]]
+assert_type(AR_U.title(), np.chararray[Any, np.dtype[np.str_]])
+assert_type(AR_S.title(), np.chararray[Any, np.dtype[np.bytes_]])
-reveal_type(AR_U.upper()) # E: chararray[Any, dtype[str_]]
-reveal_type(AR_S.upper()) # E: chararray[Any, dtype[bytes_]]
+assert_type(AR_U.upper(), np.chararray[Any, np.dtype[np.str_]])
+assert_type(AR_S.upper(), np.chararray[Any, np.dtype[np.bytes_]])
-reveal_type(AR_U.zfill(5)) # E: chararray[Any, dtype[str_]]
-reveal_type(AR_S.zfill([2, 3, 4])) # E: chararray[Any, dtype[bytes_]]
+assert_type(AR_U.zfill(5), np.chararray[Any, np.dtype[np.str_]])
+assert_type(AR_S.zfill([2, 3, 4]), np.chararray[Any, np.dtype[np.bytes_]])
-reveal_type(AR_U.count("a", start=[1, 2, 3])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(AR_S.count([b"a", b"b", b"c"], end=9)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
+assert_type(AR_U.count("a", start=[1, 2, 3]), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(AR_S.count([b"a", b"b", b"c"], end=9), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
-reveal_type(AR_U.endswith("a", start=[1, 2, 3])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(AR_S.endswith([b"a", b"b", b"c"], end=9)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(AR_U.startswith("a", start=[1, 2, 3])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(AR_S.startswith([b"a", b"b", b"c"], end=9)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
+assert_type(AR_U.endswith("a", start=[1, 2, 3]), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(AR_S.endswith([b"a", b"b", b"c"], end=9), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(AR_U.startswith("a", start=[1, 2, 3]), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(AR_S.startswith([b"a", b"b", b"c"], end=9), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
-reveal_type(AR_U.find("a", start=[1, 2, 3])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(AR_S.find([b"a", b"b", b"c"], end=9)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(AR_U.rfind("a", start=[1, 2, 3])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(AR_S.rfind([b"a", b"b", b"c"], end=9)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
+assert_type(AR_U.find("a", start=[1, 2, 3]), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(AR_S.find([b"a", b"b", b"c"], end=9), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(AR_U.rfind("a", start=[1, 2, 3]), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(AR_S.rfind([b"a", b"b", b"c"], end=9), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
-reveal_type(AR_U.index("a", start=[1, 2, 3])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(AR_S.index([b"a", b"b", b"c"], end=9)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(AR_U.rindex("a", start=[1, 2, 3])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(AR_S.rindex([b"a", b"b", b"c"], end=9)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
+assert_type(AR_U.index("a", start=[1, 2, 3]), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(AR_S.index([b"a", b"b", b"c"], end=9), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(AR_U.rindex("a", start=[1, 2, 3]), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(AR_S.rindex([b"a", b"b", b"c"], end=9), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
-reveal_type(AR_U.isalpha()) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(AR_S.isalpha()) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
+assert_type(AR_U.isalpha(), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(AR_S.isalpha(), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
-reveal_type(AR_U.isalnum()) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(AR_S.isalnum()) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
+assert_type(AR_U.isalnum(), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(AR_S.isalnum(), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
-reveal_type(AR_U.isdecimal()) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(AR_S.isdecimal()) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
+assert_type(AR_U.isdecimal(), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(AR_S.isdecimal(), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
-reveal_type(AR_U.isdigit()) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(AR_S.isdigit()) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
+assert_type(AR_U.isdigit(), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(AR_S.isdigit(), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
-reveal_type(AR_U.islower()) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(AR_S.islower()) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
+assert_type(AR_U.islower(), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(AR_S.islower(), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
-reveal_type(AR_U.isnumeric()) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(AR_S.isnumeric()) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
+assert_type(AR_U.isnumeric(), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(AR_S.isnumeric(), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
-reveal_type(AR_U.isspace()) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(AR_S.isspace()) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
+assert_type(AR_U.isspace(), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(AR_S.isspace(), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
-reveal_type(AR_U.istitle()) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(AR_S.istitle()) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
+assert_type(AR_U.istitle(), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(AR_S.istitle(), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
-reveal_type(AR_U.isupper()) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(AR_S.isupper()) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
+assert_type(AR_U.isupper(), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(AR_S.isupper(), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
-reveal_type(AR_U.__array_finalize__(object())) # E: None
-reveal_type(AR_S.__array_finalize__(object())) # E: None
+assert_type(AR_U.__array_finalize__(object()), None)
+assert_type(AR_S.__array_finalize__(object()), None)
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/comparisons.pyi b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/comparisons.pyi
index 9b32f40576..5765302a02 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/comparisons.pyi
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/comparisons.pyi
@@ -1,6 +1,15 @@
-import numpy as np
+import sys
import fractions
import decimal
+from typing import Any
+import numpy as np
+import numpy.typing as npt
+if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
+ from typing import assert_type
+ from typing_extensions import assert_type
c16 = np.complex128()
f8 = np.float64()
@@ -29,233 +38,233 @@ SEQ = (0, 1, 2, 3, 4)
# object-like comparisons
-reveal_type(i8 > fractions.Fraction(1, 5)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(i8 > [fractions.Fraction(1, 5)]) # E: Any
-reveal_type(i8 > decimal.Decimal("1.5")) # E: Any
-reveal_type(i8 > [decimal.Decimal("1.5")]) # E: Any
+assert_type(i8 > fractions.Fraction(1, 5), Any)
+assert_type(i8 > [fractions.Fraction(1, 5)], Any)
+assert_type(i8 > decimal.Decimal("1.5"), Any)
+assert_type(i8 > [decimal.Decimal("1.5")], Any)
# Time structures
-reveal_type(dt > dt) # E: bool_
+assert_type(dt > dt, np.bool_)
-reveal_type(td > td) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(td > i) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(td > i4) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(td > i8) # E: bool_
+assert_type(td > td, np.bool_)
+assert_type(td > i, np.bool_)
+assert_type(td > i4, np.bool_)
+assert_type(td > i8, np.bool_)
-reveal_type(td > AR) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(td > SEQ) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(AR > SEQ) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(AR > td) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(SEQ > td) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(SEQ > AR) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
+assert_type(td > AR, npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(td > SEQ, npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(AR > SEQ, npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(AR > td, npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(SEQ > td, npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(SEQ > AR, npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
# boolean
-reveal_type(b_ > b) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(b_ > b_) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(b_ > i) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(b_ > i8) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(b_ > i4) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(b_ > u8) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(b_ > u4) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(b_ > f) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(b_ > f8) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(b_ > f4) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(b_ > c) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(b_ > c16) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(b_ > c8) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(b_ > AR) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(b_ > SEQ) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
+assert_type(b_ > b, np.bool_)
+assert_type(b_ > b_, np.bool_)
+assert_type(b_ > i, np.bool_)
+assert_type(b_ > i8, np.bool_)
+assert_type(b_ > i4, np.bool_)
+assert_type(b_ > u8, np.bool_)
+assert_type(b_ > u4, np.bool_)
+assert_type(b_ > f, np.bool_)
+assert_type(b_ > f8, np.bool_)
+assert_type(b_ > f4, np.bool_)
+assert_type(b_ > c, np.bool_)
+assert_type(b_ > c16, np.bool_)
+assert_type(b_ > c8, np.bool_)
+assert_type(b_ > AR, npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(b_ > SEQ, npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
# Complex
-reveal_type(c16 > c16) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(c16 > f8) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(c16 > i8) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(c16 > c8) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(c16 > f4) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(c16 > i4) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(c16 > b_) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(c16 > b) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(c16 > c) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(c16 > f) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(c16 > i) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(c16 > AR) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(c16 > SEQ) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(c16 > c16) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(f8 > c16) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(i8 > c16) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(c8 > c16) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(f4 > c16) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(i4 > c16) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(b_ > c16) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(b > c16) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(c > c16) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(f > c16) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(i > c16) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(AR > c16) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(SEQ > c16) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(c8 > c16) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(c8 > f8) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(c8 > i8) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(c8 > c8) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(c8 > f4) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(c8 > i4) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(c8 > b_) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(c8 > b) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(c8 > c) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(c8 > f) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(c8 > i) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(c8 > AR) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(c8 > SEQ) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(c16 > c8) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(f8 > c8) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(i8 > c8) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(c8 > c8) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(f4 > c8) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(i4 > c8) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(b_ > c8) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(b > c8) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(c > c8) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(f > c8) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(i > c8) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(AR > c8) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(SEQ > c8) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
+assert_type(c16 > c16, np.bool_)
+assert_type(c16 > f8, np.bool_)
+assert_type(c16 > i8, np.bool_)
+assert_type(c16 > c8, np.bool_)
+assert_type(c16 > f4, np.bool_)
+assert_type(c16 > i4, np.bool_)
+assert_type(c16 > b_, np.bool_)
+assert_type(c16 > b, np.bool_)
+assert_type(c16 > c, np.bool_)
+assert_type(c16 > f, np.bool_)
+assert_type(c16 > i, np.bool_)
+assert_type(c16 > AR, npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(c16 > SEQ, npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(c16 > c16, np.bool_)
+assert_type(f8 > c16, np.bool_)
+assert_type(i8 > c16, np.bool_)
+assert_type(c8 > c16, np.bool_)
+assert_type(f4 > c16, np.bool_)
+assert_type(i4 > c16, np.bool_)
+assert_type(b_ > c16, np.bool_)
+assert_type(b > c16, np.bool_)
+assert_type(c > c16, np.bool_)
+assert_type(f > c16, np.bool_)
+assert_type(i > c16, np.bool_)
+assert_type(AR > c16, npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(SEQ > c16, npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(c8 > c16, np.bool_)
+assert_type(c8 > f8, np.bool_)
+assert_type(c8 > i8, np.bool_)
+assert_type(c8 > c8, np.bool_)
+assert_type(c8 > f4, np.bool_)
+assert_type(c8 > i4, np.bool_)
+assert_type(c8 > b_, np.bool_)
+assert_type(c8 > b, np.bool_)
+assert_type(c8 > c, np.bool_)
+assert_type(c8 > f, np.bool_)
+assert_type(c8 > i, np.bool_)
+assert_type(c8 > AR, npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(c8 > SEQ, npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(c16 > c8, np.bool_)
+assert_type(f8 > c8, np.bool_)
+assert_type(i8 > c8, np.bool_)
+assert_type(c8 > c8, np.bool_)
+assert_type(f4 > c8, np.bool_)
+assert_type(i4 > c8, np.bool_)
+assert_type(b_ > c8, np.bool_)
+assert_type(b > c8, np.bool_)
+assert_type(c > c8, np.bool_)
+assert_type(f > c8, np.bool_)
+assert_type(i > c8, np.bool_)
+assert_type(AR > c8, npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(SEQ > c8, npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
# Float
-reveal_type(f8 > f8) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(f8 > i8) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(f8 > f4) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(f8 > i4) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(f8 > b_) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(f8 > b) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(f8 > c) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(f8 > f) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(f8 > i) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(f8 > AR) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(f8 > SEQ) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(f8 > f8) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(i8 > f8) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(f4 > f8) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(i4 > f8) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(b_ > f8) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(b > f8) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(c > f8) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(f > f8) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(i > f8) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(AR > f8) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(SEQ > f8) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(f4 > f8) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(f4 > i8) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(f4 > f4) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(f4 > i4) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(f4 > b_) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(f4 > b) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(f4 > c) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(f4 > f) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(f4 > i) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(f4 > AR) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(f4 > SEQ) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(f8 > f4) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(i8 > f4) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(f4 > f4) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(i4 > f4) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(b_ > f4) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(b > f4) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(c > f4) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(f > f4) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(i > f4) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(AR > f4) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(SEQ > f4) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
+assert_type(f8 > f8, np.bool_)
+assert_type(f8 > i8, np.bool_)
+assert_type(f8 > f4, np.bool_)
+assert_type(f8 > i4, np.bool_)
+assert_type(f8 > b_, np.bool_)
+assert_type(f8 > b, np.bool_)
+assert_type(f8 > c, np.bool_)
+assert_type(f8 > f, np.bool_)
+assert_type(f8 > i, np.bool_)
+assert_type(f8 > AR, npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(f8 > SEQ, npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(f8 > f8, np.bool_)
+assert_type(i8 > f8, np.bool_)
+assert_type(f4 > f8, np.bool_)
+assert_type(i4 > f8, np.bool_)
+assert_type(b_ > f8, np.bool_)
+assert_type(b > f8, np.bool_)
+assert_type(c > f8, np.bool_)
+assert_type(f > f8, np.bool_)
+assert_type(i > f8, np.bool_)
+assert_type(AR > f8, npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(SEQ > f8, npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(f4 > f8, np.bool_)
+assert_type(f4 > i8, np.bool_)
+assert_type(f4 > f4, np.bool_)
+assert_type(f4 > i4, np.bool_)
+assert_type(f4 > b_, np.bool_)
+assert_type(f4 > b, np.bool_)
+assert_type(f4 > c, np.bool_)
+assert_type(f4 > f, np.bool_)
+assert_type(f4 > i, np.bool_)
+assert_type(f4 > AR, npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(f4 > SEQ, npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(f8 > f4, np.bool_)
+assert_type(i8 > f4, np.bool_)
+assert_type(f4 > f4, np.bool_)
+assert_type(i4 > f4, np.bool_)
+assert_type(b_ > f4, np.bool_)
+assert_type(b > f4, np.bool_)
+assert_type(c > f4, np.bool_)
+assert_type(f > f4, np.bool_)
+assert_type(i > f4, np.bool_)
+assert_type(AR > f4, npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(SEQ > f4, npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
# Int
-reveal_type(i8 > i8) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(i8 > u8) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(i8 > i4) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(i8 > u4) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(i8 > b_) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(i8 > b) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(i8 > c) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(i8 > f) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(i8 > i) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(i8 > AR) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(i8 > SEQ) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(u8 > u8) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(u8 > i4) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(u8 > u4) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(u8 > b_) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(u8 > b) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(u8 > c) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(u8 > f) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(u8 > i) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(u8 > AR) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(u8 > SEQ) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(i8 > i8) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(u8 > i8) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(i4 > i8) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(u4 > i8) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(b_ > i8) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(b > i8) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(c > i8) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(f > i8) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(i > i8) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(AR > i8) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(SEQ > i8) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(u8 > u8) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(i4 > u8) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(u4 > u8) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(b_ > u8) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(b > u8) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(c > u8) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(f > u8) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(i > u8) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(AR > u8) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(SEQ > u8) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(i4 > i8) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(i4 > i4) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(i4 > i) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(i4 > b_) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(i4 > b) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(i4 > AR) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(i4 > SEQ) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(u4 > i8) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(u4 > i4) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(u4 > u8) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(u4 > u4) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(u4 > i) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(u4 > b_) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(u4 > b) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(u4 > AR) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(u4 > SEQ) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(i8 > i4) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(i4 > i4) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(i > i4) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(b_ > i4) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(b > i4) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(AR > i4) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(SEQ > i4) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(i8 > u4) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(i4 > u4) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(u8 > u4) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(u4 > u4) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(b_ > u4) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(b > u4) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(i > u4) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(AR > u4) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(SEQ > u4) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
+assert_type(i8 > i8, np.bool_)
+assert_type(i8 > u8, np.bool_)
+assert_type(i8 > i4, np.bool_)
+assert_type(i8 > u4, np.bool_)
+assert_type(i8 > b_, np.bool_)
+assert_type(i8 > b, np.bool_)
+assert_type(i8 > c, np.bool_)
+assert_type(i8 > f, np.bool_)
+assert_type(i8 > i, np.bool_)
+assert_type(i8 > AR, npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(i8 > SEQ, npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(u8 > u8, np.bool_)
+assert_type(u8 > i4, np.bool_)
+assert_type(u8 > u4, np.bool_)
+assert_type(u8 > b_, np.bool_)
+assert_type(u8 > b, np.bool_)
+assert_type(u8 > c, np.bool_)
+assert_type(u8 > f, np.bool_)
+assert_type(u8 > i, np.bool_)
+assert_type(u8 > AR, npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(u8 > SEQ, npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(i8 > i8, np.bool_)
+assert_type(u8 > i8, np.bool_)
+assert_type(i4 > i8, np.bool_)
+assert_type(u4 > i8, np.bool_)
+assert_type(b_ > i8, np.bool_)
+assert_type(b > i8, np.bool_)
+assert_type(c > i8, np.bool_)
+assert_type(f > i8, np.bool_)
+assert_type(i > i8, np.bool_)
+assert_type(AR > i8, npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(SEQ > i8, npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(u8 > u8, np.bool_)
+assert_type(i4 > u8, np.bool_)
+assert_type(u4 > u8, np.bool_)
+assert_type(b_ > u8, np.bool_)
+assert_type(b > u8, np.bool_)
+assert_type(c > u8, np.bool_)
+assert_type(f > u8, np.bool_)
+assert_type(i > u8, np.bool_)
+assert_type(AR > u8, npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(SEQ > u8, npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(i4 > i8, np.bool_)
+assert_type(i4 > i4, np.bool_)
+assert_type(i4 > i, np.bool_)
+assert_type(i4 > b_, np.bool_)
+assert_type(i4 > b, np.bool_)
+assert_type(i4 > AR, npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(i4 > SEQ, npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(u4 > i8, np.bool_)
+assert_type(u4 > i4, np.bool_)
+assert_type(u4 > u8, np.bool_)
+assert_type(u4 > u4, np.bool_)
+assert_type(u4 > i, np.bool_)
+assert_type(u4 > b_, np.bool_)
+assert_type(u4 > b, np.bool_)
+assert_type(u4 > AR, npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(u4 > SEQ, npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(i8 > i4, np.bool_)
+assert_type(i4 > i4, np.bool_)
+assert_type(i > i4, np.bool_)
+assert_type(b_ > i4, np.bool_)
+assert_type(b > i4, np.bool_)
+assert_type(AR > i4, npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(SEQ > i4, npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(i8 > u4, np.bool_)
+assert_type(i4 > u4, np.bool_)
+assert_type(u8 > u4, np.bool_)
+assert_type(u4 > u4, np.bool_)
+assert_type(b_ > u4, np.bool_)
+assert_type(b > u4, np.bool_)
+assert_type(i > u4, np.bool_)
+assert_type(AR > u4, npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(SEQ > u4, npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/constants.pyi b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/constants.pyi
index 37f54ccdab..ce2fcef1e2 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/constants.pyi
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/constants.pyi
@@ -1,52 +1,61 @@
+import sys
+from typing import Literal
import numpy as np
+from numpy.core._type_aliases import _SCTypes
+if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
+ from typing import assert_type
+ from typing_extensions import assert_type
-reveal_type(np.Inf) # E: float
-reveal_type(np.Infinity) # E: float
-reveal_type(np.NAN) # E: float
-reveal_type(np.NINF) # E: float
-reveal_type(np.NZERO) # E: float
-reveal_type(np.NaN) # E: float
-reveal_type(np.PINF) # E: float
-reveal_type(np.PZERO) # E: float
-reveal_type(np.e) # E: float
-reveal_type(np.euler_gamma) # E: float
-reveal_type(np.inf) # E: float
-reveal_type(np.infty) # E: float
-reveal_type(np.nan) # E: float
-reveal_type(np.pi) # E: float
+assert_type(np.Inf, float)
+assert_type(np.Infinity, float)
+assert_type(np.NAN, float)
+assert_type(np.NINF, float)
+assert_type(np.NZERO, float)
+assert_type(np.NaN, float)
+assert_type(np.PINF, float)
+assert_type(np.PZERO, float)
+assert_type(np.e, float)
+assert_type(np.euler_gamma, float)
+assert_type(np.inf, float)
+assert_type(np.infty, float)
+assert_type(np.nan, float)
+assert_type(np.pi, float)
-reveal_type(np.ALLOW_THREADS) # E: int
-reveal_type(np.BUFSIZE) # E: Literal[8192]
-reveal_type(np.CLIP) # E: Literal[0]
-reveal_type(np.ERR_CALL) # E: Literal[3]
-reveal_type(np.ERR_DEFAULT) # E: Literal[521]
-reveal_type(np.ERR_IGNORE) # E: Literal[0]
-reveal_type(np.ERR_LOG) # E: Literal[5]
-reveal_type(np.ERR_PRINT) # E: Literal[4]
-reveal_type(np.ERR_RAISE) # E: Literal[2]
-reveal_type(np.ERR_WARN) # E: Literal[1]
-reveal_type(np.FLOATING_POINT_SUPPORT) # E: Literal[1]
-reveal_type(np.FPE_DIVIDEBYZERO) # E: Literal[1]
-reveal_type(np.FPE_INVALID) # E: Literal[8]
-reveal_type(np.FPE_OVERFLOW) # E: Literal[2]
-reveal_type(np.FPE_UNDERFLOW) # E: Literal[4]
-reveal_type(np.MAXDIMS) # E: Literal[32]
-reveal_type(np.MAY_SHARE_BOUNDS) # E: Literal[0]
-reveal_type(np.MAY_SHARE_EXACT) # E: Literal[-1]
-reveal_type(np.RAISE) # E: Literal[2]
-reveal_type(np.SHIFT_DIVIDEBYZERO) # E: Literal[0]
-reveal_type(np.SHIFT_INVALID) # E: Literal[9]
-reveal_type(np.SHIFT_OVERFLOW) # E: Literal[3]
-reveal_type(np.SHIFT_UNDERFLOW) # E: Literal[6]
-reveal_type(np.UFUNC_BUFSIZE_DEFAULT) # E: Literal[8192]
-reveal_type(np.WRAP) # E: Literal[1]
-reveal_type(np.tracemalloc_domain) # E: Literal[389047]
+assert_type(np.ALLOW_THREADS, int)
+assert_type(np.BUFSIZE, Literal[8192])
+assert_type(np.CLIP, Literal[0])
+assert_type(np.ERR_CALL, Literal[3])
+assert_type(np.ERR_DEFAULT, Literal[521])
+assert_type(np.ERR_IGNORE, Literal[0])
+assert_type(np.ERR_LOG, Literal[5])
+assert_type(np.ERR_PRINT, Literal[4])
+assert_type(np.ERR_RAISE, Literal[2])
+assert_type(np.ERR_WARN, Literal[1])
+assert_type(np.FLOATING_POINT_SUPPORT, Literal[1])
+assert_type(np.FPE_DIVIDEBYZERO, Literal[1])
+assert_type(np.FPE_INVALID, Literal[8])
+assert_type(np.FPE_OVERFLOW, Literal[2])
+assert_type(np.FPE_UNDERFLOW, Literal[4])
+assert_type(np.MAXDIMS, Literal[32])
+assert_type(np.MAY_SHARE_BOUNDS, Literal[0])
+assert_type(np.MAY_SHARE_EXACT, Literal[-1])
+assert_type(np.RAISE, Literal[2])
+assert_type(np.SHIFT_DIVIDEBYZERO, Literal[0])
+assert_type(np.SHIFT_INVALID, Literal[9])
+assert_type(np.SHIFT_OVERFLOW, Literal[3])
+assert_type(np.SHIFT_UNDERFLOW, Literal[6])
+assert_type(np.UFUNC_BUFSIZE_DEFAULT, Literal[8192])
+assert_type(np.WRAP, Literal[1])
+assert_type(np.tracemalloc_domain, Literal[389047])
-reveal_type(np.little_endian) # E: bool
-reveal_type(np.True_) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(np.False_) # E: bool_
+assert_type(np.little_endian, bool)
+assert_type(np.True_, np.bool_)
+assert_type(np.False_, np.bool_)
-reveal_type(np.UFUNC_PYVALS_NAME) # E: Literal['UFUNC_PYVALS']
+assert_type(np.UFUNC_PYVALS_NAME, Literal["UFUNC_PYVALS"])
-reveal_type(np.sctypeDict) # E: dict
-reveal_type(np.sctypes) # E: TypedDict
+assert_type(np.sctypeDict, dict[int | str, type[np.generic]])
+assert_type(np.sctypes, _SCTypes)
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/ctypeslib.pyi b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/ctypeslib.pyi
index 2d30de3d15..a9712c074c 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/ctypeslib.pyi
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/ctypeslib.pyi
@@ -1,8 +1,15 @@
-import ctypes
+import sys
+import ctypes as ct
from typing import Any
import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
+from numpy import ctypeslib
+if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
+ from typing import assert_type
+ from typing_extensions import assert_type
AR_bool: npt.NDArray[np.bool_]
AR_ubyte: npt.NDArray[np.ubyte]
@@ -20,68 +27,69 @@ AR_double: npt.NDArray[np.double]
AR_longdouble: npt.NDArray[np.longdouble]
AR_void: npt.NDArray[np.void]
-pointer: ctypes._Pointer[Any]
+pointer: ct._Pointer[Any]
+assert_type(np.ctypeslib.c_intp(), ctypeslib.c_intp)
+assert_type(np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(), type[ctypeslib._ndptr[None]])
+assert_type(np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=np.float64), type[ctypeslib._ndptr[np.dtype[np.float64]]])
+assert_type(np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=float), type[ctypeslib._ndptr[np.dtype[Any]]])
+assert_type(np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(shape=(10, 3)), type[ctypeslib._ndptr[None]])
+assert_type(np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(np.int64, shape=(10, 3)), type[ctypeslib._concrete_ndptr[np.dtype[np.int64]]])
+assert_type(np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(int, shape=(1,)), type[np.ctypeslib._concrete_ndptr[np.dtype[Any]]])
-reveal_type(np.ctypeslib.c_intp()) # E: {c_intp}
+assert_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes_type(np.bool_), type[ct.c_bool])
+assert_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes_type(np.ubyte), type[ct.c_ubyte])
+assert_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes_type(np.ushort), type[ct.c_ushort])
+assert_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes_type(np.uintc), type[ct.c_uint])
+assert_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes_type(np.byte), type[ct.c_byte])
+assert_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes_type(np.short), type[ct.c_short])
+assert_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes_type(np.intc), type[ct.c_int])
+assert_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes_type(np.single), type[ct.c_float])
+assert_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes_type(np.double), type[ct.c_double])
+assert_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes_type(ct.c_double), type[ct.c_double])
+assert_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes_type("q"), type[ct.c_longlong])
+assert_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes_type([("i8", np.int64), ("f8", np.float64)]), type[Any])
+assert_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes_type("i8"), type[Any])
+assert_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes_type("f8"), type[Any])
-reveal_type(np.ctypeslib.ndpointer()) # E: Type[ctypeslib._ndptr[None]]
-reveal_type(np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=np.float64)) # E: Type[ctypeslib._ndptr[dtype[{float64}]]]
-reveal_type(np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=float)) # E: Type[ctypeslib._ndptr[dtype[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(shape=(10, 3))) # E: Type[ctypeslib._ndptr[None]]
-reveal_type(np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(np.int64, shape=(10, 3))) # E: Type[ctypeslib._concrete_ndptr[dtype[{int64}]]]
-reveal_type(np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(int, shape=(1,))) # E: Type[ctypeslib._concrete_ndptr[dtype[Any]]]
+assert_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(AR_bool.take(0)), ct.c_bool)
+assert_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(AR_ubyte.take(0)), ct.c_ubyte)
+assert_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(AR_ushort.take(0)), ct.c_ushort)
+assert_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(AR_uintc.take(0)), ct.c_uint)
-reveal_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes_type(np.bool_)) # E: Type[ctypes.c_bool]
-reveal_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes_type(np.ubyte)) # E: Type[{c_ubyte}]
-reveal_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes_type(np.ushort)) # E: Type[{c_ushort}]
-reveal_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes_type(np.uintc)) # E: Type[{c_uint}]
-reveal_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes_type(np.uint)) # E: Type[{c_ulong}]
-reveal_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes_type(np.ulonglong)) # E: Type[{c_ulonglong}]
-reveal_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes_type(np.byte)) # E: Type[{c_byte}]
-reveal_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes_type(np.short)) # E: Type[{c_short}]
-reveal_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes_type(np.intc)) # E: Type[{c_int}]
-reveal_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes_type(np.int_)) # E: Type[{c_long}]
-reveal_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes_type(np.longlong)) # E: Type[{c_longlong}]
-reveal_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes_type(np.single)) # E: Type[{c_float}]
-reveal_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes_type(np.double)) # E: Type[{c_double}]
-reveal_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes_type(np.longdouble)) # E: Type[{c_longdouble}]
-reveal_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes_type(ctypes.c_double)) # E: Type[{c_double}]
-reveal_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes_type("q")) # E: Type[ctypes.c_longlong]
-reveal_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes_type([("i8", np.int64), ("f8", np.float64)])) # E: Type[Any]
-reveal_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes_type("i8")) # E: Type[Any]
-reveal_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes_type("f8")) # E: Type[Any]
+assert_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(AR_byte.take(0)), ct.c_byte)
+assert_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(AR_short.take(0)), ct.c_short)
+assert_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(AR_intc.take(0)), ct.c_int)
+assert_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(AR_single.take(0)), ct.c_float)
+assert_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(AR_double.take(0)), ct.c_double)
+assert_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(AR_void.take(0)), Any)
+assert_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(AR_bool), ct.Array[ct.c_bool])
+assert_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(AR_ubyte), ct.Array[ct.c_ubyte])
+assert_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(AR_ushort), ct.Array[ct.c_ushort])
+assert_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(AR_uintc), ct.Array[ct.c_uint])
+assert_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(AR_byte), ct.Array[ct.c_byte])
+assert_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(AR_short), ct.Array[ct.c_short])
+assert_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(AR_intc), ct.Array[ct.c_int])
+assert_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(AR_single), ct.Array[ct.c_float])
+assert_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(AR_double), ct.Array[ct.c_double])
+assert_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(AR_void), ct.Array[Any])
-reveal_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(AR_bool.take(0))) # E: ctypes.c_bool
-reveal_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(AR_ubyte.take(0))) # E: {c_ubyte}
-reveal_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(AR_ushort.take(0))) # E: {c_ushort}
-reveal_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(AR_uintc.take(0))) # E: {c_uint}
-reveal_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(AR_uint.take(0))) # E: {c_ulong}
-reveal_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(AR_ulonglong.take(0))) # E: {c_ulonglong}
-reveal_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(AR_byte.take(0))) # E: {c_byte}
-reveal_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(AR_short.take(0))) # E: {c_short}
-reveal_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(AR_intc.take(0))) # E: {c_int}
-reveal_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(AR_int.take(0))) # E: {c_long}
-reveal_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(AR_longlong.take(0))) # E: {c_longlong}
-reveal_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(AR_single.take(0))) # E: {c_float}
-reveal_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(AR_double.take(0))) # E: {c_double}
-reveal_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(AR_longdouble.take(0))) # E: {c_longdouble}
-reveal_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(AR_void.take(0))) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(AR_bool)) # E: ctypes.Array[ctypes.c_bool]
-reveal_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(AR_ubyte)) # E: ctypes.Array[{c_ubyte}]
-reveal_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(AR_ushort)) # E: ctypes.Array[{c_ushort}]
-reveal_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(AR_uintc)) # E: ctypes.Array[{c_uint}]
-reveal_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(AR_uint)) # E: ctypes.Array[{c_ulong}]
-reveal_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(AR_ulonglong)) # E: ctypes.Array[{c_ulonglong}]
-reveal_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(AR_byte)) # E: ctypes.Array[{c_byte}]
-reveal_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(AR_short)) # E: ctypes.Array[{c_short}]
-reveal_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(AR_intc)) # E: ctypes.Array[{c_int}]
-reveal_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(AR_int)) # E: ctypes.Array[{c_long}]
-reveal_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(AR_longlong)) # E: ctypes.Array[{c_longlong}]
-reveal_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(AR_single)) # E: ctypes.Array[{c_float}]
-reveal_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(AR_double)) # E: ctypes.Array[{c_double}]
-reveal_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(AR_longdouble)) # E: ctypes.Array[{c_longdouble}]
-reveal_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(AR_void)) # E: ctypes.Array[Any]
+assert_type(np.ctypeslib.as_array(AR_ubyte), npt.NDArray[np.ubyte])
+assert_type(np.ctypeslib.as_array(1), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.ctypeslib.as_array(pointer), npt.NDArray[Any])
-reveal_type(np.ctypeslib.as_array(AR_ubyte)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{ubyte}]]
-reveal_type(np.ctypeslib.as_array(1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.ctypeslib.as_array(pointer)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
+if sys.platform == "win32":
+ assert_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes_type(np.int_), type[ct.c_int])
+ assert_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes_type(np.uint), type[ct.c_uint])
+ assert_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(AR_uint), ct.Array[ct.c_uint])
+ assert_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(AR_int), ct.Array[ct.c_int])
+ assert_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(AR_uint.take(0)), ct.c_uint)
+ assert_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(AR_int.take(0)), ct.c_int)
+ assert_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes_type(np.int_), type[ct.c_long])
+ assert_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes_type(np.uint), type[ct.c_ulong])
+ assert_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(AR_uint), ct.Array[ct.c_ulong])
+ assert_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(AR_int), ct.Array[ct.c_long])
+ assert_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(AR_uint.take(0)), ct.c_ulong)
+ assert_type(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(AR_int.take(0)), ct.c_long)
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/datasource.pyi b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/datasource.pyi
index 245ac7649e..865722d8c9 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/datasource.pyi
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/datasource.pyi
@@ -1,6 +1,14 @@
+import sys
from pathlib import Path
+from typing import IO, Any
import numpy as np
+if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
+ from typing import assert_type
+ from typing_extensions import assert_type
path1: Path
path2: str
@@ -8,14 +16,14 @@ d1 = np.DataSource(path1)
d2 = np.DataSource(path2)
d3 = np.DataSource(None)
-reveal_type(d1.abspath("...")) # E: str
-reveal_type(d2.abspath("...")) # E: str
-reveal_type(d3.abspath("...")) # E: str
+assert_type(d1.abspath("..."), str)
+assert_type(d2.abspath("..."), str)
+assert_type(d3.abspath("..."), str)
-reveal_type(d1.exists("...")) # E: bool
-reveal_type(d2.exists("...")) # E: bool
-reveal_type(d3.exists("...")) # E: bool
+assert_type(d1.exists("..."), bool)
+assert_type(d2.exists("..."), bool)
+assert_type(d3.exists("..."), bool)
-reveal_type(d1.open("...", "r")) # E: IO[Any]
-reveal_type(d2.open("...", encoding="utf8")) # E: IO[Any]
-reveal_type(d3.open("...", newline="/n")) # E: IO[Any]
+assert_type(d1.open("...", "r"), IO[Any])
+assert_type(d2.open("...", encoding="utf8"), IO[Any])
+assert_type(d3.open("...", newline="/n"), IO[Any])
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/dtype.pyi b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/dtype.pyi
index ce6b803d68..19713098bb 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/dtype.pyi
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/dtype.pyi
@@ -1,77 +1,85 @@
+import sys
import ctypes as ct
+from typing import Any
import numpy as np
+if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
+ from typing import assert_type
+ from typing_extensions import assert_type
dtype_U: np.dtype[np.str_]
dtype_V: np.dtype[np.void]
dtype_i8: np.dtype[np.int64]
-reveal_type(np.dtype(np.float64)) # E: dtype[{float64}]
-reveal_type(np.dtype(np.float64, metadata={"test": "test"})) # E: dtype[{float64}]
-reveal_type(np.dtype(np.int64)) # E: dtype[{int64}]
+assert_type(np.dtype(np.float64), np.dtype[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.dtype(np.float64, metadata={"test": "test"}), np.dtype[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.dtype(np.int64), np.dtype[np.int64])
# String aliases
-reveal_type(np.dtype("float64")) # E: dtype[{float64}]
-reveal_type(np.dtype("float32")) # E: dtype[{float32}]
-reveal_type(np.dtype("int64")) # E: dtype[{int64}]
-reveal_type(np.dtype("int32")) # E: dtype[{int32}]
-reveal_type(np.dtype("bool")) # E: dtype[bool_]
-reveal_type(np.dtype("bytes")) # E: dtype[bytes_]
-reveal_type(np.dtype("str")) # E: dtype[str_]
+assert_type(np.dtype("float64"), np.dtype[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.dtype("float32"), np.dtype[np.float32])
+assert_type(np.dtype("int64"), np.dtype[np.int64])
+assert_type(np.dtype("int32"), np.dtype[np.int32])
+assert_type(np.dtype("bool"), np.dtype[np.bool_])
+assert_type(np.dtype("bytes"), np.dtype[np.bytes_])
+assert_type(np.dtype("str"), np.dtype[np.str_])
# Python types
-reveal_type(np.dtype(complex)) # E: dtype[{cdouble}]
-reveal_type(np.dtype(float)) # E: dtype[{double}]
-reveal_type(np.dtype(int)) # E: dtype[{int_}]
-reveal_type(np.dtype(bool)) # E: dtype[bool_]
-reveal_type(np.dtype(str)) # E: dtype[str_]
-reveal_type(np.dtype(bytes)) # E: dtype[bytes_]
-reveal_type(np.dtype(object)) # E: dtype[object_]
+assert_type(np.dtype(complex), np.dtype[np.cdouble])
+assert_type(np.dtype(float), np.dtype[np.double])
+assert_type(np.dtype(int), np.dtype[np.int_])
+assert_type(np.dtype(bool), np.dtype[np.bool_])
+assert_type(np.dtype(str), np.dtype[np.str_])
+assert_type(np.dtype(bytes), np.dtype[np.bytes_])
+assert_type(np.dtype(object), np.dtype[np.object_])
# ctypes
-reveal_type(np.dtype(ct.c_double)) # E: dtype[{double}]
-reveal_type(np.dtype(ct.c_longlong)) # E: dtype[{longlong}]
-reveal_type(np.dtype(ct.c_uint32)) # E: dtype[{uint32}]
-reveal_type(np.dtype(ct.c_bool)) # E: dtype[bool_]
-reveal_type(np.dtype(ct.c_char)) # E: dtype[bytes_]
-reveal_type(np.dtype(ct.py_object)) # E: dtype[object_]
+assert_type(np.dtype(ct.c_double), np.dtype[np.double])
+assert_type(np.dtype(ct.c_longlong), np.dtype[np.longlong])
+assert_type(np.dtype(ct.c_uint32), np.dtype[np.uint32])
+assert_type(np.dtype(ct.c_bool), np.dtype[np.bool_])
+assert_type(np.dtype(ct.c_char), np.dtype[np.bytes_])
+assert_type(np.dtype(ct.py_object), np.dtype[np.object_])
# Special case for None
-reveal_type(np.dtype(None)) # E: dtype[{double}]
+assert_type(np.dtype(None), np.dtype[np.double])
# Dtypes of dtypes
-reveal_type(np.dtype(np.dtype(np.float64))) # E: dtype[{float64}]
+assert_type(np.dtype(np.dtype(np.float64)), np.dtype[np.float64])
# Parameterized dtypes
-reveal_type(np.dtype("S8")) # E: dtype
+assert_type(np.dtype("S8"), np.dtype)
# Void
-reveal_type(np.dtype(("U", 10))) # E: dtype[void]
+assert_type(np.dtype(("U", 10)), np.dtype[np.void])
# Methods and attributes
-reveal_type(dtype_U.base) # E: dtype[Any]
-reveal_type(dtype_U.subdtype) # E: Union[None, Tuple[dtype[Any], builtins.tuple[builtins.int, ...]]]
-reveal_type(dtype_U.newbyteorder()) # E: dtype[str_]
-reveal_type(dtype_U.type) # E: Type[str_]
-reveal_type(dtype_U.name) # E: str
-reveal_type(dtype_U.names) # E: Union[None, builtins.tuple[builtins.str, ...]]
-reveal_type(dtype_U * 0) # E: dtype[str_]
-reveal_type(dtype_U * 1) # E: dtype[str_]
-reveal_type(dtype_U * 2) # E: dtype[str_]
-reveal_type(dtype_i8 * 0) # E: dtype[void]
-reveal_type(dtype_i8 * 1) # E: dtype[{int64}]
-reveal_type(dtype_i8 * 2) # E: dtype[void]
-reveal_type(0 * dtype_U) # E: dtype[str_]
-reveal_type(1 * dtype_U) # E: dtype[str_]
-reveal_type(2 * dtype_U) # E: dtype[str_]
-reveal_type(0 * dtype_i8) # E: dtype[Any]
-reveal_type(1 * dtype_i8) # E: dtype[Any]
-reveal_type(2 * dtype_i8) # E: dtype[Any]
-reveal_type(dtype_V["f0"]) # E: dtype[Any]
-reveal_type(dtype_V[0]) # E: dtype[Any]
-reveal_type(dtype_V[["f0", "f1"]]) # E: dtype[void]
-reveal_type(dtype_V[["f0"]]) # E: dtype[void]
+assert_type(dtype_U.base, np.dtype[Any])
+assert_type(dtype_U.subdtype, None | tuple[np.dtype[Any], tuple[int, ...]])
+assert_type(dtype_U.newbyteorder(), np.dtype[np.str_])
+assert_type(dtype_U.type, type[np.str_])
+assert_type(dtype_U.name, str)
+assert_type(dtype_U.names, None | tuple[str, ...])
+assert_type(dtype_U * 0, np.dtype[np.str_])
+assert_type(dtype_U * 1, np.dtype[np.str_])
+assert_type(dtype_U * 2, np.dtype[np.str_])
+assert_type(dtype_i8 * 0, np.dtype[np.void])
+assert_type(dtype_i8 * 1, np.dtype[np.int64])
+assert_type(dtype_i8 * 2, np.dtype[np.void])
+assert_type(0 * dtype_U, np.dtype[np.str_])
+assert_type(1 * dtype_U, np.dtype[np.str_])
+assert_type(2 * dtype_U, np.dtype[np.str_])
+assert_type(0 * dtype_i8, np.dtype[Any])
+assert_type(1 * dtype_i8, np.dtype[Any])
+assert_type(2 * dtype_i8, np.dtype[Any])
+assert_type(dtype_V["f0"], np.dtype[Any])
+assert_type(dtype_V[0], np.dtype[Any])
+assert_type(dtype_V[["f0", "f1"]], np.dtype[np.void])
+assert_type(dtype_V[["f0"]], np.dtype[np.void])
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/einsumfunc.pyi b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/einsumfunc.pyi
index 5f6415f275..645aaad31c 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/einsumfunc.pyi
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/einsumfunc.pyi
@@ -1,7 +1,14 @@
+import sys
from typing import Any
import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
+if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
+ from typing import assert_type
+ from typing_extensions import assert_type
AR_LIKE_b: list[bool]
AR_LIKE_u: list[np.uint32]
AR_LIKE_i: list[int]
@@ -12,27 +19,27 @@ AR_o: npt.NDArray[np.object_]
OUT_f: npt.NDArray[np.float64]
-reveal_type(np.einsum("i,i->i", AR_LIKE_b, AR_LIKE_b)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.einsum("i,i->i", AR_o, AR_o)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.einsum("i,i->i", AR_LIKE_u, AR_LIKE_u)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.einsum("i,i->i", AR_LIKE_i, AR_LIKE_i)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.einsum("i,i->i", AR_LIKE_f, AR_LIKE_f)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.einsum("i,i->i", AR_LIKE_c, AR_LIKE_c)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.einsum("i,i->i", AR_LIKE_b, AR_LIKE_i)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.einsum("i,i,i,i->i", AR_LIKE_b, AR_LIKE_u, AR_LIKE_i, AR_LIKE_c)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.einsum("i,i->i", AR_LIKE_c, AR_LIKE_c, out=OUT_f)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]
-reveal_type(np.einsum("i,i->i", AR_LIKE_U, AR_LIKE_U, dtype=bool, casting="unsafe", out=OUT_f)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]
-reveal_type(np.einsum("i,i->i", AR_LIKE_f, AR_LIKE_f, dtype="c16")) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.einsum("i,i->i", AR_LIKE_U, AR_LIKE_U, dtype=bool, casting="unsafe")) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.einsum_path("i,i->i", AR_LIKE_b, AR_LIKE_b)) # E: Tuple[builtins.list[Any], builtins.str]
-reveal_type(np.einsum_path("i,i->i", AR_LIKE_u, AR_LIKE_u)) # E: Tuple[builtins.list[Any], builtins.str]
-reveal_type(np.einsum_path("i,i->i", AR_LIKE_i, AR_LIKE_i)) # E: Tuple[builtins.list[Any], builtins.str]
-reveal_type(np.einsum_path("i,i->i", AR_LIKE_f, AR_LIKE_f)) # E: Tuple[builtins.list[Any], builtins.str]
-reveal_type(np.einsum_path("i,i->i", AR_LIKE_c, AR_LIKE_c)) # E: Tuple[builtins.list[Any], builtins.str]
-reveal_type(np.einsum_path("i,i->i", AR_LIKE_b, AR_LIKE_i)) # E: Tuple[builtins.list[Any], builtins.str]
-reveal_type(np.einsum_path("i,i,i,i->i", AR_LIKE_b, AR_LIKE_u, AR_LIKE_i, AR_LIKE_c)) # E: Tuple[builtins.list[Any], builtins.str]
-reveal_type(np.einsum([[1, 1], [1, 1]], AR_LIKE_i, AR_LIKE_i)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.einsum_path([[1, 1], [1, 1]], AR_LIKE_i, AR_LIKE_i)) # E: Tuple[builtins.list[Any], builtins.str]
+assert_type(np.einsum("i,i->i", AR_LIKE_b, AR_LIKE_b), Any)
+assert_type(np.einsum("i,i->i", AR_o, AR_o), Any)
+assert_type(np.einsum("i,i->i", AR_LIKE_u, AR_LIKE_u), Any)
+assert_type(np.einsum("i,i->i", AR_LIKE_i, AR_LIKE_i), Any)
+assert_type(np.einsum("i,i->i", AR_LIKE_f, AR_LIKE_f), Any)
+assert_type(np.einsum("i,i->i", AR_LIKE_c, AR_LIKE_c), Any)
+assert_type(np.einsum("i,i->i", AR_LIKE_b, AR_LIKE_i), Any)
+assert_type(np.einsum("i,i,i,i->i", AR_LIKE_b, AR_LIKE_u, AR_LIKE_i, AR_LIKE_c), Any)
+assert_type(np.einsum("i,i->i", AR_LIKE_c, AR_LIKE_c, out=OUT_f), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.einsum("i,i->i", AR_LIKE_U, AR_LIKE_U, dtype=bool, casting="unsafe", out=OUT_f), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.einsum("i,i->i", AR_LIKE_f, AR_LIKE_f, dtype="c16"), Any)
+assert_type(np.einsum("i,i->i", AR_LIKE_U, AR_LIKE_U, dtype=bool, casting="unsafe"), Any)
+assert_type(np.einsum_path("i,i->i", AR_LIKE_b, AR_LIKE_b), tuple[list[Any], str])
+assert_type(np.einsum_path("i,i->i", AR_LIKE_u, AR_LIKE_u), tuple[list[Any], str])
+assert_type(np.einsum_path("i,i->i", AR_LIKE_i, AR_LIKE_i), tuple[list[Any], str])
+assert_type(np.einsum_path("i,i->i", AR_LIKE_f, AR_LIKE_f), tuple[list[Any], str])
+assert_type(np.einsum_path("i,i->i", AR_LIKE_c, AR_LIKE_c), tuple[list[Any], str])
+assert_type(np.einsum_path("i,i->i", AR_LIKE_b, AR_LIKE_i), tuple[list[Any], str])
+assert_type(np.einsum_path("i,i,i,i->i", AR_LIKE_b, AR_LIKE_u, AR_LIKE_i, AR_LIKE_c), tuple[list[Any], str])
+assert_type(np.einsum([[1, 1], [1, 1]], AR_LIKE_i, AR_LIKE_i), Any)
+assert_type(np.einsum_path([[1, 1], [1, 1]], AR_LIKE_i, AR_LIKE_i), tuple[list[Any], str])
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/emath.pyi b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/emath.pyi
index 9ab2d72d2b..d1027bf48d 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/emath.pyi
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/emath.pyi
@@ -1,52 +1,60 @@
+import sys
+from typing import Any
import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
+if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
+ from typing import assert_type
+ from typing_extensions import assert_type
AR_f8: npt.NDArray[np.float64]
AR_c16: npt.NDArray[np.complex128]
f8: np.float64
c16: np.complex128
-reveal_type(np.emath.sqrt(f8)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.emath.sqrt(AR_f8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.emath.sqrt(c16)) # E: complexfloating[Any, Any]
-reveal_type(np.emath.sqrt(AR_c16)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[complexfloating[Any, Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.emath.log(f8)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.emath.log(AR_f8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.emath.log(c16)) # E: complexfloating[Any, Any]
-reveal_type(np.emath.log(AR_c16)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[complexfloating[Any, Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.emath.log10(f8)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.emath.log10(AR_f8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.emath.log10(c16)) # E: complexfloating[Any, Any]
-reveal_type(np.emath.log10(AR_c16)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[complexfloating[Any, Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.emath.log2(f8)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.emath.log2(AR_f8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.emath.log2(c16)) # E: complexfloating[Any, Any]
-reveal_type(np.emath.log2(AR_c16)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[complexfloating[Any, Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.emath.logn(f8, 2)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.emath.logn(AR_f8, 4)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.emath.logn(f8, 1j)) # E: complexfloating[Any, Any]
-reveal_type(np.emath.logn(AR_c16, 1.5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[complexfloating[Any, Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.emath.power(f8, 2)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.emath.power(AR_f8, 4)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.emath.power(f8, 2j)) # E: complexfloating[Any, Any]
-reveal_type(np.emath.power(AR_c16, 1.5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[complexfloating[Any, Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.emath.arccos(f8)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.emath.arccos(AR_f8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.emath.arccos(c16)) # E: complexfloating[Any, Any]
-reveal_type(np.emath.arccos(AR_c16)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[complexfloating[Any, Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.emath.arcsin(f8)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.emath.arcsin(AR_f8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.emath.arcsin(c16)) # E: complexfloating[Any, Any]
-reveal_type(np.emath.arcsin(AR_c16)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[complexfloating[Any, Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.emath.arctanh(f8)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.emath.arctanh(AR_f8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.emath.arctanh(c16)) # E: complexfloating[Any, Any]
-reveal_type(np.emath.arctanh(AR_c16)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[complexfloating[Any, Any]]]
+assert_type(np.emath.sqrt(f8), Any)
+assert_type(np.emath.sqrt(AR_f8), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.emath.sqrt(c16), np.complexfloating[Any, Any])
+assert_type(np.emath.sqrt(AR_c16), npt.NDArray[np.complexfloating[Any, Any]])
+assert_type(np.emath.log(f8), Any)
+assert_type(np.emath.log(AR_f8), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.emath.log(c16), np.complexfloating[Any, Any])
+assert_type(np.emath.log(AR_c16), npt.NDArray[np.complexfloating[Any, Any]])
+assert_type(np.emath.log10(f8), Any)
+assert_type(np.emath.log10(AR_f8), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.emath.log10(c16), np.complexfloating[Any, Any])
+assert_type(np.emath.log10(AR_c16), npt.NDArray[np.complexfloating[Any, Any]])
+assert_type(np.emath.log2(f8), Any)
+assert_type(np.emath.log2(AR_f8), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.emath.log2(c16), np.complexfloating[Any, Any])
+assert_type(np.emath.log2(AR_c16), npt.NDArray[np.complexfloating[Any, Any]])
+assert_type(np.emath.logn(f8, 2), Any)
+assert_type(np.emath.logn(AR_f8, 4), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.emath.logn(f8, 1j), np.complexfloating[Any, Any])
+assert_type(np.emath.logn(AR_c16, 1.5), npt.NDArray[np.complexfloating[Any, Any]])
+assert_type(np.emath.power(f8, 2), Any)
+assert_type(np.emath.power(AR_f8, 4), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.emath.power(f8, 2j), np.complexfloating[Any, Any])
+assert_type(np.emath.power(AR_c16, 1.5), npt.NDArray[np.complexfloating[Any, Any]])
+assert_type(np.emath.arccos(f8), Any)
+assert_type(np.emath.arccos(AR_f8), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.emath.arccos(c16), np.complexfloating[Any, Any])
+assert_type(np.emath.arccos(AR_c16), npt.NDArray[np.complexfloating[Any, Any]])
+assert_type(np.emath.arcsin(f8), Any)
+assert_type(np.emath.arcsin(AR_f8), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.emath.arcsin(c16), np.complexfloating[Any, Any])
+assert_type(np.emath.arcsin(AR_c16), npt.NDArray[np.complexfloating[Any, Any]])
+assert_type(np.emath.arctanh(f8), Any)
+assert_type(np.emath.arctanh(AR_f8), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.emath.arctanh(c16), np.complexfloating[Any, Any])
+assert_type(np.emath.arctanh(AR_c16), npt.NDArray[np.complexfloating[Any, Any]])
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/false_positives.pyi b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/false_positives.pyi
index 2d7156642e..7a2e016245 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/false_positives.pyi
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/false_positives.pyi
@@ -1,10 +1,18 @@
+import sys
from typing import Any
+import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
+if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
+ from typing import assert_type
+ from typing_extensions import assert_type
AR_Any: npt.NDArray[Any]
# Mypy bug where overload ambiguity is ignored for `Any`-parametrized types;
# xref numpy/numpy#20099 and python/mypy#11347
-# The expected output would be something akin to `ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]`
-reveal_type(AR_Any + 2) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[Any]]]
+# The expected output would be something akin to `npt.NDArray[Any]`
+assert_type(AR_Any + 2, npt.NDArray[np.signedinteger[Any]])
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/fft.pyi b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/fft.pyi
index 0667938e44..d6e9ba756d 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/fft.pyi
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/fft.pyi
@@ -1,35 +1,43 @@
+import sys
+from typing import Any
import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
+if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
+ from typing import assert_type
+ from typing_extensions import assert_type
AR_f8: npt.NDArray[np.float64]
AR_c16: npt.NDArray[np.complex128]
AR_LIKE_f8: list[float]
-reveal_type(np.fft.fftshift(AR_f8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.fft.fftshift(AR_LIKE_f8, axes=0)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
+assert_type(np.fft.fftshift(AR_f8), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.fft.fftshift(AR_LIKE_f8, axes=0), npt.NDArray[Any])
-reveal_type(np.fft.ifftshift(AR_f8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.fft.ifftshift(AR_LIKE_f8, axes=0)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
+assert_type(np.fft.ifftshift(AR_f8), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.fft.ifftshift(AR_LIKE_f8, axes=0), npt.NDArray[Any])
-reveal_type(np.fft.fftfreq(5, AR_f8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.fft.fftfreq(np.int64(), AR_c16)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[complexfloating[Any, Any]]]
+assert_type(np.fft.fftfreq(5, AR_f8), npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(np.fft.fftfreq(np.int64(), AR_c16), npt.NDArray[np.complexfloating[Any, Any]])
-reveal_type(np.fft.fftfreq(5, AR_f8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.fft.fftfreq(np.int64(), AR_c16)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[complexfloating[Any, Any]]]
+assert_type(np.fft.fftfreq(5, AR_f8), npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(np.fft.fftfreq(np.int64(), AR_c16), npt.NDArray[np.complexfloating[Any, Any]])
-reveal_type(np.fft.fft(AR_f8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{complex128}]]
-reveal_type(np.fft.ifft(AR_f8, axis=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{complex128}]]
-reveal_type(np.fft.rfft(AR_f8, n=None)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{complex128}]]
-reveal_type(np.fft.irfft(AR_f8, norm="ortho")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.fft.hfft(AR_f8, n=2)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.fft.ihfft(AR_f8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{complex128}]]
+assert_type(np.fft.fft(AR_f8), npt.NDArray[np.complex128])
+assert_type(np.fft.ifft(AR_f8, axis=1), npt.NDArray[np.complex128])
+assert_type(np.fft.rfft(AR_f8, n=None), npt.NDArray[np.complex128])
+assert_type(np.fft.irfft(AR_f8, norm="ortho"), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.fft.hfft(AR_f8, n=2), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.fft.ihfft(AR_f8), npt.NDArray[np.complex128])
-reveal_type(np.fft.fftn(AR_f8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{complex128}]]
-reveal_type(np.fft.ifftn(AR_f8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{complex128}]]
-reveal_type(np.fft.rfftn(AR_f8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{complex128}]]
-reveal_type(np.fft.irfftn(AR_f8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
+assert_type(np.fft.fftn(AR_f8), npt.NDArray[np.complex128])
+assert_type(np.fft.ifftn(AR_f8), npt.NDArray[np.complex128])
+assert_type(np.fft.rfftn(AR_f8), npt.NDArray[np.complex128])
+assert_type(np.fft.irfftn(AR_f8), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
-reveal_type(np.fft.rfft2(AR_f8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{complex128}]]
-reveal_type(np.fft.ifft2(AR_f8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{complex128}]]
-reveal_type(np.fft.fft2(AR_f8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{complex128}]]
-reveal_type(np.fft.irfft2(AR_f8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
+assert_type(np.fft.rfft2(AR_f8), npt.NDArray[np.complex128])
+assert_type(np.fft.ifft2(AR_f8), npt.NDArray[np.complex128])
+assert_type(np.fft.fft2(AR_f8), npt.NDArray[np.complex128])
+assert_type(np.fft.irfft2(AR_f8), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/flatiter.pyi b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/flatiter.pyi
index 8d3e806328..84d3b03b7d 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/flatiter.pyi
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/flatiter.pyi
@@ -1,22 +1,30 @@
+import sys
from typing import Any
import numpy as np
+import numpy.typing as npt
+if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
+ from typing import assert_type
+ from typing_extensions import assert_type
-a: np.flatiter[np.ndarray[Any, np.dtype[np.str_]]]
+a: np.flatiter[npt.NDArray[np.str_]]
-reveal_type(a.base) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[str_]]
-reveal_type(a.copy()) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[str_]]
-reveal_type(a.coords) # E: tuple[builtins.int, ...]
-reveal_type(a.index) # E: int
-reveal_type(iter(a)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(next(a)) # E: str_
-reveal_type(a[0]) # E: str_
-reveal_type(a[[0, 1, 2]]) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[str_]]
-reveal_type(a[...]) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[str_]]
-reveal_type(a[:]) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[str_]]
-reveal_type(a[(...,)]) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[str_]]
-reveal_type(a[(0,)]) # E: str_
-reveal_type(a.__array__()) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[str_]]
-reveal_type(a.__array__(np.dtype(np.float64))) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
+assert_type(a.base, npt.NDArray[np.str_])
+assert_type(a.copy(), npt.NDArray[np.str_])
+assert_type(a.coords, tuple[int, ...])
+assert_type(a.index, int)
+assert_type(iter(a), np.flatiter[npt.NDArray[np.str_]])
+assert_type(next(a), np.str_)
+assert_type(a[0], np.str_)
+assert_type(a[[0, 1, 2]], npt.NDArray[np.str_])
+assert_type(a[...], npt.NDArray[np.str_])
+assert_type(a[:], npt.NDArray[np.str_])
+assert_type(a[(...,)], npt.NDArray[np.str_])
+assert_type(a[(0,)], np.str_)
+assert_type(a.__array__(), npt.NDArray[np.str_])
+assert_type(a.__array__(np.dtype(np.float64)), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
a[0] = "a"
a[:5] = "a"
a[...] = "a"
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/fromnumeric.pyi b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/fromnumeric.pyi
index e769abcf5e..aec21ec22c 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/fromnumeric.pyi
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/fromnumeric.pyi
@@ -1,8 +1,16 @@
"""Tests for :mod:`core.fromnumeric`."""
+import sys
+from typing import Any
import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
+if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
+ from typing import assert_type
+ from typing_extensions import assert_type
class NDArraySubclass(npt.NDArray[np.complex128]):
@@ -19,279 +27,279 @@ f4: np.float32
i8: np.int64
f: float
-reveal_type(np.take(b, 0)) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(np.take(f4, 0)) # E: {float32}
-reveal_type(np.take(f, 0)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.take(AR_b, 0)) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(np.take(AR_f4, 0)) # E: {float32}
-reveal_type(np.take(AR_b, [0])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(np.take(AR_f4, [0])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float32}]]
-reveal_type(np.take([1], [0])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.take(AR_f4, [0], out=AR_subclass)) # E: NDArraySubclass
-reveal_type(np.reshape(b, 1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(np.reshape(f4, 1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float32}]]
-reveal_type(np.reshape(f, 1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.reshape(AR_b, 1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(np.reshape(AR_f4, 1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float32}]]
-reveal_type(np.choose(1, [True, True])) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.choose([1], [True, True])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.choose([1], AR_b)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(np.choose([1], AR_b, out=AR_f4)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float32}]]
-reveal_type(np.repeat(b, 1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(np.repeat(f4, 1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float32}]]
-reveal_type(np.repeat(f, 1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.repeat(AR_b, 1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(np.repeat(AR_f4, 1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float32}]]
+assert_type(np.take(b, 0), np.bool_)
+assert_type(np.take(f4, 0), np.float32)
+assert_type(np.take(f, 0), Any)
+assert_type(np.take(AR_b, 0), np.bool_)
+assert_type(np.take(AR_f4, 0), np.float32)
+assert_type(np.take(AR_b, [0]), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(np.take(AR_f4, [0]), npt.NDArray[np.float32])
+assert_type(np.take([1], [0]), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.take(AR_f4, [0], out=AR_subclass), NDArraySubclass)
+assert_type(np.reshape(b, 1), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(np.reshape(f4, 1), npt.NDArray[np.float32])
+assert_type(np.reshape(f, 1), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.reshape(AR_b, 1), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(np.reshape(AR_f4, 1), npt.NDArray[np.float32])
+assert_type(np.choose(1, [True, True]), Any)
+assert_type(np.choose([1], [True, True]), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.choose([1], AR_b), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(np.choose([1], AR_b, out=AR_f4), npt.NDArray[np.float32])
+assert_type(np.repeat(b, 1), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(np.repeat(f4, 1), npt.NDArray[np.float32])
+assert_type(np.repeat(f, 1), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.repeat(AR_b, 1), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(np.repeat(AR_f4, 1), npt.NDArray[np.float32])
# TODO: array_bdd tests for np.put()
-reveal_type(np.swapaxes([[0, 1]], 0, 0)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.swapaxes(AR_b, 0, 0)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(np.swapaxes(AR_f4, 0, 0)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float32}]]
-reveal_type(np.transpose(b)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(np.transpose(f4)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float32}]]
-reveal_type(np.transpose(f)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.transpose(AR_b)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(np.transpose(AR_f4)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float32}]]
-reveal_type(np.partition(b, 0, axis=None)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(np.partition(f4, 0, axis=None)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float32}]]
-reveal_type(np.partition(f, 0, axis=None)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.partition(AR_b, 0)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(np.partition(AR_f4, 0)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float32}]]
-reveal_type(np.argpartition(b, 0)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{intp}]]
-reveal_type(np.argpartition(f4, 0)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{intp}]]
-reveal_type(np.argpartition(f, 0)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{intp}]]
-reveal_type(np.argpartition(AR_b, 0)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{intp}]]
-reveal_type(np.argpartition(AR_f4, 0)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{intp}]]
-reveal_type(np.sort([2, 1], 0)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.sort(AR_b, 0)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(np.sort(AR_f4, 0)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float32}]]
-reveal_type(np.argsort(AR_b, 0)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{intp}]]
-reveal_type(np.argsort(AR_f4, 0)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{intp}]]
-reveal_type(np.argmax(AR_b)) # E: {intp}
-reveal_type(np.argmax(AR_f4)) # E: {intp}
-reveal_type(np.argmax(AR_b, axis=0)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.argmax(AR_f4, axis=0)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.argmax(AR_f4, out=AR_subclass)) # E: NDArraySubclass
-reveal_type(np.argmin(AR_b)) # E: {intp}
-reveal_type(np.argmin(AR_f4)) # E: {intp}
-reveal_type(np.argmin(AR_b, axis=0)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.argmin(AR_f4, axis=0)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.argmin(AR_f4, out=AR_subclass)) # E: NDArraySubclass
-reveal_type(np.searchsorted(AR_b[0], 0)) # E: {intp}
-reveal_type(np.searchsorted(AR_f4[0], 0)) # E: {intp}
-reveal_type(np.searchsorted(AR_b[0], [0])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{intp}]]
-reveal_type(np.searchsorted(AR_f4[0], [0])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{intp}]]
-reveal_type(np.resize(b, (5, 5))) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(np.resize(f4, (5, 5))) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float32}]]
-reveal_type(np.resize(f, (5, 5))) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.resize(AR_b, (5, 5))) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(np.resize(AR_f4, (5, 5))) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float32}]]
-reveal_type(np.squeeze(b)) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(np.squeeze(f4)) # E: {float32}
-reveal_type(np.squeeze(f)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.squeeze(AR_b)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(np.squeeze(AR_f4)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float32}]]
-reveal_type(np.diagonal(AR_b)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(np.diagonal(AR_f4)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float32}]]
-reveal_type(np.trace(AR_b)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.trace(AR_f4)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.trace(AR_f4, out=AR_subclass)) # E: NDArraySubclass
-reveal_type(np.ravel(b)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(np.ravel(f4)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float32}]]
-reveal_type(np.ravel(f)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.ravel(AR_b)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(np.ravel(AR_f4)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float32}]]
-reveal_type(np.nonzero(b)) # E: tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[{intp}]], ...]
-reveal_type(np.nonzero(f4)) # E: tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[{intp}]], ...]
-reveal_type(np.nonzero(f)) # E: tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[{intp}]], ...]
-reveal_type(np.nonzero(AR_b)) # E: tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[{intp}]], ...]
-reveal_type(np.nonzero(AR_f4)) # E: tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[{intp}]], ...]
-reveal_type(np.shape(b)) # E: tuple[builtins.int, ...]
-reveal_type(np.shape(f4)) # E: tuple[builtins.int, ...]
-reveal_type(np.shape(f)) # E: tuple[builtins.int, ...]
-reveal_type(np.shape(AR_b)) # E: tuple[builtins.int, ...]
-reveal_type(np.shape(AR_f4)) # E: tuple[builtins.int, ...]
-reveal_type(np.compress([True], b)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(np.compress([True], f4)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float32}]]
-reveal_type(np.compress([True], f)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.compress([True], AR_b)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(np.compress([True], AR_f4)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float32}]]
-reveal_type(np.clip(b, 0, 1.0)) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(np.clip(f4, -1, 1)) # E: {float32}
-reveal_type(np.clip(f, 0, 1)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.clip(AR_b, 0, 1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(np.clip(AR_f4, 0, 1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float32}]]
-reveal_type(np.clip([0], 0, 1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.clip(AR_b, 0, 1, out=AR_subclass)) # E: NDArraySubclass
-reveal_type(np.sum(b)) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(np.sum(f4)) # E: {float32}
-reveal_type(np.sum(f)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.sum(AR_b)) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(np.sum(AR_f4)) # E: {float32}
-reveal_type(np.sum(AR_b, axis=0)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.sum(AR_f4, axis=0)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.sum(AR_f4, out=AR_subclass)) # E: NDArraySubclass
-reveal_type(np.all(b)) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(np.all(f4)) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(np.all(f)) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(np.all(AR_b)) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(np.all(AR_f4)) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(np.all(AR_b, axis=0)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.all(AR_f4, axis=0)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.all(AR_b, keepdims=True)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.all(AR_f4, keepdims=True)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.all(AR_f4, out=AR_subclass)) # E: NDArraySubclass
-reveal_type(np.any(b)) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(np.any(f4)) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(np.any(f)) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(np.any(AR_b)) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(np.any(AR_f4)) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(np.any(AR_b, axis=0)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.any(AR_f4, axis=0)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.any(AR_b, keepdims=True)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.any(AR_f4, keepdims=True)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.any(AR_f4, out=AR_subclass)) # E: NDArraySubclass
-reveal_type(np.cumsum(b)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(np.cumsum(f4)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float32}]]
-reveal_type(np.cumsum(f)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.cumsum(AR_b)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(np.cumsum(AR_f4)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float32}]]
-reveal_type(np.cumsum(f, dtype=float)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.cumsum(f, dtype=np.float64)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.cumsum(AR_f4, out=AR_subclass)) # E: NDArraySubclass
-reveal_type(np.ptp(b)) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(np.ptp(f4)) # E: {float32}
-reveal_type(np.ptp(f)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.ptp(AR_b)) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(np.ptp(AR_f4)) # E: {float32}
-reveal_type(np.ptp(AR_b, axis=0)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.ptp(AR_f4, axis=0)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.ptp(AR_b, keepdims=True)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.ptp(AR_f4, keepdims=True)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.ptp(AR_f4, out=AR_subclass)) # E: NDArraySubclass
-reveal_type(np.amax(b)) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(np.amax(f4)) # E: {float32}
-reveal_type(np.amax(f)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.amax(AR_b)) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(np.amax(AR_f4)) # E: {float32}
-reveal_type(np.amax(AR_b, axis=0)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.amax(AR_f4, axis=0)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.amax(AR_b, keepdims=True)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.amax(AR_f4, keepdims=True)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.amax(AR_f4, out=AR_subclass)) # E: NDArraySubclass
-reveal_type(np.amin(b)) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(np.amin(f4)) # E: {float32}
-reveal_type(np.amin(f)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.amin(AR_b)) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(np.amin(AR_f4)) # E: {float32}
-reveal_type(np.amin(AR_b, axis=0)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.amin(AR_f4, axis=0)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.amin(AR_b, keepdims=True)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.amin(AR_f4, keepdims=True)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.amin(AR_f4, out=AR_subclass)) # E: NDArraySubclass
-reveal_type(np.prod(AR_b)) # E: {int_}
-reveal_type(np.prod(AR_u8)) # E: {uint64}
-reveal_type(np.prod(AR_i8)) # E: {int64}
-reveal_type(np.prod(AR_f4)) # E: floating[Any]
-reveal_type(np.prod(AR_c16)) # E: complexfloating[Any, Any]
-reveal_type(np.prod(AR_O)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.prod(AR_f4, axis=0)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.prod(AR_f4, keepdims=True)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.prod(AR_f4, dtype=np.float64)) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(np.prod(AR_f4, dtype=float)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.prod(AR_f4, out=AR_subclass)) # E: NDArraySubclass
-reveal_type(np.cumprod(AR_b)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(np.cumprod(AR_u8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{uint64}]]
-reveal_type(np.cumprod(AR_i8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int64}]]
-reveal_type(np.cumprod(AR_f4)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.cumprod(AR_c16)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[complexfloating[Any, Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.cumprod(AR_O)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[object_]]
-reveal_type(np.cumprod(AR_f4, axis=0)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.cumprod(AR_f4, dtype=np.float64)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.cumprod(AR_f4, dtype=float)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.cumprod(AR_f4, out=AR_subclass)) # E: NDArraySubclass
-reveal_type(np.ndim(b)) # E: int
-reveal_type(np.ndim(f4)) # E: int
-reveal_type(np.ndim(f)) # E: int
-reveal_type(np.ndim(AR_b)) # E: int
-reveal_type(np.ndim(AR_f4)) # E: int
-reveal_type(np.size(b)) # E: int
-reveal_type(np.size(f4)) # E: int
-reveal_type(np.size(f)) # E: int
-reveal_type(np.size(AR_b)) # E: int
-reveal_type(np.size(AR_f4)) # E: int
-reveal_type(np.around(b)) # E: {float16}
-reveal_type(np.around(f)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.around(i8)) # E: {int64}
-reveal_type(np.around(f4)) # E: {float32}
-reveal_type(np.around(AR_b)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float16}]]
-reveal_type(np.around(AR_i8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int64}]]
-reveal_type(np.around(AR_f4)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float32}]]
-reveal_type(np.around([1.5])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.around(AR_f4, out=AR_subclass)) # E: NDArraySubclass
-reveal_type(np.mean(AR_b)) # E: floating[Any]
-reveal_type(np.mean(AR_i8)) # E: floating[Any]
-reveal_type(np.mean(AR_f4)) # E: floating[Any]
-reveal_type(np.mean(AR_c16)) # E: complexfloating[Any, Any]
-reveal_type(np.mean(AR_O)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.mean(AR_f4, axis=0)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.mean(AR_f4, keepdims=True)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.mean(AR_f4, dtype=float)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.mean(AR_f4, dtype=np.float64)) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(np.mean(AR_f4, out=AR_subclass)) # E: NDArraySubclass
-reveal_type(np.std(AR_b)) # E: floating[Any]
-reveal_type(np.std(AR_i8)) # E: floating[Any]
-reveal_type(np.std(AR_f4)) # E: floating[Any]
-reveal_type(np.std(AR_c16)) # E: floating[Any]
-reveal_type(np.std(AR_O)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.std(AR_f4, axis=0)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.std(AR_f4, keepdims=True)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.std(AR_f4, dtype=float)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.std(AR_f4, dtype=np.float64)) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(np.std(AR_f4, out=AR_subclass)) # E: NDArraySubclass
-reveal_type(np.var(AR_b)) # E: floating[Any]
-reveal_type(np.var(AR_i8)) # E: floating[Any]
-reveal_type(np.var(AR_f4)) # E: floating[Any]
-reveal_type(np.var(AR_c16)) # E: floating[Any]
-reveal_type(np.var(AR_O)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.var(AR_f4, axis=0)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.var(AR_f4, keepdims=True)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.var(AR_f4, dtype=float)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.var(AR_f4, dtype=np.float64)) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(np.var(AR_f4, out=AR_subclass)) # E: NDArraySubclass
+assert_type(np.swapaxes([[0, 1]], 0, 0), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.swapaxes(AR_b, 0, 0), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(np.swapaxes(AR_f4, 0, 0), npt.NDArray[np.float32])
+assert_type(np.transpose(b), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(np.transpose(f4), npt.NDArray[np.float32])
+assert_type(np.transpose(f), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.transpose(AR_b), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(np.transpose(AR_f4), npt.NDArray[np.float32])
+assert_type(np.partition(b, 0, axis=None), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(np.partition(f4, 0, axis=None), npt.NDArray[np.float32])
+assert_type(np.partition(f, 0, axis=None), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.partition(AR_b, 0), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(np.partition(AR_f4, 0), npt.NDArray[np.float32])
+assert_type(np.argpartition(b, 0), npt.NDArray[np.intp])
+assert_type(np.argpartition(f4, 0), npt.NDArray[np.intp])
+assert_type(np.argpartition(f, 0), npt.NDArray[np.intp])
+assert_type(np.argpartition(AR_b, 0), npt.NDArray[np.intp])
+assert_type(np.argpartition(AR_f4, 0), npt.NDArray[np.intp])
+assert_type(np.sort([2, 1], 0), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.sort(AR_b, 0), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(np.sort(AR_f4, 0), npt.NDArray[np.float32])
+assert_type(np.argsort(AR_b, 0), npt.NDArray[np.intp])
+assert_type(np.argsort(AR_f4, 0), npt.NDArray[np.intp])
+assert_type(np.argmax(AR_b), np.intp)
+assert_type(np.argmax(AR_f4), np.intp)
+assert_type(np.argmax(AR_b, axis=0), Any)
+assert_type(np.argmax(AR_f4, axis=0), Any)
+assert_type(np.argmax(AR_f4, out=AR_subclass), NDArraySubclass)
+assert_type(np.argmin(AR_b), np.intp)
+assert_type(np.argmin(AR_f4), np.intp)
+assert_type(np.argmin(AR_b, axis=0), Any)
+assert_type(np.argmin(AR_f4, axis=0), Any)
+assert_type(np.argmin(AR_f4, out=AR_subclass), NDArraySubclass)
+assert_type(np.searchsorted(AR_b[0], 0), np.intp)
+assert_type(np.searchsorted(AR_f4[0], 0), np.intp)
+assert_type(np.searchsorted(AR_b[0], [0]), npt.NDArray[np.intp])
+assert_type(np.searchsorted(AR_f4[0], [0]), npt.NDArray[np.intp])
+assert_type(np.resize(b, (5, 5)), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(np.resize(f4, (5, 5)), npt.NDArray[np.float32])
+assert_type(np.resize(f, (5, 5)), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.resize(AR_b, (5, 5)), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(np.resize(AR_f4, (5, 5)), npt.NDArray[np.float32])
+assert_type(np.squeeze(b), np.bool_)
+assert_type(np.squeeze(f4), np.float32)
+assert_type(np.squeeze(f), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.squeeze(AR_b), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(np.squeeze(AR_f4), npt.NDArray[np.float32])
+assert_type(np.diagonal(AR_b), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(np.diagonal(AR_f4), npt.NDArray[np.float32])
+assert_type(np.trace(AR_b), Any)
+assert_type(np.trace(AR_f4), Any)
+assert_type(np.trace(AR_f4, out=AR_subclass), NDArraySubclass)
+assert_type(np.ravel(b), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(np.ravel(f4), npt.NDArray[np.float32])
+assert_type(np.ravel(f), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.ravel(AR_b), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(np.ravel(AR_f4), npt.NDArray[np.float32])
+assert_type(np.nonzero(b), tuple[npt.NDArray[np.intp], ...])
+assert_type(np.nonzero(f4), tuple[npt.NDArray[np.intp], ...])
+assert_type(np.nonzero(f), tuple[npt.NDArray[np.intp], ...])
+assert_type(np.nonzero(AR_b), tuple[npt.NDArray[np.intp], ...])
+assert_type(np.nonzero(AR_f4), tuple[npt.NDArray[np.intp], ...])
+assert_type(np.shape(b), tuple[int, ...])
+assert_type(np.shape(f4), tuple[int, ...])
+assert_type(np.shape(f), tuple[int, ...])
+assert_type(np.shape(AR_b), tuple[int, ...])
+assert_type(np.shape(AR_f4), tuple[int, ...])
+assert_type(np.compress([True], b), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(np.compress([True], f4), npt.NDArray[np.float32])
+assert_type(np.compress([True], f), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.compress([True], AR_b), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(np.compress([True], AR_f4), npt.NDArray[np.float32])
+assert_type(np.clip(b, 0, 1.0), np.bool_)
+assert_type(np.clip(f4, -1, 1), np.float32)
+assert_type(np.clip(f, 0, 1), Any)
+assert_type(np.clip(AR_b, 0, 1), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(np.clip(AR_f4, 0, 1), npt.NDArray[np.float32])
+assert_type(np.clip([0], 0, 1), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.clip(AR_b, 0, 1, out=AR_subclass), NDArraySubclass)
+assert_type(np.sum(b), np.bool_)
+assert_type(np.sum(f4), np.float32)
+assert_type(np.sum(f), Any)
+assert_type(np.sum(AR_b), np.bool_)
+assert_type(np.sum(AR_f4), np.float32)
+assert_type(np.sum(AR_b, axis=0), Any)
+assert_type(np.sum(AR_f4, axis=0), Any)
+assert_type(np.sum(AR_f4, out=AR_subclass), NDArraySubclass)
+assert_type(np.all(b), np.bool_)
+assert_type(np.all(f4), np.bool_)
+assert_type(np.all(f), np.bool_)
+assert_type(np.all(AR_b), np.bool_)
+assert_type(np.all(AR_f4), np.bool_)
+assert_type(np.all(AR_b, axis=0), Any)
+assert_type(np.all(AR_f4, axis=0), Any)
+assert_type(np.all(AR_b, keepdims=True), Any)
+assert_type(np.all(AR_f4, keepdims=True), Any)
+assert_type(np.all(AR_f4, out=AR_subclass), NDArraySubclass)
+assert_type(np.any(b), np.bool_)
+assert_type(np.any(f4), np.bool_)
+assert_type(np.any(f), np.bool_)
+assert_type(np.any(AR_b), np.bool_)
+assert_type(np.any(AR_f4), np.bool_)
+assert_type(np.any(AR_b, axis=0), Any)
+assert_type(np.any(AR_f4, axis=0), Any)
+assert_type(np.any(AR_b, keepdims=True), Any)
+assert_type(np.any(AR_f4, keepdims=True), Any)
+assert_type(np.any(AR_f4, out=AR_subclass), NDArraySubclass)
+assert_type(np.cumsum(b), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(np.cumsum(f4), npt.NDArray[np.float32])
+assert_type(np.cumsum(f), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.cumsum(AR_b), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(np.cumsum(AR_f4), npt.NDArray[np.float32])
+assert_type(np.cumsum(f, dtype=float), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.cumsum(f, dtype=np.float64), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.cumsum(AR_f4, out=AR_subclass), NDArraySubclass)
+assert_type(np.ptp(b), np.bool_)
+assert_type(np.ptp(f4), np.float32)
+assert_type(np.ptp(f), Any)
+assert_type(np.ptp(AR_b), np.bool_)
+assert_type(np.ptp(AR_f4), np.float32)
+assert_type(np.ptp(AR_b, axis=0), Any)
+assert_type(np.ptp(AR_f4, axis=0), Any)
+assert_type(np.ptp(AR_b, keepdims=True), Any)
+assert_type(np.ptp(AR_f4, keepdims=True), Any)
+assert_type(np.ptp(AR_f4, out=AR_subclass), NDArraySubclass)
+assert_type(np.amax(b), np.bool_)
+assert_type(np.amax(f4), np.float32)
+assert_type(np.amax(f), Any)
+assert_type(np.amax(AR_b), np.bool_)
+assert_type(np.amax(AR_f4), np.float32)
+assert_type(np.amax(AR_b, axis=0), Any)
+assert_type(np.amax(AR_f4, axis=0), Any)
+assert_type(np.amax(AR_b, keepdims=True), Any)
+assert_type(np.amax(AR_f4, keepdims=True), Any)
+assert_type(np.amax(AR_f4, out=AR_subclass), NDArraySubclass)
+assert_type(np.amin(b), np.bool_)
+assert_type(np.amin(f4), np.float32)
+assert_type(np.amin(f), Any)
+assert_type(np.amin(AR_b), np.bool_)
+assert_type(np.amin(AR_f4), np.float32)
+assert_type(np.amin(AR_b, axis=0), Any)
+assert_type(np.amin(AR_f4, axis=0), Any)
+assert_type(np.amin(AR_b, keepdims=True), Any)
+assert_type(np.amin(AR_f4, keepdims=True), Any)
+assert_type(np.amin(AR_f4, out=AR_subclass), NDArraySubclass)
+assert_type(np.prod(AR_b), np.int_)
+assert_type(np.prod(AR_u8), np.uint64)
+assert_type(np.prod(AR_i8), np.int64)
+assert_type(np.prod(AR_f4), np.floating[Any])
+assert_type(np.prod(AR_c16), np.complexfloating[Any, Any])
+assert_type(np.prod(AR_O), Any)
+assert_type(np.prod(AR_f4, axis=0), Any)
+assert_type(np.prod(AR_f4, keepdims=True), Any)
+assert_type(np.prod(AR_f4, dtype=np.float64), np.float64)
+assert_type(np.prod(AR_f4, dtype=float), Any)
+assert_type(np.prod(AR_f4, out=AR_subclass), NDArraySubclass)
+assert_type(np.cumprod(AR_b), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(np.cumprod(AR_u8), npt.NDArray[np.uint64])
+assert_type(np.cumprod(AR_i8), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(np.cumprod(AR_f4), npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(np.cumprod(AR_c16), npt.NDArray[np.complexfloating[Any, Any]])
+assert_type(np.cumprod(AR_O), npt.NDArray[np.object_])
+assert_type(np.cumprod(AR_f4, axis=0), npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(np.cumprod(AR_f4, dtype=np.float64), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.cumprod(AR_f4, dtype=float), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.cumprod(AR_f4, out=AR_subclass), NDArraySubclass)
+assert_type(np.ndim(b), int)
+assert_type(np.ndim(f4), int)
+assert_type(np.ndim(f), int)
+assert_type(np.ndim(AR_b), int)
+assert_type(np.ndim(AR_f4), int)
+assert_type(np.size(b), int)
+assert_type(np.size(f4), int)
+assert_type(np.size(f), int)
+assert_type(np.size(AR_b), int)
+assert_type(np.size(AR_f4), int)
+assert_type(np.around(b), np.float16)
+assert_type(np.around(f), Any)
+assert_type(np.around(i8), np.int64)
+assert_type(np.around(f4), np.float32)
+assert_type(np.around(AR_b), npt.NDArray[np.float16])
+assert_type(np.around(AR_i8), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(np.around(AR_f4), npt.NDArray[np.float32])
+assert_type(np.around([1.5]), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.around(AR_f4, out=AR_subclass), NDArraySubclass)
+assert_type(np.mean(AR_b), np.floating[Any])
+assert_type(np.mean(AR_i8), np.floating[Any])
+assert_type(np.mean(AR_f4), np.floating[Any])
+assert_type(np.mean(AR_c16), np.complexfloating[Any, Any])
+assert_type(np.mean(AR_O), Any)
+assert_type(np.mean(AR_f4, axis=0), Any)
+assert_type(np.mean(AR_f4, keepdims=True), Any)
+assert_type(np.mean(AR_f4, dtype=float), Any)
+assert_type(np.mean(AR_f4, dtype=np.float64), np.float64)
+assert_type(np.mean(AR_f4, out=AR_subclass), NDArraySubclass)
+assert_type(np.std(AR_b), np.floating[Any])
+assert_type(np.std(AR_i8), np.floating[Any])
+assert_type(np.std(AR_f4), np.floating[Any])
+assert_type(np.std(AR_c16), np.floating[Any])
+assert_type(np.std(AR_O), Any)
+assert_type(np.std(AR_f4, axis=0), Any)
+assert_type(np.std(AR_f4, keepdims=True), Any)
+assert_type(np.std(AR_f4, dtype=float), Any)
+assert_type(np.std(AR_f4, dtype=np.float64), np.float64)
+assert_type(np.std(AR_f4, out=AR_subclass), NDArraySubclass)
+assert_type(np.var(AR_b), np.floating[Any])
+assert_type(np.var(AR_i8), np.floating[Any])
+assert_type(np.var(AR_f4), np.floating[Any])
+assert_type(np.var(AR_c16), np.floating[Any])
+assert_type(np.var(AR_O), Any)
+assert_type(np.var(AR_f4, axis=0), Any)
+assert_type(np.var(AR_f4, keepdims=True), Any)
+assert_type(np.var(AR_f4, dtype=float), Any)
+assert_type(np.var(AR_f4, dtype=np.float64), np.float64)
+assert_type(np.var(AR_f4, out=AR_subclass), NDArraySubclass)
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/getlimits.pyi b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/getlimits.pyi
index 1614b577ee..f53fdf4882 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/getlimits.pyi
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/getlimits.pyi
@@ -1,4 +1,13 @@
+import sys
+from typing import Any
import numpy as np
+if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
+ from typing import assert_type
+ from typing_extensions import assert_type
f: float
f8: np.float64
c8: np.complex64
@@ -10,38 +19,38 @@ u4: np.uint32
finfo_f8: np.finfo[np.float64]
iinfo_i8: np.iinfo[np.int64]
-reveal_type(np.finfo(f)) # E: finfo[{double}]
-reveal_type(np.finfo(f8)) # E: finfo[{float64}]
-reveal_type(np.finfo(c8)) # E: finfo[{float32}]
-reveal_type(np.finfo('f2')) # E: finfo[floating[Any]]
-reveal_type(finfo_f8.dtype) # E: dtype[{float64}]
-reveal_type(finfo_f8.bits) # E: int
-reveal_type(finfo_f8.eps) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(finfo_f8.epsneg) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(finfo_f8.iexp) # E: int
-reveal_type(finfo_f8.machep) # E: int
-reveal_type(finfo_f8.max) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(finfo_f8.maxexp) # E: int
-reveal_type(finfo_f8.min) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(finfo_f8.minexp) # E: int
-reveal_type(finfo_f8.negep) # E: int
-reveal_type(finfo_f8.nexp) # E: int
-reveal_type(finfo_f8.nmant) # E: int
-reveal_type(finfo_f8.precision) # E: int
-reveal_type(finfo_f8.resolution) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(finfo_f8.tiny) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(finfo_f8.smallest_normal) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(finfo_f8.smallest_subnormal) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(np.iinfo(i)) # E: iinfo[{int_}]
-reveal_type(np.iinfo(i8)) # E: iinfo[{int64}]
-reveal_type(np.iinfo(u4)) # E: iinfo[{uint32}]
-reveal_type(np.iinfo('i2')) # E: iinfo[Any]
-reveal_type(iinfo_i8.dtype) # E: dtype[{int64}]
-reveal_type(iinfo_i8.kind) # E: str
-reveal_type(iinfo_i8.bits) # E: int
-reveal_type(iinfo_i8.key) # E: str
-reveal_type(iinfo_i8.min) # E: int
-reveal_type(iinfo_i8.max) # E: int
+assert_type(np.finfo(f), np.finfo[np.double])
+assert_type(np.finfo(f8), np.finfo[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.finfo(c8), np.finfo[np.float32])
+assert_type(np.finfo('f2'), np.finfo[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(finfo_f8.dtype, np.dtype[np.float64])
+assert_type(finfo_f8.bits, int)
+assert_type(finfo_f8.eps, np.float64)
+assert_type(finfo_f8.epsneg, np.float64)
+assert_type(finfo_f8.iexp, int)
+assert_type(finfo_f8.machep, int)
+assert_type(finfo_f8.max, np.float64)
+assert_type(finfo_f8.maxexp, int)
+assert_type(finfo_f8.min, np.float64)
+assert_type(finfo_f8.minexp, int)
+assert_type(finfo_f8.negep, int)
+assert_type(finfo_f8.nexp, int)
+assert_type(finfo_f8.nmant, int)
+assert_type(finfo_f8.precision, int)
+assert_type(finfo_f8.resolution, np.float64)
+assert_type(finfo_f8.tiny, np.float64)
+assert_type(finfo_f8.smallest_normal, np.float64)
+assert_type(finfo_f8.smallest_subnormal, np.float64)
+assert_type(np.iinfo(i), np.iinfo[np.int_])
+assert_type(np.iinfo(i8), np.iinfo[np.int64])
+assert_type(np.iinfo(u4), np.iinfo[np.uint32])
+assert_type(np.iinfo('i2'), np.iinfo[Any])
+assert_type(iinfo_i8.dtype, np.dtype[np.int64])
+assert_type(iinfo_i8.kind, str)
+assert_type(iinfo_i8.bits, int)
+assert_type(iinfo_i8.key, str)
+assert_type(iinfo_i8.min, int)
+assert_type(iinfo_i8.max, int)
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/histograms.pyi b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/histograms.pyi
index d96e44f096..68df0b96f4 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/histograms.pyi
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/histograms.pyi
@@ -1,19 +1,27 @@
+import sys
+from typing import Any
import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
+if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
+ from typing import assert_type
+ from typing_extensions import assert_type
AR_i8: npt.NDArray[np.int64]
AR_f8: npt.NDArray[np.float64]
-reveal_type(np.histogram_bin_edges(AR_i8, bins="auto")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.histogram_bin_edges(AR_i8, bins="rice", range=(0, 3))) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.histogram_bin_edges(AR_i8, bins="scott", weights=AR_f8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
+assert_type(np.histogram_bin_edges(AR_i8, bins="auto"), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.histogram_bin_edges(AR_i8, bins="rice", range=(0, 3)), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.histogram_bin_edges(AR_i8, bins="scott", weights=AR_f8), npt.NDArray[Any])
-reveal_type(np.histogram(AR_i8, bins="auto")) # E: Tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]], ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.histogram(AR_i8, bins="rice", range=(0, 3))) # E: Tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]], ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.histogram(AR_i8, bins="scott", weights=AR_f8)) # E: Tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]], ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.histogram(AR_f8, bins=1, density=True)) # E: Tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]], ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]]
+assert_type(np.histogram(AR_i8, bins="auto"), tuple[npt.NDArray[Any], npt.NDArray[Any]])
+assert_type(np.histogram(AR_i8, bins="rice", range=(0, 3)), tuple[npt.NDArray[Any], npt.NDArray[Any]])
+assert_type(np.histogram(AR_i8, bins="scott", weights=AR_f8), tuple[npt.NDArray[Any], npt.NDArray[Any]])
+assert_type(np.histogram(AR_f8, bins=1, density=True), tuple[npt.NDArray[Any], npt.NDArray[Any]])
-reveal_type(np.histogramdd(AR_i8, bins=[1])) # E: Tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]], builtins.list[ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]]]
-reveal_type(np.histogramdd(AR_i8, range=[(0, 3)])) # E: Tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]], builtins.list[ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]]]
-reveal_type(np.histogramdd(AR_i8, weights=AR_f8)) # E: Tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]], builtins.list[ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]]]
-reveal_type(np.histogramdd(AR_f8, density=True)) # E: Tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]], builtins.list[ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]]]
+assert_type(np.histogramdd(AR_i8, bins=[1]), tuple[npt.NDArray[Any], list[npt.NDArray[Any]]])
+assert_type(np.histogramdd(AR_i8, range=[(0, 3)]), tuple[npt.NDArray[Any], list[npt.NDArray[Any]]])
+assert_type(np.histogramdd(AR_i8, weights=AR_f8), tuple[npt.NDArray[Any], list[npt.NDArray[Any]]])
+assert_type(np.histogramdd(AR_f8, density=True), tuple[npt.NDArray[Any], list[npt.NDArray[Any]]])
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/index_tricks.pyi b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/index_tricks.pyi
index 707d6f3d42..e74eb56768 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/index_tricks.pyi
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/index_tricks.pyi
@@ -1,5 +1,13 @@
-from typing import Any
+import sys
+from typing import Any, Literal
import numpy as np
+import numpy.typing as npt
+if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
+ from typing import assert_type
+ from typing_extensions import assert_type
AR_LIKE_b: list[bool]
AR_LIKE_i: list[int]
@@ -8,59 +16,59 @@ AR_LIKE_U: list[str]
AR_i8: np.ndarray[Any, np.dtype[np.int64]]
-reveal_type(np.ndenumerate(AR_i8)) # E: ndenumerate[{int64}]
-reveal_type(np.ndenumerate(AR_LIKE_f)) # E: ndenumerate[{double}]
-reveal_type(np.ndenumerate(AR_LIKE_U)) # E: ndenumerate[str_]
+assert_type(np.ndenumerate(AR_i8), np.ndenumerate[np.int64])
+assert_type(np.ndenumerate(AR_LIKE_f), np.ndenumerate[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.ndenumerate(AR_LIKE_U), np.ndenumerate[np.str_])
-reveal_type(np.ndenumerate(AR_i8).iter) # E: flatiter[ndarray[Any, dtype[{int64}]]]
-reveal_type(np.ndenumerate(AR_LIKE_f).iter) # E: flatiter[ndarray[Any, dtype[{double}]]]
-reveal_type(np.ndenumerate(AR_LIKE_U).iter) # E: flatiter[ndarray[Any, dtype[str_]]]
+assert_type(np.ndenumerate(AR_i8).iter, np.flatiter[npt.NDArray[np.int64]])
+assert_type(np.ndenumerate(AR_LIKE_f).iter, np.flatiter[npt.NDArray[np.float64]])
+assert_type(np.ndenumerate(AR_LIKE_U).iter, np.flatiter[npt.NDArray[np.str_]])
-reveal_type(next(np.ndenumerate(AR_i8))) # E: Tuple[builtins.tuple[builtins.int, ...], {int64}]
-reveal_type(next(np.ndenumerate(AR_LIKE_f))) # E: Tuple[builtins.tuple[builtins.int, ...], {double}]
-reveal_type(next(np.ndenumerate(AR_LIKE_U))) # E: Tuple[builtins.tuple[builtins.int, ...], str_]
+assert_type(next(np.ndenumerate(AR_i8)), tuple[tuple[int, ...], np.int64])
+assert_type(next(np.ndenumerate(AR_LIKE_f)), tuple[tuple[int, ...], np.float64])
+assert_type(next(np.ndenumerate(AR_LIKE_U)), tuple[tuple[int, ...], np.str_])
-reveal_type(iter(np.ndenumerate(AR_i8))) # E: ndenumerate[{int64}]
-reveal_type(iter(np.ndenumerate(AR_LIKE_f))) # E: ndenumerate[{double}]
-reveal_type(iter(np.ndenumerate(AR_LIKE_U))) # E: ndenumerate[str_]
+assert_type(iter(np.ndenumerate(AR_i8)), np.ndenumerate[np.int64])
+assert_type(iter(np.ndenumerate(AR_LIKE_f)), np.ndenumerate[np.float64])
+assert_type(iter(np.ndenumerate(AR_LIKE_U)), np.ndenumerate[np.str_])
-reveal_type(np.ndindex(1, 2, 3)) # E: numpy.ndindex
-reveal_type(np.ndindex((1, 2, 3))) # E: numpy.ndindex
-reveal_type(iter(np.ndindex(1, 2, 3))) # E: ndindex
-reveal_type(next(np.ndindex(1, 2, 3))) # E: builtins.tuple[builtins.int, ...]
+assert_type(np.ndindex(1, 2, 3), np.ndindex)
+assert_type(np.ndindex((1, 2, 3)), np.ndindex)
+assert_type(iter(np.ndindex(1, 2, 3)), np.ndindex)
+assert_type(next(np.ndindex(1, 2, 3)), tuple[int, ...])
-reveal_type(np.unravel_index([22, 41, 37], (7, 6))) # E: tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[{intp}]], ...]
-reveal_type(np.unravel_index([31, 41, 13], (7, 6), order="F")) # E: tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[{intp}]], ...]
-reveal_type(np.unravel_index(1621, (6, 7, 8, 9))) # E: tuple[{intp}, ...]
+assert_type(np.unravel_index([22, 41, 37], (7, 6)), tuple[npt.NDArray[np.intp], ...])
+assert_type(np.unravel_index([31, 41, 13], (7, 6), order="F"), tuple[npt.NDArray[np.intp], ...])
+assert_type(np.unravel_index(1621, (6, 7, 8, 9)), tuple[np.intp, ...])
-reveal_type(np.ravel_multi_index([[1]], (7, 6))) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{intp}]]
-reveal_type(np.ravel_multi_index(AR_LIKE_i, (7, 6))) # E: {intp}
-reveal_type(np.ravel_multi_index(AR_LIKE_i, (7, 6), order="F")) # E: {intp}
-reveal_type(np.ravel_multi_index(AR_LIKE_i, (4, 6), mode="clip")) # E: {intp}
-reveal_type(np.ravel_multi_index(AR_LIKE_i, (4, 4), mode=("clip", "wrap"))) # E: {intp}
-reveal_type(np.ravel_multi_index((3, 1, 4, 1), (6, 7, 8, 9))) # E: {intp}
+assert_type(np.ravel_multi_index([[1]], (7, 6)), npt.NDArray[np.intp])
+assert_type(np.ravel_multi_index(AR_LIKE_i, (7, 6)), np.intp)
+assert_type(np.ravel_multi_index(AR_LIKE_i, (7, 6), order="F"), np.intp)
+assert_type(np.ravel_multi_index(AR_LIKE_i, (4, 6), mode="clip"), np.intp)
+assert_type(np.ravel_multi_index(AR_LIKE_i, (4, 4), mode=("clip", "wrap")), np.intp)
+assert_type(np.ravel_multi_index((3, 1, 4, 1), (6, 7, 8, 9)), np.intp)
-reveal_type(np.mgrid[1:1:2]) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.mgrid[1:1:2, None:10]) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
+assert_type(np.mgrid[1:1:2], npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.mgrid[1:1:2, None:10], npt.NDArray[Any])
-reveal_type(np.ogrid[1:1:2]) # E: list[ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.ogrid[1:1:2, None:10]) # E: list[ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]]
+assert_type(np.ogrid[1:1:2], list[npt.NDArray[Any]])
+assert_type(np.ogrid[1:1:2, None:10], list[npt.NDArray[Any]])
-reveal_type(np.index_exp[0:1]) # E: Tuple[builtins.slice]
-reveal_type(np.index_exp[0:1, None:3]) # E: Tuple[builtins.slice, builtins.slice]
-reveal_type(np.index_exp[0, 0:1, ..., [0, 1, 3]]) # E: Tuple[Literal[0]?, builtins.slice, builtins.ellipsis, builtins.list[builtins.int]]
+assert_type(np.index_exp[0:1], tuple[slice])
+assert_type(np.index_exp[0:1, None:3], tuple[slice, slice])
+assert_type(np.index_exp[0, 0:1, ..., [0, 1, 3]], tuple[Literal[0], slice, ellipsis, list[int]])
-reveal_type(np.s_[0:1]) # E: builtins.slice
-reveal_type(np.s_[0:1, None:3]) # E: Tuple[builtins.slice, builtins.slice]
-reveal_type(np.s_[0, 0:1, ..., [0, 1, 3]]) # E: Tuple[Literal[0]?, builtins.slice, builtins.ellipsis, builtins.list[builtins.int]]
+assert_type(np.s_[0:1], slice)
+assert_type(np.s_[0:1, None:3], tuple[slice, slice])
+assert_type(np.s_[0, 0:1, ..., [0, 1, 3]], tuple[Literal[0], slice, ellipsis, list[int]])
-reveal_type(np.ix_(AR_LIKE_b)) # E: tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]], ...]
-reveal_type(np.ix_(AR_LIKE_i, AR_LIKE_f)) # E: tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[{double}]], ...]
-reveal_type(np.ix_(AR_i8)) # E: tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[{int64}]], ...]
+assert_type(np.ix_(AR_LIKE_b), tuple[npt.NDArray[np.bool_], ...])
+assert_type(np.ix_(AR_LIKE_i, AR_LIKE_f), tuple[npt.NDArray[np.float64], ...])
+assert_type(np.ix_(AR_i8), tuple[npt.NDArray[np.int64], ...])
-reveal_type(np.fill_diagonal(AR_i8, 5)) # E: None
+assert_type(np.fill_diagonal(AR_i8, 5), None)
-reveal_type(np.diag_indices(4)) # E: tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]], ...]
-reveal_type(np.diag_indices(2, 3)) # E: tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]], ...]
+assert_type(np.diag_indices(4), tuple[npt.NDArray[np.int_], ...])
+assert_type(np.diag_indices(2, 3), tuple[npt.NDArray[np.int_], ...])
-reveal_type(np.diag_indices_from(AR_i8)) # E: tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]], ...]
+assert_type(np.diag_indices_from(AR_i8), tuple[npt.NDArray[np.int_], ...])
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/lib_function_base.pyi b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/lib_function_base.pyi
index a8b9b01ac9..0420511a7d 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/lib_function_base.pyi
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/lib_function_base.pyi
@@ -1,8 +1,15 @@
+import sys
from typing import Any
+from collections.abc import Callable
import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
+if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
+ from typing import assert_type
+ from typing_extensions import assert_type
vectorized_func: np.vectorize
f8: np.float64
@@ -20,158 +27,159 @@ CHAR_AR_U: np.chararray[Any, np.dtype[np.str_]]
def func(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: ...
-reveal_type(vectorized_func.pyfunc) # E: def (*Any, **Any) -> Any
-reveal_type(vectorized_func.cache) # E: bool
-reveal_type(vectorized_func.signature) # E: Union[None, builtins.str]
-reveal_type(vectorized_func.otypes) # E: Union[None, builtins.str]
-reveal_type(vectorized_func.excluded) # E: set[Union[builtins.int, builtins.str]]
-reveal_type(vectorized_func.__doc__) # E: Union[None, builtins.str]
-reveal_type(vectorized_func([1])) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.vectorize(int)) # E: vectorize
-reveal_type(np.vectorize( # E: vectorize
- int, otypes="i", doc="doc", excluded=(), cache=True, signature=None
-reveal_type(np.add_newdoc("__main__", "blabla", doc="test doc")) # E: None
-reveal_type(np.add_newdoc("__main__", "blabla", doc=("meth", "test doc"))) # E: None
-reveal_type(np.add_newdoc("__main__", "blabla", doc=[("meth", "test doc")])) # E: None
-reveal_type(np.rot90(AR_f8, k=2)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.rot90(AR_LIKE_f8, axes=(0, 1))) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.flip(f8)) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(np.flip(1.0)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.flip(AR_f8, axis=(0, 1))) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.flip(AR_LIKE_f8, axis=0)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.iterable(1)) # E: bool
-reveal_type(np.iterable([1])) # E: bool
-reveal_type(np.average(AR_f8)) # E: floating[Any]
-reveal_type(np.average(AR_f8, weights=AR_c16)) # E: complexfloating[Any, Any]
-reveal_type(np.average(AR_O)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.average(AR_f8, returned=True)) # E: Tuple[floating[Any], floating[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.average(AR_f8, weights=AR_c16, returned=True)) # E: Tuple[complexfloating[Any, Any], complexfloating[Any, Any]]
-reveal_type(np.average(AR_O, returned=True)) # E: Tuple[Any, Any]
-reveal_type(np.average(AR_f8, axis=0)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.average(AR_f8, axis=0, returned=True)) # E: Tuple[Any, Any]
-reveal_type(np.asarray_chkfinite(AR_f8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.asarray_chkfinite(AR_LIKE_f8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.asarray_chkfinite(AR_f8, dtype=np.float64)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.asarray_chkfinite(AR_f8, dtype=float)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.piecewise(AR_f8, AR_b, [func])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.piecewise(AR_LIKE_f8, AR_b, [func])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.select([AR_f8], [AR_f8])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.copy(AR_LIKE_f8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.copy(AR_U)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[str_]]
-reveal_type(np.copy(CHAR_AR_U)) # E: ndarray[Any, Any]
-reveal_type(np.copy(CHAR_AR_U, "K", subok=True)) # E: chararray[Any, dtype[str_]]
-reveal_type(np.copy(CHAR_AR_U, subok=True)) # E: chararray[Any, dtype[str_]]
-reveal_type(np.gradient(AR_f8, axis=None)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.gradient(AR_LIKE_f8, edge_order=2)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.diff("bob", n=0)) # E: str
-reveal_type(np.diff(AR_f8, axis=0)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.diff(AR_LIKE_f8, prepend=1.5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.angle(f8)) # E: floating[Any]
-reveal_type(np.angle(AR_f8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.angle(AR_c16, deg=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.angle(AR_O)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[object_]]
-reveal_type(np.unwrap(AR_f8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.unwrap(AR_O)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[object_]]
-reveal_type(np.sort_complex(AR_f8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[complexfloating[Any, Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.trim_zeros(AR_f8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.trim_zeros(AR_LIKE_f8)) # E: list[builtins.float]
-reveal_type(np.extract(AR_i8, AR_f8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.extract(AR_i8, AR_LIKE_f8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.place(AR_f8, mask=AR_i8, vals=5.0)) # E: None
-reveal_type(np.disp(1, linefeed=True)) # E: None
+assert_type(vectorized_func.pyfunc, Callable[..., Any])
+assert_type(vectorized_func.cache, bool)
+assert_type(vectorized_func.signature, None | str)
+assert_type(vectorized_func.otypes, None | str)
+assert_type(vectorized_func.excluded, set[int | str])
+assert_type(vectorized_func.__doc__, None | str)
+assert_type(vectorized_func([1]), Any)
+assert_type(np.vectorize(int), np.vectorize)
+ np.vectorize(int, otypes="i", doc="doc", excluded=(), cache=True, signature=None),
+ np.vectorize,
+assert_type(np.add_newdoc("__main__", "blabla", doc="test doc"), None)
+assert_type(np.add_newdoc("__main__", "blabla", doc=("meth", "test doc")), None)
+assert_type(np.add_newdoc("__main__", "blabla", doc=[("meth", "test doc")]), None)
+assert_type(np.rot90(AR_f8, k=2), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.rot90(AR_LIKE_f8, axes=(0, 1)), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.flip(f8), np.float64)
+assert_type(np.flip(1.0), Any)
+assert_type(np.flip(AR_f8, axis=(0, 1)), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.flip(AR_LIKE_f8, axis=0), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.iterable(1), bool)
+assert_type(np.iterable([1]), bool)
+assert_type(np.average(AR_f8), np.floating[Any])
+assert_type(np.average(AR_f8, weights=AR_c16), np.complexfloating[Any, Any])
+assert_type(np.average(AR_O), Any)
+assert_type(np.average(AR_f8, returned=True), tuple[np.floating[Any], np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(np.average(AR_f8, weights=AR_c16, returned=True), tuple[np.complexfloating[Any, Any], np.complexfloating[Any, Any]])
+assert_type(np.average(AR_O, returned=True), tuple[Any, Any])
+assert_type(np.average(AR_f8, axis=0), Any)
+assert_type(np.average(AR_f8, axis=0, returned=True), tuple[Any, Any])
+assert_type(np.asarray_chkfinite(AR_f8), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.asarray_chkfinite(AR_LIKE_f8), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.asarray_chkfinite(AR_f8, dtype=np.float64), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.asarray_chkfinite(AR_f8, dtype=float), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.piecewise(AR_f8, AR_b, [func]), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.piecewise(AR_LIKE_f8, AR_b, [func]), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.select([AR_f8], [AR_f8]), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.copy(AR_LIKE_f8), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.copy(AR_U), npt.NDArray[np.str_])
+assert_type(np.copy(CHAR_AR_U), np.ndarray[Any, Any])
+assert_type(np.copy(CHAR_AR_U, "K", subok=True), np.chararray[Any, np.dtype[np.str_]])
+assert_type(np.copy(CHAR_AR_U, subok=True), np.chararray[Any, np.dtype[np.str_]])
+assert_type(np.gradient(AR_f8, axis=None), Any)
+assert_type(np.gradient(AR_LIKE_f8, edge_order=2), Any)
+assert_type(np.diff("bob", n=0), str)
+assert_type(np.diff(AR_f8, axis=0), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.diff(AR_LIKE_f8, prepend=1.5), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.angle(f8), np.floating[Any])
+assert_type(np.angle(AR_f8), npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(np.angle(AR_c16, deg=True), npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(np.angle(AR_O), npt.NDArray[np.object_])
+assert_type(np.unwrap(AR_f8), npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(np.unwrap(AR_O), npt.NDArray[np.object_])
+assert_type(np.sort_complex(AR_f8), npt.NDArray[np.complexfloating[Any, Any]])
+assert_type(np.trim_zeros(AR_f8), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.trim_zeros(AR_LIKE_f8), list[float])
+assert_type(np.extract(AR_i8, AR_f8), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.extract(AR_i8, AR_LIKE_f8), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.place(AR_f8, mask=AR_i8, vals=5.0), None)
+assert_type(np.disp(1, linefeed=True), None)
with open("test", "w") as f:
- reveal_type(np.disp("message", device=f)) # E: None
-reveal_type(np.cov(AR_f8, bias=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.cov(AR_f8, AR_c16, ddof=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[complexfloating[Any, Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.cov(AR_f8, aweights=AR_f8, dtype=np.float32)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float32}]]
-reveal_type(np.cov(AR_f8, fweights=AR_f8, dtype=float)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.corrcoef(AR_f8, rowvar=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.corrcoef(AR_f8, AR_c16)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[complexfloating[Any, Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.corrcoef(AR_f8, dtype=np.float32)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float32}]]
-reveal_type(np.corrcoef(AR_f8, dtype=float)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.blackman(5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.bartlett(6)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.hanning(4.5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.hamming(0)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.i0(AR_i8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.kaiser(4, 5.9)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.sinc(1.0)) # E: floating[Any]
-reveal_type(np.sinc(1j)) # E: complexfloating[Any, Any]
-reveal_type(np.sinc(AR_f8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.sinc(AR_c16)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[complexfloating[Any, Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.median(AR_f8, keepdims=False)) # E: floating[Any]
-reveal_type(np.median(AR_c16, overwrite_input=True)) # E: complexfloating[Any, Any]
-reveal_type(np.median(AR_m)) # E: timedelta64
-reveal_type(np.median(AR_O)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.median(AR_f8, keepdims=True)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.median(AR_c16, axis=0)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.median(AR_LIKE_f8, out=AR_c16)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{complex128}]]
-reveal_type(np.add_newdoc_ufunc(np.add, "docstring")) # E: None
-reveal_type(np.percentile(AR_f8, 50)) # E: floating[Any]
-reveal_type(np.percentile(AR_c16, 50)) # E: complexfloating[Any, Any]
-reveal_type(np.percentile(AR_m, 50)) # E: timedelta64
-reveal_type(np.percentile(AR_M, 50, overwrite_input=True)) # E: datetime64
-reveal_type(np.percentile(AR_O, 50)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.percentile(AR_f8, [50])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.percentile(AR_c16, [50])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[complexfloating[Any, Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.percentile(AR_m, [50])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[timedelta64]]
-reveal_type(np.percentile(AR_M, [50], method="nearest")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[datetime64]]
-reveal_type(np.percentile(AR_O, [50])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[object_]]
-reveal_type(np.percentile(AR_f8, [50], keepdims=True)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.percentile(AR_f8, [50], axis=[1])) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.percentile(AR_f8, [50], out=AR_c16)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{complex128}]]
-reveal_type(np.quantile(AR_f8, 0.5)) # E: floating[Any]
-reveal_type(np.quantile(AR_c16, 0.5)) # E: complexfloating[Any, Any]
-reveal_type(np.quantile(AR_m, 0.5)) # E: timedelta64
-reveal_type(np.quantile(AR_M, 0.5, overwrite_input=True)) # E: datetime64
-reveal_type(np.quantile(AR_O, 0.5)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.quantile(AR_f8, [0.5])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.quantile(AR_c16, [0.5])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[complexfloating[Any, Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.quantile(AR_m, [0.5])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[timedelta64]]
-reveal_type(np.quantile(AR_M, [0.5], method="nearest")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[datetime64]]
-reveal_type(np.quantile(AR_O, [0.5])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[object_]]
-reveal_type(np.quantile(AR_f8, [0.5], keepdims=True)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.quantile(AR_f8, [0.5], axis=[1])) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.quantile(AR_f8, [0.5], out=AR_c16)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{complex128}]]
-reveal_type(np.meshgrid(AR_f8, AR_i8, copy=False)) # E: list[ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.meshgrid(AR_f8, AR_i8, AR_c16, indexing="ij")) # E: list[ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.delete(AR_f8, np.s_[:5])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.delete(AR_LIKE_f8, [0, 4, 9], axis=0)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.insert(AR_f8, np.s_[:5], 5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.insert(AR_LIKE_f8, [0, 4, 9], [0.5, 9.2, 7], axis=0)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.append(AR_f8, 5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.append(AR_LIKE_f8, 1j, axis=0)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.digitize(4.5, [1])) # E: {intp}
-reveal_type(np.digitize(AR_f8, [1, 2, 3])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{intp}]]
+ assert_type(np.disp("message", device=f), None)
+assert_type(np.cov(AR_f8, bias=True), npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(np.cov(AR_f8, AR_c16, ddof=1), npt.NDArray[np.complexfloating[Any, Any]])
+assert_type(np.cov(AR_f8, aweights=AR_f8, dtype=np.float32), npt.NDArray[np.float32])
+assert_type(np.cov(AR_f8, fweights=AR_f8, dtype=float), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.corrcoef(AR_f8, rowvar=True), npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(np.corrcoef(AR_f8, AR_c16), npt.NDArray[np.complexfloating[Any, Any]])
+assert_type(np.corrcoef(AR_f8, dtype=np.float32), npt.NDArray[np.float32])
+assert_type(np.corrcoef(AR_f8, dtype=float), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.blackman(5), npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(np.bartlett(6), npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(np.hanning(4.5), npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(np.hamming(0), npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(np.i0(AR_i8), npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(np.kaiser(4, 5.9), npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(np.sinc(1.0), np.floating[Any])
+assert_type(np.sinc(1j), np.complexfloating[Any, Any])
+assert_type(np.sinc(AR_f8), npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(np.sinc(AR_c16), npt.NDArray[np.complexfloating[Any, Any]])
+assert_type(np.median(AR_f8, keepdims=False), np.floating[Any])
+assert_type(np.median(AR_c16, overwrite_input=True), np.complexfloating[Any, Any])
+assert_type(np.median(AR_m), np.timedelta64)
+assert_type(np.median(AR_O), Any)
+assert_type(np.median(AR_f8, keepdims=True), Any)
+assert_type(np.median(AR_c16, axis=0), Any)
+assert_type(np.median(AR_LIKE_f8, out=AR_c16), npt.NDArray[np.complex128])
+assert_type(np.add_newdoc_ufunc(np.add, "docstring"), None)
+assert_type(np.percentile(AR_f8, 50), np.floating[Any])
+assert_type(np.percentile(AR_c16, 50), np.complexfloating[Any, Any])
+assert_type(np.percentile(AR_m, 50), np.timedelta64)
+assert_type(np.percentile(AR_M, 50, overwrite_input=True), np.datetime64)
+assert_type(np.percentile(AR_O, 50), Any)
+assert_type(np.percentile(AR_f8, [50]), npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(np.percentile(AR_c16, [50]), npt.NDArray[np.complexfloating[Any, Any]])
+assert_type(np.percentile(AR_m, [50]), npt.NDArray[np.timedelta64])
+assert_type(np.percentile(AR_M, [50], method="nearest"), npt.NDArray[np.datetime64])
+assert_type(np.percentile(AR_O, [50]), npt.NDArray[np.object_])
+assert_type(np.percentile(AR_f8, [50], keepdims=True), Any)
+assert_type(np.percentile(AR_f8, [50], axis=[1]), Any)
+assert_type(np.percentile(AR_f8, [50], out=AR_c16), npt.NDArray[np.complex128])
+assert_type(np.quantile(AR_f8, 0.5), np.floating[Any])
+assert_type(np.quantile(AR_c16, 0.5), np.complexfloating[Any, Any])
+assert_type(np.quantile(AR_m, 0.5), np.timedelta64)
+assert_type(np.quantile(AR_M, 0.5, overwrite_input=True), np.datetime64)
+assert_type(np.quantile(AR_O, 0.5), Any)
+assert_type(np.quantile(AR_f8, [0.5]), npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(np.quantile(AR_c16, [0.5]), npt.NDArray[np.complexfloating[Any, Any]])
+assert_type(np.quantile(AR_m, [0.5]), npt.NDArray[np.timedelta64])
+assert_type(np.quantile(AR_M, [0.5], method="nearest"), npt.NDArray[np.datetime64])
+assert_type(np.quantile(AR_O, [0.5]), npt.NDArray[np.object_])
+assert_type(np.quantile(AR_f8, [0.5], keepdims=True), Any)
+assert_type(np.quantile(AR_f8, [0.5], axis=[1]), Any)
+assert_type(np.quantile(AR_f8, [0.5], out=AR_c16), npt.NDArray[np.complex128])
+assert_type(np.meshgrid(AR_f8, AR_i8, copy=False), list[npt.NDArray[Any]])
+assert_type(np.meshgrid(AR_f8, AR_i8, AR_c16, indexing="ij"), list[npt.NDArray[Any]])
+assert_type(np.delete(AR_f8, np.s_[:5]), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.delete(AR_LIKE_f8, [0, 4, 9], axis=0), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.insert(AR_f8, np.s_[:5], 5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.insert(AR_LIKE_f8, [0, 4, 9], [0.5, 9.2, 7], axis=0), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.append(AR_f8, 5), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.append(AR_LIKE_f8, 1j, axis=0), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.digitize(4.5, [1]), np.intp)
+assert_type(np.digitize(AR_f8, [1, 2, 3]), npt.NDArray[np.intp])
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/lib_polynomial.pyi b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/lib_polynomial.pyi
index de8950724e..9d258ca3e0 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/lib_polynomial.pyi
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/lib_polynomial.pyi
@@ -1,6 +1,15 @@
+import sys
+from typing import Any, NoReturn
+from collections.abc import Iterator
import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
+if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
+ from typing import assert_type
+ from typing_extensions import assert_type
AR_b: npt.NDArray[np.bool_]
AR_u4: npt.NDArray[np.uint32]
AR_i8: npt.NDArray[np.int64]
@@ -10,102 +19,132 @@ AR_O: npt.NDArray[np.object_]
poly_obj: np.poly1d
-reveal_type(poly_obj.variable) # E: str
-reveal_type(poly_obj.order) # E: int
-reveal_type(poly_obj.o) # E: int
-reveal_type(poly_obj.roots) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(poly_obj.r) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(poly_obj.coeffs) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(poly_obj.c) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(poly_obj.coef) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(poly_obj.coefficients) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(poly_obj.__hash__) # E: None
-reveal_type(poly_obj(1)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(poly_obj([1])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(poly_obj(poly_obj)) # E: poly1d
-reveal_type(len(poly_obj)) # E: int
-reveal_type(-poly_obj) # E: poly1d
-reveal_type(+poly_obj) # E: poly1d
-reveal_type(poly_obj * 5) # E: poly1d
-reveal_type(5 * poly_obj) # E: poly1d
-reveal_type(poly_obj + 5) # E: poly1d
-reveal_type(5 + poly_obj) # E: poly1d
-reveal_type(poly_obj - 5) # E: poly1d
-reveal_type(5 - poly_obj) # E: poly1d
-reveal_type(poly_obj**1) # E: poly1d
-reveal_type(poly_obj**1.0) # E: poly1d
-reveal_type(poly_obj / 5) # E: poly1d
-reveal_type(5 / poly_obj) # E: poly1d
-reveal_type(poly_obj[0]) # E: Any
+assert_type(poly_obj.variable, str)
+assert_type(poly_obj.order, int)
+assert_type(poly_obj.o, int)
+assert_type(poly_obj.roots, npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(poly_obj.r, npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(poly_obj.coeffs, npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(poly_obj.c, npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(poly_obj.coef, npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(poly_obj.coefficients, npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(poly_obj.__hash__, None)
+assert_type(poly_obj(1), Any)
+assert_type(poly_obj([1]), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(poly_obj(poly_obj), np.poly1d)
+assert_type(len(poly_obj), int)
+assert_type(-poly_obj, np.poly1d)
+assert_type(+poly_obj, np.poly1d)
+assert_type(poly_obj * 5, np.poly1d)
+assert_type(5 * poly_obj, np.poly1d)
+assert_type(poly_obj + 5, np.poly1d)
+assert_type(5 + poly_obj, np.poly1d)
+assert_type(poly_obj - 5, np.poly1d)
+assert_type(5 - poly_obj, np.poly1d)
+assert_type(poly_obj**1, np.poly1d)
+assert_type(poly_obj**1.0, np.poly1d)
+assert_type(poly_obj / 5, np.poly1d)
+assert_type(5 / poly_obj, np.poly1d)
+assert_type(poly_obj[0], Any)
poly_obj[0] = 5
-reveal_type(iter(poly_obj)) # E: Iterator[Any]
-reveal_type(poly_obj.deriv()) # E: poly1d
-reveal_type(poly_obj.integ()) # E: poly1d
-reveal_type(np.poly(poly_obj)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.poly(AR_f8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.poly(AR_c16)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.polyint(poly_obj)) # E: poly1d
-reveal_type(np.polyint(AR_f8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.polyint(AR_f8, k=AR_c16)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[complexfloating[Any, Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.polyint(AR_O, m=2)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[object_]]
-reveal_type(np.polyder(poly_obj)) # E: poly1d
-reveal_type(np.polyder(AR_f8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.polyder(AR_c16)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[complexfloating[Any, Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.polyder(AR_O, m=2)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[object_]]
-reveal_type(np.polyfit(AR_f8, AR_f8, 2)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.polyfit(AR_f8, AR_i8, 1, full=True)) # E: Tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]], ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]], ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._32Bit]]], ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]], ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]]
-reveal_type(np.polyfit(AR_u4, AR_f8, 1.0, cov="unscaled")) # E: Tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]], ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]]
-reveal_type(np.polyfit(AR_c16, AR_f8, 2)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{complex128}]]
-reveal_type(np.polyfit(AR_f8, AR_c16, 1, full=True)) # E: Tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[{complex128}]], ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]], ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._32Bit]]], ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]], ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]]
-reveal_type(np.polyfit(AR_u4, AR_c16, 1.0, cov=True)) # E: Tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[{complex128}]], ndarray[Any, dtype[{complex128}]]]
-reveal_type(np.polyval(AR_b, AR_b)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int64}]]
-reveal_type(np.polyval(AR_u4, AR_b)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.polyval(AR_i8, AR_i8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.polyval(AR_f8, AR_i8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.polyval(AR_i8, AR_c16)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[complexfloating[Any, Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.polyval(AR_O, AR_O)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[object_]]
-reveal_type(np.polyadd(poly_obj, AR_i8)) # E: poly1d
-reveal_type(np.polyadd(AR_f8, poly_obj)) # E: poly1d
-reveal_type(np.polyadd(AR_b, AR_b)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(np.polyadd(AR_u4, AR_b)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.polyadd(AR_i8, AR_i8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.polyadd(AR_f8, AR_i8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.polyadd(AR_i8, AR_c16)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[complexfloating[Any, Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.polyadd(AR_O, AR_O)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[object_]]
-reveal_type(np.polysub(poly_obj, AR_i8)) # E: poly1d
-reveal_type(np.polysub(AR_f8, poly_obj)) # E: poly1d
-reveal_type(np.polysub(AR_b, AR_b)) # E: <nothing>
-reveal_type(np.polysub(AR_u4, AR_b)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.polysub(AR_i8, AR_i8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.polysub(AR_f8, AR_i8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.polysub(AR_i8, AR_c16)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[complexfloating[Any, Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.polysub(AR_O, AR_O)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[object_]]
-reveal_type(np.polymul(poly_obj, AR_i8)) # E: poly1d
-reveal_type(np.polymul(AR_f8, poly_obj)) # E: poly1d
-reveal_type(np.polymul(AR_b, AR_b)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(np.polymul(AR_u4, AR_b)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.polymul(AR_i8, AR_i8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.polymul(AR_f8, AR_i8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.polymul(AR_i8, AR_c16)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[complexfloating[Any, Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.polymul(AR_O, AR_O)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[object_]]
-reveal_type(np.polydiv(poly_obj, AR_i8)) # E: poly1d
-reveal_type(np.polydiv(AR_f8, poly_obj)) # E: poly1d
-reveal_type(np.polydiv(AR_b, AR_b)) # E: Tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]], ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]]
-reveal_type(np.polydiv(AR_u4, AR_b)) # E: Tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]], ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]]
-reveal_type(np.polydiv(AR_i8, AR_i8)) # E: Tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]], ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]]
-reveal_type(np.polydiv(AR_f8, AR_i8)) # E: Tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]], ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]]
-reveal_type(np.polydiv(AR_i8, AR_c16)) # E: Tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[complexfloating[Any, Any]]], ndarray[Any, dtype[complexfloating[Any, Any]]]]
-reveal_type(np.polydiv(AR_O, AR_O)) # E: Tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]], ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]]
+assert_type(iter(poly_obj), Iterator[Any])
+assert_type(poly_obj.deriv(), np.poly1d)
+assert_type(poly_obj.integ(), np.poly1d)
+assert_type(np.poly(poly_obj), npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(np.poly(AR_f8), npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(np.poly(AR_c16), npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(np.polyint(poly_obj), np.poly1d)
+assert_type(np.polyint(AR_f8), npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(np.polyint(AR_f8, k=AR_c16), npt.NDArray[np.complexfloating[Any, Any]])
+assert_type(np.polyint(AR_O, m=2), npt.NDArray[np.object_])
+assert_type(np.polyder(poly_obj), np.poly1d)
+assert_type(np.polyder(AR_f8), npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(np.polyder(AR_c16), npt.NDArray[np.complexfloating[Any, Any]])
+assert_type(np.polyder(AR_O, m=2), npt.NDArray[np.object_])
+assert_type(np.polyfit(AR_f8, AR_f8, 2), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+ np.polyfit(AR_f8, AR_i8, 1, full=True),
+ tuple[
+ npt.NDArray[np.float64],
+ npt.NDArray[np.float64],
+ npt.NDArray[np.int32],
+ npt.NDArray[np.float64],
+ npt.NDArray[np.float64],
+ ],
+ np.polyfit(AR_u4, AR_f8, 1.0, cov="unscaled"),
+ tuple[
+ npt.NDArray[np.float64],
+ npt.NDArray[np.float64],
+ ],
+assert_type(np.polyfit(AR_c16, AR_f8, 2), npt.NDArray[np.complex128])
+ np.polyfit(AR_f8, AR_c16, 1, full=True),
+ tuple[
+ npt.NDArray[np.complex128],
+ npt.NDArray[np.float64],
+ npt.NDArray[np.int32],
+ npt.NDArray[np.float64],
+ npt.NDArray[np.float64],
+ ],
+ np.polyfit(AR_u4, AR_c16, 1.0, cov=True),
+ tuple[
+ npt.NDArray[np.complex128],
+ npt.NDArray[np.complex128],
+ ],
+assert_type(np.polyval(AR_b, AR_b), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(np.polyval(AR_u4, AR_b), npt.NDArray[np.unsignedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(np.polyval(AR_i8, AR_i8), npt.NDArray[np.signedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(np.polyval(AR_f8, AR_i8), npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(np.polyval(AR_i8, AR_c16), npt.NDArray[np.complexfloating[Any, Any]])
+assert_type(np.polyval(AR_O, AR_O), npt.NDArray[np.object_])
+assert_type(np.polyadd(poly_obj, AR_i8), np.poly1d)
+assert_type(np.polyadd(AR_f8, poly_obj), np.poly1d)
+assert_type(np.polyadd(AR_b, AR_b), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(np.polyadd(AR_u4, AR_b), npt.NDArray[np.unsignedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(np.polyadd(AR_i8, AR_i8), npt.NDArray[np.signedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(np.polyadd(AR_f8, AR_i8), npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(np.polyadd(AR_i8, AR_c16), npt.NDArray[np.complexfloating[Any, Any]])
+assert_type(np.polyadd(AR_O, AR_O), npt.NDArray[np.object_])
+assert_type(np.polysub(poly_obj, AR_i8), np.poly1d)
+assert_type(np.polysub(AR_f8, poly_obj), np.poly1d)
+assert_type(np.polysub(AR_b, AR_b), NoReturn)
+assert_type(np.polysub(AR_u4, AR_b), npt.NDArray[np.unsignedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(np.polysub(AR_i8, AR_i8), npt.NDArray[np.signedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(np.polysub(AR_f8, AR_i8), npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(np.polysub(AR_i8, AR_c16), npt.NDArray[np.complexfloating[Any, Any]])
+assert_type(np.polysub(AR_O, AR_O), npt.NDArray[np.object_])
+assert_type(np.polymul(poly_obj, AR_i8), np.poly1d)
+assert_type(np.polymul(AR_f8, poly_obj), np.poly1d)
+assert_type(np.polymul(AR_b, AR_b), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(np.polymul(AR_u4, AR_b), npt.NDArray[np.unsignedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(np.polymul(AR_i8, AR_i8), npt.NDArray[np.signedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(np.polymul(AR_f8, AR_i8), npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(np.polymul(AR_i8, AR_c16), npt.NDArray[np.complexfloating[Any, Any]])
+assert_type(np.polymul(AR_O, AR_O), npt.NDArray[np.object_])
+assert_type(np.polydiv(poly_obj, AR_i8), tuple[np.poly1d, np.poly1d])
+assert_type(np.polydiv(AR_f8, poly_obj), tuple[np.poly1d, np.poly1d])
+assert_type(np.polydiv(AR_b, AR_b), tuple[npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]], npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]]])
+assert_type(np.polydiv(AR_u4, AR_b), tuple[npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]], npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]]])
+assert_type(np.polydiv(AR_i8, AR_i8), tuple[npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]], npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]]])
+assert_type(np.polydiv(AR_f8, AR_i8), tuple[npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]], npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]]])
+assert_type(np.polydiv(AR_i8, AR_c16), tuple[npt.NDArray[np.complexfloating[Any, Any]], npt.NDArray[np.complexfloating[Any, Any]]])
+assert_type(np.polydiv(AR_O, AR_O), tuple[npt.NDArray[Any], npt.NDArray[Any]])
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/lib_utils.pyi b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/lib_utils.pyi
index 9b1bf4123d..7b15cf18fd 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/lib_utils.pyi
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/lib_utils.pyi
@@ -1,30 +1,41 @@
+import sys
from io import StringIO
-from typing import Any
+from typing import Any, Protocol
import numpy as np
+import numpy.typing as npt
+from numpy.lib.utils import _Deprecate
-AR: np.ndarray[Any, np.dtype[np.float64]]
-AR_DICT: dict[str, np.ndarray[Any, np.dtype[np.float64]]]
+if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
+ from typing import assert_type
+ from typing_extensions import assert_type
+AR: npt.NDArray[np.float64]
+AR_DICT: dict[str, npt.NDArray[np.float64]]
FILE: StringIO
def func(a: int) -> bool: ...
-reveal_type(np.deprecate(func)) # E: def (a: builtins.int) -> builtins.bool
-reveal_type(np.deprecate()) # E: _Deprecate
+class FuncProtocol(Protocol):
+ def __call__(self, a: int) -> bool: ...
+assert_type(np.deprecate(func), FuncProtocol)
+assert_type(np.deprecate(), _Deprecate)
-reveal_type(np.deprecate_with_doc("test")) # E: _Deprecate
-reveal_type(np.deprecate_with_doc(None)) # E: _Deprecate
+assert_type(np.deprecate_with_doc("test"), _Deprecate)
+assert_type(np.deprecate_with_doc(None), _Deprecate)
-reveal_type(np.byte_bounds(AR)) # E: Tuple[builtins.int, builtins.int]
-reveal_type(np.byte_bounds(np.float64())) # E: Tuple[builtins.int, builtins.int]
+assert_type(np.byte_bounds(AR), tuple[int, int])
+assert_type(np.byte_bounds(np.float64()), tuple[int, int])
-reveal_type(np.who(None)) # E: None
-reveal_type(np.who(AR_DICT)) # E: None
+assert_type(np.who(None), None)
+assert_type(np.who(AR_DICT), None)
-reveal_type(np.info(1, output=FILE)) # E: None
+assert_type(np.info(1, output=FILE), None)
-reveal_type(np.source(np.interp, output=FILE)) # E: None
+assert_type(np.source(np.interp, output=FILE), None)
-reveal_type(np.lookfor("binary representation", output=FILE)) # E: None
+assert_type(np.lookfor("binary representation", output=FILE), None)
-reveal_type(np.safe_eval("1 + 1")) # E: Any
+assert_type(np.safe_eval("1 + 1"), Any)
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/lib_version.pyi b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/lib_version.pyi
index e6f695558a..142d88bdbb 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/lib_version.pyi
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/lib_version.pyi
@@ -1,18 +1,25 @@
+import sys
from numpy.lib import NumpyVersion
+if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
+ from typing import assert_type
+ from typing_extensions import assert_type
version = NumpyVersion("1.8.0")
-reveal_type(version.vstring) # E: str
-reveal_type(version.version) # E: str
-reveal_type(version.major) # E: int
-reveal_type(version.minor) # E: int
-reveal_type(version.bugfix) # E: int
-reveal_type(version.pre_release) # E: str
-reveal_type(version.is_devversion) # E: bool
+assert_type(version.vstring, str)
+assert_type(version.version, str)
+assert_type(version.major, int)
+assert_type(version.minor, int)
+assert_type(version.bugfix, int)
+assert_type(version.pre_release, str)
+assert_type(version.is_devversion, bool)
-reveal_type(version == version) # E: bool
-reveal_type(version != version) # E: bool
-reveal_type(version < "1.8.0") # E: bool
-reveal_type(version <= version) # E: bool
-reveal_type(version > version) # E: bool
-reveal_type(version >= "1.8.0") # E: bool
+assert_type(version == version, bool)
+assert_type(version != version, bool)
+assert_type(version < "1.8.0", bool)
+assert_type(version <= version, bool)
+assert_type(version > version, bool)
+assert_type(version >= "1.8.0", bool)
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/linalg.pyi b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/linalg.pyi
index 1303518643..f011aedd93 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/linalg.pyi
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/linalg.pyi
@@ -1,5 +1,14 @@
+import sys
+from typing import Any
import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
+from numpy.linalg.linalg import QRResult, EigResult, EighResult, SVDResult, SlogdetResult
+if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
+ from typing import assert_type
+ from typing_extensions import assert_type
AR_i8: npt.NDArray[np.int64]
AR_f8: npt.NDArray[np.float64]
@@ -8,90 +17,90 @@ AR_O: npt.NDArray[np.object_]
AR_m: npt.NDArray[np.timedelta64]
AR_S: npt.NDArray[np.str_]
-reveal_type(np.linalg.tensorsolve(AR_i8, AR_i8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.linalg.tensorsolve(AR_i8, AR_f8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.linalg.tensorsolve(AR_c16, AR_f8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[complexfloating[Any, Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.linalg.solve(AR_i8, AR_i8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.linalg.solve(AR_i8, AR_f8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.linalg.solve(AR_c16, AR_f8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[complexfloating[Any, Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.linalg.tensorinv(AR_i8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.linalg.tensorinv(AR_f8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.linalg.tensorinv(AR_c16)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[complexfloating[Any, Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.linalg.inv(AR_i8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.linalg.inv(AR_f8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.linalg.inv(AR_c16)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[complexfloating[Any, Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.linalg.matrix_power(AR_i8, -1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.linalg.matrix_power(AR_f8, 0)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.linalg.matrix_power(AR_c16, 1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.linalg.matrix_power(AR_O, 2)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.linalg.cholesky(AR_i8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.linalg.cholesky(AR_f8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.linalg.cholesky(AR_c16)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[complexfloating[Any, Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.linalg.qr(AR_i8)) # E: QRResult
-reveal_type(np.linalg.qr(AR_f8)) # E: QRResult
-reveal_type(np.linalg.qr(AR_c16)) # E: QRResult
-reveal_type(np.linalg.eigvals(AR_i8)) # E: Union[ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]], ndarray[Any, dtype[{complex128}]]]
-reveal_type(np.linalg.eigvals(AR_f8)) # E: Union[ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]], ndarray[Any, dtype[complexfloating[Any, Any]]]]
-reveal_type(np.linalg.eigvals(AR_c16)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[complexfloating[Any, Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.linalg.eigvalsh(AR_i8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.linalg.eigvalsh(AR_f8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.linalg.eigvalsh(AR_c16)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.linalg.eig(AR_i8)) # E: EigResult
-reveal_type(np.linalg.eig(AR_f8)) # E: EigResult
-reveal_type(np.linalg.eig(AR_c16)) # E: EigResult
-reveal_type(np.linalg.eigh(AR_i8)) # E: EighResult
-reveal_type(np.linalg.eigh(AR_f8)) # E: EighResult
-reveal_type(np.linalg.eigh(AR_c16)) # E: EighResult
-reveal_type(np.linalg.svd(AR_i8)) # E: SVDResult
-reveal_type(np.linalg.svd(AR_f8)) # E: SVDResult
-reveal_type(np.linalg.svd(AR_c16)) # E: SVDResult
-reveal_type(np.linalg.svd(AR_i8, compute_uv=False)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.linalg.svd(AR_f8, compute_uv=False)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.linalg.svd(AR_c16, compute_uv=False)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.linalg.cond(AR_i8)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.linalg.cond(AR_f8)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.linalg.cond(AR_c16)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.linalg.matrix_rank(AR_i8)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.linalg.matrix_rank(AR_f8)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.linalg.matrix_rank(AR_c16)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.linalg.pinv(AR_i8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.linalg.pinv(AR_f8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.linalg.pinv(AR_c16)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[complexfloating[Any, Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.linalg.slogdet(AR_i8)) # E: SlogdetResult
-reveal_type(np.linalg.slogdet(AR_f8)) # E: SlogdetResult
-reveal_type(np.linalg.slogdet(AR_c16)) # E: SlogdetResult
-reveal_type(np.linalg.det(AR_i8)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.linalg.det(AR_f8)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.linalg.det(AR_c16)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.linalg.lstsq(AR_i8, AR_i8)) # E: Tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]], ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]], {int32}, ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]]
-reveal_type(np.linalg.lstsq(AR_i8, AR_f8)) # E: Tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]], ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]], {int32}, ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]]
-reveal_type(np.linalg.lstsq(AR_f8, AR_c16)) # E: Tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[complexfloating[Any, Any]]], ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]], {int32}, ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]]
-reveal_type(np.linalg.norm(AR_i8)) # E: floating[Any]
-reveal_type(np.linalg.norm(AR_f8)) # E: floating[Any]
-reveal_type(np.linalg.norm(AR_c16)) # E: floating[Any]
-reveal_type(np.linalg.norm(AR_S)) # E: floating[Any]
-reveal_type(np.linalg.norm(AR_f8, axis=0)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.linalg.multi_dot([AR_i8, AR_i8])) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.linalg.multi_dot([AR_i8, AR_f8])) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.linalg.multi_dot([AR_f8, AR_c16])) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.linalg.multi_dot([AR_O, AR_O])) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.linalg.multi_dot([AR_m, AR_m])) # E: Any
+assert_type(np.linalg.tensorsolve(AR_i8, AR_i8), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.linalg.tensorsolve(AR_i8, AR_f8), npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(np.linalg.tensorsolve(AR_c16, AR_f8), npt.NDArray[np.complexfloating[Any, Any]])
+assert_type(np.linalg.solve(AR_i8, AR_i8), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.linalg.solve(AR_i8, AR_f8), npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(np.linalg.solve(AR_c16, AR_f8), npt.NDArray[np.complexfloating[Any, Any]])
+assert_type(np.linalg.tensorinv(AR_i8), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.linalg.tensorinv(AR_f8), npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(np.linalg.tensorinv(AR_c16), npt.NDArray[np.complexfloating[Any, Any]])
+assert_type(np.linalg.inv(AR_i8), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.linalg.inv(AR_f8), npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(np.linalg.inv(AR_c16), npt.NDArray[np.complexfloating[Any, Any]])
+assert_type(np.linalg.matrix_power(AR_i8, -1), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.linalg.matrix_power(AR_f8, 0), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.linalg.matrix_power(AR_c16, 1), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.linalg.matrix_power(AR_O, 2), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.linalg.cholesky(AR_i8), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.linalg.cholesky(AR_f8), npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(np.linalg.cholesky(AR_c16), npt.NDArray[np.complexfloating[Any, Any]])
+assert_type(np.linalg.qr(AR_i8), QRResult)
+assert_type(np.linalg.qr(AR_f8), QRResult)
+assert_type(np.linalg.qr(AR_c16), QRResult)
+assert_type(np.linalg.eigvals(AR_i8), npt.NDArray[np.float64] | npt.NDArray[np.complex128])
+assert_type(np.linalg.eigvals(AR_f8), npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]] | npt.NDArray[np.complexfloating[Any, Any]])
+assert_type(np.linalg.eigvals(AR_c16), npt.NDArray[np.complexfloating[Any, Any]])
+assert_type(np.linalg.eigvalsh(AR_i8), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.linalg.eigvalsh(AR_f8), npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(np.linalg.eigvalsh(AR_c16), npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(np.linalg.eig(AR_i8), EigResult)
+assert_type(np.linalg.eig(AR_f8), EigResult)
+assert_type(np.linalg.eig(AR_c16), EigResult)
+assert_type(np.linalg.eigh(AR_i8), EighResult)
+assert_type(np.linalg.eigh(AR_f8), EighResult)
+assert_type(np.linalg.eigh(AR_c16), EighResult)
+assert_type(np.linalg.svd(AR_i8), SVDResult)
+assert_type(np.linalg.svd(AR_f8), SVDResult)
+assert_type(np.linalg.svd(AR_c16), SVDResult)
+assert_type(np.linalg.svd(AR_i8, compute_uv=False), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.linalg.svd(AR_f8, compute_uv=False), npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(np.linalg.svd(AR_c16, compute_uv=False), npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(np.linalg.cond(AR_i8), Any)
+assert_type(np.linalg.cond(AR_f8), Any)
+assert_type(np.linalg.cond(AR_c16), Any)
+assert_type(np.linalg.matrix_rank(AR_i8), Any)
+assert_type(np.linalg.matrix_rank(AR_f8), Any)
+assert_type(np.linalg.matrix_rank(AR_c16), Any)
+assert_type(np.linalg.pinv(AR_i8), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.linalg.pinv(AR_f8), npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(np.linalg.pinv(AR_c16), npt.NDArray[np.complexfloating[Any, Any]])
+assert_type(np.linalg.slogdet(AR_i8), SlogdetResult)
+assert_type(np.linalg.slogdet(AR_f8), SlogdetResult)
+assert_type(np.linalg.slogdet(AR_c16), SlogdetResult)
+assert_type(np.linalg.det(AR_i8), Any)
+assert_type(np.linalg.det(AR_f8), Any)
+assert_type(np.linalg.det(AR_c16), Any)
+assert_type(np.linalg.lstsq(AR_i8, AR_i8), tuple[npt.NDArray[np.float64], npt.NDArray[np.float64], np.int32, npt.NDArray[np.float64]])
+assert_type(np.linalg.lstsq(AR_i8, AR_f8), tuple[npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]], npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]], np.int32, npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]]])
+assert_type(np.linalg.lstsq(AR_f8, AR_c16), tuple[npt.NDArray[np.complexfloating[Any, Any]], npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]], np.int32, npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]]])
+assert_type(np.linalg.norm(AR_i8), np.floating[Any])
+assert_type(np.linalg.norm(AR_f8), np.floating[Any])
+assert_type(np.linalg.norm(AR_c16), np.floating[Any])
+assert_type(np.linalg.norm(AR_S), np.floating[Any])
+assert_type(np.linalg.norm(AR_f8, axis=0), Any)
+assert_type(np.linalg.multi_dot([AR_i8, AR_i8]), Any)
+assert_type(np.linalg.multi_dot([AR_i8, AR_f8]), Any)
+assert_type(np.linalg.multi_dot([AR_f8, AR_c16]), Any)
+assert_type(np.linalg.multi_dot([AR_O, AR_O]), Any)
+assert_type(np.linalg.multi_dot([AR_m, AR_m]), Any)
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/matrix.pyi b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/matrix.pyi
index 21c39067e9..3fd1ddb94d 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/matrix.pyi
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/matrix.pyi
@@ -1,69 +1,76 @@
+import sys
from typing import Any
import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
+if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
+ from typing import assert_type
+ from typing_extensions import assert_type
mat: np.matrix[Any, np.dtype[np.int64]]
ar_f8: npt.NDArray[np.float64]
-reveal_type(mat * 5) # E: matrix[Any, Any]
-reveal_type(5 * mat) # E: matrix[Any, Any]
+assert_type(mat * 5, np.matrix[Any, Any])
+assert_type(5 * mat, np.matrix[Any, Any])
mat *= 5
-reveal_type(mat**5) # E: matrix[Any, Any]
+assert_type(mat**5, np.matrix[Any, Any])
mat **= 5
-reveal_type(mat.sum()) # E: Any
-reveal_type(mat.mean()) # E: Any
-reveal_type(mat.std()) # E: Any
-reveal_type(mat.var()) # E: Any
-reveal_type(mat.prod()) # E: Any
-reveal_type(mat.any()) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(mat.all()) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(mat.max()) # E: {int64}
-reveal_type(mat.min()) # E: {int64}
-reveal_type(mat.argmax()) # E: {intp}
-reveal_type(mat.argmin()) # E: {intp}
-reveal_type(mat.ptp()) # E: {int64}
+assert_type(mat.sum(), Any)
+assert_type(mat.mean(), Any)
+assert_type(mat.std(), Any)
+assert_type(mat.var(), Any)
+assert_type(mat.prod(), Any)
+assert_type(mat.any(), np.bool_)
+assert_type(mat.all(), np.bool_)
+assert_type(mat.max(), np.int64)
+assert_type(mat.min(), np.int64)
+assert_type(mat.argmax(), np.intp)
+assert_type(mat.argmin(), np.intp)
+assert_type(mat.ptp(), np.int64)
-reveal_type(mat.sum(axis=0)) # E: matrix[Any, Any]
-reveal_type(mat.mean(axis=0)) # E: matrix[Any, Any]
-reveal_type(mat.std(axis=0)) # E: matrix[Any, Any]
-reveal_type(mat.var(axis=0)) # E: matrix[Any, Any]
-reveal_type(mat.prod(axis=0)) # E: matrix[Any, Any]
-reveal_type(mat.any(axis=0)) # E: matrix[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(mat.all(axis=0)) # E: matrix[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(mat.max(axis=0)) # E: matrix[Any, dtype[{int64}]]
-reveal_type(mat.min(axis=0)) # E: matrix[Any, dtype[{int64}]]
-reveal_type(mat.argmax(axis=0)) # E: matrix[Any, dtype[{intp}]]
-reveal_type(mat.argmin(axis=0)) # E: matrix[Any, dtype[{intp}]]
-reveal_type(mat.ptp(axis=0)) # E: matrix[Any, dtype[{int64}]]
+assert_type(mat.sum(axis=0), np.matrix[Any, Any])
+assert_type(mat.mean(axis=0), np.matrix[Any, Any])
+assert_type(mat.std(axis=0), np.matrix[Any, Any])
+assert_type(mat.var(axis=0), np.matrix[Any, Any])
+assert_type(mat.prod(axis=0), np.matrix[Any, Any])
+assert_type(mat.any(axis=0), np.matrix[Any, np.dtype[np.bool_]])
+assert_type(mat.all(axis=0), np.matrix[Any, np.dtype[np.bool_]])
+assert_type(mat.max(axis=0), np.matrix[Any, np.dtype[np.int64]])
+assert_type(mat.min(axis=0), np.matrix[Any, np.dtype[np.int64]])
+assert_type(mat.argmax(axis=0), np.matrix[Any, np.dtype[np.intp]])
+assert_type(mat.argmin(axis=0), np.matrix[Any, np.dtype[np.intp]])
+assert_type(mat.ptp(axis=0), np.matrix[Any, np.dtype[np.int64]])
-reveal_type(mat.sum(out=ar_f8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(mat.mean(out=ar_f8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(mat.std(out=ar_f8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(mat.var(out=ar_f8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(mat.prod(out=ar_f8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(mat.any(out=ar_f8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(mat.all(out=ar_f8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(mat.max(out=ar_f8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(mat.min(out=ar_f8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(mat.argmax(out=ar_f8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(mat.argmin(out=ar_f8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(mat.ptp(out=ar_f8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
+assert_type(mat.sum(out=ar_f8), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(mat.mean(out=ar_f8), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(mat.std(out=ar_f8), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(mat.var(out=ar_f8), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(mat.prod(out=ar_f8), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(mat.any(out=ar_f8), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(mat.all(out=ar_f8), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(mat.max(out=ar_f8), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(mat.min(out=ar_f8), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(mat.argmax(out=ar_f8), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(mat.argmin(out=ar_f8), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(mat.ptp(out=ar_f8), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
-reveal_type(mat.T) # E: matrix[Any, dtype[{int64}]]
-reveal_type(mat.I) # E: matrix[Any, Any]
-reveal_type(mat.A) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int64}]]
-reveal_type(mat.A1) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int64}]]
-reveal_type(mat.H) # E: matrix[Any, dtype[{int64}]]
-reveal_type(mat.getT()) # E: matrix[Any, dtype[{int64}]]
-reveal_type(mat.getI()) # E: matrix[Any, Any]
-reveal_type(mat.getA()) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int64}]]
-reveal_type(mat.getA1()) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int64}]]
-reveal_type(mat.getH()) # E: matrix[Any, dtype[{int64}]]
+assert_type(mat.T, np.matrix[Any, np.dtype[np.int64]])
+assert_type(mat.I, np.matrix[Any, Any])
+assert_type(mat.A, npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(mat.A1, npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(mat.H, np.matrix[Any, np.dtype[np.int64]])
+assert_type(mat.getT(), np.matrix[Any, np.dtype[np.int64]])
+assert_type(mat.getI(), np.matrix[Any, Any])
+assert_type(mat.getA(), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(mat.getA1(), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(mat.getH(), np.matrix[Any, np.dtype[np.int64]])
-reveal_type(np.bmat(ar_f8)) # E: matrix[Any, Any]
-reveal_type(np.bmat([[0, 1, 2]])) # E: matrix[Any, Any]
-reveal_type(np.bmat("mat")) # E: matrix[Any, Any]
+assert_type(np.bmat(ar_f8), np.matrix[Any, Any])
+assert_type(np.bmat([[0, 1, 2]]), np.matrix[Any, Any])
+assert_type(np.bmat("mat"), np.matrix[Any, Any])
-reveal_type(np.asmatrix(ar_f8, dtype=np.int64)) # E: matrix[Any, Any]
+assert_type(np.asmatrix(ar_f8, dtype=np.int64), np.matrix[Any, Any])
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/memmap.pyi b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/memmap.pyi
index af73074992..53278ff112 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/memmap.pyi
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/memmap.pyi
@@ -1,18 +1,25 @@
-import numpy as np
+import sys
from typing import Any
+import numpy as np
+if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
+ from typing import assert_type
+ from typing_extensions import assert_type
memmap_obj: np.memmap[Any, np.dtype[np.str_]]
-reveal_type(np.memmap.__array_priority__) # E: float
-reveal_type(memmap_obj.__array_priority__) # E: float
-reveal_type(memmap_obj.filename) # E: Union[builtins.str, None]
-reveal_type(memmap_obj.offset) # E: int
-reveal_type(memmap_obj.mode) # E: str
-reveal_type(memmap_obj.flush()) # E: None
+assert_type(np.memmap.__array_priority__, float)
+assert_type(memmap_obj.__array_priority__, float)
+assert_type(memmap_obj.filename, str | None)
+assert_type(memmap_obj.offset, int)
+assert_type(memmap_obj.mode, str)
+assert_type(memmap_obj.flush(), None)
-reveal_type(np.memmap("file.txt", offset=5)) # E: memmap[Any, dtype[{uint8}]]
-reveal_type(np.memmap(b"file.txt", dtype=np.float64, shape=(10, 3))) # E: memmap[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
+assert_type(np.memmap("file.txt", offset=5), np.memmap[Any, np.dtype[np.uint8]])
+assert_type(np.memmap(b"file.txt", dtype=np.float64, shape=(10, 3)), np.memmap[Any, np.dtype[np.float64]])
with open("file.txt", "rb") as f:
- reveal_type(np.memmap(f, dtype=float, order="K")) # E: memmap[Any, dtype[Any]]
+ assert_type(np.memmap(f, dtype=float, order="K"), np.memmap[Any, np.dtype[Any]])
-reveal_type(memmap_obj.__array_finalize__(object())) # E: None
+assert_type(memmap_obj.__array_finalize__(object()), None)
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/mod.pyi b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/mod.pyi
index b2790b7f39..48fee893cd 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/mod.pyi
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/mod.pyi
@@ -1,5 +1,14 @@
+import sys
from typing import Any
import numpy as np
+import numpy.typing as npt
+from numpy._typing import _32Bit, _64Bit
+if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
+ from typing import assert_type
+ from typing_extensions import assert_type
f8 = np.float64()
i8 = np.int64()
@@ -16,132 +25,124 @@ b = bool()
f = float()
i = int()
-AR_b: np.ndarray[Any, np.dtype[np.bool_]]
-AR_m: np.ndarray[Any, np.dtype[np.timedelta64]]
+AR_b: npt.NDArray[np.bool_]
+AR_m: npt.NDArray[np.timedelta64]
# Time structures
-reveal_type(td % td) # E: timedelta64
-reveal_type(AR_m % td) # E: Any
-reveal_type(td % AR_m) # E: Any
+assert_type(td % td, np.timedelta64)
+assert_type(AR_m % td, npt.NDArray[np.timedelta64])
+assert_type(td % AR_m, npt.NDArray[np.timedelta64])
-reveal_type(divmod(td, td)) # E: Tuple[{int64}, timedelta64]
-reveal_type(divmod(AR_m, td)) # E: Tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]], ndarray[Any, dtype[timedelta64]]]
-reveal_type(divmod(td, AR_m)) # E: Tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]], ndarray[Any, dtype[timedelta64]]]
+assert_type(divmod(td, td), tuple[np.int64, np.timedelta64])
+assert_type(divmod(AR_m, td), tuple[npt.NDArray[np.int64], npt.NDArray[np.timedelta64]])
+assert_type(divmod(td, AR_m), tuple[npt.NDArray[np.int64], npt.NDArray[np.timedelta64]])
# Bool
-reveal_type(b_ % b) # E: {int8}
-reveal_type(b_ % i) # E: {int_}
-reveal_type(b_ % f) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(b_ % b_) # E: {int8}
-reveal_type(b_ % i8) # E: {int64}
-reveal_type(b_ % u8) # E: {uint64}
-reveal_type(b_ % f8) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(b_ % AR_b) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int8}]]
-reveal_type(divmod(b_, b)) # E: Tuple[{int8}, {int8}]
-reveal_type(divmod(b_, i)) # E: Tuple[{int_}, {int_}]
-reveal_type(divmod(b_, f)) # E: Tuple[{float64}, {float64}]
-reveal_type(divmod(b_, b_)) # E: Tuple[{int8}, {int8}]
-reveal_type(divmod(b_, i8)) # E: Tuple[{int64}, {int64}]
-reveal_type(divmod(b_, u8)) # E: Tuple[{uint64}, {uint64}]
-reveal_type(divmod(b_, f8)) # E: Tuple[{float64}, {float64}]
-reveal_type(divmod(b_, AR_b)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int8}]], ndarray[Any, dtype[{int8}]]]
-reveal_type(b % b_) # E: {int8}
-reveal_type(i % b_) # E: {int_}
-reveal_type(f % b_) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(b_ % b_) # E: {int8}
-reveal_type(i8 % b_) # E: {int64}
-reveal_type(u8 % b_) # E: {uint64}
-reveal_type(f8 % b_) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(AR_b % b_) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int8}]]
-reveal_type(divmod(b, b_)) # E: Tuple[{int8}, {int8}]
-reveal_type(divmod(i, b_)) # E: Tuple[{int_}, {int_}]
-reveal_type(divmod(f, b_)) # E: Tuple[{float64}, {float64}]
-reveal_type(divmod(b_, b_)) # E: Tuple[{int8}, {int8}]
-reveal_type(divmod(i8, b_)) # E: Tuple[{int64}, {int64}]
-reveal_type(divmod(u8, b_)) # E: Tuple[{uint64}, {uint64}]
-reveal_type(divmod(f8, b_)) # E: Tuple[{float64}, {float64}]
-reveal_type(divmod(AR_b, b_)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int8}]], ndarray[Any, dtype[{int8}]]]
+assert_type(b_ % b, np.int8)
+assert_type(b_ % i, np.int_)
+assert_type(b_ % f, np.float64)
+assert_type(b_ % b_, np.int8)
+assert_type(b_ % i8, np.int64)
+assert_type(b_ % u8, np.uint64)
+assert_type(b_ % f8, np.float64)
+assert_type(b_ % AR_b, npt.NDArray[np.int8])
+assert_type(divmod(b_, b), tuple[np.int8, np.int8])
+assert_type(divmod(b_, i), tuple[np.int_, np.int_])
+assert_type(divmod(b_, f), tuple[np.float64, np.float64])
+assert_type(divmod(b_, b_), tuple[np.int8, np.int8])
+assert_type(divmod(b_, i8), tuple[np.int64, np.int64])
+assert_type(divmod(b_, u8), tuple[np.uint64, np.uint64])
+assert_type(divmod(b_, f8), tuple[np.float64, np.float64])
+assert_type(divmod(b_, AR_b), tuple[npt.NDArray[np.int8], npt.NDArray[np.int8]])
+assert_type(b % b_, np.int8)
+assert_type(i % b_, np.int_)
+assert_type(f % b_, np.float64)
+assert_type(b_ % b_, np.int8)
+assert_type(i8 % b_, np.int64)
+assert_type(u8 % b_, np.uint64)
+assert_type(f8 % b_, np.float64)
+assert_type(AR_b % b_, npt.NDArray[np.int8])
+assert_type(divmod(b, b_), tuple[np.int8, np.int8])
+assert_type(divmod(i, b_), tuple[np.int_, np.int_])
+assert_type(divmod(f, b_), tuple[np.float64, np.float64])
+assert_type(divmod(b_, b_), tuple[np.int8, np.int8])
+assert_type(divmod(i8, b_), tuple[np.int64, np.int64])
+assert_type(divmod(u8, b_), tuple[np.uint64, np.uint64])
+assert_type(divmod(f8, b_), tuple[np.float64, np.float64])
+assert_type(divmod(AR_b, b_), tuple[npt.NDArray[np.int8], npt.NDArray[np.int8]])
# int
-reveal_type(i8 % b) # E: {int64}
-reveal_type(i8 % i) # E: {int64}
-reveal_type(i8 % f) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(i8 % i8) # E: {int64}
-reveal_type(i8 % f8) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(i4 % i8) # E: {int64}
-reveal_type(i4 % f8) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(i4 % i4) # E: {int32}
-reveal_type(i4 % f4) # E: {float32}
-reveal_type(i8 % AR_b) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[Any]]]
-reveal_type(divmod(i8, b)) # E: Tuple[{int64}, {int64}]
-reveal_type(divmod(i8, i)) # E: Tuple[{int64}, {int64}]
-reveal_type(divmod(i8, f)) # E: Tuple[{float64}, {float64}]
-reveal_type(divmod(i8, i8)) # E: Tuple[{int64}, {int64}]
-reveal_type(divmod(i8, f8)) # E: Tuple[{float64}, {float64}]
-reveal_type(divmod(i8, i4)) # E: Tuple[{int64}, {int64}]
-reveal_type(divmod(i8, f4)) # E: Tuple[{float64}, {float64}]
-reveal_type(divmod(i4, i4)) # E: Tuple[{int32}, {int32}]
-reveal_type(divmod(i4, f4)) # E: Tuple[{float32}, {float32}]
-reveal_type(divmod(i8, AR_b)) # E: Tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[Any]]], ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[Any]]]]
-reveal_type(b % i8) # E: {int64}
-reveal_type(i % i8) # E: {int64}
-reveal_type(f % i8) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(i8 % i8) # E: {int64}
-reveal_type(f8 % i8) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(i8 % i4) # E: {int64}
-reveal_type(f8 % i4) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(i4 % i4) # E: {int32}
-reveal_type(f4 % i4) # E: {float32}
-reveal_type(AR_b % i8) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[Any]]]
-reveal_type(divmod(b, i8)) # E: Tuple[{int64}, {int64}]
-reveal_type(divmod(i, i8)) # E: Tuple[{int64}, {int64}]
-reveal_type(divmod(f, i8)) # E: Tuple[{float64}, {float64}]
-reveal_type(divmod(i8, i8)) # E: Tuple[{int64}, {int64}]
-reveal_type(divmod(f8, i8)) # E: Tuple[{float64}, {float64}]
-reveal_type(divmod(i4, i8)) # E: Tuple[{int64}, {int64}]
-reveal_type(divmod(f4, i8)) # E: Tuple[{float64}, {float64}]
-reveal_type(divmod(i4, i4)) # E: Tuple[{int32}, {int32}]
-reveal_type(divmod(f4, i4)) # E: Tuple[{float32}, {float32}]
-reveal_type(divmod(AR_b, i8)) # E: Tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[Any]]], ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[Any]]]]
+assert_type(i8 % b, np.int64)
+assert_type(i8 % f, np.float64)
+assert_type(i8 % i8, np.int64)
+assert_type(i8 % f8, np.float64)
+assert_type(i4 % i8, np.signedinteger[_32Bit | _64Bit])
+assert_type(i4 % f8, np.floating[_32Bit | _64Bit])
+assert_type(i4 % i4, np.int32)
+assert_type(i4 % f4, np.float32)
+assert_type(i8 % AR_b, npt.NDArray[np.signedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(divmod(i8, b), tuple[np.int64, np.int64])
+assert_type(divmod(i8, f), tuple[np.float64, np.float64])
+assert_type(divmod(i8, i8), tuple[np.int64, np.int64])
+assert_type(divmod(i8, f8), tuple[np.float64, np.float64])
+assert_type(divmod(i8, i4), tuple[np.signedinteger[_32Bit | _64Bit], np.signedinteger[_32Bit | _64Bit]])
+assert_type(divmod(i8, f4), tuple[np.floating[_32Bit | _64Bit], np.floating[_32Bit | _64Bit]])
+assert_type(divmod(i4, i4), tuple[np.int32, np.int32])
+assert_type(divmod(i4, f4), tuple[np.float32, np.float32])
+assert_type(divmod(i8, AR_b), tuple[npt.NDArray[np.signedinteger[Any]], npt.NDArray[np.signedinteger[Any]]])
+assert_type(b % i8, np.int64)
+assert_type(f % i8, np.float64)
+assert_type(i8 % i8, np.int64)
+assert_type(f8 % i8, np.float64)
+assert_type(i8 % i4, np.signedinteger[_32Bit | _64Bit])
+assert_type(f8 % i4, np.floating[_32Bit | _64Bit])
+assert_type(i4 % i4, np.int32)
+assert_type(f4 % i4, np.float32)
+assert_type(AR_b % i8, npt.NDArray[np.signedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(divmod(b, i8), tuple[np.int64, np.int64])
+assert_type(divmod(f, i8), tuple[np.float64, np.float64])
+assert_type(divmod(i8, i8), tuple[np.int64, np.int64])
+assert_type(divmod(f8, i8), tuple[np.float64, np.float64])
+assert_type(divmod(i4, i8), tuple[np.signedinteger[_32Bit | _64Bit], np.signedinteger[_32Bit | _64Bit]])
+assert_type(divmod(f4, i8), tuple[np.floating[_32Bit | _64Bit], np.floating[_32Bit | _64Bit]])
+assert_type(divmod(i4, i4), tuple[np.int32, np.int32])
+assert_type(divmod(f4, i4), tuple[np.float32, np.float32])
+assert_type(divmod(AR_b, i8), tuple[npt.NDArray[np.signedinteger[Any]], npt.NDArray[np.signedinteger[Any]]])
# float
-reveal_type(f8 % b) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(f8 % i) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(f8 % f) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(i8 % f4) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(f4 % f4) # E: {float32}
-reveal_type(f8 % AR_b) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
-reveal_type(divmod(f8, b)) # E: Tuple[{float64}, {float64}]
-reveal_type(divmod(f8, i)) # E: Tuple[{float64}, {float64}]
-reveal_type(divmod(f8, f)) # E: Tuple[{float64}, {float64}]
-reveal_type(divmod(f8, f8)) # E: Tuple[{float64}, {float64}]
-reveal_type(divmod(f8, f4)) # E: Tuple[{float64}, {float64}]
-reveal_type(divmod(f4, f4)) # E: Tuple[{float32}, {float32}]
-reveal_type(divmod(f8, AR_b)) # E: Tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]], ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]]
-reveal_type(b % f8) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(i % f8) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(f % f8) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(f8 % f8) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(f8 % f8) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(f4 % f4) # E: {float32}
-reveal_type(AR_b % f8) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
-reveal_type(divmod(b, f8)) # E: Tuple[{float64}, {float64}]
-reveal_type(divmod(i, f8)) # E: Tuple[{float64}, {float64}]
-reveal_type(divmod(f, f8)) # E: Tuple[{float64}, {float64}]
-reveal_type(divmod(f8, f8)) # E: Tuple[{float64}, {float64}]
-reveal_type(divmod(f4, f8)) # E: Tuple[{float64}, {float64}]
-reveal_type(divmod(f4, f4)) # E: Tuple[{float32}, {float32}]
-reveal_type(divmod(AR_b, f8)) # E: Tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]], ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]]
+assert_type(f8 % b, np.float64)
+assert_type(f8 % f, np.float64)
+assert_type(i8 % f4, np.floating[_32Bit | _64Bit])
+assert_type(f4 % f4, np.float32)
+assert_type(f8 % AR_b, npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(divmod(f8, b), tuple[np.float64, np.float64])
+assert_type(divmod(f8, f), tuple[np.float64, np.float64])
+assert_type(divmod(f8, f8), tuple[np.float64, np.float64])
+assert_type(divmod(f8, f4), tuple[np.floating[_32Bit | _64Bit], np.floating[_32Bit | _64Bit]])
+assert_type(divmod(f4, f4), tuple[np.float32, np.float32])
+assert_type(divmod(f8, AR_b), tuple[npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]], npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]]])
+assert_type(b % f8, np.float64)
+assert_type(f % f8, np.float64)
+assert_type(f8 % f8, np.float64)
+assert_type(f8 % f8, np.float64)
+assert_type(f4 % f4, np.float32)
+assert_type(AR_b % f8, npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(divmod(b, f8), tuple[np.float64, np.float64])
+assert_type(divmod(f, f8), tuple[np.float64, np.float64])
+assert_type(divmod(f8, f8), tuple[np.float64, np.float64])
+assert_type(divmod(f4, f8), tuple[np.floating[_32Bit | _64Bit], np.floating[_32Bit | _64Bit]])
+assert_type(divmod(f4, f4), tuple[np.float32, np.float32])
+assert_type(divmod(AR_b, f8), tuple[npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]], npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]]])
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/modules.pyi b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/modules.pyi
index 4191c564af..1ab01cd079 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/modules.pyi
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/modules.pyi
@@ -1,49 +1,56 @@
+import sys
+import types
import numpy as np
from numpy import f2py
-reveal_type(np) # E: ModuleType
+if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
+ from typing import assert_type
+ from typing_extensions import assert_type
+assert_type(np, types.ModuleType)
-reveal_type(np.char) # E: ModuleType
-reveal_type(np.ctypeslib) # E: ModuleType
-reveal_type(np.emath) # E: ModuleType
-reveal_type(np.fft) # E: ModuleType
-reveal_type(np.lib) # E: ModuleType
-reveal_type(np.linalg) # E: ModuleType
-reveal_type(np.ma) # E: ModuleType
-reveal_type(np.matrixlib) # E: ModuleType
-reveal_type(np.polynomial) # E: ModuleType
-reveal_type(np.random) # E: ModuleType
-reveal_type(np.rec) # E: ModuleType
-reveal_type(np.testing) # E: ModuleType
-reveal_type(np.version) # E: ModuleType
-reveal_type(np.exceptions) # E: ModuleType
-reveal_type(np.dtypes) # E: ModuleType
+assert_type(np.char, types.ModuleType)
+assert_type(np.ctypeslib, types.ModuleType)
+assert_type(np.emath, types.ModuleType)
+assert_type(np.fft, types.ModuleType)
+assert_type(np.lib, types.ModuleType)
+assert_type(np.linalg, types.ModuleType)
+assert_type(np.ma, types.ModuleType)
+assert_type(np.matrixlib, types.ModuleType)
+assert_type(np.polynomial, types.ModuleType)
+assert_type(np.random, types.ModuleType)
+assert_type(np.rec, types.ModuleType)
+assert_type(np.testing, types.ModuleType)
+assert_type(np.version, types.ModuleType)
+assert_type(np.exceptions, types.ModuleType)
+assert_type(np.dtypes, types.ModuleType)
-reveal_type(np.lib.format) # E: ModuleType
-reveal_type(np.lib.mixins) # E: ModuleType
-reveal_type(np.lib.scimath) # E: ModuleType
-reveal_type(np.lib.stride_tricks) # E: ModuleType
-reveal_type(np.ma.extras) # E: ModuleType
-reveal_type(np.polynomial.chebyshev) # E: ModuleType
-reveal_type(np.polynomial.hermite) # E: ModuleType
-reveal_type(np.polynomial.hermite_e) # E: ModuleType
-reveal_type(np.polynomial.laguerre) # E: ModuleType
-reveal_type(np.polynomial.legendre) # E: ModuleType
-reveal_type(np.polynomial.polynomial) # E: ModuleType
+assert_type(np.lib.format, types.ModuleType)
+assert_type(np.lib.mixins, types.ModuleType)
+assert_type(np.lib.scimath, types.ModuleType)
+assert_type(np.lib.stride_tricks, types.ModuleType)
+assert_type(np.ma.extras, types.ModuleType)
+assert_type(np.polynomial.chebyshev, types.ModuleType)
+assert_type(np.polynomial.hermite, types.ModuleType)
+assert_type(np.polynomial.hermite_e, types.ModuleType)
+assert_type(np.polynomial.laguerre, types.ModuleType)
+assert_type(np.polynomial.legendre, types.ModuleType)
+assert_type(np.polynomial.polynomial, types.ModuleType)
-reveal_type(np.__path__) # E: list[builtins.str]
-reveal_type(np.__version__) # E: str
-reveal_type(np.__git_version__) # E: str
-reveal_type(np.test) # E: _pytesttester.PytestTester
-reveal_type(np.test.module_name) # E: str
+assert_type(np.__path__, list[str])
+assert_type(np.__version__, str)
+assert_type(np.test, np._pytesttester.PytestTester)
+assert_type(np.test.module_name, str)
-reveal_type(np.__all__) # E: list[builtins.str]
-reveal_type(np.char.__all__) # E: list[builtins.str]
-reveal_type(np.ctypeslib.__all__) # E: list[builtins.str]
-reveal_type(np.emath.__all__) # E: list[builtins.str]
-reveal_type(np.lib.__all__) # E: list[builtins.str]
-reveal_type(np.ma.__all__) # E: list[builtins.str]
-reveal_type(np.random.__all__) # E: list[builtins.str]
-reveal_type(np.rec.__all__) # E: list[builtins.str]
-reveal_type(np.testing.__all__) # E: list[builtins.str]
-reveal_type(f2py.__all__) # E: list[builtins.str]
+assert_type(np.__all__, list[str])
+assert_type(np.char.__all__, list[str])
+assert_type(np.ctypeslib.__all__, list[str])
+assert_type(np.emath.__all__, list[str])
+assert_type(np.lib.__all__, list[str])
+assert_type(np.ma.__all__, list[str])
+assert_type(np.random.__all__, list[str])
+assert_type(np.rec.__all__, list[str])
+assert_type(np.testing.__all__, list[str])
+assert_type(f2py.__all__, list[str])
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/multiarray.pyi b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/multiarray.pyi
index 27a54f50d6..4254b796df 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/multiarray.pyi
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/multiarray.pyi
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+import sys
import datetime as dt
from typing import Any, TypeVar
from pathlib import Path
@@ -5,6 +6,11 @@ from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
+if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
+ from typing import assert_type
+ from typing_extensions import assert_type
_SCT = TypeVar("_SCT", bound=np.generic, covariant=True)
class SubClass(np.ndarray[Any, np.dtype[_SCT]]): ...
@@ -34,111 +40,111 @@ timedelta_seq: list[dt.timedelta]
def func(a: int) -> bool: ...
-reveal_type(next(b_f8)) # E: tuple[Any, ...]
-reveal_type(b_f8.reset()) # E: None
-reveal_type(b_f8.index) # E: int
-reveal_type(b_f8.iters) # E: tuple[flatiter[Any], ...]
-reveal_type(b_f8.nd) # E: int
-reveal_type(b_f8.ndim) # E: int
-reveal_type(b_f8.numiter) # E: int
-reveal_type(b_f8.shape) # E: tuple[builtins.int, ...]
-reveal_type(b_f8.size) # E: int
+assert_type(next(b_f8), tuple[Any, ...])
+assert_type(b_f8.reset(), None)
+assert_type(b_f8.index, int)
+assert_type(b_f8.iters, tuple[np.flatiter[Any], ...])
+assert_type(b_f8.nd, int)
+assert_type(b_f8.ndim, int)
+assert_type(b_f8.numiter, int)
+assert_type(b_f8.shape, tuple[int, ...])
+assert_type(b_f8.size, int)
-reveal_type(next(b_i8_f8_f8)) # E: tuple[Any, ...]
-reveal_type(b_i8_f8_f8.reset()) # E: None
-reveal_type(b_i8_f8_f8.index) # E: int
-reveal_type(b_i8_f8_f8.iters) # E: tuple[flatiter[Any], ...]
-reveal_type(b_i8_f8_f8.nd) # E: int
-reveal_type(b_i8_f8_f8.ndim) # E: int
-reveal_type(b_i8_f8_f8.numiter) # E: int
-reveal_type(b_i8_f8_f8.shape) # E: tuple[builtins.int, ...]
-reveal_type(b_i8_f8_f8.size) # E: int
+assert_type(next(b_i8_f8_f8), tuple[Any, ...])
+assert_type(b_i8_f8_f8.reset(), None)
+assert_type(b_i8_f8_f8.index, int)
+assert_type(b_i8_f8_f8.iters, tuple[np.flatiter[Any], ...])
+assert_type(b_i8_f8_f8.nd, int)
+assert_type(b_i8_f8_f8.ndim, int)
+assert_type(b_i8_f8_f8.numiter, int)
+assert_type(b_i8_f8_f8.shape, tuple[int, ...])
+assert_type(b_i8_f8_f8.size, int)
-reveal_type(np.inner(AR_f8, AR_i8)) # E: Any
+assert_type(np.inner(AR_f8, AR_i8), Any)
-reveal_type(np.where([True, True, False])) # E: tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[{intp}]], ...]
-reveal_type(np.where([True, True, False], 1, 0)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
+assert_type(np.where([True, True, False]), tuple[npt.NDArray[np.intp], ...])
+assert_type(np.where([True, True, False], 1, 0), npt.NDArray[Any])
-reveal_type(np.lexsort([0, 1, 2])) # E: Any
+assert_type(np.lexsort([0, 1, 2]), Any)
-reveal_type(np.can_cast(np.dtype("i8"), int)) # E: bool
-reveal_type(np.can_cast(AR_f8, "f8")) # E: bool
-reveal_type(np.can_cast(AR_f8, np.complex128, casting="unsafe")) # E: bool
+assert_type(np.can_cast(np.dtype("i8"), int), bool)
+assert_type(np.can_cast(AR_f8, "f8"), bool)
+assert_type(np.can_cast(AR_f8, np.complex128, casting="unsafe"), bool)
-reveal_type(np.min_scalar_type([1])) # E: dtype[Any]
-reveal_type(np.min_scalar_type(AR_f8)) # E: dtype[Any]
+assert_type(np.min_scalar_type([1]), np.dtype[Any])
+assert_type(np.min_scalar_type(AR_f8), np.dtype[Any])
-reveal_type(np.result_type(int, [1])) # E: dtype[Any]
-reveal_type(np.result_type(AR_f8, AR_u1)) # E: dtype[Any]
-reveal_type(np.result_type(AR_f8, np.complex128)) # E: dtype[Any]
+assert_type(np.result_type(int, [1]), np.dtype[Any])
+assert_type(np.result_type(AR_f8, AR_u1), np.dtype[Any])
+assert_type(np.result_type(AR_f8, np.complex128), np.dtype[Any])
-reveal_type(np.dot(AR_LIKE_f, AR_i8)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.dot(AR_u1, 1)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.dot(1.5j, 1)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.dot(AR_u1, 1, out=AR_f8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
+assert_type(np.dot(AR_LIKE_f, AR_i8), Any)
+assert_type(np.dot(AR_u1, 1), Any)
+assert_type(np.dot(1.5j, 1), Any)
+assert_type(np.dot(AR_u1, 1, out=AR_f8), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
-reveal_type(np.vdot(AR_LIKE_f, AR_i8)) # E: floating[Any]
-reveal_type(np.vdot(AR_u1, 1)) # E: signedinteger[Any]
-reveal_type(np.vdot(1.5j, 1)) # E: complexfloating[Any, Any]
+assert_type(np.vdot(AR_LIKE_f, AR_i8), np.floating[Any])
+assert_type(np.vdot(AR_u1, 1), np.signedinteger[Any])
+assert_type(np.vdot(1.5j, 1), np.complexfloating[Any, Any])
-reveal_type(np.bincount(AR_i8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{intp}]]
+assert_type(np.bincount(AR_i8), npt.NDArray[np.intp])
-reveal_type(np.copyto(AR_f8, [1., 1.5, 1.6])) # E: None
+assert_type(np.copyto(AR_f8, [1., 1.5, 1.6]), None)
-reveal_type(np.putmask(AR_f8, [True, True, False], 1.5)) # E: None
+assert_type(np.putmask(AR_f8, [True, True, False], 1.5), None)
-reveal_type(np.packbits(AR_i8)) # ndarray[Any, dtype[{uint8}]]
-reveal_type(np.packbits(AR_u1)) # ndarray[Any, dtype[{uint8}]]
+assert_type(np.packbits(AR_i8), npt.NDArray[np.uint8])
+assert_type(np.packbits(AR_u1), npt.NDArray[np.uint8])
-reveal_type(np.unpackbits(AR_u1)) # ndarray[Any, dtype[{uint8}]]
+assert_type(np.unpackbits(AR_u1), npt.NDArray[np.uint8])
-reveal_type(np.shares_memory(1, 2)) # E: bool
-reveal_type(np.shares_memory(AR_f8, AR_f8, max_work=1)) # E: bool
+assert_type(np.shares_memory(1, 2), bool)
+assert_type(np.shares_memory(AR_f8, AR_f8, max_work=1), bool)
-reveal_type(np.may_share_memory(1, 2)) # E: bool
-reveal_type(np.may_share_memory(AR_f8, AR_f8, max_work=1)) # E: bool
+assert_type(np.may_share_memory(1, 2), bool)
+assert_type(np.may_share_memory(AR_f8, AR_f8, max_work=1), bool)
-reveal_type(np.geterrobj()) # E: list[Any]
+assert_type(np.geterrobj(), list[Any])
-reveal_type(np.seterrobj([8192, 521, None])) # E: None
+assert_type(np.seterrobj([8192, 521, None]), None)
-reveal_type(np.promote_types(np.int32, np.int64)) # E: dtype[Any]
-reveal_type(np.promote_types("f4", float)) # E: dtype[Any]
+assert_type(np.promote_types(np.int32, np.int64), np.dtype[Any])
+assert_type(np.promote_types("f4", float), np.dtype[Any])
-reveal_type(np.frompyfunc(func, 1, 1, identity=None)) # ufunc
+assert_type(np.frompyfunc(func, 1, 1, identity=None), np.ufunc)
-reveal_type(np.datetime_data("m8[D]")) # E: Tuple[builtins.str, builtins.int]
-reveal_type(np.datetime_data(np.datetime64)) # E: Tuple[builtins.str, builtins.int]
-reveal_type(np.datetime_data(np.dtype(np.timedelta64))) # E: Tuple[builtins.str, builtins.int]
+assert_type(np.datetime_data("m8[D]"), tuple[str, int])
+assert_type(np.datetime_data(np.datetime64), tuple[str, int])
+assert_type(np.datetime_data(np.dtype(np.timedelta64)), tuple[str, int])
-reveal_type(np.busday_count("2011-01", "2011-02")) # E: {int_}
-reveal_type(np.busday_count(["2011-01"], "2011-02")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(np.busday_count(["2011-01"], date_scalar)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
+assert_type(np.busday_count("2011-01", "2011-02"), np.int_)
+assert_type(np.busday_count(["2011-01"], "2011-02"), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(np.busday_count(["2011-01"], date_scalar), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
-reveal_type(np.busday_offset(M, m)) # E: datetime64
-reveal_type(np.busday_offset(date_scalar, m)) # E: datetime64
-reveal_type(np.busday_offset(M, 5)) # E: datetime64
-reveal_type(np.busday_offset(AR_M, m)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[datetime64]]
-reveal_type(np.busday_offset(M, timedelta_seq)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[datetime64]]
-reveal_type(np.busday_offset("2011-01", "2011-02", roll="forward")) # E: datetime64
-reveal_type(np.busday_offset(["2011-01"], "2011-02", roll="forward")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[datetime64]]
+assert_type(np.busday_offset(M, m), np.datetime64)
+assert_type(np.busday_offset(date_scalar, m), np.datetime64)
+assert_type(np.busday_offset(M, 5), np.datetime64)
+assert_type(np.busday_offset(AR_M, m), npt.NDArray[np.datetime64])
+assert_type(np.busday_offset(M, timedelta_seq), npt.NDArray[np.datetime64])
+assert_type(np.busday_offset("2011-01", "2011-02", roll="forward"), np.datetime64)
+assert_type(np.busday_offset(["2011-01"], "2011-02", roll="forward"), npt.NDArray[np.datetime64])
-reveal_type(np.is_busday("2012")) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(np.is_busday(date_scalar)) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(np.is_busday(["2012"])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
+assert_type(np.is_busday("2012"), np.bool_)
+assert_type(np.is_busday(date_scalar), np.bool_)
+assert_type(np.is_busday(["2012"]), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
-reveal_type(np.datetime_as_string(M)) # E: str_
-reveal_type(np.datetime_as_string(AR_M)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[str_]]
+assert_type(np.datetime_as_string(M), np.str_)
+assert_type(np.datetime_as_string(AR_M), npt.NDArray[np.str_])
-reveal_type(np.busdaycalendar(holidays=date_seq)) # E: busdaycalendar
-reveal_type(np.busdaycalendar(holidays=[M])) # E: busdaycalendar
+assert_type(np.busdaycalendar(holidays=date_seq), np.busdaycalendar)
+assert_type(np.busdaycalendar(holidays=[M]), np.busdaycalendar)
-reveal_type(np.compare_chararrays("a", "b", "!=", rstrip=False)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(np.compare_chararrays(b"a", b"a", "==", True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
+assert_type(np.compare_chararrays("a", "b", "!=", rstrip=False), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(np.compare_chararrays(b"a", b"a", "==", True), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
-reveal_type(np.add_docstring(func, "test")) # E: None
+assert_type(np.add_docstring(func, "test"), None)
-reveal_type(np.nested_iters([AR_i8, AR_i8], [[0], [1]], flags=["c_index"])) # E: tuple[nditer, ...]
-reveal_type(np.nested_iters([AR_i8, AR_i8], [[0], [1]], op_flags=[["readonly", "readonly"]])) # E: tuple[nditer, ...]
-reveal_type(np.nested_iters([AR_i8, AR_i8], [[0], [1]], op_dtypes=np.int_)) # E: tuple[nditer, ...]
-reveal_type(np.nested_iters([AR_i8, AR_i8], [[0], [1]], order="C", casting="no")) # E: tuple[nditer, ...]
+assert_type(np.nested_iters([AR_i8, AR_i8], [[0], [1]], flags=["c_index"]), tuple[np.nditer, ...])
+assert_type(np.nested_iters([AR_i8, AR_i8], [[0], [1]], op_flags=[["readonly", "readonly"]]), tuple[np.nditer, ...])
+assert_type(np.nested_iters([AR_i8, AR_i8], [[0], [1]], op_dtypes=np.int_), tuple[np.nditer, ...])
+assert_type(np.nested_iters([AR_i8, AR_i8], [[0], [1]], order="C", casting="no"), tuple[np.nditer, ...])
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/nbit_base_example.pyi b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/nbit_base_example.pyi
index a7cc681947..ac2eb1d253 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/nbit_base_example.pyi
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/nbit_base_example.pyi
@@ -1,8 +1,14 @@
-from __future__ import annotations
+import sys
from typing import TypeVar
import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
+from numpy._typing import _64Bit, _32Bit
+if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
+ from typing import assert_type
+ from typing_extensions import assert_type
T1 = TypeVar("T1", bound=npt.NBitBase)
T2 = TypeVar("T2", bound=npt.NBitBase)
@@ -15,7 +21,7 @@ i4: np.int32
f8: np.float64
f4: np.float32
-reveal_type(add(f8, i8)) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(add(f4, i8)) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(add(f8, i4)) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(add(f4, i4)) # E: {float32}
+assert_type(add(f8, i8), np.float64)
+assert_type(add(f4, i8), np.floating[_32Bit | _64Bit])
+assert_type(add(f8, i4), np.floating[_32Bit | _64Bit])
+assert_type(add(f4, i4), np.float32)
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/ndarray_conversion.pyi b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/ndarray_conversion.pyi
index 6885d4fd65..a2fe73891f 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/ndarray_conversion.pyi
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/ndarray_conversion.pyi
@@ -1,16 +1,24 @@
+import sys
+from typing import Any
import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
-nd: npt.NDArray[np.int_] = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
+if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
+ from typing import assert_type
+ from typing_extensions import assert_type
+nd: npt.NDArray[np.int_]
# item
-reveal_type(nd.item()) # E: int
-reveal_type(nd.item(1)) # E: int
-reveal_type(nd.item(0, 1)) # E: int
-reveal_type(nd.item((0, 1))) # E: int
+assert_type(nd.item(), int)
+assert_type(nd.item(1), int)
+assert_type(nd.item(0, 1), int)
+assert_type(nd.item((0, 1)), int)
# tolist
-reveal_type(nd.tolist()) # E: Any
+assert_type(nd.tolist(), Any)
# itemset does not return a value
# tostring is pretty simple
@@ -20,32 +28,32 @@ reveal_type(nd.tolist()) # E: Any
# dumps is pretty simple
# astype
-reveal_type(nd.astype("float")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(nd.astype(float)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(nd.astype(np.float64)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(nd.astype(np.float64, "K")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(nd.astype(np.float64, "K", "unsafe")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(nd.astype(np.float64, "K", "unsafe", True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(nd.astype(np.float64, "K", "unsafe", True, True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
+assert_type(nd.astype("float"), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(nd.astype(float), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(nd.astype(np.float64), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(nd.astype(np.float64, "K"), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(nd.astype(np.float64, "K", "unsafe"), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(nd.astype(np.float64, "K", "unsafe", True), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(nd.astype(np.float64, "K", "unsafe", True, True), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
# byteswap
-reveal_type(nd.byteswap()) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(nd.byteswap(True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
+assert_type(nd.byteswap(), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(nd.byteswap(True), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
# copy
-reveal_type(nd.copy()) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(nd.copy("C")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
+assert_type(nd.copy(), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(nd.copy("C"), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
-reveal_type(nd.view()) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(nd.view(np.float64)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(nd.view(float)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(nd.view(np.float64, np.matrix)) # E: matrix[Any, Any]
+assert_type(nd.view(), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(nd.view(np.float64), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(nd.view(float), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(nd.view(np.float64, np.matrix), np.matrix[Any, Any])
# getfield
-reveal_type(nd.getfield("float")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(nd.getfield(float)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(nd.getfield(np.float64)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(nd.getfield(np.float64, 8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
+assert_type(nd.getfield("float"), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(nd.getfield(float), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(nd.getfield(np.float64), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(nd.getfield(np.float64, 8), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
# setflags does not return a value
# fill does not return a value
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/ndarray_misc.pyi b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/ndarray_misc.pyi
index 03fea72dc2..4c1f093586 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/ndarray_misc.pyi
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/ndarray_misc.pyi
@@ -6,215 +6,221 @@ function-based counterpart in `../from_numeric.py`.
+import sys
import operator
import ctypes as ct
-from typing import Any
+from typing import Any, Literal
import numpy as np
-from numpy._typing import NDArray
+import numpy.typing as npt
-class SubClass(NDArray[np.object_]): ...
+if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
+ from typing import assert_type
+ from typing_extensions import assert_type
+class SubClass(npt.NDArray[np.object_]): ...
f8: np.float64
B: SubClass
-AR_f8: NDArray[np.float64]
-AR_i8: NDArray[np.int64]
-AR_U: NDArray[np.str_]
-AR_V: NDArray[np.void]
+AR_f8: npt.NDArray[np.float64]
+AR_i8: npt.NDArray[np.int64]
+AR_U: npt.NDArray[np.str_]
+AR_V: npt.NDArray[np.void]
ctypes_obj = AR_f8.ctypes
-reveal_type(AR_f8.__dlpack__()) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_f8.__dlpack_device__()) # E: Tuple[int, Literal[0]]
-reveal_type(ctypes_obj.data) # E: int
-reveal_type(ctypes_obj.shape) # E: ctypes.Array[{c_intp}]
-reveal_type(ctypes_obj.strides) # E: ctypes.Array[{c_intp}]
-reveal_type(ctypes_obj._as_parameter_) # E: ctypes.c_void_p
-reveal_type(ctypes_obj.data_as(ct.c_void_p)) # E: ctypes.c_void_p
-reveal_type(ctypes_obj.shape_as(ct.c_longlong)) # E: ctypes.Array[ctypes.c_longlong]
-reveal_type(ctypes_obj.strides_as(ct.c_ubyte)) # E: ctypes.Array[ctypes.c_ubyte]
-reveal_type(f8.all()) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(AR_f8.all()) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(AR_f8.all(axis=0)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_f8.all(keepdims=True)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_f8.all(out=B)) # E: SubClass
-reveal_type(f8.any()) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(AR_f8.any()) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(AR_f8.any(axis=0)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_f8.any(keepdims=True)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_f8.any(out=B)) # E: SubClass
-reveal_type(f8.argmax()) # E: {intp}
-reveal_type(AR_f8.argmax()) # E: {intp}
-reveal_type(AR_f8.argmax(axis=0)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_f8.argmax(out=B)) # E: SubClass
-reveal_type(f8.argmin()) # E: {intp}
-reveal_type(AR_f8.argmin()) # E: {intp}
-reveal_type(AR_f8.argmin(axis=0)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_f8.argmin(out=B)) # E: SubClass
-reveal_type(f8.argsort()) # E: ndarray[Any, Any]
-reveal_type(AR_f8.argsort()) # E: ndarray[Any, Any]
-reveal_type(f8.astype(np.int64).choose([()])) # E: ndarray[Any, Any]
-reveal_type(AR_f8.choose([0])) # E: ndarray[Any, Any]
-reveal_type(AR_f8.choose([0], out=B)) # E: SubClass
-reveal_type(f8.clip(1)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_f8.clip(1)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_f8.clip(None, 1)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_f8.clip(1, out=B)) # E: SubClass
-reveal_type(AR_f8.clip(None, 1, out=B)) # E: SubClass
-reveal_type(f8.compress([0])) # E: ndarray[Any, Any]
-reveal_type(AR_f8.compress([0])) # E: ndarray[Any, Any]
-reveal_type(AR_f8.compress([0], out=B)) # E: SubClass
-reveal_type(f8.conj()) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(AR_f8.conj()) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(B.conj()) # E: SubClass
-reveal_type(f8.conjugate()) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(AR_f8.conjugate()) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(B.conjugate()) # E: SubClass
-reveal_type(f8.cumprod()) # E: ndarray[Any, Any]
-reveal_type(AR_f8.cumprod()) # E: ndarray[Any, Any]
-reveal_type(AR_f8.cumprod(out=B)) # E: SubClass
-reveal_type(f8.cumsum()) # E: ndarray[Any, Any]
-reveal_type(AR_f8.cumsum()) # E: ndarray[Any, Any]
-reveal_type(AR_f8.cumsum(out=B)) # E: SubClass
-reveal_type(f8.max()) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_f8.max()) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_f8.max(axis=0)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_f8.max(keepdims=True)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_f8.max(out=B)) # E: SubClass
-reveal_type(f8.mean()) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_f8.mean()) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_f8.mean(axis=0)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_f8.mean(keepdims=True)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_f8.mean(out=B)) # E: SubClass
-reveal_type(f8.min()) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_f8.min()) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_f8.min(axis=0)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_f8.min(keepdims=True)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_f8.min(out=B)) # E: SubClass
-reveal_type(f8.newbyteorder()) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(AR_f8.newbyteorder()) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(B.newbyteorder('|')) # E: SubClass
-reveal_type(f8.prod()) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_f8.prod()) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_f8.prod(axis=0)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_f8.prod(keepdims=True)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_f8.prod(out=B)) # E: SubClass
-reveal_type(f8.ptp()) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_f8.ptp()) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_f8.ptp(axis=0)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_f8.ptp(keepdims=True)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_f8.ptp(out=B)) # E: SubClass
-reveal_type(f8.round()) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(AR_f8.round()) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(AR_f8.round(out=B)) # E: SubClass
-reveal_type(f8.repeat(1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(AR_f8.repeat(1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(B.repeat(1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[object_]]
-reveal_type(f8.std()) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_f8.std()) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_f8.std(axis=0)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_f8.std(keepdims=True)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_f8.std(out=B)) # E: SubClass
-reveal_type(f8.sum()) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_f8.sum()) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_f8.sum(axis=0)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_f8.sum(keepdims=True)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_f8.sum(out=B)) # E: SubClass
-reveal_type(f8.take(0)) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(AR_f8.take(0)) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(AR_f8.take([0])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(AR_f8.take(0, out=B)) # E: SubClass
-reveal_type(AR_f8.take([0], out=B)) # E: SubClass
-reveal_type(f8.var()) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_f8.var()) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_f8.var(axis=0)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_f8.var(keepdims=True)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_f8.var(out=B)) # E: SubClass
-reveal_type(AR_f8.argpartition([0])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{intp}]]
-reveal_type(AR_f8.diagonal()) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(AR_f8.dot(1)) # E: ndarray[Any, Any]
-reveal_type(AR_f8.dot([1])) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_f8.dot(1, out=B)) # E: SubClass
-reveal_type(AR_f8.nonzero()) # E: tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[{intp}]], ...]
-reveal_type(AR_f8.searchsorted(1)) # E: {intp}
-reveal_type(AR_f8.searchsorted([1])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{intp}]]
-reveal_type(AR_f8.trace()) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_f8.trace(out=B)) # E: SubClass
-reveal_type(AR_f8.item()) # E: float
-reveal_type(AR_U.item()) # E: str
-reveal_type(AR_f8.ravel()) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(AR_U.ravel()) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[str_]]
-reveal_type(AR_f8.flatten()) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(AR_U.flatten()) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[str_]]
-reveal_type(AR_f8.reshape(1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(AR_U.reshape(1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[str_]]
-reveal_type(int(AR_f8)) # E: int
-reveal_type(int(AR_U)) # E: int
-reveal_type(float(AR_f8)) # E: float
-reveal_type(float(AR_U)) # E: float
-reveal_type(complex(AR_f8)) # E: complex
-reveal_type(operator.index(AR_i8)) # E: int
-reveal_type(AR_f8.__array_prepare__(B)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[object_]]
-reveal_type(AR_f8.__array_wrap__(B)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[object_]]
-reveal_type(AR_V[0]) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_V[0, 0]) # E: Any
-reveal_type(AR_V[AR_i8]) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[void]]
-reveal_type(AR_V[AR_i8, AR_i8]) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[void]]
-reveal_type(AR_V[AR_i8, None]) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[void]]
-reveal_type(AR_V[0, ...]) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[void]]
-reveal_type(AR_V[[0]]) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[void]]
-reveal_type(AR_V[[0], [0]]) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[void]]
-reveal_type(AR_V[:]) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[void]]
-reveal_type(AR_V["a"]) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(AR_V[["a", "b"]]) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[void]]
+assert_type(AR_f8.__dlpack__(), Any)
+assert_type(AR_f8.__dlpack_device__(), tuple[int, Literal[0]])
+assert_type(ctypes_obj.data, int)
+assert_type(ctypes_obj.shape, ct.Array[np.ctypeslib.c_intp])
+assert_type(ctypes_obj.strides, ct.Array[np.ctypeslib.c_intp])
+assert_type(ctypes_obj._as_parameter_, ct.c_void_p)
+assert_type(ctypes_obj.data_as(ct.c_void_p), ct.c_void_p)
+assert_type(ctypes_obj.shape_as(ct.c_longlong), ct.Array[ct.c_longlong])
+assert_type(ctypes_obj.strides_as(ct.c_ubyte), ct.Array[ct.c_ubyte])
+assert_type(f8.all(), np.bool_)
+assert_type(AR_f8.all(), np.bool_)
+assert_type(AR_f8.all(axis=0), Any)
+assert_type(AR_f8.all(keepdims=True), Any)
+assert_type(AR_f8.all(out=B), SubClass)
+assert_type(f8.any(), np.bool_)
+assert_type(AR_f8.any(), np.bool_)
+assert_type(AR_f8.any(axis=0), Any)
+assert_type(AR_f8.any(keepdims=True), Any)
+assert_type(AR_f8.any(out=B), SubClass)
+assert_type(f8.argmax(), np.intp)
+assert_type(AR_f8.argmax(), np.intp)
+assert_type(AR_f8.argmax(axis=0), Any)
+assert_type(AR_f8.argmax(out=B), SubClass)
+assert_type(f8.argmin(), np.intp)
+assert_type(AR_f8.argmin(), np.intp)
+assert_type(AR_f8.argmin(axis=0), Any)
+assert_type(AR_f8.argmin(out=B), SubClass)
+assert_type(f8.argsort(), np.ndarray[Any, Any])
+assert_type(AR_f8.argsort(), np.ndarray[Any, Any])
+assert_type(f8.astype(np.int64).choose([()]), np.ndarray[Any, Any])
+assert_type(AR_f8.choose([0]), np.ndarray[Any, Any])
+assert_type(AR_f8.choose([0], out=B), SubClass)
+assert_type(f8.clip(1), np.ndarray[Any, Any])
+assert_type(AR_f8.clip(1), np.ndarray[Any, Any])
+assert_type(AR_f8.clip(None, 1), np.ndarray[Any, Any])
+assert_type(AR_f8.clip(1, out=B), SubClass)
+assert_type(AR_f8.clip(None, 1, out=B), SubClass)
+assert_type(f8.compress([0]), np.ndarray[Any, Any])
+assert_type(AR_f8.compress([0]), np.ndarray[Any, Any])
+assert_type(AR_f8.compress([0], out=B), SubClass)
+assert_type(f8.conj(), np.float64)
+assert_type(AR_f8.conj(), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(B.conj(), SubClass)
+assert_type(f8.conjugate(), np.float64)
+assert_type(AR_f8.conjugate(), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(B.conjugate(), SubClass)
+assert_type(f8.cumprod(), np.ndarray[Any, Any])
+assert_type(AR_f8.cumprod(), np.ndarray[Any, Any])
+assert_type(AR_f8.cumprod(out=B), SubClass)
+assert_type(f8.cumsum(), np.ndarray[Any, Any])
+assert_type(AR_f8.cumsum(), np.ndarray[Any, Any])
+assert_type(AR_f8.cumsum(out=B), SubClass)
+assert_type(f8.max(), Any)
+assert_type(AR_f8.max(), Any)
+assert_type(AR_f8.max(axis=0), Any)
+assert_type(AR_f8.max(keepdims=True), Any)
+assert_type(AR_f8.max(out=B), SubClass)
+assert_type(f8.mean(), Any)
+assert_type(AR_f8.mean(), Any)
+assert_type(AR_f8.mean(axis=0), Any)
+assert_type(AR_f8.mean(keepdims=True), Any)
+assert_type(AR_f8.mean(out=B), SubClass)
+assert_type(f8.min(), Any)
+assert_type(AR_f8.min(), Any)
+assert_type(AR_f8.min(axis=0), Any)
+assert_type(AR_f8.min(keepdims=True), Any)
+assert_type(AR_f8.min(out=B), SubClass)
+assert_type(f8.newbyteorder(), np.float64)
+assert_type(AR_f8.newbyteorder(), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(B.newbyteorder('|'), SubClass)
+assert_type(f8.prod(), Any)
+assert_type(AR_f8.prod(), Any)
+assert_type(AR_f8.prod(axis=0), Any)
+assert_type(AR_f8.prod(keepdims=True), Any)
+assert_type(AR_f8.prod(out=B), SubClass)
+assert_type(f8.ptp(), Any)
+assert_type(AR_f8.ptp(), Any)
+assert_type(AR_f8.ptp(axis=0), Any)
+assert_type(AR_f8.ptp(keepdims=True), Any)
+assert_type(AR_f8.ptp(out=B), SubClass)
+assert_type(f8.round(), np.float64)
+assert_type(AR_f8.round(), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(AR_f8.round(out=B), SubClass)
+assert_type(f8.repeat(1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(AR_f8.repeat(1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(B.repeat(1), npt.NDArray[np.object_])
+assert_type(f8.std(), Any)
+assert_type(AR_f8.std(), Any)
+assert_type(AR_f8.std(axis=0), Any)
+assert_type(AR_f8.std(keepdims=True), Any)
+assert_type(AR_f8.std(out=B), SubClass)
+assert_type(f8.sum(), Any)
+assert_type(AR_f8.sum(), Any)
+assert_type(AR_f8.sum(axis=0), Any)
+assert_type(AR_f8.sum(keepdims=True), Any)
+assert_type(AR_f8.sum(out=B), SubClass)
+assert_type(f8.take(0), np.float64)
+assert_type(AR_f8.take(0), np.float64)
+assert_type(AR_f8.take([0]), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(AR_f8.take(0, out=B), SubClass)
+assert_type(AR_f8.take([0], out=B), SubClass)
+assert_type(f8.var(), Any)
+assert_type(AR_f8.var(), Any)
+assert_type(AR_f8.var(axis=0), Any)
+assert_type(AR_f8.var(keepdims=True), Any)
+assert_type(AR_f8.var(out=B), SubClass)
+assert_type(AR_f8.argpartition([0]), npt.NDArray[np.intp])
+assert_type(AR_f8.diagonal(), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(AR_f8.dot(1), np.ndarray[Any, Any])
+assert_type(AR_f8.dot([1]), Any)
+assert_type(AR_f8.dot(1, out=B), SubClass)
+assert_type(AR_f8.nonzero(), tuple[npt.NDArray[np.intp], ...])
+assert_type(AR_f8.searchsorted(1), np.intp)
+assert_type(AR_f8.searchsorted([1]), npt.NDArray[np.intp])
+assert_type(AR_f8.trace(), Any)
+assert_type(AR_f8.trace(out=B), SubClass)
+assert_type(AR_f8.item(), float)
+assert_type(AR_U.item(), str)
+assert_type(AR_f8.ravel(), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(AR_U.ravel(), npt.NDArray[np.str_])
+assert_type(AR_f8.flatten(), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(AR_U.flatten(), npt.NDArray[np.str_])
+assert_type(AR_f8.reshape(1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(AR_U.reshape(1), npt.NDArray[np.str_])
+assert_type(int(AR_f8), int)
+assert_type(int(AR_U), int)
+assert_type(float(AR_f8), float)
+assert_type(float(AR_U), float)
+assert_type(complex(AR_f8), complex)
+assert_type(operator.index(AR_i8), int)
+assert_type(AR_f8.__array_prepare__(B), npt.NDArray[np.object_])
+assert_type(AR_f8.__array_wrap__(B), npt.NDArray[np.object_])
+assert_type(AR_V[0], Any)
+assert_type(AR_V[0, 0], Any)
+assert_type(AR_V[AR_i8], npt.NDArray[np.void])
+assert_type(AR_V[AR_i8, AR_i8], npt.NDArray[np.void])
+assert_type(AR_V[AR_i8, None], npt.NDArray[np.void])
+assert_type(AR_V[0, ...], npt.NDArray[np.void])
+assert_type(AR_V[[0]], npt.NDArray[np.void])
+assert_type(AR_V[[0], [0]], npt.NDArray[np.void])
+assert_type(AR_V[:], npt.NDArray[np.void])
+assert_type(AR_V["a"], npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(AR_V[["a", "b"]], npt.NDArray[np.void])
-reveal_type(AR_f8.dump("test_file")) # E: None
-reveal_type(AR_f8.dump(b"test_file")) # E: None
+assert_type(AR_f8.dump("test_file"), None)
+assert_type(AR_f8.dump(b"test_file"), None)
with open("test_file", "wb") as f:
- reveal_type(AR_f8.dump(f)) # E: None
+ assert_type(AR_f8.dump(f), None)
-reveal_type(AR_f8.__array_finalize__(None)) # E: None
-reveal_type(AR_f8.__array_finalize__(B)) # E: None
-reveal_type(AR_f8.__array_finalize__(AR_f8)) # E: None
+assert_type(AR_f8.__array_finalize__(None), None)
+assert_type(AR_f8.__array_finalize__(B), None)
+assert_type(AR_f8.__array_finalize__(AR_f8), None)
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/ndarray_shape_manipulation.pyi b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/ndarray_shape_manipulation.pyi
index c000bf45c3..9a41a90f1e 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/ndarray_shape_manipulation.pyi
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/ndarray_shape_manipulation.pyi
@@ -1,35 +1,44 @@
+import sys
+from typing import Any
import numpy as np
+import numpy.typing as npt
+if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
+ from typing import assert_type
+ from typing_extensions import assert_type
-nd = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
+nd: npt.NDArray[np.int64]
# reshape
-reveal_type(nd.reshape()) # E: ndarray
-reveal_type(nd.reshape(4)) # E: ndarray
-reveal_type(nd.reshape(2, 2)) # E: ndarray
-reveal_type(nd.reshape((2, 2))) # E: ndarray
+assert_type(nd.reshape(), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(nd.reshape(4), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(nd.reshape(2, 2), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(nd.reshape((2, 2)), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
-reveal_type(nd.reshape((2, 2), order="C")) # E: ndarray
-reveal_type(nd.reshape(4, order="C")) # E: ndarray
+assert_type(nd.reshape((2, 2), order="C"), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(nd.reshape(4, order="C"), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
# resize does not return a value
# transpose
-reveal_type(nd.transpose()) # E: ndarray
-reveal_type(nd.transpose(1, 0)) # E: ndarray
-reveal_type(nd.transpose((1, 0))) # E: ndarray
+assert_type(nd.transpose(), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(nd.transpose(1, 0), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(nd.transpose((1, 0)), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
# swapaxes
-reveal_type(nd.swapaxes(0, 1)) # E: ndarray
+assert_type(nd.swapaxes(0, 1), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
# flatten
-reveal_type(nd.flatten()) # E: ndarray
-reveal_type(nd.flatten("C")) # E: ndarray
+assert_type(nd.flatten(), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(nd.flatten("C"), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
# ravel
-reveal_type(nd.ravel()) # E: ndarray
-reveal_type(nd.ravel("C")) # E: ndarray
+assert_type(nd.ravel(), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(nd.ravel("C"), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
# squeeze
-reveal_type(nd.squeeze()) # E: ndarray
-reveal_type(nd.squeeze(0)) # E: ndarray
-reveal_type(nd.squeeze((0, 2))) # E: ndarray
+assert_type(nd.squeeze(), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(nd.squeeze(0), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(nd.squeeze((0, 2)), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/nditer.pyi b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/nditer.pyi
index fd8b7e1094..589453e777 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/nditer.pyi
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/nditer.pyi
@@ -1,46 +1,55 @@
+import sys
+from typing import Any
import numpy as np
+import numpy.typing as npt
+if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
+ from typing import assert_type
+ from typing_extensions import assert_type
nditer_obj: np.nditer
-reveal_type(np.nditer([0, 1], flags=["c_index"])) # E: nditer
-reveal_type(np.nditer([0, 1], op_flags=[["readonly", "readonly"]])) # E: nditer
-reveal_type(np.nditer([0, 1], op_dtypes=np.int_)) # E: nditer
-reveal_type(np.nditer([0, 1], order="C", casting="no")) # E: nditer
+assert_type(np.nditer([0, 1], flags=["c_index"]), np.nditer)
+assert_type(np.nditer([0, 1], op_flags=[["readonly", "readonly"]]), np.nditer)
+assert_type(np.nditer([0, 1], op_dtypes=np.int_), np.nditer)
+assert_type(np.nditer([0, 1], order="C", casting="no"), np.nditer)
-reveal_type(nditer_obj.dtypes) # E: tuple[dtype[Any], ...]
-reveal_type(nditer_obj.finished) # E: bool
-reveal_type(nditer_obj.has_delayed_bufalloc) # E: bool
-reveal_type(nditer_obj.has_index) # E: bool
-reveal_type(nditer_obj.has_multi_index) # E: bool
-reveal_type(nditer_obj.index) # E: int
-reveal_type(nditer_obj.iterationneedsapi) # E: bool
-reveal_type(nditer_obj.iterindex) # E: int
-reveal_type(nditer_obj.iterrange) # E: tuple[builtins.int, ...]
-reveal_type(nditer_obj.itersize) # E: int
-reveal_type(nditer_obj.itviews) # E: tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]], ...]
-reveal_type(nditer_obj.multi_index) # E: tuple[builtins.int, ...]
-reveal_type(nditer_obj.ndim) # E: int
-reveal_type(nditer_obj.nop) # E: int
-reveal_type(nditer_obj.operands) # E: tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]], ...]
-reveal_type(nditer_obj.shape) # E: tuple[builtins.int, ...]
-reveal_type(nditer_obj.value) # E: tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]], ...]
+assert_type(nditer_obj.dtypes, tuple[np.dtype[Any], ...])
+assert_type(nditer_obj.finished, bool)
+assert_type(nditer_obj.has_delayed_bufalloc, bool)
+assert_type(nditer_obj.has_index, bool)
+assert_type(nditer_obj.has_multi_index, bool)
+assert_type(nditer_obj.index, int)
+assert_type(nditer_obj.iterationneedsapi, bool)
+assert_type(nditer_obj.iterindex, int)
+assert_type(nditer_obj.iterrange, tuple[int, ...])
+assert_type(nditer_obj.itersize, int)
+assert_type(nditer_obj.itviews, tuple[npt.NDArray[Any], ...])
+assert_type(nditer_obj.multi_index, tuple[int, ...])
+assert_type(nditer_obj.ndim, int)
+assert_type(nditer_obj.nop, int)
+assert_type(nditer_obj.operands, tuple[npt.NDArray[Any], ...])
+assert_type(nditer_obj.shape, tuple[int, ...])
+assert_type(nditer_obj.value, tuple[npt.NDArray[Any], ...])
-reveal_type(nditer_obj.close()) # E: None
-reveal_type(nditer_obj.copy()) # E: nditer
-reveal_type(nditer_obj.debug_print()) # E: None
-reveal_type(nditer_obj.enable_external_loop()) # E: None
-reveal_type(nditer_obj.iternext()) # E: bool
-reveal_type(nditer_obj.remove_axis(0)) # E: None
-reveal_type(nditer_obj.remove_multi_index()) # E: None
-reveal_type(nditer_obj.reset()) # E: None
+assert_type(nditer_obj.close(), None)
+assert_type(nditer_obj.copy(), np.nditer)
+assert_type(nditer_obj.debug_print(), None)
+assert_type(nditer_obj.enable_external_loop(), None)
+assert_type(nditer_obj.iternext(), bool)
+assert_type(nditer_obj.remove_axis(0), None)
+assert_type(nditer_obj.remove_multi_index(), None)
+assert_type(nditer_obj.reset(), None)
-reveal_type(len(nditer_obj)) # E: int
-reveal_type(iter(nditer_obj)) # E: nditer
-reveal_type(next(nditer_obj)) # E: tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]], ...]
-reveal_type(nditer_obj.__copy__()) # E: nditer
+assert_type(len(nditer_obj), int)
+assert_type(iter(nditer_obj), np.nditer)
+assert_type(next(nditer_obj), tuple[npt.NDArray[Any], ...])
+assert_type(nditer_obj.__copy__(), np.nditer)
with nditer_obj as f:
- reveal_type(f) # E: nditer
-reveal_type(nditer_obj[0]) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(nditer_obj[:]) # E: tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]], ...]
+ assert_type(f, np.nditer)
+assert_type(nditer_obj[0], npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(nditer_obj[:], tuple[npt.NDArray[Any], ...])
nditer_obj[0] = 0
nditer_obj[:] = [0, 1]
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/nested_sequence.pyi b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/nested_sequence.pyi
index 286f75ac5c..3ca23d6875 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/nested_sequence.pyi
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/nested_sequence.pyi
@@ -1,8 +1,14 @@
+import sys
from collections.abc import Sequence
from typing import Any
from numpy._typing import _NestedSequence
+if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
+ from typing import assert_type
+ from typing_extensions import assert_type
a: Sequence[int]
b: Sequence[Sequence[int]]
c: Sequence[Sequence[Sequence[int]]]
@@ -15,12 +21,12 @@ h: Sequence[Any]
def func(a: _NestedSequence[int]) -> None:
-reveal_type(func(a)) # E: None
-reveal_type(func(b)) # E: None
-reveal_type(func(c)) # E: None
-reveal_type(func(d)) # E: None
-reveal_type(func(e)) # E: None
-reveal_type(func(f)) # E: None
-reveal_type(func(g)) # E: None
-reveal_type(func(h)) # E: None
-reveal_type(func(range(15))) # E: None
+assert_type(func(a), None)
+assert_type(func(b), None)
+assert_type(func(c), None)
+assert_type(func(d), None)
+assert_type(func(e), None)
+assert_type(func(f), None)
+assert_type(func(g), None)
+assert_type(func(h), None)
+assert_type(func(range(15)), None)
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/npyio.pyi b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/npyio.pyi
index 2c62d8d21e..bbd906068d 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/npyio.pyi
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/npyio.pyi
@@ -1,17 +1,27 @@
import re
+import sys
+import zipfile
import pathlib
-from typing import IO
+from typing import IO, Any
+from collections.abc import Mapping
import numpy.typing as npt
import numpy as np
+from numpy.lib.npyio import BagObj, NpzFile
+from numpy.ma.mrecords import MaskedRecords
+if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
+ from typing import assert_type
+ from typing_extensions import assert_type
str_path: str
pathlib_path: pathlib.Path
str_file: IO[str]
bytes_file: IO[bytes]
-bag_obj: np.lib.npyio.BagObj[int]
-npz_file: np.lib.npyio.NpzFile
+bag_obj: BagObj[int]
+npz_file: NpzFile
AR_i8: npt.NDArray[np.int64]
AR_LIKE_f8: list[float]
@@ -26,67 +36,67 @@ class BytesReader:
bytes_writer: BytesWriter
bytes_reader: BytesReader
-reveal_type(bag_obj.a) # E: int
-reveal_type(bag_obj.b) # E: int
-reveal_type(npz_file.zip) # E: zipfile.ZipFile
-reveal_type(npz_file.fid) # E: Union[None, typing.IO[builtins.str]]
-reveal_type(npz_file.files) # E: list[builtins.str]
-reveal_type(npz_file.allow_pickle) # E: bool
-reveal_type(npz_file.pickle_kwargs) # E: Union[None, typing.Mapping[builtins.str, Any]]
-reveal_type(npz_file.f) # E: lib.npyio.BagObj[lib.npyio.NpzFile]
-reveal_type(npz_file["test"]) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(len(npz_file)) # E: int
+assert_type(bag_obj.a, int)
+assert_type(bag_obj.b, int)
+assert_type(npz_file.zip, zipfile.ZipFile)
+assert_type(npz_file.fid, None | IO[str])
+assert_type(npz_file.files, list[str])
+assert_type(npz_file.allow_pickle, bool)
+assert_type(npz_file.pickle_kwargs, None | Mapping[str, Any])
+assert_type(npz_file.f, BagObj[NpzFile])
+assert_type(npz_file["test"], npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(len(npz_file), int)
with npz_file as f:
- reveal_type(f) # E: lib.npyio.NpzFile
-reveal_type(np.load(bytes_file)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.load(pathlib_path, allow_pickle=True)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.load(str_path, encoding="bytes")) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.load(bytes_reader)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.save(bytes_file, AR_LIKE_f8)) # E: None
-reveal_type(np.save(pathlib_path, AR_i8, allow_pickle=True)) # E: None
-reveal_type(np.save(str_path, AR_LIKE_f8)) # E: None
-reveal_type(np.save(bytes_writer, AR_LIKE_f8)) # E: None
-reveal_type(np.savez(bytes_file, AR_LIKE_f8)) # E: None
-reveal_type(np.savez(pathlib_path, ar1=AR_i8, ar2=AR_i8)) # E: None
-reveal_type(np.savez(str_path, AR_LIKE_f8, ar1=AR_i8)) # E: None
-reveal_type(np.savez(bytes_writer, AR_LIKE_f8, ar1=AR_i8)) # E: None
-reveal_type(np.savez_compressed(bytes_file, AR_LIKE_f8)) # E: None
-reveal_type(np.savez_compressed(pathlib_path, ar1=AR_i8, ar2=AR_i8)) # E: None
-reveal_type(np.savez_compressed(str_path, AR_LIKE_f8, ar1=AR_i8)) # E: None
-reveal_type(np.savez_compressed(bytes_writer, AR_LIKE_f8, ar1=AR_i8)) # E: None
-reveal_type(np.loadtxt(bytes_file)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.loadtxt(pathlib_path, dtype=np.str_)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[str_]]
-reveal_type(np.loadtxt(str_path, dtype=str, skiprows=2)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.loadtxt(str_file, comments="test")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.loadtxt(str_file, comments=None)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.loadtxt(str_path, delimiter="\n")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.loadtxt(str_path, ndmin=2)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.loadtxt(["1", "2", "3"])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.fromregex(bytes_file, "test", np.float64)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.fromregex(str_file, b"test", dtype=float)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.fromregex(str_path, re.compile("test"), dtype=np.str_, encoding="utf8")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[str_]]
-reveal_type(np.fromregex(pathlib_path, "test", np.float64)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.fromregex(bytes_reader, "test", np.float64)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.genfromtxt(bytes_file)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.genfromtxt(pathlib_path, dtype=np.str_)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[str_]]
-reveal_type(np.genfromtxt(str_path, dtype=str, skip_header=2)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.genfromtxt(str_file, comments="test")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.genfromtxt(str_path, delimiter="\n")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.genfromtxt(str_path, ndmin=2)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.genfromtxt(["1", "2", "3"], ndmin=2)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.recfromtxt(bytes_file)) # E: recarray[Any, dtype[record]]
-reveal_type(np.recfromtxt(pathlib_path, usemask=True)) # E: ma.mrecords.MaskedRecords[Any, dtype[void]]
-reveal_type(np.recfromtxt(["1", "2", "3"])) # E: recarray[Any, dtype[record]]
-reveal_type(np.recfromcsv(bytes_file)) # E: recarray[Any, dtype[record]]
-reveal_type(np.recfromcsv(pathlib_path, usemask=True)) # E: ma.mrecords.MaskedRecords[Any, dtype[void]]
-reveal_type(np.recfromcsv(["1", "2", "3"])) # E: recarray[Any, dtype[record]]
+ assert_type(f, NpzFile)
+assert_type(np.load(bytes_file), Any)
+assert_type(np.load(pathlib_path, allow_pickle=True), Any)
+assert_type(np.load(str_path, encoding="bytes"), Any)
+assert_type(np.load(bytes_reader), Any)
+assert_type(np.save(bytes_file, AR_LIKE_f8), None)
+assert_type(np.save(pathlib_path, AR_i8, allow_pickle=True), None)
+assert_type(np.save(str_path, AR_LIKE_f8), None)
+assert_type(np.save(bytes_writer, AR_LIKE_f8), None)
+assert_type(np.savez(bytes_file, AR_LIKE_f8), None)
+assert_type(np.savez(pathlib_path, ar1=AR_i8, ar2=AR_i8), None)
+assert_type(np.savez(str_path, AR_LIKE_f8, ar1=AR_i8), None)
+assert_type(np.savez(bytes_writer, AR_LIKE_f8, ar1=AR_i8), None)
+assert_type(np.savez_compressed(bytes_file, AR_LIKE_f8), None)
+assert_type(np.savez_compressed(pathlib_path, ar1=AR_i8, ar2=AR_i8), None)
+assert_type(np.savez_compressed(str_path, AR_LIKE_f8, ar1=AR_i8), None)
+assert_type(np.savez_compressed(bytes_writer, AR_LIKE_f8, ar1=AR_i8), None)
+assert_type(np.loadtxt(bytes_file), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.loadtxt(pathlib_path, dtype=np.str_), npt.NDArray[np.str_])
+assert_type(np.loadtxt(str_path, dtype=str, skiprows=2), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.loadtxt(str_file, comments="test"), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.loadtxt(str_file, comments=None), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.loadtxt(str_path, delimiter="\n"), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.loadtxt(str_path, ndmin=2), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.loadtxt(["1", "2", "3"]), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.fromregex(bytes_file, "test", np.float64), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.fromregex(str_file, b"test", dtype=float), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.fromregex(str_path, re.compile("test"), dtype=np.str_, encoding="utf8"), npt.NDArray[np.str_])
+assert_type(np.fromregex(pathlib_path, "test", np.float64), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.fromregex(bytes_reader, "test", np.float64), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.genfromtxt(bytes_file), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.genfromtxt(pathlib_path, dtype=np.str_), npt.NDArray[np.str_])
+assert_type(np.genfromtxt(str_path, dtype=str, skip_header=2), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.genfromtxt(str_file, comments="test"), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.genfromtxt(str_path, delimiter="\n"), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.genfromtxt(str_path, ndmin=2), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.genfromtxt(["1", "2", "3"], ndmin=2), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.recfromtxt(bytes_file), np.recarray[Any, np.dtype[np.record]])
+assert_type(np.recfromtxt(pathlib_path, usemask=True), MaskedRecords[Any, np.dtype[np.void]])
+assert_type(np.recfromtxt(["1", "2", "3"]), np.recarray[Any, np.dtype[np.record]])
+assert_type(np.recfromcsv(bytes_file), np.recarray[Any, np.dtype[np.record]])
+assert_type(np.recfromcsv(pathlib_path, usemask=True), MaskedRecords[Any, np.dtype[np.void]])
+assert_type(np.recfromcsv(["1", "2", "3"]), np.recarray[Any, np.dtype[np.record]])
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/numeric.pyi b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/numeric.pyi
index b8fe15d3a0..78f3980aed 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/numeric.pyi
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/numeric.pyi
@@ -5,9 +5,17 @@ Does not include tests which fall under ``array_constructors``.
+import sys
+from typing import Any
import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
+if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
+ from typing import assert_type
+ from typing_extensions import assert_type
class SubClass(npt.NDArray[np.int64]):
@@ -24,110 +32,110 @@ AR_O: npt.NDArray[np.object_]
B: list[int]
C: SubClass
-reveal_type(np.count_nonzero(i8)) # E: int
-reveal_type(np.count_nonzero(AR_i8)) # E: int
-reveal_type(np.count_nonzero(B)) # E: int
-reveal_type(np.count_nonzero(AR_i8, keepdims=True)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.count_nonzero(AR_i8, axis=0)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.isfortran(i8)) # E: bool
-reveal_type(np.isfortran(AR_i8)) # E: bool
-reveal_type(np.argwhere(i8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{intp}]]
-reveal_type(np.argwhere(AR_i8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{intp}]]
-reveal_type(np.flatnonzero(i8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{intp}]]
-reveal_type(np.flatnonzero(AR_i8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{intp}]]
-reveal_type(np.correlate(B, AR_i8, mode="valid")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.correlate(AR_i8, AR_i8, mode="same")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.correlate(AR_b, AR_b)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(np.correlate(AR_b, AR_u8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.correlate(AR_i8, AR_b)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.correlate(AR_i8, AR_f8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.correlate(AR_i8, AR_c16)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[complexfloating[Any, Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.correlate(AR_i8, AR_m)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[timedelta64]]
-reveal_type(np.correlate(AR_O, AR_O)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[object_]]
-reveal_type(np.convolve(B, AR_i8, mode="valid")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.convolve(AR_i8, AR_i8, mode="same")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.convolve(AR_b, AR_b)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(np.convolve(AR_b, AR_u8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.convolve(AR_i8, AR_b)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.convolve(AR_i8, AR_f8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.convolve(AR_i8, AR_c16)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[complexfloating[Any, Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.convolve(AR_i8, AR_m)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[timedelta64]]
-reveal_type(np.convolve(AR_O, AR_O)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[object_]]
-reveal_type(np.outer(i8, AR_i8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.outer(B, AR_i8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.outer(AR_i8, AR_i8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.outer(AR_i8, AR_i8, out=C)) # E: SubClass
-reveal_type(np.outer(AR_b, AR_b)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(np.outer(AR_b, AR_u8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.outer(AR_i8, AR_b)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.convolve(AR_i8, AR_f8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.outer(AR_i8, AR_c16)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[complexfloating[Any, Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.outer(AR_i8, AR_m)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[timedelta64]]
-reveal_type(np.outer(AR_O, AR_O)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[object_]]
-reveal_type(np.tensordot(B, AR_i8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.tensordot(AR_i8, AR_i8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.tensordot(AR_i8, AR_i8, axes=0)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.tensordot(AR_i8, AR_i8, axes=(0, 1))) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.tensordot(AR_b, AR_b)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(np.tensordot(AR_b, AR_u8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.tensordot(AR_i8, AR_b)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.tensordot(AR_i8, AR_f8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.tensordot(AR_i8, AR_c16)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[complexfloating[Any, Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.tensordot(AR_i8, AR_m)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[timedelta64]]
-reveal_type(np.tensordot(AR_O, AR_O)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[object_]]
-reveal_type(np.isscalar(i8)) # E: bool
-reveal_type(np.isscalar(AR_i8)) # E: bool
-reveal_type(np.isscalar(B)) # E: bool
-reveal_type(np.roll(AR_i8, 1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int64}]]
-reveal_type(np.roll(AR_i8, (1, 2))) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int64}]]
-reveal_type(np.roll(B, 1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.rollaxis(AR_i8, 0, 1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int64}]]
-reveal_type(np.moveaxis(AR_i8, 0, 1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int64}]]
-reveal_type(np.moveaxis(AR_i8, (0, 1), (1, 2))) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int64}]]
-reveal_type(np.cross(B, AR_i8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.cross(AR_i8, AR_i8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.cross(AR_b, AR_u8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.cross(AR_i8, AR_b)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.cross(AR_i8, AR_f8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.cross(AR_i8, AR_c16)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[complexfloating[Any, Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.cross(AR_O, AR_O)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[object_]]
-reveal_type(np.indices([0, 1, 2])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(np.indices([0, 1, 2], sparse=True)) # E: tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]], ...]
-reveal_type(np.indices([0, 1, 2], dtype=np.float64)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.indices([0, 1, 2], sparse=True, dtype=np.float64)) # E: tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]], ...]
-reveal_type(np.indices([0, 1, 2], dtype=float)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.indices([0, 1, 2], sparse=True, dtype=float)) # E: tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]], ...]
-reveal_type(np.binary_repr(1)) # E: str
-reveal_type(np.base_repr(1)) # E: str
-reveal_type(np.allclose(i8, AR_i8)) # E: bool
-reveal_type(np.allclose(B, AR_i8)) # E: bool
-reveal_type(np.allclose(AR_i8, AR_i8)) # E: bool
-reveal_type(np.isclose(i8, i8)) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(np.isclose(i8, AR_i8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(np.isclose(B, AR_i8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(np.isclose(AR_i8, AR_i8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(np.array_equal(i8, AR_i8)) # E: bool
-reveal_type(np.array_equal(B, AR_i8)) # E: bool
-reveal_type(np.array_equal(AR_i8, AR_i8)) # E: bool
-reveal_type(np.array_equiv(i8, AR_i8)) # E: bool
-reveal_type(np.array_equiv(B, AR_i8)) # E: bool
-reveal_type(np.array_equiv(AR_i8, AR_i8)) # E: bool
+assert_type(np.count_nonzero(i8), int)
+assert_type(np.count_nonzero(AR_i8), int)
+assert_type(np.count_nonzero(B), int)
+assert_type(np.count_nonzero(AR_i8, keepdims=True), Any)
+assert_type(np.count_nonzero(AR_i8, axis=0), Any)
+assert_type(np.isfortran(i8), bool)
+assert_type(np.isfortran(AR_i8), bool)
+assert_type(np.argwhere(i8), npt.NDArray[np.intp])
+assert_type(np.argwhere(AR_i8), npt.NDArray[np.intp])
+assert_type(np.flatnonzero(i8), npt.NDArray[np.intp])
+assert_type(np.flatnonzero(AR_i8), npt.NDArray[np.intp])
+assert_type(np.correlate(B, AR_i8, mode="valid"), npt.NDArray[np.signedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(np.correlate(AR_i8, AR_i8, mode="same"), npt.NDArray[np.signedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(np.correlate(AR_b, AR_b), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(np.correlate(AR_b, AR_u8), npt.NDArray[np.unsignedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(np.correlate(AR_i8, AR_b), npt.NDArray[np.signedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(np.correlate(AR_i8, AR_f8), npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(np.correlate(AR_i8, AR_c16), npt.NDArray[np.complexfloating[Any, Any]])
+assert_type(np.correlate(AR_i8, AR_m), npt.NDArray[np.timedelta64])
+assert_type(np.correlate(AR_O, AR_O), npt.NDArray[np.object_])
+assert_type(np.convolve(B, AR_i8, mode="valid"), npt.NDArray[np.signedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(np.convolve(AR_i8, AR_i8, mode="same"), npt.NDArray[np.signedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(np.convolve(AR_b, AR_b), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(np.convolve(AR_b, AR_u8), npt.NDArray[np.unsignedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(np.convolve(AR_i8, AR_b), npt.NDArray[np.signedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(np.convolve(AR_i8, AR_f8), npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(np.convolve(AR_i8, AR_c16), npt.NDArray[np.complexfloating[Any, Any]])
+assert_type(np.convolve(AR_i8, AR_m), npt.NDArray[np.timedelta64])
+assert_type(np.convolve(AR_O, AR_O), npt.NDArray[np.object_])
+assert_type(np.outer(i8, AR_i8), npt.NDArray[np.signedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(np.outer(B, AR_i8), npt.NDArray[np.signedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(np.outer(AR_i8, AR_i8), npt.NDArray[np.signedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(np.outer(AR_i8, AR_i8, out=C), SubClass)
+assert_type(np.outer(AR_b, AR_b), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(np.outer(AR_b, AR_u8), npt.NDArray[np.unsignedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(np.outer(AR_i8, AR_b), npt.NDArray[np.signedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(np.convolve(AR_i8, AR_f8), npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(np.outer(AR_i8, AR_c16), npt.NDArray[np.complexfloating[Any, Any]])
+assert_type(np.outer(AR_i8, AR_m), npt.NDArray[np.timedelta64])
+assert_type(np.outer(AR_O, AR_O), npt.NDArray[np.object_])
+assert_type(np.tensordot(B, AR_i8), npt.NDArray[np.signedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(np.tensordot(AR_i8, AR_i8), npt.NDArray[np.signedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(np.tensordot(AR_i8, AR_i8, axes=0), npt.NDArray[np.signedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(np.tensordot(AR_i8, AR_i8, axes=(0, 1)), npt.NDArray[np.signedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(np.tensordot(AR_b, AR_b), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(np.tensordot(AR_b, AR_u8), npt.NDArray[np.unsignedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(np.tensordot(AR_i8, AR_b), npt.NDArray[np.signedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(np.tensordot(AR_i8, AR_f8), npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(np.tensordot(AR_i8, AR_c16), npt.NDArray[np.complexfloating[Any, Any]])
+assert_type(np.tensordot(AR_i8, AR_m), npt.NDArray[np.timedelta64])
+assert_type(np.tensordot(AR_O, AR_O), npt.NDArray[np.object_])
+assert_type(np.isscalar(i8), bool)
+assert_type(np.isscalar(AR_i8), bool)
+assert_type(np.isscalar(B), bool)
+assert_type(np.roll(AR_i8, 1), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(np.roll(AR_i8, (1, 2)), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(np.roll(B, 1), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.rollaxis(AR_i8, 0, 1), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(np.moveaxis(AR_i8, 0, 1), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(np.moveaxis(AR_i8, (0, 1), (1, 2)), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(np.cross(B, AR_i8), npt.NDArray[np.signedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(np.cross(AR_i8, AR_i8), npt.NDArray[np.signedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(np.cross(AR_b, AR_u8), npt.NDArray[np.unsignedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(np.cross(AR_i8, AR_b), npt.NDArray[np.signedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(np.cross(AR_i8, AR_f8), npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(np.cross(AR_i8, AR_c16), npt.NDArray[np.complexfloating[Any, Any]])
+assert_type(np.cross(AR_O, AR_O), npt.NDArray[np.object_])
+assert_type(np.indices([0, 1, 2]), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(np.indices([0, 1, 2], sparse=True), tuple[npt.NDArray[np.int_], ...])
+assert_type(np.indices([0, 1, 2], dtype=np.float64), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.indices([0, 1, 2], sparse=True, dtype=np.float64), tuple[npt.NDArray[np.float64], ...])
+assert_type(np.indices([0, 1, 2], dtype=float), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.indices([0, 1, 2], sparse=True, dtype=float), tuple[npt.NDArray[Any], ...])
+assert_type(np.binary_repr(1), str)
+assert_type(np.base_repr(1), str)
+assert_type(np.allclose(i8, AR_i8), bool)
+assert_type(np.allclose(B, AR_i8), bool)
+assert_type(np.allclose(AR_i8, AR_i8), bool)
+assert_type(np.isclose(i8, i8), np.bool_)
+assert_type(np.isclose(i8, AR_i8), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(np.isclose(B, AR_i8), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(np.isclose(AR_i8, AR_i8), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(np.array_equal(i8, AR_i8), bool)
+assert_type(np.array_equal(B, AR_i8), bool)
+assert_type(np.array_equal(AR_i8, AR_i8), bool)
+assert_type(np.array_equiv(i8, AR_i8), bool)
+assert_type(np.array_equiv(B, AR_i8), bool)
+assert_type(np.array_equiv(AR_i8, AR_i8), bool)
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/numerictypes.pyi b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/numerictypes.pyi
index d4399e2b12..5d5a7a7af4 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/numerictypes.pyi
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/numerictypes.pyi
@@ -1,40 +1,84 @@
+import sys
+from typing import Literal, Any
import numpy as np
+from numpy.core.numerictypes import _CastFunc
+if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
+ from typing import assert_type
+ from typing_extensions import assert_type
-reveal_type(np.maximum_sctype(np.float64)) # E: Type[{float64}]
-reveal_type(np.maximum_sctype("f8")) # E: Type[Any]
+assert_type(np.cast[int], _CastFunc)
+assert_type(np.cast["i8"], _CastFunc)
+assert_type(np.cast[np.int64], _CastFunc)
-reveal_type(np.issctype(np.float64)) # E: bool
-reveal_type(np.issctype("foo")) # E: Literal[False]
+assert_type(np.maximum_sctype(np.float64), type[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.maximum_sctype("f8"), type[Any])
-reveal_type(np.obj2sctype(np.float64)) # E: Union[None, Type[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.obj2sctype(np.float64, default=False)) # E: Union[builtins.bool, Type[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.obj2sctype("S8")) # E: Union[None, Type[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.obj2sctype("S8", default=None)) # E: Union[None, Type[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.obj2sctype("foo", default=False)) # E: Union[builtins.bool, Type[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.obj2sctype(1)) # E: None
-reveal_type(np.obj2sctype(1, default=False)) # E: bool
+assert_type(np.issctype(np.float64), bool)
+assert_type(np.issctype("foo"), Literal[False])
-reveal_type(np.issubclass_(np.float64, float)) # E: bool
-reveal_type(np.issubclass_(np.float64, (int, float))) # E: bool
-reveal_type(np.issubclass_(1, 1)) # E: Literal[False]
+assert_type(np.obj2sctype(np.float64), None | type[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.obj2sctype(np.float64, default=False), bool | type[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.obj2sctype("S8"), None | type[Any])
+assert_type(np.obj2sctype("S8", default=None), None | type[Any])
+assert_type(np.obj2sctype("foo", default=False), bool | type[Any])
+assert_type(np.obj2sctype(1), None)
+assert_type(np.obj2sctype(1, default=False), bool)
-reveal_type(np.sctype2char("S8")) # E: str
-reveal_type(np.sctype2char(list)) # E: str
+assert_type(np.issubclass_(np.float64, float), bool)
+assert_type(np.issubclass_(np.float64, (int, float)), bool)
+assert_type(np.issubclass_(1, 1), Literal[False])
-reveal_type(np.cast[int]) # E: _CastFunc
-reveal_type(np.cast["i8"]) # E: _CastFunc
-reveal_type(np.cast[np.int64]) # E: _CastFunc
+assert_type(np.sctype2char("S8"), str)
+assert_type(np.sctype2char(list), str)
-reveal_type(np.nbytes[int]) # E: int
-reveal_type(np.nbytes["i8"]) # E: int
-reveal_type(np.nbytes[np.int64]) # E: int
+assert_type(np.nbytes[int], int)
+assert_type(np.nbytes["i8"], int)
+assert_type(np.nbytes[np.int64], int)
-reveal_type(np.ScalarType) # E: Tuple
-reveal_type(np.ScalarType[0]) # E: Type[builtins.int]
-reveal_type(np.ScalarType[3]) # E: Type[builtins.bool]
-reveal_type(np.ScalarType[8]) # E: Type[{csingle}]
-reveal_type(np.ScalarType[10]) # E: Type[{clongdouble}]
+ np.ScalarType,
+ tuple[
+ type[int],
+ type[float],
+ type[complex],
+ type[bool],
+ type[bytes],
+ type[str],
+ type[memoryview],
+ type[np.bool_],
+ type[np.csingle],
+ type[np.cdouble],
+ type[np.clongdouble],
+ type[np.half],
+ type[np.single],
+ type[np.double],
+ type[np.longdouble],
+ type[np.byte],
+ type[np.short],
+ type[np.intc],
+ type[np.int_],
+ type[np.longlong],
+ type[np.timedelta64],
+ type[np.datetime64],
+ type[np.object_],
+ type[np.bytes_],
+ type[np.str_],
+ type[np.ubyte],
+ type[np.ushort],
+ type[np.uintc],
+ type[np.uint],
+ type[np.ulonglong],
+ type[np.void],
+ ],
+assert_type(np.ScalarType[0], type[int])
+assert_type(np.ScalarType[3], type[bool])
+assert_type(np.ScalarType[8], type[np.csingle])
+assert_type(np.ScalarType[10], type[np.clongdouble])
-reveal_type(np.typecodes["Character"]) # E: Literal['c']
-reveal_type(np.typecodes["Complex"]) # E: Literal['FDG']
-reveal_type(np.typecodes["All"]) # E: Literal['?bhilqpBHILQPefdgFDGSUVOMm']
+assert_type(np.typecodes["Character"], Literal["c"])
+assert_type(np.typecodes["Complex"], Literal["FDG"])
+assert_type(np.typecodes["All"], Literal["?bhilqpBHILQPefdgFDGSUVOMm"])
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/random.pyi b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/random.pyi
index 67a5d3e7aa..4aefc01cf6 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/random.pyi
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/random.pyi
@@ -1,8 +1,21 @@
-from __future__ import annotations
+import sys
+import threading
from typing import Any
+from collections.abc import Sequence
import numpy as np
+import numpy.typing as npt
+from numpy.random._generator import Generator
+from numpy.random._mt19937 import MT19937
+from numpy.random._pcg64 import PCG64
+from numpy.random._sfc64 import SFC64
+from numpy.random._philox import Philox
+from numpy.random.bit_generator import SeedSequence, SeedlessSeedSequence
+if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
+ from typing import assert_type
+ from typing_extensions import assert_type
def_rng = np.random.default_rng()
seed_seq = np.random.SeedSequence()
@@ -10,26 +23,26 @@ mt19937 = np.random.MT19937()
pcg64 = np.random.PCG64()
sfc64 = np.random.SFC64()
philox = np.random.Philox()
-seedless_seq = np.random.bit_generator.SeedlessSeedSequence()
+seedless_seq = SeedlessSeedSequence()
-reveal_type(def_rng) # E: random._generator.Generator
-reveal_type(mt19937) # E: random._mt19937.MT19937
-reveal_type(pcg64) # E: random._pcg64.PCG64
-reveal_type(sfc64) # E: random._sfc64.SFC64
-reveal_type(philox) # E: random._philox.Philox
-reveal_type(seed_seq) # E: random.bit_generator.SeedSequence
-reveal_type(seedless_seq) # E: random.bit_generator.SeedlessSeedSequence
+assert_type(def_rng, Generator)
+assert_type(mt19937, MT19937)
+assert_type(pcg64, PCG64)
+assert_type(sfc64, SFC64)
+assert_type(philox, Philox)
+assert_type(seed_seq, SeedSequence)
+assert_type(seedless_seq, SeedlessSeedSequence)
mt19937_jumped = mt19937.jumped()
mt19937_jumped3 = mt19937.jumped(3)
mt19937_raw = mt19937.random_raw()
mt19937_raw_arr = mt19937.random_raw(5)
-reveal_type(mt19937_jumped) # E: random._mt19937.MT19937
-reveal_type(mt19937_jumped3) # E: random._mt19937.MT19937
-reveal_type(mt19937_raw) # E: int
-reveal_type(mt19937_raw_arr) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(mt19937.lock) # E: threading.Lock
+assert_type(mt19937_jumped, MT19937)
+assert_type(mt19937_jumped3, MT19937)
+assert_type(mt19937_raw, int)
+assert_type(mt19937_raw_arr, npt.NDArray[np.uint64])
+assert_type(mt19937.lock, threading.Lock)
pcg64_jumped = pcg64.jumped()
pcg64_jumped3 = pcg64.jumped(3)
@@ -37,12 +50,12 @@ pcg64_adv = pcg64.advance(3)
pcg64_raw = pcg64.random_raw()
pcg64_raw_arr = pcg64.random_raw(5)
-reveal_type(pcg64_jumped) # E: random._pcg64.PCG64
-reveal_type(pcg64_jumped3) # E: random._pcg64.PCG64
-reveal_type(pcg64_adv) # E: random._pcg64.PCG64
-reveal_type(pcg64_raw) # E: int
-reveal_type(pcg64_raw_arr) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(pcg64.lock) # E: threading.Lock
+assert_type(pcg64_jumped, PCG64)
+assert_type(pcg64_jumped3, PCG64)
+assert_type(pcg64_adv, PCG64)
+assert_type(pcg64_raw, int)
+assert_type(pcg64_raw_arr, npt.NDArray[np.uint64])
+assert_type(pcg64.lock, threading.Lock)
philox_jumped = philox.jumped()
philox_jumped3 = philox.jumped(3)
@@ -50,33 +63,33 @@ philox_adv = philox.advance(3)
philox_raw = philox.random_raw()
philox_raw_arr = philox.random_raw(5)
-reveal_type(philox_jumped) # E: random._philox.Philox
-reveal_type(philox_jumped3) # E: random._philox.Philox
-reveal_type(philox_adv) # E: random._philox.Philox
-reveal_type(philox_raw) # E: int
-reveal_type(philox_raw_arr) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(philox.lock) # E: threading.Lock
+assert_type(philox_jumped, Philox)
+assert_type(philox_jumped3, Philox)
+assert_type(philox_adv, Philox)
+assert_type(philox_raw, int)
+assert_type(philox_raw_arr, npt.NDArray[np.uint64])
+assert_type(philox.lock, threading.Lock)
sfc64_raw = sfc64.random_raw()
sfc64_raw_arr = sfc64.random_raw(5)
-reveal_type(sfc64_raw) # E: int
-reveal_type(sfc64_raw_arr) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(sfc64.lock) # E: threading.Lock
+assert_type(sfc64_raw, int)
+assert_type(sfc64_raw_arr, npt.NDArray[np.uint64])
+assert_type(sfc64.lock, threading.Lock)
-reveal_type(seed_seq.pool) # ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._32Bit]]]
-reveal_type(seed_seq.entropy) # E:Union[None, int, Sequence[int]]
-reveal_type(seed_seq.spawn(1)) # E: list[random.bit_generator.SeedSequence]
-reveal_type(seed_seq.generate_state(8, "uint32")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Union[unsignedinteger[typing._32Bit], unsignedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]]
-reveal_type(seed_seq.generate_state(8, "uint64")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Union[unsignedinteger[typing._32Bit], unsignedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]]
+assert_type(seed_seq.pool, npt.NDArray[np.uint32])
+assert_type(seed_seq.entropy, None | int | Sequence[int])
+assert_type(seed_seq.spawn(1), list[np.random.SeedSequence])
+assert_type(seed_seq.generate_state(8, "uint32"), npt.NDArray[np.uint32 | np.uint64])
+assert_type(seed_seq.generate_state(8, "uint64"), npt.NDArray[np.uint32 | np.uint64])
def_gen: np.random.Generator = np.random.default_rng()
-D_arr_0p1: np.ndarray[Any, np.dtype[np.float64]] = np.array([0.1])
-D_arr_0p5: np.ndarray[Any, np.dtype[np.float64]] = np.array([0.5])
-D_arr_0p9: np.ndarray[Any, np.dtype[np.float64]] = np.array([0.9])
-D_arr_1p5: np.ndarray[Any, np.dtype[np.float64]] = np.array([1.5])
+D_arr_0p1: npt.NDArray[np.float64] = np.array([0.1])
+D_arr_0p5: npt.NDArray[np.float64] = np.array([0.5])
+D_arr_0p9: npt.NDArray[np.float64] = np.array([0.9])
+D_arr_1p5: npt.NDArray[np.float64] = np.array([1.5])
I_arr_10: np.ndarray[Any, np.dtype[np.int_]] = np.array([10], dtype=np.int_)
I_arr_20: np.ndarray[Any, np.dtype[np.int_]] = np.array([20], dtype=np.int_)
D_arr_like_0p1: list[float] = [0.1]
@@ -86,1457 +99,1457 @@ D_arr_like_1p5: list[float] = [1.5]
I_arr_like_10: list[int] = [10]
I_arr_like_20: list[int] = [20]
D_2D_like: list[list[float]] = [[1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 4], [4, 5.1]]
-D_2D: np.ndarray[Any, np.dtype[np.float64]] = np.array(D_2D_like)
-S_out: np.ndarray[Any, np.dtype[np.float32]] = np.empty(1, dtype=np.float32)
-D_out: np.ndarray[Any, np.dtype[np.float64]] = np.empty(1)
-reveal_type(def_gen.standard_normal()) # E: float
-reveal_type(def_gen.standard_normal(dtype=np.float32)) # E: float
-reveal_type(def_gen.standard_normal(dtype="float32")) # E: float
-reveal_type(def_gen.standard_normal(dtype="double")) # E: float
-reveal_type(def_gen.standard_normal(dtype=np.float64)) # E: float
-reveal_type(def_gen.standard_normal(size=None)) # E: float
-reveal_type(def_gen.standard_normal(size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.standard_normal(size=1, dtype=np.float32)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._32Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.standard_normal(size=1, dtype="f4")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._32Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.standard_normal(size=1, dtype="float32", out=S_out)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._32Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.standard_normal(dtype=np.float32, out=S_out)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._32Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.standard_normal(size=1, dtype=np.float64)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.standard_normal(size=1, dtype="float64")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.standard_normal(size=1, dtype="f8")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.standard_normal(out=D_out)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.standard_normal(size=1, dtype="float64")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.standard_normal(size=1, dtype="float64", out=D_out)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.random()) # E: float
-reveal_type(def_gen.random(dtype=np.float32)) # E: float
-reveal_type(def_gen.random(dtype="float32")) # E: float
-reveal_type(def_gen.random(dtype="double")) # E: float
-reveal_type(def_gen.random(dtype=np.float64)) # E: float
-reveal_type(def_gen.random(size=None)) # E: float
-reveal_type(def_gen.random(size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.random(size=1, dtype=np.float32)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._32Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.random(size=1, dtype="f4")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._32Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.random(size=1, dtype="float32", out=S_out)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._32Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.random(dtype=np.float32, out=S_out)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._32Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.random(size=1, dtype=np.float64)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.random(size=1, dtype="float64")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.random(size=1, dtype="f8")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.random(out=D_out)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.random(size=1, dtype="float64")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.random(size=1, dtype="float64", out=D_out)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.standard_cauchy()) # E: float
-reveal_type(def_gen.standard_cauchy(size=None)) # E: float
-reveal_type(def_gen.standard_cauchy(size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.standard_exponential()) # E: float
-reveal_type(def_gen.standard_exponential(method="inv")) # E: float
-reveal_type(def_gen.standard_exponential(dtype=np.float32)) # E: float
-reveal_type(def_gen.standard_exponential(dtype="float32")) # E: float
-reveal_type(def_gen.standard_exponential(dtype="double")) # E: float
-reveal_type(def_gen.standard_exponential(dtype=np.float64)) # E: float
-reveal_type(def_gen.standard_exponential(size=None)) # E: float
-reveal_type(def_gen.standard_exponential(size=None, method="inv")) # E: float
-reveal_type(def_gen.standard_exponential(size=1, method="inv")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.standard_exponential(size=1, dtype=np.float32)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._32Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.standard_exponential(size=1, dtype="f4", method="inv")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._32Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.standard_exponential(size=1, dtype="float32", out=S_out)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._32Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.standard_exponential(dtype=np.float32, out=S_out)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._32Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.standard_exponential(size=1, dtype=np.float64, method="inv")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.standard_exponential(size=1, dtype="float64")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.standard_exponential(size=1, dtype="f8")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.standard_exponential(out=D_out)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.standard_exponential(size=1, dtype="float64")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.standard_exponential(size=1, dtype="float64", out=D_out)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.zipf(1.5)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.zipf(1.5, size=None)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.zipf(1.5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.zipf(D_arr_1p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.zipf(D_arr_1p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.zipf(D_arr_like_1p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.zipf(D_arr_like_1p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.weibull(0.5)) # E: float
-reveal_type(def_gen.weibull(0.5, size=None)) # E: float
-reveal_type(def_gen.weibull(0.5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.weibull(D_arr_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.weibull(D_arr_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.weibull(D_arr_like_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.weibull(D_arr_like_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.standard_t(0.5)) # E: float
-reveal_type(def_gen.standard_t(0.5, size=None)) # E: float
-reveal_type(def_gen.standard_t(0.5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.standard_t(D_arr_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.standard_t(D_arr_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.standard_t(D_arr_like_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.standard_t(D_arr_like_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.poisson(0.5)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.poisson(0.5, size=None)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.poisson(0.5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.poisson(D_arr_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.poisson(D_arr_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.poisson(D_arr_like_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.poisson(D_arr_like_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.power(0.5)) # E: float
-reveal_type(def_gen.power(0.5, size=None)) # E: float
-reveal_type(def_gen.power(0.5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.power(D_arr_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.power(D_arr_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.power(D_arr_like_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.power(D_arr_like_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.pareto(0.5)) # E: float
-reveal_type(def_gen.pareto(0.5, size=None)) # E: float
-reveal_type(def_gen.pareto(0.5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.pareto(D_arr_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.pareto(D_arr_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.pareto(D_arr_like_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.pareto(D_arr_like_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.chisquare(0.5)) # E: float
-reveal_type(def_gen.chisquare(0.5, size=None)) # E: float
-reveal_type(def_gen.chisquare(0.5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.chisquare(D_arr_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.chisquare(D_arr_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.chisquare(D_arr_like_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.chisquare(D_arr_like_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.exponential(0.5)) # E: float
-reveal_type(def_gen.exponential(0.5, size=None)) # E: float
-reveal_type(def_gen.exponential(0.5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.exponential(D_arr_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.exponential(D_arr_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.exponential(D_arr_like_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.exponential(D_arr_like_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.geometric(0.5)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.geometric(0.5, size=None)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.geometric(0.5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.geometric(D_arr_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.geometric(D_arr_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.geometric(D_arr_like_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.geometric(D_arr_like_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.logseries(0.5)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.logseries(0.5, size=None)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.logseries(0.5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.logseries(D_arr_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.logseries(D_arr_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.logseries(D_arr_like_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.logseries(D_arr_like_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.rayleigh(0.5)) # E: float
-reveal_type(def_gen.rayleigh(0.5, size=None)) # E: float
-reveal_type(def_gen.rayleigh(0.5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.rayleigh(D_arr_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.rayleigh(D_arr_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.rayleigh(D_arr_like_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.rayleigh(D_arr_like_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.standard_gamma(0.5)) # E: float
-reveal_type(def_gen.standard_gamma(0.5, size=None)) # E: float
-reveal_type(def_gen.standard_gamma(0.5, dtype="float32")) # E: float
-reveal_type(def_gen.standard_gamma(0.5, size=None, dtype="float32")) # E: float
-reveal_type(def_gen.standard_gamma(0.5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.standard_gamma(D_arr_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.standard_gamma(D_arr_0p5, dtype="f4")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._32Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.standard_gamma(0.5, size=1, dtype="float32", out=S_out)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._32Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.standard_gamma(D_arr_0p5, dtype=np.float32, out=S_out)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._32Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.standard_gamma(D_arr_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.standard_gamma(D_arr_like_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.standard_gamma(D_arr_like_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.standard_gamma(0.5, out=D_out)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.standard_gamma(D_arr_like_0p5, out=D_out)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.standard_gamma(D_arr_like_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.standard_gamma(D_arr_like_0p5, size=1, out=D_out, dtype=np.float64)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.vonmises(0.5, 0.5)) # E: float
-reveal_type(def_gen.vonmises(0.5, 0.5, size=None)) # E: float
-reveal_type(def_gen.vonmises(0.5, 0.5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.vonmises(D_arr_0p5, 0.5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.vonmises(0.5, D_arr_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.vonmises(D_arr_0p5, 0.5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.vonmises(0.5, D_arr_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.vonmises(D_arr_like_0p5, 0.5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.vonmises(0.5, D_arr_like_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.vonmises(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.vonmises(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.vonmises(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.vonmises(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.wald(0.5, 0.5)) # E: float
-reveal_type(def_gen.wald(0.5, 0.5, size=None)) # E: float
-reveal_type(def_gen.wald(0.5, 0.5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.wald(D_arr_0p5, 0.5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.wald(0.5, D_arr_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.wald(D_arr_0p5, 0.5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.wald(0.5, D_arr_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.wald(D_arr_like_0p5, 0.5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.wald(0.5, D_arr_like_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.wald(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.wald(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.wald(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.wald(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.uniform(0.5, 0.5)) # E: float
-reveal_type(def_gen.uniform(0.5, 0.5, size=None)) # E: float
-reveal_type(def_gen.uniform(0.5, 0.5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.uniform(D_arr_0p5, 0.5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.uniform(0.5, D_arr_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.uniform(D_arr_0p5, 0.5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.uniform(0.5, D_arr_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.uniform(D_arr_like_0p5, 0.5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.uniform(0.5, D_arr_like_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.uniform(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.uniform(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.uniform(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.uniform(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.beta(0.5, 0.5)) # E: float
-reveal_type(def_gen.beta(0.5, 0.5, size=None)) # E: float
-reveal_type(def_gen.beta(0.5, 0.5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.beta(D_arr_0p5, 0.5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.beta(0.5, D_arr_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.beta(D_arr_0p5, 0.5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.beta(0.5, D_arr_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.beta(D_arr_like_0p5, 0.5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.beta(0.5, D_arr_like_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.beta(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.beta(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.beta(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.beta(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.f(0.5, 0.5)) # E: float
-reveal_type(def_gen.f(0.5, 0.5, size=None)) # E: float
-reveal_type(def_gen.f(0.5, 0.5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.f(D_arr_0p5, 0.5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.f(0.5, D_arr_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.f(D_arr_0p5, 0.5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.f(0.5, D_arr_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.f(D_arr_like_0p5, 0.5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.f(0.5, D_arr_like_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.f(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.f(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.f(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.f(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.gamma(0.5, 0.5)) # E: float
-reveal_type(def_gen.gamma(0.5, 0.5, size=None)) # E: float
-reveal_type(def_gen.gamma(0.5, 0.5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.gamma(D_arr_0p5, 0.5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.gamma(0.5, D_arr_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.gamma(D_arr_0p5, 0.5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.gamma(0.5, D_arr_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.gamma(D_arr_like_0p5, 0.5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.gamma(0.5, D_arr_like_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.gamma(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.gamma(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.gamma(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.gamma(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.gumbel(0.5, 0.5)) # E: float
-reveal_type(def_gen.gumbel(0.5, 0.5, size=None)) # E: float
-reveal_type(def_gen.gumbel(0.5, 0.5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.gumbel(D_arr_0p5, 0.5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.gumbel(0.5, D_arr_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.gumbel(D_arr_0p5, 0.5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.gumbel(0.5, D_arr_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.gumbel(D_arr_like_0p5, 0.5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.gumbel(0.5, D_arr_like_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.gumbel(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.gumbel(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.gumbel(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.gumbel(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.laplace(0.5, 0.5)) # E: float
-reveal_type(def_gen.laplace(0.5, 0.5, size=None)) # E: float
-reveal_type(def_gen.laplace(0.5, 0.5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.laplace(D_arr_0p5, 0.5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.laplace(0.5, D_arr_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.laplace(D_arr_0p5, 0.5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.laplace(0.5, D_arr_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.laplace(D_arr_like_0p5, 0.5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.laplace(0.5, D_arr_like_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.laplace(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.laplace(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.laplace(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.laplace(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.logistic(0.5, 0.5)) # E: float
-reveal_type(def_gen.logistic(0.5, 0.5, size=None)) # E: float
-reveal_type(def_gen.logistic(0.5, 0.5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.logistic(D_arr_0p5, 0.5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.logistic(0.5, D_arr_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.logistic(D_arr_0p5, 0.5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.logistic(0.5, D_arr_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.logistic(D_arr_like_0p5, 0.5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.logistic(0.5, D_arr_like_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.logistic(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.logistic(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.logistic(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.logistic(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.lognormal(0.5, 0.5)) # E: float
-reveal_type(def_gen.lognormal(0.5, 0.5, size=None)) # E: float
-reveal_type(def_gen.lognormal(0.5, 0.5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.lognormal(D_arr_0p5, 0.5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.lognormal(0.5, D_arr_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.lognormal(D_arr_0p5, 0.5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.lognormal(0.5, D_arr_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.lognormal(D_arr_like_0p5, 0.5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.lognormal(0.5, D_arr_like_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.lognormal(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.lognormal(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.lognormal(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.lognormal(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.noncentral_chisquare(0.5, 0.5)) # E: float
-reveal_type(def_gen.noncentral_chisquare(0.5, 0.5, size=None)) # E: float
-reveal_type(def_gen.noncentral_chisquare(0.5, 0.5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.noncentral_chisquare(D_arr_0p5, 0.5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.noncentral_chisquare(0.5, D_arr_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.noncentral_chisquare(D_arr_0p5, 0.5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.noncentral_chisquare(0.5, D_arr_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.noncentral_chisquare(D_arr_like_0p5, 0.5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.noncentral_chisquare(0.5, D_arr_like_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.noncentral_chisquare(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.noncentral_chisquare(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.noncentral_chisquare(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.noncentral_chisquare(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.normal(0.5, 0.5)) # E: float
-reveal_type(def_gen.normal(0.5, 0.5, size=None)) # E: float
-reveal_type(def_gen.normal(0.5, 0.5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.normal(D_arr_0p5, 0.5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.normal(0.5, D_arr_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.normal(D_arr_0p5, 0.5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.normal(0.5, D_arr_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.normal(D_arr_like_0p5, 0.5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.normal(0.5, D_arr_like_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.normal(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.normal(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.normal(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.normal(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.triangular(0.1, 0.5, 0.9)) # E: float
-reveal_type(def_gen.triangular(0.1, 0.5, 0.9, size=None)) # E: float
-reveal_type(def_gen.triangular(0.1, 0.5, 0.9, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.triangular(D_arr_0p1, 0.5, 0.9)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.triangular(0.1, D_arr_0p5, 0.9)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.triangular(D_arr_0p1, 0.5, D_arr_like_0p9, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.triangular(0.1, D_arr_0p5, 0.9, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.triangular(D_arr_like_0p1, 0.5, D_arr_0p9)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.triangular(0.5, D_arr_like_0p5, 0.9)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.triangular(D_arr_0p1, D_arr_0p5, 0.9)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.triangular(D_arr_like_0p1, D_arr_like_0p5, 0.9)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.triangular(D_arr_0p1, D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p9, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.triangular(D_arr_like_0p1, D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p9, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.noncentral_f(0.1, 0.5, 0.9)) # E: float
-reveal_type(def_gen.noncentral_f(0.1, 0.5, 0.9, size=None)) # E: float
-reveal_type(def_gen.noncentral_f(0.1, 0.5, 0.9, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.noncentral_f(D_arr_0p1, 0.5, 0.9)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.noncentral_f(0.1, D_arr_0p5, 0.9)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.noncentral_f(D_arr_0p1, 0.5, D_arr_like_0p9, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.noncentral_f(0.1, D_arr_0p5, 0.9, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.noncentral_f(D_arr_like_0p1, 0.5, D_arr_0p9)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.noncentral_f(0.5, D_arr_like_0p5, 0.9)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.noncentral_f(D_arr_0p1, D_arr_0p5, 0.9)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.noncentral_f(D_arr_like_0p1, D_arr_like_0p5, 0.9)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.noncentral_f(D_arr_0p1, D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p9, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.noncentral_f(D_arr_like_0p1, D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p9, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.binomial(10, 0.5)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.binomial(10, 0.5, size=None)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.binomial(10, 0.5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.binomial(I_arr_10, 0.5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.binomial(10, D_arr_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.binomial(I_arr_10, 0.5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.binomial(10, D_arr_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.binomial(I_arr_like_10, 0.5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.binomial(10, D_arr_like_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.binomial(I_arr_10, D_arr_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.binomial(I_arr_like_10, D_arr_like_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.binomial(I_arr_10, D_arr_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.binomial(I_arr_like_10, D_arr_like_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.negative_binomial(10, 0.5)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.negative_binomial(10, 0.5, size=None)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.negative_binomial(10, 0.5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.negative_binomial(I_arr_10, 0.5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.negative_binomial(10, D_arr_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.negative_binomial(I_arr_10, 0.5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.negative_binomial(10, D_arr_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.negative_binomial(I_arr_like_10, 0.5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.negative_binomial(10, D_arr_like_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.negative_binomial(I_arr_10, D_arr_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.negative_binomial(I_arr_like_10, D_arr_like_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.negative_binomial(I_arr_10, D_arr_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.negative_binomial(I_arr_like_10, D_arr_like_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.hypergeometric(20, 20, 10)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.hypergeometric(20, 20, 10, size=None)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.hypergeometric(20, 20, 10, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.hypergeometric(I_arr_20, 20, 10)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.hypergeometric(20, I_arr_20, 10)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.hypergeometric(I_arr_20, 20, I_arr_like_10, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.hypergeometric(20, I_arr_20, 10, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.hypergeometric(I_arr_like_20, 20, I_arr_10)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.hypergeometric(20, I_arr_like_20, 10)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.hypergeometric(I_arr_20, I_arr_20, 10)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.hypergeometric(I_arr_like_20, I_arr_like_20, 10)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.hypergeometric(I_arr_20, I_arr_20, I_arr_10, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.hypergeometric(I_arr_like_20, I_arr_like_20, I_arr_like_10, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
+D_2D: npt.NDArray[np.float64] = np.array(D_2D_like)
+S_out: npt.NDArray[np.float32] = np.empty(1, dtype=np.float32)
+D_out: npt.NDArray[np.float64] = np.empty(1)
+assert_type(def_gen.standard_normal(), float)
+assert_type(def_gen.standard_normal(dtype=np.float32), float)
+assert_type(def_gen.standard_normal(dtype="float32"), float)
+assert_type(def_gen.standard_normal(dtype="double"), float)
+assert_type(def_gen.standard_normal(dtype=np.float64), float)
+assert_type(def_gen.standard_normal(size=None), float)
+assert_type(def_gen.standard_normal(size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.standard_normal(size=1, dtype=np.float32), npt.NDArray[np.float32])
+assert_type(def_gen.standard_normal(size=1, dtype="f4"), npt.NDArray[np.float32])
+assert_type(def_gen.standard_normal(size=1, dtype="float32", out=S_out), npt.NDArray[np.float32])
+assert_type(def_gen.standard_normal(dtype=np.float32, out=S_out), npt.NDArray[np.float32])
+assert_type(def_gen.standard_normal(size=1, dtype=np.float64), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.standard_normal(size=1, dtype="float64"), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.standard_normal(size=1, dtype="f8"), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.standard_normal(out=D_out), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.standard_normal(size=1, dtype="float64"), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.standard_normal(size=1, dtype="float64", out=D_out), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.random(), float)
+assert_type(def_gen.random(dtype=np.float32), float)
+assert_type(def_gen.random(dtype="float32"), float)
+assert_type(def_gen.random(dtype="double"), float)
+assert_type(def_gen.random(dtype=np.float64), float)
+assert_type(def_gen.random(size=None), float)
+assert_type(def_gen.random(size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.random(size=1, dtype=np.float32), npt.NDArray[np.float32])
+assert_type(def_gen.random(size=1, dtype="f4"), npt.NDArray[np.float32])
+assert_type(def_gen.random(size=1, dtype="float32", out=S_out), npt.NDArray[np.float32])
+assert_type(def_gen.random(dtype=np.float32, out=S_out), npt.NDArray[np.float32])
+assert_type(def_gen.random(size=1, dtype=np.float64), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.random(size=1, dtype="float64"), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.random(size=1, dtype="f8"), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.random(out=D_out), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.random(size=1, dtype="float64"), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.random(size=1, dtype="float64", out=D_out), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.standard_cauchy(), float)
+assert_type(def_gen.standard_cauchy(size=None), float)
+assert_type(def_gen.standard_cauchy(size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.standard_exponential(), float)
+assert_type(def_gen.standard_exponential(method="inv"), float)
+assert_type(def_gen.standard_exponential(dtype=np.float32), float)
+assert_type(def_gen.standard_exponential(dtype="float32"), float)
+assert_type(def_gen.standard_exponential(dtype="double"), float)
+assert_type(def_gen.standard_exponential(dtype=np.float64), float)
+assert_type(def_gen.standard_exponential(size=None), float)
+assert_type(def_gen.standard_exponential(size=None, method="inv"), float)
+assert_type(def_gen.standard_exponential(size=1, method="inv"), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.standard_exponential(size=1, dtype=np.float32), npt.NDArray[np.float32])
+assert_type(def_gen.standard_exponential(size=1, dtype="f4", method="inv"), npt.NDArray[np.float32])
+assert_type(def_gen.standard_exponential(size=1, dtype="float32", out=S_out), npt.NDArray[np.float32])
+assert_type(def_gen.standard_exponential(dtype=np.float32, out=S_out), npt.NDArray[np.float32])
+assert_type(def_gen.standard_exponential(size=1, dtype=np.float64, method="inv"), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.standard_exponential(size=1, dtype="float64"), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.standard_exponential(size=1, dtype="f8"), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.standard_exponential(out=D_out), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.standard_exponential(size=1, dtype="float64"), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.standard_exponential(size=1, dtype="float64", out=D_out), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.zipf(1.5), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.zipf(1.5, size=None), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.zipf(1.5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.zipf(D_arr_1p5), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.zipf(D_arr_1p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.zipf(D_arr_like_1p5), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.zipf(D_arr_like_1p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.weibull(0.5), float)
+assert_type(def_gen.weibull(0.5, size=None), float)
+assert_type(def_gen.weibull(0.5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.weibull(D_arr_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.weibull(D_arr_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.weibull(D_arr_like_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.weibull(D_arr_like_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.standard_t(0.5), float)
+assert_type(def_gen.standard_t(0.5, size=None), float)
+assert_type(def_gen.standard_t(0.5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.standard_t(D_arr_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.standard_t(D_arr_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.standard_t(D_arr_like_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.standard_t(D_arr_like_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.poisson(0.5), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.poisson(0.5, size=None), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.poisson(0.5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.poisson(D_arr_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.poisson(D_arr_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.poisson(D_arr_like_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.poisson(D_arr_like_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.power(0.5), float)
+assert_type(def_gen.power(0.5, size=None), float)
+assert_type(def_gen.power(0.5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.power(D_arr_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.power(D_arr_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.power(D_arr_like_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.power(D_arr_like_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.pareto(0.5), float)
+assert_type(def_gen.pareto(0.5, size=None), float)
+assert_type(def_gen.pareto(0.5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.pareto(D_arr_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.pareto(D_arr_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.pareto(D_arr_like_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.pareto(D_arr_like_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.chisquare(0.5), float)
+assert_type(def_gen.chisquare(0.5, size=None), float)
+assert_type(def_gen.chisquare(0.5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.chisquare(D_arr_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.chisquare(D_arr_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.chisquare(D_arr_like_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.chisquare(D_arr_like_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.exponential(0.5), float)
+assert_type(def_gen.exponential(0.5, size=None), float)
+assert_type(def_gen.exponential(0.5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.exponential(D_arr_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.exponential(D_arr_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.exponential(D_arr_like_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.exponential(D_arr_like_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.geometric(0.5), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.geometric(0.5, size=None), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.geometric(0.5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.geometric(D_arr_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.geometric(D_arr_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.geometric(D_arr_like_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.geometric(D_arr_like_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.logseries(0.5), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.logseries(0.5, size=None), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.logseries(0.5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.logseries(D_arr_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.logseries(D_arr_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.logseries(D_arr_like_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.logseries(D_arr_like_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.rayleigh(0.5), float)
+assert_type(def_gen.rayleigh(0.5, size=None), float)
+assert_type(def_gen.rayleigh(0.5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.rayleigh(D_arr_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.rayleigh(D_arr_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.rayleigh(D_arr_like_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.rayleigh(D_arr_like_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.standard_gamma(0.5), float)
+assert_type(def_gen.standard_gamma(0.5, size=None), float)
+assert_type(def_gen.standard_gamma(0.5, dtype="float32"), float)
+assert_type(def_gen.standard_gamma(0.5, size=None, dtype="float32"), float)
+assert_type(def_gen.standard_gamma(0.5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.standard_gamma(D_arr_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.standard_gamma(D_arr_0p5, dtype="f4"), npt.NDArray[np.float32])
+assert_type(def_gen.standard_gamma(0.5, size=1, dtype="float32", out=S_out), npt.NDArray[np.float32])
+assert_type(def_gen.standard_gamma(D_arr_0p5, dtype=np.float32, out=S_out), npt.NDArray[np.float32])
+assert_type(def_gen.standard_gamma(D_arr_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.standard_gamma(D_arr_like_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.standard_gamma(D_arr_like_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.standard_gamma(0.5, out=D_out), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.standard_gamma(D_arr_like_0p5, out=D_out), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.standard_gamma(D_arr_like_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.standard_gamma(D_arr_like_0p5, size=1, out=D_out, dtype=np.float64), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.vonmises(0.5, 0.5), float)
+assert_type(def_gen.vonmises(0.5, 0.5, size=None), float)
+assert_type(def_gen.vonmises(0.5, 0.5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.vonmises(D_arr_0p5, 0.5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.vonmises(0.5, D_arr_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.vonmises(D_arr_0p5, 0.5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.vonmises(0.5, D_arr_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.vonmises(D_arr_like_0p5, 0.5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.vonmises(0.5, D_arr_like_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.vonmises(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.vonmises(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.vonmises(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.vonmises(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.wald(0.5, 0.5), float)
+assert_type(def_gen.wald(0.5, 0.5, size=None), float)
+assert_type(def_gen.wald(0.5, 0.5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.wald(D_arr_0p5, 0.5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.wald(0.5, D_arr_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.wald(D_arr_0p5, 0.5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.wald(0.5, D_arr_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.wald(D_arr_like_0p5, 0.5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.wald(0.5, D_arr_like_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.wald(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.wald(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.wald(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.wald(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.uniform(0.5, 0.5), float)
+assert_type(def_gen.uniform(0.5, 0.5, size=None), float)
+assert_type(def_gen.uniform(0.5, 0.5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.uniform(D_arr_0p5, 0.5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.uniform(0.5, D_arr_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.uniform(D_arr_0p5, 0.5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.uniform(0.5, D_arr_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.uniform(D_arr_like_0p5, 0.5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.uniform(0.5, D_arr_like_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.uniform(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.uniform(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.uniform(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.uniform(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.beta(0.5, 0.5), float)
+assert_type(def_gen.beta(0.5, 0.5, size=None), float)
+assert_type(def_gen.beta(0.5, 0.5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.beta(D_arr_0p5, 0.5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.beta(0.5, D_arr_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.beta(D_arr_0p5, 0.5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.beta(0.5, D_arr_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.beta(D_arr_like_0p5, 0.5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.beta(0.5, D_arr_like_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.beta(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.beta(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.beta(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.beta(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.f(0.5, 0.5), float)
+assert_type(def_gen.f(0.5, 0.5, size=None), float)
+assert_type(def_gen.f(0.5, 0.5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.f(D_arr_0p5, 0.5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.f(0.5, D_arr_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.f(D_arr_0p5, 0.5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.f(0.5, D_arr_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.f(D_arr_like_0p5, 0.5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.f(0.5, D_arr_like_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.f(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.f(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.f(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.f(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.gamma(0.5, 0.5), float)
+assert_type(def_gen.gamma(0.5, 0.5, size=None), float)
+assert_type(def_gen.gamma(0.5, 0.5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.gamma(D_arr_0p5, 0.5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.gamma(0.5, D_arr_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.gamma(D_arr_0p5, 0.5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.gamma(0.5, D_arr_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.gamma(D_arr_like_0p5, 0.5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.gamma(0.5, D_arr_like_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.gamma(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.gamma(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.gamma(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.gamma(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.gumbel(0.5, 0.5), float)
+assert_type(def_gen.gumbel(0.5, 0.5, size=None), float)
+assert_type(def_gen.gumbel(0.5, 0.5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.gumbel(D_arr_0p5, 0.5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.gumbel(0.5, D_arr_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.gumbel(D_arr_0p5, 0.5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.gumbel(0.5, D_arr_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.gumbel(D_arr_like_0p5, 0.5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.gumbel(0.5, D_arr_like_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.gumbel(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.gumbel(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.gumbel(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.gumbel(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.laplace(0.5, 0.5), float)
+assert_type(def_gen.laplace(0.5, 0.5, size=None), float)
+assert_type(def_gen.laplace(0.5, 0.5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.laplace(D_arr_0p5, 0.5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.laplace(0.5, D_arr_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.laplace(D_arr_0p5, 0.5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.laplace(0.5, D_arr_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.laplace(D_arr_like_0p5, 0.5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.laplace(0.5, D_arr_like_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.laplace(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.laplace(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.laplace(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.laplace(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.logistic(0.5, 0.5), float)
+assert_type(def_gen.logistic(0.5, 0.5, size=None), float)
+assert_type(def_gen.logistic(0.5, 0.5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.logistic(D_arr_0p5, 0.5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.logistic(0.5, D_arr_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.logistic(D_arr_0p5, 0.5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.logistic(0.5, D_arr_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.logistic(D_arr_like_0p5, 0.5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.logistic(0.5, D_arr_like_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.logistic(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.logistic(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.logistic(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.logistic(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.lognormal(0.5, 0.5), float)
+assert_type(def_gen.lognormal(0.5, 0.5, size=None), float)
+assert_type(def_gen.lognormal(0.5, 0.5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.lognormal(D_arr_0p5, 0.5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.lognormal(0.5, D_arr_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.lognormal(D_arr_0p5, 0.5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.lognormal(0.5, D_arr_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.lognormal(D_arr_like_0p5, 0.5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.lognormal(0.5, D_arr_like_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.lognormal(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.lognormal(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.lognormal(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.lognormal(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.noncentral_chisquare(0.5, 0.5), float)
+assert_type(def_gen.noncentral_chisquare(0.5, 0.5, size=None), float)
+assert_type(def_gen.noncentral_chisquare(0.5, 0.5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.noncentral_chisquare(D_arr_0p5, 0.5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.noncentral_chisquare(0.5, D_arr_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.noncentral_chisquare(D_arr_0p5, 0.5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.noncentral_chisquare(0.5, D_arr_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.noncentral_chisquare(D_arr_like_0p5, 0.5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.noncentral_chisquare(0.5, D_arr_like_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.noncentral_chisquare(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.noncentral_chisquare(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.noncentral_chisquare(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.noncentral_chisquare(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.normal(0.5, 0.5), float)
+assert_type(def_gen.normal(0.5, 0.5, size=None), float)
+assert_type(def_gen.normal(0.5, 0.5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.normal(D_arr_0p5, 0.5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.normal(0.5, D_arr_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.normal(D_arr_0p5, 0.5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.normal(0.5, D_arr_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.normal(D_arr_like_0p5, 0.5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.normal(0.5, D_arr_like_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.normal(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.normal(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.normal(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.normal(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.triangular(0.1, 0.5, 0.9), float)
+assert_type(def_gen.triangular(0.1, 0.5, 0.9, size=None), float)
+assert_type(def_gen.triangular(0.1, 0.5, 0.9, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.triangular(D_arr_0p1, 0.5, 0.9), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.triangular(0.1, D_arr_0p5, 0.9), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.triangular(D_arr_0p1, 0.5, D_arr_like_0p9, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.triangular(0.1, D_arr_0p5, 0.9, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.triangular(D_arr_like_0p1, 0.5, D_arr_0p9), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.triangular(0.5, D_arr_like_0p5, 0.9), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.triangular(D_arr_0p1, D_arr_0p5, 0.9), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.triangular(D_arr_like_0p1, D_arr_like_0p5, 0.9), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.triangular(D_arr_0p1, D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p9, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.triangular(D_arr_like_0p1, D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p9, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.noncentral_f(0.1, 0.5, 0.9), float)
+assert_type(def_gen.noncentral_f(0.1, 0.5, 0.9, size=None), float)
+assert_type(def_gen.noncentral_f(0.1, 0.5, 0.9, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.noncentral_f(D_arr_0p1, 0.5, 0.9), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.noncentral_f(0.1, D_arr_0p5, 0.9), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.noncentral_f(D_arr_0p1, 0.5, D_arr_like_0p9, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.noncentral_f(0.1, D_arr_0p5, 0.9, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.noncentral_f(D_arr_like_0p1, 0.5, D_arr_0p9), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.noncentral_f(0.5, D_arr_like_0p5, 0.9), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.noncentral_f(D_arr_0p1, D_arr_0p5, 0.9), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.noncentral_f(D_arr_like_0p1, D_arr_like_0p5, 0.9), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.noncentral_f(D_arr_0p1, D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p9, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.noncentral_f(D_arr_like_0p1, D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p9, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.binomial(10, 0.5), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.binomial(10, 0.5, size=None), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.binomial(10, 0.5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.binomial(I_arr_10, 0.5), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.binomial(10, D_arr_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.binomial(I_arr_10, 0.5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.binomial(10, D_arr_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.binomial(I_arr_like_10, 0.5), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.binomial(10, D_arr_like_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.binomial(I_arr_10, D_arr_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.binomial(I_arr_like_10, D_arr_like_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.binomial(I_arr_10, D_arr_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.binomial(I_arr_like_10, D_arr_like_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.negative_binomial(10, 0.5), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.negative_binomial(10, 0.5, size=None), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.negative_binomial(10, 0.5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.negative_binomial(I_arr_10, 0.5), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.negative_binomial(10, D_arr_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.negative_binomial(I_arr_10, 0.5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.negative_binomial(10, D_arr_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.negative_binomial(I_arr_like_10, 0.5), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.negative_binomial(10, D_arr_like_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.negative_binomial(I_arr_10, D_arr_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.negative_binomial(I_arr_like_10, D_arr_like_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.negative_binomial(I_arr_10, D_arr_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.negative_binomial(I_arr_like_10, D_arr_like_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.hypergeometric(20, 20, 10), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.hypergeometric(20, 20, 10, size=None), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.hypergeometric(20, 20, 10, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.hypergeometric(I_arr_20, 20, 10), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.hypergeometric(20, I_arr_20, 10), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.hypergeometric(I_arr_20, 20, I_arr_like_10, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.hypergeometric(20, I_arr_20, 10, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.hypergeometric(I_arr_like_20, 20, I_arr_10), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.hypergeometric(20, I_arr_like_20, 10), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.hypergeometric(I_arr_20, I_arr_20, 10), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.hypergeometric(I_arr_like_20, I_arr_like_20, 10), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.hypergeometric(I_arr_20, I_arr_20, I_arr_10, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.hypergeometric(I_arr_like_20, I_arr_like_20, I_arr_like_10, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
I_int64_100: np.ndarray[Any, np.dtype[np.int64]] = np.array([100], dtype=np.int64)
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(0, 100)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(100)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers([100])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(0, [100])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(0, 100), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(100), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers([100]), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(0, [100]), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
-I_bool_low: np.ndarray[Any, np.dtype[np.bool_]] = np.array([0], dtype=np.bool_)
+I_bool_low: npt.NDArray[np.bool_] = np.array([0], dtype=np.bool_)
I_bool_low_like: list[int] = [0]
-I_bool_high_open: np.ndarray[Any, np.dtype[np.bool_]] = np.array([1], dtype=np.bool_)
-I_bool_high_closed: np.ndarray[Any, np.dtype[np.bool_]] = np.array([1], dtype=np.bool_)
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(2, dtype=bool)) # E: builtins.bool
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(0, 2, dtype=bool)) # E: builtins.bool
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(1, dtype=bool, endpoint=True)) # E: builtins.bool
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(0, 1, dtype=bool, endpoint=True)) # E: builtins.bool
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_bool_low_like, 1, dtype=bool, endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_bool_high_open, dtype=bool)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_bool_low, I_bool_high_open, dtype=bool)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(0, I_bool_high_open, dtype=bool)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_bool_high_closed, dtype=bool, endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_bool_low, I_bool_high_closed, dtype=bool, endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(0, I_bool_high_closed, dtype=bool, endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(2, dtype=np.bool_)) # E: builtins.bool
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(0, 2, dtype=np.bool_)) # E: builtins.bool
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(1, dtype=np.bool_, endpoint=True)) # E: builtins.bool
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(0, 1, dtype=np.bool_, endpoint=True)) # E: builtins.bool
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_bool_low_like, 1, dtype=np.bool_, endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_bool_high_open, dtype=np.bool_)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_bool_low, I_bool_high_open, dtype=np.bool_)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(0, I_bool_high_open, dtype=np.bool_)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_bool_high_closed, dtype=np.bool_, endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_bool_low, I_bool_high_closed, dtype=np.bool_, endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(0, I_bool_high_closed, dtype=np.bool_, endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]
+I_bool_high_open: npt.NDArray[np.bool_] = np.array([1], dtype=np.bool_)
+I_bool_high_closed: npt.NDArray[np.bool_] = np.array([1], dtype=np.bool_)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(2, dtype=bool), bool)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(0, 2, dtype=bool), bool)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(1, dtype=bool, endpoint=True), bool)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(0, 1, dtype=bool, endpoint=True), bool)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_bool_low_like, 1, dtype=bool, endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_bool_high_open, dtype=bool), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_bool_low, I_bool_high_open, dtype=bool), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(0, I_bool_high_open, dtype=bool), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_bool_high_closed, dtype=bool, endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_bool_low, I_bool_high_closed, dtype=bool, endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(0, I_bool_high_closed, dtype=bool, endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(2, dtype=np.bool_), bool)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(0, 2, dtype=np.bool_), bool)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(1, dtype=np.bool_, endpoint=True), bool)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(0, 1, dtype=np.bool_, endpoint=True), bool)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_bool_low_like, 1, dtype=np.bool_, endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_bool_high_open, dtype=np.bool_), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_bool_low, I_bool_high_open, dtype=np.bool_), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(0, I_bool_high_open, dtype=np.bool_), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_bool_high_closed, dtype=np.bool_, endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_bool_low, I_bool_high_closed, dtype=np.bool_, endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(0, I_bool_high_closed, dtype=np.bool_, endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
I_u1_low: np.ndarray[Any, np.dtype[np.uint8]] = np.array([0], dtype=np.uint8)
I_u1_low_like: list[int] = [0]
I_u1_high_open: np.ndarray[Any, np.dtype[np.uint8]] = np.array([255], dtype=np.uint8)
I_u1_high_closed: np.ndarray[Any, np.dtype[np.uint8]] = np.array([255], dtype=np.uint8)
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(256, dtype="u1")) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(0, 256, dtype="u1")) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(255, dtype="u1", endpoint=True)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(0, 255, dtype="u1", endpoint=True)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_u1_low_like, 255, dtype="u1", endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._8Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_u1_high_open, dtype="u1")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._8Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_u1_low, I_u1_high_open, dtype="u1")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._8Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(0, I_u1_high_open, dtype="u1")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._8Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_u1_high_closed, dtype="u1", endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._8Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_u1_low, I_u1_high_closed, dtype="u1", endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._8Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(0, I_u1_high_closed, dtype="u1", endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._8Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(256, dtype="uint8")) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(0, 256, dtype="uint8")) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(255, dtype="uint8", endpoint=True)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(0, 255, dtype="uint8", endpoint=True)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_u1_low_like, 255, dtype="uint8", endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._8Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_u1_high_open, dtype="uint8")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._8Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_u1_low, I_u1_high_open, dtype="uint8")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._8Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(0, I_u1_high_open, dtype="uint8")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._8Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_u1_high_closed, dtype="uint8", endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._8Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_u1_low, I_u1_high_closed, dtype="uint8", endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._8Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(0, I_u1_high_closed, dtype="uint8", endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._8Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(256, dtype=np.uint8)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(0, 256, dtype=np.uint8)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(255, dtype=np.uint8, endpoint=True)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(0, 255, dtype=np.uint8, endpoint=True)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_u1_low_like, 255, dtype=np.uint8, endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._8Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_u1_high_open, dtype=np.uint8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._8Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_u1_low, I_u1_high_open, dtype=np.uint8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._8Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(0, I_u1_high_open, dtype=np.uint8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._8Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_u1_high_closed, dtype=np.uint8, endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._8Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_u1_low, I_u1_high_closed, dtype=np.uint8, endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._8Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(0, I_u1_high_closed, dtype=np.uint8, endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._8Bit]]]
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(256, dtype="u1"), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(0, 256, dtype="u1"), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(255, dtype="u1", endpoint=True), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(0, 255, dtype="u1", endpoint=True), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_u1_low_like, 255, dtype="u1", endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.uint8])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_u1_high_open, dtype="u1"), npt.NDArray[np.uint8])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_u1_low, I_u1_high_open, dtype="u1"), npt.NDArray[np.uint8])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(0, I_u1_high_open, dtype="u1"), npt.NDArray[np.uint8])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_u1_high_closed, dtype="u1", endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.uint8])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_u1_low, I_u1_high_closed, dtype="u1", endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.uint8])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(0, I_u1_high_closed, dtype="u1", endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.uint8])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(256, dtype="uint8"), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(0, 256, dtype="uint8"), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(255, dtype="uint8", endpoint=True), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(0, 255, dtype="uint8", endpoint=True), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_u1_low_like, 255, dtype="uint8", endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.uint8])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_u1_high_open, dtype="uint8"), npt.NDArray[np.uint8])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_u1_low, I_u1_high_open, dtype="uint8"), npt.NDArray[np.uint8])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(0, I_u1_high_open, dtype="uint8"), npt.NDArray[np.uint8])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_u1_high_closed, dtype="uint8", endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.uint8])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_u1_low, I_u1_high_closed, dtype="uint8", endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.uint8])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(0, I_u1_high_closed, dtype="uint8", endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.uint8])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(256, dtype=np.uint8), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(0, 256, dtype=np.uint8), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(255, dtype=np.uint8, endpoint=True), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(0, 255, dtype=np.uint8, endpoint=True), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_u1_low_like, 255, dtype=np.uint8, endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.uint8])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_u1_high_open, dtype=np.uint8), npt.NDArray[np.uint8])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_u1_low, I_u1_high_open, dtype=np.uint8), npt.NDArray[np.uint8])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(0, I_u1_high_open, dtype=np.uint8), npt.NDArray[np.uint8])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_u1_high_closed, dtype=np.uint8, endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.uint8])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_u1_low, I_u1_high_closed, dtype=np.uint8, endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.uint8])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(0, I_u1_high_closed, dtype=np.uint8, endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.uint8])
I_u2_low: np.ndarray[Any, np.dtype[np.uint16]] = np.array([0], dtype=np.uint16)
I_u2_low_like: list[int] = [0]
I_u2_high_open: np.ndarray[Any, np.dtype[np.uint16]] = np.array([65535], dtype=np.uint16)
I_u2_high_closed: np.ndarray[Any, np.dtype[np.uint16]] = np.array([65535], dtype=np.uint16)
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(65536, dtype="u2")) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(0, 65536, dtype="u2")) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(65535, dtype="u2", endpoint=True)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(0, 65535, dtype="u2", endpoint=True)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_u2_low_like, 65535, dtype="u2", endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._16Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_u2_high_open, dtype="u2")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._16Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_u2_low, I_u2_high_open, dtype="u2")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._16Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(0, I_u2_high_open, dtype="u2")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._16Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_u2_high_closed, dtype="u2", endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._16Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_u2_low, I_u2_high_closed, dtype="u2", endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._16Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(0, I_u2_high_closed, dtype="u2", endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._16Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(65536, dtype="uint16")) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(0, 65536, dtype="uint16")) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(65535, dtype="uint16", endpoint=True)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(0, 65535, dtype="uint16", endpoint=True)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_u2_low_like, 65535, dtype="uint16", endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._16Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_u2_high_open, dtype="uint16")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._16Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_u2_low, I_u2_high_open, dtype="uint16")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._16Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(0, I_u2_high_open, dtype="uint16")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._16Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_u2_high_closed, dtype="uint16", endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._16Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_u2_low, I_u2_high_closed, dtype="uint16", endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._16Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(0, I_u2_high_closed, dtype="uint16", endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._16Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(65536, dtype=np.uint16)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(0, 65536, dtype=np.uint16)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(65535, dtype=np.uint16, endpoint=True)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(0, 65535, dtype=np.uint16, endpoint=True)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_u2_low_like, 65535, dtype=np.uint16, endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._16Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_u2_high_open, dtype=np.uint16)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._16Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_u2_low, I_u2_high_open, dtype=np.uint16)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._16Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(0, I_u2_high_open, dtype=np.uint16)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._16Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_u2_high_closed, dtype=np.uint16, endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._16Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_u2_low, I_u2_high_closed, dtype=np.uint16, endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._16Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(0, I_u2_high_closed, dtype=np.uint16, endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._16Bit]]]
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(65536, dtype="u2"), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(0, 65536, dtype="u2"), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(65535, dtype="u2", endpoint=True), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(0, 65535, dtype="u2", endpoint=True), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_u2_low_like, 65535, dtype="u2", endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.uint16])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_u2_high_open, dtype="u2"), npt.NDArray[np.uint16])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_u2_low, I_u2_high_open, dtype="u2"), npt.NDArray[np.uint16])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(0, I_u2_high_open, dtype="u2"), npt.NDArray[np.uint16])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_u2_high_closed, dtype="u2", endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.uint16])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_u2_low, I_u2_high_closed, dtype="u2", endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.uint16])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(0, I_u2_high_closed, dtype="u2", endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.uint16])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(65536, dtype="uint16"), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(0, 65536, dtype="uint16"), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(65535, dtype="uint16", endpoint=True), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(0, 65535, dtype="uint16", endpoint=True), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_u2_low_like, 65535, dtype="uint16", endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.uint16])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_u2_high_open, dtype="uint16"), npt.NDArray[np.uint16])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_u2_low, I_u2_high_open, dtype="uint16"), npt.NDArray[np.uint16])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(0, I_u2_high_open, dtype="uint16"), npt.NDArray[np.uint16])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_u2_high_closed, dtype="uint16", endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.uint16])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_u2_low, I_u2_high_closed, dtype="uint16", endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.uint16])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(0, I_u2_high_closed, dtype="uint16", endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.uint16])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(65536, dtype=np.uint16), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(0, 65536, dtype=np.uint16), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(65535, dtype=np.uint16, endpoint=True), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(0, 65535, dtype=np.uint16, endpoint=True), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_u2_low_like, 65535, dtype=np.uint16, endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.uint16])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_u2_high_open, dtype=np.uint16), npt.NDArray[np.uint16])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_u2_low, I_u2_high_open, dtype=np.uint16), npt.NDArray[np.uint16])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(0, I_u2_high_open, dtype=np.uint16), npt.NDArray[np.uint16])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_u2_high_closed, dtype=np.uint16, endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.uint16])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_u2_low, I_u2_high_closed, dtype=np.uint16, endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.uint16])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(0, I_u2_high_closed, dtype=np.uint16, endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.uint16])
I_u4_low: np.ndarray[Any, np.dtype[np.uint32]] = np.array([0], dtype=np.uint32)
I_u4_low_like: list[int] = [0]
I_u4_high_open: np.ndarray[Any, np.dtype[np.uint32]] = np.array([4294967295], dtype=np.uint32)
I_u4_high_closed: np.ndarray[Any, np.dtype[np.uint32]] = np.array([4294967295], dtype=np.uint32)
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(4294967296, dtype=np.int_)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(0, 4294967296, dtype=np.int_)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(4294967295, dtype=np.int_, endpoint=True)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(0, 4294967295, dtype=np.int_, endpoint=True)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_u4_low_like, 4294967295, dtype=np.int_, endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_u4_high_open, dtype=np.int_)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_u4_low, I_u4_high_open, dtype=np.int_)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(0, I_u4_high_open, dtype=np.int_)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_u4_high_closed, dtype=np.int_, endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_u4_low, I_u4_high_closed, dtype=np.int_, endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(0, I_u4_high_closed, dtype=np.int_, endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(4294967296, dtype="u4")) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(0, 4294967296, dtype="u4")) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(4294967295, dtype="u4", endpoint=True)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(0, 4294967295, dtype="u4", endpoint=True)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_u4_low_like, 4294967295, dtype="u4", endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._32Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_u4_high_open, dtype="u4")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._32Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_u4_low, I_u4_high_open, dtype="u4")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._32Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(0, I_u4_high_open, dtype="u4")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._32Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_u4_high_closed, dtype="u4", endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._32Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_u4_low, I_u4_high_closed, dtype="u4", endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._32Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(0, I_u4_high_closed, dtype="u4", endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._32Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(4294967296, dtype="uint32")) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(0, 4294967296, dtype="uint32")) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(4294967295, dtype="uint32", endpoint=True)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(0, 4294967295, dtype="uint32", endpoint=True)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_u4_low_like, 4294967295, dtype="uint32", endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._32Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_u4_high_open, dtype="uint32")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._32Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_u4_low, I_u4_high_open, dtype="uint32")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._32Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(0, I_u4_high_open, dtype="uint32")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._32Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_u4_high_closed, dtype="uint32", endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._32Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_u4_low, I_u4_high_closed, dtype="uint32", endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._32Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(0, I_u4_high_closed, dtype="uint32", endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._32Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(4294967296, dtype=np.uint32)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(0, 4294967296, dtype=np.uint32)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(4294967295, dtype=np.uint32, endpoint=True)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(0, 4294967295, dtype=np.uint32, endpoint=True)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_u4_low_like, 4294967295, dtype=np.uint32, endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._32Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_u4_high_open, dtype=np.uint32)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._32Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_u4_low, I_u4_high_open, dtype=np.uint32)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._32Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(0, I_u4_high_open, dtype=np.uint32)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._32Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_u4_high_closed, dtype=np.uint32, endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._32Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_u4_low, I_u4_high_closed, dtype=np.uint32, endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._32Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(0, I_u4_high_closed, dtype=np.uint32, endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._32Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(4294967296, dtype=np.uint)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(0, 4294967296, dtype=np.uint)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(4294967295, dtype=np.uint, endpoint=True)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(0, 4294967295, dtype=np.uint, endpoint=True)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_u4_low_like, 4294967295, dtype=np.uint, endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{uint}]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_u4_high_open, dtype=np.uint)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{uint}]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_u4_low, I_u4_high_open, dtype=np.uint)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{uint}]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(0, I_u4_high_open, dtype=np.uint)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{uint}]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_u4_high_closed, dtype=np.uint, endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{uint}]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_u4_low, I_u4_high_closed, dtype=np.uint, endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{uint}]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(0, I_u4_high_closed, dtype=np.uint, endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{uint}]]
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(4294967296, dtype=np.int_), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(0, 4294967296, dtype=np.int_), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(4294967295, dtype=np.int_, endpoint=True), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(0, 4294967295, dtype=np.int_, endpoint=True), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_u4_low_like, 4294967295, dtype=np.int_, endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_u4_high_open, dtype=np.int_), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_u4_low, I_u4_high_open, dtype=np.int_), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(0, I_u4_high_open, dtype=np.int_), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_u4_high_closed, dtype=np.int_, endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_u4_low, I_u4_high_closed, dtype=np.int_, endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(0, I_u4_high_closed, dtype=np.int_, endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(4294967296, dtype="u4"), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(0, 4294967296, dtype="u4"), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(4294967295, dtype="u4", endpoint=True), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(0, 4294967295, dtype="u4", endpoint=True), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_u4_low_like, 4294967295, dtype="u4", endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.uint32])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_u4_high_open, dtype="u4"), npt.NDArray[np.uint32])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_u4_low, I_u4_high_open, dtype="u4"), npt.NDArray[np.uint32])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(0, I_u4_high_open, dtype="u4"), npt.NDArray[np.uint32])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_u4_high_closed, dtype="u4", endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.uint32])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_u4_low, I_u4_high_closed, dtype="u4", endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.uint32])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(0, I_u4_high_closed, dtype="u4", endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.uint32])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(4294967296, dtype="uint32"), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(0, 4294967296, dtype="uint32"), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(4294967295, dtype="uint32", endpoint=True), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(0, 4294967295, dtype="uint32", endpoint=True), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_u4_low_like, 4294967295, dtype="uint32", endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.uint32])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_u4_high_open, dtype="uint32"), npt.NDArray[np.uint32])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_u4_low, I_u4_high_open, dtype="uint32"), npt.NDArray[np.uint32])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(0, I_u4_high_open, dtype="uint32"), npt.NDArray[np.uint32])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_u4_high_closed, dtype="uint32", endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.uint32])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_u4_low, I_u4_high_closed, dtype="uint32", endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.uint32])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(0, I_u4_high_closed, dtype="uint32", endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.uint32])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(4294967296, dtype=np.uint32), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(0, 4294967296, dtype=np.uint32), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(4294967295, dtype=np.uint32, endpoint=True), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(0, 4294967295, dtype=np.uint32, endpoint=True), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_u4_low_like, 4294967295, dtype=np.uint32, endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.uint32])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_u4_high_open, dtype=np.uint32), npt.NDArray[np.uint32])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_u4_low, I_u4_high_open, dtype=np.uint32), npt.NDArray[np.uint32])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(0, I_u4_high_open, dtype=np.uint32), npt.NDArray[np.uint32])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_u4_high_closed, dtype=np.uint32, endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.uint32])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_u4_low, I_u4_high_closed, dtype=np.uint32, endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.uint32])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(0, I_u4_high_closed, dtype=np.uint32, endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.uint32])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(4294967296, dtype=np.uint), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(0, 4294967296, dtype=np.uint), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(4294967295, dtype=np.uint, endpoint=True), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(0, 4294967295, dtype=np.uint, endpoint=True), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_u4_low_like, 4294967295, dtype=np.uint, endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.uint])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_u4_high_open, dtype=np.uint), npt.NDArray[np.uint])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_u4_low, I_u4_high_open, dtype=np.uint), npt.NDArray[np.uint])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(0, I_u4_high_open, dtype=np.uint), npt.NDArray[np.uint])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_u4_high_closed, dtype=np.uint, endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.uint])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_u4_low, I_u4_high_closed, dtype=np.uint, endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.uint])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(0, I_u4_high_closed, dtype=np.uint, endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.uint])
I_u8_low: np.ndarray[Any, np.dtype[np.uint64]] = np.array([0], dtype=np.uint64)
I_u8_low_like: list[int] = [0]
I_u8_high_open: np.ndarray[Any, np.dtype[np.uint64]] = np.array([18446744073709551615], dtype=np.uint64)
I_u8_high_closed: np.ndarray[Any, np.dtype[np.uint64]] = np.array([18446744073709551615], dtype=np.uint64)
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(18446744073709551616, dtype="u8")) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(0, 18446744073709551616, dtype="u8")) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(18446744073709551615, dtype="u8", endpoint=True)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(0, 18446744073709551615, dtype="u8", endpoint=True)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_u8_low_like, 18446744073709551615, dtype="u8", endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_u8_high_open, dtype="u8")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_u8_low, I_u8_high_open, dtype="u8")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(0, I_u8_high_open, dtype="u8")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_u8_high_closed, dtype="u8", endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_u8_low, I_u8_high_closed, dtype="u8", endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(0, I_u8_high_closed, dtype="u8", endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(18446744073709551616, dtype="uint64")) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(0, 18446744073709551616, dtype="uint64")) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(18446744073709551615, dtype="uint64", endpoint=True)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(0, 18446744073709551615, dtype="uint64", endpoint=True)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_u8_low_like, 18446744073709551615, dtype="uint64", endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_u8_high_open, dtype="uint64")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_u8_low, I_u8_high_open, dtype="uint64")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(0, I_u8_high_open, dtype="uint64")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_u8_high_closed, dtype="uint64", endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_u8_low, I_u8_high_closed, dtype="uint64", endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(0, I_u8_high_closed, dtype="uint64", endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(18446744073709551616, dtype=np.uint64)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(0, 18446744073709551616, dtype=np.uint64)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(18446744073709551615, dtype=np.uint64, endpoint=True)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(0, 18446744073709551615, dtype=np.uint64, endpoint=True)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_u8_low_like, 18446744073709551615, dtype=np.uint64, endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_u8_high_open, dtype=np.uint64)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_u8_low, I_u8_high_open, dtype=np.uint64)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(0, I_u8_high_open, dtype=np.uint64)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_u8_high_closed, dtype=np.uint64, endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_u8_low, I_u8_high_closed, dtype=np.uint64, endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(0, I_u8_high_closed, dtype=np.uint64, endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(18446744073709551616, dtype="u8"), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(0, 18446744073709551616, dtype="u8"), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(18446744073709551615, dtype="u8", endpoint=True), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(0, 18446744073709551615, dtype="u8", endpoint=True), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_u8_low_like, 18446744073709551615, dtype="u8", endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.uint64])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_u8_high_open, dtype="u8"), npt.NDArray[np.uint64])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_u8_low, I_u8_high_open, dtype="u8"), npt.NDArray[np.uint64])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(0, I_u8_high_open, dtype="u8"), npt.NDArray[np.uint64])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_u8_high_closed, dtype="u8", endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.uint64])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_u8_low, I_u8_high_closed, dtype="u8", endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.uint64])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(0, I_u8_high_closed, dtype="u8", endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.uint64])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(18446744073709551616, dtype="uint64"), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(0, 18446744073709551616, dtype="uint64"), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(18446744073709551615, dtype="uint64", endpoint=True), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(0, 18446744073709551615, dtype="uint64", endpoint=True), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_u8_low_like, 18446744073709551615, dtype="uint64", endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.uint64])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_u8_high_open, dtype="uint64"), npt.NDArray[np.uint64])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_u8_low, I_u8_high_open, dtype="uint64"), npt.NDArray[np.uint64])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(0, I_u8_high_open, dtype="uint64"), npt.NDArray[np.uint64])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_u8_high_closed, dtype="uint64", endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.uint64])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_u8_low, I_u8_high_closed, dtype="uint64", endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.uint64])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(0, I_u8_high_closed, dtype="uint64", endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.uint64])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(18446744073709551616, dtype=np.uint64), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(0, 18446744073709551616, dtype=np.uint64), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(18446744073709551615, dtype=np.uint64, endpoint=True), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(0, 18446744073709551615, dtype=np.uint64, endpoint=True), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_u8_low_like, 18446744073709551615, dtype=np.uint64, endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.uint64])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_u8_high_open, dtype=np.uint64), npt.NDArray[np.uint64])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_u8_low, I_u8_high_open, dtype=np.uint64), npt.NDArray[np.uint64])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(0, I_u8_high_open, dtype=np.uint64), npt.NDArray[np.uint64])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_u8_high_closed, dtype=np.uint64, endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.uint64])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_u8_low, I_u8_high_closed, dtype=np.uint64, endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.uint64])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(0, I_u8_high_closed, dtype=np.uint64, endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.uint64])
I_i1_low: np.ndarray[Any, np.dtype[np.int8]] = np.array([-128], dtype=np.int8)
I_i1_low_like: list[int] = [-128]
I_i1_high_open: np.ndarray[Any, np.dtype[np.int8]] = np.array([127], dtype=np.int8)
I_i1_high_closed: np.ndarray[Any, np.dtype[np.int8]] = np.array([127], dtype=np.int8)
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(128, dtype="i1")) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(-128, 128, dtype="i1")) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(127, dtype="i1", endpoint=True)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(-128, 127, dtype="i1", endpoint=True)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_i1_low_like, 127, dtype="i1", endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._8Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_i1_high_open, dtype="i1")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._8Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_i1_low, I_i1_high_open, dtype="i1")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._8Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(-128, I_i1_high_open, dtype="i1")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._8Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_i1_high_closed, dtype="i1", endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._8Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_i1_low, I_i1_high_closed, dtype="i1", endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._8Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(-128, I_i1_high_closed, dtype="i1", endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._8Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(128, dtype="int8")) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(-128, 128, dtype="int8")) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(127, dtype="int8", endpoint=True)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(-128, 127, dtype="int8", endpoint=True)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_i1_low_like, 127, dtype="int8", endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._8Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_i1_high_open, dtype="int8")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._8Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_i1_low, I_i1_high_open, dtype="int8")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._8Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(-128, I_i1_high_open, dtype="int8")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._8Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_i1_high_closed, dtype="int8", endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._8Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_i1_low, I_i1_high_closed, dtype="int8", endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._8Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(-128, I_i1_high_closed, dtype="int8", endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._8Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(128, dtype=np.int8)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(-128, 128, dtype=np.int8)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(127, dtype=np.int8, endpoint=True)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(-128, 127, dtype=np.int8, endpoint=True)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_i1_low_like, 127, dtype=np.int8, endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._8Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_i1_high_open, dtype=np.int8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._8Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_i1_low, I_i1_high_open, dtype=np.int8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._8Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(-128, I_i1_high_open, dtype=np.int8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._8Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_i1_high_closed, dtype=np.int8, endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._8Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_i1_low, I_i1_high_closed, dtype=np.int8, endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._8Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(-128, I_i1_high_closed, dtype=np.int8, endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._8Bit]]]
-I_i2_low: np.ndarray[Any, np.dtype[np.int16]] = np.array([-32768], dtype=np.int16)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(128, dtype="i1"), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(-128, 128, dtype="i1"), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(127, dtype="i1", endpoint=True), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(-128, 127, dtype="i1", endpoint=True), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_i1_low_like, 127, dtype="i1", endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.int8])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_i1_high_open, dtype="i1"), npt.NDArray[np.int8])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_i1_low, I_i1_high_open, dtype="i1"), npt.NDArray[np.int8])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(-128, I_i1_high_open, dtype="i1"), npt.NDArray[np.int8])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_i1_high_closed, dtype="i1", endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.int8])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_i1_low, I_i1_high_closed, dtype="i1", endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.int8])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(-128, I_i1_high_closed, dtype="i1", endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.int8])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(128, dtype="int8"), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(-128, 128, dtype="int8"), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(127, dtype="int8", endpoint=True), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(-128, 127, dtype="int8", endpoint=True), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_i1_low_like, 127, dtype="int8", endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.int8])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_i1_high_open, dtype="int8"), npt.NDArray[np.int8])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_i1_low, I_i1_high_open, dtype="int8"), npt.NDArray[np.int8])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(-128, I_i1_high_open, dtype="int8"), npt.NDArray[np.int8])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_i1_high_closed, dtype="int8", endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.int8])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_i1_low, I_i1_high_closed, dtype="int8", endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.int8])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(-128, I_i1_high_closed, dtype="int8", endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.int8])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(128, dtype=np.int8), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(-128, 128, dtype=np.int8), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(127, dtype=np.int8, endpoint=True), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(-128, 127, dtype=np.int8, endpoint=True), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_i1_low_like, 127, dtype=np.int8, endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.int8])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_i1_high_open, dtype=np.int8), npt.NDArray[np.int8])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_i1_low, I_i1_high_open, dtype=np.int8), npt.NDArray[np.int8])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(-128, I_i1_high_open, dtype=np.int8), npt.NDArray[np.int8])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_i1_high_closed, dtype=np.int8, endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.int8])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_i1_low, I_i1_high_closed, dtype=np.int8, endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.int8])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(-128, I_i1_high_closed, dtype=np.int8, endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.int8])
+I_i2_low: npt.NDArray[np.int16] = np.array([-32768], dtype=np.int16)
I_i2_low_like: list[int] = [-32768]
-I_i2_high_open: np.ndarray[Any, np.dtype[np.int16]] = np.array([32767], dtype=np.int16)
-I_i2_high_closed: np.ndarray[Any, np.dtype[np.int16]] = np.array([32767], dtype=np.int16)
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(32768, dtype="i2")) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(-32768, 32768, dtype="i2")) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(32767, dtype="i2", endpoint=True)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(-32768, 32767, dtype="i2", endpoint=True)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_i2_low_like, 32767, dtype="i2", endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._16Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_i2_high_open, dtype="i2")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._16Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_i2_low, I_i2_high_open, dtype="i2")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._16Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(-32768, I_i2_high_open, dtype="i2")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._16Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_i2_high_closed, dtype="i2", endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._16Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_i2_low, I_i2_high_closed, dtype="i2", endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._16Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(-32768, I_i2_high_closed, dtype="i2", endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._16Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(32768, dtype="int16")) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(-32768, 32768, dtype="int16")) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(32767, dtype="int16", endpoint=True)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(-32768, 32767, dtype="int16", endpoint=True)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_i2_low_like, 32767, dtype="int16", endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._16Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_i2_high_open, dtype="int16")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._16Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_i2_low, I_i2_high_open, dtype="int16")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._16Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(-32768, I_i2_high_open, dtype="int16")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._16Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_i2_high_closed, dtype="int16", endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._16Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_i2_low, I_i2_high_closed, dtype="int16", endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._16Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(-32768, I_i2_high_closed, dtype="int16", endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._16Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(32768, dtype=np.int16)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(-32768, 32768, dtype=np.int16)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(32767, dtype=np.int16, endpoint=True)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(-32768, 32767, dtype=np.int16, endpoint=True)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_i2_low_like, 32767, dtype=np.int16, endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._16Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_i2_high_open, dtype=np.int16)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._16Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_i2_low, I_i2_high_open, dtype=np.int16)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._16Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(-32768, I_i2_high_open, dtype=np.int16)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._16Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_i2_high_closed, dtype=np.int16, endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._16Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_i2_low, I_i2_high_closed, dtype=np.int16, endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._16Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(-32768, I_i2_high_closed, dtype=np.int16, endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._16Bit]]]
+I_i2_high_open: npt.NDArray[np.int16] = np.array([32767], dtype=np.int16)
+I_i2_high_closed: npt.NDArray[np.int16] = np.array([32767], dtype=np.int16)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(32768, dtype="i2"), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(-32768, 32768, dtype="i2"), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(32767, dtype="i2", endpoint=True), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(-32768, 32767, dtype="i2", endpoint=True), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_i2_low_like, 32767, dtype="i2", endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.int16])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_i2_high_open, dtype="i2"), npt.NDArray[np.int16])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_i2_low, I_i2_high_open, dtype="i2"), npt.NDArray[np.int16])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(-32768, I_i2_high_open, dtype="i2"), npt.NDArray[np.int16])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_i2_high_closed, dtype="i2", endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.int16])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_i2_low, I_i2_high_closed, dtype="i2", endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.int16])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(-32768, I_i2_high_closed, dtype="i2", endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.int16])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(32768, dtype="int16"), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(-32768, 32768, dtype="int16"), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(32767, dtype="int16", endpoint=True), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(-32768, 32767, dtype="int16", endpoint=True), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_i2_low_like, 32767, dtype="int16", endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.int16])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_i2_high_open, dtype="int16"), npt.NDArray[np.int16])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_i2_low, I_i2_high_open, dtype="int16"), npt.NDArray[np.int16])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(-32768, I_i2_high_open, dtype="int16"), npt.NDArray[np.int16])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_i2_high_closed, dtype="int16", endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.int16])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_i2_low, I_i2_high_closed, dtype="int16", endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.int16])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(-32768, I_i2_high_closed, dtype="int16", endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.int16])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(32768, dtype=np.int16), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(-32768, 32768, dtype=np.int16), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(32767, dtype=np.int16, endpoint=True), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(-32768, 32767, dtype=np.int16, endpoint=True), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_i2_low_like, 32767, dtype=np.int16, endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.int16])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_i2_high_open, dtype=np.int16), npt.NDArray[np.int16])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_i2_low, I_i2_high_open, dtype=np.int16), npt.NDArray[np.int16])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(-32768, I_i2_high_open, dtype=np.int16), npt.NDArray[np.int16])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_i2_high_closed, dtype=np.int16, endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.int16])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_i2_low, I_i2_high_closed, dtype=np.int16, endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.int16])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(-32768, I_i2_high_closed, dtype=np.int16, endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.int16])
I_i4_low: np.ndarray[Any, np.dtype[np.int32]] = np.array([-2147483648], dtype=np.int32)
I_i4_low_like: list[int] = [-2147483648]
I_i4_high_open: np.ndarray[Any, np.dtype[np.int32]] = np.array([2147483647], dtype=np.int32)
I_i4_high_closed: np.ndarray[Any, np.dtype[np.int32]] = np.array([2147483647], dtype=np.int32)
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(2147483648, dtype="i4")) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(-2147483648, 2147483648, dtype="i4")) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(2147483647, dtype="i4", endpoint=True)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(-2147483648, 2147483647, dtype="i4", endpoint=True)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_i4_low_like, 2147483647, dtype="i4", endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._32Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_i4_high_open, dtype="i4")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._32Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_i4_low, I_i4_high_open, dtype="i4")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._32Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(-2147483648, I_i4_high_open, dtype="i4")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._32Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_i4_high_closed, dtype="i4", endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._32Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_i4_low, I_i4_high_closed, dtype="i4", endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._32Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(-2147483648, I_i4_high_closed, dtype="i4", endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._32Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(2147483648, dtype="int32")) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(-2147483648, 2147483648, dtype="int32")) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(2147483647, dtype="int32", endpoint=True)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(-2147483648, 2147483647, dtype="int32", endpoint=True)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_i4_low_like, 2147483647, dtype="int32", endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._32Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_i4_high_open, dtype="int32")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._32Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_i4_low, I_i4_high_open, dtype="int32")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._32Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(-2147483648, I_i4_high_open, dtype="int32")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._32Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_i4_high_closed, dtype="int32", endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._32Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_i4_low, I_i4_high_closed, dtype="int32", endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._32Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(-2147483648, I_i4_high_closed, dtype="int32", endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._32Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(2147483648, dtype=np.int32)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(-2147483648, 2147483648, dtype=np.int32)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(2147483647, dtype=np.int32, endpoint=True)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(-2147483648, 2147483647, dtype=np.int32, endpoint=True)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_i4_low_like, 2147483647, dtype=np.int32, endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._32Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_i4_high_open, dtype=np.int32)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._32Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_i4_low, I_i4_high_open, dtype=np.int32)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._32Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(-2147483648, I_i4_high_open, dtype=np.int32)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._32Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_i4_high_closed, dtype=np.int32, endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._32Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_i4_low, I_i4_high_closed, dtype=np.int32, endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._32Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(-2147483648, I_i4_high_closed, dtype=np.int32, endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._32Bit]]]
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(2147483648, dtype="i4"), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(-2147483648, 2147483648, dtype="i4"), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(2147483647, dtype="i4", endpoint=True), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(-2147483648, 2147483647, dtype="i4", endpoint=True), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_i4_low_like, 2147483647, dtype="i4", endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.int32])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_i4_high_open, dtype="i4"), npt.NDArray[np.int32])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_i4_low, I_i4_high_open, dtype="i4"), npt.NDArray[np.int32])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(-2147483648, I_i4_high_open, dtype="i4"), npt.NDArray[np.int32])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_i4_high_closed, dtype="i4", endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.int32])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_i4_low, I_i4_high_closed, dtype="i4", endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.int32])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(-2147483648, I_i4_high_closed, dtype="i4", endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.int32])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(2147483648, dtype="int32"), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(-2147483648, 2147483648, dtype="int32"), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(2147483647, dtype="int32", endpoint=True), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(-2147483648, 2147483647, dtype="int32", endpoint=True), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_i4_low_like, 2147483647, dtype="int32", endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.int32])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_i4_high_open, dtype="int32"), npt.NDArray[np.int32])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_i4_low, I_i4_high_open, dtype="int32"), npt.NDArray[np.int32])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(-2147483648, I_i4_high_open, dtype="int32"), npt.NDArray[np.int32])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_i4_high_closed, dtype="int32", endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.int32])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_i4_low, I_i4_high_closed, dtype="int32", endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.int32])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(-2147483648, I_i4_high_closed, dtype="int32", endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.int32])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(2147483648, dtype=np.int32), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(-2147483648, 2147483648, dtype=np.int32), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(2147483647, dtype=np.int32, endpoint=True), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(-2147483648, 2147483647, dtype=np.int32, endpoint=True), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_i4_low_like, 2147483647, dtype=np.int32, endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.int32])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_i4_high_open, dtype=np.int32), npt.NDArray[np.int32])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_i4_low, I_i4_high_open, dtype=np.int32), npt.NDArray[np.int32])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(-2147483648, I_i4_high_open, dtype=np.int32), npt.NDArray[np.int32])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_i4_high_closed, dtype=np.int32, endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.int32])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_i4_low, I_i4_high_closed, dtype=np.int32, endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.int32])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(-2147483648, I_i4_high_closed, dtype=np.int32, endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.int32])
I_i8_low: np.ndarray[Any, np.dtype[np.int64]] = np.array([-9223372036854775808], dtype=np.int64)
I_i8_low_like: list[int] = [-9223372036854775808]
I_i8_high_open: np.ndarray[Any, np.dtype[np.int64]] = np.array([9223372036854775807], dtype=np.int64)
I_i8_high_closed: np.ndarray[Any, np.dtype[np.int64]] = np.array([9223372036854775807], dtype=np.int64)
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(9223372036854775808, dtype="i8")) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(-9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775808, dtype="i8")) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(9223372036854775807, dtype="i8", endpoint=True)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(-9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775807, dtype="i8", endpoint=True)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_i8_low_like, 9223372036854775807, dtype="i8", endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_i8_high_open, dtype="i8")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_i8_low, I_i8_high_open, dtype="i8")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(-9223372036854775808, I_i8_high_open, dtype="i8")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_i8_high_closed, dtype="i8", endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_i8_low, I_i8_high_closed, dtype="i8", endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(-9223372036854775808, I_i8_high_closed, dtype="i8", endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(9223372036854775808, dtype="int64")) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(-9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775808, dtype="int64")) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(9223372036854775807, dtype="int64", endpoint=True)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(-9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775807, dtype="int64", endpoint=True)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_i8_low_like, 9223372036854775807, dtype="int64", endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_i8_high_open, dtype="int64")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_i8_low, I_i8_high_open, dtype="int64")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(-9223372036854775808, I_i8_high_open, dtype="int64")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_i8_high_closed, dtype="int64", endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_i8_low, I_i8_high_closed, dtype="int64", endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(-9223372036854775808, I_i8_high_closed, dtype="int64", endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(9223372036854775808, dtype=np.int64)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(-9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775808, dtype=np.int64)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(9223372036854775807, dtype=np.int64, endpoint=True)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(-9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775807, dtype=np.int64, endpoint=True)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_i8_low_like, 9223372036854775807, dtype=np.int64, endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_i8_high_open, dtype=np.int64)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_i8_low, I_i8_high_open, dtype=np.int64)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(-9223372036854775808, I_i8_high_open, dtype=np.int64)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_i8_high_closed, dtype=np.int64, endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(I_i8_low, I_i8_high_closed, dtype=np.int64, endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.integers(-9223372036854775808, I_i8_high_closed, dtype=np.int64, endpoint=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.bit_generator) # E: BitGenerator
-reveal_type(def_gen.bytes(2)) # E: bytes
-reveal_type(def_gen.choice(5)) # E: int
-reveal_type(def_gen.choice(5, 3)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.choice(5, 3, replace=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.choice(5, 3, p=[1 / 5] * 5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.choice(5, 3, p=[1 / 5] * 5, replace=False)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.choice(["pooh", "rabbit", "piglet", "Christopher"])) # E: Any
-reveal_type(def_gen.choice(["pooh", "rabbit", "piglet", "Christopher"], 3)) # E: ndarray[Any, Any]
-reveal_type(def_gen.choice(["pooh", "rabbit", "piglet", "Christopher"], 3, p=[1 / 4] * 4)) # E: ndarray[Any, Any]
-reveal_type(def_gen.choice(["pooh", "rabbit", "piglet", "Christopher"], 3, replace=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, Any]
-reveal_type(def_gen.choice(["pooh", "rabbit", "piglet", "Christopher"], 3, replace=False, p=np.array([1 / 8, 1 / 8, 1 / 2, 1 / 4]))) # E: ndarray[Any, Any]
-reveal_type(def_gen.dirichlet([0.5, 0.5])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.dirichlet(np.array([0.5, 0.5]))) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.dirichlet(np.array([0.5, 0.5]), size=3)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.multinomial(20, [1 / 6.0] * 6)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.multinomial(20, np.array([0.5, 0.5]))) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.multinomial(20, [1 / 6.0] * 6, size=2)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.multinomial([[10], [20]], [1 / 6.0] * 6, size=(2, 2))) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.multinomial(np.array([[10], [20]]), np.array([0.5, 0.5]), size=(2, 2))) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.multivariate_hypergeometric([3, 5, 7], 2)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.multivariate_hypergeometric(np.array([3, 5, 7]), 2)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.multivariate_hypergeometric(np.array([3, 5, 7]), 2, size=4)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.multivariate_hypergeometric(np.array([3, 5, 7]), 2, size=(4, 7))) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.multivariate_hypergeometric([3, 5, 7], 2, method="count")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.multivariate_hypergeometric(np.array([3, 5, 7]), 2, method="marginals")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.multivariate_normal([0.0], [[1.0]])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.multivariate_normal([0.0], np.array([[1.0]]))) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.multivariate_normal(np.array([0.0]), [[1.0]])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.multivariate_normal([0.0], np.array([[1.0]]))) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.permutation(10)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(def_gen.permutation([1, 2, 3, 4])) # E: ndarray[Any, Any]
-reveal_type(def_gen.permutation(np.array([1, 2, 3, 4]))) # E: ndarray[Any, Any]
-reveal_type(def_gen.permutation(D_2D, axis=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, Any]
-reveal_type(def_gen.permuted(D_2D)) # E: ndarray[Any, Any]
-reveal_type(def_gen.permuted(D_2D_like)) # E: ndarray[Any, Any]
-reveal_type(def_gen.permuted(D_2D, axis=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, Any]
-reveal_type(def_gen.permuted(D_2D, out=D_2D)) # E: ndarray[Any, Any]
-reveal_type(def_gen.permuted(D_2D_like, out=D_2D)) # E: ndarray[Any, Any]
-reveal_type(def_gen.permuted(D_2D_like, out=D_2D)) # E: ndarray[Any, Any]
-reveal_type(def_gen.permuted(D_2D, axis=1, out=D_2D)) # E: ndarray[Any, Any]
-reveal_type(def_gen.shuffle(np.arange(10))) # E: None
-reveal_type(def_gen.shuffle([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])) # E: None
-reveal_type(def_gen.shuffle(D_2D, axis=1)) # E: None
-reveal_type(np.random.Generator(pcg64)) # E: Generator
-reveal_type(def_gen.__str__()) # E: str
-reveal_type(def_gen.__repr__()) # E: str
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(9223372036854775808, dtype="i8"), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(-9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775808, dtype="i8"), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(9223372036854775807, dtype="i8", endpoint=True), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(-9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775807, dtype="i8", endpoint=True), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_i8_low_like, 9223372036854775807, dtype="i8", endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_i8_high_open, dtype="i8"), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_i8_low, I_i8_high_open, dtype="i8"), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(-9223372036854775808, I_i8_high_open, dtype="i8"), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_i8_high_closed, dtype="i8", endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_i8_low, I_i8_high_closed, dtype="i8", endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(-9223372036854775808, I_i8_high_closed, dtype="i8", endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(9223372036854775808, dtype="int64"), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(-9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775808, dtype="int64"), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(9223372036854775807, dtype="int64", endpoint=True), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(-9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775807, dtype="int64", endpoint=True), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_i8_low_like, 9223372036854775807, dtype="int64", endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_i8_high_open, dtype="int64"), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_i8_low, I_i8_high_open, dtype="int64"), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(-9223372036854775808, I_i8_high_open, dtype="int64"), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_i8_high_closed, dtype="int64", endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_i8_low, I_i8_high_closed, dtype="int64", endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(-9223372036854775808, I_i8_high_closed, dtype="int64", endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(9223372036854775808, dtype=np.int64), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(-9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775808, dtype=np.int64), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(9223372036854775807, dtype=np.int64, endpoint=True), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(-9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775807, dtype=np.int64, endpoint=True), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_i8_low_like, 9223372036854775807, dtype=np.int64, endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_i8_high_open, dtype=np.int64), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_i8_low, I_i8_high_open, dtype=np.int64), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(-9223372036854775808, I_i8_high_open, dtype=np.int64), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_i8_high_closed, dtype=np.int64, endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(I_i8_low, I_i8_high_closed, dtype=np.int64, endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.integers(-9223372036854775808, I_i8_high_closed, dtype=np.int64, endpoint=True), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.bit_generator, np.random.BitGenerator)
+assert_type(def_gen.bytes(2), bytes)
+assert_type(def_gen.choice(5), int)
+assert_type(def_gen.choice(5, 3), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.choice(5, 3, replace=True), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.choice(5, 3, p=[1 / 5] * 5), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.choice(5, 3, p=[1 / 5] * 5, replace=False), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.choice(["pooh", "rabbit", "piglet", "Christopher"]), Any)
+assert_type(def_gen.choice(["pooh", "rabbit", "piglet", "Christopher"], 3), np.ndarray[Any, Any])
+assert_type(def_gen.choice(["pooh", "rabbit", "piglet", "Christopher"], 3, p=[1 / 4] * 4), np.ndarray[Any, Any])
+assert_type(def_gen.choice(["pooh", "rabbit", "piglet", "Christopher"], 3, replace=True), np.ndarray[Any, Any])
+assert_type(def_gen.choice(["pooh", "rabbit", "piglet", "Christopher"], 3, replace=False, p=np.array([1 / 8, 1 / 8, 1 / 2, 1 / 4])), np.ndarray[Any, Any])
+assert_type(def_gen.dirichlet([0.5, 0.5]), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.dirichlet(np.array([0.5, 0.5])), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.dirichlet(np.array([0.5, 0.5]), size=3), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.multinomial(20, [1 / 6.0] * 6), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.multinomial(20, np.array([0.5, 0.5])), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.multinomial(20, [1 / 6.0] * 6, size=2), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.multinomial([[10], [20]], [1 / 6.0] * 6, size=(2, 2)), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.multinomial(np.array([[10], [20]]), np.array([0.5, 0.5]), size=(2, 2)), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.multivariate_hypergeometric([3, 5, 7], 2), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.multivariate_hypergeometric(np.array([3, 5, 7]), 2), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.multivariate_hypergeometric(np.array([3, 5, 7]), 2, size=4), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.multivariate_hypergeometric(np.array([3, 5, 7]), 2, size=(4, 7)), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.multivariate_hypergeometric([3, 5, 7], 2, method="count"), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.multivariate_hypergeometric(np.array([3, 5, 7]), 2, method="marginals"), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.multivariate_normal([0.0], [[1.0]]), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.multivariate_normal([0.0], np.array([[1.0]])), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.multivariate_normal(np.array([0.0]), [[1.0]]), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.multivariate_normal([0.0], np.array([[1.0]])), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(def_gen.permutation(10), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(def_gen.permutation([1, 2, 3, 4]), np.ndarray[Any, Any])
+assert_type(def_gen.permutation(np.array([1, 2, 3, 4])), np.ndarray[Any, Any])
+assert_type(def_gen.permutation(D_2D, axis=1), np.ndarray[Any, Any])
+assert_type(def_gen.permuted(D_2D), np.ndarray[Any, Any])
+assert_type(def_gen.permuted(D_2D_like), np.ndarray[Any, Any])
+assert_type(def_gen.permuted(D_2D, axis=1), np.ndarray[Any, Any])
+assert_type(def_gen.permuted(D_2D, out=D_2D), np.ndarray[Any, Any])
+assert_type(def_gen.permuted(D_2D_like, out=D_2D), np.ndarray[Any, Any])
+assert_type(def_gen.permuted(D_2D_like, out=D_2D), np.ndarray[Any, Any])
+assert_type(def_gen.permuted(D_2D, axis=1, out=D_2D), np.ndarray[Any, Any])
+assert_type(def_gen.shuffle(np.arange(10)), None)
+assert_type(def_gen.shuffle([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]), None)
+assert_type(def_gen.shuffle(D_2D, axis=1), None)
+assert_type(np.random.Generator(pcg64), np.random.Generator)
+assert_type(def_gen.__str__(), str)
+assert_type(def_gen.__repr__(), str)
def_gen_state = def_gen.__getstate__()
-reveal_type(def_gen_state) # E: builtins.dict[builtins.str, Any]
-reveal_type(def_gen.__setstate__(def_gen_state)) # E: None
+assert_type(def_gen_state, dict[str, Any])
+assert_type(def_gen.__setstate__(def_gen_state), None)
# RandomState
random_st: np.random.RandomState = np.random.RandomState()
-reveal_type(random_st.standard_normal()) # E: float
-reveal_type(random_st.standard_normal(size=None)) # E: float
-reveal_type(random_st.standard_normal(size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(random_st.random()) # E: float
-reveal_type(random_st.random(size=None)) # E: float
-reveal_type(random_st.random(size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(random_st.standard_cauchy()) # E: float
-reveal_type(random_st.standard_cauchy(size=None)) # E: float
-reveal_type(random_st.standard_cauchy(size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.standard_exponential()) # E: float
-reveal_type(random_st.standard_exponential(size=None)) # E: float
-reveal_type(random_st.standard_exponential(size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(random_st.zipf(1.5)) # E: int
-reveal_type(random_st.zipf(1.5, size=None)) # E: int
-reveal_type(random_st.zipf(1.5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(random_st.zipf(D_arr_1p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(random_st.zipf(D_arr_1p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(random_st.zipf(D_arr_like_1p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(random_st.zipf(D_arr_like_1p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(random_st.weibull(0.5)) # E: float
-reveal_type(random_st.weibull(0.5, size=None)) # E: float
-reveal_type(random_st.weibull(0.5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.weibull(D_arr_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.weibull(D_arr_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.weibull(D_arr_like_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.weibull(D_arr_like_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.standard_t(0.5)) # E: float
-reveal_type(random_st.standard_t(0.5, size=None)) # E: float
-reveal_type(random_st.standard_t(0.5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.standard_t(D_arr_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.standard_t(D_arr_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.standard_t(D_arr_like_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.standard_t(D_arr_like_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.poisson(0.5)) # E: int
-reveal_type(random_st.poisson(0.5, size=None)) # E: int
-reveal_type(random_st.poisson(0.5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(random_st.poisson(D_arr_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(random_st.poisson(D_arr_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(random_st.poisson(D_arr_like_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(random_st.poisson(D_arr_like_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(random_st.power(0.5)) # E: float
-reveal_type(random_st.power(0.5, size=None)) # E: float
-reveal_type(random_st.power(0.5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.power(D_arr_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.power(D_arr_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.power(D_arr_like_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.power(D_arr_like_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.pareto(0.5)) # E: float
-reveal_type(random_st.pareto(0.5, size=None)) # E: float
-reveal_type(random_st.pareto(0.5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.pareto(D_arr_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.pareto(D_arr_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.pareto(D_arr_like_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.pareto(D_arr_like_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.chisquare(0.5)) # E: float
-reveal_type(random_st.chisquare(0.5, size=None)) # E: float
-reveal_type(random_st.chisquare(0.5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.chisquare(D_arr_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.chisquare(D_arr_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.chisquare(D_arr_like_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.chisquare(D_arr_like_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.exponential(0.5)) # E: float
-reveal_type(random_st.exponential(0.5, size=None)) # E: float
-reveal_type(random_st.exponential(0.5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.exponential(D_arr_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.exponential(D_arr_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.exponential(D_arr_like_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.exponential(D_arr_like_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.geometric(0.5)) # E: int
-reveal_type(random_st.geometric(0.5, size=None)) # E: int
-reveal_type(random_st.geometric(0.5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(random_st.geometric(D_arr_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(random_st.geometric(D_arr_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(random_st.geometric(D_arr_like_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(random_st.geometric(D_arr_like_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(random_st.logseries(0.5)) # E: int
-reveal_type(random_st.logseries(0.5, size=None)) # E: int
-reveal_type(random_st.logseries(0.5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(random_st.logseries(D_arr_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(random_st.logseries(D_arr_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(random_st.logseries(D_arr_like_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(random_st.logseries(D_arr_like_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(random_st.rayleigh(0.5)) # E: float
-reveal_type(random_st.rayleigh(0.5, size=None)) # E: float
-reveal_type(random_st.rayleigh(0.5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.rayleigh(D_arr_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.rayleigh(D_arr_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.rayleigh(D_arr_like_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.rayleigh(D_arr_like_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.standard_gamma(0.5)) # E: float
-reveal_type(random_st.standard_gamma(0.5, size=None)) # E: float
-reveal_type(random_st.standard_gamma(0.5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(random_st.standard_gamma(D_arr_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(random_st.standard_gamma(D_arr_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(random_st.standard_gamma(D_arr_like_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(random_st.standard_gamma(D_arr_like_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(random_st.standard_gamma(D_arr_like_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(random_st.vonmises(0.5, 0.5)) # E: float
-reveal_type(random_st.vonmises(0.5, 0.5, size=None)) # E: float
-reveal_type(random_st.vonmises(0.5, 0.5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.vonmises(D_arr_0p5, 0.5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.vonmises(0.5, D_arr_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.vonmises(D_arr_0p5, 0.5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.vonmises(0.5, D_arr_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.vonmises(D_arr_like_0p5, 0.5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.vonmises(0.5, D_arr_like_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.vonmises(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.vonmises(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.vonmises(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.vonmises(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.wald(0.5, 0.5)) # E: float
-reveal_type(random_st.wald(0.5, 0.5, size=None)) # E: float
-reveal_type(random_st.wald(0.5, 0.5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.wald(D_arr_0p5, 0.5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.wald(0.5, D_arr_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.wald(D_arr_0p5, 0.5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.wald(0.5, D_arr_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.wald(D_arr_like_0p5, 0.5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.wald(0.5, D_arr_like_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.wald(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.wald(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.wald(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.wald(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.uniform(0.5, 0.5)) # E: float
-reveal_type(random_st.uniform(0.5, 0.5, size=None)) # E: float
-reveal_type(random_st.uniform(0.5, 0.5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.uniform(D_arr_0p5, 0.5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.uniform(0.5, D_arr_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.uniform(D_arr_0p5, 0.5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.uniform(0.5, D_arr_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.uniform(D_arr_like_0p5, 0.5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.uniform(0.5, D_arr_like_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.uniform(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.uniform(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.uniform(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.uniform(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.beta(0.5, 0.5)) # E: float
-reveal_type(random_st.beta(0.5, 0.5, size=None)) # E: float
-reveal_type(random_st.beta(0.5, 0.5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.beta(D_arr_0p5, 0.5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.beta(0.5, D_arr_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.beta(D_arr_0p5, 0.5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.beta(0.5, D_arr_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.beta(D_arr_like_0p5, 0.5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.beta(0.5, D_arr_like_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.beta(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.beta(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.beta(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.beta(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.f(0.5, 0.5)) # E: float
-reveal_type(random_st.f(0.5, 0.5, size=None)) # E: float
-reveal_type(random_st.f(0.5, 0.5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.f(D_arr_0p5, 0.5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.f(0.5, D_arr_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.f(D_arr_0p5, 0.5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.f(0.5, D_arr_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.f(D_arr_like_0p5, 0.5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.f(0.5, D_arr_like_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.f(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.f(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.f(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.f(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.gamma(0.5, 0.5)) # E: float
-reveal_type(random_st.gamma(0.5, 0.5, size=None)) # E: float
-reveal_type(random_st.gamma(0.5, 0.5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.gamma(D_arr_0p5, 0.5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.gamma(0.5, D_arr_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.gamma(D_arr_0p5, 0.5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.gamma(0.5, D_arr_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.gamma(D_arr_like_0p5, 0.5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.gamma(0.5, D_arr_like_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.gamma(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.gamma(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.gamma(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.gamma(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.gumbel(0.5, 0.5)) # E: float
-reveal_type(random_st.gumbel(0.5, 0.5, size=None)) # E: float
-reveal_type(random_st.gumbel(0.5, 0.5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.gumbel(D_arr_0p5, 0.5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.gumbel(0.5, D_arr_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.gumbel(D_arr_0p5, 0.5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.gumbel(0.5, D_arr_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.gumbel(D_arr_like_0p5, 0.5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.gumbel(0.5, D_arr_like_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.gumbel(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.gumbel(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.gumbel(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.gumbel(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.laplace(0.5, 0.5)) # E: float
-reveal_type(random_st.laplace(0.5, 0.5, size=None)) # E: float
-reveal_type(random_st.laplace(0.5, 0.5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.laplace(D_arr_0p5, 0.5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.laplace(0.5, D_arr_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.laplace(D_arr_0p5, 0.5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.laplace(0.5, D_arr_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.laplace(D_arr_like_0p5, 0.5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.laplace(0.5, D_arr_like_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.laplace(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.laplace(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.laplace(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.laplace(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.logistic(0.5, 0.5)) # E: float
-reveal_type(random_st.logistic(0.5, 0.5, size=None)) # E: float
-reveal_type(random_st.logistic(0.5, 0.5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.logistic(D_arr_0p5, 0.5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.logistic(0.5, D_arr_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.logistic(D_arr_0p5, 0.5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.logistic(0.5, D_arr_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.logistic(D_arr_like_0p5, 0.5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.logistic(0.5, D_arr_like_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.logistic(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.logistic(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.logistic(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.logistic(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.lognormal(0.5, 0.5)) # E: float
-reveal_type(random_st.lognormal(0.5, 0.5, size=None)) # E: float
-reveal_type(random_st.lognormal(0.5, 0.5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.lognormal(D_arr_0p5, 0.5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.lognormal(0.5, D_arr_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.lognormal(D_arr_0p5, 0.5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.lognormal(0.5, D_arr_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.lognormal(D_arr_like_0p5, 0.5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.lognormal(0.5, D_arr_like_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.lognormal(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.lognormal(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.lognormal(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.lognormal(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.noncentral_chisquare(0.5, 0.5)) # E: float
-reveal_type(random_st.noncentral_chisquare(0.5, 0.5, size=None)) # E: float
-reveal_type(random_st.noncentral_chisquare(0.5, 0.5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.noncentral_chisquare(D_arr_0p5, 0.5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.noncentral_chisquare(0.5, D_arr_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.noncentral_chisquare(D_arr_0p5, 0.5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.noncentral_chisquare(0.5, D_arr_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.noncentral_chisquare(D_arr_like_0p5, 0.5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.noncentral_chisquare(0.5, D_arr_like_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.noncentral_chisquare(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.noncentral_chisquare(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.noncentral_chisquare(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.noncentral_chisquare(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.normal(0.5, 0.5)) # E: float
-reveal_type(random_st.normal(0.5, 0.5, size=None)) # E: float
-reveal_type(random_st.normal(0.5, 0.5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.normal(D_arr_0p5, 0.5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.normal(0.5, D_arr_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.normal(D_arr_0p5, 0.5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.normal(0.5, D_arr_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.normal(D_arr_like_0p5, 0.5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.normal(0.5, D_arr_like_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.normal(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.normal(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.normal(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.normal(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.triangular(0.1, 0.5, 0.9)) # E: float
-reveal_type(random_st.triangular(0.1, 0.5, 0.9, size=None)) # E: float
-reveal_type(random_st.triangular(0.1, 0.5, 0.9, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.triangular(D_arr_0p1, 0.5, 0.9)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.triangular(0.1, D_arr_0p5, 0.9)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.triangular(D_arr_0p1, 0.5, D_arr_like_0p9, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.triangular(0.1, D_arr_0p5, 0.9, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.triangular(D_arr_like_0p1, 0.5, D_arr_0p9)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.triangular(0.5, D_arr_like_0p5, 0.9)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.triangular(D_arr_0p1, D_arr_0p5, 0.9)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.triangular(D_arr_like_0p1, D_arr_like_0p5, 0.9)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.triangular(D_arr_0p1, D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p9, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.triangular(D_arr_like_0p1, D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p9, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.noncentral_f(0.1, 0.5, 0.9)) # E: float
-reveal_type(random_st.noncentral_f(0.1, 0.5, 0.9, size=None)) # E: float
-reveal_type(random_st.noncentral_f(0.1, 0.5, 0.9, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.noncentral_f(D_arr_0p1, 0.5, 0.9)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.noncentral_f(0.1, D_arr_0p5, 0.9)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.noncentral_f(D_arr_0p1, 0.5, D_arr_like_0p9, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.noncentral_f(0.1, D_arr_0p5, 0.9, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.noncentral_f(D_arr_like_0p1, 0.5, D_arr_0p9)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.noncentral_f(0.5, D_arr_like_0p5, 0.9)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.noncentral_f(D_arr_0p1, D_arr_0p5, 0.9)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.noncentral_f(D_arr_like_0p1, D_arr_like_0p5, 0.9)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.noncentral_f(D_arr_0p1, D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p9, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.noncentral_f(D_arr_like_0p1, D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p9, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.binomial(10, 0.5)) # E: int
-reveal_type(random_st.binomial(10, 0.5, size=None)) # E: int
-reveal_type(random_st.binomial(10, 0.5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(random_st.binomial(I_arr_10, 0.5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(random_st.binomial(10, D_arr_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(random_st.binomial(I_arr_10, 0.5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(random_st.binomial(10, D_arr_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(random_st.binomial(I_arr_like_10, 0.5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(random_st.binomial(10, D_arr_like_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(random_st.binomial(I_arr_10, D_arr_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(random_st.binomial(I_arr_like_10, D_arr_like_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(random_st.binomial(I_arr_10, D_arr_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(random_st.binomial(I_arr_like_10, D_arr_like_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(random_st.negative_binomial(10, 0.5)) # E: int
-reveal_type(random_st.negative_binomial(10, 0.5, size=None)) # E: int
-reveal_type(random_st.negative_binomial(10, 0.5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(random_st.negative_binomial(I_arr_10, 0.5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(random_st.negative_binomial(10, D_arr_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(random_st.negative_binomial(I_arr_10, 0.5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(random_st.negative_binomial(10, D_arr_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(random_st.negative_binomial(I_arr_like_10, 0.5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(random_st.negative_binomial(10, D_arr_like_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(random_st.negative_binomial(I_arr_10, D_arr_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(random_st.negative_binomial(I_arr_like_10, D_arr_like_0p5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(random_st.negative_binomial(I_arr_10, D_arr_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(random_st.negative_binomial(I_arr_like_10, D_arr_like_0p5, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(random_st.hypergeometric(20, 20, 10)) # E: int
-reveal_type(random_st.hypergeometric(20, 20, 10, size=None)) # E: int
-reveal_type(random_st.hypergeometric(20, 20, 10, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(random_st.hypergeometric(I_arr_20, 20, 10)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(random_st.hypergeometric(20, I_arr_20, 10)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(random_st.hypergeometric(I_arr_20, 20, I_arr_like_10, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(random_st.hypergeometric(20, I_arr_20, 10, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(random_st.hypergeometric(I_arr_like_20, 20, I_arr_10)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(random_st.hypergeometric(20, I_arr_like_20, 10)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(random_st.hypergeometric(I_arr_20, I_arr_20, 10)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(random_st.hypergeometric(I_arr_like_20, I_arr_like_20, 10)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(random_st.hypergeometric(I_arr_20, I_arr_20, I_arr_10, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(random_st.hypergeometric(I_arr_like_20, I_arr_like_20, I_arr_like_10, size=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(0, 100)) # E: int
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(100)) # E: int
-reveal_type(random_st.randint([100])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(0, [100])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(2, dtype=bool)) # E: builtins.bool
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(0, 2, dtype=bool)) # E: builtins.bool
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(I_bool_high_open, dtype=bool)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(I_bool_low, I_bool_high_open, dtype=bool)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(0, I_bool_high_open, dtype=bool)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(2, dtype=np.bool_)) # E: builtins.bool
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(0, 2, dtype=np.bool_)) # E: builtins.bool
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(I_bool_high_open, dtype=np.bool_)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(I_bool_low, I_bool_high_open, dtype=np.bool_)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(0, I_bool_high_open, dtype=np.bool_)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(256, dtype="u1")) # E: int
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(0, 256, dtype="u1")) # E: int
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(I_u1_high_open, dtype="u1")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._8Bit]]]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(I_u1_low, I_u1_high_open, dtype="u1")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._8Bit]]]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(0, I_u1_high_open, dtype="u1")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._8Bit]]]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(256, dtype="uint8")) # E: int
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(0, 256, dtype="uint8")) # E: int
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(I_u1_high_open, dtype="uint8")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._8Bit]]]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(I_u1_low, I_u1_high_open, dtype="uint8")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._8Bit]]]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(0, I_u1_high_open, dtype="uint8")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._8Bit]]]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(256, dtype=np.uint8)) # E: int
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(0, 256, dtype=np.uint8)) # E: int
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(I_u1_high_open, dtype=np.uint8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._8Bit]]]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(I_u1_low, I_u1_high_open, dtype=np.uint8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._8Bit]]]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(0, I_u1_high_open, dtype=np.uint8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._8Bit]]]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(65536, dtype="u2")) # E: int
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(0, 65536, dtype="u2")) # E: int
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(I_u2_high_open, dtype="u2")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._16Bit]]]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(I_u2_low, I_u2_high_open, dtype="u2")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._16Bit]]]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(0, I_u2_high_open, dtype="u2")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._16Bit]]]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(65536, dtype="uint16")) # E: int
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(0, 65536, dtype="uint16")) # E: int
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(I_u2_high_open, dtype="uint16")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._16Bit]]]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(I_u2_low, I_u2_high_open, dtype="uint16")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._16Bit]]]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(0, I_u2_high_open, dtype="uint16")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._16Bit]]]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(65536, dtype=np.uint16)) # E: int
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(0, 65536, dtype=np.uint16)) # E: int
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(I_u2_high_open, dtype=np.uint16)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._16Bit]]]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(I_u2_low, I_u2_high_open, dtype=np.uint16)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._16Bit]]]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(0, I_u2_high_open, dtype=np.uint16)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._16Bit]]]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(4294967296, dtype="u4")) # E: int
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(0, 4294967296, dtype="u4")) # E: int
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(I_u4_high_open, dtype="u4")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._32Bit]]]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(I_u4_low, I_u4_high_open, dtype="u4")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._32Bit]]]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(0, I_u4_high_open, dtype="u4")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._32Bit]]]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(4294967296, dtype="uint32")) # E: int
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(0, 4294967296, dtype="uint32")) # E: int
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(I_u4_high_open, dtype="uint32")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._32Bit]]]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(I_u4_low, I_u4_high_open, dtype="uint32")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._32Bit]]]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(0, I_u4_high_open, dtype="uint32")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._32Bit]]]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(4294967296, dtype=np.uint32)) # E: int
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(0, 4294967296, dtype=np.uint32)) # E: int
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(I_u4_high_open, dtype=np.uint32)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._32Bit]]]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(I_u4_low, I_u4_high_open, dtype=np.uint32)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._32Bit]]]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(0, I_u4_high_open, dtype=np.uint32)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._32Bit]]]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(4294967296, dtype=np.uint)) # E: int
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(0, 4294967296, dtype=np.uint)) # E: int
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(I_u4_high_open, dtype=np.uint)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{uint}]]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(I_u4_low, I_u4_high_open, dtype=np.uint)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{uint}]]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(0, I_u4_high_open, dtype=np.uint)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{uint}]]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(18446744073709551616, dtype="u8")) # E: int
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(0, 18446744073709551616, dtype="u8")) # E: int
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(I_u8_high_open, dtype="u8")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(I_u8_low, I_u8_high_open, dtype="u8")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(0, I_u8_high_open, dtype="u8")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(18446744073709551616, dtype="uint64")) # E: int
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(0, 18446744073709551616, dtype="uint64")) # E: int
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(I_u8_high_open, dtype="uint64")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(I_u8_low, I_u8_high_open, dtype="uint64")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(0, I_u8_high_open, dtype="uint64")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(18446744073709551616, dtype=np.uint64)) # E: int
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(0, 18446744073709551616, dtype=np.uint64)) # E: int
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(I_u8_high_open, dtype=np.uint64)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(I_u8_low, I_u8_high_open, dtype=np.uint64)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(0, I_u8_high_open, dtype=np.uint64)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(128, dtype="i1")) # E: int
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(-128, 128, dtype="i1")) # E: int
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(I_i1_high_open, dtype="i1")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._8Bit]]]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(I_i1_low, I_i1_high_open, dtype="i1")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._8Bit]]]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(-128, I_i1_high_open, dtype="i1")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._8Bit]]]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(128, dtype="int8")) # E: int
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(-128, 128, dtype="int8")) # E: int
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(I_i1_high_open, dtype="int8")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._8Bit]]]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(I_i1_low, I_i1_high_open, dtype="int8")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._8Bit]]]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(-128, I_i1_high_open, dtype="int8")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._8Bit]]]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(128, dtype=np.int8)) # E: int
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(-128, 128, dtype=np.int8)) # E: int
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(I_i1_high_open, dtype=np.int8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._8Bit]]]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(I_i1_low, I_i1_high_open, dtype=np.int8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._8Bit]]]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(-128, I_i1_high_open, dtype=np.int8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._8Bit]]]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(32768, dtype="i2")) # E: int
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(-32768, 32768, dtype="i2")) # E: int
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(I_i2_high_open, dtype="i2")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._16Bit]]]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(I_i2_low, I_i2_high_open, dtype="i2")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._16Bit]]]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(-32768, I_i2_high_open, dtype="i2")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._16Bit]]]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(32768, dtype="int16")) # E: int
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(-32768, 32768, dtype="int16")) # E: int
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(I_i2_high_open, dtype="int16")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._16Bit]]]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(I_i2_low, I_i2_high_open, dtype="int16")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._16Bit]]]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(-32768, I_i2_high_open, dtype="int16")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._16Bit]]]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(32768, dtype=np.int16)) # E: int
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(-32768, 32768, dtype=np.int16)) # E: int
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(I_i2_high_open, dtype=np.int16)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._16Bit]]]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(I_i2_low, I_i2_high_open, dtype=np.int16)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._16Bit]]]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(-32768, I_i2_high_open, dtype=np.int16)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._16Bit]]]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(2147483648, dtype="i4")) # E: int
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(-2147483648, 2147483648, dtype="i4")) # E: int
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(I_i4_high_open, dtype="i4")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._32Bit]]]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(I_i4_low, I_i4_high_open, dtype="i4")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._32Bit]]]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(-2147483648, I_i4_high_open, dtype="i4")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._32Bit]]]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(2147483648, dtype="int32")) # E: int
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(-2147483648, 2147483648, dtype="int32")) # E: int
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(I_i4_high_open, dtype="int32")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._32Bit]]]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(I_i4_low, I_i4_high_open, dtype="int32")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._32Bit]]]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(-2147483648, I_i4_high_open, dtype="int32")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._32Bit]]]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(2147483648, dtype=np.int32)) # E: int
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(-2147483648, 2147483648, dtype=np.int32)) # E: int
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(I_i4_high_open, dtype=np.int32)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._32Bit]]]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(I_i4_low, I_i4_high_open, dtype=np.int32)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._32Bit]]]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(-2147483648, I_i4_high_open, dtype=np.int32)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._32Bit]]]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(2147483648, dtype=np.int_)) # E: int
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(-2147483648, 2147483648, dtype=np.int_)) # E: int
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(I_i4_high_open, dtype=np.int_)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(I_i4_low, I_i4_high_open, dtype=np.int_)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(-2147483648, I_i4_high_open, dtype=np.int_)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(9223372036854775808, dtype="i8")) # E: int
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(-9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775808, dtype="i8")) # E: int
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(I_i8_high_open, dtype="i8")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(I_i8_low, I_i8_high_open, dtype="i8")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(-9223372036854775808, I_i8_high_open, dtype="i8")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(9223372036854775808, dtype="int64")) # E: int
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(-9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775808, dtype="int64")) # E: int
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(I_i8_high_open, dtype="int64")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(I_i8_low, I_i8_high_open, dtype="int64")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(-9223372036854775808, I_i8_high_open, dtype="int64")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(9223372036854775808, dtype=np.int64)) # E: int
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(-9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775808, dtype=np.int64)) # E: int
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(I_i8_high_open, dtype=np.int64)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(I_i8_low, I_i8_high_open, dtype=np.int64)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(random_st.randint(-9223372036854775808, I_i8_high_open, dtype=np.int64)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[typing._64Bit]]]
-reveal_type(random_st._bit_generator) # E: BitGenerator
-reveal_type(random_st.bytes(2)) # E: bytes
-reveal_type(random_st.choice(5)) # E: int
-reveal_type(random_st.choice(5, 3)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(random_st.choice(5, 3, replace=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(random_st.choice(5, 3, p=[1 / 5] * 5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(random_st.choice(5, 3, p=[1 / 5] * 5, replace=False)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(random_st.choice(["pooh", "rabbit", "piglet", "Christopher"])) # E: Any
-reveal_type(random_st.choice(["pooh", "rabbit", "piglet", "Christopher"], 3)) # E: ndarray[Any, Any]
-reveal_type(random_st.choice(["pooh", "rabbit", "piglet", "Christopher"], 3, p=[1 / 4] * 4)) # E: ndarray[Any, Any]
-reveal_type(random_st.choice(["pooh", "rabbit", "piglet", "Christopher"], 3, replace=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, Any]
-reveal_type(random_st.choice(["pooh", "rabbit", "piglet", "Christopher"], 3, replace=False, p=np.array([1 / 8, 1 / 8, 1 / 2, 1 / 4]))) # E: ndarray[Any, Any]
-reveal_type(random_st.dirichlet([0.5, 0.5])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.dirichlet(np.array([0.5, 0.5]))) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.dirichlet(np.array([0.5, 0.5]), size=3)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.multinomial(20, [1 / 6.0] * 6)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(random_st.multinomial(20, np.array([0.5, 0.5]))) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(random_st.multinomial(20, [1 / 6.0] * 6, size=2)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(random_st.multivariate_normal([0.0], [[1.0]])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.multivariate_normal([0.0], np.array([[1.0]]))) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.multivariate_normal(np.array([0.0]), [[1.0]])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.multivariate_normal([0.0], np.array([[1.0]]))) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.permutation(10)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(random_st.permutation([1, 2, 3, 4])) # E: ndarray[Any, Any]
-reveal_type(random_st.permutation(np.array([1, 2, 3, 4]))) # E: ndarray[Any, Any]
-reveal_type(random_st.permutation(D_2D)) # E: ndarray[Any, Any]
-reveal_type(random_st.shuffle(np.arange(10))) # E: None
-reveal_type(random_st.shuffle([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])) # E: None
-reveal_type(random_st.shuffle(D_2D)) # E: None
-reveal_type(np.random.RandomState(pcg64)) # E: RandomState
-reveal_type(np.random.RandomState(0)) # E: RandomState
-reveal_type(np.random.RandomState([0, 1, 2])) # E: RandomState
-reveal_type(random_st.__str__()) # E: str
-reveal_type(random_st.__repr__()) # E: str
+assert_type(random_st.standard_normal(), float)
+assert_type(random_st.standard_normal(size=None), float)
+assert_type(random_st.standard_normal(size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.random(), float)
+assert_type(random_st.random(size=None), float)
+assert_type(random_st.random(size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.standard_cauchy(), float)
+assert_type(random_st.standard_cauchy(size=None), float)
+assert_type(random_st.standard_cauchy(size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.standard_exponential(), float)
+assert_type(random_st.standard_exponential(size=None), float)
+assert_type(random_st.standard_exponential(size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.zipf(1.5), int)
+assert_type(random_st.zipf(1.5, size=None), int)
+assert_type(random_st.zipf(1.5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(random_st.zipf(D_arr_1p5), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(random_st.zipf(D_arr_1p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(random_st.zipf(D_arr_like_1p5), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(random_st.zipf(D_arr_like_1p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(random_st.weibull(0.5), float)
+assert_type(random_st.weibull(0.5, size=None), float)
+assert_type(random_st.weibull(0.5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.weibull(D_arr_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.weibull(D_arr_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.weibull(D_arr_like_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.weibull(D_arr_like_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.standard_t(0.5), float)
+assert_type(random_st.standard_t(0.5, size=None), float)
+assert_type(random_st.standard_t(0.5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.standard_t(D_arr_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.standard_t(D_arr_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.standard_t(D_arr_like_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.standard_t(D_arr_like_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.poisson(0.5), int)
+assert_type(random_st.poisson(0.5, size=None), int)
+assert_type(random_st.poisson(0.5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(random_st.poisson(D_arr_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(random_st.poisson(D_arr_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(random_st.poisson(D_arr_like_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(random_st.poisson(D_arr_like_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(random_st.power(0.5), float)
+assert_type(random_st.power(0.5, size=None), float)
+assert_type(random_st.power(0.5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.power(D_arr_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.power(D_arr_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.power(D_arr_like_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.power(D_arr_like_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.pareto(0.5), float)
+assert_type(random_st.pareto(0.5, size=None), float)
+assert_type(random_st.pareto(0.5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.pareto(D_arr_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.pareto(D_arr_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.pareto(D_arr_like_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.pareto(D_arr_like_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.chisquare(0.5), float)
+assert_type(random_st.chisquare(0.5, size=None), float)
+assert_type(random_st.chisquare(0.5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.chisquare(D_arr_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.chisquare(D_arr_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.chisquare(D_arr_like_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.chisquare(D_arr_like_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.exponential(0.5), float)
+assert_type(random_st.exponential(0.5, size=None), float)
+assert_type(random_st.exponential(0.5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.exponential(D_arr_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.exponential(D_arr_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.exponential(D_arr_like_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.exponential(D_arr_like_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.geometric(0.5), int)
+assert_type(random_st.geometric(0.5, size=None), int)
+assert_type(random_st.geometric(0.5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(random_st.geometric(D_arr_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(random_st.geometric(D_arr_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(random_st.geometric(D_arr_like_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(random_st.geometric(D_arr_like_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(random_st.logseries(0.5), int)
+assert_type(random_st.logseries(0.5, size=None), int)
+assert_type(random_st.logseries(0.5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(random_st.logseries(D_arr_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(random_st.logseries(D_arr_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(random_st.logseries(D_arr_like_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(random_st.logseries(D_arr_like_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(random_st.rayleigh(0.5), float)
+assert_type(random_st.rayleigh(0.5, size=None), float)
+assert_type(random_st.rayleigh(0.5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.rayleigh(D_arr_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.rayleigh(D_arr_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.rayleigh(D_arr_like_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.rayleigh(D_arr_like_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.standard_gamma(0.5), float)
+assert_type(random_st.standard_gamma(0.5, size=None), float)
+assert_type(random_st.standard_gamma(0.5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.standard_gamma(D_arr_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.standard_gamma(D_arr_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.standard_gamma(D_arr_like_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.standard_gamma(D_arr_like_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.standard_gamma(D_arr_like_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.vonmises(0.5, 0.5), float)
+assert_type(random_st.vonmises(0.5, 0.5, size=None), float)
+assert_type(random_st.vonmises(0.5, 0.5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.vonmises(D_arr_0p5, 0.5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.vonmises(0.5, D_arr_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.vonmises(D_arr_0p5, 0.5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.vonmises(0.5, D_arr_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.vonmises(D_arr_like_0p5, 0.5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.vonmises(0.5, D_arr_like_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.vonmises(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.vonmises(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.vonmises(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.vonmises(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.wald(0.5, 0.5), float)
+assert_type(random_st.wald(0.5, 0.5, size=None), float)
+assert_type(random_st.wald(0.5, 0.5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.wald(D_arr_0p5, 0.5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.wald(0.5, D_arr_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.wald(D_arr_0p5, 0.5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.wald(0.5, D_arr_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.wald(D_arr_like_0p5, 0.5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.wald(0.5, D_arr_like_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.wald(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.wald(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.wald(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.wald(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.uniform(0.5, 0.5), float)
+assert_type(random_st.uniform(0.5, 0.5, size=None), float)
+assert_type(random_st.uniform(0.5, 0.5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.uniform(D_arr_0p5, 0.5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.uniform(0.5, D_arr_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.uniform(D_arr_0p5, 0.5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.uniform(0.5, D_arr_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.uniform(D_arr_like_0p5, 0.5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.uniform(0.5, D_arr_like_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.uniform(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.uniform(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.uniform(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.uniform(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.beta(0.5, 0.5), float)
+assert_type(random_st.beta(0.5, 0.5, size=None), float)
+assert_type(random_st.beta(0.5, 0.5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.beta(D_arr_0p5, 0.5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.beta(0.5, D_arr_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.beta(D_arr_0p5, 0.5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.beta(0.5, D_arr_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.beta(D_arr_like_0p5, 0.5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.beta(0.5, D_arr_like_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.beta(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.beta(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.beta(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.beta(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.f(0.5, 0.5), float)
+assert_type(random_st.f(0.5, 0.5, size=None), float)
+assert_type(random_st.f(0.5, 0.5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.f(D_arr_0p5, 0.5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.f(0.5, D_arr_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.f(D_arr_0p5, 0.5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.f(0.5, D_arr_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.f(D_arr_like_0p5, 0.5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.f(0.5, D_arr_like_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.f(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.f(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.f(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.f(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.gamma(0.5, 0.5), float)
+assert_type(random_st.gamma(0.5, 0.5, size=None), float)
+assert_type(random_st.gamma(0.5, 0.5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.gamma(D_arr_0p5, 0.5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.gamma(0.5, D_arr_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.gamma(D_arr_0p5, 0.5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.gamma(0.5, D_arr_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.gamma(D_arr_like_0p5, 0.5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.gamma(0.5, D_arr_like_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.gamma(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.gamma(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.gamma(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.gamma(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.gumbel(0.5, 0.5), float)
+assert_type(random_st.gumbel(0.5, 0.5, size=None), float)
+assert_type(random_st.gumbel(0.5, 0.5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.gumbel(D_arr_0p5, 0.5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.gumbel(0.5, D_arr_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.gumbel(D_arr_0p5, 0.5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.gumbel(0.5, D_arr_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.gumbel(D_arr_like_0p5, 0.5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.gumbel(0.5, D_arr_like_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.gumbel(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.gumbel(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.gumbel(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.gumbel(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.laplace(0.5, 0.5), float)
+assert_type(random_st.laplace(0.5, 0.5, size=None), float)
+assert_type(random_st.laplace(0.5, 0.5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.laplace(D_arr_0p5, 0.5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.laplace(0.5, D_arr_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.laplace(D_arr_0p5, 0.5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.laplace(0.5, D_arr_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.laplace(D_arr_like_0p5, 0.5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.laplace(0.5, D_arr_like_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.laplace(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.laplace(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.laplace(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.laplace(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.logistic(0.5, 0.5), float)
+assert_type(random_st.logistic(0.5, 0.5, size=None), float)
+assert_type(random_st.logistic(0.5, 0.5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.logistic(D_arr_0p5, 0.5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.logistic(0.5, D_arr_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.logistic(D_arr_0p5, 0.5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.logistic(0.5, D_arr_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.logistic(D_arr_like_0p5, 0.5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.logistic(0.5, D_arr_like_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.logistic(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.logistic(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.logistic(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.logistic(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.lognormal(0.5, 0.5), float)
+assert_type(random_st.lognormal(0.5, 0.5, size=None), float)
+assert_type(random_st.lognormal(0.5, 0.5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.lognormal(D_arr_0p5, 0.5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.lognormal(0.5, D_arr_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.lognormal(D_arr_0p5, 0.5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.lognormal(0.5, D_arr_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.lognormal(D_arr_like_0p5, 0.5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.lognormal(0.5, D_arr_like_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.lognormal(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.lognormal(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.lognormal(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.lognormal(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.noncentral_chisquare(0.5, 0.5), float)
+assert_type(random_st.noncentral_chisquare(0.5, 0.5, size=None), float)
+assert_type(random_st.noncentral_chisquare(0.5, 0.5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.noncentral_chisquare(D_arr_0p5, 0.5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.noncentral_chisquare(0.5, D_arr_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.noncentral_chisquare(D_arr_0p5, 0.5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.noncentral_chisquare(0.5, D_arr_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.noncentral_chisquare(D_arr_like_0p5, 0.5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.noncentral_chisquare(0.5, D_arr_like_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.noncentral_chisquare(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.noncentral_chisquare(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.noncentral_chisquare(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.noncentral_chisquare(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.normal(0.5, 0.5), float)
+assert_type(random_st.normal(0.5, 0.5, size=None), float)
+assert_type(random_st.normal(0.5, 0.5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.normal(D_arr_0p5, 0.5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.normal(0.5, D_arr_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.normal(D_arr_0p5, 0.5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.normal(0.5, D_arr_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.normal(D_arr_like_0p5, 0.5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.normal(0.5, D_arr_like_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.normal(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.normal(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.normal(D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.normal(D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.triangular(0.1, 0.5, 0.9), float)
+assert_type(random_st.triangular(0.1, 0.5, 0.9, size=None), float)
+assert_type(random_st.triangular(0.1, 0.5, 0.9, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.triangular(D_arr_0p1, 0.5, 0.9), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.triangular(0.1, D_arr_0p5, 0.9), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.triangular(D_arr_0p1, 0.5, D_arr_like_0p9, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.triangular(0.1, D_arr_0p5, 0.9, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.triangular(D_arr_like_0p1, 0.5, D_arr_0p9), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.triangular(0.5, D_arr_like_0p5, 0.9), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.triangular(D_arr_0p1, D_arr_0p5, 0.9), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.triangular(D_arr_like_0p1, D_arr_like_0p5, 0.9), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.triangular(D_arr_0p1, D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p9, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.triangular(D_arr_like_0p1, D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p9, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.noncentral_f(0.1, 0.5, 0.9), float)
+assert_type(random_st.noncentral_f(0.1, 0.5, 0.9, size=None), float)
+assert_type(random_st.noncentral_f(0.1, 0.5, 0.9, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.noncentral_f(D_arr_0p1, 0.5, 0.9), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.noncentral_f(0.1, D_arr_0p5, 0.9), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.noncentral_f(D_arr_0p1, 0.5, D_arr_like_0p9, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.noncentral_f(0.1, D_arr_0p5, 0.9, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.noncentral_f(D_arr_like_0p1, 0.5, D_arr_0p9), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.noncentral_f(0.5, D_arr_like_0p5, 0.9), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.noncentral_f(D_arr_0p1, D_arr_0p5, 0.9), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.noncentral_f(D_arr_like_0p1, D_arr_like_0p5, 0.9), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.noncentral_f(D_arr_0p1, D_arr_0p5, D_arr_0p9, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.noncentral_f(D_arr_like_0p1, D_arr_like_0p5, D_arr_like_0p9, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.binomial(10, 0.5), int)
+assert_type(random_st.binomial(10, 0.5, size=None), int)
+assert_type(random_st.binomial(10, 0.5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(random_st.binomial(I_arr_10, 0.5), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(random_st.binomial(10, D_arr_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(random_st.binomial(I_arr_10, 0.5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(random_st.binomial(10, D_arr_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(random_st.binomial(I_arr_like_10, 0.5), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(random_st.binomial(10, D_arr_like_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(random_st.binomial(I_arr_10, D_arr_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(random_st.binomial(I_arr_like_10, D_arr_like_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(random_st.binomial(I_arr_10, D_arr_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(random_st.binomial(I_arr_like_10, D_arr_like_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(random_st.negative_binomial(10, 0.5), int)
+assert_type(random_st.negative_binomial(10, 0.5, size=None), int)
+assert_type(random_st.negative_binomial(10, 0.5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(random_st.negative_binomial(I_arr_10, 0.5), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(random_st.negative_binomial(10, D_arr_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(random_st.negative_binomial(I_arr_10, 0.5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(random_st.negative_binomial(10, D_arr_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(random_st.negative_binomial(I_arr_like_10, 0.5), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(random_st.negative_binomial(10, D_arr_like_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(random_st.negative_binomial(I_arr_10, D_arr_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(random_st.negative_binomial(I_arr_like_10, D_arr_like_0p5), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(random_st.negative_binomial(I_arr_10, D_arr_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(random_st.negative_binomial(I_arr_like_10, D_arr_like_0p5, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(random_st.hypergeometric(20, 20, 10), int)
+assert_type(random_st.hypergeometric(20, 20, 10, size=None), int)
+assert_type(random_st.hypergeometric(20, 20, 10, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(random_st.hypergeometric(I_arr_20, 20, 10), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(random_st.hypergeometric(20, I_arr_20, 10), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(random_st.hypergeometric(I_arr_20, 20, I_arr_like_10, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(random_st.hypergeometric(20, I_arr_20, 10, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(random_st.hypergeometric(I_arr_like_20, 20, I_arr_10), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(random_st.hypergeometric(20, I_arr_like_20, 10), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(random_st.hypergeometric(I_arr_20, I_arr_20, 10), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(random_st.hypergeometric(I_arr_like_20, I_arr_like_20, 10), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(random_st.hypergeometric(I_arr_20, I_arr_20, I_arr_10, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(random_st.hypergeometric(I_arr_like_20, I_arr_like_20, I_arr_like_10, size=1), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(0, 100), int)
+assert_type(random_st.randint(100), int)
+assert_type(random_st.randint([100]), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(0, [100]), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(2, dtype=bool), bool)
+assert_type(random_st.randint(0, 2, dtype=bool), bool)
+assert_type(random_st.randint(I_bool_high_open, dtype=bool), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(I_bool_low, I_bool_high_open, dtype=bool), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(0, I_bool_high_open, dtype=bool), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(2, dtype=np.bool_), bool)
+assert_type(random_st.randint(0, 2, dtype=np.bool_), bool)
+assert_type(random_st.randint(I_bool_high_open, dtype=np.bool_), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(I_bool_low, I_bool_high_open, dtype=np.bool_), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(0, I_bool_high_open, dtype=np.bool_), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(256, dtype="u1"), int)
+assert_type(random_st.randint(0, 256, dtype="u1"), int)
+assert_type(random_st.randint(I_u1_high_open, dtype="u1"), npt.NDArray[np.uint8])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(I_u1_low, I_u1_high_open, dtype="u1"), npt.NDArray[np.uint8])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(0, I_u1_high_open, dtype="u1"), npt.NDArray[np.uint8])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(256, dtype="uint8"), int)
+assert_type(random_st.randint(0, 256, dtype="uint8"), int)
+assert_type(random_st.randint(I_u1_high_open, dtype="uint8"), npt.NDArray[np.uint8])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(I_u1_low, I_u1_high_open, dtype="uint8"), npt.NDArray[np.uint8])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(0, I_u1_high_open, dtype="uint8"), npt.NDArray[np.uint8])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(256, dtype=np.uint8), int)
+assert_type(random_st.randint(0, 256, dtype=np.uint8), int)
+assert_type(random_st.randint(I_u1_high_open, dtype=np.uint8), npt.NDArray[np.uint8])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(I_u1_low, I_u1_high_open, dtype=np.uint8), npt.NDArray[np.uint8])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(0, I_u1_high_open, dtype=np.uint8), npt.NDArray[np.uint8])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(65536, dtype="u2"), int)
+assert_type(random_st.randint(0, 65536, dtype="u2"), int)
+assert_type(random_st.randint(I_u2_high_open, dtype="u2"), npt.NDArray[np.uint16])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(I_u2_low, I_u2_high_open, dtype="u2"), npt.NDArray[np.uint16])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(0, I_u2_high_open, dtype="u2"), npt.NDArray[np.uint16])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(65536, dtype="uint16"), int)
+assert_type(random_st.randint(0, 65536, dtype="uint16"), int)
+assert_type(random_st.randint(I_u2_high_open, dtype="uint16"), npt.NDArray[np.uint16])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(I_u2_low, I_u2_high_open, dtype="uint16"), npt.NDArray[np.uint16])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(0, I_u2_high_open, dtype="uint16"), npt.NDArray[np.uint16])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(65536, dtype=np.uint16), int)
+assert_type(random_st.randint(0, 65536, dtype=np.uint16), int)
+assert_type(random_st.randint(I_u2_high_open, dtype=np.uint16), npt.NDArray[np.uint16])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(I_u2_low, I_u2_high_open, dtype=np.uint16), npt.NDArray[np.uint16])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(0, I_u2_high_open, dtype=np.uint16), npt.NDArray[np.uint16])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(4294967296, dtype="u4"), int)
+assert_type(random_st.randint(0, 4294967296, dtype="u4"), int)
+assert_type(random_st.randint(I_u4_high_open, dtype="u4"), npt.NDArray[np.uint32])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(I_u4_low, I_u4_high_open, dtype="u4"), npt.NDArray[np.uint32])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(0, I_u4_high_open, dtype="u4"), npt.NDArray[np.uint32])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(4294967296, dtype="uint32"), int)
+assert_type(random_st.randint(0, 4294967296, dtype="uint32"), int)
+assert_type(random_st.randint(I_u4_high_open, dtype="uint32"), npt.NDArray[np.uint32])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(I_u4_low, I_u4_high_open, dtype="uint32"), npt.NDArray[np.uint32])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(0, I_u4_high_open, dtype="uint32"), npt.NDArray[np.uint32])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(4294967296, dtype=np.uint32), int)
+assert_type(random_st.randint(0, 4294967296, dtype=np.uint32), int)
+assert_type(random_st.randint(I_u4_high_open, dtype=np.uint32), npt.NDArray[np.uint32])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(I_u4_low, I_u4_high_open, dtype=np.uint32), npt.NDArray[np.uint32])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(0, I_u4_high_open, dtype=np.uint32), npt.NDArray[np.uint32])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(4294967296, dtype=np.uint), int)
+assert_type(random_st.randint(0, 4294967296, dtype=np.uint), int)
+assert_type(random_st.randint(I_u4_high_open, dtype=np.uint), npt.NDArray[np.uint])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(I_u4_low, I_u4_high_open, dtype=np.uint), npt.NDArray[np.uint])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(0, I_u4_high_open, dtype=np.uint), npt.NDArray[np.uint])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(18446744073709551616, dtype="u8"), int)
+assert_type(random_st.randint(0, 18446744073709551616, dtype="u8"), int)
+assert_type(random_st.randint(I_u8_high_open, dtype="u8"), npt.NDArray[np.uint64])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(I_u8_low, I_u8_high_open, dtype="u8"), npt.NDArray[np.uint64])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(0, I_u8_high_open, dtype="u8"), npt.NDArray[np.uint64])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(18446744073709551616, dtype="uint64"), int)
+assert_type(random_st.randint(0, 18446744073709551616, dtype="uint64"), int)
+assert_type(random_st.randint(I_u8_high_open, dtype="uint64"), npt.NDArray[np.uint64])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(I_u8_low, I_u8_high_open, dtype="uint64"), npt.NDArray[np.uint64])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(0, I_u8_high_open, dtype="uint64"), npt.NDArray[np.uint64])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(18446744073709551616, dtype=np.uint64), int)
+assert_type(random_st.randint(0, 18446744073709551616, dtype=np.uint64), int)
+assert_type(random_st.randint(I_u8_high_open, dtype=np.uint64), npt.NDArray[np.uint64])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(I_u8_low, I_u8_high_open, dtype=np.uint64), npt.NDArray[np.uint64])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(0, I_u8_high_open, dtype=np.uint64), npt.NDArray[np.uint64])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(128, dtype="i1"), int)
+assert_type(random_st.randint(-128, 128, dtype="i1"), int)
+assert_type(random_st.randint(I_i1_high_open, dtype="i1"), npt.NDArray[np.int8])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(I_i1_low, I_i1_high_open, dtype="i1"), npt.NDArray[np.int8])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(-128, I_i1_high_open, dtype="i1"), npt.NDArray[np.int8])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(128, dtype="int8"), int)
+assert_type(random_st.randint(-128, 128, dtype="int8"), int)
+assert_type(random_st.randint(I_i1_high_open, dtype="int8"), npt.NDArray[np.int8])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(I_i1_low, I_i1_high_open, dtype="int8"), npt.NDArray[np.int8])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(-128, I_i1_high_open, dtype="int8"), npt.NDArray[np.int8])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(128, dtype=np.int8), int)
+assert_type(random_st.randint(-128, 128, dtype=np.int8), int)
+assert_type(random_st.randint(I_i1_high_open, dtype=np.int8), npt.NDArray[np.int8])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(I_i1_low, I_i1_high_open, dtype=np.int8), npt.NDArray[np.int8])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(-128, I_i1_high_open, dtype=np.int8), npt.NDArray[np.int8])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(32768, dtype="i2"), int)
+assert_type(random_st.randint(-32768, 32768, dtype="i2"), int)
+assert_type(random_st.randint(I_i2_high_open, dtype="i2"), npt.NDArray[np.int16])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(I_i2_low, I_i2_high_open, dtype="i2"), npt.NDArray[np.int16])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(-32768, I_i2_high_open, dtype="i2"), npt.NDArray[np.int16])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(32768, dtype="int16"), int)
+assert_type(random_st.randint(-32768, 32768, dtype="int16"), int)
+assert_type(random_st.randint(I_i2_high_open, dtype="int16"), npt.NDArray[np.int16])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(I_i2_low, I_i2_high_open, dtype="int16"), npt.NDArray[np.int16])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(-32768, I_i2_high_open, dtype="int16"), npt.NDArray[np.int16])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(32768, dtype=np.int16), int)
+assert_type(random_st.randint(-32768, 32768, dtype=np.int16), int)
+assert_type(random_st.randint(I_i2_high_open, dtype=np.int16), npt.NDArray[np.int16])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(I_i2_low, I_i2_high_open, dtype=np.int16), npt.NDArray[np.int16])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(-32768, I_i2_high_open, dtype=np.int16), npt.NDArray[np.int16])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(2147483648, dtype="i4"), int)
+assert_type(random_st.randint(-2147483648, 2147483648, dtype="i4"), int)
+assert_type(random_st.randint(I_i4_high_open, dtype="i4"), npt.NDArray[np.int32])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(I_i4_low, I_i4_high_open, dtype="i4"), npt.NDArray[np.int32])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(-2147483648, I_i4_high_open, dtype="i4"), npt.NDArray[np.int32])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(2147483648, dtype="int32"), int)
+assert_type(random_st.randint(-2147483648, 2147483648, dtype="int32"), int)
+assert_type(random_st.randint(I_i4_high_open, dtype="int32"), npt.NDArray[np.int32])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(I_i4_low, I_i4_high_open, dtype="int32"), npt.NDArray[np.int32])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(-2147483648, I_i4_high_open, dtype="int32"), npt.NDArray[np.int32])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(2147483648, dtype=np.int32), int)
+assert_type(random_st.randint(-2147483648, 2147483648, dtype=np.int32), int)
+assert_type(random_st.randint(I_i4_high_open, dtype=np.int32), npt.NDArray[np.int32])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(I_i4_low, I_i4_high_open, dtype=np.int32), npt.NDArray[np.int32])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(-2147483648, I_i4_high_open, dtype=np.int32), npt.NDArray[np.int32])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(2147483648, dtype=np.int_), int)
+assert_type(random_st.randint(-2147483648, 2147483648, dtype=np.int_), int)
+assert_type(random_st.randint(I_i4_high_open, dtype=np.int_), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(I_i4_low, I_i4_high_open, dtype=np.int_), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(-2147483648, I_i4_high_open, dtype=np.int_), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(9223372036854775808, dtype="i8"), int)
+assert_type(random_st.randint(-9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775808, dtype="i8"), int)
+assert_type(random_st.randint(I_i8_high_open, dtype="i8"), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(I_i8_low, I_i8_high_open, dtype="i8"), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(-9223372036854775808, I_i8_high_open, dtype="i8"), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(9223372036854775808, dtype="int64"), int)
+assert_type(random_st.randint(-9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775808, dtype="int64"), int)
+assert_type(random_st.randint(I_i8_high_open, dtype="int64"), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(I_i8_low, I_i8_high_open, dtype="int64"), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(-9223372036854775808, I_i8_high_open, dtype="int64"), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(9223372036854775808, dtype=np.int64), int)
+assert_type(random_st.randint(-9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775808, dtype=np.int64), int)
+assert_type(random_st.randint(I_i8_high_open, dtype=np.int64), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(I_i8_low, I_i8_high_open, dtype=np.int64), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(random_st.randint(-9223372036854775808, I_i8_high_open, dtype=np.int64), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(random_st._bit_generator, np.random.BitGenerator)
+assert_type(random_st.bytes(2), bytes)
+assert_type(random_st.choice(5), int)
+assert_type(random_st.choice(5, 3), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(random_st.choice(5, 3, replace=True), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(random_st.choice(5, 3, p=[1 / 5] * 5), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(random_st.choice(5, 3, p=[1 / 5] * 5, replace=False), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(random_st.choice(["pooh", "rabbit", "piglet", "Christopher"]), Any)
+assert_type(random_st.choice(["pooh", "rabbit", "piglet", "Christopher"], 3), np.ndarray[Any, Any])
+assert_type(random_st.choice(["pooh", "rabbit", "piglet", "Christopher"], 3, p=[1 / 4] * 4), np.ndarray[Any, Any])
+assert_type(random_st.choice(["pooh", "rabbit", "piglet", "Christopher"], 3, replace=True), np.ndarray[Any, Any])
+assert_type(random_st.choice(["pooh", "rabbit", "piglet", "Christopher"], 3, replace=False, p=np.array([1 / 8, 1 / 8, 1 / 2, 1 / 4])), np.ndarray[Any, Any])
+assert_type(random_st.dirichlet([0.5, 0.5]), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.dirichlet(np.array([0.5, 0.5])), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.dirichlet(np.array([0.5, 0.5]), size=3), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.multinomial(20, [1 / 6.0] * 6), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(random_st.multinomial(20, np.array([0.5, 0.5])), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(random_st.multinomial(20, [1 / 6.0] * 6, size=2), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(random_st.multivariate_normal([0.0], [[1.0]]), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.multivariate_normal([0.0], np.array([[1.0]])), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.multivariate_normal(np.array([0.0]), [[1.0]]), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.multivariate_normal([0.0], np.array([[1.0]])), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.permutation(10), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(random_st.permutation([1, 2, 3, 4]), np.ndarray[Any, Any])
+assert_type(random_st.permutation(np.array([1, 2, 3, 4])), np.ndarray[Any, Any])
+assert_type(random_st.permutation(D_2D), np.ndarray[Any, Any])
+assert_type(random_st.shuffle(np.arange(10)), None)
+assert_type(random_st.shuffle([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]), None)
+assert_type(random_st.shuffle(D_2D), None)
+assert_type(np.random.RandomState(pcg64), np.random.RandomState)
+assert_type(np.random.RandomState(0), np.random.RandomState)
+assert_type(np.random.RandomState([0, 1, 2]), np.random.RandomState)
+assert_type(random_st.__str__(), str)
+assert_type(random_st.__repr__(), str)
random_st_state = random_st.__getstate__()
-reveal_type(random_st_state) # E: builtins.dict[builtins.str, Any]
-reveal_type(random_st.__setstate__(random_st_state)) # E: None
-reveal_type(random_st.seed()) # E: None
-reveal_type(random_st.seed(1)) # E: None
-reveal_type(random_st.seed([0, 1])) # E: None
+assert_type(random_st_state, dict[str, Any])
+assert_type(random_st.__setstate__(random_st_state), None)
+assert_type(random_st.seed(), None)
+assert_type(random_st.seed(1), None)
+assert_type(random_st.seed([0, 1]), None)
random_st_get_state = random_st.get_state()
-reveal_type(random_st_state) # E: builtins.dict[builtins.str, Any]
+assert_type(random_st_state, dict[str, Any])
random_st_get_state_legacy = random_st.get_state(legacy=True)
-reveal_type(random_st_get_state_legacy) # E: Union[builtins.dict[builtins.str, Any], Tuple[builtins.str, ndarray[Any, dtype[unsignedinteger[typing._32Bit]]], builtins.int, builtins.int, builtins.float]]
-reveal_type(random_st.set_state(random_st_get_state)) # E: None
-reveal_type(random_st.rand()) # E: float
-reveal_type(random_st.rand(1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.rand(1, 2)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.randn()) # E: float
-reveal_type(random_st.randn(1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.randn(1, 2)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.random_sample()) # E: float
-reveal_type(random_st.random_sample(1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.random_sample(size=(1, 2))) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[typing._64Bit]]
-reveal_type(random_st.tomaxint()) # E: int
-reveal_type(random_st.tomaxint(1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(random_st.tomaxint((1,))) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]
-reveal_type(np.random.set_bit_generator(pcg64)) # E: None
-reveal_type(np.random.get_bit_generator()) # E: BitGenerator
+assert_type(random_st_get_state_legacy, dict[str, Any] | tuple[str, npt.NDArray[np.uint32], int, int, float])
+assert_type(random_st.set_state(random_st_get_state), None)
+assert_type(random_st.rand(), float)
+assert_type(random_st.rand(1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.rand(1, 2), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.randn(), float)
+assert_type(random_st.randn(1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.randn(1, 2), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.random_sample(), float)
+assert_type(random_st.random_sample(1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.random_sample(size=(1, 2)), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(random_st.tomaxint(), int)
+assert_type(random_st.tomaxint(1), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(random_st.tomaxint((1,)), npt.NDArray[np.int_])
+assert_type(np.random.set_bit_generator(pcg64), None)
+assert_type(np.random.get_bit_generator(), np.random.BitGenerator)
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/rec.pyi b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/rec.pyi
index 8ea4a6ee8d..37408d839f 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/rec.pyi
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/rec.pyi
@@ -1,9 +1,15 @@
import io
+import sys
from typing import Any
import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
+if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
+ from typing import assert_type
+ from typing_extensions import assert_type
AR_i8: npt.NDArray[np.int64]
REC_AR_V: np.recarray[Any, np.dtype[np.record]]
AR_LIST: list[npt.NDArray[np.int64]]
@@ -12,117 +18,150 @@ format_parser: np.format_parser
record: np.record
file_obj: io.BufferedIOBase
-reveal_type(np.format_parser( # E: format_parser
formats=[np.float64, np.int64, np.bool_],
names=["f8", "i8", "?"],
-reveal_type(format_parser.dtype) # E: dtype[void]
-reveal_type(record.field_a) # E: Any
-reveal_type(record.field_b) # E: Any
-reveal_type(record["field_a"]) # E: Any
-reveal_type(record["field_b"]) # E: Any
-reveal_type(record.pprint()) # E: str
+), np.format_parser)
+assert_type(format_parser.dtype, np.dtype[np.void])
+assert_type(record.field_a, Any)
+assert_type(record.field_b, Any)
+assert_type(record["field_a"], Any)
+assert_type(record["field_b"], Any)
+assert_type(record.pprint(), str)
record.field_c = 5
-reveal_type(REC_AR_V.field(0)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(REC_AR_V.field("field_a")) # E: Any
-reveal_type(REC_AR_V.field(0, AR_i8)) # E: None
-reveal_type(REC_AR_V.field("field_a", AR_i8)) # E: None
-reveal_type(REC_AR_V["field_a"]) # E: Any
-reveal_type(REC_AR_V.field_a) # E: Any
-reveal_type(REC_AR_V.__array_finalize__(object())) # E: None
+assert_type(REC_AR_V.field(0), Any)
+assert_type(REC_AR_V.field("field_a"), Any)
+assert_type(REC_AR_V.field(0, AR_i8), None)
+assert_type(REC_AR_V.field("field_a", AR_i8), None)
+assert_type(REC_AR_V["field_a"], npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(REC_AR_V.field_a, Any)
+assert_type(REC_AR_V.__array_finalize__(object()), None)
-reveal_type(np.recarray( # recarray[Any, dtype[record]]
- shape=(10, 5),
- formats=[np.float64, np.int64, np.bool_],
- order="K",
- byteorder="|",
-reveal_type(np.recarray( # recarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
- shape=(10, 5),
- dtype=[("f8", np.float64), ("i8", np.int64)],
- strides=(5, 5),
-reveal_type(np.rec.fromarrays( # recarray[Any, dtype[record]]
-reveal_type(np.rec.fromarrays( # recarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
- dtype=np.int64,
-reveal_type(np.rec.fromarrays( # recarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
- formats=[np.int64, np.float64],
- names=["i8", "f8"]
-reveal_type(np.rec.fromrecords( # recarray[Any, dtype[record]]
- (1, 1.5),
-reveal_type(np.rec.fromrecords( # recarray[Any, dtype[record]]
- [(1, 1.5)],
- dtype=[("i8", np.int64), ("f8", np.float64)],
-reveal_type(np.rec.fromrecords( # recarray[Any, dtype[record]]
- formats=[np.int64, np.float64],
- names=["i8", "f8"]
-reveal_type(np.rec.fromstring( # recarray[Any, dtype[record]]
- b"(1, 1.5)",
- dtype=[("i8", np.int64), ("f8", np.float64)],
-reveal_type(np.rec.fromstring( # recarray[Any, dtype[record]]
- formats=[np.int64, np.float64],
- names=["i8", "f8"]
-reveal_type(np.rec.fromfile( # recarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
+ np.recarray(
+ shape=(10, 5),
+ formats=[np.float64, np.int64, np.bool_],
+ order="K",
+ byteorder="|",
+ ),
+ np.recarray[Any, np.dtype[np.record]],
+ np.recarray(
+ shape=(10, 5),
+ dtype=[("f8", np.float64), ("i8", np.int64)],
+ strides=(5, 5),
+ ),
+ np.recarray[Any, np.dtype[Any]],
+assert_type(np.rec.fromarrays(AR_LIST), np.recarray[Any, np.dtype[Any]])
+ np.rec.fromarrays(AR_LIST, dtype=np.int64),
+ np.recarray[Any, np.dtype[Any]],
+ np.rec.fromarrays(
+ formats=[np.int64, np.float64],
+ names=["i8", "f8"]
+ ),
+ np.recarray[Any, np.dtype[np.record]],
+assert_type(np.rec.fromrecords((1, 1.5)), np.recarray[Any, np.dtype[np.record]])
+ np.rec.fromrecords(
+ [(1, 1.5)],
+ dtype=[("i8", np.int64), ("f8", np.float64)],
+ ),
+ np.recarray[Any, np.dtype[np.record]],
+ np.rec.fromrecords(
+ formats=[np.int64, np.float64],
+ names=["i8", "f8"]
+ ),
+ np.recarray[Any, np.dtype[np.record]],
+ np.rec.fromstring(
+ b"(1, 1.5)",
+ dtype=[("i8", np.int64), ("f8", np.float64)],
+ ),
+ np.recarray[Any, np.dtype[np.record]],
+ np.rec.fromstring(
+ formats=[np.int64, np.float64],
+ names=["i8", "f8"]
+ ),
+ np.recarray[Any, np.dtype[np.record]],
dtype=[("i8", np.int64), ("f8", np.float64)],
-reveal_type(np.rec.fromfile( # recarray[Any, dtype[record]]
- file_obj,
- formats=[np.int64, np.float64],
- names=["i8", "f8"]
-reveal_type(np.rec.array( # recarray[Any, dtype[{int64}]]
- AR_i8,
-reveal_type(np.rec.array( # recarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
- [(1, 1.5)],
- dtype=[("i8", np.int64), ("f8", np.float64)],
-reveal_type(np.rec.array( # recarray[Any, dtype[record]]
- [(1, 1.5)],
- formats=[np.int64, np.float64],
- names=["i8", "f8"]
-reveal_type(np.rec.array( # recarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
- None,
- dtype=np.float64,
- shape=(10, 3),
-reveal_type(np.rec.array( # recarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
- None,
- formats=[np.int64, np.float64],
- names=["i8", "f8"],
- shape=(10, 3),
-reveal_type(np.rec.array( # recarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
- file_obj,
- dtype=np.float64,
-reveal_type(np.rec.array( # recarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
- file_obj,
- formats=[np.int64, np.float64],
- names=["i8", "f8"],
+), np.recarray[Any, np.dtype[Any]])
+ np.rec.fromfile(
+ file_obj,
+ formats=[np.int64, np.float64],
+ names=["i8", "f8"]
+ ),
+ np.recarray[Any, np.dtype[np.record]],
+assert_type(np.rec.array(AR_i8), np.recarray[Any, np.dtype[np.int64]])
+ np.rec.array([(1, 1.5)], dtype=[("i8", np.int64), ("f8", np.float64)]),
+ np.recarray[Any, np.dtype[Any]],
+ np.rec.array(
+ [(1, 1.5)],
+ formats=[np.int64, np.float64],
+ names=["i8", "f8"]
+ ),
+ np.recarray[Any, np.dtype[np.record]],
+ np.rec.array(
+ None,
+ dtype=np.float64,
+ shape=(10, 3),
+ ),
+ np.recarray[Any, np.dtype[Any]],
+ np.rec.array(
+ None,
+ formats=[np.int64, np.float64],
+ names=["i8", "f8"],
+ shape=(10, 3),
+ ),
+ np.recarray[Any, np.dtype[np.record]],
+ np.rec.array(file_obj, dtype=np.float64),
+ np.recarray[Any, np.dtype[Any]],
+ np.rec.array(file_obj, formats=[np.int64, np.float64], names=["i8", "f8"]),
+ np.recarray[Any, np.dtype[np.record]],
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/scalars.pyi b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/scalars.pyi
index 965aa5ace4..6b134f7432 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/scalars.pyi
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/scalars.pyi
@@ -1,4 +1,13 @@
+import sys
+from typing import Any, Literal
import numpy as np
+import numpy.typing as npt
+if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
+ from typing import assert_type
+ from typing_extensions import assert_type
b: np.bool_
u8: np.uint64
@@ -11,146 +20,143 @@ U: np.str_
S: np.bytes_
V: np.void
-reveal_type(c8.real) # E: {float32}
-reveal_type(c8.imag) # E: {float32}
+assert_type(c8.real, np.float32)
+assert_type(c8.imag, np.float32)
-reveal_type(c8.real.real) # E: {float32}
-reveal_type(c8.real.imag) # E: {float32}
+assert_type(c8.real.real, np.float32)
+assert_type(c8.real.imag, np.float32)
-reveal_type(c8.itemsize) # E: int
-reveal_type(c8.shape) # E: Tuple[]
-reveal_type(c8.strides) # E: Tuple[]
+assert_type(c8.itemsize, int)
+assert_type(c8.shape, tuple[()])
+assert_type(c8.strides, tuple[()])
-reveal_type(c8.ndim) # E: Literal[0]
-reveal_type(c8.size) # E: Literal[1]
+assert_type(c8.ndim, Literal[0])
+assert_type(c8.size, Literal[1])
-reveal_type(c8.squeeze()) # E: {complex64}
-reveal_type(c8.byteswap()) # E: {complex64}
-reveal_type(c8.transpose()) # E: {complex64}
+assert_type(c8.squeeze(), np.complex64)
+assert_type(c8.byteswap(), np.complex64)
+assert_type(c8.transpose(), np.complex64)
-reveal_type(c8.dtype) # E: dtype[{complex64}]
+assert_type(c8.dtype, np.dtype[np.complex64])
-reveal_type(c8.real) # E: {float32}
-reveal_type(c16.imag) # E: {float64}
+assert_type(c8.real, np.float32)
+assert_type(c16.imag, np.float64)
-reveal_type(np.unicode_('foo')) # E: str_
+assert_type(np.str_('foo'), np.str_)
-reveal_type(V[0]) # E: Any
-reveal_type(V["field1"]) # E: Any
-reveal_type(V[["field1", "field2"]]) # E: void
+assert_type(V[0], Any)
+assert_type(V["field1"], Any)
+assert_type(V[["field1", "field2"]], np.void)
V[0] = 5
# Aliases
-reveal_type(np.unicode_()) # E: str_
-reveal_type(np.string_()) # E: bytes_
-reveal_type(np.byte()) # E: {byte}
-reveal_type(np.short()) # E: {short}
-reveal_type(np.intc()) # E: {intc}
-reveal_type(np.intp()) # E: {intp}
-reveal_type(np.int_()) # E: {int_}
-reveal_type(np.longlong()) # E: {longlong}
-reveal_type(np.ubyte()) # E: {ubyte}
-reveal_type(np.ushort()) # E: {ushort}
-reveal_type(np.uintc()) # E: {uintc}
-reveal_type(np.uintp()) # E: {uintp}
-reveal_type(np.uint()) # E: {uint}
-reveal_type(np.ulonglong()) # E: {ulonglong}
-reveal_type(np.half()) # E: {half}
-reveal_type(np.single()) # E: {single}
-reveal_type(np.double()) # E: {double}
-reveal_type(np.float_()) # E: {double}
-reveal_type(np.longdouble()) # E: {longdouble}
-reveal_type(np.longfloat()) # E: {longdouble}
-reveal_type(np.csingle()) # E: {csingle}
-reveal_type(np.singlecomplex()) # E: {csingle}
-reveal_type(np.cdouble()) # E: {cdouble}
-reveal_type(np.complex_()) # E: {cdouble}
-reveal_type(np.cfloat()) # E: {cdouble}
-reveal_type(np.clongdouble()) # E: {clongdouble}
-reveal_type(np.clongfloat()) # E: {clongdouble}
-reveal_type(np.longcomplex()) # E: {clongdouble}
-reveal_type(b.item()) # E: bool
-reveal_type(i8.item()) # E: int
-reveal_type(u8.item()) # E: int
-reveal_type(f8.item()) # E: float
-reveal_type(c16.item()) # E: complex
-reveal_type(U.item()) # E: str
-reveal_type(S.item()) # E: bytes
-reveal_type(b.tolist()) # E: bool
-reveal_type(i8.tolist()) # E: int
-reveal_type(u8.tolist()) # E: int
-reveal_type(f8.tolist()) # E: float
-reveal_type(c16.tolist()) # E: complex
-reveal_type(U.tolist()) # E: str
-reveal_type(S.tolist()) # E: bytes
-reveal_type(b.ravel()) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(i8.ravel()) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int64}]]
-reveal_type(u8.ravel()) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{uint64}]]
-reveal_type(f8.ravel()) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(c16.ravel()) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{complex128}]]
-reveal_type(U.ravel()) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[str_]]
-reveal_type(S.ravel()) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bytes_]]
-reveal_type(b.flatten()) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(i8.flatten()) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int64}]]
-reveal_type(u8.flatten()) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{uint64}]]
-reveal_type(f8.flatten()) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(c16.flatten()) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{complex128}]]
-reveal_type(U.flatten()) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[str_]]
-reveal_type(S.flatten()) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bytes_]]
-reveal_type(b.reshape(1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(i8.reshape(1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int64}]]
-reveal_type(u8.reshape(1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{uint64}]]
-reveal_type(f8.reshape(1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(c16.reshape(1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{complex128}]]
-reveal_type(U.reshape(1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[str_]]
-reveal_type(S.reshape(1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bytes_]]
-reveal_type(i8.astype(float)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(i8.astype(np.float64)) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(i8.view()) # E: {int64}
-reveal_type(i8.view(np.float64)) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(i8.view(float)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(i8.view(np.float64, np.ndarray)) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(i8.getfield(float)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(i8.getfield(np.float64)) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(i8.getfield(np.float64, 8)) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(f8.as_integer_ratio()) # E: Tuple[builtins.int, builtins.int]
-reveal_type(f8.is_integer()) # E: bool
-reveal_type(f8.__trunc__()) # E: int
-reveal_type(f8.__getformat__("float")) # E: str
-reveal_type(f8.hex()) # E: str
-reveal_type(np.float64.fromhex("0x0.0p+0")) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(f8.__getnewargs__()) # E: Tuple[builtins.float]
-reveal_type(c16.__getnewargs__()) # E: Tuple[builtins.float, builtins.float]
-reveal_type(i8.numerator) # E: {int64}
-reveal_type(i8.denominator) # E: Literal[1]
-reveal_type(u8.numerator) # E: {uint64}
-reveal_type(u8.denominator) # E: Literal[1]
-reveal_type(m.numerator) # E: timedelta64
-reveal_type(m.denominator) # E: Literal[1]
-reveal_type(round(i8)) # E: int
-reveal_type(round(i8, 3)) # E: {int64}
-reveal_type(round(u8)) # E: int
-reveal_type(round(u8, 3)) # E: {uint64}
-reveal_type(round(f8)) # E: int
-reveal_type(round(f8, 3)) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(f8.__ceil__()) # E: int
-reveal_type(f8.__floor__()) # E: int
-reveal_type(i8.is_integer()) # E: Literal[True]
+assert_type(np.byte(), np.byte)
+assert_type(np.short(), np.short)
+assert_type(np.intc(), np.intc)
+assert_type(np.intp(), np.intp)
+assert_type(np.int_(), np.int_)
+assert_type(np.longlong(), np.longlong)
+assert_type(np.ubyte(), np.ubyte)
+assert_type(np.ushort(), np.ushort)
+assert_type(np.uintc(), np.uintc)
+assert_type(np.uintp(), np.uintp)
+assert_type(np.uint(), np.uint)
+assert_type(np.ulonglong(), np.ulonglong)
+assert_type(np.half(), np.half)
+assert_type(np.single(), np.single)
+assert_type(np.double(), np.double)
+assert_type(np.longdouble(), np.longdouble)
+assert_type(np.float_(), np.float_)
+assert_type(np.longfloat(), np.longfloat)
+assert_type(np.csingle(), np.csingle)
+assert_type(np.cdouble(), np.cdouble)
+assert_type(np.clongdouble(), np.clongdouble)
+assert_type(np.singlecomplex(), np.singlecomplex)
+assert_type(np.complex_(), np.complex_)
+assert_type(np.cfloat(), np.cfloat)
+assert_type(np.clongfloat(), np.clongfloat)
+assert_type(np.longcomplex(), np.longcomplex)
+assert_type(b.item(), bool)
+assert_type(i8.item(), int)
+assert_type(u8.item(), int)
+assert_type(f8.item(), float)
+assert_type(c16.item(), complex)
+assert_type(U.item(), str)
+assert_type(S.item(), bytes)
+assert_type(b.tolist(), bool)
+assert_type(i8.tolist(), int)
+assert_type(u8.tolist(), int)
+assert_type(f8.tolist(), float)
+assert_type(c16.tolist(), complex)
+assert_type(U.tolist(), str)
+assert_type(S.tolist(), bytes)
+assert_type(b.ravel(), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(i8.ravel(), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(u8.ravel(), npt.NDArray[np.uint64])
+assert_type(f8.ravel(), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(c16.ravel(), npt.NDArray[np.complex128])
+assert_type(U.ravel(), npt.NDArray[np.str_])
+assert_type(S.ravel(), npt.NDArray[np.bytes_])
+assert_type(b.flatten(), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(i8.flatten(), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(u8.flatten(), npt.NDArray[np.uint64])
+assert_type(f8.flatten(), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(c16.flatten(), npt.NDArray[np.complex128])
+assert_type(U.flatten(), npt.NDArray[np.str_])
+assert_type(S.flatten(), npt.NDArray[np.bytes_])
+assert_type(b.reshape(1), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(i8.reshape(1), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(u8.reshape(1), npt.NDArray[np.uint64])
+assert_type(f8.reshape(1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(c16.reshape(1), npt.NDArray[np.complex128])
+assert_type(U.reshape(1), npt.NDArray[np.str_])
+assert_type(S.reshape(1), npt.NDArray[np.bytes_])
+assert_type(i8.astype(float), Any)
+assert_type(i8.astype(np.float64), np.float64)
+assert_type(i8.view(), np.int64)
+assert_type(i8.view(np.float64), np.float64)
+assert_type(i8.view(float), Any)
+assert_type(i8.view(np.float64, np.ndarray), np.float64)
+assert_type(i8.getfield(float), Any)
+assert_type(i8.getfield(np.float64), np.float64)
+assert_type(i8.getfield(np.float64, 8), np.float64)
+assert_type(f8.as_integer_ratio(), tuple[int, int])
+assert_type(f8.is_integer(), bool)
+assert_type(f8.__trunc__(), int)
+assert_type(f8.__getformat__("float"), str)
+assert_type(f8.hex(), str)
+assert_type(np.float64.fromhex("0x0.0p+0"), np.float64)
+assert_type(f8.__getnewargs__(), tuple[float])
+assert_type(c16.__getnewargs__(), tuple[float, float])
+assert_type(i8.numerator, np.int64)
+assert_type(i8.denominator, Literal[1])
+assert_type(u8.numerator, np.uint64)
+assert_type(u8.denominator, Literal[1])
+assert_type(m.numerator, np.timedelta64)
+assert_type(m.denominator, Literal[1])
+assert_type(round(i8), int)
+assert_type(round(i8, 3), np.int64)
+assert_type(round(u8), int)
+assert_type(round(u8, 3), np.uint64)
+assert_type(round(f8), int)
+assert_type(round(f8, 3), np.float64)
+assert_type(f8.__ceil__(), int)
+assert_type(f8.__floor__(), int)
+assert_type(i8.is_integer(), Literal[True])
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/shape_base.pyi b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/shape_base.pyi
index b907a43280..db75d1b015 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/shape_base.pyi
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/shape_base.pyi
@@ -1,57 +1,65 @@
-import numpy as np
-from numpy._typing import NDArray
+import sys
from typing import Any
+import numpy as np
+import numpy.typing as npt
+from numpy.lib.shape_base import _ArrayPrepare, _ArrayWrap
+if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
+ from typing import assert_type
+ from typing_extensions import assert_type
i8: np.int64
f8: np.float64
-AR_b: NDArray[np.bool_]
-AR_i8: NDArray[np.int64]
-AR_f8: NDArray[np.float64]
+AR_b: npt.NDArray[np.bool_]
+AR_i8: npt.NDArray[np.int64]
+AR_f8: npt.NDArray[np.float64]
AR_LIKE_f8: list[float]
-reveal_type(np.take_along_axis(AR_f8, AR_i8, axis=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.take_along_axis(f8, AR_i8, axis=None)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
+assert_type(np.take_along_axis(AR_f8, AR_i8, axis=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.take_along_axis(f8, AR_i8, axis=None), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
-reveal_type(np.put_along_axis(AR_f8, AR_i8, "1.0", axis=1)) # E: None
+assert_type(np.put_along_axis(AR_f8, AR_i8, "1.0", axis=1), None)
-reveal_type(np.expand_dims(AR_i8, 2)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int64}]]
-reveal_type(np.expand_dims(AR_LIKE_f8, 2)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
+assert_type(np.expand_dims(AR_i8, 2), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(np.expand_dims(AR_LIKE_f8, 2), npt.NDArray[Any])
-reveal_type(np.column_stack([AR_i8])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int64}]]
-reveal_type(np.column_stack([AR_LIKE_f8])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
+assert_type(np.column_stack([AR_i8]), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(np.column_stack([AR_LIKE_f8]), npt.NDArray[Any])
-reveal_type(np.dstack([AR_i8])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int64}]]
-reveal_type(np.dstack([AR_LIKE_f8])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
+assert_type(np.dstack([AR_i8]), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(np.dstack([AR_LIKE_f8]), npt.NDArray[Any])
-reveal_type(np.row_stack([AR_i8])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int64}]]
-reveal_type(np.row_stack([AR_LIKE_f8])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
+assert_type(np.row_stack([AR_i8]), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(np.row_stack([AR_LIKE_f8]), npt.NDArray[Any])
-reveal_type(np.array_split(AR_i8, [3, 5, 6, 10])) # E: list[ndarray[Any, dtype[{int64}]]]
-reveal_type(np.array_split(AR_LIKE_f8, [3, 5, 6, 10])) # E: list[ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]]
+assert_type(np.array_split(AR_i8, [3, 5, 6, 10]), list[npt.NDArray[np.int64]])
+assert_type(np.array_split(AR_LIKE_f8, [3, 5, 6, 10]), list[npt.NDArray[Any]])
-reveal_type(np.split(AR_i8, [3, 5, 6, 10])) # E: list[ndarray[Any, dtype[{int64}]]]
-reveal_type(np.split(AR_LIKE_f8, [3, 5, 6, 10])) # E: list[ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]]
+assert_type(np.split(AR_i8, [3, 5, 6, 10]), list[npt.NDArray[np.int64]])
+assert_type(np.split(AR_LIKE_f8, [3, 5, 6, 10]), list[npt.NDArray[Any]])
-reveal_type(np.hsplit(AR_i8, [3, 5, 6, 10])) # E: list[ndarray[Any, dtype[{int64}]]]
-reveal_type(np.hsplit(AR_LIKE_f8, [3, 5, 6, 10])) # E: list[ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]]
+assert_type(np.hsplit(AR_i8, [3, 5, 6, 10]), list[npt.NDArray[np.int64]])
+assert_type(np.hsplit(AR_LIKE_f8, [3, 5, 6, 10]), list[npt.NDArray[Any]])
-reveal_type(np.vsplit(AR_i8, [3, 5, 6, 10])) # E: list[ndarray[Any, dtype[{int64}]]]
-reveal_type(np.vsplit(AR_LIKE_f8, [3, 5, 6, 10])) # E: list[ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]]
+assert_type(np.vsplit(AR_i8, [3, 5, 6, 10]), list[npt.NDArray[np.int64]])
+assert_type(np.vsplit(AR_LIKE_f8, [3, 5, 6, 10]), list[npt.NDArray[Any]])
-reveal_type(np.dsplit(AR_i8, [3, 5, 6, 10])) # E: list[ndarray[Any, dtype[{int64}]]]
-reveal_type(np.dsplit(AR_LIKE_f8, [3, 5, 6, 10])) # E: list[ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]]
+assert_type(np.dsplit(AR_i8, [3, 5, 6, 10]), list[npt.NDArray[np.int64]])
+assert_type(np.dsplit(AR_LIKE_f8, [3, 5, 6, 10]), list[npt.NDArray[Any]])
-reveal_type(np.lib.shape_base.get_array_prepare(AR_i8)) # E: lib.shape_base._ArrayPrepare
-reveal_type(np.lib.shape_base.get_array_prepare(AR_i8, 1)) # E: Union[None, lib.shape_base._ArrayPrepare]
+assert_type(np.lib.shape_base.get_array_prepare(AR_i8), _ArrayPrepare)
+assert_type(np.lib.shape_base.get_array_prepare(AR_i8, 1), None | _ArrayPrepare)
-reveal_type(np.get_array_wrap(AR_i8)) # E: lib.shape_base._ArrayWrap
-reveal_type(np.get_array_wrap(AR_i8, 1)) # E: Union[None, lib.shape_base._ArrayWrap]
+assert_type(np.get_array_wrap(AR_i8), _ArrayWrap)
+assert_type(np.get_array_wrap(AR_i8, 1), None | _ArrayWrap)
-reveal_type(np.kron(AR_b, AR_b)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(np.kron(AR_b, AR_i8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.kron(AR_f8, AR_f8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
+assert_type(np.kron(AR_b, AR_b), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(np.kron(AR_b, AR_i8), npt.NDArray[np.signedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(np.kron(AR_f8, AR_f8), npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
-reveal_type(np.tile(AR_i8, 5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int64}]]
-reveal_type(np.tile(AR_LIKE_f8, [2, 2])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
+assert_type(np.tile(AR_i8, 5), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(np.tile(AR_LIKE_f8, [2, 2]), npt.NDArray[Any])
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/stride_tricks.pyi b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/stride_tricks.pyi
index 17769dc4bb..68e1eeac98 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/stride_tricks.pyi
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/stride_tricks.pyi
@@ -1,28 +1,36 @@
+import sys
from typing import Any
import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
+from numpy.lib.stride_tricks import DummyArray
+if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
+ from typing import assert_type
+ from typing_extensions import assert_type
AR_f8: npt.NDArray[np.float64]
AR_LIKE_f: list[float]
interface_dict: dict[str, Any]
-reveal_type(np.lib.stride_tricks.DummyArray(interface_dict)) # E: lib.stride_tricks.DummyArray
+assert_type(np.lib.stride_tricks.DummyArray(interface_dict), DummyArray)
-reveal_type(np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(AR_f8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(AR_LIKE_f)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(AR_f8, strides=(1, 5))) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(AR_f8, shape=[9, 20])) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
+assert_type(np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(AR_f8), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(AR_LIKE_f), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(AR_f8, strides=(1, 5)), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(AR_f8, shape=[9, 20]), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
-reveal_type(np.lib.stride_tricks.sliding_window_view(AR_f8, 5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.lib.stride_tricks.sliding_window_view(AR_LIKE_f, (1, 5))) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.lib.stride_tricks.sliding_window_view(AR_f8, [9], axis=1)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
+assert_type(np.lib.stride_tricks.sliding_window_view(AR_f8, 5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.lib.stride_tricks.sliding_window_view(AR_LIKE_f, (1, 5)), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.lib.stride_tricks.sliding_window_view(AR_f8, [9], axis=1), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
-reveal_type(np.broadcast_to(AR_f8, 5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.broadcast_to(AR_LIKE_f, (1, 5))) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.broadcast_to(AR_f8, [4, 6], subok=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
+assert_type(np.broadcast_to(AR_f8, 5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.broadcast_to(AR_LIKE_f, (1, 5)), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.broadcast_to(AR_f8, [4, 6], subok=True), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
-reveal_type(np.broadcast_shapes((1, 2), [3, 1], (3, 2))) # E: tuple[builtins.int, ...]
-reveal_type(np.broadcast_shapes((6, 7), (5, 6, 1), 7, (5, 1, 7))) # E: tuple[builtins.int, ...]
+assert_type(np.broadcast_shapes((1, 2), [3, 1], (3, 2)), tuple[int, ...])
+assert_type(np.broadcast_shapes((6, 7), (5, 6, 1), 7, (5, 1, 7)), tuple[int, ...])
-reveal_type(np.broadcast_arrays(AR_f8, AR_f8)) # E: list[ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.broadcast_arrays(AR_f8, AR_LIKE_f)) # E: list[ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]]
+assert_type(np.broadcast_arrays(AR_f8, AR_f8), list[npt.NDArray[Any]])
+assert_type(np.broadcast_arrays(AR_f8, AR_LIKE_f), list[npt.NDArray[Any]])
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/testing.pyi b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/testing.pyi
index 5c35731d3b..ecd74e9aa3 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/testing.pyi
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/testing.pyi
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
-from __future__ import annotations
import re
import sys
+import warnings
+import types
+import unittest
+import contextlib
from collections.abc import Callable
from typing import Any, TypeVar
from pathlib import Path
@@ -9,6 +11,11 @@ from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
+if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
+ from typing import assert_type
+ from typing_extensions import assert_type
AR_f8: npt.NDArray[np.float64]
AR_i8: npt.NDArray[np.int64]
@@ -23,154 +30,174 @@ def func2(
y: npt.NDArray[np.number[Any]],
) -> npt.NDArray[np.bool_]: ...
-reveal_type(np.testing.KnownFailureException()) # E: KnownFailureException
-reveal_type(np.testing.IgnoreException()) # E: IgnoreException
-reveal_type(np.testing.clear_and_catch_warnings(modules=[np.testing])) # E: _clear_and_catch_warnings_without_records
-reveal_type(np.testing.clear_and_catch_warnings(True)) # E: _clear_and_catch_warnings_with_records
-reveal_type(np.testing.clear_and_catch_warnings(False)) # E: _clear_and_catch_warnings_without_records
-reveal_type(np.testing.clear_and_catch_warnings(bool_obj)) # E: clear_and_catch_warnings
-reveal_type(np.testing.clear_and_catch_warnings.class_modules) # E: tuple[types.ModuleType, ...]
-reveal_type(np.testing.clear_and_catch_warnings.modules) # E: set[types.ModuleType]
+assert_type(np.testing.KnownFailureException(), np.testing.KnownFailureException)
+assert_type(np.testing.IgnoreException(), np.testing.IgnoreException)
+ np.testing.clear_and_catch_warnings(modules=[np.testing]),
+ np.testing._private.utils._clear_and_catch_warnings_without_records,
+ np.testing.clear_and_catch_warnings(True),
+ np.testing._private.utils._clear_and_catch_warnings_with_records,
+ np.testing.clear_and_catch_warnings(False),
+ np.testing._private.utils._clear_and_catch_warnings_without_records,
+ np.testing.clear_and_catch_warnings(bool_obj),
+ np.testing.clear_and_catch_warnings,
+ np.testing.clear_and_catch_warnings.class_modules,
+ tuple[types.ModuleType, ...],
+ np.testing.clear_and_catch_warnings.modules,
+ set[types.ModuleType],
with np.testing.clear_and_catch_warnings(True) as c1:
- reveal_type(c1) # E: builtins.list[warnings.WarningMessage]
+ assert_type(c1, list[warnings.WarningMessage])
with np.testing.clear_and_catch_warnings() as c2:
- reveal_type(c2) # E: None
+ assert_type(c2, None)
-reveal_type(np.testing.suppress_warnings("once")) # E: suppress_warnings
-reveal_type(np.testing.suppress_warnings()(func)) # E: def () -> builtins.int
-reveal_type(suppress_obj.filter(RuntimeWarning)) # E: None
-reveal_type(suppress_obj.record(RuntimeWarning)) # E: list[warnings.WarningMessage]
+assert_type(np.testing.suppress_warnings("once"), np.testing.suppress_warnings)
+assert_type(np.testing.suppress_warnings()(func), Callable[[], int])
+assert_type(suppress_obj.filter(RuntimeWarning), None)
+assert_type(suppress_obj.record(RuntimeWarning), list[warnings.WarningMessage])
with suppress_obj as c3:
- reveal_type(c3) # E: suppress_warnings
+ assert_type(c3, np.testing.suppress_warnings)
-reveal_type(np.testing.verbose) # E: int
-reveal_type(np.testing.IS_PYPY) # E: bool
-reveal_type(np.testing.HAS_REFCOUNT) # E: bool
-reveal_type(np.testing.HAS_LAPACK64) # E: bool
+assert_type(np.testing.verbose, int)
+assert_type(np.testing.IS_PYPY, bool)
+assert_type(np.testing.HAS_REFCOUNT, bool)
+assert_type(np.testing.HAS_LAPACK64, bool)
-reveal_type(np.testing.assert_(1, msg="test")) # E: None
-reveal_type(np.testing.assert_(2, msg=lambda: "test")) # E: None
+assert_type(np.testing.assert_(1, msg="test"), None)
+assert_type(np.testing.assert_(2, msg=lambda: "test"), None)
if sys.platform == "win32" or sys.platform == "cygwin":
- reveal_type(np.testing.memusage()) # E: builtins.int
+ assert_type(np.testing.memusage(), int)
elif sys.platform == "linux":
- reveal_type(np.testing.memusage()) # E: Union[None, builtins.int]
- reveal_type(np.testing.memusage()) # E: <nothing>
+ assert_type(np.testing.memusage(), None | int)
-reveal_type(np.testing.jiffies()) # E: builtins.int
+assert_type(np.testing.jiffies(), int)
-reveal_type(np.testing.build_err_msg([0, 1, 2], "test")) # E: str
-reveal_type(np.testing.build_err_msg(range(2), "test", header="header")) # E: str
-reveal_type(np.testing.build_err_msg(np.arange(9).reshape(3, 3), "test", verbose=False)) # E: str
-reveal_type(np.testing.build_err_msg("abc", "test", names=["x", "y"])) # E: str
-reveal_type(np.testing.build_err_msg([1.0, 2.0], "test", precision=5)) # E: str
+assert_type(np.testing.build_err_msg([0, 1, 2], "test"), str)
+assert_type(np.testing.build_err_msg(range(2), "test", header="header"), str)
+assert_type(np.testing.build_err_msg(np.arange(9).reshape(3, 3), "test", verbose=False), str)
+assert_type(np.testing.build_err_msg("abc", "test", names=["x", "y"]), str)
+assert_type(np.testing.build_err_msg([1.0, 2.0], "test", precision=5), str)
-reveal_type(np.testing.assert_equal({1}, {1})) # E: None
-reveal_type(np.testing.assert_equal([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3], err_msg="fail")) # E: None
-reveal_type(np.testing.assert_equal(1, 1.0, verbose=True)) # E: None
+assert_type(np.testing.assert_equal({1}, {1}), None)
+assert_type(np.testing.assert_equal([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3], err_msg="fail"), None)
+assert_type(np.testing.assert_equal(1, 1.0, verbose=True), None)
-reveal_type(np.testing.print_assert_equal('Test XYZ of func xyz', [0, 1], [0, 1])) # E: None
+assert_type(np.testing.print_assert_equal('Test XYZ of func xyz', [0, 1], [0, 1]), None)
-reveal_type(np.testing.assert_almost_equal(1.0, 1.1)) # E: None
-reveal_type(np.testing.assert_almost_equal([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3], err_msg="fail")) # E: None
-reveal_type(np.testing.assert_almost_equal(1, 1.0, verbose=True)) # E: None
-reveal_type(np.testing.assert_almost_equal(1, 1.0001, decimal=2)) # E: None
+assert_type(np.testing.assert_almost_equal(1.0, 1.1), None)
+assert_type(np.testing.assert_almost_equal([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3], err_msg="fail"), None)
+assert_type(np.testing.assert_almost_equal(1, 1.0, verbose=True), None)
+assert_type(np.testing.assert_almost_equal(1, 1.0001, decimal=2), None)
-reveal_type(np.testing.assert_approx_equal(1.0, 1.1)) # E: None
-reveal_type(np.testing.assert_approx_equal("1", "2", err_msg="fail")) # E: None
-reveal_type(np.testing.assert_approx_equal(1, 1.0, verbose=True)) # E: None
-reveal_type(np.testing.assert_approx_equal(1, 1.0001, significant=2)) # E: None
+assert_type(np.testing.assert_approx_equal(1.0, 1.1), None)
+assert_type(np.testing.assert_approx_equal("1", "2", err_msg="fail"), None)
+assert_type(np.testing.assert_approx_equal(1, 1.0, verbose=True), None)
+assert_type(np.testing.assert_approx_equal(1, 1.0001, significant=2), None)
-reveal_type(np.testing.assert_array_compare(func2, AR_i8, AR_f8, err_msg="test")) # E: None
-reveal_type(np.testing.assert_array_compare(func2, AR_i8, AR_f8, verbose=True)) # E: None
-reveal_type(np.testing.assert_array_compare(func2, AR_i8, AR_f8, header="header")) # E: None
-reveal_type(np.testing.assert_array_compare(func2, AR_i8, AR_f8, precision=np.int64())) # E: None
-reveal_type(np.testing.assert_array_compare(func2, AR_i8, AR_f8, equal_nan=False)) # E: None
-reveal_type(np.testing.assert_array_compare(func2, AR_i8, AR_f8, equal_inf=True)) # E: None
+assert_type(np.testing.assert_array_compare(func2, AR_i8, AR_f8, err_msg="test"), None)
+assert_type(np.testing.assert_array_compare(func2, AR_i8, AR_f8, verbose=True), None)
+assert_type(np.testing.assert_array_compare(func2, AR_i8, AR_f8, header="header"), None)
+assert_type(np.testing.assert_array_compare(func2, AR_i8, AR_f8, precision=np.int64()), None)
+assert_type(np.testing.assert_array_compare(func2, AR_i8, AR_f8, equal_nan=False), None)
+assert_type(np.testing.assert_array_compare(func2, AR_i8, AR_f8, equal_inf=True), None)
-reveal_type(np.testing.assert_array_equal(AR_i8, AR_f8)) # E: None
-reveal_type(np.testing.assert_array_equal(AR_i8, AR_f8, err_msg="test")) # E: None
-reveal_type(np.testing.assert_array_equal(AR_i8, AR_f8, verbose=True)) # E: None
+assert_type(np.testing.assert_array_equal(AR_i8, AR_f8), None)
+assert_type(np.testing.assert_array_equal(AR_i8, AR_f8, err_msg="test"), None)
+assert_type(np.testing.assert_array_equal(AR_i8, AR_f8, verbose=True), None)
-reveal_type(np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(AR_i8, AR_f8)) # E: None
-reveal_type(np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(AR_i8, AR_f8, err_msg="test")) # E: None
-reveal_type(np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(AR_i8, AR_f8, verbose=True)) # E: None
-reveal_type(np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(AR_i8, AR_f8, decimal=1)) # E: None
+assert_type(np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(AR_i8, AR_f8), None)
+assert_type(np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(AR_i8, AR_f8, err_msg="test"), None)
+assert_type(np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(AR_i8, AR_f8, verbose=True), None)
+assert_type(np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(AR_i8, AR_f8, decimal=1), None)
-reveal_type(np.testing.assert_array_less(AR_i8, AR_f8)) # E: None
-reveal_type(np.testing.assert_array_less(AR_i8, AR_f8, err_msg="test")) # E: None
-reveal_type(np.testing.assert_array_less(AR_i8, AR_f8, verbose=True)) # E: None
+assert_type(np.testing.assert_array_less(AR_i8, AR_f8), None)
+assert_type(np.testing.assert_array_less(AR_i8, AR_f8, err_msg="test"), None)
+assert_type(np.testing.assert_array_less(AR_i8, AR_f8, verbose=True), None)
-reveal_type(np.testing.runstring("1 + 1", {})) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.testing.runstring("int64() + 1", {"int64": np.int64})) # E: Any
+assert_type(np.testing.runstring("1 + 1", {}), Any)
+assert_type(np.testing.runstring("int64() + 1", {"int64": np.int64}), Any)
-reveal_type(np.testing.assert_string_equal("1", "1")) # E: None
+assert_type(np.testing.assert_string_equal("1", "1"), None)
-reveal_type(np.testing.rundocs()) # E: None
-reveal_type(np.testing.rundocs("test.py")) # E: None
-reveal_type(np.testing.rundocs(Path("test.py"), raise_on_error=True)) # E: None
+assert_type(np.testing.rundocs(), None)
+assert_type(np.testing.rundocs("test.py"), None)
+assert_type(np.testing.rundocs(Path("test.py"), raise_on_error=True), None)
def func3(a: int) -> bool: ...
-reveal_type(func3) # E: def (a: builtins.int) -> builtins.bool
-reveal_type(np.testing.assert_raises(RuntimeWarning)) # E: _AssertRaisesContext[builtins.RuntimeWarning]
-reveal_type(np.testing.assert_raises(RuntimeWarning, func3, 5)) # E: None
+ np.testing.assert_raises(RuntimeWarning),
+ unittest.case._AssertRaisesContext[RuntimeWarning],
+assert_type(np.testing.assert_raises(RuntimeWarning, func3, 5), None)
-reveal_type(np.testing.assert_raises_regex(RuntimeWarning, r"test")) # E: _AssertRaisesContext[builtins.RuntimeWarning]
-reveal_type(np.testing.assert_raises_regex(RuntimeWarning, b"test", func3, 5)) # E: None
-reveal_type(np.testing.assert_raises_regex(RuntimeWarning, re.compile(b"test"), func3, 5)) # E: None
+ np.testing.assert_raises_regex(RuntimeWarning, r"test"),
+ unittest.case._AssertRaisesContext[RuntimeWarning],
+assert_type(np.testing.assert_raises_regex(RuntimeWarning, b"test", func3, 5), None)
+assert_type(np.testing.assert_raises_regex(RuntimeWarning, re.compile(b"test"), func3, 5), None)
class Test: ...
def decorate(a: FT) -> FT:
return a
-reveal_type(np.testing.decorate_methods(Test, decorate)) # E: None
-reveal_type(np.testing.decorate_methods(Test, decorate, None)) # E: None
-reveal_type(np.testing.decorate_methods(Test, decorate, "test")) # E: None
-reveal_type(np.testing.decorate_methods(Test, decorate, b"test")) # E: None
-reveal_type(np.testing.decorate_methods(Test, decorate, re.compile("test"))) # E: None
+assert_type(np.testing.decorate_methods(Test, decorate), None)
+assert_type(np.testing.decorate_methods(Test, decorate, None), None)
+assert_type(np.testing.decorate_methods(Test, decorate, "test"), None)
+assert_type(np.testing.decorate_methods(Test, decorate, b"test"), None)
+assert_type(np.testing.decorate_methods(Test, decorate, re.compile("test")), None)
-reveal_type(np.testing.measure("for i in range(1000): np.sqrt(i**2)")) # E: float
-reveal_type(np.testing.measure(b"for i in range(1000): np.sqrt(i**2)", times=5)) # E: float
+assert_type(np.testing.measure("for i in range(1000): np.sqrt(i**2)"), float)
+assert_type(np.testing.measure(b"for i in range(1000): np.sqrt(i**2)", times=5), float)
-reveal_type(np.testing.assert_allclose(AR_i8, AR_f8)) # E: None
-reveal_type(np.testing.assert_allclose(AR_i8, AR_f8, rtol=0.005)) # E: None
-reveal_type(np.testing.assert_allclose(AR_i8, AR_f8, atol=1)) # E: None
-reveal_type(np.testing.assert_allclose(AR_i8, AR_f8, equal_nan=True)) # E: None
-reveal_type(np.testing.assert_allclose(AR_i8, AR_f8, err_msg="err")) # E: None
-reveal_type(np.testing.assert_allclose(AR_i8, AR_f8, verbose=False)) # E: None
+assert_type(np.testing.assert_allclose(AR_i8, AR_f8), None)
+assert_type(np.testing.assert_allclose(AR_i8, AR_f8, rtol=0.005), None)
+assert_type(np.testing.assert_allclose(AR_i8, AR_f8, atol=1), None)
+assert_type(np.testing.assert_allclose(AR_i8, AR_f8, equal_nan=True), None)
+assert_type(np.testing.assert_allclose(AR_i8, AR_f8, err_msg="err"), None)
+assert_type(np.testing.assert_allclose(AR_i8, AR_f8, verbose=False), None)
-reveal_type(np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal_nulp(AR_i8, AR_f8, nulp=2)) # E: None
+assert_type(np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal_nulp(AR_i8, AR_f8, nulp=2), None)
-reveal_type(np.testing.assert_array_max_ulp(AR_i8, AR_f8, maxulp=2)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.testing.assert_array_max_ulp(AR_i8, AR_f8, dtype=np.float32)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
+assert_type(np.testing.assert_array_max_ulp(AR_i8, AR_f8, maxulp=2), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.testing.assert_array_max_ulp(AR_i8, AR_f8, dtype=np.float32), npt.NDArray[Any])
-reveal_type(np.testing.assert_warns(RuntimeWarning)) # E: _GeneratorContextManager[None]
-reveal_type(np.testing.assert_warns(RuntimeWarning, func3, 5)) # E: bool
+assert_type(np.testing.assert_warns(RuntimeWarning), contextlib._GeneratorContextManager[None])
+assert_type(np.testing.assert_warns(RuntimeWarning, func3, 5), bool)
def func4(a: int, b: str) -> bool: ...
-reveal_type(np.testing.assert_no_warnings()) # E: _GeneratorContextManager[None]
-reveal_type(np.testing.assert_no_warnings(func3, 5)) # E: bool
-reveal_type(np.testing.assert_no_warnings(func4, a=1, b="test")) # E: bool
-reveal_type(np.testing.assert_no_warnings(func4, 1, "test")) # E: bool
+assert_type(np.testing.assert_no_warnings(), contextlib._GeneratorContextManager[None])
+assert_type(np.testing.assert_no_warnings(func3, 5), bool)
+assert_type(np.testing.assert_no_warnings(func4, a=1, b="test"), bool)
+assert_type(np.testing.assert_no_warnings(func4, 1, "test"), bool)
-reveal_type(np.testing.tempdir("test_dir")) # E: _GeneratorContextManager[builtins.str]
-reveal_type(np.testing.tempdir(prefix=b"test")) # E: _GeneratorContextManager[builtins.bytes]
-reveal_type(np.testing.tempdir("test_dir", dir=Path("here"))) # E: _GeneratorContextManager[builtins.str]
+assert_type(np.testing.tempdir("test_dir"), contextlib._GeneratorContextManager[str])
+assert_type(np.testing.tempdir(prefix=b"test"), contextlib._GeneratorContextManager[bytes])
+assert_type(np.testing.tempdir("test_dir", dir=Path("here")), contextlib._GeneratorContextManager[str])
-reveal_type(np.testing.temppath("test_dir", text=True)) # E: _GeneratorContextManager[builtins.str]
-reveal_type(np.testing.temppath(prefix=b"test")) # E: _GeneratorContextManager[builtins.bytes]
-reveal_type(np.testing.temppath("test_dir", dir=Path("here"))) # E: _GeneratorContextManager[builtins.str]
+assert_type(np.testing.temppath("test_dir", text=True), contextlib._GeneratorContextManager[str])
+assert_type(np.testing.temppath(prefix=b"test"), contextlib._GeneratorContextManager[bytes])
+assert_type(np.testing.temppath("test_dir", dir=Path("here")), contextlib._GeneratorContextManager[str])
-reveal_type(np.testing.assert_no_gc_cycles()) # E: _GeneratorContextManager[None]
-reveal_type(np.testing.assert_no_gc_cycles(func3, 5)) # E: None
+assert_type(np.testing.assert_no_gc_cycles(), contextlib._GeneratorContextManager[None])
+assert_type(np.testing.assert_no_gc_cycles(func3, 5), None)
-reveal_type(np.testing.break_cycles()) # E: None
+assert_type(np.testing.break_cycles(), None)
-reveal_type(np.testing.TestCase()) # E: unittest.case.TestCase
+assert_type(np.testing.TestCase(), unittest.case.TestCase)
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/twodim_base.pyi b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/twodim_base.pyi
index 0dc58d4378..506786c787 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/twodim_base.pyi
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/twodim_base.pyi
@@ -1,8 +1,14 @@
+import sys
from typing import Any, TypeVar
import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
+if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
+ from typing import assert_type
+ from typing_extensions import assert_type
_SCT = TypeVar("_SCT", bound=np.generic)
@@ -23,50 +29,71 @@ AR_O: npt.NDArray[np.object_]
AR_LIKE_b: list[bool]
-reveal_type(np.fliplr(AR_b)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(np.fliplr(AR_LIKE_b)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.flipud(AR_b)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(np.flipud(AR_LIKE_b)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.eye(10)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.eye(10, M=20, dtype=np.int64)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int64}]]
-reveal_type(np.eye(10, k=2, dtype=int)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.diag(AR_b)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(np.diag(AR_LIKE_b, k=0)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.diagflat(AR_b)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(np.diagflat(AR_LIKE_b, k=0)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.tri(10)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.tri(10, M=20, dtype=np.int64)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{int64}]]
-reveal_type(np.tri(10, k=2, dtype=int)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.tril(AR_b)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(np.tril(AR_LIKE_b, k=0)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.triu(AR_b)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(np.triu(AR_LIKE_b, k=0)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.vander(AR_b)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.vander(AR_u)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.vander(AR_i, N=2)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[signedinteger[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.vander(AR_f, increasing=True)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.vander(AR_c)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[complexfloating[Any, Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.vander(AR_O)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[object_]]
-reveal_type(np.histogram2d(AR_i, AR_b)) # E: Tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]], ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]], ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]]
-reveal_type(np.histogram2d(AR_f, AR_f)) # E: Tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]], ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]], ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]]
-reveal_type(np.histogram2d(AR_f, AR_c, weights=AR_LIKE_b)) # E: Tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]], ndarray[Any, dtype[complexfloating[Any, Any]]], ndarray[Any, dtype[complexfloating[Any, Any]]]]
-reveal_type(np.mask_indices(10, func1)) # E: Tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[{intp}]], ndarray[Any, dtype[{intp}]]]
-reveal_type(np.mask_indices(8, func2, "0")) # E: Tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[{intp}]], ndarray[Any, dtype[{intp}]]]
-reveal_type(np.tril_indices(10)) # E: Tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]], ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]]
-reveal_type(np.tril_indices_from(AR_b)) # E: Tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]], ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]]
-reveal_type(np.triu_indices(10)) # E: Tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]], ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]]
-reveal_type(np.triu_indices_from(AR_b)) # E: Tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]], ndarray[Any, dtype[{int_}]]]
+assert_type(np.fliplr(AR_b), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(np.fliplr(AR_LIKE_b), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.flipud(AR_b), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(np.flipud(AR_LIKE_b), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.eye(10), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.eye(10, M=20, dtype=np.int64), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(np.eye(10, k=2, dtype=int), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.diag(AR_b), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(np.diag(AR_LIKE_b, k=0), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.diagflat(AR_b), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(np.diagflat(AR_LIKE_b, k=0), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.tri(10), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.tri(10, M=20, dtype=np.int64), npt.NDArray[np.int64])
+assert_type(np.tri(10, k=2, dtype=int), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.tril(AR_b), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(np.tril(AR_LIKE_b, k=0), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.triu(AR_b), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(np.triu(AR_LIKE_b, k=0), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.vander(AR_b), npt.NDArray[np.signedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(np.vander(AR_u), npt.NDArray[np.signedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(np.vander(AR_i, N=2), npt.NDArray[np.signedinteger[Any]])
+assert_type(np.vander(AR_f, increasing=True), npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(np.vander(AR_c), npt.NDArray[np.complexfloating[Any, Any]])
+assert_type(np.vander(AR_O), npt.NDArray[np.object_])
+ np.histogram2d(AR_i, AR_b),
+ tuple[
+ npt.NDArray[np.float64],
+ npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]],
+ npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]],
+ ],
+ np.histogram2d(AR_f, AR_f),
+ tuple[
+ npt.NDArray[np.float64],
+ npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]],
+ npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]],
+ ],
+ np.histogram2d(AR_f, AR_c, weights=AR_LIKE_b),
+ tuple[
+ npt.NDArray[np.float64],
+ npt.NDArray[np.complexfloating[Any, Any]],
+ npt.NDArray[np.complexfloating[Any, Any]],
+ ],
+assert_type(np.mask_indices(10, func1), tuple[npt.NDArray[np.intp], npt.NDArray[np.intp]])
+assert_type(np.mask_indices(8, func2, "0"), tuple[npt.NDArray[np.intp], npt.NDArray[np.intp]])
+assert_type(np.tril_indices(10), tuple[npt.NDArray[np.int_], npt.NDArray[np.int_]])
+assert_type(np.tril_indices_from(AR_b), tuple[npt.NDArray[np.int_], npt.NDArray[np.int_]])
+assert_type(np.triu_indices(10), tuple[npt.NDArray[np.int_], npt.NDArray[np.int_]])
+assert_type(np.triu_indices_from(AR_b), tuple[npt.NDArray[np.int_], npt.NDArray[np.int_]])
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/type_check.pyi b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/type_check.pyi
index ddd319a94a..12af9a66d9 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/type_check.pyi
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/type_check.pyi
@@ -1,6 +1,14 @@
+import sys
+from typing import Any, Literal
import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
-from numpy._typing import _128Bit
+from numpy._typing import _16Bit, _32Bit, _64Bit, _128Bit
+if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
+ from typing import assert_type
+ from typing_extensions import assert_type
f8: np.float64
f: float
@@ -22,52 +30,58 @@ class RealObj:
class ImagObj:
imag: slice
-reveal_type(np.mintypecode(["f8"], typeset="qfQF"))
-reveal_type(np.asfarray(AR_f8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.asfarray(AR_LIKE_f)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.asfarray(AR_f8, dtype="c16")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[complexfloating[Any, Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.asfarray(AR_f8, dtype="i8")) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.real(RealObj())) # E: slice
-reveal_type(np.real(AR_f8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.real(AR_c16)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.real(AR_LIKE_f)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.imag(ImagObj())) # E: slice
-reveal_type(np.imag(AR_f8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.imag(AR_c16)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.imag(AR_LIKE_f)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.iscomplex(f8)) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(np.iscomplex(AR_f8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(np.iscomplex(AR_LIKE_f)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(np.isreal(f8)) # E: bool_
-reveal_type(np.isreal(AR_f8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(np.isreal(AR_LIKE_f)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(np.iscomplexobj(f8)) # E: bool
-reveal_type(np.isrealobj(f8)) # E: bool
-reveal_type(np.nan_to_num(f8)) # E: {float64}
-reveal_type(np.nan_to_num(f, copy=True)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.nan_to_num(AR_f8, nan=1.5)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.nan_to_num(AR_LIKE_f, posinf=9999)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.real_if_close(AR_f8)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]]
-reveal_type(np.real_if_close(AR_c16)) # E: Union[ndarray[Any, dtype[{float64}]], ndarray[Any, dtype[{complex128}]]]
-reveal_type(np.real_if_close(AR_c8)) # E: Union[ndarray[Any, dtype[{float32}]], ndarray[Any, dtype[{complex64}]]]
-reveal_type(np.real_if_close(AR_LIKE_f)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]
-reveal_type(np.typename("h")) # E: Literal['short']
-reveal_type(np.typename("B")) # E: Literal['unsigned char']
-reveal_type(np.typename("V")) # E: Literal['void']
-reveal_type(np.typename("S1")) # E: Literal['character']
-reveal_type(np.common_type(AR_i4)) # E: Type[{float64}]
-reveal_type(np.common_type(AR_f2)) # E: Type[{float16}]
-reveal_type(np.common_type(AR_f2, AR_i4)) # E: Type[{float64}]
-reveal_type(np.common_type(AR_f16, AR_i4)) # E: Type[{float128}]
-reveal_type(np.common_type(AR_c8, AR_f2)) # E: Type[{complex64}]
-reveal_type(np.common_type(AR_f2, AR_c8, AR_i4)) # E: Type[{complex128}]
+assert_type(np.mintypecode(["f8"], typeset="qfQF"), str)
+assert_type(np.asfarray(AR_f8), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.asfarray(AR_LIKE_f), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.asfarray(AR_f8, dtype="c16"), npt.NDArray[np.complexfloating[Any, Any]])
+assert_type(np.asfarray(AR_f8, dtype="i8"), npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(np.real(RealObj()), slice)
+assert_type(np.real(AR_f8), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.real(AR_c16), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.real(AR_LIKE_f), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.imag(ImagObj()), slice)
+assert_type(np.imag(AR_f8), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.imag(AR_c16), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.imag(AR_LIKE_f), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.iscomplex(f8), np.bool_)
+assert_type(np.iscomplex(AR_f8), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(np.iscomplex(AR_LIKE_f), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(np.isreal(f8), np.bool_)
+assert_type(np.isreal(AR_f8), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(np.isreal(AR_LIKE_f), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(np.iscomplexobj(f8), bool)
+assert_type(np.isrealobj(f8), bool)
+assert_type(np.nan_to_num(f8), np.float64)
+assert_type(np.nan_to_num(f, copy=True), Any)
+assert_type(np.nan_to_num(AR_f8, nan=1.5), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.nan_to_num(AR_LIKE_f, posinf=9999), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.real_if_close(AR_f8), npt.NDArray[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.real_if_close(AR_c16), npt.NDArray[np.float64] | npt.NDArray[np.complex128])
+assert_type(np.real_if_close(AR_c8), npt.NDArray[np.float32] | npt.NDArray[np.complex64])
+assert_type(np.real_if_close(AR_LIKE_f), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.typename("h"), Literal["short"])
+assert_type(np.typename("B"), Literal["unsigned char"])
+assert_type(np.typename("V"), Literal["void"])
+assert_type(np.typename("S1"), Literal["character"])
+assert_type(np.common_type(AR_i4), type[np.float64])
+assert_type(np.common_type(AR_f2), type[np.float16])
+assert_type(np.common_type(AR_f2, AR_i4), type[np.floating[_16Bit | _64Bit]])
+assert_type(np.common_type(AR_f16, AR_i4), type[np.floating[_64Bit | _128Bit]])
+ np.common_type(AR_c8, AR_f2),
+ type[np.complexfloating[_16Bit | _32Bit, _16Bit | _32Bit]],
+ np.common_type(AR_f2, AR_c8, AR_i4),
+ type[np.complexfloating[_16Bit | _32Bit | _64Bit, _16Bit | _32Bit | _64Bit]],
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/ufunc_config.pyi b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/ufunc_config.pyi
index 2c6fadf923..38474f1e73 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/ufunc_config.pyi
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/ufunc_config.pyi
@@ -1,25 +1,41 @@
"""Typing tests for `core._ufunc_config`."""
+import sys
+from typing import Any, Protocol
+from collections.abc import Callable
import numpy as np
+from numpy.core._ufunc_config import _ErrDict
+if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
+ from typing import assert_type
+ from typing_extensions import assert_type
def func(a: str, b: int) -> None: ...
+class FuncProtocol(Protocol):
+ def __call__(self, a: str, b: int) -> None: ...
class Write:
def write(self, value: str) -> None: ...
-reveal_type(np.seterr(all=None)) # E: TypedDict('core._ufunc_config._ErrDict'
-reveal_type(np.seterr(divide="ignore")) # E: TypedDict('core._ufunc_config._ErrDict'
-reveal_type(np.seterr(over="warn")) # E: TypedDict('core._ufunc_config._ErrDict'
-reveal_type(np.seterr(under="call")) # E: TypedDict('core._ufunc_config._ErrDict'
-reveal_type(np.seterr(invalid="raise")) # E: TypedDict('core._ufunc_config._ErrDict'
-reveal_type(np.geterr()) # E: TypedDict('core._ufunc_config._ErrDict'
+class SupportsWrite(Protocol):
+ def write(self, s: str, /) -> object: ...
+assert_type(np.seterr(all=None), _ErrDict)
+assert_type(np.seterr(divide="ignore"), _ErrDict)
+assert_type(np.seterr(over="warn"), _ErrDict)
+assert_type(np.seterr(under="call"), _ErrDict)
+assert_type(np.seterr(invalid="raise"), _ErrDict)
+assert_type(np.geterr(), _ErrDict)
-reveal_type(np.setbufsize(4096)) # E: int
-reveal_type(np.getbufsize()) # E: int
+assert_type(np.setbufsize(4096), int)
+assert_type(np.getbufsize(), int)
-reveal_type(np.seterrcall(func)) # E: Union[None, def (builtins.str, builtins.int) -> Any, _SupportsWrite[builtins.str]]
-reveal_type(np.seterrcall(Write())) # E: Union[None, def (builtins.str, builtins.int) -> Any, _SupportsWrite[builtins.str]]
-reveal_type(np.geterrcall()) # E: Union[None, def (builtins.str, builtins.int) -> Any, _SupportsWrite[builtins.str]]
+assert_type(np.seterrcall(func), Callable[[str, int], Any] | None | SupportsWrite)
+assert_type(np.seterrcall(Write()), Callable[[str, int], Any] | None | SupportsWrite)
+assert_type(np.geterrcall(), Callable[[str, int], Any] | None | SupportsWrite)
-reveal_type(np.errstate(call=func, all="call")) # E: errstate[def (a: builtins.str, b: builtins.int)]
-reveal_type(np.errstate(call=Write(), divide="log", over="log")) # E: errstate[ufunc_config.Write]
+assert_type(np.errstate(call=func, all="call"), np.errstate[FuncProtocol])
+assert_type(np.errstate(call=Write(), divide="log", over="log"), np.errstate[Write])
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/ufunclike.pyi b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/ufunclike.pyi
index 9f06600b64..5f7a03eb62 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/ufunclike.pyi
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/ufunclike.pyi
@@ -1,5 +1,13 @@
+import sys
from typing import Any
import numpy as np
+import numpy.typing as npt
+if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
+ from typing import assert_type
+ from typing_extensions import assert_type
AR_LIKE_b: list[bool]
AR_LIKE_u: list[np.uint32]
@@ -7,23 +15,23 @@ AR_LIKE_i: list[int]
AR_LIKE_f: list[float]
AR_LIKE_O: list[np.object_]
-AR_U: np.ndarray[Any, np.dtype[np.str_]]
+AR_U: npt.NDArray[np.str_]
-reveal_type(np.fix(AR_LIKE_b)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.fix(AR_LIKE_u)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.fix(AR_LIKE_i)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.fix(AR_LIKE_f)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating[Any]]]
-reveal_type(np.fix(AR_LIKE_O)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.fix(AR_LIKE_f, out=AR_U)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[str_]]
+assert_type(np.fix(AR_LIKE_b), npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(np.fix(AR_LIKE_u), npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(np.fix(AR_LIKE_i), npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(np.fix(AR_LIKE_f), npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]])
+assert_type(np.fix(AR_LIKE_O), npt.NDArray[np.object_])
+assert_type(np.fix(AR_LIKE_f, out=AR_U), npt.NDArray[np.str_])
-reveal_type(np.isposinf(AR_LIKE_b)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(np.isposinf(AR_LIKE_u)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(np.isposinf(AR_LIKE_i)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(np.isposinf(AR_LIKE_f)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(np.isposinf(AR_LIKE_f, out=AR_U)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[str_]]
+assert_type(np.isposinf(AR_LIKE_b), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(np.isposinf(AR_LIKE_u), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(np.isposinf(AR_LIKE_i), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(np.isposinf(AR_LIKE_f), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(np.isposinf(AR_LIKE_f, out=AR_U), npt.NDArray[np.str_])
-reveal_type(np.isneginf(AR_LIKE_b)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(np.isneginf(AR_LIKE_u)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(np.isneginf(AR_LIKE_i)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(np.isneginf(AR_LIKE_f)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[bool_]]
-reveal_type(np.isneginf(AR_LIKE_f, out=AR_U)) # E: ndarray[Any, dtype[str_]]
+assert_type(np.isneginf(AR_LIKE_b), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(np.isneginf(AR_LIKE_u), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(np.isneginf(AR_LIKE_i), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(np.isneginf(AR_LIKE_f), npt.NDArray[np.bool_])
+assert_type(np.isneginf(AR_LIKE_f, out=AR_U), npt.NDArray[np.str_])
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/ufuncs.pyi b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/ufuncs.pyi
index 3bf83c8207..5f7d99efd1 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/ufuncs.pyi
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/ufuncs.pyi
@@ -1,68 +1,76 @@
+import sys
+from typing import Literal, Any
import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
+if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
+ from typing import assert_type
+ from typing_extensions import assert_type
f8: np.float64
AR_f8: npt.NDArray[np.float64]
AR_i8: npt.NDArray[np.int64]
-reveal_type(np.absolute.__doc__) # E: str
-reveal_type(np.absolute.types) # E: builtins.list[builtins.str]
+assert_type(np.absolute.__doc__, str)
+assert_type(np.absolute.types, list[str])
-reveal_type(np.absolute.__name__) # E: Literal['absolute']
-reveal_type(np.absolute.ntypes) # E: Literal[20]
-reveal_type(np.absolute.identity) # E: None
-reveal_type(np.absolute.nin) # E: Literal[1]
-reveal_type(np.absolute.nin) # E: Literal[1]
-reveal_type(np.absolute.nout) # E: Literal[1]
-reveal_type(np.absolute.nargs) # E: Literal[2]
-reveal_type(np.absolute.signature) # E: None
-reveal_type(np.absolute(f8)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.absolute(AR_f8)) # E: ndarray
-reveal_type(np.absolute.at(AR_f8, AR_i8)) # E: None
+assert_type(np.absolute.__name__, Literal["absolute"])
+assert_type(np.absolute.ntypes, Literal[20])
+assert_type(np.absolute.identity, None)
+assert_type(np.absolute.nin, Literal[1])
+assert_type(np.absolute.nin, Literal[1])
+assert_type(np.absolute.nout, Literal[1])
+assert_type(np.absolute.nargs, Literal[2])
+assert_type(np.absolute.signature, None)
+assert_type(np.absolute(f8), Any)
+assert_type(np.absolute(AR_f8), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.absolute.at(AR_f8, AR_i8), None)
-reveal_type(np.add.__name__) # E: Literal['add']
-reveal_type(np.add.ntypes) # E: Literal[22]
-reveal_type(np.add.identity) # E: Literal[0]
-reveal_type(np.add.nin) # E: Literal[2]
-reveal_type(np.add.nout) # E: Literal[1]
-reveal_type(np.add.nargs) # E: Literal[3]
-reveal_type(np.add.signature) # E: None
-reveal_type(np.add(f8, f8)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.add(AR_f8, f8)) # E: ndarray
-reveal_type(np.add.at(AR_f8, AR_i8, f8)) # E: None
-reveal_type(np.add.reduce(AR_f8, axis=0)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.add.accumulate(AR_f8)) # E: ndarray
-reveal_type(np.add.reduceat(AR_f8, AR_i8)) # E: ndarray
-reveal_type(np.add.outer(f8, f8)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.add.outer(AR_f8, f8)) # E: ndarray
+assert_type(np.add.__name__, Literal["add"])
+assert_type(np.add.ntypes, Literal[22])
+assert_type(np.add.identity, Literal[0])
+assert_type(np.add.nin, Literal[2])
+assert_type(np.add.nout, Literal[1])
+assert_type(np.add.nargs, Literal[3])
+assert_type(np.add.signature, None)
+assert_type(np.add(f8, f8), Any)
+assert_type(np.add(AR_f8, f8), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.add.at(AR_f8, AR_i8, f8), None)
+assert_type(np.add.reduce(AR_f8, axis=0), Any)
+assert_type(np.add.accumulate(AR_f8), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.add.reduceat(AR_f8, AR_i8), npt.NDArray[Any])
+assert_type(np.add.outer(f8, f8), Any)
+assert_type(np.add.outer(AR_f8, f8), npt.NDArray[Any])
-reveal_type(np.frexp.__name__) # E: Literal['frexp']
-reveal_type(np.frexp.ntypes) # E: Literal[4]
-reveal_type(np.frexp.identity) # E: None
-reveal_type(np.frexp.nin) # E: Literal[1]
-reveal_type(np.frexp.nout) # E: Literal[2]
-reveal_type(np.frexp.nargs) # E: Literal[3]
-reveal_type(np.frexp.signature) # E: None
-reveal_type(np.frexp(f8)) # E: Tuple[Any, Any]
-reveal_type(np.frexp(AR_f8)) # E: Tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]], ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]]
+assert_type(np.frexp.__name__, Literal["frexp"])
+assert_type(np.frexp.ntypes, Literal[4])
+assert_type(np.frexp.identity, None)
+assert_type(np.frexp.nin, Literal[1])
+assert_type(np.frexp.nout, Literal[2])
+assert_type(np.frexp.nargs, Literal[3])
+assert_type(np.frexp.signature, None)
+assert_type(np.frexp(f8), tuple[Any, Any])
+assert_type(np.frexp(AR_f8), tuple[npt.NDArray[Any], npt.NDArray[Any]])
-reveal_type(np.divmod.__name__) # E: Literal['divmod']
-reveal_type(np.divmod.ntypes) # E: Literal[15]
-reveal_type(np.divmod.identity) # E: None
-reveal_type(np.divmod.nin) # E: Literal[2]
-reveal_type(np.divmod.nout) # E: Literal[2]
-reveal_type(np.divmod.nargs) # E: Literal[4]
-reveal_type(np.divmod.signature) # E: None
-reveal_type(np.divmod(f8, f8)) # E: Tuple[Any, Any]
-reveal_type(np.divmod(AR_f8, f8)) # E: Tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]], ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]]
+assert_type(np.divmod.__name__, Literal["divmod"])
+assert_type(np.divmod.ntypes, Literal[15])
+assert_type(np.divmod.identity, None)
+assert_type(np.divmod.nin, Literal[2])
+assert_type(np.divmod.nout, Literal[2])
+assert_type(np.divmod.nargs, Literal[4])
+assert_type(np.divmod.signature, None)
+assert_type(np.divmod(f8, f8), tuple[Any, Any])
+assert_type(np.divmod(AR_f8, f8), tuple[npt.NDArray[Any], npt.NDArray[Any]])
-reveal_type(np.matmul.__name__) # E: Literal['matmul']
-reveal_type(np.matmul.ntypes) # E: Literal[19]
-reveal_type(np.matmul.identity) # E: None
-reveal_type(np.matmul.nin) # E: Literal[2]
-reveal_type(np.matmul.nout) # E: Literal[1]
-reveal_type(np.matmul.nargs) # E: Literal[3]
-reveal_type(np.matmul.signature) # E: Literal['(n?,k),(k,m?)->(n?,m?)']
-reveal_type(np.matmul.identity) # E: None
-reveal_type(np.matmul(AR_f8, AR_f8)) # E: Any
-reveal_type(np.matmul(AR_f8, AR_f8, axes=[(0, 1), (0, 1), (0, 1)])) # E: Any
+assert_type(np.matmul.__name__, Literal["matmul"])
+assert_type(np.matmul.ntypes, Literal[19])
+assert_type(np.matmul.identity, None)
+assert_type(np.matmul.nin, Literal[2])
+assert_type(np.matmul.nout, Literal[1])
+assert_type(np.matmul.nargs, Literal[3])
+assert_type(np.matmul.signature, Literal["(n?,k),(k,m?)->(n?,m?)"])
+assert_type(np.matmul.identity, None)
+assert_type(np.matmul(AR_f8, AR_f8), Any)
+assert_type(np.matmul(AR_f8, AR_f8, axes=[(0, 1), (0, 1), (0, 1)]), Any)
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/version.pyi b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/version.pyi
deleted file mode 100644
index e538376476..0000000000
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/version.pyi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-import numpy.version
-reveal_type(numpy.version.version) # E: str
-reveal_type(numpy.version.__version__) # E: str
-reveal_type(numpy.version.full_version) # E: str
-reveal_type(numpy.version.git_revision) # E: str
-reveal_type(numpy.version.release) # E: bool
-reveal_type(numpy.version.short_version) # E: str
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/warnings_and_errors.pyi b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/warnings_and_errors.pyi
index 19fa432f91..b026e4f6e3 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/warnings_and_errors.pyi
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/data/reveal/warnings_and_errors.pyi
@@ -1,9 +1,16 @@
+import sys
import numpy as np
-reveal_type(np.ModuleDeprecationWarning()) # E: ModuleDeprecationWarning
-reveal_type(np.VisibleDeprecationWarning()) # E: VisibleDeprecationWarning
-reveal_type(np.ComplexWarning()) # E: ComplexWarning
-reveal_type(np.RankWarning()) # E: RankWarning
-reveal_type(np.TooHardError()) # E: TooHardError
-reveal_type(np.AxisError("test")) # E: AxisError
-reveal_type(np.AxisError(5, 1)) # E: AxisError
+if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
+ from typing import assert_type
+ from typing_extensions import assert_type
+assert_type(np.ModuleDeprecationWarning(), np.ModuleDeprecationWarning)
+assert_type(np.VisibleDeprecationWarning(), np.VisibleDeprecationWarning)
+assert_type(np.ComplexWarning(), np.ComplexWarning)
+assert_type(np.RankWarning(), np.RankWarning)
+assert_type(np.TooHardError(), np.TooHardError)
+assert_type(np.AxisError("test"), np.AxisError)
+assert_type(np.AxisError(5, 1), np.AxisError)
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/test_isfile.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/test_isfile.py
index a898b3e285..2ca2c9b21f 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/test_isfile.py
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/test_isfile.py
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import os
+import sys
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
@@ -10,7 +11,6 @@ FILES = [
ROOT / "__init__.pyi",
ROOT / "ctypeslib.pyi",
ROOT / "core" / "__init__.pyi",
- ROOT / "distutils" / "__init__.pyi",
ROOT / "f2py" / "__init__.pyi",
ROOT / "fft" / "__init__.pyi",
ROOT / "lib" / "__init__.pyi",
@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ FILES = [
ROOT / "random" / "__init__.pyi",
ROOT / "testing" / "__init__.pyi",
+if sys.version_info < (3, 12):
+ FILES += [ROOT / "distutils" / "__init__.pyi"]
class TestIsFile:
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/test_typing.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/test_typing.py
index bcaaf5250c..68c6f5d03f 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/test_typing.py
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/typing/tests/test_typing.py
@@ -1,23 +1,45 @@
from __future__ import annotations
import importlib.util
-import itertools
import os
import re
import shutil
from collections import defaultdict
from collections.abc import Iterator
-from typing import IO, TYPE_CHECKING
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
import pytest
-import numpy as np
-import numpy.typing as npt
-from numpy.typing.mypy_plugin import (
- _C_INTP,
+from numpy.typing.mypy_plugin import _EXTENDED_PRECISION_LIST
+# Only trigger a full `mypy` run if this environment variable is set
+# Note that these tests tend to take over a minute even on a macOS M1 CPU,
+# and more than that in CI.
+if RUN_MYPY and RUN_MYPY not in ('0', '', 'false'):
+ RUN_MYPY = True
+# Skips all functions in this file
+pytestmark = pytest.mark.skipif(
+ not RUN_MYPY,
+ reason="`NPY_RUN_MYPY_IN_TESTSUITE` not set"
+# Only trigger a full `mypy` run if this environment variable is set
+# Note that these tests tend to take over a minute even on a macOS M1 CPU,
+# and more than that in CI.
+if RUN_MYPY and RUN_MYPY not in ('0', '', 'false'):
+ RUN_MYPY = True
+# Skips all functions in this file
+pytestmark = pytest.mark.skipif(
+ not RUN_MYPY,
+ reason="`NPY_RUN_MYPY_IN_TESTSUITE` not set"
from mypy import api
except ImportError:
@@ -40,7 +62,7 @@ CACHE_DIR = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, ".mypy_cache")
#: A dictionary with file names as keys and lists of the mypy stdout as values.
#: To-be populated by `run_mypy`.
-OUTPUT_MYPY: dict[str, list[str]] = {}
+OUTPUT_MYPY: defaultdict[str, list[str]] = defaultdict(list)
def _key_func(key: str) -> str:
@@ -52,10 +74,11 @@ def _key_func(key: str) -> str:
return os.path.join(drive, tail.split(":", 1)[0])
-def _strip_filename(msg: str) -> str:
- """Strip the filename from a mypy message."""
+def _strip_filename(msg: str) -> tuple[int, str]:
+ """Strip the filename and line number from a mypy message."""
_, tail = os.path.splitdrive(msg)
- return tail.split(":", 1)[-1]
+ _, lineno, msg = tail.split(":", 2)
+ return int(lineno), msg.strip()
def strip_func(match: re.Match[str]) -> str:
@@ -81,6 +104,7 @@ def run_mypy() -> None:
+ split_pattern = re.compile(r"(\s+)?\^(\~+)?")
for directory in (PASS_DIR, REVEAL_DIR, FAIL_DIR, MISC_DIR):
# Run mypy
stdout, stderr, exit_code = api.run([
@@ -94,11 +118,20 @@ def run_mypy() -> None:
pytest.fail(f"Unexpected mypy standard error\n\n{stderr}")
elif exit_code not in {0, 1}:
pytest.fail(f"Unexpected mypy exit code: {exit_code}\n\n{stdout}")
- stdout = stdout.replace('*', '')
- # Parse the output
- iterator = itertools.groupby(stdout.split("\n"), key=_key_func)
- OUTPUT_MYPY.update((k, list(v)) for k, v in iterator if k)
+ str_concat = ""
+ filename: str | None = None
+ for i in stdout.split("\n"):
+ if "note:" in i:
+ continue
+ if filename is None:
+ filename = _key_func(i)
+ str_concat += f"{i}\n"
+ if split_pattern.match(i) is not None:
+ OUTPUT_MYPY[filename].append(str_concat)
+ str_concat = ""
+ filename = None
def get_test_cases(directory: str) -> Iterator[ParameterSet]:
@@ -118,7 +151,7 @@ def test_success(path) -> None:
output_mypy = OUTPUT_MYPY
if path in output_mypy:
msg = "Unexpected mypy output\n\n"
- msg += "\n".join(_strip_filename(v) for v in output_mypy[path])
+ msg += "\n".join(_strip_filename(v)[1] for v in output_mypy[path])
raise AssertionError(msg)
@@ -135,15 +168,9 @@ def test_fail(path: str) -> None:
output_mypy = OUTPUT_MYPY
assert path in output_mypy
for error_line in output_mypy[path]:
- error_line = _strip_filename(error_line).split("\n", 1)[0]
- match = re.match(
- r"(?P<lineno>\d+): (error|note): .+$",
- error_line,
- )
- if match is None:
- raise ValueError(f"Unexpected error line format: {error_line}")
- lineno = int(match.group('lineno'))
+ lineno, error_line = _strip_filename(error_line)
errors[lineno] += f'{error_line}\n'
for i, line in enumerate(lines):
@@ -175,7 +202,7 @@ Extra error: {!r}
_FAIL_MSG2 = """Error mismatch at line {}
Expression: {}
-Expected error: {!r}
+Expected error: {}
Observed error: {!r}
@@ -195,141 +222,10 @@ def _test_fail(
-def _construct_ctypes_dict() -> dict[str, str]:
- dct = {
- "ubyte": "c_ubyte",
- "ushort": "c_ushort",
- "uintc": "c_uint",
- "uint": "c_ulong",
- "ulonglong": "c_ulonglong",
- "byte": "c_byte",
- "short": "c_short",
- "intc": "c_int",
- "int_": "c_long",
- "longlong": "c_longlong",
- "single": "c_float",
- "double": "c_double",
- "longdouble": "c_longdouble",
- }
- # Match `ctypes` names to the first ctypes type with a given kind and
- # precision, e.g. {"c_double": "c_double", "c_longdouble": "c_double"}
- # if both types represent 64-bit floats.
- # In this context "first" is defined by the order of `dct`
- ret = {}
- visited: dict[tuple[str, int], str] = {}
- for np_name, ct_name in dct.items():
- np_scalar = getattr(np, np_name)()
- # Find the first `ctypes` type for a given `kind`/`itemsize` combo
- key = (np_scalar.dtype.kind, np_scalar.dtype.itemsize)
- ret[ct_name] = visited.setdefault(key, f"ctypes.{ct_name}")
- return ret
-def _construct_format_dict() -> dict[str, str]:
- dct = {k.split(".")[-1]: v.replace("numpy", "numpy._typing") for
- k, v in _PRECISION_DICT.items()}
- return {
- "uint8": "numpy.unsignedinteger[numpy._typing._8Bit]",
- "uint16": "numpy.unsignedinteger[numpy._typing._16Bit]",
- "uint32": "numpy.unsignedinteger[numpy._typing._32Bit]",
- "uint64": "numpy.unsignedinteger[numpy._typing._64Bit]",
- "uint128": "numpy.unsignedinteger[numpy._typing._128Bit]",
- "uint256": "numpy.unsignedinteger[numpy._typing._256Bit]",
- "int8": "numpy.signedinteger[numpy._typing._8Bit]",
- "int16": "numpy.signedinteger[numpy._typing._16Bit]",
- "int32": "numpy.signedinteger[numpy._typing._32Bit]",
- "int64": "numpy.signedinteger[numpy._typing._64Bit]",
- "int128": "numpy.signedinteger[numpy._typing._128Bit]",
- "int256": "numpy.signedinteger[numpy._typing._256Bit]",
- "float16": "numpy.floating[numpy._typing._16Bit]",
- "float32": "numpy.floating[numpy._typing._32Bit]",
- "float64": "numpy.floating[numpy._typing._64Bit]",
- "float80": "numpy.floating[numpy._typing._80Bit]",
- "float96": "numpy.floating[numpy._typing._96Bit]",
- "float128": "numpy.floating[numpy._typing._128Bit]",
- "float256": "numpy.floating[numpy._typing._256Bit]",
- "complex64": ("numpy.complexfloating"
- "[numpy._typing._32Bit, numpy._typing._32Bit]"),
- "complex128": ("numpy.complexfloating"
- "[numpy._typing._64Bit, numpy._typing._64Bit]"),
- "complex160": ("numpy.complexfloating"
- "[numpy._typing._80Bit, numpy._typing._80Bit]"),
- "complex192": ("numpy.complexfloating"
- "[numpy._typing._96Bit, numpy._typing._96Bit]"),
- "complex256": ("numpy.complexfloating"
- "[numpy._typing._128Bit, numpy._typing._128Bit]"),
- "complex512": ("numpy.complexfloating"
- "[numpy._typing._256Bit, numpy._typing._256Bit]"),
- "ubyte": f"numpy.unsignedinteger[{dct['_NBitByte']}]",
- "ushort": f"numpy.unsignedinteger[{dct['_NBitShort']}]",
- "uintc": f"numpy.unsignedinteger[{dct['_NBitIntC']}]",
- "uintp": f"numpy.unsignedinteger[{dct['_NBitIntP']}]",
- "uint": f"numpy.unsignedinteger[{dct['_NBitInt']}]",
- "ulonglong": f"numpy.unsignedinteger[{dct['_NBitLongLong']}]",
- "byte": f"numpy.signedinteger[{dct['_NBitByte']}]",
- "short": f"numpy.signedinteger[{dct['_NBitShort']}]",
- "intc": f"numpy.signedinteger[{dct['_NBitIntC']}]",
- "intp": f"numpy.signedinteger[{dct['_NBitIntP']}]",
- "int_": f"numpy.signedinteger[{dct['_NBitInt']}]",
- "longlong": f"numpy.signedinteger[{dct['_NBitLongLong']}]",
- "half": f"numpy.floating[{dct['_NBitHalf']}]",
- "single": f"numpy.floating[{dct['_NBitSingle']}]",
- "double": f"numpy.floating[{dct['_NBitDouble']}]",
- "longdouble": f"numpy.floating[{dct['_NBitLongDouble']}]",
- "csingle": ("numpy.complexfloating"
- f"[{dct['_NBitSingle']}, {dct['_NBitSingle']}]"),
- "cdouble": ("numpy.complexfloating"
- f"[{dct['_NBitDouble']}, {dct['_NBitDouble']}]"),
- "clongdouble": (
- "numpy.complexfloating"
- f"[{dct['_NBitLongDouble']}, {dct['_NBitLongDouble']}]"
- ),
- # numpy.typing
- "_NBitInt": dct['_NBitInt'],
- # numpy.ctypeslib
- "c_intp": f"ctypes.{_C_INTP}"
- }
-#: A dictionary with all supported format keys (as keys)
-#: and matching values
-FORMAT_DICT: dict[str, str] = _construct_format_dict()
-def _parse_reveals(file: IO[str]) -> tuple[npt.NDArray[np.str_], list[str]]:
- """Extract and parse all ``" # E: "`` comments from the passed
- file-like object.
- All format keys will be substituted for their respective value
- from `FORMAT_DICT`, *e.g.* ``"{float64}"`` becomes
- ``"numpy.floating[numpy._typing._64Bit]"``.
- """
- string = file.read().replace("*", "")
- # Grab all `# E:`-based comments and matching expressions
- expression_array, _, comments_array = np.char.partition(
- string.split("\n"), sep=" # E: "
- ).T
- comments = "/n".join(comments_array)
- # Only search for the `{*}` pattern within comments, otherwise
- # there is the risk of accidentally grabbing dictionaries and sets
- key_set = set(re.findall(r"\{(.*?)\}", comments))
- kwargs = {
- k: FORMAT_DICT.get(k, f"<UNRECOGNIZED FORMAT KEY {k!r}>") for
- k in key_set
- }
- fmt_str = comments.format(**kwargs)
+_REVEAL_MSG = """Reveal mismatch at line {}
- return expression_array, fmt_str.split("/n")
@@ -341,53 +237,13 @@ def test_reveal(path: str) -> None:
__tracebackhide__ = True
- with open(path) as fin:
- expression_array, reveal_list = _parse_reveals(fin)
output_mypy = OUTPUT_MYPY
- assert path in output_mypy
- for error_line in output_mypy[path]:
- error_line = _strip_filename(error_line)
- match = re.match(
- r"(?P<lineno>\d+): note: .+$",
- error_line,
- )
- if match is None:
- raise ValueError(f"Unexpected reveal line format: {error_line}")
- lineno = int(match.group('lineno')) - 1
- assert "Revealed type is" in error_line
- marker = reveal_list[lineno]
- expression = expression_array[lineno]
- _test_reveal(path, expression, marker, error_line, 1 + lineno)
-_REVEAL_MSG = """Reveal mismatch at line {}
-Expression: {}
-Expected reveal: {!r}
-Observed reveal: {!r}
-_STRIP_PATTERN = re.compile(r"(\w+\.)+(\w+)")
+ if path not in output_mypy:
+ return
-def _test_reveal(
- path: str,
- expression: str,
- reveal: str,
- expected_reveal: str,
- lineno: int,
-) -> None:
- """Error-reporting helper function for `test_reveal`."""
- stripped_reveal = _STRIP_PATTERN.sub(strip_func, reveal)
- stripped_expected_reveal = _STRIP_PATTERN.sub(strip_func, expected_reveal)
- if stripped_reveal not in stripped_expected_reveal:
- raise AssertionError(
- _REVEAL_MSG.format(lineno,
- expression,
- stripped_expected_reveal,
- stripped_reveal)
- )
+ for error_line in output_mypy[path]:
+ lineno, error_line = _strip_filename(error_line)
+ raise AssertionError(_REVEAL_MSG.format(lineno, error_line))
@@ -409,18 +265,18 @@ def test_code_runs(path: str) -> None:
- 3: "uint128",
- 4: "uint256",
- 6: "int128",
- 7: "int256",
- 9: "float80",
- 10: "float96",
- 11: "float128",
- 12: "float256",
- 14: "complex160",
- 15: "complex192",
- 16: "complex256",
- 17: "complex512",
+ 11: "uint128",
+ 12: "uint256",
+ 14: "int128",
+ 15: "int256",
+ 17: "float80",
+ 18: "float96",
+ 19: "float128",
+ 20: "float256",
+ 22: "complex160",
+ 23: "complex192",
+ 24: "complex256",
+ 25: "complex512",
@@ -435,21 +291,12 @@ def test_extended_precision() -> None:
expression_list = f.readlines()
for _msg in output_mypy[path]:
- *_, _lineno, msg_typ, msg = _msg.split(":")
- msg = _strip_filename(msg)
- lineno = int(_lineno)
+ lineno, msg = _strip_filename(_msg)
expression = expression_list[lineno - 1].rstrip("\n")
- msg_typ = msg_typ.strip()
- assert msg_typ in {"error", "note"}
- if msg_typ == "error":
- raise ValueError(f"Unexpected reveal line format: {lineno}")
- else:
- marker = FORMAT_DICT[LINENO_MAPPING[lineno]]
- _test_reveal(path, expression, marker, msg, lineno)
- else:
- if msg_typ == "error":
- marker = "Module has no attribute"
- _test_fail(path, expression, marker, msg, lineno)
+ raise AssertionError(_REVEAL_MSG.format(lineno, msg))
+ elif "error" not in msg:
+ _test_fail(
+ path, expression, msg, 'Expression is of type "Any"', lineno
+ )
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/version.py b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/version.py
index d9d2fe1b76..54fc637f26 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/version.py
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/version.py
@@ -1,23 +1,8 @@
-from __future__ import annotations
-from ._version import get_versions
-__ALL__ = ['version', '__version__', 'full_version', 'git_revision', 'release']
-_built_with_meson = False
- from ._version_meson import get_versions
- _built_with_meson = True
-except ImportError:
- from ._version import get_versions
-vinfo: dict[str, str] = get_versions()
-version = vinfo["version"]
-__version__ = vinfo.get("closest-tag", vinfo["version"])
-git_revision = vinfo['full-revisionid']
-release = 'dev0' not in version and '+' not in version
+version = "1.26.2"
+__version__ = version
full_version = version
-short_version = version.split("+")[0]
-del get_versions, vinfo
+git_revision = ""
+release = 'dev' not in version and '+' not in version
+short_version = version.split("+")[0]
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/tests/ya.make b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/tests/ya.make
index b548d76d63..0a655a4699 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/tests/ya.make
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/tests/ya.make
@@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ TEST_SRCS(
+ numpy/core/tests/test_numpy_2_0_compat.py
@@ -129,9 +130,11 @@ TEST_SRCS(
+ #numpy/f2py/tests/test_data.py
+ #numpy/f2py/tests/test_isoc.py
diff --git a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/ya.make b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/ya.make
index 253c01869b..2eb36a5912 100644
--- a/contrib/python/numpy/py3/ya.make
+++ b/contrib/python/numpy/py3/ya.make
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ LICENSE(BSD-3-Clause)
@@ -63,6 +63,14 @@ PY_SRCS(
+ numpy/_core/__init__.py
+ numpy/_core/__init__.pyi
+ numpy/_core/_dtype.py
+ numpy/_core/_dtype_ctypes.py
+ numpy/_core/_internal.py
+ numpy/_core/_multiarray_umath.py
+ numpy/_core/multiarray.py
+ numpy/_core/umath.py
@@ -83,9 +91,9 @@ PY_SRCS(
+ numpy/_utils/_convertions.py
- numpy/_version.py