diff options
authorzverevgeny <zverevgeny@ydb.tech>2023-08-14 18:17:40 +0300
committerzverevgeny <zverevgeny@ydb.tech>2023-08-15 00:26:32 +0300
commit29ae95d02bbe87ebc233e400e32119afe256c257 (patch)
parent58e51524277d674521af5ab75da73e3af530fed3 (diff)
YQL-16186 ut for quantifiers in match_recognize pattern
1 files changed, 178 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/ydb/library/yql/sql/v1/sql_match_recognize_ut.cpp b/ydb/library/yql/sql/v1/sql_match_recognize_ut.cpp
index 2a1982183e..10d92175d4 100644
--- a/ydb/library/yql/sql/v1/sql_match_recognize_ut.cpp
+++ b/ydb/library/yql/sql/v1/sql_match_recognize_ut.cpp
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
#include "sql_ut.h"
+#include "match_recognize.h"
#include <ydb/library/yql/providers/common/provider/yql_provider_names.h>
#include <ydb/library/yql/sql/sql.h>
#include <util/generic/map.h>
@@ -198,7 +199,7 @@ FROM Input MATCH_RECOGNIZE(
UNIT_ASSERT(IsQuotedListOfSize(nestedPattern->GetChild(1), 2));
- Y_UNIT_TEST(PatternLimietedNesting) {
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(PatternLimitedNesting) {
const size_t MaxNesting = 20;
for (size_t extraNesting = 0; extraNesting <= 1; ++extraNesting) {
std::string pattern;
@@ -226,8 +227,183 @@ FROM Input MATCH_RECOGNIZE(
+ Y_UNIT_TEST(PatternFactorQuantifiers) {
+ auto makeRequest = [](const TString& factor) {
+ return TString(R"(
+USE plato;
+)") + factor + R"(
+ )
+ )
+ };
+ auto getTheFactor = [](const NYql::TAstNode* root) {
+ const auto& patternCallable = FindMatchRecognizeParam(root, "pattern");
+ const auto& factor = patternCallable->GetChild(1)->GetChild(1)->GetChild(0)->GetChild(1);
+ return NSQLTranslationV1::TRowPatternFactor{
+ TString(), //primary var or subexpression, not used in this test
+ FromString<uint64_t>(factor->GetChild(1)->GetChild(1)->GetContent()), //QuantityMin
+ FromString<uint64_t>(factor->GetChild(2)->GetChild(1)->GetContent()), //QuantityMax
+ FromString<bool>(factor->GetChild(3)->GetChild(1)->GetContent()), //Greedy
+ false //Output, not used in this test
+ };
+ };
+ {
+ //no quantifiers
+ const auto stmt = makeRequest("A");
+ const auto &r = MatchRecognizeSqlToYql(stmt);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(r.IsOk());
+ const auto& factor = getTheFactor(r.Root);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, factor.QuantityMin);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, factor.QuantityMax);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(factor.Greedy);
+ }
+ {
+ //optional greedy(default)
+ const auto stmt = makeRequest("A?");
+ const auto &r = MatchRecognizeSqlToYql(stmt);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(r.IsOk());
+ const auto& factor = getTheFactor(r.Root);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, factor.QuantityMin);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, factor.QuantityMax);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(factor.Greedy);
+ }
+ {
+ //optional reluctant
+ const auto stmt = makeRequest("A??");
+ const auto &r = MatchRecognizeSqlToYql(stmt);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(r.IsOk());
+ const auto& factor = getTheFactor(r.Root);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, factor.QuantityMin);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, factor.QuantityMax);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(!factor.Greedy);
+ }
+ {
+ //+ greedy(default)
+ const auto stmt = makeRequest("A+");
+ const auto &r = MatchRecognizeSqlToYql(stmt);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(r.IsOk());
+ const auto& factor = getTheFactor(r.Root);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, factor.QuantityMin);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max(), factor.QuantityMax);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(factor.Greedy);
+ }
+ {
+ //+ reluctant
+ const auto stmt = makeRequest("A+?");
+ const auto &r = MatchRecognizeSqlToYql(stmt);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(r.IsOk());
+ const auto& factor = getTheFactor(r.Root);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, factor.QuantityMin);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max(), factor.QuantityMax);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(!factor.Greedy);
+ }
+ {
+ //* greedy(default)
+ const auto stmt = makeRequest("A*");
+ const auto &r = MatchRecognizeSqlToYql(stmt);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(r.IsOk());
+ const auto& factor = getTheFactor(r.Root);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, factor.QuantityMin);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max(), factor.QuantityMax);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(factor.Greedy);
+ }
+ {
+ //* reluctant
+ const auto stmt = makeRequest("A*?");
+ const auto &r = MatchRecognizeSqlToYql(stmt);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(r.IsOk());
+ const auto& factor = getTheFactor(r.Root);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, factor.QuantityMin);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max(), factor.QuantityMax);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(!factor.Greedy);
+ }
+ {
+ //exact n
+ const auto stmt = makeRequest("A{4}");
+ const auto &r = MatchRecognizeSqlToYql(stmt);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(r.IsOk());
+ const auto& factor = getTheFactor(r.Root);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(4, factor.QuantityMin);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(4, factor.QuantityMax);
+ }
+ {
+ //from n to m greedy(default
+ const auto stmt = makeRequest("A{4, 7}");
+ const auto &r = MatchRecognizeSqlToYql(stmt);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(r.IsOk());
+ const auto& factor = getTheFactor(r.Root);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(4, factor.QuantityMin);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(7, factor.QuantityMax);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(factor.Greedy);
+ }
+ {
+ //from n to m reluctant
+ const auto stmt = makeRequest("A{4,7}?");
+ const auto &r = MatchRecognizeSqlToYql(stmt);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(r.IsOk());
+ const auto& factor = getTheFactor(r.Root);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(4, factor.QuantityMin);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(7, factor.QuantityMax);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(!factor.Greedy);
+ }
+ {
+ //at least n greedy(default)
+ const auto stmt = makeRequest("A{4,}");
+ const auto &r = MatchRecognizeSqlToYql(stmt);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(r.IsOk());
+ const auto& factor = getTheFactor(r.Root);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(4, factor.QuantityMin);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max(), factor.QuantityMax);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(factor.Greedy);
+ }
+ {
+ //at least n reluctant
+ const auto stmt = makeRequest("A{4,}?");
+ const auto &r = MatchRecognizeSqlToYql(stmt);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(r.IsOk());
+ const auto& factor = getTheFactor(r.Root);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(4, factor.QuantityMin);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max(), factor.QuantityMax);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(!factor.Greedy);
+ }
+ {
+ //at most m greedy(default)
+ const auto stmt = makeRequest("A{,7}");
+ const auto &r = MatchRecognizeSqlToYql(stmt);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(r.IsOk());
+ const auto& factor = getTheFactor(r.Root);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, factor.QuantityMin);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(7, factor.QuantityMax);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(factor.Greedy);
+ }
+ {
+ //at least n reluctant
+ const auto stmt = makeRequest("A{,7}?");
+ const auto &r = MatchRecognizeSqlToYql(stmt);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(r.IsOk());
+ const auto& factor = getTheFactor(r.Root);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, factor.QuantityMin);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(7, factor.QuantityMax);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(!factor.Greedy);
+ }
+ {
+ //quantifiers on subexpression
+ const auto stmt = makeRequest("(A B+ C | D | ^){4,7}?");
+ const auto &r = MatchRecognizeSqlToYql(stmt);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(r.IsOk());
+ const auto& factor = getTheFactor(r.Root);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(4, factor.QuantityMin);
+ UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(7, factor.QuantityMax);
+ UNIT_ASSERT(!factor.Greedy);
+ }
+ }
- //TODO add tests for factors, quantifiers and greediness https://st.yandex-team.ru/YQL-16186
Y_UNIT_TEST(row_pattern_subset_clause) {
//TODO https://st.yandex-team.ru/YQL-16186