diff options
authorNikita Kozlovskii <nmk@ydb.tech>2024-12-24 16:38:37 +0100
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2024-12-24 16:38:37 +0100
commit18d6880714f8c58d4417847c42c1829db98121e2 (patch)
parented24bb6783d10889818c5c69c59de5caf50f375f (diff)
rightlib sync workflow (#12916)
3 files changed, 271 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.github/workflows/righlib_sync.yml b/.github/workflows/righlib_sync.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..49999672d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/righlib_sync.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+name: Rightlib sync
+ workflow_dispatch:
+ group: ${{ github.workflow }}
+ cancel-in-progress: true
+ sync:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ steps:
+ - name: install packages
+ run: |
+ pip install PyGithub==2.5.0
+ - name: checkout main
+ uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ with:
+ sparse-checkout: |
+ ydb/ci/rightlib
+ - name: configure
+ run: |
+ git config --global user.email "alex@ydb.tech"
+ git config --global user.name "Alexander Smirnov"
+ - name: run sync
+ env:
+ REPO: ${{ github.repository }}
+ run: |
+ cd ./ydb/ci/rightlib
+ ./sync-rightlib.py
diff --git a/ydb/ci/rightlib/flowchart.md b/ydb/ci/rightlib/flowchart.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..615428801c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ydb/ci/rightlib/flowchart.md
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+flowchart TB
+W[Workflow Start] --> CheckExistingPR{Is there<br/>an unmerged PR<br/>with 'rightlib'<br/>label?}
+CheckExistingPR --> |No| RightlibCommitCheck{New commits<br>in rightlib branch?}
+ RightlibCommitCheck --> |No| Finish
+ RightlibCommitCheck --> |Yes| CreatePR[Create a new PR]
+ CreatePR --> AddRightlibLabel[Add 'rightlib'<br/> label]
+ AddRightlibLabel --> Finish[Finish workflow]
+CheckExistingPR --> |Yes| CheckPrFailedLabel{Check PR has<br/>failed label}
+CheckPrFailedLabel --> |Yes| Finish
+CheckPrFailedLabel --> |No| CheckPRChecks{Check PR<br/>checks}
+CheckPRChecks --> |Failed| FailedComment[Failed comment]
+FailedComment --> AddPrFailedLabel
+CheckPRChecks --> |Pending| Finish
+CheckPRChecks --> |Success| MergePR[Merge PR branch]
+MergePR --> IsMergeSuccess{Is merge<br/>success?}
+IsMergeSuccess --> |Yes| Push
+Push --> IsPushSuccess{Is Push<br/>success}
+IsPushSuccess --> |Yes| AutoPRClose[PR closes<br/>automatically]
+AutoPRClose --> SuccessComment[Success comment] --> Finish
+IsMergeSuccess --> |No| FailedMergeComment[Failed comment]
+FailedMergeComment --> AddPrFailedLabel[Add PR failed label]
+IsPushSuccess --> |No| FailedPushComment[Failed comment]
+FailedPushComment --> AddPrFailedLabel
+AddPrFailedLabel --> Finish
diff --git a/ydb/ci/rightlib/sync-rightlib.py b/ydb/ci/rightlib/sync-rightlib.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..02438b7d19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ydb/ci/rightlib/sync-rightlib.py
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import os
+import datetime
+import logging
+import subprocess
+from typing import Optional
+from github import Github
+from github.PullRequest import PullRequest
+class RightlibSync:
+ pr_label_rightlib = "rightlib"
+ pr_label_fail = "rightlib-fail"
+ rightlib_sha_file = "ydb/ci/rightlib.txt"
+ check_name = "checks_integrated"
+ failed_comment_mark = "<!--RightLibSyncFailed-->"
+ rightlib_check_status_name = "rightlib-merge"
+ def __init__(self, repo, base_branch, head_branch, token):
+ self.repo_name = repo
+ self.base_branch = base_branch
+ self.head_branch = head_branch
+ self.token = token
+ self.gh = Github(login_or_token=self.token)
+ self.repo = self.gh.get_repo(self.repo_name)
+ self.dtm = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%y%m%d-%H%M")
+ self.logger = logging.getLogger("sync")
+ self.workflow_url = None
+ self.detect_env()
+ def detect_env(self):
+ if "GITHUB_RUN_ID" in os.environ:
+ self.workflow_url = (
+ f"{os.environ['GITHUB_SERVER_URL']}/{self.repo_name}/actions/runs/{os.environ['GITHUB_RUN_ID']}"
+ )
+ def rightlib_latest_repo_sha(self):
+ return self.repo.get_branch(self.head_branch).commit.sha
+ def rightlib_sha_file_contents(self, ref):
+ return self.repo.get_contents(self.rightlib_sha_file, ref=ref).decoded_content.decode().strip()
+ def rightlib_latest_sync_commit(self):
+ return self.rightlib_sha_file_contents(ref=self.base_branch)
+ def get_latest_open_pr(self) -> Optional[PullRequest]:
+ query = f"label:{self.pr_label_rightlib} repo:{self.repo_name} base:{self.base_branch} is:pr state:open sort:created-desc"
+ result = self.gh.search_issues(query).get_page(0)
+ if result:
+ return result[0].as_pull_request()
+ return None
+ def get_commit_check_status(self, sha):
+ checks = self.repo.get_commit(sha).get_combined_status().statuses
+ for c in checks:
+ if c.context == self.check_name:
+ return c
+ return None
+ def check_opened_pr(self, pr: PullRequest):
+ pr_labels = [l.name for l in pr.labels]
+ self.logger.info("check opened pr %r (labels %s)", pr, pr_labels)
+ if self.pr_label_fail in pr_labels:
+ self.logger.info("pr has %s label, exit", self.pr_label_fail)
+ return
+ check = self.get_commit_check_status(pr.head.sha)
+ if check is None:
+ self.logger.info("no %r checks found", self.check_name)
+ return
+ self.logger.info("check result %s", check)
+ if check.state == "failure":
+ self.logger.info("check failed")
+ self.add_failed_comment(pr, f"Check `{self.check_name}` failed.")
+ self.add_pr_failed_label(pr)
+ return
+ elif check.state == "success":
+ self.logger.info("check success, going to merge")
+ self.merge_pr(pr)
+ else:
+ self.logger.info("wait for success")
+ def add_pr_failed_label(self, pr: PullRequest):
+ pr.add_to_labels(self.pr_label_fail)
+ def git_merge_pr(self, pr: PullRequest):
+ self.git_run("clone", f"https://{self.token}@github.com/{self.repo_name}.git", "merge-repo")
+ os.chdir("merge-repo")
+ self.git_run("fetch", "origin", f"pull/{pr.number}/head:PR")
+ self.git_run("checkout", self.base_branch)
+ try:
+ self.git_run("merge", "PR", "--no-edit")
+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
+ self.add_failed_comment(pr, "Unable to merge PR.")
+ self.add_pr_failed_label(pr)
+ return False
+ try:
+ self.git_run("push")
+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
+ self.add_failed_comment(pr, "Unable to push merged revision.")
+ self.add_pr_failed_label(pr)
+ return False
+ def merge_pr(self, pr: PullRequest):
+ self.logger.info("start merge %s into main", pr)
+ if not self.git_merge_pr(pr):
+ self.logger.info("unable to merge PR")
+ return
+ self.logger.info("deleting ref %r", pr.head.ref)
+ self.repo.get_git_ref(f"heads/{pr.head.ref}").delete()
+ body = f"The PR was successfully merged into main using workflow"
+ pr.create_issue_comment(body=body)
+ def add_failed_comment(self, pr: PullRequest, text: str):
+ text += f" All future check are suspended, please remove the `{self.pr_label_fail}` label to enable checks."
+ if self.workflow_url:
+ text += f" Rightlib sync workflow logs can be found [here]({self.workflow_url})."
+ pr.create_issue_comment(f"{self.failed_comment_mark}\n{text}")
+ def git_run(self, *args):
+ args = ["git"] + list(args)
+ self.logger.info("run: %r", args)
+ try:
+ output = subprocess.check_output(args).decode()
+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
+ self.logger.error(e.output.decode())
+ raise
+ else:
+ self.logger.info("output:\n%s", output)
+ return output
+ def git_revparse_head(self):
+ return self.git_run("rev-parse", "HEAD").strip()
+ def create_new_pr(self):
+ dev_branch_name = f"merge-libs-{self.dtm}"
+ commit_msg = f"Import libraries {self.dtm}"
+ pr_title = f"Library import {self.dtm}"
+ self.git_run("clone", f"https://{self.token}@github.com/{self.repo_name}.git", "ydb-new-pr")
+ os.chdir("ydb-new-pr")
+ self.git_run("checkout", self.head_branch)
+ rightlib_sha = self.git_revparse_head()
+ self.logger.info(f"{rightlib_sha=}")
+ self.git_run("checkout", self.base_branch)
+ self.git_run(f"checkout", "-b", dev_branch_name)
+ prev_sha = self.git_revparse_head()
+ self.git_run("merge", self.head_branch, "--no-edit")
+ cur_sha = self.git_revparse_head()
+ if prev_sha == cur_sha:
+ logging.info("Merge did not bring any changes, exiting")
+ return
+ with open(self.rightlib_sha_file, "w") as fp:
+ fp.write(f"{rightlib_sha}\n")
+ self.git_run("add", ".")
+ self.git_run("commit", "-m", commit_msg)
+ self.git_run("push", "--set-upstream", "origin", dev_branch_name)
+ if self.workflow_url:
+ pr_body = f"PR was created by rightlib sync workflow [run]({self.workflow_url})"
+ else:
+ pr_body = f"PR was created by rightlib sync script"
+ pr = self.repo.create_pull(self.base_branch, dev_branch_name, title=pr_title, body=pr_body)
+ pr.add_to_labels(self.pr_label_rightlib)
+ def sync(self):
+ pr = self.get_latest_open_pr()
+ if pr:
+ self.check_opened_pr(pr)
+ else:
+ cur_sha = self.rightlib_latest_repo_sha()
+ latest_sha = self.rightlib_latest_sync_commit()
+ self.logger.info("cur_sha=%s", cur_sha)
+ self.logger.info("latest_sha=%s", latest_sha)
+ if cur_sha != latest_sha:
+ self.create_new_pr()
+def main():
+ log_fmt = "%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(name)s - %(message)s"
+ logging.basicConfig(format=log_fmt, level=logging.DEBUG)
+ repo = os.environ["REPO"]
+ token = os.environ["TOKEN"]
+ syncer = RightlibSync(repo, "main", "rightlib", token)
+ syncer.sync()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()