#pragma once
/// @file yt/cpp/mapreduce/interface/operation.h
/// Header containing interface to run operations in YT
/// and retrieve information about them.
/// @see [the doc](https://ytsaurus.tech/docs/en/user-guide/data-processing/operations/map_reduce_overview.html).
#include "client_method_options.h"
#include "errors.h"
#include "io.h"
#include "job_statistics.h"
#include "job_counters.h"
#include <library/cpp/threading/future/future.h>
#include <library/cpp/type_info/type_info.h>
#include <util/datetime/base.h>
#include <util/generic/vector.h>
#include <util/generic/maybe.h>
#include <util/system/file.h>
#include <util/system/types.h>
#include <variant>
namespace NYT {
/// Tag class marking that the row type for table is not specified.
struct TUnspecifiedTableStructure
{ };
/// Tag class marking that table rows have protobuf type.
struct TProtobufTableStructure
/// @brief Descriptor of the protobuf type of table rows.
/// @note If table is tagged with @ref ::google::protobuf::Message instead of real proto class
/// this descriptor might be null.
const ::google::protobuf::Descriptor* Descriptor = nullptr;
/// Tag class to specify table row type.
using TTableStructure = std::variant<
bool operator==(const TUnspecifiedTableStructure&, const TUnspecifiedTableStructure&);
bool operator==(const TProtobufTableStructure& lhs, const TProtobufTableStructure& rhs);
/// Table path marked with @ref NYT::TTableStructure tag.
struct TStructuredTablePath
TStructuredTablePath(TRichYPath richYPath = TRichYPath(), TTableStructure description = TUnspecifiedTableStructure())
: RichYPath(std::move(richYPath))
, Description(std::move(description))
{ }
TStructuredTablePath(TRichYPath richYPath, const ::google::protobuf::Descriptor* descriptor)
: RichYPath(std::move(richYPath))
, Description(TProtobufTableStructure({descriptor}))
{ }
TStructuredTablePath(TYPath path)
: RichYPath(std::move(path))
, Description(TUnspecifiedTableStructure())
{ }
TStructuredTablePath(const char* path)
: RichYPath(path)
, Description(TUnspecifiedTableStructure())
{ }
TRichYPath RichYPath;
TTableStructure Description;
/// Create marked table path from row type.
template <typename TRow>
TStructuredTablePath Structured(TRichYPath richYPath);
/// Create tag class from row type.
template <typename TRow>
TTableStructure StructuredTableDescription();
/// Tag class marking that row stream is empty.
struct TVoidStructuredRowStream
{ };
/// Tag class marking that row stream consists of `NYT::TNode`.
struct TTNodeStructuredRowStream
{ };
/// Tag class marking that row stream consists of @ref NYT::TYaMRRow.
struct TTYaMRRowStructuredRowStream
{ };
/// Tag class marking that row stream consists of protobuf rows of given type.
struct TProtobufStructuredRowStream
/// @brief Descriptor of the protobuf type of table rows.
/// @note If `Descriptor` is nullptr, then row stream consists of multiple message types.
const ::google::protobuf::Descriptor* Descriptor = nullptr;
/// Tag class to specify type of rows in an operation row stream
using TStructuredRowStreamDescription = std::variant<
/// Tag class marking that current binary should be used in operation.
struct TJobBinaryDefault
{ };
/// Tag class marking that binary from specified local path should be used in operation.
struct TJobBinaryLocalPath
TString Path;
TMaybe<TString> MD5CheckSum;
/// Tag class marking that binary from specified Cypress path should be used in operation.
struct TJobBinaryCypressPath
TYPath Path;
TMaybe<TTransactionId> TransactionId;
/// @cond Doxygen_Suppress
namespace NDetail {
extern i64 OutputTableCount;
} // namespace NDetail
/// @endcond
/// @brief Auto merge mode.
/// @see https://ytsaurus.tech/docs/en/user-guide/data-processing/operations/automerge
enum class EAutoMergeMode
/// Auto merge is disabled.
Disabled /* "disabled" */,
/// Mode that tries to achieve good chunk sizes and doesn't limit usage of chunk quota for intermediate chunks.
Relaxed /* "relaxed" */,
/// Mode that tries to optimize usage of chunk quota for intermediate chunks, operation might run slower.
Economy /* "economy" */,
/// @brief Manual configuration of automerge parameters.
/// @ref TAutoMergeSpec
Manual /* "manual" */,
/// @brief Options for auto merge operation stage.
/// @see https://ytsaurus.tech/docs/en/user-guide/data-processing/operations/automerge
class TAutoMergeSpec
/// @cond Doxygen_Suppress
using TSelf = TAutoMergeSpec;
/// @endcond
/// Mode of the auto merge.
/// @brief Upper limit for number of intermediate chunks.
/// Works only for Manual mode.
FLUENT_FIELD_OPTION(i64, MaxIntermediateChunkCount);
/// @brief Number of chunks limit to merge in one job.
/// Works only for Manual mode.
FLUENT_FIELD_OPTION(i64, ChunkCountPerMergeJob);
/// @brief Automerge will not merge chunks that are larger than `DesiredChunkSize * (ChunkSizeThreshold / 100.)`
/// Works only for Manual mode.
FLUENT_FIELD_OPTION(i64, ChunkSizeThreshold);
/// Base for operations with auto merge options.
template <class TDerived>
class TWithAutoMergeSpec
/// @cond Doxygen_Suppress
using TSelf = TDerived;
/// @endcond
/// @brief Options for auto merge operation stage.
/// @see https://ytsaurus.tech/docs/en/user-guide/data-processing/operations/automerge
FLUENT_FIELD_OPTION(TAutoMergeSpec, AutoMerge);
/// @brief Resources controlled by scheduler and used by running operations.
/// @see https://ytsaurus.tech/docs/en/user-guide/data-processing/scheduler/scheduler-and-pools#resources
class TSchedulerResources
/// @cond Doxygen_Suppress
using TSelf = TSchedulerResources;
/// @endcond
/// Each job consumes exactly one user slot.
/// Number of (virtual) cpu cores consumed by all jobs.
/// Amount of memory in bytes.
/// Base for input format hints of a user job.
template <class TDerived>
class TUserJobInputFormatHintsBase
/// @cond Doxygen_Suppress
using TSelf = TDerived;
/// @endcond
/// @brief Fine tune input format of the job.
FLUENT_FIELD_OPTION(TFormatHints, InputFormatHints);
/// Base for output format hints of a user job.
template <class TDerived>
class TUserJobOutputFormatHintsBase
/// @cond Doxygen_Suppress
using TSelf = TDerived;
/// @endcond
/// @brief Fine tune output format of the job.
FLUENT_FIELD_OPTION(TFormatHints, OutputFormatHints);
/// Base for format hints of a user job.
template <class TDerived>
class TUserJobFormatHintsBase
: public TUserJobInputFormatHintsBase<TDerived>
, public TUserJobOutputFormatHintsBase<TDerived>
/// @cond Doxygen_Suppress
using TSelf = TDerived;
/// @endcond
/// User job format hints.
class TUserJobFormatHints
: public TUserJobFormatHintsBase<TUserJobFormatHints>
{ };
/// Spec of input and output tables of a raw operation.
template <class TDerived>
class TRawOperationIoTableSpec
/// @cond Doxygen_Suppress
using TSelf = TDerived;
/// @endcond
/// Add input table path to input path list.
TDerived& AddInput(const TRichYPath& path);
/// Set input table path no. `tableIndex`.
TDerived& SetInput(size_t tableIndex, const TRichYPath& path);
/// Add output table path to output path list.
TDerived& AddOutput(const TRichYPath& path);
/// Set output table path no. `tableIndex`.
TDerived& SetOutput(size_t tableIndex, const TRichYPath& path);
/// Get all input table paths.
const TVector<TRichYPath>& GetInputs() const;
/// Get all output table paths.
const TVector<TRichYPath>& GetOutputs() const;
TVector<TRichYPath> Inputs_;
TVector<TRichYPath> Outputs_;
/// Base spec for IO in "simple" raw operations (Map, Reduce etc.).
template <class TDerived>
struct TSimpleRawOperationIoSpec
: public TRawOperationIoTableSpec<TDerived>
/// @cond Doxygen_Suppress
using TSelf = TDerived;
/// @endcond
/// @brief Describes format for both input and output.
/// @note `Format' is overridden by `InputFormat' and `OutputFormat'.
/// Describes input format.
FLUENT_FIELD_OPTION(TFormat, InputFormat);
/// Describes output format.
FLUENT_FIELD_OPTION(TFormat, OutputFormat);
/// Spec for IO in MapReduce operation.
template <class TDerived>
class TRawMapReduceOperationIoSpec
: public TRawOperationIoTableSpec<TDerived>
/// @cond Doxygen_Suppress
using TSelf = TDerived;
/// @endcond
/// @brief Describes format for both input and output of mapper.
/// @note `MapperFormat' is overridden by `MapperInputFormat' and `MapperOutputFormat'.
FLUENT_FIELD_OPTION(TFormat, MapperFormat);
/// Describes mapper input format.
FLUENT_FIELD_OPTION(TFormat, MapperInputFormat);
/// Describes mapper output format.
FLUENT_FIELD_OPTION(TFormat, MapperOutputFormat);
/// @brief Describes format for both input and output of reduce combiner.
/// @note `ReduceCombinerFormat' is overridden by `ReduceCombinerInputFormat' and `ReduceCombinerOutputFormat'.
FLUENT_FIELD_OPTION(TFormat, ReduceCombinerFormat);
/// Describes reduce combiner input format.
FLUENT_FIELD_OPTION(TFormat, ReduceCombinerInputFormat);
/// Describes reduce combiner output format.
FLUENT_FIELD_OPTION(TFormat, ReduceCombinerOutputFormat);
/// @brief Describes format for both input and output of reducer.
/// @note `ReducerFormat' is overridden by `ReducerInputFormat' and `ReducerOutputFormat'.
FLUENT_FIELD_OPTION(TFormat, ReducerFormat);
/// Describes reducer input format.
FLUENT_FIELD_OPTION(TFormat, ReducerInputFormat);
/// Describes reducer output format.
FLUENT_FIELD_OPTION(TFormat, ReducerOutputFormat);
/// Add direct map output table path.
TDerived& AddMapOutput(const TRichYPath& path);
/// Set direct map output table path no. `tableIndex`.
TDerived& SetMapOutput(size_t tableIndex, const TRichYPath& path);
/// Get all direct map output table paths
const TVector<TRichYPath>& GetMapOutputs() const;
TVector<TRichYPath> MapOutputs_;
/// @brief Base spec of operations with input tables.
class TOperationInputSpecBase
template <class T, class = void>
struct TFormatAdder;
/// @brief Add input table path to input path list and specify type of rows.
template <class T>
void AddInput(const TRichYPath& path);
/// @brief Add input table path as structured paths.
void AddStructuredInput(TStructuredTablePath path);
/// @brief Set input table path and type.
template <class T>
void SetInput(size_t tableIndex, const TRichYPath& path);
/// @brief All input paths.
TVector<TRichYPath> Inputs_;
/// @brief Get all input structured paths.
const TVector<TStructuredTablePath>& GetStructuredInputs() const;
TVector<TStructuredTablePath> StructuredInputs_;
friend struct TOperationIOSpecBase;
template <class T>
friend struct TOperationIOSpec;
/// @brief Base spec of operations with output tables.
class TOperationOutputSpecBase
template <class T, class = void>
struct TFormatAdder;
/// @brief Add output table path to output path list and specify type of rows.
template <class T>
void AddOutput(const TRichYPath& path);
/// @brief Add output table path as structured paths.
void AddStructuredOutput(TStructuredTablePath path);
/// @brief Set output table path and type.
template <class T>
void SetOutput(size_t tableIndex, const TRichYPath& path);
/// @brief All output paths.
TVector<TRichYPath> Outputs_;
/// @brief Get all output structured paths.
const TVector<TStructuredTablePath>& GetStructuredOutputs() const;
TVector<TStructuredTablePath> StructuredOutputs_;
friend struct TOperationIOSpecBase;
template <class T>
friend struct TOperationIOSpec;
/// @brief Base spec for operations with inputs and outputs.
struct TOperationIOSpecBase
: public TOperationInputSpecBase
, public TOperationOutputSpecBase
{ };
/// @brief Base spec for operations with inputs and outputs.
template <class TDerived>
struct TOperationIOSpec
: public TOperationIOSpecBase
/// @cond Doxygen_Suppress
using TSelf = TDerived;
/// @endcond
template <class T>
TDerived& AddInput(const TRichYPath& path);
TDerived& AddStructuredInput(TStructuredTablePath path);
template <class T>
TDerived& SetInput(size_t tableIndex, const TRichYPath& path);
template <class T>
TDerived& AddOutput(const TRichYPath& path);
TDerived& AddStructuredOutput(TStructuredTablePath path);
template <class T>
TDerived& SetOutput(size_t tableIndex, const TRichYPath& path);
// DON'T USE THESE METHODS! They are left solely for backward compatibility.
// These methods are the only way to do equivalent of (Add/Set)(Input/Output)<Message>
// but please consider using (Add/Set)(Input/Output)<TConcreteMessage>
// (where TConcreteMessage is some descendant of Message)
// because they are faster and better (see https://st.yandex-team.ru/YT-6967)
TDerived& AddProtobufInput_VerySlow_Deprecated(const TRichYPath& path);
TDerived& AddProtobufOutput_VerySlow_Deprecated(const TRichYPath& path);
/// @brief Base spec for all operations.
/// @see https://ytsaurus.tech/docs/en/user-guide/data-processing/operations/operations_options
template <class TDerived>
struct TOperationSpecBase
/// @cond Doxygen_Suppress
using TSelf = TDerived;
/// @endcond
/// @brief Limit on operation execution time.
/// If operation doesn't finish in time it will be aborted.
FLUENT_FIELD_OPTION(TDuration, TimeLimit);
/// @brief Title to be shown in web interface.
/// @brief Pool to be used for this operation.
/// @brief Weight of operation.
/// Coefficient defining how much resources operation gets relative to its siblings in the same pool.
FLUENT_FIELD_OPTION(double, Weight);
/// @brief Pool tree list that operation will use.
/// How much resources can be consumed by operation.
FLUENT_FIELD_OPTION_ENCAPSULATED(TSchedulerResources, ResourceLimits);
/// How many jobs can fail before operation is failed.
FLUENT_FIELD_OPTION(ui64, MaxFailedJobCount);
/// @brief Base spec for all operations with user jobs.
template <class TDerived>
struct TUserOperationSpecBase
: TOperationSpecBase<TDerived>
/// @cond Doxygen_Suppress
using TSelf = TDerived;
/// @endcond
/// On any unsuccessful job completion (i.e. abortion or failure) force the whole operation to fail.
FLUENT_FIELD_OPTION(bool, FailOnJobRestart);
/// @brief Table to save whole stderr of operation.
/// @see https://clubs.at.yandex-team.ru/yt/1045
/// @brief Table to save coredumps of operation.
/// @see https://clubs.at.yandex-team.ru/yt/1045
/// @brief How long should the scheduler wait for the job to be started on a node.
/// When you run huge jobs that require preemption of all the other jobs on
/// a node, the default timeout might be insufficient and your job may be
/// aborted with 'waiting_timeout' reason. This is especially problematic
/// when you are setting 'FailOnJobRestart' option.
/// @note The value must be between 10 seconds and 10 minutes.
FLUENT_FIELD_OPTION(TDuration, WaitingJobTimeout);
/// @brief Class to provide information on intermediate mapreduce stream protobuf types.
/// When using protobuf format it is important to know exact types of proto messages
/// that are used in input/output.
/// Sometimes such messages cannot be derived from job class
/// i.e. when job class uses `NYT::TTableReader<::google::protobuf::Message>`
/// or `NYT::TTableWriter<::google::protobuf::Message>`.
/// When using such jobs user can provide exact message type using this class.
/// @note Only input/output that relate to intermediate tables can be hinted.
/// Input to map and output of reduce is derived from `AddInput`/`AddOutput`.
template <class TDerived>
struct TIntermediateTablesHintSpec
/// Specify intermediate map output type.
template <class T>
TDerived& HintMapOutput();
/// Specify reduce combiner input.
template <class T>
TDerived& HintReduceCombinerInput();
/// Specify reduce combiner output.
template <class T>
TDerived& HintReduceCombinerOutput();
/// Specify reducer input.
template <class T>
TDerived& HintReduceInput();
/// @brief Add output of map stage.
/// Mapper output table #0 is always intermediate table that is going to be reduced later.
/// Rows that mapper write to tables #1, #2, ... are saved in MapOutput tables.
template <class T>
TDerived& AddMapOutput(const TRichYPath& path);
TVector<TRichYPath> MapOutputs_;
const TVector<TStructuredTablePath>& GetStructuredMapOutputs() const;
const TMaybe<TTableStructure>& GetIntermediateMapOutputDescription() const;
const TMaybe<TTableStructure>& GetIntermediateReduceCombinerInputDescription() const;
const TMaybe<TTableStructure>& GetIntermediateReduceCombinerOutputDescription() const;
const TMaybe<TTableStructure>& GetIntermediateReducerInputDescription() const;
TVector<TStructuredTablePath> StructuredMapOutputs_;
TMaybe<TTableStructure> IntermediateMapOutputDescription_;
TMaybe<TTableStructure> IntermediateReduceCombinerInputDescription_;
TMaybe<TTableStructure> IntermediateReduceCombinerOutputDescription_;
TMaybe<TTableStructure> IntermediateReducerInputDescription_;
struct TAddLocalFileOptions
/// @cond Doxygen_Suppress
using TSelf = TAddLocalFileOptions;
/// @endcond
/// @brief Path by which job will see the uploaded file.
/// Defaults to basename of the local path.
/// @brief MD5 checksum of uploaded file.
/// If not specified it is computed by this library.
/// If this argument is provided, the user can some cpu and disk IO.
/// @brief Do not put file into node cache
/// @see NYT::TRichYPath::BypassArtifactCache
FLUENT_FIELD_OPTION(bool, BypassArtifactCache);
/// @brief Binary to run job profiler on.
enum class EProfilingBinary
/// Profile job proxy.
JobProxy /* "job_proxy" */,
/// Profile user job.
UserJob /* "user_job" */,
/// @brief Type of job profiler.
enum class EProfilerType
/// Profile CPU usage.
Cpu /* "cpu" */,
/// Profile memory usage.
Memory /* "memory" */,
/// Profiler peak memory usage.
PeakMemory /* "peak_memory" */,
/// @brief Specifies a job profiler.
struct TJobProfilerSpec
/// @cond Doxygen_Suppress
using TSelf = TJobProfilerSpec;
/// @endcond
/// @brief Binary to profile.
FLUENT_FIELD_OPTION(EProfilingBinary, ProfilingBinary);
/// @brief Type of the profiler.
FLUENT_FIELD_OPTION(EProfilerType, ProfilerType);
/// @brief Probability of the job being selected for profiling.
FLUENT_FIELD_OPTION(double, ProfilingProbability);
/// @brief For sampling profilers, sets the number of samples per second.
FLUENT_FIELD_OPTION(int, SamplingFrequency);
/// @brief Specification of a disk that will be available in job.
/// Disk request should be used in case job requires specific requirements for disk (i.e. it requires NVME or SSD).
/// @see https://ytsaurus.tech/docs/en/user-guide/data-processing/operations/operations-options#disk_request
struct TDiskRequest
/// @cond Doxygen_Suppress
using TSelf = TDiskRequest;
/// @endcond
/// Required disk space in bytes.
/// Limit for inodes.
/// Account which quota is going to be used.
/// Account must have available quota for the specified medium.
/// Name of the medium corresponding to required disk type.
/// @brief Spec of user job.
/// @see https://ytsaurus.tech/docs/en/user-guide/data-processing/operations/operations-options#user_script_options
struct TUserJobSpec
/// @cond Doxygen_Suppress
using TSelf = TUserJobSpec;
/// @endcond
/// @brief Specify a local file to upload to Cypress and prepare for use in job.
TSelf& AddLocalFile(const TLocalFilePath& path, const TAddLocalFileOptions& options = TAddLocalFileOptions());
/// @brief Get the list of all added local files.
TVector<std::tuple<TLocalFilePath, TAddLocalFileOptions>> GetLocalFiles() const;
/// @brief Paths to files in Cypress to use in job.
/// @brief Porto layers to use in the job. Layers are listed from top to bottom.
/// @brief MemoryLimit specifies how much memory job process can use.
/// @note
/// If job uses tmpfs (check @ref NYT::TOperationOptions::MountSandboxInTmpfs)
/// YT computes its memory usage as total of:
/// - memory usage of job process itself (including mapped files);
/// - total size of tmpfs used by this job.
/// @note
/// When @ref NYT::TOperationOptions::MountSandboxInTmpfs is enabled library will compute
/// total size of all files used by this job and add this total size to MemoryLimit.
/// Thus you shouldn't include size of your files (e.g. binary file) into MemoryLimit.
/// @note
/// Final memory memory_limit passed to YT is calculated as follows:
/// @note
/// ```
/// memory_limit = MemoryLimit + <total-size-of-used-files> + ExtraTmpfsSize
/// ```
/// @see NYT::TUserJobSpec::ExtraTmpfsSize
FLUENT_FIELD_OPTION(i64, MemoryLimit);
/// @brief Size of data that is going to be written to tmpfs.
/// This option should be used if job writes data to tmpfs.
/// ExtraTmpfsSize should not include size of files specified with
/// @ref NYT::TUserJobSpec::AddLocalFile or @ref NYT::TUserJobSpec::AddFile
/// These files are copied to tmpfs automatically and their total size
/// is computed automatically.
/// @see NYT::TOperationOptions::MountSandboxInTmpfs
/// @see NYT::TUserJobSpec::MemoryLimit
FLUENT_FIELD_OPTION(i64, ExtraTmpfsSize);
/// @brief Maximum number of CPU cores for a single job to use.
FLUENT_FIELD_OPTION(double, CpuLimit);
/// @brief Fraction of @ref NYT::TUserJobSpec::MemoryLimit that job gets at start.
/// @see https://ytsaurus.tech/docs/en/user-guide/data-processing/operations/operations-options#memory_reserve_factor
FLUENT_FIELD_OPTION(double, MemoryReserveFactor);
/// @brief Local path to executable to be used inside jobs.
/// Provided executable must use C++ YT API library (this library)
/// and implement job class that is going to be used.
/// This option might be useful if we want to start operation from nonlinux machines
/// (in that case we use `JobBinary` to provide path to the same program compiled for linux).
/// Other example of using this option is uploading executable to cypress in advance
/// and save the time required to upload current executable to cache.
/// `md5` argument can be used to save cpu time and disk IO when binary MD5 checksum is known.
/// When argument is not provided library will compute it itself.
TUserJobSpec& JobBinaryLocalPath(TString path, TMaybe<TString> md5 = Nothing());
/// @brief Cypress path to executable to be used inside jobs.
TUserJobSpec& JobBinaryCypressPath(TString path, TMaybe<TTransactionId> transactionId = Nothing());
/// @brief String that will be prepended to the command.
/// This option overrides @ref NYT::TOperationOptions::JobCommandPrefix.
FLUENT_FIELD(TString, JobCommandPrefix);
/// @brief String that will be appended to the command.
/// This option overrides @ref NYT::TOperationOptions::JobCommandSuffix.
FLUENT_FIELD(TString, JobCommandSuffix);
/// @brief Map of environment variables that will be set for jobs.
FLUENT_MAP_FIELD(TString, TString, Environment);
/// @brief Limit for all files inside job sandbox (in bytes).
FLUENT_FIELD_OPTION(ui64, DiskSpaceLimit);
/// @brief Number of ports reserved for the job (passed through environment in YT_PORT_0, YT_PORT_1, ...).
/// @brief Network project used to isolate job network.
FLUENT_FIELD_OPTION(TString, NetworkProject);
/// @brief Limit on job execution time.
/// Jobs that exceed this limit will be considered failed.
FLUENT_FIELD_OPTION(TDuration, JobTimeLimit);
/// @brief Get job binary config.
const TJobBinaryConfig& GetJobBinary() const;
/// @brief List of profilers to run.
FLUENT_VECTOR_FIELD(TJobProfilerSpec, JobProfiler);
/// @brief Specification of a disk required for job.
/// @see https://ytsaurus.tech/docs/en/user-guide/data-processing/operations/operations-options#disk_request
FLUENT_FIELD_OPTION(TDiskRequest, DiskRequest);
TVector<std::tuple<TLocalFilePath, TAddLocalFileOptions>> LocalFiles_;
TJobBinaryConfig JobBinary_;
/// @brief Spec of Map operation.
/// @see https://ytsaurus.tech/docs/en/user-guide/data-processing/operations/map
template <typename TDerived>
struct TMapOperationSpecBase
: public TUserOperationSpecBase<TDerived>
, public TWithAutoMergeSpec<TDerived>
/// @cond Doxygen_Suppress
using TSelf = TDerived;
/// @endcond
/// @brief Spec of mapper job.
FLUENT_FIELD(TUserJobSpec, MapperSpec);
/// @brief Whether to guarantee the order of rows passed to mapper matches the order in the table.
/// When `Ordered' is false (by default), there is no guaranties about order of reading rows.
/// In this case mapper might work slightly faster because row delivered from fast node can be processed YT waits
/// response from slow nodes.
/// When `Ordered' is true, rows will come in order in which they are stored in input tables.
/// @brief Recommended number of jobs to run.
/// `JobCount' has higher priority than @ref NYT::TMapOperationSpecBase::DataSizePerJob.
/// This option only provide a recommendation and may be ignored if conflicting with YT internal limits.
/// @brief Recommended of data size for each job.
/// `DataSizePerJob` has lower priority that @ref NYT::TMapOperationSpecBase::JobCount.
/// This option only provide a recommendation and may be ignored if conflicting with YT internal limits.
FLUENT_FIELD_OPTION(ui64, DataSizePerJob);
/// @brief Spec of Map operation.
/// @see https://ytsaurus.tech/docs/en/user-guide/data-processing/operations/map
struct TMapOperationSpec
: public TMapOperationSpecBase<TMapOperationSpec>
, public TOperationIOSpec<TMapOperationSpec>
, public TUserJobFormatHintsBase<TMapOperationSpec>
{ };
/// @brief Spec of raw Map operation.
/// @see https://ytsaurus.tech/docs/en/user-guide/data-processing/operations/map
struct TRawMapOperationSpec
: public TMapOperationSpecBase<TRawMapOperationSpec>
, public TSimpleRawOperationIoSpec<TRawMapOperationSpec>
{ };
/// @brief Spec of Reduce operation.
/// @see https://ytsaurus.tech/docs/en/user-guide/data-processing/operations/reduce
template <typename TDerived>
struct TReduceOperationSpecBase
: public TUserOperationSpecBase<TDerived>
, public TWithAutoMergeSpec<TDerived>
/// @cond Doxygen_Suppress
using TSelf = TDerived;
/// @endcond
/// @brief Spec of reduce job.
FLUENT_FIELD(TUserJobSpec, ReducerSpec);
/// @brief Columns to sort rows by (must include `ReduceBy` as prefix).
FLUENT_FIELD(TSortColumns, SortBy);
/// @brief Columns to group rows by.
FLUENT_FIELD(TSortColumns, ReduceBy);
/// @brief Columns to join foreign tables by (must be prefix of `ReduceBy`).
/// @see https://ytsaurus.tech/docs/en/user-guide/data-processing/operations/reduce#foreign_tables
/// @brief Guarantee to feed all rows with same `ReduceBy` columns to a single job (`true` by default).
FLUENT_FIELD_OPTION(bool, EnableKeyGuarantee);
/// @brief Recommended number of jobs to run.
/// `JobCount' has higher priority than @ref NYT::TReduceOperationSpecBase::DataSizePerJob.
/// This option only provide a recommendation and may be ignored if conflicting with YT internal limits.
/// @brief Recommended of data size for each job.
/// `DataSizePerJob` has lower priority that @ref NYT::TReduceOperationSpecBase::JobCount.
/// This option only provide a recommendation and may be ignored if conflicting with YT internal limits.
FLUENT_FIELD_OPTION(ui64, DataSizePerJob);
/// @brief Spec of Reduce operation.
/// @see https://ytsaurus.tech/docs/en/user-guide/data-processing/operations/reduce
struct TReduceOperationSpec
: public TReduceOperationSpecBase<TReduceOperationSpec>
, public TOperationIOSpec<TReduceOperationSpec>
, public TUserJobFormatHintsBase<TReduceOperationSpec>
{ };
/// @brief Spec of raw Reduce operation.
/// @see https://ytsaurus.tech/docs/en/user-guide/data-processing/operations/reduce
struct TRawReduceOperationSpec
: public TReduceOperationSpecBase<TRawReduceOperationSpec>
, public TSimpleRawOperationIoSpec<TRawReduceOperationSpec>
{ };
/// @brief Spec of JoinReduce operation.
/// @deprecated Instead the user should run a reduce operation
/// with @ref NYT::TReduceOperationSpec::EnableKeyGuarantee set to `false`.
/// @see https://ytsaurus.tech/docs/en/user-guide/data-processing/operations/reduce#foreign_tables
template <typename TDerived>
struct TJoinReduceOperationSpecBase
: public TUserOperationSpecBase<TDerived>
/// @cond Doxygen_Suppress
using TSelf = TDerived;
/// @endcond
/// @brief Spec of reduce job.
FLUENT_FIELD(TUserJobSpec, ReducerSpec);
/// @brief Columns to join foreign tables by (must be prefix of `ReduceBy`).
/// @see https://ytsaurus.tech/docs/en/user-guide/data-processing/operations/reduce#foreign_tables
FLUENT_FIELD(TSortColumns, JoinBy);
/// @brief Recommended number of jobs to run.
/// `JobCount' has higher priority than @ref NYT::TJoinReduceOperationSpecBase::DataSizePerJob.
/// This option only provide a recommendation and may be ignored if conflicting with YT internal limits.
/// @brief Recommended of data size for each job.
/// `DataSizePerJob` has lower priority that @ref NYT::TJoinReduceOperationSpecBase::JobCount.
/// This option only provide a recommendation and may be ignored if conflicting with YT internal limits.
FLUENT_FIELD_OPTION(ui64, DataSizePerJob);
/// @brief Spec of JoinReduce operation.
/// @deprecated Instead the user should run a reduce operation
/// with @ref NYT::TReduceOperationSpec::EnableKeyGuarantee set to `false`.
/// @see https://ytsaurus.tech/docs/en/user-guide/data-processing/operations/reduce#foreign_tables
struct TJoinReduceOperationSpec
: public TJoinReduceOperationSpecBase<TJoinReduceOperationSpec>
, public TOperationIOSpec<TJoinReduceOperationSpec>
, public TUserJobFormatHintsBase<TJoinReduceOperationSpec>
{ };
/// @brief Spec of raw JoinReduce operation.
/// @deprecated Instead the user should run a reduce operation
/// with @ref NYT::TReduceOperationSpec::EnableKeyGuarantee set to `false`.
/// @see https://ytsaurus.tech/docs/en/user-guide/data-processing/operations/reduce#foreign_tables
struct TRawJoinReduceOperationSpec
: public TJoinReduceOperationSpecBase<TRawJoinReduceOperationSpec>
, public TSimpleRawOperationIoSpec<TRawJoinReduceOperationSpec>
{ };
/// @brief Spec of MapReduce operation.
/// @see https://ytsaurus.tech/docs/en/user-guide/data-processing/operations/mapreduce
template <typename TDerived>
struct TMapReduceOperationSpecBase
: public TUserOperationSpecBase<TDerived>
/// @cond Doxygen_Suppress
using TSelf = TDerived;
/// @endcond
/// @brief Spec of map job.
FLUENT_FIELD(TUserJobSpec, MapperSpec);
/// @brief Spec of reduce job.
FLUENT_FIELD(TUserJobSpec, ReducerSpec);
/// @brief Spec of reduce combiner.
FLUENT_FIELD(TUserJobSpec, ReduceCombinerSpec);
/// @brief Columns to sort rows by (must include `ReduceBy` as prefix).
FLUENT_FIELD(TSortColumns, SortBy);
/// @brief Columns to group rows by.
FLUENT_FIELD(TSortColumns, ReduceBy);
/// @brief Recommended number of map jobs to run.
/// `JobCount' has higher priority than @ref NYT::TMapReduceOperationSpecBase::DataSizePerMapJob.
/// This option only provide a recommendation and may be ignored if conflicting with YT internal limits.
/// @brief Recommended of data size for each map job.
/// `DataSizePerJob` has lower priority that @ref NYT::TMapReduceOperationSpecBase::MapJobCount.
/// This option only provide a recommendation and may be ignored if conflicting with YT internal limits.
FLUENT_FIELD_OPTION(ui64, DataSizePerMapJob);
/// @brief Recommended number of intermediate data partitions.
FLUENT_FIELD_OPTION(ui64, PartitionCount);
/// @brief Recommended size of intermediate data partitions.
FLUENT_FIELD_OPTION(ui64, PartitionDataSize);
/// @brief Account to use for intermediate data.
FLUENT_FIELD_OPTION(TString, IntermediateDataAccount);
/// @brief Replication factor for intermediate data (1 by default).
FLUENT_FIELD_OPTION(ui64, IntermediateDataReplicationFactor);
/// @brief Recommended size of data to be passed to a single reduce combiner.
FLUENT_FIELD_OPTION(ui64, DataSizePerSortJob);
/// @brief Whether to guarantee the order of rows passed to mapper matches the order in the table.
/// @see @ref NYT::TMapOperationSpec::Ordered for more info.
/// @brief Guarantee to run reduce combiner before reducer.
FLUENT_FIELD_OPTION(bool, ForceReduceCombiners);
/// @brief Spec of MapReduce operation.
/// @see https://ytsaurus.tech/docs/en/user-guide/data-processing/operations/mapreduce
struct TMapReduceOperationSpec
: public TMapReduceOperationSpecBase<TMapReduceOperationSpec>
, public TOperationIOSpec<TMapReduceOperationSpec>
, public TIntermediateTablesHintSpec<TMapReduceOperationSpec>
/// @cond Doxygen_Suppress
using TSelf = TMapReduceOperationSpec;
/// @endcond
/// @brief Format hints for mapper.
FLUENT_FIELD_DEFAULT(TUserJobFormatHints, MapperFormatHints, TUserJobFormatHints());
/// @brief Format hints for reducer.
FLUENT_FIELD_DEFAULT(TUserJobFormatHints, ReducerFormatHints, TUserJobFormatHints());
/// @brief Format hints for reduce combiner.
FLUENT_FIELD_DEFAULT(TUserJobFormatHints, ReduceCombinerFormatHints, TUserJobFormatHints());
/// @brief Spec of raw MapReduce operation.
/// @see https://ytsaurus.tech/docs/en/user-guide/data-processing/operations/mapreduce
struct TRawMapReduceOperationSpec
: public TMapReduceOperationSpecBase<TRawMapReduceOperationSpec>
, public TRawMapReduceOperationIoSpec<TRawMapReduceOperationSpec>
{ };
/// @brief Schema inference mode.
/// @see https://ytsaurus.tech/docs/en/user-guide/storage/static-schema.html#schema_inference
enum class ESchemaInferenceMode : int
FromInput /* "from_input" */,
FromOutput /* "from_output" */,
Auto /* "auto" */,
/// @brief Spec of Sort operation.
/// @see https://ytsaurus.tech/docs/en/user-guide/data-processing/operations/sort
struct TSortOperationSpec
: TOperationSpecBase<TSortOperationSpec>
/// @cond Doxygen_Suppress
using TSelf = TSortOperationSpec;
/// @endcond
/// @brief Paths to input tables.
/// @brief Path to output table.
FLUENT_FIELD(TRichYPath, Output);
/// @brief Columns to sort table by.
FLUENT_FIELD(TSortColumns, SortBy);
/// @brief Recommended number of intermediate data partitions.
FLUENT_FIELD_OPTION(ui64, PartitionCount);
/// @brief Recommended size of intermediate data partitions.
FLUENT_FIELD_OPTION(ui64, PartitionDataSize);
/// @brief Recommended number of partition jobs to run.
/// `JobCount' has higher priority than @ref NYT::TSortOperationSpec::DataSizePerPartitionJob.
/// This option only provide a recommendation and may be ignored if conflicting with YT internal limits.
FLUENT_FIELD_OPTION(ui64, PartitionJobCount);
/// @brief Recommended of data size for each partition job.
/// `DataSizePerJob` has lower priority that @ref NYT::TSortOperationSpec::PartitionJobCount.
/// This option only provide a recommendation and may be ignored if conflicting with YT internal limits.
FLUENT_FIELD_OPTION(ui64, DataSizePerPartitionJob);
/// @brief Inference mode for output table schema.
/// @see https://ytsaurus.tech/docs/en/user-guide/storage/static-schema.html#schema_inference
FLUENT_FIELD_OPTION(ESchemaInferenceMode, SchemaInferenceMode);
/// @brief Account to use for intermediate data.
FLUENT_FIELD_OPTION(TString, IntermediateDataAccount);
/// @brief Replication factor for intermediate data (1 by default).
FLUENT_FIELD_OPTION(ui64, IntermediateDataReplicationFactor);
/// @brief Merge mode.
enum EMergeMode : int
MM_UNORDERED /* "unordered" */,
MM_ORDERED /* "ordered" */,
MM_SORTED /* "sorted" */,
/// @brief Spec of Merge operation.
/// @see https://ytsaurus.tech/docs/en/user-guide/data-processing/operations/merge
struct TMergeOperationSpec
: TOperationSpecBase<TMergeOperationSpec>
/// @cond Doxygen_Suppress
using TSelf = TMergeOperationSpec;
/// @endcond
/// @brief Paths to input tables.
/// @brief Path to output table.
FLUENT_FIELD(TRichYPath, Output);
/// @brief Columns by which to merge (for @ref NYT::EMergeMode::MM_SORTED).
FLUENT_FIELD(TSortColumns, MergeBy);
/// @brief Merge mode.
/// @brief Combine output chunks to larger ones.
FLUENT_FIELD_DEFAULT(bool, CombineChunks, false);
/// @brief Guarantee that all input chunks will be read.
FLUENT_FIELD_DEFAULT(bool, ForceTransform, false);
/// @brief Recommended number of jobs to run.
/// `JobCount' has higher priority than @ref NYT::TMergeOperationSpec::DataSizePerJob.
/// This option only provide a recommendation and may be ignored if conflicting with YT internal limits.
/// @brief Recommended of data size for each job.
/// `DataSizePerJob` has lower priority that @ref NYT::TMergeOperationSpec::JobCount.
/// This option only provide a recommendation and may be ignored if conflicting with YT internal limits.
FLUENT_FIELD_OPTION(ui64, DataSizePerJob);
/// @brief Inference mode for output table schema.
/// @see https://ytsaurus.tech/docs/en/user-guide/storage/static-schema.html#schema_inference
FLUENT_FIELD_OPTION(ESchemaInferenceMode, SchemaInferenceMode);
/// @brief Spec of Erase operation.
/// @see https://ytsaurus.tech/docs/en/user-guide/data-processing/operations/erase
struct TEraseOperationSpec
: TOperationSpecBase<TEraseOperationSpec>
/// @cond Doxygen_Suppress
using TSelf = TEraseOperationSpec;
/// @endcond
/// @brief Which table (or row range) to erase.
FLUENT_FIELD(TRichYPath, TablePath);
/// Combine output chunks to larger ones.
FLUENT_FIELD_DEFAULT(bool, CombineChunks, false);
/// @brief Inference mode for output table schema.
/// @see https://ytsaurus.tech/docs/en/user-guide/storage/static-schema.html#schema_inference
FLUENT_FIELD_OPTION(ESchemaInferenceMode, SchemaInferenceMode);
/// @brief Spec of RemoteCopy operation.
/// @see https://ytsaurus.tech/docs/en/user-guide/data-processing/operations/remote_copy
struct TRemoteCopyOperationSpec
: TOperationSpecBase<TRemoteCopyOperationSpec>
/// @cond Doxygen_Suppress
using TSelf = TRemoteCopyOperationSpec;
/// @endcond
/// @brief Source cluster name.
FLUENT_FIELD(TString, ClusterName);
/// @brief Network to use for copy (all remote cluster nodes must have it configured).
FLUENT_FIELD_OPTION(TString, NetworkName);
/// @brief Paths to input tables.
/// @brief Path to output table.
FLUENT_FIELD(TRichYPath, Output);
/// @brief Inference mode for output table schema.
/// @see https://ytsaurus.tech/docs/en/user-guide/storage/static-schema.html#schema_inference
FLUENT_FIELD_OPTION(ESchemaInferenceMode, SchemaInferenceMode);
/// @brief Copy user attributes from input to output table (allowed only for single input table).
FLUENT_FIELD_DEFAULT(bool, CopyAttributes, false);
/// @brief Names of user attributes to copy from input to output table.
/// @note To make this option make sense set @ref NYT::TRemoteCopyOperationSpec::CopyAttributes to `true`.
FLUENT_VECTOR_FIELD(TString, AttributeKey);
/// @brief Config for remote cluster connection.
FLUENT_FIELD_OPTION(TNode, ClusterConnection);
class IVanillaJobBase;
/// @brief Task of Vanilla operation.
/// @see https://ytsaurus.tech/docs/en/user-guide/data-processing/operations/vanilla
struct TVanillaTask
: public TOperationOutputSpecBase
, public TUserJobOutputFormatHintsBase<TVanillaTask>
/// @cond Doxygen_Suppress
using TSelf = TVanillaTask;
/// @endcond
/// @brief Add output table path and specify the task output type (i.e. TMyProtoMessage).
template <class T>
TSelf& AddOutput(const TRichYPath& path);
/// @brief Add output table path as structured path.
TSelf& AddStructuredOutput(TStructuredTablePath path);
/// @brief Set output table path and specify the task output type (i.e. TMyProtoMessage).
template <class T>
TSelf& SetOutput(size_t tableIndex, const TRichYPath& path);
/// @brief Task name.
FLUENT_FIELD(TString, Name);
/// @brief Job to be executed in this task.
FLUENT_FIELD(::TIntrusivePtr<IVanillaJobBase>, Job);
/// @brief User job spec.
FLUENT_FIELD(TUserJobSpec, Spec);
/// @brief Number of jobs to run and wait for successful completion.
/// @note If @ref NYT::TUserOperationSpecBase::FailOnJobRestart is `false`, a failed job will be restarted
/// and will not count in this amount.
FLUENT_FIELD(ui64, JobCount);
/// @brief Network project name.
FLUENT_FIELD(TMaybe<TString>, NetworkProject);
/// @brief Spec of Vanilla operation.
/// @see https://ytsaurus.tech/docs/en/user-guide/data-processing/operations/vanilla
struct TVanillaOperationSpec
: TUserOperationSpecBase<TVanillaOperationSpec>
/// @cond Doxygen_Suppress
using TSelf = TVanillaOperationSpec;
/// @endcond
/// @brief Description of tasks to run in this operation.
/// @brief Options for @ref NYT::IOperationClient::Map and other operation start commands.
struct TOperationOptions
/// @cond Doxygen_Suppress
using TSelf = TOperationOptions;
/// @endcond
/// @brief Additional field to put to operation spec.
/// @brief Start operation mode.
enum class EStartOperationMode : int
/// @brief Prepare operation asynchronously. Call IOperation::Start() to start operation.
/// @brief Prepare and start operation asynchronously. Don't wait for operation completion.
/// @brief Prepare and start operation synchronously. Don't wait for operation completion.
/// @brief Prepare, start and wait for operation completion synchronously.
/// @brief Start operation mode.
FLUENT_FIELD_DEFAULT(EStartOperationMode, StartOperationMode, EStartOperationMode::SyncWait);
/// @brief Wait for operation finish synchronously.
/// @deprecated Use StartOperationMode() instead.
TSelf& Wait(bool value) {
StartOperationMode_ = value ? EStartOperationMode::SyncWait : EStartOperationMode::SyncStart;
return static_cast<TSelf&>(*this);
/// @brief Use format from table attribute (for YAMR-like format).
/// @deprecated
FLUENT_FIELD_DEFAULT(bool, UseTableFormats, false);
/// @brief Prefix for bash command running the jobs.
/// Can be overridden for the specific job type in the @ref NYT::TUserJobSpec.
FLUENT_FIELD(TString, JobCommandPrefix);
/// @brief Suffix for bash command running the jobs.
/// Can be overridden for the specific job type in the @ref NYT::TUserJobSpec.
FLUENT_FIELD(TString, JobCommandSuffix);
/// @brief Put all files required by the job into tmpfs.
/// This option can be set globally using @ref NYT::TConfig::MountSandboxInTmpfs.
/// @see https://ytsaurus.tech/docs/en/problems/woodpeckers
FLUENT_FIELD_DEFAULT(bool, MountSandboxInTmpfs, false);
/// @brief Path to directory to store temporary files.
/// Useful if you want to control how lifetime of uploaded files.
FLUENT_FIELD_OPTION(TString, FileStorage);
/// @brief Expiration timeout for uploaded files.
/// Set attribute ExpirationTimeout for files being uploaded during operation preparation.
/// Useful when using custom FileStorage and don't want to create separate cleanup process.
/// When using default FileStorage inside //tmp this parameter is almost useless.
/// //tmp directory is cleaned up by separate process and files can be deleted before FileExpiratoinTimeout is reached.
FLUENT_FIELD_OPTION(TDuration, FileExpirationTimeout);
/// @brief Info to be passed securely to the job.
/// @brief File cache mode.
enum class EFileCacheMode : int
/// @brief Use YT API commands "get_file_from_cache" and "put_file_to_cache".
/// @brief Upload files to random paths inside @ref NYT::TOperationOptions::FileStorage without caching.
/// @brief File cache mode.
FLUENT_FIELD_DEFAULT(EFileCacheMode, FileCacheMode, EFileCacheMode::ApiCommandBased);
/// @brief Id of transaction within which all Cypress file storage entries will be checked/created.
/// By default, the root transaction is used.
/// @note Set a specific transaction only if you
/// 1. specify non-default file storage path in @ref NYT::TOperationOptions::FileStorage or in @ref NYT::TConfig::RemoteTempFilesDirectory.
/// 2. use `CachelessRandomPathUpload` caching mode (@ref NYT::TOperationOptions::FileCacheMode).
FLUENT_FIELD(TTransactionId, FileStorageTransactionId);
/// @brief Ensure stderr and core tables exist before starting operation.
/// If set to `false`, it is user's responsibility to ensure these tables exist.
FLUENT_FIELD_DEFAULT(bool, CreateDebugOutputTables, true);
/// @brief Ensure output tables exist before starting operation.
/// If set to `false`, it is user's responsibility to ensure output tables exist.
FLUENT_FIELD_DEFAULT(bool, CreateOutputTables, true);
/// @brief Try to infer schema of inexistent table from the type of written rows.
/// @note Default values for this option may differ depending on the row type.
/// For protobuf it's currently `false` by default.
FLUENT_FIELD_OPTION(bool, InferOutputSchema);
/// @brief Get operation secure vault (specified in @ref NYT::TOperationOptions::SecureVault) inside a job.
const TNode& GetJobSecureVault();
/// @brief Context passed to @ref NYT::IRawJob::Do.
class TRawJobContext
explicit TRawJobContext(size_t outputTableCount);
/// @brief Get file corresponding to input stream.
const TFile& GetInputFile() const;
/// @brief Get files corresponding to output streams.
const TVector<TFile>& GetOutputFileList() const;
TFile InputFile_;
TVector<TFile> OutputFileList_;
/// @brief Interface for classes that can be Saved/Loaded (to be used with @ref Y_SAVELOAD_JOB).
class ISerializableForJob
virtual ~ISerializableForJob() = default;
/// @brief Dump state to output stream to be restored in job.
virtual void Save(IOutputStream& stream) const = 0;
/// @brief Load state from a stream.
virtual void Load(IInputStream& stream) = 0;
/// @brief Provider of information about operation inputs/outputs during @ref NYT::IJob::PrepareOperation.
class IOperationPreparationContext
virtual ~IOperationPreparationContext() = default;
/// @brief Get the number of input tables.
virtual int GetInputCount() const = 0;
/// @brief Get the number of output tables.
virtual int GetOutputCount() const = 0;
/// @brief Get the schema of input table no. `index`.
virtual const TTableSchema& GetInputSchema(int index) const = 0;
/// @brief Get all the input table schemas.
virtual const TVector<TTableSchema>& GetInputSchemas() const = 0;
/// @brief Path to the input table if available (`Nothing()` for intermediate tables).
virtual TMaybe<TYPath> GetInputPath(int index) const = 0;
/// @brief Path to the output table if available (`Nothing()` for intermediate tables).
virtual TMaybe<TYPath> GetOutputPath(int index) const = 0;
/// @brief Fluent builder class for @ref NYT::IJob::PrepareOperation.
/// @note Method calls are supposed to be chained.
class TJobOperationPreparer
/// @brief Group of input tables that allows to specify properties on all of them at once.
/// The instances are created with @ref NYT::TJobOperationPreparer::BeginInputGroup, not directly.
class TInputGroup
TInputGroup(TJobOperationPreparer& preparer, TVector<int> indices);
/// @brief Specify the type of input rows.
template <typename TRow>
TInputGroup& Description();
/// @brief Specify renaming of input columns.
TInputGroup& ColumnRenaming(const THashMap<TString, TString>& renaming);
/// @brief Specify what input columns to send to job
/// @note Filter is applied before renaming, so it must specify original column names.
TInputGroup& ColumnFilter(const TVector<TString>& columns);
/// @brief Finish describing the input group.
TJobOperationPreparer& EndInputGroup();
TJobOperationPreparer& Preparer_;
TVector<int> Indices_;
/// @brief Group of output tables that allows to specify properties on all of them at once.
/// The instances are created with @ref NYT::TJobOperationPreparer::BeginOutputGroup, not directly.
class TOutputGroup
TOutputGroup(TJobOperationPreparer& preparer, TVector<int> indices);
/// @brief Specify the type of output rows.
/// @tparam TRow type of output rows from tables of this group.
/// @param inferSchema Infer schema from `TRow` and specify it for these output tables.
template <typename TRow>
TOutputGroup& Description(bool inferSchema = true);
/// @brief Specify schema for these tables.
TOutputGroup& Schema(const TTableSchema& schema);
/// @brief Specify that all the the tables in this group are unschematized.
/// It is equivalent of `.Schema(TTableSchema().Strict(false)`.
TOutputGroup& NoSchema();
/// @brief Finish describing the output group.
TJobOperationPreparer& EndOutputGroup();
TJobOperationPreparer& Preparer_;
TVector<int> Indices_;
explicit TJobOperationPreparer(const IOperationPreparationContext& context);
/// @brief Begin input group consisting of tables with indices `[begin, end)`.
/// @param begin First index.
/// @param end Index after the last one.
TInputGroup BeginInputGroup(int begin, int end);
/// @brief Begin input group consisting of tables with indices from `indices`.
/// @tparam TCont Container with integers. Must support `std::begin` and `std::end` functions.
/// @param indices Indices of tables to include in the group.
template <typename TCont>
TInputGroup BeginInputGroup(const TCont& indices);
/// @brief Begin output group consisting of tables with indices `[begin, end)`.
/// @param begin First index.
/// @param end Index after the last one.
TOutputGroup BeginOutputGroup(int begin, int end);
/// @brief Begin input group consisting of tables with indices from `indices`.
/// @tparam TCont Container with integers. Must support `std::begin` and `std::end` functions.
/// @param indices Indices of tables to include in the group.
template <typename TCont>
TOutputGroup BeginOutputGroup(const TCont& indices);
/// @brief Specify the schema for output table no `tableIndex`.
/// @note All the output schemas must be specified either with this method, `NoOutputSchema` or `OutputDescription` with `inferSchema == true`
TJobOperationPreparer& OutputSchema(int tableIndex, TTableSchema schema);
/// @brief Mark the output table no. `tableIndex` as unschematized.
TJobOperationPreparer& NoOutputSchema(int tableIndex);
/// @brief Specify renaming of input columns for table no. `tableIndex`.
TJobOperationPreparer& InputColumnRenaming(int tableIndex, const THashMap<TString, TString>& renaming);
/// @brief Specify what input columns of table no. `tableIndex` to send to job
/// @note Filter is applied before renaming, so it must specify original column names.
TJobOperationPreparer& InputColumnFilter(int tableIndex, const TVector<TString>& columns);
/// @brief Specify the type of input rows for table no. `tableIndex`.
/// @tparam TRow type of input rows.
template <typename TRow>
TJobOperationPreparer& InputDescription(int tableIndex);
/// @brief Specify the type of output rows for table no. `tableIndex`.
/// @tparam TRow type of output rows.
/// @param inferSchema Infer schema from `TRow` and specify it for the output tables.
template <typename TRow>
TJobOperationPreparer& OutputDescription(int tableIndex, bool inferSchema = true);
/// @brief Set type of output rows for table no. `tableIndex` to TNode
/// @note Set schema via `OutputSchema` if needed
TJobOperationPreparer& NodeOutput(int tableIndex);
/// @brief Specify input format hints.
/// These hints have lower priority than ones specified in spec.
TJobOperationPreparer& InputFormatHints(TFormatHints hints);
/// @brief Specify output format hints.
/// These hints have lower priority than ones specified in spec.
TJobOperationPreparer& OutputFormatHints(TFormatHints hints);
/// @brief Specify format hints.
/// These hints have lower priority than ones specified in spec.
TJobOperationPreparer& FormatHints(TUserJobFormatHints newFormatHints);
/// @name "Private" members
/// The following methods should not be used by clients in @ref NYT::IJob::PrepareOperation
/// @brief Finish the building process.
void Finish();
/// @brief Get output table schemas as specified by the user.
TVector<TTableSchema> GetOutputSchemas();
/// @brief Get input column renamings as specified by the user.
const TVector<THashMap<TString, TString>>& GetInputColumnRenamings() const;
/// @brief Get input column filters as specified by the user.
const TVector<TMaybe<TVector<TString>>>& GetInputColumnFilters() const;
/// @brief Get input column descriptions as specified by the user.
const TVector<TMaybe<TTableStructure>>& GetInputDescriptions() const;
/// @brief Get output column descriptions as specified by the user.
const TVector<TMaybe<TTableStructure>>& GetOutputDescriptions() const;
/// @brief Get format hints as specified by the user.
const TUserJobFormatHints& GetFormatHints() const;
/// @brief Validate that schema for output table no. `tableIndex` has not been set yet.
void ValidateMissingOutputSchema(int tableIndex) const;
/// @brief Validate that description for input table no. `tableIndex` has not been set yet.
void ValidateMissingInputDescription(int tableIndex) const;
/// @brief Validate that description for output table no. `tableIndex` has not been set yet.
void ValidateMissingOutputDescription(int tableIndex) const;
/// @brief Validate that `tableIndex` is in correct range for input table indices.
/// @param message Message to add to the exception in case of violation.
void ValidateInputTableIndex(int tableIndex, TStringBuf message) const;
/// @brief Validate that `tableIndex` is in correct range for output table indices.
/// @param message Message to add to the exception in case of violation.
void ValidateOutputTableIndex(int tableIndex, TStringBuf message) const;
/// @brief Validate that all the output schemas has been set.
void FinallyValidate() const;
static TTableSchema EmptyNonstrictSchema();
const IOperationPreparationContext& Context_;
TVector<TMaybe<TTableSchema>> OutputSchemas_;
TVector<THashMap<TString, TString>> InputColumnRenamings_;
TVector<TMaybe<TVector<TString>>> InputColumnFilters_;
TVector<TMaybe<TTableStructure>> InputTableDescriptions_;
TVector<TMaybe<TTableStructure>> OutputTableDescriptions_;
TUserJobFormatHints FormatHints_ = {};
/// @brief Interface for all user jobs.
class IJob
: public TThrRefBase
/// @brief Type of job.
enum EType
/// @brief Save job state to stream to be restored on cluster nodes.
virtual void Save(IOutputStream& stream) const
/// @brief Restore job state from a stream.
virtual void Load(IInputStream& stream)
/// @brief Get operation secure vault (specified in @ref NYT::TOperationOptions::SecureVault) inside a job.
const TNode& SecureVault() const
return GetJobSecureVault();
/// @brief Get number of output tables.
i64 GetOutputTableCount() const
Y_ABORT_UNLESS(NDetail::OutputTableCount > 0);
return NDetail::OutputTableCount;
/// @brief Method allowing user to control some properties of input and output tables and formats.
/// User can override this method in their job class to:
/// - specify output table schemas.
/// The most natural way is usually through @ref NYT::TJobOperationPreparer::OutputDescription (especially for protobuf),
/// but you can use @ref NYT::TJobOperationPreparer::OutputSchema directly
/// - specify output row type (@ref NYT::TJobOperationPreparer::OutputDescription)
/// - specify input row type (@ref NYT::TJobOperationPreparer::InputDescription)
/// - specify input column filter and renaming (@ref NYT::TJobOperationPreparer::InputColumnFilter and @ref NYT::TJobOperationPreparer::InputColumnRenaming)
/// - specify format hints (@ref NYT::TJobOperationPreparer::InputFormatHints,
/// NYT::TJobOperationPreparer::OutputFormatHints and @ref NYT::TJobOperationPreparer::FormatHints)
/// - maybe something more, cf. the methods of @ref NYT::TJobOperationPreparer.
/// If one has several similar tables, groups can be used.
/// Groups are delimited by @ref NYT::TJobOperationPreparer::BeginInputGroup /
/// @ref NYT::TJobOperationPreparer::TInputGroup::EndInputGroup and
/// @ref NYT::TJobOperationPreparer::BeginOutputGroup /
/// @ref NYT::TJobOperationPreparer::TOutputGroup::EndOutputGroup.
/// Example:
/// @code{.cpp}
/// preparer
/// .BeginInputGroup({1,2,4,8})
/// .ColumnRenaming({{"a", "b"}, {"c", "d"}})
/// .ColumnFilter({"a", "c"})
/// .EndInputGroup();
/// @endcode
/// @note All the output table schemas must be set
/// (possibly as empty nonstrict using @ref NYT::TJobOperationPreparer::NoOutputSchema or
/// @ref NYT::TJobOperationPreparer::TOutputGroup::NoSchema).
/// By default all the output table schemas are marked as empty nonstrict.
virtual void PrepareOperation(const IOperationPreparationContext& context, TJobOperationPreparer& preparer) const;
/// @brief Declare what fields of currently declared job class to save and restore on cluster node.
#define Y_SAVELOAD_JOB(...) \
virtual void Save(IOutputStream& stream) const override { Save(&stream); } \
virtual void Load(IInputStream& stream) override { Load(&stream); } \
/// @brief Same as the macro above, but also calls Base class's SaveLoad methods.
#define Y_SAVELOAD_JOB_DERIVED(Base, ...) \
virtual void Save(IOutputStream& stream) const override { \
Base::Save(stream); \
Save(&stream); \
} \
virtual void Load(IInputStream& stream) override { \
Base::Load(stream); \
Load(&stream); \
} \
/// @brief Interface for jobs with typed inputs and outputs.
class IStructuredJob
: public IJob
/// @brief This methods are called when creating table reader and writer for the job.
/// Override them if you want to implement custom input logic. (e.g. additional bufferization)
virtual TRawTableReaderPtr CreateCustomRawJobReader(int fd) const;
virtual THolder<IProxyOutput> CreateCustomRawJobWriter(size_t outputTableCount) const;
virtual TStructuredRowStreamDescription GetInputRowStreamDescription() const = 0;
virtual TStructuredRowStreamDescription GetOutputRowStreamDescription() const = 0;
/// @brief Create default raw job reader.
TRawTableReaderPtr CreateRawJobReader(int fd = 0);
/// @brief Create default raw job writer.
THolder<IProxyOutput> CreateRawJobWriter(size_t outputTableCount);
/// @brief Base interface for structured (typed) map jobs.
class IMapperBase
: public IStructuredJob
{ };
/// @brief Base interface for structured (typed) map jobs with given reader and writer.
template <class TR, class TW>
class IMapper
: public IMapperBase
using TReader = TR;
using TWriter = TW;
/// Type of job implemented by this class.
static constexpr EType JobType = EType::Mapper;
/// @brief This method is called before feeding input rows to mapper (before `Do` method).
virtual void Start(TWriter* writer)
/// @brief This method is called exactly once for the whole job input.
/// Read input rows from `reader` and write output ones to `writer`.
virtual void Do(TReader* reader, TWriter* writer) = 0;
/// @brief This method is called after feeding input rows to mapper (after `Do` method).
virtual void Finish(TWriter* writer)
virtual TStructuredRowStreamDescription GetInputRowStreamDescription() const override;
virtual TStructuredRowStreamDescription GetOutputRowStreamDescription() const override;
/// @brief Base interface for structured (typed) reduce jobs.
/// It is common base for @ref NYT::IReducer and @ref NYT::IAggregatorReducer.
class IReducerBase
: public IStructuredJob
{ };
/// @brief Base interface for structured (typed) reduce jobs with given reader and writer.
template <class TR, class TW>
class IReducer
: public IReducerBase
using TReader = TR;
using TWriter = TW;
/// Type of job implemented by this class.
static constexpr EType JobType = EType::Reducer;
/// @brief This method is called before feeding input rows to reducer (before `Do` method).
virtual void Start(TWriter* writer)
/// @brief This method is called exactly once for each range with same value of `ReduceBy` (or `JoinBy`) keys.
virtual void Do(TReader* reader, TWriter* writer) = 0;
/// @brief This method is called after feeding input rows to reducer (after `Do` method).
virtual void Finish(TWriter* writer)
/// @brief Refuse to process the remaining row ranges and finish the job (successfully).
void Break();
virtual TStructuredRowStreamDescription GetInputRowStreamDescription() const override;
virtual TStructuredRowStreamDescription GetOutputRowStreamDescription() const override;
/// @brief Base interface of jobs used inside reduce operations.
/// Unlike @ref NYT::IReducer jobs their `Do' method is called only once
/// and takes whole range of records split by key boundaries.
/// Template argument `TR` must be @ref NYT::TTableRangesReader.
template <class TR, class TW>
class IAggregatorReducer
: public IReducerBase
using TReader = TR;
using TWriter = TW;
/// Type of job implemented by this class.
static constexpr EType JobType = EType::ReducerAggregator;
/// @brief This method is called before feeding input rows to reducer (before `Do` method).
virtual void Start(TWriter* writer)
/// @brief This method is called exactly once for the whole job input.
virtual void Do(TReader* reader, TWriter* writer) = 0;
/// @brief This method is called after feeding input rows to reducer (after `Do` method).
virtual void Finish(TWriter* writer)
virtual TStructuredRowStreamDescription GetInputRowStreamDescription() const override;
virtual TStructuredRowStreamDescription GetOutputRowStreamDescription() const override;
/// @brief Interface for raw jobs (i.e. reading and writing byte streams).
class IRawJob
: public IJob
/// Type of job implemented by this class.
static constexpr EType JobType = EType::RawJob;
/// @brief This method is called exactly once for the whole job input.
virtual void Do(const TRawJobContext& jobContext) = 0;
/// @brief Interface of jobs that run the given bash command.
class ICommandJob
: public IJob
/// @brief Get bash command to run.
/// @note This method is called on the client side.
virtual const TString& GetCommand() const = 0;
/// @brief Raw job executing given bash command.
/// @note The binary will not be uploaded.
class TCommandRawJob
: public IRawJob
, public ICommandJob
/// @brief Create job with specified command.
/// @param command Bash command to run.
explicit TCommandRawJob(TStringBuf command = {});
const TString& GetCommand() const override;
void Do(const TRawJobContext& jobContext) override;
TString Command_;
/// @brief Base interface for vanilla jobs.
/// @see https://ytsaurus.tech/docs/en/user-guide/data-processing/operations/vanilla
class IVanillaJobBase
: public virtual IStructuredJob
/// Type of job implemented by this class.
static constexpr EType JobType = EType::VanillaJob;
template <class TW = void>
class IVanillaJob;
/// @brief Interface of vanilla job without outputs.
template <>
class IVanillaJob<void>
: public IVanillaJobBase
/// @brief This method is called exactly once for each vanilla job.
virtual void Do() = 0;
virtual TStructuredRowStreamDescription GetInputRowStreamDescription() const override;
virtual TStructuredRowStreamDescription GetOutputRowStreamDescription() const override;
/// @brief Vanilla job executing given bash command.
/// @note The binary will not be uploaded.
class TCommandVanillaJob
: public IVanillaJob<>
, public ICommandJob
/// @brief Create job with specified command.
/// @param command Bash command to run.
explicit TCommandVanillaJob(TStringBuf command = {});
const TString& GetCommand() const override;
void Do() override;
TString Command_;
/// @brief Interface for vanilla jobs with output tables.
template <class TW>
class IVanillaJob
: public IVanillaJobBase
using TWriter = TW;
/// @brief This method is called before `Do` method.
virtual void Start(TWriter* /* writer */)
{ }
/// @brief This method is called exactly once for each vanilla job.
/// Write output rows to `writer`.
virtual void Do(TWriter* writer) = 0;
/// @brief This method is called after `Do` method.
virtual void Finish(TWriter* /* writer */)
{ }
virtual TStructuredRowStreamDescription GetInputRowStreamDescription() const override;
virtual TStructuredRowStreamDescription GetOutputRowStreamDescription() const override;
/// @brief Attributes to request for an operation.
enum class EOperationAttribute : int
Id /* "id" */,
Type /* "type" */,
State /* "state" */,
AuthenticatedUser /* "authenticated_user" */,
StartTime /* "start_time" */,
FinishTime /* "finish_time" */,
BriefProgress /* "brief_progress" */,
BriefSpec /* "brief_spec" */,
Suspended /* "suspended" */,
Result /* "result" */,
Progress /* "progress" */,
Events /* "events" */,
Spec /* "spec" */,
FullSpec /* "full_spec" */,
UnrecognizedSpec /* "unrecognized_spec" */,
/// @brief Class describing which attributes to request in @ref NYT::IClient::GetOperation or @ref NYT::IClient::ListOperations.
struct TOperationAttributeFilter
/// @cond Doxygen_Suppress
using TSelf = TOperationAttributeFilter;
/// @endcond
TVector<EOperationAttribute> Attributes_;
/// @brief Add attribute to the filter. Calls are supposed to be chained.
TSelf& Add(EOperationAttribute attribute)
return *this;
/// @brief Options for @ref NYT::IClient::GetOperation call.
struct TGetOperationOptions
/// @cond Doxygen_Suppress
using TSelf = TGetOperationOptions;
/// @endcond
/// @brief What attributes to request (if omitted, the default set of attributes will be requested).
FLUENT_FIELD_OPTION(TOperationAttributeFilter, AttributeFilter);
FLUENT_FIELD_OPTION(bool, IncludeRuntime);
/// @brief "Coarse-grained" state of an operation.
enum class EOperationBriefState : int
InProgress /* "in_progress" */,
Completed /* "completed" */,
Aborted /* "aborted" */,
/// Failed
Failed /* "failed" */,
/// @brief Operation type.
enum class EOperationType : int
Map /* "map" */,
Merge /* "merge" */,
Erase /* "erase" */,
Sort /* "sort" */,
Reduce /* "reduce" */,
MapReduce /* "map_reduce" */,
RemoteCopy /* "remote_copy" */,
JoinReduce /* "join_reduce" */,
Vanilla /* "vanilla" */,
/// @brief Operation progress.
struct TOperationProgress
/// @brief Total job statistics.
TJobStatistics JobStatistics;
/// @brief Job counter for various job states with hierarchy.
TJobCounters JobCounters;
/// @brief Time when this progress was built on scheduler or CA.
TMaybe<TInstant> BuildTime;
/// @brief Brief operation progress (numbers of jobs in these states).
struct TOperationBriefProgress
ui64 Aborted = 0;
ui64 Completed = 0;
ui64 Failed = 0;
ui64 Lost = 0;
ui64 Pending = 0;
ui64 Running = 0;
ui64 Total = 0;
/// @brief Operation result.
struct TOperationResult
/// @brief For a unsuccessfully finished operation: description of error.
TMaybe<TYtError> Error;
/// @brief Operation event (change of state).
struct TOperationEvent
/// @brief New state of operation.
TString State;
/// @brief Time of state change.
TInstant Time;
/// @brief Operation info.
/// A field may be `Nothing()` either if it was not requested (see @ref NYT::TGetOperationOptions::AttributeFilter)
/// or it is not available (i.e. `FinishTime` for a running operation).
/// @see https://ytsaurus.tech/docs/en/api/commands#get_operation
struct TOperationAttributes
/// @brief Operation id.
TMaybe<TOperationId> Id;
/// @brief Operation type.
TMaybe<EOperationType> Type;
/// @brief Operation state.
TMaybe<TString> State;
/// @brief "Coarse-grained" operation state.
TMaybe<EOperationBriefState> BriefState;
/// @brief Name of user that started the operation.
TMaybe<TString> AuthenticatedUser;
/// @brief Operation start time.
TMaybe<TInstant> StartTime;
/// @brief Operation finish time (if the operation has finished).
TMaybe<TInstant> FinishTime;
/// @brief Brief progress of the operation.
TMaybe<TOperationBriefProgress> BriefProgress;
/// @brief Brief spec of operation (light-weight fields only).
TMaybe<TNode> BriefSpec;
/// @brief Spec of the operation as provided by the user.
TMaybe<TNode> Spec;
/// @brief Full spec of operation (all fields not specified by user are filled with default values).
TMaybe<TNode> FullSpec;
/// @brief Fields not recognized by scheduler.
TMaybe<TNode> UnrecognizedSpec;
/// @brief Is operation suspended.
TMaybe<bool> Suspended;
/// @brief Operation result.
TMaybe<TOperationResult> Result;
/// @brief Operation progress.
TMaybe<TOperationProgress> Progress;
/// @brief List of operation events (changes of state).
TMaybe<TVector<TOperationEvent>> Events;
/// @brief Map from alert name to its description.
TMaybe<THashMap<TString, TYtError>> Alerts;
/// @brief Direction of cursor for paging, see @ref NYT::TListOperationsOptions::CursorDirection.
enum class ECursorDirection
Past /* "past" */,
Future /* "future" */,
/// @brief Options of @ref NYT::IClient::ListOperations command.
/// @see https://ytsaurus.tech/docs/en/api/commands.html#list_operations
struct TListOperationsOptions
/// @cond Doxygen_Suppress
using TSelf = TListOperationsOptions;
/// @endcond
/// @name Time range specification
/// List operations with start time in half-closed interval
/// `[CursorTime, ToTime)` if `CursorDirection == Future` or
/// `[FromTime, CursorTime)` if `CursorDirection == Past`.
/// @brief Search for operations with start time >= `FromTime`.
/// @brief Search for operations with start time < `ToTime`.
/// @brief Additional restriction on operation start time (useful for pagination).
/// Search for operations with start time >= `CursorTime` if `CursorDirection == Future`
/// and with start time < `CursorTime` if `CursorDirection == Past`
FLUENT_FIELD_OPTION(TInstant, CursorTime);
/// @brief Direction of pagination (see @ref NYT::TListOperationsOptions::CursorTime).
FLUENT_FIELD_OPTION(ECursorDirection, CursorDirection);
/// @name Filters
/// Choose operations satisfying given filters.
/// @brief Search for `Filter` as a substring in operation text factors
/// (e.g. title or input/output table paths).
/// @brief Choose operations whose pools include `Pool`.
/// @brief Choose operations with given @ref NYT::TOperationAttributes::AuthenticatedUser.
/// @brief Choose operations with given @ref NYT::TOperationAttributes::State.
/// @brief Choose operations with given @ref NYT::TOperationAttributes::Type.
FLUENT_FIELD_OPTION(EOperationType, Type);
/// @brief Choose operations having (or not having) any failed jobs.
FLUENT_FIELD_OPTION(bool, WithFailedJobs);
/// @brief Search for operations in the archive in addition to Cypress.
FLUENT_FIELD_OPTION(bool, IncludeArchive);
/// @brief Include the counters for different filter parameters in the response.
/// Include number of operations for each pool, user, state, type
/// and the number of operations having failed jobs.
FLUENT_FIELD_OPTION(bool, IncludeCounters);
/// @brief Return no more than `Limit` operations (current default and maximum value is 1000).
/// @brief Response for @ref NYT::IClient::ListOperations command.
struct TListOperationsResult
/// @brief Found operations' attributes.
TVector<TOperationAttributes> Operations;
/// @name Counters for different filter.
/// If counters were requested (@ref NYT::TListOperationsOptions::IncludeCounters is `true`)
/// the maps contain the number of operations found for each pool, user, state and type.
/// NOTE:
/// 1) Counters ignore CursorTime and CursorDirection,
/// they always are collected in the whole [FromTime, ToTime) interval.
/// 2) Each next counter in the sequence [pool, user, state, type, with_failed_jobs]
/// takes into account all the previous filters (i.e. if you set User filter to "some-user"
/// type counts describe only operations with user "some-user").
/// @{
/// @brief Number of operations for each pool.
TMaybe<THashMap<TString, i64>> PoolCounts;
/// @brief Number of operations for each user (subject to previous filters).
TMaybe<THashMap<TString, i64>> UserCounts;
/// @brief Number of operations for each state (subject to previous filters).
TMaybe<THashMap<TString, i64>> StateCounts;
/// @brief Number of operations for each type (subject to previous filters).
TMaybe<THashMap<EOperationType, i64>> TypeCounts;
/// @brief Number of operations having failed jobs (subject to all previous filters).
TMaybe<i64> WithFailedJobsCount;
/// @}
/// @brief Whether some operations were not returned due to @ref NYT::TListOperationsOptions::Limit.
/// `Incomplete == true` means that not all operations satisfying filters
/// were returned (limit exceeded) and you need to repeat the request with new @ref NYT::TListOperationsOptions::CursorTime
/// (e.g. `CursorTime == *Operations.back().StartTime`, but don't forget to
/// remove the duplicates).
bool Incomplete;
/// @brief Data source for @ref NYT::IClient::ListJobs command.
enum class EListJobsDataSource : int
Runtime /* "runtime" */,
Archive /* "archive" */,
Auto /* "auto" */,
Manual /* "manual" */,
/// @brief Job type.
enum class EJobType : int
SchedulerFirst /* "scheduler_first" */,
Map /* "map" */,
PartitionMap /* "partition_map" */,
SortedMerge /* "sorted_merge" */,
OrderedMerge /* "ordered_merge" */,
UnorderedMerge /* "unordered_merge" */,
Partition /* "partition" */,
SimpleSort /* "simple_sort" */,
FinalSort /* "final_sort" */,
SortedReduce /* "sorted_reduce" */,
PartitionReduce /* "partition_reduce" */,
ReduceCombiner /* "reduce_combiner" */,
RemoteCopy /* "remote_copy" */,
IntermediateSort /* "intermediate_sort" */,
OrderedMap /* "ordered_map" */,
JoinReduce /* "join_reduce" */,
Vanilla /* "vanilla" */,
SchedulerUnknown /* "scheduler_unknown" */,
SchedulerLast /* "scheduler_last" */,
ReplicatorFirst /* "replicator_first" */,
ReplicateChunk /* "replicate_chunk" */,
RemoveChunk /* "remove_chunk" */,
RepairChunk /* "repair_chunk" */,
SealChunk /* "seal_chunk" */,
ReplicatorLast /* "replicator_last" */,
/// @brief Well-known task names.
enum class ETaskName : int
Map /* "map" */,
PartitionMap0 /* "partition_map(0)" */,
SortedMerge /* "sorted_merge" */,
OrderedMerge /* "ordered_merge" */,
UnorderedMerge /* "unordered_merge" */,
Partition0 /* "partition(0)" */,
Partition1 /* "partition(1)" */,
Partition2 /* "partition(2)" */,
SimpleSort /* "simple_sort" */,
FinalSort /* "final_sort" */,
SortedReduce /* "sorted_reduce" */,
PartitionReduce /* "partition_reduce" */,
ReduceCombiner /* "reduce_combiner" */,
RemoteCopy /* "remote_copy" */,
IntermediateSort /* "intermediate_sort" */,
OrderedMap /* "ordered_map" */,
JoinReduce /* "join_reduce" */,
/// @brief Task name (can either well-known or just a string).
class TTaskName
// Constructors are implicit by design.
/// @brief Construct a custom task name.
TTaskName(TString taskName);
/// @brief Construct a custom task name.
TTaskName(const char* taskName);
/// @brief Construct a well-known task name.
TTaskName(ETaskName taskName);
const TString& Get() const;
TString TaskName_;
/// @brief Job state.
enum class EJobState : int
None /* "none" */,
Waiting /* "waiting" */,
Running /* "running" */,
Aborting /* "aborting" */,
Completed /* "completed" */,
Failed /* "failed" */,
Aborted /* "aborted" */,
Lost /* "lost" */,
/// @brief Job sort field.
/// @see @ref NYT::TListJobsOptions.
enum class EJobSortField : int
Type /* "type" */,
State /* "state" */,
StartTime /* "start_time" */,
FinishTime /* "finish_time" */,
Address /* "address" */,
Duration /* "duration" */,
Progress /* "progress" */,
Id /* "id" */,
TaskName /* "task_name" */,
/// @brief Job sort direction.
/// @see @ref NYT::TListJobsOptions.
enum class EJobSortDirection : int
Ascending /* "ascending" */,
Descending /* "descending" */,
/// @brief Options for @ref NYT::IClient::ListJobs.
/// @see https://ytsaurus.tech/docs/en/api/commands.html#list_jobs
struct TListJobsOptions
/// @cond Doxygen_Suppress
using TSelf = TListJobsOptions;
/// @endcond
/// @name Filters
/// Return only jobs with given value of parameter (type, state, address and existence of stderr).
/// If a field is `Nothing()`, return jobs with all possible values of the corresponding parameter.
/// @{
/// @brief Job type.
/// @brief Job state.
/// @brief Address of the cluster node where job was running.
/// @brief Return only jobs whose stderr has been saved.
FLUENT_FIELD_OPTION(bool, WithStderr);
/// @brief Return only jobs whose spec has been saved.
/// @brief Return only jobs whose fail context has been saved.
FLUENT_FIELD_OPTION(bool, WithFailContext);
/// @brief Return only jobs with monitoring descriptor.
FLUENT_FIELD_OPTION(bool, WithMonitoringDescriptor);
/// @brief Search for jobs with start time >= `FromTime`.
/// @brief Search for jobs with start time <= `ToTime`.
/// @brief Search for jobs with filters encoded in token.
FLUENT_FIELD_OPTION(TString, ContinuationToken);
/// @}
/// @name Sort options
/// @{
/// @brief Sort by this field.
FLUENT_FIELD_OPTION(EJobSortField, SortField);
/// @brief Sort order.
/// @}
/// @brief Data source.
/// Where to search for jobs: in scheduler and Cypress ('Runtime'), in archive ('Archive'),
/// automatically basing on operation presence in Cypress ('Auto') or choose manually (`Manual').
FLUENT_FIELD_OPTION(EListJobsDataSource, DataSource);
/// @deprecated
FLUENT_FIELD_OPTION(bool, IncludeCypress);
/// @deprecated
FLUENT_FIELD_OPTION(bool, IncludeControllerAgent);
/// @deprecated
FLUENT_FIELD_OPTION(bool, IncludeArchive);
/// @brief Maximum number of jobs to return.
/// @brief Number of jobs (in specified sort order) to skip.
/// Together with @ref NYT::TListJobsOptions::Limit may be used for pagination.
/// @brief Description of a core dump that happened in the job.
struct TCoreInfo
i64 ProcessId;
TString ExecutableName;
TMaybe<ui64> Size;
TMaybe<TYtError> Error;
/// @brief Job attributes.
/// A field may be `Nothing()` if it is not available (i.e. `FinishTime` for a running job).
/// @see https://ytsaurus.tech/docs/en/api/commands#get_job
struct TJobAttributes
/// @brief Job id.
TMaybe<TJobId> Id;
/// @brief Job type
TMaybe<EJobType> Type;
/// @brief Job state.
TMaybe<EJobState> State;
/// @brief Address of a cluster node where job was running.
TMaybe<TString> Address;
/// @brief The name of the task that job corresponds to.
TMaybe<TString> TaskName;
/// @brief Job start time.
TMaybe<TInstant> StartTime;
/// @brief Job finish time (for a finished job).
TMaybe<TInstant> FinishTime;
/// @brief Estimated ratio of job's completed work.
TMaybe<double> Progress;
/// @brief Size of saved job stderr.
TMaybe<i64> StderrSize;
/// @brief Error for a unsuccessfully finished job.
TMaybe<TYtError> Error;
/// @brief Job brief statistics.
TMaybe<TNode> BriefStatistics;
/// @brief Job input paths (with ranges).
TMaybe<TVector<TRichYPath>> InputPaths;
/// @brief Infos for core dumps produced by job.
TMaybe<TVector<TCoreInfo>> CoreInfos;
/// @brief Response for @ref NYT::IOperation::ListJobs.
struct TListJobsResult
/// @brief Jobs.
TVector<TJobAttributes> Jobs;
/// @deprecated
TMaybe<i64> CypressJobCount;
/// @brief Number of jobs retrieved from controller agent.
TMaybe<i64> ControllerAgentJobCount;
/// @brief Number of jobs retrieved from archive.
TMaybe<i64> ArchiveJobCount;
/// @brief Options for @ref NYT::IClient::GetJob.
struct TGetJobOptions
/// @cond Doxygen_Suppress
using TSelf = TGetJobOptions;
/// @endcond
/// @brief Options for @ref NYT::IClient::GetJobInput.
struct TGetJobInputOptions
/// @cond Doxygen_Suppress
using TSelf = TGetJobInputOptions;
/// @endcond
/// @brief Options for @ref NYT::IClient::GetJobFailContext.
struct TGetJobFailContextOptions
/// @cond Doxygen_Suppress
using TSelf = TGetJobFailContextOptions;
/// @endcond
/// @brief Options for @ref NYT::IClient::GetJobStderr.
struct TGetJobStderrOptions
/// @cond Doxygen_Suppress
using TSelf = TGetJobStderrOptions;
/// @endcond
/// @brief Options for @ref NYT::IOperation::GetFailedJobInfo.
struct TGetFailedJobInfoOptions
/// @cond Doxygen_Suppress
using TSelf = TGetFailedJobInfoOptions;
/// @endcond
/// @brief How many jobs to download. Which jobs will be chosen is undefined.
FLUENT_FIELD_DEFAULT(ui64, MaxJobCount, 10);
/// @brief How much of stderr tail should be downloaded.
FLUENT_FIELD_DEFAULT(ui64, StderrTailSize, 64 * 1024);
/// @brief Options for @ref NYT::IClient::GetJobTrace.
struct TGetJobTraceOptions
/// @cond Doxygen_Suppress
using TSelf = TGetJobTraceOptions;
/// @endcond
/// @brief Id of the job.
/// @brief Id of the trace.
/// @brief Search for traces with time >= `FromTime`.
/// @brief Search for traces with time <= `ToTime`.
/// @brief Search for traces with event index >= `FromEventIndex`.
FLUENT_FIELD_OPTION(i64, FromEventIndex);
/// @brief Search for traces with event index >= `ToEventIndex`.
/// @brief Response for @ref NYT::IOperation::GetJobTrace.
struct TJobTraceEvent
/// @brief Id of the operation.
TOperationId OperationId;
/// @brief Id of the job.
TJobId JobId;
/// @brief Id of the trace.
TJobTraceId TraceId;
/// @brief Index of the trace event.
i64 EventIndex;
/// @brief Raw evenr in json format.
TString Event;
/// @brief Time of the event.
TInstant EventTime;
/// @brief Interface representing an operation.
struct IOperation
: public TThrRefBase
virtual ~IOperation() = default;
/// @brief Get operation id.
virtual const TOperationId& GetId() const = 0;
/// @brief Get URL of the operation in YT Web UI.
virtual TString GetWebInterfaceUrl() const = 0;
/// @brief Get last error for not started operations. Get state on YT cluster for started operations.
/// For not started operations last error is an error that's being retried during operation
/// preparation/start (e.g. lock files, start operation request).
virtual TString GetStatus() const = 0;
/// @brief Get preparation future.
/// @return future that is set when operation is prepared.
virtual ::NThreading::TFuture<void> GetPreparedFuture() = 0;
/// @brief Start operation synchronously.
/// @note: Do NOT call this method twice.
/// If operation is not prepared yet, Start() will block waiting for preparation finish.
/// Be ready to catch exception if operation preparation or start failed.
virtual void Start() = 0;
/// @brief Is the operation started
/// Returns true if the operation is started on the cluster
virtual bool IsStarted() const = 0;
/// @brief Get start future.
/// @return future that is set when operation is started.
virtual ::NThreading::TFuture<void> GetStartedFuture() = 0;
/// @brief Start watching operation.
/// @return future that is set when operation is complete.
/// @note: the user should check value of returned future to ensure that operation completed successfully e.g.
/// @code{.cpp}
/// auto operationComplete = operation->Watch();
/// operationComplete.Wait();
/// operationComplete.GetValue(); /// will throw if operation completed with errors
/// @endcode
/// If operation is completed successfully the returned future contains void value.
/// If operation is completed with error future contains @ref NYT::TOperationFailedError.
/// In rare cases when error occurred while waiting (e.g. YT become unavailable) future might contain other exception.
virtual ::NThreading::TFuture<void> Watch() = 0;
/// @brief Get information about failed jobs.
/// Can be called for operation in any stage.
/// Though user should keep in mind that this method always fetches info from cypress
/// and doesn't work when operation is archived. Successfully completed operations can be archived
/// quite quickly (in about ~30 seconds).
virtual TVector<TFailedJobInfo> GetFailedJobInfo(const TGetFailedJobInfoOptions& options = TGetFailedJobInfoOptions()) = 0;
/// Get operation brief state.
virtual EOperationBriefState GetBriefState() = 0;
/// @brief Get error (if operation has failed).
/// @return `Nothing()` if operation is in 'Completed' or 'InProgress' state (or reason for failed / aborted operation).
virtual TMaybe<TYtError> GetError() = 0;
/// Get job statistics.
virtual TJobStatistics GetJobStatistics() = 0;
/// Get operation progress.
/// @return `Nothing()` if operation has no running jobs yet, e.g. when it is in "materializing" or "pending" state.
virtual TMaybe<TOperationBriefProgress> GetBriefProgress() = 0;
/// @brief Abort operation.
/// Operation will be finished immediately.
/// All results of completed/running jobs will be lost.
/// @see https://ytsaurus.tech/docs/en/api/commands#abort_op
virtual void AbortOperation() = 0;
/// @brief Complete operation.
/// Operation will be finished immediately.
/// All results of completed jobs will appear in output tables.
/// All results of running (not completed) jobs will be lost.
/// @see https://ytsaurus.tech/docs/en/api/commands#complete_op
virtual void CompleteOperation() = 0;
/// @brief Suspend operation.
/// Jobs will not be aborted by default, c.f. @ref NYT::TSuspendOperationOptions.
/// @see https://ytsaurus.tech/docs/en/api/commands#suspend_op
virtual void SuspendOperation(
const TSuspendOperationOptions& options = TSuspendOperationOptions()) = 0;
/// @brief Resume previously suspended operation.
/// @see https://ytsaurus.tech/docs/en/api/commands#resume_op
virtual void ResumeOperation(
const TResumeOperationOptions& options = TResumeOperationOptions()) = 0;
/// @brief Get operation attributes.
/// @see https://ytsaurus.tech/docs/en/api/commands#get_operation
virtual TOperationAttributes GetAttributes(
const TGetOperationOptions& options = TGetOperationOptions()) = 0;
/// @brief Update operation runtime parameters.
/// @see https://ytsaurus.tech/docs/en/api/commands#update_op_parameters
virtual void UpdateParameters(
const TUpdateOperationParametersOptions& options = TUpdateOperationParametersOptions()) = 0;
/// @brief Get job attributes.
/// @see https://ytsaurus.tech/docs/en/api/commands#get_job
virtual TJobAttributes GetJob(
const TJobId& jobId,
const TGetJobOptions& options = TGetJobOptions()) = 0;
/// List jobs satisfying given filters (see @ref NYT::TListJobsOptions).
/// @see https://ytsaurus.tech/docs/en/api/commands#list_jobs
virtual TListJobsResult ListJobs(
const TListJobsOptions& options = TListJobsOptions()) = 0;
/// @brief Interface of client capable of managing operations.
struct IOperationClient
/// @brief Run Map operation.
/// @param spec Operation spec.
/// @param mapper Instance of a job to run.
/// @param options Optional parameters.
/// @see https://ytsaurus.tech/docs/en/user-guide/data-processing/operations/map
IOperationPtr Map(
const TMapOperationSpec& spec,
::TIntrusivePtr<IMapperBase> mapper,
const TOperationOptions& options = TOperationOptions());
/// @brief Run Map operation.
/// @param mapper Instance of a job to run.
/// @param input Input table(s)
/// @param output Output table(s)
/// @param spec Operation spec.
/// @param options Optional parameters.
/// @see https://ytsaurus.tech/docs/en/user-guide/data-processing/operations/map
IOperationPtr Map(
::TIntrusivePtr<IMapperBase> mapper,
const TOneOrMany<TStructuredTablePath>& input,
const TOneOrMany<TStructuredTablePath>& output,
const TMapOperationSpec& spec = TMapOperationSpec(),
const TOperationOptions& options = TOperationOptions());
/// @brief Run raw Map operation.
/// @param spec Operation spec.
/// @param rawJob Instance of a raw mapper to run.
/// @param options Optional parameters.
/// @see https://ytsaurus.tech/docs/en/user-guide/data-processing/operations/map
virtual IOperationPtr RawMap(
const TRawMapOperationSpec& spec,
::TIntrusivePtr<IRawJob> rawJob,
const TOperationOptions& options = TOperationOptions()) = 0;
/// @brief Run Reduce operation.
/// @param spec Operation spec.
/// @param reducer Instance of a job to run.
/// @param options Optional parameters.
/// @see https://ytsaurus.tech/docs/en/user-guide/data-processing/operations/reduce
IOperationPtr Reduce(
const TReduceOperationSpec& spec,
::TIntrusivePtr<IReducerBase> reducer,
const TOperationOptions& options = TOperationOptions());
/// @brief Run Reduce operation.
/// @param reducer Instance of a job to run.
/// @param input Input table(s)
/// @param output Output table(s)
/// @param reduceBy Columns to group rows by.
/// @param spec Operation spec.
/// @param options Optional parameters.
/// @see https://ytsaurus.tech/docs/en/user-guide/data-processing/operations/reduce
IOperationPtr Reduce(
::TIntrusivePtr<IReducerBase> reducer,
const TOneOrMany<TStructuredTablePath>& input,
const TOneOrMany<TStructuredTablePath>& output,
const TSortColumns& reduceBy,
const TReduceOperationSpec& spec = TReduceOperationSpec(),
const TOperationOptions& options = TOperationOptions());
/// @brief Run raw Reduce operation.
/// @param spec Operation spec.
/// @param rawJob Instance of a raw reducer to run.
/// @param options Optional parameters.
/// @see https://ytsaurus.tech/docs/en/user-guide/data-processing/operations/reduce
virtual IOperationPtr RawReduce(
const TRawReduceOperationSpec& spec,
::TIntrusivePtr<IRawJob> rawJob,
const TOperationOptions& options = TOperationOptions()) = 0;
/// @brief Run JoinReduce operation.
/// @param spec Operation spec.
/// @param reducer Instance of a job to run.
/// @param options Optional parameters.
/// @deprecated Use @ref NYT::IOperationClient::Reduce with @ref NYT::TReduceOperationSpec::EnableKeyGuarantee set to `false.
IOperationPtr JoinReduce(
const TJoinReduceOperationSpec& spec,
::TIntrusivePtr<IReducerBase> reducer,
const TOperationOptions& options = TOperationOptions());
/// @brief Run raw JoinReduce operation.
/// @param spec Operation spec.
/// @param rawJob Instance of a raw reducer to run.
/// @param options Optional parameters.
/// @deprecated Use @ref NYT::IOperationClient::RawReduce with @ref NYT::TReduceOperationSpec::EnableKeyGuarantee set to `false.
virtual IOperationPtr RawJoinReduce(
const TRawJoinReduceOperationSpec& spec,
::TIntrusivePtr<IRawJob> rawJob,
const TOperationOptions& options = TOperationOptions()) = 0;
/// @brief Run MapReduce operation.
/// @param spec Operation spec.
/// @param mapper Instance of a map job to run (identity mapper if `nullptr`).
/// @param reducer Instance of a reduce job to run.
/// @param options Optional parameters.
/// @see https://ytsaurus.tech/docs/en/user-guide/data-processing/operations/mapreduce
IOperationPtr MapReduce(
const TMapReduceOperationSpec& spec,
::TIntrusivePtr<IMapperBase> mapper,
::TIntrusivePtr<IReducerBase> reducer,
const TOperationOptions& options = TOperationOptions());
/// @brief Run MapReduce operation.
/// @param spec Operation spec.
/// @param mapper Instance of a map job to run (identity mapper if `nullptr`).
/// @param reducerCombiner Instance of a reduce combiner to run (identity reduce combiner if `nullptr`).
/// @param reducer Instance of a reduce job to run.
/// @param options Optional parameters.
/// @see https://ytsaurus.tech/docs/en/user-guide/data-processing/operations/mapreduce
IOperationPtr MapReduce(
const TMapReduceOperationSpec& spec,
::TIntrusivePtr<IMapperBase> mapper,
::TIntrusivePtr<IReducerBase> reduceCombiner,
::TIntrusivePtr<IReducerBase> reducer,
const TOperationOptions& options = TOperationOptions());
/// @brief Run MapReduce operation.
/// @param mapper Instance of mapper to run (identity mapper if `nullptr`).
/// @param reducer Instance of reducer to run.
/// @param input Input table(s)
/// @param output Output table(s)
/// @param reduceBy Columns to group rows by.
/// @param spec Operation spec.
/// @param options Optional parameters.
/// @see https://ytsaurus.tech/docs/en/user-guide/data-processing/operations/mapreduce
IOperationPtr MapReduce(
::TIntrusivePtr<IMapperBase> mapper,
::TIntrusivePtr<IReducerBase> reducer,
const TOneOrMany<TStructuredTablePath>& input,
const TOneOrMany<TStructuredTablePath>& output,
const TSortColumns& reduceBy,
TMapReduceOperationSpec spec = TMapReduceOperationSpec(),
const TOperationOptions& options = TOperationOptions());
/// @brief Run MapReduce operation.
/// @param mapper Instance of mapper to run (identity mapper if `nullptr`).
/// @param reduceCombiner Instance of reduceCombiner to run (identity reduce combiner if `nullptr`).
/// @param reducer Instance of reducer to run.
/// @param input Input table(s)
/// @param output Output table(s)
/// @param reduceBy Columns to group rows by.
/// @param spec Operation spec.
/// @param options Optional parameters.
/// @see https://ytsaurus.tech/docs/en/user-guide/data-processing/operations/mapreduce
IOperationPtr MapReduce(
::TIntrusivePtr<IMapperBase> mapper,
::TIntrusivePtr<IReducerBase> reduceCombiner,
::TIntrusivePtr<IReducerBase> reducer,
const TOneOrMany<TStructuredTablePath>& input,
const TOneOrMany<TStructuredTablePath>& output,
const TSortColumns& reduceBy,
TMapReduceOperationSpec spec = TMapReduceOperationSpec(),
const TOperationOptions& options = TOperationOptions());
/// @brief Run raw MapReduce operation.
/// @param spec Operation spec.
/// @param mapper Instance of a raw mapper to run (identity mapper if `nullptr`).
/// @param mapper Instance of a raw reduce combiner to run (identity reduce combiner if `nullptr`).
/// @param mapper Instance of a raw reducer to run.
/// @param options Optional parameters.
/// @see https://ytsaurus.tech/docs/en/user-guide/data-processing/operations/mapreduce
virtual IOperationPtr RawMapReduce(
const TRawMapReduceOperationSpec& spec,
::TIntrusivePtr<IRawJob> mapper,
::TIntrusivePtr<IRawJob> reduceCombiner,
::TIntrusivePtr<IRawJob> reducer,
const TOperationOptions& options = TOperationOptions()) = 0;
/// @brief Run Sort operation.
/// @param spec Operation spec.
/// @param options Optional parameters.
/// @see https://ytsaurus.tech/docs/en/user-guide/data-processing/operations/sort
virtual IOperationPtr Sort(
const TSortOperationSpec& spec,
const TOperationOptions& options = TOperationOptions()) = 0;
/// @brief Run Sort operation.
/// @param input Input table(s).
/// @param output Output table.
/// @param sortBy Columns to sort input rows by.
/// @param spec Operation spec.
/// @param options Optional parameters.
/// @see https://ytsaurus.tech/docs/en/user-guide/data-processing/operations/sort
IOperationPtr Sort(
const TOneOrMany<TRichYPath>& input,
const TRichYPath& output,
const TSortColumns& sortBy,
const TSortOperationSpec& spec = TSortOperationSpec(),
const TOperationOptions& options = TOperationOptions());
/// @brief Run Merge operation.
/// @param spec Operation spec.
/// @param options Optional parameters.
/// @see https://ytsaurus.tech/docs/en/user-guide/data-processing/operations/merge
virtual IOperationPtr Merge(
const TMergeOperationSpec& spec,
const TOperationOptions& options = TOperationOptions()) = 0;
/// @brief Run Erase operation.
/// @param spec Operation spec.
/// @param options Optional parameters.
/// @see https://ytsaurus.tech/docs/en/user-guide/data-processing/operations/erase
virtual IOperationPtr Erase(
const TEraseOperationSpec& spec,
const TOperationOptions& options = TOperationOptions()) = 0;
/// @brief Run RemoteCopy operation.
/// @param spec Operation spec.
/// @param options Optional parameters.
/// @see https://ytsaurus.tech/docs/en/user-guide/data-processing/operations/remote_copy
virtual IOperationPtr RemoteCopy(
const TRemoteCopyOperationSpec& spec,
const TOperationOptions& options = TOperationOptions()) = 0;
/// @brief Run Vanilla operation.
/// @param spec Operation spec.
/// @param options Optional parameters.
/// @see https://ytsaurus.tech/docs/en/user-guide/data-processing/operations/vanilla
virtual IOperationPtr RunVanilla(
const TVanillaOperationSpec& spec,
const TOperationOptions& options = TOperationOptions()) = 0;
/// @brief Abort operation.
/// @see https://ytsaurus.tech/docs/en/api/commands#abort_operation
virtual void AbortOperation(
const TOperationId& operationId) = 0;
/// @brief Complete operation.
/// @see https://ytsaurus.tech/docs/en/api/commands#complete_operation
virtual void CompleteOperation(
const TOperationId& operationId) = 0;
/// @brief Wait for operation to finish.
virtual void WaitForOperation(
const TOperationId& operationId) = 0;
/// @brief Check and return operation status.
/// @note this function will never return @ref NYT::EOperationBriefState::Failed or @ref NYT::EOperationBriefState::Aborted status,
/// it will throw @ref NYT::TOperationFailedError instead.
virtual EOperationBriefState CheckOperation(
const TOperationId& operationId) = 0;
/// @brief Create an operation object given operation id.
/// @throw @ref NYT::TErrorResponse if the operation doesn't exist.
virtual IOperationPtr AttachOperation(const TOperationId& operationId) = 0;
virtual IOperationPtr DoMap(
const TMapOperationSpec& spec,
::TIntrusivePtr<IStructuredJob> mapper,
const TOperationOptions& options) = 0;
virtual IOperationPtr DoReduce(
const TReduceOperationSpec& spec,
::TIntrusivePtr<IStructuredJob> reducer,
const TOperationOptions& options) = 0;
virtual IOperationPtr DoJoinReduce(
const TJoinReduceOperationSpec& spec,
::TIntrusivePtr<IStructuredJob> reducer,
const TOperationOptions& options) = 0;
virtual IOperationPtr DoMapReduce(
const TMapReduceOperationSpec& spec,
::TIntrusivePtr<IStructuredJob> mapper,
::TIntrusivePtr<IStructuredJob> reduceCombiner,
::TIntrusivePtr<IStructuredJob> reducer,
const TOperationOptions& options) = 0;
} // namespace NYT
#include "operation-inl.h"