#pragma once
#include "fhandle.h"
#include "flock.h"
#include <util/generic/flags.h>
#include <util/generic/ptr.h>
#include <util/generic/noncopyable.h>
#include <cstdio>
enum EOpenModeFlag {
OpenExisting = 0, // Opens a file. It fails if the file does not exist.
TruncExisting = 1, // Opens a file and truncates it to zero size. It fails if the file does not exist.
OpenAlways = 2, // Opens a file, always. If a file does not exist, it creates a file.
CreateNew = 3, // Creates a new file. It fails if a specified file exists.
CreateAlways = 4, // Creates a new file, always. If a file exists, it overwrites the file.
MaskCreation = 7,
RdOnly = 8, // open for reading only
WrOnly = 16, // open for writing only
RdWr = 24, // open for reading and writing
MaskRW = 24,
Seq = 0x20, // file access is primarily sequential (POSIX_FADV_SEQUENTIAL)
Direct = 0x40, // file is being opened with no system caching (Does not work as intended! See implementation)
Temp = 0x80, // avoid writing data back to disk if sufficient cache memory is available (no op for linux)
ForAppend = 0x100, // write appends data to the end of file (O_APPEND)
Transient = 0x200, // actually, temporary file - 'delete on close' for windows, unlink after creation for unix
NoReuse = 0x400, // no second access expected (POSIX_FADV_NOREUSE)
CloseOnExec = 0x800, // set close-on-exec right at open (O_CLOEXEC)
DirectAligned = 0x1000, // file is actually being opened with no system caching (may require buffer alignment) (O_DIRECT)
Sync = 0x2000, // no write call will return before the data is transferred to the disk (O_SYNC)
NoReadAhead = 0x4000, // no sequential access expected, opposite for Seq (POSIX_FADV_RANDOM)
AXOther = 0x00010000,
AWOther = 0x00020000,
AROther = 0x00040000,
AXGroup = 0x00100000,
AWGroup = 0x00200000,
ARGroup = 0x00400000,
AXUser = 0x01000000,
AWUser = 0x02000000,
ARUser = 0x04000000,
AX = AXUser | AXGroup | AXOther,
AW = AWUser | AWGroup,
AR = ARUser | ARGroup | AROther,
ARW = AR | AW,
AMask = 0x0FFF0000,
Y_DECLARE_FLAGS(EOpenMode, EOpenModeFlag);
TString DecodeOpenMode(ui32 openMode);
enum SeekDir {
sSet = 0,
sCur = 1,
sEnd = 2,
class TFileHandle: public TNonCopyable {
constexpr TFileHandle() = default;
/// Warning: takes ownership of fd, so closes it in destructor.
inline TFileHandle(FHANDLE fd) noexcept
: Fd_(fd)
inline TFileHandle(TFileHandle&& other) noexcept
: Fd_(other.Fd_)
TFileHandle(const TString& fName, EOpenMode oMode) noexcept;
inline ~TFileHandle() {
bool Close() noexcept;
inline FHANDLE Release() noexcept {
FHANDLE ret = Fd_;
return ret;
inline void Swap(TFileHandle& r) noexcept {
DoSwap(Fd_, r.Fd_);
inline operator FHANDLE() const noexcept {
return Fd_;
inline bool IsOpen() const noexcept {
return Fd_ != INVALID_FHANDLE;
i64 GetPosition() const noexcept;
i64 GetLength() const noexcept;
i64 Seek(i64 offset, SeekDir origin) noexcept;
bool Resize(i64 length) noexcept;
bool Reserve(i64 length) noexcept;
bool FallocateNoResize(i64 length) noexcept;
bool ShrinkToFit() noexcept;
bool Flush() noexcept;
//flush data only, without file metadata
bool FlushData() noexcept;
i32 Read(void* buffer, ui32 byteCount) noexcept;
i32 Write(const void* buffer, ui32 byteCount) noexcept;
i32 Pread(void* buffer, ui32 byteCount, i64 offset) const noexcept;
i32 Pwrite(const void* buffer, ui32 byteCount, i64 offset) const noexcept;
int Flock(int op) noexcept;
FHANDLE Duplicate() const noexcept;
int Duplicate2Posix(int dstHandle) const noexcept;
//dup2 - like semantics, return true on success
bool LinkTo(const TFileHandle& fh) const noexcept;
//very low-level methods
bool SetDirect();
void ResetDirect();
/* Manual file cache management, length = 0 means "as much as possible" */
//measure amount of cached data in bytes, returns -1 if failed
i64 CountCache(i64 offset = 0, i64 length = 0) const noexcept;
//read data into cache and optionally wait for completion
void PrefetchCache(i64 offset = 0, i64 length = 0, bool wait = true) const noexcept;
//remove clean and unused data from cache
void EvictCache(i64 offset = 0, i64 length = 0) const noexcept;
//flush unwritten data in this range and optionally wait for completion
bool FlushCache(i64 offset = 0, i64 length = 0, bool wait = true) noexcept;
class TFile {
/// Takes ownership of handle, so closes it when the last holder of descriptor dies.
explicit TFile(FHANDLE fd);
TFile(FHANDLE fd, const TString& fname);
TFile(const TString& fName, EOpenMode oMode);
void Close();
const TString& GetName() const noexcept;
i64 GetPosition() const noexcept;
i64 GetLength() const noexcept;
bool IsOpen() const noexcept;
FHANDLE GetHandle() const noexcept;
i64 Seek(i64 offset, SeekDir origin);
void Resize(i64 length);
void Reserve(i64 length);
void FallocateNoResize(i64 length);
void ShrinkToFit();
void Flush();
void FlushData();
void LinkTo(const TFile& f) const;
TFile Duplicate() const;
// Reads up to 1 GB without retrying, returns -1 on error
i32 RawRead(void* buf, size_t len);
// Reads up to 1 GB without retrying, throws on error
size_t ReadOrFail(void* buf, size_t len);
// Retries incomplete reads until EOF, throws on error
size_t Read(void* buf, size_t len);
// Reads exactly len bytes, throws on premature EOF or error
void Load(void* buf, size_t len);
// Retries incomplete writes, will either write len bytes or throw
void Write(const void* buf, size_t len);
// Retries incomplete reads until EOF, throws on error
size_t Pread(void* buf, size_t len, i64 offset) const;
// Single pread call
i32 RawPread(void* buf, ui32 len, i64 offset) const;
// Reads exactly len bytes, throws on premature EOF or error
void Pload(void* buf, size_t len, i64 offset) const;
// Retries incomplete writes, will either write len bytes or throw
void Pwrite(const void* buf, size_t len, i64 offset) const;
void Flock(int op);
//do not use, their meaning very platform-dependant
void SetDirect();
void ResetDirect();
/* Manual file cache management, length = 0 means "as much as possible" */
//measure amount of cached data in bytes, returns -1 if failed
i64 CountCache(i64 offset = 0, i64 length = 0) const noexcept;
//read data into cache and optionally wait for completion
void PrefetchCache(i64 offset = 0, i64 length = 0, bool wait = true) const noexcept;
//remove clean and unused data from cache, incomplete pages could stay
void EvictCache(i64 offset = 0, i64 length = 0) const noexcept;
//flush unwritten data in this range and optionally wait for completion
void FlushCache(i64 offset = 0, i64 length = 0, bool wait = true);
static TFile Temporary(const TString& prefix);
static TFile ForAppend(const TString& path);
class TImpl;
TSimpleIntrusivePtr<TImpl> Impl_;
TFile Duplicate(FILE*);
TFile Duplicate(int);
bool PosixDisableReadAhead(FHANDLE fileHandle, void* addr) noexcept;