#pragma once
#include "fwd.h"
#include "input.h"
#include "output.h"
#include "buffered.h"
#include <util/system/defaults.h>
#include <util/generic/ptr.h>
#include <util/generic/yexception.h>
* @addtogroup Streams_Archs
* @{
struct TZLibError: public yexception {
struct TZLibCompressorError: public TZLibError {
struct TZLibDecompressorError: public TZLibError {
namespace ZLib {
enum StreamType: ui8 {
Auto = 0, /**< Auto detect format. Can be used for decompression only. */
ZLib = 1,
GZip = 2,
Raw = 3,
Invalid = 4
enum {
ZLIB_BUF_LEN = 8 * 1024
} // namespace ZLib
* Non-buffered ZLib decompressing stream.
* Please don't use `TZLibDecompress` if you read text data from stream using
* `ReadLine`, it is VERY slow (approx 10 times slower, according to synthetic
* benchmark). For fast buffered ZLib stream reading use `TBufferedZLibDecompress`
* aka `TZDecompress`.
class TZLibDecompress: public IInputStream {
TZLibDecompress(IZeroCopyInput* input, ZLib::StreamType type = ZLib::Auto, TStringBuf dict = {});
TZLibDecompress(IInputStream* input, ZLib::StreamType type = ZLib::Auto, size_t buflen = ZLib::ZLIB_BUF_LEN,
TStringBuf dict = {});
* Allows/disallows multiple sequential compressed streams. Allowed by default.
* If multiple streams are allowed, their decompressed content will be concatenated.
* If multiple streams are disabled, then only first stream is decompressed. After that end
* of IInputStream will have happen, i.e. method Read() will return 0.
* @param allowMultipleStreams - flag to allow (true) or disable (false) multiple streams.
void SetAllowMultipleStreams(bool allowMultipleStreams);
~TZLibDecompress() override;
size_t DoRead(void* buf, size_t size) override;
class TImpl;
THolder<TImpl> Impl_;
* Non-buffered ZLib compressing stream.
class TZLibCompress: public IOutputStream {
struct TParams {
inline TParams(IOutputStream* out)
: Out(out)
, Type(ZLib::ZLib)
, CompressionLevel(6)
, BufLen(ZLib::ZLIB_BUF_LEN)
inline TParams& SetType(ZLib::StreamType type) noexcept {
Type = type;
return *this;
inline TParams& SetCompressionLevel(size_t level) noexcept {
CompressionLevel = level;
return *this;
inline TParams& SetBufLen(size_t buflen) noexcept {
BufLen = buflen;
return *this;
inline TParams& SetDict(const TStringBuf dict) noexcept {
Dict = dict;
return *this;
IOutputStream* Out;
ZLib::StreamType Type;
size_t CompressionLevel;
size_t BufLen;
TStringBuf Dict;
inline TZLibCompress(const TParams& params) {
inline TZLibCompress(IOutputStream* out, ZLib::StreamType type) {
inline TZLibCompress(IOutputStream* out, ZLib::StreamType type, size_t compression_level) {
inline TZLibCompress(IOutputStream* out, ZLib::StreamType type, size_t compression_level, size_t buflen) {
~TZLibCompress() override;
void Init(const TParams& opts);
void DoWrite(const void* buf, size_t size) override;
void DoFlush() override;
void DoFinish() override;
class TImpl;
/** To allow inline constructors. */
struct TDestruct {
static void Destroy(TImpl* impl);
THolder<TImpl, TDestruct> Impl_;
* Buffered ZLib decompressing stream.
* Supports efficient `ReadLine` calls and similar "reading in small pieces"
* usage patterns.
class TBufferedZLibDecompress: public TBuffered<TZLibDecompress> {
template <class T>
inline TBufferedZLibDecompress(T* in, ZLib::StreamType type = ZLib::Auto, size_t buf = 1 << 13)
: TBuffered<TZLibDecompress>(buf, in, type)
~TBufferedZLibDecompress() override;
/** @} */