#pragma once
#include <util/system/compiler.h>
#include <util/system/types.h>
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_M_X64)
#include <intrin.h>
* Calculates the number of buckets for the hash table that will hold the given
* number of elements.
* @param elementCount Number of elements that the hash table will hold.
* @returns Number of buckets, a prime number that is
* greater or equal to `elementCount`.
unsigned long HashBucketCount(unsigned long elementCount);
namespace NPrivate {
/// Implementation of algorithm 4.1 from: Torbjörn Granlund and Peter L. Montgomery. 1994. Division by invariant integers using multiplication.
/// @see https://gmplib.org/~tege/divcnst-pldi94.pdf
template <typename TDivisor, typename TDividend, typename MulUnsignedUpper>
class TReciprocalDivisor {
static_assert(sizeof(TDivisor) <= sizeof(TDividend), "TDivisor and TDividend should have the same size");
constexpr TReciprocalDivisor() noexcept = default;
constexpr TReciprocalDivisor(TDividend reciprocal, ui8 reciprocalShift, i8 hint, TDivisor divisor) noexcept
: Reciprocal(reciprocal)
, Divisor(divisor)
, ReciprocalShift(reciprocalShift)
, Hint(hint)
/// Return (dividend % Divisor)
Y_FORCE_INLINE TDividend Remainder(TDividend dividend) const noexcept {
if (Y_UNLIKELY(Divisor == 1)) {
return 0;
TDividend r = dividend - Quotent(dividend) * Divisor;
return r;
Y_FORCE_INLINE TDivisor operator()() const noexcept {
return Divisor;
Y_FORCE_INLINE static constexpr TReciprocalDivisor One() noexcept {
return {1u, 0u, -1, 1u};
/// returns (dividend / Divisor)
Y_FORCE_INLINE TDividend Quotent(TDividend dividend) const noexcept {
const TDividend t = MulUnsignedUpper{}(dividend, Reciprocal);
const TDividend q = (t + ((dividend - t) >> 1)) >> ReciprocalShift;
return q;
TDividend Reciprocal = 0;
TDivisor Divisor = 0;
ui8 ReciprocalShift = 0;
i8 Hint = 0; ///< Additional data: needless for division, but useful for the adjacent divisors search
template <typename T, typename TExtended, size_t shift>
struct TMulUnsignedUpper {
/// Return the high bits of the product of two unsigned integers.
Y_FORCE_INLINE T operator()(T a, T b) const noexcept {
return (static_cast<TExtended>(a) * static_cast<TExtended>(b)) >> shift;
#if defined(_32_)
using THashDivisor = ::NPrivate::TReciprocalDivisor<ui32, ui32, TMulUnsignedUpper<ui32, ui64, 32>>;
#if defined(Y_HAVE_INT128)
using THashDivisor = ::NPrivate::TReciprocalDivisor<ui32, ui64, TMulUnsignedUpper<ui64, unsigned __int128, 64>>;
#elif defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_M_X64)
struct TMulUnsignedUpperVCIntrin {
/// Return the high 64 bits of the product of two 64-bit unsigned integers.
Y_FORCE_INLINE ui64 operator()(ui64 a, ui64 b) const noexcept {
return __umulh(a, b);
using THashDivisor = ::NPrivate::TReciprocalDivisor<ui32, ui64, TMulUnsignedUpperVCIntrin>;
template <typename TDivisor, typename TDividend>
class TNaiveDivisor {
constexpr TNaiveDivisor() noexcept = default;
constexpr TNaiveDivisor(TDivisor divisor) noexcept
: Divisor(divisor)
constexpr TNaiveDivisor(TDividend reciprocal, ui8 reciprocalShift, i8 hint, TDivisor divisor) noexcept
: TNaiveDivisor(divisor)
Y_FORCE_INLINE TDividend Remainder(TDividend dividend) const noexcept {
return dividend % Divisor;
Y_FORCE_INLINE TDivisor operator()() const noexcept {
return Divisor;
Y_FORCE_INLINE static constexpr TNaiveDivisor One() noexcept {
return {1u};
TDivisor Divisor = 0;
static constexpr i8 Hint = -1;
using THashDivisor = ::NPrivate::TNaiveDivisor<ui32, ui64>;
::NPrivate::THashDivisor HashBucketCountExt(unsigned long elementCount);
::NPrivate::THashDivisor HashBucketCountExt(unsigned long elementCount, int hint);