#pragma once
#include <util/generic/algorithm.h>
#include <util/generic/string.h>
#include <util/generic/yexception.h>
#include <util/generic/ymath.h>
#include <util/datetime/base.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <time.h>
namespace NDatetime {
extern const ui32 MonthDays[2][12]; // !leapYear; !!leapYear
extern const ui32 MonthDaysNewYear[2][13]; // !leapYear; !!leapYear
inline ui32 YearDaysAD(ui32 year) {
year = Max<ui32>(year, 1) - 1; // 1 AD comes straight after 1 BC, no 0 AD
return year * 365 + year / 4 - year / 100 + year / 400;
inline bool LeapYearAD(ui32 year) {
return (!(year % 4) && (year % 100)) || !(year % 400);
inline ui32 YDayFromMonthAndDay(ui32 month /*0 - based*/, ui32 mday /*1 - based*/, bool isleap) {
return MonthDaysNewYear[isleap][Min(month, (ui32)11u)] + mday - 1;
void YDayToMonthAndDay(ui32 yday /*0 - based*/, bool isleap, ui32* month /*0 - based*/, ui32* mday /*1 - based*/);
struct TSimpleTM {
enum EField {
F_NONE = 0,
i32 GMTOff = 0; // -43200 - 50400 seconds
ui16 Year = 0; // from 1900
ui16 YDay = 0; // 0-365
ui8 Mon = 0; // 0-11
ui8 MDay = 0; // 1-31
ui8 WDay = 0; // 0-6
ui8 Hour = 0; // 0-23
ui8 Min = 0; // 0-59
ui8 Sec = 0; // 0-60 - doesn't care for leap seconds. Most of the time it's ok.
i8 IsDst = 0; // -1/0/1
bool IsLeap = false;
static TSimpleTM New(time_t t = 0, i32 gmtoff = 0, i8 isdst = 0);
static TSimpleTM NewLocal(time_t = 0);
static TSimpleTM New(const struct tm&);
static TSimpleTM CurrentUTC();
TSimpleTM() = default;
TSimpleTM(ui32 year, ui32 mon, ui32 day, ui32 h = 0, ui32 m = 0, ui32 s = 0) {
SetRealDate(year, mon, day, h, m, s);
// keeps the object consistent
TSimpleTM& Add(EField f, i32 amount = 1);
TString ToString(const char* fmt = "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z") const;
TSimpleTM& ToUTC() {
return *this = New(AsTimeT());
bool IsUTC() const {
return !IsDst && !GMTOff;
time_t AsTimeT() const;
operator time_t() const {
return AsTimeT();
struct tm AsStructTmLocal() const;
struct tm AsStructTmUTC() const;
operator struct tm() const {
return AsStructTmLocal();
ui32 RealYear() const {
return ui32(Year + 1900);
ui32 RealMonth() const {
return ui32(Mon + 1);
TSimpleTM& SetRealDate(ui32 year, ui32 mon, ui32 mday, ui32 hour = -1, ui32 min = -1, ui32 sec = -1, i32 isdst = 0);
// regenerates all fields from Year, MDay, Hour, Min, Sec, IsDst, GMTOffset
TSimpleTM& RegenerateFields();
friend bool operator==(const TSimpleTM& a, const TSimpleTM& b) {
return a.AsTimeT() == b.AsTimeT();
friend bool operator==(const TSimpleTM& s, const struct tm& t) {
return s == New(t);
friend bool operator==(const struct tm& t, const TSimpleTM& s) {
return s == t;
friend bool operator!=(const TSimpleTM& a, const TSimpleTM& b) {
return !(a == b);
friend bool operator!=(const TSimpleTM& s, const struct tm& t) {
return !(s == t);
friend bool operator!=(const struct tm& t, const TSimpleTM& s) {
return s != t;
} // namespace NDatetime
inline TString date2str(const time_t date) {
struct tm dateTm;
memset(&dateTm, 0, sizeof(dateTm));
localtime_r(&date, &dateTm);
char buf[9];
strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%Y%m%d", &dateTm);
return TString(buf);
inline time_t str2date(const TString& dateStr) {
struct tm dateTm;
memset(&dateTm, 0, sizeof(tm));
strptime(dateStr.data(), "%Y%m%d", &dateTm);
return mktime(&dateTm);
// checks whether time2 > time1 and close enough to it
inline bool AreTimesSeqAndClose(time_t time1, time_t time2, time_t closeInterval = 10) {
return (time2 - time1) <= closeInterval;
// checks whether time2 and time1 are close enough
inline bool AreTimesClose(time_t time1, time_t time2, time_t closeInterval = 10) {
return std::abs(time2 - time1) <= closeInterval;
struct TMonth {
ui16 Year;
ui8 Month;
TMonth(ui16 year = 0, ui8 month = 0)
: Year(year)
, Month(month)
TMonth operator-(ui16 n) {
if (n <= Month) {
return TMonth(Year, Month - (ui8)n);
} else {
n -= Month;
return (n % 12) ? TMonth(Year - 1 - (n / 12), 12 - (n % 12)) : TMonth(Year - (n / 12), 0);