#include "wide.h"
#include <util/generic/mem_copy.h>
#include <util/string/strip.h>
namespace {
//! the constants are not zero-terminated
const wchar16 LT[] = {'&', 'l', 't', ';'};
const wchar16 GT[] = {'&', 'g', 't', ';'};
const wchar16 AMP[] = {'&', 'a', 'm', 'p', ';'};
const wchar16 BR[] = {'<', 'B', 'R', '>'};
const wchar16 QUOT[] = {'&', 'q', 'u', 'o', 't', ';'};
template <bool insertBr>
inline size_t EscapedLen(wchar16 c) {
switch (c) {
case '<':
return Y_ARRAY_SIZE(LT);
case '>':
return Y_ARRAY_SIZE(GT);
case '&':
case '\"':
if (insertBr && (c == '\r' || c == '\n')) {
return Y_ARRAY_SIZE(BR);
} else {
return 1;
} // namespace
void Collapse(TUtf16String& w) {
CollapseImpl(w, w, 0, IsWhitespace);
size_t Collapse(wchar16* s, size_t n) {
return CollapseImpl(s, n, IsWhitespace);
TWtringBuf StripLeft(const TWtringBuf text) noexcept {
const auto* p = text.data();
const auto* const pe = text.data() + text.size();
for (; p != pe && IsWhitespace(*p); ++p) {
return {p, pe};
void StripLeft(TUtf16String& text) {
const auto stripped = StripLeft(TWtringBuf(text));
if (stripped.size() == text.size()) {
text = stripped;
TWtringBuf StripRight(const TWtringBuf text) noexcept {
if (!text) {
return {};
const auto* const pe = text.data() - 1;
const auto* p = text.data() + text.size() - 1;
for (; p != pe && IsWhitespace(*p); --p) {
return {pe + 1, p + 1};
void StripRight(TUtf16String& text) {
const auto stripped = StripRight(TWtringBuf(text));
if (stripped.size() == text.size()) {
TWtringBuf Strip(const TWtringBuf text) noexcept {
return StripRight(StripLeft(text));
void Strip(TUtf16String& text) {
template <typename T>
static bool IsReductionOnSymbolsTrue(const TWtringBuf text, T&& f) {
const auto* p = text.data();
const auto* const pe = text.data() + text.length();
while (p != pe) {
const auto symbol = ReadSymbolAndAdvance(p, pe);
if (!f(symbol)) {
return false;
return true;
bool IsLowerWord(const TWtringBuf text) noexcept {
return IsReductionOnSymbolsTrue(text, [](const wchar32 s) { return IsLower(s); });
bool IsUpperWord(const TWtringBuf text) noexcept {
return IsReductionOnSymbolsTrue(text, [](const wchar32 s) { return IsUpper(s); });
bool IsLower(const TWtringBuf text) noexcept {
return IsReductionOnSymbolsTrue(text, [](const wchar32 s) {
if (IsAlpha(s)) {
return IsLower(s);
return true;
bool IsUpper(const TWtringBuf text) noexcept {
return IsReductionOnSymbolsTrue(text, [](const wchar32 s) {
if (IsAlpha(s)) {
return IsUpper(s);
return true;
bool IsTitleWord(const TWtringBuf text) noexcept {
if (!text) {
return false;
const auto* p = text.data();
const auto* pe = text.data() + text.size();
const auto firstSymbol = ReadSymbolAndAdvance(p, pe);
if (firstSymbol != ToTitle(firstSymbol)) {
return false;
return IsLowerWord({p, pe});
template <bool stopOnFirstModification, typename TCharType, typename F>
static bool ModifySequence(TCharType*& p, const TCharType* const pe, F&& f) {
while (p != pe) {
const auto symbol = ReadSymbol(p, pe);
const auto modified = f(symbol);
if (symbol != modified) {
if (stopOnFirstModification) {
return true;
WriteSymbol(modified, p); // also moves `p` forward
} else {
p = SkipSymbol(p, pe);
return false;
template <bool stopOnFirstModification, typename TCharType, typename F>
static bool ModifySequence(const TCharType*& p, const TCharType* const pe, TCharType*& out, F&& f) {
while (p != pe) {
const auto symbol = stopOnFirstModification ? ReadSymbol(p, pe) : ReadSymbolAndAdvance(p, pe);
const auto modified = f(symbol);
if (stopOnFirstModification) {
if (symbol != modified) {
return true;
p = SkipSymbol(p, pe);
WriteSymbol(modified, out);
return false;
template <class TStringType>
static void DetachAndFixPointers(TStringType& text, typename TStringType::value_type*& p, const typename TStringType::value_type*& pe) {
const auto pos = p - text.data();
const auto count = pe - p;
p = text.Detach() + pos;
pe = p + count;
template <class TStringType, typename F>
static bool ModifyStringSymbolwise(TStringType& text, size_t pos, size_t count, F&& f) {
// TODO(yazevnul): this is done for consistency with `TUtf16String::to_lower` and friends
// at r2914050, maybe worth replacing them with asserts. Also see the same code in `ToTitle`.
pos = pos < text.size() ? pos : text.size();
count = count < text.size() - pos ? count : text.size() - pos;
// TUtf16String is refcounted and it's `data` method return pointer to the constant memory.
// To simplify the code we do a `const_cast`, though first write to the memory will be done only
// after we call `Detach()` and get pointer to a writable piece of memory.
auto* p = const_cast<typename TStringType::value_type*>(text.data() + pos);
const auto* pe = text.data() + pos + count;
if (ModifySequence<true>(p, pe, f)) {
DetachAndFixPointers(text, p, pe);
ModifySequence<false>(p, pe, f);
return true;
return false;
bool ToLower(TUtf16String& text, size_t pos, size_t count) {
const auto f = [](const wchar32 s) { return ToLower(s); };
return ModifyStringSymbolwise(text, pos, count, f);
bool ToUpper(TUtf16String& text, size_t pos, size_t count) {
const auto f = [](const wchar32 s) { return ToUpper(s); };
return ModifyStringSymbolwise(text, pos, count, f);
bool ToLower(TUtf32String& text, size_t pos, size_t count) {
const auto f = [](const wchar32 s) { return ToLower(s); };
return ModifyStringSymbolwise(text, pos, count, f);
bool ToUpper(TUtf32String& text, size_t pos, size_t count) {
const auto f = [](const wchar32 s) { return ToUpper(s); };
return ModifyStringSymbolwise(text, pos, count, f);
bool ToTitle(TUtf16String& text, size_t pos, size_t count) {
if (!text) {
return false;
pos = pos < text.size() ? pos : text.size();
count = count < text.size() - pos ? count : text.size() - pos;
const auto toLower = [](const wchar32 s) { return ToLower(s); };
auto* p = const_cast<wchar16*>(text.data() + pos);
const auto* pe = text.data() + pos + count;
const auto firstSymbol = ReadSymbol(p, pe);
if (firstSymbol == ToTitle(firstSymbol)) {
p = SkipSymbol(p, pe);
if (ModifySequence<true>(p, pe, toLower)) {
DetachAndFixPointers(text, p, pe);
ModifySequence<false>(p, pe, toLower);
return true;
} else {
DetachAndFixPointers(text, p, pe);
WriteSymbol(ToTitle(ReadSymbol(p, pe)), p); // also moves `p` forward
ModifySequence<false>(p, pe, toLower);
return true;
return false;
bool ToTitle(TUtf32String& text, size_t pos, size_t count) {
if (!text) {
return false;
pos = pos < text.size() ? pos : text.size();
count = count < text.size() - pos ? count : text.size() - pos;
const auto toLower = [](const wchar32 s) { return ToLower(s); };
auto* p = const_cast<wchar32*>(text.data() + pos);
const auto* pe = text.data() + pos + count;
const auto firstSymbol = *p;
if (firstSymbol == ToTitle(firstSymbol)) {
p += 1;
if (ModifySequence<true>(p, pe, toLower)) {
DetachAndFixPointers(text, p, pe);
ModifySequence<false>(p, pe, toLower);
return true;
} else {
DetachAndFixPointers(text, p, pe);
WriteSymbol(ToTitle(ReadSymbol(p, pe)), p); // also moves `p` forward
ModifySequence<false>(p, pe, toLower);
return true;
return false;
TUtf16String ToLowerRet(TUtf16String text, size_t pos, size_t count) {
ToLower(text, pos, count);
return text;
TUtf16String ToUpperRet(TUtf16String text, size_t pos, size_t count) {
ToUpper(text, pos, count);
return text;
TUtf16String ToTitleRet(TUtf16String text, size_t pos, size_t count) {
ToTitle(text, pos, count);
return text;
TUtf32String ToLowerRet(TUtf32String text, size_t pos, size_t count) {
ToLower(text, pos, count);
return text;
TUtf32String ToUpperRet(TUtf32String text, size_t pos, size_t count) {
ToUpper(text, pos, count);
return text;
TUtf32String ToTitleRet(TUtf32String text, size_t pos, size_t count) {
ToTitle(text, pos, count);
return text;
bool ToLower(const wchar16* text, size_t length, wchar16* out) noexcept {
// TODO(yazevnul): get rid of `text == out` case (it is probably used only in lemmer) and then
// we can declare text and out as `__restrict__`
Y_ASSERT(text == out || !(out >= text && out < text + length));
const auto f = [](const wchar32 s) { return ToLower(s); };
const auto* p = text;
const auto* const pe = text + length;
if (ModifySequence<true>(p, pe, out, f)) {
ModifySequence<false>(p, pe, out, f);
return true;
return false;
bool ToUpper(const wchar16* text, size_t length, wchar16* out) noexcept {
Y_ASSERT(text == out || !(out >= text && out < text + length));
const auto f = [](const wchar32 s) { return ToUpper(s); };
const auto* p = text;
const auto* const pe = text + length;
if (ModifySequence<true>(p, pe, out, f)) {
ModifySequence<false>(p, pe, out, f);
return true;
return false;
bool ToTitle(const wchar16* text, size_t length, wchar16* out) noexcept {
if (!length) {
return false;
Y_ASSERT(text == out || !(out >= text && out < text + length));
const auto* const textEnd = text + length;
const auto firstSymbol = ReadSymbolAndAdvance(text, textEnd);
const auto firstSymbolTitle = ToTitle(firstSymbol);
WriteSymbol(firstSymbolTitle, out);
return ToLower(text, textEnd - text, out) || firstSymbol != firstSymbolTitle;
bool ToLower(wchar16* text, size_t length) noexcept {
const auto f = [](const wchar32 s) { return ToLower(s); };
const auto* const textEnd = text + length;
if (ModifySequence<true>(text, textEnd, f)) {
ModifySequence<false>(text, textEnd, f);
return true;
return false;
bool ToUpper(wchar16* text, size_t length) noexcept {
const auto f = [](const wchar32 s) { return ToUpper(s); };
const auto* const textEnd = text + length;
if (ModifySequence<true>(text, textEnd, f)) {
ModifySequence<false>(text, textEnd, f);
return true;
return false;
bool ToTitle(wchar16* text, size_t length) noexcept {
if (!length) {
return false;
const auto* textEnd = text + length;
const auto firstSymbol = ReadSymbol(text, textEnd);
const auto firstSymbolTitle = ToTitle(firstSymbol);
// avoid unnacessary writes to the memory
if (firstSymbol != firstSymbolTitle) {
WriteSymbol(firstSymbolTitle, text);
} else {
text = SkipSymbol(text, textEnd);
return ToLower(text, textEnd - text) || firstSymbol != firstSymbolTitle;
bool ToLower(const wchar32* text, size_t length, wchar32* out) noexcept {
// TODO(yazevnul): get rid of `text == out` case (it is probably used only in lemmer) and then
// we can declare text and out as `__restrict__`
Y_ASSERT(text == out || !(out >= text && out < text + length));
const auto f = [](const wchar32 s) { return ToLower(s); };
const auto* p = text;
const auto* const pe = text + length;
if (ModifySequence<true>(p, pe, out, f)) {
ModifySequence<false>(p, pe, out, f);
return true;
return false;
bool ToUpper(const wchar32* text, size_t length, wchar32* out) noexcept {
Y_ASSERT(text == out || !(out >= text && out < text + length));
const auto f = [](const wchar32 s) { return ToUpper(s); };
const auto* p = text;
const auto* const pe = text + length;
if (ModifySequence<true>(p, pe, out, f)) {
ModifySequence<false>(p, pe, out, f);
return true;
return false;
bool ToTitle(const wchar32* text, size_t length, wchar32* out) noexcept {
if (!length) {
return false;
Y_ASSERT(text == out || !(out >= text && out < text + length));
const auto* const textEnd = text + length;
const auto firstSymbol = ReadSymbolAndAdvance(text, textEnd);
const auto firstSymbolTitle = ToTitle(firstSymbol);
WriteSymbol(firstSymbolTitle, out);
return ToLower(text, textEnd - text, out) || firstSymbol != firstSymbolTitle;
bool ToLower(wchar32* text, size_t length) noexcept {
const auto f = [](const wchar32 s) { return ToLower(s); };
const auto* const textEnd = text + length;
if (ModifySequence<true>(text, textEnd, f)) {
ModifySequence<false>(text, textEnd, f);
return true;
return false;
bool ToUpper(wchar32* text, size_t length) noexcept {
const auto f = [](const wchar32 s) { return ToUpper(s); };
const auto* const textEnd = text + length;
if (ModifySequence<true>(text, textEnd, f)) {
ModifySequence<false>(text, textEnd, f);
return true;
return false;
bool ToTitle(wchar32* text, size_t length) noexcept {
if (!length) {
return false;
const auto* textEnd = text + length;
const auto firstSymbol = ReadSymbol(text, textEnd);
const auto firstSymbolTitle = ToTitle(firstSymbol);
// avoid unnacessary writes to the memory
if (firstSymbol != firstSymbolTitle) {
WriteSymbol(firstSymbolTitle, text);
} else {
text = SkipSymbol(text, textEnd);
return ToLower(text, textEnd - text) || firstSymbol != firstSymbolTitle;
template <typename F>
static TUtf16String ToSmthRet(const TWtringBuf text, size_t pos, size_t count, F&& f) {
pos = pos < text.size() ? pos : text.size();
count = count < text.size() - pos ? count : text.size() - pos;
auto res = TUtf16String::Uninitialized(text.size());
auto* const resBegin = res.Detach();
if (pos) {
MemCopy(resBegin, text.data(), pos);
f(text.data() + pos, count, resBegin + pos);
if (count - pos != text.size()) {
MemCopy(resBegin + pos + count, text.data() + pos + count, text.size() - pos - count);
return res;
template <typename F>
static TUtf32String ToSmthRet(const TUtf32StringBuf text, size_t pos, size_t count, F&& f) {
pos = pos < text.size() ? pos : text.size();
count = count < text.size() - pos ? count : text.size() - pos;
auto res = TUtf32String::Uninitialized(text.size());
auto* const resBegin = res.Detach();
if (pos) {
MemCopy(resBegin, text.data(), pos);
f(text.data() + pos, count, resBegin + pos);
if (count - pos != text.size()) {
MemCopy(resBegin + pos + count, text.data() + pos + count, text.size() - pos - count);
return res;
TUtf16String ToLowerRet(const TWtringBuf text, size_t pos, size_t count) {
return ToSmthRet(text, pos, count, [](const wchar16* theText, size_t length, wchar16* out) {
ToLower(theText, length, out);
TUtf16String ToUpperRet(const TWtringBuf text, size_t pos, size_t count) {
return ToSmthRet(text, pos, count, [](const wchar16* theText, size_t length, wchar16* out) {
ToUpper(theText, length, out);
TUtf16String ToTitleRet(const TWtringBuf text, size_t pos, size_t count) {
return ToSmthRet(text, pos, count, [](const wchar16* theText, size_t length, wchar16* out) {
ToTitle(theText, length, out);
TUtf32String ToLowerRet(const TUtf32StringBuf text, size_t pos, size_t count) {
return ToSmthRet(text, pos, count, [](const wchar32* theText, size_t length, wchar32* out) {
ToLower(theText, length, out);
TUtf32String ToUpperRet(const TUtf32StringBuf text, size_t pos, size_t count) {
return ToSmthRet(text, pos, count, [](const wchar32* theText, size_t length, wchar32* out) {
ToUpper(theText, length, out);
TUtf32String ToTitleRet(const TUtf32StringBuf text, size_t pos, size_t count) {
return ToSmthRet(text, pos, count, [](const wchar32* theText, size_t length, wchar32* out) {
ToTitle(theText, length, out);
template <bool insertBr>
void EscapeHtmlChars(TUtf16String& str) {
static const TUtf16String lt(LT, Y_ARRAY_SIZE(LT));
static const TUtf16String gt(GT, Y_ARRAY_SIZE(GT));
static const TUtf16String amp(AMP, Y_ARRAY_SIZE(AMP));
static const TUtf16String br(BR, Y_ARRAY_SIZE(BR));
static const TUtf16String quot(QUOT, Y_ARRAY_SIZE(QUOT));
size_t escapedLen = 0;
const TUtf16String& cs = str;
for (size_t i = 0; i < cs.size(); ++i) {
escapedLen += EscapedLen<insertBr>(cs[i]);
if (escapedLen == cs.size()) {
TUtf16String res;
size_t start = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < cs.size(); ++i) {
const TUtf16String* ent = nullptr;
switch (cs[i]) {
case '<':
ent = <
case '>':
ent = >
case '&':
ent = &
case '\"':
ent = "
if (insertBr && (cs[i] == '\r' || cs[i] == '\n')) {
ent = &br;
} else {
res.append(cs.begin() + start, cs.begin() + i);
res.append(ent->begin(), ent->end());
start = i + 1;
res.append(cs.begin() + start, cs.end());
template void EscapeHtmlChars<false>(TUtf16String& str);
template void EscapeHtmlChars<true>(TUtf16String& str);