path: root/library/python/retry/__init__.py
blob: 139c7dcbded675e8b2feb77c681960001bad1446 (plain) (tree)

import copy
import datetime
import functools
import itertools
import logging
import random
import time

Retry library provides an ability to retry function calls in a configurable way.

To retry a certain function call use `retry_call` function. To make function auto-retriable use `retry`
or `retry_intrusive` decorators. Both `retry_call` and `retry` optionally accept retry configuration object
or its fields as kwargs. The `retry_intrusive` is designed for methods and uses intrusive configuration object.

>>> retry_call(foo)
>>> retry_call(foo, foo_args, foo_kwargs)
>>> retry_call(foo, foo_args, foo_kwargs, conf=conf)

>>> @retry()
>>> def foo(...):
>>>     ...

>>> @retry(conf)
>>> def foo(...):
>>>     ...

>>> class Obj(object):
>>>     def __init__(self):
>>>         self.retry_conf = conf
>>>     @retry_intrusive
>>>     def foo(self, ...):
>>>         ...

This library differs from its alternatives:
    * `retry` contrib library lacks time-based limits, reusable configuration objects and is generally less flexible
    * `retrying` contrib library is somewhat more complex, but also lacks reusable configuration objects

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class RetryConf(object):
    Configuration object defines retry behaviour and is composed of these fields:
        * `retriable` - function that decides if an exception should trigger retrying
        * `get_delay` - function that returns a number of seconds retrier must wait before doing the next attempt
        * `max_time` - maximum `datetime.timedelta` that can pass after the first call for any retry attempt to be done
        * `max_times` - maximum number of retry attempts (note retries, not tries/calls)
        * `handle_error` - function that is called for each failed call attempt
        * `logger` - logger object to record retry warnings with
        * `sleep` - custom sleep function to use for waiting

    >>> RetryConf(max_time=datetime.timedelta(seconds=30), max_times=10)

    Empty configuration retries indefinitely on any exceptions raised.

    By default `DEFAULT_CONF` if used, which retries indefinitely, waiting 1 sec with 1.2 backoff between attempts, and
    also logging with built-in logger object.

    Configuration must be cloned before modification to create separate configuration:

    >>> DEFAULT_CONF.clone()

    There are various methods that provide convenient clone-and-modify shortcuts and "retry recipes".

    _PROPS = {
        'retriable': lambda e: True,
        'get_delay': lambda n, raised_after, last: 0,
        'max_time': None,
        'max_times': None,
        'handle_error': None,
        'logger': None,
        'sleep': DEFAULT_SLEEP_FUNC,

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        for prop, default_value in self._PROPS.items():
            setattr(self, prop, default_value)

    def __repr__(self):
        return repr(self.__dict__)

    def clone(self, **kwargs):
        Clone configuration.

        obj = copy.copy(self)
        return obj

    def on(self, *errors):
        Clone and retry on specific exception types (retriable shortcut):

        >>> conf = conf.on(MyException, MyOtherException)

        obj = self.clone()
        obj.retriable = lambda e: isinstance(e, errors)
        return obj

    def waiting(self, delay=0, backoff=1.0, jitter=0, limit=None):
        Clone and wait between attempts with backoff, jitter and limit (get_delay shortcut):

        >>> conf = conf.waiting(delay)
        >>> conf = conf.waiting(delay, backoff=2.0)  # initial delay with backoff x2 on each attempt
        >>> conf = conf.waiting(delay, jitter=3)  # jitter from 0 to 3 seconds
        >>> conf = conf.waiting(delay, backoff=2.0, limit=60)  # delay with backoff, but not greater than a minute

        All these options can be combined together, of course.

        def get_delay(n, raised_after, last):
            if n == 1:
                return delay

            s = last * backoff
            s += random.uniform(0, jitter)
            if limit is not None:
                s = min(s, limit)
            return s

        obj = self.clone()
        obj.get_delay = get_delay
        return obj

    def upto(self, seconds=0, **other_timedelta_kwargs):
        Clone and do retry attempts only for some time (max_time shortcut):

        >>> conf = conf.upto(30)  # retrying for 30 seconds
        >>> conf = conf.upto(hours=1, minutes=20)  # retrying for 1:20

        Any `datetime.timedelta` kwargs can be used here.

        obj = self.clone()
        obj.max_time = datetime.timedelta(seconds=seconds, **other_timedelta_kwargs)
        return obj

    def upto_retries(self, retries=0):
        Set limit for retry attempts number (max_times shortcut):

        >>> conf = conf.upto_retries(10)

        obj = self.clone()
        obj.max_times = retries
        return obj

    def _set(self, **kwargs):
        for prop, value in kwargs.items():
            if prop not in self._PROPS:
            setattr(self, prop, value)

DEFAULT_CONF = RetryConf(logger=LOGGER).waiting(1, backoff=1.2)

def retry_call(f, f_args=(), f_kwargs={}, conf=DEFAULT_CONF, **kwargs):
    Retry function call.

    :param f:           function to be retried
    :param f_args:      target function args
    :param f_kwargs:    target function kwargs
    :param conf:        configuration

    if kwargs:
        conf = conf.clone(**kwargs)
    return _retry(conf, functools.partial(f, *f_args, **f_kwargs))

def retry(conf=DEFAULT_CONF, **kwargs):
    Retrying decorator.

    :param conf:        configuration

    if kwargs:
        conf = conf.clone(**kwargs)

    def decorator(f):
        def wrapped(*f_args, **f_kwargs):
            return _retry(conf, functools.partial(f, *f_args, **f_kwargs))
        return wrapped
    return decorator

def retry_intrusive(f):
    Retrying method decorator that uses an intrusive conf (obj.retry_conf).

    def wrapped(obj, *f_args, **f_kwargs):
        assert hasattr(obj, 'retry_conf'), 'Object must have retry_conf attribute for decorator to run'
        return _retry(obj.retry_conf, functools.partial(f, obj, *f_args, **f_kwargs))
    return wrapped

def _retry(conf, f):
    start = datetime.datetime.now()
    delay = 0
    for n in itertools.count(1):
            return f()
        except Exception as error:
            raised_after = datetime.datetime.now() - start
            if conf.handle_error:
                conf.handle_error(error, n, raised_after)
            delay = conf.get_delay(n, raised_after, delay)
            retry_after = raised_after + datetime.timedelta(seconds=delay)
            retrying = conf.retriable(error) \
                and (conf.max_times is None or n <= conf.max_times) \
                and (conf.max_time is None or retry_after <= conf.max_time)
            if not retrying:
            if delay:
            if conf.logger:
                conf.logger.warning('Retrying (try %d) after %s (%s + %s sec) on %s: %s',
                                    n, retry_after, raised_after, delay,
                                    error.__class__.__name__, error,