import os
import pytest
import six
from library.python.pytest.plugins.metrics import test_metrics
def metrics(request):
class Metrics(object):
def set(cls, name, value):
assert len(name) <= 256, "Length of the metric name must less than 128"
assert type(value) in [int, float], "Metric value must be of type int or float"
test_name = request.node.nodeid
if test_name not in test_metrics.metrics:
test_metrics[test_name] = {}
test_metrics[test_name][name] = value
def set_benchmark(cls, benchmark_values):
# report of google has key 'benchmarks' which is a list of benchmark results
# yandex benchmark has key 'benchmark', which is a list of benchmark results
# use this to differentiate which kind of result it is
if 'benchmarks' in benchmark_values:
def set_ybenchmark(cls, benchmark_values):
for benchmark in benchmark_values["benchmark"]:
name = benchmark["name"]
for key, value in six.iteritems(benchmark):
if key != "name":
cls.set("{}_{}".format(name, key), value)
def set_gbenchmark(cls, benchmark_values):
time_unit_multipliers = {"ns": 1, "us": 1000, "ms": 1000000}
time_keys = {"real_time", "cpu_time"}
ignore_keys = {"name", "run_name", "time_unit", "run_type", "repetition_index"}
for benchmark in benchmark_values["benchmarks"]:
name = benchmark["name"].replace('/', '_') # ci does not work properly with '/' in metric name
time_unit_mult = time_unit_multipliers[benchmark.get("time_unit", "ns")]
for k, v in six.iteritems(benchmark):
if k in time_keys:
cls.set("{}_{}".format(name, k), v * time_unit_mult)
elif k not in ignore_keys and isinstance(v, (float, int)):
cls.set("{}_{}".format(name, k), v)
return Metrics
def links(request):
class Links(object):
def set(cls, name, path):
if len(request.config.test_logs[request.node.nodeid]) >= MAX_ALLOWED_LINKS_COUNT:
raise Exception("Cannot add more than {} links to test".format(MAX_ALLOWED_LINKS_COUNT))
reserved_names = ["log", "logsdir", "stdout", "stderr"]
if name in reserved_names:
raise Exception("Attachment name should not belong to the reserved list: {}".format(", ".join(reserved_names)))
output_dir = request.config.ya.output_dir
if not os.path.exists(path):
raise Exception("Path to be attached does not exist: {}".format(path))
if os.path.isabs(path) and ".." in os.path.relpath(path, output_dir):
raise Exception("Test attachment must be inside yatest.common.output_path()")
request.config.test_logs[request.node.nodeid][name] = path
def get(cls, name):
if name not in request.config.test_logs[request.node.nodeid]:
raise KeyError("Attachment with name '{}' does not exist".format(name))
return request.config.test_logs[request.node.nodeid][name]
return Links