blob: 22e452b355c285a4d2bf8da4c029537e19535f01 (
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#pragma once
#include <util/generic/string.h>
#include <string_view>
namespace NYT {
//! Compares #lhs with #rhs;
//! returns -1 (if |lhs < rhs|), 0 (if |lhs == rhs|), or 1 (|lhs > rhs|).
template <class T>
int TernaryCompare(const T& lhs, const T& rhs);
//! Same as #TernaryCompare but handles NaN values gracefully
//! (assuming NaNs are larger than any regular number and all NaNs are equal).
//! If |T| is not a floating-point type, #NaNSafeTernaryCompare is equivalent to #TernaryCompare.
template <class T>
int NaNSafeTernaryCompare(const T& lhs, const T& rhs);
} // namespace NYT
#define COMPARE_INL_H_
#include "compare-inl.h"