#include "unstrict_config.h"
#include <util/string/util.h>
namespace {
template <class T, class TStringType>
T FromStringWithDefaultForEmpty(const TStringType s, const T& def) {
if (s) {
return FromString<T>(s);
} else {
return def;
const TYandexConfig::Section* TUnstrictConfig::GetSection(const TString& path) {
TVector<TString> vPath = SplitString(path, ".");
return GetSection(GetRootSection(), vPath.begin(), vPath.end());
bool TUnstrictConfig::AddSection(const TString& path) {
TVector<TString> vPath = SplitString(path, ".");
if (GetSection(GetRootSection(), vPath.begin(), vPath.end()))
return false;
GetSection(GetRootSection(), vPath.begin(), vPath.end(), true);
return true;
TString TUnstrictConfig::GetValue(const TString& path) const {
try {
TVector<TString> vPath = SplitString(path, ".");
TVector<TString>::const_iterator dir = vPath.end() - 1;
const TYandexConfig::Section* section = GetSection(GetRootSection(), vPath.begin(), dir);
if (!section)
return "__not_found__";
const Directives& directives = section->GetDirectives();
TString result;
if (!directives.GetValue(*dir, result))
return "__not_found__";
return result;
} catch (const yexception& e) {
ythrow yexception() << "Error while parse path " << path << ": " << e.what();
bool TUnstrictConfig::SetValue(const TString& path, const TString& value) {
try {
TVector<TString> vPath = SplitString(path, ".");
TVector<TString>::const_iterator dir = vPath.end() - 1;
auto sections = GetSections(GetRootSection(), vPath.begin(), dir, true);
bool result = false;
for (auto&& section : sections) {
Directives& directives = section->GetDirectives();
Directives::iterator iter = directives.find(*dir);
if (iter == directives.end()) {
directives.insert(Directives::value_type(*dir, Strings.back().data()));
result = true;
if (!TCiString::compare(iter->second, value))
iter->second = Strings.back().data();
result = true;
return result;
} catch (const yexception& e) {
ythrow yexception() << "Error while parse path " << path << ": " << e.what();
bool TUnstrictConfig::Remove(const TString& path) {
TVector<TString> vPath = SplitString(path, ".");
TVector<TString>::const_iterator dir = vPath.end() - 1;
TVector<TYandexConfig::Section*> sections = GetSections(GetRootSection(), vPath.begin(), dir, false);
bool result = false;
for (auto&& section : sections) {
result = RemoveSection(*section, *dir) || RemoveDirective(*section, *dir);
return result;
bool TUnstrictConfig::RemoveAll(const TString& path) {
TVector<TString> vPath = SplitString(path, ".");
TVector<TString>::const_iterator dir = vPath.end() - 1;
TVector<TYandexConfig::Section*> sections = GetSections(GetRootSection(), vPath.begin(), dir, false);
bool result = false;
for (auto&& section : sections) {
result = RemoveAllSections(*section, *dir);
return result;
void TUnstrictConfig::ToJsonPatch(const Section& section, NJson::TJsonValue& result, const TString& preffix) {
const TString& newPreffix = preffix ? preffix + "." : TString();
for (const auto& i : section.GetDirectives())
result.InsertValue(newPreffix + i.first, i.second);
TSectionsMap children = section.GetAllChildren();
for (TSectionsMap::const_iterator i = children.begin(), e = children.end(); i != e; ++i)
ToJsonPatch(*i->second, result, newPreffix + i->first);
bool TUnstrictConfig::OnBeginSection(Section& sec) {
sec.Cookie = new AnyDirectives;
sec.Owner = true;
if (!sec.Parent->Parsed())
return true;
ReportError(sec.Name, true, "section \'%s\' not allowed here and will be ignored", sec.Name);
return true;
TUnstrictConfig::TPathUnit TUnstrictConfig::ProcessPathUnit(const TString& element) const {
size_t indexBeginPos = element.find('[');
if (indexBeginPos == TString::npos) {
return TPathUnit(element, 0);
size_t indexEndPos = element.find(']', indexBeginPos);
if (indexEndPos == TString::npos) {
ythrow yexception() << "Syntax error: ] symbol expected: " << element;
const TCiString name(element.data(), indexBeginPos);
const TStringBuf range(element.data() + indexBeginPos + 1, indexEndPos - indexBeginPos - 1);
if (range.find(':') == range.npos) {
const size_t index = FromString<size_t>(range);
return TPathUnit(name, index);
} else {
const size_t startIndex = FromStringWithDefaultForEmpty<size_t>(range.Before(':'), 0);
const size_t endIndex = FromStringWithDefaultForEmpty<size_t>(range.After(':'), Max<size_t>());
if (startIndex > endIndex) {
ythrow yexception() << "Incorrect range " << range;
return TPathUnit(name, startIndex, endIndex);
const TYandexConfig::Section* TUnstrictConfig::GetSection(const TYandexConfig::Section* section, const TVector<TString>::const_iterator& begin, const TVector<TString>::const_iterator& end) const {
auto sections = GetSections(section, begin, end);
if (sections.empty()) {
return nullptr;
} else if (sections.size() == 1) {
return sections.front();
} else {
ythrow yexception() << "more than one sections matched: " << sections.size();
TYandexConfig::Section* TUnstrictConfig::GetSection(TYandexConfig::Section* section, const TVector<TString>::const_iterator& begin, const TVector<TString>::const_iterator& end, bool add) {
auto sections = GetSections(section, begin, end, add);
if (sections.empty()) {
return nullptr;
} else if (sections.size() == 1) {
return sections.front();
} else {
ythrow yexception() << "more than one sections matched: " << sections.size();
TVector<const TYandexConfig::Section*> TUnstrictConfig::GetSections(const TYandexConfig::Section* section, TPathIterator begin, TPathIterator end) const {
if (begin == end)
return {section};
TPathUnit pu = ProcessPathUnit(*begin);
TSectionsMap sections = section->GetAllChildren();
std::pair<TSectionsMap::const_iterator, TSectionsMap::const_iterator> range = sections.equal_range(pu.Name);
TVector<const TYandexConfig::Section*> intermediate;
size_t index = 0;
for (auto i = range.first; i != range.second && index <= pu.EndIndex; ++i, ++index) {
TVector<const TYandexConfig::Section*> result;
for (auto i = pu.BeginIndex; i <= pu.EndIndex && i < intermediate.size(); ++i) {
auto is = GetSections(intermediate[i], begin + 1, end);
result.insert(result.end(), is.begin(), is.end());
return result;
TVector<TYandexConfig::Section*> TUnstrictConfig::GetSections(TYandexConfig::Section* section, TPathIterator begin, TPathIterator end, bool add) {
if (begin == end)
return {section};
TPathUnit pu = ProcessPathUnit(*begin);
TSectionsMap sections = section->GetAllChildren();
std::pair<TSectionsMap::const_iterator, TSectionsMap::const_iterator> range = sections.equal_range(pu.Name);
TVector<TYandexConfig::Section*> intermediate;
size_t index = 0;
for (auto i = range.first; i != range.second && index <= pu.EndIndex; ++i, ++index) {
if (add && pu.EndIndex != Max<size_t>()) {
for (; index <= pu.EndIndex; ++index) {
auto next = new Section();
next->Name = Strings.back().data();
next->Cookie = new AnyDirectives;
next->Owner = true;
next->Parent = section;
TVector<TYandexConfig::Section*> result;
for (auto i = pu.BeginIndex; i <= pu.EndIndex && i < intermediate.size(); ++i) {
auto is = GetSections(intermediate[i], begin + 1, end, add);
result.insert(result.end(), is.begin(), is.end());
return result;
bool TUnstrictConfig::RemoveSection(Section& parent, const TString& name) {
TPathUnit pu = ProcessPathUnit(name);
TYandexConfig::Section* prevSection = nullptr;
TYandexConfig::Section* curSection = parent.Child;
size_t index = 0;
bool deleted = false;
while (curSection) {
if (pu.Name == curSection->Name) {
if (index >= pu.BeginIndex && index <= pu.EndIndex) {
if (prevSection)
prevSection->Next = curSection->Next;
if (parent.Child == curSection)
parent.Child = curSection->Next;
curSection = curSection->Next;
deleted = true;
} else {
prevSection = curSection;
curSection = curSection->Next;
if (index > pu.EndIndex) {
} else {
prevSection = curSection;
curSection = curSection->Next;
return deleted;
bool TUnstrictConfig::RemoveAllSections(Section& parent, const TString& name) {
TPathUnit pu = ProcessPathUnit(name);
if (pu.BeginIndex) {
ythrow yexception() << "incorrect path for RemoveAllSections: " << name;
ui32 deleted = 0;
while (RemoveSection(parent, name)) {
return deleted;
bool TUnstrictConfig::RemoveDirective(Section& parent, const TString& name) {
Directives::iterator i = parent.GetDirectives().find(name);
if (i == parent.GetDirectives().end())
return false;
return true;
bool TUnstrictConfig::PatchEntry(const TString& path, const TString& value, const TString& prefix /* = "" */) {
if (value == "__remove__")
return Remove(prefix + path);
else if (value == "__remove_all__")
return RemoveAll(prefix + path);
else if (value == "__add_section__")
return AddSection(prefix + path);
return SetValue(prefix + path, value);
[[nodiscard]] bool TUnstrictConfig::ParseJson(const NJson::TJsonValue& json) {
return ParseJson(json, TString());
[[nodiscard]] bool TUnstrictConfig::ParseJson(const NJson::TJsonValue& json, const TString& path) {
if (json.IsNull()) {
return true;
if (!json.IsMap()) {
const TString& error = (path ? path : "Root") + "section must be a Json map";
ReportError(nullptr, error.data());
return false;
for (auto&& e : json.GetMap()) {
const TString& name = e.first;
const NJson::TJsonValue& node = e.second;
if (node.IsArray()) {
size_t index = 0;
for (auto&& element : node.GetArray()) {
AddSection(path + name);
if (!ParseJson(element, path + name + "[" + ::ToString(index) + "].")) {
return false;
} else if (node.IsMap()) {
const TString& error = path + name + " section must be either a Json array or a Json plain value";
ReportError(nullptr, error.data());
return false;
} else {
SetValue(path + name, node.GetStringRobust());
return true;
TString TUnstrictConfig::ToString() const {
TStringStream stringStream;
const Section* root = GetRootSection();
if (!root->Child)
ythrow yexception() << "root element of the config has no children";
SectionToStream(root->Child, stringStream, 0);
return stringStream.Str();
NJson::TJsonValue TUnstrictConfig::ToJson() const {
return ToJson(*this);
void TUnstrictConfig::ToJson(const Section& section, NJson::TJsonValue& result) {
for (const auto& i : section.GetDirectives()) {
result[i.first] = i.second;
TSectionsMap children = section.GetAllChildren();
for (TSectionsMap::const_iterator i = children.begin(), e = children.end(); i != e; ++i)
void TUnstrictConfig::ToJson(const TYandexConfig& config, NJson::TJsonValue& result) {
return ToJson(*config.GetRootSection(), result);
void TUnstrictConfig::ToJson(const TString& config, NJson::TJsonValue& result) {
TUnstrictConfig uc;
if (!uc.ParseMemory(config.data())) {
TString errors;
throw yexception() << "Cannot parse YandexConfig: " << errors;
ToJson(uc, result);
void SectionToStream(const TYandexConfig::Section* section, IOutputStream& stream, ui16 level) {
TString shift;
shift.reserve(level * 4);
for (int i = 0; i < level; ++i)
shift += " ";
TString childShift = shift + " ";
if (!section || !section->Parsed())
bool hasName = section->Name && *section->Name;
if (hasName) {
stream << shift << "<" << section->Name;
for (const auto& attr : section->Attrs) {
stream << " " << attr.first << "=\"" << attr.second << "\"";
stream << ">\n";
for (const auto& iter : section->GetDirectives()) {
stream << childShift << iter.first;
stream << " : " << TString(iter.second) << "\n";
if (section->Child) {
SectionToStream(section->Child, stream, level + 1);
if (hasName)
stream << shift << "</" << section->Name << ">\n";
if (section->Next) {
SectionToStream(section->Next, stream, level);