#include "conf.h"
#include <library/cpp/logger/all.h>
#include <library/cpp/charset/ci_string.h>
#include <util/generic/algorithm.h>
#include <util/stream/file.h>
#include <util/string/split.h>
#include <util/string/type.h>
#include <cstdlib>
void TYandexConfig::Clear() {
delete[] FileData;
FileData = nullptr;
CurrentMemoryPtr = nullptr;
Len = 0;
while (!CurSections.empty())
for (size_t i = 0; i < AllSections.size(); i++) {
if (AllSections[i]->Owner)
delete AllSections[i]->Cookie;
delete AllSections[i];
void TYandexConfig::PrintErrors(TLog* Log) {
size_t sz = Errors.size();
if (sz) {
Log->AddLog("Processing of \'%s\':\n", ConfigPath.data());
for (size_t i = 0; i < sz; i++)
*Log << Errors[i];
void TYandexConfig::PrintErrors(TString& Err) {
size_t sz = Errors.size();
if (sz) {
char buf[512];
snprintf(buf, 512, "Processing of \'%s\':\n", ConfigPath.data());
Err += buf;
for (size_t i = 0; i < sz; i++)
Err += Errors[i];
void TYandexConfig::ReportError(const char* ptr, const char* err, bool warning) {
if (ptr) {
char buf[1024];
int line = 0, col = 0;
if (!EndLines.empty()) {
TVector<const char*>::iterator I = UpperBound(EndLines.begin(), EndLines.end(), ptr);
if (I == EndLines.end())
I = EndLines.end() - 1;
line = int(I - EndLines.begin());
if (line)
col = int(ptr - (*I));
if (warning)
snprintf(buf, 1024, "Warning at line %d, col %d: %s.\n", line, col, err);
snprintf(buf, 1024, "Error at line %d, col %d: %s.\n", line, col, err);
} else
void TYandexConfig::ReportError(const char* ptr, bool warning, const char* format, ...) {
va_list args;
va_start(args, format);
char buf[512];
vsnprintf(buf, 512, format, args);
ReportError(ptr, buf, warning);
bool TYandexConfig::Read(const TString& path) {
assert(FileData == nullptr);
ConfigPath = path;
//read the file to memory
TFile doc(path, OpenExisting | RdOnly);
if (!doc.IsOpen()) {
Errors.push_back(TString("can't open file ") + path + "\n");
return false;
Len = (ui32)doc.GetLength();
FileData = new char[Len + 1];
doc.Load(FileData, Len);
FileData[Len] = 0;
return PrepareLines();
bool TYandexConfig::ReadMemory(const TStringBuf& buffer, const char* configPath) {
assert(FileData == nullptr);
if (configPath != nullptr) {
ConfigPath = configPath;
Len = (ui32)buffer.size();
FileData = new char[Len + 1];
memcpy(FileData, buffer.data(), Len);
FileData[Len] = 0;
return PrepareLines();
bool TYandexConfig::ReadMemory(const char* buffer, const char* configPath) {
return ReadMemory(TStringBuf(buffer), configPath);
bool TYandexConfig::PrepareLines() {
//scan line breaks
EndLines.push_back(FileData - 1);
CurrentMemoryPtr = FileData;
while (*CurrentMemoryPtr) { // Are you in a great hurry? I am not... :-)
if (iscntrl((unsigned char)*CurrentMemoryPtr) && !isspace((unsigned char)*CurrentMemoryPtr)) {
ReportError(CurrentMemoryPtr, "it's a binary file");
return false;
if (*CurrentMemoryPtr++ == '\n')
EndLines.push_back(CurrentMemoryPtr - 1);
// convert simple comments inceptive with '#' or '!' or ';' to blanks
//convert the XML comments to blanks
char* endptr = nullptr;
CurrentMemoryPtr = strstr(FileData, "<!--");
while (CurrentMemoryPtr != nullptr) {
endptr = strstr(CurrentMemoryPtr, "-->");
if (endptr) {
endptr += 3;
while (CurrentMemoryPtr != endptr)
*CurrentMemoryPtr++ = ' ';
CurrentMemoryPtr = strstr(endptr, "<!--");
} else {
ReportError(CurrentMemoryPtr, "unclosed comment");
return false;
return true;
bool TYandexConfig::ParseMemory(const TStringBuf& buffer, bool processDirectives, const char* configPath) {
if (!ReadMemory(buffer, configPath))
return false;
return ProcessRoot(processDirectives);
bool TYandexConfig::ParseMemory(const char* buffer, bool process_directives, const char* configPath) {
if (!ReadMemory(buffer, configPath))
return false;
return ProcessRoot(process_directives);
bool TYandexConfig::Parse(const TString& path, bool process_directives) {
if (!Read(path))
return false;
return ProcessRoot(process_directives);
bool TYandexConfig::ProcessRoot(bool process_directives) {
CurrentMemoryPtr = FileData;
// Add the unnamed root section
AllSections.push_back(new Section);
AllSections.back()->Parent = AllSections.back();
if (!OnBeginSection(*AllSections.back()))
return false;
bool ret = ProcessAll(process_directives) && OnEndSection(*CurSections.top());
while (!CurSections.empty()) {
// There are some not closed main sections.
return ret;
bool TYandexConfig::FindEndOfSection(const char* SecName, const char* begin, char*& endsec, char*& endptr) {
// find "</SecName" and set '<' and '>' to '\0'
char* p = (char*)begin;
char* EndName = (char*)alloca(strlen(SecName) + 3);
*EndName = '<';
*(EndName + 1) = '/';
strcpy(EndName + 2, SecName);
while (p && p < FileData + Len) {
p = strstr(p, EndName);
if (p == nullptr) {
ReportError(SecName, "mismatched section");
return false;
endsec = p;
p += strlen(SecName) + 2;
if (*p != '>' && !isspace((unsigned char)*p))
continue; // it's a prefix but not the required section-end
endptr = strchr(p, '>');
if (endptr == nullptr) {
ReportError(p, "mismatched \'<\'");
return false;
*endptr = 0;
*endsec++ = 0;
*endsec++ = 0;
p = endptr - 1;
while (p > endsec && isspace((unsigned char)*p))
*p-- = 0;
return true;
ReportError(SecName, "mismatched section");
return false;
bool TYandexConfig::ParseSection(const char* SecName, const char* idname, const char* idvalue) {
assert(FileData); // Call Read() firstly
size_t slen = strlen(SecName);
CurrentMemoryPtr = FileData;
AllSections.push_back(new Section);
AllSections.back()->Parent = AllSections.back();
if (!OnBeginSection(*AllSections.back()))
return false;
bool ret = false;
while (CurrentMemoryPtr < FileData + Len) {
// May be *CurrentMemoryPtr == 0 if FileData has been parsed.
while (*CurrentMemoryPtr++ != '<' && CurrentMemoryPtr < FileData + Len) {
if (strnicmp(CurrentMemoryPtr, SecName, slen) == 0) {
char* p = CurrentMemoryPtr + slen;
char* endptr = strchr(p, '>');
if (endptr == nullptr)
continue; // a section may be parsed
if (*p != '>' && *p != '/' && !isspace((unsigned char)*p))
continue; // required section must match the name and may not be parsed
//parse now
*endptr = 0;
bool endnow = false;
p = endptr - 1;
if (*p == '/') {
*p-- = 0;
endnow = true;
while (isspace((unsigned char)*p))
*p-- = 0;
char *body = endptr + 1, *endsec = nullptr;
if (!ProcessBeginSection())
break; // false
if (!endnow) {
if (!FindEndOfSection(CurSections.top()->Name, body, endsec, endptr))
break; // false
if (idname && idvalue) {
SectionAttrs::iterator I = CurSections.top()->Attrs.find(idname);
if (I != CurSections.top()->Attrs.end()) {
if (stricmp((*I).second, idvalue) != 0) {
CurrentMemoryPtr = endptr + 1;
assert(AllSections.size() == 2);
Section* Last = AllSections.back();
assert(Last->Parent->Next == nullptr);
assert(Last->Parent->Child == Last);
assert(Last->Next == nullptr);
Last->Parent->Child = nullptr;
delete Last;
} else {
if (*idvalue != 0) {
CurrentMemoryPtr = endptr + 1;
assert(AllSections.size() == 2);
Section* Last = AllSections.back();
assert(Last->Parent->Next == nullptr);
assert(Last->Parent->Child == Last);
assert(Last->Next == nullptr);
Last->Parent->Child = nullptr;
delete Last;
if (!OnBeginSection(*CurSections.top()))
break; // false
if (!endnow) {
CurrentMemoryPtr = body;
if (!ProcessAll(true))
break; // false
CurrentMemoryPtr = endsec;
if (!OnEndSection(*CurSections.top()))
break; // false
if (!ProcessEndSection())
break; // false
CurrentMemoryPtr = endptr + 1;
ret = true;
break; // section found and processed
while (!CurSections.empty()) {
return ret;
// Parse some chunk of memory ended by \0
bool TYandexConfig::ProcessAll(bool process_directives) {
char* endptr;
while (CurrentMemoryPtr && *CurrentMemoryPtr) {
switch (*CurrentMemoryPtr) {
case ' ':
case '\t':
case '\r':
case '\n':
case '>':
ReportError(CurrentMemoryPtr, "mismatched \'>\'");
return false;
//It is not XML. We need (\n[\n\r\t ]*<) for the section started.
case '<': {
endptr = strchr(CurrentMemoryPtr, '>');
if (endptr == nullptr) {
ReportError(CurrentMemoryPtr, "mismatched \'<\'");
return false;
*endptr = 0;
char* p = CurrentMemoryPtr + 1;
if (*p != '/' && !isalpha(*p)) {
ReportError(p, "invalid character");
return false;
bool endnow = false;
p = endptr - 1;
if (*p == '/') {
*p-- = 0;
endnow = true;
while (isspace((unsigned char)*p))
*p-- = 0;
*CurrentMemoryPtr++ = 0;
if (*CurrentMemoryPtr == '/') {
*CurrentMemoryPtr++ = 0;
if (!OnEndSection(*CurSections.top()))
return false;
if (!ProcessEndSection())
return false;
} else {
if (!ProcessBeginSection())
return false;
if (!OnBeginSection(*CurSections.top()))
return false;
if (endnow) {
if (!OnEndSection(*CurSections.top()))
return false;
if (!ProcessEndSection())
return false;
CurrentMemoryPtr = endptr + 1;
} break;
if (process_directives && CurSections.top()->Cookie) {
if (!ProcessDirective())
return false;
} else {
CurrentMemoryPtr = strchr(CurrentMemoryPtr, '\n');
if (!CurrentMemoryPtr)
return true; // the end of file
return true;
void TYandexConfig::ProcessLineBreak(char*& LineBreak, char toChange) {
assert(*LineBreak == '\n');
assert(toChange == ' ' || toChange == 0);
if (toChange == 0) {
char* p = LineBreak - 1;
while ((*p == ' ' || *p == '\r' || *p == '\t') && p >= FileData)
*p-- = 0;
*LineBreak++ = toChange;
// convert simple comments inceptive with '#' or '!' or ';' to blanks
void TYandexConfig::ProcessComments() {
assert(FileData); // Call Read() firstly
char* endptr = FileData;
while (true) {
//process the leading blanks for the next
endptr += strspn(endptr, " \t\r");
//process the comment-line
if (*endptr == '!' || *endptr == '#' || *endptr == ';') {
while (*endptr != 0 && *endptr != '\n')
*endptr++ = ' ';
if (*endptr == '\n') {
} else // may be the last line in file
//process the regular line
endptr = strchr(endptr, '\n');
if (endptr)
else // may be the last line in file
bool TYandexConfig::ProcessDirective() {
char* endptr = CurrentMemoryPtr;
//find the end of the directive
while (true) {
//process the leading blanks for the next
endptr += strspn(endptr, " \t\r");
//process the blank line
if (*endptr == '\n') {
ProcessLineBreak(endptr, ' ');
//process the regular line
endptr = strchr(endptr, '\n');
if (!endptr) // may be the last line in file
//may be continue at the next line
char* p = endptr - 1;
while ((*p == ' ' || *p == '\r' || *p == '\t') && p > FileData)
if (*p == '\\') {
*p = ' ';
ProcessLineBreak(endptr, ' ');
} else {
ProcessLineBreak(endptr, 0);
assert(endptr == nullptr || *endptr == 0 || *(endptr - 1) == 0);
//split the directive into key and value
char* args = CurrentMemoryPtr;
args += strcspn(CurrentMemoryPtr, " \t\r=:");
if (*args) {
bool olddelimiter = (*args == ':' || *args == '=');
*args++ = 0;
args += strspn(args, " \t\r");
if ((*args == ':' || *args == '=') && !olddelimiter) {
args += strspn(args, " \t\r");
//add the directive at last
Section* sec = CurSections.top();
if (!AddKeyValue(*sec, CurrentMemoryPtr, args))
return false;
CurrentMemoryPtr = endptr;
return true;
void TYandexConfig::AddSection(Section* sec) {
assert(sec && sec->Parent);
if (sec->Parent->Child == nullptr)
sec->Parent->Child = sec;
else {
Section** pNext = &sec->Parent->Child->Next;
while (*pNext)
pNext = &(*pNext)->Next;
*pNext = sec;
bool TYandexConfig::ProcessBeginSection() {
Section* sec = new Section;
sec->Parent = CurSections.top();
char* endptr = CurrentMemoryPtr;
endptr += strcspn(endptr, " \t\r\n");
if (endptr && *endptr)
*endptr++ = 0;
AllSections.back()->Name = CurrentMemoryPtr;
//find the attributes
const char* AttrName = nullptr;
bool EqPassed = false;
while (endptr && *endptr) {
switch (*endptr) {
case ' ':
case '\t':
case '\r':
case '\n':
case '=':
if (!AttrName || EqPassed) {
ReportError(endptr, "invalid character");
return false;
} else {
EqPassed = true;
*endptr++ = 0;
case '\"':
case '\'':
case '`':
if (!AttrName || !EqPassed) {
ReportError(endptr, "invalid character");
return false;
char* endattr = strchr(endptr + 1, *endptr);
if (!endattr) {
ReportError(endptr, "mismatched character");
return false;
*endattr++ = 0;
AllSections.back()->Attrs[AttrName] = endptr + 1;
AttrName = nullptr;
EqPassed = false;
endptr = endattr;
if (!(*endptr == 0 || isspace((unsigned char)*endptr))) {
ReportError(endptr, "invalid character");
return false;
if (AttrName || EqPassed) {
ReportError(endptr, "invalid character");
return false;
AttrName = endptr;
endptr += strcspn(endptr, " \t\r\n=");
if (*endptr == 0) {
ReportError(AttrName, "invalid characters");
return false;
if (*endptr == '=')
EqPassed = true;
*endptr++ = 0;
return true;
bool TYandexConfig::ProcessEndSection() {
Section* sec = CurSections.top();
if (sec->Name && CurrentMemoryPtr && strcmp(sec->Name, CurrentMemoryPtr) != 0) {
ReportError(CurrentMemoryPtr, "mismatched open element");
return false;
return true;
bool TYandexConfig::AddKeyValue(Section& sec, const char* key, const char* value) {
if (!sec.Cookie->AddKeyValue(key, value)) {
if (*sec.Name)
ReportError(key, true, "section \'%s\' does not allow directive \'%s\'. The directive will be ignored", sec.Name, key);
ReportError(key, true, "directive \'%s\' not allowed here. It will be ignored", key);
return true;
bool TYandexConfig::OnBeginSection(Section& secnew) {
if (*secnew.Name) {
ReportError(secnew.Name, false, "section \'%s\' not allowed here", secnew.Name);
return false;
return true;
bool TYandexConfig::OnEndSection(Section& sec) {
if (sec.Cookie) {
if (!sec.Cookie->CheckOnEnd(*this, sec)) {
if (sec.Owner) {
delete sec.Cookie;
sec.Cookie = nullptr;
return false;
return true;
TYandexConfig::Section* TYandexConfig::GetFirstChild(const char* Name, TYandexConfig::Section* CurSection /*= NULL*/) {
if (CurSection == nullptr)
CurSection = GetRootSection();
CurSection = CurSection->Child;
while (CurSection) {
if (CurSection->Parsed()) {
if (stricmp(CurSection->Name, Name) == 0)
CurSection = CurSection->Next;
return CurSection;
void TYandexConfig::PrintSectionConfig(const TYandexConfig::Section* section, IOutputStream& os, bool printNextSection) {
if (section == nullptr || !section->Parsed())
bool hasName = section->Name && *section->Name;
if (hasName) {
os << "<" << section->Name;
for (const auto& attr : section->Attrs) {
os << " " << attr.first << "=\"" << attr.second << "\"";
os << ">\n";
for (const auto& iter : section->GetDirectives()) {
if (iter.second != nullptr && *iter.second && !IsSpace(iter.second)) {
os << iter.first;
os << " " << iter.second << "\n";
if (section->Child) {
PrintSectionConfig(section->Child, os);
if (hasName)
os << "</" << section->Name << ">\n";
if (printNextSection && section->Next) {
PrintSectionConfig(section->Next, os);
void TYandexConfig::PrintConfig(IOutputStream& os) const {
const Section* sec = GetRootSection();
return PrintSectionConfig(sec, os);
bool TYandexConfig::Directives::CheckOnEnd(TYandexConfig&, TYandexConfig::Section&) {
return true;
bool TYandexConfig::Directives::AddKeyValue(const TString& key, const char* value) {
iterator I = find(key);
if (I == end()) {
if (strict)
return false;
I = insert(value_type(key, nullptr)).first;
(*I).second = value;
return true;
bool TYandexConfig::Directives::GetValue(TStringBuf key, TString& value) const {
const_iterator I = find(key);
if (I == end()) {
if (strict) {
ythrow yexception() << "key " << key << " not declared";
return false;
if ((*I).second == nullptr) {
return false;
value = (*I).second;
return true;
bool TYandexConfig::Directives::GetNonEmptyValue(TStringBuf key, TString& value) const {
TString tempValue;
GetValue(key, tempValue);
if (tempValue) {
value = tempValue;
return true;
return false;
bool TYandexConfig::Directives::GetValue(TStringBuf key, bool& value) const {
TString tmp;
if (GetValue(key, tmp)) { // IsTrue won't return true on empty strings anymore
value = !tmp || IsTrue(tmp);
return true;
return false;
bool TYandexConfig::Directives::FillArray(TStringBuf key, TVector<TString>& values) const {
const_iterator I = find(key);
if (I == end()) {
return false;
if ((*I).second != nullptr) {
Split((*I).second, " ,\t\r", values);
return true;
return false;
void TYandexConfig::Directives::Clear() {
if (strict) {
} else {
for (auto& I : *this)
I.second = nullptr;
TYandexConfig::TSectionsMap TYandexConfig::Section::GetAllChildren() const {
TSectionsMap result;
if (Child == nullptr)
return result;
Section* curSection = Child;
while (curSection) {
result.insert(TMultiMap<TCiString, Section*>::value_type(curSection->Name, curSection));
curSection = curSection->Next;
return result;