#include "xml-document.h"
#include <libxml/xinclude.h>
#include <libxml/xpathInternals.h>
#include <library/cpp/xml/init/init.h>
#include <util/generic/yexception.h>
#include <util/folder/dirut.h>
namespace {
struct TInit {
inline TInit() {
} initer;
namespace NXml {
TDocument::TDocument(const TString& xml, Source type) {
switch (type) {
case File:
case String:
case RootName: {
TDocHolder doc(xmlNewDoc(XMLCHAR("1.0")));
if (!doc)
THROW(XmlException, "Can't create xml document.");
doc->encoding = xmlStrdup(XMLCHAR("utf-8"));
TNodePtr node(xmlNewNode(nullptr, XMLCHAR(xml.c_str())));
if (!node)
THROW(XmlException, "Can't create root node.");
xmlDocSetRootElement(doc.Get(), node.Get());
Doc = std::move(doc);
} break;
THROW(InvalidArgument, "Wrong source type");
TDocument::TDocument(TDocument&& doc)
: Doc(std::move(doc.Doc))
TDocument& TDocument::operator=(TDocument&& doc) {
if (this != &doc)
return *this;
void TDocument::ParseFile(const TString& file) {
if (!NFs::Exists(file))
THROW(XmlException, "File " << file << " doesn't exist");
TParserCtxtPtr pctx(xmlNewParserCtxt());
if (!pctx)
THROW(XmlException, "Can't create parser context");
TDocHolder doc(xmlCtxtReadFile(pctx.Get(), file.c_str(), nullptr, XML_PARSE_NOCDATA));
if (!doc)
THROW(XmlException, "Can't parse file " << file);
int res = xmlXIncludeProcessFlags(doc.Get(), XML_PARSE_XINCLUDE | XML_PARSE_NOCDATA | XML_PARSE_NOXINCNODE);
if (res == -1)
THROW(XmlException, "XIncludes processing failed");
Doc = std::move(doc);
void TDocument::ParseString(TZtStringBuf xml) {
TParserCtxtPtr pctx(xmlNewParserCtxt());
if (pctx.Get() == nullptr)
THROW(XmlException, "Can't create parser context");
TDocHolder doc(xmlCtxtReadMemory(pctx.Get(), xml.c_str(), (int)xml.size(), nullptr, nullptr, XML_PARSE_NOCDATA));
if (!doc)
THROW(XmlException, "Can't parse string");
Doc = std::move(doc);
TNode TDocument::Root() {
xmlNode* r = xmlDocGetRootElement(Doc.Get());
if (r == nullptr)
THROW(XmlException, "TDocument hasn't root element");
return TNode(Doc.Get(), r);
TConstNode TDocument::Root() const {
xmlNode* r = xmlDocGetRootElement(Doc.Get());
if (r == nullptr)
THROW(XmlException, "TDocument hasn't root element");
return TConstNode(TNode(Doc.Get(), r));
bool TNode::IsNull() const {
return NodePointer == nullptr;
bool TNode::IsElementNode() const {
return !IsNull() && (NodePointer->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE);
TXPathContextPtr TNode::CreateXPathContext(const TNamespacesForXPath& nss) const {
TXPathContextPtr ctx = xmlXPathNewContext(DocPointer);
if (!ctx)
THROW(XmlException, "Can't create empty xpath context");
for (const auto& ns : nss) {
const int r = xmlXPathRegisterNs(ctx.Get(), XMLCHAR(ns.Prefix.c_str()), XMLCHAR(ns.Url.c_str()));
if (r != 0)
THROW(XmlException, "Can't register namespace " << ns.Url << " with prefix " << ns.Prefix);
return ctx;
TConstNodes TNode::XPath(TZtStringBuf xpath, bool quiet, const TNamespacesForXPath& ns) const {
TXPathContextPtr ctxt = CreateXPathContext(ns);
return XPath(xpath, quiet, *ctxt);
TConstNodes TNode::XPath(TZtStringBuf xpath, bool quiet, TXPathContext& ctxt) const {
if (xmlXPathSetContextNode(NodePointer, &ctxt) != 0)
THROW(XmlException, "Can't set xpath context node, probably the context is associated with another document");
TXPathObjectPtr obj = xmlXPathEvalExpression(XMLCHAR(xpath.c_str()), &ctxt);
if (!obj)
THROW(XmlException, "Can't evaluate xpath expression " << xpath);
TConstNodes nodes(DocPointer, obj);
if (nodes.Size() == 0 && !quiet)
THROW(NodeNotFound, xpath);
return nodes;
TConstNodes TNode::Nodes(TZtStringBuf xpath, bool quiet, const TNamespacesForXPath& ns) const {
TXPathContextPtr ctxt = CreateXPathContext(ns);
return Nodes(xpath, quiet, *ctxt);
TConstNodes TNode::Nodes(TZtStringBuf xpath, bool quiet, TXPathContext& ctxt) const {
TConstNodes nodes = XPath(xpath, quiet, ctxt);
if (nodes.Size() != 0 && !nodes[0].IsElementNode())
THROW(XmlException, "xpath points to non-element nodes: " << xpath);
return nodes;
TNode TNode::Node(TZtStringBuf xpath, bool quiet, const TNamespacesForXPath& ns) {
TXPathContextPtr ctxt = CreateXPathContext(ns);
return Node(xpath, quiet, *ctxt);
TConstNode TNode::Node(TZtStringBuf xpath, bool quiet, const TNamespacesForXPath& ns) const {
TXPathContextPtr ctxt = CreateXPathContext(ns);
return Node(xpath, quiet, *ctxt);
TNode TNode::Node(TZtStringBuf xpath, bool quiet, TXPathContext& ctxt) {
TConstNodes n = Nodes(xpath, quiet, ctxt);
if (n.Size() == 0 && !quiet)
THROW(NodeNotFound, xpath);
if (n.Size() == 0)
return TNode();
return n[0].ConstCast();
TConstNode TNode::Node(TZtStringBuf xpath, bool quiet, TXPathContext& ctxt) const {
return const_cast<TNode*>(this)->Node(xpath, quiet, ctxt);
TNode TNode::FirstChild(TZtStringBuf name) {
if (IsNull())
THROW(XmlException, "Node is null");
return Find(NodePointer->children, name);
TConstNode TNode::FirstChild(TZtStringBuf name) const {
return const_cast<TNode*>(this)->FirstChild(name);
TNode TNode::FirstChild() {
if (IsNull())
THROW(XmlException, "Node is null");
return TNode(DocPointer, NodePointer->children);
TConstNode TNode::FirstChild() const {
return const_cast<TNode*>(this)->FirstChild();
TNode TNode::Parent() {
if (nullptr == NodePointer->parent)
THROW(XmlException, "Parent node not exists");
return TNode(DocPointer, NodePointer->parent);
TConstNode TNode::Parent() const {
return const_cast<TNode*>(this)->Parent();
TNode TNode::NextSibling(TZtStringBuf name) {
if (IsNull())
THROW(XmlException, "Node is null");
return Find(NodePointer->next, name);
TConstNode TNode::NextSibling(TZtStringBuf name) const {
return const_cast<TNode*>(this)->NextSibling(name);
TNode TNode::NextSibling() {
if (IsNull())
THROW(XmlException, "Node is null");
return TNode(DocPointer, NodePointer->next);
TConstNode TNode::NextSibling() const {
return const_cast<TNode*>(this)->NextSibling();
/* NOTE: by default child will inherit it's parent ns */
TNode TNode::AddChild(TZtStringBuf name) {
return AddChild(name, "");
/* NOTE: source node will be copied, as otherwise it will be double-freed from this and its own document */
TNode TNode::AddChild(const TConstNode& node) {
xmlNodePtr copy = xmlDocCopyNode(node.ConstCast().NodePointer, DocPointer, 1 /* recursive */);
copy = xmlAddChild(NodePointer, copy);
return TNode(DocPointer, copy);
void TNode::SetPrivate(void* priv) {
NodePointer->_private = priv;
void* TNode::GetPrivate() const {
return NodePointer->_private;
TNode TNode::Find(xmlNode* start, TZtStringBuf name) {
for (; start; start = start->next)
if (start->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE && (name.empty() || !xmlStrcmp(start->name, XMLCHAR(name.c_str()))))
return TNode(DocPointer, start);
return TNode();
TString TNode::Name() const {
if (IsNull())
THROW(XmlException, "Node is null");
return CAST2CHAR(NodePointer->name);
TString TNode::Path() const {
TCharPtr path(xmlGetNodePath(NodePointer));
if (!!path)
return CAST2CHAR(path.Get());
return "";
xmlNode* TNode::GetPtr() {
return NodePointer;
const xmlNode* TNode::GetPtr() const {
return NodePointer;
bool TNode::IsText() const {
if (IsNull())
THROW(XmlException, "Node is null");
return NodePointer->type == XML_TEXT_NODE;
void TNode::Remove() {
xmlNode* nodePtr = GetPtr();
NodePointer = nullptr;
static int XmlWriteToOstream(void* context, const char* buffer, int len) {
// possibly use to save doc as well
IOutputStream* out = (IOutputStream*)context;
out->Write(buffer, len);
return len;
void TNode::SaveInternal(IOutputStream& stream, TZtStringBuf enc, int options) const {
const char* encoding = enc.size() ? enc.data() : "utf-8";
TSaveCtxtPtr ctx(xmlSaveToIO(XmlWriteToOstream, /* close */ nullptr, &stream,
encoding, options));
if (xmlSaveTree(ctx.Get(), (xmlNode*)GetPtr()) < 0)
THROW(XmlException, "Failed saving node to stream");
void TNode::Save(IOutputStream& stream, TZtStringBuf enc, bool shouldFormat) const {
SaveInternal(stream, enc, shouldFormat ? XML_SAVE_FORMAT : 0);
void TNode::SaveAsHtml(IOutputStream& stream, TZtStringBuf enc, bool shouldFormat) const {
int options = XML_SAVE_AS_HTML;
options |= shouldFormat ? XML_SAVE_FORMAT : 0;
SaveInternal(stream, enc, options);
TConstNodes::TConstNodes(const TConstNodes& nodes)
: SizeValue(nodes.Size())
, Doc(nodes.Doc)
, Obj(nodes.Obj)
TConstNodes& TConstNodes::operator=(const TConstNodes& nodes) {
if (this != &nodes) {
SizeValue = nodes.Size();
Doc = nodes.Doc;
Obj = nodes.Obj;
return *this;
TConstNodes::TConstNodes(TConstNodesRef ref)
: SizeValue(ref.r_.Size())
, Doc(ref.r_.Doc)
, Obj(ref.r_.Obj)
TConstNodes& TConstNodes::operator=(TConstNodesRef ref) {
if (this != &ref.r_) {
SizeValue = ref.r_.Size();
Doc = ref.r_.Doc;
Obj = ref.r_.Obj;
return *this;
TConstNodes::operator TConstNodesRef() {
return TConstNodesRef(*this);
TConstNodes::TConstNodes(xmlDoc* doc, TXPathObjectPtr obj)
: SizeValue(obj && obj->nodesetval ? obj->nodesetval->nodeNr : 0)
, Doc(doc)
, Obj(obj)
TConstNode TConstNodes::operator[](size_t number) const {
if (number + 1 > Size())
THROW(XmlException, "index out of range " << number);
if (!Obj || !Obj->nodesetval)
THROW(XmlException, "Broken TConstNodes object, Obj is null");
xmlNode* node = Obj->nodesetval->nodeTab[number];
return TNode(Doc, node);
TConstNode TConstNodes::TNodeIter::operator*() const {
return Nodes[Index];