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#pragma once
#include <util/generic/strbuf.h>
namespace NTld {
const char* const* GetTlds();
// Note that FindTld() returns empty string when @host is single domain label (without '.').
// If you need whole @host for such case, you can use GetZone() from library/cpp/string_utils/url/url.h
inline TStringBuf FindTld(const TStringBuf& host) {
size_t p = host.rfind('.');
return p != TStringBuf::npos ? host.SubStr(p + 1) : TStringBuf();
bool IsTld(const TStringBuf& tld);
inline bool InTld(const TStringBuf& host) {
return IsTld(FindTld(host));
// check if @s belongs to a "good" subset of reliable TLDs, defined in tld.cpp
bool IsVeryGoodTld(const TStringBuf& tld);
inline bool InVeryGoodTld(const TStringBuf& host) {
return IsVeryGoodTld(FindTld(host));