blob: a3699744e486cf4b929192cf21cccb28bce7e50c (
plain) (
#include "async.h"
#include <library/cpp/testing/unittest/registar.h>
#include <util/generic/ptr.h>
#include <util/generic/vector.h>
namespace {
struct TMySuperTaskQueue {
namespace NThreading {
/* Here we provide an Async overload for TMySuperTaskQueue indide NThreading namespace
* so that we can call it in the way
* TMySuperTaskQueue queue;
* NThreading::Async([](){}, queue);
* See also ExtensionExample unittest.
template <typename Func>
TFuture<TFunctionResult<Func>> Async(Func func, TMySuperTaskQueue&) {
return MakeFuture(func());
Y_UNIT_TEST(ExtensionExample) {
TMySuperTaskQueue queue;
auto future = NThreading::Async([]() { return 5; }, queue);
UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(future.GetValue(), 5);
Y_UNIT_TEST(WorksWithIMtpQueue) {
auto queue = MakeHolder<TThreadPool>();
auto future = NThreading::Async([]() { return 5; }, *queue);
UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(future.GetValue(), 5);
Y_UNIT_TEST(ProperlyDeducesFutureType) {
// Compileability test
auto queue = CreateThreadPool(1);
NThreading::TFuture<void> f1 = NThreading::Async([]() {}, *queue);
NThreading::TFuture<int> f2 = NThreading::Async([]() { return 5; }, *queue);
NThreading::TFuture<double> f3 = NThreading::Async([]() { return 5.0; }, *queue);
NThreading::TFuture<TVector<int>> f4 = NThreading::Async([]() { return TVector<int>(); }, *queue);
NThreading::TFuture<int> f5 = NThreading::Async([]() { return NThreading::MakeFuture(5); }, *queue);