path: root/library/cpp/testing/common/network.h
blob: 4107145a7cc5afaa692a9aa234ab95380db1bd79 (plain) (tree)




#pragma once

#include <util/generic/ptr.h>
#include <util/generic/vector.h>

namespace NTesting {

    //@brief network port holder interface
    class IPort {
        virtual ~IPort() {}

        virtual ui16 Get() = 0;

    class TPortHolder : private THolder<IPort> {
        using TBase = THolder<IPort>;
        using TBase::TBase;
        using TBase::Release;
        using TBase::Reset;

        operator ui16() const& {
            return (*this)->Get();

        operator ui16() const&& = delete;

    IOutputStream& operator<<(IOutputStream& out, const TPortHolder& port);

    //@brief Get first free port.
    [[nodiscard]] TPortHolder GetFreePort();

    namespace NLegacy {
        // Do not use these methods made for Unittest TPortManager backward compatibility.
        // Returns continuous sequence of the specified number of ports.
        [[nodiscard]] TVector<TPortHolder> GetFreePortsRange(size_t count);
        //@brief Returns port from parameter if NO_RANDOM_PORTS env var is set, otherwise first free port
        [[nodiscard]] TPortHolder GetPort(ui16 port);

    //@brief Reinitialize singleton from environment vars for tests
    void InitPortManagerFromEnv();

    //@brief helper class for inheritance
    struct TFreePortOwner {
        TFreePortOwner() : Port_(GetFreePort()) {}

        ui16 GetPort() const {
            return Port_;

        TPortHolder Port_;