blob: 7b89aa1bed8b52f7633939924c010a6d3d1536ff (
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#pragma once
#include <unordered_map>
#include <util/folder/path.h>
#include <util/generic/string.h>
#include <util/generic/strbuf.h>
#include <util/system/src_location.h>
// @brief return full path to arcadia root
TString ArcadiaSourceRoot();
// @brief return full path for file or folder specified by known source location `where` and `path` which is relative to parent folder of `where`
// for the instance: there is 2 files in folder test example_ut.cpp and, so full path to test/ can be obtained
// from example_ut.cpp as ArcadiaFromCurrentLocation(__SOURCE_FILE__, "")
TString ArcadiaFromCurrentLocation(TStringBuf where, TStringBuf path);
// @brief return build folder path
TString BuildRoot();
// @brief return full path to built artefact, where path is relative from arcadia root
TString BinaryPath(TStringBuf path);
// @brief return true if environment is testenv otherwise false
bool FromYaTest();
// @brief returns TestsData dir (from env:ARCADIA_TESTS_DATA_DIR or path to existing folder `arcadia_tests_data` within parent folders)
TString GetArcadiaTestsData();
// @brief return current working dir (from env:TEST_WORK_PATH or cwd)
TString GetWorkPath();
// @brief return tests output path (workdir + testing_out_stuff)
TFsPath GetOutputPath();
// @brief return path from env:YA_TEST_RAM_DRIVE_PATH
const TString& GetRamDrivePath();
// @brief return path from env:YA_TEST_OUTPUT_RAM_DRIVE_PATH
const TString& GetOutputRamDrivePath();
// @brief return test parameter by name. If not exists, return an empty string
const TString& GetTestParam(TStringBuf name);
// @brief return test parameter by name. If not exists, return specified default value
const TString& GetTestParam(TStringBuf name, const TString& def);
// @brief return path to the gdb
const TString& GdbPath();
// @brief register the process. Test suite will be marked as failed if the process is terminated with a core dump file after testing
void WatchProcessCore(int pid, const TFsPath& binaryPath, const TFsPath& cwd = TFsPath());
// @brief mark the process as successfully completed - a test machinery won't try to recover core dump file for the process
void StopProcessCoreWatching(int pid);
#define SRC_(path) ArcadiaFromCurrentLocation(__SOURCE_FILE__, path)
namespace NPrivate {
class TTestEnv {
void ReInitialize();
void AddTestParam(TStringBuf name, TStringBuf value);
bool IsRunningFromTest;
TString ArcadiaTestsDataDir;
TString SourceRoot;
TString BuildRoot;
TString WorkPath;
TString RamDrivePath;
TString YtHddPath;
TString TestOutputRamDrivePath;
TString GdbPath;
TString CoreSearchFile;
std::unordered_map<TString, TString> TestParameters;
TString GetCwd();
const TTestEnv& GetTestEnv();