#pragma once
#include <util/generic/fwd.h>
#include <util/generic/strbuf.h>
namespace NUrl {
* Splits URL to host and path
* Example:
* auto [host, path] = SplitUrlToHostAndPath(url);
* @param[in] url any URL
* @param[out] <host, path> parsed host and path
struct TSplitUrlToHostAndPathResult {
TStringBuf host;
TStringBuf path;
TSplitUrlToHostAndPathResult SplitUrlToHostAndPath(const TStringBuf url);
} // namespace NUrl
size_t GetHttpPrefixSize(const char* url, bool ignorehttps = false) noexcept;
size_t GetHttpPrefixSize(const wchar16* url, bool ignorehttps = false) noexcept;
size_t GetHttpPrefixSize(const TStringBuf url, bool ignorehttps = false) noexcept;
size_t GetHttpPrefixSize(const TWtringBuf url, bool ignorehttps = false) noexcept;
/** BEWARE of TStringBuf! You can not use operator ~ or c_str() like in TString
!!!!!!!!!!!! */
size_t GetSchemePrefixSize(const TStringBuf url) noexcept;
TStringBuf GetSchemePrefix(const TStringBuf url) noexcept;
//! removes protocol prefixes 'http://' and 'https://' from given URL
//! @note if URL has no prefix or some other prefix the function does nothing
//! @param url URL from which the prefix should be removed
//! @param ignorehttps if true, leaves https://
//! @return a new URL without protocol prefix
TStringBuf CutHttpPrefix(const TStringBuf url, bool ignorehttps = false) noexcept;
TWtringBuf CutHttpPrefix(const TWtringBuf url, bool ignorehttps = false) noexcept;
TStringBuf CutSchemePrefix(const TStringBuf url) noexcept;
//! adds specified scheme prefix if URL has no scheme
//! @note if URL has scheme prefix already the function returns unchanged URL
TString AddSchemePrefix(const TString& url, const TStringBuf scheme);
//! Same as `AddSchemePrefix(url, "http")`.
TString AddSchemePrefix(const TString& url);
TStringBuf GetHost(const TStringBuf url) noexcept;
TStringBuf GetHostAndPort(const TStringBuf url) noexcept;
TStringBuf GetSchemeHost(const TStringBuf url, bool trimHttp = true) noexcept;
TStringBuf GetSchemeHostAndPort(const TStringBuf url, bool trimHttp = true, bool trimDefaultPort = true) noexcept;
* Splits URL to host and path
* @param[in] url any URL
* @param[out] host parsed host
* @param[out] path parsed path
void SplitUrlToHostAndPath(const TStringBuf url, TStringBuf& host, TStringBuf& path);
void SplitUrlToHostAndPath(const TStringBuf url, TString& host, TString& path);
* Separates URL into url prefix, query (aka cgi params list), and fragment (aka part after #)
* @param[in] url any URL
* @param[out] sanitizedUrl parsed URL without query and fragment parts
* @param[out] query parsed query
* @param[out] fragment parsed fragment
void SeparateUrlFromQueryAndFragment(const TStringBuf url, TStringBuf& sanitizedUrl, TStringBuf& query, TStringBuf& fragment);
* Extracts scheme, host and port from URL.
* Port will be parsed from URL with checks against ui16 overflow. If URL doesn't
* contain port it will be determined by one of the known schemes (currently
* https:// and http:// only).
* Given parameters will not be modified if URL has no appropriate components.
* @param[in] url any URL
* @param[out] scheme URL scheme
* @param[out] host host name
* @param[out] port parsed port number
* @return false if present port number cannot be parsed into ui16
* true otherwise.
bool TryGetSchemeHostAndPort(const TStringBuf url, TStringBuf& scheme, TStringBuf& host, ui16& port);
* Extracts scheme, host and port from URL.
* This function perform the same actions as TryGetSchemeHostAndPort(), but in
* case of impossibility to parse port number throws yexception.
* @param[in] url any URL
* @param[out] scheme URL scheme
* @param[out] host host name
* @param[out] port parsed port number
* @throws yexception if present port number cannot be parsed into ui16.
void GetSchemeHostAndPort(const TStringBuf url, TStringBuf& scheme, TStringBuf& host, ui16& port);
TStringBuf GetPathAndQuery(const TStringBuf url, bool trimFragment = true) noexcept;
* Extracts host from url and cuts http(https) protocol prefix and port if any.
* @param[in] url any URL
* @return host without port and http(https) prefix.
TStringBuf GetOnlyHost(const TStringBuf url) noexcept;
TStringBuf GetParentDomain(const TStringBuf host, size_t level) noexcept; // ("www.ya.ru", 2) -> "ya.ru"
TStringBuf GetZone(const TStringBuf host) noexcept;
TStringBuf CutWWWPrefix(const TStringBuf url) noexcept;
TStringBuf CutWWWNumberedPrefix(const TStringBuf url) noexcept;
* Cuts 'm.' prefix from url if and only if the url starts with it
* Example: 'm.some-domain.com' -> 'some-domain.com'.
* 'http://m.some-domain.com' is not changed
* @param[in] url any URL
* @return url without 'm.' or 'M.' prefix.
TStringBuf CutMPrefix(const TStringBuf url) noexcept;
TStringBuf GetDomain(const TStringBuf host) noexcept; // should not be used
size_t NormalizeUrlName(char* dest, const TStringBuf source, size_t dest_size);
size_t NormalizeHostName(char* dest, const TStringBuf source, size_t dest_size, ui16 defport = 80);
TStringBuf RemoveFinalSlash(TStringBuf str) noexcept;
TStringBuf CutUrlPrefixes(TStringBuf url) noexcept;
bool DoesUrlPathStartWithToken(TStringBuf url, const TStringBuf& token) noexcept;