#pragma once
#include <util/system/defaults.h>
#include <util/generic/strbuf.h>
#include <util/generic/string.h>
/* @return Size of the buffer required to decode Base64 encoded data of size `len`.
constexpr size_t Base64DecodeBufSize(const size_t len) noexcept {
return (len + 3) / 4 * 3;
/* Decode Base64 encoded data. Can decode both regular Base64 and Base64URL encoded data. Can decode
* only valid Base64[URL] data, behaviour for invalid data is unspecified.
* @throws Throws exception in case of incorrect padding.
* @param dst memory for writing output.
* @param b pointer to the beginning of base64 encoded string.
* @param a pointer to the end of base64 encoded string
* @return Return number of bytes decoded.
size_t Base64Decode(void* dst, const char* b, const char* e);
inline TStringBuf Base64Decode(const TStringBuf src, void* dst) {
return TStringBuf((const char*)dst, Base64Decode(dst, src.begin(), src.end()));
inline void Base64Decode(const TStringBuf src, TString& dst) {
dst.resize(Base64Decode(src, dst.begin()).size());
//WARNING: can process not whole input silently, use Base64StrictDecode instead of this function
inline TString Base64Decode(const TStringBuf s) {
TString ret;
Base64Decode(s, ret);
return ret;
/// @brief Decodes Base64 string with strict verification
/// of invalid symbols, also tries to decode Base64 string with padding
/// inside.
/// @throws Throws exceptions on inputs which contain invalid symbols
/// or incorrect padding.
/// @{
/// @param b a pointer to the beginning of base64 encoded string.
/// @param e a pointer to the end of base64 encoded string.
/// @param dst memory for writing output.
/// @return Returns number of bytes decoded.
size_t Base64StrictDecode(void* dst, const char* b, const char* e);
/// @param src a base64 encoded string.
/// @param dst an pointer to allocated memory
/// for writing result.
/// @return Returns dst wrapped into TStringBuf.
inline TStringBuf Base64StrictDecode(const TStringBuf src, void* dst) {
return TStringBuf((const char*)dst, Base64StrictDecode(dst, src.begin(), src.end()));
/// @param src a base64 encoded string.
/// @param dst a decoded string.
inline void Base64StrictDecode(const TStringBuf src, TString& dst) {
dst.resize(Base64StrictDecode(src, dst.begin()).size());
/// @param src a base64 encoded string.
/// @returns a decoded string.
inline TString Base64StrictDecode(const TStringBuf src) {
TString ret;
Base64StrictDecode(src, ret);
return ret;
/// @}
/// Works with strings which length is not divisible by 4.
TString Base64DecodeUneven(const TStringBuf s);
constexpr size_t Base64EncodeBufSize(const size_t len) noexcept {
return (len + 2) / 3 * 4 + 1;
char* Base64Encode(char* outstr, const unsigned char* instr, size_t len);
char* Base64EncodeUrl(char* outstr, const unsigned char* instr, size_t len);
inline TStringBuf Base64Encode(const TStringBuf src, void* tmp) {
return TStringBuf((const char*)tmp, Base64Encode((char*)tmp, (const unsigned char*)src.data(), src.size()));
inline TStringBuf Base64EncodeUrl(const TStringBuf src, void* tmp) {
return TStringBuf((const char*)tmp, Base64EncodeUrl((char*)tmp, (const unsigned char*)src.data(), src.size()));
inline void Base64Encode(const TStringBuf src, TString& dst) {
dst.resize(Base64Encode(src, dst.begin()).size());
inline void Base64EncodeUrl(const TStringBuf src, TString& dst) {
dst.resize(Base64EncodeUrl(src, dst.begin()).size());
inline TString Base64Encode(const TStringBuf s) {
TString ret;
Base64Encode(s, ret);
return ret;
inline TString Base64EncodeUrl(const TStringBuf s) {
TString ret;
Base64EncodeUrl(s, ret);
return ret;