#pragma once
#include <util/datetime/base.h>
#include <util/generic/vector.h>
#include <util/system/guard.h>
#include <util/system/mutex.h>
#include <util/system/types.h>
#include <util/system/yassert.h>
#include <functional>
#include <limits>
namespace NSlidingWindow {
namespace NPrivate {
template <class TValueType_, class TCmp, TValueType_ initialValue> // std::less for max, std::greater for min
struct TMinMaxOperationImpl {
using TValueType = TValueType_;
using TValueVector = TVector<TValueType>;
static constexpr TValueType InitialValue() {
return initialValue;
// Updates value in current bucket and returns window value
static TValueType UpdateBucket(TValueType windowValue, TValueVector& buckets, size_t index, TValueType newVal) {
Y_ASSERT(index < buckets.size());
TCmp cmp;
TValueType& curVal = buckets[index];
if (cmp(curVal, newVal)) {
curVal = newVal;
if (cmp(windowValue, newVal)) {
windowValue = newVal;
return windowValue;
static TValueType ClearBuckets(TValueType windowValue, TValueVector& buckets, const size_t firstElemIndex, const size_t bucketsToClear) {
Y_ASSERT(firstElemIndex < buckets.size());
Y_ASSERT(bucketsToClear <= buckets.size());
TCmp cmp;
bool needRecalc = false;
size_t current = firstElemIndex;
const size_t arraySize = buckets.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < bucketsToClear; ++i) {
TValueType& curVal = buckets[current];
if (!needRecalc && windowValue == curVal) {
needRecalc = true;
curVal = InitialValue();
current = (current + 1) % arraySize;
if (needRecalc) {
windowValue = InitialValue();
for (size_t i = 0; i < firstElemIndex; ++i) {
const TValueType val = buckets[i];
if (cmp(windowValue, val)) {
windowValue = val;
for (size_t i = current, size = buckets.size(); i < size; ++i) {
const TValueType val = buckets[i];
if (cmp(windowValue, val)) {
windowValue = val;
return windowValue;
template <class TValueType>
using TMaxOperation = NPrivate::TMinMaxOperationImpl<TValueType, std::less<TValueType>, std::numeric_limits<TValueType>::min()>;
template <class TValueType>
using TMinOperation = NPrivate::TMinMaxOperationImpl<TValueType, std::greater<TValueType>, std::numeric_limits<TValueType>::max()>;
template <class TValueType_>
struct TSumOperation {
using TValueType = TValueType_;
using TValueVector = TVector<TValueType>;
static constexpr TValueType InitialValue() {
return TValueType(); // zero
// Updates value in current bucket and returns window value
static TValueType UpdateBucket(TValueType windowValue, TValueVector& buckets, size_t index, TValueType newVal) {
Y_ASSERT(index < buckets.size());
buckets[index] += newVal;
windowValue += newVal;
return windowValue;
static TValueType ClearBuckets(TValueType windowValue, TValueVector& buckets, size_t firstElemIndex, size_t bucketsToClear) {
Y_ASSERT(firstElemIndex < buckets.size());
Y_ASSERT(bucketsToClear <= buckets.size());
const size_t arraySize = buckets.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < bucketsToClear; ++i) {
TValueType& curVal = buckets[firstElemIndex];
windowValue -= curVal;
curVal = InitialValue();
firstElemIndex = (firstElemIndex + 1) % arraySize;
return windowValue;
// TSlidingWindow
template <class TOperation, class TMutexImpl = TFakeMutex>
class TSlidingWindow {
using TValueType = typename TOperation::TValueType;
using TValueVector = TVector<TValueType>;
using TSizeType = typename TValueVector::size_type;
TSlidingWindow(const TDuration& length, TSizeType partsNum)
: Mutex()
, Buckets(partsNum, TOperation::InitialValue()) // vector of size partsNum initialized with initial value
, WindowValue(TOperation::InitialValue())
, FirstElem(0)
, PeriodStart()
, Length(length)
, MicroSecondsPerBucket(length.MicroSeconds() / partsNum)
TSlidingWindow(const TSlidingWindow& w)
: Mutex()
TGuard<TMutexImpl> guard(&w.Mutex);
Buckets = w.Buckets;
WindowValue = w.WindowValue;
FirstElem = w.FirstElem;
PeriodStart = w.PeriodStart;
Length = w.Length;
MicroSecondsPerBucket = w.MicroSecondsPerBucket;
TSlidingWindow(TSlidingWindow&&) = default;
TSlidingWindow& operator=(TSlidingWindow&&) = default;
TSlidingWindow& operator=(const TSlidingWindow&) = delete;
// Period of time
const TDuration& GetDuration() const {
return Length;
// Update window with new value and time
TValueType Update(TValueType val, TInstant t) {
TGuard<TMutexImpl> guard(&Mutex);
return WindowValue;
// Update just time, without new values
TValueType Update(TInstant t) {
TGuard<TMutexImpl> guard(&Mutex);
return WindowValue;
// Get current window value (without updating current time)
TValueType GetValue() const {
TGuard<TMutexImpl> guard(&Mutex);
return WindowValue;
void UpdateCurrentBucket(TValueType val) {
const TSizeType arraySize = Buckets.size();
const TSizeType pos = (FirstElem + arraySize - 1) % arraySize;
WindowValue = TOperation::UpdateBucket(WindowValue, Buckets, pos, val);
void AdvanceTime(const TInstant& time) {
if (time < PeriodStart + Length) {
if (PeriodStart.MicroSeconds() == 0) {
PeriodStart = time - Length;
const TInstant& newPeriodStart = time - Length;
const ui64 tmDiff = (newPeriodStart - PeriodStart).MicroSeconds();
const TSizeType bucketsDiff = tmDiff / MicroSecondsPerBucket;
const TSizeType arraySize = Buckets.size();
const TSizeType buckets = Min(bucketsDiff, arraySize);
WindowValue = TOperation::ClearBuckets(WindowValue, Buckets, FirstElem, buckets);
FirstElem = (FirstElem + buckets) % arraySize;
PeriodStart += TDuration::MicroSeconds(bucketsDiff * MicroSecondsPerBucket);
// Check that PeriodStart lags behind newPeriodStart
// (which is actual, uptodate, precise and equal to time - Length) not more
// then MicroSecondsPerBucket
Y_ASSERT(newPeriodStart >= PeriodStart);
Y_ASSERT((newPeriodStart - PeriodStart).MicroSeconds() <= MicroSecondsPerBucket);
mutable TMutexImpl Mutex;
TValueVector Buckets;
TValueType WindowValue;
TSizeType FirstElem;
TInstant PeriodStart;
TDuration Length;
ui64 MicroSecondsPerBucket;