#pragma once
#include <util/generic/typetraits.h>
#include <google/protobuf/descriptor.h>
#include <google/protobuf/message.h>
namespace NProtoBuf {
// this nasty windows.h macro interfers with protobuf::Reflection::GetMessage()
#if defined(GetMessage)
#undef GetMessage
struct TCppTypeTraitsBase {
static inline bool Has(const Message& msg, const FieldDescriptor* field) { // non-repeated
return msg.GetReflection()->HasField(msg, field);
static inline size_t Size(const Message& msg, const FieldDescriptor* field) { // repeated
return msg.GetReflection()->FieldSize(msg, field);
static inline void Clear(Message& msg, const FieldDescriptor* field) {
msg.GetReflection()->ClearField(&msg, field);
static inline void RemoveLast(Message& msg, const FieldDescriptor* field) {
msg.GetReflection()->RemoveLast(&msg, field);
static inline void SwapElements(Message& msg, const FieldDescriptor* field, int index1, int index2) {
msg.GetReflection()->SwapElements(&msg, field, index1, index2);
// default value accessor
template <FieldDescriptor::CppType cpptype>
struct TCppTypeTraitsDefault;
#define DECLARE_CPPTYPE_DEFAULT(cpptype, method) \
template <> \
struct TCppTypeTraitsDefault<cpptype> { \
static auto GetDefault(const FieldDescriptor* fd) \
-> decltype(fd->default_value_##method()) { \
Y_ASSERT(fd); \
return fd->default_value_##method(); \
} \
DECLARE_CPPTYPE_DEFAULT(FieldDescriptor::CppType::CPPTYPE_INT32, int32);
DECLARE_CPPTYPE_DEFAULT(FieldDescriptor::CppType::CPPTYPE_INT64, int64);
DECLARE_CPPTYPE_DEFAULT(FieldDescriptor::CppType::CPPTYPE_UINT32, uint32);
DECLARE_CPPTYPE_DEFAULT(FieldDescriptor::CppType::CPPTYPE_UINT64, uint64);
// getters/setters of field with specified CppType
template <FieldDescriptor::CppType cpptype>
struct TCppTypeTraits : TCppTypeTraitsBase {
static const FieldDescriptor::CppType CppType = cpptype;
struct T {};
static T Get(const Message& msg, const FieldDescriptor* field);
static T GetRepeated(const Message& msg, const FieldDescriptor* field, int index);
static T GetDefault(const FieldDescriptor* field);
static void Set(Message& msg, const FieldDescriptor* field, T value);
static void AddRepeated(Message& msg, const FieldDescriptor* field, T value);
static void SetRepeated(Message& msg, const FieldDescriptor* field, int index, T value);
// any type T -> CppType
template <typename T>
struct TSelectCppType {
//static const FieldDescriptor::CppType Result = FieldDescriptor::MAX_CPPTYPE;
#define DECLARE_CPPTYPE_TRAITS(cpptype, type, method) \
template <> \
struct TCppTypeTraits<cpptype>: public TCppTypeTraitsBase { \
typedef type T; \
static const FieldDescriptor::CppType CppType = cpptype; \
static inline T Get(const Message& msg, const FieldDescriptor* field) { \
return msg.GetReflection()->Get##method(msg, field); \
} \
static inline T GetRepeated(const Message& msg, const FieldDescriptor* field, int index) { \
return msg.GetReflection()->GetRepeated##method(msg, field, index); \
} \
static inline T GetDefault(const FieldDescriptor* field) { \
return TCppTypeTraitsDefault<cpptype>::GetDefault(field); \
} \
static inline void Set(Message& msg, const FieldDescriptor* field, T value) { \
msg.GetReflection()->Set##method(&msg, field, value); \
} \
static inline void AddRepeated(Message& msg, const FieldDescriptor* field, T value) { \
msg.GetReflection()->Add##method(&msg, field, value); \
} \
static inline void SetRepeated(Message& msg, const FieldDescriptor* field, int index, T value) { \
msg.GetReflection()->SetRepeated##method(&msg, field, index, value); \
} \
}; \
template <> \
struct TSelectCppType<type> { \
static const FieldDescriptor::CppType Result = cpptype; \
typedef type T; \
DECLARE_CPPTYPE_TRAITS(FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_INT32, i32, Int32);
DECLARE_CPPTYPE_TRAITS(FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_INT64, i64, Int64);
DECLARE_CPPTYPE_TRAITS(FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_UINT32, ui32, UInt32);
DECLARE_CPPTYPE_TRAITS(FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_UINT64, ui64, UInt64);
DECLARE_CPPTYPE_TRAITS(FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_DOUBLE, double, Double);
DECLARE_CPPTYPE_TRAITS(FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_ENUM, const EnumValueDescriptor*, Enum);
//DECLARE_CPPTYPE_TRAITS(FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_MESSAGE, const Message&, Message);
// specialization for message pointer
template <>
struct TCppTypeTraits<FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_MESSAGE>: public TCppTypeTraitsBase {
typedef const Message* T;
static const FieldDescriptor::CppType CppType = FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_MESSAGE;
static inline T Get(const Message& msg, const FieldDescriptor* field) {
return &(msg.GetReflection()->GetMessage(msg, field));
static inline T GetRepeated(const Message& msg, const FieldDescriptor* field, int index) {
return &(msg.GetReflection()->GetRepeatedMessage(msg, field, index));
static inline Message* Set(Message& msg, const FieldDescriptor* field, const Message* value) {
Message* ret = msg.GetReflection()->MutableMessage(&msg, field);
return ret;
static inline Message* AddRepeated(Message& msg, const FieldDescriptor* field, const Message* value) {
Message* ret = msg.GetReflection()->AddMessage(&msg, field);
return ret;
static inline Message* SetRepeated(Message& msg, const FieldDescriptor* field, int index, const Message* value) {
Message* ret = msg.GetReflection()->MutableRepeatedMessage(&msg, field, index);
return ret;
template <>
struct TSelectCppType<const Message*> {
static const FieldDescriptor::CppType Result = FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_MESSAGE;
typedef const Message* T;
template <>
struct TSelectCppType<Message> {
static const FieldDescriptor::CppType Result = FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_MESSAGE;
typedef const Message* T;
template <FieldDescriptor::CppType CppType, bool Repeated>
struct TFieldTraits {
typedef TCppTypeTraits<CppType> TBaseTraits;
typedef typename TBaseTraits::T T;
static inline T Get(const Message& msg, const FieldDescriptor* field, size_t index = 0) {
Y_ASSERT(index == 0);
return TBaseTraits::Get(msg, field);
static inline T GetDefault(const FieldDescriptor* field) {
return TBaseTraits::GetDefault(field);
static inline bool Has(const Message& msg, const FieldDescriptor* field) {
return TBaseTraits::Has(msg, field);
static inline size_t Size(const Message& msg, const FieldDescriptor* field) {
return Has(msg, field);
static inline void Set(Message& msg, const FieldDescriptor* field, T value, size_t index = 0) {
Y_ASSERT(index == 0);
TBaseTraits::Set(msg, field, value);
static inline void Add(Message& msg, const FieldDescriptor* field, T value) {
TBaseTraits::Set(msg, field, value);
template <FieldDescriptor::CppType CppType>
struct TFieldTraits<CppType, true> {
typedef TCppTypeTraits<CppType> TBaseTraits;
typedef typename TBaseTraits::T T;
static inline T Get(const Message& msg, const FieldDescriptor* field, size_t index = 0) {
return TBaseTraits::GetRepeated(msg, field, index);
static inline T GetDefault(const FieldDescriptor* field) {
return TBaseTraits::GetDefault(field);
static inline size_t Size(const Message& msg, const FieldDescriptor* field) {
return TBaseTraits::Size(msg, field);
static inline bool Has(const Message& msg, const FieldDescriptor* field) {
return Size(msg, field) > 0;
static inline void Set(Message& msg, const FieldDescriptor* field, T value, size_t index = 0) {
TBaseTraits::SetRepeated(msg, field, index, value);
static inline void Add(Message& msg, const FieldDescriptor* field, T value) {
TBaseTraits::AddRepeated(msg, field, value);
// Simpler interface at the cost of checking is_repeated() on each call
template <FieldDescriptor::CppType CppType>
struct TSimpleFieldTraits {
typedef TFieldTraits<CppType, true> TRepeated;
typedef TFieldTraits<CppType, false> TSingle;
typedef typename TRepeated::T T;
static inline size_t Size(const Message& msg, const FieldDescriptor* field) {
if (field->is_repeated())
return TRepeated::Size(msg, field);
return TSingle::Size(msg, field);
static inline bool Has(const Message& msg, const FieldDescriptor* field) {
if (field->is_repeated())
return TRepeated::Has(msg, field);
return TSingle::Has(msg, field);
static inline T Get(const Message& msg, const FieldDescriptor* field, size_t index = 0) {
Y_ASSERT(index < Size(msg, field) || !field->is_repeated() && index == 0); // Get for single fields is always allowed because of default values
if (field->is_repeated())
return TRepeated::Get(msg, field, index);
return TSingle::Get(msg, field, index);
static inline T GetDefault(const FieldDescriptor* field) {
return TSingle::GetDefault(field);
static inline void Set(Message& msg, const FieldDescriptor* field, T value, size_t index = 0) {
Y_ASSERT(!field->is_repeated() && index == 0 || index < Size(msg, field));
if (field->is_repeated())
TRepeated::Set(msg, field, value, index);
TSingle::Set(msg, field, value, index);
static inline void Add(Message& msg, const FieldDescriptor* field, T value) {
if (field->is_repeated())
TRepeated::Add(msg, field, value);
TSingle::Add(msg, field, value);
// some cpp-type groups
template <FieldDescriptor::CppType CppType>
struct TIsIntegerCppType {
enum {
Result = CppType == FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_INT32 ||
CppType == FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_INT64 ||
CppType == FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_UINT32 ||
CppType == FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_UINT64
template <FieldDescriptor::CppType CppType>
struct TIsFloatCppType {
enum {
Result = CppType == FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_FLOAT ||
CppType == FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_DOUBLE
template <FieldDescriptor::CppType CppType>
struct TIsNumericCppType {
enum {
Result = CppType == FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_BOOL ||
TIsIntegerCppType<CppType>::Result ||
// a helper macro for splitting flow by cpp-type (e.g. in a switch)
TMP_MACRO_FOR_CPPTYPE(NProtoBuf::FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_INT32) \
TMP_MACRO_FOR_CPPTYPE(NProtoBuf::FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_INT64) \