#pragma once
#include "string_transform.h"
#include "name_generator.h"
#include <util/generic/vector.h>
#include <util/generic/yexception.h>
#include <util/string/cast.h>
#include <library/cpp/json/json_writer.h>
#include <functional>
namespace NProtobufJson {
struct TProto2JsonConfig {
using TSelf = TProto2JsonConfig;
ui32 DoubleNDigits = NJson::TJsonWriterConfig::DefaultDoubleNDigits;
ui32 FloatNDigits = NJson::TJsonWriterConfig::DefaultFloatNDigits;
EFloatToStringMode FloatToStringMode = NJson::TJsonWriterConfig::DefaultFloatToStringMode;
bool FormatOutput = false;
enum MissingKeyMode {
// Skip missing keys
MissingKeySkip = 0,
// Fill missing keys with json null value.
// Use default value in any case.
// If default value is not explicitly defined, use default type value:
// i.e. 0 for integers, "" for strings
// For repeated keys, means []
// Use default value if it is explicitly specified for optional fields.
// Skip if no explicitly defined default value for optional fields.
// Throw exception if required field is empty.
// For repeated keys, same as MissingKeySkip
MissingKeyMode MissingSingleKeyMode = MissingKeySkip;
MissingKeyMode MissingRepeatedKeyMode = MissingKeySkip;
/// Add null value for missing fields (false by default).
bool AddMissingFields = false;
enum EnumValueMode {
EnumNumber = 0, // default
EnumValueMode EnumMode = EnumNumber;
enum FldNameMode {
FieldNameOriginalCase = 0, // default
FieldNameSnakeCase, // ABC -> a_b_c, UserID -> user_i_d
FieldNameSnakeCaseDense // ABC -> abc, UserID -> user_id
FldNameMode FieldNameMode = FieldNameOriginalCase;
enum ExtFldNameMode {
ExtFldNameFull = 0, // default, field.full_name()
ExtFldNameShort // field.name()
ExtFldNameMode ExtensionFieldNameMode = ExtFldNameFull;
/// Use 'json_name' protobuf option for field name, mutually exclusive
/// with FieldNameMode.
bool UseJsonName = false;
/// Use 'json_enum_value' protobuf option for enum value, mutually exclusive
/// with EnumValueMode
bool UseJsonEnumValue = false;
// Allow nonstandard conversions, e.g. from google.protobuf.Duration to string
bool ConvertTimeAsString = false;
/// Transforms will be applied only to string values (== protobuf fields of string / bytes type).
/// yajl_encode_string will be used if no transforms are specified.
TVector<TStringTransformPtr> StringTransforms;
/// Print map as object, otherwise print it as array of key/value objects
bool MapAsObject = false;
enum EStringifyNumbersMode {
StringifyLongNumbersNever = 0, // default
/// Stringify long integers which are not exactly representable by float or double values. Not affect repeated numbers, for repeated use StringifyNumbersRepeated
EStringifyNumbersMode StringifyNumbers = StringifyLongNumbersNever;
/// Stringify repeated long integers which are not exactly representable by float or double values. May cause heterogenous arrays, use StringifyInt64Always or StringifyLongNumbersNever to avoid
EStringifyNumbersMode StringifyNumbersRepeated = StringifyLongNumbersNever;
/// Decode Any fields content
bool ConvertAny = false;
/// Custom field names generator.
TNameGenerator NameGenerator = {};
/// Custom enum values generator.
TEnumValueGenerator EnumValueGenerator = {};
bool WriteNanAsString = false;
// Sort keys in maps before serialization.
bool SortMapKeys = false;
TSelf& SetDoubleNDigits(ui32 ndigits) {
DoubleNDigits = ndigits;
return *this;
TSelf& SetFloatNDigits(ui32 ndigits) {
FloatNDigits = ndigits;
return *this;
TSelf& SetFloatToStringMode(EFloatToStringMode mode) {
FloatToStringMode = mode;
return *this;
TSelf& SetFormatOutput(bool format) {
FormatOutput = format;
return *this;
TSelf& SetMissingSingleKeyMode(MissingKeyMode mode) {
MissingSingleKeyMode = mode;
return *this;
TSelf& SetMissingRepeatedKeyMode(MissingKeyMode mode) {
MissingRepeatedKeyMode = mode;
return *this;
TSelf& SetAddMissingFields(bool add) {
AddMissingFields = add;
return *this;
TSelf& SetEnumMode(EnumValueMode mode) {
Y_ENSURE(!UseJsonEnumValue || mode == EnumNumber, "EnumValueMode and UseJsonEnumValue are mutually exclusive");
EnumMode = mode;
return *this;
TSelf& SetFieldNameMode(FldNameMode mode) {
Y_ENSURE(mode == FieldNameOriginalCase || !UseJsonName, "FieldNameMode and UseJsonName are mutually exclusive");
FieldNameMode = mode;
return *this;
TSelf& SetUseJsonName(bool jsonName) {
Y_ENSURE(!jsonName || FieldNameMode == FieldNameOriginalCase, "FieldNameMode and UseJsonName are mutually exclusive");
UseJsonName = jsonName;
return *this;
TSelf& SetUseJsonEnumValue(bool jsonEnumValue) {
Y_ENSURE(!jsonEnumValue || EnumMode == EnumNumber, "EnumValueMode and UseJsonEnumValue are mutually exclusive");
UseJsonEnumValue = jsonEnumValue;
return *this;
TSelf& SetConvertTimeAsString(bool value) {
ConvertTimeAsString = value;
return *this;
TSelf& SetExtensionFieldNameMode(ExtFldNameMode mode) {
ExtensionFieldNameMode = mode;
return *this;
TSelf& AddStringTransform(TStringTransformPtr transform) {
return *this;
TSelf& SetMapAsObject(bool value) {
MapAsObject = value;
return *this;
TSelf& SetSortMapKeys(bool value) {
SortMapKeys = value;
return *this;
TSelf& SetStringifyNumbers(EStringifyNumbersMode stringify) {
StringifyNumbers = stringify;
return *this;
TSelf& SetStringifyNumbersRepeated(EStringifyNumbersMode stringify) {
StringifyNumbersRepeated = stringify;
return *this;
TSelf& SetNameGenerator(TNameGenerator callback) {
NameGenerator = callback;
return *this;
TSelf& SetEnumValueGenerator(TEnumValueGenerator callback) {
EnumValueGenerator = callback;
return *this;
TSelf& SetWriteNanAsString(bool value) {
WriteNanAsString = value;
return *this;
TSelf& SetConvertAny(bool value) {
ConvertAny = value;
return *this;