blob: 7bc16affa0198c3fcfc373d5f1cafd9b27afffc8 (
plain) (
#pragma once
#include "factory.h"
#include "http_common.h"
#include <util/datetime/base.h>
#include <library/cpp/dns/cache.h>
#include <utility>
namespace NNeh {
IProtocol* Http1Protocol();
IProtocol* Post1Protocol();
IProtocol* Full1Protocol();
IProtocol* Http2Protocol();
IProtocol* Post2Protocol();
IProtocol* Full2Protocol();
IProtocol* UnixSocketGetProtocol();
IProtocol* UnixSocketPostProtocol();
IProtocol* UnixSocketFullProtocol();
//global options
struct THttp2Options {
//connect timeout
static TDuration ConnectTimeout;
//input and output timeouts
static TDuration InputDeadline;
static TDuration OutputDeadline;
//when detected slow connection, will be runned concurrent parallel connection
//not used, if SymptomSlowConnect > ConnectTimeout
static TDuration SymptomSlowConnect;
//input buffer size
static size_t InputBufferSize;
//http client input buffer politic
static bool KeepInputBufferForCachedConnections;
//asio threads
static size_t AsioThreads;
//asio server threads, - if == 0, use acceptor thread for read/parse incoming requests
//esle use one thread for accepting + AsioServerThreads for process established tcp connections
static size_t AsioServerThreads;
//use ACK for ensure completely sending request (call ioctl() for checking emptiness output buffer)
//reliable check, but can spend to much time (40ms or like it) (see Wikipedia: TCP delayed acknowledgment)
//disabling this option reduce sending validation to established connection and written all request data to socket buffer
static bool EnsureSendingCompleteByAck;
//listen socket queue limit
static int Backlog;
//expecting receiving request data right after connect or inside receiving request data
static TDuration ServerInputDeadline;
//timelimit for sending response data
static TDuration ServerOutputDeadline;
//expecting receiving request for keep-alived socket
//(Max - if not reached SoftLimit, Min, if reached Hard limit)
static TDuration ServerInputDeadlineKeepAliveMax;
static TDuration ServerInputDeadlineKeepAliveMin;
//try write data into socket fd in contex handler->SendReply() call
//(instead moving write job to asio thread)
//this reduce sys_cpu load (less sys calls), but increase user_cpu and response time
static bool ServerUseDirectWrite;
//use http response body as error message
static bool UseResponseAsErrorMessage;
//pass all http response headers as error message
static bool FullHeadersAsErrorMessage;
//use details (SendError argument) as response body
static bool ErrorDetailsAsResponseBody;
//consider responses with 3xx code as successful
static bool RedirectionNotError;
//consider response with any code as successful
static bool AnyResponseIsNotError;
//enable tcp keepalive for outgoing requests sockets
static bool TcpKeepAlive;
//enable limit requests per keep alive connection
static i32 LimitRequestsPerConnection;
static bool QuickAck;
// enable write to socket via ScheduleOp
static bool UseAsyncSendRequest;
//set option, - return false, if option name not recognized
static bool Set(TStringBuf name, TStringBuf value);
/// if exceed soft limit, reduce quantity unused connections in cache
void SetHttp2OutputConnectionsLimits(size_t softLimit, size_t hardLimit);
/// if exceed soft limit, reduce quantity unused connections in cache
void SetHttp2InputConnectionsLimits(size_t softLimit, size_t hardLimit);
/// for debug and monitoring purposes
TAtomicBase GetHttpOutputConnectionCount();
TAtomicBase GetHttpInputConnectionCount();
std::pair<size_t, size_t> GetHttpOutputConnectionLimits();
/// unused input sockets keepalive timeouts
/// real(used) timeout:
/// - max, if not reached soft limit
/// - min, if reached hard limit
/// - approx. linear changed[max..min], while conn. count in range [soft..hard]
void SetHttp2InputConnectionsTimeouts(unsigned minSeconds, unsigned maxSeconds);