#pragma once
//primary header for work with asio
#include <util/generic/ptr.h>
#include <util/generic/string.h>
#include <util/generic/vector.h>
#include <util/network/socket.h>
#include <util/network/endpoint.h>
#include <util/system/error.h>
#include <util/stream/output.h>
#include <functional>
#include <library/cpp/dns/cache.h>
//#define DEBUG_ASIO
class TContIOVector;
namespace NAsio {
class TErrorCode {
inline TErrorCode(int val = 0) noexcept
: Val_(val)
typedef void (*TUnspecifiedBoolType)();
static void UnspecifiedBoolTrue() {
//safe cast to bool value
operator TUnspecifiedBoolType() const noexcept { // true if error
return Val_ == 0 ? nullptr : UnspecifiedBoolTrue;
bool operator!() const noexcept {
return Val_ == 0;
void Assign(int val) noexcept {
Val_ = val;
int Value() const noexcept {
return Val_;
TString Text() const {
if (!Val_) {
return TString();
return LastSystemErrorText(Val_);
void Check() {
if (Val_) {
throw TSystemError(Val_);
int Val_;
//wrapper for TInstant, for enabling use TDuration (+TInstant::Now()) as deadline
class TDeadline: public TInstant {
: TInstant(TInstant::Max())
TDeadline(const TInstant& t)
: TInstant(t)
TDeadline(const TDuration& d)
: TInstant(TInstant::Now() + d)
class IHandlingContext {
virtual ~IHandlingContext() {
//if handler throw exception, call this function be ignored
virtual void ContinueUseHandler(TDeadline deadline = TDeadline()) = 0;
typedef std::function<void()> TCompletionHandler;
class TIOService: public TNonCopyable {
void Run();
void Post(TCompletionHandler); //call handler in Run() thread-executor
void Abort(); //in Run() all exist async i/o operations + timers receive error = ECANCELED, Run() exited
// not const since internal queue is lockfree and needs to increment and decrement its reference counters
size_t GetOpQueueSize() noexcept;
//counterpart boost::asio::io_service::work
class TWork {
void operator=(const TWork&); //disable
TIOService& Srv_;
class TImpl;
TImpl& GetImpl() noexcept {
return *Impl_;
THolder<TImpl> Impl_;
class TDeadlineTimer: public TNonCopyable {
typedef std::function<void(const TErrorCode& err, IHandlingContext&)> THandler;
TDeadlineTimer(TIOService&) noexcept;
void AsyncWaitExpireAt(TDeadline, THandler);
void Cancel();
TIOService& GetIOService() const noexcept {
return Srv_;
class TImpl;
TIOService& Srv_;
TImpl* Impl_;
class TTcpSocket: public TNonCopyable {
class IBuffers {
virtual ~IBuffers() {
virtual TContIOVector* GetIOvec() = 0;
typedef TAutoPtr<IBuffers> TSendedData;
typedef std::function<void(const TErrorCode& err, IHandlingContext&)> THandler;
typedef THandler TConnectHandler;
typedef std::function<void(const TErrorCode& err, size_t amount, IHandlingContext&)> TWriteHandler;
typedef std::function<void(const TErrorCode& err, size_t amount, IHandlingContext&)> TReadHandler;
typedef THandler TPollHandler;
enum TShutdownMode {
ShutdownReceive = SHUT_RD,
ShutdownSend = SHUT_WR,
ShutdownBoth = SHUT_RDWR
TTcpSocket(TIOService&) noexcept;
void AsyncConnect(const TEndpoint& ep, TConnectHandler, TDeadline deadline = TDeadline());
void AsyncWrite(TSendedData&, TWriteHandler, TDeadline deadline = TDeadline());
void AsyncWrite(TContIOVector* buff, TWriteHandler, TDeadline deadline = TDeadline());
void AsyncWrite(const void* buff, size_t size, TWriteHandler, TDeadline deadline = TDeadline());
void AsyncRead(void* buff, size_t size, TReadHandler, TDeadline deadline = TDeadline());
void AsyncReadSome(void* buff, size_t size, TReadHandler, TDeadline deadline = TDeadline());
void AsyncPollWrite(TPollHandler, TDeadline deadline = TDeadline());
void AsyncPollRead(TPollHandler, TDeadline deadline = TDeadline());
void AsyncCancel();
//sync, but non blocked methods
size_t WriteSome(TContIOVector&, TErrorCode&) noexcept;
size_t WriteSome(const void* buff, size_t size, TErrorCode&) noexcept;
size_t ReadSome(void* buff, size_t size, TErrorCode&) noexcept;
bool IsOpen() const noexcept;
void Shutdown(TShutdownMode mode, TErrorCode& ec);
TIOService& GetIOService() const noexcept {
return Srv_;
SOCKET Native() const noexcept;
TEndpoint RemoteEndpoint() const;
inline size_t WriteSome(TContIOVector& v) {
TErrorCode ec;
size_t n = WriteSome(v, ec);
return n;
inline size_t WriteSome(const void* buff, size_t size) {
TErrorCode ec;
size_t n = WriteSome(buff, size, ec);
return n;
inline size_t ReadSome(void* buff, size_t size) {
TErrorCode ec;
size_t n = ReadSome(buff, size, ec);
return n;
void Shutdown(TShutdownMode mode) {
TErrorCode ec;
Shutdown(mode, ec);
class TImpl;
TImpl& GetImpl() const noexcept {
return *Impl_;
TIOService& Srv_;
TIntrusivePtr<TImpl> Impl_;
class TTcpAcceptor: public TNonCopyable {
typedef std::function<void(const TErrorCode& err, IHandlingContext&)> TAcceptHandler;
TTcpAcceptor(TIOService&) noexcept;
void Bind(TEndpoint&, TErrorCode&) noexcept;
void Listen(int backlog, TErrorCode&) noexcept;
void AsyncAccept(TTcpSocket&, TAcceptHandler, TDeadline deadline = TDeadline());
void AsyncCancel();
inline void Bind(TEndpoint& ep) {
TErrorCode ec;
Bind(ep, ec);
inline void Listen(int backlog) {
TErrorCode ec;
Listen(backlog, ec);
TIOService& GetIOService() const noexcept {
return Srv_;
class TImpl;
TImpl& GetImpl() const noexcept {
return *Impl_;
TIOService& Srv_;
TIntrusivePtr<TImpl> Impl_;