#pragma once
#include <util/generic/array_ref.h>
#include <util/generic/ptr.h>
#include <util/generic/vector.h>
#include <util/generic/yexception.h>
#include <cmath>
#include <limits>
namespace NMonitoring {
using TBucketBound = double;
using TBucketValue = ui64;
using TBucketBounds = TVector<TBucketBound>;
using TBucketValues = TVector<TBucketValue>;
constexpr ui32 HISTOGRAM_MAX_BUCKETS_COUNT = 51;
constexpr TBucketBound HISTOGRAM_INF_BOUND = std::numeric_limits<TBucketBound>::max();
// IHistogramSnapshot
class IHistogramSnapshot: public TAtomicRefCount<IHistogramSnapshot> {
virtual ~IHistogramSnapshot() = default;
* @return buckets count.
virtual ui32 Count() const = 0;
* @return upper bound for the bucket with particular index.
virtual TBucketBound UpperBound(ui32 index) const = 0;
* @return value stored in the bucket with particular index.
virtual TBucketValue Value(ui32 index) const = 0;
using IHistogramSnapshotPtr = TIntrusivePtr<IHistogramSnapshot>;
// TLinearHistogramSnapshot
class TLinearHistogramSnapshot: public IHistogramSnapshot {
TBucketBound startValue, TBucketBound bucketWidth, TBucketValues values)
: StartValue_(startValue)
, BucketWidth_(bucketWidth)
, Values_(std::move(values))
ui32 Count() const override {
return static_cast<ui32>(Values_.size());
TBucketBound UpperBound(ui32 index) const override {
Y_ASSERT(index < Values_.size());
if (index == Count() - 1) {
return Max<TBucketBound>();
return StartValue_ + BucketWidth_ * index;
TBucketValue Value(ui32 index) const override {
Y_ASSERT(index < Values_.size());
return Values_[index];
ui64 MemorySizeBytes() {
return sizeof(*this) + Values_.capacity() * sizeof(decltype(Values_)::value_type);
TBucketBound StartValue_;
TBucketBound BucketWidth_;
TBucketValues Values_;
// TExponentialHistogramSnapshot
class TExponentialHistogramSnapshot: public IHistogramSnapshot {
double base, double scale, TBucketValues values)
: Base_(base)
, Scale_(scale)
, Values_(std::move(values))
ui32 Count() const override {
return static_cast<ui32>(Values_.size());
TBucketBound UpperBound(ui32 index) const override {
Y_ASSERT(index < Values_.size());
if (index == Values_.size() - 1) {
return Max<TBucketBound>();
return std::round(Scale_ * std::pow(Base_, index));
TBucketValue Value(ui32 index) const override {
Y_ASSERT(index < Values_.size());
return Values_[index];
ui64 MemorySizeBytes() {
return sizeof(*this) + Values_.capacity() * sizeof(decltype(Values_)::value_type);
double Base_;
double Scale_;
TBucketValues Values_;
using TBucket = std::pair<TBucketBound, TBucketValue>;
// TExplicitHistogramSnapshot
// Memory layout (single contiguous block):
// +------+-----------+--------------+--------+--------+- -+--------+--------+
// | vptr | RefsCount | BucketsCount | Bound1 | Value1 | ... | BoundN | ValueN |
// +------+-----------+--------------+--------+--------+- -+--------+--------+
class alignas(TBucketValue) TExplicitHistogramSnapshot: public IHistogramSnapshot, private TNonCopyable {
static TIntrusivePtr<TExplicitHistogramSnapshot> New(ui32 bucketsCount) {
size_t bucketsSize = bucketsCount * sizeof(TBucket);
Y_ENSURE(bucketsCount <= HISTOGRAM_MAX_BUCKETS_COUNT, "Cannot allocate a histogram with " << bucketsCount
<< " buckets. Bucket count is limited to " << HISTOGRAM_MAX_BUCKETS_COUNT);
return new(bucketsSize) TExplicitHistogramSnapshot(bucketsCount);
TBucket& operator[](ui32 index) noexcept {
return Bucket(index);
ui32 Count() const override {
return BucketsCount_;
TBucketBound UpperBound(ui32 index) const override {
return Bucket(index).first;
TBucketValue Value(ui32 index) const override {
return Bucket(index).second;
ui64 MemorySizeBytes() const {
return sizeof(*this) + BucketsCount_ * sizeof(TBucket);
explicit TExplicitHistogramSnapshot(ui32 bucketsCount) noexcept
: BucketsCount_(bucketsCount)
static void* operator new(size_t size, size_t bucketsSize) {
return ::operator new(size + bucketsSize);
static void operator delete(void* mem) {
::operator delete(mem);
static void operator delete(void* mem, size_t, size_t) {
// this operator can be called as paired for custom new operator
::operator delete(mem);
TBucket& Bucket(ui32 index) noexcept {
Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(index < BucketsCount_);
return *(reinterpret_cast<TBucket*>(this + 1) + index);
const TBucket& Bucket(ui32 index) const noexcept {
Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(index < BucketsCount_);
return *(reinterpret_cast<const TBucket*>(this + 1) + index);
ui32 BucketsCount_;
static_assert(alignof(TExplicitHistogramSnapshot) == alignof(TBucket),
"mismatched alingments of THistogramSnapshot and TBucket");
IHistogramSnapshotPtr ExplicitHistogramSnapshot(TConstArrayRef<TBucketBound> bounds, TConstArrayRef<TBucketValue> values, bool shrinkBuckets = false);
} // namespace NMonitoring
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const NMonitoring::IHistogramSnapshot& hist);