#include "legacy_protobuf.h"
#include <library/cpp/monlib/encode/legacy_protobuf/protos/metric_meta.pb.h>
#include <library/cpp/monlib/metrics/metric_consumer.h>
#include <library/cpp/monlib/metrics/labels.h>
#include <util/generic/yexception.h>
#include <util/generic/maybe.h>
#include <util/datetime/base.h>
#include <util/string/split.h>
#include <google/protobuf/reflection.h>
#include <algorithm>
#define TRACE(msg) \
Cerr << msg << Endl
#define TRACE(...) ;
namespace NMonitoring {
namespace {
using TMaybeMeta = TMaybe<NMonProto::TMetricMeta>;
TString ReadLabelValue(const NProtoBuf::Message& msg, const NProtoBuf::FieldDescriptor* d, const NProtoBuf::Reflection& r) {
using namespace NProtoBuf;
switch (d->type()) {
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_UINT32:
return ::ToString(r.GetUInt32(msg, d));
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_UINT64:
return ::ToString(r.GetUInt64(msg, d));
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_STRING:
return r.GetString(msg, d);
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_ENUM: {
auto val = r.GetEnumValue(msg, d);
auto* valDesc = d->enum_type()->FindValueByNumber(val);
return valDesc->name();
ythrow yexception() << "type " << d->type_name() << " cannot be used as a field value";
return {};
double ReadFieldAsDouble(const NProtoBuf::Message& msg, const NProtoBuf::FieldDescriptor* d, const NProtoBuf::Reflection& r) {
using namespace NProtoBuf;
switch (d->type()) {
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_DOUBLE:
return r.GetDouble(msg, d);
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_BOOL:
return r.GetBool(msg, d) ? 1 : 0;
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_INT32:
return r.GetInt32(msg, d);
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_INT64:
return r.GetInt64(msg, d);
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_UINT32:
return r.GetUInt32(msg, d);
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_UINT64:
return r.GetUInt64(msg, d);
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_SINT32:
return r.GetInt32(msg, d);
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_SINT64:
return r.GetInt64(msg, d);
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_FIXED32:
return r.GetUInt32(msg, d);
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_FIXED64:
return r.GetUInt64(msg, d);
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_SFIXED32:
return r.GetInt32(msg, d);
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_SFIXED64:
return r.GetInt64(msg, d);
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_FLOAT:
return r.GetFloat(msg, d);
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_ENUM:
return r.GetEnumValue(msg, d);
ythrow yexception() << "type " << d->type_name() << " cannot be used as a field value";
return std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
double ReadRepeatedAsDouble(const NProtoBuf::Message& msg, const NProtoBuf::FieldDescriptor* d, const NProtoBuf::Reflection& r, size_t i) {
using namespace NProtoBuf;
switch (d->type()) {
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_DOUBLE:
return r.GetRepeatedDouble(msg, d, i);
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_BOOL:
return r.GetRepeatedBool(msg, d, i) ? 1 : 0;
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_INT32:
return r.GetRepeatedInt32(msg, d, i);
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_INT64:
return r.GetRepeatedInt64(msg, d, i);
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_UINT32:
return r.GetRepeatedUInt32(msg, d, i);
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_UINT64:
return r.GetRepeatedUInt64(msg, d, i);
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_SINT32:
return r.GetRepeatedInt32(msg, d, i);
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_SINT64:
return r.GetRepeatedInt64(msg, d, i);
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_FIXED32:
return r.GetRepeatedUInt32(msg, d, i);
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_FIXED64:
return r.GetRepeatedUInt64(msg, d, i);
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_SFIXED32:
return r.GetRepeatedInt32(msg, d, i);
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_SFIXED64:
return r.GetRepeatedInt64(msg, d, i);
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_FLOAT:
return r.GetRepeatedFloat(msg, d, i);
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_ENUM:
return r.GetRepeatedEnumValue(msg, d, i);
ythrow yexception() << "type " << d->type_name() << " cannot be used as a field value";
return std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
TString LabelFromField(const NProtoBuf::Message& msg, const TString& name) {
const auto* fieldDesc = msg.GetDescriptor()->FindFieldByName(name);
const auto* reflection = msg.GetReflection();
Y_ENSURE(fieldDesc && reflection, "Unable to get meta for field " << name);
auto s = ReadLabelValue(msg, fieldDesc, *reflection);
std::replace(std::begin(s), s.vend(), ' ', '_');
return s;
TMaybeMeta MaybeGetMeta(const NProtoBuf::FieldOptions& opts) {
if (opts.HasExtension(NMonProto::Metric)) {
return opts.GetExtension(NMonProto::Metric);
return Nothing();
class ILabelGetter: public TThrRefBase {
enum class EType {
Fixed = 1,
Lazy = 2,
virtual TLabel Get(const NProtoBuf::Message&) = 0;
virtual EType Type() const = 0;
class TFixedLabel: public ILabelGetter {
explicit TFixedLabel(TLabel&& l)
: Label_{std::move(l)}
TRACE("found fixed label " << l);
EType Type() const override {
return EType::Fixed;
TLabel Get(const NProtoBuf::Message&) override {
return Label_;
TLabel Label_;
using TFunction = std::function<TLabel(const NProtoBuf::Message&)>;
class TLazyLabel: public ILabelGetter {
TLazyLabel(TFunction&& fn)
: Fn_{std::move(fn)}
TRACE("found lazy label");
EType Type() const override {
return EType::Lazy;
TLabel Get(const NProtoBuf::Message& msg) override {
return Fn_(msg);
TFunction Fn_;
class TDecoderContext {
void Init(const NProtoBuf::Message* msg) {
Message_ = msg;
Reflection_ = msg->GetReflection();
for (auto it = Labels_.begin(); it != Labels_.end(); ++it) {
if ((*it)->Type() == ILabelGetter::EType::Lazy) {
auto l = (*it)->Get(Message());
*it = ::MakeIntrusive<TFixedLabel>(std::move(l));
} else {
auto l = (*it)->Get(Message());
void Clear() noexcept {
Message_ = nullptr;
Reflection_ = nullptr;
TDecoderContext CreateChildFromMeta(const NMonProto::TMetricMeta& metricMeta, const TString& name, i64 repeatedIdx = -1) {
TDecoderContext child{*this};
if (metricMeta.HasCustomPath()) {
if (const auto& nodePath = metricMeta.GetCustomPath()) {
} else if (metricMeta.GetPath()) {
if (metricMeta.HasKeys()) {
child.ParseKeys(metricMeta.GetKeys(), repeatedIdx);
return child;
TDecoderContext CreateChildFromRepeatedScalar(const NMonProto::TMetricMeta& metricMeta, i64 repeatedIdx = -1) {
TDecoderContext child{*this};
if (metricMeta.HasKeys()) {
child.ParseKeys(metricMeta.GetKeys(), repeatedIdx);
return child;
TDecoderContext CreateChildFromEls(const TString& name, const NMonProto::TExtraLabelMetrics& metrics, size_t idx, TMaybeMeta maybeMeta) {
TDecoderContext child{*this};
auto usePath = [&maybeMeta] {
return !maybeMeta->HasPath() || maybeMeta->GetPath();
if (!name.empty() && (!maybeMeta || usePath())) {
[ labelName = metrics.GetlabelName(), idx, &metrics ](const auto&) {
const auto& val = metrics.Getvalues(idx);
TString labelVal;
const auto uintLabel = val.GetlabelValueUint();
if (uintLabel) {
labelVal = ::ToString(uintLabel);
} else {
labelVal = val.GetlabelValue();
return TLabel{labelName, labelVal};
return child;
void ParseKeys(TStringBuf keys, i64 repeatedIdx = -1) {
auto parts = StringSplitter(keys)
.Split(' ')
for (auto part : parts) {
auto str = part.Token();
TStringBuf lhs, rhs;
const bool isDynamic = str.TrySplit(':', lhs, rhs);
const bool isIndexing = isDynamic && rhs == TStringBuf("#");
if (isIndexing) {
TRACE("parsed index labels");
// <label_name>:# means that we should use index of the repeated
// field as label value
Y_ENSURE(repeatedIdx != -1);
Labels_.push_back(::MakeIntrusive<TLazyLabel>([=](const auto&) {
return TLabel{lhs, ::ToString(repeatedIdx)};
} else if (isDynamic) {
TRACE("parsed dynamic labels");
// <label_name>:<field_name> means that we need to take label value
// later from message's field
Labels_.push_back(::MakeIntrusive<TLazyLabel>([=](const auto& msg) {
return TLabel{lhs, LabelFromField(msg, TString{rhs})};
} else if (str.TrySplit('=', lhs, rhs)) {
TRACE("parsed static labels");
// <label_name>=<label_value> stands for constant label
Labels_.push_back(::MakeIntrusive<TFixedLabel>(TLabel{lhs, rhs}));
} else {
ythrow yexception() << "Incorrect Keys format";
void AppendPath(TStringBuf fieldName) {
Path_ += '/';
Path_ += fieldName;
const TString& Path() const {
return Path_;
TLabels Labels() const {
TLabels result;
for (auto&& l : Labels_) {
return result;
const NProtoBuf::Message& Message() const {
return *Message_;
const NProtoBuf::Reflection& Reflection() const {
return *Reflection_;
const NProtoBuf::Message* Message_{nullptr};
const NProtoBuf::Reflection* Reflection_{nullptr};
TString Path_;
TVector<TIntrusivePtr<ILabelGetter>> Labels_;
class TDecoder {
TDecoder(IMetricConsumer* consumer, const NProtoBuf::Message& message, TInstant timestamp)
: Consumer_{consumer}
, Message_{message}
, Timestamp_{timestamp}
void Decode() const {
void DecodeToStream() const {
DecodeImpl(Message_, {});
static const NMonProto::TExtraLabelMetrics& ExtractExtraMetrics(TDecoderContext& ctx, const NProtoBuf::FieldDescriptor& f) {
const auto& parent = ctx.Message();
const auto& reflection = ctx.Reflection();
auto& subMessage = reflection.GetMessage(parent, &f);
return dynamic_cast<const NMonProto::TExtraLabelMetrics&>(subMessage);
void DecodeImpl(const NProtoBuf::Message& msg, TDecoderContext ctx) const {
std::vector<const NProtoBuf::FieldDescriptor*> fields;
ctx.Reflection().ListFields(msg, &fields);
for (const auto* f : fields) {
const auto& opts = f->options();
const auto isMessage = f->type() == NProtoBuf::FieldDescriptor::TYPE_MESSAGE;
const auto isExtraLabelMetrics = isMessage && f->message_type()->full_name() == "NMonProto.TExtraLabelMetrics";
const auto maybeMeta = MaybeGetMeta(opts);
if (!(maybeMeta || isExtraLabelMetrics)) {
if (isExtraLabelMetrics) {
const auto& extra = ExtractExtraMetrics(ctx, *f);
RecurseExtraLabelMetrics(ctx, extra, f->name(), maybeMeta);
} else if (isMessage) {
RecurseMessage(ctx, *maybeMeta, *f);
} else if (f->is_repeated()) {
RecurseRepeatedScalar(ctx, *maybeMeta, *f);
} else if (maybeMeta->HasType()) {
const auto val = ReadFieldAsDouble(msg, f, ctx.Reflection());
const bool isRate = maybeMeta->GetType() == NMonProto::EMetricType::RATE;
WriteMetric(val, ctx, f->name(), isRate);
void RecurseRepeatedScalar(TDecoderContext ctx, const NMonProto::TMetricMeta& meta, const NProtoBuf::FieldDescriptor& f) const {
auto&& msg = ctx.Message();
auto&& reflection = ctx.Reflection();
const bool isRate = meta.GetType() == NMonProto::EMetricType::RATE;
// this is a repeated scalar field, which makes metric only if it's indexing
for (auto i = 0; i < reflection.FieldSize(msg, &f); ++i) {
auto subCtx = ctx.CreateChildFromRepeatedScalar(meta, i);
auto val = ReadRepeatedAsDouble(msg, &f, reflection, i);
WriteMetric(val, subCtx, f.name(), isRate);
void RecurseExtraLabelMetrics(TDecoderContext ctx, const NMonProto::TExtraLabelMetrics& msg, const TString& name, const TMaybeMeta& meta) const {
auto i = 0;
for (const auto& val : msg.Getvalues()) {
auto subCtx = ctx.CreateChildFromEls(name, msg, i++, meta);
const bool isRate = val.Hastype()
? val.Gettype() == NMonProto::EMetricType::RATE
: meta->GetType() == NMonProto::EMetricType::RATE;
double metricVal{0};
if (isRate) {
metricVal = val.GetlongValue();
} else {
metricVal = val.GetdoubleValue();
WriteMetric(metricVal, subCtx, "", isRate);
for (const auto& child : val.Getchildren()) {
RecurseExtraLabelMetrics(subCtx, child, "", meta);
void RecurseMessage(TDecoderContext ctx, const NMonProto::TMetricMeta& metricMeta, const NProtoBuf::FieldDescriptor& f) const {
const auto& msg = ctx.Message();
const auto& reflection = ctx.Reflection();
if (f.is_repeated()) {
TRACE("recurse into repeated message " << f.name());
for (auto i = 0; i < reflection.FieldSize(msg, &f); ++i) {
auto& subMessage = reflection.GetRepeatedMessage(msg, &f, i);
DecodeImpl(subMessage, ctx.CreateChildFromMeta(metricMeta, f.name(), i));
} else {
TRACE("recurse into message " << f.name());
auto& subMessage = reflection.GetMessage(msg, &f);
DecodeImpl(subMessage, ctx.CreateChildFromMeta(metricMeta, f.name()));
inline void WriteValue(ui64 value) const {
Consumer_->OnUint64(Timestamp_, value);
inline void WriteValue(double value) const {
Consumer_->OnDouble(Timestamp_, value);
void WriteMetric(double value, const TDecoderContext& ctx, const TString& name, bool isRate) const {
if (isRate) {
} else {
for (const auto& label : ctx.Labels()) {
Consumer_->OnLabel(label.Name(), label.Value());
const auto fullPath = name.empty()
? ctx.Path()
: ctx.Path() + '/' + name;
if (fullPath) {
Consumer_->OnLabel("path", fullPath);
IMetricConsumer* Consumer_{nullptr};
const NProtoBuf::Message& Message_;
TInstant Timestamp_;
void DecodeLegacyProto(const NProtoBuf::Message& data, IMetricConsumer* consumer, TInstant ts) {
TDecoder(consumer, data, ts).Decode();
void DecodeLegacyProtoToStream(const NProtoBuf::Message& data, IMetricConsumer* consumer, TInstant ts) {
TDecoder(consumer, data, ts).DecodeToStream();