#pragma once
#include "histogram.h"
#include <util/generic/scope.h>
#include <chrono>
namespace NMonitoring {
* A timer counter which aggregates timing durations and provides duration
* statistics in selected time resolution.
template <typename TResolution>
class TTimerImpl {
* Construct a timer given the Lowest and Highest values to be tracked
* and a number of significant decimal digits. Providing a
* lowestDiscernibleValue is useful in situations where the units used for
* the timer's values are much smaller that the minimal accuracy
* required. E.g. when tracking time values stated in nanosecond units,
* where the minimal accuracy required is a microsecond, the proper value
* for lowestDiscernibleValue would be 1000.
* @param min The lowest value that can be discerned (distinguished from
* 0) by the timer. Must be a positive integer that is >= 1.
* May be internally rounded down to nearest power of 2.
* @param max The highest value to be tracked by the timer. Must be a
* positive integer that is >= (2 * min).
* @param numberOfSignificantValueDigits Specifies the precision to use.
* This is the number of significant decimal digits to which the
* timer will maintain value resolution and separation. Must be
* a non-negative integer between 0 and 5.
TTimerImpl(ui64 min, ui64 max, i32 numberOfSignificantValueDigits = 3)
: TTimerImpl(TResolution(min), TResolution(max),
numberOfSignificantValueDigits) {
* Construct a timer given the Lowest and Highest values to be tracked
* and a number of significant decimal digits.
* @param min The lowest value that can be discerned (distinguished from
* 0) by the timer.
* @param max The highest value to be tracked by the histogram. Must be a
* positive integer that is >= (2 * min).
* @param numberOfSignificantValueDigits Specifies the precision to use.
template <typename TDurationMin, typename TDurationMax>
TTimerImpl(TDurationMin min, TDurationMax max,
i32 numberOfSignificantValueDigits = 3)
: Histogram_(std::chrono::duration_cast<TResolution>(min).count(),
numberOfSignificantValueDigits) {
* Records a value in the timer with timer resulution. Recorded value will
* be rounded to a precision at or better than the
* NumberOfSignificantValueDigits specified at construction time.
* @param duration duration to add to the timer
* @return false if the value is larger than the max and can't be recorded,
* true otherwise.
bool RecordValue(ui64 duration) {
return Histogram_.RecordValue(duration);
* Records a duration in the timer. Recorded value will be converted to
* the timer resulution and rounded to a precision at or better than the
* NumberOfSignificantValueDigits specified at construction time.
* @param duration duration to add to the timer
* @return false if the value is larger than the max and can't be recorded,
* true otherwise.
template <typename TDuration>
bool RecordValue(TDuration duration) {
auto count = static_cast<ui64>(
return RecordValue(count);
* Records count values in the timer with timer resulution. Recorded value will
* be rounded to a precision at or better than the
* NumberOfSignificantValueDigits specified at construction time.
* @param duration duration to add to the timer
* @param count number of values to add to the histogram
* @return false if the value is larger than the max and can't be recorded,
* true otherwise.
bool RecordValues(ui64 duration, ui64 count) {
return Histogram_.RecordValues(duration, count);
* Measures a time of functor execution.
* @param fn functor whose duration should be timed
template <typename TFunc>
void Measure(TFunc&& fn) {
using TClock = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock;
auto start = TClock::now();
Y_SCOPE_EXIT(this, start) {
RecordValue(TClock::now() - start);
* Place a copy of the value counts accumulated since the last snapshot
* was taken into {@code snapshot}. Calling this member-function will
* reset the value counts, and start accumulating value counts for the
* next interval.
* @param snapshot the structure into which the values should be copied.
void TakeSnapshot(THistogramSnapshot* snapshot) {
THdrHistogram Histogram_;
* Timer template instantiations for certain time resolutions.
using TTimerNs = TTimerImpl<std::chrono::nanoseconds>;
using TTimerUs = TTimerImpl<std::chrono::microseconds>;
using TTimerMs = TTimerImpl<std::chrono::milliseconds>;
using TTimerS = TTimerImpl<std::chrono::seconds>;
* A timing scope to record elapsed time since creation.
template <typename TTimer, typename TFunc = std::function<void(std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::duration)>>
class TTimerScope {
using TClock = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock;
explicit TTimerScope(TTimer* timer, TFunc* callback = nullptr)
: Timer_(timer)
, StartTime_(TClock::now())
, Callback_(callback)
~TTimerScope() {
TClock::duration duration = TClock::now() - StartTime_;
if (Callback_) {
TTimer* Timer_;
TClock::time_point StartTime_;
TFunc* Callback_;