#pragma once
#include "last_getopt_opt.h"
#include <library/cpp/colorizer/fwd.h>
#include <util/generic/map.h>
namespace NLastGetopt {
enum EArgPermutation {
* NLastGetopt::TOpts is a storage of program options' parse rules.
* It contains information about all options, free args, some parsing options
* and rules about interaction between options.
* The main point for defining program options.
* The parsing rules determined by the following parts:
* - Arguments permutation. It is expected free args be after named args.
* This point adjusts how to treat breaking this expectation.
* if REQUIRE_ORDER is choosen, the exception during parsing will be raised,
* the special string " -- " will be treated as end of named
* options: all options after it will be parsed as free args
* if PERMUTE is choosen, arguments will be rearranged in correct order,
* if RETURN_IN_ORDER is choosen, all free args will be ommited (TODO: looks very strange)
* - Using '+' as a prefix instead '--' for long names
* - Using "-" as a prefix for both short and long names
* - Allowing unknown options
class TOpts {
friend class TOptsParseResult;
friend class TOptsParser;
static constexpr const ui32 UNLIMITED_ARGS = Max<ui32>();
typedef TVector<TSimpleSharedPtr<TOpt>> TOptsVector;
TOptsVector Opts_; // infomation about named (short and long) options
TVector<std::function<void(TStringBuf)>> ArgBindings_;
EArgPermutation ArgPermutation_ = DEFAULT_ARG_PERMUTATION; // determines how to parse positions of named and free options. See information below.
bool AllowSingleDashForLong_ = false; //
bool AllowPlusForLong_ = false; // using '+' instead '--' for long options
//Allows unknwon options:
bool AllowUnknownCharOptions_ = false;
bool AllowUnknownLongOptions_ = false;
ui32 Wrap_ = 80;
bool CheckUserTypos_ = false;
ui32 FreeArgsMin_; // minimal number of free args
ui32 FreeArgsMax_; // maximal number of free args
TMap<ui32, TFreeArgSpec> FreeArgSpecs_; // mapping [free arg position] -> [free arg specification]
TFreeArgSpec TrailingArgSpec_; // spec for the trailing argument (when arguments are unlimited)
TString DefaultFreeArgTitle_ = "ARG"; // title that's used for free args without a title
TString Title; // title of the help string
TString CustomCmdLineDescr; // user defined help string
TString CustomUsage; // user defined usage string
TVector<std::pair<TString, TString>> Sections; // additional help entries to print after usage
* Constructs TOpts from string as in getopt(3)
TOpts(const TStringBuf& optstring = TStringBuf());
* Constructs TOpts from string as in getopt(3) and
* additionally adds help option (for '?') and svn-verstion option (for 'V')
static TOpts Default(const TStringBuf& optstring = TStringBuf()) {
TOpts opts(optstring);
return opts;
* Checks correctness of options' descriptions.
* Throws TConfException if validation failed.
* Check consist of:
* -not intersecting of names
* -compability of settings, that responsable for freeArgs parsing
void Validate() const;
* Search for the option with given long name
* @param name long name for search
* @return ptr on result (nullptr if not found)
const TOpt* FindLongOption(const TStringBuf& name) const;
* Search for the option with given short name
* @param c short name for search
* @return ptr on result (nullptr if not found)
const TOpt* FindCharOption(char c) const;
* Search for the option with given long name
* @param name long name for search
* @return ptr on result (nullptr if not found)
TOpt* FindLongOption(const TStringBuf& name);
* Search for the option with given short name
* @param c short name for search
* @return ptr on result (nullptr if not found)
TOpt* FindCharOption(char c);
* Search for the option with given name
* @param name name for search
* @return ptr on result (nullptr if not found)
/// @{
const TOpt* FindOption(const TStringBuf& name) const {
return FindLongOption(name);
TOpt* FindOption(const TStringBuf& name) {
return FindLongOption(name);
const TOpt* FindOption(char c) const {
return FindCharOption(c);
TOpt* FindOption(char c) {
return FindCharOption(c);
/// @}
* Sets title of the help string
* @param title title to set
void SetTitle(const TString& title) {
Title = title;
* @return true if there is an option with given long name
* @param name long name for search
bool HasLongOption(const TString& name) const {
return FindLongOption(name) != nullptr;
* @return true if there is an option with given short name
* @param char short name for search
bool HasCharOption(char c) const {
return FindCharOption(c) != nullptr;
* Search for the option with given long name
* @param name long name for search
* @return ref on result (throw exception if not found)
const TOpt& GetLongOption(const TStringBuf& name) const;
* Search for the option with given long name
* @param name long name for search
* @return ref on result (throw exception if not found)
TOpt& GetLongOption(const TStringBuf& name);
* Search for the option with given short name
* @param c short name for search
* @return ref on result (throw exception if not found)
const TOpt& GetCharOption(char c) const;
* Search for the option with given short name
* @param c short name for search
* @return ref on result (throw exception if not found)
TOpt& GetCharOption(char c);
* Search for the option with given name
* @param name name for search
* @return ref on result (throw exception if not found)
/// @{
const TOpt& GetOption(const TStringBuf& name) const {
return GetLongOption(name);
TOpt& GetOption(const TStringBuf& name) {
return GetLongOption(name);
const TOpt& GetOption(char c) const {
return GetCharOption(c);
TOpt& GetOption(char c) {
return GetCharOption(c);
/// @}
* @return true if short options exist
bool HasAnyShortOption() const;
* @return true if long options exist
bool HasAnyLongOption() const;
* Creates new [option description (TOpt)] as a copy of given one
* @param option source
* @return reference for created option
TOpt& AddOption(const TOpt& option);
* Creates new free argument handling
* @param name name of free arg to show in help
* @param target variable address to store parsing result into
* @param help help string to show in help
template <typename T>
void AddFreeArgBinding(const TString& name, T& target, const TString& help = "") {
ArgBindings_.emplace_back([&target](TStringBuf value) {
target = FromString<T>(value);
FreeArgsMax_ = Max<ui32>(FreeArgsMax_, ArgBindings_.size());
SetFreeArgTitle(ArgBindings_.size() - 1, name, help);
* Creates options list from string as in getopt(3)
* @param optstring source
void AddCharOptions(const TStringBuf& optstring);
* Creates new [option description (TOpt)] with given short name and given help string
* @param c short name
* @param help help string
* @return reference for created option
TOpt& AddCharOption(char c, const TString& help = "") {
return AddCharOption(c, DEFAULT_HAS_ARG, help);
* Creates new [option description (TOpt)] with given short name and given help string
* @param c short name
* @param help help string
* @return reference for created option
TOpt& AddCharOption(char c, EHasArg hasArg, const TString& help = "") {
TOpt option;
return AddOption(option);
* Creates new [option description (TOpt)] with given long name and given help string
* @param name long name
* @param help help string
* @return reference for created option
TOpt& AddLongOption(const TString& name, const TString& help = "") {
return AddLongOption(0, name, help);
* Creates new [option description (TOpt)] with given long and short names and given help string
* @param c short name
* @param name long name
* @param help help string
* @return reference for created option
TOpt& AddLongOption(char c, const TString& name, const TString& help = "") {
TOpt option;
if (c != 0)
return AddOption(option);
* Creates new [option description (TOpt)] for help printing,
* adds appropriate handler for it
* If "help" option already exist, will add given short name to it.
* @param c new short name for help option
TOpt& AddHelpOption(char c = '?') {
if (TOpt* o = FindLongOption("help")) {
if (!o->CharIs(c))
return *o;
return AddLongOption(c, "help", "print usage")
* Set check user typos or not
* @param check bool flag for chosing
void SetCheckUserTypos(bool check = true) {
CheckUserTypos_ = check;
* Creates new [option description (TOpt)] for svn-revision printing,
* adds appropriate handler for it.
* If "svnversion" option already exist, will add given short name to it.
* @param c new short name for "svnversion" option
TOpt& AddVersionOption(char c = 'V') {
if (TOpt* o = FindLongOption("svnrevision")) {
if (!o->CharIs(c))
return *o;
return AddLongOption(c, "svnrevision", "print svn version")
* Creates new option for generating completion shell scripts.
* @param command name of command that should be completed (typically corresponds to the executable name).
TOpt& AddCompletionOption(TString command, TString longName = "completion");
* Creates or finds option with given short name
* @param c new short name for search/create
TOpt& CharOption(char c) {
const TOpt* opt = FindCharOption(c);
if (opt != nullptr) {
return const_cast<TOpt&>(*opt);
} else {
return const_cast<TOpt&>(GetCharOption(c));
* Indicate that some options can't appear together.
* Note: this is not transitive.
* Note: don't use this on options with default values. If option with default value wasn't specified,
* parser will run handlers for default value, thus triggering a false-positive exclusivity check.
template <typename T1, typename T2>
void MutuallyExclusive(T1&& opt1, T2&& opt2) {
MutuallyExclusiveOpt(GetOption(std::forward<T1>(opt1)), GetOption(std::forward<T2>(opt2)));
* Like `MutuallyExclusive`, but accepts `TOpt`s instead of option names.
void MutuallyExclusiveOpt(TOpt& opt1, TOpt& opt2);
* @return index of option
* @param opt pointer of option to search
size_t IndexOf(const TOpt* opt) const;
* Replace help string with given
* @param decr new help string
void SetCmdLineDescr(const TString& descr) {
CustomCmdLineDescr = descr;
* Replace usage string with given
* @param usage new usage string
void SetCustomUsage(const TString& usage) {
CustomUsage = usage;
* Add a section to print after the main usage spec.
void AddSection(TString title, TString text) {
Sections.emplace_back(std::move(title), std::move(text));
* Add section with examples.
* @param examples text of this section
void SetExamples(TString examples) {
AddSection("Examples", std::move(examples));
* Set minimal number of free args
* @param min new value
void SetFreeArgsMin(size_t min) {
FreeArgsMin_ = ui32(min);
* Get current minimal number of free args
ui32 GetFreeArgsMin() const {
return FreeArgsMin_;
* Set maximal number of free args
* @param max new value
void SetFreeArgsMax(size_t max) {
FreeArgsMax_ = ui32(max);
FreeArgsMax_ = Max<ui32>(FreeArgsMax_, ArgBindings_.size());
* Get current maximal number of free args
ui32 GetFreeArgsMax() const {
return FreeArgsMax_;
* Get mapping for free args
const TMap<ui32, TFreeArgSpec>& GetFreeArgSpecs() const {
return FreeArgSpecs_;
* Set exact expected number of free args
* @param count new value
void SetFreeArgsNum(size_t count) {
FreeArgsMin_ = ui32(count);
FreeArgsMax_ = ui32(count);
* Set minimal and maximal number of free args
* @param min new value for minimal
* @param max new value for maximal
void SetFreeArgsNum(size_t min, size_t max) {
FreeArgsMin_ = ui32(min);
FreeArgsMax_ = ui32(max);
* Set title and help string of free argument
* @param pos index of argument
* @param title new value for argument title
* @param help new value for help string
* @param optional indicates that the flag's help string should be rendered as for optional flag;
* does not affect actual flags parsing
void SetFreeArgTitle(size_t pos, const TString& title, const TString& help = TString(), bool optional = false);
* Get free argument's spec for further modification.
TFreeArgSpec& GetFreeArgSpec(size_t pos);
* Legacy, don't use. Same as `SetTrailingArgTitle`.
* Older versions of lastgetopt didn't have destinction between default title and title
* for the trailing argument.
void SetFreeArgDefaultTitle(const TString& title, const TString& help = TString()) {
SetTrailingArgTitle(title, help);
* Set default title that will be used for all arguments that have no title.
void SetDefaultFreeArgTitle(TString title) {
DefaultFreeArgTitle_ = std::move(title);
* Set default title that will be used for all arguments that have no title.
const TString& GetDefaultFreeArgTitle() const {
return DefaultFreeArgTitle_;
* Set title and help for the trailing argument.
* This title and help are used to render the last repeated argument when max number of arguments is unlimited.
/// @{
void SetTrailingArgTitle(TString title) {
void SetTrailingArgTitle(TString title, TString help) {
/// @}
* Get spec for the trailing argument.
* This spec is used to render the last repeated argument when max number of arguments is unlimited.
/// @{
TFreeArgSpec& GetTrailingArgSpec() {
return TrailingArgSpec_;
const TFreeArgSpec& GetTrailingArgSpec() const {
return TrailingArgSpec_;
/// @}
* Set the rule of parsing single dash as prefix of long names
* @param value new value of the option
void SetAllowSingleDashForLong(bool value) {
AllowSingleDashForLong_ = value;
* Wrap help text at this number of characters. 0 to disable wrapping.
void SetWrap(ui32 wrap = 80) {
Wrap_ = wrap;
* Print usage string
* @param program prefix of result (path to the program)
* @param os destination stream
* @param colors colorizer
void PrintUsage(const TStringBuf& program, IOutputStream& os, const NColorizer::TColors& colors) const;
* Print usage string
* @param program prefix of result (path to the program)
* @param os destination stream
void PrintUsage(const TStringBuf& program, IOutputStream& os = Cout) const;
* Get list of options in order of definition.
TVector<const TOpt*> GetOpts() const {
auto ret = TVector<const TOpt*>(Reserve(Opts_.size()));
for (auto& opt : Opts_) {
return ret;
* @return argument title of a free argument
* @param pos position of the argument
TStringBuf GetFreeArgTitle(size_t pos) const;
* Print usage helper
* @param program prefix of result (path to the program)
* @param os destination stream
* @param colors colorizer
void PrintCmdLine(const TStringBuf& program, IOutputStream& os, const NColorizer::TColors& colors) const;
* Print usage helper
* @param os destination stream
* @param colors colorizer
void PrintFreeArgsDesc(IOutputStream& os, const NColorizer::TColors& colors) const;