#pragma once
#include "formatted_output.h"
#include <util/generic/strbuf.h>
#include <util/generic/hash.h>
#include <utility>
#include <util/generic/fwd.h>
namespace NLastGetopt::NComp {
class ICompleter;
class TCompleterManager {
TCompleterManager(TStringBuf command);
/// Register new completer and get its function name.
TStringBuf GetCompleterID(const ICompleter* completer);
/// Generate zsh code for all collected completers.
void GenerateZsh(TFormattedOutput& out);
TStringBuf Command_;
size_t Id_;
TVector<std::pair<TString, const ICompleter*>> Queue_;
class ICompleter {
virtual ~ICompleter() = default;
/// Generate arbitrary bash code that modifies `COMPREPLY`.
virtual void GenerateBash(TFormattedOutput& out) const = 0;
/// Generate action that will be used with `_arguments`. If this completer requires a separate function,
/// register it in the given manager and return function name assigned by manager.
/// Supported forms are '()', '(items...)', '((items...))', 'command ...' and ' command ...'.
/// Other forms, such as '{eval-string}', '->state', '=action' are not supported.
virtual TStringBuf GenerateZshAction(TCompleterManager& manager) const = 0;
/// Generate body of a zsh function (if Action points to a custom function).
virtual void GenerateZsh(TFormattedOutput& out, TCompleterManager& manager) const = 0;
using ICompleterPtr = TSimpleSharedPtr<ICompleter>;
/// Generate default completions.
/// Output of this completer depends on shell settings.
/// Usually ut generates file paths.
ICompleterPtr Default();
struct TAlternative {
/// Description for this group of completions. Leave empty to use completer's default description.
TString Description;
/// Completer that generates values
ICompleterPtr Completer;
TAlternative(ICompleterPtr completer)
: Description("")
, Completer(std::move(completer))
TAlternative(TString description, ICompleterPtr completer)
: Description(std::move(description))
, Completer(std::move(completer))
/// Run multiple completers and unite their output.
/// Each completer's output placed in a separate group with its own description.
ICompleterPtr Alternative(TVector<TAlternative> alternatives);
struct TChoice {
/// Option value.
TString Choice;
/// Description for a value.
TString Description = "";
TChoice(TString choice)
: Choice(std::move(choice))
TChoice(TString choice, TString description)
: Choice(std::move(choice))
, Description(std::move(description))
/// Complete items from a predefined list of choices.
ICompleterPtr Choice(TVector<TChoice> choices);
/// Complete files and directories. May filter results by pattern, e.g. `*.txt`.
ICompleterPtr File(TString pattern= "");
/// Complete directories.
ICompleterPtr Directory();
/// Complete hosts.
ICompleterPtr Host();
/// Complete process IDs.
ICompleterPtr Pid();
/// Complete users that're found in the system.
ICompleterPtr User();
/// Complete user groups that're found in the system.
/// N: for some reason,
ICompleterPtr Group();
/// Complete URLs.
ICompleterPtr Url();
/// Complete TTY interfaces.
ICompleterPtr Tty();
/// Complete network interfaces.
ICompleterPtr NetInterface();
/// Complete timezone identifiers.
ICompleterPtr TimeZone();
/// Complete unix signal identifiers, e.g. `ABRT` or `KILL`.
ICompleterPtr Signal();
/// Complete domains.
ICompleterPtr Domain();
/// Custom completer. See `LaunchSelf` below.
class TCustomCompleter {
static void FireCustomCompleter(int argc, const char** argv);
static void RegisterCustomCompleter(TCustomCompleter* completer) noexcept;
struct TReg {
TReg(TCustomCompleter* completer) noexcept {
virtual ~TCustomCompleter() = default;
/// @param argc total number of command line arguments.
/// @param argv array of command line arguments.
/// @param curIdx index of the currently completed argument, may be equal to `argc` if cursor is at the end
/// of line.
/// @param cur currently completed argument.
/// @param prefix part of the currently completed argument before the cursor.
/// @param suffix part of the currently completed argument after the cursor.
virtual void GenerateCompletions(int argc, const char** argv, int curIdx, TStringBuf cur, TStringBuf prefix, TStringBuf suffix) = 0;
virtual TStringBuf GetUniqueName() const = 0;
void AddCompletion(TStringBuf completion);
TCustomCompleter* Next_ = nullptr;
/// Custom completer for objects that consist of multiple parts split by a common separator, such as file paths.
class TMultipartCustomCompleter: public TCustomCompleter {
TMultipartCustomCompleter(TStringBuf sep)
: Sep_(sep)
void GenerateCompletions(int argc, const char** argv, int curIdx, TStringBuf cur, TStringBuf prefix, TStringBuf suffix) final;
/// @param argc same as in `GenerateCompletions`.
/// @param argv same as in `GenerateCompletions`.
/// @param curIdx same as in `GenerateCompletions`.
/// @param cur same as in `GenerateCompletions`.
/// @param prefix same as in `GenerateCompletions`.
/// @param suffix same as in `GenerateCompletions`.
/// @param root part of the currently completed argument before the last separator.
virtual void GenerateCompletionParts(int argc, const char** argv, int curIdx, TStringBuf cur, TStringBuf prefix, TStringBuf suffix, TStringBuf root) = 0;
TStringBuf Sep_;
#define Y_COMPLETER(N) \
class T##N: public ::NLastGetopt::NComp::TCustomCompleter { \
public: \
void GenerateCompletions(int, const char**, int, TStringBuf, TStringBuf, TStringBuf) override; \
TStringBuf GetUniqueName() const override { return #N; } \
}; \
T##N N = T##N(); \
::NLastGetopt::NComp::TCustomCompleter::TReg _Reg_##N = &N; \
void T##N::GenerateCompletions( \
Y_DECLARE_UNUSED int argc, \
Y_DECLARE_UNUSED const char** argv, \
Y_DECLARE_UNUSED int curIdx, \
Y_DECLARE_UNUSED TStringBuf cur, \
Y_DECLARE_UNUSED TStringBuf prefix, \
Y_DECLARE_UNUSED TStringBuf suffix)
class T##N: public ::NLastGetopt::NComp::TMultipartCustomCompleter { \
public: \
T##N() : ::NLastGetopt::NComp::TMultipartCustomCompleter(SEP) {} \
void GenerateCompletionParts(int, const char**, int, TStringBuf, TStringBuf, TStringBuf, TStringBuf) override; \
TStringBuf GetUniqueName() const override { return #N; } \
}; \
T##N N = T##N(); \
::NLastGetopt::NComp::TCustomCompleter::TReg _Reg_##N = &N; \
void T##N::GenerateCompletionParts( \
Y_DECLARE_UNUSED int argc, \
Y_DECLARE_UNUSED const char** argv, \
Y_DECLARE_UNUSED int curIdx, \
Y_DECLARE_UNUSED TStringBuf cur, \
Y_DECLARE_UNUSED TStringBuf prefix, \
Y_DECLARE_UNUSED TStringBuf suffix, \
/// Launches this binary with a specially formed flags and retrieves completions from stdout.
/// Your application must be set up in a certain way for this to work.
/// First, create a custom completer:
/// ```
/// Y_COMPLETER(SomeUniqueName) {
/// AddCompletion("foo");
/// AddCompletion("bar");
/// AddCompletion("baz");
/// }
/// ```
/// Then, use it with this function.
/// On completion attempt, completer will call your binary with some special arguments.
/// In your main, before any other logic, call `TCustomCompleter::FireCustomCompleter`. This function will
/// check for said special arguments and invoke the right completer:
/// ```
/// int main(int argc, const char** argv) {
/// TCustomCompleter::FireCustomCompleter(argc, argv);
/// ...
/// }
/// ```
ICompleterPtr LaunchSelf(TCustomCompleter& completer);
/// Launches this binary with a specially formed flags and retrieves completions from stdout.
/// Your application must be set up in a certain way for this to work. See `LaunchSelf` for more info.
/// Multipart completion is designed for objects that consist of multiple parts split by a common separator.
/// It is ideal for completing remote file paths, for example.
/// Multipart completers format stdout in the following way.
/// On the first line, they print a common prefix that should be stripped from all completions. For example,
/// if you complete paths, this prefix would be a common directory.
/// On the second line, they print a separator. If some completion ends with this separator, shell will not add
/// a whitespace after the item is completed. For example, if you complete paths, the separator would be a slash.
/// On the following lines, they print completions, as formed by the `AddCompletion` function.
/// For example, if a user invokes completion like this:
/// ```
/// $ program //home/logs/<tab><tab>
/// ```
/// The stdout might look like this:
/// ```
/// //home/logs/
/// /
/// //home/logs/access-log
/// //home/logs/redir-log
/// //home/logs/blockstat-log
/// ```
/// Then autocompletion will look like this:
/// ```
/// $ program //home/logs/<tab><tab>
/// -- yt path --
/// access-log redir-log blockstat-log
/// ```
/// Note: stdout lines with completion suggestions *must* be formatted by the `AddCompletion` function
/// because their format may change in the future.
/// Note: we recommend using `Y_MULTIPART_COMPLETER` because it will handle all stdout printing for you.
ICompleterPtr LaunchSelfMultiPart(TCustomCompleter& completer);