path: root/library/cpp/getopt/small/completer.cpp
blob: 3fff684adbec1d49ab1348342f8bf258d69823a0 (plain) (tree)






#include "completer.h"

#include "completion_generator.h"

#include <util/string/cast.h>
#include <util/generic/fwd.h>

using NLastGetopt::NEscaping::Q;
using NLastGetopt::NEscaping::QQ;
using NLastGetopt::NEscaping::C;
using NLastGetopt::NEscaping::CC;
using NLastGetopt::NEscaping::S;
using NLastGetopt::NEscaping::SS;
using NLastGetopt::NEscaping::B;
using NLastGetopt::NEscaping::BB;

namespace NLastGetopt::NComp {
#define L out.Line()
#define I auto Y_GENERATE_UNIQUE_ID(indent) = out.Indent()

    TCompleterManager::TCompleterManager(TStringBuf command)
        : Command_(command)
        , Id_(0)

    TStringBuf TCompleterManager::GetCompleterID(const ICompleter* completer) {
        return Queue_.emplace_back(TStringBuilder() << "_" << Command_ << "__completer_" << ++Id_, completer).first;

    void TCompleterManager::GenerateZsh(TFormattedOutput& out) {
        while (!Queue_.empty()) {
            auto[name, completer] = Queue_.back();

            L << "(( $+functions[" << name << "] )) ||";
            L << name << "() {";
                completer->GenerateZsh(out, *this);
            L << "}";

    class TAlternativeCompleter: public ICompleter {
        TAlternativeCompleter(TVector<TAlternative>  alternatives)
            : Alternatives_(std::move(alternatives))

        void GenerateBash(TFormattedOutput& out) const override {
            for (auto& alternative: Alternatives_) {
                if (alternative.Completer != nullptr) {

        TStringBuf GenerateZshAction(TCompleterManager& manager) const override {
            return manager.GetCompleterID(this);

        void GenerateZsh(TFormattedOutput& out, TCompleterManager& manager) const override {
            // We should use '_alternative' here, but it doesn't process escape codes in group descriptions,
            // so we dispatch alternatives ourselves.

            L << "local expl action";

            size_t i = 0;
            for (auto& alternative: Alternatives_) {
                auto tag = "alt-" + ToString(++i);
                auto action = alternative.Completer ? alternative.Completer->GenerateZshAction(manager) : TStringBuf();


                if (action.empty()) {
                    L << "_message -e " << SS(tag) << " " << SS(alternative.Description);
                } else if (action.StartsWith("((") && action.EndsWith("))")) {
                    L << "action=" << action.substr(1, action.size() - 2);
                    L << "_describe -t " << SS(tag) << " " << SS(alternative.Description) << " action -M 'r:|[_-]=* r:|=*'";
                } else if (action.StartsWith("(") && action.EndsWith(")")) {
                    L << "action=" << action << "";
                    L << "_describe -t " << SS(tag) << " " << SS(alternative.Description) << " action -M 'r:|[_-]=* r:|=*'";
                } else if (action.StartsWith(' ')) {
                    L << action.substr(1);
                } else {
                    L << "_description " << SS(tag) << " expl " << SS(alternative.Description);
                    TStringBuf word, args;
                    action.Split(' ', word, args);
                    L << word << " \"${expl[@]}\" " << args;

        TVector<TAlternative> Alternatives_;

    ICompleterPtr Alternative(TVector<TAlternative> alternatives) {
        return MakeSimpleShared<TAlternativeCompleter>(std::move(alternatives));

    class TSimpleCompleter: public ICompleter {
        TSimpleCompleter(TString bashCode, TString action)
            : BashCode(std::move(bashCode))
            , Action(std::move(action))

        void GenerateBash(TFormattedOutput& out) const override {
            if (BashCode) {
                L << BashCode;

        TStringBuf GenerateZshAction(TCompleterManager&) const override {
            return Action;

        void GenerateZsh(TFormattedOutput&, TCompleterManager&) const override {

        TString BashCode;
        TString Action;

    ICompleterPtr Choice(TVector<TChoice> choices) {
        auto bash = TStringBuilder() << "COMPREPLY+=( $(compgen -W '";
        TStringBuf sep = "";
        for (auto& choice : choices) {
            bash << sep << B(choice.Choice);
            sep = " ";
        bash << "' -- ${cur}) )";

        auto action = TStringBuilder();
        action << "((";
        for (auto& choice: choices) {
            action << " " << SS(choice.Choice);
            if (choice.Description) {{
                action << ":" << SS(choice.Description);
        action << "))";
        return MakeSimpleShared<TSimpleCompleter>(bash, action);

    TString Compgen(TStringBuf flags) {
        return TStringBuilder() << "COMPREPLY+=( $(compgen " << flags << " -- ${cur}) )";

    ICompleterPtr Default() {
        return MakeSimpleShared<TSimpleCompleter>("", "_default");

    ICompleterPtr File(TString pattern) {
        if (pattern) {
            pattern = " -g " + SS(pattern);
        return MakeSimpleShared<TSimpleCompleter>("", "_files" + pattern);

    ICompleterPtr Directory() {
        return MakeSimpleShared<TSimpleCompleter>("", "_files -/");

    ICompleterPtr Host() {
        return MakeSimpleShared<TSimpleCompleter>(Compgen("-A hostname"), "_hosts");

    ICompleterPtr Pid() {
        return MakeSimpleShared<TSimpleCompleter>("", "_pids");

    ICompleterPtr User() {
        return MakeSimpleShared<TSimpleCompleter>(Compgen("-A user"), "_users");

    ICompleterPtr Group() {
        // For some reason, OSX freezes when trying to perform completion for groups.
        // You can try removing this ifdef and debugging it, but be prepared to force-shutdown your machine
        // (and possibly reinstall OSX if force-shutdown breaks anything).
#ifdef _darwin_
        return MakeSimpleShared<TSimpleCompleter>("", "");
        return MakeSimpleShared<TSimpleCompleter>(Compgen("-A group"), "_groups");

    ICompleterPtr Url() {
        return MakeSimpleShared<TSimpleCompleter>("", "_urls");

    ICompleterPtr Tty() {
        return MakeSimpleShared<TSimpleCompleter>("", "_ttys");

    ICompleterPtr NetInterface() {
        return MakeSimpleShared<TSimpleCompleter>("", "_net_interfaces");

    ICompleterPtr TimeZone() {
        return MakeSimpleShared<TSimpleCompleter>("", "_time_zone");

    ICompleterPtr Signal() {
        return MakeSimpleShared<TSimpleCompleter>(Compgen("-A signal"), "_signals");

    ICompleterPtr Domain() {
        return MakeSimpleShared<TSimpleCompleter>("", "_domains");

    namespace {
        TCustomCompleter* Head = nullptr;
        TStringBuf SpecialFlag = "---CUSTOM-COMPLETION---";

    void TCustomCompleter::FireCustomCompleter(int argc, const char** argv) {
        if (!argc) {

        for (int i = 1; i < argc - 4; ++i) {
            if (SpecialFlag == argv[i]) {
                auto name = TStringBuf(argv[i + 1]);
                auto curIdx = FromString<int>(argv[i + 2]);
                auto prefix = TStringBuf(argv[i + 3]);
                auto suffix = TStringBuf(argv[i + 4]);

                auto cur = TStringBuf();
                if (0 <= curIdx && curIdx < i) {
                    cur = TStringBuf(argv[curIdx]);
                if (cur && !prefix && !suffix) {
                    prefix = cur;  // bash does not send prefix and suffix

                auto head = Head;
                while (head) {
                    if (head->GetUniqueName() == name) {
                        head->GenerateCompletions(i, argv, curIdx, cur, prefix, suffix);
                    head = head->Next_;


    void TCustomCompleter::RegisterCustomCompleter(TCustomCompleter* completer) noexcept {
        completer->Next_ = Head;
        Head = completer;

    void TCustomCompleter::AddCompletion(TStringBuf completion) {
        Cout << completion << Endl;  // this was easy =)
        // TODO: support option descriptions and messages

    void TMultipartCustomCompleter::GenerateCompletions(int argc, const char** argv, int curIdx, TStringBuf cur, TStringBuf prefix, TStringBuf suffix) {
        auto root = TStringBuf();
        if (prefix.Contains(Sep_)) {
            auto tmp = TStringBuf();
            prefix.RSplit(Sep_, root, tmp);

        if (root) {
            Cout << root << Sep_ << Endl;
        } else {
            Cout << Endl;

        Cout << Sep_ << Endl;

        GenerateCompletionParts(argc, argv, curIdx, cur, prefix, suffix, root);

    class TLaunchSelf: public ICompleter {
        TLaunchSelf(TCustomCompleter* completer)
            : Completer_(completer)

        void GenerateBash(TFormattedOutput& out) const override {
            L << "IFS=$'\\n'";
            L << "COMPREPLY+=( $(compgen -W \"$(${words[@]} " << SpecialFlag << " " << Completer_->GetUniqueName() << " \"${cword}\" \"\" \"\" 2> /dev/null)\" -- ${cur}) )";
            L << "IFS=$' \\t\\n'";

        TStringBuf GenerateZshAction(TCompleterManager& manager) const override {
            return manager.GetCompleterID(this);

        void GenerateZsh(TFormattedOutput& out, TCompleterManager&) const override {
            L << "compadd ${@} ${expl[@]} -- \"${(@f)$(${words_orig[@]} " << SpecialFlag << " " << Completer_->GetUniqueName() << " \"${current_orig}\" \"${prefix_orig}\" \"${suffix_orig}\" 2> /dev/null)}\"";

        TCustomCompleter* Completer_;

    ICompleterPtr LaunchSelf(TCustomCompleter& completer) {
        return MakeSimpleShared<TLaunchSelf>(&completer);

    class TLaunchSelfMultiPart: public ICompleter {
        TLaunchSelfMultiPart(TCustomCompleter* completer)
            : Completer_(completer)

        void GenerateBash(TFormattedOutput& out) const override {
            L << "IFS=$'\\n'";
            L << "items=( $(${words[@]} " << SpecialFlag << " " << Completer_->GetUniqueName() << " \"${cword}\" \"\" \"\" 2> /dev/null) )";
            L << "candidates=$(compgen -W \"${items[*]:1}\" -- \"$cur\")";
            L << "COMPREPLY+=( $candidates )";
            L << "[[ $candidates == *\"${items[1]}\" ]] && need_space=\"\"";
            L << "IFS=$' \\t\\n'";

        TStringBuf GenerateZshAction(TCompleterManager& manager) const override {
            return manager.GetCompleterID(this);

        void GenerateZsh(TFormattedOutput& out, TCompleterManager&) const override {
            L << "local items=( \"${(@f)$(${words_orig[@]} " << SpecialFlag << " " << Completer_->GetUniqueName() << " \"${current_orig}\" \"${prefix_orig}\" \"${suffix_orig}\" 2> /dev/null)}\" )";
            L << "local rempat=${items[1]}";
            L << "shift items";
            L << "local sep=${items[1]}";
            L << "shift items";
            L << "local files=( ${items:#*\"${sep}\"} )";
            L << "local filenames=( ${files#\"${rempat}\"} )";
            L << "local dirs=( ${(M)items:#*\"${sep}\"} )";
            L << "local dirnames=( ${dirs#\"${rempat}\"} )";
            L << "local need_suf";
            L << "compset -S \"${sep}*\" || need_suf=\"1\"";
            L << "compadd ${@} ${expl[@]} -d filenames -- ${(q)files}";
            L << "compadd ${@} ${expl[@]} ${need_suf:+-S\"${sep}\"} -q -d dirnames -- ${(q)dirs%\"${sep}\"}";

        TCustomCompleter* Completer_;

    ICompleterPtr LaunchSelfMultiPart(TCustomCompleter& completer) {
        return MakeSimpleShared<TLaunchSelfMultiPart>(&completer);

#undef I
#undef L