blob: 0e81db56a89fcfcfd0d0dc89125f7885dbfff375 (
plain) (
#pragma once
#include <cstddef>
class TContExecutor;
namespace NCoro::NStack {
static constexpr size_t PageSize = 4096;
static constexpr size_t PageSizeMask = PageSize - 1; // for checks
static constexpr size_t DebugOrSanStackMultiplier = 4; // for debug or sanitizer builds
static constexpr size_t SmallStackMaxSizeInPages = 6;
enum class EGuard {
Canary, //!< writes some data to check it for corruption
Page, //!< prohibits access to page memory
struct TPoolAllocatorSettings {
size_t RssPagesToKeep = 1;
size_t SmallStackRssPagesToKeep = 1; // for stack less than SmallStackMaxSizeInPages
size_t ReleaseRate = 2;
#if !defined(_san_enabled_) && defined(NDEBUG)
size_t StacksPerChunk = 256;
size_t StacksPerChunk = 2;
struct TAllocatorStats {
size_t ReleasedSize = 0;
size_t NotReleasedSize = 0;
size_t NumOfAllocated = 0;