blob: 33de58a08576b95ae8f1cc3d21bb42ec2ad47d43 (
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#pragma once
#include <util/generic/array_ref.h>
#include <util/generic/fwd.h>
#include <util/generic/noncopyable.h>
#include <cstdint>
namespace NCoro::NStack {
class IAllocator;
namespace NDetails {
//! Do not use directly, use TStackHolder instead
class TStack final : private TMoveOnly {
/*! rawMemory: can be used by unaligned allocator to free stack memory after use
* alignedMemory: pointer to aligned memory on which stack workspace and guard are actually placed
* alignedSize: size of workspace memory + memory for guard
* guard: guard to protect this stack
* name: name of coroutine for which this stack is allocated
TStack(void* rawMemory, void* alignedMemory, size_t alignedSize, const char* name);
TStack(TStack&& rhs) noexcept;
TStack& operator=(TStack&& rhs) noexcept;
char* GetRawMemory() const noexcept {
return RawMemory_;
char* GetAlignedMemory() const noexcept {
return AlignedMemory_;
//! Stack size (includes memory for guard)
size_t GetSize() const noexcept {
return Size_;
//! Resets parameters, should be called after stack memory is freed
void Reset() noexcept;
char* RawMemory_ = nullptr; // not owned
char* AlignedMemory_ = nullptr; // not owned
size_t Size_ = 0;
} // namespace NDetails
class TStackHolder final : private TMoveOnly {
explicit TStackHolder(IAllocator& allocator, uint32_t size, const char* name) noexcept;
TStackHolder(TStackHolder&&) = default;
TStackHolder& operator=(TStackHolder&&) = default;
char* GetAlignedMemory() const noexcept {
return Stack_.GetAlignedMemory();
size_t GetSize() const noexcept {
return Stack_.GetSize();
TArrayRef<char> Get() noexcept;
bool LowerCanaryOk() const noexcept;
bool UpperCanaryOk() const noexcept;
IAllocator& Allocator_;
NDetails::TStack Stack_;