#pragma once
#include "comptrie_trie.h"
#include "first_symbol_iterator.h"
#include <util/str_stl.h>
#include <util/digest/numeric.h>
#include <util/digest/multi.h>
// Iterator for incremental searching.
// All Advance() methods shift the iterator using specifed key/char.
// The subsequent Advance() call starts searching from the previous state.
// The Advance() returns 'true' if specified key part exists in the trie and
// returns 'false' for unsuccessful search. In case of 'false' result
// all subsequent calls also will return 'false'.
// If current iterator state is final then GetValue() method returns 'true' and
// associated value.
template <class TTrie>
class TSearchIterator {
using TData = typename TTrie::TData;
using TSymbol = typename TTrie::TSymbol;
using TKeyBuf = typename TTrie::TKeyBuf;
TSearchIterator() = default;
explicit TSearchIterator(const TTrie& trie)
: Trie(&trie)
, DataPos(trie.DataHolder.AsCharPtr())
, DataEnd(DataPos + trie.DataHolder.Length())
, ValuePos(trie.EmptyValue)
explicit TSearchIterator(const TTrie& trie, const TTrie& subTrie)
: Trie(&trie)
, DataPos(subTrie.Data().AsCharPtr())
, DataEnd(trie.DataHolder.AsCharPtr() + trie.DataHolder.Length())
, ValuePos(subTrie.EmptyValue)
bool operator==(const TSearchIterator& other) const {
Y_ASSERT(Trie && other.Trie);
return Trie == other.Trie &&
DataPos == other.DataPos &&
DataEnd == other.DataEnd &&
ValuePos == other.ValuePos;
bool operator!=(const TSearchIterator& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
inline bool Advance(TSymbol label) {
if (DataPos == nullptr || DataPos >= DataEnd) {
return false;
return NCompactTrie::Advance(DataPos, DataEnd, ValuePos, label, Trie->Packer);
inline bool Advance(const TKeyBuf& key) {
return Advance(key.data(), key.size());
bool Advance(const TSymbol* key, size_t keylen);
bool GetValue(TData* value = nullptr) const;
bool HasValue() const;
inline size_t GetHash() const;
const TTrie* Trie = nullptr;
const char* DataPos = nullptr;
const char* DataEnd = nullptr;
const char* ValuePos = nullptr;
template <class TTrie>
inline TSearchIterator<TTrie> MakeSearchIterator(const TTrie& trie) {
return TSearchIterator<TTrie>(trie);
template <class TTrie>
struct THash<TSearchIterator<TTrie>> {
inline size_t operator()(const TSearchIterator<TTrie>& item) {
return item.GetHash();
template <class TTrie>
bool TSearchIterator<TTrie>::Advance(const TSymbol* key, size_t keylen) {
if (!key || DataPos == nullptr || DataPos >= DataEnd) {
return false;
if (!keylen) {
return true;
const TSymbol* keyend = key + keylen;
while (key != keyend && DataPos != nullptr) {
if (!NCompactTrie::Advance(DataPos, DataEnd, ValuePos, *(key++), Trie->Packer)) {
return false;
if (key == keyend) {
return true;
return false;
template <class TTrie>
bool TSearchIterator<TTrie>::GetValue(TData* value) const {
bool result = false;
if (value) {
if (ValuePos) {
result = true;
Trie->Packer.UnpackLeaf(ValuePos, *value);
return result;
template <class TTrie>
bool TSearchIterator<TTrie>::HasValue() const {
return ValuePos;
template <class TTrie>
inline size_t TSearchIterator<TTrie>::GetHash() const {
return MultiHash(
static_cast<const void*>(Trie),
static_cast<const void*>(DataPos),
static_cast<const void*>(DataEnd),
static_cast<const void*>(ValuePos));