#pragma once
#include <util/stream/output.h>
// NCompactTrie
namespace NCompactTrie {
const char MT_FINAL = '\x80';
const char MT_NEXT = '\x40';
const char MT_SIZEMASK = '\x07';
const size_t MT_LEFTSHIFT = 3;
const size_t MT_RIGHTSHIFT = 0;
Y_FORCE_INLINE size_t UnpackOffset(const char* p, size_t len);
size_t MeasureOffset(size_t offset);
size_t PackOffset(char* buffer, size_t offset);
static inline ui64 ArcSaveOffset(size_t offset, IOutputStream& os);
Y_FORCE_INLINE char LeapByte(const char*& datapos, const char* dataend, char label);
template <class T>
inline static size_t ExtraBits() {
return (sizeof(T) - 1) * 8;
static inline bool IsEpsilonLink(const char flags) {
return !(flags & (MT_FINAL | MT_NEXT));
static inline void TraverseEpsilon(const char*& datapos) {
const char flags = *datapos;
if (!IsEpsilonLink(flags)) {
const size_t offsetlength = flags & MT_SIZEMASK;
const size_t offset = UnpackOffset(datapos + 1, offsetlength);
datapos += offset;
static inline size_t LeftOffsetLen(const char flags) {
return (flags >> MT_LEFTSHIFT) & MT_SIZEMASK;
static inline size_t RightOffsetLen(const char flags) {
return flags & MT_SIZEMASK;
void ShowProgress(size_t n); // just print dots
namespace NCompTriePrivate {
template <typename TChar>
struct TStringForChar {
template <>
struct TStringForChar<char> {
typedef TString TResult;
template <>
struct TStringForChar<wchar16> {
typedef TUtf16String TResult;
template <>
struct TStringForChar<wchar32> {
typedef TUtf32String TResult;
namespace NCompTriePrivate {
struct TCmp {
template <class T>
inline bool operator()(const T& l, const T& r) {
return (unsigned char)(l.Label[0]) < (unsigned char)(r.Label[0]);
template <class T>
inline bool operator()(const T& l, char r) {
return (unsigned char)(l.Label[0]) < (unsigned char)r;
namespace NCompactTrie {
static inline ui64 ArcSaveOffset(size_t offset, IOutputStream& os) {
using namespace NCompactTrie;
if (!offset)
return 0;
char buf[16];
size_t len = PackOffset(buf, offset);
os.Write(buf, len);
return len;
// Unpack the offset to the next node. The encoding scheme can store offsets
// up to 7 bytes; whether they fit into size_t is another issue.
Y_FORCE_INLINE size_t UnpackOffset(const char* p, size_t len) {
size_t result = 0;
while (len--)
result = ((result << 8) | (*(p++) & 0xFF));
return result;
// Auxiliary function: consumes one character from the input. Advances the data pointer
// to the position immediately preceding the value for the link just traversed (if any);
// returns flags associated with the link. If no arc with the required label is present,
// zeroes the data pointer.
Y_FORCE_INLINE char LeapByte(const char*& datapos, const char* dataend, char label) {
while (datapos < dataend) {
size_t offsetlength, offset;
const char* startpos = datapos;
char flags = *(datapos++);
if (IsEpsilonLink(flags)) {
// Epsilon link - jump to the specified offset without further checks.
// These links are created during minimization: original uncompressed
// tree does not need them. (If we find a way to package 3 offset lengths
// into 1 byte, we could get rid of them; but it looks like they do no harm.
Y_ASSERT(datapos < dataend);
offsetlength = flags & MT_SIZEMASK;
offset = UnpackOffset(datapos, offsetlength);
if (!offset)
datapos = startpos + offset;
char ch = *(datapos++);
// Left branch
offsetlength = LeftOffsetLen(flags);
if ((unsigned char)label < (unsigned char)ch) {
offset = UnpackOffset(datapos, offsetlength);
if (!offset)
datapos = startpos + offset;
datapos += offsetlength;
// Right branch
offsetlength = RightOffsetLen(flags);
if ((unsigned char)label > (unsigned char)ch) {
offset = UnpackOffset(datapos, offsetlength);
if (!offset)
datapos = startpos + offset;
// Got a match; return position right before the contents for the label
datapos += offsetlength;
return flags;
// if we got here, we're past the dataend - bail out ASAP
datapos = nullptr;
return 0;
// Auxiliary function: consumes one (multibyte) symbol from the input.
// Advances the data pointer to the root of the subtrie beginning after the symbol,
// zeroes it if this subtrie is empty.
// If there is a value associated with the symbol, makes the value pointer point to it,
// otherwise sets it to nullptr.
// Returns true if the symbol was succesfully found in the trie, false otherwise.
template <typename TSymbol, class TPacker>
Y_FORCE_INLINE bool Advance(const char*& datapos, const char* const dataend, const char*& value,
TSymbol label, TPacker packer) {
Y_ASSERT(datapos < dataend);
char flags = MT_NEXT;
for (int i = (int)ExtraBits<TSymbol>(); i >= 0; i -= 8) {
flags = LeapByte(datapos, dataend, (char)(label >> i));
if (!datapos) {
return false; // no such arc
value = nullptr;
Y_ASSERT(datapos <= dataend);
if ((flags & MT_FINAL)) {
value = datapos;
datapos += packer.SkipLeaf(datapos);
if (!(flags & MT_NEXT)) {
if (i == 0) {
datapos = nullptr;
return true;
return false; // no further way
if (i == 0) { // last byte, and got a match
return true;
return false;