#include <library/cpp/actors/util/rope.h>
#include <library/cpp/testing/unittest/registar.h>
#include <util/random/random.h>
#include "shared_data_rope_backend.h"
namespace NActors {
namespace {
TRope CreateRope(TString s, size_t sliceSize) {
TRope res;
for (size_t i = 0; i < s.size(); ) {
size_t len = std::min(sliceSize, s.size() - i);
if (i % 2) {
auto str = s.substr(i, len);
res.Insert(res.End(), TRope(MakeIntrusive<TRopeSharedDataBackend>(
TSharedData::Copy(str.data(), str.size()))));
} else {
res.Insert(res.End(), TRope(s.substr(i, len)));
i += len;
return res;
TString RopeToString(const TRope& rope) {
TString res;
auto iter = rope.Begin();
while (iter != rope.End()) {
res.append(iter.ContiguousData(), iter.ContiguousSize());
UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(rope.GetSize(), res.size());
TString temp = TString::Uninitialized(rope.GetSize());
rope.Begin().ExtractPlainDataAndAdvance(temp.Detach(), temp.size());
return res;
TString Text = "No elements are copied or moved, only the internal pointers of the list nodes are re-pointed.";
Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TRopeSharedDataBackend) {
// Same tests as in TRope but with new CreateRope using TSharedData backend
const size_t begin = 10, end = 20;
TRope rope = CreateRope(Text, 10);
rope.Erase(rope.Begin() + begin, rope.Begin() + end);
Y_UNIT_TEST(BasicRange) {
TRope rope = CreateRope(Text, 10);
for (size_t begin = 0; begin < Text.size(); ++begin) {
for (size_t end = begin; end <= Text.size(); ++end) {
TRope::TIterator rBegin = rope.Begin() + begin;
TRope::TIterator rEnd = rope.Begin() + end;
UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(RopeToString(TRope(rBegin, rEnd)), Text.substr(begin, end - begin));
Y_UNIT_TEST(Erase) {
for (size_t begin = 0; begin < Text.size(); ++begin) {
for (size_t end = begin; end <= Text.size(); ++end) {
TRope rope = CreateRope(Text, 10);
rope.Erase(rope.Begin() + begin, rope.Begin() + end);
TString text = Text;
text.erase(text.begin() + begin, text.begin() + end);
UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(RopeToString(rope), text);
Y_UNIT_TEST(Insert) {
TRope rope = CreateRope(Text, 10);
for (size_t begin = 0; begin < Text.size(); ++begin) {
for (size_t end = begin; end <= Text.size(); ++end) {
TRope part = TRope(rope.Begin() + begin, rope.Begin() + end);
for (size_t where = 0; where <= Text.size(); ++where) {
TRope x(rope);
x.Insert(x.Begin() + where, TRope(part));
UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(x.GetSize(), rope.GetSize() + part.GetSize());
TString text = Text;
text.insert(text.begin() + where, Text.begin() + begin, Text.begin() + end);
UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(RopeToString(x), text);
Y_UNIT_TEST(Extract) {
for (size_t begin = 0; begin < Text.size(); ++begin) {
for (size_t end = begin; end <= Text.size(); ++end) {
TRope rope = CreateRope(Text, 10);
TRope part = rope.Extract(rope.Begin() + begin, rope.Begin() + end);
TString text = Text;
text.erase(text.begin() + begin, text.begin() + end);
UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(RopeToString(rope), text);
UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(RopeToString(part), Text.substr(begin, end - begin));
Y_UNIT_TEST(EraseFront) {
for (size_t pos = 0; pos <= Text.size(); ++pos) {
TRope rope = CreateRope(Text, 10);
UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(RopeToString(rope), Text.substr(pos));
Y_UNIT_TEST(EraseBack) {
for (size_t pos = 0; pos <= Text.size(); ++pos) {
TRope rope = CreateRope(Text, 10);
UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(RopeToString(rope), Text.substr(0, Text.size() - pos));
Y_UNIT_TEST(ExtractFront) {
for (size_t step = 1; step <= Text.size(); ++step) {
TRope rope = CreateRope(Text, 10);
TRope out;
while (const size_t len = Min(step, rope.GetSize())) {
rope.ExtractFront(len, &out);
UNIT_ASSERT(rope.GetSize() + out.GetSize() == Text.size());
UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(RopeToString(out), Text.substr(0, out.GetSize()));
Y_UNIT_TEST(ExtractFrontPlain) {
for (size_t step = 1; step <= Text.size(); ++step) {
TRope rope = CreateRope(Text, 10);
TString buffer = Text;
auto it = rope.Begin();
size_t remain = rope.GetSize();
while (const size_t len = Min(step, remain)) {
TString data = TString::Uninitialized(len);
it.ExtractPlainDataAndAdvance(data.Detach(), data.size());
UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(data, buffer.substr(0, len));
UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(RopeToString(TRope(it, rope.End())), buffer.substr(len));
buffer = buffer.substr(len);
remain -= len;
Y_UNIT_TEST(Glueing) {
TRope rope = CreateRope(Text, 10);
for (size_t begin = 0; begin <= Text.size(); ++begin) {
for (size_t end = begin; end <= Text.size(); ++end) {
TString repr = rope.DebugString();
TRope temp = rope.Extract(rope.Position(begin), rope.Position(end));
rope.Insert(rope.Position(begin), std::move(temp));
UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(repr, rope.DebugString());
UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(RopeToString(rope), Text);
Y_UNIT_TEST(IterWalk) {
TRope rope = CreateRope(Text, 10);
for (size_t step1 = 0; step1 <= rope.GetSize(); ++step1) {
for (size_t step2 = 0; step2 <= step1; ++step2) {
TRope::TConstIterator iter = rope.Begin();
iter += step1;
iter -= step2;
UNIT_ASSERT(iter == rope.Position(step1 - step2));
Y_UNIT_TEST(Compare) {
auto check = [](const TString& x, const TString& y) {
const TRope xRope = CreateRope(x, 7);
const TRope yRope = CreateRope(y, 11);
UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(xRope == yRope, x == y);
UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(xRope != yRope, x != y);
UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(xRope < yRope, x < y);
UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(xRope <= yRope, x <= y);
UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(xRope > yRope, x > y);
UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(xRope >= yRope, x >= y);
TVector<TString> pool;
for (size_t k = 0; k < 10; ++k) {
size_t len = RandomNumber<size_t>(100) + 100;
TString s = TString::Uninitialized(len);
char *p = s.Detach();
for (size_t j = 0; j < len; ++j) {
*p++ = RandomNumber<unsigned char>();
for (const TString& x : pool) {
for (const TString& y : pool) {
check(x, y);
// Specific TSharedDataRopeBackend tests
Y_UNIT_TEST(RopeOnlyBorrows) {
TSharedData data = TSharedData::Copy(Text.data(), Text.size());
TRope rope;
rope.Insert(rope.End(), TRope(MakeIntrusive<TRopeSharedDataBackend>(data)));
TSharedData dataCopy = data;
UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(dataCopy.data(), data.data());
rope.Insert(rope.End(), TRope(MakeIntrusive<TRopeSharedDataBackend>(data)));
rope.Insert(rope.End(), TRope(MakeIntrusive<TRopeSharedDataBackend>(data)));
UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(rope.GetSize(), data.size() * 3);
} // namespace NActors