* Copyright 2006-2007 Adrian Thurston <thurston@complang.org>
* Copyright 2011 Josef Goettgens
/* This file is part of Ragel.
* Ragel is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Ragel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Ragel; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string.h>
#include "ragel.h"
#include "rlscan.h"
#include "inputdata.h"
//#define LOG_TOKENS
using std::ifstream;
using std::istream;
using std::ostream;
using std::cout;
using std::cerr;
using std::endl;
enum InlineBlockType
* The Scanner for Importing
machine inline_token_scan;
alphtype int;
access tok_;
# Import scanner tokens.
import "rlparse.h";
main := |*
# Define of number.
IMP_Define IMP_Word IMP_UInt => {
int base = tok_ts - token_data;
int nameOff = 1;
int numOff = 2;
directToParser( inclToParser, fileName, line, column, TK_Word,
token_strings[base+nameOff], token_lens[base+nameOff] );
directToParser( inclToParser, fileName, line, column, '=', 0, 0 );
directToParser( inclToParser, fileName, line, column, TK_UInt,
token_strings[base+numOff], token_lens[base+numOff] );
directToParser( inclToParser, fileName, line, column, ';', 0, 0 );
# Assignment of number.
IMP_Word '=' IMP_UInt => {
int base = tok_ts - token_data;
int nameOff = 0;
int numOff = 2;
directToParser( inclToParser, fileName, line, column, TK_Word,
token_strings[base+nameOff], token_lens[base+nameOff] );
directToParser( inclToParser, fileName, line, column, '=', 0, 0 );
directToParser( inclToParser, fileName, line, column, TK_UInt,
token_strings[base+numOff], token_lens[base+numOff] );
directToParser( inclToParser, fileName, line, column, ';', 0, 0 );
# Define of literal.
IMP_Define IMP_Word IMP_Literal => {
int base = tok_ts - token_data;
int nameOff = 1;
int litOff = 2;
directToParser( inclToParser, fileName, line, column, TK_Word,
token_strings[base+nameOff], token_lens[base+nameOff] );
directToParser( inclToParser, fileName, line, column, '=', 0, 0 );
directToParser( inclToParser, fileName, line, column, TK_Literal,
token_strings[base+litOff], token_lens[base+litOff] );
directToParser( inclToParser, fileName, line, column, ';', 0, 0 );
# Assignment of literal.
IMP_Word '=' IMP_Literal => {
int base = tok_ts - token_data;
int nameOff = 0;
int litOff = 2;
directToParser( inclToParser, fileName, line, column, TK_Word,
token_strings[base+nameOff], token_lens[base+nameOff] );
directToParser( inclToParser, fileName, line, column, '=', 0, 0 );
directToParser( inclToParser, fileName, line, column, TK_Literal,
token_strings[base+litOff], token_lens[base+litOff] );
directToParser( inclToParser, fileName, line, column, ';', 0, 0 );
# Catch everything else.
%% write data;
void Scanner::flushImport()
int *p = token_data;
int *pe = token_data + cur_token;
int *eof = 0;
machine inline_token_scan;
write init;
write exec;
if ( tok_ts == 0 )
cur_token = 0;
else {
cur_token = pe - tok_ts;
int ts_offset = tok_ts - token_data;
memmove( token_data, token_data+ts_offset, cur_token*sizeof(token_data[0]) );
memmove( token_strings, token_strings+ts_offset, cur_token*sizeof(token_strings[0]) );
memmove( token_lens, token_lens+ts_offset, cur_token*sizeof(token_lens[0]) );
void Scanner::directToParser( Parser *toParser, const char *tokFileName, int tokLine,
int tokColumn, int type, char *tokdata, int toklen )
InputLoc loc;
cerr << "scanner:" << tokLine << ":" << tokColumn <<
": sending token to the parser " << Parser_lelNames[type];
cerr << " " << toklen;
if ( tokdata != 0 )
cerr << " " << tokdata;
cerr << endl;
loc.fileName = tokFileName;
loc.line = tokLine;
loc.col = tokColumn;
toParser->token( loc, type, tokdata, toklen );
void Scanner::importToken( int token, char *start, char *end )
if ( cur_token == max_tokens )
token_data[cur_token] = token;
if ( start == 0 ) {
token_strings[cur_token] = 0;
token_lens[cur_token] = 0;
else {
int toklen = end-start;
token_lens[cur_token] = toklen;
token_strings[cur_token] = new char[toklen+1];
memcpy( token_strings[cur_token], start, toklen );
token_strings[cur_token][toklen] = 0;
void Scanner::pass( int token, char *start, char *end )
if ( importMachines )
importToken( token, start, end );
void Scanner::pass()
/* If no errors and we are at the bottom of the include stack (the
* source file listed on the command line) then write out the data. */
if ( includeDepth == 0 && machineSpec == 0 && machineName == 0 )
id.inputItems.tail->data.write( ts, te-ts );
* The scanner for processing sections, includes, imports, etc.
machine section_parse;
alphtype int;
write data;
void Scanner::init( )
%% write init;
bool Scanner::active()
if ( ignoreSection )
return false;
if ( parser == 0 && ! parserExistsError ) {
scan_error() << "this specification has no name, nor does any previous"
" specification" << endl;
parserExistsError = true;
if ( parser == 0 )
return false;
return true;
ostream &Scanner::scan_error()
/* Maintain the error count. */
gblErrorCount += 1;
cerr << makeInputLoc( fileName, line, column ) << ": ";
return cerr;
/* An approximate check for duplicate includes. Due to aliasing of files it's
* possible for duplicates to creep in. */
bool Scanner::duplicateInclude( char *inclFileName, char *inclSectionName )
for ( IncludeHistory::Iter hi = parser->includeHistory; hi.lte(); hi++ ) {
if ( strcmp( hi->fileName, inclFileName ) == 0 &&
strcmp( hi->sectionName, inclSectionName ) == 0 )
return true;
return false;
void Scanner::updateCol()
char *from = lastnl;
if ( from == 0 )
from = ts;
//cerr << "adding " << te - from << " to column" << endl;
column += te - from;
lastnl = 0;
void Scanner::handleMachine()
/* Assign a name to the machine. */
char *machine = word;
if ( !importMachines && inclSectionTarg == 0 ) {
ignoreSection = false;
ParserDictEl *pdEl = id.parserDict.find( machine );
if ( pdEl == 0 ) {
pdEl = new ParserDictEl( machine );
pdEl->value = new Parser( fileName, machine, sectionLoc );
id.parserDict.insert( pdEl );
id.parserList.append( pdEl->value );
parser = pdEl->value;
else if ( !importMachines && strcmp( inclSectionTarg, machine ) == 0 ) {
/* found include target */
ignoreSection = false;
parser = inclToParser;
else {
/* ignoring section */
ignoreSection = true;
parser = 0;
void Scanner::handleInclude()
if ( active() ) {
char *inclSectionName = word;
char **includeChecks = 0;
/* Implement defaults for the input file and section name. */
if ( inclSectionName == 0 )
inclSectionName = parser->sectionName;
if ( lit != 0 )
includeChecks = makeIncludePathChecks( fileName, lit, lit_len );
else {
char *test = new char[strlen(fileName)+1];
strcpy( test, fileName );
includeChecks = new char*[2];
includeChecks[0] = test;
includeChecks[1] = 0;
long found = 0;
ifstream *inFile = tryOpenInclude( includeChecks, found );
if ( inFile == 0 ) {
scan_error() << "include: failed to locate file" << endl;
char **tried = includeChecks;
while ( *tried != 0 )
scan_error() << "include: attempted: \"" << *tried++ << '\"' << endl;
else {
/* Don't include anything that's already been included. */
if ( !duplicateInclude( includeChecks[found], inclSectionName ) ) {
parser->includeHistory.append( IncludeHistoryItem(
includeChecks[found], inclSectionName ) );
Scanner scanner( id, includeChecks[found], *inFile, parser,
inclSectionName, includeDepth+1, false );
scanner.do_scan( );
delete inFile;
void Scanner::handleImport()
if ( active() ) {
char **importChecks = makeIncludePathChecks( fileName, lit, lit_len );
/* Open the input file for reading. */
long found = 0;
ifstream *inFile = tryOpenInclude( importChecks, found );
if ( inFile == 0 ) {
scan_error() << "import: could not open import file " <<
"for reading" << endl;
char **tried = importChecks;
while ( *tried != 0 )
scan_error() << "import: attempted: \"" << *tried++ << '\"' << endl;
Scanner scanner( id, importChecks[found], *inFile, parser,
0, includeDepth+1, true );
scanner.do_scan( );
scanner.importToken( 0, 0, 0 );
delete inFile;
machine section_parse;
# Need the defines representing tokens.
import "rlparse.h";
action clear_words { word = lit = 0; word_len = lit_len = 0; }
action store_word { word = tokdata; word_len = toklen; }
action store_lit { lit = tokdata; lit_len = toklen; }
action mach_err { scan_error() << "bad machine statement" << endl; }
action incl_err { scan_error() << "bad include statement" << endl; }
action import_err { scan_error() << "bad import statement" << endl; }
action write_err { scan_error() << "bad write statement" << endl; }
action handle_machine { handleMachine(); }
action handle_include { handleInclude(); }
action handle_import { handleImport(); }
machine_stmt =
( KW_Machine TK_Word @store_word ';' ) @handle_machine
<>err mach_err <>eof mach_err;
include_names = (
TK_Word @store_word ( TK_Literal @store_lit )? |
TK_Literal @store_lit
) >clear_words;
include_stmt =
( KW_Include include_names ';' ) @handle_include
<>err incl_err <>eof incl_err;
import_stmt =
( KW_Import TK_Literal @store_lit ';' ) @handle_import
<>err import_err <>eof import_err;
action write_command
if ( active() && machineSpec == 0 && machineName == 0 ) {
InputItem *inputItem = new InputItem;
inputItem->type = InputItem::Write;
inputItem->loc.fileName = fileName;
inputItem->loc.line = line;
inputItem->loc.col = column;
inputItem->name = parser->sectionName;
inputItem->pd = parser->pd;
id.inputItems.append( inputItem );
action write_arg
if ( active() && machineSpec == 0 && machineName == 0 )
id.inputItems.tail->writeArgs.append( strdup(tokdata) );
action write_close
if ( active() && machineSpec == 0 && machineName == 0 )
id.inputItems.tail->writeArgs.append( 0 );
write_stmt =
( KW_Write @write_command
( TK_Word @write_arg )+ ';' @write_close )
<>err write_err <>eof write_err;
action handle_token
/* Send the token off to the parser. */
if ( active() )
directToParser( parser, fileName, line, column, type, tokdata, toklen );
# Catch everything else.
everything_else =
^( KW_Machine | KW_Include | KW_Import | KW_Write ) @handle_token;
main := (
machine_stmt |
include_stmt |
import_stmt |
write_stmt |
void Scanner::token( int type, char c )
token( type, &c, &c + 1 );
void Scanner::token( int type )
token( type, 0, 0 );
void Scanner::token( int type, char *start, char *end )
char *tokdata = 0;
int toklen = 0;
if ( start != 0 ) {
toklen = end-start;
tokdata = new char[toklen+1];
memcpy( tokdata, start, toklen );
tokdata[toklen] = 0;
processToken( type, tokdata, toklen );
void Scanner::processToken( int type, char *tokdata, int toklen )
int *p, *pe, *eof;
if ( type < 0 )
p = pe = eof = 0;
else {
p = &type;
pe = &type + 1;
eof = 0;
machine section_parse;
write exec;
/* Record the last token for use in controlling the scan of subsequent
* tokens. */
lastToken = type;
void Scanner::startSection( )
parserExistsError = false;
sectionLoc.fileName = fileName;
sectionLoc.line = line;
sectionLoc.col = column;
void Scanner::endSection( )
/* Execute the eof actions for the section parser. */
processToken( -1, 0, 0 );
/* Close off the section with the parser. */
if ( active() ) {
InputLoc loc;
loc.fileName = fileName;
loc.line = line;
loc.col = column;
parser->token( loc, TK_EndSection, 0, 0 );
if ( includeDepth == 0 ) {
if ( machineSpec == 0 && machineName == 0 ) {
/* The end section may include a newline on the end, so
* we use the last line, which will count the newline. */
InputItem *inputItem = new InputItem;
inputItem->type = InputItem::HostData;
inputItem->loc.line = line;
inputItem->loc.col = column;
id.inputItems.append( inputItem );
bool isAbsolutePath( const char *path )
#ifdef _WIN32
return isalpha( path[0] ) && path[1] == ':' && (path[2] == '\\' || path[2] == '/');
return path[0] == '/';
inline char* resolvePath(const char* rel, const char* abs) {
const size_t l1 = strlen(rel);
const size_t l2 = strlen(abs);
char* ret = new char[l1 + l2 + 1];
const char* p = strrchr(abs, '/') + 1;
const size_t l3 = p - abs;
memcpy(ret, abs, l3);
strcpy(ret + l3, rel);
return ret;
char **Scanner::makeIncludePathChecks( const char *thisFileName,
const char *fileName, int fnlen )
char **checks = 0;
long nextCheck = 0;
long length = 0;
bool caseInsensitive = false;
char *data = prepareLitString( InputLoc(), fileName, fnlen,
length, caseInsensitive );
/* Absolute path? */
if ( isAbsolutePath( data ) ) {
checks = new char*[2];
checks[nextCheck++] = data;
else {
checks = new char*[2 + id.includePaths.length()];
/* Search from the the location of the current file. */
const char *lastSlash = strrchr( thisFileName, '/' );
if ( lastSlash == 0 )
checks[nextCheck++] = data;
else {
checks[nextCheck++] = resolvePath(data, thisFileName);
/* Search from the include paths given on the command line. */
for ( ArgsVector::Iter incp = id.includePaths; incp.lte(); incp++ ) {
long pathLen = strlen( *incp );
long checkLen = pathLen + 1 + length;
char *check = new char[checkLen+1];
memcpy( check, *incp, pathLen );
check[pathLen] = '/';
memcpy( check+pathLen+1, data, length );
check[checkLen] = 0;
checks[nextCheck++] = check;
checks[nextCheck] = 0;
return checks;
ifstream *Scanner::tryOpenInclude( char **pathChecks, long &found )
char **check = pathChecks;
ifstream *inFile = new ifstream;
while ( *check != 0 ) {
inFile->open( *check );
if ( inFile->is_open() ) {
found = check - pathChecks;
return inFile;
* 03/26/2011 jg:
* Don't rely on sloppy runtime behaviour: reset the state of the stream explicitly.
* If inFile->open() fails, which happens when include dirs are tested, the fail bit
* is set by the runtime library. Currently the VS runtime library opens new files,
* but when it comes to reading it refuses to work.
check += 1;
found = -1;
delete inFile;
return 0;
machine rlscan;
# This is sent by the driver code.
EOF = 0;
action inc_nl {
lastnl = p;
column = 0;
NL = '\n' @inc_nl;
# Identifiers, numbers, commetns, and other common things.
ident = ( alpha | '_' ) ( alpha |digit |'_' )*;
number = digit+;
hex_number = '0x' [0-9a-fA-F]+;
c_comment =
'/*' ( any | NL )* :>> '*/';
cpp_comment =
'//' [^\n]* NL;
c_cpp_comment = c_comment | cpp_comment;
ruby_comment = '#' [^\n]* NL;
# These literal forms are common to host code and ragel.
s_literal = "'" ([^'\\] | NL | '\\' (any | NL))* "'";
d_literal = '"' ([^"\\] | NL | '\\' (any | NL))* '"';
host_re_literal = '/' ([^/\\] | NL | '\\' (any | NL))* '/';
whitespace = [ \t] | NL;
pound_comment = '#' [^\n]* NL;
# An inline block of code for Ruby.
inline_code_ruby := |*
# Inline expression keywords.
"fpc" => { token( KW_PChar ); };
"fc" => { token( KW_Char ); };
"fcurs" => { token( KW_CurState ); };
"ftargs" => { token( KW_TargState ); };
"fentry" => {
whitespaceOn = false;
token( KW_Entry );
# Inline statement keywords.
"fhold" => {
whitespaceOn = false;
token( KW_Hold );
"fexec" => { token( KW_Exec, 0, 0 ); };
"fgoto" => {
whitespaceOn = false;
token( KW_Goto );
"fnext" => {
whitespaceOn = false;
token( KW_Next );
"fcall" => {
whitespaceOn = false;
token( KW_Call );
"fret" => {
whitespaceOn = false;
token( KW_Ret );
"fbreak" => {
whitespaceOn = false;
token( KW_Break );
ident => { token( TK_Word, ts, te ); };
number => { token( TK_UInt, ts, te ); };
hex_number => { token( TK_Hex, ts, te ); };
( s_literal | d_literal | host_re_literal )
=> { token( IL_Literal, ts, te ); };
whitespace+ => {
if ( whitespaceOn )
token( IL_WhiteSpace, ts, te );
ruby_comment => { token( IL_Comment, ts, te ); };
"::" => { token( TK_NameSep, ts, te ); };
# Some symbols need to go to the parser as with their cardinal value as
# the token type (as opposed to being sent as anonymous symbols)
# because they are part of the sequences which we interpret. The * ) ;
# symbols cause whitespace parsing to come back on. This gets turned
# off by some keywords.
";" => {
whitespaceOn = true;
token( *ts, ts, te );
if ( inlineBlockType == SemiTerminated )
[*)] => {
whitespaceOn = true;
token( *ts, ts, te );
[,(] => { token( *ts, ts, te ); };
'{' => {
token( IL_Symbol, ts, te );
curly_count += 1;
'}' => {
if ( --curly_count == 0 && inlineBlockType == CurlyDelimited ) {
/* Inline code block ends. */
token( '}' );
else {
/* Either a semi terminated inline block or only the closing
* brace of some inner scope, not the block's closing brace. */
token( IL_Symbol, ts, te );
EOF => {
scan_error() << "unterminated code block" << endl;
# Send every other character as a symbol.
any => { token( IL_Symbol, ts, te ); };
# An inline block of code for languages other than Ruby.
inline_code := |*
# Inline expression keywords.
"fpc" => { token( KW_PChar ); };
"fc" => { token( KW_Char ); };
"fcurs" => { token( KW_CurState ); };
"ftargs" => { token( KW_TargState ); };
"fentry" => {
whitespaceOn = false;
token( KW_Entry );
# Inline statement keywords.
"fhold" => {
whitespaceOn = false;
token( KW_Hold );
"fexec" => { token( KW_Exec, 0, 0 ); };
"fgoto" => {
whitespaceOn = false;
token( KW_Goto );
"fnext" => {
whitespaceOn = false;
token( KW_Next );
"fcall" => {
whitespaceOn = false;
token( KW_Call );
"fret" => {
whitespaceOn = false;
token( KW_Ret );
"fbreak" => {
whitespaceOn = false;
token( KW_Break );
ident => { token( TK_Word, ts, te ); };
number => { token( TK_UInt, ts, te ); };
hex_number => { token( TK_Hex, ts, te ); };
( s_literal | d_literal )
=> { token( IL_Literal, ts, te ); };
whitespace+ => {
if ( whitespaceOn )
token( IL_WhiteSpace, ts, te );
c_cpp_comment => { token( IL_Comment, ts, te ); };
"::" => { token( TK_NameSep, ts, te ); };
# Some symbols need to go to the parser as with their cardinal value as
# the token type (as opposed to being sent as anonymous symbols)
# because they are part of the sequences which we interpret. The * ) ;
# symbols cause whitespace parsing to come back on. This gets turned
# off by some keywords.
";" => {
whitespaceOn = true;
token( *ts, ts, te );
if ( inlineBlockType == SemiTerminated )
[*)] => {
whitespaceOn = true;
token( *ts, ts, te );
[,(] => { token( *ts, ts, te ); };
'{' => {
token( IL_Symbol, ts, te );
curly_count += 1;
'}' => {
if ( --curly_count == 0 && inlineBlockType == CurlyDelimited ) {
/* Inline code block ends. */
token( '}' );
else {
/* Either a semi terminated inline block or only the closing
* brace of some inner scope, not the block's closing brace. */
token( IL_Symbol, ts, te );
EOF => {
scan_error() << "unterminated code block" << endl;
# Send every other character as a symbol.
any => { token( IL_Symbol, ts, te ); };
or_literal := |*
# Escape sequences in OR expressions.
'\\0' => { token( RE_Char, '\0' ); };
'\\a' => { token( RE_Char, '\a' ); };
'\\b' => { token( RE_Char, '\b' ); };
'\\t' => { token( RE_Char, '\t' ); };
'\\n' => { token( RE_Char, '\n' ); };
'\\v' => { token( RE_Char, '\v' ); };
'\\f' => { token( RE_Char, '\f' ); };
'\\r' => { token( RE_Char, '\r' ); };
'\\\n' => { updateCol(); };
'\\' any => { token( RE_Char, ts+1, te ); };
# Range dash in an OR expression.
'-' => { token( RE_Dash, 0, 0 ); };
# Terminate an OR expression.
']' => { token( RE_SqClose ); fret; };
EOF => {
scan_error() << "unterminated OR literal" << endl;
# Characters in an OR expression.
[^\]] => { token( RE_Char, ts, te ); };
ragel_re_literal := |*
# Escape sequences in regular expressions.
'\\0' => { token( RE_Char, '\0' ); };
'\\a' => { token( RE_Char, '\a' ); };
'\\b' => { token( RE_Char, '\b' ); };
'\\t' => { token( RE_Char, '\t' ); };
'\\n' => { token( RE_Char, '\n' ); };
'\\v' => { token( RE_Char, '\v' ); };
'\\f' => { token( RE_Char, '\f' ); };
'\\r' => { token( RE_Char, '\r' ); };
'\\\n' => { updateCol(); };
'\\' any => { token( RE_Char, ts+1, te ); };
# Terminate an OR expression.
'/' [i]? => {
token( RE_Slash, ts, te );
fgoto parser_def;
# Special characters.
'.' => { token( RE_Dot ); };
'*' => { token( RE_Star ); };
'[' => { token( RE_SqOpen ); fcall or_literal; };
'[^' => { token( RE_SqOpenNeg ); fcall or_literal; };
EOF => {
scan_error() << "unterminated regular expression" << endl;
# Characters in an OR expression.
[^\/] => { token( RE_Char, ts, te ); };
# We need a separate token space here to avoid the ragel keywords.
write_statement := |*
ident => { token( TK_Word, ts, te ); } ;
[ \t\n]+ => { updateCol(); };
';' => { token( ';' ); fgoto parser_def; };
EOF => {
scan_error() << "unterminated write statement" << endl;
# Parser definitions.
parser_def := |*
#'length_cond' => { token( KW_Length ); };
'machine' => { token( KW_Machine ); };
'include' => { token( KW_Include ); };
'import' => { token( KW_Import ); };
'write' => {
token( KW_Write );
fgoto write_statement;
'action' => { token( KW_Action ); };
'alphtype' => { token( KW_AlphType ); };
'prepush' => { token( KW_PrePush ); };
'postpop' => { token( KW_PostPop ); };
# FIXME: Enable this post 5.17.
# 'range' => { token( KW_Range ); };
'getkey' => {
token( KW_GetKey );
inlineBlockType = SemiTerminated;
if ( hostLang->lang == HostLang::Ruby )
fcall inline_code_ruby;
fcall inline_code;
'access' => {
token( KW_Access );
inlineBlockType = SemiTerminated;
if ( hostLang->lang == HostLang::Ruby )
fcall inline_code_ruby;
fcall inline_code;
'variable' => {
token( KW_Variable );
inlineBlockType = SemiTerminated;
if ( hostLang->lang == HostLang::Ruby )
fcall inline_code_ruby;
fcall inline_code;
'when' => { token( KW_When ); };
'inwhen' => { token( KW_InWhen ); };
'outwhen' => { token( KW_OutWhen ); };
'eof' => { token( KW_Eof ); };
'err' => { token( KW_Err ); };
'lerr' => { token( KW_Lerr ); };
'to' => { token( KW_To ); };
'from' => { token( KW_From ); };
'export' => { token( KW_Export ); };
# Identifiers.
ident => { token( TK_Word, ts, te ); } ;
# Numbers
number => { token( TK_UInt, ts, te ); };
hex_number => { token( TK_Hex, ts, te ); };
# Literals, with optionals.
( s_literal | d_literal ) [i]?
=> { token( TK_Literal, ts, te ); };
'[' => { token( RE_SqOpen ); fcall or_literal; };
'[^' => { token( RE_SqOpenNeg ); fcall or_literal; };
'/' => { token( RE_Slash ); fgoto ragel_re_literal; };
# Ignore.
pound_comment => { updateCol(); };
':=' => { token( TK_ColonEquals ); };
# To State Actions.
">~" => { token( TK_StartToState ); };
"$~" => { token( TK_AllToState ); };
"%~" => { token( TK_FinalToState ); };
"<~" => { token( TK_NotStartToState ); };
"@~" => { token( TK_NotFinalToState ); };
"<>~" => { token( TK_MiddleToState ); };
# From State actions
">*" => { token( TK_StartFromState ); };
"$*" => { token( TK_AllFromState ); };
"%*" => { token( TK_FinalFromState ); };
"<*" => { token( TK_NotStartFromState ); };
"@*" => { token( TK_NotFinalFromState ); };
"<>*" => { token( TK_MiddleFromState ); };
# EOF Actions.
">/" => { token( TK_StartEOF ); };
"$/" => { token( TK_AllEOF ); };
"%/" => { token( TK_FinalEOF ); };
"</" => { token( TK_NotStartEOF ); };
"@/" => { token( TK_NotFinalEOF ); };
"<>/" => { token( TK_MiddleEOF ); };
# Global Error actions.
">!" => { token( TK_StartGblError ); };
"$!" => { token( TK_AllGblError ); };
"%!" => { token( TK_FinalGblError ); };
"<!" => { token( TK_NotStartGblError ); };
"@!" => { token( TK_NotFinalGblError ); };
"<>!" => { token( TK_MiddleGblError ); };
# Local error actions.
">^" => { token( TK_StartLocalError ); };
"$^" => { token( TK_AllLocalError ); };
"%^" => { token( TK_FinalLocalError ); };
"<^" => { token( TK_NotStartLocalError ); };
"@^" => { token( TK_NotFinalLocalError ); };
"<>^" => { token( TK_MiddleLocalError ); };
# Middle.
"<>" => { token( TK_Middle ); };
# Conditions.
'>?' => { token( TK_StartCond ); };
'$?' => { token( TK_AllCond ); };
'%?' => { token( TK_LeavingCond ); };
'..' => { token( TK_DotDot ); };
'**' => { token( TK_StarStar ); };
'--' => { token( TK_DashDash ); };
'->' => { token( TK_Arrow ); };
'=>' => { token( TK_DoubleArrow ); };
":>" => { token( TK_ColonGt ); };
":>>" => { token( TK_ColonGtGt ); };
"<:" => { token( TK_LtColon ); };
# Opening of longest match.
"|*" => { token( TK_BarStar ); };
# Separater for name references.
"::" => { token( TK_NameSep, ts, te ); };
'}%%' => {
[ \t\r]+ => { updateCol(); };
# If we are in a single line machine then newline may end the spec.
NL => {
if ( singleLineSpec ) {
'{' => {
if ( lastToken == KW_Export || lastToken == KW_Entry )
token( '{' );
else {
token( '{' );
curly_count = 1;
inlineBlockType = CurlyDelimited;
if ( hostLang->lang == HostLang::Ruby )
fcall inline_code_ruby;
fcall inline_code;
EOF => {
scan_error() << "unterminated ragel section" << endl;
any => { token( *ts ); } ;
# Outside code scanner. These tokens get passed through.
main_ruby := |*
ident => { pass( IMP_Word, ts, te ); };
number => { pass( IMP_UInt, ts, te ); };
ruby_comment => { pass(); };
( s_literal | d_literal | host_re_literal )
=> { pass( IMP_Literal, ts, te ); };
'%%{' => {
singleLineSpec = false;
fcall parser_def;
'%%' => {
singleLineSpec = true;
fcall parser_def;
whitespace+ => { pass(); };
any => { pass( *ts, 0, 0 ); };
# Outside code scanner. These tokens get passed through.
main := |*
'define' => { pass( IMP_Define, 0, 0 ); };
ident => { pass( IMP_Word, ts, te ); };
number => { pass( IMP_UInt, ts, te ); };
c_cpp_comment => { pass(); };
( s_literal | d_literal ) => { pass( IMP_Literal, ts, te ); };
'%%{' => {
singleLineSpec = false;
fcall parser_def;
'%%' => {
singleLineSpec = true;
fcall parser_def;
whitespace+ => { pass(); };
any => { pass( *ts, 0, 0 ); };
%% write data;
void Scanner::do_scan()
int bufsize = 8;
char *buf = new char[bufsize];
int cs, act, have = 0;
int top;
/* The stack is two deep, one level for going into ragel defs from the main
* machines which process outside code, and another for going into or literals
* from either a ragel spec, or a regular expression. */
int stack[2];
int curly_count = 0;
bool execute = true;
bool singleLineSpec = false;
InlineBlockType inlineBlockType = CurlyDelimited;
/* Init the section parser and the character scanner. */
%% write init;
/* Set up the start state. FIXME: After 5.20 is released the nocs write
* init option should be used, the main machine eliminated and this statement moved
* above the write init. */
if ( hostLang->lang == HostLang::Ruby )
cs = rlscan_en_main_ruby;
cs = rlscan_en_main;
while ( execute ) {
char *p = buf + have;
int space = bufsize - have;
if ( space == 0 ) {
/* We filled up the buffer trying to scan a token. Grow it. */
bufsize = bufsize * 2;
char *newbuf = new char[bufsize];
/* Recompute p and space. */
p = newbuf + have;
space = bufsize - have;
/* Patch up pointers possibly in use. */
if ( ts != 0 )
ts = newbuf + ( ts - buf );
te = newbuf + ( te - buf );
/* Copy the new buffer in. */
memcpy( newbuf, buf, have );
delete[] buf;
buf = newbuf;
input.read( p, space );
int len = input.gcount();
char *pe = p + len;
/* If we see eof then append the eof var. */
char *eof = 0;
if ( len == 0 ) {
eof = pe;
execute = false;
%% write exec;
/* Check if we failed. */
if ( cs == rlscan_error ) {
/* Machine failed before finding a token. I'm not yet sure if this
* is reachable. */
scan_error() << "scanner error" << endl;
/* Decide if we need to preserve anything. */
char *preserve = ts;
/* Now set up the prefix. */
if ( preserve == 0 )
have = 0;
else {
/* There is data that needs to be shifted over. */
have = pe - preserve;
memmove( buf, preserve, have );
unsigned int shiftback = preserve - buf;
if ( ts != 0 )
ts -= shiftback;
te -= shiftback;
preserve = buf;
delete[] buf;