* Copyright 2005-2007 Adrian Thurston <thurston@complang.org>
/* This file is part of Ragel.
* Ragel is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Ragel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Ragel; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#include "gendata.h"
#include "ragel.h"
#include <iostream>
* Code generators.
#include "cstable.h"
#include "csftable.h"
#include "csflat.h"
#include "csfflat.h"
#include "csgoto.h"
#include "csfgoto.h"
#include "csipgoto.h"
#include "cssplit.h"
#include "cdtable.h"
#include "cdftable.h"
#include "cdflat.h"
#include "cdfflat.h"
#include "cdgoto.h"
#include "cdfgoto.h"
#include "cdipgoto.h"
#include "cdsplit.h"
#include "dotcodegen.h"
#include "javacodegen.h"
#include "gocodegen.h"
#include "gotable.h"
#include "goftable.h"
#include "goflat.h"
#include "gofflat.h"
#include "gogoto.h"
#include "gofgoto.h"
#include "goipgoto.h"
#include "mltable.h"
#include "mlftable.h"
#include "mlflat.h"
#include "mlfflat.h"
#include "mlgoto.h"
#include "mlfgoto.h"
#include "rubytable.h"
#include "rubyftable.h"
#include "rubyflat.h"
#include "rubyfflat.h"
#include "rbxgoto.h"
string itoa( int i )
char buf[16];
sprintf( buf, "%i", i );
return buf;
using std::cout;
using std::cerr;
using std::endl;
/* Invoked by the parser when a ragel definition is opened. */
CodeGenData *dotMakeCodeGen( const char *sourceFileName, const char *fsmName, ostream &out )
CodeGenData *codeGen = new GraphvizDotGen(out);
codeGen->sourceFileName = sourceFileName;
codeGen->fsmName = fsmName;
/* For normal code generation we want a transition on every character so we never
* end up in an undefined state. For graphviz this just clutters the
* drawing so we turn it off. */
codeGen->wantComplete = false;
return codeGen;
/* Invoked by the parser when a ragel definition is opened. */
CodeGenData *cdMakeCodeGen( const char *sourceFileName, const char *fsmName, ostream &out )
CodeGenData *codeGen = 0;
switch ( hostLang->lang ) {
case HostLang::C:
switch ( codeStyle ) {
case GenTables:
codeGen = new CTabCodeGen(out);
case GenFTables:
codeGen = new CFTabCodeGen(out);
case GenFlat:
codeGen = new CFlatCodeGen(out);
case GenFFlat:
codeGen = new CFFlatCodeGen(out);
case GenGoto:
codeGen = new CGotoCodeGen(out);
case GenFGoto:
codeGen = new CFGotoCodeGen(out);
case GenIpGoto:
codeGen = new CIpGotoCodeGen(out);
case GenSplit:
codeGen = new CSplitCodeGen(out);
case HostLang::D:
switch ( codeStyle ) {
case GenTables:
codeGen = new DTabCodeGen(out);
case GenFTables:
codeGen = new DFTabCodeGen(out);
case GenFlat:
codeGen = new DFlatCodeGen(out);
case GenFFlat:
codeGen = new DFFlatCodeGen(out);
case GenGoto:
codeGen = new DGotoCodeGen(out);
case GenFGoto:
codeGen = new DFGotoCodeGen(out);
case GenIpGoto:
codeGen = new DIpGotoCodeGen(out);
case GenSplit:
codeGen = new DSplitCodeGen(out);
case HostLang::D2:
switch ( codeStyle ) {
case GenTables:
codeGen = new D2TabCodeGen(out);
case GenFTables:
codeGen = new D2FTabCodeGen(out);
case GenFlat:
codeGen = new D2FlatCodeGen(out);
case GenFFlat:
codeGen = new D2FFlatCodeGen(out);
case GenGoto:
codeGen = new D2GotoCodeGen(out);
case GenFGoto:
codeGen = new D2FGotoCodeGen(out);
case GenIpGoto:
codeGen = new D2IpGotoCodeGen(out);
case GenSplit:
codeGen = new D2SplitCodeGen(out);
default: break;
codeGen->sourceFileName = sourceFileName;
codeGen->fsmName = fsmName;
return codeGen;
/* Invoked by the parser when a ragel definition is opened. */
CodeGenData *javaMakeCodeGen( const char *sourceFileName, const char *fsmName, ostream &out )
CodeGenData *codeGen = new JavaTabCodeGen(out);
codeGen->sourceFileName = sourceFileName;
codeGen->fsmName = fsmName;
return codeGen;
/* Invoked by the parser when a ragel definition is opened. */
CodeGenData *goMakeCodeGen( const char *sourceFileName, const char *fsmName, ostream &out )
CodeGenData *codeGen = 0;
switch ( codeStyle ) {
case GenTables:
codeGen = new GoTabCodeGen(out);
case GenFTables:
codeGen = new GoFTabCodeGen(out);
case GenFlat:
codeGen = new GoFlatCodeGen(out);
case GenFFlat:
codeGen = new GoFFlatCodeGen(out);
case GenGoto:
codeGen = new GoGotoCodeGen(out);
case GenFGoto:
codeGen = new GoFGotoCodeGen(out);
case GenIpGoto:
codeGen = new GoIpGotoCodeGen(out);
cerr << "Invalid output style, only -T0, -T1, -F0, -F1, -G0, -G1 and -G2 are supported for Go.\n";
codeGen->sourceFileName = sourceFileName;
codeGen->fsmName = fsmName;
return codeGen;
/* Invoked by the parser when a ragel definition is opened. */
CodeGenData *rubyMakeCodeGen( const char *sourceFileName, const char *fsmName, ostream &out )
CodeGenData *codeGen = 0;
switch ( codeStyle ) {
case GenTables:
codeGen = new RubyTabCodeGen(out);
case GenFTables:
codeGen = new RubyFTabCodeGen(out);
case GenFlat:
codeGen = new RubyFlatCodeGen(out);
case GenFFlat:
codeGen = new RubyFFlatCodeGen(out);
case GenGoto:
if ( rubyImpl == Rubinius ) {
codeGen = new RbxGotoCodeGen(out);
} else {
cerr << "Goto style is still _very_ experimental "
"and only supported using Rubinius.\n"
"You may want to enable the --rbx flag "
" to give it a try.\n";
cout << "Invalid code style\n";
codeGen->sourceFileName = sourceFileName;
codeGen->fsmName = fsmName;
return codeGen;
/* Invoked by the parser when a ragel definition is opened. */
CodeGenData *csharpMakeCodeGen( const char *sourceFileName, const char *fsmName, ostream &out )
CodeGenData *codeGen = 0;
switch ( codeStyle ) {
case GenTables:
codeGen = new CSharpTabCodeGen(out);
case GenFTables:
codeGen = new CSharpFTabCodeGen(out);
case GenFlat:
codeGen = new CSharpFlatCodeGen(out);
case GenFFlat:
codeGen = new CSharpFFlatCodeGen(out);
case GenGoto:
codeGen = new CSharpGotoCodeGen(out);
case GenFGoto:
codeGen = new CSharpFGotoCodeGen(out);
case GenIpGoto:
codeGen = new CSharpIpGotoCodeGen(out);
case GenSplit:
codeGen = new CSharpSplitCodeGen(out);
codeGen->sourceFileName = sourceFileName;
codeGen->fsmName = fsmName;
return codeGen;
/* Invoked by the parser when a ragel definition is opened. */
CodeGenData *ocamlMakeCodeGen( const char *sourceFileName, const char *fsmName, ostream &out )
CodeGenData *codeGen = 0;
switch ( codeStyle ) {
case GenTables:
codeGen = new OCamlTabCodeGen(out);
case GenFTables:
codeGen = new OCamlFTabCodeGen(out);
case GenFlat:
codeGen = new OCamlFlatCodeGen(out);
case GenFFlat:
codeGen = new OCamlFFlatCodeGen(out);
case GenGoto:
codeGen = new OCamlGotoCodeGen(out);
case GenFGoto:
codeGen = new OCamlFGotoCodeGen(out);
cerr << "I only support the -T0 -T1 -F0 -F1 -G0 and -G1 output styles for OCaml.\n";
codeGen->sourceFileName = sourceFileName;
codeGen->fsmName = fsmName;
return codeGen;
CodeGenData *makeCodeGen( const char *sourceFileName, const char *fsmName, ostream &out )
CodeGenData *cgd = 0;
if ( generateDot )
cgd = dotMakeCodeGen( sourceFileName, fsmName, out );
else if ( hostLang == &hostLangC )
cgd = cdMakeCodeGen( sourceFileName, fsmName, out );
else if ( hostLang == &hostLangD )
cgd = cdMakeCodeGen( sourceFileName, fsmName, out );
else if ( hostLang == &hostLangD2 )
cgd = cdMakeCodeGen( sourceFileName, fsmName, out );
else if ( hostLang == &hostLangGo )
cgd = goMakeCodeGen( sourceFileName, fsmName, out );
else if ( hostLang == &hostLangJava )
cgd = javaMakeCodeGen( sourceFileName, fsmName, out );
else if ( hostLang == &hostLangRuby )
cgd = rubyMakeCodeGen( sourceFileName, fsmName, out );
else if ( hostLang == &hostLangCSharp )
cgd = csharpMakeCodeGen( sourceFileName, fsmName, out );
else if ( hostLang == &hostLangOCaml )
cgd = ocamlMakeCodeGen( sourceFileName, fsmName, out );
return cgd;
void lineDirective( ostream &out, const char *fileName, int line )
if ( !generateDot ) {
if ( hostLang == &hostLangC )
cdLineDirective( out, fileName, line );
else if ( hostLang == &hostLangD )
cdLineDirective( out, fileName, line );
else if ( hostLang == &hostLangD2 )
cdLineDirective( out, fileName, line );
else if ( hostLang == &hostLangGo )
goLineDirective( out, fileName, line );
else if ( hostLang == &hostLangJava )
javaLineDirective( out, fileName, line );
else if ( hostLang == &hostLangRuby )
rubyLineDirective( out, fileName, line );
else if ( hostLang == &hostLangCSharp )
csharpLineDirective( out, fileName, line );
else if ( hostLang == &hostLangOCaml )
ocamlLineDirective( out, fileName, line );
void genLineDirective( ostream &out )
std::streambuf *sbuf = out.rdbuf();
output_filter *filter = static_cast<output_filter*>(sbuf);
lineDirective( out, filter->fileName, filter->line + 1 );
/* Total error count. */
/* int gblErrorCount = 0; */
CodeGenData::CodeGenData( ostream &out )
void CodeGenData::createMachine()
redFsm = new RedFsmAp();
void CodeGenData::initActionList( unsigned long length )
allActions = new GenAction[length];
for ( unsigned long a = 0; a < length; a++ )
actionList.append( allActions+a );
void CodeGenData::newAction( int anum, const char *name,
const InputLoc &loc, GenInlineList *inlineList )
allActions[anum].actionId = anum;
allActions[anum].name = name;
allActions[anum].loc = loc;
allActions[anum].inlineList = inlineList;
void CodeGenData::initActionTableList( unsigned long length )
allActionTables = new RedAction[length];
void CodeGenData::initStateList( unsigned long length )
allStates = new RedStateAp[length];
for ( unsigned long s = 0; s < length; s++ )
redFsm->stateList.append( allStates+s );
/* We get the start state as an offset, set the pointer now. */
if ( startState >= 0 )
redFsm->startState = allStates + startState;
if ( errState >= 0 )
redFsm->errState = allStates + errState;
for ( EntryIdVect::Iter en = entryPointIds; en.lte(); en++ )
redFsm->entryPoints.insert( allStates + *en );
/* The nextStateId is no longer used to assign state ids (they come in set
* from the frontend now), however generation code still depends on it.
* Should eventually remove this variable. */
redFsm->nextStateId = redFsm->stateList.length();
void CodeGenData::setStartState( unsigned long startState )
this->startState = startState;
void CodeGenData::setErrorState( unsigned long errState )
this->errState = errState;
void CodeGenData::addEntryPoint( char *name, unsigned long entryState )
entryPointIds.append( entryState );
entryPointNames.append( name );
void CodeGenData::initTransList( int snum, unsigned long length )
/* Could preallocate the out range to save time growing it. For now do
* nothing. */
void CodeGenData::newTrans( int snum, int tnum, Key lowKey,
Key highKey, long targ, long action )
/* Get the current state and range. */
RedStateAp *curState = allStates + snum;
RedTransList &destRange = curState->outRange;
if ( curState == redFsm->errState )
/* Make the new transitions. */
RedStateAp *targState = targ >= 0 ? (allStates + targ) :
wantComplete ? redFsm->getErrorState() : 0;
RedAction *actionTable = action >= 0 ? (allActionTables + action) : 0;
RedTransAp *trans = redFsm->allocateTrans( targState, actionTable );
RedTransEl transEl( lowKey, highKey, trans );
if ( wantComplete ) {
/* If the machine is to be complete then we need to fill any gaps with
* the error transitions. */
if ( destRange.length() == 0 ) {
/* Range is currently empty. */
if ( keyOps->minKey < lowKey ) {
/* The first range doesn't start at the low end. */
Key fillHighKey = lowKey;
/* Create the filler with the state's error transition. */
RedTransEl newTel( keyOps->minKey, fillHighKey, redFsm->getErrorTrans() );
destRange.append( newTel );
else {
/* The range list is not empty, get the the last range. */
RedTransEl *last = &destRange[destRange.length()-1];
Key nextKey = last->highKey;
if ( nextKey < lowKey ) {
/* There is a gap to fill. Make the high key. */
Key fillHighKey = lowKey;
/* Create the filler with the state's error transtion. */
RedTransEl newTel( nextKey, fillHighKey, redFsm->getErrorTrans() );
destRange.append( newTel );
/* Filler taken care of. Append the range. */
destRange.append( RedTransEl( lowKey, highKey, trans ) );
void CodeGenData::finishTransList( int snum )
/* Get the current state and range. */
RedStateAp *curState = allStates + snum;
RedTransList &destRange = curState->outRange;
if ( curState == redFsm->errState )
/* If building a complete machine we may need filler on the end. */
if ( wantComplete ) {
/* Check if there are any ranges already. */
if ( destRange.length() == 0 ) {
/* Fill with the whole alphabet. */
/* Add the range on the lower and upper bound. */
RedTransEl newTel( keyOps->minKey, keyOps->maxKey, redFsm->getErrorTrans() );
destRange.append( newTel );
else {
/* Get the last and check for a gap on the end. */
RedTransEl *last = &destRange[destRange.length()-1];
if ( last->highKey < keyOps->maxKey ) {
/* Make the high key. */
Key fillLowKey = last->highKey;
/* Create the new range with the error trans and append it. */
RedTransEl newTel( fillLowKey, keyOps->maxKey, redFsm->getErrorTrans() );
destRange.append( newTel );
void CodeGenData::setId( int snum, int id )
RedStateAp *curState = allStates + snum;
curState->id = id;
void CodeGenData::setFinal( int snum )
RedStateAp *curState = allStates + snum;
curState->isFinal = true;
void CodeGenData::setStateActions( int snum, long toStateAction,
long fromStateAction, long eofAction )
RedStateAp *curState = allStates + snum;
if ( toStateAction >= 0 )
curState->toStateAction = allActionTables + toStateAction;
if ( fromStateAction >= 0 )
curState->fromStateAction = allActionTables + fromStateAction;
if ( eofAction >= 0 )
curState->eofAction = allActionTables + eofAction;
void CodeGenData::setEofTrans( int snum, long eofTarget, long actId )
RedStateAp *curState = allStates + snum;
RedStateAp *targState = allStates + eofTarget;
RedAction *eofAct = allActionTables + actId;
curState->eofTrans = redFsm->allocateTrans( targState, eofAct );
void CodeGenData::resolveTargetStates( GenInlineList *inlineList )
for ( GenInlineList::Iter item = *inlineList; item.lte(); item++ ) {
switch ( item->type ) {
case GenInlineItem::Goto: case GenInlineItem::Call:
case GenInlineItem::Next: case GenInlineItem::Entry:
item->targState = allStates + item->targId;
if ( item->children != 0 )
resolveTargetStates( item->children );
void CodeGenData::closeMachine()
for ( GenActionList::Iter a = actionList; a.lte(); a++ )
resolveTargetStates( a->inlineList );
/* Note that even if we want a complete graph we do not give the error
* state a default transition. All machines break out of the processing
* loop when in the error state. */
for ( RedStateList::Iter st = redFsm->stateList; st.lte(); st++ ) {
for ( GenStateCondList::Iter sci = st->stateCondList; sci.lte(); sci++ )
st->stateCondVect.append( sci );
bool CodeGenData::setAlphType( const char *data )
HostType *alphType = findAlphTypeInternal( data );
if ( alphType == 0 )
return false;
thisKeyOps.setAlphType( alphType );
return true;
void CodeGenData::initCondSpaceList( ulong length )
allCondSpaces = new GenCondSpace[length];
for ( ulong c = 0; c < length; c++ )
condSpaceList.append( allCondSpaces + c );
void CodeGenData::newCondSpace( int cnum, int condSpaceId, Key baseKey )
GenCondSpace *cond = allCondSpaces + cnum;
cond->condSpaceId = condSpaceId;
cond->baseKey = baseKey;
void CodeGenData::condSpaceItem( int cnum, long condActionId )
GenCondSpace *cond = allCondSpaces + cnum;
cond->condSet.append( allActions + condActionId );
void CodeGenData::initStateCondList( int snum, ulong length )
/* Could preallocate these, as we could with transitions. */
void CodeGenData::addStateCond( int snum, Key lowKey, Key highKey, long condNum )
RedStateAp *curState = allStates + snum;
/* Create the new state condition. */
GenStateCond *stateCond = new GenStateCond;
stateCond->lowKey = lowKey;
stateCond->highKey = highKey;
/* Assign it a cond space. */
GenCondSpace *condSpace = allCondSpaces + condNum;
stateCond->condSpace = condSpace;
curState->stateCondList.append( stateCond );
GenCondSpace *CodeGenData::findCondSpace( Key lowKey, Key highKey )
for ( CondSpaceList::Iter cs = condSpaceList; cs.lte(); cs++ ) {
Key csHighKey = cs->baseKey;
csHighKey += keyOps->alphSize() * (1 << cs->condSet.length());
if ( lowKey >= cs->baseKey && highKey <= csHighKey )
return cs;
return 0;
Condition *CodeGenData::findCondition( Key key )
for ( ConditionList::Iter cond = conditionList; cond.lte(); cond++ ) {
Key upperKey = cond->baseKey + (1 << cond->condSet.length());
if ( cond->baseKey <= key && key <= upperKey )
return cond;
return 0;
Key CodeGenData::findMaxKey()
Key maxKey = keyOps->maxKey;
for ( RedStateList::Iter st = redFsm->stateList; st.lte(); st++ ) {
assert( st->outSingle.length() == 0 );
assert( st->defTrans == 0 );
long rangeLen = st->outRange.length();
if ( rangeLen > 0 ) {
Key highKey = st->outRange[rangeLen-1].highKey;
if ( highKey > maxKey )
maxKey = highKey;
return maxKey;
void CodeGenData::findFinalActionRefs()
for ( RedStateList::Iter st = redFsm->stateList; st.lte(); st++ ) {
/* Rerence count out of single transitions. */
for ( RedTransList::Iter rtel = st->outSingle; rtel.lte(); rtel++ ) {
if ( rtel->value->action != 0 ) {
rtel->value->action->numTransRefs += 1;
for ( GenActionTable::Iter item = rtel->value->action->key; item.lte(); item++ )
item->value->numTransRefs += 1;
/* Reference count out of range transitions. */
for ( RedTransList::Iter rtel = st->outRange; rtel.lte(); rtel++ ) {
if ( rtel->value->action != 0 ) {
rtel->value->action->numTransRefs += 1;
for ( GenActionTable::Iter item = rtel->value->action->key; item.lte(); item++ )
item->value->numTransRefs += 1;
/* Reference count default transition. */
if ( st->defTrans != 0 && st->defTrans->action != 0 ) {
st->defTrans->action->numTransRefs += 1;
for ( GenActionTable::Iter item = st->defTrans->action->key; item.lte(); item++ )
item->value->numTransRefs += 1;
/* Reference count eof transitions. */
if ( st->eofTrans != 0 && st->eofTrans->action != 0 ) {
st->eofTrans->action->numTransRefs += 1;
for ( GenActionTable::Iter item = st->eofTrans->action->key; item.lte(); item++ )
item->value->numTransRefs += 1;
/* Reference count to state actions. */
if ( st->toStateAction != 0 ) {
st->toStateAction->numToStateRefs += 1;
for ( GenActionTable::Iter item = st->toStateAction->key; item.lte(); item++ )
item->value->numToStateRefs += 1;
/* Reference count from state actions. */
if ( st->fromStateAction != 0 ) {
st->fromStateAction->numFromStateRefs += 1;
for ( GenActionTable::Iter item = st->fromStateAction->key; item.lte(); item++ )
item->value->numFromStateRefs += 1;
/* Reference count EOF actions. */
if ( st->eofAction != 0 ) {
st->eofAction->numEofRefs += 1;
for ( GenActionTable::Iter item = st->eofAction->key; item.lte(); item++ )
item->value->numEofRefs += 1;
void CodeGenData::analyzeAction( GenAction *act, GenInlineList *inlineList )
for ( GenInlineList::Iter item = *inlineList; item.lte(); item++ ) {
/* Only consider actions that are referenced. */
if ( act->numRefs() > 0 ) {
if ( item->type == GenInlineItem::Goto || item->type == GenInlineItem::GotoExpr )
redFsm->bAnyActionGotos = true;
else if ( item->type == GenInlineItem::Call || item->type == GenInlineItem::CallExpr )
redFsm->bAnyActionCalls = true;
else if ( item->type == GenInlineItem::Ret )
redFsm->bAnyActionRets = true;
if ( item->type == GenInlineItem::CallExpr || item->type == GenInlineItem::GotoExpr )
redFsm->bAnyActionByValControl = true;
/* Check for various things in regular actions. */
if ( act->numTransRefs > 0 || act->numToStateRefs > 0 || act->numFromStateRefs > 0 ) {
/* Any returns in regular actions? */
if ( item->type == GenInlineItem::Ret )
redFsm->bAnyRegActionRets = true;
/* Any next statements in the regular actions? */
if ( item->type == GenInlineItem::Next || item->type == GenInlineItem::NextExpr )
redFsm->bAnyRegNextStmt = true;
/* Any by value control in regular actions? */
if ( item->type == GenInlineItem::CallExpr || item->type == GenInlineItem::GotoExpr )
redFsm->bAnyRegActionByValControl = true;
/* Any references to the current state in regular actions? */
if ( item->type == GenInlineItem::Curs )
redFsm->bAnyRegCurStateRef = true;
if ( item->type == GenInlineItem::Break )
redFsm->bAnyRegBreak = true;
if ( item->children != 0 )
analyzeAction( act, item->children );
void CodeGenData::analyzeActionList( RedAction *redAct, GenInlineList *inlineList )
for ( GenInlineList::Iter item = *inlineList; item.lte(); item++ ) {
/* Any next statements in the action table? */
if ( item->type == GenInlineItem::Next || item->type == GenInlineItem::NextExpr )
redAct->bAnyNextStmt = true;
/* Any references to the current state. */
if ( item->type == GenInlineItem::Curs )
redAct->bAnyCurStateRef = true;
if ( item->type == GenInlineItem::Break )
redAct->bAnyBreakStmt = true;
if ( item->children != 0 )
analyzeActionList( redAct, item->children );
/* Assign ids to referenced actions. */
void CodeGenData::assignActionIds()
int nextActionId = 0;
for ( GenActionList::Iter act = actionList; act.lte(); act++ ) {
/* Only ever interested in referenced actions. */
if ( act->numRefs() > 0 )
act->actionId = nextActionId++;
void CodeGenData::setValueLimits()
redFsm->maxSingleLen = 0;
redFsm->maxRangeLen = 0;
redFsm->maxKeyOffset = 0;
redFsm->maxIndexOffset = 0;
redFsm->maxActListId = 0;
redFsm->maxActionLoc = 0;
redFsm->maxActArrItem = 0;
redFsm->maxSpan = 0;
redFsm->maxCondSpan = 0;
redFsm->maxFlatIndexOffset = 0;
redFsm->maxCondOffset = 0;
redFsm->maxCondLen = 0;
redFsm->maxCondSpaceId = 0;
redFsm->maxCondIndexOffset = 0;
/* In both of these cases the 0 index is reserved for no value, so the max
* is one more than it would be if they started at 0. */
redFsm->maxIndex = redFsm->transSet.length();
redFsm->maxCond = condSpaceList.length();
/* The nextStateId - 1 is the last state id assigned. */
redFsm->maxState = redFsm->nextStateId - 1;
for ( CondSpaceList::Iter csi = condSpaceList; csi.lte(); csi++ ) {
if ( csi->condSpaceId > redFsm->maxCondSpaceId )
redFsm->maxCondSpaceId = csi->condSpaceId;
for ( RedStateList::Iter st = redFsm->stateList; st.lte(); st++ ) {
/* Maximum cond length. */
if ( st->stateCondList.length() > redFsm->maxCondLen )
redFsm->maxCondLen = st->stateCondList.length();
/* Maximum single length. */
if ( st->outSingle.length() > redFsm->maxSingleLen )
redFsm->maxSingleLen = st->outSingle.length();
/* Maximum range length. */
if ( st->outRange.length() > redFsm->maxRangeLen )
redFsm->maxRangeLen = st->outRange.length();
/* The key offset index offset for the state after last is not used, skip it.. */
if ( ! st.last() ) {
redFsm->maxCondOffset += st->stateCondList.length();
redFsm->maxKeyOffset += st->outSingle.length() + st->outRange.length()*2;
redFsm->maxIndexOffset += st->outSingle.length() + st->outRange.length() + 2;
/* Max cond span. */
if ( st->condList != 0 ) {
unsigned long long span = keyOps->span( st->condLowKey, st->condHighKey );
if ( span > redFsm->maxCondSpan )
redFsm->maxCondSpan = span;
/* Max key span. */
if ( st->transList != 0 ) {
unsigned long long span = keyOps->span( st->lowKey, st->highKey );
if ( span > redFsm->maxSpan )
redFsm->maxSpan = span;
/* Max cond index offset. */
if ( ! st.last() ) {
if ( st->condList != 0 )
redFsm->maxCondIndexOffset += keyOps->span( st->condLowKey, st->condHighKey );
/* Max flat index offset. */
if ( ! st.last() ) {
if ( st->transList != 0 )
redFsm->maxFlatIndexOffset += keyOps->span( st->lowKey, st->highKey );
redFsm->maxFlatIndexOffset += 1;
for ( GenActionTableMap::Iter at = redFsm->actionMap; at.lte(); at++ ) {
/* Maximum id of action lists. */
if ( at->actListId+1 > redFsm->maxActListId )
redFsm->maxActListId = at->actListId+1;
/* Maximum location of items in action array. */
if ( at->location+1 > redFsm->maxActionLoc )
redFsm->maxActionLoc = at->location+1;
/* Maximum values going into the action array. */
if ( at->key.length() > redFsm->maxActArrItem )
redFsm->maxActArrItem = at->key.length();
for ( GenActionTable::Iter item = at->key; item.lte(); item++ ) {
if ( item->value->actionId > redFsm->maxActArrItem )
redFsm->maxActArrItem = item->value->actionId;
/* Gather various info on the machine. */
void CodeGenData::analyzeMachine()
/* Find the true count of action references. */
/* Check if there are any calls in action code. */
for ( GenActionList::Iter act = actionList; act.lte(); act++ ) {
/* Record the occurrence of various kinds of actions. */
if ( act->numToStateRefs > 0 )
redFsm->bAnyToStateActions = true;
if ( act->numFromStateRefs > 0 )
redFsm->bAnyFromStateActions = true;
if ( act->numEofRefs > 0 )
redFsm->bAnyEofActions = true;
if ( act->numTransRefs > 0 )
redFsm->bAnyRegActions = true;
/* Recurse through the action's parse tree looking for various things. */
analyzeAction( act, act->inlineList );
/* Analyze reduced action lists. */
for ( GenActionTableMap::Iter redAct = redFsm->actionMap; redAct.lte(); redAct++ ) {
for ( GenActionTable::Iter act = redAct->key; act.lte(); act++ )
analyzeActionList( redAct, act->value->inlineList );
/* Find states that have transitions with actions that have next
* statements. */
for ( RedStateList::Iter st = redFsm->stateList; st.lte(); st++ ) {
/* Check any actions out of outSinge. */
for ( RedTransList::Iter rtel = st->outSingle; rtel.lte(); rtel++ ) {
if ( rtel->value->action != 0 && rtel->value->action->anyCurStateRef() )
st->bAnyRegCurStateRef = true;
/* Check any actions out of outRange. */
for ( RedTransList::Iter rtel = st->outRange; rtel.lte(); rtel++ ) {
if ( rtel->value->action != 0 && rtel->value->action->anyCurStateRef() )
st->bAnyRegCurStateRef = true;
/* Check any action out of default. */
if ( st->defTrans != 0 && st->defTrans->action != 0 &&
st->defTrans->action->anyCurStateRef() )
st->bAnyRegCurStateRef = true;
if ( st->stateCondList.length() > 0 )
redFsm->bAnyConditions = true;
if ( st->eofTrans != 0 )
redFsm->bAnyEofTrans = true;
/* Assign ids to actions that are referenced. */
/* Set the maximums of various values used for deciding types. */
void CodeGenData::write_option_error( InputLoc &loc, char *arg )
source_warning(loc) << "unrecognized write option \"" << arg << "\"" << endl;
/* returns true if the following section should generate line directives. */
bool CodeGenData::writeStatement( InputLoc &loc, int nargs, char **args )
bool followLineDirective = false;
if ( strcmp( args[0], "data" ) == 0 ) {
out << '\n';
genLineDirective( out );
followLineDirective = true;
for ( int i = 1; i < nargs; i++ ) {
if ( strcmp( args[i], "noerror" ) == 0 )
noError = true;
else if ( strcmp( args[i], "noprefix" ) == 0 )
noPrefix = true;
else if ( strcmp( args[i], "nofinal" ) == 0 )
noFinal = true;
else if ( strcmp( args[i], "noentry" ) == 0 )
noEntry = true;
write_option_error( loc, args[i] );
else if ( strcmp( args[0], "init" ) == 0 ) {
out << '\n';
genLineDirective( out );
followLineDirective = true;
for ( int i = 1; i < nargs; i++ ) {
if ( strcmp( args[i], "nocs" ) == 0 )
noCS = true;
write_option_error( loc, args[i] );
else if ( strcmp( args[0], "exec" ) == 0 ) {
out << '\n';
genLineDirective( out );
followLineDirective = true;
for ( int i = 1; i < nargs; i++ ) {
if ( strcmp( args[i], "noend" ) == 0 )
noEnd = true;
write_option_error( loc, args[i] );
else if ( strcmp( args[0], "exports" ) == 0 ) {
out << '\n';
genLineDirective( out );
followLineDirective = true;
for ( int i = 1; i < nargs; i++ )
write_option_error( loc, args[i] );
else if ( strcmp( args[0], "start" ) == 0 ) {
for ( int i = 1; i < nargs; i++ )
write_option_error( loc, args[i] );
else if ( strcmp( args[0], "first_final" ) == 0 ) {
for ( int i = 1; i < nargs; i++ )
write_option_error( loc, args[i] );
else if ( strcmp( args[0], "error" ) == 0 ) {
for ( int i = 1; i < nargs; i++ )
write_option_error( loc, args[i] );
else {
/* EMIT An error here. */
source_error(loc) << "unrecognized write command \"" <<
args[0] << "\"" << endl;
return followLineDirective;
ostream &CodeGenData::source_warning( const InputLoc &loc )
cerr << sourceFileName << ":" << loc.line << ":" << loc.col << ": warning: ";
return cerr;
ostream &CodeGenData::source_error( const InputLoc &loc )
gblErrorCount += 1;
assert( sourceFileName != 0 );
cerr << sourceFileName << ":" << loc.line << ":" << loc.col << ": ";
return cerr;