* Copyright 2001-2007 Adrian Thurston <thurston@complang.org>
/* This file is part of Ragel.
* Ragel is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Ragel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Ragel; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#ifndef _FSMGRAPH_H
#define _FSMGRAPH_H
#include "config.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "common.h"
#include "vector.h"
#include "bstset.h"
#include "compare.h"
#include "avltree.h"
#include "dlist.h"
#include "bstmap.h"
#include "sbstmap.h"
#include "sbstset.h"
#include "sbsttable.h"
#include "avlset.h"
#include "avlmap.h"
#include "ragel.h"
//#define LOG_CONDS
/* Flags that control merging. */
#define STB_GRAPH1 0x01
#define STB_GRAPH2 0x02
#define STB_BOTH 0x03
#define STB_ISFINAL 0x04
#define STB_ISMARKED 0x08
#define STB_ONLIST 0x10
using std::ostream;
struct TransAp;
struct StateAp;
struct FsmAp;
struct Action;
struct LongestMatchPart;
struct LengthDef;
/* State list element for unambiguous access to list element. */
struct FsmListEl
StateAp *prev, *next;
/* This is the marked index for a state pair. Used in minimization. It keeps
* track of whether or not the state pair is marked. */
struct MarkIndex
MarkIndex(int states);
void markPair(int state1, int state2);
bool isPairMarked(int state1, int state2);
int numStates;
bool *array;
extern KeyOps *keyOps;
/* Transistion Action Element. */
typedef SBstMapEl< int, Action* > ActionTableEl;
/* Nodes in the tree that use this action. */
struct NameInst;
struct InlineList;
typedef Vector<NameInst*> ActionRefs;
/* Element in list of actions. Contains the string for the code to exectute. */
struct Action
public DListEl<Action>,
public AvlTreeEl<Action>
Action( const InputLoc &loc, const char *name, InlineList *inlineList, int condId )
/* Key for action dictionary. */
const char *getKey() const { return name; }
/* Data collected during parse. */
InputLoc loc;
const char *name;
InlineList *inlineList;
int actionId;
void actionName( ostream &out )
if ( name != 0 )
out << name;
out << loc.line << ":" << loc.col;
/* Places in the input text that reference the action. */
ActionRefs actionRefs;
/* Number of references in the final machine. */
int numRefs()
{ return numTransRefs + numToStateRefs + numFromStateRefs + numEofRefs; }
int numTransRefs;
int numToStateRefs;
int numFromStateRefs;
int numEofRefs;
int numCondRefs;
bool anyCall;
bool isLmAction;
int condId;
struct CmpCondId
static inline int compare( const Action *cond1, const Action *cond2 )
if ( cond1->condId < cond2->condId )
return -1;
else if ( cond1->condId > cond2->condId )
return 1;
return 0;
/* A list of actions. */
typedef DList<Action> ActionList;
typedef AvlTree<Action, char *, CmpStr> ActionDict;
/* Structure for reverse action mapping. */
struct RevActionMapEl
char *name;
InputLoc location;
/* Transition Action Table. */
struct ActionTable
: public SBstMap< int, Action*, CmpOrd<int> >
void setAction( int ordering, Action *action );
void setActions( int *orderings, Action **actions, int nActs );
void setActions( const ActionTable &other );
bool hasAction( Action *action );
typedef SBstSet< Action*, CmpOrd<Action*> > ActionSet;
typedef CmpSTable< Action*, CmpOrd<Action*> > CmpActionSet;
/* Transistion Action Element. */
typedef SBstMapEl< int, LongestMatchPart* > LmActionTableEl;
/* Transition Action Table. */
struct LmActionTable
: public SBstMap< int, LongestMatchPart*, CmpOrd<int> >
void setAction( int ordering, LongestMatchPart *action );
void setActions( const LmActionTable &other );
/* Compare of a whole action table element (key & value). */
struct CmpActionTableEl
static int compare( const ActionTableEl &action1,
const ActionTableEl &action2 )
if ( action1.key < action2.key )
return -1;
else if ( action1.key > action2.key )
return 1;
else if ( action1.value < action2.value )
return -1;
else if ( action1.value > action2.value )
return 1;
return 0;
/* Compare for ActionTable. */
typedef CmpSTable< ActionTableEl, CmpActionTableEl > CmpActionTable;
/* Compare of a whole lm action table element (key & value). */
struct CmpLmActionTableEl
static int compare( const LmActionTableEl &lmAction1,
const LmActionTableEl &lmAction2 )
if ( lmAction1.key < lmAction2.key )
return -1;
else if ( lmAction1.key > lmAction2.key )
return 1;
else if ( lmAction1.value < lmAction2.value )
return -1;
else if ( lmAction1.value > lmAction2.value )
return 1;
return 0;
/* Compare for ActionTable. */
typedef CmpSTable< LmActionTableEl, CmpLmActionTableEl > CmpLmActionTable;
/* Action table element for error action tables. Adds the encoding of transfer
* point. */
struct ErrActionTableEl
ErrActionTableEl( Action *action, int ordering, int transferPoint )
: ordering(ordering), action(action), transferPoint(transferPoint) { }
/* Ordering and id of the action embedding. */
int ordering;
Action *action;
/* Id of point of transfere from Error action table to transtions and
* eofActionTable. */
int transferPoint;
int getKey() const { return ordering; }
struct ErrActionTable
: public SBstTable< ErrActionTableEl, int, CmpOrd<int> >
void setAction( int ordering, Action *action, int transferPoint );
void setActions( const ErrActionTable &other );
/* Compare of an error action table element (key & value). */
struct CmpErrActionTableEl
static int compare( const ErrActionTableEl &action1,
const ErrActionTableEl &action2 )
if ( action1.ordering < action2.ordering )
return -1;
else if ( action1.ordering > action2.ordering )
return 1;
else if ( action1.action < action2.action )
return -1;
else if ( action1.action > action2.action )
return 1;
else if ( action1.transferPoint < action2.transferPoint )
return -1;
else if ( action1.transferPoint > action2.transferPoint )
return 1;
return 0;
/* Compare for ErrActionTable. */
typedef CmpSTable< ErrActionTableEl, CmpErrActionTableEl > CmpErrActionTable;
/* Descibe a priority, shared among PriorEls.
* Has key and whether or not used. */
struct PriorDesc
int key;
int priority;
/* Element in the arrays of priorities for transitions and arrays. Ordering is
* unique among instantiations of machines, desc is shared. */
struct PriorEl
PriorEl( int ordering, PriorDesc *desc )
: ordering(ordering), desc(desc) { }
int ordering;
PriorDesc *desc;
/* Compare priority elements, which are ordered by the priority descriptor
* key. */
struct PriorElCmp
static inline int compare( const PriorEl &pel1, const PriorEl &pel2 )
if ( pel1.desc->key < pel2.desc->key )
return -1;
else if ( pel1.desc->key > pel2.desc->key )
return 1;
return 0;
/* Priority Table. */
struct PriorTable
: public SBstSet< PriorEl, PriorElCmp >
void setPrior( int ordering, PriorDesc *desc );
void setPriors( const PriorTable &other );
/* Compare of prior table elements for distinguising state data. */
struct CmpPriorEl
static inline int compare( const PriorEl &pel1, const PriorEl &pel2 )
if ( pel1.desc < pel2.desc )
return -1;
else if ( pel1.desc > pel2.desc )
return 1;
else if ( pel1.ordering < pel2.ordering )
return -1;
else if ( pel1.ordering > pel2.ordering )
return 1;
return 0;
/* Compare of PriorTable distinguising state data. Using a compare of the
* pointers is a little more strict than it needs be. It requires that
* prioritiy tables have the exact same set of priority assignment operators
* (from the input lang) to be considered equal.
* Really only key-value pairs need be tested and ordering be merged. However
* this would require that in the fuseing of states, priority descriptors be
* chosen for the new fused state based on priority. Since the out transition
* lists and ranges aren't necessarily going to line up, this is more work for
* little gain. Final compression resets all priorities first, so this would
* only be useful for compression at every operator, which is only an
* undocumented test feature.
typedef CmpSTable<PriorEl, CmpPriorEl> CmpPriorTable;
/* Plain action list that imposes no ordering. */
typedef Vector<int> TransFuncList;
/* Comparison for TransFuncList. */
typedef CmpTable< int, CmpOrd<int> > TransFuncListCompare;
/* Transition class that implements actions and priorities. */
struct TransAp
TransAp() : fromState(0), toState(0) {}
TransAp( const TransAp &other ) :
fromState(0), toState(0),
lmActionTable(other.lmActionTable) {}
Key lowKey, highKey;
StateAp *fromState;
StateAp *toState;
/* Pointers for outlist. */
TransAp *prev, *next;
/* Pointers for in-list. */
TransAp *ilprev, *ilnext;
/* The function table and priority for the transition. */
ActionTable actionTable;
PriorTable priorTable;
LmActionTable lmActionTable;
/* In transition list. Like DList except only has head pointers, which is all
* that is required. Insertion and deletion is handled by the graph. This
* class provides the iterator of a single list. */
struct TransInList
TransInList() : head(0) { }
TransAp *head;
struct Iter
/* Default construct. */
Iter() : ptr(0) { }
/* Construct, assign from a list. */
Iter( const TransInList &il ) : ptr(il.head) { }
Iter &operator=( const TransInList &dl ) { ptr = dl.head; return *this; }
/* At the end */
bool lte() const { return ptr != 0; }
bool end() const { return ptr == 0; }
/* At the first, last element. */
bool first() const { return ptr && ptr->ilprev == 0; }
bool last() const { return ptr && ptr->ilnext == 0; }
/* Cast, dereference, arrow ops. */
operator TransAp*() const { return ptr; }
TransAp &operator *() const { return *ptr; }
TransAp *operator->() const { return ptr; }
/* Increment, decrement. */
inline void operator++(int) { ptr = ptr->ilnext; }
inline void operator--(int) { ptr = ptr->ilprev; }
/* The iterator is simply a pointer. */
TransAp *ptr;
typedef DList<TransAp> TransList;
/* Set of states, list of states. */
typedef BstSet<StateAp*> StateSet;
typedef DList<StateAp> StateList;
/* A element in a state dict. */
struct StateDictEl
public AvlTreeEl<StateDictEl>
StateDictEl(const StateSet &stateSet)
: stateSet(stateSet) { }
const StateSet &getKey() { return stateSet; }
StateSet stateSet;
StateAp *targState;
/* Dictionary mapping a set of states to a target state. */
typedef AvlTree< StateDictEl, StateSet, CmpTable<StateAp*> > StateDict;
/* Data needed for a merge operation. */
struct MergeData
: stfillHead(0), stfillTail(0) { }
StateDict stateDict;
StateAp *stfillHead;
StateAp *stfillTail;
void fillListAppend( StateAp *state );
struct TransEl
/* Constructors. */
TransEl() { }
TransEl( Key lowKey, Key highKey )
: lowKey(lowKey), highKey(highKey) { }
TransEl( Key lowKey, Key highKey, TransAp *value )
: lowKey(lowKey), highKey(highKey), value(value) { }
Key lowKey, highKey;
TransAp *value;
struct CmpKey
static int compare( const Key key1, const Key key2 )
if ( key1 < key2 )
return -1;
else if ( key1 > key2 )
return 1;
return 0;
/* Vector based set of key items. */
typedef BstSet<Key, CmpKey> KeySet;
struct MinPartition
MinPartition() : active(false) { }
StateList list;
bool active;
MinPartition *prev, *next;
/* Epsilon transition stored in a state. Specifies the target */
typedef Vector<int> EpsilonTrans;
/* List of states that are to be drawn into this. */
struct EptVectEl
EptVectEl( StateAp *targ, bool leaving )
: targ(targ), leaving(leaving) { }
StateAp *targ;
bool leaving;
typedef Vector<EptVectEl> EptVect;
/* Set of entry ids that go into this state. */
typedef BstSet<int> EntryIdSet;
/* Set of longest match items that may be active in a given state. */
typedef BstSet<LongestMatchPart*> LmItemSet;
/* A Conditions which is to be
* transfered on pending out transitions. */
struct OutCond
OutCond( Action *action, bool sense )
: action(action), sense(sense) {}
Action *action;
bool sense;
struct CmpOutCond
static int compare( const OutCond &outCond1, const OutCond &outCond2 )
if ( outCond1.action < outCond2.action )
return -1;
else if ( outCond1.action > outCond2.action )
return 1;
else if ( outCond1.sense < outCond2.sense )
return -1;
else if ( outCond1.sense > outCond2.sense )
return 1;
return 0;
/* Set of conditions to be transfered to on pending out transitions. */
typedef SBstSet< OutCond, CmpOutCond > OutCondSet;
typedef CmpSTable< OutCond, CmpOutCond > CmpOutCondSet;
/* Conditions. */
typedef BstSet< Action*, CmpCondId > CondSet;
typedef CmpTable< Action*, CmpCondId > CmpCondSet;
struct CondSpace
: public AvlTreeEl<CondSpace>
CondSpace( const CondSet &condSet )
: condSet(condSet) {}
const CondSet &getKey() { return condSet; }
CondSet condSet;
Key baseKey;
long condSpaceId;
typedef Vector<CondSpace*> CondSpaceVect;
typedef AvlTree<CondSpace, CondSet, CmpCondSet> CondSpaceMap;
struct StateCond
StateCond( Key lowKey, Key highKey ) :
lowKey(lowKey), highKey(highKey) {}
Key lowKey;
Key highKey;
CondSpace *condSpace;
StateCond *prev, *next;
typedef DList<StateCond> StateCondList;
typedef Vector<long> LongVect;
struct Expansion
Expansion( Key lowKey, Key highKey ) :
lowKey(lowKey), highKey(highKey),
fromTrans(0), fromCondSpace(0),
toCondSpace(0) {}
if ( fromTrans != 0 )
delete fromTrans;
Key lowKey;
Key highKey;
TransAp *fromTrans;
CondSpace *fromCondSpace;
long fromVals;
CondSpace *toCondSpace;
LongVect toValsList;
Expansion *prev, *next;
typedef DList<Expansion> ExpansionList;
struct Removal
Key lowKey;
Key highKey;
Removal *next;
struct CondData
CondData() : lastCondKey(0) {}
/* Condition info. */
Key lastCondKey;
CondSpaceMap condSpaceMap;
extern CondData *condData;
struct FsmConstructFail
enum Reason
FsmConstructFail( Reason reason )
: reason(reason) {}
Reason reason;
/* State class that implements actions and priorities. */
struct StateAp
StateAp(const StateAp &other);
/* Is the state final? */
bool isFinState() { return stateBits & STB_ISFINAL; }
/* Out transition list and the pointer for the default out trans. */
TransList outList;
/* In transition Lists. */
TransInList inList;
/* Set only during scanner construction when actions are added. NFA to DFA
* code can ignore this. */
StateAp *eofTarget;
/* Entry points into the state. */
EntryIdSet entryIds;
/* Epsilon transitions. */
EpsilonTrans epsilonTrans;
/* Condition info. */
StateCondList stateCondList;
/* Number of in transitions from states other than ourselves. */
int foreignInTrans;
/* Temporary data for various algorithms. */
union {
/* When duplicating the fsm we need to map each
* state to the new state representing it. */
StateAp *stateMap;
/* When minimizing machines by partitioning, this maps to the group
* the state is in. */
MinPartition *partition;
/* When merging states (state machine operations) this next pointer is
* used for the list of states that need to be filled in. */
StateAp *next;
/* Identification for printing and stable minimization. */
int stateNum;
} alg;
/* Data used in epsilon operation, maybe fit into alg? */
StateAp *isolatedShadow;
int owningGraph;
/* A pointer to a dict element that contains the set of states this state
* represents. This cannot go into alg, because alg.next is used during
* the merging process. */
StateDictEl *stateDictEl;
/* When drawing epsilon transitions, holds the list of states to merge
* with. */
EptVect *eptVect;
/* Bits controlling the behaviour of the state during collapsing to dfa. */
int stateBits;
/* State list elements. */
StateAp *next, *prev;
* Priority and Action data.
/* Out priorities transfered to out transitions. */
PriorTable outPriorTable;
/* The following two action tables are distinguished by the fact that when
* toState actions are executed immediatly after transition actions of
* incoming transitions and the current character will be the same as the
* one available then. The fromState actions are executed immediately
* before the transition actions of outgoing transitions and the current
* character is same as the one available then. */
/* Actions to execute upon entering into a state. */
ActionTable toStateActionTable;
/* Actions to execute when going from the state to the transition. */
ActionTable fromStateActionTable;
/* Actions to add to any future transitions that leave via this state. */
ActionTable outActionTable;
/* Conditions to add to any future transiions that leave via this sttate. */
OutCondSet outCondSet;
/* Error action tables. */
ErrActionTable errActionTable;
/* Actions to execute on eof. */
ActionTable eofActionTable;
/* Set of longest match items that may be active in this state. */
LmItemSet lmItemSet;
template <class ListItem> struct NextTrans
Key lowKey, highKey;
ListItem *trans;
ListItem *next;
void load() {
if ( trans == 0 )
next = 0;
else {
next = trans->next;
lowKey = trans->lowKey;
highKey = trans->highKey;
void set( ListItem *t ) {
trans = t;
void increment() {
trans = next;
/* Encodes the different states that are meaningful to the of the iterator. */
enum PairIterUserState
RangeInS1, RangeInS2,
BreakS1, BreakS2
template <class ListItem1, class ListItem2 = ListItem1> struct PairIter
/* Encodes the different states that an fsm iterator can be in. */
enum IterState {
ConsumeS1Range, ConsumeS2Range,
OnlyInS1Range, OnlyInS2Range,
S1SticksOut, S1SticksOutBreak,
S2SticksOut, S2SticksOutBreak,
S1DragsBehind, S1DragsBehindBreak,
S2DragsBehind, S2DragsBehindBreak,
ExactOverlap, End
PairIter( ListItem1 *list1, ListItem2 *list2 );
/* Query iterator. */
bool lte() { return itState != End; }
bool end() { return itState == End; }
void operator++(int) { findNext(); }
void operator++() { findNext(); }
/* Iterator state. */
ListItem1 *list1;
ListItem2 *list2;
IterState itState;
PairIterUserState userState;
NextTrans<ListItem1> s1Tel;
NextTrans<ListItem2> s2Tel;
Key bottomLow, bottomHigh;
ListItem1 *bottomTrans1;
ListItem2 *bottomTrans2;
void findNext();
/* Init the iterator by advancing to the first item. */
template <class ListItem1, class ListItem2> PairIter<ListItem1, ListItem2>::PairIter(
ListItem1 *list1, ListItem2 *list2 )
/* Return and re-entry for the co-routine iterators. This should ALWAYS be
* used inside of a block. */
#define CO_RETURN(label) \
itState = label; \
return; \
entry##label: {}
/* Return and re-entry for the co-routine iterators. This should ALWAYS be
* used inside of a block. */
#define CO_RETURN2(label, uState) \
itState = label; \
userState = uState; \
return; \
entry##label: {}
/* Advance to the next transition. When returns, trans points to the next
* transition, unless there are no more, in which case end() returns true. */
template <class ListItem1, class ListItem2> void PairIter<ListItem1, ListItem2>::findNext()
/* Jump into the iterator routine base on the iterator state. */
switch ( itState ) {
case Begin: goto entryBegin;
case ConsumeS1Range: goto entryConsumeS1Range;
case ConsumeS2Range: goto entryConsumeS2Range;
case OnlyInS1Range: goto entryOnlyInS1Range;
case OnlyInS2Range: goto entryOnlyInS2Range;
case S1SticksOut: goto entryS1SticksOut;
case S1SticksOutBreak: goto entryS1SticksOutBreak;
case S2SticksOut: goto entryS2SticksOut;
case S2SticksOutBreak: goto entryS2SticksOutBreak;
case S1DragsBehind: goto entryS1DragsBehind;
case S1DragsBehindBreak: goto entryS1DragsBehindBreak;
case S2DragsBehind: goto entryS2DragsBehind;
case S2DragsBehindBreak: goto entryS2DragsBehindBreak;
case ExactOverlap: goto entryExactOverlap;
case End: goto entryEnd;
/* Set up the next structs at the head of the transition lists. */
s1Tel.set( list1 );
s2Tel.set( list2 );
/* Concurrently scan both out ranges. */
while ( true ) {
if ( s1Tel.trans == 0 ) {
/* We are at the end of state1's ranges. Process the rest of
* state2's ranges. */
while ( s2Tel.trans != 0 ) {
/* Range is only in s2. */
CO_RETURN2( ConsumeS2Range, RangeInS2 );
else if ( s2Tel.trans == 0 ) {
/* We are at the end of state2's ranges. Process the rest of
* state1's ranges. */
while ( s1Tel.trans != 0 ) {
/* Range is only in s1. */
CO_RETURN2( ConsumeS1Range, RangeInS1 );
/* Both state1's and state2's transition elements are good.
* The signiture of no overlap is a back key being in front of a
* front key. */
else if ( s1Tel.highKey < s2Tel.lowKey ) {
/* A range exists in state1 that does not overlap with state2. */
CO_RETURN2( OnlyInS1Range, RangeInS1 );
else if ( s2Tel.highKey < s1Tel.lowKey ) {
/* A range exists in state2 that does not overlap with state1. */
CO_RETURN2( OnlyInS2Range, RangeInS2 );
/* There is overlap, must mix the ranges in some way. */
else if ( s1Tel.lowKey < s2Tel.lowKey ) {
/* Range from state1 sticks out front. Must break it into
* non-overlaping and overlaping segments. */
bottomLow = s2Tel.lowKey;
bottomHigh = s1Tel.highKey;
s1Tel.highKey = s2Tel.lowKey;
bottomTrans1 = s1Tel.trans;
/* Notify the caller that we are breaking s1. This gives them a
* chance to duplicate s1Tel[0,1].value. */
CO_RETURN2( S1SticksOutBreak, BreakS1 );
/* Broken off range is only in s1. */
CO_RETURN2( S1SticksOut, RangeInS1 );
/* Advance over the part sticking out front. */
s1Tel.lowKey = bottomLow;
s1Tel.highKey = bottomHigh;
s1Tel.trans = bottomTrans1;
else if ( s2Tel.lowKey < s1Tel.lowKey ) {
/* Range from state2 sticks out front. Must break it into
* non-overlaping and overlaping segments. */
bottomLow = s1Tel.lowKey;
bottomHigh = s2Tel.highKey;
s2Tel.highKey = s1Tel.lowKey;
bottomTrans2 = s2Tel.trans;
/* Notify the caller that we are breaking s2. This gives them a
* chance to duplicate s2Tel[0,1].value. */
CO_RETURN2( S2SticksOutBreak, BreakS2 );
/* Broken off range is only in s2. */
CO_RETURN2( S2SticksOut, RangeInS2 );
/* Advance over the part sticking out front. */
s2Tel.lowKey = bottomLow;
s2Tel.highKey = bottomHigh;
s2Tel.trans = bottomTrans2;
/* Low ends are even. Are the high ends even? */
else if ( s1Tel.highKey < s2Tel.highKey ) {
/* Range from state2 goes longer than the range from state1. We
* must break the range from state2 into an evenly overlaping
* segment. */
bottomLow = s1Tel.highKey;
bottomHigh = s2Tel.highKey;
s2Tel.highKey = s1Tel.highKey;
bottomTrans2 = s2Tel.trans;
/* Notify the caller that we are breaking s2. This gives them a
* chance to duplicate s2Tel[0,1].value. */
CO_RETURN2( S2DragsBehindBreak, BreakS2 );
/* Breaking s2 produces exact overlap. */
CO_RETURN2( S2DragsBehind, RangeOverlap );
/* Advance over the front we just broke off of range 2. */
s2Tel.lowKey = bottomLow;
s2Tel.highKey = bottomHigh;
s2Tel.trans = bottomTrans2;
/* Advance over the entire s1Tel. We have consumed it. */
else if ( s2Tel.highKey < s1Tel.highKey ) {
/* Range from state1 goes longer than the range from state2. We
* must break the range from state1 into an evenly overlaping
* segment. */
bottomLow = s2Tel.highKey;
bottomHigh = s1Tel.highKey;
s1Tel.highKey = s2Tel.highKey;
bottomTrans1 = s1Tel.trans;
/* Notify the caller that we are breaking s1. This gives them a
* chance to duplicate s2Tel[0,1].value. */
CO_RETURN2( S1DragsBehindBreak, BreakS1 );
/* Breaking s1 produces exact overlap. */
CO_RETURN2( S1DragsBehind, RangeOverlap );
/* Advance over the front we just broke off of range 1. */
s1Tel.lowKey = bottomLow;
s1Tel.highKey = bottomHigh;
s1Tel.trans = bottomTrans1;
/* Advance over the entire s2Tel. We have consumed it. */
else {
/* There is an exact overlap. */
CO_RETURN2( ExactOverlap, RangeOverlap );
/* Done, go into end state. */
/* Compare lists of epsilon transitions. Entries are name ids of targets. */
typedef CmpTable< int, CmpOrd<int> > CmpEpsilonTrans;
/* Compare class for the Approximate minimization. */
class ApproxCompare
ApproxCompare() { }
int compare( const StateAp *pState1, const StateAp *pState2 );
/* Compare class for the initial partitioning of a partition minimization. */
class InitPartitionCompare
InitPartitionCompare() { }
int compare( const StateAp *pState1, const StateAp *pState2 );
/* Compare class for the regular partitioning of a partition minimization. */
class PartitionCompare
PartitionCompare() { }
int compare( const StateAp *pState1, const StateAp *pState2 );
/* Compare class for a minimization that marks pairs. Provides the shouldMark
* routine. */
class MarkCompare
MarkCompare() { }
bool shouldMark( MarkIndex &markIndex, const StateAp *pState1,
const StateAp *pState2 );
/* List of partitions. */
typedef DList< MinPartition > PartitionList;
/* List of transtions out of a state. */
typedef Vector<TransEl> TransListVect;
/* Entry point map used for keeping track of entry points in a machine. */
typedef BstSet< int > EntryIdSet;
typedef BstMapEl< int, StateAp* > EntryMapEl;
typedef BstMap< int, StateAp* > EntryMap;
typedef Vector<EntryMapEl> EntryMapBase;
/* Graph class that implements actions and priorities. */
struct FsmAp
/* Constructors/Destructors. */
FsmAp( );
FsmAp( const FsmAp &graph );
/* The list of states. */
StateList stateList;
StateList misfitList;
/* The map of entry points. */
EntryMap entryPoints;
/* The start state. */
StateAp *startState;
/* Error state, possibly created only when the final machine has been
* created and the XML machine is about to be written. No transitions
* point to this state. */
StateAp *errState;
/* The set of final states. */
StateSet finStateSet;
/* Misfit Accounting. Are misfits put on a separate list. */
bool misfitAccounting;
* Transition actions and priorities.
/* Set priorities on transtions. */
void startFsmPrior( int ordering, PriorDesc *prior );
void allTransPrior( int ordering, PriorDesc *prior );
void finishFsmPrior( int ordering, PriorDesc *prior );
void leaveFsmPrior( int ordering, PriorDesc *prior );
/* Action setting support. */
void transferOutActions( StateAp *state );
void transferErrorActions( StateAp *state, int transferPoint );
void setErrorActions( StateAp *state, const ActionTable &other );
void setErrorAction( StateAp *state, int ordering, Action *action );
/* Fill all spaces in a transition list with an error transition. */
void fillGaps( StateAp *state );
/* Similar to setErrorAction, instead gives a state to go to on error. */
void setErrorTarget( StateAp *state, StateAp *target, int *orderings,
Action **actions, int nActs );
/* Set actions to execute. */
void startFsmAction( int ordering, Action *action );
void allTransAction( int ordering, Action *action );
void finishFsmAction( int ordering, Action *action );
void leaveFsmAction( int ordering, Action *action );
void longMatchAction( int ordering, LongestMatchPart *lmPart );
/* Set conditions. */
CondSpace *addCondSpace( const CondSet &condSet );
void findEmbedExpansions( ExpansionList &expansionList,
StateAp *destState, Action *condAction, bool sense );
void embedCondition( MergeData &md, StateAp *state, Action *condAction, bool sense );
void embedCondition( StateAp *state, Action *condAction, bool sense );
void startFsmCondition( Action *condAction, bool sense );
void allTransCondition( Action *condAction, bool sense );
void leaveFsmCondition( Action *condAction, bool sense );
/* Set error actions to execute. */
void startErrorAction( int ordering, Action *action, int transferPoint );
void allErrorAction( int ordering, Action *action, int transferPoint );
void finalErrorAction( int ordering, Action *action, int transferPoint );
void notStartErrorAction( int ordering, Action *action, int transferPoint );
void notFinalErrorAction( int ordering, Action *action, int transferPoint );
void middleErrorAction( int ordering, Action *action, int transferPoint );
/* Set EOF actions. */
void startEOFAction( int ordering, Action *action );
void allEOFAction( int ordering, Action *action );
void finalEOFAction( int ordering, Action *action );
void notStartEOFAction( int ordering, Action *action );
void notFinalEOFAction( int ordering, Action *action );
void middleEOFAction( int ordering, Action *action );
/* Set To State actions. */
void startToStateAction( int ordering, Action *action );
void allToStateAction( int ordering, Action *action );
void finalToStateAction( int ordering, Action *action );
void notStartToStateAction( int ordering, Action *action );
void notFinalToStateAction( int ordering, Action *action );
void middleToStateAction( int ordering, Action *action );
/* Set From State actions. */
void startFromStateAction( int ordering, Action *action );
void allFromStateAction( int ordering, Action *action );
void finalFromStateAction( int ordering, Action *action );
void notStartFromStateAction( int ordering, Action *action );
void notFinalFromStateAction( int ordering, Action *action );
void middleFromStateAction( int ordering, Action *action );
/* Shift the action ordering of the start transitions to start at
* fromOrder and increase in units of 1. Useful before kleene star
* operation. */
int shiftStartActionOrder( int fromOrder );
/* Clear all priorities from the fsm to so they won't affcet minimization
* of the final fsm. */
void clearAllPriorities();
/* Zero out all the function keys. */
void nullActionKeys();
/* Walk the list of states and verify state properties. */
void verifyStates();
/* Misfit Accounting. Are misfits put on a separate list. */
void setMisfitAccounting( bool val )
{ misfitAccounting = val; }
/* Set and Unset a state as final. */
void setFinState( StateAp *state );
void unsetFinState( StateAp *state );
void setStartState( StateAp *state );
void unsetStartState( );
/* Set and unset a state as an entry point. */
void setEntry( int id, StateAp *state );
void changeEntry( int id, StateAp *to, StateAp *from );
void unsetEntry( int id, StateAp *state );
void unsetEntry( int id );
void unsetAllEntryPoints();
/* Epsilon transitions. */
void epsilonTrans( int id );
void shadowReadWriteStates( MergeData &md );
* Basic attaching and detaching.
/* Common to attaching/detaching list and default. */
void attachToInList( StateAp *from, StateAp *to, TransAp *&head, TransAp *trans );
void detachFromInList( StateAp *from, StateAp *to, TransAp *&head, TransAp *trans );
/* Attach with a new transition. */
TransAp *attachNewTrans( StateAp *from, StateAp *to,
Key onChar1, Key onChar2 );
/* Attach with an existing transition that already in an out list. */
void attachTrans( StateAp *from, StateAp *to, TransAp *trans );
/* Redirect a transition away from error and towards some state. */
void redirectErrorTrans( StateAp *from, StateAp *to, TransAp *trans );
/* Detach a transition from a target state. */
void detachTrans( StateAp *from, StateAp *to, TransAp *trans );
/* Detach a state from the graph. */
void detachState( StateAp *state );
* NFA to DFA conversion routines.
/* Duplicate a transition that will dropin to a free spot. */
TransAp *dupTrans( StateAp *from, TransAp *srcTrans );
/* In crossing, two transitions both go to real states. */
TransAp *fsmAttachStates( MergeData &md, StateAp *from,
TransAp *destTrans, TransAp *srcTrans );
/* Two transitions are to be crossed, handle the possibility of either
* going to the error state. */
TransAp *mergeTrans( MergeData &md, StateAp *from,
TransAp *destTrans, TransAp *srcTrans );
/* Compare deterimne relative priorities of two transition tables. */
int comparePrior( const PriorTable &priorTable1, const PriorTable &priorTable2 );
/* Cross a src transition with one that is already occupying a spot. */
TransAp *crossTransitions( MergeData &md, StateAp *from,
TransAp *destTrans, TransAp *srcTrans );
void outTransCopy( MergeData &md, StateAp *dest, TransAp *srcList );
void doRemove( MergeData &md, StateAp *destState, ExpansionList &expList1 );
void doExpand( MergeData &md, StateAp *destState, ExpansionList &expList1 );
void findCondExpInTrans( ExpansionList &expansionList, StateAp *state,
Key lowKey, Key highKey, CondSpace *fromCondSpace, CondSpace *toCondSpace,
long destVals, LongVect &toValsList );
void findTransExpansions( ExpansionList &expansionList,
StateAp *destState, StateAp *srcState );
void findCondExpansions( ExpansionList &expansionList,
StateAp *destState, StateAp *srcState );
void mergeStateConds( StateAp *destState, StateAp *srcState );
/* Merge a set of states into newState. */
void mergeStates( MergeData &md, StateAp *destState,
StateAp **srcStates, int numSrc );
void mergeStatesLeaving( MergeData &md, StateAp *destState, StateAp *srcState );
void mergeStates( MergeData &md, StateAp *destState, StateAp *srcState );
/* Make all states that are combinations of other states and that
* have not yet had their out transitions filled in. This will
* empty out stateDict and stFil. */
void fillInStates( MergeData &md );
* Transition Comparison.
/* Compare transition data. Either of the pointers may be null. */
static inline int compareDataPtr( TransAp *trans1, TransAp *trans2 );
/* Compare target state and transition data. Either pointer may be null. */
static inline int compareFullPtr( TransAp *trans1, TransAp *trans2 );
/* Compare target partitions. Either pointer may be null. */
static inline int comparePartPtr( TransAp *trans1, TransAp *trans2 );
/* Check marked status of target states. Either pointer may be null. */
static inline bool shouldMarkPtr( MarkIndex &markIndex,
TransAp *trans1, TransAp *trans2 );
* Callbacks.
/* Compare priority and function table of transitions. */
static int compareTransData( TransAp *trans1, TransAp *trans2 );
/* Add in the properties of srcTrans into this. */
void addInTrans( TransAp *destTrans, TransAp *srcTrans );
/* Compare states on data stored in the states. */
static int compareStateData( const StateAp *state1, const StateAp *state2 );
/* Out transition data. */
void clearOutData( StateAp *state );
bool hasOutData( StateAp *state );
void transferOutData( StateAp *destState, StateAp *srcState );
* Allocation.
/* New up a state and add it to the graph. */
StateAp *addState();
* Building basic machines
void concatFsm( Key c );
void concatFsm( Key *str, int len );
void concatFsmCI( Key *str, int len );
void orFsm( Key *set, int len );
void rangeFsm( Key low, Key high );
void rangeStarFsm( Key low, Key high );
void emptyFsm( );
void lambdaFsm( );
* Fsm operators.
void starOp( );
void repeatOp( int times );
void optionalRepeatOp( int times );
void concatOp( FsmAp *other );
void unionOp( FsmAp *other );
void intersectOp( FsmAp *other );
void subtractOp( FsmAp *other );
void epsilonOp();
void joinOp( int startId, int finalId, FsmAp **others, int numOthers );
void globOp( FsmAp **others, int numOthers );
void deterministicEntry();
* Operator workers
/* Determine if there are any entry points into a start state other than
* the start state. */
bool isStartStateIsolated();
/* Make a new start state that has no entry points. Will not change the
* identity of the fsm. */
void isolateStartState();
/* Workers for resolving epsilon transitions. */
bool inEptVect( EptVect *eptVect, StateAp *targ );
void epsilonFillEptVectFrom( StateAp *root, StateAp *from, bool parentLeaving );
void resolveEpsilonTrans( MergeData &md );
/* Workers for concatenation and union. */
void doConcat( FsmAp *other, StateSet *fromStates, bool optional );
void doOr( FsmAp *other );
* Final states
/* Unset any final states that are no longer to be final
* due to final bits. */
void unsetIncompleteFinals();
void unsetKilledFinals();
/* Bring in other's entry points. Assumes others states are going to be
* copied into this machine. */
void copyInEntryPoints( FsmAp *other );
/* Ordering states. */
void depthFirstOrdering( StateAp *state );
void depthFirstOrdering();
void sortStatesByFinal();
/* Set sqequential state numbers starting at 0. */
void setStateNumbers( int base );
/* Unset all final states. */
void unsetAllFinStates();
/* Set the bits of final states and clear the bits of non final states. */
void setFinBits( int finStateBits );
* Self-consistency checks.
/* Run a sanity check on the machine. */
void verifyIntegrity();
/* Verify that there are no unreachable states, or dead end states. */
void verifyReachability();
void verifyNoDeadEndStates();
* Path pruning
/* Mark all states reachable from state. */
void markReachableFromHereReverse( StateAp *state );
/* Mark all states reachable from state. */
void markReachableFromHere( StateAp *state );
void markReachableFromHereStopFinal( StateAp *state );
/* Removes states that cannot be reached by any path in the fsm and are
* thus wasted silicon. */
void removeDeadEndStates();
/* Removes states that cannot be reached by any path in the fsm and are
* thus wasted silicon. */
void removeUnreachableStates();
/* Remove error actions from states on which the error transition will
* never be taken. */
bool outListCovers( StateAp *state );
bool anyErrorRange( StateAp *state );
/* Remove states that are on the misfit list. */
void removeMisfits();
* FSM Minimization
/* Minimization by partitioning. */
void minimizePartition1();
void minimizePartition2();
/* Minimize the final state Machine. The result is the minimal fsm. Slow
* but stable, correct minimization. Uses n^2 space (lookout) and average
* n^2 time. Worst case n^3 time, but a that is a very rare case. */
void minimizeStable();
/* Minimize the final state machine. Does not find the minimal fsm, but a
* pretty good approximation. Does not use any extra space. Average n^2
* time. Worst case n^3 time, but a that is a very rare case. */
void minimizeApproximate();
/* This is the worker for the minimize approximate solution. It merges
* states that have identical out transitions. */
bool minimizeRound( );
/* Given an intial partioning of states, split partitions that have out trans
* to differing partitions. */
int partitionRound( StateAp **statePtrs, MinPartition *parts, int numParts );
/* Split partitions that have a transition to a previously split partition, until
* there are no more partitions to split. */
int splitCandidates( StateAp **statePtrs, MinPartition *parts, int numParts );
/* Fuse together states in the same partition. */
void fusePartitions( MinPartition *parts, int numParts );
/* Mark pairs where out final stateness differs, out trans data differs,
* trans pairs go to a marked pair or trans data differs. Should get
* alot of pairs. */
void initialMarkRound( MarkIndex &markIndex );
/* One marking round on all state pairs. Considers if trans pairs go
* to a marked state only. Returns whether or not a pair was marked. */
bool markRound( MarkIndex &markIndex );
/* Move the in trans into src into dest. */
void inTransMove(StateAp *dest, StateAp *src);
/* Make state src and dest the same state. */
void fuseEquivStates(StateAp *dest, StateAp *src);
/* Find any states that didn't get marked by the marking algorithm and
* merge them into the primary states of their equivalence class. */
void fuseUnmarkedPairs( MarkIndex &markIndex );
/* Merge neighboring transitions go to the same state and have the same
* transitions data. */
void compressTransitions();
/* Returns true if there is a transtion (either explicit or by a gap) to
* the error state. */
bool checkErrTrans( StateAp *state, TransAp *trans );
bool checkErrTransFinish( StateAp *state );
bool hasErrorTrans();
/* Check if a machine defines a single character. This is useful in
* validating ranges and machines to export. */
bool checkSingleCharMachine( );