* Copyright 2001-2007 Adrian Thurston <thurston@complang.org>
/* This file is part of Ragel.
* Ragel is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Ragel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Ragel; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#include "ragel.h"
#include "dotcodegen.h"
#include "gendata.h"
using std::istream;
using std::ifstream;
using std::ostream;
using std::ios;
using std::cin;
using std::cout;
using std::cerr;
using std::endl;
/* Override this so that write statement processing is ignored */
bool GraphvizDotGen::writeStatement( InputLoc &, int, char ** )
return false;
std::ostream &GraphvizDotGen::KEY( Key key )
if ( displayPrintables && key.isPrintable() ) {
// Output values as characters, ensuring we escape the quote (") character
char cVal = (char) key.getVal();
switch ( cVal ) {
case '"': case '\\':
out << "'\\" << cVal << "'";
case '\a':
out << "'\\\\a'";
case '\b':
out << "'\\\\b'";
case '\t':
out << "'\\\\t'";
case '\n':
out << "'\\\\n'";
case '\v':
out << "'\\\\v'";
case '\f':
out << "'\\\\f'";
case '\r':
out << "'\\\\r'";
case ' ':
out << "SP";
out << "'" << cVal << "'";
else {
if ( keyOps->isSigned )
out << key.getVal();
out << (unsigned long) key.getVal();
return out;
std::ostream &GraphvizDotGen::TRANS_ACTION( RedStateAp *fromState, RedTransAp *trans )
int n = 0;
RedAction *actions[3];
if ( fromState->fromStateAction != 0 )
actions[n++] = fromState->fromStateAction;
if ( trans->action != 0 )
actions[n++] = trans->action;
if ( trans->targ != 0 && trans->targ->toStateAction != 0 )
actions[n++] = trans->targ->toStateAction;
if ( n > 0 )
out << " / ";
/* Loop the existing actions and write out what's there. */
for ( int a = 0; a < n; a++ ) {
for ( GenActionTable::Iter actIt = actions[a]->key.first(); actIt.lte(); actIt++ ) {
GenAction *action = actIt->value;
out << action->nameOrLoc();
if ( a < n-1 || !actIt.last() )
out << ", ";
return out;
std::ostream &GraphvizDotGen::ACTION( RedAction *action )
/* The action. */
out << " / ";
for ( GenActionTable::Iter actIt = action->key.first(); actIt.lte(); actIt++ ) {
GenAction *action = actIt->value;
if ( action->name != 0 )
out << action->name;
out << action->loc.line << ":" << action->loc.col;
if ( !actIt.last() )
out << ", ";
return out;
std::ostream &GraphvizDotGen::ONCHAR( Key lowKey, Key highKey )
GenCondSpace *condSpace;
if ( lowKey > keyOps->maxKey && (condSpace=findCondSpace(lowKey, highKey) ) ) {
Key values = ( lowKey - condSpace->baseKey ) / keyOps->alphSize();
lowKey = keyOps->minKey +
(lowKey - condSpace->baseKey - keyOps->alphSize() * values.getVal());
highKey = keyOps->minKey +
(highKey - condSpace->baseKey - keyOps->alphSize() * values.getVal());
KEY( lowKey );
if ( lowKey != highKey ) {
out << "..";
KEY( highKey );
out << "(";
for ( GenCondSet::Iter csi = condSpace->condSet; csi.lte(); csi++ ) {
bool set = values & (1 << csi.pos());
if ( !set )
out << "!";
out << (*csi)->nameOrLoc();
if ( !csi.last() )
out << ", ";
out << ")";
else {
/* Output the key. Possibly a range. */
KEY( lowKey );
if ( highKey != lowKey ) {
out << "..";
KEY( highKey );
return out;
void GraphvizDotGen::writeTransList( RedStateAp *state )
/* Build the set of unique transitions out of this state. */
RedTransSet stTransSet;
for ( RedTransList::Iter tel = state->outRange; tel.lte(); tel++ ) {
/* If we haven't seen the transitions before, the move forward
* emitting all the transitions on the same character. */
if ( stTransSet.insert( tel->value ) ) {
/* Write out the from and to states. */
out << "\t" << state->id << " -> ";
if ( tel->value->targ == 0 )
out << "err_" << state->id;
out << tel->value->targ->id;
/* Begin the label. */
out << " [ label = \"";
ONCHAR( tel->lowKey, tel->highKey );
/* Walk the transition list, finding the same. */
for ( RedTransList::Iter mtel = tel.next(); mtel.lte(); mtel++ ) {
if ( mtel->value == tel->value ) {
out << ", ";
ONCHAR( mtel->lowKey, mtel->highKey );
/* Write the action and close the transition. */
TRANS_ACTION( state, tel->value );
out << "\" ];\n";
/* Write the default transition. */
if ( state->defTrans != 0 ) {
/* Write out the from and to states. */
out << "\t" << state->id << " -> ";
if ( state->defTrans->targ == 0 )
out << "err_" << state->id;
out << state->defTrans->targ->id;
/* Begin the label. */
out << " [ label = \"DEF";
/* Write the action and close the transition. */
TRANS_ACTION( state, state->defTrans );
out << "\" ];\n";
void GraphvizDotGen::writeDotFile( )
out <<
"digraph " << fsmName << " {\n"
" rankdir=LR;\n";
/* Define the psuedo states. Transitions will be done after the states
* have been defined as either final or not final. */
out << " node [ shape = point ];\n";
if ( redFsm->startState != 0 )
out << " ENTRY;\n";
/* Psuedo states for entry points in the entry map. */
for ( EntryIdVect::Iter en = entryPointIds; en.lte(); en++ ) {
RedStateAp *state = allStates + *en;
out << " en_" << state->id << ";\n";
/* Psuedo states for final states with eof actions. */
for ( RedStateList::Iter st = redFsm->stateList; st.lte(); st++ ) {
if ( st->eofTrans != 0 && st->eofTrans->action != 0 )
out << " eof_" << st->id << ";\n";
if ( st->eofAction != 0 )
out << " eof_" << st->id << ";\n";
out << " node [ shape = circle, height = 0.2 ];\n";
/* Psuedo states for states whose default actions go to error. */
for ( RedStateList::Iter st = redFsm->stateList; st.lte(); st++ ) {
bool needsErr = false;
if ( st->defTrans != 0 && st->defTrans->targ == 0 )
needsErr = true;
else {
for ( RedTransList::Iter tel = st->outRange; tel.lte(); tel++ ) {
if ( tel->value->targ == 0 ) {
needsErr = true;
if ( needsErr )
out << " err_" << st->id << " [ label=\"\"];\n";
/* Attributes common to all nodes, plus double circle for final states. */
out << " node [ fixedsize = true, height = 0.65, shape = doublecircle ];\n";
/* List Final states. */
for ( RedStateList::Iter st = redFsm->stateList; st.lte(); st++ ) {
if ( st->isFinal )
out << " " << st->id << ";\n";
/* List transitions. */
out << " node [ shape = circle ];\n";
/* Walk the states. */
for ( RedStateList::Iter st = redFsm->stateList; st.lte(); st++ )
writeTransList( st );
/* Transitions into the start state. */
if ( redFsm->startState != 0 )
out << " ENTRY -> " << redFsm->startState->id << " [ label = \"IN\" ];\n";
/* Transitions into the entry points. */
for ( EntryIdVect::Iter en = entryPointIds; en.lte(); en++ ) {
RedStateAp *state = allStates + *en;
char *name = entryPointNames[en.pos()];
out << " en_" << state->id << " -> " << state->id <<
" [ label = \"" << name << "\" ];\n";
/* Out action transitions. */
for ( RedStateList::Iter st = redFsm->stateList; st.lte(); st++ ) {
if ( st->eofTrans != 0 && st->eofTrans->action != 0 ) {
out << " " << st->id << " -> eof_" <<
st->id << " [ label = \"EOF";
ACTION( st->eofTrans->action ) << "\" ];\n";
if ( st->eofAction != 0 ) {
out << " " << st->id << " -> eof_" <<
st->id << " [ label = \"EOF";
ACTION( st->eofAction ) << "\" ];\n";
out <<
void GraphvizDotGen::finishRagelDef()
/* For dot file generation we want to pick default transitions. */