blob: 3177875645d364ae6e13c615aa6717d0a1750b25 (
plain) (
Spirit is a set of C++ libraries for parsing and output generation implemented as
Domain Specific Embedded Languages (DSEL) using Expression templates and Template
Meta-Programming. The Spirit libraries enable a target grammar to be written
exclusively in C++. Inline grammar specifications can mix freely with other
C++ code and, thanks to the generative power of C++ templates, are immediately
### Spirit.X3 (3rd generation)
The newest Spirit shines faster compile times. Currently only a parser framework.
*WARNING*: C++14 compilers support will be dropped soon.
Spirit X3 in Boost 1.81 (scheduled to November 2022) will use C++17 features.
Supported compilers will be:
* Clang 4 (currently 3.6)
* GCC 7 (currently 5)
* VS 2017 v15.8 (currently 2015 U3)
### Spirit V2 (2nd generation)
The latest Long Term Support version of Spirit. A Swiss Army knife for data
manipulation on any kind of input.
Consists of:
- [Qi]: Parser framework.
- [Karma]: Generator framework.
- [Lex]: Lexical analyzer framework.
Runs on most C++03 compilers (GCC 4.1, Clang 3.0, VS 2005).
[Spirit V2]:
### Spirit.Classic (1st generation)
An elderling member of Spirit. It receives only limited maintanance, but
it is still used even inside Boost by [Boost.Serialization] and [Boost.Wave]
libraries. It also contains Phoenix V1.
Spririt.Classic should support even ancient compilers.
## Brief History
Date | Boost | Commit | Event
---------- | ----- | -------- | -----------------------------------------------
2014-03-18 | 1.56 | 8a353328 | Spirit.X3 is added
2013-12-14 | 1.56 | c0537c82 | Phoenix V2 is retired
2011-03-28 | 1.47 | 400a764d | [Phoenix V3] support added to Spirit V2
2009-04-30 | 1.41 | 5963a395 | [Spirit.Repository] is appeared
2008-04-13 | 1.36 | ffd0cc10 | Spirit V2 (Qi, Karma, Lex, Phoenix V2) is added
2006-08-23 | 1.35 | 2dc892b4 | Fusion V1 is retired
2003-01-31 | 1.30 | 81907916 | Spirit is the part of the Boost
[Phoenix V3]: