import enum
import pytest
from multidict import MultiDict
from yarl import URL
# with_query
def test_with_query():
url = URL("")
assert str(url.with_query({"a": "1"})) == ""
def test_update_query():
url = URL("")
assert str(url.update_query({"a": "1"})) == ""
assert str(URL("test").update_query(a=1)) == "test?a=1"
url = URL("")
expected_url = URL("")
assert url.update_query({"baz": "foo"}) == expected_url
assert url.update_query(baz="foo") == expected_url
assert url.update_query("baz=foo") == expected_url
def test_update_query_with_args_and_kwargs():
url = URL("")
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
url.update_query("a", foo="bar")
def test_update_query_with_multiple_args():
url = URL("")
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
url.update_query("a", "b")
def test_update_query_with_none_arg():
url = URL("")
expected_url = URL("")
assert url.update_query(None) == expected_url
def test_update_query_with_empty_dict():
url = URL("")
assert url.update_query({}) == url
def test_with_query_list_of_pairs():
url = URL("")
assert str(url.with_query([("a", "1")])) == ""
def test_with_query_list_non_pairs():
url = URL("")
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
url.with_query(["a=1", "b=2", "c=3"])
def test_with_query_kwargs():
url = URL("")
q = url.with_query(query="1", query2="1").query
assert q == dict(query="1", query2="1")
def test_with_query_kwargs_and_args_are_mutually_exclusive():
url = URL("")
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
url.with_query({"a": "2", "b": "4"}, a="1")
def test_with_query_only_single_arg_is_supported():
url = URL("")
u1 = url.with_query(b=3)
u2 = URL("")
assert u1 == u2
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
url.with_query("a=1", "a=b")
def test_with_query_empty_dict():
url = URL("")
new_url = url.with_query({})
assert new_url.query_string == ""
assert str(new_url) == ""
def test_with_query_empty_str():
url = URL("")
assert str(url.with_query("")) == ""
def test_with_query_empty_value():
url = URL("")
assert str(url.with_query({"a": ""})) == ""
def test_with_query_str():
url = URL("")
assert str(url.with_query("a=1&b=2")) == ""
def test_with_query_str_non_ascii_and_spaces():
url = URL("")
url2 = url.with_query("a=1 2&b=знач")
assert url2.raw_query_string == "a=1+2&b=%D0%B7%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%87"
assert url2.query_string == "a=1 2&b=знач"
def test_with_query_int():
url = URL("")
assert url.with_query({"a": 1}) == URL("")
def test_with_query_kwargs_int():
url = URL("")
assert url.with_query(b=2) == URL("")
def test_with_query_list_int():
url = URL("")
assert str(url.with_query([("a", 1)])) == ""
("query", "expected"),
pytest.param({"a": []}, "", id="empty list"),
pytest.param({"a": ()}, "", id="empty tuple"),
pytest.param({"a": [1]}, "/?a=1", id="single list"),
pytest.param({"a": (1,)}, "/?a=1", id="single tuple"),
pytest.param({"a": [1, 2]}, "/?a=1&a=2", id="list"),
pytest.param({"a": (1, 2)}, "/?a=1&a=2", id="tuple"),
pytest.param({"a[]": [1, 2]}, "/?a%5B%5D=1&a%5B%5D=2", id="key with braces"),
pytest.param({"&": [1, 2]}, "/?%26=1&%26=2", id="quote key"),
pytest.param({"a": ["1", 2]}, "/?a=1&a=2", id="mixed types"),
pytest.param({"&": ["=", 2]}, "/?%26=%3D&%26=2", id="quote key and value"),
pytest.param({"a": 1, "b": [2, 3]}, "/?a=1&b=2&b=3", id="single then list"),
pytest.param({"a": [1, 2], "b": 3}, "/?a=1&a=2&b=3", id="list then single"),
pytest.param({"a": ["1&a=2", 3]}, "/?a=1%26a%3D2&a=3", id="ampersand then int"),
pytest.param({"a": [1, "2&a=3"]}, "/?a=1&a=2%26a%3D3", id="int then ampersand"),
def test_with_query_sequence(query, expected):
url = URL("")
expected = "{expected}".format_map(locals())
assert str(url.with_query(query)) == expected
pytest.param({"a": [[1]]}, id="nested"),
pytest.param([("a", [1, 2])], id="tuple list"),
def test_with_query_sequence_invalid_use(query):
url = URL("")
with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="Invalid variable type"):
class _CStr(str):
class _EmptyStrEr:
def __str__(self):
return "" # pragma: no cover # <-- this should never happen
class _CInt(int, _EmptyStrEr):
class _CFloat(float, _EmptyStrEr):
("value", "expected"),
pytest.param("1", "1", id="str"),
pytest.param(_CStr("1"), "1", id="custom str"),
pytest.param(1, "1", id="int"),
pytest.param(_CInt(1), "1", id="custom int"),
pytest.param(1.1, "1.1", id="float"),
pytest.param(_CFloat(1.1), "1.1", id="custom float"),
def test_with_query_valid_type(value, expected):
url = URL("")
expected = "{expected}".format_map(locals())
assert str(url.with_query({"a": value})) == expected
("value", "exc_type"),
pytest.param(True, TypeError, id="bool"),
pytest.param(None, TypeError, id="none"),
pytest.param(float("inf"), ValueError, id="non-finite float"),
pytest.param(float("nan"), ValueError, id="NaN float"),
def test_with_query_invalid_type(value, exc_type):
url = URL("")
with pytest.raises(exc_type):
url.with_query({"a": value})
("value", "expected"),
pytest.param("1", "1", id="str"),
pytest.param(_CStr("1"), "1", id="custom str"),
pytest.param(1, "1", id="int"),
pytest.param(_CInt(1), "1", id="custom int"),
pytest.param(1.1, "1.1", id="float"),
pytest.param(_CFloat(1.1), "1.1", id="custom float"),
def test_with_query_list_valid_type(value, expected):
url = URL("")
expected = "{expected}".format_map(locals())
assert str(url.with_query([("a", value)])) == expected
("value"), [pytest.param(True, id="bool"), pytest.param(None, id="none")]
def test_with_query_list_invalid_type(value):
url = URL("")
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
url.with_query([("a", value)])
def test_with_int_enum():
class IntEnum(int, enum.Enum):
A = 1
url = URL("")
url2 = url.with_query(a=IntEnum.A)
assert str(url2) == ""
def test_with_float_enum():
class FloatEnum(float, enum.Enum):
A = 1.1
url = URL("")
url2 = url.with_query(a=FloatEnum.A)
assert str(url2) == ""
def test_with_query_multidict():
url = URL("")
q = MultiDict([("a", "b"), ("c", "d")])
assert str(url.with_query(q)) == ""
def test_with_multidict_with_spaces_and_non_ascii():
url = URL("")
url2 = url.with_query({"a b": "ю б"})
assert url2.raw_query_string == "a+b=%D1%8E+%D0%B1"
def test_with_query_multidict_with_unsafe():
url = URL("")
url2 = url.with_query({"a+b": "?=+&;"})
assert url2.raw_query_string == "a%2Bb=?%3D%2B%26%3B"
assert url2.query_string == "a%2Bb=?%3D%2B%26%3B"
assert url2.query == {"a+b": "?=+&;"}
def test_with_query_None():
url = URL("")
assert url.with_query(None).query_string == ""
def test_with_query_bad_type():
url = URL("")
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
def test_with_query_bytes():
url = URL("")
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
def test_with_query_bytearray():
url = URL("")
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
def test_with_query_memoryview():
url = URL("")
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
("query", "expected"),
pytest.param([("key", "1;2;3")], "?key=1%3B2%3B3", id="tuple list semicolon"),
pytest.param({"key": "1;2;3"}, "?key=1%3B2%3B3", id="mapping semicolon"),
pytest.param([("key", "1&a=2")], "?key=1%26a%3D2", id="tuple list ampersand"),
pytest.param({"key": "1&a=2"}, "?key=1%26a%3D2", id="mapping ampersand"),
pytest.param([("&", "=")], "?%26=%3D", id="tuple list quote key"),
pytest.param({"&": "="}, "?%26=%3D", id="mapping quote key"),
[("a[]", "3")],
id="quote one key braces",
[("a[]", "3"), ("a[]", "4")],
id="quote many key braces",
def test_with_query_params(query, expected):
url = URL("")
url2 = url.with_query(query)
assert str(url2) == ("" + expected)
def test_with_query_only():
url = URL()
url2 = url.with_query(key="value")
assert str(url2) == "?key=value"
def test_with_query_complex_url():
target_url = ""
url = URL("/redir").with_query({"t": target_url})
assert url.query["t"] == target_url
def test_update_query_multiple_keys():
url = URL("")
u2 = url.update_query([("a", "3"), ("a", "4")])
assert str(u2) == ""
# mod operator
def test_update_query_with_mod_operator():
url = URL("")
assert str(url % {"a": "1"}) == ""
assert str(url % [("a", "1")]) == ""
assert str(url % "a=1&b=2") == ""
assert str(url % {"a": "1"} % {"b": "2"}) == ""
assert str(url % {"a": "1"} % {"a": "3", "b": "2"}) == ""
assert str(url / "foo" % {"a": "1"}) == ""