path: root/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/extern/agg24-svn/include/agg_vertex_sequence.h
blob: 2ad0701b37a3e66b485f3d1892a298e07d0c8c70 (plain) (tree)

// Anti-Grain Geometry - Version 2.4
// Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Maxim Shemanarev (http://www.antigrain.com)
// Permission to copy, use, modify, sell and distribute this software 
// is granted provided this copyright notice appears in all copies. 
// This software is provided "as is" without express or implied
// warranty, and with no claim as to its suitability for any purpose.
// Contact: mcseem@antigrain.com
//          mcseemagg@yahoo.com
//          http://www.antigrain.com
// vertex_sequence container and vertex_dist struct

#include "agg_basics.h"
#include "agg_array.h"
#include "agg_math.h"

namespace agg

    // Modified agg::pod_bvector. The data is interpreted as a sequence 
    // of vertices. It means that the type T must expose:
    // bool T::operator() (const T& val)
    // that is called every time new vertex is being added. The main purpose
    // of this operator is the possibility to calculate some values during 
    // adding and to return true if the vertex fits some criteria or false if
    // it doesn't. In the last case the new vertex is not added. 
    // The simple example is filtering coinciding vertices with calculation 
    // of the distance between the current and previous ones:
    //    struct vertex_dist
    //    {
    //        double   x;
    //        double   y;
    //        double   dist;
    //        vertex_dist() {}
    //        vertex_dist(double x_, double y_) :
    //            x(x_),
    //            y(y_),
    //            dist(0.0)
    //        {
    //        }
    //        bool operator () (const vertex_dist& val)
    //        {
    //            return (dist = calc_distance(x, y, val.x, val.y)) > EPSILON;
    //        }
    //    };
    // Function close() calls this operator and removes the last vertex if 
    // necessary.
    template<class T, unsigned S=6> 
    class vertex_sequence : public pod_bvector<T, S>
        typedef pod_bvector<T, S> base_type;

        void add(const T& val);
        void modify_last(const T& val);
        void close(bool remove_flag);

    template<class T, unsigned S> 
    void vertex_sequence<T, S>::add(const T& val)
        if(base_type::size() > 1)
            if(!(*this)[base_type::size() - 2]((*this)[base_type::size() - 1])) 

    template<class T, unsigned S> 
    void vertex_sequence<T, S>::modify_last(const T& val)

    template<class T, unsigned S> 
    void vertex_sequence<T, S>::close(bool closed)
        while(base_type::size() > 1)
            if((*this)[base_type::size() - 2]((*this)[base_type::size() - 1])) break;
            T t = (*this)[base_type::size() - 1];

            while(base_type::size() > 1)
                if((*this)[base_type::size() - 1]((*this)[0])) break;

    // Vertex (x, y) with the distance to the next one. The last vertex has 
    // distance between the last and the first points if the polygon is closed
    // and 0.0 if it's a polyline.
    struct vertex_dist
        double   x;
        double   y;
        double   dist;

        vertex_dist() {}
        vertex_dist(double x_, double y_) :

        bool operator () (const vertex_dist& val)
            bool ret = (dist = calc_distance(x, y, val.x, val.y)) > vertex_dist_epsilon;
            if(!ret) dist = 1.0 / vertex_dist_epsilon;
            return ret;

    // Save as the above but with additional "command" value
    struct vertex_dist_cmd : public vertex_dist
        unsigned cmd;

        vertex_dist_cmd() {}
        vertex_dist_cmd(double x_, double y_, unsigned cmd_) :
            vertex_dist(x_, y_),

