blob: ff45c1c5446a299d64bb16f344c63006b1e47529 (
plain) (
#include "base.h"
#include <condition_variable>
#include <mutex>
namespace contourpy {
class ThreadedContourGenerator : public BaseContourGenerator<ThreadedContourGenerator>
const CoordinateArray& x, const CoordinateArray& y, const CoordinateArray& z,
const MaskArray& mask, bool corner_mask, LineType line_type, FillType fill_type,
bool quad_as_tri, ZInterp z_interp, index_t x_chunk_size, index_t y_chunk_size,
index_t n_threads);
index_t get_thread_count() const;
friend class BaseContourGenerator<ThreadedContourGenerator>;
// Lock class is used to lock access to a single thread when creating/modifying Python objects.
// Also acquires the GIL for the duration of the lock.
class Lock
explicit Lock(ThreadedContourGenerator& contour_generator)
: _lock(contour_generator._python_mutex)
// Non-copyable and non-moveable.
Lock(const Lock& other) = delete;
Lock(const Lock&& other) = delete;
Lock& operator=(const Lock& other) = delete;
Lock& operator=(const Lock&& other) = delete;
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> _lock;
py::gil_scoped_acquire _gil;
// Write points and offsets/codes to output numpy arrays.
void export_filled(const ChunkLocal& local, std::vector<py::list>& return_lists);
// Write points and offsets/codes to output numpy arrays.
void export_lines(const ChunkLocal& local, std::vector<py::list>& return_lists);
static index_t limit_n_threads(index_t n_threads, index_t n_chunks);
void march(std::vector<py::list>& return_lists);
void thread_function(std::vector<py::list>& return_lists);
// Multithreading member variables.
index_t _n_threads; // Number of threads used.
index_t _next_chunk; // Next available chunk for thread to process.
index_t _finished_count; // Count of threads that have finished the cache init.
std::mutex _chunk_mutex; // Locks access to _next_chunk/_finished_count.
std::mutex _python_mutex; // Locks access to Python objects.
std::condition_variable _condition_variable; // Implements multithreaded barrier.
} // namespace contourpy