#include "common.h"
namespace contourpy {
/* the data about edges, zones, and points -- boundary or not, exists
* or not, z value 0, 1, or 2 -- is kept in a mesh sized data array */
typedef short Cdata;
/* information to decide on correct contour direction in saddle zones
* is stored in a mesh sized array. Only those entries corresponding
* to saddle zones have nonzero values in this array. */
typedef char Saddle;
/* here is the minimum structure required to tell where we are in the
* mesh sized data array */
struct Csite
long edge; /* ij of current edge */
long left; /* +-1 or +-imax as the zone is to right, left, below,
* or above the edge */
long imax; /* imax for the mesh */
long jmax; /* jmax for the mesh */
long n; /* number of points marked on this curve so far */
long count; /* count of start markers visited */
double zlevel[2]; /* contour levels, zlevel[1]<=zlevel[0]
* signals single level case */
Saddle *saddle; /* saddle zone information for the mesh */
char *reg; /* region array for the mesh (was int) */
Cdata *data; /* added by EF */
long edge0, left0; /* starting site on this curve for closure */
int level0; /* starting level for closure */
long edge00; /* site needing START_ROW mark */
/* making the actual marks requires a bunch of other stuff */
const double *x, *y, *z; /* mesh coordinates and function values */
double *xcp, *ycp; /* output contour points */
short *kcp; /* kind of contour point */
long i_chunk_size, j_chunk_size;
Csite *cntr_new();
void cntr_init(Csite *site, long iMax, long jMax, const double *x, const double *y,
const double *z, const bool *mask, long i_chunk_size, long j_chunk_size);
void cntr_del(Csite *site);
py::tuple cntr_trace(Csite *site, double levels[], int nlevels);
} // namespace contourpy