blob: c9f127566e8c0a36f3f676f9c25ccd1814741cd7 (
plain) (
syntax = "proto3";
import "yandex/cloud/validation.proto";
import "google/protobuf/duration.proto";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
option go_package = ";containerregistry";
option java_package = "";
message LifecyclePolicy {
enum Status {
// Policy is active and regularly deletes Docker images according to the established rules.
// Policy is disabled and does not delete Docker images in the repository.
// Policies in this status can be used for preparing and testing rules.
// ID of the lifecycle policy.
string id = 1;
// Name of the lifecycle policy.
string name = 2;
// ID of the repository that the lifecycle policy belongs to.
// Required. The maximum string length in characters is 50.
string repository_id = 3;
// Description of the lifecycle policy.
// The maximum string length in characters is 256.
string description = 4;
// Status of lifecycle policy.
Status status = 5;
// Creation timestamp.
google.protobuf.Timestamp created_at = 6;
// The rules of lifecycle policy.
repeated LifecycleRule rules = 7;
message LifecycleRule {
// Description of the lifecycle policy rule.
string description = 1 [(length) = "<=256"];
// Period of time for automatic deletion.
// Period must be a multiple of 24 hours.
google.protobuf.Duration expire_period = 2 [(value) = ">=24h"];
// Tag for specifying a filter in the form of a regular expression.
string tag_regexp = 3 [(length) = "<=256"];
// Tag for applying the rule to Docker images without tags.
bool untagged = 4;
// Number of Docker images (falling under the specified filter by tags) that must be left, even if the expire_period has already expired.
int64 retained_top = 5 [(value) = ">=0"];