#ifndef EXP_H_62B23520_7C8E_11DE_8A39_0800200C9A66
#define EXP_H_62B23520_7C8E_11DE_8A39_0800200C9A66
#if defined(_MSC_VER) || \
(defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ == 3 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 4) || \
(__GNUC__ >= 4)) // GCC supports "pragma once" correctly since 3.4
#pragma once
#include <ios>
#include <string>
#include "regex_yaml.h"
#include "stream.h"
namespace YAML {
// Here we store a bunch of expressions for matching different parts of the
// file.
namespace Exp {
// misc
inline const RegEx& Empty() {
static const RegEx e;
return e;
inline const RegEx& Space() {
static const RegEx e = RegEx(' ');
return e;
inline const RegEx& Tab() {
static const RegEx e = RegEx('\t');
return e;
inline const RegEx& Blank() {
static const RegEx e = Space() || Tab();
return e;
inline const RegEx& Break() {
static const RegEx e = RegEx('\n') || RegEx("\r\n");
return e;
inline const RegEx& BlankOrBreak() {
static const RegEx e = Blank() || Break();
return e;
inline const RegEx& Digit() {
static const RegEx e = RegEx('0', '9');
return e;
inline const RegEx& Alpha() {
static const RegEx e = RegEx('a', 'z') || RegEx('A', 'Z');
return e;
inline const RegEx& AlphaNumeric() {
static const RegEx e = Alpha() || Digit();
return e;
inline const RegEx& Word() {
static const RegEx e = AlphaNumeric() || RegEx('-');
return e;
inline const RegEx& Hex() {
static const RegEx e = Digit() || RegEx('A', 'F') || RegEx('a', 'f');
return e;
// Valid Unicode code points that are not part of c-printable (YAML 1.2, sec.
// 5.1)
inline const RegEx& NotPrintable() {
static const RegEx e =
RegEx(0) ||
RegEx("\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\x0B\x0C\x7F", REGEX_OR) ||
RegEx(0x0E, 0x1F) ||
(RegEx('\xC2') + (RegEx('\x80', '\x84') || RegEx('\x86', '\x9F')));
return e;
inline const RegEx& Utf8_ByteOrderMark() {
static const RegEx e = RegEx("\xEF\xBB\xBF");
return e;
// actual tags
inline const RegEx& DocStart() {
static const RegEx e = RegEx("---") + (BlankOrBreak() || RegEx());
return e;
inline const RegEx& DocEnd() {
static const RegEx e = RegEx("...") + (BlankOrBreak() || RegEx());
return e;
inline const RegEx& DocIndicator() {
static const RegEx e = DocStart() || DocEnd();
return e;
inline const RegEx& BlockEntry() {
static const RegEx e = RegEx('-') + (BlankOrBreak() || RegEx());
return e;
inline const RegEx& Key() {
static const RegEx e = RegEx('?') + BlankOrBreak();
return e;
inline const RegEx& KeyInFlow() {
static const RegEx e = RegEx('?') + BlankOrBreak();
return e;
inline const RegEx& Value() {
static const RegEx e = RegEx(':') + (BlankOrBreak() || RegEx());
return e;
inline const RegEx& ValueInFlow() {
static const RegEx e = RegEx(':') + (BlankOrBreak() || RegEx(",}", REGEX_OR));
return e;
inline const RegEx& ValueInJSONFlow() {
static const RegEx e = RegEx(':');
return e;
inline const RegEx Comment() {
static const RegEx e = RegEx('#');
return e;
inline const RegEx& Anchor() {
static const RegEx e = !(RegEx("[]{},", REGEX_OR) || BlankOrBreak());
return e;
inline const RegEx& AnchorEnd() {
static const RegEx e = RegEx("?:,]}%@`", REGEX_OR) || BlankOrBreak();
return e;
inline const RegEx& URI() {
static const RegEx e = Word() || RegEx("#;/?:@&=+$,_.!~*'()[]", REGEX_OR) ||
(RegEx('%') + Hex() + Hex());
return e;
inline const RegEx& Tag() {
static const RegEx e = Word() || RegEx("#;/?:@&=+$_.~*'", REGEX_OR) ||
(RegEx('%') + Hex() + Hex());
return e;
// Plain scalar rules:
// . Cannot start with a blank.
// . Can never start with any of , [ ] { } # & * ! | > \' \" % @ `
// . In the block context - ? : must be not be followed with a space.
// . In the flow context ? is illegal and : and - must not be followed with a
// space.
inline const RegEx& PlainScalar() {
static const RegEx e =
!(BlankOrBreak() || RegEx(",[]{}#&*!|>\'\"%@`", REGEX_OR) ||
(RegEx("-?:", REGEX_OR) + (BlankOrBreak() || RegEx())));
return e;
inline const RegEx& PlainScalarInFlow() {
static const RegEx e =
!(BlankOrBreak() || RegEx("?,[]{}#&*!|>\'\"%@`", REGEX_OR) ||
(RegEx("-:", REGEX_OR) + Blank()));
return e;
inline const RegEx& EndScalar() {
static const RegEx e = RegEx(':') + (BlankOrBreak() || RegEx());
return e;
inline const RegEx& EndScalarInFlow() {
static const RegEx e =
(RegEx(':') + (BlankOrBreak() || RegEx() || RegEx(",]}", REGEX_OR))) ||
RegEx(",?[]{}", REGEX_OR);
return e;
inline const RegEx& ScanScalarEndInFlow() {
static const RegEx e = (EndScalarInFlow() || (BlankOrBreak() + Comment()));
return e;
inline const RegEx& ScanScalarEnd() {
static const RegEx e = EndScalar() || (BlankOrBreak() + Comment());
return e;
inline const RegEx& EscSingleQuote() {
static const RegEx e = RegEx("\'\'");
return e;
inline const RegEx& EscBreak() {
static const RegEx e = RegEx('\\') + Break();
return e;
inline const RegEx& ChompIndicator() {
static const RegEx e = RegEx("+-", REGEX_OR);
return e;
inline const RegEx& Chomp() {
static const RegEx e = (ChompIndicator() + Digit()) ||
(Digit() + ChompIndicator()) || ChompIndicator() ||
return e;
// and some functions
std::string Escape(Stream& in);
namespace Keys {
const char Directive = '%';
const char FlowSeqStart = '[';
const char FlowSeqEnd = ']';
const char FlowMapStart = '{';
const char FlowMapEnd = '}';
const char FlowEntry = ',';
const char Alias = '*';
const char Anchor = '&';
const char Tag = '!';
const char LiteralScalar = '|';
const char FoldedScalar = '>';
const char VerbatimTagStart = '<';
const char VerbatimTagEnd = '>';
#endif // EXP_H_62B23520_7C8E_11DE_8A39_0800200C9A66